Friday, September 20, 2013


New thread.


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Sandi said...

Woohoo!! I found the new thread! Will call others over!

Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread!

Jo, love the idea of visiting the Shepherdstown Farmer's Market on Sunday - will suggest it to Lynnis! maybe we'll even drive by a certain sycamore tree???

BTW, we are taking Denny's van, NOT my Jeep so there should be no vehicle problems this trip!

Will check in if possible! BYE!

Sandi said...

Mema Jo said...

Whoo Hoo! The Friday afternoon Special !

Thank you Steve and enjoy your weekend........

Glad you got a feather Sandi
Enjoy your time in WV

stronghunter said...

Well, hello, everyone. Nice to see the new thread. Thanks, Steve, and thanks for the call-over, Sandi.

Kay said...

Good Afternoon, Eagle Buds !

Happiness is finding a New Thread, thanks to STEVE and another big thank you to SANDI for the call over !

More happiness upon learning that the Riffe Family and Shannon should all be heading home for the weekend and in somewhat better shape !

LORETTA, good luck with that procedure---I kind of cringe at "slice and dice", but you do tell it like it is ! ☺

LORI, I suggest you set up a stand in front of your parent's house---like the old lemonade stand---Free B/P Checks Here !!!! Yes, Penny and I are enjoying our outings today. Heavy rain coming in via LOLLYland, the Tennessee Valley and into the Ohio Valley tonight. Should taper off by noon tomorrow. We need every drop !

JUDYE, cute Jordyn stories--"out of the mouths of babes !".

Great to see RED ! That is a spectacular eagles eye view !

Green with envy over the prospect of yet another JO n' SANDI meet up ! This time in beautiful Shepherdstown ! Hope it happens !

Have a great weekend all ! Love and prayers for each and every one of you !


Hoda said...

Yay for the new thread. Thanks STEVE and SANDI

Very good yoga practice.

Beautiful Day here. Time to bring out autumn clothes
Washing summer clothes and putting them away.

Starved I have to go find some lunch.

Hoda said...

Thinking soup!!!
Cool enough for a jacket and shoes today!
Tomorrow paddle in the rain I think
Then the market.
So I had better finish chores today.
Sunday yoga and story telling festival
Monday Dr appointment routine and tips to deal with autumn viruses. Want to know how balanced my Adrenal system is. Tuesday test Water in Kootenay Lake and five hour boat ride. Every day there is yoga and meditation. I love autumn.

Hoda said...

Miso soup quick and easy.
Sauté some onions garlic ginger and turmeric in a pan
Add diced vegetables. Today broccoli and purple haze carrots. Stir in garden herbs. Have water boiling pour on vegetables add miso and stir. Miso does not like water to be boiling when you add it.

Lolly said...

Lollyland.....indeed! LOL Not much rain today, but steady sprinkles. We got 3 1/4 inches last night and it is now just over 3 1/2. I want more! :)

We made a trip to the grocery store and we got our flu shots. Going back Monday for shingles shots. Found out they will be $50, much better than what they used to be.

Lady giving the shot at Walgreens was good, really liked her!

stronghunter said...

Odd--I did not pay anything for the shingles shot. I went to Walgreen's, too. Wonder what that is about. I have Medicare. I also got a pneumonia shot. Got those shots last year. Will need to get the flu shot soon.

stronghunter said...

Looks like I'll be able to get 3 of my 4 children together for Kathryn's birthday on Sunday night. Susan has to work. Getting everyone together is a challenge.

stronghunter said...

George is asking for his dinner. He makes it hard for me to do anything else.

stronghunter said...

Happy for your rain, Lolly.

stronghunter said...

I think we'll be having leftover pork roast and veggies tonight. Hope Kathryn gets home soon.

Lolly said...

Guess it is just the difference in the insurance, Shirley. We have United Healthcare which covers Medicare. Never have gotten the pneumonia shot.

Everyone is really rejoicing about the rain, but we need more for the lakes. Just went outside to work some but he mist is just too heavy.

Anxious to hear how Jacob did walking to Laurel's school. She bought him an umbrella and he said he wont mind walking in the rain. BUT, it would be just like him to walk deliberately through a deep puddle.

stronghunter said...

Walking through a deep puddle is just part of being a kid, so, yes, Jacob will probably do that.

stronghunter said...

I don't know that Hunter has outgrown walking through puddles. I have seen him go out of his way to get into the deepest part of the puddle.

stronghunter said...

I remember that I had heard the shingles shot might cost me $100, so I was surprised when they did not charge me anything. Maybe it is because I am so old! I have United Healthcare, too.

Lolly said...

That is interesting, Shirley. I think we will investigate other pharmacies.

stronghunter said...

Worth asking about. I do not know.

stronghunter said...

Lolly, I tried going online to find out about Medicare and the shot. It looks to be complicated. I had to give my zip code, then there were lots of questions. It seems to depend on where you live and several other things.

Mema Jo said...

I join you both by having Medicare and then secondary is United Healthcare. I know our flu shots on the 26th won't have a charge. I had the pneumonia shot while in the hospital with pneumonia lol I had one a little less then 10 years before - so I needed another one.

I thought too that the Shingles shot ran about $100 bucks. I once had a slight case of shingles above my eye - really hurts.

Mema Jo said...

One article I read about the shingles shot said ..."It is a one-shot vaccine. Coverage is available through Medicare, but it can be tough to get approval. You have to work the system a little."

Mema Jo said...

Getting ready for Jeopardy


Janet said...


HODA: as for Red Robin not serving tea, I was thinking about sic-ing JUFIE on them..... that's pretty evil in my book, lol.

LOLLY: nice rain amounts. hopefully you have gotten more. ours hasn't started yet. i ran my errands and put gas in the car so i won't have to do that in the rain tomorrow.

i have made my furbabies happy . i went to big lots and bought more toys. :) scout and seven are destructo dogs and so cheap is better. they will chew up the kong toys without thinking about it twice! :{

got the cats a couple new toys too and they have lost their dignity for the moment and are playing while they think noone is watching.

miohael is taking olivia to a haunted house (fake kind) tonight. her first one. personally, i don' tlike them. but she wants to have the experience...i expect her to crawl in bed with me at some point during the night.

its been a good day. just chilling, cooking dinner and enjoying my friday night wine...

(((hugs))) to all!

Hoda said...

I have a closet full of new clothes!!!
I like this ageing bit.
I forget what I put away in the spring.
Then here it is autumn and I took out my autumn/winter clothes and I have a closet full of new clothes!!!
Today I could have worn socks but did not. So they are ready too. Been wearing shoes this week already!!!
Smooth transitions, getting ready.

Hoda said...

Anyone else???
For the third time today Bloggers asked me to sign in!!!
What's up with that???

Hoda said...

JANET as to JUFIE I think JUDIE should send her to the Tower of London where she will be properly supervised by The Beef Eaters!
Very impressive uniforms if any of you drink Gin.
Any way this way she will not crowd the Sandman and when needed JUDIE could do the paper work.

Lynne2 said...

Good eveing!

Lynne2 said...

evening. duh

Lynne2 said...

I would love to stay and comment, I have read back most everything and all appears to be well, for the most part!

But I am too tired to chat. and FYI


I would love to elaborate but I care not to relive this day at the moment, and it would only make you furious anyway.....

Lynne2 said...

O Fiddle dee dee, I must get back to my book...I have taken on Gone With the Wind! The Yankees are just miles from Atlanta......

JudyEddy said...

Good evening my fine feather loving eagle lover buds Just got home from Angies need to check box and get ready; for work tomorrow

PA Nana said...

Lynne2' when you finish GWTW, take up the sequel, Scarlet.

Hi everyone. See we have a new Friday thread. Thanks to Steve.

Been keeping up with every one's posts but too numerous for me to comment on all of them. Just know I pray for those who need health and those who need support in their endeavors.

God bless you all.

JudyEddy said...

Where is my manners


Getting ready to watch the news and give my pillow a hug

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

stronghunter said...

Stopping by to say good night to everyone. I'll check back in tomorrow.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Sorry I haven't been by the last couple of days...Larry came over Wednesday night and left today. I am heading over to his Delaware beach house in Rehobeth tomorrow.

Been a good week at work...

Miss and love ya'll. Will try and catch up later tonight or tomorrow morning.

SED love and hugs for all ♥

Lolly said...

OMG! Lynne, you have shocked us with that one! Must have been a horrendous day!

It just sort of drizzled all day. Our major rain was last night while we slept. Total a little over 3 1/2 inches and it is over. I told Wanda and now I will tell the rest of you....please resume rain dances and prayers in a week. LOL This rain has been a blessing but we are still in a drought and the lakes need much much much more rain.

Computer is giving me fits, so I am calling it a day! Night all! SED!!!

Mema Jo said...

I have read back quickly - Lyyne I am praying that all is well or will be soon ♥

Headed off to la la land
Love and prayers of wellness to all..

Goodnight SED AOYP

Hoda said...

Well I am taken aback by your news LYNNE.
Not angry at you as you thought we would be. Just surprised. No background information to this scenario. I do not know what led you to making such a decision.
I send you prayers and Light.

Dragon Boating in the morning.
Then coffee with the Team
Then work with the Grans at Cottonwood Market.
This is our last one for the season.
Yoga in the afternoon.
It is a rainy day here till the middle of the week. Do dress accordingly and enjoy the good weather is my philosophy.

PAULA thank you for checking in. Safe travels to LARRY'S.

Hoda said...

Good night
God Bless Us All

stronghunter said...

Not sleeping. Lynne, sorry that you had such a bad day.

Hope things get better.

Lori O. said...

Good Saturday morning all!

LYNNE2, so sorry you had such a bad day. Assuming that's why you're going to work at a flower shop now. I've always wanted to work in a flower shop! Good for you. Please tell us what went wrong when you feel up to it.

SHIRLEY, hope you got some sleep last night. Glad that you're getting at least 3 of the 4 kids together for Kathryn's birthday. That will be a nice time for all of you.

HODA, congrats on your closet full of "new" clothes. I love surprises like that. What's on your agenda today?

It's raining here...supposed to get 2 inches. Lolly I would share if I could.

Sorry I didn't get on yesterday afternoon, I was working on my notes for the Respiratory chapter, which took 6 hours.

I also came down with a COLD yesterday. I never get sick. Don't know what happened, except being stressed out. Hope it goes quick.

JO and SANDI hope you get to meet up this weekend at the market! Sandi, enjoy your time with Brian and Lynnis.

Off to do homework. Eleven chapters to read this weekend, and homework for 9 of them if I am to stay ahead of schedule. Don't want to fall behind in this program! LOL

Love you all...hope everyone has a great day with love, joy, light, smiles and whatever makes you happy!


JudyEddy said...

Good Morning


•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•.• .•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•.
Wishing You the HAPPIEST Of Birthdays!!!
✿•*¨`*•. (¯`v´¯) (¯`v´¯) .•*¨`*•✿
. . . ✿•*¨`*•.¸(¯`v´¯)¸.•´*¨`*•✿
…………....♥ •.¸.•´♥……………..........

Lori O. said...


Hope it's a very special day for you!

Janet said...

quick good saturday morning. and its raining.

LYNNE2, our queen, sooo, sorry you had such a bad day. ((((hugs)))) to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HODA: hmmmm, but if we send JUFIE completely away, then we cannot keep tabs on her and we may not know WHERE or WHEN she may pop up!

and by the way HODA: seriously, get a hobby, go do something! lol. (teasing!) enjoy today, it sounds lovely

LORI: a cold doens't surprise me. you are under a lot of stress and its yhour body's way of telling you to chill a little....

DELPHIA: happy birthday!!!

i have to head out shortly and give two massages. it is raining, but not pouring. wishing i could send a bit of this to lolly!!! how much rain did you get? it certainly was a big system to reach you AND me...

okay, coffee consumed. must feed the furbutts. and btw, olivia LOVED the haunted house and did NOT crawl in bed with me...(sigh) she is indeed growing up.

enjoy your last day of summer 2013 light, love and smiles to all!

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Happy last-day-of-summer birthday, Deplphia!!!

Mema Jo said...

Good Saturday morning to all ♥
I almost thought it was Sunday already - Outside it looks and feels that Lolly's rain is almost here.

Mema Jo said...

Happy Birthday Delphia ♥
Enjoy your special day and
Celebrate YOU

Mema Jo said...

I do love the Momsters' mail reminder of our special days!
Don't know why we waited so long to find out about it ♥

Mema Jo said...

Lori I hope you can shake that cold of yours quickly! That is a lot of reading to do - Respiratory - ask me anything you want to know about COPD - NCSuzan, Red and I are very knowledgeable...... Sadly said!

Mema Jo said...

I have a very nice afternoon planned with all my girls - and others. We are going to a Tea Room to have a
surprise baby shower for Heather. Due date is Oct 4. Hope we don't shake up anything! Don't you all say anything - it is a surprise. ♥

Lolly said...

hee hee hee hee! 63 this morning! Happy dance, happy dance. House is open!!!! Hear my wind chimes!

Up to 66 and out to mow. Sad though that all kids games cancelled because fields are too wet. Wanted to go see my boys!

Lolly said...

Rain reports for all areas in the paper this morning. We were at the top of the list. Whoo whoo! Just hope we get more soon! Gotta fill the lakes!

Lolly said...

Guess changing my avatar was the trick. LOL But need to change back to my sunshine. It is traditional!

Lolly said...

I'm baaaack!!! Have a great day!

Sandi said...

Greetings from Ranson, WV! Cloudy day here but guess where Lynnis and I just returned from???? NCTC!!! The campus was open for some classes and the very nice guard said that since I knew right where we needed to go to see the nest, we could go ahead as long as we didn't stay too long. The nest was clearly visible as were the upper branches but sadly, the tree was MT. Took a few photos with my phone anyway and being there still made me smile, remembering the first time I met many of you in that very spot. :)

Lynne sorry that yesterday was so awful. Are you really quitting your job or were you just venting?

Lynnis will take me to the Farmers Market tomorrow - I think I read on FB that Megan will be there.

Will check in as time permits. Later!

Sandi said...


stronghunter said...

Good afternoon!

Kathryn and Hunter are off on adventures. They have invited Josie, the young lady who has been making all of those phone calls.

Kathryn told Hunter that he would have to go to the door and introduce himself to Josie's father. "Oh, said Hunter, "I'll just text her when we get there."

Kathryn explained that it doesn't work that way, not even if they are "just friends."

Hunter asked Kathryn to go with him, and she agreed, so that got worked out.

stronghunter said...

Pouring rain here.

The nursery just called to tell me that they have found the tree I'm looking for. I said I would come down to see it, but, hmm, think I will wait awhile. Not good weather for tree-shopping.

It's a Japanese maple tree. I like the contrast of the red leaves.

Lolly said...

Shirley, we have several Japanese Maples, They like shade! Beautiful but expensive, we have, over time, planted 4.

Beautiful, beautiful day. After we mowed I have stayed out and done several jobs. Taking a break right now, The humidity is gone, the sky is bright blue, and it is 79. House is still open, just love it! Thought this day would never come.

Sandi, lucky you!!! To stand and gaze at the tree. Yep, holy ground. LOL

Have fun at market!!

Lolly said...

Now I am back as my true self!

Lolly said...

Heading back outside!

stronghunter said...

Going to have to do some research on the maples...the spot in the front yard does get a lot of sun. I am looking for two. And, yes, they are expensive.

We have already lost several trees in the front yard. The first two were taken down by storms. They were Bradford pears. Very pretty, but not long-lived. The builder chose them; I would have made another choice.

Then I planted two pink dogwoods. One died, but the other one is doing well. They like shade, too.

Then I planted a crabapple, but it was growing so crookedly that we took it down. It was a mess.

The HOA requires two deciduous trees in the front yard, and I want three, just in case.

stronghunter said...

Looks like the Japanese maples would be okay in my yard. . . they tolerate the sun more in the mid or upper South from what I have read. Also, the man at the nursery said they would be okay. I am sure they want to make the sale, but they do have a guarantee as well. My front yard gets morning sun. In the late afternoon, the house would provide some shade.

JudyEddy said...

HELLOOOO home from work now to do some light reading I will be back

JudyEddy said...

I don't do much on the email of Yahoo BUT I did import the calendar to my window calendar and get a reminder each morning I may have to re import it being other dates may have been added also

Lynne2 said...

oh dear....

I WAS just venting when I said I was quitting to work at a flower shop. LOL! That is the statement I always make at work when just going out to pet my unicorn isn't enough...LOL! I have worked in a flower shop though, and loved it!

Mema Jo said...

I had a wonderful fun time at the Tea Party....... It was for big girls and little girls. I did put some pics on FB - Christine mainly took them and then most of mine are just dups. There were hats and boas for us to choose to wear during the tea party. Heather got diapers and more diapers. We don't know the sex so her mil brought one outfit for a boy and one outfit for a girl.. Lots of fun ♥

JudyEddy said...

OH MY SHIRLEY a girl date of sorts

they grow up to fast

FOGGY AND THE NEST LOOKS TERRIBLE will look at my weather AP

JudyEddy said...

yep show light rain and I have a white blob over Sheperdstown I guess it may be the fog

JudyEddy said...

was there a rendezvous of sorts SANDI so happy you got to see the tree
and once again the weather looks like caw caw windy at the tree

Lynne2 said...

aw Jo, sounds like fun! I admire them for not wanting to know the sex of the baby!

Shirley, no redbuds?? :)
and OMG...."I'll TEXT her"????? LOL! I'm glad Kathryn insisted he go to the door!

JudyEddy said...

I can just visualize Hunter and his gal texting each other while sitting to each other LOL that is the way of the world now days no one talks anymore Alisha posted pic of her son and two friends over Saying getting to know the neighbors but they all were on their phones How is that getting to know each other LOL

JudyEddy said...

JO I see no pictures of a teaparty wasn't on my newfeed so I went to your page and not there either

Lynne2 said...

How exciting that Sandi went to the Royal Palace and will go to market tomorrow!

Glad Oliva loved the haunted house! Brave girl!

Sorry about your cold Lori. Seems to be going around in these parts. Hope I can avoid it!

stronghunter said...

Kathryn spoke with Josie's father. He was relieved to know that she was going to be right there with them the whole time.

He wanted to know if Hunter was as nervous and Josie was. Kathryn assured him that Hunter was very nervous. I think it is the first time I have known Hunter to voluntarily take a shower.

Mema Jo said...

Check for pictures again Judy and let me know - 2 sets of them.

Mema Jo said...

Can any of you with FB - see on my page 2 different sets of Tea Party Baby Shower pictures.........

JudyEddy said...

I still don't see them I have your profile up and see a pumpkin and awesome tip for life picture but no other pic beside a cute kitty and others

Mema Jo said...

Judy I asked Christine if her photos were marked to be seen by Friends of Friends. I now have some of my own to put up. Christine hasn't seen my message yet...

JudyEddy said...

JO It could be the privacy setting that she has on the pictures maybe only her friends that are friends with your friends I did that with Angie pic but changed mine to public and I don't know if anyone saw them either Of her house progress

stronghunter said...

Jo, the most recent thing I see on your FB page is the pumpkin with the leaf falling.

JudyEddy said...

Hey I just posted on of Angie pic on my wall see if you can see it She has her setting for friends and I choose public just testing a theory

Mema Jo said...

I don't think your theory worked Judy
The last pic posted on your wall are the budgies...

JudyEddy said...

LYNNE2 did you see the BEAR pic that BEV posted from her nieces house

Mema Jo said...

I know it is the privacy setting and it needs to be Friends of Friends........ Christine had to change them once before for my friends to see.

I am putting my pics from the tea party up now -

Lolly said...

Jo, when I want to share pics, I just save them and then repost. I think Laurel changed her settings on fb so I could share, but do not know about Joey, so saved the last pic of Joseph and then posted.

We enjoyed "orders" and drinks outside on the back patio. So absolutely wonderful to do so!!!

Now we are getting our bacon cheeseburgers ready and going to eat outside. Whoopeeeeee!

Lynne, you have committed a big breach of our confidence in you. We all believed you! Off with your head! And, you can be sure you will never make Queen!!!

JudyEddy said...

JO you mean all my eagle pictures aren't posted along with a Video I did of Jordyn on a bike ???

JudyEddy said...

WANDA had made a comment on my eagle pictures yesterday so they were there yesterday I wonder if there is a FB issue because I have lots of pic of the cell phone tower eagle and a video I did from Jordyn riding her bike put pic on and music with video also I love the new feature I learned of Youtube

JudyEddy said...

I am lost you said the budgies..?? birds ?? what is the date on it ?? I don't even recall posted budgie pic Lost Dazed and Cornfused LOL

stronghunter said...

I see the eagle pics and Jordyn on a bike, Judy. And a video about the song "Radioactive."

JudyEddy said...

I viewed my profile as public and I see the eagle pic and all the nest pics because I have them as public and rest as private or friends I think thats cool that you can do that see what others see if they just search Its in the padlock in the tool area Who can see my stuff?? in case anyone want to check if you didn't already know you could

JudyEddy said...

Thanks SHIRLEY I will have to download the pics from Angies page then because they are on the first thing I will do that now

Mema Jo said...

Parrots/parakeets are budgies.......

Anyway Christine is checking out her two sets of pics and MY set of 50 pics are up now...........

Hope you enjoy

JudyEddy said...

I deleted all the pic and put on 4 so you can see the finished rooms of Jordyn

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - there were too many pics to save them all and then repost

LYNNE - I was so worried about you
I took you at your word... I am so thankful you just explained your
Flower Shop threat - I won't need to worry any longer Take care

JudyEddy said...

I wonder where our absent eagle is hanging today No visit Ok gonna go see if I can find something to watch No news :-(

Hoda said...

Happy Birthday DELPHIA

I hope Noah has a compass to find Nelson. He needs to head up here quick before we are swept away by floods!!

Terrific day all the same.
Every thing went off as stated. A full day full if laughter and joy.
I added a second yoga class with thirty something's!!! That was a fast moving class.

I was invited to volunteer for the Capitol Theatre.
I hardly do anything for the Arts in Nelson so I said yes I would make time to volunteer. They seemed happy. Some of the people are from Grans and I like working with them. It should be lots of fun.
So many opportunities in Nelson for me to meet people.

LYNNE I am relieved you had me worried... Bless you and love to you friend.

Hoda said...

SANDI so happy you saw the nest and that you are going to see MEGAN tomorrow. Pictures please of you two and a bouquet of flowers.
JO will you go to the Market tomorrow?
I love it when a few of us can gather.

Sandi said...

Evening all! It has been raining here since about 2pm which probably explains why there were no eagles visiting the tree this afternoon/evening.

I used to tell my favorite principal that, if he made me too angry, I was going to go to Macys and become a "squirt girl," one of the girls who asks passersby if they want to try a fragrance. So I suspected Lynne was just venting.

Megan said she doesn't have many flowers to take to market tomorrow and I don't know how early we'll get there but I will try to remember to get Lynnis to take a photo.

Had a very rough night with Bandit last night- I guess because he was in a strange house. So I am just about ready for a bath and bed. Goodnight all.

JudyEddy said...

SANDI hope Bandit has a better day tomorrow

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Hoda said...

Anyone here know how to get google on iPhone?

stronghunter said...

I got the impression that Lynne had a trying day dealing with animals and thought that plant life would not be as emotionally challenging.

stronghunter said...

You can get Google on Safari, Hoda.

Lolly said...

Hoda...Safari!! Just saw that Shirley answered you, too.

Lolly said...

Plant life is emotionally challenging, too! LOL

Hoda said...

Did you download it from safari or did it come with it?

stronghunter said...

My son set up my phone, so I do not know. However, you might check the app store under "utilities." Also check "settings."

stronghunter said...

Hoda, you might Google your questions about Safari. Lots of answers out there.

Hoda said...

Thank you SHIRLEY

Mema Jo said...

I have had a wonderfully fun day with family
Time to rest - saying
Good Night to all my friends

I love us ♥

stronghunter said...

You are welcome, Hoda. I just hope you find the answers. Wish I knew more.

stronghunter said...

Good night, Jo. God bless.

stronghunter said...

Getting really sleepy, so I am going to say my good nights. Rest well, everyone. God bless.

Lolly said...

I think google was just there with safari. Tap safari and them scroll down. I think you will find it there, I'll take back the word think....I know it should be there. I did my own phone and never added was there!

Getting ready for bed, Pooped tonight, Nice weather wore me out. LOL

Night all! SED!

Hoda said...

Thank you LOLLY

Good night

God Bless us every one.


Lori O. said...

Good Morning Eagle Friends!

Happy Sunday to everyone, as the weekend continues!

HODA, hope you got it figured out how to get Google on your Iphone...I would think it's Safari too.

LOLLY, now our iphone expert! I have so many questions about mine, I'll have to take the time someday to ask you. :)

Missing PAULA, MARGIE and JUDIE, too, Hoda.

SANDI, glad you're having a great time. Hope you have a wonderful time at the market and get to see Megan and her flowers. We'll hope to see a picture.

JO, glad you had a wonderful day with family and the tea party shower yesterday. Sounded like a lot of fun.

LYNNE2, glad you were just venting. You're so good with animals and know so much, I'd hate to see you quit, but I did think you were serious! Glad you weren't.

KAY, I haven't looked at the forecast yet, has the rain stopped in your neck of the woods? What are you and Penny doing today? Any news on Seth? Big Good Morning Hugs!

JANET, yay for that tough little girl, Olivia, who wasn't afraid at the haunted house. They freak me out. Don't enjoy being scared and people jumping out at me from no where! Are the pool days over yet?

JUDYE, I know you work today, but what else is on your agenda? Do Carl and Angie have the house done yet?

Still dealing with this stupid cold...yucko. Taking Wellness vitamins from Source Naturals which has always helped it go away quickly before. It's another homework day for me. The only way I can get it all done. Don't have time to do it during the week because of studying for tests, so I try to stay ahead.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

OH, not so wonderful, in fact, awful, the little black kitten has disappeared. Mom saw him walking up into the woods on Thursday and we haven't seen him since. He was far too small to survive out there on his own. Prayers that by some miracle he is safe and will return.

Love you ALL! Have a wonderful Sunday.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds
LORI they pretty much are done Angie finished Jordyn rooms last night Hope your cold is getting better LORI and SANDI

Hard to see the tree today all grayish looking

hope you have fun SANDI at the Shep market and get to meet some local peeps and take in some local sites

Sandi said...

Good Sunday morning Lori, Judy and all my eagle friends. It's a beautiful WV morning here in Ranson - sun is coming up and the air is cool and crisp after yesterday's rain. Bandit slept all the way thru the night - yay!

Hoda I would be surprised if your phone didn't come with google already installed since it's such a popular search engine. My phone had it but it's an android not an iphone. If not just go to your app store and download it for free.

Lori keep your eyes on the prize. All your hard work WILL pay off.

Lolly hope the cooler weather continues for you.

Jo loved the photos from the tea party baby shower- what a fun idea!

Judy we still have one of those rear projection TVs in our living room. Denny is dying to buy an 80" flat screen but I just can't justify getting rid of a TV that is still working perfectly. It's not like it would fit well in any of our bedrooms! It's something like 55".

Make it a great day all.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Beautiful sunny day here. It rained and rained last night. Maybe I can go check out those trees this afternoon.

Sandi said...

City girl in the country - decided to get photos of the animals. Got both pigs then the chickens then walked into the field to get a shot of the donkey. Realized AFTER I snapped the photo that the section of the field I was standing in was covered with poison ivy and I was wearing flip flops!! Have washed my hands, feet, ankles, and flip flops with cold water and soap. Hope it does the trick!

Brian bought a "stink bug zapper" at Home Depot. Looks like a tennis racket. Boy does it ever kill a stink bug and it's great fun as well! Shirley I bet Hunter would love this thing!!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning all from Rehoboth!

Went to dinner last night and went t5o hear to hear a friend play in a band.

Sandi glad you got to visit the nnesy even if it was MT. Enjoy the market.

Not sure what is on the agenda for today.

Mema Jo said...

Good Sunday morning - The rain has passed and I am off to Market in a few. Megan is there and is saving me some Zenia bouquets. Lots of Fall flowers from the one farm. And there
are apples.

I hope I can see Sandi............
I haven't read back...............


stronghunter said...

Sandi--use some rubbing alcohol on that poison ivy oil.

Lolly said...

Good morning! 59 this morning!! Whoo Whoo! LOL And up to 64 presently. Loving it! We enjoyed the back patio yesterday and then ate dinner on the patio. We have survived the summer and the yard and gardens around the house look good. We did it! Wish the lawn around the pecan trees looked as good, but that is too much to ask for!

Off to church shortly!

Jo and Sandi, enjoy going to market. So very jealous! Would love to see Megan and her lovely flowers. no no! Not an iphone expert! Did discover something new last night, though. Duh! Go to Safari....scroll down....there is an iphone user guide. Who knew?

Lolly said...

Going to be a busy week ahead. Going to football game tomorrow night. Then Wed sister, Sharon, and hubby, Dan arrive. They will be in their RV and staying at the park a couple miles away. Dan has meetings at TCU this week and then Saturday we are going to the TCU/SMU football game. Rah Rah!
After that we are going to start getting ready for a trip. Still have not decided where to go since CO flooded.

Lolly said...

Have a great Sunday!

Mema Jo said...

I am back from Market - I have fresh cut flowers from Megan and then some colorful healthy mums from one of the farms. Was wonderful seeing our
flower girl and catching up on things.

Lori I know you don't use FB very often but so many fun pics of the Tea Party are over there.

Mema Jo said...

Feet up for a while! BBL

stronghunter said...

Watching the Redskins and the Lions. So far, things are interesting: 14-14.

stronghunter said...

Second quarter.

Janet said...

good afternoon to all. i have just a short bit before i have to finish up dinner. we eat early on sundays due to bowling.

slept in and felt great. got the house mostly straight. really didn't wanna...but....

have a brisket in the oven, bread in the breadmaker doing its thing...

not a pool day. sunny enough, certainly, but the water is rather cool and the air temps are rather cool in comparison. and if i get in, i may not get back out to finish dinner! lol.

can hardly believe it is sunday afternoon yet again!!!!
i wanna go pet lynne2's unicorn!!!!

olivia bought a book while we were at a gathering this year: UNICORNS ARE JERKS. its kind of funny...

tom has been playing with his new engine hosit and engine stand. gonna put a new engine in a ford ranger for olivia to drive in a few least that's the theory right now...

have a great evening!

Sandi said...

Headed home - it was a good weekend but leaving REALLY hit me hard - I thought Denny was going to have to pry my arms from around Brian's neck. I'm still on the verge of tears.

Hoda said...

Good easy day here.
AM yoga. Won two free yoga classes and one free massage!
Here is the curious thing: I DO NOT LIKE FREE THINGS!!!
Choosy about who gives massage therapy and choosy about whose classes I go to for yoga!!!

Glad JO MEGAN met.

It is 61 here. Feels cooler than that!!!
Socks are on.


Did MARGY say where she was going? Is she going anywhere???

JudyEddy said...

Home from work and we had some rain go through so our temps are mild 83° but the feels like is 91° with the dewpoint and the humidity

SANDI so happy that Bandit had a good night and so happy you are where our eagles are and its sure is pretty and windy from what I see on the cam MT attic
Cool that you have a old tv also will have to let the kids know they aren't' the last one to own one
Yikes home you don't get the itch from the ivy

I love the tennis racket bug zappers we sell them at work also

JudyEddy said...

hope not home you don't get the itch silly fingers do what they want to LOL

JudyEddy said...

EAGLE in the attic

JudyEddy said...


Kay said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds !

My favorite Season has arrived and with it, cooler weather now that the rains have subsided.

LORI, hope that cold of yours is better--no doubt your resistance is a bit low due to stress and also you are around many more peeps now, too !

Julie's birthday is tomorrow, so we all went out for lunch today---it was great seeing our enthusiastic Seth the day after Homecoming festivities and a winning football team to boot ! He seems to be blossoming, if we can use that term for young men. It's apparent he was ever so ready to put the city school system and all the years of taking it on the chin from bullies behind him. The small liberal arts U that Otterbein is seems to be a perfect fit for him !

SANDI, glad you made it to the nest for a look see, MT or not. Sure hope you won't be seeing any p.i. rash popping up on those feet of yours !

LYNNE2, you had us going for a while there. We must remember what the phrase "going to work at a flower shop" means to you ! ☺

JO, happy with your MEGAN n' market report ! Yep, I'm jealous, too, but pleased for you both !

Love and prayers for all !


JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

Good evening to all ♥

After taking Michael to a belated birthday dinner at the Longhorn, I came home and had a nap! Woe is me tonight when I try to go to sleep before midnight.

Love to you Sandi - I'm sure there is a very large empty feeling in your heart ♥

Mema Jo said...

Going to watch 1 1/2 hrs of Foyle's War. He is with the CIA now - Love the BBC station

Sandi - Michael and I didn't get to market until close to noon hour.
So sorry we missed seeing each other.


Hoda said...

Where is MARGY?
Why has she not been on?

paula eagleholic said...

Sandi, I can only imagine how hard it was to leave!

Did you get to see Megan at the market?

Eating my pasta seafood leftovers from last night :)

Did my Wally world run on the way back from Larry's.

Today we ended up going to the Purple Parrot in Rehoboth for Bloody Mary's and brunch...then walked around Rehoboth for awhile. The ocean air was pretty chilly, so we went were we could get some windblock and warmth in the stores.

I think Margy was on the other night?

Not much on TV here tonight...only get 5 over the air channels. Will get my stuff put away and probably read.

Sandi said...

Good evening all - we are home but I still need to unpack so I'm keeping this short!

Jo, sorry I missed you at the farmer's market - Lynnis and I were there around 10:30am. Got some homemade jelly and some cheese - we got apples at another farmer's market yesterday.

I have posted some pics on FB, including one of the MT sycamore tree, but at least you can see the nest in the middle.

Time to unpack, unwind, take a bath, and get ready for my week. Yes Jo, my heart is hurting. But he'll be home for the first time in 3 months - that's what I keep reminding myself. And Brian has promised to stay in regular contact with us since he knows we will be worried about him.

Goodnight all!

Hoda said...


Good you checked in PAULA.
It is in 50' headed down to 40's tonight.

magpie said...

Good Sunday Evening Eagle Pals...
Just stopping by briefly,

I have had serious computer problems
and can no longer get on the blog
at work.....

I have not been able to read much
Sandi: Thinking of you and Dennis
and holding you with (( Hugs)) during
Brian's absence....and keeping you and Brian and the family in the Safety Prayers


magpie said...

I can't even remember when I was on last...
Paula might be correct

Desktop PC is toast, laptop, well it is muddling along...
I'm going to try my best to get caught up...

My friends, I miss the daily doins' and want you to know I cherish
the love and friendships here...
but I have some things to take care of in my daily doins' and try
to get some things back on track...


JudyEddy said...

MARGY was on last on the 19th but she did mention that she could not get on the blog at work Seems to be blocked

JudyEddy said...

too funny there you are LOL

magpie said...

work has been beyond busy,
and illness has prevailed...big time...
but we're hanging in there

I'll be back around, but I have not
even been able to READ the blog
for a few days

xox ((All the Time Hugs ))
Prayers as always....for all the
important things amongst us

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

magpie said...

But Jewels and I are two of the
few healthy ones !!!

Eaglet Momsters Power !!

JudyEddy said...

MARGY have them emailed to you that way you still get to read even if you can't get on

JudyEddy said...

there is probably a helicopter at the nest I see big light moving

Hoda said...

Thank you MARGY for checking in.
Putting you in prayers for all the doin's in your life that need to be set straight.

Blessed Be.

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

magpie said...

the Baltimore Ravens won big time today :)
30-9 over Houston

And there is a very eloquent and awe-inspiring Caring Bridge entry for Mason today:

I hope this links...
what a powerful family

magpie said...

Thanks, Hoda....
I just need to get my work life
and personal life in order, for the most part...

James is well, today was a big school shopping date for us...
just a wee bit late....

JudyE...I could not possibly manage
having that all come to the email...
but thanks for the suggestion...

magpie said...

So now I bid you all..
a Very Good Night

Welcome Autumn 2013...
arrived at 4:44 pm Eastern time,
what a beauteous day hereabouts
for its arrival...

Sleep Sweetly, my friends, and
best wishes for a Good Week....
for one and all....

xoxox G'Night now

Lolly said...

Good to see our Margy popped in. Love you and miss you, Margy!

Have been lazy tonight. Cooked a new pasta dish for dinner and then I have just been sitting.

Going to football again tomorrow. Really prefer going to a soccer game but it was cancelled Sat. and we will be busy the next two Saturdays. So Monday night football it will be. Also, we do not get to talk with Joseph when it is football. That is yucko!

Another nice day tomorrow and then the humidity and warmer temps return. Another Yucko!

Lolly said...

Think I am going to say good night too. Thinking of getting ready for bed before the news and be ready to pop in bed as soon as it is over.

Night all! (((hugs))) all around!

Janet said...

good sunday evening my friends.

what a busy afternoon.

kids were over, had the neighbor over as well. made dinner, we ate. kids played. it was busy as a three ring circus around here...and love it.

bowling has gone really well this season. the team that were poor sports were banned last season, so none of that to contend with. our team,; the bowl movements....well.... we are having fun and a lot of it. my scores tonight were all over 100, so that mades me happy. more consistent! we won 1 game last week adn 1 game this week. that is good.

now simmering down. its been a busy day, with cooking, a litttle house work....lots i didn't get done, but there's always tomorrow.

hope everyone has restful sleep, plesant dreams. light, love, hugs and smiles to all!

stronghunter said...

Where is Judie?

Missing her.

We had a very nice dinner at Melting Pot to celebrate Kathryn's birthday.

I am too sleepy to read everything this evening, so I will just wish everyone a good night.

JudyEddy said...

I can't sleep there are helicopter buzzing back and forth for about 10 min now

JudyEddy said...

its about on the next block but it has gone over my house a couple of times I am gonna check in to a police scanner tomorrow

JudyEddy said...

It sounds like it gone so I headin back to bed

Hoda said...

Good night
God Bless Us All

I miss JUDIE too

Mema Jo said...

I do miss Judie and her sandman.. Hoping all is well........

Closing down for the night..
Good to have heard from many..
Enjoyed your pictures, Sandi...

Prayers for all of us and our needs.
Good Night ♥

Lori O. said...

Good Monday Morning All!

SANDI, my heart breaks for you. That was so sad hearing of you leaving Brian to go home. I'm so sorry for the pain you must be feeling. Big Hugs and prayers.

JO, got to see the tea party quickly before bed, early last night. How adorable! You have such a great family! So nice that you do so many things together.

KAY, happy birthday to Julie today! Please tell her I send good wishes for a beautiful and special day, for you, too!

SHIRLEY, sounds like you all had a great time for Kathryn's B-day. Never been to the Melting Pot, but I know a lot of people who love it.

Running late this morning, gotta go and study the Respiratory System for this morning's BIG test.

Feeling a little better today than yesterday. Hope this cold leaves NOW!

Love you all so much! Have a great and blessed day - each of you.

Sandi said...

Good morning Lori and all my eagle friends.

Woke before the alarm this morning, thinking about Brian. I don't know how mother's send their children off as soldiers to war. Brian is going to a dangerous country, but will be carrying a briefcase, not a gun.

Nest tree is MT.

Cool and breezy here this AM and only going into the 60s for highs - feels like fall.

First round of state testing starts today for my students (we test fall, winter, and spring here in DE). Busy, busy week.

Have a great day all!

Janet said...

good monday morning to one and to all!!!!

54 degrees with bright stars and a lovely moon this morning!!!! :) gonna be a beautiful day.

busy week ahead. not sure how monday gets here so fast, but sure does.

got a question for you all.... thinking about getting a warming pad for my dobie, sable who is 14. her hips seem to be giving her some problems, she seems stiff...walking a little funny. given that she is 14, not unexpected. but also, with winter coming, she does tend to get cold easier. i have seen actual ones that are like a heating pad and those that just hold the body heat.

anyone have experience with this item and any advice?

thanks in advance.

have a super day to all. light, love, hugs, and smiles to all ... healing and comfort to all in need!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle buds


stronghunter said...

A quick good morning...I will return later.

Pretty, sunny day here.

Football practice this evening. Game tomorrow.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals....

Best Wishes and Positive Thoughts and Prayers for all good things and
Safety for us and all our loved ones...
Special (( HUGS )) for Sandi...

Happy Birthday Wishes for Kay's Julie xo

and Shirley, I missed sending
Happy Birthday Wishes to Kathryn xo

magpie said...

checked the nest for Eagles...did not see any...Yet !

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !

So good to "see" you, MARGY ! We vas vorried ! Happy to know you and JEWELS are staying well and that the Kidster is all set for the school year now !

SANDI, I echo the thoughts of others as they pray for Brian's safety and hope for peace of mind for you !

LORI, thanks for the greetings for Julie. Thinking of you as you study the respiratory system today. Perhaps a good smoking cessation lesson ? Pardon me, but I couldn't resist, ever the Mama Kay no matter how hard I try to butt out !

LOLLY, so did you and Jack like the new pasta dish ? I love to get pasta recipes as they are an easy way to make a hit with "the kids".

JANET, no advice from me on warming pads, but I hope LYNNE2 chimes in with her expertise.

JO, I think JUDIE has the sandman on auto-pilot. He still arrives here regularly and I'm sure she puts him up to it !

Hoping everyone has an Apple Dumpling Dandy first full day of Autumn ! Love and prayers for all !


Mema Jo said...

Good Chilly Monday Morning to All

I am watching my 5 squirrels and now the blue jays - love them but they sure can be nasty to one another when it comes down to the last peanut!

The sky is beautiful at the Sycamore Palace - MT - I am so thankful our Royal couple stays there and calls it Home. They are going to have to have major nestorations for this upcoming season.

Mema Jo said...

Kay, happy birthday to Julie...♥

I have a 3 yr old great grandson, Marcus celebrating today and his one aunt also shares this date.
Which reminds me - I need to make a birthday phone call!


Hoda I hope you have socks on today! I am going to organize my sock drawer! ♥

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - I may have missed it but where are you and Jack going on your trip since you scrubbed CO......

Lolly said...

Good Morning! Beautiful day again today and then the humidity and heat return. Also, a possibility of rain Fri and Sat. I want the rain even though we have tickets for the TCU game on Saturday!

Lori, glad you are feeling better today. Cold be gone!!!

Kay, yes, we liked the new pasta recipe and think the boys will like it. Will be glad to share the recipe! It is has chicken and a load of mushrooms. Yummy!

Need to run a few errands today and start getting meals planned for sister coming. Yea!

Kay said...

LOLLY, I'll love to get the recipe ! Please either e-mail it or snail mail a copy if that's easier. We all love pasta, chicken and mushrooms ! I'm taking Julie and Hugh to a new pizza place in nearby Worthington this evening. His birthday is Oct. 4, so this will be my celebration of both the blessed Autumn events.

JO, Happy birthday to your dear Marcus and his aunt, too ! Good people are born on the 23rd of September. Julie's father and I were married on the 24th and my dad's birthday was the 25th---of course we all hoped the baby would arrive on one of those two days, but Julie wanted a day to call her own ! We had a lot to celebrate back in the good ol' days when she was young, the marriage was good and my dear, dear dad was still with us ! 3 days of partying !

The squirrels are working hard here, too. Rough winter ahead ? They keep all the dogs yapping as they go about their work !

Have had a burst of energy--wish that were true every day--dusted and vacced, now time for lunch and a shower.

Lolly said...

Missed your comment, Jo. We have not decided. Talk about last minute plans! So very disappointed to not go to Estes Park. I so wanted to hear the elk. It will probably be southern Colorado. Durango area is beautiful.

Kay, will email you the recipe. Hang on to your wonderful memories with a smile!!!

stronghunter said...


My new trees and a bunch of other stuff have arrived. Since I was paying to have the trees delivered, I just had them bring the soil and mulch too.

Glad you broke 100 at bowling, Kay. I have not done that this season, except at practice.

Don't know about warming pads for fur children, but I do see Lucky, who is quite old and stiff, sleeping in the sun. He has always done that, though. He moves from the front of the house to the back, following his sunbeam.

Judie said...

Good afternoon to all.

Been under the weather.

Happy Birthday to Marcus and his auntie, to Julie, and to Hugh in advance.

Sandi, a difficult time but Brian will be just fine. You have a huge support system here.

Kay, so very happy Seth is just blooming and blossoming and enjoying a new and positive experience.

Shirley, did the stadium blanket arrive for Kathryn? If so, did she like it? Enjoy your new trees and hope Hunter's team wins the football game.

Glad Lori feels better.

Serious news: Hoda put socks on! Socks with sandals?

Back to school work.

Hoda said...

Good morning for it is still morning here.

Yes JO I am in full regalia!
Woolen socks are out.
Marino wool clothing is out
Light coat is out.
Have yet to wear my tuque/hat or my gloves.
We are however on our way.
They will come out for my boat ride tomorrow I am sure.

LOLLY have you thought of New Mexico as a destination? Santa Fe was breath taking.

Today I will cycle to the doctors. I have some questions to ask about my adrenal system. At times my ankles swell and I do not like that!!!
I have a yoga festival organizational meeting also.

I love the tea party photos JO.
Such fun.

Great picture of you on FB SHIRLEY for Kayhryn's dinner.

Have a great one everyone.

stronghunter said...

Stadium blanket has not come yet. I told Kathryn that something has been ordered.

And, since we haven't had a birthday cake yet, I bought a small cake and some candles today. We'll have a bit of time after football practice. Probably just for Hunter, Kathryn, and me.

I went a little crazy in Wegman's. Meant to pick up "just a few things" and managed to spend almost $200. Wow! Well, there was the cake, some candles, a couple of bottles of wine, some fondue stuff (Melting Pot influence, no doubt), and on and on . . .

I just hope I do not need to go to the store again. However, we are almost out of mayonnaise. Geesh.

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Hoda. I had Rus take that picture.

Yay! Judie has returned.

stronghunter said...


Hoda said...

JUDIE sorry you are under the weather. Hope you feel better soon.
Sandals??? Oh the days of sandals are gone for a week now!!! First sign of blue hue in toes and shoes come out.
I am being sensible this year...
Might have to buy another pair of shoes for cycling...

Off to the doctors and the post office and the bank.
Slight drizzle falling still good for bicycle riding.

Lolly said...

Have been to Santa Fe many times, and love it. But we are in the mood for being in the mountains, in the wilderness, hiking, etc. We are not much for visiting cities.

Well, let's hope Hoda has on sensible shoes with her socks. Sandals and socks? shudder!!!
roflmbo!!! :)

Ran my errands but before that worked in the yard. Could not pass it up what with this beautiful day. Have planted yellow mums and also have one plant out by my scarecrow and pumpkin. I have declared Fall! Now if the weather would just cooperate!

stronghunter said...

Going to rest a bit before heading back out for football practice.

Mema Jo said...

Breakfast at IHops for dinner

Love their bacon.......


JudyEddy said...







Lolly said...

Kay, check your email!

Just finished our walking and sent the recipe to Kay.

JudyEddy said...

I think I may head to BM they are now serving ribs??? I love their sides the mixed veggies and the new potatoes are my fav

JudyEddy said...

I hope they carry this year the squash casserole that they had last year in the fall

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...