Wednesday, August 28, 2013


New thread.


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Mema Jo said...

IO haven't done this for so long
Hope I can still do it


Mema Jo said...

Lynne and all others:
Stink But Season Has Begun

I have counted 5 so far today trying to enter my home! The Battle Is On !

Lolly said...

We be home. SANDI, should have been more specific...Ashley does not cook on a regular basis. It is not that she dislikes cooking. She just doesn't. She likes cookbooks and when they do cook, they cook gourmet. Her beautiful gourmet kitchen is a waste on her! Anyway, got two cookbooks. Jack picked out one and I picked out the other. Never found a salad cookbook and we were at Barnes and Noble and they have hundreds of cookbooks!

Hoda said...

I be home too!!!
Paddled in the morning.
Yoga video in the afternoon.
Strange combination of activities with the yoga filming.
Not what I expected.
I did commit for Saturday and Sunday so will go again tomorrow.
Oh well!!!

Lolly said...

Jack is grilling hamburgers...good ol' bacon cheese burger for supper. Good for you! LOL

Michael finally called. He has been in San Diego since Tuesday. They might be there at Laurel's tomorrow. He has to talk with Ashley! Hope they come, great time to give Ash her present.

Frog football tonight! GO FROGS! :)

Janet said...

good evening ..... what a day.

not bad, just busy. massages this morning. got home, went to see mia play soccer and dogggone it was HHHHOOOOTTTTT. sweat bees were everywhere and lorelei ended up with one in her mouth! ewwwww. i think it stung her.

she's learned to drink from a straw so i was feeding her as much water as she could /would drink. of course, she wore a good bit of it...learning to put the proper amount in your mouth and swallowing...a little different than a bottle.

home and a nap.

think the grandkids are coming by for a swim this evening. i am not overly motivated, but now that i've had a shot of coffee, i can likely get a couple of things done.

KAY: i think it was you that suggeted i needed a fig newton. I ALWAYS need a newton. love those things....and oatmeal cookies too... yummmm

all right. everyone have a great evening! :)))) (hugs)

JudyEddy said...

EAGLE HAS landed

JudyEddy said...

Watching a move Eat Pray Love I love Julia Roberts

Hoda said...

I think I will swim in the lake tomorrow.
Not many more weekends will this be possible.
It is cooling down considerably.

Feeling a need to be active this weekend.
Swimming, cycling and yoga will have to do.
I was expecting more out of yoga. Different when it is being tapped. The DVD will be sold in the USA as it is an American crew tapping.

Hoda said...

You will want to do yoga after your movie JUDYE.

JudyEddy said...

OH HODA you will have to keep us informed if you know the name of it etc and we all will buy one just to see YOU

magpie said...

Yes, go swimming in the lake, Hoda !
You are so right...the time to do such things is diminishing.....
I was going to go to Swinging Bridge right after work....
BUT - I stayed over two hours, the shift was busy and we were two people short later in the day

THEN it rained anyway and there was a beauteous Rainbow and the
most fabulous big white fluffy clouds

Good Evening Eagle Pals !!

magpie said...

Good old StinK BUT season..LOL, JO, yes, that is a good name for Sting Bugs for sure !!!

magpie said...

glad you hear from Michael, but hope even more there is some Zacharooski time in your near future !

Hello Everyone...

Sounds like some pretty good times today....amongst us...
and I hope there is more of that
for all of us in our near future ☺

magpie said...

going to scurry along for a bit
and MAKE myself do these exercises that my whole bod needs....
"Saturday Night Date Night" - wheeeee

Kay: think the school situation was for real....there was no need for immediate EMS responses...for this one, Law Enforcement was at the ready.
No more details have developed so far....

magpie said...

always enjoy your narratives....hope that Kat and Hunter did indeed have some good together time today, AND, I enjoyed the Magpie Video by the way !

okay, hope it is Relaxing time
for everyone now, or will be soon

ttfn xoxo

magpie said...

Nice Classic Gospel Music ♪ ♫
show on the Public Television station...
Good Exercise Music !

Lori O. said...

Hello everyone!

Just came in from sitting by the campfire .... Had been in the hot tub before that. Needed the relaxation - made 500 flash cards today. My fingers hurt from writing!

Lolly, sorry, but as someone who hates to cook, I have to agree with Sandi; however, I do like to look at cookbooks that have lots of pictures. If she has an iPad, how about an iTunes gift card?

Jo, glad you had a great time at Jenni's yearly picnic.

JudyE, you must be exhausted after moving all day. You're a great Mom to be such a big help.

Janet, hope you got to relax and use your pool today.

HODA, will look forward with delight at seeing your dragon boating pictures. Glad your weather has cooled off. It was very hoy and humid with thunderstorms here today.

Goodness, 10pm already! Time for bed.

Sleep well all and SED, too.

magpie said...

Good Night, Precious Pals

Sleep tight....See you in the
Morning Light ☼

Prayers for Wellness...

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

stronghunter said...

Time to say good night. We now have a new cell phone in the house. Kathryn got a phone for Hunter. I have decided he needs one so that I can summon him home. He was late for football practice because I could not find him yesterday.

It seems that he really is about the last kid in his school to get one.

But he had an excellent practice today and was complimented by the coach. It looked like he did well yesterday, too. Both Kathryn and I stayed back so it was just Hunter, the team and the coaches.

Hoda said...

Good Night

God Bless Us All

...and LOLLY'S Frogs too.

stronghunter said...

Good night Hoda,

Good night, John-Boy.

Hoda said...

The Walton's

stronghunter said...

Fine Virginia family, the Waltons.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Just dropping in quickly to let you know that I haven't quite melted yet. It was 97 here today, with about 50% humidity, making it feel much hotter. Sure hope the Lord takes pity on us soon!

Lynne2, thanks for the advice on how to cool Emma down. It really helps! She's such a character--she has been dragging a wet towel around with her tonight, and she spreads it out so she can lie on it!

Shirley, that's great that Hunter had a couple of really good practices! Good job!

Well, need to get some sleep, so calling it a day. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. SED, everyone! God bless, and goodnight. I love all of you!
I ♥ us!!!

Mema Jo said...

LOL Those stink bugs sure do rattle me and so did the split!
Can't believe the typo - Glad it was you Margy who caught it!

Judie is having computer problems
Not sure if she got on or not - too tired to read back - eyes are too heavy

Goodnight to all and God Bless you through the night.. ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Sept 1st :)

Having fun with the family

Osprey still here

Went to the crab derby today...came home and made. Burgers on the grill and had a campfire. Got a few crabs...tried to move the pots to a better spot.

Looking forward to Tuesday

Bro staying till weds or thurs...then I will take him to salisbury and put him on a bus to DC...then he can catch the metro home from there

Going to enjoy the beach tomorrow if we don't get rain.

Jo thanks for tackling the birthday calendar

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Sept 1st :)

Having fun with the family

Osprey still here

Went to the crab derby today...came home and made. Burgers on the grill and had a campfire. Got a few crabs...tried to move the pots to a better spot.

Looking forward to Tuesday

Bro staying till weds or thurs...then I will take him to salisbury and put him on a bus to DC...then he can catch the metro home from there

Going to enjoy the beach tomorrow if we don't get rain.

Jo thanks for tackling the birthday calendar

Lolly said...

Nite all! Frogs lost, but a good game.

Heading to bed now. Still August here! LOL Will be happy when it is gone in 10 minutes, but do not like Sept 1 either for personal reasons.

God bless all! SED!!

Costume Lady said...

Stopping by on my way to bed. Hope you all have had a good weekend, so far.
Have any of you suffered from "Dry Eyes" and using Restasis? Please tell me some of your experiences with this PIA disease~

Good and blessings for all ~♥~

Sandi said...

Good Sunday morning my eagle friends! Happy September! Still feels like August here in Bethany and boy, did I get sunburned yesterday on the beach!

Congrats to Hunter on his new "toy" - I bet he is one happy young man!

Jo, I picked up the stink buts typo - very appropriate new name for them! Sure hope they don't make it to Sussex County, DE this winter! So far, so good - we have never had a problem with them.

Another summery day in store here in Bethany. Make it a good one!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds


JudyEddy said...

WANDA I only have seen the ads of TV for it

JudyEddy said...

HEY GUYs I discovered something I can EXPORT the calendar to my Window calendar Its there now but now I got to figure out how to let it alert me HMMM always wondered about that calendar I had didn't know I could do this

JudyEddy said...

Happy Birthday to KARLA Wright Adams

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Happy birthday, Karla!

stronghunter said...

Not seeing stink buts here yet. Hope I don't. We had them last year. I think lots got in because of the damage to the house. They just came in under the tarp.

stronghunter said...

Yes, Hunter is enjoying his new phone.

Lori O. said...

Good morning eagle family!

I saw a green stink bug yesterday. Looked exactly like the regular armored, shield shaped bug, but it was green! Maybe they are mutating...pray not.

Had a lot of rain here last night ... It filled up an entire large coffee can in less than two hours. I know that is not an official rain gauge but that is a lot of rain.


JudyE, are you helping with moving again today after work, or did you take today off.

Sure hope Judie gets her computer probs worked out.

AH, they are calling for breakfast----yay.

Already went thru all my flash cards once this morning. happy with my progress with them, but still have a long way to go.

Oh, Kate said Roro is feeling better now. Very happy about that.

Hope everyone has a great day full of fun, love, light, joy and lots of smiles.

Janet said...

Good Sept 1!!!

It is raining lightly here in Nashvegas. Its been over a week since it rained, so that is fine.


Always thankful.

Stinkbuts. Only seen one around here BUT we have ahd the biggest nicest, fattest can't speak her 8 legged name on the blog critter that wove this enormous web near the front door for over a week. She was such a beauty!

MAYBE JUFIE is messing with JUDIE's computer????????????????

HODA! Want to know the name of the video!!!! Must have it!!! Must see it. I must! I must I must!

JUDYE: how's the moving going? That's such a pain. I hope to never ever move again!!!!! So sweetof you to help.

Went to Mia's soccer game and they won yesterday. That granddaughter of mine is such a soccer girl. They are going to Vandy tonight to see women's soccer. She has played since she was 4.

Later in the evening the grandkids did come over. Thankfully I had a nap. Lorelei was asleep very quickly and I had the older kids out in the pool about 8 p.m. It was already dark so I kicked on the flood lights and let them play. Poor Jack was soooo tired and whiney that finally I called him in, had him get his jammies on, & watch a movie. The girls only lasted a bit longer.

Tom ordered a box of pizza hut junk: pizzas, roll ups, cheese bread. All good They ate (we used the good china, ie paper plates) and then everyone settled down.

Chels and Chris were back by 10:30. They just wanted a cuople hours to themselves, ate out, had ice cream. Exciting stuff rather like Tom and myself.

Grocery shopping in a bit. All critters are fed and coffee is now being consumed.

Work tomorrow. But I have Tuesday and Wed off this week. :)

Have a wonderful day. Hugs and love to all!

Kay said...

Good Sunday Morning, Eagle Buds !

JANET, fig newtons are a fav of mine, too ! Years ago, probably before you were born, there was a female comedienne who's name escapes me, but whose punch line at the end of expressing exasperation over something was: "I need a nap and a fig newton !" Loved the line and, as you can see, I use it now and then myself !

LORI, 500 flash cards ! Wow ! You're going to keep your parents busy flashing, huh ? Good news from Kate on RoRo !

SANDI, yep, I know Bandit is not really going to "get better", but was happy to hear about a better night. Bless his lil' heart !

SHIRLEY, don't blame you for wanting Hunter to have a cell phone ! It's frustrating to look for a kid at times !

ANDY, LYNNE2 is a mighty handy person to have around, isn't she ? Glad Emma is getting some relief from the heat.

LOLLY n' JACK to enjoy holiday fun with both the kids and their families ! Great !

Seth arrived in time for dinner last night and will be leaving shortly for home. So thankful for this long weekend. He seemed to love telling me all about his first full week of college. Things are going amazingly well ! Yeah !

Hope everyone is having a glorious Sunday and holiday weekend from coast to coast and in Canada, too !

Love and prayers for all !


magpie said...

Good September Sunday Morning, Eagle Pals


WANDA, no, I don't have the dry eyes problems....yet...but I trust someone here will be a good source of information....
I can help produce a cry, a happy cry, if you think that might help on the short term xo

magpie said...

Kay - wonderful report on Seth, and so happy that you had some Saturday night Fun time :), a new phone for the grandson.....I bet he is pleased as punch about that !

LORI: There is something I always called a "leaf hopper" which might be a made up name...but it resembles a sting bug greatly, only smaller and much greener !
I think they are OK

magpie said...

Good :)
to read Paula's post....sounds like a very nice week-end for you, well it should be...
and Best Wishes on Tuesday, but guess what....I have not discovered yet what your new adventure is !!

stronghunter said...

Yes--I spread the word by telling every kid I saw that Hunter needed to come home. He said that he came home because he looked at the clock, but I think someone told him that his grandma was looking for him.

stronghunter said...

It seems like all of the neighborhood kids know who he is. Not surprised about that.

magpie said...

Janet, seems like you packed
36 hours into an 16 hour period of time! No surprise there...
all the family things sound
dreamy !

And Jo: I have not approached the new calendar things yet, but I sure appreciate all the effort....Ditto what Paula said: Thanks for Tackling that !

Speaking of Paula: Thanks again, pal, for providing this Magpie Avatar pic for me several years ago !! You and Deb, got me started in the Avatar Department

stronghunter said...

Just hoping that new red phone doesn't end up on the path by the pond. Kathryn did not tell him, but she bought insurance on it, just in case.

magpie said...

Hi Shirley!!

Once again, you can surely realized the joy of "retirement" this time of the year....
a dear friend of mine just retired
and SHE is experiencing this right now also !

stronghunter said...

I will add my thanks to Jo for all of her work on birthdays and anniversaries. It is much appreciated.

magpie said...

Sandi: Enjoy your day!
Pack as much joy and fun into these two days to last....a long time if possible (( HUGS ))

magpie said...

Very pleased to read that RoRo is doing better....
God Bless All Our Pets !

stronghunter said...

On your avatar, Margy, it was the avatar that enabled me to identify the bird in Boulder. I would not have recognized a magpie without your help.

magpie said...

Happy Birthday to
Sweet Pea Karla ! Hope it is a most magnificent Birthday ! xo

Hoda said...

Good morning.
Missing JUDIE
All is well here.
Will find out name and let you know JANET&
JUDYE too.

Love to you Kay and thank you for the Canada long weekend wishes too.

Glad Seth told you about his week

magpie said...

Well, Thank you Shirley !
the ones I saw in Germany were just like yours and my avatar....
I will get that picture loaded up
"one of these days" but I have to
reload my camera program onto the New-Old computer that Lori gave me !

by the way, my brother, "Prairie Dog John" gave me that nickname/moniker many a long year ago :)

magpie said...


I hope your day is glorious also...
now that it IS officially September !

magpie said...

and on to the day for me too, have some reading and morning prayers to finish up, then hope to have some time with James the Wise Kidster...

oh Shirley, does Hunter still have an interest in rocks? I brought back some teeny tiny rocks from Germany

magpie said...

And best wishes to NCTC Steve...
however and wherever he is spending his Labor Day Week-end....hope it is full of restful and wonderful
activities xoxox

Hoda said...

Ha ha ha MARGY!

Now it is September here too!
Good one from SHIRLEY.

magpie said...

Auf Wiedersehen,
Precious Pals

stronghunter said...

I was very surprised that the magpie did not fly away, Margy. It seemed to be intent upon telling everyone something. I did not stay long because the family was trying to find the entrance to the restaurant so we could get lunch.

stronghunter said...

And goodbye to you, too, Margy.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Yep, it is Sept here in Tejas, too!!!

Church this morning, last minute grocery shopping and then off to Denton. Once, again Michael has not called. He was to talk with Ash and get back with me. Have purchased steaks for Joey to grill, will need to get more if they are coming. Why why why????

Another day of 100 but tomorrow is supposed to drop a few degrees. My theory is summer is July, Aug and Sept. Those are the three hottest months!

Time to move. Later Gators! Have a great Sunday!

Lolly said...

Jo, just checked the calendar! You did a fantastic job! Thanks!

stronghunter said...

September in Texas and in Tejas, I presume. I did not know Lolly had moved.

stronghunter said...

So, Lolly, send Michael out for more steaks if necessary.

You aren't the only one who has issues getting the whole family together, I can tell you that. Whenever we invite Rus, we tell him that we are gathering about two hours earlier than the time we expect him. And then we have the issue of traffic on I-95 that can make the most punctual person late.

Mema Jo said...

Hello September

Happy Birthday to Karla

our Butterfly Momma ♥

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - Kathryn is very wise to get phone insurance for Hunter's phone. Most insurances though when a phone is lost it is still $50 - but that is less then a new phone off the shelf.

Mema Jo said...

This is Judie's email to me yesterday: ... we are extremely limited in computer use. The technology company that Norton contracts to resolve problems has spent the better part of three days/nights trying to rid our computer of the 250+ viruses. To do this, the technical people take over and we are unable to use the computer for personal use. In fact, so many hours have been spent, that one person has to hand off to another after so many hours. Frank has requested a team of "experts" be assembled in the morning to try to finally resolve the problems.
Bottom line, the Sandperson is on autopilot, The Evil Jufie has been safely locked away, and I will return when I can.

Mema Jo said...

Lori - 500 flash cards - no wonder your hands could be numb lol
Great that you and your parents got away for this weekend... Hope your outdoors breakfast was yummy

Mema Jo said...

Sandi - on the beach yesterday in order to get a sunburn your must have taken a nap! Enjoy this soon-to-be over holiday!

Dana in NC is have a great time!
And she is pleased with her class this year and only have one little boy that needs some directive.

Mema Jo said...

Kay - happy that Seth shares with you
Great to have a grandson that does that - I know as I have a few ♥

Mema Jo said...

Lolly enjoy your family activity this weekend. I sure hope they all come and enjoy their time together.

Mema Jo said...

Hoda - swimming in the lake!
Paddling the Dragon boat! Riding around on the bike! Practicing Yoga!
You are just running at full speed ahead! So happy you do all of these
activities. ♥

Mema Jo said...
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Mema Jo said...

Margy - enjoy your James The Wise time today.

I learned a lot from preparing the Yahoo calendar. I will be adding wedding anniversaries that I know about. I know Lolly and Sandi and Iris have already recorded their
dates. Check it out in a day or two and email me if I miss yours.


stronghunter said...

Wow, Judie has a lot of viruses to get rid of, and it looks like she had Norton.

stronghunter said...

I haven't had experience with phone insurance, but so far I haven't had the misfortune to lose a phone, either. At least not my own. Susan lost one when she was on my account. Dropped it on the sidewalk in Arlington, we think, and someone did try to use it before we shut it down.

Janet said...

Is LORI FLASHING (her cards) with HODA"s see thru yoga pants??????

inquiring minds.................

Janet said...
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Janet said...
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Janet said...

good afternoon all. the sun has made his appearance at this point, but we had some nice showers earlier.

got the grocery shopping done. again. yikes. everything is put away.

gonna light the grill in a bit and throw some of those little bitty round steak medallions wrapped in bacon on .... some sweet potatoes, and salad. :) :) :)

amelia and olivia have been getting along pretty well. now they are in their separate bubbles, one playing on her tablet and one doing art. they have made much use of the pool.

MAGPIE: i do love time with the kids and grandkids....even though it was dreadfully hot yesterday, holding Lorelei, watching Mia, and interacting with Jack.....just my happy place.

Finally decided: next trip will be in March. We are all planning to do Disney, Epcot..etc. This will be the last week of March.
Spring break.

Not a lot else going on. Just a nice afternoon. I need to make hummingbird water. Sable's chicken is cooked. I take the broth and freeze it in bottles and the heelers love to play with it.

Keeping everyone Trying anyway.

Later ya'll!

Janet said...
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Janet said...
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Janet said...
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Janet said...
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Hoda said...

We understand JANET!
Got it!!!
Is it five posts? Lost count !!!

JudyEddy said...

Good early evening EAGLE BUDS

LORI they aren't moving in till next weekend They haven't even closed on the house till Wed with the holiday They couple that lived there is so sweet letting them put thing in the house already they will only have the big furniture to move
Angie is giving me her cherry wood dinner room set since she has the Whiskey Barrel table and chair that they are leaving there So they will drop it off here when I am at work Sat I guess

I only moved the small boxes and boy did they have lots of boxes to move in
LORI so happy the RORO is feeling better Tell KATE to give a scratch behind the ear for me better yet on the back of the back near the tail Most dogs love that area to be scratched anyway all my dog did

LOOKS like we have a squatter in the nest on top of the dead branch now NO eagle larger maybe crow

JudyEddy said...

WOW you all are a chatty bunch today lots to read about 70

JudyEddy said...

KAY so happy you get SETH time love it when we can be with family

JudyEddy said...

FYI I came home and my Window calendar was on the puter reminding me of birthday in the past got to figure this out

JudyEddy said...

Check out my pretty rainbow from this am at work It was so big couldn't get the whole thing in the camera

JudyEddy said...

Heading out to the BEACH

Mema Jo said...

Sure looks as though it could storm any minute. Got home from eating at
Cracker Barrel and got the cats is
lickety split ♥ Now it can rain!

I think I have 1 TV show this evening. I really don't like sitting in front of TV all evening long.

Janet - YOU WERE STUCK lol
No trash can I guess ♥

Mema Jo said...

Judy - rainbow is beautiful!
Enjoy your trip to the beach ♥

Mema Jo said...

I did send out an email with the SEPT calendar - Would you give me some feed back as to receiving it and being able to view it clearly..

Mema Jo said...

BBL this evening ♥

Janet said...

First off, my sincere apologies....the internet goofed up or maybe it was the computer or both (or the evil JUFIE)...either way, as I was trying to post....Tom started to have issues with his laptop as well and rebooted the modem...and then I couldn't get on...and now I am and cleaned up my mess! YIKES!

Janet said...

I was like a skipping record.

Evening just got busy. Jack didn't want to go to the women's soccer game @ Vandy, so he is here and in the pool with Olivia. :) Chels, Chris, Lorelei and Mia are at Vandy. Everyone is having fun.

Let's see if I can post this...singurlarly....

Hoda said...

Kilroy was here

Hoda said...

Love to you JANET!

I was kidding...
Hope you got that!

Hoda said...

I got the calendar page thank you.
It was clear
Easy to locate information
Blessed Be Dear Lady

magpie said...

Good Sunday Evening, Eagle Pals...
I'll say rain!
this has been one wet summer, but overall in this area, I think it has been mostly good....
no drought for a change....
I wish we all could say that.

Jo, trust me, I will work my way to the Calendar things.....just working my way through one thing at a time, albeit SLOWLY !

magpie said...

Got me a Finding Nemo towel at Goodwill..practically New !
Yes, those flash cards....I woulda been whipped after taking on that task....
Lori, our Student Extraordinaire !
We are with you 100% and then some, Lori.....

If I get sick, I need to be where YOU are !!!

magpie said...

also got the sound track to
Titanic, with some Celine Dion tracks...

James the Wise Kidster is well, getting taller and smarter every day....

Well, time to do the
they really help, I just have to
fight the Great Procrastinator

Jo: Cracker Barrel, the BEST!
What did you get ???
I have never had a meal that wasn't superb there !

Phones: I have insurance on mine, and once had to turn in a claim
on my stepdaughter's phone on my account....but with the $50 deductible it is still an OUCH !

xo ttfn, my precious pals

(( HUGS ))
OH PS: saw many beautiful deer in Morgan County, including some very Handsome Bucks !

JudyEddy said...

Well I got back from the beach lots of pic and so pretty and cool out and Guess what????????????????????????????????????????????????? I should have gone Guess why ?????????????????????????

JudyEddy said...


stronghunter said...

Wow, pouring rain here this evening. Glad we got the front lawn mowed...or should I say, Will got it mowed.

I figured on sweeping the driveway tomorrow. There was a mess of grass there. Probably will just get plastered to the driveway, now, but I can hope it gets washed away.

We're going to look at riding mowers tomorrow. I have been putting off that purchase.

stronghunter said...

When I opened the door to check if it was raining, I saw a lot of beetles or waiting to get in. All lined up at the window to the door. Don't think they were stink buts, but I did slam the door quickly.

magpie said...

I think the Stink Buts are bigger this season, Shirley, I saw a HUGE one at McDonalds - and liberated it to the great outdoors....though I probably should have snuffed it...
also the Spiders seem to be of Gynormous proportions this season, and Bees are out in full force!
To all that I say WOOF ! though I respect that it IS nature....

Hoda said...

JUDYE I worry very much when you let us know you should not have do e something but don't tell us why!!!
I hope you are well.
I do not guess very well but would like to know that there is no harm coming, or came, your way.
Blessings to you

JudyEddy said...

I got a 20.00 Overnite parking ticket I have been going there for years and always stay till after dark Now its been awhile since I was there I guess rules change There were lots of cars with tickets on their windshields beside me I will go down tomorrow and look for a sign or sort I didn't see any and I also noticed they took out the parking meters I thought that was neat but may have something to do with it What a PIA in the tush

JudyEddy said...

apparently you need a pass to park there being there are no meters I went to take a shower and thought I hit publish and found it still sitting here OOPS Live and learn on the ticket I want to go tomorrow and look for signs I saw a sign that said park at meters but there were none so that must have been a old sign they are doing construction there also

Mema Jo said...

Judy - did you run into someone at the beach that you didn't want to see

JudyEddy said...

If I don't pay the ticket there will be a 30. court fee so I and a warrant out for my arrest Is that the silliest thing you ever heard over a parking ticket at a public beach that use to have meters

JudyEddy said...

JO I got a 20 parking after dark with out a permit I answered above DRAT

Mema Jo said...

Oh Judy - you got a ticket????

JudyEddy said...

Hey they got the IDIOT that disturbed the turtles nest that someone took a picture of - and they found a logger headed turtle at his house someone recognized him from facebook and turned him in he will bay a 5,000 fine and 5 years in Jail for his stupidity and he said he wanted to take them home to raise them IDIOT I say

JudyEddy said...

Ok gonna go watch the news

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Hoda said...

Thank you JUDYE.
What time do parks close for the day?
Ours are closed from 11:00PM till 6:00AM if they are day use parks only.

I wished I washer like JO she did the guessing.
Blessed Be

Mema Jo said...

Have a bowl of ice cream Judy
Calms your nerves... I guess it
doesn't pay to be bored! I am so
sorry Judy - I know how you feel.
Why didn't they post some signs about parking.

Hoda said...

I was more like JO
is what it should read

JudyEddy said...

OH I discovered I can't wear my new sneakers at the beach they aren't leather and boy did I get both shoes full of said Live and learn this is the first time I didn't by leather shoes OK I just pulled a Margy trying to get all the sand out of my shoes and from on top of them that stuff stick like glue I think LOL

magpie said...

Bummerini, JudyE......
sometimes just a little
compassion would go a long way....but it's probably because some people, NOT YOU, do not follow the "rules" and create problems....see it all the time hereabouts

We can vouch for your niceness and honesty !

stronghunter said...

It is raining hard enough to wash the bugs on the door away. Hope my hummingbird feeder survives. It is a gullywasher out there.

Mema Jo said...

Magpie - guess what... My very long comment has been lost - Conflicting edits
There was more than one attempt to edit this resource at the same time.

This hasn't happened for such a long time........ lol

stronghunter said...

Oh Margy, I was not so kind to the stink but I found on my front porch.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - our rain didn't last very long
More lightening then anything else

stronghunter said...

Has been a long time, Jo. Sorry you lost your comment.

Mema Jo said...

Margy - how was James?
School ok?

stronghunter said...

Sorry about the parking ticket, Judy.

magpie said...

I'm so sorry Jo...yes, we have been luckly on the Conflicting messages and wipe-outs...

James seems to be liking school, thanks....he has to be off Tuesday to catch up on some immunizations...

magpie said...

new work

Shirley...I know demising Sting Bugs is the best thing...
it's just difficult for me to do that sometimes, though I do not have quite the same hesitation doing that with Earwigs...

magpie said...

oh bother, new WORD not work...

well... it's probably best I say
my Good Nights now before I make more typos !

Prayers for Wellness All Around,
and Best Wishes for a Happy Labor Day Monday....

God Bless All our Labor Day Workers...

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox ♥

stronghunter said...

I don't think we had lightning, just a deluge. It is quiet now, so maybe it has stopped.

Mema Jo said...

I am sure that the Sandman is on auto
control and is already on his way.
Missing Judie - I never knew Norton couldn't handle viruses efficiently.

Saying goodnight and pray all is going well for everyone this holiday weekend.


Hoda said...

Good Night

God Bless

stronghunter said...

I was wondering about Norton and the viruses, too, Jo. But I just ran a scan on my computer and got rid of 49 things that had gotten through. I used Malwarebytes. I have anti-virus protection, but it is a good idea to run scans, too. Malwarebytes is free online.

I had lost sound on my computer, and now it is back. Interesting.

stronghunter said...

You are a kind person, Margy. I often set critters free, too, but stink buts will just come right back into the house. And they destroy crops.

stronghunter said...

Found an earwig floating in the washing machine this morning. Kathryn had run water to wash Hunter's football pants. I fished out the "demised" bug and threw it outdoors.

Lolly said...

We be home! Had a fun evening. Enjoy Joseph more and more. He is growing up so fast and is just a pleasure. Jacob is still in the improving stage. LOL

My dear son never called. Got a text on the way from Ashley. She wondered if Michael had ever called. I am ready to come down on my son about being a little more considerate to us. Grrrrrr!

We go back to Denton Friday for grandparents day at Jacob's school. Also taking cookies for Jacob's class for his birthday. Going back on Sunday for Jacob's birthday, and returning on Monday night for Joseph's first football game. We are going to have to start taking turns and selecting what we are going Soccer? or football? Anyone want to buy our gas? And, have not been told about anything at Zach's school for grandparents.

Lolly said...

Tomorrow will be a quiet day. Think we may cook something new. Find a recipe, go shop and then cook. We shall see.

Time to start getting ready for bed. We did see lightening tonight, smelled ozone, and had maybe 10 drops of rain on the windshield. Please pray for rain!!!

Night all! SED!

stronghunter said...

I have posted one picture of myself at the Stanley Hotel on my blog. Tried to upload 11 more pictures, but they were taking forever. Guess I have to do fewer at a time. Wanted to share with the non FB people. Will try again tomorrow. The Stanley Hotel is where Stephen King's "The Shining" was filmed. I have many more pictures.

stronghunter said...

Could easily send you some of our rain, Lolly. Prayers.

stronghunter said...

Sorry you did not hear from Michael, Lolly.

stronghunter said...

I think Michael had better look out. You never grow too old to be nice to your mom.

stronghunter said...

Know what you mean about gas, Lolly, and I have only one grandson--but football games and practices are keeping me on the road.

stronghunter said...

Time for me to sleep. See you later .. . SED, everyone. Prayers for rain in Texas.

Hoda said...

Diana Nyad is 16 miles away from the Florida Shore.
Started off in Cuba... On her way to Key West.
I hope she makes it!
Blessed Be.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the information, Hoda. I haven't been keeping up with the news as much as usual. Things are busy around here.

Hope she makes it this time. Sounds promising.

Cannot imagine swimming that far!

stronghunter said...

Can't get to sleep.

It is raining again here, though not as hard as earlier--at least not right now.

The grass has been green and growing all summer without any watering. Will is complaining.

stronghunter said...

Good to see that James is doing well, Margy.

Sandi said...

Good Monday morning my eagle friends! Happy Labor Day! Today is truly my last day of summer - weather forecast doesn't look too good for the beach today but we may be OK for tennis this morning.

Judy, bummer on the ticket!

Jo, didn't mean for all those tennis picnic photos to end up on my FB. I deleted them, except for the one of Denny and our good friend Dick Williams. I prefer to be the photographer to keep the camera facing away from me - don't really care to get my picture taken.

Judie, hope your computer is up and running soon. I'm thinking either Norton is a very poor antivirus or it somehow got turned off. I use Avast - there is a free version, but I pay for an annual subscription to get the upgraded version - only costs $40 a year for all 3 computers. I'm very pleased with how well it protects from viruses and malware.

Have a great day all!

JudyEddy said...

GOOD Morning Eagle Buds

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning SIS I see you on the MAP

Janet said...

Good Monday (Labor DAy) morning. Waking up a bit. Normal work day for me, although they do close @ 3. I only work 8 to 2.

JUDYE: sorry you had such a terrible evening! egad! i hope today will be better.

it was a busy weekend with grandkids. but it was fun. jack was such a delight last night and amelia a delight the day/night before. lorelei, wel she's a baby and can't help but be a gem!

we have had some lovely rain and i think we may get a bit more today. cooler weather, (80-s) ahead.

rolling into september....have a wonderful day!

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

Good morning Sandi, Judy and Janet! I bet our late owl, Shirley sleeps in this morning!

I did see all the pictures of your tennis group, Sandi - I know whAt you mean about be3ing the photographer. At least then I get the snaps of who I want.

Lori O. said...

Had written a long post with all I wanted to say and it has disappeared! URGH and big GRRRRRR!

No time to rewrite, but wanted to say I hope everyone has a great day!

Love you all!

Kay said...

Good Labor Day Morning to you, my dear Eagle Buds !

JUDY, too bad about the ticket ! Just look at it as an entertainment fee for all the wonderful times you've had at the beach over the years ! Signed, Pollyanna ☺

LOLLY, glad you didn't go ahead and buy enough steaks for Michael, Ashley and Zach. Hope your dear son gets the message from his dear mom ! Kids !

SHIRLEY, love the pic of you at the Stanley Hotel ! Hoping to see more of your CO visit.

JO, thanks, as always for all you do for we Momsters !

JANET, "busy weekend with grandkids", nothing sweeter !

SANDI, don't know why a person as lovely as you should mind having a picture taken !

HODA, read about your paddling and filming. Wears me out just trying to keep up with you ! Now I need a nap !

MARGY, "James the Wise Kidster is well, getting taller and smarter every day...." Music to my ears !

Penny and I are off to a slow start today---twill be a day of rest !

Love and Prayers for all ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Oh, my! Looks like we need to start copying our posts before we try to paste again. Just in case.

Hunter and Kathryn are off to practice. I guess Will and I are soon going off to buy a riding mower. And the washer needs fixing. Maybe I can get that man who fixed my dryer. I think he works out of his home.

The day before school starts is not a good time to have the washer not working. The knob you use to start it has broken. It would be nice if we could fix it ourselves, but the parts stores might be closed today.

magpie said...

there are probably some spare parts up where "the shiny garland and old appliances rest"

Best wishes on the repair, and All Things Busy at Your Roost !

Good Morning, Eagle Pals

Happy Labor Day to all....
God Bless Our Laborers, past and present

and for all those 24-7-ers' amongst us, including the Military

xo ♥

magpie said...

Sycamore Tree and ky look beauteous...

hot day hereabouts...

Lolly: Yes, Shirley said it well, we would like to send you some Rain...
Have Fun with the cooking today, and be SURE to tell us all about it!

magpie said...

Sycamore SKY that would be...

on disappearing posts..
had you already hit Publish ?

I have things disappear, but
if I am lucky, I can right click in the field and it miraculously
reappears, this occurs with emails
with me also...

Sorry we did not get your Post !
ARRRGH to the max !

magpie said...

and I do often still do the
hightlight, right click and Copy technique...
that Shirley mentioned...

Well anyway, Hello and Best wishes on your very good day...wondering if you are finished with the camping trip ?

magpie said...

Hoping that YOUR day is especially rich with enjoyment...
and at least your work week is only FOUR days long upcoming

stronghunter said...

I use Avast, too, Sandi--the paid version. But some stuff had gotten through. However, it does sometimes warn me that a malicious attack was blocked.

Try scanning with Malwarebytes to see what might need to be removed.

stronghunter said...

Put a few more pictures on my blog. The second "Shirley's Pics." That first one was a mistake, and I have been playing with it, but no pictures yet. Would like to change the name on that one. Haven't figured out how.

magpie said...

LOL shirley:
I was just taking the tour and enjoying the pictures !!
AND I was able to prove I am not a robot ☺

I like the fancy effects on
the first shirley's pics, but I did know to go the second one

Mema Jo said...

Try to copy/paste and enjoy

magpie said...

five minutes and 7 seconds later


Oh, so many favorites I saw on there

☺ thanks !

stronghunter said...

Figured out how I was getting multiple posts on my comments on my blog. It posted another one every time I tried to back out of the blog. So, I eventually just left and came back. Don't know if you all see all those comments or not.

magpie said...

I have a few folks I want to send that on to also

Okay, well, time for some "labor" around here

Kay: Always a treat to read your Sunny ☼ posts....

Best Wishes to EVERY ONE for a razzle dazzle enjoyable kind of a day !!

(( HUGS and Lovins' ))

magpie said...

I saw a few of those Shirley
but it was OK with me... I have the same thing happen with me
sometimes ☺


Lolly said...

GOOD MORNING! Went to bed hearing thunder. Think we go 2 one hundredths of an inch. Still chance of isolated storms today...pray! 80 and really muggy. Jack is out watering but I was determined to finish my coffee first.

Have a great day!

stronghunter said...

I tried deleting them, but, of course, then you get the "comment deleted" comment.

stronghunter said...

I agree on the coffee, Lolly.

Hoda said...

Good morning

Off on my bicycle today

Happy labour day

Hoda said...

2 miles to go!
She has some stings and abrasions.
She got her crew together and told them a big thank you and encouraged them to keep going!
On her way in
2 miles to go!

DIANA NYAD, Ladies and Gentlemen!

Mema Jo said...

Hoda - I feel certain there isn't any stopping her! Hope a large welcome committee is waiting for her

I have been at this computer all morning and now it is early afternoon
I did get my leaf blower out (Think of Lynn every time I do) and cleared my peanut shell laden deck!

Going to go and think of something to do other then an afternoon nap! lol


stronghunter said...

Just saw the news about Diana Nyad, Hoda. Amazing. She is almost there.

A great example of determination.

Hunter practiced well, but turned his ankle. Doesn't seem to be a serious sprain, though. Kathryn is treating it with cold and hot treatments.

stronghunter said...

I am sure she will be welcomed by a large crowd, Jo.

Lolly said...

My plans keep changing. While outside decided to work in the yard today. It is hot but cloudy. Then it sprinkled a little bit. So, not sure what I am going to do today. Right now I am going to walk and may go outside it the sprinkling has stopped. It is barely even a sprinkling. Have filled bird feeders including the hummer food. Big article in the paper about how the hummers are going to have trouble migrating as it is so dry and no flowers. I now have two feeders out.

Janet said...

Good Monday afternoon. home from work. we were fully booked across teh board today .... :)

it is currently pouring outside. i saw 2 accidents on the interstate on my way home. one was in the clearning stages and one had just happened. someone had stopped so i continued on.

hydroplaning i suppose.

it was a good day. tom got his 2 hour massage from his new therapist carrie. i worked....and now am home. no yoga tonight. i see they close @ 4.

oh well, i am off now until thursday morning. i have plenty plenty plenty to do.....mostly piddly stuff, but some of it important and nearly all of it on the computer.

i have my physical in the morning and then a dental appt @ 11. woo hoo. yeah me. be glad when its all done. get the big squeeze in a couple of weeks. :P

hope everyone is having a safe and lovely afternoon! :)

Lolly said...

Ended up working in the yard. Got a lot done. Tired and sweaty now, however even though the sun came out it is presently only 87. Some folks are apparently getting showers, but not us. What am I doing wrong? :(

Hoda said...

Had a terrific bike ride and met up with some friends for coffee.
Great excitement as TWO racing teams are headed out to Dragon Boat races this Friday.
Kallispel Montana And Penticton BC

Diana Nyad what an incredible role model.
Made it in 53 hours!
An inspiration

Mema Jo said...

I found a stink but inside the lid of my bird feeder and of course the squirrels and birds don't eat them!

Need to find FOOD


JudyEddy said...

Honey I am home and how was your day??
Just started to read and I loved KAY comments about entertainment fee But it use to be metered I guess they didn't make as much with meters LOL

JudyEddy said...

I also have NORTON the up to date one I purchase at work not online and it has stopped several attackes on my the Trajon thingy and the Kubu don't know the exact spelling but I think you all know the one I was talking about Plus the cable co has tracking on our puters Angie has had hers shut down by them once when her didn't catch it Macfee is what she had

JudyEddy said...

Our store was like a ZOO today I tell you if I had the day off that is the last thing I would be doing is going to Wally World
Not to offend anyone but these people live around and for their food. Like nothing else matters in their life LOL Upset if we don't have what they are looking for "OH I came all the way out here and I can't believe you don't have it or out of it" I am so happy I am not like that when I shop for food It just food buy something else LOL Ok enough venting

JudyEddy said...





JudyEddy said...

I am a little disappointed in Google today only a teeny tiny American Flag below the word google They could have done something else I think JMHO

JudyEddy said...


Jewels said...

Good evening my wonderful friends. I have alot of reading to do. This past weekend was not a good one at all. Started out with a dr appt on friday.IT was with my female dr. Turns out when I my BC put in, I had a polyp in my uterus. It is still there so she wants to do a hysteroscopy and and d & c. I will be put to sleep. It scares me cause I have never been put to sleep before. As long as no complications arise, like poking a hole in my uterus, she can replace my bc too. So after I thought about this surgery, and not having my mom with me or to talk to about it, I ended up in tears for most of the day and night and into saturday. Jessica has been giving her daddy and I quite the attitude lately and that has me at my wits end. We still have her best friend living with us, no license, no job, we got her out to have a permit, but noone in her family will put insurance on her car so she can learn to drive it. Said she has to get a job first. After putting Jessica on ours, we can't afford another teen on our insurance yet. The stress of everything is coming down on me. I can't wait to get my butt to the beach and relax some.
Thanks for listening to me ramble. IT helps to just get it out of my system and you have said before, come tell and you will listen. Love you all!

magpie said...

Ramble, Sweetness2
That's certainly what we are here for....
for YOU...
(( HUGS ))
I am sorry this is a such a difficult time for you....

(and incidentally, we are going to the triple SPLIT in a post of two..don't want to lose anyone...)

magpie said...

I have to state I am naive about "bc" but I might figure that out here shortly...

Let us know, when, and where this procedure will take place...
and you know, Jewels...
This fellowship will

magpie said...

I know now what BC is, Jewels....

and new term for me
Hysteroscopy...but I know what that means now also

Hoda said...

Glad you came on JEWELS.
Lifting you up in prayers.
For your surgical procedure no one can replace a talk with your MOM yet we can be there for you on the dates and Momster Prayers will see you through.
Are you still doing the weight loss program?
You look great.

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1/22/25 PM Sorry late busy day

7AM.scout comes to the nest 7:02 AM. We exit the nest after trying out the bowl. .1:07 PM scout comes to the nest. She has been eating the w...