Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Fresh thread.


Judie said...

Thank you, Steve. Have hollered for the others.

Jo, happy to know Christine is out of surgery and smiling. Am I correct in guessing that a drainage tube indicates a cyst that can be treated non-surgically? Hope so.

Lolly said...

Thanks for the call over, Judie. Enjoy your feather1

Yes, I am wondering about Christine.

paula eagleholic said...

Hi Judie! Thanks for the call over. How many feathers do you have now???

JudyEddy said...



JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

SHIRELY that message has been under the camera since the beginning I think its for the nest cam is what they are referring to

stronghunter said...

Brought over the messages I posted on the old thread:

Blogger stronghunter said...
Sounds like Jack is very talented, Lolly. I like the part about the magnet.

Okay--the message under the live feed says that the live feed is offline. Maybe we need to tell them.

Cloudy at the nest now.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013 5:12:00 PM
Blogger stronghunter said...
Glad the surgery is over, Jo.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013 5:13:00 PM

Sandi said...

Hi all! Thanks Steve for the new thread and Judie for the call over.

Jo, great news that Christine has gotten some relief! Hope the docs can figure out why these cysts/abscesses keep happening!

Have had my nose in my Kindle all afternoon. Then I went outside and did some watering. Forecast is for rain but I'm skeptical.

Later - time to prepare food for people and pets!

Oh yeah, I got one of those, "There is something wrong with your computer" phone calls this afternoon. here's how the conversation went:

Man with the Indian accent: Hello ma'am, our server indicates that there is something very wrong with your computer."

Me : Oh my!!!

Man: Yes ma'am, your computer is downloading very dangerous programs.

Me: Oh no!!!

Man: Yes ma'am, your computer is ready to crash at any time now.

Me: You don't say??!!

Click - HE HUNG UP!!! =) Guess he understood sarcasm pretty well!

OK, later!

Hoda said...

Had an excellent yoga practice today.
The other instructor the young one does not need to become more mellow she needs to clue in!!! WOOLEN blankets are not appreciated when it is 89 degrees!!
I will save the Brownies maybe I am the one who needs them!!! LOL

Thank God CHRISTINE is alright prayers continue JO.

LOLLY nice shirt!
I laughed.

Market day is so good. I just had Kombucha to drink. Refreshing.


Lolly said...

Glad you laughed, Hoda! I did, too!

It's Time! That is our slogan around here every evening at this time. Time to quit work, piddling, whatever and sit down and have a glass of wine.

House is spic and span. Hurry, I mean HURRY on over before it gets messy again. LOL

JudyEddy said...

SANDI funny phone call ODD I should say LOL

I like the SHIRT gardening is cheaper than therapy that was on the site LOLLY

JudyEddy said...

ZIMMERMAN was pulled over for speeding in TX just outside Dallas area Family said they are going in hiding because of death threats

Janet said...

good late afternoon to all!


and thanks to JUDIE for the callover! congrats on the feather.

raining again. i think tomorrow promises drier weather. it is barely in the 80's and very very humid.

its been a good day. took seven to the vet. 20.9 lbs now, just under 4 months old.

getting ready to cook dinner. then watch a movie. i need to pack lunches and get ready for tomorrow....aug 1. school. where oh where did my summer go???? oh where oh where can it be???? its been cut short by school marms you know, oh bring back my summer to me!!!!!

have a great evening! :) Hugs

Lolly said...

Just watched the video of him being stopped. :)

Lolly said...

Janet, so very thankful that Texas did post a law (or whatever) School can not start until the third week in Aug. Temp is just still too hot!

JudyEddy said...

JANET School down here starts the 19th use to be after Labor Day but they moved it up over the years don't know why and the school hours are odd where Jordyn is going 8:20 to 3:10

Lolly said...

You are so right, Judy. Gardening is cheaper than therapy. Love nothing better than working out in the yard.

JudyEddy said...

ITS 93° now and climbing was 91° when I got home and getting ready for the storms to start again with the heat and sea breezes

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY I can't wait to be able to do yard work after I retire Now just no time tooo dang hot when get off and the mosquitoes own the yard now LOL
I just to do it on days off but with Jordyn it stopped to much fun with her My back yard is a jungle

JudyEddy said...

that should have said I use to do it on my days off but with Jordyn etc

JudyEddy said...

We probably will be going to see Winter The Dolphin tomorrow with the 19th approaching need to get use out of the yearly pass I got

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle in the tree!

Little bird harrasing it.

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like an adult.

paula eagleholic said...

Think it's a mockingbird.

paula eagleholic said...

funny to watch!

Eagle is ignoring it. :)

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

HI PAULA I love watching that so funny Adult could care less That is what happened here at the cell phone tower all the time also

JudyEddy said...

looks like touched the back of the tail area

JudyEddy said...

I got a couple of snip of the attack LOL

Mema Jo said...

As fast as you are getting these comments on this fresh thread I can tell there must be an eagle near by.

Christine: Today they finally went in & determined it was an abscess, so they went in & aspirated it. She is on heavy duty antibiotics & will have a drain for 2 weeks - but hopefully this will be the solution.
God is good all the time. ♥

JudyEddy said...

Looks like maybe SHEP what do you think LOOKS thinner

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, sounds like a good solution...hoping it works just like it's supposed to!

JudyEddy said...

That little mocking bird has landed on the branch just above the eagle head soo funny

JudyEddy said...

eagle gone

Sandi said...

Eagle just landed in the tree again - adult!

Sandi said...


Lynne2 said...

Glad to hear the good news of Christine, Jo!

SCHOOL? AUG 1??? Geezawizzo!

Funny conversation Sandi...OMG, it saddens me that people actually fall for these scams.

Lynne2 said...


Mema Jo said...

Judie - Christine's condition:

It was a huge abscess 6cm*7cm. It was caused from the bile leaking into my abdomen back in January. Basically it started as an infection and formed a big mass with puss and stuff in it. They drained 100 milliliters off during the procedure and the drain will be in several weeks as well as reapeat ct scans and intense antibiotics.

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Judie said...

Good news for Christine, Jo. Hope her recovery time will be quick and without further problems.

Sandperson is packing a very large satchel of sleepy dust. Restful sleep for all.

Mema Jo said...

I'm getting ready for the Sandperson to come into the valley.
I am just mentally tired especially since I didn't do anything physical today.

Tomorrow shall be a less emotional day. Thank the good Lord for all the Blessings He has bestowed upon me and my family.

Goodnight to all ♥

Hoda said...


God Bless Us All.

stronghunter said...

Time for me to sleep. Hunter and I will be back to the regular schedule tomorrow.


Lolly said...

Well, good grief!! Sandperson really hoppws, skipped across the country fast tonight!! Fell asleep in my chair before 10...way before! I have showered and am ready for bed....right now!

Jo, thanks for the clear explanation of Christine's problem. Certainly will keep her in prayers for quick and complete healing.

Night all! SED!!

Lolly said...

I just love it when I create new words!! "hopped"!!!!!!

Janet said...

good morning. happy august.

needing much coffee this morning.

hope everyone has a lovely day. light, love, healing, comfort, and hugs to all ..... have a great day.

Sandi said...

Good cloudy August 1st morning my eagle friends!

Shepherdstown tree is MT.

Jo, good news on Christine that the cyst is a complication of her earlier gall bladder problem. Once they drain everything and she goes through the course of antibiotics, all should be fine since her gall bladder is now out and can't leak into her abdomen again. Loved the photo of her on FB!

Shar, thinking of you and praying for you today as you meet with the neurologist.

Janet, wishing Olivia a great start to her 7th grade year! Beter her than me!!

Rain is in the forecast off and on today - will have to see if I get my 2 hours of tennis in.

Make it a great day all!

JudyEddy said...


MT Attic and tree but what a beeautiful blue sky

glo said...

Good morning all. Stopping by to check up on all of you and make sure everyone is behaving. Dex and I are both doing well. Temps here have been so wonderful for days now. We get out and about often which is great for both of us. Prayers for those with medical conditions. Not all caught up but see Christine and Sharon are both on that list. Loved the play by play of the phone call Sandi. Wish I could type without senile dyslexia these days :-). HAGD everyone.

Judie said...

Good morning everyone.

Happy back-to-school Olivia. 7th grade? Wowser. Getting all grown up, girl.

Lolly, maybe I should have warned you that I heard the Sandperson mumbling last night and thought I heard something about hoppwsing to visit Lolly. Guess he was plotting to get you first.

Hi Glo. Glad you and Dex have been out and about. Cooler days are so welcome. Rain here this morning.

Shirley, hope the day is less frenetic for you. Bet that vacation in CO is looking better and better.

Jo, thinking of Christine and maybe she will go home today.

Little osprey alone this morning. Isla left last year on 8/3.

Panda babes are still healthy and growing.

Off to do some "stuff" of not much importance. BBL

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Jo, sounds like Christine should mend well and have no recurrence!

Sandi, loved your conversation with the "techie" LOL

stronghunter said...

Got off to a slow start this rainy morning. But Hunter is at the Y now. Most of his group went on a field trip earlier, but some kids his age are still there, so he should be okay.

Football coaches say the boys should do exercises, but I don't know that he will have time now. Surely, spending the day at the Y is a good substitute. He will be active.

Hunter says that he's co-captain of the defensive unit. That makes him feel good.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥
Just a reminder since Margy isn't on to Change you Calendars! It is August and I'm not sure how July whizzed by us all.

If Christine isn't released today, we will go down for a visit and also bring Michael home. He is a very dedicated dad.
Two drs were in to see her and they were waiting for lab results.

Prayers for our Sharon... So much has been put on her!

Great news about Hunter's title Shirley. He is having a good summer. I'm sure your CO trip will also be relaxing for all 3 of you.

Hoda said...

Thinking Of SHAR and sending prayers. Hoping to read how it all went.

Cooler today not by much!!! 82 degrees!

I am so done with summer!!! So looking forward to autumn and cooler temperatures.

The above sounds do funny to me!!! LOL

Mema Jo said...

Headed down the road to BALTIMORE

Looks like weather forecast for RAIN is about to start.

BBL Early evening

Hoda said...

Got out of the lake in time for thunder and I think we are in for rain.

Safe travels JO

paula eagleholic said...

Sandi, are you finally getting some rain today?

Looks like I will get my mowing finished.

Shar, hope you get some answers.

Janet said...

Good afternoon to all.

The sun is out today. We have ice skating tonight, so I am resisting the urge to float in the pool.

What a day...

Will be picking Olivia up @ 4....hope she had a good day.

I am really looking forward to my trip next week. I am thinking I am NEEDING a few days away from work....

Hope everyone has had a good day!

JudyEddy said...

HELLO just got back from a long day at winter the dolphin Did the boat ride tour and trolly to downtown to see the new building with all the movie set stuff in it

Also so far I can't get the cam to load

Sandi said...

Holy cannoli, is it ever pouring out!! Got a little rain this morning and then clouds and some off and on drizzle but the skies have opened up now. typing this on my new phone - tried once last week but couldn't log on so my comment didn' post.

JudyEddy said...

I still can't get the cam anyone else

Lori O. said...

Haven't checked the cam yet, JUDYE.

JO, so happy Christine is going to be okay. That's scary!

I've been very, very busy here, trying to get things done for when I come up here to stay in three weeks.

I got a new Iphone (for free with contract) yesterday, since my AT&T cut off my old free service I'd had for several years, since I did commercials for them. Guess all good things come to an

I am having the hardest time here with this slow takes 5 min to play a game of WWF, sometimes longer when I have to reload it. URGH!

Tomorrow is orientation at school. Mom and I took a practice drive up there yesterday then stopped and ordered my uniforms. Already got my white shoes! This is scary - it's starting to fall together so fast.

SHARON, prayers for you, my dear friend. Waiting to hear what the doctor told you.

Love you ALL!!!

Hoda said...

Can dance forward in her new adventure...

I can not get the cam up JUDYE

Waiting for SHAR to let us know what went on today.

Rained a bit. Not enough for the two forest fires in this valley.
NELSON IS NOT IN DANGER from either one.

Paying bills, reconciling books, laundry and recycling is what I have been doing. It is all good.

This brings me an incredible gratitude.

Yoga with the young teacher. I almost don't want to go, yet wonder how that would affect her. Already almost everybody has stopped going... It is very difficult to be a young teacher.

Sandi said...

Still pouring here - I bet we've gotten 4 inches of rain since 2pm!!

I have the live cam page open! Tree is MT!

Read a post on Facebook from Bev from about an hour ago that said:

"No dreaded news, not MS. Doing some other tests, maybe some peripheral neuropathy and hormone-related neuropathy, but nothing terrible. Thanks for the prayers, keep em coming!! — feeling grateful."

Need to fix food for people and pets - later!

Hoda said...

SHAR has some good news on FB.
I am relieved
More tests.

paula eagleholic said...

Going to watch the gkids tonight while John and Ajay go out to dinner. Today is the 10 yr anniversary of their first date.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Mighty glad to hear the good news about Christine, and about Shar!
Keeping both in my prayers for healing.

Lolly, I like your baskets! Nice idea!

It's been cooler here, but the humidity has been matching the temperature, or exceeding it. Yuck!

Haven't much get-up-and-go today. Guess it must've got-up-and-went!
Do have a few chores to finish, though. Wishing all of you a great evening! Will try to get back here after dinner. I ♥ us!!!

Hoda said...

I hope JOHN and AJAY work it out PAULA.
Blessings to them the kids and you.

paula eagleholic said...

Heading out, catch ya'll later!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Hoda :)

Lynne2 said...

evening all!

Paula, I'm glad to hear the J and AJ are heading out to celebrate THAT specific thing. Gives me hope! I hope they have a really nice time!

Hoda, so sorry about the Yogo teacher. It's a shame so many have left. Maybe some well thought out gentle advice to hear might help?

Need to shower and get to bed. Very tired. Love and prayers to all!

JudyEddy said...

Hello just got home

ODD but I still can't get the cam on either computer lap or desk top
and I tried IE and Google and no luck

JudyEddy said...

check out GOOGLE

JudyEddy said...

HODA couldn't get the cam up so that make me feel somewhat better that I can't get it to load so will just try again tomorrow maybe its regional thing LOL I saw Deb posted that a adult was in the attic at 816 and SANDI had the cam up When I came home earlier the arrow was spinning and I just refreshed it and lost it since then

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

magpie said...

Sounds like something I would like.
Lynne2...thanks for the chuckle.

I saw that Google image, that JudyE mentioned....yes it's nices!

I am most happy to read of the
GOOD update on Christine....!!

Good Evening, Eagle Pals
from the land of Never Never Computer Land

Oh boy, Paula...that John and
Ajay are having some time together on this 10-year first date Anniversary, and that you are
helping out with the little tykes


magpie said...

I've really missed being here....
it's a weird experience...
and especially when one does not know when one that would be ME will back in the swing again

LORI: Yabba Dabba Doo,,,
it's almost time!

magpie said...

had the same kind of "computer alarm alert" call that
Sandi was describing....a few weeks ago....glad to say I was way too busy
to even entertain what they were saying at the time...

magpie said...

I am sure someone has mentioned the lovely sound of the katydids at night.
And home-grown tomatoes.
And more butterflies.
And all the kinds of wonderful things
this time of year brings.

Jo: Yah, good girl, with the reminder to roll those calendar pages over !!!

I'm about out of steam now,
I sure wonder about the things I
have missed out on...but I figure I will get caught up one of these

Lovins' to all, and Prayers of asking for all our many needs, and of thanks for all our many Blessings..

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxoxox

Hoda said...

Good that you are here MARGY. Thank You.
Welcome Back.

Have not seen JO back on. Hope she has a safe trip back.

To night the young Yoga/Yogo/ ha ha teacher did much better. She did bring out the blankets and I thought I would have to speak up again more firmly!!!
Gratefully they were the raw silk blankets not wool.
She did listen some!!!
Step in right direction.
Did not have to deal with wool tonight!
Yay yay yay

Mema Jo said...

Our visit with Christine was great!
She looks good and her voice is strong - just a little slow moving! But what would you expect - she will have the drain tube for about 2 more weeks and will be getting CT to be certain the abscess has gone. Maybe she will come home tomorrow and if not then the next day for sure. Her girls really miss her.

Mema Jo said...

Headed for the pillows

Goodnight to All


I'll read your comments in more detail tomorrow...

I love us ♥

Judie said...

Blessings for all who have good outcomes to report and restful sleep. Sandperson is on the way.

Hoda said...


LOLLY is missing!

God Bless Us All

Lolly said...

Howdy! Here I am on my iPad! Laptop has been taken over by Laurel! Can not believe I have not been on all day!

Had a good day! Shopped for the boys and will shop for Laurel in the morn.

Remember when we went to GA and to neices's home on a river. Tonight saw pics of her back yard with water covering it! Yikes!

Heading to bed! Night all. SED!

Hoda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sandi said...

Good Friday morning my eagle friends! Sun is out this morning but I bet we got 4-5 inches of rain yesterday in about 3 hours!

MT tree in Shepherdstown!

Jo, great news about Christine doing well and coming home soon! I hope the drain and the antibiotics put an end to this whole ordeal for her!

Lori, have fun at orientation today!

Margy, good to see you back on the blog - hope you're here to stay for a while!

Lynne, no up during the night with Bandit last night - YAY!

Nothing on my agenda today - guess I'll clean and do laundry. Have a great day all!

Janet said...

good morning to all. TGIF ...!!

less tired this morning as i popped myself into bed by 9:30 last ngiht and proceeded to snore almost immediately. funny how working 1 extra day makes the week seem soooooo long ....

its finally warming up today. 90 so i plan to work, come home, and float some.

good to see magpie back!

HODA: hopefully with gentle encouragement the yoga instructor can learn.....but sometimes it takes being a bit more direct. hints are often dropped, but not always picked up.

glad we have some good news for sharon....hopefully better news ahead....

hope everyone has a lovely friday. :) light and love to all.

Janet said...

oops, sent that too soon...and chrstine as well....

extra light and love to those in need! :)

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


stronghunter said...

A quick good morning . . . time to get Hunter going.

Wishing everyone a fantastic day.

stronghunter said...

Branches above the nest are eagle-less at the moment.

Lori O. said...

Happy Friday morning everyone!

Glad everyone is okay and we had good reports on SHARON and Christine.

In a rush this morning...must leave in a few for Nursing School Orientation. I told Kate that I hoped I wasn't the oldest one there, and she said, forget the age, stand tall and embrace the new path. I loved that!

I'll check in later.

Hope everyone has a beautiful and happy Friday!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Lori, I agree with Kate! Enjoy the experience...I know you will do well. It is what you want to do!

Glorious morning...moved the laptop out here on the deck.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Lori, I know this will be after the event but know today will be a wonderful experience and the first of a challenging and exciting life change.

Hoping Christine can leave the hospital today and, don't know what Shar posted on facebook but happy it was good news.

Doing errands today.

Wishing all a lovely morning.

Hoda said...

Good Morning All.

KATE is right LORI BEAUTIFUL you too are BE YOU TIFUL. Stand Tall.

JUDIE, SHAR said on FB it is not MS. Running more tests.

Long weekend in BC ... The Monday after the first Sunday in August celebrates BRITISH COLUMBIA DAY!
The rest of Canada does not have that!!! Any excuse for a holiday in BC... We try to have a long weekend once a month. Makes people happy and without the Brownies too!!! LOL

Town is already showing signs of the SHAMBHALA FESTIVAL. A music Festival held on a ranch in Salmo outside of Nelson. Last year we had a drug overdose fatality unfortunately! It starts on the 7th and goes to the 12th!!! The busiest time of year for intakes in the Mental Health Depts.
So we are more Hippie than we are usually Hippie. Strange feel to the town. I hope they all stay safe. Drug use is not restricted to marijuana!!!

So excited about SHIRLEY's up coming trip.

I volunteer with the Yoga Festival on Saturday Evening
I volunteer with the triathlon Sunday Morning.

Today yoga, work on plants and meditate.


Hoda said...

Prince George Alexander Louie if Cambridge has officially been registered on a Birth Certificate in Windsor.
His parents listed their occupation as Prince and Princess of the United Kingdom. Prince William wrote up the certificate.
Pretty good indication he will give up his Search and Rescue position with the RAF

Hoda said...

Prince George Alexander Louis
Not as I spelt Louie

Lolly said...

LOL Not the way I spell it either, Hoda!

Have had a great breakfast of pancakes, bacon and eggs. Jack is a great breakfast cooker!

Good morning! Laurel and I are set to head out.

Later Gators! Have a great day!

paula eagleholic said...

Interesting, Hoda. Now that he's a Dad, time for a less risky occupation!

Out here watching the birds this morning...and enjoying the yard.

paula eagleholic said...

Have fun shopping, Lolly!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥
Thinking of Lori and I can remember (Sorta) the feeling about 1st days.
Lori you will be the sinning star!

Good news is that Christine should be coming home this afternoon - I know her girls are as excited as she is.

Once again I have no plans for my day - I just play it by ear ♥

Judie said...

Oh my goodness, Lori is going to be a sinning star in nursing school? Well, there might be a doctor or two or

Hoda, maybe this festival will be more about music and less about other mind altering things. Regardless, have fun with the yoga festival and the triathalon. Thank you for the MS news from Shar.

Jo, so happy Christine will be home with her family. Glad she is on the mend.

Happy shopping Lolly.


Hoda said...

Not much of a chance of that JUDIE. LOL
the organizers of Shambhala Festival are big on security and they have medical personnel on hand, they even invite both City Police and the RCMP in and yet it continues to be the Drug Fest of the Kootenays!!!
The hospitals are on stand by and Mental Health in take is the highest this time of year.

Blessed Be...

Enjoy your day LOLLY shopping for school clothes is fun.

stronghunter said...

Hello my friends,

I am sending out a prayer request this morning for my friend Pat and her husband Joe..

I just got a phone call that Pat was found on the floor of her bedroom this morning and has been taken to the hospital and placed on a ventilator. Her husband Joe is also on a ventilator in a nursing home.

Pat is a long-time member of my bridge club, and we have been worried about her for some time as she has not been well. Her husband had surgery awhile back, but had to go to a nursing home because his recovery was not good.

stronghunter said...

Thinking of you, Lori, on the beginning of a new life for you. You will definitely be a shining star.

magpie said...

Prayers on the Wing, Shirley...
Hoping and praying for good, peaceful, comfortable outcomes

YAY Jo, for Christine and her family....can we send cards to YOU for her?


and for Lori: when you are a nurse I would choose to be sick (if I had to be sick....)
wherever YOU are stationed....
A good nurse is a blessing to the ill, just remember that because YOU WILL BE that blessing ♥ xoxo

magpie said...

I am at work... so I must
get back to that which I get paid in the Dough Factory $$

Best Wishes to All, for a very
good day

xoxo (( HUGS ))

Hoda said...

Prayers for PAT and JOE SHIRLEY.
Healing thoughts for her. Light to all the friends from the Bridge Club.
Very difficult when a long time friend takes sick.

Hoda said...

MARGY I still remember and am grateful for the dough from the dough factory that you sent here. Grans still speak of it. Thank You.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - Prayers for both Pat and Joe. I know you had mentioned Joe's condition before.... I pray there are other family members available.

Good to see you Margy..
On FB I did the reminder of wearing red - forgot it on here. :(

paula eagleholic said...

Hi Margy! Good to see you on here today and yesterday.

Prayers for your friend, Shirley.

paula eagleholic said...

Have seen the hummer here several times this morning :)

stronghunter said...

Thanks for your kind thoughts for Pat and Joe.

They have three lives in the Fredericksburg area, one is in Richmond, and the other is in California.

stronghunter said...

I am wearing red, Margy. I have done better about that since I told Hunter that our group wears red on Friday to honor the military. Hunter is very interested in things related to the military.

Judie said...

Prayers for Pat and Joe, Shirley. So glad some family are nearby.

Hi Margy. How's the hand doing now that it is back to work?

magpie said...

Always love to read of the RED tales here....
Shirley...that is nice about

God Bless Our Military.....
I am so grateful for their
tireless service to us...

Judie...well, I am typing okay,
have some exercises to do but sometimes I am too busy from 8-4 to get to them...
but they do help with the
regain of strenth, both hands....


Lori O. said...

Back from orientation and I am overwhelmed to say the least! Homework due the first day of class!

Thanks for all your support. I love you all so much!

I found two other gals who I will be carpooling with, so that will help a lot.

SHIRLEY, prayers for Pat and Joe. So tragic. Please let us know how she is doing.

HODA, have a rip snorting great time at the Shambhala Festival. Now, THAT sounds like a fun time!

JO, so happy for you and your family that Christine gets to come home today. Prayers for her continued healing.

Off now for a nap!

Lori O. said...

MARGY, what's the latest on your hand?

Hoda said...

LORI I am no NOT NOT NOT going to Shambhala Festival.
Over three hundred dollar tickets, very loud music and heavy duty drugs is not my idea of a good fun time.

Glad orientation went well. Glad you have others to car pool with.

magpie said...

OH MY.....

magpie said...

Well, I mean the nest TREE
the Mighty Sycamore

JudyEddy said...

LORI I am so happy that you have meet gals already to share the ride You have such a fantastic personality and I am so proud of you starting a new chapter in your life We are all 110% behind you

MARGY doesn't the tree looks so good eagle or not because we know what goes on the Mighty Sycamore ♥ So happy your wrist are better

JudyEddy said...

Waiting for sleeping beauty to rise
She was tired after going to the pool She went down the slide about 15 times and that's a good climb up it I want to by a water poof camera to get some pictures of her

JudyEddy said...

Angie and Jordyn and I are going back to school shopping as soon as Angie gets out of work Fl has a NO SALES TAX 3 days use to be a week but getting shorter every year With my 10% it will help and she doesn't know that I am giving her 100. to spend that is a surprise I have for her
May have some bad news on the house the house is almost 2,000 SQ ft but the addition that they put on is not in the original plans (1300sq ft) They can only appriase for a 2 Bd room 1 bath but it has 3 bdrm 2 bath , and three other rooms. They didn't get a permit so the additional 4 rooms can't be included unless they go and get a permit for it I hope they do The couple fell in love with Jordyn

Mema Jo said...




3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...