Thursday, July 18, 2013


New thread.


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Lori O. said...

Thank you, STEVE, for the new thread.

I'll go call the others over here.

Lori O. said...

YAY for the feather...I may get a full head dress in ten years at this rate. So excited!

Lori O. said...

Going back to read the old thread.

paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning!

Thanks for the new thread.

Congrats on your feather Lori.

Going back to caught up here as well

paula eagleholic said...

Gkids were here overnight, and will stay until this evening.

I am painting some clay pots to put my hibiscus in. I found 2 nice plants on the dead rack at Lowe's...$3 each and they are blooming wonderfully. Did you know the blooms only last a day?

So, once I get the pots painted, I think I am going to paint my gkids hands and have them put their hand prints on the pots :) Might do their feet too!

stronghunter said...

Hi again--

Glad I'm not the only one with a possessed printer. I guess you never know when it might be part of some surveillance system and is sending messages to the CIA or something. I am afraid the CIA would get terribly bored with my activities.

stronghunter said...

Sounds like a really neat plan, Paula. You will have to take pictures of the completed pots and share.

stronghunter said...

Still no one in the attic. I think they all decided it is a good day to hang out at the river.

stronghunter said...

Printer to CIA: She is sleeping. George the cat just threw up on her bed, but she is oblivious.

CIA: Check. You go George.

Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread and thanks Lori for the call over! Just checking the box to get comments sent to my email inbox.

May not be on the blog for the next few days but will try to keep up with comments.

Paula, great idea for the pots - would love to see pics of them when they're finished!


Hoda said...

Good morning all.

PAULA great creative idea on GKids and pots. Sounds like fun.

Enjoy SANDI we will miss you.


Thank you STEVE for the new thread.

Beautiful day here. Will go for a visit with a friend and maybe more Poetry Walk. Pictures this afternoon for the DRAGON TEAM.

Bicycling weather.

Hoda said...

I love us

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I love us too Hoda!

Mema Jo said...

I also US ♥♥

Thanks for the new thread, Steve and to Lori I send my congratulations and
wish for her a full headdress of beautiful feathers!

Mema Jo said...

Happy 21st Wedding Anniversary

to Carolyn aka Jewels and Charlie.

Wishing you many many more years of

Happiness and Love ♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Poor Carlene on the great dane cam was just feeding the puppies with a spoon and when she was done, she sat there drifting off to sleep. I am afraid she is overextending herself a little bit. Bless her heart!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Laurel and I sat up until 1:30 talking. Then at 7;30 Joseph brought a crying Annie into our bedroom. Think a nap will be in order today!

Laurel and boys are still here. We had a fantastic time last night. Passed on to Jack all the birthday wishes!

paula eagleholic said...

Lun's twins are both boys!

Hoda said...

Happy Anniversary CAROLYN. Many many more. Blessed Be

Lolly said...

Laurel and the boys are gone now. We cooked, served and cleaned up yesterday and Jack did not do a thing, Birthday over and he cooked waffles, bacon and eggs for breakfast. He also cleaned up...I did too. That is just what Jack does. He takes pride in being a great breakfast cooker. If I did it, he would be looking over my shoulder to make sure I was doing it right, lol

Then we walked around the yard poisoning fire ant hills. The rain has really brought the ants out!

Had a scare last night. Joseph came out of the bedroom where he had gone to pet Annie. Said she would not wake up and was twitching. Jack went back and he came out saying the time had come. Laurel said "Go Mom, give her love." I went in and guess what....she was fine!!! She is fine today, she even jumped from the cedar chest to our bed this morning. She sleeps so deeply and is so deaf, I think that was the problem. She is now eating so very little. I know it won't be long.

Hoda said...

" Go Mom, give her love"
You brought your daughter up well LOLLY.

May ANNIE'S transition be smooth.
Hugs to JOSEPH too for going in to check on her and for experiencing " Go Mom, give her love"

Blessed Be

Mema Jo said...

Panda Cub Switch

Sometimes it takes a while

Lolly said...

Looking Lun Lun right now and it looks like she does not have a cub at this time. Hmmmmm?????

Lolly said...

She is looking around as if to say where is my baby?

JudyEddy said...

HELLO home and find a new thread Now to get back to JOrdyn

Lolly said...

whoops, cam just went to the wall. Maybe they are giving a cub back. Really wonder why they had both.

JudyEddy said...

MT ATTIC and nest

Mema Jo said...

Perhaps Lun Lun is busy eating the sugar cane "bribe" that they give her.

Getting anxious........

JudyEddy said...

after swimming at 1 we went to have lunch and was going to go back to playworld but Jordyn fell asleep in seat so came home. She said she wanted a nap Well only a cat nap in car now she is watching Pound puppies and getting ready to do my hair

Mema Jo said...

Judy - Nest has been MT each time I checked today.

JudyEddy said...

She definitely is a car baby Falls asleep when car in motion Angie was like that also

Lolly said...

Looks like she has a cub back now. Wish they could give us more info as I find it so interesting. I do realize how busy they are taking care of them

Mema Jo said...

Panda cam is back on and Lun Lun is cuddling the cub

Drumroll, please ... It's two more boys for Lun Lun! The twins have been confirmed to be her fourth and fifth male offspring.

Lolly said...

Judy...Joseph always fell asleep in the car and almost 13 he still falls asleep easily in the car. Jacob is not that way.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - on the cam page sign up for the CUB CONFIDENTIAL

Lolly said...

I have Jo. I was a little hesitant to do it as we get so much email and I am so slow to check email. Jack does it every day. I am trying to do better. :)

JudyEddy said...

Angie and Carl went and looked at yet another house last night All the other house they lost out on because of CASH offers You know how people go and buy and resell Well they were giving up hope and went last night and saw another and guess what Their bid was accepted by the bank its either a foreclosure or short sell one that just was put on market and they got in there before any CASH people could bid on it Yeah for them she was about ready to give up Now just want for inspection etc
Jordyn just got done doing my hair I love it that she like to do that Feels so good to have your hair messed with

Janet said...

Good afternoon to all. Just a bit before we head out to ice skating .

Having a summertime thunderboomer. Nice rain. Its been a few days so this is welcome.

Regarding Olivia: back in 4th grade, when it became obvious that there wa sa problem, we took her to a psyhchologist who ruled out ADD. From there, she suggested that we go thru school testing....

I had not thought of calling the psychologist, but may do so. I am not sure where else to turn....I think MTSU does some testing...or maybe it was VANDY.....I may have to look into that as well. I have a resource that will know.

Today she went to the dentist and we have 3 referrals to an orthodontist. *sigh*. We knew this was coming.

It was a pretty good day at work. I think I am just tired right now.

I am started to get exicted. My trip to Michigan is 20 days away. Shortly I will have to start really thinking about it. Have any of you flown with a lap top? I am thinking about taking my rolling lap top bag and taking it on the plane with me instead of putting it in my suit case. Any thoughts?

It is small and will fit under a seat or in the over head nicely.

I forgot to share that they have released Tom to go back to work when school starts! A full 4 weeks earlier than anticipated@!!!
He is very pleased. He is still in physical therapy, and will have one more meeting with his M.D. He has really taken care of this shoulder.

Well I need to scat. Happy Anniversary to Jewels and Charlie!

Light, love, and hugs to all!

JudyEddy said...

Almost time to leave and naturally the afternoon storms are rolling in I had gone out side to check the top of the car port again and the darn squirrels are having a field day with tearing apart pine cones the whole top of my carport was covered yesterday got most off and they are at it again All these years living here and this is the first year I noticed all the pine cones and the mess I wonder why not before???I think its a Norfolk Pine I always thought it was a Australian Pine but I now don't think so with the needles it has I googled and it looks more like a norfolk one trying to figures out if this is a yearly thing May just have to get cut down I can't keep up with the carport cleaning it all the time

JudyEddy said...

WOW sis 20 days that not long at all seems like it was a long time ago you were talking about this and now its just around the corner

JudyEddy said...

JO I was reporting MT nest just in case someone complains about us not talking about the eagle LOL

and once again
our off spring has moved on
Deserted us

stronghunter said...


Cloudy at the nest. No eagles in the attic.

Lori O. said...

Good Afternoon Everyone!

JUDYE, congrats to Carl and Angie on the house - just one step to go! That's so exciting.

LOLLY, the story about Annie last night was so sweet...I'm glad though that she is still with us and you have more time to give her your love.

PAULA, amazing what you can find on the dead plant racks - many can just be given water and they're fine! Cute idea for painting pots.

Lori O. said...

SANDI, don't worry about not being here...we'll hold your space for you while you enjoy your friends.

HODA, what's for dinner? I always enjoy hearing your menu. :)

SHIRLEY, glad your printer is normal as normal can be.

Hope Judie and Kay are having good days today.

JO, are you addicted to the Panda cam?

paula eagleholic said...

It does seem like our juvies may have dispersed from the nest area.
I was hoping to get a look at them one more time. :(

Didn't get the pot project finished. The white paint to paint the pot was no good, so had to go get some more. Also, the gkids left earlier than I thought they would. So we will do it next time!

Just spent an hour looking for the extra mailbox keys. I know they aren't under the frig, and now it's clean under there!

Don'tcha hate it when things go missing like that???

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, love the story about Annie as well. So glad you and Jack are her cat parents!

paula eagleholic said...

Did get to show the kids the baby bunny in the yard. He munched the grass for a long time along the fence.

stronghunter said...

Me too, Judy. Reporting on the absence of eagles.

Hoda said...

LORI hard to think of food when it is hot. I do not have much of an appetite. Will have a fruit salad: BC peaches and cherries are coming in. Delicious. Also blue berries and honey dew melon are out of this world. Will have pumpkin seeds and cashews for protein and will put a touch of lemon.Will add very thinly sliced red onion rings... In the heat always need to eat raw onions for the heart.

Had a terrific bicycle ride. An awesome visit and paid my car insurance for the year. They give me a new sticker and lots if new papers. Done for another year. Enjoyed my day.

Yes PAULA they seem to have gone the Juvies. I wish them well... Amazing that the last time we saw them was Sunday.
The GKids are blessed to have you for Grandma while things are so unsettled. Blessed Be.

Hoda said...

There will be coriander and mint on that fruit salad LORI.

Maybe THE PROFESSOR will be able to use her far sightedness and extra sensory perceptions to keep us well discussing where Hedgie and Shammrock have gone and who they are encountering and how they are getting along.

Safe travels and happy life young ones.

Hoda said...

Headed out to take photos of the Dragon Team headed into competition next weekend.

Lolly said...

Leftovers for dinner....not a shabby meal. LOL Then I went out, sat on the ground and pulled a few weeds, nut grass, hate it!
Our high today was 88, presently 83 but high humidity.

This morning, while eating breakfast, Jacob spotted a hawk on the ground in the backyard. He yelled, we all looked up to see it fly low and away. The boys were excited. I was wondering if it had not gotten a dove or a squirrel near the bird feeders. We do have lots of doves.

Laurel called. Joey has a job teaching freshman English in a town about 15 minutes away from Denton and a small school district. Now if only their house would sell. The woman who was going to buy it backed out. Grrrrr!

Lolly said...

Jo, there have been times when Lun Lun sleeps for so long without moving, that I thought they had just put a picture on there. Watched while I was doing my walking today. I was thrilled when she finally moved.

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, great news about a job for Joey. Sorry the house sale fell through.

Lolly said...

Thanks, Paula. It is what it is. The house has just too much to be done with it. They will just be walking away from it.

Janet said...

Quiet evening since the eagle babes seem to have flown the coop....

Home from dinner and ice skating. Am definately tired....I am cold and that is very very unusual. Usually I'm griping about hot flashes. I think my thermostat is broken.

Yes, JudyE, I've been planning this trip to Michigan for almost a year. Hard to believe it is almost here.

Drinking a cup of chamonmile/mint tea. Bed time shortly. SED to all.

Hoda said...

Love the Bunny picture PAULA.

Do pleased to hear JOEY accepted a teaching position LOLLY.
Awesome story about JACOB spotting the hawk.
Sometimes walking away from things makes room to create more things... Thinking of the house.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Evening!
Emma and I have been lying around in front of the fan again today. Hope everyone back east is surviving the heat and humidity!


Finally got a chance to go pick up my new printer at Walmart this evening. Saved $38.00 on it by ordering online and picking it up at the store. Not bad! Sure hope it turns out to NOT be possessed!

Lynne, you had asked what kind of test they did on Emma, and whether she was actually allergic to turkey, wheat, and whitefish. If I remember correctly, it's the NutriScan saliva test. It tests the 20 most common food allergens.
I still don't have the printed results, because Ken forgot to ask for them. The vet said NOT to feed her turkey, wheat, or whitefish, so I guess she is at least intolerant of them, maybe allergic.
Will ask if they can e-mail me the results.

Well, it's steamy hot in this room where the laptop is, so going to head to the living room where there's a fan. Hope everyone has a fantastic evening! I ♥ us!!!
♥♥Carolyn, Charlie, & Christy♥♥
God bless, and goodnight!

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Anniversary Carolyn and Charlie!

Hoda said...

Goodnight all

God Bless Us all

stronghunter said...

Time for me to say good night.

Loved your pic of the baby bunny on FB, Paula.

Hope your printer is not possessed, too, Andy.

stronghunter said...

SED, everyone.

Mema Jo said...

Good evening -
I really check on the panda cam but like you said, Lolly there isn't any action yet. In a few more weeks Lun Lun will go off to eat and then we'll get to see the cubs. I like it when they start to get the dark hair. SO no I am not addicted yet to the panda cam but I check it out a couple times a day.
Judy, me too - I always check for the juvies or adults but usually just need to say MT....

Mema Jo said...

Good for Joey! 2 regular incomes will be good for them and their planning.

Goodnight to all - Prayers for all your needs.

I do love us ♥

Lolly said...

Heading to bed. Up early tomorrow to mow. The grass has LOVED the rain!

Andy, the last time Joey took Luke to be groomed he was told she had food allergies by the groomer. He got some different food and they see a difference. Her skin is not as pink and her ears looks a lot better. Not a lot of black gunk. He is such a cute dog and had fun with them as he came too. They said he was getting excited in the car being told he was going to see Grandmommy. LOL

Gotta go! Night all! SED!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Shutting it down for tonight.

Heading to Larry's Beach house in the morning...will be there until Monday or so...then have to run home to work for one day, then headed back to my place...

SED love and hugs for all ♥

Judie said...

Hi everyone.

Congratulations to Angie and Carl and to Tom and to Joey. Happy anniversary to Carolyn and Charlie.

Glad Annie is okay, Lolly and that Emma is so much improved, Andy.

Hmmm, had to read back to get the context of Paula's pot project. Cute idea for the grandkids.

Sandperson left a while back. Restful sleep for all.

Costume Lady said...

Good Night my friends...hope you had a great day~
Blessings and love to all~♥~

Jewels said...

Thank you to all who wished Charlie and I Happy Anniversary. Hope all is well. I have been so out of the loop here, I am sorry!

Janet said...

Good morning and TGIF. Having a hard time shaking off the sleepy dust this morning.

Another day, some more massages! :) And then, chill time. I am looking forward to sleepign in tomorrow.

Everyone have a lovely day. Keeping each of you close in my heart and thoughts. :)

JudyEddy said...


sun is shinning so pretty on the MT Attic and nest this am

glo said...

Good morning all. I hope everyone is managing with the heat. i heard yesterday it was like 48 states. Thats pretty much all of the mainland. Dex and i are in 98% of the time this week, but doing OK. What fun those twin cubs are going to be as they get a little bigger and we can watch them play/ I am also enjoying the Gear Cam. one of the bears on there has 3 little cubs following her around. Mother and cubs video

glo said...

ok lets try that link one more time argh Mother and cubs

Lori O. said...

Good Morning everyone - Happy Friday!!!

JEWELS, I hope you and Charlie had a great anniversary celebration! And many great years to come!

PAULA, safe travels today to Larry's house. Enjoy your weekend!

Guess we lost SANDI this weekend to her friends who are visiting. Hope they are having a great time.

LOLLY, great news that Joey got another job. That sure takes off some of the pressure.

HODA, thanks for sharing your menu. You're so creative! I don't know a healthier eater!

Hope everyone can ride out the last few really hot days before the cold front arrives on Sunday and drops the temp about 10 degrees. What a blessing that will be!

Have a great day everyone.


Mema Jo said...

Good Red Friday Morning All

Another "HOT" one - How wonderful AC is - sure has proven it this past week.

Glo - Really loved the video of Momma Bear and her 3 cubs. Protecting
our young is more important then catching that big fish!

We have our MT nest - Guess I'll have to admit that this season has ended. Perhaps when the nest cam gets up/running we will see Belle and Shep repairing their nest. It certainly needs it. I really hope they keep the long-view cam in place.

Mema Jo said...

In honor of our Lady Lynn

Happy Birthday Christie ♥

May your day be special - lots of fun

love and happiness! Hoping you feel

the Momsters loving arms around you

Hoda said...

I will say what a beautiful way to extend Birthday greetings to LYNN'S daughter CHRISTIE.


Mema Jo said...

If you have a FB account - be sure to wish Christie a Happy Birthday on her page.

JudyEddy said...

GLO that link went to a Osprey nest Pretty osprey

JudyEddy said...

•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•.• .•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•.
Wishing You the HAPPIEST Of Birthdays!!!
✿•*¨`*•. (¯`v´¯) (¯`v´¯) .•*¨`*•✿
. . . ✿•*¨`*•.¸(¯`v´¯)¸.•´*¨`*•✿
......…………....♥ •.¸.•´♥……………..........

JudyEddy said...

Odd when I clicked on the link in my eamil it took me to the osprey am but when I click on it on the blog I got the bear cub spooky computer ODD for sure

JudyEddy said...

MT attic
Jordyn is down for a nap
We went to playworld and then the 935-1035 splash pool and she is wore out and I am not complaining but it was COLD in the pool its 83° here now Shhh don't tell the northerners we are cooler than them and I just checked the NEST area is 92° we have rain out in the gulf and stoms I guess that maybe oh and we have a cold front of sorts

Lolly said...

Good afternoon! Mowing is done and I have showered and ready to face the rest of the day. Was not too bad out working today, but each day it is getting back to normal temps. 87 right now.

Laundry is being done and trying to think of what I will do for the rest of the day.


Mema Jo said...

Judy - Glo's link took me straight to the video of the Mother bear and her 3 cubs!

Try it again - it is a good to see video...

JudyEddy said...

JO I did get to see the video after I click on the link on the blog When I click on the clink in my email it took me to a osprey nest pretty cool nest

JudyEddy said...

Its the osprey nest

JudyEddy said...

they have sound on the osprey can You can hear the osprey

Hoda said...

Off to yoga!
It is sweltering
Hope it is a gentle practice.

Hoda said...

Day time for this week in the 90's might time in the 50's.
I will never again complain about socks!!!!

JudyEddy said...

Just got back from lunch at Mikes Pizza I had my normal Clam chowder Jordyn also but she did something different she took her pizza and dipped in clam chowder instead of bread Angie post pic on facebook while we were there What a combo not my cup of tea lOL

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Christie.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Afternoon!


Just dropping in to say hello. I need to tear things apart in this room and get my new printer set up.
Will be crawling under the desk to get it plugged in, and get the cord threaded up to the laptop. Oh, to have young knees again! Emma is promising to help, so that should make it less of a chore.

Christie, I owe you an apology! I'm not sure how I managed to start spelling your name wrong, but I'm sorry! I hope I can remember to spell it correctly from now on!

Lolly, I'm glad that Joey got a new teaching job. Hope that their house will sell soon! That's great that Luke is doing much better! He sounds like he's got a lot of personality. How nice that he gets excited about visiting his Grandmommy!

Well, better get busy. This new printer is not going to install itself. Hope everyone has a great Red Friday! Will try to check back in after dinner tonight.
I ♥ us!!!

Lori O. said...


Hope it's a special one for you, and you find something cool to do to celebrate.

Kay said...

Squeezing in a big hello to my Eagle Buds between storms. Temps falling due to the rain and that's a good thing !

♫♫ Happy Birthday, dear Christie ♪♪♪ Hope it's a red letter day in every way !

LOLLY, another prayer answered ! S'wonderful to hear about Joey's new job ! Here's hoping the house sells soon !

Love and prayers for all others in need ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lori O. said...

KAY, so glad you've survived the storms. I always worry about you when I see anything on the weather that is going through OHIO. Our heat is supposed to drop at least 10 degrees on SUNDAY....YAY!

Hoda said...

MT tree...

I like being able to see the tree.

My computer is back and is as good as new.

So far every thing seems to be working and I am pleased with the service I got.

Very good yoga class.

HOT HOT HOT here...
Glad all who checked in are doing well.

Hoda said...

Little birds flitting abut.

Saw what I thought were flashes of lightning.

Do you suppose Belle and Shep are on vacation too or are they excorting the juvies away from their territory?

Hoda said...

make that about not abut!!!

Lynne2 said...

WOW storms a-brewin' nest area, heading my way...Jo, Megan, Margy, Paula, Caro, etc etc under the gun

Lynne2 said...

will check back, need to baton down...

Hoda said...

Stay safe all.

PAULA posted on FB she is already at LARRY'S.

Hoda said...


FB changes just arrived at my computer!!!
Clutter do not like them.
Ignore them mostly.
Just make sure that Friends are the only ones who could see my stuff...

Hoda said...

Well the Royal Baby was not born on Prince William's Birthday.
It is already tomorrow over there.

Hoda said...

Well FB page switched on its own to old display...
I don't appreciate it FB!!! Flip Flopping about!!!

glo said...

:-) Glad some of you saw and liked the video of the mother bear protecting her cubs. Wildlife parenting is pretty awesome and they never had a Dr Spock. Oh hmmm maybe that's why :-). Happy Birthday Christie yes Hoda. Keep your lap top with you on the plane!

Hoda said...

GLO I am slightly confused...I do not have a lap top and I am not planing any trips on the airplane.
I can not remember who made this comment but someone else not me.

Lolly said...

Read this afternoon between naps. After dinner went out and worked in the yard a wee bit.

Some rain in the area but not here. Possible chance the next two days and then back to triple digit temps. Groan... So hope we do get a shower tomorrow.

Annie was just in here, Sat on Jack's lap and then mine. No purring but she enjoyed the petting. Wish she would eat. She is skin and bones.

Hoda said...

Glad ANNIE was in for some time with you and JACK.
I can not imagine tripple digits LOLLY...stay hydrated and replensish your electrolytes.

Lolly said...

Well, Hoda, we do have AC. We do not go out when it is so hot. Guess I feel it the worst when I leave the car and walk across the parking lot to the grocery store. We are half way through summer. Yea!

Mema Jo said...

I had a good evening - I attended a Music program at my great-granddaughters' church. They had a week of Music School and they learned
bell-ringing and other instruments and also some singing. It was only an hour long performance and then refreshments afterwards. It was fun.

Mema Jo said...

I am going to say Goodnight.
I do hope we get some rain - just hope it isn't a storm which would knock out the power.

Everyone sleep well
God Bless you through the night

I Love Us ♥

Hoda said...

Thank God for A/C LOLLY
I would rather think you need it. I am to the point where I wished I had it.

Hoda said...

Good night JO. Hope power stays on and that it cools down.

Lolly said...

Hoda, I grew up 500 miles south of where I live now, semi tropical. Mother and Daddy had an AC window unit in there bedroom but the rest of the house did not. Do not know how Mother could stand cooking. It was very hot and very humid, but as a child it did not bother me.

Lolly said...

"their" bedroom, why did I do that?

Hoda said...

LOLLY heat did not bother me either when I was younger.
I remember the A/C units of which you speak.
I am convinced Global Warming has an effect on us.the layer that protects us from UV rays is thinner.
Remember I come from Africa, I am convinced the heat then and there was not as severe as it is here and now.

Your Mother strikes me as a beautiful soul. She taught you a lot.

Blessed Be

Lolly said...

She was, Hoda, and so was my Daddy. He was very special to me. He was the one who I could talk with growing up. He had a very kind, loving spirit. He died when I was 25, he was 58. Way too young!

Lolly said...

Going to say good night. News is on and then get ready to get some shut eye.

Night all! SED

stronghunter said...

Very sleepy--would like to make some comments, but will have to wait until tomorrow.

SED, everyone.

Costume Lady said...

Me, too, Shirley...too sleepy to think!
We had a small birthday party for Jillian, she will be 28 on Sunday~
See you all in the morning.
Good and prayers for all♥

PA Nana said...

Wanted to stop by and send good wishes to all to have a peaceful sleep to dream of eagles and pandas.
God bless and good night.

Hoda said...

I said Goodnight

God Bless Sus All

I can not see the post

Oh well!

JudyEddy said...

GOOD Morning Eagle Buds

I go back to work today vacation over
My stupid battery light came on in the truck last night on the way to Angies We put water to the battery and the light came back on on the way back to my house almost when I got home but when I turn off truck and restart light is off I did get the battery at work will have them check it today what a way to end vacation

Hoda said...

Good luck getting to work and hope battery issue is resolved JUDYE

Lori O. said...

Good Saturday Morning Everyone!

HODA and GLO, it was JANET who made the comment about taking her laptop on the plane when she goes on vacation...Michigan, I think.

JUDYE, sorry the staycation is over, but I hope you have a great day at "the office."

PAULA is at the beach...hope we get some great reports of birds she is seeing.

Another hot one here today, and today's forecast says tomorrow is only going to cool down to had been saying 84 which would have been wonderful.

Hope everyone has a great, safe day, and finds a way to stay cool!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Belated birthday wishes for Christie. Hoping your day was special for you.

Headed out to the farmer's market and the grossery this morning. Still so horribly oppressive.

Stuuuuuupid Tablet. Still having no luck getting the thing to do what I most want which is internet and email. Frustrating.

Would like to get laundry caught up this weekend. Next week I have to begin get my lectures in order/revised/updated. Need to get the syllabus done, also.

JudyE, sorry about the truck battery. Hope the problem can be solved today. Sorry also that your vacation is over but glad you had so much Jordyn time and Angie found a new house.

Glo, very much enjoyed the bear video. Yep, we humans may have evolved too much.

Same with heat. I think global warming is a reality but our adaptation to cooler inside temperatures makes heat less tolerable.

Lolly, can't remember. Have you tried home-made food for Annie? Poached chicken w/rice, etc.?

Okay, I've used up my space for the morning. Wishing everyone as good a day as possible along with staying cool.

Judie said...

Oh, Hoda, our neighbors went to visit family in Washington State and brought us some real maple syrup. Told her about a friend who lives in the brownie capitol of the world and she burst out laughing. Knew exactly what I meant. Too funny!

Hoda said...

Off to Dragon Boating, to coffee with the team, to volunteer with the Grans at Cottonwood Market.
Well JUDIE depending on where the Grans table is today whether I will be able to inhale or not!!! Too funny there will be no need for Brownies.
When I was a school teacher I had the opportunity to visit students in jail as they needed to persue their studies. One of them was the son of the school's PTA. Any way! They always asked me to take off my glasses and they swiped them for resin. Always cleared never a problem. Done of the guards were ex students who I knew were smokers!!! I had a hard time not bursting in laughter.
Any ways... I can not guarantee that there is no resin on my glasses, or anyone else's at the Cottonwood Market!!! Including the City Police Officers who make the rounds. That is just how it is. When the RCMP shows up the drumming signals they are there and the air gets fresh!!!
This is just the Brownie Capital of the world. Laughed that your friend knew what you meant. The PNW is no different
Off I go!!! Be a Dragon first... No I will not puff later!!!

Mema Jo said...

Good Saturday morning to all!

I just had my first to be seen Hummer - I just didn't plant the right flowers this year to draw them to my deck.

Mema Jo said...

Our area didn't get any rain yesterday. This morning seems a bit cooler but it could be that the humidity is down.

I so want it to be cool enough to go over to Shepherdstown market tomorrow. I'm sure they have early peaches and just maybe some tomatoes.

Lolly said...

Good morning1 Being really lazy this morning. Slept an hour later than Jack. Heard him get up but was inclined to go back to sleep. lol

Going to head out to water pots. It has been 3 days since our last shower.

Have a great day!

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !

Storm clouds lurking, but bringing cooler temps by tomorrow. Funny how cool 80° seems after what we've had the last 10 days or so.

HODA and JUDIE, enjoying your Brownie conversation !

Wishing you all cooler weather, rain if you need it, no rain if you don't !

I hear thunder--bye, bye !

Love and prayers for all !


Mema Jo said...

Another storm brewing over near the nest at Hedgesville. There was one also yesterday.

Good picture of both adults early this morning at the Sycamore Palace around 6:24. Picture is in FB on the Eagle Cam page.

Mema Jo said...

Lun Lun is doing the Rolly Polly with her cub cuddled in her arm.

stronghunter said...


Good early afternoon. Looks breezy at the nest... No eagles in sight.

Lolly, was interested that Joey is teaching freshman English this year. He will find it quite different from senior English for sure. I was wondering if he will be teaching Romeo and Juliet.

I taught freshmen and seniors during the same semester. It was interesting.

stronghunter said...

Working on Colorado plans with Kathryn. Got to get things nailed down.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn has sometimes fixed rice and chicken for Luna when she was sick. Seems to work very well.

Lolly said...

Yes, Shirley, I wonder how he will like freshman English, but it is a job! He is the only English teacher at this hs with a masters in English. He has been told of the possibility of teaching English class with college credit. Hmmmm?? Time will tell. I will ask what he will be teaching. He does like Shakespeare.

Oh, Colorado, more fun!!

Lolly said...

Annie has done a little better with her eating today. I took her dish to the bathroom where she sleeps in Jack's closet. Breakfast in bed? LOL

Mema Jo said...

Today my oldest great grandson turns 10. How time marches on! He is a very handsome polite young lad - love him dearly ♥

stronghunter said...

English class with college credit? Dual enrollment or advanced placement? I did dual enrollment. Tell him to go for it.

He might also get a job as an adjunct at a community college, though me might want to wait until he settles into this job. I did that at night while teaching high school classes during the day. I really enjoyed teaching adults.

stronghunter said...

Dual enrollment will most likely be seniors, or at least juniors. Most teaches I know really like working with juniors. Juniors have matured and are not yet infected with senioritis.

stronghunter said...

Most high schools that I know about teach Macbeth in the senior year and Romeo and Juliet in the freshman year.

stronghunter said...

Well, I put the italics in the wrong place. Oh well.

Mema Jo said...

Getting a few raindrops.. Sky is not threatening - no boomers around. Therefore, humidity will probably stick around...

Almost time to head out to Mass
Prayers for all of us - me too will be offered.

BBL early evening..... ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Nice weekend here so far. The ospreys on the nest at the end of the canal are chirping away. Too windy for fishing today...been dooing this and that. Shrimp kabobs for dinner tonight :)

We should be able to get out fishing. Tomorrow.

JudyEddy said...


Home from work First day back not bad
Didn't work in my area Put up rollback beanies in different depts with Debbie the Personnel manager Funny thing that is a one person job but being we have more people than equipment we worked together I printed and she put up What a waste of payroll in my books but I am not a manager they made the decision LOL We are having the President at our store either MON or Tue he is down to see the three new stores that are Grandopening in the area and they think he may just stop in at our store, I doubt it
but the store mgr wants our store to look like a new store also

OH BTW I am $400 brokers Had two tires with nails and on the wall area so couldn't patch so I bought 4 threads were down in two tires off course only one with the nail in it so I decided get all 4 other wise I would have bought some down the road again
The battery light that came on is not my battery it registered great on the machine so they think or they know its my alternator because they removed the positive terminal and it stopped running OK so here is another up to 350 will have to wait till Mon nothing is open on Sun and everything closed today at 1 -2 So hope I remain running for the next two days

JudyEddy said...

PAULA people down here call the Osprey HORMONAL because of all the noise they seem to make if you are in the area

JudyEddy said...

LORI how is you parents especially your DAD doing We got good news on Jack now waiting for your dads good news and DanaMo dad I wonder how he is? Seems she had deserted us again May have to go to FB and tell her to stop in again

JudyEddy said...

MT tree

JudyEddy said...

DaNAMO is on vacation I saw on facebook

Lori O. said...

Hi JUDYE, sorry about all your car problems mounting up on you. That's rotten! But if it's been a good car/truck, then it's not so bad - you would have to do those things anyway.

My folks are doing great right now. They go camping in their 38' motorhome every chance they get. They don't travel far like they used to, but love getting out. I was shocked this year when my Dad said he didn't want to take anymore long trips to CA, Alaska, FL, like they used to do a lot. Dad is doing well since the surgery, and Mom loves it that he's finally on anti-depressants! I always knew he needed them.

Hoda said...

You might well ask what that might be???
Well think Dr Seuss and Hippie Land and a whole bunch of Kootenays old and young and inbetweens gathered for music and food and dance and frolicking around in Nirvana land...
Well all of this is going on on The East Shore Of Kootenay Lake. The drumming here was loud last night.
I am on the West Shore of Kootenay Lake but the energy is high even here.
Many have gone to the East Shore and as a result the fumes were not as high at the Market!!!

Awesome paddle on the lake this morning and a sense of wellness sharing with the team afterwards.

On The East Shore also a gathering of Yogis and yoginis. A gathering for a sacred weekend. I participated in that gathering for many years. It has had a big influence on my life.

Lori O. said...

HODA, hope you had a grand time at Cottonwood Market! I, too, am snickering at all your brownie conversations with JUDIE! LOL

PAULA, you almost always have an ocean feast when you're in Paradise!

Lolly said...

Pop up showers all around and hear thunder. Now waiting for a shower to pop up on ME!!

Hoda said...

Sorry about the car costs JUDYE. It is good to do the upkeep though.

Glad your DADis going well LORI.

Hoda said...

SHIRLEY when are you going to Colorado? This is so exciting.

Lolly said...

Awesome that your parents are taking even close trips. I love love love getting out with our little trailer. We do not do it in the summer as we have to travel a long distance to get anywhere that is not hot. Also, do not like to leave my yard in the summer.

We are going to take the boys to Austin, the state capital in August. Camp Hawkwood!! Thought they are old enough to enjoy that. We will take the trailer and find an RV park with a pool. It will be HOT but we will be gone only a few days.

Lolly said...

Previous statement was for Lori...forgot to include her name. Whoops!

JudyEddy said...

YEP its been a good truck and I have kept up the maintenance that is why I like going to Ford for it they have a record and know what I need as a matter of fact I just got a thing in the mail for my 72,000 mile check up HOW ironic is that So I guess I will go to Ford instead of the place Angie suggested because they also buy from the Ford Co for their parts

OH MY I have a mosquito somewhere I have bites on my legs sitting here
Went to the get bug stray and only got a little bit Have lost of wasp and hornet but not flying bugs I do have off will stray my legs

JudyEddy said...

should have been have lots not have lost of wasp spray I have sprayed my self little blood sucker isn't getting me again

Lynne2 said...

adult in the attic

Lynne2 said...

and what appears to be a Mocking bird trying to scare it away....LOL

JudyEddy said...

I see adult toooo

JudyEddy said...

got a couple of snips for album Little bird flying above adult and landed

JudyEddy said...

I also thought a mocking bird

JudyEddy said...

awfully high up to be trying to scare not going down on adult Adult is looking up

JudyEddy said...

got a sip of the mocking bird in flight

JudyEddy said...

the mocking bird went down next to the adult and it turned out in my snip too

JudyEddy said...

I wonder if she has a nest in the tree The adult looks up once in a while

JudyEddy said...

mockingbird divebombed the adult again near head area

JudyEddy said...

gutsy little mockingbird I bet adult is thinking what are you doing!

JudyEddy said...

I think the mockingbird gave up no longer in the tree Preening going on

JudyEddy said...

Adult bending over backwards preening exposing lots of white

Hoda said...


I see adult in the attic!

How so very exciting is that...

Hello there eagle...where did the kiddies go?

JudyEddy said...

two mocking birds have showed up Up higher on branches

Hoda said...

That little bird is not too bright!!! Are there two little birds I think so...

JudyEddy said...

both are divebombing adult

JudyEddy said...

got another snip of both divebombing

Hoda said...

So HAPPY to see eagle on the Y Branch...I hope the Juvies are doing well on their journey...

That moking bird is moking too might become but a morsel if it does not watch it!!!

JudyEddy said...

I wonder if the mocking birds have set up a nest in the tree?

JudyEddy said...

Mocking bird is eyeing out the situation Building up a new strategy

Hoda said...

How can you tell they are mocking birds?

JudyEddy said...

adult looks up again

JudyEddy said...

The wings and tail shapes

Hoda said...

I do not know JUDY if they have a nest in the tree...lots of little birds flying about in the one point I counted four???

JudyEddy said...

LYNNE was here also and thought the same thing annoying little things I saw this all the time at the cell phone tower and the eagle just tolerate it The little birds seem to know that they are more agile than the eagle and the eagle just doesn't give a damn

Hoda said...

Thank you wing and tail shapes...

JudyEddy said...

I bet adult will poof soon

JudyEddy said...

adult looks up again

JudyEddy said...

the size just amazes me to compare the two together

Hoda said...

I like the sight of that adult in the it is July 20th and the adults are still around the juvies only a week gone...


Thank you STEVE and NCTC for the distance cam and for keeping it on well into the summer...Love you guys. Thank you.

JudyEddy said...

the way the tail moves also when the birds sits still is like a mb

Hoda said...

Would you say this is Shep...seems like it? Anyone else? Could be the fold of the wings that makes him seem narrow?

JudyEddy said...

We are honored with their presence

JudyEddy said...

I think Mocking Birds gave up again

probably tired LOL

Hoda said...

Thank you JUDYE MB observations.

Mema Jo said...

Just got back from Mass and Dinner... Thanks Judy for the pic of our adult - put it on my page too.

We are down to 84 here in the valley. Tomorrow should be around 86°
which means I can go to Market with Jenny and Michael.

BBL = after the Hallmark showing of the Cedar Grove.

JudyEddy said...

Hey JO my temp is also 84 I saw the nest was hotter today than I was when I got home and you all had storms in area from what my icon said

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...