Monday, July 22, 2013


New week thread.


Lori O. said...

JIM/MOVIN, thanks for the call over and STEVE, thank you so much for this wonderful, new thread!

It's cooler today!!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

Lynne2 said...

thanks Jim and thanks Steve

checking in real quick to see if any news on the baby

Lynne2 said... busy today. Sigh.

Lynne2 said...

Just in case anyone is interested in adopting a kitten...there are many many many....

Mema Jo said...

Whoo Hoo! New fresh thread.

Thanks Steve.

Lori you can claim the feather!

I can't see the baby panda cub nor any of Olive's puppies nor any adult or juvie eagles. So glad I can see all of you on here!

BBL lunch time for me.........

No baby news yet from London...
There is a changing of the guard out front..

Lori O. said...

No, I give the feather to Jim who found the new thread...but I like your thinking, JO! LOL

Mema Jo said...

A large black car just arrived and stopped at the front door. A young woman has entered - perhaps her sister????????? Nothing said yet on the remarks on the cam page.

Mema Jo said...

National Zoo Panda Cams are up/running

Mema Jo said...

Now a young man in shorts has entered the LINDO wing. He had some type of bag over his right shoulder.
It is a busy street with traffic, bicycles and even an ambulance passing. Every once in a while the reporters across the street are in cam view at bottom of screen.

Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread and Jim for the call over!

Physical therapy went great!

Pedicure didn't happen - the girl didn't show up for work today and no one got a message to me. Am now rescheduled for tomorrow morning.

AC in my car, which was serviced 2 weeks ago, is not cold anymore. =( Jeep goes back in on Wednesday. In the meantime, driving with the windows open.

Guess I'll get some lunch and read a little til my dentist appointment - later all!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning/Afternoon!

Thankfully, it's cooler here today, but it's 70 with a humidity of 75 right now. Good thing the temperature isn't 90!

I've got some reports to do for the doctor today, so will have to go into lurk mode. Hope everyone has a great day!

I ♥ us!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hello on this new week thread!

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !

Wow, who knew youse guys would be my direct line to The Baby Watch ! I hope the future monarch is a Girl !

So glad my "support post" brought some smiles to your sweet faces. My MARGY bestowed moniker, ☼Ohi☼ Sunshine has been a bit tarnished of late !

I'm happy to say I'm off the heavy painkiller and that I did not get hooked as so many seem to do these days. Now just taking Tylenol Arthritis tabs and Neurontin. Thanks again to all you who prayed me through a year long ordeal with back pain and surgery !

LORI, the rain continues to fall--had about 3 inches this morning. I could not even see the cars across the street for a while. Took Penny for a walk afterward and found the creek that runs through our condo community raging ! More expected and we're already saturated !

SHIRLEY, like the Victoria Secret story ! My daughters like some things they offer there, but I've never found a thing for me. No doubt a generational thing. I zeroed in on a certain Bali bra years ago thanks to a veteran bra expert at Macy's in Grand Rapids.

Oh, my, it's taken me all this time to say Thanks to STEVE for the new thread and thanks to JIM n' LORI for the call over. JIM looks great with that feather in his cap, doesn't he ? ☺

So happy to read, thanks to JO, that MEGAN looked great yesterday. Have been worried about that dear girl.

Nice seein' ya ! Prayers and love for all !


Lolly said...

Brought over from the old thread. Boy am I behind the times. roflmbo at me!!

Lolly said...
Good morning! Sitting here enjoying my coffee but should really get busy. Need to get to the garden at church before it gets much hotter.

Have a great day!

LOL at me! Home from church, worked in the yard a bit, came in and see that I did not hit publish. Had good intentions!!!

Monday, July 22, 2013 1:01:00 PM

Lynne2 said...

I wonder while they don't have a cam at the palace where the official notice will be posted instead of at the hospital????? That would make more sense...

back to work.

Hoda said...

The comings and goings are at the hospital LYNNE.
An official car will leave the hospital and be chased by the paparazzi all the way to the Palace!
JO likely her sister and brother will be in to visit. Everyone will get excited when her mother shows up.

Had a terrific swim and time at the beach.
Now errands.
Then volunteer work press releases for Yoga Festival.
In the evening a poetry recital of Rumi and Hafiz.

Enjoy the day everyone.

Mema Jo said...

Yes, Hoda - there are too many persons going in and out that door - I won't try to guess who they are - too many. They really could be visitors of other patients. Not very good security there IMHO

Hoda said...

The Queen and the Royal Corgis are back at Buckingham Palace.

Don't underestimate Scotland Yard JO!
They know security. The Duke, the Duchess and the Royal Baby are very safe!

Hoda said...

Kensington Palace has announced that the theatre of the Royal Birth Announcement has been changed.
Instead of Buckingham Palace Easel scenario, Kensington Palace will issue a press release.
The Prince thinks it is a quicker way to let the public know.

Hoda said...

A Royal Baby Boy

Mema Jo said...



I love the Prince who follows his own
horn and doesn't always go by the old

Mema Jo said...

The Duchess and her son are to stay in hospital overnight, Clarence house has confirmed. She was in labour for around 11 hours.

Mema Jo said...

The baby was born at 4.24pm, weighing 8lbs and 6ozs. The Duke of Cambridge was present at the birth, and both mother and baby are said to be doing well.

Hoda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hoda said...

A very dear friend of mine died in Ottawa this morning. A Canadian Diplomat. We met in 1967.
I put my sadness on a post on FB and deleted it as it also showed up on her page. It is up to her Children to make the announcement. She was a gracious and kind lady.
Her last posting was in Pakistan.
I am honoured I can call myself her friend.

Hoda said...

So very much like Sherry, organ donation.
So she gives the gift of life... She felt so strongly about it and this is what is going on right now.

WVJerry said...

Good early evening. Can't see the Cam. Hope everyone and everything has been good. Enjoying a day boss is on vacation this week. I'm hoping it goes well for us. Was going to go fishing in the Potomac this evening but changed it until tomorrow. Looks like it might rain here anyway. Take care all. Hoda - Sorry to hear of your loss. I'm guessing the Cam will be off now until next season? If so - I'll try to stay active as time allows. I want to say that - even though the Cam had problems - I did enjoy this season. I still would love to see an eagle in flight and in person. Hopefully that will happen some time soon.

Lolly said...

While we were at Lowes buying paint they announced the birth. Now to wait for the name!

Janet said...

good afternoon to all.

HODA: condolences to you. love that you honor the family by allowing them to post....(((hugs))) to you my friend.

its been a good and busy day.

i'm planning on being a bit lazy this evening, if possible. its over cast and has been raining today. no too motivated to do too much.

:) hugs to all. thanks to STEVE for the new MONDAY THREAD!

Mema Jo said...

Hoda - Love your picture with the Bike Policeman ♥

Lori O. said...

HODA, so sorry to hear about your much admired friend. Glad she chose organ donation! She must have been a very special lady.

JANET, glad you're taking it easy now...our rain is headed in now. Can't believe school starts so early there!

LOLLY, what are you painting? You and Jack stay so busy!

Dogs are fed, and everything else is done, guess I should get some studying done.

Hoda said...

Thank you all.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

When I die, after my organs are harvested, this is what I want to happen.

The Bios Urn is an original idea from the industrial designer Gerard Moliné (1997) In 2002 Bios Urn won the ADI FAD medal and in 2005 was a Top nominated INDEX award. Nowadays the Bios Urn is distributed by estudimoline, a product design studio based in Barcelona. We work very hard to design and create innovative solutions. You can visit our website here.

The Bios Urn turns burial into regeneration and a return to life through nature. Bios is a funeral urn made from biodegradable materials: cellulose and natural fibres. Inside it there is a “Pinus” seed which can be replaced by another seed or plant suitable for the location and time of year. To ensure success we recommend you use a germinated plant or bury the urn next to a tree that will grow to remember your loved one.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

((((HUGS)))) my dear Hoda!!!

JudyEddy said...

HELLOOO home from work
worked a little over being I had to take two lunches today involving dropping off and picking up my truck and yep it was the alternator was quoted 650 but was 550 when I got there

JudyEddy said...

HODA so sorry for the loss of a friend

JudyEddy said...

STEVE didn't mention the cam being down on the opening of the new thread I wonder does he know

JudyEddy said...

OH forgot to say I saw the juvie eagle at Walker Ford cell phone tower this am when I dropped the truck off So I took cam up to pick up truck and naturally was not there when I went at 3 darn it
Funny thing the van driver told me that the eagle have eggs twice a year I beg to differ with him and said that I believed they only had one laying a year He thought that the juvie was maybe a new one LOL Funny how its still in the area there

JudyEddy said...

well my facebook page is not the updated version once again where your notices are on the right I don't like it with all my window minimized I don't see the notices I guess I may have to switch sides with the cam and the blog and fb

Lolly said...

Hoda, so very sorry for the loss of your friend. Awesome that she is a donor.

Lori, getting ready to paint our utility room. Have to move washer and dryer as well as our upright freezer. Will need to clean and then paint. Big job. Not sure about the walls but know the cabinets have not been painted in 40 years. LOL Oil based paint, I am sure, so have to put a primer on first. Going to paint it a pale sage green.

Lori O. said...

WOW LOLLY, sounds like a big job. I've always thought about painting my cabinets, because it's the only inexpensive option...let me know how they turn out and how the painting goes.

JudyEddy said...

BAD girl Me
Where are my manners


Where is everyone

JudyEddy said...

Patti Angies sil did her mom cabinets and turned out great She went to HomeDepot and got advise

JudyEddy said...

Headin out for a bit BBIALW

Mema Jo said...

Just returned from celebrating b-day of my daughter-in-law (youngest son's wife) Now I am getting ready for 2 TV shows - Then I will get back on here to wish everyone a good night


Hoda said...

Rumi and Hafiz Poetry. The Mystical poetry of the 12th century.
Like JO I will check in when I return.

God Bless Us All.

Lynne2 said...

Storming badly here, must shut down.

Please, if you would, say a prayer for my cousin Pattie and her family. She fought a long, long hard battle with breast cancer, very bravely. She was just my age. She was a faithful believer, and she went to meet her Savior today.

No need to respond, just a quick prayer will do.

Judie said...

Almost time to wish everyone a good night's sleep.

Hoda, so very sorry for the loss of your friend yet encouraged by her generosity.

Congratulations to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. May their first child live a long and productive life.

Will send a note of congratulations to our Chrissy.

The sandperson is packing two satchels of sleepy dust tonight. I know that because I hear the moaning and groaning. Departure is set for 11pm. Restful sleep for all.

paula eagleholic said... week thread, thanks Steve!

Raining hard here in Emmitsburg.

Didn't get caught up in any backups on the way home.

Gotta get caught up.

Mema Jo said...

I remember Dana doing kitchen cabinets one summer a year or so ago.

Lynne - prayers for Patti's family

Watched my TV shows and a little news. Did have storm and got some rain. Has moved on for now.

Goodnight to all
God Bless you with peaceful sleep
AOYP I love us ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Heard the wonderful news on the newest prince! I think it's a couple of days before they announce the has to be approved by the Queen, as I recall.

Hoda and Lynne, so sorry on the loss of your loved ones.

PA Nana said...

Raining heavily here with local flooding. Powerful lightning and power flickering. Under flood watch until 2AM. We needed the rain but not all at once. Wish I could send some to Lolly for her beautiful gardens, but alas...

Congrats to the Windsors.

Hoda and Lynne, sorry for your losses.

No more time to post. Thunder booming.

Goodnight and God bless.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh yes, big lightening show on the way home...from Westminster all the way into Emmitsburg.

Going to work tomorrow, then heading to my Paradise tomorrow night. Larry coming down tom night or Weds morning.

Costume Lady said...

Just about ready for a crowd tomorrow at SK. Meat cut up in cubes for stroganoff...that takes up the most time! Only 1 bag of clothes left to hang up or fold. Had to quit to go to doctor appt. Blood Work=A-

GG ventured out on her porch and picked a ripe tomato growing in a pot there and made a sandwich; said it was delicious!

Time for bed...good night everyone, love and prayers ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Sorry to read that our cam was down today :(

SED, love and hugs for all ♥

Hoda said...

Praying LYNNE.

Goodnight all

God Bless us All

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Thinking of you LYNNE2 and PATTIE

Sandi said...

Good morning my eagle friends!

Hoda, sorry to hear about your friend Sherry passing.

Lynne, will say a prayer for Pattie's family - sorry for your loss. How is Steve's recovery coming along?

I will be very surprised if any effort is made to fix the 2nd cam that we have been using to watch our eagles, now that the kids have flown the coop. I have NOT even peeked at the panda cam, nor have I watched the live cam that is set up outside the hospital in London.

Another hot day here in Bethany - we have not gotten ANY of the predicted rain. Starting to feel like Lolly, though there are no watering restrictions.

Have a good day all!

paula eagleholic said...

Sandi, it poured the other night over in Long Neck!

Janet said...

good tuesday morning to one and all.

hope everyone has a lovely day!

Lynne2 said...

morning all, powerful wicked storms last night...Daisy spent most if it in the bathroom :(

Good grief, I am so behind on blogging....

(((HUGS))) Hoda. Sorry about your friend.

Sandi, Steve's recovery is done. It's about as good as it gets and he's done pretty well. Still has some bad pain in the heel if he's up and around too long. This will hopefully lessen as time goes on. I think his over use of it too soon is a factor!

Shoot, Paula...did you get a job? How did I miss that??? Congrats!

Must get back to work, pulling a long bell to bell shift today, and working tomorrow on my day off. Will check back when I can. Looks like today might be a slower day than the madness of late...

Lolly said...

Good morning! Shame on me as I did not get on to say good night. Had my nose in a good book. Could not put it down. Blame Laurel. She reads so many books as a 6th grade reading teacher and she passes on to me the books that are really good. Reading now the 3rd in a series. Great stuff! Yep, I like books a 6th grader should read. LOL

Going outside to water pots and then will see if I start in the utility room or wait until next week when Jack returns.

Annie continues to eat well as long as we take her dish to the bathroom. Too funny!

Lynne2 said...

just read "The Language of Flowers". It was awesome...I read it on Saturday. Yep in one day!

Lynne2 said...

Hoping to catch the first appearance of the little Prince! Have CNN cam up, dang this work stuff!

Lynne2 said...

they have moved a guard up closer to the press line...

Mema Jo said...

WOW I only have 6 minutes to say

Good Terrific Tuesday Morning to all

Lori O. said...

Good Afternoon Everyone!

Great that it's so much cooler today. I hope it is cooler for all of us today. Had some big thunderboomers last night, too.

PAULA, where are you working?

Lots to do today! I started early this morning, hence I'm late today!

SANDI, do you still have company?

LYNNE2, glad to hear that Steve has recovered! Amen.

Nap time. Dalai is sitting beside me waiting. I nap better with her snoring on the couch next to me.

LOLLY, great to hear that Annie is still eating!


Mema Jo said...

Crowds are gathering on the sidewalk at the hospital's door. There is a barricade that allows them to only come so far.

WOW Prince Charles & his wife just arrived..... with about 6 body guards.

magpie said...

Howdy Y'all ...
am back at wori, will sure
try to do some catching up soon...
have a full plate of typing here
at the moment
(and also a small plate of
Zucchini Bread )

Thinking of Every One...

xo (( Hugs and Lovins' )) ♥

magpie said...

that would be back at WORK not wori.

Lolly said...

Came in from watering pots. Hair is soaking wet. Lovely!

Watching the cam pointed at the hospital doors. Saw Charles and Camilla leave. Waiting...

Mema Jo said...

Welcome back Margy
Our eyes are on the hospital wherein lies the new Prince


stronghunter said...


Need to head over to the bowling alley to practice the stuff I learned yesterday. Finally got together with Audrey, the bowling teacher. She showed me some good stuff.

Yay! Kathryn messaged me that she has gotten leave from work for the third week in August. We can go to Colorado together.

Lynne2 said...

this is like watching grass grow!! I WANNA SEE THE BABE!

Lolly said...

Yea!!! Great that you get to make this trip Shirley with Kathryn and Hunter. More fun!

Lolly said...

Just took my laptop to the table to watch the doors. LOL

Shirley, just asked Laurel about Joey's classes. She said it will be teaching mostly writing. He should be good with that. He will have small classes and see the same kids every day, not a block system. Sounds good. Will learn more.

Hoda said...

Beautiful swim in the lake.
I am cold!
Blissful in July 90 done temperatures to be cold.
Very very very happy camper.

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !

Happy news: The new and future King of England has made his appearance !

LYNNE's Steve has progressed so very far in these past few months !

Unhappy news: HODA, so sorry about the loss of your dear friend. I do so appreciate her and all organ donors. I take comfort in knowing that my Stan's donorship has afforded a number of people the chance for a better life and eyesight ! I myself have a "new" spine fashioned in part with cadaver bone. A marvelous thing !

Penny is signally an urgent need to go outdoors....

Love and prayers for all !


stronghunter said...

Five minutes until baby time. I am trying to wait before I leave.

Hoda said...

Good to see you MARGY.

SHIRLEY so glad KATHRYN has time off in August. Safe travels.

LYNNE and LOLLY PAULA is doing end work from her old job. Tidying loose ends if I understand it correctly.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning/Afternoon!

Hoda, so sorry for the loss of your dear friend.

Lynne2, sorry for your loss too. Prayers are ongoing. Glad to hear that Steve is considered healed!
Hope the heel pain goes away, pronto!

Lolly, I'm so glad that Annie is eating better. Hope she will put some weight back on her bones! Old cats can be a perplexing subject, for sure. Our Meggie was 16+ when she crossed the Rainbow Bridge several years ago, and she had many of the quirky symptoms you've mentioned about Annie. She chose to live the last few years of her life in our garage. She was a real character, and a tough old girl!

Well, need to go see what our gardener is doing. He's supposed to replace about 6 sprinkler heads out front today. Will check back in later tonight.

Oh--congratulations to the Royal Family!

Have a good afternoon/evening!
I ♥ us!!!
Emma says, "Woof!"

stronghunter said...

Our block scheduling at Culpeper was called a 4x4 plan with an A-B embed. How's that for educational jargon, Lolly?

What it meant--Some classes met every day for a semester and others met every day for the whole year. Other classes met every day for a quarter, which is where the 4x4 came in--four quarters for the year.

Mema Jo said...

They are at the door

stronghunter said...

Baby has appeared.

Lolly said...

Well, that was fun. Baby does not have much hair, that is all you could tell. LOL She looked beautiful and he looked happy.

Now maybe I can get busy and get some things done.

Hoda said...

Baby waves too LOLLY!
Cute Little Royal Baby waves. His little fingers snuck out of the blanket.
Thought it incredible that the Duchess was in a poka dotted dress as this is what Diana Princess of Wales wore when she came out carrying Prince William.
Diana's dress was a loosely fit dress while Catherine had a more fitted dress.
Glad they did a short walkabout.

God Save The Queen.

Mema Jo said...

The new little Prince has gone home!

Wonderful ♥

Hoda said...

Canada just had a 21 gun salute at Parliament Hill in honour of the little tyke!

Judie said...

Good late afternoon.

Welcome to the world of papparazzi, little prince. Too cute how he managed a little wave to all of them.

Shirley, so very happy you and Kathryn and Hunter can enjoy a vacation together in a beauteous part of the country and with your brother.

Finished listing the last of my personal reading books. So emotionally difficult to give them away but so hope others will enjoy them as I have.

Glad everyone seems to be doing well today. Will visit again later.

Janet said...

Good afternoon to all.

Its been a lovely day off. I sold my spare massage table today. I had posted it on facebook last week and am glad to have it gone. I havent used it in several years. Time to go!

Ran some errands. Think I have everything that Olivia needs to start school THere isn't a list out yet, but they generally do not need too much...maybe a few folders, composition books, etc. I can run to staples or something an dhave that lickety split.

I have spent the rest of the day happy around the house here. Tom finished the stone walkway to the pool. I am almost finished scraping and painting the ramp on the front of the house.

I have to start dinner in a few. Its just been a nice day. (((hugs))) and siles to all.

JudyEddy said...

HELLOOO Home from work just now worked a little over for the company that is suppose to be tomorrow The president Not OBAMA but Pres of Walmart Our store looks good but won't last long LOL

Mema Jo said...

DINNER IS FINISHED AND MY GUESTS HAVE DEPARTED. Oldest daughter & hubby brought by for a visit 2 of my great grandchildren. It was a delightful visit and the roast beef dinner was good. Now my feet are going up for about 25 min before my Jeopardy starts!

Have a great evening and I'll try to return later.

Hoda said...

Off to yoga.
Followed by exploring the voice workshop.
Will stop by to say goodnight.

Lori O. said...

Good Evening Everyone!

JANET, nice that you had such a good day off and Olivia's school things under control.

JUDYE, funny...NOT Obama! I was wondering when you wrote last night about the President maybe visiting your store! You made me giggle tonight. :)

HODA, hope you had a good yoga session and voice workshop. You have got to be the busiest lady! Big hugs.

JO, how was Jeopardy tonight? Glad you had a great dinner with the kids.

I've been having problems with Restless Leg Syndrome lately. I called my health guru father this morning and ordered some vitamins he said worked for him...I can't afford the same product, but found some things I'm hoping will help. I'll be at my parents next week, so I'll snag some of my Dad's product next week. Going to try some folic acid and magnesium citrate tonight hoping for relief.

Lolly said...

Dinner is over here, too! It was leftover night. Jack grilled some meat patties and we had leftover cheese sauce to put on them, leftover longgrain and brown rice, leftover veggies and leftover salad. Oh, and fresh watermelon. lol Jack leaves shortly after lunch tomorrow for Denver. He will be back Saturday evening. Going to paint the cabinets tomorrow afternoon and then again on Thursday. Friday I mow, and maybe go shopping Saturday. We shall see! Then next Monday we will start moving the appliances, cleaning and painting. Yea! Have decided to leave one door frame unpainted. It has children's measurements dating way back!!

Lolly said...

Lori, sorry about the restless legs. Hope what you try does the trick!

Lolly said...

Oh, the leftover cheese sauce was a Gorgonzola cheese sauce I made for some pork. Good on the meat patties, too!

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Judie said...

Back again.

Lori, hope you get some relief tonight. Let us know how the supplements work for you.

Lolly, safe travels for Jack. Enjoy the painting.

JudyE, hope everything is just perfect for the President's visit tomorrow. Remember to smile ever so sweetly.

Glad Janet had a good day. Now wondering how Wanda and Gene's soup kitchen when tonight. Just bettin' they had a crowd. Also glad Jo had some family time with daughter and ggkids.

Saw Margy was here earlier. Worrying that she is going to over-use her wrist with typing.

Judie said...

Apologize for those I've missed today and yesterday. Not always up-to-date.

Sandperson is packing a large satchel and plans to depart at 11pm. Hoping for cooler weather as the satchel is heavy and hard to carry in the heavy air.

Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

Really quick did you hear on the news about Zimmerman He rescued a family from a turned over car on news

stronghunter said...


Almost time for me to get under the covers. I am yawning. Tonight, Kathryn called her travel agent friend and took care of our tickets. We're getting excited.

Yes, I did hear the news about Zimmerman, Judy. It's interesting.

Judie and Lolly sound very busy cleaning out their nests.

Hope you find relief, Lori.

Sounds like a nice family visit, Jo. We watched Jeopardy, too.

Love hearing about the pool, Janet.

stronghunter said...

Hoda just keeps going and going. So many activities . . .

stronghunter said...

Every time I yawn, I get tears in my eyes that make it hared to see the screen. I think it i time for sleep. SED, everyone.

Lolly said...

My eyes get teary at bedtime too. Shirley. Tonight they are not. Hmmm???

Heading to bed anyway! LOL

Funny to think of Charles and Kate being woken up during the night with a new born.

Night all! SED!!

Hoda said...

Very good yoga class.

Excellent first of three workshops this week.
Authentic voice and chanting working on balancing the chakras.
Glad I signed up.

Safe travels to JACK. Don't overdo the work LOLLY.

LORI worried about the nervous leg I think you called it.
I have to study to see what causes that I do not know. Hope you have a restful sleep.

SHIRLEY glad KATHRYN arranged for your tickets. Enjoy the trip and keep us informed.

Good luck with work tomorrow JUDYE. I hope it goes well.

JO did not stop to say goodnight!!!

LOLLY I bet you any thing Charles and Catherine will be equally surprised if they had to wake up together to look after the baby!!! William might have a thing or two to say about that... Camilla I understand gets easily upset too. LOL

Hoda said...

Tomorrow swimming then yoga then volunteer writing and posting for Yoga Festival. In the evening part two of the workshop...


God Bless

Costume Lady said...

Ah, yes, JUDIE...we had a nice crowd at the Soup Kitchen, 75 came to eat and don't know how many took groceries home.
Beef Stroganoff & noodles
Baked Corn
Apple/cherry pie
Dinner roll

Pillow has my name written on it:)
Good night, love and prayers ♥

JudyEddy said...


oh no another oil rig disaster in the Gulf

JudyEddy said...

Did you all remember that last year this time we also had no camera it was broke I went on the blog last night from last year just curious how many times we saw them in the nest last year but found cam down with rainbow lines LOL

Sandi said...

Good morning Judy and all my eagle friends!

Hit some tennis balls for 45 minutes with Denny yesterday and my leg felt fine. After playing (did you know that the current thinking is to stretch AFTER you exercise rather than before????) I did all of the stretches that I learned in PT and then iced my calf and ankle. No pain or swelling last night and none this morning. YAY!!! So today will be my last PT session and Friday morning I'll be back to playing! =)

Dropping the Jeep off at the garage again on the way to PT since the AC that was serviced 2 weeks ago is blowing out warm air again - must be a leak somewhere that they didn't find the first time!

Have a great day all!

JudyEddy said...

81° out gonna be a hot one

JudyEddy said...

That is great news SANDI I saw it when you put it on facebook So happy you get to play again

Judie said...

Good morning.

Have checked on Isla's babe to find her wingersizing and hopping and chirping and alone in the nest. She was proudly showing off her leg band and transmitter. Not such good news for the bears. Gov. and DNR are unwilling to allow the research bears to have radio collars. Without a restraining order, hunting season will be a time of great sadness.

Congratulations Shirley and Kathryn and Hunter on your upcoming travels. So very happy for you.

Safe travels for Jack and happy painting for Lolly.

Good news from Sandi. Very glad the leg/ankle did not swell.

Off to find some coffee and the newspaper. Reading on the menu today. Looking for a critical thinking assignment for the wannabes.


grannyblt said...

Good mornng eagle friends. Did anyone watch the video that was posted on the Blackwater site about the eagle nest near Pittsburgh? I really got my chuckle for the day at the ending. I haven't been birding for weeks, except my own backyard, that has only had the feeder birds and babies.

Not too much going on with my world these days. The garage door opener is installed and I got my hair cut. Just normal everyday things to report.

Glad the new royal heir is doing well. Happy for good news for a change.

Planning to go to Niagara Falls for a couple of days in September. It is only 4 hours away and I've never been there. It is on my bucket list.

Feeling a little wistful today as it would have been my 49th wedding anniversary. Alas, we only made 41.

It is finally cooler here in western PA, so maybe those of you to the east will get some relief soon. Hope everyone has a great day.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning All!

Oh, GRANNY, so sorry you're feeling down today. Next year would have been 50 for you. God bless you. Big Hugs!

SANDI, congrats on the leg healing. I bet you are really looking forward to tennis tomorrow!
Hope they get your Jeep fixed today.

HODA, how was your voice workshop?

LOLLY, sounds like you're looking forward to your quiet time while Jack is traveling. Enjoy it!

It was another Restless Legs night for me. I tried folic acid, calcium and a few others to no avail. The product I ordered through Amazon is supposed to be here today. Hope it works!

Hope everyone has a beautiful, cool day today. Love, smiles, light and hugs!!

Lolly said...

Good morning! LOL Hoda, you caught my error! I was thinking about it later and thought...hmmmm? I think I typed the wrong name. Too funny!

Jack does not leave until after lunch, however he has gone to a doctors appointment this morning.

Supposed to break 100 today. Hopefully here at our house it will not reach that temp. Predicted triple digit highs the next three days and then a break in the temps and a slight chance of rain. I do not have a cool lake to go get in but I do have AC!

Lolly said...

(((Hugs)) Granny! Remember the happy times, think of the good memories!

Lori, hope you get relief soon.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all and what beautiful weather we are having!
Hoda - you caught me on not saying goodnight - watched a 10:00 TV show and almost fell asleep in my recliner. Hubby asked if he could turn off my computer and I said yes and just closed my eyes!

Lori - Chrissy would always call it her Dancing Legs! Sure hope you find a remedy - maybe a pillow under the knees would help.

Sandi- Good for you to be back on the courts by Friday! I know you must be happy about that.

Mema Jo said...

lol Lolly - I caught that but decided to let it slide!
On FB so many viewers didn't say Prince William! I thought yesterday was a beautiful outpouring of love by the young couple towards each other and their new son and from all those watching.

Mema Jo said...

Granny - thinking of you and your loneliness without him--- Find something today to do for you and remember all those good memories for which you were blessed during those 41 years.

Janet said...

Good morning to all.

had a start this morning. when i went to wake sable up (doberman) she didn't respond. i could see she was breathing, but was sleeping so deeply that she didn't respond. in fact, at first, i didn't see her breathign as it was so shallow. then i did. for a few min, i thought maybe she was in a coma....but tom said she had moved around several times this i continued to try and finally got her to wake up. egad...gave me a start. reminds me that someday, sadly, she won't wake up....she was 14 on monday....

GRANNYBLT: savor the sweet memories and (((hugs)))) and love to you....

SANDI: so glad the leg did well! tell me more, please, about WHY you stretch AFTER you exercise? I encourage clients to stretch....many exercise but do not understand the importance of stretching.....and I would like to understand the whys of this...

HODA: your YOGA class sounds wonderful I practiced a little Qi Gong in the pool this morning. :) It was lovely.

I don't have a massage til 11:30. Tom is off to physical therapy. I slept in...late. Its been like a weekend in the middle of the week. Nice considering school is next week. bleech.

Anyway....hope everyone has a lovely day. May run some errands later....want to finish the painting on the ramp ......but feeling some repetitive motion issues in the elbow. did my yoga for that....but know the best thing is to take a break.....but want to finish as well...grrrrr..

light and love, hugs and smiles to all...

Janet said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Janet said...

sory my delete. i am attempting to put a link in and it isn't working...bah humbug. go to you tube and google so god made a dog. it brought tears to my eyes. sent to me by a friend who is an avid dog lover as well. hugs to all!

Hoda said...

Good morning LOLLY. I knew you would be a good sport other wise I would not have said anything. Easy to do!!!
Safe travels to JACK and do not work too hard yoursel alone.

Hugs GRANNYBLT. 41 years is quite something. Bravo. The separation is hard though. Blessings.

Good to see you JO. I figured you must have just slept.

Very good news SANDI. Wondered how it would feel this morning. Glad it is good.

JANET yes scary about a deep sleeping older dog.

LORI sorry about leg. The pillow idea from JO sounds worth a try.

Off to yoga and a swim.
See you five your time.
I am always disturbed by oil spills. The Tar Sands in Alberta are awful for that.

Make it a good day.

Sandi said...

Home from (hopefully) my last PT session - fingers crossed!

Janet, here's what the article I got from the physical therapist said about stretching after exercising vs. before:
"When you work out, lactic acid builds up in your muscles. This often leads to muscle soreness and fatigue. Stretching after a workout helps to reduce muscle fatigue. When you stretch after a workout, your muscles are warm and you benefit from increased blood circulation. Stretching will help your muscles to recover faster from a tough workout."

According to the article, you should warm up before exercising (which I do on the court), but stretch afterwards at home.

Garage called to say the repair on the AC will cost about $950 - GULP! The way I look at it, that's only 2-3 new car payments so I said, "Do it!"


Lolly said...

Door down off the utility room cabinets, door off the hinges into the utility room, all things off the walls and holes filled with putty or whatever that stuff is called. I am on a roll! Jack leaves in about an hour and then I will start my painting. I can do the cabinets and some of the baseboard and some of the walls but will have to wait for him to return to do the rest. It is going to look so much better. Can not believe it has been so long since we painted in there.

Lolly said...

Janet that is exactly what happened with Annie last week. We could not wake her up as she sleeps so deeply. Laurel and Joey are also experiencing the same thing with Bosco. He is half Great Pyrenees and half lab, a big dog and he is 14. He sleeps deeply. Laurel watches him closely to make sure he is breathing.

stronghunter said...

The new prince will be called George.

Kathryn's kitty Lucky also sleeps soundly. He does not hear us approach and will jump sometimes when we touch him. He is 19.

Came home awhile ago to see the moving truck next door. Carla is getting ready to leave. Spoke briefly, but she was busy making phone calls. I suppose packing and moving will be somewhat less complicated when most everything in the house is brand new.

stronghunter said...

My bowling practice yesterday did not go well. I tried to hold the ball the way the teacher showed me, but it was quite painful. My thumb does not want to bend that way. I am wondering if I need to have the hole bored in a different direction.

stronghunter said...

We'll be having corn from the farmer's market tonight.

Mema Jo said...

I read back but don't see this mentioned;

Royal baby named Prince George Alexander Louis

Lolly said...

Yes, just read that, Jo. Interesting!

Have finished my painting for today. Put the primer coat on the cabinets and baseboard where I could. Oh, it going to be a job cleaning behind the freezer and the washer and dryer. Yuck!!! But, it will feel so good when it is all finished!!

Lolly said...

Laurel is seriously considering moving Jacob to a new school. It is the one he should be going to since they moved. She got a transfer so he could be with his friends and she knows the principal well. However, he had to go to the after school program and he hated that!!! Big time! She told him to think about it and 20 later he said he would like to change schools. After school he will walk to Laurel's school and sit in the office until her students are gone, maybe 20 min at most. Then he can snack and do his homework while she finishes up her day. It will save them money as well as make Jacob happy. Oh, and instead of being a Hodge Hawk, he will be an Evers Eagle. LOL

Lolly said...

The thing we dislike the most is he has to cross two streets without a crossing guard. He is a big boy and should handle it well. He could also walk home but that is a little farther and she is not ready for him to be at home alone. On rainy days she could go get him with someone covering her class for a few minutes.

Hoda said...

Good friends from Australia have arrived to Nelson.
We will have lunch tomorrow.
Looking forward to it.
They came from Australia to get married in Nelson.
Very cool.

JudyEddy said...

Hello been home a bit but wanted to do some stuff before I sat in front of the computer and get sucked in LOL

JudyEddy said...

Visit at the store went great but only was there if anything 20 min
all that payroll and all that work for 20 min some peeps were upset because he didn't talk with everyone like they thought he would OH well such is life you never get what you want all the time LOL They stood at the front of the store in produce and some on them did a quick walk through like the back room and around the store

paula eagleholic said...

Still no cam? Boo. That will probably be it for the year I would think.

Went fishing...just small fish today

Saw a water spout form 3 times this morning...really cool. Put pic on FB

Ribs for dinner. Probably head to crisfield tomorrow.

Less hhumid here today

Love you all <3

Lori O. said...

JUDYE, must have been an exciting day for you, even if it was only 20 min.

GRANNY, I hope your day got a lot better thinking of all the good times you and hubby had. More Big Hugs!

LOLLY, way to go with your painting. You already have a lot done!

HODA, very cool that your friends are having a destination wedding in Nelson! I love it!

SHIRLEY, maybe getting a new thumb hole bored like you said is what you need. Sorry, it didn't go as well as you wanted. Nice to know that Pepsi is going to have his parents back.

Mema Jo said...

Judie - Chief Inspector Morse has died in tonight's episode

2 little skunks were in my front yard when hubby and son drove up - Thankfully they ran across the street to the other side!

I am watching Royal Pains.... BBL

Hoda said...

Off to Authentic Voice Workshop.
It will be 1:00 AM your time when I return, so I will say goodnight now


God Bless Us All.

Lolly said...

Do not like it when skunks are out during the day. Keep an eye on pets.

Ate dinner, cleaned up kitchen mess as I have moved a lot into it from the utility room. I also painted a little as I was anxious to see the color. It is such a pale green that it is almost blue. Not good! Want it to look green. After I put the green throw rugs back in there maybe it will look green. LOL

Heard from Jack after he arrived in Denver. I am sure he is out eating now and he will call again later when he is in his room.

Lolly said...

Good night, Hoda! Great that you have friends there. They have come a l_o_n_g way!

Hoda said...

Glad JACK arrived safely LOLLY.
Don't over do the work with painting.
Colour hues are tricky, might appear blue now but will pick up the green. Otherwise it might look too green if you changed the hue.

Yes Chad Mariska Molly, their 18 month old daughter, and I will have lunch tomorrow and maybe to a yoga class together.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly, the little skunks were down in the yard in the dark of night - 8:30 or so. It wasn't daylight. My 2 cats had just came into the house off the back porch.

Have a good visit at lunch tomorrow Hoda.

Mema Jo said...

I am going to wrap it up for today


God bless and keep you through the night.


I ♥ us ♥♥

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Judie said...

Sandperson has departed to visit the momsters and dadsters.

Hoda, so nice to have your friends visiting and for a wedding planned in Nelson. A brownie wedding cake, no doubt.

Jo, I did not see the Inspector Morse listed for tonight. Just as well. I refuse to accept that Morse, John Thaw, is no longer with us.

Wanda, I forgot to mention earlier that the SK must have been an amazing success. Puts me in mind of when you and the Capt. were asked and then debated and then accepted and now such a huge success. Congratulations.

Shirley, I'm sure you are sad to see you neighbor leave but, hopefully, the new owners will be exceptionally nice neighbors. As for the bowling ball, whatever works.

Restful sleep for all.

Lolly said...

Jack called again. We had a good laugh. One time on a business trip he got this big white station wagon. I teased him and said they must have known his personality. Then on another trip he had the laugh as he got a red sporty convertible. Well, he is laughing again, this time he got a BMW. He is enjoying it but has not figured everything out how to turn down the AC fan.

Going to head to the shower soon and then take a book to bed. I usually stay up really late when Jack is gone, but I am tired tonight and have a busy day tomorrow.

Night all! SED!!

stronghunter said...

Having trouble keeping my brain straight. Time for sleep. God bless.
SED, everyone.

Hope the new neighbors will be good, too, Judie.

PA Nana said...

Sorry for stopping by so late but i'm the original night owl.
The weather today was spectacular and hope it stays awhile - a long while!

Hope everyone has enjoyed today and will have a great day tomorrow. I'll say my good night now along with prayers for all needs and wants, especially good health.


grannyblt said...

Thanks for the hugs everyone. today was a good day. I scouted out the previously chosen location for a club picnic next week. Sure glad I did so we can be alert to those using canes and walkers to help carry their picnic baskets.

Lolly, I like the idea of your grandson becoming and EAGLE..

I had something else in mind to say, but Judie spread the sleepy dust and it is way past my bedtime. The other night there was a program about Budda on PBS I tried to watch, but it watched me for the most part. SED to all.

Hoda said...

AOYP stay well SED

We sang we danced we saw the connections of our chakras with the Universe we create for ourselves.

Tomorrow swimming, shop for a gift for Molly,
Go out to lunch with Chad Mariska and Molly Koala.
In the evening the authentic voice workshop.

I love Us.

Goodnight and God Bless us all.

Sandi said...

Good cool,rainy Thursday morning my eagle friends!

Not a great day for directing traffic and parking cars for the Bethany Beach Cottage Tour, but that's what I'm lined up for this morning. This is one of the reasons I would never want my house on the tour - picture hundreds of strangers walking through your house looking at all your stuff on a rainy day! No thanks! But the event raises TONS of money for our library so it's a good cause. Maybe the rain will stop - the cool temps will be a nice change of pace!

Bandit has started pacing during the night (around 4am), which wakes us up b/c his nails click on the hardwood floors. I emailed Lynne about trying Melatonin. Bought some last night at the grocery store and gave Bandit 1/2 of a 1mg. tablet before bedtime. He slept fine - too early to tell if it was a coincidence or the Melatonin helped. Lynne also suggested increasing his Dasuquin dosage in case his arthritis is causing him pain during the night, so I will do that as well. Thanks, Lynne!!!

Shirley, great news about the family trip to Colorado!

IMO, George is a great name for a man, or a king, but it's not a "baby's name." Just sayin ...

Have a great day all!!

Janet said...

Good morning to all.

LOLLY thank you for the affirmation regarding deep sleeping fur babies. The only expereince I had had to that prior with anything that slept that deeply were ferrets. They do that normally. My dorberman does not and it startled me. Age I suppose.

SANDI: the article makes sense, however, I would still think some light stretching prior to a work out would start the circulation and warm the muscle so that you don't start cold and potentially tear/strain something.... hmmmm. But good points were indeed made.
Thank you for sharing.

And thank you to anyone else who reponded. My brain is asleep; I had a hard time goign to sleep last night......slept well when I did, but it was past midnight before my brain allowed me to sleep. Doesn't happen very often, but sure don't like it when it does. :P

Went out and had some retail therapy yesterday. Went out to Academy Sports to get tom some new shoes. this is about the only place he can find shoes to fit his feet.

his feet make me love mine. i can slip almost anything on and find a fit. he can't.

so while he searched, i found a pair of cute sandles marked 75% off....a pair of new work shoes for rainy days, 50% off, then i remembered i wanted some toe socks for my toe shoes....and by then he had singled down a selection.....and finally found a pair. then we went to their pool section and found a few items (on sale too!) we wanted.

then, a trip to michael's. we have a project we are wanting to do. I will post pix as we get started.

then we decided it was time to go home. lol.

we shoveled more dirt into the ditch last night. anyone here ever watch COOL HAND LUKE? my standard joke as we begin as what's that dirt doing outside boss' hole? and we start to shovel, laughing.

the ditch is filled now. we have more dirt to move, but the ditch is filled.

i have to say this, its been good exercise, dropped his sugar levels even further, and we have good laughs together as we do the work.

light, and love to all. holding each of you in my heart and thoughts for your needs. :) happy thursday!

Janet said...

oops. forgot. HODA: you class sounds amazing!!!! i would have loved to have been inthere!

JudyEddy said...


Lori O. said...

Good Morning Everyone!!!

JANET, glad you got some laughs and your ditch filled at the same time! Happy feet with new shoes, too!

HODA, sounds like a wonderful workshop you went to last night. Enjoy your special lunch today and workshop tonight.

SANDI, good for you, doing some volunteer work. I agree - wouldn't want all those wet feet walking in my house either! Good that Bandit and you got some sleep.

LOLLY, enjoy your quiet time today. Is painting on the agenda?

MARGY, I miss you!!!

GRANNY, so happy yesterday turned out to be a good day looking for the picnic spot. :)

JO! Baby skunks how cute!

I finally got some sleep last night. Don't know if it was the new Magnesium Citrate that did the trick for my Restless Leg, but I slept! YAY!

KAY, hoping you have a grand day! Big hugs.

PAULA, anymore job interviews in the pipeline?

Hope you all have a great day!!! BBL

paula eagleholic said...


See you on the new thread!


3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...