Wednesday, May 08, 2013


Fresh thread. 


magpie said...

Thanks Steve.....

half an hour into the New Thread already...
I think I better go make an announcement ☺

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Steve.

Hi, Margy!

magpie said...

Good Day Shirley!
Was just thinking about
"not having seen you yet" today
(well except for a little while past midnight, that does not count ☺ )

stronghunter said...

I see two flopped eaglets in the nest and some wilted greens.

stronghunter said...

Need to go read back.

CarolAnne said...

New thread - thanks for the alert!
Sunshiny day,
Plotzed eaglets
Kay returning home
MemaJo out visiting
All is good :o)

stronghunter said...

Read back a bit. No, Judie, I do not think you need to eat any paper clips.

Need to get a few things done around here. Will check in again later.

Hoping that Sharon gets the insurance company motivated quickly.

stronghunter said...

Enjoy your trip home, Kay.

Have fun with the great-grands, Jo.

stronghunter said...

Good to see you on the blog today, CA.

CarolAnne said...

I have been remiss in not Thanking each of you that noted my absence and my recent return to the blog. Good people - all of you. :o)

PA Nana said...

Here is the yellow columbine. Sure is purity.

Will read back after a doctor appointment. Have a great afternoon.

JudyEddy said...

GOOD Afternoon eagle peeps Home for lunch and find a fresh thread waiting


JudyEddy said...

HI back at ya MARGY but I was at work when you posted that 8-5 is me

I saw some huge turtle in the retention pond at work before I came home for lunch They water is so clear it amazes me how clear it is I did get some pic but won't download till I get home from see the eagles at the park after work I am addicted to them Love seeing them daily was going up at lunch but came home instead

JudyEddy said...

LORI I wish you all the luck and love in the world for your interview You will do great

JudyEddy said...

MARGY and PAULA thanks for looking at the little birds nest just was wondering if anyone knew what it was I am thinking about asking Jordyn teacher if she wants to for show and tell or something like that

JudyEddy said...

I chuckled CA when I read your post about standing on the side of the road cute

If you are home KAY WELCOME HOME

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

The only thing that is visible in the nest are the tails ends of the chicks they are both gazing to the world at 12

JudyEddy said...

and they are the cutest little tails

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Changed my avatar to Liberty the male at the cell phone tower I thinks its him from what I can see on the beak and he is smaller than some of the juvies haven't seen Belle only Liberty the past couple of days OK off I go

CarolAnne said...

HODA - no more girl in the rain (thinking of Lolly's feelings)lol

Now just a bunch of eggheads. While on my profile to change my avatar I added a few more pics for viewing if any one would like to see.

magpie said...

We're on the fringes of some
storm activity
here.. Maryland and Virginia
and also near the nest

might get some action

signing off, workday almost over

(( ♥ ☺ ))

Lori O. said...

Good afternoon all!

Thank you, STEVE, for the new thread and MARGY for the call over!
C/A, is it soooooo good to have you back! Big hug!

Hoping KAY has made her way all the way home by now and has safely arrived home with Penny.

JUDYE, can't wait to see your pics of the turtle!

JO, hope you had a grand time with the great grands!

Love you all!

Janet said...

good afternoon to all!

LORI: go get "em gal. we are ALL pulling for you!!!

soo, i have a story to share with you all. my daughter, the oldest, called this afternoon to share with me.

last night they were at amelia's soccer practice. while she and her team practices, jack and the other kids not on the team play catch, soccer, chase, whatever, right behind the field. the moms sit with so they can watch the soccer practice, chat and then turn around and check on the younger kids.

all was well.

UNTIL they turned around and saw my grandson (Jack) sitting with a LIVE RACOON in his lap and he was petting it like a cat (he is 5).!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

they quickly removed the racoon of course, and it was docile, it appeared to be ill and dying.

so they couldn't get a hold of animal control, so they called the police. now this part really t's me off...the officer came out, and yes, they moved the kids across the field, but with the kids in sight, he struck it in the back of the head 2x and then dumped its body (still breathing was the report) in the dumpster!

not only does it irritate me that he does this act in front of children, (if you must kill it on the spot, go behind the dumpster out of the sight of the kids!), but he could have called animal control (they have a 24 hour dispatch the police can call for such things) and then they could have euthanized it humanely and tested for rabies. as it is, they cannot test.

thankfully there have been no reported cases of rabies in davidson county for over a year, but still

thankfully jack was not bitten. it was rather cat like, friendly, not afraid, but still, it is scary. he has received a talking to about not petting animals that you do not know...but he was very upset with the police officer for "killing his friend"....

just made me sick.

well, i need to take olivia to the ice rink, but anyway, wanted to share that one with you all.


Lori O. said...

JANET, OMG! That is horrible! I would be irked, too! Glad your grandson is okay.

Janet said...

I am LORI. I am glad Jack is okay as well, that had potential for a really nasty outcome.... just thankful at this time....but upset with the officers lack of discretion....

stronghunter said...

Jodi Arias guilty of first degree murder.

stronghunter said...

Now, they begin the penalty phase.

stronghunter said...

Oh my gosh, Janet, how insensitive and inappropriate.

magpie said...

"That's Just Not right...", Janet...
that's what James would say, and me too...
and if it WAS sick, the deceased
raccoon probably needed to be
turned over to the Health Department to be checked....
I believe that's how things are done is often the
citizen's responsibility...but in the case, would have been the
so sorry the kids [and the adults] had to see what
they did...

magpie said...

I had been watching some of
the coverage of the Jodi Arias
thanks for the verdict news....

So far we have "dodged" the storm bullet here but not sure if
something will come around later on

magpie said...

Actually, James would say
"That's Just Wrong."

WVJerry said...

Good early evening all. Hope everything and everyone has been well. Just finished a 6 day/50 hour week last week and looking at another next week when my boss is on vacation. I've been watching the cam when time has allowed and can see Hedgie and Shamrock are growing and spreading their wings more and more. Looks like nest is drying out some now. Finally got our licenses Saturday and made it out fishing at Cacapon in Berkeley Springs. We both caught a bass. Spent more time talking to a man that turned out knew my two twin brother-in-laws and some other people I knew from living in Shepherdstown 25 years ago. Just wanted to check in and let everyone I was still around. I'll check back in this weekend. I've been wanting to ride down by nest with my wife but haven't had much time even though it's probably only 15 miles or so away if that. Probably too many leaves now to see anything. Take care all.

magpie said...

But am glad that no one, especially little Jack, was OK,
not bitten or attacked or anything

magpie said...

Oh! the Cacapon in Berkeley
Springs for WV Jerry..
that's GREAT, nice river it is

WVJerry said...

Hi Margy. Should have said the lake at the park. I forgot about the river. How are things with you?

magpie said...

Oh the Lake at Cacapon State Park...
it's lovely up there for sure
My grandson James and I spend some
time there whenever we can...
I'm doing OK, thanks...not working
50 hours, 6 days like you!
You take care, and keep your eyes on the next fishing expedition!

Lynne2 said...

OMG Janet, how AWFUL. Poor Jack....

The policeman did the WRONG thing on most every level! The health dept and animal control should have been notified, and the 'coon, having be touched by ANYONE, should have been sent for rabies testing. The brain is what needs to be tested.

'Coons are the number one rabies vector species in most areas. PLEASE PLEASE let Jack's Dr. know about this, and contact your local health department right away.

There is no going back from rabies.

Make sure Jacks has no cuts or scrapes. Saliva carries the virus and if the 'coon's saliva came in contact with any sized wound....DANGER.

I'm sure it's all good. But rabies is SO SO SO deadly and children have died because they were afraid to tell parents that they found, held, or were bitten by a wild animal.

I'll get off my soap box now.

magpie said...

It's not a soap box, Lynne2,
it is extremely valuable information, and well it is that
you have posted it....
Your experience speaks volumes on here, with many things

magpie said...

I need to push on and
get some "the rest of the day
things" accomplished here at home,
or try to...

Take Care, Pals...
xo ♥

JudyEddy said...

HELLO Home from work and a quick visit to the eagle Dinner time was earlier tonight Adult flew in at 535 and usually its 555 Odd too they were all there and excited to get feed with all the squealing but then one of the juvie flew away and didn't get any food I wonder why Hot date maybe LOL

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Lynne, for saying that. I have been thinking the same thing. Susan works in raccoon rescue, and she had to get rabies shots to do that.

I cannot imagine why the police did what they did. The raccoon should definitely have been tested. I think the incident should be reported to proper authorities.

Definitely call Jack's doctor. Please.

JudyEddy said...

MARGY thanks for the head up on Google that is one of the best I have seen

Sandi said...

Good evening my eagle friends!

Need to get caught up on today's blog news - BBL!

magpie said...

and Shirley and anyone
else watching the storks:

on the Netherlands Stork Nest..
there are three babies now,
one failed to survive and was
removed from the nest...a few days ago;
the last egg never hatched and
looks like it is fading into the
nest cup

In Hoechestadt Germany, ( a still cam with refreshes)
I think
there are four baby storks

magpie said...

On to more chores...
Good Evening Eagle Pals...
hope to hear later on of Jo's Jaunt to Hedgesville...

ttfn xo ♥

JudyEddy said...

family is in nest

JudyEddy said...

lots of squealing like piggys

Lolly said...

Dinner is over, clean up done and about to watch AI. It has been a glorious day!!

OMG....Janet!!! That is so scary and what the police did was soooo inappropriate!!!! Follow Lynne's advice.

We have had wonderful bird activity in the yard when we sit out in the evenings. Right now see two peaglets plotzed in the nest. LOL My spell check does not like peaglets nor plotzed. Too funny!!

Lori O. said...

Glad you had a good day LOLLY.

MARGY, hope you got all your chores done.

Getting ready tonight to leave for PA, Mom and Dad's, early tomorrow morning.

Sure wish KAY would check in.

magpie said...

Happy Packing and Happy and Safe Trails in the early morning Lori..
will be holding you close in the heart and soul with
Positive Thoughts ♥
and Prayers too, of course

Mema Jo said...

It has been more rain in one day then so far this spring! Our trip was up to Big Pool where the Hedgesville gang was visiting their Meme - Kristen. We had a delightful time visiting with them.
Posted on FB their group picture and will send out in Email to those that I know don't go there...

Judie email me and the storm has affected her internet - it is on again and off again.

magpie said...

Yea, Lolly we like hearing when
folks have a glorious day ☺
Enjoy your Evening Also !

CarolAnne said...

Safe travels LORI

magpie said...

Will never really get the chores done Lori!
But, Steady as She Goes, I say...
one little pile at a time I guess

magpie said...

Oh Jo!
Great, you slipped on while I was magpie-ing away....
glad you got to visit with
the Big and Little Kids !!
♥ ☺
I mistakenly thought and posted that I thought you would be in MY home county of Berkeley today .
whoops, sorry about that

Hoda said...

Have not read back!
At Advance Poll for Provincial Elections.
Pretty friendly place.
I like all the people working here.
Hope all is well with our group!
I voted.
The voters are cheerful. No line ups!

magpie said...

Here's how it is, I am afraid
to add FB to my list of things to do....partly because it would
eat into my Snail-mailing time ☺
I'm just not hip to anything new these days

Once again, though, I appreciate the sharing by other means
and Thank You All

Mema Jo said...

Lori - safe travels up to mom and dad's and on Friday I will be sending you good vibes for your interview. Just remember Judie's advice as to what NOT to say! lol

magpie said...

Adult in the nest, kids are
excited about that !!

magpie said...

and it sounds like the other parent is in the attic rustling around

Mema Jo said...

Janet - I would have reported that office in a heartbeat!

magpie said...

and the tell-tale flap of the wings and that one on-the-nest
seems to be gone

Sorry that Judie is on and off again with internet :(
guess we might be on our tonight
as regards The Sandperson...

Mema Jo said...

Adult trying to place a stick aka crib rail. Sorta late at night to be doing that chore.
Off goes the adult!
Nest could use more fluff!

Things to do and then I'll catch a 9:00 TV show........


magpie said...

Thanks for the info regarding
Judie's computer Jo...
and Howdy Hoda!

disappearing now, need to cross
shower and shampoo and then laundry off my list

xoxo ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Oh a lovely new thread...

Gotta read and get caught up.

paula eagleholic said...

Janet, how awful for the kids to witness the actions of the officer. I would be upset too. I think it should be reported, both to the health office and his superior!

Lori, safe travels tomorrow and best of luck Friday!

paula eagleholic said...

News on the work front. I should be done and out of there by next Wednesday...I am really trying to get it done. Stayed late tonight, since I couldn't mow.

AND, next Wednesday night, I am heading to Michael and Laura's! We are headed to Massachusetts to visit my Aunt Edna and other members of my Dad's family. We will leave Thursday morning. On Saturday we will head to Boston, then somewhere on Cape Cod on either Saturday night or Sunday. We head home Monday!

JudyEddy said...

SIS I would call someone on the officer I am sure that is not policy I just got home from Angie and just now started reading the blog She called me their refrig is going out and I went don't there to maybe bring some stuff home but Carl mom has a extra in her garage didn't need to haul anything here Ok now to go read and watch TV

NatureNut said...

Hello, Dear Eagle Gang!
Read today's comments only. Was so exhausted testerday, didn't get on at all.At Park in AM, my side of the 'puter had desktop wipeout again!!!!!!Understand the techie lady had been down to fix some stuff for Monday's user!She supposedly hooked up the cash reg. receipt printer but it was out again & today after I had her work on it yesterday!I got most of my programs back on there myself and she called in PM & retrieved some other stuff, then the internet went OUT!!!! Tried my user side at Chelsea today & went pretty well, but Park email had only updated to 4-9!!!! So I went back to doing my "arts & crafts" work!

This PM, was out on Chelsea deck. It has the pink dogwood and big maple tree over it.I was made witness to the loudest,explosive bird chirp I've ever heard!!!Thought my eardrums were ruined!Heard it a few more times and after the initial screaming operatic note, there were several lower, quieter "du du du....." notes. I looked up through the trees and didn't see anything! Has anyone heard anything like that?
I have a birdcall CD & there's always internet. I'm suspecting wren. And too bad Greg K., our crack naturalist had just stopped by Before this! We're also trying to ID little black turtle I had to move off the Park road. Greg told me to Google mud & musk!Gotta download cam & do have pics ready for blog, gotta eat something.
Janet, that is just TERRIBLE about the policeman's treatment of the raccoon in front of everybody. Thank God your grandson and all others weren't bitten. My lifelong friend who lives/worked in Annapolis gotten bitten at work parking lot by rabid groundhog & had to have the shots!
I know Lori aced her interview!After all, speaking was her expert profession!
Hope Sharon gets all her tests lined up.

JudyEddy said...

spider spider going up and down see it
It was on the right side but now gone I got to snips if it
by the time I typed this and snip it It was gone

JudyEddy said...

watching AI

GLO I will ask the question here I was going to on FB under one of the picture

The very unique pictures is that a special effect on your camera or do you do it after That is so cool looking didn't want to put you on the spot on FB LOL

Be safe on the road LORI

JudyEddy said...

Changed avatar to the red slider turtle one of three this was the big one

I looked up the turtle cute little thing LORETTA

so funny the one turtle came right up to the side of the retention wall awfully hard to take a pic through the fence hole but I got on the video is short I got being the fence and they were close to the wall will try again to get another one I want to get a pic of the one or video its is about 3 feet or more soft shell I got a video awhile back but haven't seen since But the water is so clear now as you can see in the video and pic

Turtles video and pic and a orange mowhawk egret LOL and eagle video one min long short but sweet AI was so good I am watching on DVR now gonna be close they all were good

Judie said...

Quickly as the internet may go away. Storm with high winds and large hail and heavy driving rain this afternoon - internet has been iffy since then.

Not reading back as I want to go quickly.

I think I remember tomorrow Lori is traveling so safe trip and "break a leg" Friday.

Confused but happy anniversary to Dana and Monte whenever that occurs.

AND, lest anyone is fearful of insomnia tonight, the Sandperson will be departing at 11pm. He has an extraordinarily large bag of sleepy dust.

Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn said there was a big storm up north where she was. We have had lots of rain, but no big storm.

Mema Jo said...

Paula - sounds like a great trip coming up next week for you! good company and I'm sure the sights will be great.

I am heading into bed - I do think the sandman has been here and already gone.

Prayers for all our needs
Have a restful sleep and SED ♥

paula eagleholic said...

SED, love and hugs for all ♥

magpie said...

Good Night, Precious Pals
God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

JudyEddy said...

Here is a youtube video of picture of a eagle attacking a owl and a octopus was on facebook

RAW NATURE Eagle attacks owl and octopus

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

PA Nana said...

Lori, safe travels to PA.

Paula, an amazing trip in store for you. Be safe and enjoy.

Janet, I'm sorry your grandson and friends had to see what the police did. Agree with Lynne2 and hope your grandson has not be infected.

Goodnight everyone and God bless!

Lynne2 said...

well, I really did try to get here more today to chit chat but managed only to catch some WWF. Rest of the week might be a bit busy as well. This week will end some anxiety for us....MTBR.

Need to head to bed now...good night, prayers for all!

Safe travels tomorrow Lori!

JudyEddy said...

LYNNE2 meaning landlord new neighbors ???? curiosity killed the cat don't leave us hanging LOL

Hoda said...

Good Evening all.
A full day for me and I just got in. A whole lot of people decided to come in and vote five minutes before closing so of course we let them in and we were late getting out of there.
Good work though and good people.
Cheerful place to be and everyone was friendly.

JANET I agree with LYNNE and everyone else about the raccoon saga.

Safe travels LORI and good luck with the interview.

PAULA how awesome.Terrific trip it sounds like. If you stay at Barnstable that is my old hunting grounds like the saying goes...Oyster Harbours is where we lived. Enjoy the Cape.

C/A I will miss the rain girl and I laughed about maybe LOLLY's feelings will be hurt...not much rain in Texas I take it.

I have to read the old will go do that now.

Hoda said...

JO is safe in her roost and enjoyed the GG Kids.

I agree JUDIE crab cackes over paper clips!!!

Sweet C/A!Waving to KAY as she drives past. I am sure if she was close she would stop and you two would have lunch.

I hope things work well at your house LYNNE...Let us know when you know what will happen in regards neighbours is what I am guessing too.

JudyEddy said...

The SANDMAN skipped my house Ever since I have been back to work having issue getting to sleep It happens every vacation since I stay up late and sleep late got to stop doing that cause I suffer later


People around the eagle nest tell that some pets disappear I guess they are correct but never has been recorded till now 4-29 is date on it


I don't know if I want to post this or not Minnesota brings a dead kitten to the nest So sad
Minnesota balkd eagle bring kitten to nest and then a fish 4-29

Angie asked me to watch Jordyn the two days again because its 30 a day for her to go to the school during the summer so naturally I said yes Get me some Jordyn time in get to go to all the place I love taking her to

stronghunter said...

Time for me to head upstairs. Will need to be conscious tomorrow to get Hunter off to school.

SED, everyone. See you tomorrow.

JudyEddy said...

Love the way I spelled bald balkd LOL ok gonna go to bed or try I should say not tired but I must get up and not sleep in to try to get back to my routine

JudyEddy said...

ok I got the above from Facebook naturally other people can't sleep too LOL

Lolly said...

It is that tine of night...shower and bed time!!

Paula, wishing you the best with the end of this work and then your tirp.

Safe travels tomorrow, Lori.

Rain? What is rain? Have heard of it, but no idea what it is.

Night all!

Lolly said...

LOL Trip not tirp!!!

Hoda said...

Sandman is here...



stronghunter said...

Don't think I want to see the kitten, Judy. That is sad. Good night, everyone.

Sandi said...

Good Thursday morning my eagle friends! Had a pretty big thunder storm last night. Bandit didn't hear a thing - guess that's one of the advantages of him being deaf!! he used to really suffer during thunderstorms - last night, he slept like a baby!

Lori, safe travels for you back to Mom & Dad's! I'm sure you'll rock that interview tomorrow!

Paula, glad you have a closing date on this chapter in your career/life! Trip sounds great before you start on the next chapter!

Lynne, hoping the lessened anxiety means a certain rude, loud neighbor will be living somewhere else!

Judie, I can understand a great group of students making it harder to make a decision about retiring. Now, if I could retire at the end of this year, it would be the easiest decision I have ever made! 25 more days!!

Eaglets are both still asleep.

Have a great day all!

Janet said...

good morning

JERRY: sounds like a lovely fishing trip. i havne't gone yet this year and with tom's shoulder surgery, i may not get to go this year....

LYNNE2:. Chelsea did contact the pediatrician and that was exactly what they told her....he doesn't have any cuts/scratches on his arms and "says" the racoon did not lick him....but it is scary none the less.

And, she contacted the animal control folks as well, and they had explained to her the process of decapitating the racoon, etc. Thankfully there have been no rabies in the area in over a year....but, it should have been handled much differently!

Not only for Jack's safety, then mental safety of the kids that had to witness such brutality, but for public safety as well. That's a residential area plus, the soccer fields are always busy this time of the year....

I didn't consider it a "soap box" are completely right. And not everyone knows this information. So, thank you!

LORI : thinking of you......................

its Thursday again., its been dry the last couple of days and i am thankful. more rain moving in, but i've jus tenjoyed the sun.

i was able to do a few things outside last night....not everythign i wanted to do, but such is life.

tonight is jack's kindergarten program, so as soon as i pick olivia up, its zoom zoom across town to that.

anyway, hope everyone has a dandy day. i'll be holding each of you close in my heart and thought! light, love, smiles and hugs to all!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Damp and foggy here.

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, I think it was mentioned that the "cat" was probably a's a type of weasel...that was brought into the eagles nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglets are up and about, one standing, one laying.

paula eagleholic said...

Parent was just in the nest, but took off. Eaglets watching parent flying around...

Judie said...

Good morning!

Well, I see some unpleasant reports so will not look at those.

Safe travels for Lori.

Glad Jerry had a nice fishing trip. Good to get away.

Paula is about to become a lady of leisure and planning a terrific visit to the beauteous Northeast to visit family.

Lynn2 might has some interesting news soon? I also hope it involves a more peaceful environment.

Hoda is trying to distract me from brownies with crab cackes; another Nelson specialty no Another new word for our dictionary.

Jodi Arias convicted. Watched most of the trial. Verdict is appropriate. She wants death -- I think life without the possibility would be my recommendation. JMHO if she ever gets free she'll kill again.

Mind-boggling about the three women in Cleveland. I cannot imagine all the emotions. Hope they get the after-care they will need.

Judie said...

Our eaglets in the nest. Saw a parent fly in and then out. One of the babes is trying self-feed practicing with a clump of flugg.

RTH babies growing; Ms. Kestrel is incubating; the bears are fine. Think I'll check on Isla and Pete's Pond.


Judie said...

Fresh thread. Y'all come on over. I promise to be quiet.

NCSuzan said...

Tonight's eclipse in case it hasn't been posted.... Ring of Fire Eclipse

Hope everyone is OK.

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Judie.

Headed to the NEW THREAD.

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Judie.

Headed to the NEW THREAD.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...