Wednesday, May 29, 2013


New thread. 

This Friday we will be replacing the UPS in our computer room.  this will take a few days to complete.  I anticipate the cam will go offline sometime Friday afternoon and be off through the weekend.


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paula eagleholic said...

Lori, where will you be attending school?

JudyE, thanks for all your commentary on our eaglets today.

paula eagleholic said...


JudyEddy said...

Hello home from a short time with Jordyn went to the park and after we had tickets to go see Beauty and the Beast the drama club at her school K-4th did it was cute so Angie and Jorydn went home and I came home was really cute
Jordyn was so cute she got up and started to dance like they were I think she may be in the drama club next year

JudyEddy said...

Angie just left a message and said she saw some power people taking a nest down form a cell phone tower I think I will go investigate

Lori O. said...

PAULA, it's a one year LPN program in Reynoldsville, PA.

paula eagleholic said...

Think the kids are looking for dinner!

paula eagleholic said...

Lori, that's a fast program! Is it a community college?

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - I have had 2 grandkids skydive - I was told after the fact for which I thanked them!

Mema Jo said...

I was out watering the plants and there is a very nice breeze now - not this afternoon for sure!
My flowers look scalded from the sun
I sure don't have any Hawkwood gardens at my deck. Lot of work for Lolly but her love of it sure shows.

Judie said...

Good grief, I arrive to find that Shirley's plumbing is now working and Lorweeeda has a wren family, Jo has skydivers and a blogger (?) also has a death wish, and Judy and Jordyn had a fun day, and Andy had a fun long weekend. Hmmmm. Sounds good for all.

Still no chick for Isla, RTH babes are soon to fledge, Kestrel babies are huddled alone, and I can only see one of our eaglets at the 9 spot. Going to look again.

Have not really caught up. I apologize if I've overlooked so many. Been busy trying to get the house ready for painters (June 10) and at the same time prepare for 3 house guests (non of whom I have met)arriving July 1 - July 5. I am not smiling!

Going to get some food. BBL

JudyEddy said...

Both are in the nest opposite ends and in the same area they have been for a while

JudyEddy said...

oops now wingersizing from the launch pad to 12

JudyEddy said...

The other ducks with each flap Now has talons on stick or log

JudyEddy said...

trying to pick up and did it YEAH that was good

JudyEddy said...

left with the stick in talons and didn't see the landing but do see wings flapping

JudyEddy said...

now jumped in middle of nest on top of the pile of logs and grabbed another

JudyEddy said...

picking it up and moving so cool anyone else here seeing this taking the stick from 5 to 1

JudyEddy said...

back for another stick now practice makes perfect NOPE went back to the launch pad
that is the first time I have seen them move the sticks on purpose really cool Cool beans LM LM LM

JudyEddy said...

All you facebooker might want to check this out tooo cool a gal is raising Lunar Moths eggs so cool check out her picture

Lunar Moths from eggs and now a caterpillar

stronghunter said...

Going to be an interesting summer. Hunter has gotten a new bike and for the past couple of days has managed to take off without asking. Kathryn has gone in search. Time to set up some new guidelines.

magpie said...

C-5 sound at the airspace over the nest

magpie said...

Yes it is, Shirley, and Yes it is, Shirley
Summer, and Guidelines

magpie said...

Wondering with great curiosity who
Judie's Mystery Visitors will
be in July....

magpie said...

Figure the Eaglets are pretty glad for a cooler evening, Me Also!

stronghunter said...

Kathryn came back with Hunter. Something about some kids and a construction site. Oh my. Glad she found him.

Lolly said...

Hi all! Eaglets really making noise for this time of night. I finally got some house cleaning done. Deliberately stayed out of the yard. Oh, I did a little, had to do a little. Jo, Hawkwood at present looks great but now the water restrictions have started. It will be down hill from now on. I can hand water and will do a lot of that. I am just living in the wrong time period. lol

Tomorrow going to mow, but then clean up and head to Laurel's. She needs me to pick up Jacob after school. He has had a good week UNTIL today!! He just can not handle some things.

Wow, Dana on twice today and good to see Andy on.

Andy, I would have loved to have seen that Royal exhibit. Interesting!!

Lolly said...

Apparently I missed Sandi's post about sky diving. Has she lost her mind??? lol Yep, this school year has gotten to her.

CarolAnne said...

Whoa, such weather .
Under a severe thunder storm watch and a tornado watch until 1 am. :o (

Good news is tomorrow is FRIDAY ---- make that RED FRIDAY!

Hoping everyone has a quiet night.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - Shirley said Susan was going Skydiving this evening
Sandi's feet are still on the ground

Janet said...

quick and tired good evening. it was a good day at work and a better day at home....

took scout and seven on leash walks tonight. tom is working on the car, the wagon. there is some sort of leak in the cooling system....aka antifreeze!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i didn't want them in the back yard, even though he hosed it down, so we walked.

anyway, been busy and i am tired. tomrorow is friday and saturday is comign soon. doing some volutneer work, (for the arthritis foundation) and it is also my son's 23rd bday.....busy weekend ahead....

SED, light, love and hugs to all!

Mema Jo said...

Going to call it a night
I know I am 1 or 2 hrs earlier then usual - it's been a good day but all things good must come to an end..

Good Night and God Bless each and
everyone of you and your loved ones

I love us ♥

stronghunter said...

Yes, it was Susan who decided to jump out of a plane. It was to be 47 hours from the time she posted this afternoon, so that would be a couple of days. I am trying not to think too much about this. I would not even get near an open door of an airplane, much less jump.

Did ride in a helicopter once. It did not have doors, and that was scary enough.

magpie said...

Good Night, Precious Pals

Ditto what CarolAnne said:
Tomorrow is FRIDAY make that
God Bless Our Military

Enjoy the Eaglet Watching in the morning, the cloak of no-cam
occurs Friday round NOONTIME.

Prayers for Wellness all Around,
and Best Wishes for Very Sweet Sleep

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Shirley.....I think all will be very fine, but we'll worry along
with you if that helps you through it
(( Keep You Company Hugs ♥ ))

stronghunter said...

Time to wind down for the evening. A few more days of early rising for school, although then there will be Y Camp and baseball camp.

Judie said...

Margy, the guests are cousins of Darth. He knows one of them from childhood but not the other two. They are coming to "do Washington" and, of course, we are expected to provide free room and board. I am not smiling. Well, yes I am because I am imagining how they will cope with the heat and humidity of D.C. in July. Smile!

Wish I could wish away the bad weather for CarolAnne and Lolly.

Shirley, I am sorry Susan has a death wish. Seriously, she will have the experience of a lifetime and be fine. Had a terrific experience years ago when I was a passenger in a Snoopy-type bi-plane. Laughed till I cried. Would not jump out of a plane on purpose though. Glad Hunter was apprehended. Yes, new guidelines.

Okay, the sandperson has already visited Jo and will soon visit everyone else. Restful sleep for all.

Hoda said...

Well exciting household you run SHIRLEY!!!
Never a dull moment.


Busy here with a project with the single Yoga Mums who are trying to raise funds for the slums of Nairobi!. I am afraid they are very disorganized and I have my doubts they will be able to pull it through for the 17th of June!!!
So I help where I can and give advice where I can and leave it at that...I do the chores I said I would do and feeling clear that I can not take on more to pick up the slack...

Amazes me how well the menu plan I had for this week of no grocery shopping is going and I have had some pretty delicious food. I just had an Adzuki Bean Broccoli Onion Misso soup and it was delicious. I will have to do that again.

Hoda said...



Lolly said...

Whoops! Thanks for the correction. Sandi should get a kick out of my mistake. lol So, it is Susan who has no good sense. Why jump out of a perfectly good airplane? I am scared of heights...and no longer seek thrills of any kind. I will keep my feet on the ground, thank you!

Judie, smile (oh, you are smiling!)and be a great hostess. Would be nice if you knew them.

It is that time of night. Adios Amigos!!! SED!!!

Sandi said...

Good Friday morning my eagle friends!

Lolly, it has been a bad school year but not so bad that I would want to jump out of a plane! Couldn't even imagine myself considering it, much less doing it!

Both juvies are in the nest right now. Make it a great day all!

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...

and Happy Birthday Wishes to our Groovin, Movin' Jim! Hope this is your Very Best Birthday,
Ever, Jim xoxo ☺ ♥

DanaMo said...

It's almost over Sandi! Yipee!

Today is assessments and practicing our kinder program. I have 2 that I am recommending that they repeat. How hard is that!! The one mom cries every time she talks about it. She is so sweet and actually is the one who talked about it at our first conference. She is okay with it, but sad. The other one is sad as well Not upset, but disappointed. I've recommended before, but neither time did the parents go along with it. In the end, at least at our school, it is the parental decision.

Pool party tonight for Annemarie's Lacrosse team.

Time to go blow dry my mop.
Have a great day everyone.

Wanted to catch Kay to say hello, but didn't see her on last night!! Helloooooooo Kay!!!

magpie said...

I see Judie's explananation of the
Mystery Guests...
oh dear...well, I hope
there will be some happy
surprises, and
maybe they will take Judie and Darth out one of DC's finest

I see and forgot to mention that I did....your post Wednesday about
Mason's Hip Replacement Surgery...
hoping and praying that all went
well and will continue to do so.
Knowing this progress on all things difficult in the past,
I am thinking he will do just fine!

Thank you for letting us know!
xo ♥

magpie said...

G'Morning DanaMo...enjoy these
last few action-packed days
at the Schoolhouse...
better that one repeat an early
grade than a later one....

Hoping your DAD is doing well...

Morning Shuffle going on here
and the time is racing past me...

Google Image is interesting today !

"See You All" from the
Dough Factory....

Best Wishes to Every One,
for a Very Good
God Bless Our Military ♥
and Grateful Thanks to Them,
Every Day....

Janet said...

good morning to all. i see rain in our future.....needing it so that is fine by me. although, tom may not feel the same. looks like the water pump has gone out on the wagon and he is trying to get it repaired as he has his shoulder surgery on tuesday.

kind of feel the crunch time as he is winding up some projects. he will be on "down" time as the shoulder heals for a while....

hope everyone has a fabulous friday! :) hugs, light, love and smiles to all....keeping you close in my heart and thoughts....

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Hoping that the visit of the cousins turns out to be a pleasant experience for Judie.

Know it is tough to make a decision to have a child repeat kindergarten, Dana. Glad that the parents are willing to accept your decision.

stronghunter said...

On Susan and jumping out of planes:

She is 33 years old, definitely an adult. Therefore, I do not worry too much. Just a little.

I do not even like to ride a Ferris wheel. Jumping out of a plane is way beyond my comfort zone.

stronghunter said...

Snoopy-type biplane . . . there was one flying over our neighborhood yesterday about the time Hunter went missing. Perhaps Judie has sent a surveillance crew to check on the kid.

Glad to see that that woman has gotten out of the jail in Mexico. What an awful experience.

stronghunter said...


Breakfast time at the nest. I heard eaglet squeals.

stronghunter said...


Breakfast time at the nest. I heard eaglet squeals.

stronghunter said...

Pardon. Double posted.

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday to Carolyn's Jennifer.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Everyone!!! It's FRIDAY, and another hot one at that!

SHIRLEY, I would be nervous to with Susan jumping out of a plane! I have no desire for such thrill seeking. :)

JANET, must have been adorable with both dogs on your leash walk last night! How cute!

JUDYE, did you get pics of Jordyn in the play?

HODA, so proud of you not shopping this week and being creative with your menu.

Lori O. said...

MARGY, I'm wearing my RED today!


T-Bird said...

Good morning my fine eagle peeps.

T-Bird said...

Happy birthday Red. I hope you treat yourself today like your best friend.

T-Bird said...

I guess we will not be able to talk with each other through the weekend. :(

T-Bird said...

Eagle-Eyed Shar let me know it is just the nest that will be down. : )

Judie said...

Good morning.

Eaglets in the sunshine. Isla is still waiting.

I also forgot to comment on Mason's hip replacement and hope all went smoothly for him. He has had a long struggle in his young life.

♪♫Happy Birthday, Jim.♪♫ Wishing you a lovely day.

Brain biology: Individuals who seek thrills have low levels of monoamine oxidase. Normal/high levels are those who are happy watching grass grow.

Need coffee. Day starting slowly.

magpie said...

I see Shep..
guess you all do ! ☺

magpie said...

I think the blog will be up, I think....I know the cams will be done

Good Morning More Morning Eagle Pals !

magpie said...

Oh let me see,

Happy 15th Birthday to
Jewels's "Baby" girl Jenn...

and correction, on
a prior post I made...on the older daughter Jess, the High School Graduate.....birthday on June 3 for her - the Big 19!

magpie said...

ooops cams will be DOWN noe "done"

and I see LORI has her RED on...
me also....

funny, with some of the shadows on the nest, it sometimes looks
like that the eagles' tales are waving in the breezes

Lolly: you and Jack have yourselves a good time in Denton...

paula eagleholic said...

I can see two eaglets! One plotzed at 10, the other looking out from the launch pad.

paula eagleholic said...

Working on getting out of here to head to the beach. Working on the master bath...replacing tub, floor, toilet, etc. We'll see how far we can get in 2 days. Probably heading home Monday, cause I don't have to on Sunday :)

paula eagleholic said...

Was pretty warm yesterday, but the evening was nice. Went to a local place, had tacos and margaritas outside!

stronghunter said...

Monoamine oxidase--hmm, so that explains some things.

Wonder where in the heck Susan got a low level of that stuff?

Her father and her brother have been known to fly airplanes, but, to my knowledge, they have no desire to jump out of one.
Her father went into a panic at the top of the St. Louis Arch. Have to admit it was swaying in a 60-mph wind. Enough sway to make it hard to walk, but he was the only family member bothered.

stronghunter said...

Oh goodie! Get to go back to the dentist today. Have been worrying with a tooth that felt strange. They could find nothing, but now I have discovered a small bump under the tooth. Maybe an abscess.

Last time this happened, I had a very expensive root canal. Not happy. But at least they can see me today.

magpie said...

those wingtips
coupled with the shadows

exquisite !

Happy Trails Paula, have Fun, good luck with the renovations

magpie said...

habby dentistry, Shirley

maybe your tooth's way of
taking your mind off other worries

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Up on the stump!

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Is this the weekend. Alcoa is branching on cam now and they all hatched the same weekend. Our kids are about to take to the skies. HAGD all. I am pretty sure I will get to spend some more of htis day in the basement. argh

paula eagleholic said...

One on the stubby branch!

Hitting the road, catch ya later!

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JIM!!! Hope your day is a spectacular one!

Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Carolyn's
Jennifer!...and oh, my! Is it RED'S Birthday too? HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you too, RED!!

Shirley, I can relate about the parachute jump. About 14 years ago, our Jen and her best buddy Cari took a leap out of a plane at 10,000 feet. Ken and I and baby Courtney sat and waited and watched with some trepidation. No wonder we both have such grey hair now! They both landed safely, thank God! I'm very grateful that they haven't had the opportunity to make another jump since then!!!
Both of them would do it again in a heartbeat. I say it's just cruel and unusual punishment to make Mom & Dad watch as you attempt such a thing! Prayers and hugs for you, and for Susan!

Lolly, yes--the Diana exhibit was really awesome to see. It included quite a few of her dresses, a number of spectacular photos of her and both of her boys, quite a few letters and notes she wrote, and all kinds of things like royal china and bric-a-brac, newspaper headlines and articles--about not only Diana, but the entire Royal Family! It was more frustrating than I can explain in words, though, that they didn't permit any photography! SOOO wish I could share it with everyone! We got a detailed crash course on Diana's whole life story.

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, I have Emma reminding me that she is without a lap to sit on right now. She's been very patient as I've paid some bills online and read the blog and posted, but as she's saying, "Enough is enough, already!" ("Wroo, rowr, WOOF, WOOF!" in doggy language.LOL) Guess I'd better get going. Have a great RED FRIDAY! Will try to get back here later today.
♥♥Carolyn & Christy♥♥
I ♥ us!!!

JudyEddy said...

I see cam is still running said afternoon so good we still can see the babies for a bit I see on on the cut branch

GGOOD morning

JudyEddy said...

LORI Jordyn wasn't in the play she is in VPK and the drama class is for K-4th so next year

one eaglet is still on cut off branch and the other is wingersizing at 3

JudyEddy said...

Three birthdays today special day indeed

•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•.• .•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•.
Wishing You the HAPPIEST Of Birthdays!!!
✿•*¨`*•. (¯`v´¯) (¯`v´¯) .•*¨`*•✿
. . . ✿•*¨`*•.¸(¯`v´¯)¸.•´*¨`*•✿
…………....♥ •.¸.•´♥……………..........


.♥ Happy Birthday! ♥


♫♪ ♫♪[̲̅̅H̲̅][̲̅̅A̲̅][̲̅̅P̲̅][̲̅̅P̲̅][̲̅̅Y̲̅] [̲̅̅B̲̅][̲̅̅I̲̅][̲̅̅R̲̅][̲̅̅T̲̅][̲̅̅H̲̅[̲̅̅D̲̅][̲̅̅A̲̅][̲̅̅Y̲̅]♫♪ ♫

JudyEddy said...

one eaglet on top of STUMP and other at bottom of stump

Mema Jo said...

Good morning = I've been watching the nest = only 20 mins and cam will be down = I hope they will wait for us until tomorrow at noon!

Mema Jo said...

Happy Birthday to our Dadster, Jim
Have a great day

Happy 15th birthday to Jen aka Jewels daughter. Enjoy your day

Red aka Bill Wigley's b-day is
September 28 - he is not allowed 2 b-days in 1 year! lol

JudyEddy said...

OK attention all local nest peeps
the cam will be going down
so if anyone up there doesn't have a life
will need to go park at the two curves and watch vigilantly for the eagle blog
JUst kidding

JudyEddy said...

the one is spending lot of time on the stump I remember that from last year also I bet they are both thinking I can do this or can I Looking out on to the world IN COMING ADULT

JudyEddy said...

and poof as fast as he or she landed is gone

JudyEddy said...

I think food was brought in yep I see a fish under the talon of one eaglet

JudyEddy said...

I wonder if Shep has gone off to get another like he did before I haven't seen Belle in days

JudyEddy said...

one eaglet is eating at 1 ish and the other is still on the stump

Mema Jo said...

Apparently our juvie wasn't that hungry.....

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

Cam doesn't go off until 5pm today - I misread the remark.

JudyEddy said...

COOL BEANS at the time JO thanks for the update

JudyEddy said...

forgot to say Welcome back DANAMO now where is LYNNE2

JudyEddy said...

the same eaglet is on the stump and the other is at bottom of stump Like waiting his or her turn for the stump The fish is still laying toward the 2 position in the nest

JudyEddy said...

OOPS not RED Birthday Rumors see how they start LOL

JudyEddy said...

DEB has a new name for stump and I like it
balcony branch

magpie said...

I think the words RED for Friday and
Jim for Birthday might have been in the same post....

Easy to mix and match here ☺
I have been known to do that quite often

magpie said...

me too Jo
had it in my mind
"noontime" today also

I think being busy leads
to "reados"
the visual equivalent
of typos

Mema Jo said...

I agree with the "reados' comment Margy. So easy to do.

magpie said...

certainly makes sense that
the UPS work would not
begin until the end of
the biggest part of the work
day and week

okay, best wishes to all
See Ya' Later

Mema Jo said...

Off to find some lunch!


magpie said...

While you are close by...
any word on how Mason is coming along?
Please and Thanks !

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !

Waiting prayerfully for word on Mason ! An amazing young man !

DANA, sorry I missed your nice hellloooo til' now, but I'm happy to read your family news !

I'm sweatily waiting for the A/C man to arrive--not due til' 4pm, but I can hope....

We'll be kicking Seth's graduation weekend off with a Pizza Party tonight. Eileen and Bill should arrive about 4, too, but they may opt to boogie on down to Julie's cool house without much delay.

Will be "tied up" much of the time in the next couple of days, but will check in for eaglet news when I can.

Have a great weekend y'all !

Love and prayers ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

magpie said...

oh my
shadows of wingersizing...
shadows on the nest

eaglet up on that branch


JudyEddy said...

HI KAY ☼ bye KAY ☼ enjoy time with family and so sorry about your AC

One eaglet is eating the fish not the one in the balcony branch but the other that was eating it before Wing stretchs and flapping on the balcony

magpie said...

I really don't think I have ever
seen that shadow action with the younger opnes...

magpie said...

I mean little ONES

hope it's a quick and cool fix

Hi JudyE

Judie said...

Afternoon, everyone.

Still busy with sorting and cleaning out. Testing our dispositions, for sure.

Darth was at one of the park properties yesterday and found a very large reddish/brown/golden feather. Brought it home. Think the area might be too far inland but took it to a nearby nature center. If identified as an eagle, will have it sent to the repository. We don't want to end up in a criminal repository. More likely a hawk.

Kennedy Center tonight.

Kay, enjoy tonight and the entire Seth celebration. Extra hugs for his accomplishment.

Carolyn, apology for not wishing Jenny a happy birthday earlier.

♪♫HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JENN♪♫ Wishing you a very special day today.

Always so appreciative of the "reados" by others. Never forgotten the affairs between Lolly and Gene and Wanda and Jack.

Big wings flapping in the sunshine. See only one. Will really miss those two.


JudyEddy said...

gotten a few snips for the album of the balcony activity I hope next year they pull the camera further back so we can see more I looked at a couple of albums in the past and I think it was 07 that had a distance view that was nice

JudyEddy said...

MARGY I remember getting snips of them on the balcony Shadow play

JudyEddy said...

Just gotten out of the shower heading out the door

Lolly said...

Hellooooooo! Yard is complete and now to clean up and head to Denton. Jack is not going as he had lunch with his Enchilada Society.

Margy, you reminded me of the momster word habby. Had forgotten that one1

Eaglet on the stump stretching his wings. Was so cool to see the shadow of the outstretched wing.

Gotta run! See you late tonight!

Mema Jo said...

Margy - I don't have the actual link - will need to wait until next message comes to me from his Dad/mother. The DR was more then pleased with the hip replacement. Praying that this will help Mason to be upright and regain walking ability.

stronghunter said...

Back home. Dentist says everything is okay. That is good to hear.

It is so noisy around here with the cicadas. They are everywhere.

They surely did make a nice perch for branching juvies when they sawed off that limb. Have to think about what the view is from up there. It is surely far off the ground. I guess that first leap off the stump is akin to a first parachute jump.

CarolAnne said...

Hi all,
Here's what you're looking for regarding Mason:

Sorry, don't have my cheat sheet handy.

Weekend ahead - hope its good for everyone.

Mema Jo said...

Cam is now down and both of the juvies were seen just before the black screen. Here's hoping that at 12 noon Sat they will be there waiting for us.

Mema Jo said...

Still cam still has pic of nest but isn't keeping time and the pic is frozen as far as I can tell.

glo said...

Here is indeed hoping that tomorrow noon finds a working camera with 2 juvies still in the nest. HAG evening everyone. Our weather man says we may just have dodged a bullet as far as today's severe weather is concerned. It is sunny now and not very warm at all. Overcast morning kept the temps down enough for air mass to not become so unstable. I so hope he is right.

Lori O. said...

KAY, hope you have a great time celebrating Seth's graduation, and hope the AC man did the job and you're now cooling off nicely!

Hoda said...

Cold and gray now but the sun was out for a few hours earlier today. I hope it is out for paddling tomorrow on the water...
I am staying in tonight so it can do what it wants.

Good day so far.

Graduation/ Convocation was postponed at Casady School, my High School in Oklahoma City because of severe weather coming in tonight.It is the first time in 49 years that that has happened. One of the Teachers associated with Casady posted on FB. He has been with the school for 49 years the school has been in existance for almost 70 years I think.

Hoda said...

Thank you JO and also C/A both brought informatiove information last posts...Cam and Caring Bridge...

magpie said...

My goodness, a postponed Graduation...that is rather chaotic for sure, but definitely
a SAFE idea...
Thanks Hoda for the information...

Thanks Jo for the Mason update, and to CarolAnne... for the link, I have some immediate chores here and will check it a bit later...

magpie said...

Habby...I think we can credit
Lowreeda with that one !
Yes, Reados have brought some
funnies here, for sure !

"Enchilada Society"? for Jack, now THAT sounds spicey !

magpie said...

wow about the cicadas...
We won't get the next real noisy
visit until, I think...2020 ??
seems impossible.
I didn't realize how
"regional" it all is.

Yay on the good dentist visit,
Happy and Habby both !

magpie said...

Glad you are area "dodged the weather bullet" -

and that you did not have to spend too much time in the basement !

And....JudyE, thank for the shadow snippet information, there is so much I have missed out on
over the last many months....

magpie said...

And someone/s are working on the week-end with that UPS upgrade at NCTC...makes sense for the regular working population "on campus" through the work week for sure

paula eagleholic said...

Hello from paradise!

Got the guacamole made andd the maggies are chilling...goot the crab pots in and a walk on the beach...

Ms osprey is brooding...have to wait for tomorrow to check the nest with neighbors scope

Think the maggies are calling me....

magpie said...

It IS nice, though, to see
a daylight although Frozen as Jo mentioned...view on the Still Cam....

ttfn, some chores to attend to
with Lorraine

Happy Friday! Hope Movin' Jim
pops on for a bit before his California time birthday ends ☺

magpie said...

Hmmm, the maggies...I am not sure what they are,
Margaritas Perhaps ??
Wheeee, hope so !
Enjoy, Paula!
Thanks for checking in.... ☺ ♥

Hoda said...

4 fire fighters killed in Houston!
Others injured and taken to hospital.

CarolAnne said...

Prayers for all affected by the Houston fire!

paula eagleholic said...

Happy birthday jim

Glad the cam has a pic and isn't blue

paula eagleholic said...

Happy birthday to jen

Congrats to Kay's Seth

Nice evening here...had some maggies and quesidillas

Going to read and see if I can stay awake tillmybro gets here

stronghunter said...


Back from Hunter's baseball game. It started promisingly, but things went downhill at the end.

stronghunter said...

People are sitting on the interstate highways in Oklahoma in the paths of tornadoes. Awful situation.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for the people in Oklahoma and for others elsewhere.

Glo, I am relieved that the situation is better in your area.

stronghunter said...

Congratulations, Seth.

Janet said...

good evening. seems like we may have had quite a few birthdays today.... SO HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL!

its been a busy day. we had a few rain showers...more possible over the weekend.

hope everyone has a pleasant evening and a good night's sleep!


JudyEddy said...

Good Evening folks I agree with PAULA its nice to have a nice pic on the still instead of the blue

Had a nice dinner out with family

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Mema Jo said...

I watched a Mystery TV show before I came back on the blog. I am not going to like the news tonight from what all you are saying. Fires and more bad weather. I guess I'll watch it now instead of waiting until 11.

Which means I am thinking of you all
Prayers for wellness & for happiness!
I love us ♥ Good night

Lolly said...

Helloooo! I be home. Ate dinner in Denton and then headed home. We always have to wait til late to leave because of the Fort Worth traffic. I picked up Jacob, lectured him for approx. 10 minutes, then when we got playing, we cleaned his room.

Went and picked up pizza for dinner.

Watching a ball game now but anxious to watch the news. Prayers for Oklahoma!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Prayers for all those in the path of those tornados, and those affected by the Houston fire!

Got half our grossery shopping done tonight. We're going to meet Sis-in-law for breakfast tomorrow, then will do the other half of our shopping for the week.

Golly, it's supposed to be 90 here tomorrow! I sure hope they're wrong!

Gosh, according to Fox News on my phone, there's a tornado warning for St. Louis now. Prayers!

Well, think I'm going to go veg in front of the TV for a bit. Hope everyone has a fantastic night's sleep, with SED. The porch light is on, and both security systems have kicked on. Have said prayers for everyone. God bless, and goodnight.
♥♥Carolyn & Christy♥♥
I ♥ us!

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Jim!!

stronghunter said...

The Weather Channel stormchasing vehicle got picked up by a tornado and thrown into a field. The weather people are okay, just banged up a bit. Sounded terrifying.

Hoda said...

Twitter said that SHIRLEY!!! I am getting my updated news from them. They reported it almost two hours ago!

Judie said...

Glad to see all the blog family members are okay. So sad for the people in OK and Houston. It is all just heartbreaking.

Play was not one of our favorites. Molnar. Actors were quite good but the play is a dated farce. Oh well, at least I wasn't cleaning out a closet. lol

Sandperson is pacing as it is 10 minutes past departure. So, sandperson is on the way. Restful sleep for all.

Hoda said...

Watching The Pickwick Papers. A BBC production. Very entertaining.

Lolly said...

I think I am heading to bed early. Feeling achy. Think I am just tired.

Tomorrow storms in the afternoon. Or so they say! We shall see!

Night all! SED!!!

stronghunter said...

Time for me to say good night. Brain is wearing down. See you tomorrow. SED.

Hoda said...



magpie said...

Good Morning, Eagle Pals

Happy New Month of June....
Roll those Calendar pages over !

Best Wishes for a Very Good Day,
for Every One
xoxo ☺ ♥

magpie said...

I have read up on Mason's progress as of May 30 - very nice caringbridge site to check,
thanks again CarolAnne.... I checked to get the updates by email again
His father is a GREAT writer !
♥ You Go, Mason !!!

Sandi said...

Good summery Saturday morning Margy and all my eagle friends! Happy June 1st!

Dana, prayers continue for your dad that his scans show no sign of cancer. Glad to hear that he is looking and feeling well!

Lolly, enjoy your Jacob time. Some special time with Grandma and Grandpa may be exactly what he needs!

Glo, glad you have stayed safe through the latest round of weather.

Tennis for me at 9am and this afternoon is our annual town bull roast.

Make it a great day!

magpie said...

Sorry it was not the GREATEST
show at Kennedy Center....BUT
Yes, better than being in the
closet !

Watching Isla...Up close and
personal this morning...
hoping she gets a Hatch soon !

Missing our Shamrock and Hedgie,
Shep and Belle this morning !!

JudyEddy said...


magpie said...

I see a Hatch at Loch of the Lowe's -
little baby still working its way out of the shell...

Happy Happy Joy Joy !!

Lori O. said...

Good Saturday Morning All!!!

It's already June 1...but finally seems the weather will begin cooling off a bit.

PAULA, I bet you are enjoying the weather in Paradise! Did you stay up until your bro got there? Have a great time!

SANDI, sounds like you're enjoying your beach weather, too! Have fun at tennis today.

LOLLY, so sweet of you to help the GS clean his room, after a lecture, even! Hope it helps.

HODA, what's on your busy agenda today?

ANDY, glad to see you back on the blog. You were missed!

Kate is going to pick up her Mom and bring her over for a short visit this afternoon. Mom doesn't like to stay away very long, so we'll accommodate her.

Dalai and RoRo are getting along pretty well. He is the cutest thing. Moves like a puppy when he plays!

Contemplating water blasting (can't think of the name now) the deck today. Still has some stain that needs to come off before re-staining.

Hope everyone has a great day. I LOVE US!!!

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle momsters and dadsters.

T-Bird said...

I'm guessing that the still cam is not up either.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Warm and sunny here today.

Kathryn is at work. She is scheduled to work two Saturdays this month. She does like her new job, but I think it is tough that she cannot take a vacation this summer because she hasn't been there a year.

From what I am hearing, no vacation--not even unpaid. However she works 10-hour days and every third Saturday (reduced hours on Sat.). Really keeping her nose to the grindstone.

stronghunter said...

When she was hired, Kathryn did stipulate that she had to be allowed to leave work early enough to attend Hunter's games, and that is allowed. Another new employee requested a vacation before he was hired, and that was granted. Wish Kathryn had thought about that.

She is making more money than before, which is good.

Mema Jo said...

June 1 and another hot one! Beach weather for sure ♥

This afternoon is the GS graduation party at my son's. Tues is his graduation day. As I mentioned before this is the Last of the grandchildren to finish HS ♥

A new white kitten named Blizzard resides at Jenny's home! She had lost both of her cats this past year. Girl friend called from Humane Society and told her of the WHITE kitten. Jenny had him the very next day!

Lori have fun with your water blasting aka Power Washing ♥

Mema Jo said...

Margy glad you signed up for the Mason Updates - Ignore the link I sent you this morning as another message came through with the good news about Insurance allowing him to stay at the facility. The family has had go arounds but the good Lord has taken care of it!

magpie said...

I'm seeing Still Cam....

I am pretty sure

the view changed once at least

so I am not sure for sure

magpie said...

Thanks Jo
I can view the update but cannot sign guest book from here at work...

cool info, I love reading his father's updates...AND the guest book entries


Lolly said...

Good morning! Ran the sprinkler was our day to do so. Possible rain today and severe storms. I will believe the rain when I see it...and can do without the severe part!!! For sure!

Going to take it easy today, maybe a little work outside but have suggested a trip to Weston Gardens today. Looking for perennials.

A bit after the severe lecture to Jacob I mentioned his stay with us in a week. He brightened and had a smile on his face. Guess he still loves me! lol It is going to be a week of "yes, Maam" and "yes, sir!" It is going to be intense training. Poor boy!! :)

Lolly said...


Lolly said...

Correction, I see the tail of one eaglet at 12. The other is on the stump and can see his tail feathers, as well.

magpie said...

Good Morning More Eagle Pals...


well I can't stay long...
actually doing some stuff at work...

so See Ya Later....noontime is coming up, with the Still Cam up I am Jonesin' for Whenever the live feed is available ☺

magpie said...

Well YAY
I ust cannot get it from work
at least not so far...

Thanks Lolly !

Sandi said...

Hi all - hot hot hot morning on the tennis court but good, fun tennis!

Happy to see the live cam is back! Need to get a few things done before the bull roast this afternoon - later!

stronghunter said...

Beach weather--been thinking how nice it would be.

Lolly said...

Time for me to get beautiful and start my day. Have a great day!

stronghunter said...

Last night the phone was ringing at 11:30. The little girlfriend.

I did not answer. Hunter was in bed. My phone's mailbox is full again. Hunter does not yet have a cell phone. We really do not want him having conversations at midnight. But it would be helpful to be able to call him when he needs to be summoned home.

stronghunter said...

Interestingly, his friends in the neighborhood--even the younger one--already have their own phones. Of course he says he's the only kid at school without one.

stronghunter said...

Hmm, Hunter just came downstairs, tripped over his own cleats that are lying in the middle of the floor, started to make a comment, looked down, and restrained himself.

But the cleats are still there.

stronghunter said...

Yes, I will pick them up. That is what grandmas sometimes do. Better than falling over them myself.

stronghunter said...

Enjoy your day, Lolly. Grandmas do that too. :)

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Lolly for the Live Feed Alert

NCTC did good - right on time if not
a bit early!

stronghunter said...

I see a wing and a shadow that tells me one eaglet is on the stump. Another shadow indicates an eaglet at 12.

Sandi said...

Lolly, sorry I thought this was your week with Jacob but now I see that it's a week away.

Shirley, Hunter is telling you the truth when he says that "everyone" his age has a cell phone. They may not all be smartphones or iphones but most middle school kids at SMS have some type of phone.

stronghunter said...

I know that all of my high school kids had phones, Sandi. There are times when they truly need them. Kathryn is thinking about it.

stronghunter said...

Hunter did have an iPad and has lost it already.

stronghunter said...

Susan just posted--her skydive is today. A tandem jump. Tomorrow she is going whitewater rafting. Wow.

Lolly said...

Joseph has an iphone as they got it free. It stays in his mother's purse at school. If she was not there, he would not carry it to school. She has his password and checks his messages. He does NOT have a facebook page. She also checks his times as he is not supposed to be on it past a certain time. All is good! He had a type of book not an ipad. He gave it to Jacob when he got his phone. Jacob had broken his pad and promptly broke his brothers.(not ipads) Jacob uses his mother's ipad while sitting in her chair. Has to follow the rules!!! He is now into taking things apart...his remote control car, etc. Jacob has got to learn to take care of things!!!

I am street ready! Off to run errands. Could not talk Jack into going to Weston Gardens, so just going to Lowes. Sigh.....

Lolly said...

Susan is living life to the it should be! Way to go Susan! Glad it is her and not me...though I would like the white water rafting!

stronghunter said...

Hunter does not have a FB page, either. There are so many ways they can get into trouble there.

Lolly said...

Very 9 dead in the last tornadoes in OK.

Lolly said...

Shirley, there is an age they are supposed to be before they can be on fb. I have two nephews who have allowed their children on and lying about their ages. ????? Dumb dumb dumb!! What is that teaching them???

stronghunter said...

I had to confiscate so many phones at school. It is a great temptation. Rule was they were to be turned off and out of sight during school hours.

I will admit to a moment of weakness one summer. Phones and cleavage were both to be out of sight. I had one very generously endowed young lady headed off to the library take her repeat state test.

The forbidden phone was in the forbidden cleavage. I opted to let that one go. Did not want to cause a row just as the test started.

I mentioned the situation to the administrator giving the test. He said, "thanks."

stronghunter said...

I did hope that the cleavage exposure did not distract any adolescent males, but I could not cover every eventuality.

magpie said...

U could finally get the live feed up here at work
by "opening in a separate window"

looks like a little "skull" in part of the nest

BRAVO NCTC and thanks for such
speedy work and return to service

magpie said...

'I' could finally get the feed up

stronghunter said...

It is very sad about the loss of life in Oklahoma and in Houston. Prayers for both situations.

stronghunter said...

I see that skull, Margy.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn found a dead bird on our front porch this morning. Gone now. But there is a cicada out there.

stronghunter said...

Yes, thanks to NCTC for the good work.

stronghunter said...


We are delighted to announce that a first osprey chick has hatched at the Loch of the Lowes nest. The chick hatched at around 10 am on Sat 1 June.

stronghunter said...

Ospreys are certainly vocal. Love to hear all of the calling. Got to experience it first hand last summer when I went to "The Rivah House."

stronghunter said...

Almost time for Tom to pick up Hunter. Guess I might tell him to get dressed. I probably should get dressed too!

«Oldest ‹Older   201 – 400 of 722   Newer› Newest»

1/7/25 PM matin🦅🦅fish 🐟

12:02:54 PM Scout. To the original nest with food and his talons.  It's a little fish. 12:03:17 He exits the nest with his fish.And to...