Wednesday, May 29, 2013


New thread. 

This Friday we will be replacing the UPS in our computer room.  this will take a few days to complete.  I anticipate the cam will go offline sometime Friday afternoon and be off through the weekend.


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magpie said...

Thank you, Steve....this is important news, I'll go back to the old thread and alert the
blog family

and Thank You for the New Thread


Lori O. said...

Thank you, STEVE, for the new thread...

MARGY, thank you for the call over!

Has anyone heard from LINDA? Miss her and DanaMo.

Sandi said...

Checking in from school to find a new thread. Thanks Steve and thanks, Margy for the call over.

Can't say that I'm happy about the timing on the cam going offline. We could miss seeing our juvies taking off and arriving back in the nest. But, it is what it is!

I AM happy to report that Bandit ate his breakfast right away this morning - plain chicken breast and rice - and his bowels seem to be working normally. Apparently, he didn't want to eat or drink b/c food was causing spasms in his intestinal system from the colitis. Guess the meds have calmed the spasms. He is still moving slowly and had lost a pound, which is a lot when you only weigh 16 pounds, but seems to be bouncing back as well as a 15 year old dog can.

OK, another full day of IEP and transition meetings today. The transition meetings are to finalize the kids' schedules for
9th grade (what type of classes should they be in, should they have an extra adult in the room with them, do they need to take a remedial reading class, what pathway are they interested in pursuing in high school). After today ALL of my meetings for the year will be over!


T-Bird said...

Hello again everyone. Thanks Magpie for the call over and Steve for the new thread.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning eagle budlets.

Janet said...

good morning to all

1. STEVE thanks for the thread and the update
2. CONGRATS MAGPIE on the new feather
3. SANDI: glad BANDIT is doing better. hard with the seniors, isn't it? ((((hugs))))

HAPPY BIRHTDAY TO LORI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

another beautiful day on hand. i got some of my yard work done last night and i am thankful for that.

We have to take tom's bus (school bus) and turn it in this morning. i moved my wed a.m. massages to this afternoon.

things are quiet this morning. seven seems to be kind of getting the hang of the routine around here....she sure is growing quickly!

i hope everyone has a lovely day, full of light, love sunshine and smiles. hugs and love to each of you today, and healing & comforting thoughts and energies for all in need.

T-Bird said...

Glad to hear about Bandit SANDI. ((hugs))

CarolAnne said...

OH MY - such news from Steve. At least we have a warning, so no panic.

Sandi - wow, do you have a crystal ball to help with those decisions?

I'm thinking that one of these days we're going to have to do a collection of pet pictures - all in one spot.

Mema Jo said...

Happy Birthday to our early bird Lori! Wishing you success this year with your new beginnings

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Steve for the fresh thread and the news of the cam being off. I am thinking that we here on the blog sure could use a ground crew report of our two juvies in the nest during that time. Perhaps our juvies will have had first flights before this weekend - it is only Wed.

It was good this morning as I signed in to the cam to see both of the juvies sitting there on the edges and looking out over their future domain.

stronghunter said...

Hi again,

I saw a plop, too, Judie, and thought maybe it was from a branch.

Thanks for the new thread, Steve, and for the information. Would love to know what you all are observing from near the nest.

Happy birthday, Lori!

Oh, Sandi, I am sure you are going to be happy when those meetings are over. I have not forgotten sitting in on quite a few of them in past years.

I see one eaglet, and I think there may be another one nearby.

stronghunter said...

I have called a plumber and left a message. We will see . . . hoping this will not take too long. If I am happy with them, I have a bunch of plumbing work that needs to be taken care of.

Lolly said...

Good morning! P1anic attack, panic attack....we will all be worrying about the eaglets fledging this weekend! :)

Muggy day here and possible storms this evening. Want the rain....forget the storms. Water restrictions are already in place. Woe is me......!

Today, I will run errands, today I will clean house (a little), today I will do this before yard work....sigh....


stronghunter said...

Plumber will come this evening.

Having an ocular migraine attack . . .need to take a break from the computer.

magpie said...

On the NCT Eagle Cam Page....
The notice about upcoming maintenance
is in BOLD RED

says "The Eagle Cam will be
unavailable from 5 pm Friday
May 31 until
noon Saturday June 1

we already know this but this is just a wee bit different
wording....and maybe IT only applies to the STILL CAM, not sure

glo said...

Good morning all. Make it a good day. I live in the heartland. Its sort of getting to me to be honest. OK nuff said. I hope we get to see our eaglets fledge "well sort of given the cam position" A ground piece of info would indeed be nice. If it happens maybe someone can email it around. Just so we all kind of know whats going on. Hedgie and Shamrock are both special in their own way and for me for very different reasons.

Lolly said...

Time for me to get off the puter and get with it!! Have been watching lots of wingersizing and boy do they both like the 11 and 12positions.

Have a great day.

Mema Jo said...

I hope all goes well with the replacing of the UPS and that the Sat 1:00 finish time holds true!

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

My delete - sorry - I tried to bring over the Cornell publication -
didn't work.

magpie said...

It's pretty warm out
but there should be some
"sky-scraper" breezes up there with the Eagle Kids

magpie said...

I am sorry to read of the
situation with the Bragg Bunch....
hope there some sort of better plan the Government can offer...

but happy when all settles out...
for whatever plans Christine an Patrick and the kids have in mind

Judie said...

Good almost afternoon.

Thank you Steve and Margy.

We can hope that UPS replacement goes on schedule and that our eaglets decide to wait a day or two or three.

Shirley, sorry about the headache and hope you feel better quickly. Also hope the plumber can fix things up for you tonight.

Glo, midwest is nice except when these storms keep arriving with fierce energy. I remember living in Dayton, OH when the tornado struck Xenia. Scary for sure.

Beginning to think Lolly is trying to give Hoda a serious challenge. You two are too full of energy.

Babes are plotzed in the sunshine.


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Not sure what was brought in but Hedgie ate it whole.

Mema Jo said...

Lots of wing flappin by Hedgie - she is all over the nest - had been just sitting at 3:00 position... I see her tail up at noon position now...

Mema Jo said...

I receiver a message concerning Mason on his Caring Bridge - Hip replacement for today! Prayers requested please~! ♥ This has been going for the past 5 years. More power and prayers for parents and all those who share their time with him as friends or as medical profession. ♥

Mema Jo said...

Not sure but I may see some white tail feathers up at 11 position........... Anyone else see them?
Whoa! Food drop and youngest juvie is on it! Adult in and out!

Mema Jo said...

Both juvies are in the nest
I wasn't looking so I can't advise what went on
Older juvie looks to have the food now........... Just my guess

Mema Jo said...

Hope you are enjoying your day, Lori


Steve Chase said...

Latest word, whcih most of you have seen:

The Eagle Cam will be unavailable from 5 PM Friday, May 31, 2013 through Noon Saturday, June 1, 2013 for scheduled maintenance.

This will impact still cam and video.

NatureNut said...

Hello, Eagle Buds! Finally got this 'puter online today! Am at Chelsea Farm Office and when coming in earlier, saw THREE foxes!!! They must be juvies---were smaller than normal, but all dark red with black lower legs. Of course they all ran from the cornfield edge into the hedgerow before I could get a pic. Later, heard that jungle noise chirping and a pileated was flying across the field. Then it landed in tree right over my head, but left soon. BOO Now the sun is fully out, but it's only 73 w/out AC!
I'm not going to watch Park osprey cam much~~too depressing. Baby chick keeps getting popped in the head. Big one is a Pigosprey, other is pretty small, but still nasty. Both parents were feeding them in the nest yesterday & Baby walked between Dad's legs from the back to get some fish & #2 was beside and popped it. I was hoping a parent would pop them! Oh well, such is nature.
Back to Arts & Crafts. Working on a 14' banner~~~Taa Dah! Later, have a great day.☺

NatureNut said...

Thank you, Steve! Make sure we watch a lot on TH & FRI!

JudyEddy said...

HOME from work and see new thread

and letting us know if the issue and it was about this time last year the cam was off also HMMM

JudyEddy said...

came home and had to turn on puter must have lost power in one of the storms we had and its storming now Had a hard time getting the live feed up and the still but got up now but just lost the still says connetcing to video source EagleCam across the top with black anyone esle ????????????????????????????????

JudyEddy said...

STILL is back now never mind the question LOL

magpie said...

Almost four and half hours
remaining for
Lori's Birthday !
Hope it just keeps on
getting Happier by the Minute !

magpie said...

Really appreciate Steve covering all the News places on the UPS replacement schedule, and the
down-age of the cams...

You Rock, Steve !

JudyEddy said...

POWER EQUIPMENT being run at the nest
both eagle are looking out well one anyway at 11 and the other is staring at the cut off limb

magpie said...

Welcome to YOUR Week-end, JudyE....
bettin' you're MORE than ready for it

Going out to soak up some
Hot Sunshine ☼ Vitamins...

ttfn xo ♥ All

magpie said...

WALKING and soaking them up that is,
two projects at once....

JudyEddy said...

under the live cam feed is a message also about cam being off MARGY

magpie said...

I know..thanks, JudyE...I posted earlier about that earlier JudyE....
and also on Steve's Open up Post...and then 3 times a charm....

Hoping Shirley has kicked the
ocular migraine to the curb!

Kestrel cam is back ON....those little birdies are growing like,
as Paula says: Zucchini !

"See Ya' "

magpie said...

OH Snap! I see, JudyE..that makes FOUR places, so sorry, I missed that !!
That's what YOUR eagle eyes are for!

Judie said...

Hi Loweeeda! Would love to see little foxes (foxi?). How's Sherry these days? What's the banner for?

I see two eaglets in the nest. One just flapping and sort of gliding from the nest edge to the center. Suppose it will not be much longer.

Thanks Margy. Will check on the Kestrels. Missed seeing them. Hope you got some vitamins.

Hi Judy.

Okay, headed for the scullery. I'm thinking a spinach salad as a dinner salad with maybe some toasted garlic bread.


JudyEddy said...

so sorry for repeats but I was reading and commenting as I go If I read all and then go to comment Well you get the drift Old age sometimes hits LOL

JudyEddy said...

Had to step away Neck is killing me from a combo of work and puter so trying to make it brief Gonna try my lap top for the cam don't like typing on the little keyboard Hands are toooo big should of thought of that when I bought it Live and learn and it severs it purpose when I remember I own one LOL

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

one of the eaglets is standing on the log and then jumped up off it

JudyEddy said...

must be nestovers one just grabbed up and went to the landing pad

In for the stell

JudyEddy said...

They are picking things up off the floor and hopping around with it so cute

Mema Jo said...

Nature Nut - I can understand your not wanting to watch the osprey nest - I sure hope the little one makes it in spite of its sibling!

JudyEddy said...

in comming one adult

JudyEddy said...

lots of squealing and I thnk that is Shep he is panting big time and poof

JudyEddy said...

Fish being eatin by one the other has gone to the launch pad will wait turns

JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

Adult in nest - I think there is food but I can't tell which Juvie has it! Very hot - Shep is panting..

Mema Jo said...

Looks like the younger juvie has the food
Adult has left the nest just as quickly as he came in

JudyEddy said...

in coming more food

Mema Jo said...

What a Hoot! another delivery and claimed by the older juvie! Such great bird parents..............

JudyEddy said...

GETTING them ready for the big day JO

JudyEddy said...

I think Shep is gonna steal the fish from the first drop

JudyEddy said...

he was walking around and lookning down

JudyEddy said...

Hard to tell but I think they are sharing maybe that is BELLE I thought it was Shep

Hoda said...


Thank you STEVE you are THE BEST.

Doing lots of volunteer activity and it is basically publicity at the computer...

Needing a cup of tea.

JudyEddy said...

Adult is at 12 eating and the other is at 1 content I guess

Mema Jo said...

Hello Hoda
Enjoy your tea without any honey!
Glad you have had a good day ♥

Yes, Judy - Getting them ready is right!

JudyEddy said...

I sent you a email MARGY but I think its may be one I sent before now that I have sent it I comes back to me OOPS

JudyEddy said...

This is the most pleasant nest I think this year Look the one is strechting his neck to see whats out there at 8

JudyEddy said...

while waiting so patiently for his turn I forgot to put

JudyEddy said...

them is some odd noises is that our eaglets funny sound it was

JudyEddy said...

HEY FACEBOOKERs I found another bird page to join it shows up on your news feed like TheGreatBackyardBirdCount does make sure you check your notifications off on email I love it so many different bird pic
It is called Strictly for the Birds

Mema Jo said...

Judy - do you notice the adult in the nest with the food up at 12 - is just there like a statue?

JudyEddy said...

Looks like I need to go to the IRS tomorrow now when I call I get a completely different message than I did before as if they hadn't received it Need to google the nearest one Didn't want to go but its been too long for a typo I think

JudyEddy said...

sure making some odd noises huh JO

JudyEddy said...

Shep moves to the other area and is cleaning up

JudyEddy said...

and I don't think the eaglet is happy about it being verbal big time

JudyEddy said...

Yeah I think he wants more food

JudyEddy said...

I can't tell who is who now the one want to wingersize but with Dad in the nest thinking it over

JudyEddy said...

food fight

JudyEddy said...

Shep is now feeding the one

JudyEddy said...

and wingersizing going on nest to the one eaglet

JudyEddy said...

so sweet that Shep is feeding and the eagle chocked and is eating it now

JudyEddy said...

the other came in to steal something

JudyEddy said...

the poor one eaglet has his beak open and panting

Mema Jo said...

Off to watch Jeopardy


JudyEddy said...

Bad news from Sue on FB the Honeymoon Island eaglets died
to bald eaglet die in nest at honeymoon island

Lori O. said...

Thanks everyone for all the birthday wishes!!! I love you all. You made it a special day for me. :)

Hoda said...

Off to a meeting for Kootenay Spirit Fest...

learning Learning Learning afternoon.


magpie said...

I think I hear a towhee at the nest ☺

I have to be honest....I open up the live feed and NEVER go beneath the go big screen and volume line...
but I do see the notifiations about the cams maintenance...
Those UPS's are very important, for sure! Gotta have reliable power ! I have learned that from times when ours at WORK have FAILED !
No radio, no power, no telephones, NOT GOOD !

magpie said...

Well, after much worrying and anxiousness (neither of which, of course, helps the outcome) - and BIG PRAYERS WHICH DID SURELY HELP...I can say that my elderly neighbor Lorraine got through her first 24 hours with flying colors...I resisted the urge all day to call her, but checked MY messages at home, from see if she was calling ME. But I called, then went for a little visit....she is happy as a lark and getting back to her normal routines. She has been Nibbling the treats she asked me to get at the grocery store....crackers, blue cheese, Orange Peanuts (total sugar....) but she also ate three good meals....there are some things I will continue to monitor, including her medicines, checkbook and bills, garbage take-out, mail pick-up, and laundry....then she will eventually take care of most of those things herself, except for mail and garbage....Home Health Care begins Thursday, and Meals on Wheels started today! I am very grateful, and thank you for your postive thoughts and prayers on this....!
Some of her friends will start checking on her and one is going to bring ice cream, another couple will help her get to church...and other services will help get her to doctor's appointments and things...I WILL be watchdog in the weeks to come...
Lorraine does have an emergency alert pendant she wears at all times...
Now, to acclimate myself back to my own routines once again....I am grateful for that also!

magpie said...

I have read the posts...I know there are many things I would like to comment on...the illnesses, the vet visits, the teacher, students, grandchildren and ALL OF YOU THINGS!
But I have to take the low road
and just say, for now:
I CARE !!!
xo ♥

magpie said...

The garden is going to need some water after dark, when things start to "cool down."

Happy to see Two Eaglets in the nest...

read with joy about the food
deliveries !

Panting, I can understand that!
At least the parents get to cool
off in the Mighty Potomac !

magpie said...

And it's that time for
me to shuffle along and deal with
some "home-work"

I did collect some of those
Vitamins, Judie!

Picked up trash along the way, and
talked to some fellows down the street who had a bicycle I was keeping an eye our for THAT with no success :(

magpie said...

Best Wishes for a Magnificent
Evening, Pals...for whatever is on YOUR Dance cards, including some very sweet sleep later on...

Lori: So happy you have
enjoyed your Very Special Birthday...Many thanks to your dear parents for bringing you into
OUR World! ♥

paula eagleholic said...

So, that news is worse than what Steve posted on the links page.

The Eagle Cam will be unavailable from 5 PM Friday, May 31, 2013 through Noon Saturday, June 1, 2013 for scheduled maintenance.

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Birthday Dear Lori!!

paula eagleholic said...

Just now getting on here today.

I had to go to a required unemployment seminar from 9-3:30, then I stopped to see Larry for a few minutes while he was eating lunch. I also had to pick up a part for my weedwhacker. I just now got done mowing the entire yard.

I am going in to work to finish up some things tomorrow.

paula eagleholic said...

Both eaglets visible in the nest, one at 4 facing left and the other at 9, facing left.

magpie said...

Going to have a gander at the Planets in 30 mins and see how
their positions have changed....
I missed the "Pairing" last
night by about half an hour...
Hope some of you saw it !

ttfn xo ♥

Paula...hope that it is just that short of a period of time! for the UPS work...hope things will gear back up on Saturday, for sure!
I think this is just about my
5th anniversary as a Momster, right around this time, my first official nest visit was
June 7 or 8, 2008 ☺

magpie said...

Bet you worked up a real sweat on that detail, Paula...and bet also you are Jonesin' for a Shower !
Hope you find that 2nd jingly for
Nick very soon ☺

"See Ya' Later "

JudyEddy said...

I have no idea what UPS is besides package delivery LOL

magpie said...

I think it stands for
Uninterrupted Power Source ??

JudyEddy said...

cool MARGY thanks for the explanation

HEY concert is on for the tornado victim on tv starting now

magpie said...

Thanks for the tornado victim concert, Alert, Judy, I will try to watch some of that...

Planet Fans:
You need a good horizon for this,
unfettered by trees and other things:
in the West, Northwest...
Jupiter lower, Venus directly above and clearly Brighter, and then Mercury about twice the distance further up and to the left a smidgeon...
Jupiter will start to sink lower in the days to come, and Venus will climb higher as will the
dimmer, Mercury....

Lolly said...

Thanks Judy for bringing the concert for my attention.

Got my errands run today and then worked in the yard. Got a lot done. Had to repot a cactus. Jack was sweating the problem. I wrapped it in newspaper and we transferred it just dandy! Then we moved the Ti plant outdoors, cut it back drastically and hope it roots. It was muggy but the wind kept it pleasant.

Thunderstorms passing through but so far we have had only thunder and a little sprinkles, the storms are missing us. I have been shaking the rain stick!!!!

Lolly said...

Margy, you are a real blessing to Lorraine. God bless both of you!!

Judie said...

Margy, so glad Lorraine seems to be settling in and that she has you to watch after her. I'm sure she is deeply grateful for your care.

Eaglets seem to be settling in for the night. Might have the sandperson stop by to check on them later.

Glad Paula was able to spend a few minutes with Larry Studmuffin.

Curious, is it the State that required an unemployment seminar? Benefits, etc.?

Kootenay Spirit Fest. Spirit Fest? Hmmmm. So many different options for lifting one's spirits in Hoda Land.

How interesting Margy. Seems you and Shirley and I all arrived on the blog at about the same time. How lucky could we be?

magpie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...

Just sent a text msg to Megan to have a gander at the Celestial Trio... Hope she can see it before they all set very soon !

Judie said...

Been doing some closet cleaning out today. Really time and the timing is right. Painting is to begin June 10 and should take four-five days.

Tired now. Sandperson is lurking outside in the hallway. Bag is bursting with sleepy dust. Departure is set for 11pm.

Restful sleep for all.

magpie said...

Thank You, Lolly and all here...who have been Soooo supportive and encouraging to me
regarding Lorraine...
it is a Blessing for ME to be a part of this.....

magpie said...

I can picture your wrapping that Cactus in the newspaper, Lolly, very clever approach !

magpie said...

Thanks Judie! I can really use that sleepy dust!

Last night I was sooooo tired when I hit the pillows, but woke up
every 90 mins or so....AAARGH.
Too much "excitement" in one day
I guess !

And Shower time for me !

magpie said...

Oh Lolly, one more thing...I have a couple of plants that were NOT thriving here, indoor plants... so I took them to the office so they could soak up some
flourescent lighting!

I worked with Jewels today, and one more shift with her Thursday before she goes on her very busy days off ! Happy Happy Joy Joy ! She is looking mighty magnificent these days!
Also saw her Handsome Charlie for a few minutes ☺ ♥

magpie said... case you did not know,
her younger daughter turns 15 on Friday....and older daughter, turns, I think 18! on June 1...
Load it up on Facebook!

JudyEddy said...

Spidey has returned for a brief second

JudyEddy said...

must be blowing in the wind on his web

paula eagleholic said...

Sandi, so glad Bandit's condition is treatable and he is feeling better!

Jo, seems those exits from the military are always a mess!

I see now they are hoping to have the cam up on Saturday. Hope all goes well and we have it back then.

Margy, great news about Lorraine's homecoming! You are a wonderful friend to her. But we already knew you were wonderful :)

paula eagleholic said...

Judie, it was a mandated seminar, but they also counted it in my job searches for the week!

I got to see the planets at the beach...missed them tonight.

JudyE, a UPS is a battery backup.

JudyEddy said...

check out this picture I hope you can see it It is from FB and was told I could share it by Bob Mislan they are so cute

grannyblt said...

I say ditto to Paula's comments. I am suddenly very sleepy so SED to all.

Kay said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds !

Thanks for the heads up, STEVE ! Thanks for keeping the equipment up to snuff ! Just hope we don't miss seeing our eaglets fledge due to this work--but we understand.

I'm lamenting the fact that we've lost so many regulars to Facebook, but I'm sure they are too busy to post every which place. I know I'm a cranky old lady, but I refuse open my life up to the world with the abandon required on that venue. I'm stuck in the "middle ages" or "old age" ! ☺

LORI, hope you've had an apple dumpling dandy day--you deserve the happiest birthday ever !!!!!

MARGY, so glad Lorraine is responding well to your TLC ! You are such a wonderful friend and neighbor ! I'm in awe ! Thanks for the good update on JEWELS and family--love that girl !

Gotta get my daily bellyachin' in here. Paid 300 bucks for A/C servicing last Thurs.--have used it two days and it's kaput again. Arrrggghhh. The heat is ON here so they can't get out here til' 4pm Friday. I'll go to Julie's if it gets too miserable. Was there today as we put the finishing touches on the house and patio. All is ready for Seth's party and graduation and it's looking real good. Thankfully the affair is being catered by a company Julie worked for back when she was in grad school. They did her wedding and Hugh's 50th b.d. and they're work is really good !

Yep, JUDIE, I'm ready for that sandman again tonight ! Thanks for sending him on his way !

Love and prayers for all in need !


magpie said...

Snuffleumpaguses are doing their thing at the Night-time Royal Nest...
sneezing and chortling every now and again

Kay, WOOF on the A/C: hope the service techs will make good on
everything Cool!

Great plans you speak of for Seth's Graduation Par-tee ☺

magpie said...

Thanks again, everybody...
surely don't mean to aggrandize my has been a rough road for Lorraine...
We're just a couple of old gals
looking out for each other ☺ ♥...I told her once....I hope we shall remain friends through all this!
And I know we has been
quite touching watching Lorraine get re-acquainted with HER Roost... ☺

Very good and happy news about
Sandi and Dennis's Bandit! Praise to the Vet and to Bandit's "folks"
and to those Furbaby Prayers !

magpie said...

And Lolly and Jack:
Hip Hip Hurray for Joseph's
Academic Accomplishments !

cool enough now to water my Megan Plants and the Tomatoes...

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Winding down here tonight. I now have a kitchen sink that is not clogged and does not have a dripping faucet anymore. I have a brand new faucet that is tall enough to accommodate a big, deep pan.

The plumber had to take the pipe apart and clean out the rice noodles that were stuffed in there.

I do not understand this: Just before the plumber came, will decided to turn on the dishwasher. I questioned him--Why did he turn on the dishwasher when he knew it was going to drain into the clogged sink? "We need clean dishes," he said.

Yikes. We do not need a flooded house. The plumber and I had to scoop out all of that water. (I did turn off the dishwasher as soon as the plumber started work, and had been watching it closely up to that point.)

Geesh. Sometimes I wonder.

stronghunter said...

Prayers and good wishes for Lorraine, Margy. I am sure she greatly appreciates your help and friendship.

paula eagleholic said...

One chick is plotzed facing 5, the other is perched at the 6 spot.

Mema Jo said...

Well it is now time for me to put this computer to bed... It's been a long day and very very hot! Thankful for the AC.
Soon we will all have the MT Nest Syndrome.

I love you one and all Friends - Off for now and catch you tomorrow. ♥

paula eagleholic said...

CarolAnne, have you tried putting fishing line over top your pond? My brother had to do that to keep the herons out. Has to be pulled tight, above the water.

paula eagleholic said...

I am thinking about putting my AC's in...

paula eagleholic said...

Sleep well, Jo.

stronghunter said...

Good night all . . .

Judie, the ocular migraine is a strange thing. There is no pain, at least I do not have pain. It causes me to temporarily lose some vision, then I see rainbow colors. It happens to me when I am using the computer.

It was something that Lynn Riner and I both experienced. I learned after I'd had a couple of episodes that my older son Rus has them too. I don't know anyone else who has them.

Rus said that the first time it happened to him, it was during a math test at school and that the teacher did not believe him when he said he could not see the test. He never mentioned it to me at the time.

stronghunter said...

See you all tomorrow. SED everyone.

JudyEddy said...

did you see on the new that they have a picture of what looks like RATs on the planet MARS

JudyEddy said...

Happy you got your drain done and new faucets SHIRLEY and MEN sometimes I agree

JudyEddy said...

STEVE CHASE if your read the blog THANKS for the magnificent camera with the best microphone I love hearing them sneeze Never thought about a eagle sneezing so much

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Hoda said...

Back from the meeting. The Kootenay Spirit Festival is a Yoga, Healing Arts, Dance and Music Festival LOLLY. It is to be held in Nelson September 2014. Still in the planning stages.

Very happy to read about LORRAINE MARGY thank you. It is a blessing.

magpie said...

I'd like to be tehre in BC in September 2014, Hoda! live the most amazing life with your family....
I had heard about not
putting anything "white" in a garbage disposal...specifically,
Sounds like good repairs and YAY on that new faucet!

I am hearing feetie noises at the nest ☺ ☺ those kids are NOT settled in for the night, maybe they need some Sleepy Dust !

But I am Winding down here very quickly...
Good Night, Precious Pals...

Paula: Best wishes on those job searches, and....enjoy the benefits that you helped pay for all these years...if it occurs like that for you

Prayers for Wellness and Joy all Around...

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

Hoda said...

Thinking of PAULA with the job searches.

Glad SHIRLEY that the plumbing got sorted out.

Good night.


Lolly said...

Have been vegging tonight and now it is time to jump into my nice shower!! Storms all around us earlier and we got a sprinkle. Grrrrr! More chance of rain this weekend. Shakin my rain stick!!!

Night all! SED!!

I miss Lynne!!! Yooo Hooo, oh Lynne...time to pop in!!!

NatureNut said...


Margy, so glad your neighbor Lorraine is doing OK!!You are such a nurse and good friend!
(I had one of those Panda Naps & now I'm awake for awhile!)
Notice that can only see one eaglet in nest around 4 o'clock. Wonder if other is at 12 & out of sight? Wish the cam was zoomed out just a little, but some is better than nothing.

Judie, you asked about the banner~~~~it's for Watkins Park next door. They hold a Trash for Treasure, Green Craft Fair every year. We've made regular 3' x 8' for them in the past, so they want a Biggy now!

Hope everyone is having Pleasant Feather Dreams & Good Health Prayers for ALL ;>)

DanaMo said...

Good morning!!
The year is winding down for me and we only have 4 days left! Yahoo! Today we have a field trip to a place called Renfrew Park. It's a colonial park that the children will get to experience nature and a little bit of what life was like in colonial times.

Dad is doing well, although we did not get the all clear on the CAT scan. He had a PET scan yesterday to see if we can determine if there is a lymph node that is cancerous. They said dad's doctors would have the results by noon today. He looks great and seems to be feeling great.

Adam graduated on Saturday and Annemarie was Confirmed the week before. I will post some pictures on my DanaMo picture blog.
Aric had a rough 3 extended weeks at school, still contemplating whether he is going to change majors or not. I think it was a very hard semester for him and seems to have deflated his confidence. Time will tell as he hasn't opened up to me YET :)

Sorry I haven't been on. It's not that I don't think of you all, it's just hard to keep up in multiple places. You guys are always in my heart and on my mind.

DanaMo said...

Oh and Adam managed to squeak his Eagle Project in just before his 18th birthday which will be Sunday.

Geesh, glad I don't have to go through that again.

Sandi said...

Good Thursday morning Dana and all my eagle friends! 4 days Dana - you go girl!! This will be a well-deserved summer break for you!!

Margy, happy to hear that Lorraine's return to her place was a success this time! I'm sure she is so happy to be home and I can hear how happy you are for her to be there! You are a dear friend!

Graduation last night was so wonderful! Got to see the young man who stole my candy jar actually receive his diploma! I really never thought he would make it to graduation! Wish I could have found him and his dad afterward but there were too many people. His dad owns his own roofing company but told me, when I had Gordon, how important it was to him that Gordon do well in school b/c the dad didn't know how to read. I bet that was one very proud father!

I thin our AC will go on today! Gettin' pretty hot for the next couple of days.

Make it a great day all!

CarolAnne said...

Morning all
Making it quick here - out to do heron patrol.
Paula, will certainly try thr fishing line suggestion THANKS

Hope its a great day for all.

magpie said...

Good Morning, Eagle Pals

Always welcome, to read the happy reports on the children, students, and proud parents here ♥

Good to you, DanaMo...You surely have much to be proud of with your children, hope the PET scan results will be good and any further treatments for your Dad, will go very well

Sandi: about your former student...and his proud and encouraging Dad....Bravo!

Good luck to CarolAnne with the
Heron Patrol !

The peaglets are facing the rising sun and looking good ! Those little downy feathers float around from time to time, as Jo
saw several days ago during the
"sort of missing" eaglet event

magpie said...

Best Wishes for a Very Good Day
for Every One...

Hope the weather, hot, rainy , stormy - will be OK for all throughout our Eagle Corners

Thinking of all, with lots of ♥♥♥♥

ttfn ☺

magpie said...

Too cute! The Eaglets are rearranging the sticks and poking
around for nestovers

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I see two eaglets in the nest this morning.

Nice to see you back Dana. Congratulations on the graduation and confirmation.

Good that you got to see your student graduate, Sandi.

So nice to wake up and have working plumbing in the kitchen.

Janet said...

good morning all.

danamo, good to see you back!

hope everyone has a great day!

light, love, smiles and hugs to all

paula eagleholic said...

Definitely some branching going on...Hedgie just flew down into the nest .

paula eagleholic said...

Aw, laying side by side, facing 6

paula eagleholic said...

Shep in with a fish...looks like hedgie ast it at first, now I think Shamrock has it!

paula eagleholic said...

Shep was in and out in a flash!

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning, my sunshiny eagle budlets!!!!

John Denver's Sunshine On My Shoulders by Train

glo said...

Good morning all. Make it a good day.

Lori O. said...

Good morning all!

I woke up at 7 then decided I'd go outside and try to finish up my weed spraying...well, I have one more 2 gal jug to spray and I'm all done! It's just so hot and humid out there already, I thought I'd come in and cool off.

MARGY, so happy Lorraine is doing well. I know you were worried.

Thanks again for all the birthday wishes. It was a great day with an ice cream cake and Kate got me a gift card to an online site that specializes is medical scrubs, shoes, and more...all stuff I'll need.

Okay, it's back to finish up the spraying. I feel good about finally getting it all done. The spray works best in the heat, so today is a good day for it!

Hoping everyone has a great day with lots of joy and smiles, love and light!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lori, are you back home or still at your parents'?

Mema Jo said...

Good morning - feels good to check the cam and see both eaglets side by side at 4 position! Going to be another hot day - I'm sure we will see wings spread to their sides with panting going on - I prefer my AC

Good to see you Dana - ducklings scheduled for the farm yet?

ALL OF YOU HAVE BEEN BUSY - A GOOD BUSY that is. (I sure wish my little finger would stop hitting the caps lock when I hit the Shift.)

Thinking about all of you and wishing you well.

Lori O. said...

I'm home in MD...I'll go back to PA at the end of July for a healthcare provider CPR class and orientation at school...then probably come back here for a few weeks, then start school at the end of August.

Lori O. said...

So happy to see DanaMo on this morning!

SANDI, how is Bandit doing?

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Peeps good to see DanaMo on and hoping Lynne2 will pop in A little birdie emailed them yesterday LOL Just said check in we miss them

Lolly said...

Good morning! Great to see Dana's post. Understand why you have not been on...busy busy busy!!!!

Now let's hear from Lynne!!!

Lori, what a great gift from Kate. I just hope when you start school that you will be able to pop in here occasionally.

I am going to clean house today. It is screaming at me!!

JudyEddy said...

Being it was late when I called the tax # I just recalled it now I am getting the same message as before that it has been received and is being processed Last night message didn't say that This is I will call the office in St Pete before I drive out there

Bird Girl said...

Hey everyone :)

Our eaglets sure are big!

Yesterday I went to Prescott with my sweetie, who had some clients to visit there, and walked around the mall for a few hours while he tended to his appointments. I walked a mile a couple of days ago, it's so amazing to be able to do that without the pain I was experiencing before the surgery. I go back to the surgeon for a followup on Tuesday, he will tell me what more I can do physically at this point. I'm going pretty bonkers being stuck here at home, walking up and down the driveway over and over, or around and around the living room & kitchen, since I am only allowed to walk on flat surfaces right now, and not allowed to bend or lift or twist. That's about 98% of what we humans do all day!

So sad to read of the loss of the eaglets at Honeymoon Island and Dunedin. Avian pox (the chicks in Dunedin died from this) is a very frustrating that not much can be done about, as it is a virus. I remember one year, every single house finch we got in died because it had avian pox, and there was nothing we could do for it other than hope it would manage to beat the infection. It is a very, very frustrating problem for us rehabbers.

Avian pox can be transmitted from bird to bird, or by mosquitoes. It doesn't kill right away, sadly. Birds get warty lesions on the unfeathered parts of their bodies, and it can also appear in their digestive tracts. They usually end up dying from starvation because the lesions either block their eyes, mouth, or digestive tracts.

As sad as it is that these poor babies - so far along already too - have died, at least there is some comfort in knowing that the Bald eagle population overall is in good shape now.

I hope everyone has a great day! Best wishes to all of you :)

Bird Girl

JudyEddy said...

Looks like both eagle are squished on the launch pad

JudyEddy said...

This is from Deb
""1120 am Morning Everyone thanks for all the reports; I have had a busy work week so not able to watch or report so appreciate all your observations. I have the recorder going right now so hoping for some action as have to leave soon.""
she posted on the eaglecam page and it goes on FB news feed

JudyEddy said...

WOW on the news a 620 lb bear was captured and released into the Ocala National Forest It was getting into a couple garbage so they put the cans in the shed Well the bear tore through the aluminum siding to get to the garbage - so he was captured and released

JudyEddy said...

I see only one eaglet on the launch pads I bet the other is above I saw the drop down earlier but wasn't at puter was in kitchen where lap top has cam on it

I hear wings flapping but not in the nest tooo

JudyEddy said...

the poor eaglet is panting so hard great view of his back going up and down

JudyEddy said...

one eagle is perched of sort on the branch at the landing pad I can see a head at that are

JudyEddy said...

and the other is at 12

JudyEddy said...

he has disappeared behind the branch at the launching pad playing peek a boo

JudyEddy said...

I see shadows of wingersizing at 12

sounds like a dog is in the area whining

JudyEddy said...

both are on the right side of the nest one at 2 and other at 5 on pad

JudyEddy said...

grabbed stick with talons and jumped up of sort

JudyEddy said...

beaking by the pair odd

JudyEddy said...

both are on the pad beaking is going on

JudyEddy said...

preening and sneezing going on

JudyEddy said...

How much room is on that side of the nest behind the branch I wonder both are on it now the one just moved and must be squishing the other

JudyEddy said...

hopping across the nest both just did

JudyEddy said...

now one is at 12 and the other back to the pad

JudyEddy said...

both eaglets have been in the same position for a while one at 3 and one at 9

stronghunter said...

I saw a wing off to the three-o'clock side and thought for a moment that an eaglet might have launched from there, but now I see both of them.

stronghunter said...

One at nine and one at about 4 now.

NatureNut said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds. Been watching mostly one chick at 9 o'clock. Someone landed in the attic and 2nd eaglet appeared from 4 o'clock. Both are "talking". One has the cheep and other sounds like small dog yipping!I guess adult above did not bring food, or a whole lot of flapping would be going on!
At home, the missing Mom House Wren mystery has been solved. She must have successfully hatched an egg(s)! Both adults taking turns food gathering for the house.Can't hear chick chirps yet.
Today saw a female hummingbird. Maybe the first ones we saw travelled & maybe they'll return?

Mema Jo said...

More reports on weather - Parts of central Oklahoma are under a tornado warning, with forecasters urging people to take cover

Prayers for that area!

stronghunter said...

Watching that too, Jo.

stronghunter said...

Ilsa looking very animated today.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

It's been a while since I've been here, so I owe you all an apology again for being MIA!

On Friday we went to Long Beach to the Queen Mary and saw an exhibit about Princess Diana, and really, about the entire Royal Family. It was fascinating! Good to see the Queen Mary again, too--it's been a few years.

We kept pretty busy over the weekend, and it's taken me a while to get caught up here. I see I missed Lori's Birthday yesterday.
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!! Hope it was a fantastic day for you. Congratulations for getting a new bully! I bet he's a real sweetie!

Sandi, extremely glad to hear that your Bandit has a new diet and some meds, and is on the mend!

Shar, love the Train version of "Sunshine on My Shoulders"! Thank you!

Shirley, glad your plumbing issues have been resolved. Bet the new kitchen faucet is nice. We need to replace ours soon, too.

I've been trying to get caught up on laundry and chores that got neglected over the long weekend. Have made some progress, but not enough. I have the dryer calling my name right now, so better go attend to that. Will try to get back here after dinner. Hope I can stay awake! I've felt like I have sleeping sickness this week for some reason. Hope to see you later tonight. Have a good evening!
♥♥Carolyn & Christy♥♥
I ♥ us!!

DanaMo said...

Home from a great day on our field trip. It was a warm and toasty one, but that is the way I like it.

The ducks left after school today. I can't believe how big they got and how quickly. I did post various pictures on my picture blog of the recent activities for the Hilmoe's as well as the ducks.

I am off now to a baseball game for one of my kinders. School is almost over and so is the season and I have a few more kids to try and catch!

stronghunter said...

Oh dear, Susan is going skydiving this evening. Says it is safer than driving on the interstate. I do not like to think about this.

stronghunter said...

On second look, the skydiving is scheduled for 47 hours or so from now.

stronghunter said...

Lots of news about the storms in Oklahoma. Yikes!

stronghunter said...

Hunter and his friend Anthony came indoors for a little while, but then they suddenly went outdoors. I have a feeling Anthony was told to stay outdoors and Mom was coming home. Just a guess.

Well, that was a flight across the nest. Not sure where it began. Maybe above??

stronghunter said...

Cooking a chicken for dinner. It smells wonderful.

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglet just appeared...might have been hiding at the launch pad.

Other one was at the 10 spot.

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 722   Newer› Newest»

3/10/25 PM CAM .12am to 12pm

  🥚 🥚 🥚  eggroll thru night COG 🥚🥚🥚  egg roll 111 cog   🥚 🥚 🥚 eggroll 447 COG Eggrolla c SED 🥚🥚🥚😁🦅❤️ SED