Wednesday, May 29, 2013


New thread. 

This Friday we will be replacing the UPS in our computer room.  this will take a few days to complete.  I anticipate the cam will go offline sometime Friday afternoon and be off through the weekend.


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stronghunter said...

Watching Loch of Lowes now. I do like that cam.

Mema Jo said...

You split very quietly Shirley lol

June Birthday list is out
Please check it over

stronghunter said...

I was surprised, Jo. Did not know it was near. But then I made a lot of comments. Had to check back to see if anyone else had made a comment at the last.

Mema Jo said...

Going to get myself ready for the grad's picnic. I'll be picnicing inside the AC house for sure.

I'll return here afterwards.

Everyone stay cool and drink water -
lots of it!


magpie said...

I was reading, Shirley and keeping caught up
just not able to type in at the time
All that you post is of interest to me

I managed to see that baby chick of Isla's this morning before I left for was still making its final struggle out of the egg, it was soooo cute and
happy to see this

Thanks Jo
for the birthday list...I keep 'em all from year to year
so I was "gittin' ready"

magpie said...

and all with Graduates....
Congratulations, Best Wishes,
Happy Futures...
and Happy Celebrations

magpie said...

Is THE Skydive completed ?

stronghunter said...

Not sure, Margy.

stronghunter said...

Waiting and watching her FB posts. Nothing yet.

stronghunter said...

Need to find food.

Kathryn left this morning with plans to go visit her friend Angie if things work out. I figure she will wind up at the beach later on today.

stronghunter said...

Angie lives near Virginia Beach.

stronghunter said...

Sun and shadows on the Sycamore Palace. I think one eaglet is on the stump and another at about 11. Windy there today.

magpie said...

Yes, it is a beauteous day hereabouts Shirley
warm sunny, breezy, not very humid
a real super kind of day,
though I have been INSIDE for most of it

magpie said...

sounds like
a nice evening for Kathryn....
and hope YOU have a very nice
one also, no matter what's on your agenda

stronghunter said...

Feeding now at Loch of the Lowes.

stronghunter said...

Baby is strong and chirping.

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Margy.

stronghunter said...

I love they way they zoom in on the scene.

stronghunter said...

Got one screenshot, but it is hard to see the little one.

stronghunter said...

Posted the picture of the baby being fed on my blog, but it is very poor quality. Might have been better not to have gone fullscreen.

magpie said...

I just closed out all my programs
at work here Shirley except this one....but thanks for the
Loch's news...
Oh yes that close up is remarkable....

Best Wishes to Every One for
a Good day, work week is just now over for me

xoxoxoxox ♥

stronghunter said...

I am guess Susan is about ready to make her dive. She that she is at the DC Skydiving Center.

stronghunter said...

I am guessing . . .

stronghunter said...

She posted 14 minutes prior to the post I made.

JudyEddy said...

HOME from work and find both cam working STEVE you are a man of your word YOU ARE the BOMB

JudyEddy said...

and looks like the eaglet have waited for us

JudyEddy said...

Parent in attic and chick are calling up to them

stronghunter said...

Has to be a parent in the attic. Much squealing.

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY the cam shook so someone was or is up there

JudyEddy said...

major renovation is needed with all the crib rails that is for sure WHAT A MESS

JudyEddy said...

there was a fish brought in before 5 I think someone is still hungry HUH

stronghunter said...

I missed the cam shake, but I was sure a parent was there.

JudyEddy said...

lost of wingersizing and there goes a stick with him up the balocny

stronghunter said...

Well that was interesting. Grabbed a stick and took it up to the stump.

JudyEddy said...

that stick must have fallen to the ground I got a snip of it also beofe it fell with his talons on it

JudyEddy said...

grabbing another stick by beak so cute

stronghunter said...

Still holding onto the stick.

JudyEddy said...

or I think it fell back in to the nest

JudyEddy said...

big hop to the balcony

JudyEddy said...

and no stick this time That was the first time I have seen that with the stick taking it with them how about you SHIRLEY??

stronghunter said...

Easy leaps to the balcony.

JudyEddy said...

must be nestovers at 12 the one picked something up in his beak and turned around with it

stronghunter said...

Must go feed the critters. They know it is time.

JudyEddy said...


gonna go get ready to watch the 6 news


Janet said...

good afternoon all. just now checking in. its been a slightly busy day. i slept in, which was nice.

massage envy sponsored a booth at the arthritis walk day over on the east side of nashville. a couple of us from work joined some other therapists from other massge envys and we did some chair massage. it was easy stuff, only from 9:30 to about 12:30. after that we grabbed a pizza.

today is michael's bday. (my son). he, his friends, and olivia went to the water park, nashville shores. they are on their way home now as it started to storm.

gotta chime in here. not to disregard anyone's thoughts and feelings, but just want to share another point of view.... you all know olivia turned 12 last week. two things we got for her, one was a tablet...not an ipad, but a galaxy tab II. our desktop died, which was the computer that she was using. she uses it to skype with her friends, instead of talking on the phone. she also plays games and such.

how i have allowed her a facebook page. i know i know i know...i know how some of you feel and i do understand that....and i do agree, to a point, however, i look at the internet as anything else....if i am teaching her how to properly use it....monitoring her etc, it is a learning tool. we talk about posts, etc......i try to have a very open line of communication with her.

and we also got her a phone. we have not had a house phone for close to 6 years now. so if she stays home alone, i want her to have a phone to use in case she needs to reach us. we don't leave her alone for long, but if we run to the store, or whatever. however, she cannot text pictures nor can she access internet on her phone. that was my personal choice. i know she can on her tablet, so i didn't feel she needed it on her phone. it is not a "smart phone", just a small phone.

my personal thoughts are not to sheild children from everything, but to introduce them gradually with guidance. she is 12. her friends are into a lot more than she is.....and that's okay. she is where she is and i'm glad. we take the steps together as she grows.

anyway, doing dinner tonight with some friends. need to feed my dogs and get ready.

hope everyone has had a great day. light, love, hugs and smiles to all!

JudyEddy said...

sounds like someone is have a hissy fit

JudyEddy said...

I think our eaglets SNORT of sort

good point SIS

I remember when it was the Beeper with Angie

I see kids at the store throwing fits when they can't play with parents phone and off course the parents give in and these kids are about Jordyns age and younger

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

I understand your point of view, Janet. I expect most kids that age are on FB.

No, Judy, I had not seen the eaglets take a stick with him/her like that. Maybe Hedgie is a gifted eaglet.

JudyEddy said...

I put pic in the album of our GIFTED ONE

JudyEddy said...

I guess he was practicing for when they have to brings sticks to the nest BIG CAM Shake

JudyEddy said...

funny thing just as the cam shook we had a big clap of thunder here

stronghunter said...

From Susan:

I am alive!!!!!!!

Guess she made the skydive.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

I couldn't even get a picture of the adult I am sure it was SHEP

JudyEddy said...

there was a fish delivered and being eatin by the one that was in the nest not on the balcony

JudyEddy said...

love the message SHIRLEY good to hear

JudyEddy said...

sittin here eatin muenster cheese

Lolly said...

LOL Glad to read that Susan survived! How far is she from you, Shirley? I would have wanted to watch.

Glad we watered this rain. They make it sound like for sure we are going to get rain,..and then nothing. Oh, we had a few sprinkles while we were working in the yard, but nothing that stopped me from staying out.

JudyEddy said...

♫♫ Its raining it pouring ♫♫

Lolly said...

Just did trimming and clean up today. Amazing what you can gather while doing that. Jack had a fire and we got rid of a big pile. Water restrictions but no fire ban yet.

JudyEddy said...

today is first day of Hurricane Season and there is something that they are watching tooo

JudyEddy said...

there is a pretty sounding bird at the nest

JudyEddy said...

gonna step away from the puter while my neck isn't hurting LM

and boy did the eaglet make a fast meal of the little fish that was brought in ALL GONE

Lolly said...

Judy......I am sticking my tongue out at you!! :)

JudyEddy said...

so sorry LOLLY I would send it to you if I could :-)

Lolly said...

I know you would!

JudyEddy said...

EDITH Bunker Jean Stapleton Passed away today

JudyEddy said...

90yr she was wow good age and she died of natural causes

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY Don't read

Just went out to take the trash out and we got a little over a inch of rain already and its just now light rain I can still hear thunder rumbling in the distance and sky is still dark

Lolly said...

What kind of bird are we hearing? Surely that is not one of the eaglets.

JudyEddy said...

I don't thinks its is the eagle either Pretty sounding bird and don't know squat about different bird calls

magpie said...

and say Hallelujah !
Hope it was loads of fun for Susan!

Lolly said...

Same here! lol

Lolly said...

Ah, there's our Margy. Did you hear that bird, Margy?

magpie said...

trying to get the cam going so I can try to hear the beateously
singing birdie

right now I am listening to
Tom Selleck ♥

magpie said...

I think it might be the Baltimore Oriole....

Yes, I agree, what a Lumber Yard
at the Royal Sycamore !

magpie said...

The Oriole, does have a variety of sounds....mating calls,
and just plain old singing calls

But I think that might be what this is
I'm still cogitating about it

magpie said...

But it also sounds rather like a
"House Finch"
the Reddish Sparrow...
hmmm, this is a challenge !

Lolly said...

Cool! Knew it was a bird I had never heard.

magpie said...

ther's a cardinal in the mix now also

I'm also ruling out Balto Oriole

magpie said...

We need Lynne2 or Lowreeda here to
help out !!!

Lolly said...

Do not hear it anymore. I do not thing finch as we have Finch.

Time to go start preparing meat patties. It's a night for bacon cheese burgers. Hee hee! With burger wine!!

magpie said...

There is the most magnificent
warbling Mockingbird in my neighborhood that makes so many
including Killdeer and Catbird!

Lolly said...

Lynne has abandoned us. She does not love us anymore. Gonna cry!

magpie said...

You go girl, Lolly

JudyE - ain't it a shame that your Monday is my Friday ???

we gotta do something about that!
Retire, that would fix the problem !!!

magpie said...

She did check in by email with me a few days ago...said she is pretty fine and busy as always ☺ ♥

magpie said...

I've been thinking of Wanda and Gene and GG so much, and really missing them...
with the loss of the firefighters in Houston, I know this hits
home with Dustin, and Karla....
and Jillian and Aaron...
and so many of us with Fire and EMS
Connections...past and present...
it is so very sad

magpie said...

Am going to take me, myself and I out for my walk, and all my prayers needs and

"See You'sns Later "
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

I guess I thought maybe you would have the "night to yourself"
but I did read that you needed to go pick up Hunter...
well, hope the TWO of you
have a special night....
sorry about the baseball game loss....and I hope he has moved those cleated shoes!
Does he still have an interest in Rocks ??
Hope so !
okay, walking shoes on, ready to go

JudyEddy said...

incoming and I got a snip Looks like BELLE

JudyEddy said...

the one eaglet got the fish or what it was and adult at 12
Didn't see spot on head and being didn't poof thought maybe Belle time will tell I guess

JudyEddy said...

I think that is the last eaglet that got the fish the other has been in balcony

JudyEddy said...

so nice to see a adult in the nest for a while

JudyEddy said...

She is picking at flugg in the nest while one eaglet is eating

JudyEddy said...

Belle going over to steal the fish I think YEP she got it

JudyEddy said...

eating it herself and feeding the one

JudyEddy said...

She is eating herself

JudyEddy said...

the one eagle hops over and trys to get her attention

JudyEddy said...

gotta be the angle but the juvie looks bigger that the adult at 9 and juvie at 3

JudyEddy said...

jumped over to where Belle is eating at the bottom of the balcony branch

JudyEddy said...

now she is feeding the eaglet

JudyEddy said...

the one eaglet is now on the launch pad and Belle is eating and the other is in the balcony

JudyEddy said...

and jumps back to Belle who is now feeding

JudyEddy said...

the one eaglet has moved to where Belle is at 12 Belle is moving over and POOF

JudyEddy said...

I think the eaglet is thinking HMM I may try that has wings go out and wingersizing goes

stronghunter said...

One eaglet on the balcony and the other wingersizing. At one moment, the second one was halfway up the balcony and hanging on. There is not room for both of them up there.

JudyEddy said...

that is so funny that the one eaglet has been up there since I have gotten home and has missed out on dinner

JudyEddy said...

HEY WE could build then something on top of it Other nest do I have seen made made platforms What do you think LOL

stronghunter said...

You gonna scale up that tree and do the construction, Judy?

JudyEddy said...

I think next year I will plan my vacation for the time that they are gonna fledge and come up there and park on the two curves Set up camp LOL
Looking at them like they want to take the plunge

JudyEddy said...

HEY we can rent a bucket truck

JudyEddy said...

I am good with tools too

JudyEddy said...

I would love to see what the one looks like with the wing hanging down the side of the stump

stronghunter said...

They do look like they are considering it, Judy.

Mema Jo said...

The Mystery Bird at the nest you all heard could have been a Northern Flicker...ya think?

I have returned from the picnic - GS had about 8 fellows from his class & they were very pleasant young men and were having fun. Food was good and all the family was there for him.
Grandparents, aunts and uncles.
Tues is the graduation date.

JudyEddy said...

notice the tail feather on the one in balcony is covered by wing I guess tail keeps growing?????? Just noticed the angle he is tail down

JudyEddy said...

never have heard of that bird JO thanks for info

stronghunter said...

There was a wing in front of the cam. Looks like the eaglet was on the cam.

JudyEddy said...

both are down now a little beaking going of for a second

JudyEddy said...

the one grabbed a stick and tried to hop and then sat down

stronghunter said...

Very interesting to watch the two of them interact.

JudyEddy said...

this is the first time I have seen both today
takin up to much real estate on the blog so LM and watch Bet on your baby

JudyEddy said...

the one just went to bite at the other wing as they were extended

JudyEddy said...

being beatin up is no fun LOL

JudyEddy said...

notice how the one cocks his head with the other wingersizes and jumps three times so far I have seen it

JudyEddy said...

they are both at top of nest 11-1

JudyEddy said...

I just can't stop watching them LOL Love watching them interact with each other also SHIRLEY

JudyEddy said...

gonna watch from the rocker LM

stronghunter said...

Not sure what you read about Hunter being picked up, Margy. Tom picked Hunter up about 1:00. This is Hunter's weekend with his Dad. Will is here. But he has made his way to his basement abode.

magpie said...

Sounds glad that you
have this time with your family ♥
Congratulations to the Graduate
Grandson !

magpie said...

Oh dear:
"Belle is eating herself" ??

LOL JudyE...
I know what you meant though....

Shirley, I'll figure it out...
this thread has been quite long
and I think I have gotten all my days mixed up !!!

magpie said...

Shirley you posted
"almost time for TOM to pick up Hunter"

I miseed the "TOM" part

another READO gaffe from yours
truly ☺

JudyEddy said...

You made me laugh out loud MARGY

Hoda said...

Skydiving ands survival stories...YAY SHIRLEY good to hear she made it.

LOLLY you must not stick your tongue out at people!!! LOL!!! now youngsters settle down!!! JUDYE you must not tease either with don't read LOLLY!!! You know this is a set up to read!!!

All is well here. LORI I paddled in the morning and then went for lunch with the Dragons and am having a quiet afternoon. I actually took a nap.

Ipad's, iphones, and Facebook for teenagers...very interesting discussions...I enjoyed reading the views and the experiences. Oh JACOB might turn out to be like GRANDPA for taking things apart and fixing them??? Ya think LOLLY?

Anne Murray a friend in Oklahoma City wrote that she had to leave her home because the tornado was heading for her. She got to her daughter's and had to leave there as another headed there. They made it to a friend's house and they are all safe. I would have been terrified to be on the highways at that time...but they made the dcision. They are back in their homes and all is good.

Judie said...

Good late evening.

I see Susan survived her death-defying skydive. That is a good thing.

So nice the cam returned so we can watch our "babes" take their flight into the real world.

The sandperson is packing a satchel filled to bursting with sleepy dust. Will be departing at llpm.

Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

Oh wow, Hoda. What an experience for your Oklahoma friend.

stronghunter said...

Susan said they got an extra long free-fall because they jumped from higher than usual because an 80-year-old woman jumped with them, and she jumps every year. I guess the give the regular customer a special deal.

stronghunter said...

I would have been terrified as well, Hoda. It would be awful to have to jump in your car and try to outrun a tornado.

stronghunter said...

I am thinking they need to build shelters at schools that can be used by the general public if necessary.

JudyEddy said...

Angie and Carl got a babysitter for the evening but its we got severe weather coming in again with lots of rain and she is undecided to go out I told her go with her GUT

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY I think that would be a great idea being they use schools for hurricane shelter her during the storm

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

stronghunter said...

Yes, if they spend public money for a shelter at a school, it should be available for the public. Lots of times, tornadoes are after school hours. Of course, I hope people would build their own shelters.

JudyEddy said...

My mom and dad had a shelter in their back yard and they spent many days or nights in there I was happy they had it

Mema Jo said...

Just finished a Hallmark Movie - I sure do like them but the disadvantage is all the dern commercials.

I am closing down for the day -
BTW - the picnic was outside! There was a breeze and it was delightful except for those tiny bugs. --

Good night to all my friends.
Blessing for you all. I love us ♥

stronghunter said...

An Oklahoma friend of mind talked about spending afternoons after school sitting in their storm shelter. The big thing they talked about at school was what boy's picture they were going to take with them to the shelter.

They had a rope attached to the door. When the tornado passed over, you were supposed to hold onto the rope to keep the tornado from opening the door and sucking everyone out.

Once they took her husband down there and told him about the rope. He grabbed the rope and it was so rotted it broke. He was horrified. I think I would have been too, but the Oklahoma folks just laughed.

Wonder if they replaced the rope?

stronghunter said...

Good night, Jo.

Lolly said...

We had a fun evening. Ate our hamburgers on the patio. Then we poured another glass of wine and headed to the gazebo. Sat there for a while then headed to the front patio. Sat there for a while, then challenged Jack to a game of lawn Bocce. He beat me! But it was fun as it got dark and very challenging. lol Annie also contributed to the game. She chased after the target ball and then laid down beside it. We were all but rolling on the ground with laughter, I had to go pick up Annie to finish the game. Oh, and Lightening Bugs were flying all around!

Hoda said...

So it is not too old to sky dive when I am 70 then? LOL the thought still crosses my mind!!! Thank you SHIRLEY. Good on Susan. Has KATHRYN made it to the beach? She works a lot and she makes a good life for HUNTER with your help and shelter.

Hoda said...

Sounds like fun LOLLY!!!

Hoda said...

I do not know about public shelters in the school SHIRLEY. If the tornado happened during school hours the children would have to have priority and if the public was dependent on it there would be some people left without shelter.The Oklahoma folks who laughed must be suffering from is just because it is so real!!!

Hoda said...

Oh dear!!! The Dragons just invited me to go to the local pub on the 7th for hamburger and beer!!! I do not do either and I have not been in a pub since my 30's at the latest. It is a fundraiser for the Dragon Boat Team who are going to Kalispel Montana for a race in July. I would like to support the team but can not go to a pub with beer and burgers!!!

Lolly said...

Go Hoda, you do not have to drink beer as they will have other drinks as well as some other kind of food.

Lolly said...

I am now going to give myself a pedicure and a manicure. Wanda would approve!

stronghunter said...

Good points about the tornado shelter, Hoda.

stronghunter said...

Posted a skydiving picture on my blog for those not on FB, but I am not sure if you can see it.

magpie said...

I love the game of Bocce...I once had a large back yard in which to
play, and drink beer and eat hamburgers.

And Take Air Baths ☺

magpie said...

I still have a set now of Bocce...must introduce James to it one of these days
but not the other things.

magpie said...

great report of the skydive, Shirley, thank you...
Wow, an extra long free fall with
the 80-year old veteran Lady !
So cool !

stronghunter said...

Kathryn should have made it to Angela's by now, Hoda. Need to check her FB page to see if she has posted anything. Angie does not live at the beach, but is near. I expect they will visit the beach tomorrow. Angie is a childhood friend from the neighborhood.

magpie said...

Terrific picture, Shirley, Thank You!

Susan looks ever so joyful
and happy as a lark !

magpie said...

Yes, Hoda, if you are up for the outing, there will be other things to eat and drink....sounds like it could be OK....

and Righto, Lolly, Wanda WOULD approve, of the manicure and pedicure ☺

Good Night, Precious Pals....
Sandperson bypassed Martinsburg
for a wee while but I think he has nearly arrived....

Prayers for Wellness All Around

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

Lynne2 said...

the rooster crowed at midnight...

Lolly said...

Well, there you are Lynne! lol And adding so much to the blog. :)

Very interesting comment!

Lolly said...

Fingers and tootsies all done. Yard work has taken a toll on the nails. Oh well!

magpie said...

I HEAR ya' and SEE Ya', Lynne2!

I am also hearing the local mockingbird....still hoping someday one will sing Eagle Calls here to me

Lolly said...

Time to start getting ready for bed. Night all!


Lolly said...

Oh, Margy! We love Bocce but do not do it very often. We play it all over the very front of the yard.

Lolly said...

The boys love to play it. It just gets so hot in the summer. Must play it with Jacob when he is here!

Again....night all!

The rooster has crowed!

Lynne2 said...

the hen crossed the road at dawn....

magpie said...

Righto, Lolly

GREAT to see you, Lynne2.

and Good Night Again!
Maybe the mockingbird will
sing Rooster Calls...☺

xoxo ♥

stronghunter said...

Well, Kathryn just walked in the door. She decided not to go to Angela's. She has been hanging out with friends around here.

stronghunter said...

Well, Kathryn just walked in the door. She decided not to go to Angela's. She has been hanging out with friends around here.

stronghunter said...

Pardon, double posted.

stronghunter said...

Wow, it's late! Time for me to say good night. Rest well, everyone. SED.

Sandi said...

Good Sunday morning my eagle friends!

Sandi said...

Margy, we have played bocce on the beach for 30 years, and password! Madeline and Michael now love to play!

Lynne, what's with the cryptic posts? And where have you been?

Nice bull roast yesterday - got to see many neighbors. I really like living in a small town! Sadly, we had 90 people RSVP and then not show up! We still had to pay for them b/c the caterer prepared food for them. The cost to join the property owners association is $20 a year per family, and that entitles you to 2 free tickets to the annual bull roast (a $50 value). So every couple who didn't show cost the association $30. Very rude! The new president was really angry - he wants to draft a letter to all who didn't show up asking for the $30. There's no way we can force anyone to pay up, but probably some of them would.

I,m only seeing 1 juvie in the nest right now. haven't seen the other since I opened the cam page. Not even a wingtip or a tail feather.

Sandi said...

Never mind, just saw a wing tip. Juvie #2 is in the balcony!

JudyEddy said...


stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I see one eaglet sitting at the base of the balcony. Not seeing the wingtip at the moment.

Janet said...

good morning early birds...and all to come later on. i've been up for an hour now, but have just now shook enough cobwebs out of my brain to make sense in a post. seven and beano wanted to be up @ 5:30.... *sigh* its a conspiracy i tell ya, lol, they suck you in with that cute face, and then wake you up EARLY on a sunday morning!

oh well, such is the life with fuzzybutts.

i have to grocery shop, so its really good that i'm up. can go early and get it done.

not sure why roosters are crowing at midnight and hens crossing @ but okay....chuckling.....nothing that unusual here.

hope everyone has a great day! light, love and hugs to all! smile! just because it looks great on you! :)

Judie said...

Good morning!

Isla is busy trying to feed her first hatchling, the bears are doing their bear stuff; one RTH babe has made a first foray onto a railing; Mrs. Kestrel is feeding her five babes; and I can only see one eaglet in the nest.

Going to work some more on packing up books, etc. so bookcases can be moved away from the walls.

Wishing everyone a lovely morning.

Judie said...

Ooops, thank you Jo for the special dates in June.

JudyEddy said...

YEAH LYNNE2 posted ODD but posted

JudyEddy said...

I see wing from balcony so we still have two in the nest

JudyEddy said...

now back down in the nest from the balcony

stronghunter said...

Now back up in the balcony, and the one downstairs is catching air.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all my friends
I also see 2 juvies still in the nest. Youngest one at the tree trunk - the other wingercising all over the place. Surely does have a large wing spread.

I am off to get my 1st cup of coffee.. BBILW

magpie said...

Good Morning, Eagle Pals

Could get stormy hereabouts through the day...hope Shammie and Hedgie have learned well the skill of Hunkering Down !

We are either going to SPLIT
in ten posts or fewer, or
maybe we can keep our eyes open and find a new thread before that happens, I keep checking !

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Fresh Food, Breakfast has arrived

magpie said...

Nice Sized Fish...
Adult was in and out quickly,
I can't tell you which one it was

one child has claimed it and
moved to the 11 am spot
the other is in the opposite corner

grannyblt said...

Good morning all.

Reading back on the blog will comment on old news

I was really saddened to hear about that fire in Houston where 4 firefighters perished. Thanks to Facebook, I was able to message a member of the department to send my regards. His father ( friend and neighbor of ours) was also a firefighter who died at a fire about 1977, when he, the son, was in kindergarten. Such a sad time for all. The son was at work during the fire the other day, but not called to respond. Anyway, I was relieved..

My daughter and her family lived in Tulsa OK in 1999. When the tornado sirens went off, my son in law was on a business trip. Katie put the children (2 yrs and 6months) in the bathtub with herself and covered up with a mattress. The 2 yr. old thought it was such fun to be sleeping in the bathtub. I was so glad they only lived in OK for one year. Now they live in earthquake country...

I'll be checking the nest for heart stopping activity today. Hope everyone of you has a wonderful, safe day.

magpie said...

Good to see you, Grannyblt...
this weather, and these fire tragedies....things like, surely affect all across our Momsters and Dadsters Families.....

Enjoy YOUR Day also...
xo ♥

magpie said...

half a fish
I think the parent had some
chow before the delivery

one has it, the other one wants
but I am doing other things on the computer and not SEEING it all

CarolAnne said...

(Morning all,
Mom's 89th birthday today. Thankfully going strong. Has all her teeth, hair, mind, and mobility.

Graduatin season is upon us, including our young eagles. How lucky we have been this eagle season. Will send them on their way with thanks & awe!

Added some storm pics & BD party pics to blog.

Make it a great day everyone.

magpie said...

Good Morning, CarolAnne, and
Happy 89th Birthday Wishes to your
dear Mother !!

will check pictures pretty soon

And to All here this morning
Good to See Ya'!
Best Wishes for a Very Good Day...
xoxox ♥

magpie said...

A squealing fest!
Big Cam shake
Belle landed, and took off
I'm looking for new food
but I think none was brought in

magpie said...

There is the Red-Bellied Woodpecker sound at the nest now

magpie said...

WAS, maybe will be again


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1/8/25 PM

  4:21 PM he comes in the nest with a nice load of bedding  4:21 PM. he leaves  4:25 PM. He comes to the nest with a load of bedding. He pic...