Wednesday, May 01, 2013


Fresh thread.


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Lolly said...

Feather time!

Lolly said...

Wow! Two days in a row! Thanks for the new thread, Steve. Will go call the others over!

Lolly said...

Prayers for Sharon. We want a great report.

Have put out fresh suet and hoping to see our Painted Bunting again today. Hard to believe he came and left so often yesterday. Would love to have him stay!!

Today going to mow, trim, edge and blow. Cold front coming tonight. Hoda left the freezer door open again. Do not know what to do with that girl!!

Lynne, hoping you have a better day today.

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the fresh thread Steve

Lolly said...

Good morning, Judy!

I am off now to start my day!

Later, Gators! Have a good one!

Lynne2 said...

having a much better day!

Lynne2 said...

It's my day OFF!!! LoL!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

have a good day off LYNNE2

Lynne2 said...

OMG...we have a guy here for a "smart enery" checkup. Very informative...right up til the moment he saw Steve's fishing rods. Now the 2 of them are out in the guys car looking at lures.......God help me!

JudyEddy said...

LYNNE2 is he there to figure out why your power is so high and from the landlord????

Lynne2 said...

yes, but so far it really seems that the way the heat pump works is what the biggest expense is. But he has insulated the hot water heater, and changed our bulbs to the energy bulbs, given us some tips on using the heat pump more efficiently. No charge for any of it! Part of a program here in MD to reduce consumer consumption of energy in the state.

JudyEddy said...

adult in nest

JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

I got the message from Lolly and came right over - so she has Painted buntings and another eagle feather - must be all those beautiful flowers she plants.

Lynne - enjoy your day off! Any word on new tenants in the upstairs?

Hubby is mowing grass and I am sitting here trying to figure out a dr bill...
He is having all the fun - I am having a brain freeze.

Hoping to have some word from Sharon soon. I keep checking FB - nothing yet. bbl

JudyEddy said...

and gone POOF that was a fast visit

JudyEddy said...

she went on the cam it shook

JudyEddy said...

I was wait till 3 for the courtesy van but they are sending someone now to get me cool beans

JudyEddy said...

one of the chicks is spread eagle in the nest the other is at 6 and a adult is a 10

Mema Jo said...

Go get your truck Judy and pray that it starts with the turn of your key! ♥

Sandi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sandi said...

Hi all - checking in from school to find a new thread. My work day is almost over - only 30 more after today!

Kevin will be meeting with the attorney this afternoon - wish I could be a fly on the wall. Court is tomorrow evening - don't know if I will be "invited" to go along.

Will check in later from home. I see no word from Sharon yet!

Mema Jo said...

Sandi don't wait for an invite - just go so that you know exactly what goes on.. Also will show you are concerned about Kevin.

Lynne2 said...

Sharon is in the waiting room at the Urologist right now...just got a message from her on WWF. Told her our inquiring minds wanted to know!

stronghunter said...

Good advice from Jo, Sandi. Even with adult children, sometimes it is better to tell them what you are doing rather than ask what they want you to do.

Lynne2 said...

she must be in with the Dr now, she hasn't taken a turn since my last post

JudyEddy said...

I am home with and it started and stopped boy having new brakes makes a big difference I knew I had to have had a bad spot on the drum the way it would studder once in a while

JudyEddy said...

it is raining and storming up a storm

JudyEddy said...

lots of wingersizing going on with one

JudyEddy said...

while I was out I dropped of the 110.00 towing bill to insurance I have towing on my policy and rental

JudyEddy said...

nice fish brought in

JudyEddy said...

Belle was on the edge of the nest but she just poofed and I can only see one chick and I am sure the other is at 12

JudyEddy said...

oh I see the other now in front of this one couldn't see one was sitting up and the other laying in front of him two birds as one almost

Judie said...

Good late afternoon.

Was hoping to see a dr. report from Sharon. Maybe soon...

Finished the exams and got my "do" did today. Will be at the big school house tomorrow getting copies made and providing some question/answer time if any students show up.

Oh, my hair person said one of her clients came in last week talking about being addicted to watching eagle nests. So, if there is someone named Carol who goes to Cara and is lurking, stop in and say hi.

Hoda, I have strong suspicions that Sandperson bribes the border guards with brownies and the promise of a t.v. show starring a German Shepard.

Glo, I think it's just wonderful all your "family" are getting along. Has Dex paid any attention to his new housemates?

Sandi, I surely hope the meeting goes well tonight and the student's best interests are the primary concern.

JudyE, if I understand, you have your truck back. Enjoy!

Still catching up some. Hedgie and Shamrock soaking up the afternoon sunshine, RTH's busy trying to corral three growing babes, Lucky has been castrated and is making nice with Ted, Phoebe's two are outgrowing their accommodations, Ms. Kestrel is just hangin' out.

Going to mosey to the scullery and look for inspiration.


JudyEddy said...

JUDIE this was on FB


Sharon Lea Crisco Farley
The doc says that anything under 3 cm is benign. I am going for a biopsy anyway just for my piece of mind but this is good news! God is good all the time.
Like · · Share · 15 minutes ago near Bluefield, WV ·

Lynne2 said...

OK, update....on FB:

Sharon Lea Crisco Farley
The doc says that anything under 3 cm is benign. I am going for a biopsy anyway just for my piece of mind but this is good news! God is good all the time.

stronghunter said...

Judy, thanks for the info in Sharon. I can understand why she might want more information.

stronghunter said...

Will be heading out in a bit for Hunter's baseball practice.

stronghunter said...

Would be interesting if Carol who goes to Carla is reading this.

stronghunter said...

Wonder if Carol posts on the OC site, or reads it?

JudyEddy said...

HEY check this picture out on facebook of a eagle

World Bird Sanctuary
Liked · 54 minutes ago

One of our resident Bald Eagles, McGuire, has more personality than I thought. Working with him this week, I caught him playing with this toy. This is the first time I have seen one of our eagles take an interest in a toy, and I found it quite entertaining. ~ BB

Judie said...

Thanks so much JudyE and Lynne2 on the Sharon update. Yes, I think it's smart to get the biopsy and peace-of-mind.

Shirley, enjoy baseball practice.

Hmmmm, wonder if McGuire will start practicing with the rope to lasso a girlfriend?

Okay, really headed to the scullery. Sometimes I get so weary of trying to think of food for dinner.


Mema Jo said...

Relieved to hear Sharon's news

Lori O. said...

JUDYE, glad you are getting your truck back! Enjoy!

Thanks for the updates on SHARON. SHARON, peace of mind for you will be worth it.

LYNNE2, glad you've had a productive day off. Sounds like a great energy program!

LOLLY, did the painted bunting come back?

Hope our KAY is having a safe and fun time driving to MI with Penny!

stronghunter said...

Know what you mean about getting inspired in the scullery, Judie. I did not mind the period of time in which I only had to feed myself. I was happy with a bowl of cereal or a sandwich most evenings. Then I would splurge on a steak from time to time.

Hoda said...

Good to hear from SHAR.

Enjoy your day off LYNNE.

Is any one else wondering or is it just me??? I think MISS LOLLY and STEVE are co-ordinating new thread and announcements...two in a row indeed...I think we have to request a Royal Commission to investigate this irregularity...Feathers after all should not be the property of one person...I suspect LOLLY is sending some good, make that very good, wine to STEVE on a regular basis!!! So there I said what is on my mind!!! LOL!!!

I think the TV show with the German Shepard would definetly do it JUDIE!!! You got that right.

It is so pretty in Nelson today and every where I look there are blossoms...hard to know where to look the lake the trees the people the birds the animals or the old took me a long time to get to where I was going today. It is all good though. I had an excellent yoga class in a new space.

JudyEddy said...

Is that a long stick that goes all the way across the nest from 7 to 3 ????

JudyEddy said...

there is a picture on FB of the AEF nest and wow you really can tell how deep the nest is on the angle of the camera check it out

Waiting for the eggs to hatch CHECK OUT THE DEPT OF THE NEST

JudyEddy said...

a couple of more hours on the way Rain rain go away I have want to play LOL

JudyEddy said...

oh nice thing is its only 68° now thanks to the rain rain rain rain rain

Hoda said...

Unless it is covered mid section with flugg I would say it is two sticks JUDYE and they just happen to be aligned correctly to face each other...??? Hard to tell

Sandi said...

Good evening my eagle friends!!

Wonderful news about Sharon!!

I have been "invited" to accompany my son to court tomorrow. Actually, Denny asked today if Kevin wanted him to go with him. Kevin replied, "Actually dad, I'd prefer that Mom go with me - she's the calm one!" =) The attorney believes that the purpose of tomorrow is simply to inform Kevin of the charges that are pending against him. The attorney isn't attending. Kevin will meet with him again after he finds out the charges. Oy vey!

My sister just emailed me to say how upset she is that Madeline falls every time she tries to do a sit spin and her big competition is on Mother's Day. I emailed back and said I wished that was the biggest thing I had to worry about with my child!!

Hoda said...

No JUDYE now I think it is one stick across the nest...

Hoda said...

Wishing MADELINE a positive experience with her sit spin routine...

Wishing KEVIN a positive experience with being in court without a lawyer and yet his loving CALM mother is there to have his back...

Good answer to your sister SANDI.Are you taking a day off from school?

paula eagleholic said...

I see a nice fish in the nest...won't be long before the kids will be snatching them away from the parents as soon as they arrive with way will they be just laying there!

Good news? Gotta read back :)

paula eagleholic said...

Shar, I would go with the biopsy, too.

Back out to finish mowing...really nice day here...finally!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, the bunnies are still out in the yard...I will mow around them :)

JudyEddy said...

PAULA one on the chick walked over to it earlier pecked at it and then turned around and went to other side of nest I want to go to checkers and get the new ice cream cone I saw on commercial double oreo waffle cone OH I need will power

Hoda said...

Take more pictures of the BUNNIES PAULA please...They must be growing.

You are on holidays JUDYE double oreo waffle cone sounds like a holiday treat!

Lori O. said...

PAULA, I want to see pics of the bunnies, too!

JUDYE, I agree with HODA. It's a vacation treat, so go get one of the waffle cones!

Lolly said...

Worked hard in the yard all day! have showered and already in my pjs! Lol.

HODA, not bribing anyone with good wine. Don't give the good stuff away! :)

Yea! Awesome news on Sharon! Yes, I would want a biopsy too! Good decision.

having computer problems. I am on my iPad.

yesterday while working in the yard we startled a bunny hidden in a flower bed. Did not see a nest and have not seen the bunny again. Did not see the Bunting today either. But did not spend time watching the feeders either.

Hoda said...

Kiddin' LOLLY!!!

paula eagleholic said...

2 eaglets plotzed in the nest...sleeping on the fish, LOL

paula eagleholic said...

OK, I'll try and get a quick pick of the bunnies.

Hoda said...

OK I am off to the Yoga Festival Meeting. I hope it is productive...


paula eagleholic said...

Adult at the noon spot...looks like a piece of fish by the maybe they ate the one in the nest...won't know until sleepy head moves...

JudyEddy said...

back from Checkers and a quick run to the park and saw all three WET juvies and got some pic and they did fly in the drizzles but didn't want to run the risk of getting cam wet = so only did a few pic

paula eagleholic said...

Glad you could drive up in your truck, Judy!

JudyEddy said...

very disappointed in cone one mini oreo on top and none until you get to the bottom of cone and that is all there was no ice cream I know they made it wrong suppose to be throughout the whole icecream not just on bottom and one on top but it was still ice cream LOL so far we got a little over a inch from what I can see in my gauge and more and more for the next 4 days yuk

JudyEddy said...

AI is coming on see ya all in commercials getting down to the nitty gritty

JudyEddy said...

HEY did you all see last nights picture of the SPIDER day glo one I snipped before midnight last nite

paula eagleholic said...

One chick up, PS, then having a snack fed by adult.

paula eagleholic said...

Ok, put bunny pic on Fb

BElle in the nest, arranging fluff.

Guess they consumed the fish that was in the nest.

JudyEddy said...

shake on cam must be DAD home

JudyEddy said...

wasn't impressed with Angie song love the song but not the way she did it JMHO

JudyEddy said...

poof BELLE and cam shakes

paula eagleholic said...

Belle off the nest

paula eagleholic said...

Nite lite on, chick up for they are beak to beak...cute...little eaglet pecks.

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, one got up and moved away

JudyEddy said...

after the cute little peck PAULA Huh I saw that also

JudyEddy said...

this is a link for a article from David Hancock thought you might like to read was gonna copy paste but looks too long so link it is

Note from David Hancock about the White Rock nest.

White Rock 2013 -- a different year!

Judie said...

Hope everything goes as well as possible tomorrow Sandi.

Shirley, I miss the days when I had only to make a sandwich or salad or in Winter a bowl of soup. My "real" food day was always Sunday when I would treat myself.

Two sleeping eaglets.

Speaking of sleeping, the Sandperson made a quick run by and threw sleepy dust into my eyes. Mumbled something about having to go to work.

So, I am headed to put my feets up and then close my eyes. Will be at the big school house tomorrow.

Restful sleep for all.

magpie said...

Quick trip to West Virginia, Judie, the inimitable Sandperson.

Good to hear about Sharon's report...hope the next opinion
and check is just as promising

Best Wishes for Sandi and Kevin,
heartwarming that Dennis made the offer, and Kevin made the request for his preference....Moms Rule ♥

magpie said...

Hoping that Jo's Brain Freeze
thawed out, and she could just revel in the sweet fragrance of
new-mown grass

magpie said...

Very happy that this was Lynne2's day can never get quite enough of those !

And to everyone here...
hope you can hit the pillows and say:
"It was a Good Day."

Good Night, Precious Pals

Prayers for Wellness, ALL Around

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

Hoda said...

Very good meeting for the Yoga Festival.

JUDYE thank you very much for David Hancock's report as to the White Rock Nest.

Thank you PAULA I will go to FB to check on the rabbits.

Yes JUDYE I saw last night's picture of spiddy as you called him and he did seem to glo...

stronghunter said...

Very sleepy here. Good night, everyone. SED.

Mema Jo said...

Finished watching Criminal Minds (Love Spencer) and CSI. Made my evening go by very fast.

No plans for tomorrow - perhaps I will sit in the sunshine for awhile.

Closing down for the day that welcomed May.
Sleep well and may you have SED....
Good Night

Lolly said...

Heading to bed. Tried to get on my laptop but it is just not cooperating, Grrrrrrr, @€}*'d#%{€<~+

71 right now, wonder what it will be in the morn!

Nite all! SED!

Hoda said...

It is 36 degrees here LOLLY!!! 71 Sounds heavenly. It was warmer in the mid 60's today though.



Sandi said...

Good Thursday morning my eagle friends!!

Lori, hope you're enjoying your time at home - I bet Dalai is!!

Thelma, hope the bite on your hand is healing well and not too painful.

Judie, how are you feeling as your big day is getting closer and closer?? The English teacher on my team recently announced that she is retiring at the end of this year. Not sure exactly how old Natalie is or how many years she has been teaching (she won't say) but I'm pretty sure she's in her 70s.

Kevin has been told to be at the barracks at 7pm but is going to call to ask if he can go early so he might be able to get his car today rather than tomorrow. That puts me on standby to leave school whenever. I sure hope the charges against him are not too serious. He seemed so calm last night so calm but surely he must be at least a little scared. I'd be a wreck!

Make it a good day all!

Sandi said...

Just 2 eaglets in the nest when I signed on this morning. Then Belle arrived and now Shep. But no food was brought in - hope there's something laying around b/c the kids are up and lookin hungry. Yup, Belle found some food.

Janet said...

good morning...

thinking of Sandi this morning......

and glad JUDYE got her truck back! :) Yeah sis!!!

Yesterday was a good day; best part was getting my ears lowered. How a hair cut makes you feel so good is beyond me!!!! I felt like I had a mop on my head, now, so much better.

Three years ago today, Nashville flooded. Hard to believe...Opryland/Opry Mills was under 10+ feet of water.....I think about it from time to time, but today is the 3 year anniversary. It was such as shock....

We've had some minor flooding recently, but nothing like that. It was unlike anything I've seen before.....and hope to never see again.

Nice day ahead here, but rain rain rain moving back in. I'm supposed to conduct a wedding/handfasting SAturday which was scheduled to be OUTSIDE ..... I've just checked in with them via message as to what their rain plans are. I don't think we want to stand out in the rain......

And today, is the funeral of George Jones. It is open to the public over at the Grand Ole I won't be going, but I assure you a large part of Nashville will be...people have been camping out for this.....

Well, everyone, have a good day. I will be thinking of you. Hugs, light, love and smiles....

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagles...

Sandi, Very Best Wishes for
good outcomes, tonight...
again, so very glad no one was hurt....
(( Hugs ))

And Best Wishes to Every One
for a Happy Day...

Smile, Like Lolly's Smiley
Sunshine Avatar ☼ ☺

Work time tooms, ttfn xox ♥

magpie said...

"tooms" ?
and I type for a living...
make that LOOMS

Very Glad the Tom Sweetie♥ RV ad is back on, I was getting weary of the Busch Beer ad

'so long

magpie said...

Oh the nest is thoroughly
beauteous right now for sure

Lori O. said...

Good morning all!

SANDI, I hope all works out tonight, or today, for Kevin. Prayers.

Slow night on the blog last night.

JO, I watched Criminal Minds, and Spencer is my favorite too...that was a good ending!

So glad to be home with my own bed and furbabies! Plumber is coming this morning to checkon shower water pressure and water softener.

Have a great day everyone!

T-Bird said...

Good morning my fine eagle momsters and dadsters.

T-Bird said...

MAGPIE-yes it is.

Lori O. said...

Good morning THELMA! How is your hand?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

God morning my eagle budlets.

I am sorry I didn't post on here last night but I had a busy evening.

I did get a good report yesterday but I will feel much better about it after the biopsy. The doctor said anything under 3 cm is benign. That didn't sit well with me because it is growing and if it is cancer, wouldn't it have to be cancer from the beginning and not just turn that way when it hits 3 cm? Anyway, I am doing the biopsy for my piece of mind. They will, however, not give me any anesthesia except local so I would venture to say it is going to hurt like the dickens.


T-Bird said...

LORI-it is some better. I still wish I would have insisted on an x-ray. (I know it is because I don't have insurance that they didn't x-ray it.)It's not only hurting on the bite area, it's hurting like I popped it out of place or something and it went back in.? (I did hear a pop when it happened.) The bruises feel pretty sore.
I was tested the day before yesterday on my ability to stop trying to break the fight up. It seemed like Sharon had to control or help me not interfere as much as she had to control the severity of the fight. Darn it it is hard to watch animals you love hurting each other.

Judie said...

Good morning.

About to try to make myself less scary looking and then go to the big school house.

Mixed feelings absolutely. As I have not given notice, I could still change my mind but really think next Tuesday will be it. Nice part is I will stay with the Police program.

Thelma, sure wish there were some way to get more information about your hand. Hope it heals on its own.

Hedgie and Shamrock are awake and stretching. Adult on the cam when I checked.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Looks like our eagle children are relaxing in two ends of the nest this morning.

stronghunter said...

Have a good day, Judie.

Thelma, hope your hand heals quickly.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Shamrock (I think) is plotzed and Hedgie (I think) is at 11-12 o'clock position.

Lolly said...

Good morning! I am so fed up with my laptop! Do not know if the problem is the laptop or IE. It takes a while but I finally get up fb and the blog but both do not allow me to post. Doing this from my iPad.

52 this morn and the 50's is the high today after 80's yesterday. 30's expected in the morn. Breaking records. Crazy!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning eagle buds What no new thread when I sit down LOL

JudyEddy said...

72° here and I hear no rain on the roof suppose to be 70% chance today hope they changed their minds otherwise no park for Me and Jordyn

JudyEddy said...

just read forecast thunderstorm possible at 4 looked at radar all below and around us so keep fingers crossed we can get the park in today or Chickfala here we come LOL at 4 or 3 if weather is nice

Lolly said...

Rebooted and now I can post on here. ?????

Time for me to get busy cleaning house. 52 does not encourage yard work.

Send your rain to us, Judy. They were predicting rain with this front, but then the chance went away. We had to run our sprinklers yesterday.

Have a great day. Prayers for Sharon and the biopsy!

Lolly said...

Cam just shook so know parent is in the attic!

JudyEddy said...

headin out now that I can

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all
I slept well through the night - usually get up once but a good night's rest is when you don't need to awake at 3:00 or so. I need to curb my evening cup of coffee.

Glo is certainly enjoying the furballs in her house. They are very photogenic.

Megan is still not feeling up to par with her ear infection & sinus problems. She has meds but she is getting behind with her planting Send her positive thoughts, please!

Mema Jo said...

Blackwater news on eaglets' names

We just announced the winner of our 2013 Eaglet-Naming Contest: 11-year-old Angel Walker from Delaware picked the winning names of Talon and Soar. Congratulations, Angel!

NatureNut said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds.Day off, but have to head down the road for hair cut. Then maybe I'll be able to see my way home!
Was out on deck with coffee and heard a familiar concert. Mr. House Wren was back and put a maple key in the bird house! Will he stay? Never know. And last night we had a raccoon visitor! Fubby had leftovers outside for stray cat!
Sharon, prayers for your procedure and for Thelma's hand, Megan's illness and Sandi's son & anyone else in need. ☺

Lynne2 said...

hello from work, where it is busier than a long tailed cat in a room full off rocking chairs!

Lynne2 said...

SO beautiful out, glad I sit near the window, which is open!

Lolly said...

Our windows are closed. We are sitting at 51 and the wind is a blowin!!!! No telling what the chill factor is, but it feels cold out there.

Doing thorough cleaning of the house. Kitchen is done, now for the rest of the house.

Mema Jo said...

Critter cam check it out

Lolly said...

BIG fish delivery! Too of the peaglets made noise and attempted to mantle it "It's mine, it's mine!" However, only one wing half covered the fish. Both peaglets now being fed.

Lolly said...

Oh, he is cute, Jo! Thanks!

Hoda said...

THELMA Surely if they thought that something was broken or out of place and you needed an x-ray they would do it regardless of insurance??? I can not imagine that they would rule it out based on income. It would leave them open for a mal-practice suit if nothing else!!!
I am upset on reading this.

Cold here too LOLLY. In the thirties this morning and now we have inched up to the was so nice here yesterday.

I have been on a roll. Posted announcements for the Grans in three papers and the Cable TV channel.
I have reconciled my cheque book, paid my bills, and budgeted for the month. It is all good; GRATITUDE.
Phoned the Pension Board and yes indeed they received my letter confirming that I am not dead and yes they will continue to deposit my pension. We laughed and I told them I hope to talk to them next year so I can continue to cost them money...she laughed and wished that I cost them money for many more years to come! We do this once a year.With the two other cheques in December I wonder if I will have to write them once a year to make the same confirmation that I am still on this planet???

SANDI I would think KEVIN is worried but thinks that it is not cool to show it. I do not think they could charge him with any thing too serious as nothing too serious happened. He ran over a mail box!!!The left the scene thing is the one that could be problamatic...let us know.

Thanks SHAR for the report. Praying. How was the dentist this morning?

Hoda said...

OK Off to writing more Thank You Notes to the Merchants who helped us out so much for The Silent Auction With CFUW. 15 Cards to go...I find it tedious. Tomorrow I would like to hand deliver them...too tedious to check correct addresses and post...I have to take posters around any way for the next big event May 25th Luncheon and Kazuri Jewellery Sale...

Lolly said...

Down to 48 now! Went out to clean my kitchen window on the outside and about froze to death! lol Neighbors are leaving for a week, going to Tahoe. They have been getting the yard work done. Had to laugh as he was out trimming and really bundled up....and it is MAY for Pete's Sake!!

Lolly said...

Learned that the house across the street has a contract, so Jim has a month to get ready to move. He says he is going to Florida. Wants to find a "fixer upper" on the water. Good luck on that. He did a great job on fixing up the house across the street.

glo said...

Late checking in today. Enjoyed watching a baby eaglet hatch. Just like photographing them it just never gets old. All is very well here at my house. Prayers for all needs. I am hungry and need to hope something that looks good for supper falls out of the fridge or cupboard LOL. I bet it will end in ding.:-)

Lori O. said...

Both parents in the is a beautiful day!

Lori O. said...

Thinking of SANDI tonight with her court appointment for Kevin...

LOLLY, enjoy the cool, it'll be too hot before you know it!

HODA, hope you get all your cards done today and delivered tomorrow, and glad you got your pension all straightened out!

GLO, what fell out of the refrig for dinner? :)

LORETTA, how did your new do turn out?

Prayers for Megan, Thelma and Sharon.

Lolly said...

47 and wind chill of 34. Winter has returned!!!

Lolly said...

Trying to enjoy the chill, Lori, but it certainly does not help yard work.

Hoda said...

Off to Yoga...
Cards not finished. Will do some more this evening.
Hard to stay sincere when I repeat the gist of the same sentences over and over as I am handwriting them...easier to type once and insert names but not as personal.
So hand writing takes longer and I needed a break.

Sandi said...

Good evening my eagle friends! Well, this afternoon was quite an experience!

Kevin received 6 - count 'em - 6 tickets/citations!
1) Leaving the scene of a property damage accident.
2) Failure to report a property damage accident to the police.
3) Failure to notify the homeowner that Kevin had damaged his property.
4) Failure to stay on his lane - SERIOUSLY??????
5) Failure to show valid registration (it was in the van but not in the glove compartment, which must have been the only place the officer looked).
6) Failure to show proof of insurance (Kevin's proof of insurance card was in his wallet and since Kevin wasn't in the van, neither was the proof of insurance card - DUH!)

He was arraigned, a $2700 unsecured bond was set (unsecured means we only have to pay that amount if Kevin doesn't show up for court), and given a date to appear in court.

I had several questions that I would have liked to ask but Kevin swore me to silence before we walked into the police barracks. So I said very little - was just there for moral support. kevin admitted on the ride home that he was nervous that he was going to be handcuffed, arrested, and put in a holding cell overnight.

Kev's car was released from impound. Tomorrow, State Farm will pick it up and tow it to the local collision center to determine if they'll fix it or total it. Kevin is hoping fix - he only has 8 more payments before it's paid off.

The police officer apologized for scaring the crap out of Denny and me Monday morning when he came knocking on the door!! He was a pretty nice young man.

Thanks to all for your concern and positive energy!!

Gonna go watch some TV and unwind!

Judie said...

Oh my goodness Sandi. Does Kevin have to return to court for disposition and sentence? Glad he wasn't actually detained. Wishing the best.

Lowreeda has a new "do" and Hoda has writer's cramp. You two need to take a break!

Thanks for the critter cam link Jo. Will check it again tomorrow as it was dark tonight.

Lolly, the high heat will be with you soon enough.

Judie said...

Thought of Shirley's brother in Colorado with all the May snow. Hope he's okay.

Also sad about the wild fires in CA. Sorry about the homes but deeply saddened about all the living creatures that die in those fires.

Hope Megan and Sharon and Thelma are healing.

Judie said...

Sandperson is hinting at getting a head start on rounds tonight. Cannot argue. I am tired.

Sandperson will be on the way before 11pm.

Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

HELLO and good evening folks
Home for the day with Jordyn and dinner at Beef O Brady's
I got to see all 5 juvies and 3 adult eagles today between the both cell phone towers today I buzzed by the one where Angie lives on the way home and both were there and two parents also but the parents flew away at sunset and boy do they make a ruckus when the parents left

JudyEddy said...

OH MY SANDI so sorry for all the issues with the law seems like they were looking for charges to make a example
that sort of thing happened to my son Tommy with a wooden fence years ago

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds!
Now I can see where I'm going and my head is a lot lighter!!!
Did a little shopping (got almost nothing), but the was a rib and chicken place next to hairdressers, so got ribs for din din. Yum.
Been playing w/pictures.Some I've taken at Chelsea were thru the glass and into the sun!I refused to delete bcause the subject matter is great. So,I've been trying to repair the glaring spots!Hope to post them someday soon. soon.

Forgot to tell Lori Welcome back to MD!!!I was wondering if there are any baby vultures there this year! I got a pic of BV at Park that was really funny. He was in a small area on the ground with his wings half open (not unusual) and we think he was trying to scare crows away!
Back to doing something!~~~~☺

magpie said...

Howdy Pals.
Loretta....Lori had said, maybe by email to me, that she had seen
three Black Vultures soaring around, no word on a nest yet.

Sandi....I guess I would have to say I understand your post, glad Kevin could leave without the
so-called bracelets....
and how nice, the officer apologized for frightening you and
Denny.....that shows class and good upbringing....

magpie said...

Hope the insurance things work out OK regarding his buggy, six payments, wow, that is sooooo close

magpie said...

Understand the writing of the same thing more or less and try to keep your spirit into it...
I experienced that writing 50+ thank you cards (for flowers and other things) when my brother in law died.....that was one thing I could help the kids with,
without too much supervision ☺

magpie said...

Sorry to read that Megan still has the ailments, that Thelma's hand
still hurts, that Sharon is nervous be remaining positive, right Shar ???

hmmmn, what else.....
oh that the weather improves
and Judie enjoys the last few days of something or other, no matter
how it turns out in the end

xo !

magpie said...

Love it! "Busy as long-tailed cats in a room full of rocking chairs!"
LOL big time !

magpie said...

I just can't believe sometimes
how sloooooowly the work day can go,
and how Swiftly the free time
No Fair !

magpie said...

Red Friday
just around the corner...
find some of your red duds, put them on, and kindly remember
our Military.....

magpie said...

We had a local officer one time
who was Jonesin' to stop a car,
he "kinda knew" the driver and occupant and finally found a reason to make a traffic stop:
"Turn signal not activated enough in advance of a turn."
I think of that when I am
going to make a turn

magpie said...

Thanks, Jo...for the post about
Blackwater Eaglets Talon and Soar....
and how about that! 11 year old little she will be an Eagle Lover for Life!

magpie said...

The Night Bandit is banging
furiously on the door, to warn me
that the Sandperson won't be far from arriving....
Time for me to Sign Off!

Oh, I hope Wanda has at least been on Facebook, sure am missing her

Good Night, Eagle Pals....

Prayers AND Positive Thoughts for ALL in our Eagle Corners

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

JudyEddy said...

MARGY Its been since the 27th that we heard from WANDA I hope everything is ok her last post was a downer about GG going to bed and not wanting to eat CRAB LEGS I really haven't seen her on FB I looked on her page and April 26 is the last time she updated her status

paula eagleholic said...

I see our two eaglets mosying around the nest at just up for a PS...they are settled back down for now.

Got the back mowed today...Larry came over for dinner...italian sausages on the grill. Got some laundry to finish up.

My younger brother Phil ( the plumber) and his 2 boys are coming down to the beach tomorrow night. (My SIL and niece are staying home) He is going to help me with the tub replacement. We will see where we go with it this weekend.

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda may have had to take the puter in for virus removal, would be my guess.

paula eagleholic said...

Cool here tonight, but the day was warm. I can deal with that! Hoda, shut the freezer door for poor Lolly!

paula eagleholic said...

I like the BWE eaglet names!

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Good on you, Hoda, for writing all of those thank-you bites. I understand the feeling of trying to sound sincere (which you are) as you write the same things over and over.

Love those Blackwater names!

Hoping that Megan is quickly back to her gardens and in good health.

It cannot stay cold for too long, Lolly.

Thinking of you as you wind up the semester, Judie.

Funny story about the officer, Margy.

Thelma and Sharon--positive thoughts sent your way.

Looking forward to the pictures, Loretta.

Oh my goodness, Sandi. Surely hope this mess can be straightened out without too much expense or stress.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the info, Judy. I hope all is well with Wanda and Gene, and that they are just really busy.

stronghunter said...

I think it was Lynne who said the bit about the long-tailed cat in the room full of rocking chairs. Love that one.

My father had lots of odd, funny sayings:

For a small, crowded room: "You can't cuss a cat in there without getting your mouth full of fur."

stronghunter said...

Time to wind down here--SED, everyone. See you tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

I have read back for comments this evening - Now the Sandman is knocking at my door with a handful of Sleeping Dust! I will call it a good day
and say Good Night to all my fine friends ♥

Hoda said...

Dear God remind me to not have an accident driving in your part of the world SANDI!!! I am glad KEVIN came home with you and did not have to go to a holding cell. YIKES!!! It seems to me at least half of those citations should be dropped...
Glad the officer apo;ogized for scaring you and MARGY said decent chap.

I think the freezer door should be fixed by the weekend PAULA. It is in the 30's again tonight according to our local forcast!!! Yet they speak of warmer weather for the weekend and all of next week.

HOLD ON LOLLY...We are also FIXING THE FURNACE...heat should be on its way too.

WANDA has not been on FB either that I have seen. I do think it is a computer issue and not anything else. Miss her much though...

Hoda said...

Sleep well JO. SED AOYP

Hoda said...

SHIRLEY JUDYE JUDIE and everyone else who has already gone to investigate their pillows.

Lolly said...

Have been enjoying a nice fire this evening. May and fire just do not go together!! Predicted low tonight for us is 38. It has cleared so temps should drop. Presently 45.

JudyEddy said...

so odd the weather in they showed snow in kS the RAYS game was rain,sleeted and snowed out and snow in MN and WI and LOLLY in TX other end of US is cold what is going on with out weather

This was on the news and I just love time lapsed video of clouds This is Clearwater Beach today so pretty the clouds now inland the clouds turned in to rain and storm Sea breeze storms
Paul the weather man time lapsed of the BEACH
not tired so I thought I would pop in and I forgot about her computer issues thanks for clearing that up PAULA

JudyEddy said...

with our not with out weather OOPS
I saw you pic on FB looks out of place LOLLY

Lolly said...

Sandi, what an experience!! Not a pleasant experience, not what you want...but this too shall pass. Hang in there!

Lolly said...

Time to head to the HOT shower and then to bed.

Hoda, do appreciate your seeing to getting the freezer door closed!!!

Night all! SED!!!

Hoda said...



Ms Bookworm said...

Good Evening, Everyone,

Gosh, I finally got somewhat caught up on the blog! Thought I'd better drop in before you send out a silver alert!

Had to take Ken to the doctor yesterday for a horribly painful left ankle/heel. She took a blood test to make sure it's not gout, but she thinks it may be tendonitis. Ken's Nikes are very cushy inside, and she thinks that allows his tendons to stretch too much. He needs shoe inserts that are less flexible. Didn't hear the blood test results today. Hoping we DO get them tomorrow. Dr. gave him some Prednisone to take, and it's helping some. Ken's staying home from work until next Monday.

Need to get to bed, since we may meet Sis-in-law for breakfast tomorrow--IF Ken's able to walk better.

Shar, I'd get a biopsy too, just to be sure. Don't understand what the size of the thing has to do with it, either.

Have said prayers for everyone. Both security systems are enabled, and the porch light is on. SED, everybody. God bless and goodnight.
I love all of you!
♥♥Carolyn & Christy♥♥
I ♥ us!!!

Sandi said...

Good Friday morning my eagle friends!!

Lolly, I've gotten used to May and fireplace since moving to the beach - it's so much cooler here in the spring b/c the ocean temps are still cool. It can be 65 when I walk outside of school in the afternoon, but it's only in the 50s when I get out of the car at the house. We still put the gas fireplace on most evenings.

Lynne, what's the latest with the upstairs neighbors?

Hoping for a calm day with the kids today! Make it a good one!

magpie said...

And Good RED FRIDAY Morning it is...

I'll try to give Wanda a ring a ling from work today and make a post when I do....

Probably is a computer issue as Paula mentioned.....

the Peaglets look comfortable; they sure change on a daily basis, love to see those Wing Stretches !

Best Wishes that Every One has a very nice day

xo ♥

Janet said...

good morning all:

SANDI: wow what a list of charges....wondering if the ones regarding the insurance and registration can be dropped upon showing those and explaining? in light of so many things that are worse, it all seems a bit much......... but glad it wasn't worse.

HODA: handwriting notes is a lost art i think. i was thinking the other day how long its been since i've received an actual letter via mail....

Here's hoping everyone with ailments feel better today: light, love and healing to all...

Weekend is upon us and here comes the rain.... again. I try to be appreciative....but it seems the last few weekends....rain rain and more rain. In August I will wish for this rain.....but another flood watch.....

And tomorrow I will perform my first wedding ceremony IN THE RAIN. they do have a canopy to cover us, but it will only be 68 degrees..... and while that's not a problem, unless its windy and hopefully all will go well. I will work on a cheerful positive attitude and hope to stay as dry as possible! lol I want their day to be special!

Some excitement: Olivia graduated from Delta level to Freestyle 1 last night!!!! SHe has been working on her salchows (pronounce sow cow)
and they have been kicking her booty. so with her private coach last night (Polly) she successfully maneuvered a 1 foot spin and a salchow! the grin on her face was PRICELESS! :) i love watching her succeed!

all right, i need to get moving. hope everyone has a lovely day, light, love, healing and smiles to all!

T-Bird said...

Good Friday morning my eagle peeps and peepettes.

T-Bird said...

JANET-my sister sends me letters and I have a great friend that sends me letters and cards. : ))

T-Bird said...

With that being said, I sure do need to do better and return their card or letter with another card or letter.

T-Bird said...

Doing your first wedding, that is great JANET.

T-Bird said...

What is a salchow JANET?

T-Bird said...

They sure do change daily MAGPIE.

magpie said...

Good Morning T-Bird!
I am out the door to the dough
factory ! ☺
Love Ya' Bunches !

xoxo ♥

Janet said...

T bird: a Salchow is a spin jump thing I can tell you is to google ice skating salchow.... it is really pretty when done right. I just uploaded Olivia doing a salchow to my facebook page if you want to check that out.

Thanks on the congrats....regarding the wedding....but the congrats go to the couple I was honored that they asked me to do the ceremony!

Have to head to the office! HUGS to all!

paula eagleholic said...

I know what a salchow is :) I love watching ice skating! Good for Olivia!

One eaglet at 5, the other out of site at the top of the nest!

magpie said...

Enjoy your Journey to and AT the Paradise, Paula

getting ready to give Wanda a ring a ling
be back in a few

Judie said...

Good morning.

Hard to believe it is time to go foraging again. Nice day for it, though.

Paula, good luck with the tub replacement. Should be nice weather.

Hope Margy can get in touch with Wanda. Likely the computer as others suggest. Wonder if there will be Family Friday at Miss GG's?

Janet, congratulations to Olivia and on your upcoming first wedding. May the sun shine chase away the showers.

Andy, hope Ken is much improved this morning. Maybe check into a brand of shoes called SAS. Have helped me lots because of the support.

Hand-written thank you notes are, like turn signals, a thing almost of the past. I still always send a written thank you for dinner with neighbors, etc. Just the way I was raised. As for turn signals, well, here in N. VA. most cars apparently do NOT come with standard turn signals.

Thinking of Thelma and Sharon today.

Hedgie and Shamrock were enjoying the sunshine when I looked in. Too close to the nest edge for my comfort.

Isla was sitting pretty but looking a bit damp; RTH were feeding their triplets; bears have emerged from their dens and are beginning to roam.

Okay, off to begin my day. BBL

magpie said...

Wait Wait Wait Judie
Wanda and the Gang are fine
and healthy
the computer still has an illness

AND there will be a grand reunion tonight at GG's -
complete with Jayden and many who went to the Outer Banks...
it has been almost a month since
Wanda has seen them ♥☺

more in a minute

Lori O. said...

Good Morning everyone!

Just a quick check in. I have to finish my nursing school application and write an essay! YUCK!

JANET, congrats to Olivia and to you on your first wedding. That is so cool!

Have a great time at the beach, PAULA. Keep those bird reports coming.

MARGY, hope you get in touchh with WANDA and she's okay.

Have a good day everyone!


magpie said...

Wanda said she can start to post on blog or Facebook but sometimes the pages juse "disappear."

They'll work on some possible solutions and Wanda might try to
use Gene's laptop...

Busy Busy week for them,
soup kitchen, clothes closet,
Food Bank Delivery and Unloading....

magpie said...

I brought Wanda up to date
on a few things...
but will have to add more as
time allows

Hello More Morning Eagle Pals...
I SEE you, Lori ☺

aaah, yes, thank you cards, my
mother insisted we send them, I am
so glad that she did....

Lolly said...

Good morning! Sun is shining and already up to 48. Wahooo! Official low...39! Wish I could box it up and release it this summer. LOL

Andy, hope Ken finds the problem and gets relief. Not good! Be sure he keeps his feet up this weekend. Give him a good book!!

Thank you notes are so important. I know a young lady who did not write a thank you for graduation, then did not write a thank you for nice wedding gift. Understand she is now expecting...I am NOT inclined to give her a baby gift.

Lolly said...

Our yard is a mess! The wind yesterday brought twigs down all over the place!

magpie said...

Keep an EYE out for the SPLIT
or wherever we are at Post #200.

Hi Lolly:

OH I told Wanda about your Painted Buntings !!! She is very
excited to hear about this !!!

gotta go, dough is trying to rise ☺


Mema Jo said...

Good Red Friday Morning to all!
Margy thanks for contacting Wanda. I had the phone in my hand and am so glad I read the blog before I duplicated your actions. So thankful that all is ok - This evening GG should have a Full House! I hope she doesn't go to bed too early and can enjoy her family.

Sandi - I feel certain that some of those charges will be dropped - at least they should be. All depends on the judge I guess. Hope the van is fixable - mainly the axles not damaged.

Judie said...

Ah, now I can go aforaging knowing Wanda and Gene are okay and Family Fun night is only hours away.

Good luck with the application Lori.


JudyEddy said...

GOOD Morning Eagle Buds

JudyEddy said...

MARGY thanks for checking in on Wanda and the captain so happy GG and all are fine

JudyEddy said...

SIS congratulation on your first wedding and in the rain Angie loves performing weddings Jordyn loves them to says "LIKE a fairy tale A HAPPY ENDING" LOL

JudyEddy said...

and I also knew what the skate move was just didn't know that is how is was spelled LOL I love watching Ice skating MOM would always call me and remind me it was on Don't get TV Guides any longer with the DVR and do tend to miss things now though

JudyEddy said...

I could have slept longer but the WIND WIND was so loud

magpie said...

Oh don't fall over the EDGE

SPLIT is about HERE

JudyEddy said...

NO not the wind here

the wind at the

NEST had the sound up and wow what a way to wake up couldn't figure out what it was for a second or two

JudyEddy said...

gonna head out to Sawgrass park BBIALW

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 213   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...