Tuesday, May 28, 2013


New thread.


Lori O. said...

Thank you, STEVE for the new thread. I'll go call the others!

Lori O. said...

Welcome to Tuesday! Hoping everyone has a great day, today!

CarolAnne said...

Thanks for the heads up Lori.

Have a great day.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning All! Hey there Lori - you are starting out good! Hi C/A!

Another day begins - adult was in nest earlier and there was food - it did rain last night - Now what to do - the nest is a shambles but juvies don't clean their nest! We will keep our eyes on you ♥.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Thanks, Steve, for the new thread. And thanks for the call-over, Lori.

Wingersizing at the nest now.

stronghunter said...

Hoping that your last few days of school are pleasant ones, Sandi, and that you get some answers about Bandit.

So sorry about Olivia's disappointment, Linda.

Yikes, Hedgie is all over the nes and lust landed on Shammie. I guess Shammie is okay, and just lying low.

stronghunter said...

Some pecking going on. Looks like Shammie has had enough and is ready to tell Hedgie a thing or two.

stronghunter said...

. . . all over the nest and just landed on Shammie . . .

Mema Jo said...

Janet on FB I enjoyed your pics of Olivia's special day!

Margy I hope Lorraine's homecoming is successful.

Sandi - Sorry about Bandit's behavior
Doesn't sound too good but I sure hope he isn't suffering

Lolly - Is Jacob not old enough to go with the group to CO? I am sure he will enjoy being with you & Jack.

Lolly said...

Good morning! I saw that, Shirley. Poor Shammie, he just cowered after being landed on.

Oh, it is so very nice being lazy this morning. No place to rush off to. Love, love being with family but it is nice to just sit!! Will do my walking, run an errand, and then work in the yard.

RoRo, welcome to the family. Awaiting pics. Can so relate to geriatric pets!!! Poor ol' Bosco is just hanging in there. He was going after Luke yesterday. He never snatched people food but watch out now! You snooze, you loose your food!!! He also snaps at you if you attempt to take anything away from him. He is a grouchy old man!! Then there is Annie. She is being sweet but oh my gosh, so very deaf and senile. And, her coat is getting worse and worse (worser?). She has massive knots of hair and her coat never did that before and she will NOT allow us to comb her. We are going to start a two person campaign to get some of them cut out.

Lolly said...

The Colorado trip is for middle school age kids. Joseph and Joey went last year. This year Laurel volunteered to go as the cook. Jacob will get his turn when he finishes 5th grade. So, he has three years to go. I told him this will not be Camp Hawkwood when we do something special every day, but we will have a good time and I am letting him plan the menu. LOL Also, he is playing on the baseball All Star team and we will have to drive an hour to get him to practice.

Mema Jo said...

My Manners aren't great on a Tues Morning

Thank you Steve for the fresh thread.

Have there been any sightings of the eaglet branching up at the nest?

Lolly said...

I like the name RoRo. It reminds me of our pet name for Laurel. As a toddler she could not say Laurel. When she said her name it came out sounding like WoWo. We still call her that.

Lolly said...

Good question, Jo. Hope we get an answer. What a messy, messy nest. Want to get up there and straighten up a bit. :)

Lolly said...

Food delivery, I think Shammie claimed it.

Lolly said...

I am off to start my day!

Have a good one!

CarolAnne said...

Still cam - one in middle. Unable to see feetsies at 12

CarolAnne said...

Now I see 2 eaglets

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good afternoon my eagle budlets!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Sharon - Hope you enjoyed your time with Andrew and Kelsey!
As if you wouldn't - lol

magpie said...

I see Shep
Not sure how long he has been there
and his two children

magpie said...

I think Shep is Seriously
digging into some tasty leftovers

and oh, I do see a fish body in he nest also

paula eagleholic said...

Afternoon, all.

Can see one eaglet perched at the 3 spot.

paula eagleholic said...

Aha I see the other ones wings from the noon spot.

paula eagleholic said...

Welcome RoRo! Would love to see some pics, Lori.

Home safe and sound...great drive home.

Stopped at Petsmart and got Nick a new tag. Can't get another rabies tag...just show the papers if needed is what they said. Gotta find Nick something else to put on there...he's lost his jingle, LOL

stronghunter said...

I see more wingersizing.

Lori O. said...

looks like just one pair of feetsies in the nest - up at 12.

paula eagleholic said...

Keep hearing eaglet sneezes.

paula eagleholic said...

I see one eaglet at 10, facing out. Think it's Shamrock.

paula eagleholic said...

Aha, just saw a talon at 12

Sandi said...

Good afternoon all!

Lori, congrats on the new 4-legged family member. Of course RoRo stands for boat, like ♫ "Ro Ro Ro your boat, gently down the stream!"♫

Bandit is still in the land of the living and, according to the vet, will be for the foreseeable future! :-D He is having a huge flare-up of his colitis, which he had for years but it stopped being a problem when I switched him to homemade dog food 2 years ago.

Vet gave him IV fluids, several shots to halt the colitis symptoms, a few prescriptions for meds to take over the next 5-7 days, and he's on a chicken and rice diet. Thanks for all the prayers, concern, and positive energy!!

Thelma, you were right about the power of Momster prayers!

OK, gotta fix food for people, then make the grocery list and head to the grocery store. Later!

JudyEddy said...

Home from work and find a new thread


we got storms coming in sky is dark dark and boom boom pow going on the funny this the rain chance was 20% today and its already rained once today and now storms shows weather is a guessing game Off course it the heat of the day and the sea breeze making the storms

Janet said...

good afternoon to all!


its been a busy day, still have stuff to do, but moving slowly today.

i took olivia over to the school for the testing and when the school psychologist came in she looked as if she didn't feel well. knowing she had strep last week, i inquired how she was feeling and she answered that she felt awful. so i said well why didn't you just let me know? she was afraid i would be upset.

i said we have 8 weeks to get this done. so we rescheduled for 2 weeks from today. she is a very nice lady. i want her to feel 100% for when she does this testing.

so we came home, grabbed some breakfast and took a nap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i have been doing some house work this afternoon. i want to work in the flower beds this evening.

not a lot else going on. i posted the pix on my blog for those not on facebook....the pix from olivia's bday yesterday.

huh, looks like we have a possible tropical system trying to develop down on the gulf.... i don't miss that!!!

all righty, will catch ya'll later! :)

JudyEddy said...

Congratulation on the newest family member LORI

SANDI hope Bandit is getting better
so though on us humans when our pets aren't doing good Good news that he will be around for a while

JudyEddy said...

sneezing three times in a row allergy

Lori O. said...

SANDI, so happy for you and Bandit that it's something that can be treated. He'll be back to normal before you know it. YAY!

JudyEddy said...

OK guys in the past I have never heard the eagle sneeze so much One maybe new cam has better sound or there is a issue with allergies LOL

JudyEddy said...

three more sneezes

Hoda said...

Row Row Row your boat gently down the stream
Merrily Merrily Merrily life is but a dream!!!

RO RO welcome and you are Chinese for boat I understand.

Bandit is going to be alright.

MARGY has a visitor...enjoy

Eaglettes are sneezing!!! Maybe it is that we can hear now and not so much before JUDYE?

Went to the doctor today.
Picked up a new epi pin! mine had expired. It is an expensive venture, so glad the insurance covers all 110 dollars.

I have what they call Reynaud syndrome...toes went purple a few times last week and fingers were red so I went to ask what that was all about...that is what she said it was...oh I said...and went on my merry old way...it just looks strange to turn purple...
Of course I had to have a French sounding syndrome...LOL!!!

LOLLY I am sure JACOB will have a terrific time at your place and I look forward to hearing of your time together and see some pictures. I understand not camp Hawkwood, but pretty awesome to be at Granny's and Granpa's place I am sure.

Hoda said...

Glad you made a safe trip home PAULA...

JudyEddy said...

HODA My moms hands fingers would be scarlet red often especially palms HMMM She never told dr I think will have to google that

Lolly said...

Did not get done what I should have done, but spent the day in the yard doing what I wanted to do. lol

Good news about Joseph. He has been placed in the advanced math class for next year. Wahoooo! He is excited! And, we are so proud!

It was a beautiful day, the wind kept it pleasant I thoroughly enjoyed the day.

Hoda said...


JudyEddy said...

looks like Bennington, KS. is under the gun with a tornado Paul put a pic on fb and I shared it

Mema Jo said...

Sandi - happy about Bandit's vet visit.

Lori - Ro Ro - doesn't he like his picture taken ... we are all anxiously awaiting to see this bully.

Paula - glad the ride home was pleasant.....

Joseph deserves a firm pat on the back for his Math ability.

Mema Jo said...

If you look at our juvies now I think you will understand the reason for all the sneezing - Downy feathers in the nose! lol

Mema Jo said...

In all the seasons before - I never remember our eaglets tearing down the limbs aka crib rails!

Mema Jo said...

Was just on Chrinstine's FB = Ft Bragg: They finally cut Patrick's orders today even thoughthey have had all paper work since 3 May, we have been sitting there since 1300 to get them. Now he has to rush and our plans are nixed cause his final out of the Army date is 7 June next Friday. That gives like 4 business days for everything and transportation is saying they are book a month and half out!

I pray this all ends well - School isn't out until the 12th and this isn't sitting well with any of us!
They are moving to MD - But this is no way to say Thank You for Serving.......... :(

JudyEddy said...

JO I think they play pick up sticks LOL I see them pick them up with their talons and wingersize Practicing holding on like a fish maybe but sure look uncomfortable to lay on

Judie said...

Evening all.

Glad Paula is home safe and sound and Nick is again legit even if he has lost his "jingle."

Also happy to know Bandit is going to be okay again. Sigh of relief.

Hoda, of course you have to have a disorder named for a Frenchman. Cannot imagine you having Gursnufflingsnitzel. Circulatory. Experience symptoms myself in cold weather.

Interesting. Maybe Margy knows what's up. Kestrel came seems to be down. Shame. Enjoy watching those five bobble heads.

Jo, I also do not remember the dismantling of the crib rails. Then again, these two have been a bit different -- not so much rivalry.

Still no hatch for Isla. Well, there are three more possibilities.

Janet, agree. Want Olivia at her best. Hope she's feeling better.

Sharon, glad you enjoyed some Andrew and Kelsey time.

Judie said...

Jo, what a mess for the Ft. Bragg bunch. It will all work out for them. Just so stressful and unsettling.

Judie said...

Sandperson is making early preparations for departure. Will be on the way by 11pm with bag bulging with sleepy dust.

Restful sleep for all.

CarolAnne said...

How quaint with a twist. . . .
Stepdaughters lady friend requested if she could stop by for a visit. She came to ask for Bubby's blessings to ask his daughter to marry her.

She's a good person and has helped stepdaughter to mature. But the road ahead will be a rough one.

Janet said...

JUDIE: Olviia was fine, the psychologist was under the weather! i want HER feeling well too! she can't do her best when she feels yucky!!!! i've had strep enough to know how miserable that can be! :)

Kay said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds !

Can't seem to get on a dependable sked with my blogging these days ! Called for a dental appt. today just as they had a cancellation so within an hour I was in the chair ! Another "look ma, no cavities" trip and I do so like the feel of ultra clean teeth !

LOLLY, great news re:Joseph's math placement ! Smart boy !

LORI, RoRo sounds adorable and I'm sure he'll fit right in with Queen Dalai ! Penny is like her in establishing herself as Alpha dog with Malcolm, even though he's twice her size. I love it !

JO, it's so distressing to read of the big snafu for Christine and Patrick ! So glad to hear they're going to settle down in MD though !

SANDI, happy to hear Bandit is responding to a new diet and some meds !

HODA, sorry to hear about the Reynaud Syndrome diagnosis, but you sound optimistic and cheery in spite of it. You are an inspiration ! Just tell folks it's your royal blood coming to the surface ! ☺

JUDIE, send that sandman with his bulging bag o' sleepy dust this way. I'm ready !

Love and prayers for all in need !


Kay said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds !

Can't seem to get on a dependable sked with my blogging these days ! Called for a dental appt. today just as they had a cancellation so within an hour I was in the chair ! Another "look ma, no cavities" trip and I do so like the feel of ultra clean teeth !

LOLLY, great news re:Joseph's math placement ! Smart boy !

LORI, RoRo sounds adorable and I'm sure he'll fit right in with Queen Dalai ! Penny is like her in establishing herself as Alpha dog with Malcolm, even though he's twice her size. I love it !

JO, it's so distressing to read of the big snafu for Christine and Patrick ! So glad to hear they're going to settle down in MD though !

SANDI, happy to hear Bandit is responding to a new diet and some meds !

HODA, sorry to hear about the Reynaud Syndrome diagnosis, but you sound optimistic and cheery in spite of it. You are an inspiration ! Just tell folks it's your royal blood coming to the surface ! ☺

JUDIE, send that sandman with his bulging bag o' sleepy dust this way. I'm ready !

Love and prayers for all in need !


Hoda said...

God Bless the Fort Bragg Bunch and from the world not just the US thank you for your service to Freedom and safety and upholding of principal of Justice Hope and Liberty. I raise my hand in salute to you sir and to your family.

JUDIE but seeing as how I am one of Her Majesty's Loyal subjects how will it go over to have a French name for a syndrom...Her Majesty might not be amused and the Tower is still there you know!!! KAY as to Royal Blood I had better not claim that as the British Royals have not been very friendly to family members at times!!! It must by my connection way back to the Ancient Egyptians...Nefertiti, that is it I am now a direct descendent of Nefertiti!!! I will become difficult to get along with and question and challenge every thing...Nah!!! On second thought I will just stay plain old Hoda...I might have to colour co-ordinate my wardrobe though and become a fashoinista!!! I like that because it makes me laugh!!!
Just came back from Yoga and there was an epic rainbow in the sky...catch that...epic young people Nelson talk for awesome!!!

Mema Jo said...

Sandman just came through the valley - He got me good.

One juvie at 6 and the other at 10 -

Off to la la land

I love us ♥ Prayers for all ♥

Hoda said...

C/A step daughter's partner showed a lot of class and courage too I might add. I think love always conquers hate and when we live in a world where ALL LOVE is valued and cheriched it will be seen like the dignified and respectful act that it truly is. It speaks volumes of your husband. An awesome man indeed and God Bless you both and God Bless the young as they confirm their commitment to one another.

Lolly said...

Jo, just read about the Ft. Bragg bunch. That just does not seem right! Does he have a job lined up? And the service is supposed to move them, but they are booked up? Something needs to be corrected there!

Caught up on some TV tonight. Have been recording The Voice.

Time for a shower and then to bed, but thinking of Lynne. She has not been on for a while or have I just missed her posts? I have seen her on fb,

Night all! SED!!!

Hoda said...

No LYNNE has not been on here for a while and when she is on it is only for a few short comments...I too see her on FB LOLLY. Miss her here.

Hoda said...



Sandi said...

Good Wednesday morning my eagle friends!

I see both eaglets in the nest - looks foggy there.

Big heat up on the way here - could hit 90 degrees by the weekend.

Lolly, congrats to Joseph on the advanced math placement!

Attending graduation at the high school this evening. My first teaching assignment here in DE was as a long term sub for a 6th grade English teacher in our building. Those 6th graders are graduating from high school tonight.

Gonna keep this short b/c i have lots of pills to hide in peanut butter for Bandit this morning. Make it a great day all.

Sandi said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LORI!!!! Guess you already got one of your gifts - RoRo! =)

magpie said...

Happiest of Birthday Wishes for you, Morning GLori...May this be your very best birthday EVER !
xoxox ☺ ♥

magpie said...

And Best Wishes to Every One
for a Very Good Day.....
I'll check in later...
Lorraine my neighbor is safely home....and very happy about it!

Thanks for all the Positive Wishes, friends

I'm up on most of the comments,
see there are some Yays, Hurrays, and Oh No's mixed in....
Prayers for all Positive Outcomes for all things difficult

worktime at 0700 for me, gotta
shake a couple of legs and get started that way

(( All Day Hugs ))
xoxo ♥

CarolAnne said...


CarolAnne said...

Morning everyone
See two eaglets poking around the nest.

Sandi - what a milestone with those graduates.

Hoda we agree with your sentiments on ALL LOVE.

Wishing everyone good things today.

JudyEddy said...


.♥ ♥ L O R I ♥ ♥ ♥

.♥ Happy Birthday! ♥

CarolAnne said...

The Raptor Edcation Group Clinic has admitted 2 more eaglets. They are put in a rearing pen with AMP, a male eagle that teaches the eaglets the ways of an eagle .

CarolAnne said...

DERN -- heron at our fish pond again this morning.
Time to try dfferent way to block edges.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals!

Thank you for the Happy Birthday wishes. Very nice of all of you! And thanks for the other cards, as well! You're all special!

I've been trying for the last half hour to upload a photo of RoRo and I can't get the blog to do it. Sorry. I'm trying. Maybe I'll get Kate to try tonight.

HODA, prayers that your Reynauds Syndrome causes you no major problems. Take care of those purple toes!

LOLLY, congrats on Joseph getting into the Advanced Math class! Awesome!

JO and MARGY, thank you very much for the cards. You're each so sweet!

JANET, good call postponing Olivia's testing when the tester didn't feel well. She's a lucky kid to have you!!!

Hope our eaglets decide to stick around today. Not ready for them to leave yet.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Having the last cup of caffeinated coffee in the house. Slept long and hard, but am still sleepy.

Hunter's baseball game was called last night as a thunderstorm arrived within minutes of the beginning of the first inning. It rained so hard I thought I would have to pull off the road on the way home.

I see two eaglets sitting calmly in the nest this morning. You're right, Lolly, the nest is a major mess.

Going to have to call a plumber for the clogged kitchen sink. Tried very hard to unclog it to no avail.

stronghunter said...

Happy to hear the good news about Bandit.

Welcome to the blog family, Roro.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Judie said...

Good morning everyone!

♪♫HAPPY BIRTHDAY LORI♪♫ You have two birthday presents to begin your coming year -- RoRo and nursing school. Gonna be the best year ever.

Saw one of the eaglets "plop" DOWN into the nest. Couldn't see the top of the nest but have a feeling the plop was from a branch.

Kay, congrats on the good dental checkup. Hope the sandperson arrived early for you and you got lots of good sleep.

Janet, sorry I misread your comment. Yes, want the psychologist feeling well for testing.

Congrats to CarolAnne's stepdaughter. Class act to be sure.

Lolly, congratulations to Joseph.

Hoda, no matter you are a British subject. You are so eclectic you qualify. Maurice Raynaud, physician, late 19th century.

Sandi, enjoy watching the graduates tonight -- like watching the years march by.

Margy, have a quiet work day.

Off for coffee. BBL

T-Bird said...

Happy birthday Lori. I hope you treat yourself today like your best friend!

magpie said...

Good Morning HERE Eagle Pals,
and let me alert you to the

and please BE SURE
to read Steve's post/comment also

xo ♥

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...