Thursday, May 23, 2013


New thread.


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JudyEddy said...

I think the nest is a mess because of them practicing picking up the logs and wingersize

JudyEddy said...

WOW SIS you are quite generous with Bday gifts $$ tablet and a phone she must be a best best friend huh

JudyEddy said...

It is 90° now and with heat index 94° sun need to go down down But it doesn't feel that way I guess because of the sea breeze we get

JudyEddy said...

well here I go again taking up too much real estate on the blog


JudyEddy said...

wow wowo I think we had a eaglet go way up and down to cool anyone else see it

JudyEddy said...

major buffering on the cam must be the wind

JudyEddy said...

just got blown from the launching pad back to 7 good height

JudyEddy said...

must be Hedgie doing all the wingersizing Shamrock cocks his head and looks oddly like stop hitting me with you wings the wind seems to be helping not hitting him as much I think but each time she goes to wingersize Sham does the cocking of the head so cute

Mema Jo said...

Fantastic fund raiser, Hoda!
Hi Judy!

Dana is on FB frequently - She is very busy with Adam's graduation.
Had a pix of her new hair cut - Dana would look good no matter how her hair is done! And the pix of Adam in cap and gown - his smile - looks so much like his mother.

Mema Jo said...

We went to evening Mass - ate at a Roy Rogers of all places and when I came home there was a good TV movie on at 7-9:00. Now I am winding down.

Hope Lori enjoys her ball game with friends. She needs to celebrate her recent accomplishments! ♥


magpie said...

Biggest Most Amazing Full Moon I have ever seen, Ever! It was so soft and sort of not evenly round,
kind of like a big fuzzy Orange-ish
Tennis Ball...
I was mesmerized when I saw it
climbing above the horizon....
I mean WOWSER !!

Would have mentioned it sooner but my eyes were glued to the field glasses.....

Especially Hope that Paula saw
this at Paula's Paradise....
from the Beach View...!!

Good Evening Eagle Pals xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Also two of the three planets, Yay, Venus is back the Planet of L♥ve...and Jupiter higher and to the left, could not see Mercury from where I was....

magpie said...

They are set now, but the Moon is a'rising!

JudyE - you see so many birds,
glad for you on that!
I hear way more than I can actually see most of the time.

magpie said...

Thanks to Jo for the mini-overview of our dear DanaMo

busy busy and more busy...
so happy about Adam's graduation...super big wonderful
achievement! Bravo ! And if my poor feeble mind is working I think I read earlier that Aric is or will be home S☺☺N!

magpie said...

We finally decorated our "Christmas Tree" for the Memorial Day, July 4th, and Labor Day events....all red, white and blue and quite festive...
"We" really means "I" but I like doing this for the office

magpie said...

I didn't get to watch Loch of the Lowe's during the day, so at first light "my time" I will have a gander

Lolly: breaking your OWN rules is not against the law, but I hope
you can relax and revel in your accomplishments ☺

magpie said...

Laundry to do, bath to take, dishwahwer to unload, and sleep to achieve....

Saturday night date night, Big Whoop! But at least it IS my Friday night, can't complain about that, or anything really, for that matter ☺ I'm just grateful for another day and night on the Third Rock from the Sun ☼

Best Wishes to Every One in ALL our Eagle Corners, for whatever is on YOUR Dance cards tonight and for the week-end.

xoxox ttfn ♥

magpie said...

"Latest" on Loch of the Lowe's does not mention a hatch today...
but it's tomorrow there already

magpie said...

And it's already daylight in Finland.....
Three eggs at the Osprey Land nest there, I cannot get to the
Water nest, one of my favorites....where we see the Ferry, FinFerry Nest we call that one

JudyEddy said...

OH MARGY thanks for the heads up on the moon I went out and took 22 pic uploading and I think you probably can see them on my FB wall I hope so also all the bird pic I did today also

Moon shoots and lots of bird pic today my facebook profile all pic are public hope you can see the MARGY JUDIE and ANDY those not on FB

JudyEddy said...

Carol said she can see a face with sun glass in my last moon shoots I just posted

Judie said...

Time is drawing nigh to send the sandperson on the way.

Margy, Isla is "listening" and three large fish were delivered to the nest today. Soon, I think. Congratulations on decoration of the all purpose Christmas tree.

Activities in this area are becoming more intense with ceremonies at Arlington and the other memorials plus the astonishingly impressive Rolling Thunder group.

Congratulations to Hoda the Amazing. Such a really good return on the investment of time and energy. Applause Applause

Moon was amazing last night. Will look when I close up shop here.

Tried to catch up on odds and ends today. Not sure about tomorrow. May venture out again to look at carpet and for a swivel rocker. Darth is trying to tackle the piles and piles of paper in his "office."

Glad to know Dana is okay.

JudyE, where are the pictures for those of us not on Facebook?

Judie said...

It is time to say goodnight to everyone.

Sandperson will be departing at 11pm and will deliver sleepy dust on a "most urgently needed" schedule.

Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

JUDIE see if my link at 10:12pm takes you to my wall if not I can bring them over I have all those pic marked Public and you should be able to see them GLO does hers also that way

JudyEddy said...

I think JUDIE sent the sandman early to Fl Oh maybe the moon cast a spell on me I am tired and no pills taken that is good
Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Mema Jo said...

Good night to all my friends


Hoda said...

So So SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO very happy to see JUDIE on here!!!
One thing though, when did married Sandi get a studmuffin? I missed that part!!! What a thrilling exciting life you lead SANDI!!! LOL!!!
Yes I am missing LYNNE 2 and DANA...I know they are well though because I see them on FB.

JUDYE I do not think it was a senior problem with the chap forgetting his Porche!!! Knowing BC I would rather think it was the the inhaling of smoke that might have gotten him muddled!!! LOL!!!

Difficult to move schools and neighbourhoods LOLLY...I agree with you about it being unacceptable to yell and to refuse to do things, if he is being bullied at school he is the new kid on the block and kids can be he is out to prove himself...further more he is a faculty brat!!! I am afraid that makes him up for the picking!!!Glad he likes the councellor.
Candle lit prayers on...

Hoda said...

Thank you for your posts JANET and MARGY...both very interesting and very informative. HUGS.

My day was rather incredible...The Grans activity was with well established and high social skills people...

My eco Society volunteering saw me work with young people. Caitlin was a street person till eight months ago when she found housing.She calls herself a recovering drug addict and she is a bright young lady working on rebuilding her life at the ripe old age of 20 years!She is from Ontario and has lived in big cities prior to coming to Nelson. She too has good social skills but her life experiences brought her to a place where she has known a lot of hurt.
"We are all walking each other home..."I kept thinking of this when we were talking. I had a lot to learn from her and she seemed to be interested in what I had to say too. Street Block Party went well and there were many people there with food and music and booths...
Such a contrast to the afluence from the Grans experience but every bit as valid...

Thank you so much for your words of support and encouragement...
I am so very grateful for your friendship.

BEV has not been on for a while either. Tom was not feeling well and has anyone heard any more news about that?

magpie said...

so very pleased about all you write about....and it shows that it pleases YOU have many warm and wonderful People Experiences...
You make a difference !

magpie said...

Thanks for the effort, but I can only see the birds at the Cell phone tower...
maybe another time

That sleepy dust of which Judie speaks has arrived quickly here in Martinsburg

Prayers for Wellness and Joy All Around

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

Lolly said...

I crashed tonight, Two days of working hard did me in. Tomorrow afternoon we are going to Dallas, so it will be a day of leisure.

Hoda, Jacob is not the new kid. The boys did not change schools. Laurel was able to get transfers to stay at their old schools.

Have to get to bed. Night all!


Hoda said...

Thank you LOLLY.
Thinking of JACOB and hoping all works well for him.

I saw BEV pictures enjoying the sun and the beach. I presume from that all is well with her and Tom.

Hoda said...

Good night.


Thank you MARGY.

stronghunter said...

Hi--It does look like one of the eaglets has its head tucked. Very interesting.

Noticed the moon last night when we went out for a late dinner. I had not fixed anything, thought I would order pizza, Kathryn got home earlier than usual. Pizza did not appeal, so we went out to the Melting Pot... a favorite of ours, but a splurge.

Sounds like such fun to be shopping for house stuff, Judie.

stronghunter said...

Wow, Hoda, you really do put me to shame. I don't think I could have your energy, though.

stronghunter said...

Rus posted on Facebook tonight that he had gone out to fly his new quadcopter for the first time at night. He tried very hard to avoid attracting attention because some people freak out when they see lights in the sky at night.

He realized that his attempts to be careful were not successful when cars started pulling off the street. He said they left when he landed. He figured they did not want to be abducted.

So, if there is news about a UFO sighting in Alexandria, VA, we do not know anything.

stronghunter said...

Hoda, I figure anyone who is so stoned that he forgets he has his car and takes the bus should not be driving anyway.

stronghunter said...

I saw Bev's pictures, too. It must have been warmer where she is than it was here today.

stronghunter said...

Guess the sandperson saved some sleepy dust for me. I am yawning as I type this.

SED everyone. I will see you tomorrow.

Sandi said...

Good morning my eagle friends! Sunny and a little warmer here this morning and temps may hit 70 this afternoon. Still not great weather for being on the beach or in a swimming pool! I didn't even venture to the beach yesterday but sat out in the sun on my upstairs balcony and read a book and caught some rays that way.

Spent some time yesterday cutting back shrubs that got flooded last fall. The salt water in the soil has really damaged them - they're supposed to be evergreens but they dropped all their leaves during the winter. I see some signs of life but also lots of dead branches. Will fertilize them today and every 2 weeks with Miracle Gro and see what happens for about 6 weeks - maybe they'll bounce back.

I think outside window washing and screen washing will be on my agenda this afternoon so I can get the screens in. Tennis this morning at 9.

Judie, glad you are feeling better!

Hoda, congrats on the fundraising effort!

Janet, thanks for explaining Seven's name - sorry Olivia's party was a bust. Sad for her and for you.

Please don't tell Dennis I have a studmuffin! =)

Make it a great day all!

CarolAnne said...

Good morning everyone.
Hope your weekend is becoming the best it can be.

No cottage for us this long weekend. Task at hand - reside (parts of it) & paint the garage. Weather is cooperating. Made progress but had a wonderful diversion. Daughter, SIL & grandkids came for a surprise visit. :o)

Wishing everyone a fantabulous day!

PS - Congrats HODA on such accomplishments.

CarolAnne said...

I can see one eaglet at 3 and sort of preceive one at 12

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning EAGLE BUDS

Judie said...

Oh Oh Oh, a quick good morning before I share a really weird event: last night there was great commotion in the neighborhood. Seems people thought there was a flying object and it landed in order to abduct humanoids. Was rumored to be heading north toward Annandale. Audrey and Grace just "meowed" with disdain.

Eaglets are sunbathing. Isla is waiting. Bears are doing bear things. Kestrel came is on a break. RTH babes are looking a lot like mom and dad.

Shirley, so nice you and Kathryn had a special dinner together. Know you both enjoyed some time together. Shopping is fun but big ticket items make me very nervous about misjudging colors.

Sandi, I seem to recall it was Margy who started the rumor about your studmuffin. Good day to window clean. Ours will wait until after painting and, hopefully, before house guests arrive.

CarolAnne, glad you had a fun visit from family.

Anyone else have a sneaking suspicion that Hoda is actually a writer of fiction and "Hoda" is a pseudonym? No one human being, even one living under the influence of Nelson's favorite agricultural products, could do all she does in a single day. HODA, YOU ROCK!

Okay, off for coffee and to contemplate the day's activities.

Wishing everyone a good morning.

magpie said...

Good Morning, Eagle Pals...

Judie, oh wow, do you think I might have made a typo and interchanged names ?? Maybe was thinking BEACH Bunnies and typed Sandi instead of Paula...
this could have been a SENIOR Moment...

sorry for any confusion !

I am watching Isla's nest also...
screen goes black and sometimes blue and it is blustery there !
Nice loud chirpy bird attending the near-birthing even perhaps?

On your colors....there should be some good consultations at your paint stores....maybe that would help you "See" what a wallful of color would really look like.
Maybe ochre is one of your possible choices, one of MY favorites ☺

both the Royal Sycamore and the Royal Loch of the Lowe's nests are NOISY ! With the windiness

magpie said...

event, not EVEN...there's my first typo

Shirley, I agree, it does sound like a very nice outing with Kathryn...some things are "Shirley" worth splurging on ♥

magpie said...

Well I know JudyE has to work today, bet things will be hopping with customers getting those picnic and party and pool items....
and wanting it all RIGHT NOW...
Hope it all goes well, JudyE.

off to the day,
Best Wishes to Every One
for a Very Good Day

Oh CarolAnne: Enjoy your family's visiting , sounds Wonderful ☺♥

ttfn xoxo ♥

magpie said...

In case I don't make it back before darkness....those with a good view of the Western Horizon, keep any eye out for those bright planets Jupiter and Venus this evening.."West, Northwest" -
and little Mercury will be in there somewheres also....

"See Ya' Later"

Lori O. said...

Good Sunday morning everyone!

HODA, absolutely amazing how much money you raised. You go girl!!! Very proud of you!

JANET, so sorry about Olivia's party. My birthday usually falls on this weekend, too, and everyone is gone...tell her I understand. Big Hugs!

SANDI, have fun at tennis and hope you get your screens done today.

LOLLY, are you sore today? Glad your yard looks great!

MARGY, that was one beautiful moon last night. We stopped an took pictures on the way home from the baseball game, after getting some DQ!!! What a great night we had.

KAY, what is on your agenda this weekend? Is Seth with you until tomorrow? So glad Penny is doing well.

JUDYE, nice Mom you are to give Angie your extra camera!

JO, I hope you have another great day today!

C/A, so good to have you back here again!!!

Have a great day all! BBL

magpie said...

One peaglet picking at something...
leftovers I guess...or if it's new food, I missed it coming in

magpie said...

Cam moderators at Loch of the Lowe's are obviously on top of things.....zooming in to very up close and personal....

Big Zoom in on the eggs a few mins ago....I couldn't see any sign of a pip or hatch...but there's grass and stuff sort of in the way a little bit

stronghunter said...

Good morning! Eaglet flying lessons in full force. Hedgie is getting some air.

Going to check the news for UFO reports.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning! Thanks Lori for the good day wishes. I may make it to market - all I need is a riding companion and he is at church right now.

I think that this week will be a first flight week! If not then a heavy practice week of getting some air under those wings! This is their 11th hour - so to speak.

Lori O. said...

DANG, did I miss the bird feature on CBS Sunday Morning? I think so. Hope NOT!

Lolly said...

Time for a quick good morning. Need to eat and then leave!!

Not sore....STIFF! LOL

Maybe I should take up Hoda's activities. Maybe I would not get stiff! No....I am a dig in the dirt kind of person.

See two eaglets plotzed in the nest.

Have a great day! I will try to take a peek in before we head to Dallas.

stronghunter said...

First flight time is surely near.

Mema Jo said...

Didn't make it to market :(

Lolly said...

When did we have first flight last year?

Lolly said...

Sorry you did not make it to market, Jo. I have been thinking of all of you close to the nest. Wish you could have a get together some where!!!

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !

JO, thanks for the Dana update--tell her we want a pic of her new do here on the blog, too ! Has she said what Adam's plans are post H.S. ? Wow, only Annemarie left in H.S. !

HODA, your accomplishments are truly amazing ! Good on you !!!!!!

LORI, Seth was with me Friday and then overnight last night. Home today to help his parents get the yard and house ready for graduation guests. Saturday is the big day with a party in the afternoon and commencement that night. So when was/is and where is the ballgame ?

SANDI, you are quite the wonder woman ! Time for tennis, screen and window washing, Dennis, the dogs and a Studmuffin, too ! Wow !

CAROLANNE, I don't see you here often, but love it when you show up ! Nice to have the kids pop in !

Wishing LOLLY safe travel and lots of fun ! Hope it all takes the stiffness right outta ya !

Love and prayers for all in need !


Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !

JO, thanks for the Dana update--tell her we want a pic of her new do here on the blog, too ! Has she said what Adam's plans are post H.S. ? Wow, only Annemarie left in H.S. !

HODA, your accomplishments are truly amazing ! Good on you !!!!!!

LORI, Seth was with me Friday and then overnight last night. Home today to help his parents get the yard and house ready for graduation guests. Saturday is the big day with a party in the afternoon and commencement that night. So when was/is and where is the ballgame ?

SANDI, you are quite the wonder woman ! Time for tennis, screen and window washing, Dennis, the dogs and a Studmuffin, too ! Wow !

CAROLANNE, I don't see you here often, but love it when you show up ! Nice to have the kids pop in !

Wishing LOLLY safe travel and lots of fun ! Hope it all takes the stiffness right outta ya !

Love and prayers for all in need !


Hoda said...

Slow day and am enjoying it.
Will go out to water the plants.
Having tea.
After two June Commitments I will not take on any other major volunteering. I will do shifts at the Markets and Garden Fests...
Life is good and I am blessed.
Margy thanks for the origin of Sandi's stud muffin !
Judie you are hilarious.
Shirley glad you and Kathryn shared a good meal. I agree with you about the driver of the Porsche.
Happy Memorial Day Weekend everyone. Live Long and Remember.

Lolly said...

Slow day here, too, Hoda. Leaving in half an hour for Dallas.

I went out and watered a few things after church and that is the sum of my yard work for today. Back at it tomorrow! However, the hardest work is over,

I say good bye now...see you later this evening. Oh, and some how I missed that Sandi has a studmuffin. I'm gonna tell....I'm gonna tell. lol

Sandi said...

Taking a quick break for a drink and I have a favor. If I EVER build another house, would someone PLEASE remind me to make it windowless!!! I think I could adjust to the darkness! 41 freakin' windows and screens!!! I really may have to look into paying someone to do this - I could be sitting on the beach soaking up some sun!!


Lori O. said...

MARGY, I missed the origin of Sandi's stud muffin, too...and now a second time...I promise I'm not skimming! Maybe it's my memory!!!

Lori O. said...

Good afternoon all!

SANDI, that's a whole lot of windows! I've seen your pics though and it's a beautiful house. Worth it I would say!

HODA, glad you're having a nice relaxing day! Tea sounds good.

KAY, the ballgame was last night. Double A league team the Frederick Keys here in town played Salem. Frederick won! Nice small little stadium, but without the massive parking problems getting out of there! We had a good time. It was my first time going.

MARGY, did they get any Osprey hatchings in Finland today?

JudyEddy said...

HOME from work and this was on FB

Gloria Vincent Keeslar
Hey Bald Eagle fans. Tune in to Coca Cola 600 on Fox and watch Challenger the eagle fly during our National Anthem
Unlike · · Share · about a minute ago ·
You and 2 others like this.

Gloria Vincent Keeslar you have about 15 mins to find the channel and enjoy. I guarantee goose bumps maybe even some tears.

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

FOX is the race is on to see Challenger the eagle

JudyEddy said...

My delete
I logged off facebook and tried my link and won't let me see them the pic that are suppose to be public aren't need to figure out wth I need to do

JudyEddy said...

Well I have poked around and I can't figure out I guess the making them public means if you are on facebook you can see them I guess

JudyEddy said...

dern it only a quick second of Challenger flying

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

big cam shake and children are hollering

JudyEddy said...

they sound like little piggies

JudyEddy said...

Shamrock is sitting down at 10 and the Hedgie is just behind on the rails and flapping big time Sham is ducking like good place to do that right behind me LOL

JudyEddy said...

another big cam shake and squealing

JudyEddy said...

Sham is still at 10 and I think Hedgie is at 12 I can't see anything OOPS just landed on top of Sham with talons and now waking to center I got a pic grab of it on the still

JudyEddy said...

more camera noises this time Parents are over seeing the kids I posted the one pic on the fans page

JudyEddy said...

Shamrock in in the area of 3 but more in the nest and Hedgie is wingersizing at 12 Shamie does duck with each flap that get close With this wind I think we may have a eagle fly sooner that we think looks like get big air but comes back down on the rail

wow almost landed on Sham again

JudyEddy said...

Changed the bed to one of the picture I took today from the retention pond a BIG Egret was up in a pine tree

JudyEddy said...

there is a loose stick precariously dangling near the pad

Hoda said...

LOLLY and LORI from what I gather MARGY made a reference to PAULA going to the beach and wondered about Stud Muffin. Instead of PAULA she wrote SANDI hence SANDI has a husband and a studmuffin and is now complaining about the numbers of windows in her house as she would rather be on the beach with Studmuffin!!!LOL!!!Now that LOLLY said she is going to tell I think We will never get SANDI to tell us what is going on.

I have not read back so will go there now...

Missing LYNNE hope she has posted today.

Hoda said...

Listening to Blake's Poems and what they mean...
I love Jerusalem Connects to the Universe really...powerful imagery and power he came with such fluency of words...Great Great... It is a CBC radio program called Writer's and Company.

JudyEddy said...

I recorded the brief appearance of CHALLENGER the EAGLE from the race

Challenger few seconds at the race what a disappointed not longer but still nice

Hoda said...

Cooking today and sorting my relationship with food. Automatically I "need" to shop once a week. This week I decided to see what I could do without shopping...there is so much in the flat really and I could create so many dishes with what I already have. It is a comfort to shop once a week and it is adventurous to not do so this week...I am making compot with rhubarb that I was gifted, soaking beans for a casserole and also sprouting for salads this week. Making falafel and want to bake them instead of fry there is adventuire and changing of combinations of things to eat...

Hoda said...

yes way too short but glad there was a flight JUDYE.
I like to listen to the US Anthem and here it is Memorial Day weekend and I hope we get to hear some resounding renditions.
God Bless The USA

Lori O. said...

HODA, thanks for the explanation.
Your adventure of not going shopping and creating new dishes sounds fun! Enjoy!

CarolAnne said...

Good evening all,
Pretty sure I will never strive to be a house painter. Before we started on the garage I was sort of thinking "how hard can this be? Short square building - swish swish back & forth with a brush. I forget to multiply that by a couple thousand. lol
Oh my aching shouders&back&arms&hands. Heck even my tailbone hurts!?!?!

Thanks LORI & KAY for the kind words.

And for everyonne:

May your troubles be less, may your blessings be more, and may nothing but happiness come through your door.

Mema Jo said...

Enjoying a leisure Sunday - still chilly although the sun did warm things up a bit this afternoon. I watered flowers and they are looking well - Cold water those couple nights had me worried.

C/A are you able to use paint rollers other then brushes? I bet you are now aware of all the muscles in your back, shoulder and arms. Now Judy aren't you glad you didn't find enough house paint while you were on vacation. I think Frank aka Darth has the right idea and signed the contract for the professional painters for the rest of the house interior. That is if Judie can decide which colors she likes - You have until the end of June to make up your mind - You can do it Judie! ♥

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Judy for all your nest comments. Over on the OD forum, our friend Deb has posted a lots of videos from today.

Mema Jo said...

Off to watch a Hallmark lighthearted movie - BBL

JudyEddy said...

I did it I put picture on the blog of all the birds I have seen I have hundreds of picture You know how hard it is to choose I have several days on several outings for all the NON FACEBOOKERs

Osprey, egrets, ibis, herons, turtles, gulls, boattailed grackle and others

JudyEddy said...
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JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

WOW WOW how did that post soooo many times My deletes JUDIE, MARGIE, ANDY and others I think Loretta, CA

these are just a few of the pic and I found out you can upload all at once on the blog now not one and a time and off course some aren't in date order ??? Not my fault its the blog LOL

Hoda said...

Well I have to admit I am affected by the recently homeless person (8 months ago) with whom I worked yesterday for the Eco Society. I think this is why I decided to not go grocery shopping this week! Amazing rather! I have salads, casserole, rice, beans and falafel already made up and ready to be heated some in the freezer so they can be fresh when I eat them later the week. I tried to keep track of the cost of the ingredients I used and I think it was 20 dollars! Yet there are people who do not have 20 for food!!! Dear God!!! I take so much for granted it amazes is an activity I depend on every week to shop for groceries and to choose from abundance. So here it is no shopping for this week and there is still abundance! Praises Praises Praises...There but for the Grace of God go I?

magpie said...

That's totally beautiful and inspiring, Hoda...
I, too, have much in the proverbial
"pantry" and freezer and have much of the same thought as you...about using what I already HAVE!
But I must have enough celery and bananas (organic) available...
my Banana Trick: When I buy them, sort of green,
I let them sit outside the refrigerator
until they are EXACTLY the way I like them....then into the refrigerator in a zip lock bag, not zipped, and have them whenever I want them....they stay good for at least a week, though the
skins might turn dark...

xo Hello Eagle Pals !!!

magpie said...

I think between Hoda and Lolly, and a few others here...
we get some GREAT menu ideas...
Thanks Pals !

Tom Sweetie ♥ my neighbor also brings home-cooked delights once or twice a week, last week was chicken and dumplings, kale...
and this morning, a Fritata (sp?)
which is an egg omelet kind of dish....
I, too, am grateful for the
abundance in my life

Lori: Last Year James and his Mom, Dad, and Grandpa and I went to
Hagerstown to see the Hagerstown Suns play....same as you say,
nice little stadium and easy parking! And Great Hot Dogs, of
course !

magpie said...

The Finland Land nest has three eggs, not sure when the hatching dates are for there,
but Isla at Loch of the Lowe's in
Scotland was due for a hatch of one of her FOUR eggs today or
"anyday" now...haven't checked yet
to see if it happened.

Jo, sorry you did not make it to market, but there is always NEXT
Sunday...I didn't make it there either...
Sounds like you had a "groovy" day with what you did instead, though...

magpie said...

and about food, there is no replacement for Yogurt and I have to have that at least once a day...
I squish up one of those bananas,
and add it to the plain yogurt...
Top Shelf ! very good...keeps me going for sure !

Hoda said...

Thank you MARGY...I like the tip for the bananas...I have apples, oranges and kiwi also two mangos for fruit this week...sadly no bananas...I will see how it goes...
Drinking a cup of mint tea fresh from the herb pots right at this moment...tastes good.

CarolAnne said...

Hoda I do believe weekly shopping becomes a habit because its easier than figuring out what to do with whats already in the pantry. I agree its rather fun to combine & create.

I don't much like eating a banana in hand but I love my banana smoothies. So I slice & freeze my bananas for when I need them.

Hoda said...

I do miss yogurt. I am dairy free, but loved it when I ate it oh with some honey too!!! YUMMERS!!!
Do you make your own yogurt MARGY? I tried a very tasty greek style yogurt when I visited Carol my sister in Connecticut and Maine last summer...I forget the name...chabin???not sure I will google to find out...

magpie said...

Your egret is exquisite!
I will check on the other pictures
a little later one, have some things I MUST attend to tonight.
When I spent some time at Lake Okeechobee many years back, I saw lots of the "Cattle Egrets" and the Big White Ones also...can't tell you now whether it was the American Egret, or the Great White Heron, but it was BIG and BEAUTIFUL

Hoda said...


magpie said...

Chibani or something like that Hoda...I have made my own yogurt in the past....from a starter that originated in Bulgaria! I could do it again with plain, but don't exactly have the time for it these the days....
The Greek Yogurt...I know it is
better quality, but I don't exactly like its texture....

magpie said...

I was close! Chobani it is, Hoda !

magpie said...

Dannon used to be my favorite flavored yogurts...but the sugars are higher than I like so I stick with the Banana and Plain....
sometimes add either strawberries or blueberries

magpie said...

It's too late to see them now, BUT
I did see Venus, Jupiter and
Mercury.... a sweet little
celestial triangle of jeweled
about an hour ago, going to go check on the Moon now...
ttfn xoxox ♥

Hoda said...

Oh a MEDITATIVE FROG...this is cool C/A so very very very cool!

I think you are right about the shopping...

Yesterday during the luncheon at the hotel there was so much food left over that I had to wonder what they are going to do with it all. I was going to ask that they give it to the Soup Kitchen...I asked and sure enough that is what they were going to do with it. I phoned the person who runs the soup kitchen today and she said they already have it...the hotel froze it yesterday after we left and there was a pick up today...SO glad it did not go to waste.

magpie said...

Oh yes, CarolAnne, I see your banana tip also...
works well, also...for when those bananas Just Ripe for Banana freeze them, for when one has "the time" to bake it!

Oh, I hear you on the feeling all those brush strokes all over your body....not that I have painted recently, but you describe it so well I feel that I have !
Hope you will find much comfort....soon!

and for Sandi, yikes, all those windows and screens...Yes, indeed, find a nice young college-bound studmuffin that would love to do that task for
you for a small little fee ☺

JudyEddy said...

Yogurt the only kind I eat is from McDonalds $1. and it has fruit in it sooo good I swear it not yogurt but pudding I keep teasing them I am going to get it analyzed LOL
I have tired lots and don't like

magpie said...

I knew I wasn't really going to wait LONG to check your picture link...absolutely splendid!
If you were not so far away I would say
I see Ibis? in there ?? My daughter in Ft Myers Beach, sees the Scarlet ones! AND the white ones...
Thank You "Ever So Much" for
the extra effort !!!

magpie said...

Someone in the neighborhood here
(not in the apartments)
has a wood stove going!
Oh, Shades of October!
It's a magnificent aroma....
and I couldn't find the Moon rising yet...

Must get to those things now
that I have to do...

Good Night in Advance, Eagle Pals...

going to check the news on Loch of the Lowe's and then get on with the "stuff"

magpie said...

Don't see any hatch updates for Isla at Loch of the Lowe's

magpie said...

Okay, I am looney,
but I need to report One Missing Moon....
I know it rises later than the night before, but this is over an hour later...
I See Scorpius though...

okay, enough blather out this
magpie !

JudyEddy said...

I put a short video of Jordyn first boat trip to a island Angie said she like it and loved the dolphins they also so on the way

Jordyn first boat ride

JudyEddy said...

so happy to do it MARGY
did you notice the great gray heron I was trying to figure out how he had his wings folded maybe it was the angle of the camera and him but it looked odd to me like he had them folded in front like to his belly sort of rectangle looking from the side I tried to get close but you saw the results fly away there are so many birds I don't know half the names of them at all but still enjoy

JudyEddy said...

and to think I see daily just at work and driving around

Judie said...

Must look at JudyE's pictures and thank you in advance.

No hatch yet for Isla. Hopefully tomorrow.

Ah, yes, Jo. Now for the color selections. May head to the carpet store tomorrow with paint charts in tow.

All this healthy food discussion is causing me some anxiety. I am fearful that I will awake in the morning and there will only be yogurt to eat.

I see that Margy is once again blabbing about Sandi's studmuffin. Twill not be long before Dennis hears of this relationship.

And now I hear Sandperson making a stealthy approach from down the hallway. The sound of his bag of sleepy dust is scraping along the floor.

Sandperson will be on the way in a few. Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

Did you find your moon
the clouds have kidnapped it
APB on the moon Hey we will get JUDIE on it

JudyEddy said...

and I forgot to add my picture I took of the moon last night I think Maybe I will go out to see if the moon is here or gone like Margys

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

magpie said...

I can cancel the Missing Moon Report....I am just amazed at how much later it rises each night after going Full. Skies were clear enough, it was just taking its sweet old time

magpie said...

Please don't anyone let MY food talk cause anxiety...I had to do this in January to start to regain some of my health...for the most part it has been working....
except for the daggone hands !!

And my clothes are not shrinking in the closet anymore, that is a plus +

Wroking on getting Lorraine, my neighbor's - apartment readied once again... she is due to return home Tuesday...a couple of busy days and then some coming up

magpie said...

Can't wait to hear all about
Judie's color choices!
Just know in advance though, that they are going to be beauteous

JudyE: I also do not know the names of all those beautiful birds, but I sure know they are
awesome !

Signing off now....
Best Wishes for Sleep that is Ever so Sweet for all

Prayers for Wellness All Around...
and thinking of all those who cannot be here for whatever reasons...I understand all this...

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

Hoda said...

Great pictures JUDYE

Hoda said...

Goodnight all


Happy Memorial Day tomorrow.

stronghunter said...


I spent several hours today talking on the phone with my college friend Jeanie. We have not seen each other for 50 years, so we had a lot to catch up on, though we have connected on FB.

She was interested in hearing all about the blog, and especially Hoda--she's seen posts on FB from Hoda. I tried to tell her about dragon boats.

It was a wonderful reunion.

Very sleepy, so I will have to stop now. Jeanie thought my explanation of the sandperson was quite interesting.

I think the sandperson arrived awhile back, so will head upstairs. SED all.

magpie said...

About Loch Garten..the OTHER Osprey nest in appears from their blog, that there could be a hatch of May 25 there was a pip seen and a little beak showing...
I still don't know about
the Finland Osprey nest, the prospective hatch dates.
first egg there was laid May 11.
doing a litte night-owling here tonight

Lolly said...

We be home! Had a grand time in Dallas. The boys had so much fun playing together and we just had fun talking!! Now, it looks like we are going to Denton tomorrow afternoon. I can do that!!!

Heading to the shower and then to bed, Night all! SED!!

magpie said...

Night-night again from here,
missing Jo's Good Night Post....
see Lolly and Shirley.....
great reports from both of them

xo ♥ See You Monday daytime

Sandi said...

Good Monday morning my eagle friends! Happy Memorial Day!

Our 2 eaglets are currently being fed by mom. I seem to recall that flying started around June 1st or 2nd last year. I also recall that the camera went offline shortly after the kids started flying so we didn't get to see them occasionally stopping back at the nest.

Bought knockout roses to replace the shrubs that haven't rebounded from the flood. Sad b/c they were just starting to get some size to them and now we'll be starting over. But at least this time we're starting over with shrubs that really thrive in this environment. So, we will be planting this morning.

A studmuffin who does windows - sign me up!!! Hoda, I think your honey withdrawal is messing with your brain!! Paula, does your studmuffin do windows??

Very rough night with Bandit last night. He has bounced back before but I think this may be the beginning of the end. Will be calling the vet tomorrow to see if we should bring him in or just let things run their course. I don't think he's in pain right now but I don't want him to get to that point either. Wish I had a crystal ball.

When we went to Lewes last night for the shrubs, had to drive on Rt. 1 through Dewey and Rehoboth. Boy, are the tourists ever here for the weekend! Next will be the kids coming down for senior week!

Think I may feed Bella and then curl up on the sofa for another hour - not enough ZZZZZs last night. Make it a great day all!

CarolAnne said...

Morning all,
Sandi - hope the Bella situation resolves itself easily. Lost all four of our pets iin a year & a half (all old age problems). Only one went to sleep & didn't wake again. Will be in my prayers.
MemaJo - I decided to use a paint brush rather than a roller because it seemed lighter to hold. Oh well these aches shall pass.
JudyE - have you ever thought of doing a pictuure book of all your birds? Even without names it would be interesting. And the day may come when you don't see some of them again.

Janet said...

good Monday morning. up early due to the smallest furbaby alarm clock and gotta head to work in a bit gooooood morning to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

its been so flippin! busy around here!

Saturday was supposed to be olivia's get together with school pals at a local play place, dave and busters. they have games, bowling, etc. we had invited 3 friends, figured buy a four pack (about $100) and let them play, then do pizza, ice cream cake, and call it a day. well only 1 responded and then canceled literally 10 min before we walked out the door. she was devastated.

i ended up "saving" the day by giving her one gift early. i had gotten a galaxy tablet for her....and gave that to her. took her mind off of things anyway.

we also called cheslea and gathered up the grandkids and we went out to pizza hut and then to dave and busters. we weren't home til past 10 p.m. and i was about wiped out!

yesterday we had deemed it was time to take the boat out! took about 3 hours in the morning to get it ready and then we hit the lake. it was a glorious day out there! kids were able to tube, we did some swimming. took scout with us.

i will post pix on my blog a bit later.

and today, i work. tom and olivia will wash the school bus. when i get home i will make a tirimisu, as that is olivia's wish for her birthday cake. she wants dinner @ the aquarium that is this evening....

and then, maybe i'll collapse somewhere and sleep for a bit. lol.

i need to get moving, feed the furbabies this morning and get ready for the office. i don't think we will be busy today as most people will be outside. it is going to be gorgeous outside....and i don't blame them. i will take my kindle with me and read. i 'm reading a book about search and rescue dogs.

have a great, safe day to all. THANKS TO ALL OUR MILITARY PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE and TO THEIR FAMILIES for all the sacrifices that they make every single day. hugs, light and love!

CarolAnne said...

And to start our day:
TAKE TIME TO SAY THANKS While Memorial Day is often associated with parties, family, and fun, it's a day meant to remember those who gave their lives for the freedom we enjoy. Take a moment to thank those who currently serve, support families who have lost loved ones, and remember those who died in the fight for the life we have today.

CarolAnne said...

Poor Olivia - she'll have to have a "It's Not My Birth Date Party." My 2 granddaughters have birthdays just 2 1/2 weeks apart (though a few years between). So to save everyone a repeat trip to their house to celebrate their birthdays my daughter picks a random date to have a double birthday party - their IT'S NOT MY BIRTH DATE PARTY.

CarolAnne said...

SANDI - meant Bandit, not Bella

JudyEddy said...

GOOD Memorial Day one and all I hope you all great day and THANKS to ALL THOSE that served to protect us

SIS so sad about the gals birthday party and so happy you can to the rescue

Never have thought about the book but is a good thought CA

MARGY I went to look at our moon last night and it was under a blanket of clouds
this morning they are saying we have a milky sunrise Never heard that one before

CarolAnne said...

Getting a work reprieve here -clouding up, rain on its way.

Hoping your weather allows for your days plans to happen.

Be gone CarolAnne, you 're taking up space & talking to yourself!

CarolAnne said...

Only seeing one eaglet on still came @ 6

Hoping other is at 12

Judie said...

Good morning!

Heartfelt thanks to those who have served and those who are serving to protect us.

Both eaglets in the nest. One at two and one at noon.

JudyE, the pictures of the juvies are all I can see and I really appreciate you sharing. So cool to have eagles so nearby.

Janet, so sorry about Olivia's birthday disappointment and very happy you were able to divert her attention. Wish her a happy birthday from the momsters, please.

Sandi, so distressing and sad when our furbabies are not well. Wishing a peaceful resolution.

Um, I think Larry Stufmuffin only takes care of Paula's windows. Besides, messing with Paula's stufmuffin would likely get you banned from the blog family. lol

Have fun in Denton, Lolly. Hope Jacob behaves himself.

Margy, moon was late but gorgeous last night. No hatch yet at Lowes and need to check Loch Garten. Maybe Isla will give us a peak today.

Okay, off for coffee and then maybe back to the carpet store with paint color samples.

Such an important decision for me. Waited 27 years to have the interior of this house painted and to put in new carpet. Anxiety about a mistake is powerful.

Have a lovely Memorial Day with friends, family, a good book, the sunshine, and remember please to say a quiet thank you.

Lori O. said...

Good Memorial Day Morning Eagle pals!

Thank you to all who have served or are serving now to protect us!

Got up late this morning. I do not like waking up after 7:30!

SANDI, prayers are with you in light of Bandit. You will know what to do, and when. Big Hugs.

C/A, is all your painting done now?

JUDIE, when will your painting start? You haven't painted in 27 years? You must have done a lot of wall scrubbing! Then again it's only the two of you. Good luck with colors and carpet if you go shopping today.

LOLLY, glad you had a great time in Dallas! More yardwork today, or is there any left?

HODA, what are you up to today?

SHIRLEY, glad you got to talk to your old friend. 50 yrs in a lot of catching up! :)

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Lovely at the nest. Hearing some eaglet conversations there.

Judie, I think you will be thrilled with your color decisions. I am very happy to have gotten fresh paint on my walls.

Hunter and Kathryn are off in search of a new bike for Hunter.

Eaglet involved in stick moving. It was poking him/her, so an effort was made to move it.

Need to check out the osprey nests. Have not done that for a long time.

movin said...


Inspirational Memorial Day
tO aLL.





C(°ٿ°)D Jim

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1/7/25 PM matin🦅🦅fish 🐟

12:02:54 PM Scout. To the original nest with food and his talons.  It's a little fish. 12:03:17 He exits the nest with his fish.And to...