Thursday, May 23, 2013


New thread.


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magpie said...

Magnificent, Steve....
Food just arrived at the nest, we think it's been about 24 hours since that happened!

magpie said...

Yes, I think it was Belle, AND a food drop, and NOW a food fight,
and NOW

A New Thread !!

JudyEddy said...

wow new thread Thanks for the new thread and the call over MARGY

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am surprised that there was not a peck on the head of that youngun. Would not let go of the parent's talon.

magpie said...

I was so excited when I heard the clamor I couldn't type and hit all kinds of wrong buttons and lost the blog ! LOL

JudyEddy said...

I think there will be enough for both of them I hope the other is just looking and waiting

I drove to the park and Yep I did see two of the juvies up in the stratosphere flying and soaring neat so they are in the area just not a the tower Will have to find the field Sue spoke of

JudyEddy said...

so glad others saw the tug of talon going on my heart was going pidder padder

magpie said...

Righto, Sharon....
it might be a measure of how HUNGRY those little birdies are!
And how kind and loving that Parent is !

JudyEddy said...

I wonder if Debbie got that on film I will get a email notice if she did that would be worth watching again and I will let you all known if I get a notice ok

magpie said...

I don't even know what the food IS.
I am thinking Mammal, or maybe a bird.

Disappearing for awhile...
will check back on you fine folks
later on

JudyEddy said...

Love it no fight over the food YET
willing to just be patient and wait for the nestovers

the other eagle inches closer and closer getting ready for the snag maybe

JudyEddy said...

IN FOR THE STEAL and got it

JudyEddy said...

the other seems to be ok with the steal and when to 11 one eating at launch pad

JudyEddy said...

I had to serve a eviction notice to a wasp that had decided to build a nest on the lid to my mail box the other day I swore one flew out but didn't check well again today opened it and found a tiny new nest started after he flew out I pulled it off and then sprayed the inside with wasp spray I should have left it up and sprayed it Ooops to late now to do that I bet the mail man will be happy I wonder if he noticed it at all or did I find it in time

JudyEddy said...

funny both eaglets at the Ft Meyers nest are still hanging around the nest area in the fields Someone on FB has gotten good footage of them on the grounds They sure do look funny walking across the yard

That thing does look furry and lots left what ever it is in the nest

JudyEddy said...

well since I am the only one with out a life today I guess I should go finish up before I have to leave to pick up Jordyn and head to their house for din din Carl is a excellent chef

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the fresh new thread Steve.

Food - now I am happy

Mema Jo said...

I think we all missed this -
Peregrine Falcon banding event held Tuesday, May 21 at 1:00 PM in the Rachel Carson State Office Building Auditorium.
There are three females, one male. One of the females weighed in at 990 grams, the biggest we've ever banded at the Rachel Carson nest. They all had a physical exam and none showed any signs of disease, parasite infestation or injury.

I am sorry to have missed this event., It is very educational to witness and I always liked the school kids and their questions.
I hope they all have safe flights!

Mema Jo said...

Waiting for Sharon and for Judie!

In the meantime - my feet are up for a while.


Judie said...

Seek and ye shall receive - I'm here Jo.

Got home a few minutes ago. Headache from lack of food and stomach ache from 40+ oz of ice water today.

Stress test EKG indicated no heart problem and will not have the results of the contrast images for several days. Biggest problem was the tread mill and leg pain.

Am tired so going to put my feets up. Will read back later.

Lori O. said...

JUDIE, glad you're home! Sorry about the not feeling well. Maybe a bite to eat will help.

MARGY, thanks for the call over and food in the nest announcement!

STEVE, thank you for the new thread.

JUDYE, glad your vacuum fixed itself! Oh, the plumbers tookk my water neutralizer tank two weeks ago to rebuild it. They reinstalled it today.

SHARON, hoping they've printed your MRI report.

LOLLY, very interesting about the butterflies and the fennell. I did not know that. Glad you're having a good time relaxing.

paula eagleholic said...

Missed the food drop...was at the grosserie store! You'd think I was feeding an army this weekend, LOL.

paula eagleholic said...

The Rachel Carson building! I don't know why I couldn't remember that the other day. I was telling Michael about the nest and cam there.

We drove up Mt Sugarloaf in MA last week. They have peregrines nesting on the rocky faces of the mountain. We didn't see any, though.

paula eagleholic said...

Now that I got some stuff off my laptop, I can load my vacation pics!

paula eagleholic said...

new camera did pretty good, I think. Still learning it. I hear eaglets still calling for food. Don't see any nestovers from the drop today. Sounds like they are whistling, LOL

CarolAnne said...

Afternoon all,
My how those eaglets are progressing -- I hate goodbyes :o (

Have you seen the Google emblem today?
A WI high schooler depicting when she was 10 and her Dad was returning from 18 month deployment.

Back to bread baking & then out to bring in or cover plants - frost & freeze warning at the end of May . . . sigh

paula eagleholic said...

Adult in with a huge fish! One of the kids has already claimed it.

paula eagleholic said...

Parent still in nest, not sure if Shep or not.

NCSuzan said...

Wow! A big beautiful fish barely landing in the nest before competition ensued! Can't tell which parent brought it.

paula eagleholic said...

Think Hedgie claimed it...

NCSuzan said...

I think so too.

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Belle

paula eagleholic said...

Think Shamrock just grabbed the previous nestover...looked like a flat stick! Hedige tearing away at the fresh fish.

paula eagleholic said...

I dunno, maybe it was a stick that Shamrock was dragging around.

Shammie just got too close and Hedgie sort of honked at him! Now mantling the prize, and quickly back to eating.

paula eagleholic said...

Belle just departed

NCSuzan said...

They are just so much fun to watch. Paula, thank you for sharing pictures of your trip. I enjoyed them very much.

paula eagleholic said...

Both kids calling out as parent arrives in the attic.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Suzan.

NCSuzan said...

Really demolishing that fish. I think Hedgie will be ok in the wild!

paula eagleholic said...

Hedgie pecking at Shamrock to stay away...wings flapping, too.

paula eagleholic said...

Shamrock tries to get closer from the other go.

paula eagleholic said...

LOTS of calling out.

Belle comes out of the attic, and lands in the nest. She marches over to the fish, and takes it and starts feeding Shamrock. Now Hedgie is going to get some too. someone is making peaglet sounds :)

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for your report Judie! Quite a morning of testing!

Well food a plenty within the last hour. Thank you Paula for your commentary.

WHoo Hoo! Belle is there taking over ...

Mema Jo said...

FB 13 min ago per Sharon
No MRI report back yet.......

paula eagleholic said...

And the fish is gone!

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds like rain at the nest now.

Sandi said...

Hi all!

Judie, glad you didn't stress too much! Feet up sounds good!

Shar, sorry no news for you. I know how anxious you must be.

Need to fix food and then try to finish up this last IEP. Finished state testing today for the year - yay!! Have been testing 4 hours a day since May the 1st!!


magpie said...

Skies are pretty threatening
looking east of Martinsburg...
which would put it near the nest.
We do have Thunderstorm watches/warnings here in the general area

magpie said...

You're Almost THERE, Sandi..
Steady as she goes

Good report from that was all right exhausting!
Will be good to hear "the rest of the story" when it comes along

And for Sharon...the waiting is probably worse than the testing!
I hope you hear something
very soon....(( Hugs ))

magpie said...

Are the peaglets squealing in
Anticipation ???

magpie said...

Google Image IS lovely, today
CarolAnne...thanks for the alert...
I especially the last picture:
All IN Color ! Happy picture !

Lolly said...

Had a great day! Decided to drive to Lost Maples State Natural Area. Fun drive and the area great. Had not planned on going so I was not prepared to hike but we took a trail for a short distance. I had on sandals! It was beautiful! Saw one deer today and two herds of buffalo. At the entrance to the park they had up a humming bird feeder. The hummers were swarming! Saw 6 on the feeder! Wish they would do that at home.

Off to see the bats at sunset!

magpie said...

Am enjoying your Travel and Adventure Reports, Lolly!

Hoda said...

Basil froze!
Fennel struggling
So am I !
Toes in socks
Core in wool
Mitts and tuques in use
The snow is cold off of them thar mountains!!
Off to yoga

Hoda said...

Glad to hear your test went well Judie.
Sorry for the discomfort

grannyblt said...

Evening all. I was aurprised with myself a while ago when I realized I had not read the blog yesterday. I don't post a lot, but usually read. I guess so many of you are on FB, I keep up with the goings on somewhat. Oh well, caught up now.
Sharon, thinking of you and your wait..
Lolly, I always wanted to go to Wildseed Farms when I lived in TX, but never made it there. Purchased seed at local nursery from there though.
Finally bought tomato plants to put in today, now the rain is here and to be cold over the weekend--but not as cold as Hoda!!
Had a great time at the Biggest Week in American Birding located near Port Clinton-Toledo Ohio a couple of weeks ago. Didn't see as many warblers as last year, but fun all the same. There will be a piece about the event on CBS' Sunday Morning, if anyone watches. They filmed the day before I was there. Have had orioles and catbirds for two weeks at my feeders--exciting--I hope they are nesting nearby.
SED to all

magpie said...

Oh Hoda.....I am really sorry to
read of the downturn in the weather out your way

Downpour here in Martinsburg,
Shepherdstown is probably next.

magpie said...

Oooh la-la Grannyblt...
sounds great, I will try to
watch the show Sunday morning...
I see very few warblers because...
I don't get OUT to go look for them

magpie said...

I think two of tomato plants
and many other little new things in the ground are going to
be: completely waterlogged

paula eagleholic said...

Aw they are so cute laying side by side in the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

just started pouring at the nest. , they think it's time to wingersize, LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds like a great day, Granny. I love Sunday Morning, but don't usually turn on the TV at the beach...maybe I will this weekend.

Got the bills finally paid and just about everything together for the beach, except some clothes.

Lolly said...

this is where we are going in a little while.

magpie said...

Serious amount of rain...
those poor "little" talons get caught up on those big sticks sometimes, wonder if eagles say bad words when that happens

Mema Jo said...

Watching movie on TV


Lolly said...

Bottle the water and send to me, please!

Lolly said...

Hoda, so very sorry about your weather. Wish you had brought the basil in. Have Nelson on my phone and check your weather as well as banff and jasper.

Lolly said...

Enjoy your time in Paradise, Paula!

magpie said...

Ditto that, from Lolly to Paula...

have fun batting tonight, Lolly,
so very intersting, ALL your adventures....You really know how to enjoy Life to the fullest !

magpie said...

RED FRIDAY coming up,
Lolly, did you pack something RED to wear?

God Bless Our Military....

CarolAnne....I like what you posted much earlier in the day about Veterans....

Judie said...

Don't think I'm going to get caught up tonight. Just hope everyone is doing fine.

Going to climb under the sheets. Still not feeling well.

The sandperson will be on the way at 11pm. Restful sleep for all.

paula eagleholic said...

Hope you feel better tomorrow, Judie.

Have fun Lolly, looks neat!

Lori O. said...

LOLLY, have fun at the bat cave!

JUDIE, sorry you're still not feeling well.

SHARON, I hope your report will be ready tomorrow.

PAULA, have a great weekend in Paradise! Will wait for your bird reports.

MARGY, funny stuff on the eaglets - wondering if they say bad words when their talons get stuck. :)

GRANNY, we watch CBS Sunday Morning. Thanks for the tip! Glad you had a great time there.

Bedtime is calling - soon. Have a great night everyone. SED!

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds.
Judie, hope you feel better ASAP.
Margy, thx for mentioning red for tomorrow. Just looked at weather & I'll wear my long sleeve red owl shirt!Can't believe it~~~the High of 65° will be in the AM & then 60°
in afternoon. I was waiting for thunderstorms this PM and we got a sprinkle! That means I water the plants in AM.
I think we may be getting a family of wrens! The male has stayed and performed since the female did the nestorating, then we really didn't see her. But now she goes in and out of the house while he sings. Maybe there are eggs. We'll stay tuned.

Kay said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds !

No more seizures here--JUDYE, Penny is 6 years old.

JUDIE, hope getting a bite to eat and putting those tootsies up did the trick. Glad there is no heart disease, but hoping you get some answers !

Waiting for SHAR's MRI report, but know those sometimes take a few days.

Seth will be with me tomorrow and I'll put him to work helping set up the deck for the season. He's thru with H.S. except for the ceremony on June 1st. Yeah !

Loving reading each and every work y'all write about our eagles and your interesting lives !

Prayers for all in need ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Kay said...

Make that "word" not work !!!

Kay said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds !

No more seizures here--JUDYE, Penny is 6 years old.

JUDIE, hope getting a bite to eat and putting those tootsies up did the trick. Glad there is no heart disease, but hoping you get some answers !

Waiting for SHAR's MRI report, but know those sometimes take a few days.

Seth will be with me tomorrow and I'll put him to work helping set up the deck for the season. He's thru with H.S. except for the ceremony on June 1st. Yeah !

Loving reading each and every work y'all write about our eagles and your interesting lives !

Prayers for all in need ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

magpie said...

Good to see many pals today...
and thinking of all the ones
I haven't seen

Weather is still a mess in many surrounding areas...
praying that all will be safe

Early start to my day Friday....
so it's bedtime...

Prayers for Wellness and Safety,
All Around....

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

Mema Jo said...

Have a very restful sleep tonight Judie and hope you're feeling all well in the morning.

Good night Margy - Early to rise....

Jessica should now have her diploma - Yeah! Congrats to Momma Jewels also!

Weather should now be clearing for your weekend at Paradise, Paula
Daughter and family will be down at our place. I will have a cook out on our deck for the rest of the family.

Lori - have your weeds started to die yet?

Kay - enjoy your time with Seth

Mema Jo said...

I did take a nap this afternoon BUT I am sleepy now. Signing off.

God Bless all of you and your loved ones.

I love us ♥

stronghunter said...

Think the Sandperson began rounds a bit early. I am falling asleep. Signing off, too. SED all.

I love us.

Hoda said...

Well thank you all very much.

We had a Fire Breathing Dragon Moving Yoga practice and feel very good about life...I am warm. I like being warm

It is all good.

I will cut back the basil and see what happens if not I will get another couple of plants and keep them in doors. It is not life threatening and EYORE has left...I was feeling pretty sorry for myself there for a while but it is all good and I do ♥ US!

JUDIE sorry you are not feeling better yet. Sending positive energy and prayers.

The kids from the Eco Society phoned and wanted to know if I would help them on Saturday...Oh it is the same day that I volunteer with the Grans from 9:30 till 2:00 PM. The twenty somethings are very active and there is a whole day festival to bring awareness about the environment...SO I signed up to work with them from 4:00 to 7:00 PM. They were so sweet in asking and so grateful that I said yes. I like community involvement...God Bless the Young Folks.

Lolly said...

We are back to the trailer. We sat outside for a while. Seeing the bats fly out was awesome. We have gone there before but we saw them much better this time! Think the beautiful moon helped. Approx 300,00 and 400,000 bats flew out. Thick as fleas, LOL

Anxious to talk with Laurel . Just know they have decided to let Jacob play on the All Star baseball team. They have been having some pretty serious behavior problems with him. Not at Do not know what is up.??? You might keep Jacob in your prayers. Would appreciate it.

He is so big for his age, has been bullied, kids do not like to be different, what is causing the problems ?. However, none of the above is an excuse. He has to be responsible for his behavior! Grrrrr!

Lolly said...

Lol. Hoda, your comment reminded me of Zacharooski's favorite book. " Dragons Love Tacos". However, dragons do not like hot salsa on there tacos!!!! Beware!

Lolly said...

Heading to the shower! We head home in the morn.

Night all! SED

Hoda said...

Prayers for JACOB right away LOLLY and untill you tell us that he is settled with the issue. He is a beautiful child and yes sometimes that age group bullying is pretty mean...I loved the bat pictures. Also the hike pictures of both you and JACK.

I went and lit him a candle.

PA Nana said...

Wishing everyone a great Memorial Day weekend.

Prayers for all in need. God bless us everyone.

The sandman is knocking on the door now. Must let him in and take his medicine and go to sleep.

Catch you all later over the weekend.

Sandi said...

Good Friday morning my eagle friends! Heading into a 3-day weekend - YAY!

Very windy at the nest - hope the eaglets stay put! Gray and drizzly here.

Sharon, hope you get your MRI news soon!

magpie said...

Good Morning, Eagle Pals...
overcast, cooler and windy here today....
20-30 mph gusts....going to keep the peaglets busy..right now they
are trying to do some nestorations
and clean up their messy sky-high

magpie said...

See there will be some happy events in New Jersey ☺ this week-end
as some of the boarwalks open and
Summer gets started

Thinking of you Sandi !
and Studmuffin....

Safe traveling wishes for
Jack and Lolly, Paula, and anyone else "hitting the road."

Hope things work out OK for Jacob...

Glad Hoda is Warm once Again...

and Best Wishes to Every One
for a Very Good Day....
RED FRIDAY it is...

"See Ya' from the Dough Factory "
I get to work with Jewels
today ♥ ☺

ttfn xo ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Up of those rare occasions!

Kids are snugged next to each other in the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Kids were up, doing a little wingersizing...settled back down side by side, looking out over the 2 spot

paula eagleholic said...

I think one eaglet has their head tucked!

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning!

Thought I'd better say hello before things got too busy here. Ken is taking a vacation day today, and we are going with my Sis-in-law to Long Beach, to the Queen Mary. There's an exhibit of Princess Diana's dresses there. After that, we're going out to lunch somewhere.

Anxious to hear some good results for both Shar and Judie. Sorry to hear that you were not feeling well after the test, Judie! Hope a good night's sleep helped. Prayers!
(((HUGS))) too, for both of you!

Glad to hear of the food delivery at the nest. Gosh, it won't be long before Hedgie and Shamrock will be taking off! They've grown up so fast!

Kay, I'm glad to hear that Penny has been doing well. Hope there will be no more trouble for her!

Well, I'd better go jump in the shower while I have the opportunity. Will check in later to see if there's a Shar or Judie update. Hope everyone has a good Red Friday! I ♥ us!
♥♥Carolyn & Christy♥♥

Lori O. said...

Good Morning everyone!!!

Finally it's Friday and wishing safe travels to all who will be traveling over this holiday weekend. I know Paula is headed to the beach and Lolly is headed home.

HODA, so glad you feel warm and your spirits have picked up! Sorry about the basil. Cutting it back may do the trick.

JO, weeds are dying back, but I now see spots that I have missed! Still have lots more weed spraying to do, like the driveway and around the "barn."

Prayers for Jacob, LOLLY. Kids can be so mean. Better he's big than really small! Bless his heart.

MARGY, have a great day at dough factory.

KAY, enjoy your day with Seth setting up the deck. Hugs for both of you.

SHARON, waiting on your report with you.

Time to feed the critters.

Make it a great day! I LOVE US!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Having coffee here--both eaglets are at the top of the nest, but I see a tail and some feet, so I know they are both there.

Wow, there are lots of leaves.

Janet said...

quick but late good morning. its crazy here early .... seven is full of (as momma used to say) pee and vinegar! she is now asleep and i am almost ready to walk out the door.

olivia recieved an award yesterday @ school for the highest art grade in 6th grade! :)

today is the last day of school. she will be out of school @ noon, i will leave work @ 11:30.

her birthday is monday, so busy weekend ahead.... she wants a tirimisu for her birthday cake.

hope everyone has a lovely day...hope those who aren't feeling well feel better with the dawn of this new day...light, love, healing and smiles to all! :)

grannyblt said...

Morning all. Windy at the nest for our eaglets. Hope it isn't as cold as here--39 and we have a freeze warning for tonight!! I guess that is why my Momma said not to plant tomatoes until after Decoration Day. Glad I haven't gotten mine in the ground. Hope everyone has a great day.

Lori O. said...

Wet and windy here...looks like it's just windy at the nest now with HEDGIE walking around picking up sticks.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Just a quick hello and then off to start getting ready to travel. It has been a great week! A very relaxing time!

Anxious to see the kids, as Paula says. :)

Hoda, your comment of lighting a candle for Jacob brought tears to my eyes. Thank you! It is a very serious problem that we are not sure of how to handle.

Gotta run! Bye!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning everyone! It is a windy chilly morning here in the valley.
In fact I'd say it is downright cold for the end of May. Grannyblt it sure brought back memories when you said "Declaration Day"!

Safe travels Paula - Safe return Lolly. Andy your day should be very interesting.

My heart goes out to Jacob - I so wish he himself knew the reason for his behavior and I hope it is not the teasing from his classmates. Lolly it will be interesting to know what Laura discovers as his problem & how she can help Jacob.

JudyEddy said...

Hello and good morning eagle buds

LOLLY so sorry about the issues of Jacob Hope he can resolve the issue by talking and tell what is going on

JudyEddy said...

your are tight one eagle is tucked can't see head

JudyEddy said...

I reposted your poem about the veterans on facebook just now wanted to tag your name but couldn't find you CA
such a beautiful poem it is

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good noon my eagle budlets.

I called again this morning about my report and apparently the MRI has not even been read yet. It is supposed to be brought to the attention of the doctor to get it read today.

JudyEddy said...

OH SHARON so sorry it is taking so long for them to read it Sometimes I think Dr don't use the brain they have Not thinking that you are anxious to find out what is wrong I hope you get good results when it is read Getting ready to have lunch with Angie at Chicago Deli it is right near the park and you can see both the cell phone tower one at the park and the other with the osprey nest at it right next to the deli Great view on it

Mema Jo said...

Awaiting a comment from Judie - hope her night went well and that our friend is feeling better this morning.

magpie said...

My goodness there is an adult and some kind of dark furry food

magpie said...

agree, Jo...
hoping to hear from Judie...

AND eventually Sharon, you WILL get those results

magpie said...

I didn't see the chow brought in I jsut saw that is WAS THERE

Mema Jo said...

12:15 Full house with entire family in the nest.
Shep flew out
Any major wingercising is not good with the wind being so forceful.

Mema Jo said...

Belle was trying with no luck to get the food source from the juvie up at the noon position.
Wow! Belle did it - stole the food - looks like a fish - feeding both juvies.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Small benign, nonmalignant exophytic kidney cyst!! No biopsy required. WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

God is good all the time.


Mema Jo said...

WOOT WOOT for sure!

God is good all the time ♥

Love you bunches

stronghunter said...

Oh, Lolly, there is something about 12-year old boys. Hunter has had his share of problems as well. We have to keep telling him to think before he speaks. He is not big for his age, but his voice has already changed and he is growing facial hair.

stronghunter said...

BBL. Chores to do.

stronghunter said...

Good news, Sharon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JudyEddy said...

back from lunch saw the ospreys looks like two juvies in that nest making a ruckus also

JudyEddy said...

this was just on fox news so cute that a cat would love to go bike riding on his owners shoulder

Cat loves to be with is owner even on the back of his back and shoulders while riding a bike there are several days in this so you can see it happens alot and he loves it

JudyEddy said...

so glad that the eaglets are remaining low in the nest with all the wind going on at the nest

JudyEddy said...

OK now this is another cute video they mentioned OM so stinking cute reminds me of my grandpuppies did that RIP both of them and they were the same breed but part Alaska Malamute

Husky and baby have a conversation Love it

Lolly said...

Saw Sharon's good news. PTL

Shirley, not our 12 year old. Problem with 8 yo.

Home around 2:30. Making plans for family get together Sunday in Dallas.

magpie said...

Well, Hallulejah, Sharon...
Very Very Very Good News....

xo (( Hugs ))

magpie said...

LOL corrected spelling same meaning...
...Hallelujah !

magpie said...

Not sure when you will be back on here...wanted to say
Bravo to Olivia! for the 6th Grade Art Award...very nice !
Happy summertime !

stronghunter said...

Lolly, both the 8 year-old and the 12 year-old have good family support to get them through the growing pains, but it can be challenging.

magpie said...

Hedgie seems to be plucking on something or other
maybe just a well placed stick with some kind of food juice or drippings on it ☺

magpie said...

About for my shift at the Dough Factory to end, Carolyn is here for another 2 hours...

Best Wishes for a Good Evening,
for Every One
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Oh I see three sets of talons in the nest, so there is an adult overseeing all this

Bird Girl said...

Hello everyone! It's 7 days since my back surgery and I'm happy to say the incision is healing very well and I have NO back pain at all! Even the incision is only a little uncomfortable, not painful. SO happy I just did the surgery even though I was afraid (I was afraid when I had my thyroid taken out, too, but had to do that one!).

I see our eagles are getting so very big, and practicing beak and foot skills with branches. I just saw Belle eating lunch and then flying off with it without sharing with Hedgie and Shamrock! "Hey, I gotta eat, too, ya know!!"

I hope all of you are well, many positive thoughts for each of you!

As always, I remain your very own
Bird Girl

stronghunter said...

Just for laughs . . . This is what Susan posted on FB today:

Yes, that was me running through the commuter parking lot in heels and a houndstooth jacket. That's just how I roll.

And I just pulled a cat hair out of my mouth, that is also how I roll

9 minutes ago via mobile · Like

Sandi said...

Hi all - it's a 3-day weekend!!!!!!!

Sharon, what terrific news!!

Delphia, and what wonderful news from you!!

Janet, congrats to Olivia for successfully completing 6th grade with no summer school and with an art award! Did you answer Paula's question about the new pup's name? If you did, I missed it. Why Seven?

Need to make dog food. Sure doesn't feel like the start of summer here - drizzly, windy, and only in the 50s! But ... it's still the weekend!! =)

stronghunter said...

Been wondering about the dog name, too, Janet.

stronghunter said...

Windy day at the nest.

Lori O. said...

Good afternoon everyone!

Cold and windy here all day...feels like fall.

LOLLY, glad you made it home safely.

SHARON, GREAT news on your MRI!

DELPHIA, so glad your surgery turned out perfect!

JANET, congrats to Olivia on her art award. That is so cool!

JUDYE, hope you had a nice lunch with Angie at the double view deli.

Missed the food drop, but thanks for the report, JO!

Just ordered a pizza for dinner!!!

CarolAnne said...

Ditto what Lori said, except it will be Chinese here.

Prayers that all holiday travelers stay safe!

Mema Jo said...

Veggie Soup and grilled cheese here!

CarolAnne said...

Fun news:

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources WILD WHOOPING CRANE CHICKS HATCH! We are celebrating today the births of two whooping crane chicks in central Wisconsin! The chicks called #W1-13 and #W2-13 are the offspring of the whooping crane pair consisting of a female #5-10 and male #28-08 from the ultralight-guided crane classes of 2010 and 2008.

Mema Jo said...

That is good fun news!

Off to Jeopardy


PA Nana said...

Good evening everyone.

I'm posting to apologize for the cold weather. I put my sweatshirts away for the season and now have to get them out again.
Just like washing a car to cause it to rain. But I'm glad to have a reprieve from the heat; just do not like summer!

Stay warm everyone. Off to turn on the portable heater.

Have a good weekend.

Lolly said...

We got to work upon reaching home. Unloaded, cleaned the interior (Scrubbed bathroom and kitchen, vacuumed, cleaned carpet, cleaned refrig, and washed the linens. ) Then remade the bed, scrubbed the exterior and rehitched and took it to its' home. As we pulled away from storing the trailer I said to Jack, now it can rain. Well, we have had a little rain, and a little thunder. :)

Things look good here. Still some limbs to take care of as well as twigs to pick up and we really need to mow as well.

Concerning Jacob...Laurel talked with the principal, Joey talked with the counselor, and they are feeling a little better. We shall see. Joey says he was picked on a lot because of his size. Is that it??? Also, the counselor said he has talked a lot about not like their move. They are working with Jacob to come up with a plan for when he is feeling really frustrated. His present behavior is not acceptable.

Anyway, we are happy to be home, listening to is good.

Lolly said...

Oh, and it is presently 73. Have turned off the AC!!!

JudyEddy said...

Home from Angie and dinner It is presently 81° now that is to warm for almost 9 at night don't ya think

Mema Jo said...

Checked out our nest and one eaglet has his/her head tucker under the wing. They are learning the adult ways ♥.

Lolly, I am sure Laurel and Joey will get a handle on this and be big helpers and great supporters for Jacob. Sure sounds like they are headed in the right direction and are on the ball!

Glad your yard is in good shape.

Mema Jo said...

Off to a 9:00 TV movie.....


magpie said...

FULL Moon or nearly full, "goes full just after midnight Eastern Time
peeked out of the clouds a bit, and it is

Full Planting Moon and another name I forgot which it is

Bird Girl said...

Hey folks! I noticed that in April a commenter on the cam page said something about how some cams name their birds and some don't. Someone also asked if there was only one bird now. This is what I posted in reply:

"No, there are a mated pair, Belle (the female who has nested at this site for at least 8 seasons) and Shep (the new male who ousted Liberty). It was never confirmed that Liberty had died; although a carcass was found in the surrounding area, evidence suggested that it had died before Liberty was chased off.

The chick did die, because it did not get fed for at least two days. Belle would not leave the nest, because she was protecting her sole chick from the intruder, and Liberty was too busy fighting the intruder to go get fish for Belle and the baby. They did not "bury" the chick in the nest per se; they did not remove the remains, but that is common for Bald eagle nests, but very year the nest is added to, and the chick's body does indeed still lie in that nest.

In regards to naming the birds: yes, it is anthropomorphizing the animals to name them. Typically, in the rescue and rehabilitation world (where I have 12 years' experience), the animals are not named because it would lead to an attachment to the animal which could make the handler's behavior different and affect the animal's ability to be released back into the wild. Animals in captivity, especially those who are in the public eye, tend to get named because the observers get attached to them. Animals on webcams are, in a sense, captive and an animal that a person sees regularly generally ends up being named.

There are some cams who do not *officially* name the animals; Belle and Liberty and Shep - and any other names we, the long-time viewers of this cam, have given the chicks - are not official names. If you think about it, even a bird that is simply numbered for tracking purposes has then been named, it just isn't something like "Lucky" or "Pongo", it may be "42A53K" or "Eagle 178", but iit is still a word used to reference a specific individual, differentiating it from all the other individuals.

I am a long-time viewer of the Shepherdstown eaglecam, one of the original Momsters (the support group which helps raise awareness and donations), and a wild bird rehabilitator. I do not work for the hosting site, or the NCTC.

I hope these have answered some of your questions and concerns."

magpie said...

Great Whooping Crane news, for sure

We Like Good Birding News here !

Lolly: wow, nothing like being a whirling dervish immediately
following your vacation....
Positive Thoughts and Wishes on all that Jacob is experiencing right now....someday all kids will be nice to each other...but in the meantime, sounds like a good
support system and careful plan in place ♥

magpie said...

someday all adults will be nice to each other too, and maybe just everyone will be nice
to ....Everyone

Hope Paula is at The Paradise now, with a houseful to help things warm and toasty

I agree, Lori....feels like Fall, October is what comes to my mind

Bird Girl said...

What great news about the whooping cranes! Yay!!

magpie said...

That is very thorough, Birdie...
I hope you get some positive feedback...
and Yay, Very Good News on your
Recovery from back surgery, that was a GREAT and HAPPY post from earlier

magpie said...

Night Bandit is trying to overtake
the Energy Bandit here, trying to help the Energy Bandit take charge for awhile longer....
Thinking of Judie....and hoping that
today was a day of complete
rest and relaxation....

(( HUGS, Judie ♥ ))

magpie said...

back later on...lots of stuff to do
here before bedtime

xoxox ttfn ♥

Bird Girl said...

Thanks Magpie! As a matter of fact, I have not had to take any pain pills of any kind since last night! Just amazed by this procedure! Now if only I weren't restricted so severely...I am not allowed to bend, lift, or twist, and the only exercise I am allowed is walking on a flat surface. Well, due to the mountainous nature of our property, that means I get to walk around and around our kitchen and living room!! SO BORED!!! Heehee but it will be worth it to have a fixed back :)

magpie said...

Yesindeedy, Delphia...recovery takes time, and you surely want to do it right! Sounds like you are....
You only want to go through this part of it ONCE !

(( Healing Hugs ♥ ))

JudyEddy said...

Loved what your wrote DELPHIA and so happy about no more pain for you so amazing what dr can do now How long are you on restrictions will you be able to do more as time goes by ??

Watching Bones I hadn't see this one

Bird Girl said...

I have two more weeks of this restriction level. I see my surgeon again on the 4th, and he will advise me as to what I am then able to do at that point. Ultimately, I have to be on an aggressive exercise program to strengthen my core muscles. Luckily, my family is going to do it all with me!

Lolly said...

Sounds good, Delphia. So glad you are doing well.

What you wrote about the eagles is right on!! Good job!

I have already bathed and ready for bed. So very glad we worked hard and got the trailer back to its' home. Hate it when there are many big jobs looking at me. We needed to move...we sat all day traveling. lol Rain seems to have stopped now but 71 and pleasant.

magpie said...

Yes, keep up with the aggressive exercise program, Birdie...
I am trying to save One hand from surgery if I can do just that!
Other is severe carpal tunnel...
it's beyone help without surgery, but then I can bump up the exercises for IT after the cut....
sometime next month

magpie said...

Well Done, Lolly!
It is good to get 'er done....rather this afternoon than
face it all in the morning !!
It's YOUR style for sure !

magpie said...

I've been on lifting restrictions for many years, Birdie...
degenerative disc problems
L-4,5 and S-1....
so I do things the OLD LADY way and get others to help, and I really regret it when I transgress!
Not worth it...not a bit !

magpie said...

Time to change to PJ's and do the
exercises soon, matter of fact...
ttfn xo ♥

magpie said...

oh, Snap!
PA Nana Diann.... last night I exchanged summer clothes out for winter clothes in my two large closets, BUT I did save out some long sleeved shirts
and a few hoodies ☺

What a Ca-Razy Spring we are having... !!

Hoda said...

Hello everyone.

Missing JUDIE she has not been on today.

Happy about SHAR's news.

LOLLY candle lit and thank you for sharing with us...your grand kids feel like our grand kids is actually how I feel about all the young ones and their news...Happy for Olivia and always look forward to HUNTER news and SETH is always a joy and I can go on and on...JO's and WANDA's too...

Day was busy but good.
The African tables are set for our sale tomorrow and they look pretty good too. We worked a lot this afternoon on making sure the small little details work out...I think we have it done.
Tomorrow from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM.
Grans to Grans and then Eco Society Festival. I will keep you posted.

JudyEddy said...

WOW just on the new new judge for AI is Jennifer Hudson and Kelly Clarkson and a male maybe Alan Lambert just on the news

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Hoda said...

Thunder and Lightning.

Will sign off


God Bless us all


Lolly said...

Fell asleep in my chair and now going to try sleeping in my bed. lol

Night all! SED!!!

magpie said...

WHALE of a Full Moon out here,
and 44-degrees....going to just call it the Full Cold Moon!

Missing our Lynne2 here too !

Prayers for Wellness, Comfort
And Safety for all....

G'Night, Precious Pals...

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox ♥

PA Nana said...

Am now warm and awaiting the sandman. The wind is so strong he may be blown off course.

Glad to hear of Sharon's results and hope Judie has some good news too.

Lolly, welcome home and love your pictures of the trip and your gardens.

Delphia, you said it beautifully about the eagles. We have so many individual skills on the blog we can learn something new each day.

Paula, I'm not jealous this weekend but hope you are staying warm. Enjoy the pictures of your trip,especially the nautical ones. Son in law's family is from Maine and when Teresa sends pix every year the scenery is gorgeous. I live vicariously (? Sp) through all those able to travel.

Hoda, our energizer bunny, you are amazing! God bless you for all you do for others.

Okay, I've taken enough blog space and wish all a goodnight and God bless.

Mema Jo said...

I am just about ready to sign off.
Miss Judie and really hope all is well... Paula is eating crabs tonight... Delphia, so happy for your painless days you have been having!

God bless us all and our loved ones too ♥
Good Night ♥

paula eagleholic said...

All is where here...went out to a peek at the moon tonight... very windy....gkids are here...Michaek still on his way..all is good

SED love and hugs to all

paula eagleholic said...

Gosh so many typoss..all is well here! Lol

Great news on the cranes

Glad delphia iss much better

Lolly..glad joey and laurel are aware of the bullying and willget some help and guidance

magpie said...

Good Sunny ☼ and Cool Saturday morning, Eagle Pals...

Full Moon was bright and shiny this morning as it was moving Westward....

Peaglets are moving around the nest....things are quiet for now but the breezes are picking up for another day

Best Wishes for a Very Nice Day for Every One
xoxo ♥

Sandi said...

Good morning my eagle friends - 48 degrees here and gusty winds (should be fun tennis outdoors at 9am - no lobs today)!! Only a high of 63! But the sun is out and is supposed to stay out all weekend.

Margy, I heard something about some special goings-on with Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus this weekend just after sunset. Details please!!

Judie, hope you have recovered from your treadmill test. Has the painting started?

Judy, I think former AI winners and runners-up would make great judges!

Dana has posted on FB that today is Adam's graduation day and Aric is on his way home from Ohio - happy day in the Hilmoe house!!

Think this afternoon may be a bike ride to James Farm to check out the osprey and the horseshoe crabs mating. Denny put the boat in the water yesterday but it's way too cold for me to go out on it!

Make it a great day all!

JudyEddy said...

GOOD MORNING eagle budlets

CarolAnne said...

Good morning all. Hope everyone has good things happening.
Stumbled across this quote this morning, for all our 'storms ':


Lori O. said...

Good Morning Eagle Family!!!

Hope everyone has plans to enjoy their Memorial Day Weekend. Sure wish the weather was a little warmer here...another windy day, too.

Going to a Frederick Keys Baseball game and dinner with friends tonight. Today, going to mow the yard.

HODA, you have a long day. Will be waiting to hear your report of the day's activities.

LOLLY, glad you got all your big jobs done, and GS is on the right path with his parents helping. YAY!

Have a great day, smiles, light, joy and HUGS!

magpie said...

Beautiful to see more Morning Eagle Pals...
Lovely verse, CarolAnne.....

Sandi: I'll post from work...Venus returns the evening sky, with Jupiter and Mercury...will hav to check for the dates when they will all be
visible in the evening....
It's coming SOON -

must leave for work NOW though

Take Care, Pals.
Happy Day !

xo ♥

magpie said...

Here is what the Astronomy Magazine says:
ref Venus, Jupiter and Mercury:

"This magnificent trio tightens even further in the next few days. All three lie within 2-degrees of one another May 26 and May 27. On the 28th, Venus passes 1.0 degree north of Jupiter, creating a sunningly brilliant pair of jewels that lie only two Moon-widths apart. Mercury which has faded in magnitude, hangs 3-degrees above them."
Venus will be the brightest, Jupier next brightest, and Mercury will be a good bit dimmer...

so start watching the evening Western skies at dusk ! ☺

magpie said...

Ah, Lori....
Baseball and Dinner with friends, now THAT's living!

Sounds like a warm, cozy, and fun-filled household at Paula's Paradise ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺

Okay, dough $$$$ is waiting to be made, I better get 'er done!

xo ♥

Janet said...

good morning all,

i may have gotten myself a few quite min to catch up and post! egad!

such good medical news over all! yeah!!! blessings to and for all!

MAGPIE: thanks. olivia was very proud of the art award. she was most proud of the fact that she does not have to go to summer school. she was sweating that one! she did work very very hard and all of the extra work that the teachers did really helped. hopefully after Tuesday's testing (yes school is out, but we scheduled the testing for tuesday) we can have some answers.

one of my best gal pals, chris, (lives in va beach) and i were on the phone last night. she is a special ed teacher and she has told me that per va beach policy, olivia would qualify as l. d. (learning disabled). i said yes, but we are not in va beach. she is very upset that it has taken so get to this point. (her remarks come after seeing the results of the testing olivia had in 4th grade). chris was my rock when i was preg with olivia as tom was on the ship and on a 6 month cruise. she was the one who helped me thru the end of the pregnancy and the one who was my labor coach. we laugh every time we discuss that weekend...this weekend 12 years ago. :)

STRONGHUNTER: as you and i both know, and many others know, 11 to about 15 /16 is a tough age. that inbetween thing. i think that's when they need our love and support the most, even though sometimes they want to act as if they do not.

AH: missed the questions regarding SEVEN. okay. so when we decided to get this pup, olivia commented that she NEVER gets to name anyone...we named Sable and Red (sable's first companion who died of cancer @ 4 years), we named luke, and "assisted" her in naming Beano. sooooo, she wanted to pick the name. i said well let's decide as a family adn you get a major influence.

so for 2 weeks she and tom batted around names. SEVEN was the first name they could agree on and i jumped on it as i was tired of the discussions....

SEVEN is for:

1. STAR TREK< seven of nine, part human, part borg and one of our favorite characters.

2. SEINFELD: George wanted to name his child Seven

3. She is the 7th fur butt in our home

4. Counting the foster pup, Kora, she is our seventh canine baby we have had over 18 years

5. Olivia had afriend named Seven.

So it works.

Weird, I know, but it works.

DOG NOTE: Scout has so adopted Seven that she is now insisting on sleeping with her instead of sleeping with me. She loves that pup completely. We did the right thing.

Although, she (Seven) did have the doberman (Sable) trapped behind the sofa the other night Sable hates her feet messed with and of course Seven bites at feet.....wanting to play. Sable ran behind the sofa as a course of hiding, Seven followed and Sable couldn't figure out how to back out from behind the sofa. Had to rescue her.

Today going to granddaughters last soccer game of the season. She was invited to try out for a higher level /skill team. Hope she makes it. :) That kid loves her soccer.

Then today is supposedly Olivia's friends' only bday party. Cross your fingers. We sent out 3 invitations a month ago and a reminder and only 1 may show up. I really wish I could move her birthday to another day of the year! Michael had the same problem growing up (his bday was June 1). Everyone is out of town for this birthday weekend.

Anyway, so we will see.

Her birthday is actually Monday. I got her a small tablet and we got her a phone. I charged them last night and will wrap them later.

Well best get to moving. 7:15 already. Hope everyone has a good day, love to read all the good medical news, good news overall! Lots of light, love and smiles to you. Will try to post more later today; til I get this pup into routine, my routine has been severely altered!!!! holding each of you close in my heart and thought!!!!

Janet said...

btw,just so you know, i reminded olivia she didn't name sable, red or luke as she was a baby, quite literally a baby... but now she feels better as she had the major influence in naming seven.....


Judie said...

Good morning.

First, my apology for any concern about my disappearing act. I am now feeling back to normal. Just had a difficult two days. Thank you so much for your concern.

I return to find that Lolly went bats; Paula is in paradise and, reading her posts at 12:04 and 12:47am, was already in fine "spirits"; Kay is joyous with Seth's H.S. graduation and a deck cleaning bonding experience and Penny is improved; Hoda has turned into a fire breathing yoga dragon and will be selling her wares on the streets of Nelson today; Sandi has begun a well-deserved long-weekend and, although I think she is married, she has a studmuffin; Olivia gets congratulations for an art award and for not having to attend summer school and she will be celebrating a milestone birthday; Delphia is much improved; Diann is responsible for the cold weather and for blowing the sandperson off course; Jo will be cooking on her deck (she plays with a full one); Lori will be watching baseball and having dinner out; and congratulations are in order for Adam and welcome home Aric; Margy is aligning her stars and planets.

I think I'm caught up.

Judie said...

Isla is due for her first hatchling today with three more to follow over the next week. RTH babes are just getting huge and beginning to self-feed, our Hedgie and Shamrock were basking in the sun last time I checked.

Have almost settled on paint colors and painting is to begin June 21st, will take about 4 days. Will be looking at carpet over the next few days.

Also am really annoyed because the guest room bed is an old double and I cannot find sheets that fit -- sheets now seem to only fit a mattress that is 17" deep. Very frustrated.

Okay, going to read the paper. Weather here is cool, windy, sunshiny.


Judie said...

Lolly, I am sorry about Jacob's circumstances. No doubt he will be fine with the loving support and understanding of his family.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !

LOLLY, prayers for Jacob ! Seth has been the brunt of much bullying over the span of his 18 years. "This too shall pass", but it's rough, I know !

DELPHIA, I'm jumping, well almost, for joy over the news of your back surgery. Your back surgery experience mirrors quite closely that of JUDIE's. You gals are truly blessed ! Thank you so much for your concise and completely accurate historical notes on our beloved eagles !

JUDIE, so glad you're reporting much improvement after a couple of bad days !

Seth and I had a great day as did our dear dogs, Penny and Malcolm. Mal was in the dumps all week, apparently missing his little friend. He perked right up when he saw her and they had a ball with each other from 10am to 5pm !

The deck is ready and waiting for oldest daughter, Eileen and her Bill, to beautify it with plants next weekend. I don't see how they'll have time what with the party and commencement plans for Seth, but twill be nice if they get to it.

Very soon we'll bid a fond farewell to another great set of chicks ! How sweet they are !

Love and prayers for all ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

magpie said...

Wheee, thanks Judie, about the news on Isla with an impending hatch

and all the other interesting things you encapsulated for us...
Good to see you here ☺ ♥

wow, Janet's post was jam-packed with lots of neat information....
people and furbaby things ☺
Cool means of Seven getting ner name

magpie said...

Morning Kay ☼

oh by the way, we are approaching the SPLIT -

Lolly said...

Good morning! We discovered that we had just 2 tenths of an inch of rain while gone. Neighbor led us to believe it was almost an inch. The last evening we got about 3 tenths more. Everything looks good. In fact all around everything is green, Sure wish it would stay that way!

Do appreciate the prayers for Jacob. The problem is Jacob's will NOT be tolerated. (Yelling and refusing to do things) This is totally unacceptable!!! Do not know for sure if the bullying has caused it but good chance it is.????? His teacher has been wonderful. We do appreciate her. Jacob likes her, but yet this behavior pops us. Not every day, thank goodness. Working on how to control his frustration. He is a very smart boy. Funny thing....he likes going to the school counselor, so that is not a threat. lol

Going to work in the yard this morn. More chance of rain today. CA, this rain stick is a workin!!! :)

Gotta run! Later Gators!

Mema Jo said...

Welcome to another cold brisk windy day! At least the sun is shinning and there is hope for Warmth later today.

Happy to see our eaglets lying side by side and snoozing. I don't see any remarks as to any of you witnessing a feeding this morning or that any adult was in the nest. Soon we will open the cam and the nest will be bare..... Get your fill of seeing them over the next few days because they are getting ready to go on that first flight and I so hope it is a successful one. ♥

Mema Jo said...

lol As I did my last remark and went back to the nest - there is an adult there now up at the 12 position. There is food being dividied up between our 2 juvies.

Mema Jo said...

Blackwater Nest Update 05/24/13:

2 successful First Flights
On Friday, we saw Soar gone for long periods of time, then we saw him come in quickly and leave again, so it does look like he might have been flying on Friday.

On Thursday, we updated the Eagle Cam Web Log with news about Talon flying.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Janet for the info on Seven's name - Sure makes sense and he is so adorable and loveable looking!

Judie - happy to see you here this am and glad you are feeling up to snuff! You should take a vacation as the painting is being done - The smell could affect your breathing but should be good enough weather then to open the windows for fresh air.

Hoda said...

Good morning!
The strangest news from BC this morning.
A man left his 300,000 dollar Porsche on the ferry and took the bus. When police finally contacted him and verified he had not gone overboard, he said he forgot!!!
Oh and the car is uninsured!!!
My La la land province!!!
I love it here though!!!
Enjoy the day!!!

Hoda said...

We made 6550 dollars in sales! Yay Grans.
On my way to Eco Society event.
Grans also received donations and we had a profit on the lunch. I think the final tally will see us close to 9000 dollars.
It was well worth it.
I will read back when I go home. Hope all are well.
I love Us.

Lolly said...

Very few posts today. Worked hard in the yard and I am totally exhausted. Broke my rule of only working a few hours. Yard looks great!

Lolly said...

Strange to see one of the eaglets tucked. Not sure I have seen that before! See what many of you have been talking about....the nest is a big mess!

JudyEddy said...

Hello home from work and have caught up with the few comments

JudyEddy said...

HODA how old was the guy did they say?
and great work on raising that much $$ fantastic
so happy SIS that she got to name Seven

I went to Angie to give her my extra camera the little one I used before to take to the island that they are going to tomorrow by boat is a small island Archie Island off Bay pines area and saw several osprey nest I went to the cell phone tower down there and off course no eagle :-( but saw 5 osprey nest and took pic at each and saw lots of other birds and off course got pic and put on FB She wasn't home she was next door in the pool at MIL so I just dropped it She knew I was coming after work but still wasn't home so I left her a message on her phone after I dropped it off

I think we may have to go remind DANAMO we are still amongst the living to pop in once in a while

JUDIE I love love love your posst I look forward to them I should also add

KAY so happy that Penny is doing good

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 347   Newer› Newest»

3/10/25 PM CAM .12am to 12pm

  🥚 🥚 🥚  eggroll thru night COG 🥚🥚🥚  egg roll 111 cog   🥚 🥚 🥚 eggroll 447 COG Eggrolla c SED 🥚🥚🥚😁🦅❤️ SED