I had my walk and putzed in the garden in a bit, JudyE, and am getting ready to fix up something to eat, I think it is going to be omelet
I made cheese salad the other night, and had the bright idea to use Habenero cheese, but Yeeeow, it is too spicey hot for what I like in the cheese salad department
JudyE I also have a paper cutter/slicer, AND of course a hole punch, and skeins and skeins of yarn that James helps pick out and "buy" for me at Goodwill...Those and Ribbons -
Sometimes I use "new" cards but usually I try to use "cards received" if I can bear to cut into them
I don't do hot food at all If it makes both ends miserable It does't go LOL I had a pulled BQ sandwich from Checkers not bad I just don't like a pickle on it and 1.00 a sandwich is cheap dinner
Returned from Mass and dinner.. My son and wife planted two more of the flower pots so now I am all done. If the frost comes Monday night and takes them away I will be so sad! Really hoping for sunshine to perk them up somewhat.
I Think the Rain might be over for the night, to be followed by cooler temperatures (including frost and maybe freeze in tahe "listening area" hereabouts) AND some gusty winds Sunday.... will help dry things out. I am SURE the creek at Swinging Bridge is UP and muddy... and for sure the walking path is...so maybe another day this week, a field trip
and Oh Snap, I wasted wash and rinse water in the washing machine, because... I forgot to add the detergent Waaaaaah ! I do NOT like to waste water... CRS I guess, kicking in...I had put some Oxygen-Plus stuff in there to brighten things up ... well, guess I'll start all over again
One more thing: IF the skies are clear Sunday evening, I think the Baby Moon and Jupiter might be cozied up together, and later in the month Venus returns ♥ in the evening sky... The Planet of L♥ve...
OK here are the GREAT capture of the RARE BREAD OF plastic swans that live in Fl also put on pic of baby Hawk at the park and a couple of JORDYN since its been a while since I put pic of her on here she is 5 now
<a href="http://miscpicturesorvideo.blogspot.com/:>Call the Audubon I have discovered a new breed of swans and a baby hawk and Jordyn pic at the park posing Miss sassy pants I call her</a>
It is so cloudy out now to see the moon here It was cloudy most of the day thought it was going to R but didn't heat of the day builds up clouds was so nasty looking at so GREY ok back to tb
MRI on MAY 22 Got your back in prayers and positive thought SHAR.
PARDON ME??? I say WHAT??? PARDON ME??? Now who would Mr Studmuffin Murdock and how did he come into the picture and SERIOUSLY PAULA what is up girl?
YAY JOSEPH on First Division...
C/A you are the best...it keeps coming back from year to year JACK and LOLLY doing a rain dance...did we ever agree if toe nails are to be painted or not and if painted what colour...TEXAS NEEDS RAIN!!! LOLLY tell JACK it is his duty to go out dancing to make rain...his adopted state requires it. C/A SERIOUSLY what an awesome Lady you are...I think you brought us all a smile and a sense of joy. HUGS TO YOU...I DO DO DO LOE US!!!
Good night Judie! Sorry you're leaving. Took me forever to get back here from JudyE's pics! Posted my comment twice and said I didn't belong to Blogger!!!! Didn't want to post my new pics either--said they'd have to check w/an advisor! I clicked "Post Anyway!!! JudyE, some day when you have a couple minutes, could you plz send me the 'structions to Remove the Robot on Comments. What a drag. Now it won't let me on at all probably! Anyway, The Turkey Trot pictures are in the Nook (I think) BTW, since Mom's day is approaching soo, want to wish everyone the Best. After all, everyone here IS the Best!!♥ I received a couple Mom's Day gifts~~~a plant (azalea) and gift flowers~! Little cat, Scooter has tried to nibble them, so they are sitting very high!
Ok Paula, Thanks....I missed part of the first part....but I bet I saw it without knowing it for sure! ( I did like Judie's "other name" for it also ! )
Congratulations, Hoda... Well done, of Course ! Get some well-deserved rest... ♥
I got both comments in the mail LORETTA I don't remember by hard I will have to go to the settings to see if I can refresh my memory I should write it down But usually when I go to setting it will all come back to me but I will have to do that tomorrow my neck say its time to stop computing tonight tooo much eagle watching also kills it but worth it I just will complain LOL
Well I'm calling it a day SED ♥AOYP See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe Bless this Nest and all ♀ ♥ ♂ whom watch it at Sycamore Palace Healing thoughts for those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
If someone leaves a comment IDK what does it stand for??? anyone know? OK bye again and thanks in advance I an addicted to the puter Help me I need help LOL bye again till tomorrow
P.S. We saw a show w/lots about Blackwater and Bay. It's one of the shows they do by plane over each state.Looks beautiful. I guess that's why some of us will be socked w/new Gutter Tax!Any property owner in certain counties that has RAIN come off their dwelling and run into the gutter--sewer pipes---to Bay will pay to keep it clean. Nice idea, but how can you rax an act of nature???Rain??? Congrats, Hoda on your monumental collection!
Thx, Margy! You're so kind! I know I put to many on, but I liked them and they were all part of the reality show! We'll probably never see turkey action like that again! I know you said you saw that last year! Amazing. Guess you're never too old to learn something new!
In case I do not return, Pleasant pre-Mom's Day Feather Dreams and Good Health Prayers for ALL ;>)
Congrats Hoda Well done. Sleep well, you deserve it.
As for the rain stick - it was just a fun gesture. Glad Lolly liked it and we all got to smile along with her. (Please let it rain now - make me look good) LOL. LOL
CarolAnne...I love the idea of a rain stick for Lolly...I agree Jack has to dance too...maybe you should paint his toenails too, LOL
And now now Murdock is a very nice gentleman whose wife is in a nursing home...he goes and visits her evryday...she was put in the home a little while after I bought here...she's nice too...but not sure she will ever get back home
And I guess it's about time for me to toddle off to bed and look at picture books...that's about my speed tonight
Yes, Shirley.....Crazy Jane's is getting more difficult to find... I had to send some to my step-daughter in Florida a little while back ☺ and her real first name is, Jane !
Prayers for Wellness, and Happy Mother's Day to all, and to those dear Moms who have gone before
No, the person who grunged up my windshield is not a friend, Judie. She was sitting outside a store selling the stuff. For a pretty hefty price. I think she said two cans for $25, then reduced it to $20 when I did not show interest. I did not buy.
Sleepy. Going to say good night. See you tomorrow, everyone.
New page has turned over in Hunter's life. Last night when we got home, I discovered that the answering machine was full of calls. Messages left by Josie, I think it is. Same young lady whose notes showed up in his pocket.
He had several conversations with her today. Kathryn assured him that it is okay and that she and Grandma will not tease him.
Bearded, naked Rocket Scientist with painted toenails seen dancing with a stick near Dallas. Officials think the bizarre behavior has been caused by an Elvis impersonator spilling Krazy Salt into his wine. Film at 11.
In other news, the rare and elusive Plastic Bread Swans have been seen in a pond in Florida, and well know Pre Teen Hunter has been getting notes and phone calls from a gal named Josie.
We are home! Had a wonderful evening! Joey did a great job. There was a huge crowd and hopefully they raised a lot of money for the Denton Children's clinic.
All the family was there, plus good friends of ours from here went, and I had a cousin, her hubby and daughter there. Afterwards we went out for ice cream, and we took the boys home. Laurel left after the show with "Elvis". They went out for a while with friends, All in all a very successful evening.
Well, it is already Mother's Day so HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!! Michael is coming in the morning to go to church with me. Then in the afternoon, Laurel and the boys are coming. Jack is grilling.
So, I guess it will be some time next week that I will paint Jack's toenails, get naked, and we go in the backyard, shake the stick and dance!!
Whoops, Jack say's I can only paint 3 toe nails. What to do? What to do?
Ok, really got to get to bed. I am as pooped as a poop eaglet!!!
Good morning my eagle friends and Happy Mother's Day!!!
C/A is there such a thing as a rain stopping stick??? I think we've had enough rain for a while. Yesterday was off and on sunny and then pouring!
Judy, IDK = I Don't Know.
Gotta get moving. Lisa and Madeline are picking me up at 7:15 to go to the ice rink - Madeline's first competition is at 9am. Then she skates again at 1pm.
Long as I remember The rain been comin' down. Clouds of myst'ry pourin' Confusion on the ground. Good men through the ages, Tryin' to find the sun; And I wonder, Still I wonder, Who'll stop the rain.
--Creedence Clearwater Revival - Who'll Stop The Rain
grannyblt: I think it is going to be Breezy most of the day.... hope we don't have too many of those heart-stopping moments as the Peaglets Wingersize close to the edges ! right now, they are collecting the Sunshine ☼ Vitamins
Good morning all. Happy Mother's Day to everyone. Hope your day is great. I see nest is sunny and breezy. Have to mow grass today sometime. Looks like river is too high to for fishing. To all my Momster Friends...have your best Mother's Day ever. Not looking forward to my work week although I did get Monday off so no six day week. Take care all.
Thank you Jerry! And same to your family too.... I think we just had a double eagle arrival..I think Shep brought food then Belle Landed, I think Shep has already left but I think he left behind some chow as one eaglet mantled it right away
"I think" it was neat to watch the shadows land on the nest before Belle landed
Mom Belle is spending part of her morning feeding the children... it's beautiful
Headed out soon, going to try to make it to "Megan's Market...." I'm "on call" for work so can't go as far as Berkeley Springs but I think I can get to Shepherdstown and back again fast if needed
Wishing all the moms a wonderful mother's day including our Belle.
Other moms are doing just fine this morning. Isla is incubating, RTH is on the rail keeping watch, bears are fine. Belle, Hedgie, and Shamrock are enjoying a Sunny Sunday Snack.
good morning and HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to ALL moms, of human and furbabies!!! love you all!
such a nice weekend so far and it looks to continue....i spent yesterday washing linens for the camper....today, shortly, i will wash the outside of the camper. :) :) :) can you tell that i am excited about this trip???
reiki share was great yesterday. it was small, but great. lovely time.
then we went to dinner, which was going to be red lobster, but we couldn't even find a parking spot, so we went across the street to calhouns and that was just as good. :)
they have a pretty nice sangria. :) yum.
i hope everyone has a lovely and blessed day. i am thinking of you, holding you close in my heart....
and btw, LOLLY, if you want, and decide to texas two step with the rain stick, i have a few belly dance moves you could throw in pretty easily to mix it up..... if you're gonna do it, do it BIG....lol!! you know, some of the "special" nelson brownies would help you to "get er done"...lol!!! love it love it love it! :)
I LOVE US! Just had my first good laugh thanks to this blog!! Naked two stepping with a few belly dancing moves brought in with a naked jubby with three toe nails painted. Oh, this is too much for the mind to comprehend! Oh, and all of this, I would definitely need those special brownies...,the who pan of brownies!! Wooo Wooo!
Margy - The picture of James astounds me having only met him once many many years ago. His handsome and mature appearance caught me off guard. Thanks for posting his pix so that I will know him when I see him again. Thank him for all the prayers hew had offered up for me and also for Michael. Yepper- give him a hug from Mema Jo ! ♥
Lolly - 3 is such an uneven number - please go for 4 - 2 on each foot! If you have to you could accidentally get some polish on one nail and have to paint it. Whatever! Good Luck!
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 308 of 308Have you all noticed the Blackwater Eagle Cam today ??
either on purpose or by accident....it is way wonky....
and now at night it looks like Snow !!
I don't do books on the puter at all just not the same as a book and no batterys or IE required or lots of $$ with a book LOL
I had my walk and putzed in the garden in a bit, JudyE, and am
getting ready to fix up something to eat, I think it is going to be omelet
I made cheese salad the other night, and had the bright idea to use Habenero cheese, but Yeeeow, it is too spicey hot for what I like in the cheese salad department
I also have a paper cutter/slicer,
AND of course a hole punch, and
skeins and skeins of yarn that
James helps pick out and "buy" for me at Goodwill...Those and Ribbons -
Sometimes I use "new" cards but usually I try to use "cards received" if I can bear to
cut into them
I don't do hot food at all If it makes both ends miserable It does't go LOL I had a pulled BQ sandwich from Checkers not bad I just don't like a pickle on it and 1.00 a sandwich is cheap dinner
Returned from Mass and dinner..
My son and wife planted two more of the flower pots so now I am all done.
If the frost comes Monday night and takes them away I will be so sad!
Really hoping for sunshine to perk them up somewhat.
I Think the Rain might be over for the night, to be followed by cooler
temperatures (including frost and
maybe freeze in tahe "listening
area" hereabouts)
AND some gusty winds Sunday....
will help dry things out.
I am SURE the creek at Swinging Bridge is UP and muddy...
and for sure the walking path is...so maybe another day this
week, a field trip
I hope no frost, or maybe you can find out a very good way to cover them, from Megan, Jo.....
Blackwater really is very
mystical looking tonight, for
sure !
I hope the frost stays away JO
and Oh Snap,
I wasted wash and rinse water
in the washing machine, because...
I forgot to add the detergent
Waaaaaah ! I do NOT like to waste
CRS I guess, kicking in...I had
put some Oxygen-Plus stuff in there
to brighten things up ...
well, guess I'll start all over again
I hear a lovely cardinal
at the nest ♪ ♫
ttfn, pals...
Enjoy your evenings....
xo ♥
Judy, ROFLMBO!!!! I think you should post pics of the SWANS!
Oh I see the note on BWE cam that
they are aware of the angle change and they will work on getting
it adjusted
OH yeah! Thanks for posting that Lynne2, too funny JudyE !
Kind of like seeing the lovely
plastic flamingoes around here
and I have been royally fooled
by plastic Canada Geese before also
okay, chow time for me
One more thing:
IF the skies are clear Sunday evening, I think the Baby Moon and Jupiter might be cozied up together, and later in the month
Venus returns ♥ in the evening sky...
The Planet of L♥ve...
OK here are the GREAT capture of the RARE BREAD OF plastic swans that live in Fl also put on pic of baby Hawk at the park and a couple of JORDYN since its been a while since I put pic of her on here she is 5 now
<a href="http://miscpicturesorvideo.blogspot.com/:>Call the Audubon I have discovered a new breed of swans and a baby hawk and Jordyn pic at the park posing Miss sassy pants I call her</a>
Call the Audubon I have discovered a new breed of swans and a baby hawk and Jordyn pic at the park posing Miss sassy pants I call her
had to redo the link
Ok gonna step away from puter for a bit and watch the races now that the cam looks like POOP
Baby Moon is out NOW....checking to see where Jupiter is....
Washington State Wildwatch Osprey nest has three eggs now
is it my monitor screen or my eyes,
or is our nest looking kind
of foggy and blurry ?
"Chesapeake Bay by Air"
on MPT now
think I'll watch it for awhile...8:30 to 10 I think
MARGY don't forgot to look at my swan pictures I posted LYNNE2 is a instigator lol
It is so cloudy out now to see the moon here It was cloudy most of the day thought it was going to R but didn't heat of the day builds up clouds was so nasty looking at so GREY ok back to tb
TV no tb duh
Fun pictures, JudyE
wishing I could remember the Other name for Paula's Paradise,
because I am probably seeing it on this show about the Chesapeake!
Loving the lighthouses now
Have not read back. I will do so.
Wanted to check in and I am exhausted so I will not stay on too long...
Beautiful Day for Garden Fest...
We, The Grans to Grans made almost 1400 dollars. We had no overhead and no costs of any kind.
Friendly fund day and it was hot.
Off I go to read back. I hope everyone is doing fine.
I ♥ US
Uh, Margy, it's called Studmuffin Sanctuary.
Interesting. Plastic swans made out of bread. That must be some seriously stale bread.
Margy, what is in a cheese salad? Other than cheese?
Hi Hoda. Cannot imagine you being exhausted. Congratulations on the Grans to Grans money today. Quite a nice amount. Get some rest, please.
It is time for Sandperson to pack sleepy dust and prepare to depart. Will be on the way at 11pm.
For me, I plan to open a book and let the rain lull me into reading from behind closed eyelids.
Restful sleep for all.
Missed the mpt show....
I am near crisfield...rumbley to be exact
MRI on MAY 22 Got your back in prayers and positive thought SHAR.
PARDON ME??? I say WHAT??? PARDON ME??? Now who would Mr Studmuffin Murdock and how did he come into the picture and SERIOUSLY PAULA what is up girl?
YAY JOSEPH on First Division...
C/A you are the best...it keeps coming back from year to year JACK and LOLLY doing a rain dance...did we ever agree if toe nails are to be painted or not and if painted what colour...TEXAS NEEDS RAIN!!! LOLLY tell JACK it is his duty to go out dancing to make rain...his adopted state requires it.
C/A SERIOUSLY what an awesome Lady you are...I think you brought us all a smile and a sense of joy. HUGS TO YOU...I DO DO DO LOE US!!!
I might just nap till tomorrow morning...
Great job on the $$$ funds raised HODA and you deserve a rest NOW
Good night Judie! Sorry you're leaving.
Took me forever to get back here from JudyE's pics! Posted my comment twice and said I didn't belong to Blogger!!!!
Didn't want to post my new pics either--said they'd have to check w/an advisor! I clicked "Post Anyway!!!
JudyE, some day when you have a couple minutes, could you plz send me the 'structions to Remove the Robot on Comments. What a drag. Now it won't let me on at all probably!
Anyway, The Turkey Trot pictures are in the Nook (I think)
BTW, since Mom's day is approaching soo, want to wish everyone the Best. After all, everyone here IS the Best!!♥
I received a couple Mom's Day gifts~~~a plant (azalea) and gift flowers~! Little cat, Scooter has tried to nibble them, so they are sitting very high!
Ok Paula, Thanks....I missed part of the first part....but I bet I saw it without knowing it for sure!
( I did like Judie's "other name" for it also ! )
Congratulations, Hoda...
Well done, of Course !
Get some well-deserved rest...
I got both comments in the mail LORETTA
I don't remember by hard I will have to go to the settings to see if I can refresh my memory I should write it down But usually when I go to setting it will all come back to me but I will have to do that tomorrow my neck say its time to stop computing tonight tooo much eagle watching also kills it but worth it I just will complain LOL
celery, sometimes a little onion,
wee bit,
mayonnaise, a spot of mustard
and some Crazy Jane's Mixed Up Salt!
Usually, very yum yum
Loved the pictures Loretta pretty turkey
Darn Sandman HELP LOL
Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
If someone leaves a comment IDK
what does it stand for??? anyone know? OK bye again and thanks in advance I an addicted to the puter Help me I need help LOL bye again till tomorrow
P.S. We saw a show w/lots about Blackwater and Bay. It's one of the shows they do by plane over each state.Looks beautiful. I guess that's why some of us will be socked w/new Gutter Tax!Any property owner in certain counties that has RAIN come off their dwelling and run into the gutter--sewer pipes---to Bay will pay to keep it clean. Nice idea, but how can you rax an act of nature???Rain???
Congrats, Hoda on your monumental collection!
Loretta, I watched the very same wonderful show
"The Chesapeake by Air "
AND, your pictures are
very wonderful !
Thx, Margy! You're so kind! I know I put to many on, but I liked them and they were all part of the reality show! We'll probably never see turkey action like that again! I know you said you saw that last year! Amazing. Guess you're never too old to learn something new!
In case I do not return, Pleasant pre-Mom's Day Feather Dreams and Good Health Prayers for ALL ;>)
Congrats Hoda
Well done.
Sleep well, you deserve it.
As for the rain stick - it was just a fun gesture. Glad Lolly liked it and we all got to smile along with her. (Please let it rain now - make me look good) LOL. LOL
Oh Margy, I knew you were a good one!
You like Jane's Crazy Salt! I had to order some online because I could not find it at the store.
CarolAnne...I love the idea of a rain stick for Lolly...I agree Jack has to dance too...maybe you should paint his toenails too, LOL
And now now Murdock is a very nice gentleman whose wife is in a nursing home...he goes and visits her evryday...she was put in the home a little while after I bought here...she's nice too...but not sure she will ever get back home
That's very touching, Paula...
and very nice that you and he and his family look after each other so
about the turkey I saw last year...
there was no strutting and showy gobbler in the picture.
Not like what Loretta saw!
Yes Margy...good people down here...hope I am half as active as he is at his age
Getting some light rain...looks like some of you might be too
So far no rain here, in Martinsburg...I do see some stars also
So nice to talk with all of you here today....and to read of many fun and dear activities and actions
And I guess it's about time for me
to toddle off to bed and look
at picture books...that's about
my speed tonight
Yes, Shirley.....Crazy Jane's is getting more difficult to find...
I had to send some to my step-daughter in Florida a little while back ☺ and her real first name is, Jane !
Prayers for Wellness, and
Happy Mother's Day to all,
and to those dear Moms who have
gone before
God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox ♥
Wishing everyone a good night and best wishes for all mothers on their special day tomorrow.
Prayers for all needs.
Watched another Hallmark with the family. Guess I missed all your news. I'll read back in the am.
Sleep dust just hit my eyes
God bless all of you and your loved ones Have a restful sleep and SED
Good night ♥
No, the person who grunged up my windshield is not a friend, Judie. She was sitting outside a store selling the stuff. For a pretty hefty price. I think she said two cans for $25, then reduced it to $20 when I did not show interest. I did not buy.
Jane's Crazy Mixed-up Pepper is good, too, Margy.
Sleepy. Going to say good night. See you tomorrow, everyone.
New page has turned over in Hunter's life. Last night when we got home, I discovered that the answering machine was full of calls. Messages left by Josie, I think it is. Same young lady whose notes showed up in his pocket.
He had several conversations with her today. Kathryn assured him that it is okay and that she and Grandma will not tease him.
Just saw a review of the new
Okay, Arch Campbell just reviewed the new "Gatsby" movie and gave it 3 1/2 stars. Yay! Can't wait to see it.
Bearded, naked Rocket Scientist with painted toenails seen dancing with a stick near Dallas. Officials think the bizarre behavior has been caused by an Elvis impersonator spilling Krazy Salt into his wine. Film at 11.
In other news, the rare and elusive Plastic Bread Swans have been seen in a pond in Florida, and well know Pre Teen Hunter has been getting notes and phone calls from a gal named Josie.
LOL, Lynne.
Yes, I am still here.
We are home! Had a wonderful evening! Joey did a great job. There was a huge crowd and hopefully they raised a lot of money for the Denton Children's clinic.
All the family was there, plus good friends of ours from here went, and I had a cousin, her hubby and daughter there. Afterwards we went out for ice cream, and we took the boys home. Laurel left after the show with "Elvis". They went out for a while with friends, All in all a very successful evening.
Well, it is already Mother's Day so HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!! Michael is coming in the morning to go to church with me. Then in the afternoon, Laurel and the boys are coming. Jack is grilling.
So, I guess it will be some time next week that I will paint Jack's toenails, get naked, and we go in the backyard, shake the stick and dance!!
Whoops, Jack say's I can only paint 3 toe nails. What to do? What to do?
Ok, really got to get to bed. I am as pooped as a poop eaglet!!!
roflmbo!! I love us! SED
Blessing to everyone as we celebrate the nurturing spirit of women everywhere.
May you all have a wonderful day today & everyday.
Good morning my eagle friends and Happy Mother's Day!!!
C/A is there such a thing as a rain stopping stick??? I think we've had enough rain for a while. Yesterday was off and on sunny and then pouring!
Judy, IDK = I Don't Know.
Gotta get moving. Lisa and Madeline are picking me up at 7:15 to go to the ice rink - Madeline's first competition is at 9am. Then she skates again at 1pm.
Make it a great day!
Sandi - Perhaps if we form a sing-a-long:
Long as I remember The rain been comin' down.
Clouds of myst'ry pourin' Confusion on the ground.
Good men through the ages, Tryin' to find the sun;
And I wonder, Still I wonder, Who'll stop the rain.
--Creedence Clearwater Revival - Who'll Stop The Rain
Changed my avatar to MOM -- going strong at 88!
Happy Mother's Day to all of the Mom's out there.
I get nervous when one of the eaglets does the wingercize thing on the edge of the nest and the winds is a blowin'.
Good Sunday morning everyone!
Getting ready to go to hurch with Mom.
Hope everyone has a happy Mother's Day and it's filled with love and light, lots of joy and smiles!
HELLO and Happy MOTHER DAY to all the MOMS on the blog
SUE TESS from facebook has the neatest picture of a blue jay picking the top of a juvies head What a great picture
STEVE has on FB that he is going NORTH
Good Morning and
Happy Mother's Day
from me and James the Wise Kidster
(though he is 20 miles away
right now..)
Lovely greetings on here
and thinking of the
nice get togethers that CAN take place today...
for "real" and in our memories
xox ♥
I think your words at 6:27
really say so much...♥
It is very good ♥ to have you
here with us again...
great photo of your Mom also
JudyE....hope your work day
is very friendly and kind today
Yes, Shirley....the Jane's Crazy Mixed up Pepper... I have not found it here YET so I am on the lookout...if I find one I'll get TWO!
Rowsing report from Lolly...sounds very good, and for a good cause,
the Elvis Event....
And Lori is going to hurch with her Mom...that's great, another Momster word for the Lexixon ☺
Love Ya' all, Pals....
xo ttfn ☺ ♥
and another new word,
Hoping NCTC Steve has a great adventure is store if he is neading North
and Happy Mother's Day to Belle !
Great point, MARGY! Happy Mother's Day to Belle. I second that!
BTW, going to CHURCH with my Mom. Duh!
Oh Lori, I was just a'teasin'...
Enjoy the time with your Mother...
Krazy, yes not Crazy....just checked my box of Krazy pepper and see that...Thanks!
Oh, Google has a Lovely Mother's Day Image today...shades of
kids' projects of many kinds ☺
buttons, beans, macaroni noodles and so on
I think it is going to be
Breezy most of the day....
hope we don't have too many of
those heart-stopping moments
as the Peaglets Wingersize close to the edges !
right now, they are collecting
the Sunshine ☼ Vitamins
Good morning all. Happy Mother's Day to everyone. Hope your day is great. I see nest is sunny and breezy. Have to mow grass today sometime. Looks like river is too high to for fishing. To all my Momster Friends...have your best Mother's Day ever. Not looking forward to my work week although I did get Monday off so no six day week. Take care all.
Thank you Jerry!
And same to your family too....
I think we just had a double eagle arrival..I think Shep brought food then Belle Landed, I think Shep has already left but I think he left behind some chow
as one eaglet mantled it right away
"I think"
it was neat to watch the shadows land on the nest before Belle landed
Mom Belle is spending part of her morning feeding the children...
it's beautiful
Headed out soon, going to try to
make it to "Megan's Market...."
I'm "on call" for work so can't go as far as Berkeley Springs but I think I can get to Shepherdstown
and back again fast if needed
(( All Day Mother's Day Hugs ♥ ))
Good morning!
Wishing all the moms a wonderful mother's day including our Belle.
Other moms are doing just fine this morning. Isla is incubating, RTH is on the rail keeping watch, bears are fine. Belle, Hedgie, and Shamrock are enjoying a Sunny Sunday Snack.
Have a lovely day.
Oh, Margy. Just realized. Really nice picture of James the Wise.
Happy Mother's Day Belle!!!
Thanks Margy for the kind words (and for those special things you do for me.)
Happy Mother's Day!!
It rained all night and into this morning...I slept in.
Currently sunny and windy here.
good morning and HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to ALL moms, of human and furbabies!!! love you all!
such a nice weekend so far and it looks to continue....i spent yesterday washing linens for the camper....today, shortly, i will wash the outside of the camper. :) :) :) can you tell that i am excited about this trip???
reiki share was great yesterday. it was small, but great. lovely time.
then we went to dinner, which was going to be red lobster, but we couldn't even find a parking spot, so we went across the street to calhouns and that was just as good. :)
they have a pretty nice sangria. :) yum.
i hope everyone has a lovely and blessed day. i am thinking of you, holding you close in my heart....
and btw, LOLLY, if you want, and decide to texas two step with the rain stick, i have a few belly dance moves you could throw in pretty easily to mix it up..... if you're gonna do it, do it BIG....lol!! you know, some of the "special" nelson brownies would help you to "get er done"...lol!!! love it love it love it! :)
HAGD! hugs, light, love and smiles to all
Good morning,
Yes, that is a nice picture of James, Margy.
Happy Mother's Day, everyone!
Happy Mother's Day All
I love US
Lol Lolly..if he let's you paint 3...go for it !
Good morning everyone. Happy Mothers Day
Good morning!! HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!
I LOVE US! Just had my first good laugh thanks to this blog!! Naked two stepping with a few belly dancing moves brought in with a naked jubby with three toe nails painted. Oh, this is too much for the mind to comprehend! Oh, and all of this, I would definitely need those special brownies...,the who pan of brownies!! Wooo Wooo!
I gotta run, Michael will be here any sec and then we are leaving for church shortly after.
Another typo....the whole pan of brownies!!!
Good Morning and to all I wish a Happy Mother's Day. Celebrate your mothers and yourselves.
Large bouquet of flowers just brought
in the door by oldest daughter. Phone calls from other children with happy wishes of love!
Going to get ready soon to head out to meet all the children for brunch. Jenny called as she is at work
I saw Belle in with her offspring earlier. Not sure who is in the nest right now - looks to be serving brunch!
Margy - The picture of James astounds me having only met him once many many years ago. His handsome and mature appearance caught me off guard. Thanks for posting his pix so that I will know him when I see him again. Thank him for all the prayers
hew had offered up for me and also for Michael. Yepper- give him a hug from Mema Jo ! ♥
Lolly - 3 is such an uneven number - please go for 4 - 2 on each foot!
If you have to you could accidentally get some polish on one nail and have to paint it. Whatever!
Good Luck!
Wishes for all to have a Great Day
Hmmmm. Interesting how we ASS U ME that Jack has an even number of toes......or even TEN.
Happy Momsters Day!!
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