Friday, May 10, 2013


More rain coming in...fresh thread.


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Lolly said...

Wahooooo! Another feather! I have a headdress!!

Thanks, Steve, will call the others over!

Lolly said...

Have read the morning comments while on the old thread,

Lori is probably through with her interview now, but I bet she blew them away! I have all the confidence in the world that she is outstanding with the interview.
Love you, Lori!

Going to mow today. The sun has even come out. Yesterday we got the grand total of .35 inch of rain. Better than nothing, but would like more....please!

Lolly said...

I am off to eat a bite and then out to work in the yard.

Have a great day!

Lolly said...

Oh, Sharon, I laughed when you blamed the cat! Annie has contributed much herself.

JudyEddy said...

ok what is going on I just signed in on a wed thread and it is a new one also the first one listed as Wed go check it out I wonder if one should be deleted being today is Fri and this is a Fri thread but the other is wed and it is listed first HELP

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY you and I are the only one hear What will the others pick to go on wed or Fri HMMMMM

CarolAnne said...

Lolly has lead the way to here (Fri). We will all find our way I'm sure.

Lolly - I'm sure the Rain Gods are working on a solution for you. Something will happen any day now.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hello again everybody!

CarolAnne said...

Have a great day!

JudyEddy said...

ok now I just read the comment that you said that you saw both treads and we will use this one should have read first LOLLY

JudyEddy said...

LOVE YOU AVATAR CA so stinkin cute

JudyEddy said...

OK gonna go do something

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

the chicks I think are waiting to be feed just sitting there must be Hedgie picking at it and the other walked away from it Adult still sitting there at 2

JudyEddy said...

ADULT in attic all three looked up at it

Hoda said...

It s Friday not to write on Wednesday, who is on first? Wednesday...
What confusion first thing in the morning!!!

Beautiful here!

I agree with LOLLY LORI must be done with interview and she must have ROCKED it!!! Check in LORI and let us know how much you dazzled them.

Have not read back so I will go do so...Yoga and Scruteneering today for me and a walk...I do not think I will have time to ride my bicycle...Have to find the time...

stronghunter said...

Might go try to start the lawnmower, but I have not been able to do it before. Frustrating. I bought a key-start one, but it has quit working.

Will did not like it, and he replaced it with another pull-start mower, but he is not mowing the grass, which is getting very tall. Not happy.

The mower I bought is self-propelled. Will said that it propels itself too slowly. Well, that is a matter of opinion.

Mema Jo said...


Who got the fish or didn't one get delivered?

Great news Sharon but I wish you had been notified First!

Lori Lori - I bet you are now a registered LPN student!

Sandi - enjoy Baltimore and pray you find your mom healthy and in good spirits! I may call you and Denny for a dinner date this coming week.

Lolly is this Elvis weekend?

Enjoy your trip to Solomon's Judie

Mema Jo said...





JudyEddy said...

I think they are waiting for the other to arrive and I swear they wer in attic

JudyEddy said...

I think its a stand off LOL

JudyEddy said...

they sort of act not hungry they did make lots of noise when it arrived but just standing or sitting looking at it funny huh

JudyEddy said...

Adult is putting talon on fish

JudyEddy said...

peglets waiting

JudyEddy said...

now they are talking and approaching funny to watch like hurry up and the feeding has begun

JudyEddy said...

Angie called lunch will be at 1 now so no hurry to leave

JudyEddy said...

there is a lose white feather on the adult a guzzy one

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

I thought there was someone on the attic when they all looked up who ever it is said I am not hungry feed the kids I eat nest overs LOL

stronghunter said...

I see the feeding at the nest. And a loose feather on the adult.

stronghunter said...

That is a big fish.

stronghunter said...

Guzzy loose feather. I like that.

JudyEddy said...

the one chick has a hold of a long long long stringy thing stretching it across the nest YUK

JudyEddy said...

it snapped and ate that was funny

JudyEddy said...

is it Shep or Belle I can't tell yet tail featers don't look like Belle

JudyEddy said...

POOP SHOOT room for more

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

I see it is BELLE now that I go a look at her head and I see the beak scar

JudyEddy said...

That I think is the first fish I have seen Belle bring in. In a long time

JudyEddy said...

This picture is from day before yesterday TO ME it looks like the juvie is looking down at me Yelling at me Go Away enough with the picture But I know it was calling for food the all were LOL Its a fuzzy picture put I am using it anyway

Hoda said...

OK good news on the approval SHAR! Sometimes even professionals lack discretion...she probably thought she was being helpful.

Well I had better get a move on even though I am still sipping tea. I will go get ready for the activity today and I hope the rain holds off till after Dragon BOat tomorrow and Garden Fest is welcome to come on Sunday...Sorry LOLLY for the R word.

JudyEddy said...

ok got to get ready

Mema Jo said...

I was over on FB and can't believe how fast that fish was eaten.....

JudyEddy said...

BIG CAM SHAKE still here

JudyEddy said...

JO they did make fast work of it once they got going on it They stood around for awhile before it was eatin I think they were waiting for Shep who is in the attic but not comin down

Mema Jo said...

Taking a break - need to get some lunch


JudyEddy said...

I won't be back till late heading out for lunch with Angie and then I am going to buzz Freedom park to see the eagles and then pick up Jorydn who only wants to go to Largo Park
The hawk is there but not the same as the eagles LOL

JudyEddy said...


CarolAnne said...

Have a great time JudyE.

A Mother's Day story (also partially explains why my ex is my ex).

37 years ago Mom's Day was on a Sunday, May 9. I was 9 months & a few days pregnant(huge). At the church entrance they were giving out flowers to the Mom's attending mass. When they attempted to hand one to me my husband said, " she isn't a Mom yet, no flower for her." So I didn't get a flower. Twelve hours later I went into labor & my beautiful daughter was born early the next morning. Today is her birthday and she has made it all worthwhile, and given me a wonderful son-in-law & 3 beautiful grandchildren. Happy Birthday Meemers!

Bob Quinn said...

Good afternoon. I finally finished processing my photos from our trip to Savannah last weekend. These are from Savannah, Harris and Pinckney Wildlife Refuges.


magpie said...

Absolutely you are a beautiful, Mom, CarolAnne....thank you for sharing that...
and yes, I understand why your ex
is your ex....


I know many people who are Wonderful Moms and have never borne a baby...
some of my very very good is the Mothering
nature that is often what matters

and I sure don't mean to take
anything from of the tributes
so well-deserved by our many Mothers here

Make sense? Sure Hope so ♥

magpie said...

I think I understand to stay on this thread and not the other one..

thanks for alert!

I see we have Pealets, Peglets,
Peaglets, and Rackets inhabiting
the Royal Sycamore these days....

CarolAnne said...

Bob Quinn - Oh My!
How fortunate to be able to see so much wildlife. And better still your awesome talent in capturing it all. Would not be able to pick a favorite.

magpie said...

Oh boy, I can't wait to go look....
thanks Bob -
in advance
I might have to wait until
my next little work break ☺

Bob Quinn said...

Yes, we were fortunate to see such a variety of birds.

JudyEddy said...

yep CA I can see why he is your X also and thanks for sharing your story
had lunch and went to see the eagles and got a couple of pic the one was under the tower in the shade smart bird its 89° fells like 93°out right now Our nice days are gone back with the humidity again I did enjoy it when it was nice
so I left this time of the day its hard to get good pic being the sun is high I guess better pic in the late afternoon or evening when sun is down in the sky somewhat I guess They were really mellow today no noise must have had lunch already I guess At first I didn't think they were there because of no noise then I did see the one on the bottom and the other in the corner of the tower sitting there in the sun now down like the other one under the tower

JudyEddy said...

I don't think I posted this I was going to but then forgot Old age again

Some may have seen it on facebook It was so funny and cute A lady said that her husband was yelling and telling her to grab her camera to take a picture of a bird that landed on their patio table a Black Oriole

JudyEddy said...

Well when she got there Guess what

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

are you in suspense or not LOL

Here it comes



JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Oh she said she almost tripped on her way running to find and get the camera to take a picture of it

Mema Jo said...

Bob, once again you have brought photos to us that are absolutely outstanding. I can't imagine seeing so many different species and it amazes me how you can get 2 different ones in the same snap. I am glad you didn't get too close to those alligators or crocodiles - what in the world were they anyhow!
They made my toes curl - so many together on the shore.
Thank you so much!

JudyEddy said...

GOTTA go get Jordyn TTFN

Lynne2 said...

♫ Here a thread ♪ there a thread ♫
♫ ♪ EVERYWHERE a THREAD thread ♫ ♪

Lynne2 said...

Nice way to leave us hangin' Judy. OFF WITH HER HEAD!

NatureNut said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!!!!
Can't wait to get home and see Bob's pics. It takes 10 or 15 minutes to get a site open on this sickly 'puter at Chelsea!!! If I had plenty of time to spare, I would call the Helpline and have them check it out!
LUV CarolAnne's story!
Haven't seen any critters here yet, but it's early.
Finally did get pics of them in the Nook last night.
Called U of MD Entomology to see if they are making new Cicada shirts for this year's brood. They had them for 2004. Answer is NO! BOO Red tape---need to have copyright permission (that can be done), but past marketing was done by Barnes & Noble & they don't want to sell this year!!! double Boo Later~~

NatureNut said...

Unbelievable!!! Just saw a brown lump under a front yard tree. Thought it might have been a large branch. THEN it moved and wiggled. Was a female turkey doing what looked like a sand bath! From the side of house came a huge colorful male!!!He didn't walk right up to her, but is close by in grass. He opened his tail a few times. Thanksgiving?? I wonder if she's in labor??!! Will watch even if I have to stay after hours!

CarolAnne said...

How cool. Pictures?

magpie said...

I saw a wild turkey hen taking
a dust/dirt bath last year
helps them rid themselves of
mites and critters I hear....

Raining hard here now in Martinsburg

xo ♥

magpie said...

Well this still could be mating season I suppose...if the Gobbler was all puffed up and showing off !

magpie said...

Will the rain travel to Shepherdstown...hmmmm, last night
just barely....
guess we'll find out pretty soon

magpie said...

I didn't have the chance to ring up Linda from work but I just did now....
got voice mail and said we are just hoping she is doing OK.
So maybe we'll hear back from her
today or soon

magpie said...

Well, there's the wind weather at
might hear some thunder
and maybe see some rain

Lori O. said...

Thanks everyone for the confidence you have in me! The interview went very well. I won't know if I'm officially admitted for a week or two, but they gave me all kinds of things to get done, which seems like a good sign. I have to be fingerprinted, get a physical, get a criminal clearance, but I think it's a good sign they want me to do all that. I didn't say "like," didn't cross my legs or chew gum!

CarolAnne said...

Thats wonderful news Lori -- you're IN! I'm sure of it!!

NatureNut said...

Thx, Margy, about the turkey tip. I thought it might be a delicing experience! Retired Park Ranger (from Cumberland!) who worked at Park told us that doves lay flat on ground with wings open to let the ants come and get the mites & lice!!!Anyway, she got up and gobbler followed her back into the shrubbery. I took pic of her "recess bed"!
And got my work done!
Have to send that rain to Lolly!

magpie said...

Wonderful Lori!
Yes, sounds very promising for sure !

Thanks Loretta, Delicing, that's it!
I'll check the pictures in just a wee bit,
just finished gazing upon Bob's Beautiful Photos also

magpie said...

that is, when you post it LOL ☺

Hoping Lolly gets a look at the
armadillo in Bob's pictures...

Wow, so glad Bob put labels on most of those birds....
what a nature journey!
That's the way to celebrate
a Birthday !!!

ttfn, need to take care of some
chores outside the home...
xo Good Evening Wishes to
Every One !

and Happy Friday !
xo ♥

Lynne2 said...

Sounds VERY promising Lori!

Lynne2 said...

Margy, so sorry to announce that there is no sign at all of New England Aster seed germination :(

magpie said...

I didn't leave yet....raining too hard here right now....

Understand, Lynne2:
I have tried to separate out
two stalks for the Future Froggy Garden at Jewels's place, but not sure they are going to thrive...
"one of these days" we'll get them
going at your place too !

My stalks right now are about 2 feet tall and I must get a trellis soon !

magpie said...

Well the rain has moved from west to east, to the nest now...
going to dodge the drops between here and the car and get a move on

"See Ya' Later " Pals

CarolAnne said...

RE : aster seeds/growth
Aster seeds are one of the kinds that need "cold stratification" in order to grow. Easiest way is a very slightly damp paper towel & the seeds in a sealed plastic bag or container & placed in your frig for 3 to 6 months.

Don't know if this was tried.

Janet said...

So what's with the Wed thread on a Friday??? lol. I've had a weird enough day as it is...

First client came in, 8 a.m. mind you, had taken a pain pill and just finished a glass of wine...

Then later there was a mix up and they double booked me.... I'm good, but come on, lol.

Now this????

I've got my Friday afternoon lazies going on....watching the 5 p.m. news....make dinner in a bit. I was all motivated earlier...not so much now.....

Pickedd up a couple baskets of for my oldest daughter and one for my neighbor on Sunday.

All right, catch ya'll in a bit!

Janet said...

btw, i don't care that she drank wine @ 8 a.m. .... but it was just odd.... admitting it to me in addition to taking the pain pill with it...adn she's a nurse.... just concerns me....

Lynne2 said...

CA...yep I knew that and I tried it. But I only did my in the frig for 3 weeks. SOme of the online info said that could be enough, but it seems that it wasn't :(

Lynne2 said...

Oh Janet. That is scary. She probably thinks she knows how to handle it because she IS a nurse.

CarolAnne said...

Lynne2 - if it was a weed it would need no help at all. LOL

Hope it works next time.

Mema Jo said...

Lori - I am doing the happy dance for you! Very Very pleased with your homework assignments and praying it means that you are 'IN' the door!
I'm sure your mom will think this is the best Mothers Day gift ever! ♥

Mema Jo said...

Shep in the nest with food to share.....

Judie said...

My goodness. Have returned to find Steve has provided a fresh thread and JudyE has yet another feather.

Well, now I see I am not sure which thread is on first and which thread is on second -- I think I'm on third.

Visit to Solomon's was very nice. I think we both want to make a commitment but the biggest obstacle will be leaving behind 30 years of involvement in this area. We will continue to talk. The area is really lovely as is the campus and the cottage we prefer.

Lori, congratulations on the interview. You must know that with the information they want, they are simply making sure you are healthy and law-abiding. Then the offer will come. Congratulations!

Okay, tired so headed to put my feets up. If I do not return, the Sandperson has agreed to begin rounds at 11pm.

Unknown said...

Hi all. Posting from the car on the way to moms using Denny's phone. Not sure if this post will make it to the blog.

Jo please call. Would love to get together for dinner. Our turn to buy.

Lori congrats interview sounds very encouraging.

Can't wait to see Bobs new photos.


Sandi said...

Just trying to get signed on as me and then check the box.

JudyEddy said...

I am home from a great day and I guess I could let you off the hook

It was a OREO COOKIE that her husband left on top of the table FUNNY HUH Worth the wait I

JudyEddy said...

YEAH on a good interview LORI we knew you could do it

magpie said...

Yes, Sandi-Dennis, it posted !
Enjoy your week-end at your Mom's

Nice post, Judie...geeze, more decisions to make !
But Best Wishes with the Options !

magpie said...

I can only say this about my NE Asters...I received them from
James as a school project, three years ago, they were little
stalks kind of scrunched up in
potting soil in a little pot....
I transplanted them to here, and
they grew like Jack's Beanstalk!
I'll try to germinate some like
at the end of this growing season
and see what happens !

Basically, it IS a
"Weed-Wildflower" I guess but I am not sure how the teacher
got hers started and where her seeds came from.
I'm not much help, am I ??

magpie said...

And then Sandi became Dennis
just like

JudyEddy said...

This is a picture on facebook news page in Redding a eagle was found dead in parking lot fighting in sky and fell so sad

KRCR News Channel 7
Like This Page · 4 hours ago

BREAKING: Redding Animal Regulation confirms they have picked up a deceased bald eagle from a parking lot on Park Marina Drive in Redding. We're told two eagles got into a fight, and the eagle simply fell from the sky. We're working to get more details about what happened, and the identity of the eagle. More starting tonight at 5pm.

magpie said...

wherever you are Sunshine-Smiley
☼ ☺
I wore the RED Support Our Soldiers T-shirt today, that you sent me
It's a wonderful Friday Shirt to
wear !
Thanks again !

JudyEddy said...

FACEBOOKers my profile page is like the old way everything on the right anyone elses go back that was

Mema Jo said...

I just checked Judy and FB has changed....... Wish they could make up their minds. I get used to one way and here comes another...

Watching Hallmark movie


Lolly said...

I am here! Cool, Margy! The red shirt just shouted your name. Glad you are enjoying it.

Worked hard in the yard today. Then Jack and I went grosserie shopping!

Jo, yes, tomorrow is Elvis on the Square. We are heading up there tomorrow afternoon.

Lynne2 said...

it's raining it's pouring it's thundering and Daisy is SO sad.

magpie said...

Lynne2 - it rained buckets here and a few loud thunder-boomers...
hope it ends there for you soon...

Hi Lolly, I SEE you...
Enjoy your Love me Tender, Love me True ♪ ♫ time Saturday

Haven't heard back from Linda yet...will try again Saturday...

Early to bed for me....just thinking the Sandperson really
snuck out of Virginia early or something like that

Prayers for Wellness All Around,
and for Sweeeeet Sleep for all

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

PA Nana said...

Hello. Max & Teresa are visiting and we're spending time with the little guy. He'll start t-ball soon and won't get to come up too often before school starts again.

Lori, things sound good for your approval. Best wishes.

Sharon,so glad you got your approval. Now you can get some good results. Prayers and hugs.

Must say goodnight before Blue Bloods. Thinking of Lynn.
God bless

JudyEddy said...

This is to cute from FB and the Great Backyard Bird count

This wren was so desperate to find a nesting place, he and his mate found a way into my dinning room and made themselves at home. I thought they would never leave! Watch em'! They look for open doors.
Unlike · · Unfollow Post · Share
You and 9 others like this.

Aed Yall We had one in the garage.
18 minutes ago · Like · 1

David Snyder After I got them out of the house I went to the basement and as soon as I opened the door, here they came again. They're brave!!
16 minutes ago · Unlike · 2

Judy Eddy wow how long did they stay? days and they flew out when you opened the door to cool I want more of a story that sounds so cool
10 minutes ago · Like · 1

David Snyder No, not days! lol Sometime my dog will come in that door from the deck and it's left standing open. Not sure how long they were there but it took about 15 minutes for them to find the door back out but no hurry to leave.
5 minutes ago · Unlike · 1

Patricia McKenna Carolina wrens - famous for nesting in odd places, saw an article/blog on them nesting on a toilet tank when a window was left open, the occupants of the house didn't use that bathroom until the babies had fledged. If you can hang a planter outside if you have an overhang and they will nest in it.
3 minutes ago · Unlike · 2

Patricia McKenna are you sure they don't already have a nest in the planter?
2 minutes ago · Like

I can't wait to see if he checked to see if there is a nest in it

Mema Jo said...

We have really had the rain and with storm like conditions. I was beside myself with worry until a few minutes ago as Scar was in the house but Marvelous Marvin was outside somewhere and would not come in when we called and called and called.
Finally he walked up to the back door and Michael saw him - Mystery is - he is hardly wet - he couldn't have been in the grass because his low hanging belly is dry! I am just thankful he is in - especially because he is the one who hides when he hears thunder.
If it isn't kids - it's cats! lol

Mema Jo said...

I am now going to sign off. I
can't tell if an adult is in the nest with our juvies or not. Guess Not.

Judie -- glad you had good visit - remember Change is Good ♥

Good night to everyone and God Bless you and your with all good things.
I love us ♥

JudyEddy said...

I hear the rain still coming down at the nest its 75° here now

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

JudyEddy said...

I don't see a adult either JO unless their at 12 SED

paula eagleholic said...

Lol saw thta other thread....I thought what??

Here at the rain....Nick is already wet, LOL

paula eagleholic said...

And my neighbor got his adult kids to mow the yard again...a return favor since I have been doingv all that clearing....did I tell y'all that he is 82 and still going strong...his name is Murdock

paula eagleholic said...

Lori, sounds like you are probably in!

Judie how was the trip to soloman,s?

Lolly said...

Judy we have had a wren's nest on my kitchen window sill (outside!) that the wrens have used twice. Also, this year we found a wren's nest in the garage. Thank goodness no sign of eggs. We can not leave the door open and Annie sleeps in the garage at night.

Lolly said...

I am heading to the shower. I get my do done tomorrow before we leave for Elvis!

Night all! SED!!

stronghunter said...

Stopping by to say good night. Got home late from the baseball game and have been watching a movie on TV.

SED. See you tomorrow.

Hoda said...

Sorry I must have missed you all if LOLLY in Texas has signed off too.

Good busy day.

Congratulations LORI you are IN!

C/A I hope you did not wait too long before you made that chap history!!! I thought to myself HOW RUDE!!!

I can not seem to calm my hunger...I have to sit down for a meal and not eat on the run...
Next week less to do after Tuesday.

I will go get supper and PAULA I am glad you made a safe trip.

JUDIE it is tough to pack it in and relocate. Yet it helps if the area you are moving to is where you want to be...You will get re-established again I am sure.

Tomorrow Dragon Boating in the morning, Garden Fest at noon and yoga in the afternoon unless I am too exhausted by then in which case it will be a nap!!!

CarolAnne said...

Good Saturday morning everyone.
Hope you can make it a great one.

Sandi said...

Good Saturday morning my eagle friends. Keeping it short b/c i'm posting w/ my kindle and i hate this virtual keyboard.

Cloudy here - lazy day in store for me. Will b going to garden center w/ my sister for Mothers Day flowers and getting some Madeline & Michael time.

Make it a great day all!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning eagle budlets

JO facebook is back to the new way darn it

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

MRI is May 22.

Lori O. said...

Good Saturday morning!

SHARON, so glad your MRI was approved! Finally!

SANDI, have a great low-key day in Balto. I hate those virtual keyboards, on the iPad.

The weather forecast shows rain here and in MD today...hope the eaglets stay dry.

Hoping everyone has a fabulous day!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning all

Getting some light rain here this morning

Time for some grits and eggs!

glo said...

LOL why are we here. OK well its Sat morning We are off to spend the day at the parks. I am sorry haven't read back this morning. Wishing you all a great day and for tomorrow an early wish for a

Judie said...

Good morning.

Chuck Bell says some of you are getting raindrops -- here also.

Checked on all the critters and everyone seems fine. Shamrock and Hedgie looking over their domain and dreaming of launch day I guess.

I see Studmuffin Larry may have some competition from Studmuffin Murdock. As The Beach Turns! Very nice of him to get your grass mowed, Paula.

I think we should nominate Hoda for some Guinness Book of Records recognition -- the most activities in a single week. Happy dragon boating this morning.

Paula, Solomon's visit was very nice. Seems we will likely begin to seriously discuss making a commitment. Good part is if we provide a deposit we can still say no if we are not ready to move.

Sandi have a nice day with the Balt. family.

Jo, really glad Marvelous Marvin appeared. Experienced that panic and fear many many times.

Shirley, did Hunter's team win the game?

Sharon, will mark the 22nd on my calendar. Glad you have a date.

Lolly, have fun.


Janet said...

good morning my friends.

i slept well and long. :) this is getting to be a habit. i fear once the new puppy is here later this week, that may have to change a bit.....oh well, that's okay too.

things to do today....getting the camper ready, etc. outside work to be done. inside work to be done. and here i sit sipping a cup of coffee.... feels good.

i do have reiki share @ 3:30 then tom promised to take me to red lobster. never did get aroudn to going for my birthday back in january, things just kept popping tonight, we dine! lol.

will check in later!

Lori O. said...

Oh JANET, you must be so excited that the puppy will be coming soon.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Just time to say HI and then I gotta get busy! Clean house, do done, and then off for Elvis!!

Just saw on fb where Joseph got a #1 division on his UIL trombone solo. Proud of that boy!! And, he looked so handsome...dress slacks, dress shirt and tie. What is amusing is he has always liked to dress up! He is always handsome at church, Well, he is always handsome!

Ok, gotta run! Have a great day. Oh and Judie....I will go along with you on Hoda's nomination!!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning on this damp wet day
No rain here now - Thankful the grass was cut yesterday. Sure hope all my plants don't get root rot from all the rain!

No special plans for today - Mass this evening.
Tomorrow afternoon the family will gather for Mother's Day brunch. We are going to the Inn up in Braddock - Reservations for 12! Jenny needs to work :(

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals

first Adult
Eagle that I've seen in
the nest since daybreak
not that I was able to watch
this whole time

I think it's ... I don't know for sure !

magpie said...

I'm thinking it is Belle,seems like she has the mothering
want to tent and cuddle instinct going on

magpie said...

Sounds nice, dinner for a dozen
Sunday Jo...
wish Jenny could be there also

Mema Jo said...

12 hrs ago Linda was on FB helping to ID a bird for Glo. Perhaps she
will come visit us today.
Miss her and hope all is well ♥

Mema Jo said...

I was watching the adult and with the scar on the beak - it's our Belle. She was digging up the wet floor of the nest..... As soon as she finished one area the one juvie laid right down on the dryness. The other juvie grabbed the end of a stick that Belle was moving! lol

No one yet has seen any food brought in.

magpie said...

Thanks Jo on the Linda update.....

that should mean she is OK if on Facebook with a fellow Momster....

I didn't see food brought in either but really not able to
watch here much from work today

magpie said...

Hoping also of course with you, Jo
about Linda,
that all is well, that's pretty
much what my message was on her
answering machine

magpie said...

Oh wow look away for a minute.....
and something nice to eat was brought in
the adult is test driving it first ☺

Mema Jo said...

There is an adult in the nest now with food..

magpie said...

whatever it was.....
must been tasty and they all must
have been hungry

Mema Jo said...

Finally the 2nd juvie cam down from the noon position. I was worried
for awhile........!

JudyEddy said...

HELLO home for lunch and see its raining and a adult just landed

JudyEddy said...

wow really windy and sideways rain

JudyEddy said...

both chicks are laying lo and I think it Belle in the nest

JudyEddy said...

one of the chicks is trying to get under her

JudyEddy said...

I think that was hail but being I am not up there I don't know but it seems to be over now

JudyEddy said...

It really got calm at the nest think I will go look at radar for the area Belle seems to be looking at something all around stretching her neck

JudyEddy said...

Everything is so green on the ground and now those vines seem to be growing around the nest again So happy we don't have that old branch like we did last year Remember that?

NatureNut said...

Happy Saturday, Eagle Buds.
Sounds like rain on the nest ~~the two peaglets and a parent getting a bath.Weather is pleasant here~~need to do some work outside, like collect and dispose of Maple Keys!!!!Those trees should be put on invasive species list!!!!
Got about 40 turkey pictures to sort through from yesterday's Show!
Have a great day~~~~☺ ♥

JudyEddy said...

now Belle sort of a small one mumbrella but small open wings slightly

JudyEddy said...

funny looked at my map shows the rain on the radar in that area but the forecast just says cloudy WRONG LOL

HELLO LORETTA Thought I was all alone but I see you hear ok gotta go to work

Lolly said...

OMG! OMG! OMG! I just received the most awesome gift in the mail. My mail lady came up the drive and honked. I went out and she handed me this long box. She said it sounds funny. I told her I had not ordered anything, and yes it made a strange noise. I said let's open it right now and she had scissors. So, I shared the moment with Penny, our mail lady. Inside was a rain know the kind that sounds like rain when you turn it upside down. It is beautifully decorated with bright colors AND a Bald Eagle!!! Inside was a simple note "Make ER Rain....Hugs..CarolAnne" Well, CarolAnne you have made my day, my week, my everything! I am grinning from ear to ear! THANK YOU!!!! I love it and it will always be treasured. (And hopefully it will make er rain!!


CarolAnne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CarolAnne said...

LOLLY - happy to make you smile.

If the instructions weren't included here they are:

Get naked, go outside where you want the rain to fall, dance the TX Two -step while shaking the rain stick. Guaranteed to make something happen!


NatureNut said...

WOW, Lolly!!At first vit sounded like box of roses for Mother's Day!!! How wonderful of CarolAnne! Wonder where she found that?
Yes, JudyE, we can hear the rain up there. Our friends in Paw Paw, WV said they are having off & on showers!
Lolly, film before 11!!!!

Lolly said...

LOL Hmmmmm....not sure of the naked part but we have thought that might do it! :)

Yes, CarolAnne it made me smile and will continue to do so. That is what this blog is all about. The most wonderful, thoughtful, caring eagle lovers ever!!!

Lolly said...

Reading the instructions once again. Jack says he can not do the Texas Two Step as he does not dance. Also, I am a little concerned about what will happen. Probably men in white coats will come and get us and haul us away!!

magpie said...

shift change coming up,
Jewels and her 4-12 pals are here...
time to sign off pretty soon

so I better do it now !

Love that Rain Stick Story,
Lolly and CarolAnne...

xo Take care all, will write more from home .... xo ♥

CarolAnne said...

Lolly. (Jack can just do the shuffle. You know, just shuffle his feet) - maybe a crowd will gather and it will be like a parade. We all know it will rain on a parade. Mission accomplished.

Lynne2 said...


Mema Jo said...

Off to Mass

Hopefully in between the down pours we have had most of the afternoon.


Mema Jo said...

Off to Mass

Hopefully in between the down pours we have had most of the afternoon.


Mema Jo said...

I had a minute or two and just read back - Yepper - a good shake on a rain stick just might do the trick!
CarolAnne you are so thoughtful!

Lolly - put your feather headdress on,
take your shoes off and
Shake it Shake it
Oh and don't forget to have your umbrella near by!

lol Love it!

stronghunter said...


We just had a downpour here. Thought I might take off and buy something for Hunter to give to Kathryn for Mother's Day. She took him to the Marine Corps Museum today, and so I can't take him along.

Got really frustrated last night on the way home from the baseball game. I had a really hard time seeing in the pouring rain because a woman had put some stuff on my windshield. Some kind of rain shield, she said.

Yuck, it made a smeary mess, and I had to stop and buy window cleaner and paper towels to wash the windshield.

stronghunter said...

We could probably afford to send a little bit of rain Lolly's way. Grass is out of control. Everything is lush and green.

Judie said...

Quick visit.

I see CarolAnne is encouraging Lolly and Jack to engage in random acts of nakedness while dancing with reckless public abandon.

CarolAnne has done a very nice momster gift for Lolly. Happy rain dancing Lolly and Jack.

Shirley, the woman who grundged up your windshield? She's not a friend is she? Hope you found something nice for Hunter to give to Kathryn.

Heavy rain here for about 20 minutes. Sending it on to Texas.

Spicy chicken stir fry tonight. Off to prep the chicken -- a job I do not enjoy.


Jewels said...

Love the rain stick story!!!!! Mom gave me a rain stick many years ago.
Hello everyone, Sorry I have been vacant on the blog. Thanks for all of Mom's wonderful Heavenly birthday wishes. SHe definitely was and still is a very important part of our lives.
Working tonight, on Police.
Sun is shineing for now. But I do belive we will get more rain in a while. No shaking the stick here!!
Love to all

PA Nana said...

ROFLMBO, Lolly & CarolAnne.

Hope you get rain, Lolly, without disrobing. That would set the neighborhood gossiping.

Loretta, thanks for naming those nasty maple thingies. They sure make a mess. Jim pulls enough to start a forest.

Max is talking my ear off while his mom plays the flute. Love to hear it again.

Will try to get back to say goodnight.

magpie said...

Oh dear happy you have this Max and Theresa time....I have missed hearing about your adventures

Hi Jewels !!

magpie said...

Oh the Eaglets Peaglets Pealets
Rackets Pegglets are enjoying the Sun!!
Yes totally wonderful story of The Rain Stick ! That's our CarolAnne !!

James's Grampy...wonderful man to whom I was once married...well,
he introduced me to Air Baths....
ya' just take off your clothes in a private setting and enjoy the Spring and Summer Air...I'd do it again if I had the privacy !!

xo ☺

magpie said...

Shirley....I have a feeling you will find a special way to help
Hunter celebrate Mother's Day....
sorry about the smeary windshield...

magpie said...

I had a very nice telephone visit with Linda today !!
She is fine, sends her best to all...
has been in the Busy Busy World of late...and spending quality time with hubby Denny as he is still going through some Medical Repairs....
Linda has been checking in on the blog, and I was able to fill her in on some of the goins' on....

She is fine and will be with us again as time allows....

She got a beautiful bouquet of flowers, I think she said Roses and Irises, a box of candy from one son, AND a card from another son which she will open... "soon."

so, L♥ve from Linda...
xoxo !

magpie said...

Did I tell you all recently,
that I L♥ve Us ??
Well, Believe it !!

magpie said...

I bought five tomato cages and some stakes...I think I am going to cage the Asters...
AND the tomato plants I hope to get at Shepherdstown Market in the morning...

I was thinking of a trellis for the NE Asters...but then I thought I would try the cages....
who knows if it will work.

magpie said...

Best Wishes in Advance, for a Joyful Mother's Day...
whatever is on your dance cards....

And that includes the Moms to all our furbabies and Feathered Friends and All Manner of Wildlife, Flora and Fauna ♥

magpie said...

I'm going to make like a Peaglet and go collect some Sunshine ☼ Vitamins on a walk here in my

xoxox ♥ ttfn

It is good to know You have Our Back here in Berkeley calls out to Pendleton Drive, Please and Thank You !

Jewels said...

LOL, I can't promise that Momma 2
Pendleton has had some calles recently.

JudyEddy said...

Hello home from work and visiting with only one juvie and the parents didn't show up and he was making a commotion when I left past dinner time Really overcasty out took picture but dark with no sun and gray skies

JudyEddy said...

MARGY thanks for the bookmarks and Jordyn will love it You are so sweet
and thanks for the idea about making more I love that idea as a matter of fact I have lots of pretty cards I have tucked away but that would be such a good idea to get use out of them Once again thanks for the card and book marks and the idea You are the bomb

JudyEddy said...

I love seeing the peaglets all stretched out like Steve said they don't do that as adults HMMM I wonder WHY????

JudyEddy said...

RACE is starting is that where everyone is ????

JudyEddy said...

I bought 6 bottles of wine for Angie for MOMs day I am going to make a basket and drop it off after work tomorrow and surprise her Well sort of I did call her and ask what kind of wine she like I marked down lots of wine today down to 397 and 4.00 so I saved $$$ this way that is why I got 6 bottles

I will drop it because I don't think they will be home or not for sure if they have plans or not

I had my MOM day dinner on THRU nite One thing about retail you never get the real day as a holiday but I guess I am use to it

JudyEddy said...


Maybe LOLLY should have some with here stick LOL that was real sweet of you CA

JudyEddy said...

that was BARE Naked Wine
and Barefoot wine

both would be good for a rain dance

JudyEddy said...

WOW the nest is full of loose small sticks all over it I wonder was that from the wind? or the kids?

JudyEddy said...

I have to be to work a 9 tomorrow not 8 which is fine with me

Everyone is but 3 hrs this week
happens a couple time of the year

Lori O. said...

C/A, what a nice thing to do for LOLLY! So sweet. Glad it put a grin on your face, Lolly! Now about that naked rain dance!!!! lol

JudyEddy said...

ADULT in the attic

JudyEddy said...

Did I tell you all my swan story

In lakeland they have several swans so I didn't think anything about it the other day when I saw a couple of swans in the retention pond across from Jordyn school on Fri I stopped to take a picture of the swans in the mobile home park

JudyEddy said...

LOL the funny thing is I took maybe 3 pic from inside car then got out to get a better look only to find out that they were plastic LOL I felt like a fool I wonder how many other people that it has happened

JudyEddy said...

the one chick go AIR while wingersizing think that is the first time I saw that getting up off nest they are place

the one had flugg in its beak while wingersizing i put on fb and will in the ablum later

JudyEddy said...

go a good pic of picking up and moving sticks too

JudyEddy said...

lots of wingersizing back and forth and also stepping on the other eaglet funny or not

JudyEddy said...

We have on Lazy and one Active eaglet this evening the one I think Hedgie is wingersize and picking up sticks and poor Shamrock got stepped on again

magpie said...

I think I need to put out the
We are about to SPLIT Soon

JudyEddy said...

I guess I never notice the split because of me getting them in email

I am listening to the race and watching the kids in the nest Whatcha doing MARGY?

magpie said...

I'm sorry you have to work Sunday, JudyE, but glad you had some Mom time already Thursday...

And You are welcome, I know there are lots of Electronic Books which don't require Book Marks...but then there are cookbooks and kids books and things...Oh, yes, School Books for our Adult Students on here ☺

I have a lot of fun with it....

JudyEddy said...

I think everyone else is out enjoying their Sat

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