Wednesday, January 16, 2013


New thread.


Janet said...

wooo hooo new thread i will get the others!

Janet said...


i was just popping into see what was going on before i head out to get olivia from school.

for the first time in a long time, i feel caught up around the house here and it sure feels good! :)

later ya'll

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve, and for the call-over, Janet.

Judie said...

Hello to all.

Thank you Steve and Janet.

MT nest each time I checked today.

Potted Plant Owlet is out and about. Will be learning to fly and hunt all too soon.

Lily and babes seem to be doing okay. She's not sharing them, yet.

Got some school work done today. Headed to the basketball game against Temple. Plan to stop by the psyc. dept. to collect my two boxes of student papers, etc. Class was good yesterday.

Will check in when I can. Meanwhile, the alarm is set for the Sandperson who has also agreed to turn on the night light. Wishing everyone a pleasant evening.

Judie said...

Oh, Shirley, I will actually brush my teeth before leaving home and will make sure the door is closed.

stronghunter said...

Yay, Judie.

Hunter is home. I think he actually came in through the garage. I think I will check the doors. You would have to leave two or three doors open and the gate to the kitchen, but . . .

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good afternoon my eagle budlets!

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon everyone! Watching 4:00 news and weather report - It may seem like winter is returning! I knew that the 1 snow only was too good to be true

I love watching Izizi (pot plant owlet)
and Misty's 5 puppies!

Steve thanks for the fresh new thread! Congrats Janet on the feather
Enjoy your evening!

Shirley - what would you really do with all your time if it weren't for Hunter lol ♥

Mema Jo said...

Happy Birthday Chrissy

Mema Jo said...

Update on Samantha from Christine....

Got Samantha booked with UNC Neuro Surgery on the 31st, opthamology on Feb 1, UNC Pediatric endocronology on Feb 6. So hopefully I will have some information and answers to my questions soon. She also had her xray today so I should know early next week if she for sure has scoliosis.

Let the prayers continue! Blessed Be !

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Chrissy!

stronghunter said...

He does keep me busy, Jo. I am out of bed for at least a little while bright and early every school day.

Mema Jo said...

I bet that bowling during the afternoon is what makes you feel like you are retired! lol

stronghunter said...

Eagle alert!

stronghunter said...


stronghunter said...



Sandi said...

Hi all - home from my nail appointment and there's an eagle in the nest -Shep! Now both!! Now eagle sex! My oh my! All in about 1 minute!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Shep and Belle doing the HP! That lasted a few seconds!

stronghunter said...

Wow, she landed and he hopped right on her.

Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread! Boy, this is becoming a popular time of day for Belle and Shep to show up and do their thing!

Sandi said...

And they're gone!

JudyEddy said...

HOME from work and find a fresh new thread and no eagle Thanks for the fresh thread STEVE but I would rather had a eagle or two LOL

Lori O. said...

wooohoooo HP! How exciting!

JudyEddy said...

:-( I missed HP dernit

Sandi said...

Hmmm, just checked the weather for our area ...







Looks like I'll be lighting my snow candle tomorrow at school! I could use a snow day - any day away from these kids this year is welcome, even if it means I have to make it up in June!

Jo, great to hear that Christine has some appointments lined up for Samantha and will get some answers!

Lolly, I suspect that, if Jack's doctor was really concerned about Jack's prognosis, he would discourage him from waiting. So, if he's OK with taking a "wait and see" stance, I would take that as a positive sign!

Lori, I sure am thinking about you a lot this week and praying that good things happen for your dad this Friday. The waiting is so hard when what we want is action and positive results!

Hey, has anyone heard from CarolAnne? She hasn't been on the blog in a very long time!

Lori O. said...

Thanks SANDI!

I'm getting all my stuff ready to go so I can leave tomorrow right after work. Thank goodness it's not supposed to snow until the afternoon! I hope you get all the snow you want!

Lori O. said...

great to hear that Chritine has new appointments lined up for Sammy! Prayers!

JudyEddy said...

Your right SANDI on CA its been since Oct since we heard from her
I am guilty on not emptying my email and I have emaill in my deleted since Nov 1 and she is not on it at all

JudyEddy said...

OK gonna head out to the second hand store to pick up a bike if they still have it I only came home to see if we had visitors and off course I missed it BBIALW

stronghunter said...

I will be going out this evening to play bridge. Planning to dress warmly. Glad it's not supposed to snow tonight.

stronghunter said...

Van imagine what kind of day Thursday will be at school, Sandi. One year, when we were in a windowless classroom, I had kids wanting me to write a pass so that they could go see if it might be snowing. It was a small class, so we took a field trip to a window. Skirted around the principal's office, though.

stronghunter said...

Can imagine . . .

stronghunter said...

And it was snowing!

magpie said...

I saw the SNOW reports all day long at work, looks like
Martinsburg might be left out

Jo, Thanks for the Updates on your precious great granddaughter....
The prayers are encircling wide and far...

Glad the Eagles showed up, reckon that soggy nest was not much fun to stay around long for, just for that important event that is becoming so much more frequent:
H-P !

magpie said...

Snow for many areas here and there and saw Spotsylvania mentioned often

Somewhere out there in all these clouds is a toddler moon, and it goes Full on Jan 26. Which means later each night so we might have some Moonshine if those eggs come along late Jan-early Feb.
Full Moon Feb on the 25th
and in March, the 27th.

magpie said...

Best of the Best Wishes and Prayers, Lori...for your travels, and for your Dad on Friday...
xo ♥

magpie said...

got a Beauteous New Hairdo!
Colorful and stylish!
We took a rain check on our after-work since she came in at 0400...
but we have rescheduled
for Next Week, Same Time!

magpie said...

Thanks for the update on your friend Sandy...and
continued prayers for forward and peaceful progress for her xoxo

magpie said...

time for some "homework."
Hoping that Judie and Shirley both enjoy their evening activities,
basketball game and bridge respectively.
And that everyone else enjoys their evenings also !
xoxo ttfn ♥

Mema Jo said...

We do have an Anniversary today for Donna and Raymond Cox. You will hear from Donna mainly on FB. She was an original momster and also visited the GA zoo to see the baby panda.

Happy Anniversary
Donna and Raymond ♥

Lolly said...

Hi all! About to start dinner but wanted to say hi first. Great a lot accomplished. Made to the Brookstone store and bought Michael's gift and then went to a dept store and got myself 2 pairs of jeans. Wahoo!

Came home and we got ALL Christmas in the attic! Including all the outside lights. Wahooooooooooo!

Now I can rally concentrate on cleaning closets. It is really sort of sad, putting some toys that Jack built in the attic. My boys are growing up!

Lolly said...

really....not rally! lol

Jo, so happy that Christine is making progress with doctors and Samantha.

NatureNut said...

Hi, Everybody! Nothing much has been going on except work & sleep!
Got a whole day off tomorrow with NO appts. so finally scheduled my haircut I never got before Xmas!!! DUH. Probably have to cancel----further South than here!
Oh well, I have homework from Chelsea.
Left Park late yesterday, but could see an eagle sitting on branch next to nest----crummy visibilty, though.
Also found out that the other pelicans last seen at the Park 6 years ago were white pelicans. Ours we saw on that Saturday a couple weeks ago was a brown p. and first ever seen there!!!!!We should get a prize~~~~like a COLA!!


JudyEddy said...

LOLLY you are going back in the closet after you just came out LOL

magpie said...

oh my gosh, I didn't leave my
Birthdays and Anniversaries email up long enough when I checked this morning, Thanks Jo:

Happy Anniversary to
Donna ♥ and Raymond ♥

I remember before I was a blogger seeing "Mauley" posts ☺ and of course on the Momsters emails ☺

magpie said...

Loretta, ain't it just the thing:
day off, haircut appointment,
and an iffy weather forecast...maybe it will hold
off until you get your "do".

My do is way OverDue...but I wish you could all see Jewels's "Do"
It's Da Bomb!

magpie said...

If you were on a "payroll" at your
house, just think of all the
$$$$ you'd make, especially
in the Overtime !
Yay on all you accomplished
today, and Every Day !
Those Jack-built toys in the attic....
will be brought out again one
day, I just betcha!

Lolly said...

Yes, Margy, maybe 15 years or longer from now. Joseph is 12, needs his college complete before thinking of marriage and babies. lol Wouldn't he die if he know what I was saying.

Lolly said...

Hsve potatoes in the oven baking and Jack is about ready to throw some pork chops on the grill. Think I will steam some veggies to go with them.

Lolly said...

Jack did say that the Turkey consulting job is not looking too good. The guy recruiting Jack say that Turkey is no being very good at communicating so he thinks it does not look good. Glad Jack will be home however could have used that extra $ to help purchase a new trailer. Oh, well.......

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Gotta read and catch up.

magpie said...

Well Lolly...I am sorry if the no-go to Turkey would be a disappointment for Jack...but ya' know, these are important months for the two of you to be together♥♥

magpie said...

and I won't breathe a word to Joseph about out little conversation about him on here ☺


magpie said...

A fine meal as a reward for your hard-working day today, Lol
but then again, ALL your days are hard-working and I think ALL your meals sound great regardless!

I just had some cold leftover broccoli :)

magpie said...

and now back to the tasks here of which there are a zillion

ttfn pals

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Birthday Chrissy!

Happy Anniversary Donna!

Lolly, glad waiting is an option for Jack!

Hoda said...

Well all seems good on the blog.
That is always good.

C/A posted on FB and I replied and there was no answer. She is busy with family and health issues the last I heard.

Awesome that you foudn the right present for MICHAEL LOLLY. You did accomplish a lot today indeed.

Thank you for the reports on the eagles visit and yes it is looking good for an egg or two the end of the Month or early February...

Fingers crossed.

Hoda said...

Had a terrific day.
The Kzuri Jewlery group is a wonderful group to meet with and they are a lot of fun and efficient. Lots gets accomplished and it is clear in terms of our discussions. Our luncheon the 25th of May is shaping up nicley...The African Jewlery will arrive in April and we have two other events to also look after. It should be a good fund raiser.

Yoga was good.

Very cold here the last few days so am very pleased to be able to bundle up when I go for my walk.

Janet said...

Hi all.

Incredibly productive day. I like it that way. Its still chilly, but it is January and I rather expect in TN that is the way that it should be. No snow/ice though. Looks like the eastern seaboard is experiencing what TN had last night and for the past few days. SOrry ya'll.

Getting ready for work tomorrow. Back to it at long last! I am antsy and ready to go back.

Everyone, have pleasant and peaceful sleep. Good night!

Lolly said...

Sitting here with my feet up, fire roaring away, and watching AI. Really do not care to watch until the final 10 or so, but thought I would watch tonight.

Bought Michael a Boogie Board. It is a LCD tablet you can write on and then press a button and it is gone. Hard to buy for someone who can afford anything and does not really have hobbies. Thought he and Zach can write notes to each other on it. They can have fun with it!

Hoda said...

It sounds like a cool gift LOLLY.

JANET enjoy your work day tomorrow.

The group was very excited about my applying for CPP and OAS and they cheered me on as I told them of the process. Some are younger than I and the older ones filled their forms a long time ago and it was a different form so they did not have to deal with the question of where they were when they were 18 years of age.
One very smartly pointed out that Canada has agreements with other countries and if a Canadian can prove they worked in a foreign country then out gov't goes about securing an extra pension for us. This one woman thought was the reason for the question...I smiled. It is all in how we look at things.
Right now with the barcoded passports they know everytime we leave and we return and they might change the forms again for the future applicants. I liked that they were so very supportive of me when I told them about my applications. Good friends.

JudyEddy said...

Carol Flaer SenechalEAGLE ON ALLIANCE
Now this is important! Clearly, the methods being used to make Dad and the Missus leave the Garden are not working. They have removed three nests, they are using paintball guns and lights, they have modified the trees and our wonderful eagles are staying put. The USDA and the city have come to realize this isn't working. So starting yesterday I believe the city has given the USDA permission pick up on its harassment efforts to include times when the Garden is open. They will still be using the same techniques, PB guns, lights, noise, modifying trees, etc. but these actions will be taking place for all of us to see. The plan then is then after a week, to re-evaluate what they have been doing - the USDA and the city will meet next week to decide what happens next. Now I have to say that our eagles' attitudes towards protecting and remaining in their home territory is what drives me. And it drives all of us to continue to EAGLE ON!!! We need boots on the ground this week and weekend at the Garden to document what is happening. I will be out there. Who is with me????? Don't panic please - no wringing of hands! Our eagles are very smart. They have held out this far haven't they. They are teaching US how to EAGLE ON!!!!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013 9:46:00 PM
New thread.posted by Steve Chase at 7:22 PM on Jan 14, 2013
Leave your comment

JudyEddy said...


Hoda said...

If I lived closer I would be out there JUDYE!!!

JudyEddy said...

I guess they are going to go and video or they are suggesting making it a good news piece so some one if you all have eagle alliance you ought to read what they are saying It just breaks my heart to read and know nothing we can do about it Life sucks

magpie said...

Headed to bed, now the weather advisory DOES include our area, could make for some slippery sliding in the morning.

Prayers for Wellness Amongst Us and all our Families and Friends

Good Night, Eagle Pals

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

Hoda said...

Stay safe to all who are in the weather advisory area...

magpie said...

everything your wrote about sounds very nice....
best wishes with all the fundraisers and things.....

one news source says we are on an advisory, and the other says not.
Guess I'll find out in the morning!

G'Night now xo

Lynne2 said...

Sandi, what's a snow candle?

evening all, checking in after a busy day.

ICE on everything here, except the roads, and just enough to only bring down SOME branches, but more than enough for a winter fairyland look to the world! I have pics on FB.

I'm secretly thrilled that Jack may not be going to Turkey after all!

Lynne2 said...

Got to get in bedtime mode...another busy day tomorrow.

Goodnight and prayers for all!

JudyEddy said...

This is one of the comments
I had mentioned building a nest and this is the response I feel so much better will see if I can find out more

Les Mclean Judy Eddy Plans are well under way and trees have been selected for building an alternative nest for them on private land. Waiting for a few more details, that's all...

Costume Lady said...

Doctor appointment was nothing but good news. After 4 xrays, Dr. Knutson says my new knee has healed perfectly! Other knee has only a tiny bit of arthritis and shouldn't bother me for a looong time:)
Anything interesting happen with our Royal Pair today?

Hitting the hay early this evening
Good night, love and blessings to all♥

Mema Jo said...

Coming in to say Good night to All

Prayers for all - especially Lori's week!

Take care and use common sense if you have really bad weather..... Stay Home

Love you all ♥

stronghunter said...


Happy anniversary, Donna.

Back from bridge. It was one of those dark, rainy nights. So hard to see the lanes in the highway. Hated it. Thank goodness, coming home was easier. I have a longer drive than anyone else, so they asked me when I wanted to quit for the night. I opted for earlier rather than later.

Hoda said...

Good news JUDYE for nest on private will they get the eagles there though?

Goodnight to all who are headed to the pillows AOYP SED

Hoda said...



JudyEddy said...

OOPS almost forgot

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Lolly said...

Lynne, your comment made me smile.

We have been watching a recording of Downton Abbey. Jack and I both are enjoying that program. We missed some of season 1 and that is what we watched.

Heading towards going to bed.

I am out of the closet for tonight, but back in tomorrow! lol

Night all! SED!!!

Sandi said...

Good morning my eagle friends!!! Another rainy one here, but I'm hoping to see a change!

Lynne, a snow candle is any white colored candle that you designate to be good luck for bringing about snow. Teachers burn them in their classrooms whenever snow is forecast. They rarely work but, if they are of the scented variety, they make the school smell very nice! =) There are other school superstitions that "encourage" snow to fall, like wearing your pajamas inside out when you go to bed and sleeping with your head at the foot of the bed. Again, there is very little actual data to support that any of this works, but it's fun! Shirley is right that the kids will be bonkers today, just with the forecast of snow!!

Lori, safe travels for you this afternoon!!

Prayers for all of the needs on our blog. Make it a great day!

Janet said...

good morning all. all this snow talk, and none here. west of here is getting hit, though.

i wouldn't mind a nice snowfall, several inches.....

up and at 'em this morning. work beckons! :)

hope everyone has a super day!

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...

Enjoyed the last late night comments ☺

Super Knee Knews, Wanda! I wouldn't have figured anything less for you...because you did as you were instructed to, and had Father Captain Warden Gene to Help too ☺♥

Best wishes back to the work days, Janet...sounds like you packed a punch on your days off

xoxo Safe Travels to All today,
especially Lori heading out right after work !

magpie said...

Had some chuckles with those Bring on the Snow traditions, Sandi...
especially wearing the pajamas inside out ☺

We have nothing going on here in Martinsburg

magpie said...

The Royal Pair kind of shortchanged us Wednesday, hope they make up for it today!

Shirley...Woof! Understand those driving conditions, glad you got home safely and soundly...
Trump, No Trump !

ttfn morning home work stuff looms...

Best Wishes for a Razzle-Dazzle Day for Everyone, and Prayers for Wellness All Around

xo ♥

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Just found out that Hunter is off from school this afternoon, tomorrow, and Monday for semester break. So, we do not have to worry about whether or not there will be a snow day.

stronghunter said...

Used to tell my students to turn their pajamas inside out and go outdoors barefoot and dance around on one foot, or some such thing. Fortunately, I had high school kids. Probably should not tell little kids things like that.

stronghunter said...

Never heard of a snow candle, though. That's new to me.

stronghunter said...

When I was in Stafford County, the teachers in my department used to make bets on when we'd get an early dismissal for snow. Everyone put in a quarter and bet on a particular time. I think teachers can be crazier than students when it comes to snow days.

One math teacher who was next door to me for awhile used to assure the students that the buses were already lining up to take them home--just to fuel the excitement.

magpie said...

Gooood Morning Belle !

magpie said...

I think the other birdy making noise might be a downy woodpecker

magpie said...

Wel I have already seen more Eagle this morning than all of yesterday

Hope some of you can SEE our Fair Lady right now

Lori O. said...

Good Morning BELLE & MARGY!

stronghunter said...

Belle, Margy, and Lori!

Good morning to all of you.

stronghunter said...

Almost time to go make sure Hunter catches that bus this morning.

stronghunter said...

Not entirely sure when they will be dismissed.

stronghunter said...

Color at the nest.

Lori O. said...

Good morning, SHIRLEY, JANET & SANDI!

Leaving for PA after work this morning. Hope you're all okay in the snow. I'll be driving in rain.

T-Bird said...

Good morning my friends.

magpie said...

Good Morning More Eagle Pals
and So Long Eagle Pals...
workday looms....
(( All Day Hugs ))

magpie said...

curious that Shep did not show this morning, maybe he's food-shopping

okay bye

I See Ya' there T-Bird ♥☺

stronghunter said...

Travel safely, Lori.

glo said...

Be safe Lori Prayers for your Dad and all of you as well. I am tired today. Only slept restlessly for maybe 4 hours. I must go back to not reading the blog or FB walls in the evening. It kicks me into high gear which is not at all what I need to go to sleep. Prayers for all today. I am going to go get a snowthrower and see if I can put it together :-)

Lori O. said...

Thank you SHIRLEY & hour til I hit the road!

Hope you get a good nap today, GLO.

grannyblt said...

GM all. I managed to catch Belle's visit a while ago...yay..

I've been missing Carol Anne also.

Lori, i don't know how long you expect to stay in Pitttsburgh, but it is supposed to get much colder- but not a lot of snow. Prayers that all goes smoothly for your Dad.

paula eagleholic said...

Lori, safe travels for you. No rain this way yet. Hoping the surgery goes well for your Dad. Please check in with us when you can.

WV sUSAn said...




3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...