First day down of Catholic Schools Week and it started with a delay. Can't beat that. Tomorrow is the worst day, parent visitation from 9 til 2! How can they sit there and watch all that time. I never could do it. I would go for an hour and leave.
Boomer is pretty subdued. Not sure if that is because he has more in him or because he wore himself out and aggravated his tummy. I'm making him some rice now.
Poor Boomer! When we first got married, we had a beagle who LOVED to dig holes. I remember asking the vet when he would stop digging. He said, "When he dies!" The vet was right! Wonder if Boomer will ever stop being prone to "dietary indiscretion" (another term I learned from the vet)??
I don't know Sandi. I sure hope he grows out of it. I had a vet (parent of one of my students) tell me today that other breeds are usually "grown up" by the time they are 3 but since he is a lab it could be 4-5 years before he grows up and he may never grow out of eating socks! Damn! My wallet and my nerves can't take it.
Dad didn't get his catheter out said the Home Health nurse could do it. I get the feeling this is going to be a long process. We should have the report on his lymph nodes by Wednesday or Thursday. It is such a brutal healing and operation...he says he wouldn't have done it had he known. Three months and he should be back to normal...I pray.
Lori, it must be so hard for your dad to stay mentally strong when he's feeling so awful physically! And I feel so badly for you b/c I know you feel helpless! Prayers for your mom, dad, and for you!
LOLLY - You did have an EAGLE day today. Glad they were around so much today for everyone to see.
LORI - I'm so sorry your Dad has so much to deal with. It is still so recent after his surgery, that it is probably difficult to be happy about much of anything. Hopefully his lab reports will be good and in a few weeks he will feel like he has a new lease on life. Prayers for that.
good evening all... checking in from neely's nut house....
its been a good day. it was in the 50's.
work was good. busy. i had a lot on my mind and as per usual time flew by.
we are in process of settling in with Scout. She is doing so very well. I took her out in the back yard this afternoon without a leash....(fenced in) and kicked a ball around for her for about 20 min to burn off some steam. she brings it back! :O wow. sable just stood with me wanting to be loved...and my precious, nervous nelly beano just hid away from the action.
DANAMO: a dog eating socks! wow. WOW. double WOW! its the part about it coming out...ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
what our furbabies get into!
nothing much was just a regular monday....hope everyone is well. have a great evening. i am tired, heading to bed soon! good night and SED
Well I'm calling it a day SED ♥AOYP See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe Bless this Nest and all ♀ ♥ ♂ whom watch it at Sycamore Palace Healing thoughts for those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
Nighty-nite to all hitting the hay. Had an annual (brutal) appt. today (mammo), but don't have to go back for a year~~Yippee. Stopped off at Chelsea to take some work I did at home and WOULD YOU BELIEVE??? just behind the house, a Bald Eagle flew from right to left across the pond!!!!!!!(No camera) Rarely see them there. Got home and after lunch had a Giant Panda nap! BTW, did get my Park Eagle pics in the Nook last night. Also saw a Park Ranger at Chelsea and she had been at Park Sunday and saw lots of eagles, too! Hope they're still around.
Lori, prayers for your Dad to heal well, and for Jo and all on our Momster list. Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)
Glad of the reports on the eagle sightings. Thank you mostly LOLLY on her own today...Lucky you LOLLY.
LORI welcome back and prayers for your DAD'S comfort from the surgery and the process that follows.
DANA I can not believe it another sock episode and I am sure your nerves and your wallet are stretched as you said.
Very glad to hear people are safe driving on the icy roads. LYNNE thank you for checking back in when you came back and for taking a two hour delay in the morning. Smart move.
Have not heard about KATHRYN'S drive home I hope she is safe and sound SHIRLEY.
I miss hearing from JO...Praying that all is well.
LINDA I pray for DENNIS' well being and I am glad he is resting yet not too happy that you do not feel well yourself.
I had a good day and decided to open the windows and scrub the flat so I turned the heat off and did a good job cleaning and organizing with fresh air coming in. Windows were closed and the heat turned back on again and the place feels fresh it does good to my soul to clean and organize. I have to open some boxes that I have not looked into or needed for four years. I will check them out and discard things. This is my project for this week.
Went to a good yoga practice and I worry about this yoga teacher. She is the best one in town but she is stretched to the max with house payments and her tenant moved out and she is not making as much money off of yoga as she was in the old studio and so I worry about her some. I like her way of teaching.
Kathryn got home without problems. Weather has gotten much warmer. Ice has melted. Tomorrow is the last day for her at the old job.
She is feeling bittersweet, as there are many people she will miss. But she's looking forward to new adventures. She is taking the rest of this week off.
Checking back in! Tossed out some more old papers, and had some good memories in the process! (Ya'll must be thinking, Geesh how many papers does this gal have?)
Linda, hope Dennis heals quickly and feels like his old self soon!
Thank you SHAR and sorry PAULA and thank you for checking back in again. Life is good when there are so many awesome people to connect with. Thank you SHIRLEY for news of KATHRYN.
Had a pretty full day...cleaned some here at my roost, went to the dentist and got 4 lower teeth capped (chipped the tops off chewing ice), cleaned and cooked at GG's, then shopped for groceries for here and GG's. I like a day where I can get so much done. Before I got my new knee, I could only have done one of those things...I tired so quickly hobbling around!
Off to bed now, love and prayers for all (special prayers for Jo)♥
Good morning eagle friends. Lori-sorry to hear your dad feels that way about the surgery. I know my dad has had difficulty with things as well and I hate when he says he doesn't want to do something. Of course we want them to do everything possible to extend their lives. Such a tough road to be going down. Glad to have someone like you and all the support we have here to go down the road with. We will be waiting til next week for our news. I hope and pray for a positive report for your dad later this week.
Parent visitation. The worst day of the week. Somehow I am thinking that we will not have that many parents, Suzy (my assistant) thinks we will have a lot. Time will tell. I hope I am ready! Well I know I'm ready, I just hope that I survive til Friday when we will all go out and drink!
Good morning Lori, Dana, and all my eagle friends! 40 degrees outside and going into the 50s today!! =)
Linda, glad that Dennis's hernia repair went smoothly and he was able to come home as expected = he sure deserves a break after all he's been through lately (as do YOU!)
Dana, good luck on your performance today! I always liked parent visitation day of American Education Week when I taught elementary school. My mom tried to come when she could and my kids LOVED that my mom came to school to watch me, just like their folks came to watch them! They treated her like a celebrity!
Jo, hope you're feeling better and back home where you belong soon!
Loretta, LOVED your latest pics - what a cool job you have!!!
Prayers for Jo, Michael, Dana's dad, Lori's dad, Thelma's brother-in-law, Linda's Dennis, Jim's sister, Lynne and Steve to find a place of their own, and any other needs I haven't mentioned.
Make it a great day - state testing continues for me (day 5 and I probably have another 10 days before I get all my students tested).
I will say that it doesn't bother me like it used to. I just hate feeling that I am "on" all day. Plus my parents are in the room every morning and today I just want them to drop the kids and leave so that I can be ready for the show! LOL
it is tuesday, busy day. i have a dental appt at nine...they have this rinse i like to use to make my whole mouth numb! they have really helped my dental anxiety!!!!!! i don't look forward to it per se, but can tolerate it now.
i have my 1 p.m. massage across town.....and maybe can get my hair cut today.
today in my brain, and speaking for judye, her brain too, i am sure, our attorney goes to court for us to start us in process of maybe getting this estate property settled. i am anxiously awaiting a call from our attorney. i have to say this, she is awesome. on top of everything at every moment.
71 today in nashvegas....severe weather overnight. i hate this kind of weather. :P blah. the way our house is built, to go downstairs, you have to go out the front door, around the house to the back of the house to enter the basement. i have "weather call" on my phone, so if there is a tornado warning for my address, specifically, my phone rings and i get eh weather warning. usually they give you 15 to 30 min heads up, so give me time to scurry downstairs. this is super especially in the middle of the night.
i remember mom sitting up all hours watching the weather.....we didn't have a basement, our storm shelter was out in the back yard. i will still get up if i know it is coming, but i don't feel the need to sit up and stare at the tv. (wouldn't work anyway, i'd be asleep in minutes, i sleep very well and very hard).
so that's my day ya'll. hopefully everyone has a good oddball food items, light, and love to all....have a Sweet Eagle DAy!!!! :) xoxo
Good morning all. Does anyone have the link to the Blackwater Cam handy. I too am kind of under the gun weather wise today. Prayers for all. I will just come right out and say it .We all need some info on MeMa Jo
Thank you for all the well wishes for Dennis......and me!
We both slept well last night. His dressing is dry this morning, which is good. Yesterday it wasn't and needed several changes. He is very sore, but will take it easy for a few days. Keeping him from doing things is the tough part for me!
I am feeling better, too. Thought I might be coming down with something, but don't feel that way today. I do have this awful pain just inside my left shoulder blade that radiates up to my neck. Certain movements send a shooting pain I can barely tolerate. I am using moist heat right now, which at least feels good!!
HODA - I cannot imagine opening up the windows with your freezing temperatures while cleaning the house. I think I would wait until Spring for that one!!
DANA - Good luck today!! You will surely need a cold one tonight!! :)
JANET - So wonderful Scout is settling in so nicely!! I think I could use one of your massages today.......that is if I could stand the pain! Hoping for a good turnout today in court so you and JUDY can settle your Mom's estate once and for all!!
Very quiet night on the blog last night...
Have a wonderful day! I will probably check in later.
I want to see if I can fix some breakfast for my healing husband!!
Good morning all. I stayed here at the hospital with mom last night so that dad could go home and get some sleep in his bed with Scar and Marvin the kitties. Mom is doing better but the dr still wants her to stay for a bit. Not sure when he will release her. She is very tired right now and he wants her up and getting around before he lets her go home. Jenny
Thank you Shar for the JO update! Been waiting to hear. Good heath wishes for all and Denny, Linda, Lori and DanaMo's Dads and everyone on our list! ♥
On the way in this AM, saw 2 juvie eagles in trees at top of the River bank and close to the office. Stopped car and they wouldn't pose~~~flapped away, but I got pic of part of one behind the branches. Don't think they're real hungry and need to sit on ice today! Very sunny & most ice melted. Can't get outside much today~~~no one else to answer the phone--boo. Have a great day ☺
Good morning! Pleased to see the report on Jo, but very concerned that she is so tired early in the morning.
Jo, we miss you and hope you are feeling much better very soon!
So far no eagles for me today. Guess yesterday was my lucky eagle day.
Today was the day for possiblity of severe weather then a drop in temps. Still 70, very humid and no rain. Slept with the windows open and the ceiling fan going.
I have asked this question several times at my late-night post and I guess it is so late no one sees it, so, I will ask now, in broad daylight. I have NO GARBAGE CAN to delete a post if I should want, when I do a face plant. I can't remember how to get it back; can anyone refresh my mind?
Also, although I don't always read ALL of this blog, I do read some until I get too sleepy to read the rest...I haven't seen anything from ANDREA in awhile. Is she not well or do we not know?
Praying for Lori and Dana's Dads, and Linda's Dennis, that they all get handed a CLEAN BILL OF HEALTH, and comfort while they are healing. ALSO, prayers for the wives who are caring for them and most likely are stressed~♥~
Prayers for JO to be able to motivate to the doctors satisfaction so that she can go home to her own bed and family!
Headed to GG's, have a great day, it is 66° here and I plan a great day too:)
LINDA: massages do not have to hurt, i work slowly and easily and let the body warm up and get the muscles ready....i try to keep it to a hurts so good feeling....if it ever goes beyond that i always want a client to let me we can back off.....more effective that way.
dental check up done...might need another root canal in the future, but we shall see.
humane society called to check on scout, i had a fabulous report for them....
now off to work. work for a WHOLE HOUR today, oh my , what will i do? Lol
Well I took Dex out without a coat about 30 mins ago. Tomorrow if the weather is right he will need his coat and boots and I will need my shovel to get us out the door.
Good morning...I still have 15 minutes by my clock.
JENNIFER did post about JO on JO'S FB Page. All is well they are keeping her a bit to make sure she rests. Jennifer stayed with her overnight while ED went home for a short rest.
LINDA I love the cold fresh air when I am moving and the flat feels much better even today from opening the windows yesterday!!! Takes the cobwebs out of my head too!!!The ones in the form of worry and anxiety...LOL
PRAYERS for both your DADS LORI and DANA. We are with you.
White Rock Nest had an adult eagle intruder yesterday and there was quite a commotion going on...
All is well here and today I get to balance cheque book and pay bills and do my budget...I want time to read and go to yoga too. So I had better get on with it...had a very good morning and the meditation and prayers were very calming to me.
Talk to you all in the evening when I come back from yoga...
Went bowling this morning. Don't want to talk about that. Disaster.
This afternoon, I have been working on finishing up stuff on the insurance claim so that they will pay me the depreciation amount they have not yet paid. I have to certify that we got the work done, so I have been taking and sending pictures.
They say they want a certificate of occupancy, but since the house was never unoccupied, I do not know why I would need that. We shall see. How would I request a certificate of occupancy for an occupied house?Somehow I do not think the county maintains a department for such a thing.
WANDA, can't understand the trash can mystery. I'm thinking PAULA can, if anyone can.
Tried to find a JO post, but understand she's too tired for this right now. Thanks to her daughter for letting us know how she is and so glad her #1 Caregiver went home for some good rest in his own bed ! Prayers continue for her, LORI's dad, DANA's dad, LINDA and DENNIS as well as all Momster requests on our long list !
LORI, you sweetly asked how Penny and I are doing. Great ! 60° today so we've been out for several glorious walks ! Took her to the Vet Clinic today for a weigh in and now waiting for a call. She's gained a pound in a month, so I know the doc is going to have me reduce the amount I'm feeding her. Will cut the treats way down, too. We had no way of knowing without a trial month. Don't want her getting fat enough to drag the ground ! ☺
WANDA, can't understand the trash can mystery. I'm thinking PAULA can, if anyone can.
Tried to find a JO post, but understand she's too tired for this right now. Thanks to her daughter for letting us know how she is and so glad her #1 Caregiver went home for some good rest in his own bed ! Prayers continue for her, LORI's dad, DANA's dad, LINDA and DENNIS as well as all Momster requests on our long list !
LORI, you sweetly asked how Penny and I are doing. Great ! 60° today so we've been out for several glorious walks ! Took her to the Vet Clinic today for a weigh in and now waiting for a call. She's gained a pound in a month, so I know the doc is going to have me reduce the amount I'm feeding her. Will cut the treats way down, too. We had no way of knowing without a trial month. Don't want her getting fat enough to drag the ground ! ☺
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 730 of 730POOF SHEP
Gotta go for a min and call my Mom to see who my Dad's catheter removal appt went today.
What the heck is that screaming??
Maybe a fox I was hearing? Anyway, all is quiet now and Belle is still standing and looking around.
Beautiful Belle!
Lori-welcome home. How is your dad?
First day down of Catholic Schools Week and it started with a delay. Can't beat that. Tomorrow is the worst day, parent visitation from 9 til 2! How can they sit there and watch all that time. I never could do it. I would go for an hour and leave.
Boomer is pretty subdued. Not sure if that is because he has more in him or because he wore himself out and aggravated his tummy. I'm making him some rice now.
Poor Boomer! When we first got married, we had a beagle who LOVED to dig holes. I remember asking the vet when he would stop digging. He said, "When he dies!" The vet was right! Wonder if Boomer will ever stop being prone to "dietary indiscretion" (another term I learned from the vet)??
I don't know Sandi. I sure hope he grows out of it. I had a vet (parent of one of my students) tell me today that other breeds are usually "grown up" by the time they are 3 but since he is a lab it could be 4-5 years before he grows up and he may never grow out of eating socks! Damn! My wallet and my nerves can't take it.
Belle still being a statue!
OK Judy, I'm going to leave the Belle reporting to you. I need to get food fixed for dogs and people! Later!
solar halo photo
Can't believe BELLE is still in the nest! She is doing her statue thing again.
i thinks she is hypnotized LOL
maybe she is waiting on Shep to return
Lori, how is your dad doing? What's the latest?
Dad didn't get his catheter out said the Home Health nurse could do it. I get the feeling this is going to be a long process. We should have the report on his lymph nodes by Wednesday or Thursday. It is such a brutal healing and operation...he says he wouldn't have done it had he known. Three months and he should be back to normal...I pray.
Lori, it must be so hard for your dad to stay mentally strong when he's feeling so awful physically! And I feel so badly for you b/c I know you feel helpless! Prayers for your mom, dad, and for you!
Just came in...I am pooped once again. Still 75 and strong wind out of the south Jack is in shorts and a t-shirt, I should be.
Just saw Belle and Shep. Today has been my day to see the eagles.
Lolly, you can say that again! You have gotten your weekly eagle quota in just one day!!
Thanks, SANDI.
Good Evening!
Came home with Dennis about 1pm today. He is doing pretty well. He is sore from the incision, I guess.
After getting him settled and fed, we both konked out!! I hope I am just tired, cuz I feel awful myself!
I think we will have an early quiet night1
LOLLY - You did have an EAGLE day today. Glad they were around so much today for everyone to see.
LORI - I'm so sorry your Dad has so much to deal with. It is still so recent after his surgery, that it is probably difficult to be happy about much of anything. Hopefully his lab reports will be good and in a few weeks he will feel like he has a new lease on life. Prayers for that.
SANDI - How is your Mom??
I don't see any word on JO today. Praying she is getting better with each passing day. Miss you, JO!!
Evening, all!
DanaMO, glad Boomer gave up a sock. Hope it was the only one.
good evening all... checking in from neely's nut house....
its been a good day. it was in the 50's.
work was good. busy. i had a lot on my mind and as per usual time flew by.
we are in process of settling in with Scout. She is doing so very well. I took her out in the back yard this afternoon without a leash....(fenced in) and kicked a ball around for her for about 20 min to burn off some steam. she brings it back! :O wow. sable just stood with me wanting to be loved...and my precious, nervous nelly beano just hid away from the action.
DANAMO: a dog eating socks! wow. WOW. double WOW! its the part about it coming out...ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
what our furbabies get into!
nothing much was just a regular monday....hope everyone is well. have a great evening. i am tired, heading to bed soon! good night and SED
G'Night Precious Pals
Prayers for Wellness
God Bless Us
Every One xo ♥
Just thought of you Margy
Paula the weather man reminded everyone to get out and enjoy the
that should have been PAUL the weather man lol
Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
Nighty-nite to all hitting the hay.
Had an annual (brutal) appt. today (mammo), but don't have to go back for a year~~Yippee.
Stopped off at Chelsea to take some work I did at home and WOULD YOU BELIEVE??? just behind the house, a Bald Eagle flew from right to left across the pond!!!!!!!(No camera) Rarely see them there.
Got home and after lunch had a Giant Panda nap!
BTW, did get my Park Eagle pics in the Nook last night. Also saw a Park Ranger at Chelsea and she had been at Park Sunday and saw lots of eagles, too! Hope they're still around.
Lori, prayers for your Dad to heal well, and for Jo and all on our Momster list.
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)
Was watching the news when I heard a fox on the cam. That is such an eerie call!
Heading to the shower soon.
Wish we had heard from Jo today.
Love you, Jo! Keeping you in thought and prayer!
Night all! SED!!!
Glad of the reports on the eagle sightings. Thank you mostly LOLLY on her own today...Lucky you LOLLY.
LORI welcome back and prayers for your DAD'S comfort from the surgery and the process that follows.
DANA I can not believe it another sock episode and I am sure your nerves and your wallet are stretched as you said.
Very glad to hear people are safe driving on the icy roads. LYNNE thank you for checking back in when you came back and for taking a two hour delay in the morning. Smart move.
Have not heard about KATHRYN'S drive home I hope she is safe and sound SHIRLEY.
I miss hearing from JO...Praying that all is well.
LINDA I pray for DENNIS' well being and I am glad he is resting yet not too happy that you do not feel well yourself.
I had a good day and decided to open the windows and scrub the flat so I turned the heat off and did a good job cleaning and organizing with fresh air coming in. Windows were closed and the heat turned back on again and the place feels fresh it does good to my soul to clean and organize.
I have to open some boxes that I have not looked into or needed for four years. I will check them out and discard things. This is my project for this week.
Went to a good yoga practice and I worry about this yoga teacher. She is the best one in town but she is stretched to the max with house payments and her tenant moved out and she is not making as much money off of yoga as she was in the old studio and so I worry about her some. I like her way of teaching.
Time for me to say good night.
Thinking of Jo and hoping she is sleeping now.
Hoping that Lori's dad gets a good report and recovers more quickly than expected.
I have not seen a post from PAULA either today. Check in when you have a chance PAULA.
JUDYE that is cute about JORDYN tapping on the computer screen to get the eagles to move if she had been there!!!
Thank you WANDA for the reports on ISAAC.
NARGY always good to read your posts.
Prayers and good thoughts for Linda and Dennis.
Kathryn got home without problems. Weather has gotten much warmer. Ice has melted. Tomorrow is the last day for her at the old job.
She is feeling bittersweet, as there are many people she will miss. But she's looking forward to new adventures. She is taking the rest of this week off.
Hoping that Isaac continues to improve.
Dana, I do hope that Boomer finds something better to eat than socks. Worse than A1 sauce for sure.
Good evening eagle budlets. Hoda, Paula checked in at 6:59 this evening. :-)
See you tomorrow. SED, everyone.
Checking back in! Tossed out some more old papers, and had some good memories in the process! (Ya'll must be thinking, Geesh how many papers does this gal have?)
Linda, hope Dennis heals quickly and feels like his old self soon!
SED, love and hugs for all ♥
Thank you SHAR and sorry PAULA and thank you for checking back in again. Life is good when there are so many awesome people to connect with. Thank you SHIRLEY for news of KATHRYN.
I love us.
Saying HELLO before I say GOOD NIGHT~
Had a pretty full day...cleaned some here at my roost, went to the dentist and got 4 lower teeth capped (chipped the tops off chewing ice), cleaned and cooked at GG's, then shopped for groceries for here and GG's. I like a day where I can get so much done. Before I got my new knee, I could only have done one of those things...I tired so quickly hobbling around!
Off to bed now, love and prayers for all (special prayers for Jo)♥
Sounds like a good day WANDA. Sleep well
Good morning eagle buds!
The nest is MT this early Tuesday morning.
LINDA, I hope you and Dennis are feeling much better very soon. He sure has been through a lot lately.
PAULA & HODA, good for you gals getting stuff organized. I wish that feeling would sweep over me sometime soon!
LORETTA, congrats on your mammo! Glad you don't need to go back for a year.
DANAMO, hoping you have a day without socks messing things up! Hope Boomer is feeling better.
LOLLY, lucky you, you've had such nice weather! Today we warm up to around 50! Still, too wet for gardening, though.
JO, I hope your 5 days is up and you're out of the hospital now.
KAY, what's up with you and Penny?
Prayers for all those in need, JO, SANDI's Mom, DANAMO's Dad, THELMA's BIL, GLO's MIL, Ann-Marie, Michael, Christine, Baby Isaac and all in need.
Good morning eagle friends.
Lori-sorry to hear your dad feels that way about the surgery. I know my dad has had difficulty with things as well and I hate when he says he doesn't want to do something. Of course we want them to do everything possible to extend their lives. Such a tough road to be going down. Glad to have someone like you and all the support we have here to go down the road with.
We will be waiting til next week for our news. I hope and pray for a positive report for your dad later this week.
Parent visitation. The worst day of the week. Somehow I am thinking that we will not have that many parents, Suzy (my assistant) thinks we will have a lot. Time will tell. I hope I am ready! Well I know I'm ready, I just hope that I survive til Friday when we will all go out and drink!
Linda-I hope you and Dennis are both refreshed this morning and recovery goes without any incidents.
How is Jo? Have we heard anything? I don't think I noticed any posts on Facebook.
Good morning Lori, Dana, and all my eagle friends! 40 degrees outside and going into the 50s today!! =)
Linda, glad that Dennis's hernia repair went smoothly and he was able to come home as expected = he sure deserves a break after all he's been through lately (as do YOU!)
Dana, good luck on your performance today! I always liked parent visitation day of American Education Week when I taught elementary school. My mom tried to come when she could and my kids LOVED that my mom came to school to watch me, just like their folks came to watch them! They treated her like a celebrity!
Jo, hope you're feeling better and back home where you belong soon!
Loretta, LOVED your latest pics - what a cool job you have!!!
Prayers for Jo, Michael, Dana's dad, Lori's dad, Thelma's brother-in-law, Linda's Dennis, Jim's sister, Lynne and Steve to find a place of their own, and any other needs I haven't mentioned.
Make it a great day - state testing continues for me (day 5 and I probably have another 10 days before I get all my students tested).
I will say that it doesn't bother me like it used to. I just hate feeling that I am "on" all day. Plus my parents are in the room every morning and today I just want them to drop the kids and leave so that I can be ready for the show! LOL
Empty nest this morning.
Think I am going to turn the light off and go back under the covers for a little while.
Bowling this morning.
belle looks to be following something tracking
maybe Shep
nest is in pretty pretty pink with the sun reflecting on it now sooooo pretty
now that I am done talking to myself I guess its time to go to work
Three eggs visible at Blackwater right now
maybe no for long
Headed to work
"See You" from there, Pals
697 posts! wooo weeee...... good morning ya'll!
it is tuesday, busy day. i have a dental appt at nine...they have this rinse i like to use to make my whole mouth numb! they have really helped my dental anxiety!!!!!! i don't look forward to it per se, but can tolerate it now.
i have my 1 p.m. massage across town.....and maybe can get my hair cut today.
today in my brain, and speaking for judye, her brain too, i am sure, our attorney goes to court for us to start us in process of maybe getting this estate property settled. i am anxiously awaiting a call from our attorney. i have to say this, she is awesome. on top of everything at every moment.
71 today in nashvegas....severe weather overnight. i hate this kind of weather. :P blah. the way our house is built, to go downstairs, you have to go out the front door, around the house to the back of the house to enter the basement. i have "weather call" on my phone, so if there is a tornado warning for my address, specifically, my phone rings and i get eh weather warning. usually they give you 15 to 30 min heads up, so give me time to scurry downstairs. this is super especially in the middle of the night.
i remember mom sitting up all hours watching the weather.....we didn't have a basement, our storm shelter was out in the back yard. i will still get up if i know it is coming, but i don't feel the need to sit up and stare at the tv. (wouldn't work anyway, i'd be asleep in minutes, i sleep very well and very hard).
so that's my day ya'll. hopefully everyone has a good oddball food items, light, and love to all....have a Sweet Eagle DAy!!!! :) xoxo
Good morning my eagle peeps.
EAGLE just flew into the nest.
Moving flugg around
GM all. Short visit just now. Just about the time I get the live cam going, she poofs..
Flew in a couple minutes before I posted. I had the nest up, but figured someone was on and posted it! Guessed wrong!
Think it was Belle.
Good Morning, by the way!
Good morning all. Does anyone have the link to the Blackwater Cam handy. I too am kind of under the gun weather wise today. Prayers for all. I will just come right out and say it .We all need some info on MeMa Jo
Thank you for all the well wishes for Dennis......and me!
We both slept well last night. His dressing is dry this morning, which is good. Yesterday it wasn't and needed several changes. He is very sore, but will take it easy for a few days. Keeping him from doing things is the tough part for me!
I am feeling better, too. Thought I might be coming down with something, but don't feel that way today. I do have this awful pain just inside my left shoulder blade that radiates up to my neck. Certain movements send a shooting pain I can barely tolerate. I am using moist heat right now, which at least feels good!!
GLO - go to www.friendsof and click on the eagle cam
HODA - I cannot imagine opening up the windows with your freezing temperatures while cleaning the house. I think I would wait until Spring for that one!!
DANA - Good luck today!! You will surely need a cold one tonight!! :)
JANET - So wonderful Scout is settling in so nicely!! I think I could use one of your massages today.......that is if I could stand the pain! Hoping for a good turnout today in court so you and JUDY can settle your Mom's estate once and for all!!
Very quiet night on the blog last night...
Have a wonderful day! I will probably check in later.
I want to see if I can fix some breakfast for my healing husband!!
Jenny posted this 50 minutes ago.
Good morning all. I stayed here at the hospital with mom last night so that dad could go home and get some sleep in his bed with Scar and Marvin the kitties. Mom is doing better but the dr still wants her to stay for a bit. Not sure when he will release her. She is very tired right now and he wants her up and getting around before he lets her go home.
Thank you Shar for the JO update! Been waiting to hear.
Good heath wishes for all and Denny, Linda, Lori and DanaMo's Dads and everyone on our list! ♥
On the way in this AM, saw 2 juvie eagles in trees at top of the River bank and close to the office. Stopped car and they wouldn't pose~~~flapped away, but I got pic of part of one behind the branches. Don't think they're real hungry and need to sit on ice today! Very sunny & most ice melted.
Can't get outside much today~~~no one else to answer the phone--boo.
Have a great day ☺
Good morning! Pleased to see the report on Jo, but very concerned that she is so tired early in the morning.
Jo, we miss you and hope you are feeling much better very soon!
So far no eagles for me today. Guess yesterday was my lucky eagle day.
Today was the day for possiblity of severe weather then a drop in temps. Still 70, very humid and no rain. Slept with the windows open and the ceiling fan going.
I have asked this question several times at my late-night post and I guess it is so late no one sees it, so, I will ask now, in broad daylight. I have NO GARBAGE CAN to delete a post if I should want, when I do a face plant. I can't remember how to get it back; can anyone refresh my mind?
Also, although I don't always read ALL of this blog, I do read some until I get too sleepy to read the rest...I haven't seen anything from ANDREA in awhile. Is she not well or do we not know?
Praying for Lori and Dana's Dads, and Linda's Dennis, that they all get handed a CLEAN BILL OF HEALTH, and comfort while they are healing. ALSO, prayers for the wives who are caring for them and most likely are stressed~♥~
Prayers for JO to be able to motivate to the doctors satisfaction so that she can go home to her own bed and family!
Headed to GG's, have a great day, it is 66° here and I plan a great day too:)
Can not help you with the lack of garbage can, Wanda. So sorry!
Not sure about Andy. I think like so many that she is just posting less. She has popped in occasionally.
Have a great day!
Eagle just landed.
I think it is Belle. She went right to work on the egg cup.
Shep is in the house!
Went about doing my work. Shep is in the nest now. Maybe it was him earlier.
Hi all...
LINDA: massages do not have to hurt, i work slowly and easily and let the body warm up and get the muscles ready....i try to keep it to a hurts so good feeling....if it ever goes beyond that i always want a client to let me we can back off.....more effective that way.
dental check up done...might need another root canal in the future, but we shall see.
humane society called to check on scout, i had a fabulous report for them....
now off to work. work for a WHOLE HOUR today, oh my , what will i do? Lol
hugs to all!
It is official....just wanted you to know.....I have taken off my jeans and put on shorts. It is 72, humid, and I was melting.
Lolly, if I were home I might join you with at least capris! It's officially 64° (maybe warmer) and WED. 65°!!!
Well I took Dex out without a coat about 30 mins ago. Tomorrow if the weather is right he will need his coat and boots and I will need my shovel to get us out the door.
Good morning...I still have 15 minutes by my clock.
JENNIFER did post about JO on JO'S FB Page. All is well they are keeping her a bit to make sure she rests. Jennifer stayed with her overnight while ED went home for a short rest.
LINDA I love the cold fresh air when I am moving and the flat feels much better even today from opening the windows yesterday!!! Takes the cobwebs out of my head too!!!The ones in the form of worry and anxiety...LOL
PRAYERS for both your DADS LORI and DANA.
We are with you.
White Rock Nest had an adult eagle intruder yesterday and there was quite a commotion going on...
All is well here and today I get to balance cheque book and pay bills and do my budget...I want time to read and go to yoga too. So I had better get on with it...had a very good morning and the meditation and prayers were very calming to me.
Talk to you all in the evening when I come back from yoga...
...AND it needs to be said!!! MISS LOOLY you are a show off!!! LOL!!! shorts in January???
I think you can deduce that I am jealous!!!
Good afternoon,
Went bowling this morning. Don't want to talk about that. Disaster.
This afternoon, I have been working on finishing up stuff on the insurance claim so that they will pay me the depreciation amount they have not yet paid. I have to certify that we got the work done, so I have been taking and sending pictures.
They say they want a certificate of occupancy, but since the house was never unoccupied, I do not know why I would need that. We shall see. How would I request a certificate of occupancy for an occupied house?Somehow I do not think the county maintains a department for such a thing.
Can't imagine where your trash can went, Wanda. Maybe it is in the land of lost appliances and other such things.
My car thermometer said it was 70 degrees this afternoon. Balmy. There was still a bit of snow outside the bowling alley. Really strange weather.
Good Afternoon !
WANDA, can't understand the trash can mystery. I'm thinking PAULA can, if anyone can.
Tried to find a JO post, but understand she's too tired for this right now. Thanks to her daughter for letting us know how she is and so glad her #1 Caregiver went home for some good rest in his own bed ! Prayers continue for her, LORI's dad, DANA's dad, LINDA and DENNIS as well as all Momster requests on our long list !
LORI, you sweetly asked how Penny and I are doing. Great ! 60° today so we've been out for several glorious walks ! Took her to the Vet Clinic today for a weigh in and now waiting for a call. She's gained a pound in a month, so I know the doc is going to have me reduce the amount I'm feeding her. Will cut the treats way down, too. We had no way of knowing without a trial month. Don't want her getting fat enough to drag the ground ! ☺
Love youse guys and our Eagles !
Good Afternoon !
WANDA, can't understand the trash can mystery. I'm thinking PAULA can, if anyone can.
Tried to find a JO post, but understand she's too tired for this right now. Thanks to her daughter for letting us know how she is and so glad her #1 Caregiver went home for some good rest in his own bed ! Prayers continue for her, LORI's dad, DANA's dad, LINDA and DENNIS as well as all Momster requests on our long list !
LORI, you sweetly asked how Penny and I are doing. Great ! 60° today so we've been out for several glorious walks ! Took her to the Vet Clinic today for a weigh in and now waiting for a call. She's gained a pound in a month, so I know the doc is going to have me reduce the amount I'm feeding her. Will cut the treats way down, too. We had no way of knowing without a trial month. Don't want her getting fat enough to drag the ground ! ☺
Love youse guys and our Eagles !
Heading over to the
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