Monday, January 14, 2013


New thread.


magpie said...

Well, How do you do, Steve!
New Monday Thread, this is great...
Thank You !
It's raining at the nest now....things are going to wet in the developing nest cup

magpie said...

Little spooky looking thing at the top of the a little furry critter with glowing eyes ☺

Just my imagination

Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for a new thread and thanks, Margy for the call over!! Lots of rain headed this way but not here yet! Still very warm though!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


magpie said...

It's still there, JudyE...
just something or other but it caught my eye

Judie said...

Thank you Steve for the fresh thread and thank you Margy for hollerin' at us.

Dinner over and off to watch some mindless t.v. then the sandperson will be off on rounds. Tomorrow is the dreaded day. It is time for me to say farewell.

The night light will be on at 11pm and the sandperson will soon follow.

Restful sleep for all.

Lolly said...

Thanks, Steve, for the new thread. It was needed!!

39 here and feels very cold.

Margy, I am cleaning all closets. The closet I worked on today is a big closet in the entry hall. I had a lot of toys in the closet. Toys that the boys do not play with anymore. into the trash, toys into a garage sale box, toys into the attic, and toys to be given to the preschool at our church. Closet now looks very neat!!!

More closets to go! Also, a lot of teaching junk will be hitting the trash can!! Wahoo! My boys are all now beyond kinder!

JudyEddy said...

Oh no I see your two eyes now up and down the page not sideways two white spots looks like a line connecting them too is that what you see

paula eagleholic said...

LOL Margy, I see those beady little eyes!

JudyEddy said...

I put a picture of the eyes you spoted in the EM album LOL

JudyEddy said...

I wrote on it see the eyes ok back to tv

magpie said...

the beady eyes, good description Paula...
JudyE the ones I see are horizontal are on a roll!
I start a little roll then I rather easily get either distracted, or demoralized...
You go Girl!

sorry a dreaded day is ahead for Judie :(
Hope it zips on by better than you anticipate, Judie

off to the showers, and pretty much off for the night, Pals...
Prayers for Wellness, Amongst us ALL

God Blesss Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

magpie said...

an extra s for emphasis :)

Hoda said...

What isa this a dreaded day for MISS JUDIE!!! Now maybe if she lets me find out her true canadian name she would not have a dreaded day tomorrow!!! All it takes is two numbers JUDIE!!!

I wish you the BEST with the day tomorrow.

Thanks PAULA for looking after changing the address...yes it is frustrating when we try to find the live feed and it is not a good link. More frustrating when one is a newbie... THANK YOU AGAIN PAULA.

Hoda said...

I hear rain and I do not see beady little eyes in the nest...I see the shape of an owl though LOL!!! sideways in what would be the cup area...anyone else?

stronghunter said...

Hoda, I see the shape of a cat in the nest.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn came in excited this evening. Things are progressing with the job change.

Hoda said...

Glad for KATHRYN SHIRLEY. It sounds good.

A cat? I see an owl shape!!! LOL!!!

Hoda said...

Lance Armstrong came clean on Oprah's program to be aired Thursday. SHe will be on CBS talking about it tomorrow morning...I am disappointed and sad at the same time...he repeatedly denied it...credibility problem and no barganing chips yet he thinks he will testify against others!!! Too little too late I would say. I like the Livestrong organization and am sorry they will suffer further as more and more people become disillusioned.
My newphew Robin loved him and before he died he gave his parents yellow livestrong bracelets. His father still wears his. It breaks my heart.

Hoda said...

The Queen went to church yesterday in Sandringham a quarter of a mile away from her residence. Heer husband the Duke Of Edinburough walks the distance both ways. Well after the church service he started on his walk and Her Majesty's 10 million dollar car would not start!!! It was too cold. She was standing outside cheering her driver on and once it started she said, don't turn it off don't turn it off!!! It was cold and people were very happy with her and her good mood. They all waited with her to see her off. She made it home alright.
Puts things in perspective for us mere mortals when a few thousand dollars car does not start!!! LOL!!!

Hoda said...



Janet said...

JUDYE: no i do not think i have the flu. we ate at taco bell last night prior to bowling and all 4 of us had a stomach ache, but olivia and i had headaches with it. and i felt this afternoon like i was getting a cold. i think it is just a virus.

it was indeed a good day to be home. cold and nasty.

i am thankful tonight for my nice warm home......and i send hope, light, love and healing for all...

good night friends.

stronghunter said...

Good night. See you tomorrow. God bless.

Lolly said...

We have a roaring fire tonight. Nice and cozy and very cold out.

Have been watching TV tonight.

Mema Jo said...

Thank you for the fresh new thread Steve. I just signed in - glad that Margy got another feather.

Report from Isaac: (sorta long)
It was an awesome day for Isaac. He is only a small step away from full feeds (continuous). He has not thrown up at all and did the best he's ever done with oral feeding today--he took several big bites and handled them without any gagging!! There was an issue with the skin around one side of his PICC line dressing but it should be fine with a little TLC.

The highlight of the day for us was getting to see my mom. Isaac's face was priceless when he saw her. He was super excited to see Mom-Mom and I think she was just as excited to see him. It has been a beautiful, sunny day here in Boston! Love & hugs!

Lolly said...

Hear rain falling at the nest. Possible ice and sleet here in the morning.

Lolly said...

Wonderful report on Isaac!

Mema Jo said...

Michael had a good day today - Swelling in the eye and facial areas is no longer there. Weaning himself off of the pain med - Tylenol seems to work.

I need to get my beauty sleep - sure hope the Sandman gave me enough dust for a sound sleep! Good Night ♥

I love you all and I pray for all our needs. God is good all the time. ♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good night my eagle budlets.

Costume Lady said...

Had a really good day, getting many tasks done here at church and at GG's (must be the vitamin D I am taking:)Even Capt. Gene was feeling more like his old-self...he cleaned 3 ovens and two ceiling fans at church (mine needs to be cleaned, too:)

JUDIE, just what did you mean by tomorrow being the 'dreaded day and time to say farewell'? That all sounds DREADFULL!

MEMA JO...I have sent an email to your address for MICHAEL, please pass it on to him, I do not have his address.

Nicole's report on Isaac today was so comforting...I had been feeling very DOWN about his throwing up. I have grown so fond of that sweet baby...but then, I guess we ALL have:)

Faceplant coming on...
Good night my friends, love and prayers for all♥

Linda said...

Good Morning!

Yes this is a shock to see ME as an early bird, but I won't be here for long. Had a little surgery yesterday to remove a cyst on my chest and I can't sleep. Hoping the pain pill will kick in real soon!

JUDIE - Good luck on your new semester! The dreaded day has come. Hoping you can change things around like you mentioned you wanted to do with your class choices. Maybe it's time to retire!!!

Wonderful to hear MICHAEL is doing much better, JO. Hope you are taking care of yourself too. How are you feeling?

KAY - Welcome back!! You were missed!! Hopefully those computer woes are behind you for good!

Winter weather is returning here as well. All our beautiful snow melted, so it's time to get a fresh coat!!

JANET - Hope you are feeling better today.

Hello to all you Early Birds!!

Wishing everyone a great Tuesday!!

Linda said...

Still a little early to see the Eagles, I guess.

MT nest, so far.

Bye for now.....

T-Bird said...

Good morning my fine friends.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Early Birds!!!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

JudyEddy said...

Thought I just heard the eagle

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

flew in from 3 started working on egg cup area

JudyEddy said...

now just looking aruond

JudyEddy said...

moved over to 1 head out of view

JudyEddy said...

back to cup area putting himself down in cup like sort of still looking around

JudyEddy said...

now just a sitting pretty

JudyEddy said...

He is still just sitting not doing anything Waitin for Belle?

glo said...

Good morning everyone.

JudyEddy said...

stretching his neck looking at something at 12ish

JudyEddy said...

he looks to the left and to the right and to the left again just a sitting

JudyEddy said...

Eagle call

JudyEddy said...

couldn't tell if it was him or not

JudyEddy said...

looking out like he is looking for Belle to come in

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

ok they better come back He went to find Belle

JudyEddy said...

colors came to the nest when I walked in to get some more coffee

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Janet said...

Good morning my friends. Feeling better today; whatever that was seems to have left the body. I really think it was something @ taco bell as all four of us were effected simiarly. (spelling?)

I dont' have a client til 1. Supposed to have (per my books) a meeting @ Olivia's school today, but have not yet recieved confirmation from the school. I emailed them yesterday, so did so again today, this time including the principal.

We had ice rain/sleet late yesterday, but nothing terrible here. Roads are okay. Tongight we are supposed to get more of the same, so I may have to reschedule my 6:30 and 7:30 massages tonight.

Well, i need to get moving, get Olivia ready and off to school and get myself moving as well.

Sounds like Isaac and Michael both had better days. That is wonderful!

Hopefully, more good reports from everyone today.

Have a wonderful day all. Light, love, hugs and smiles to all!

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals from the Wild and Wonderful Work place

Appreciating the UP reports on Isaac, Michael, you too Janet!
And hoping YOU heal quickly and
painlessly, Linda

magpie said...

busy stirting the ingredients and trying to make some dough...

SEE YOU all through the day I hope...
and BEST WISHES for a Good One !

Wow, Gene....he is vying for the Whirling Dervish Award of the Year right alongside Jack and Lolly!

Judie said...

Good morning everyone.

Well, good morning to everyone except me. Will be heading to the big school house soon. Not an iota of enthusiasm.

Wishing all of you a very good day.

magpie said...

I guess you have left for school by now

sure hope there is some
serendipity....hidden silver
lining somewhere

(( Academic Hugs ))

Mema Jo said...

Good morning! Today is my yoga day - yeah! Thank goodness for the chair!

Happy to see there was a morning visit.
I'll try to catch the afternoon or evening one.

Judie - Thinking of you!

I'll read back when I get home

Love you all ♥


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


JudyEddy said...

This is from Eagle Alliance on facebook while commercial is on wanted to bring over

Carol Flaer SenechalEAGLE ON ALLIANCE
Now this is important! Clearly, the methods being used to make Dad and the Missus leave the Garden are not working. They have removed three nests, they are using paintball guns and lights, they have modified the trees and our wonderful eagles are staying put. The USDA and the city have come to realize this isn't working. So starting yesterday I believe the city has given the USDA permission pick up on its harassment efforts to include times when the Garden is open. They will still be using the same techniques, PB guns, lights, noise, modifying trees, etc. but these actions will be taking place for all of us to see. The plan then is then after a week, to re-evaluate what they have been doing - the USDA and the city will meet next week to decide what happens next. Now I have to say that our eagles' attitudes towards protecting and remaining in their home territory is what drives me. And it drives all of us to continue to EAGLE ON!!! We need boots on the ground this week and weekend at the Garden to document what is happening. I will be out there. Who is with me????? Don't panic please - no wringing of hands! Our eagles are very smart. They have held out this far haven't they. They are teaching US how to EAGLE ON!!!!!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...