Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Wed night

Night vision working good.


JudyEddy said...

another one we no have camera

grannyblt said...

Yipee--thanks to all involved. I can't wait to watch again.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

I keep going to the page and nothing I noticed the OC forum must have read Steve post tooo

Sandi said...

Judy, haven't checked the cam site. Just noticed the post that we had another new thread.

Cool that we'll have night vision now! =)

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

I bet they are testing it The big P tease LOL

JudyEddy said...

ok I guess it be on when it will be on gonna get off the puter for now watch the boob tube and eat popcorn Lator Gator

JudyEddy said...

I wonder if this is record for blog on one day Maybe we will get another if they are till working on it HMMMM makes ya wander will take lap top and watch tv with it on my lap LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Night vision looks wonderful! Can't wait for the real thing!

JudyEddy said...

Spotsylvania VA is what a unique name on the map now

JudyEddy said...

I put the pictures on all the eagle pages I am signed up to can't wait can't wait I feel likes its Christmas LOL

JudyEddy said...

I see Hoda and me on the map now Howdy HODA and bye to whoever was from Spotsylvania, VA

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Hoda said...

HI JUDYE, I had to read to catch up...

Thank you STEVE and NCTC and all involvoed to getting the Camera...

Prayers for JO's Cyber Knife Appointment tomorrow...Let us know JO.

Very good to read the comments on ISAAC. Blessed Be.

DANA you are doing the right thing at school. Very pleased that you all are satisfied with the local doctor.Blessed Be.

Very busy day here but it all went well and we had some sun and blue skies for part of the day...

Done with Eco-Society Volunteering till 2013. They are good young people and want to be helpful and make sure that I am comfortable. Good kids. SOmeone brought them up well.

I signed up for several cooking classes from January to May all offered by the co-op. Very good on healthy foods. Tomorrow I go to Healthy Baking workshop...gluten free and festive.

paula eagleholic said...

I can't remember where Lolly is headed! She'll have a nice surprise when she checks in! Hope she can!

Mema Jo said...

Fantastic! Thanks for the preview of what's to come!

Mema Jo said...

Well this sure makes for SED tonight!
It really looks good - worth the wait!

Good night everyone
Prayers for all needs
Grab your socks and jackets - the temps are dropping and rain could be in the air.

I love us! Everyone get a good night's rest. TTUT

Hoda said...

PAULA, I texted LOLLY of the camera news.
She just answered "cool"

Janet said...

Very nice nite pix!!!! Who knows...soon, very soon...

Checked in with Chelsea....contractions have stopped. Hopefully she gets a decent night sleep. She's not resting well these days.....soooo very pregnant!

Hope everyone has a good night!

SED! :)

magpie said...

Thursday is the Feast of Saint Nicholas....
back in the olden days us kids would put one shoe outside our bedroom door and lo and behold there would be a candy bar in it at daybreak...
think I'll just do that again tonight and pretend

New upcoming cam views and night vision is candy bar enough!

Hoda said...

Lolly is with family and she is having a good time chatting with them she said in her text.

magpie said...

Way totally cool, we will be able to watch nestcapades soon!
And also the triple thread treat giving the progress reports

Good Night, Eagle Pals
Prayers for Wellness all Around

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo

JudyEddy said...

MARGIE Hope the shoes weren't stinky LOL

Hoda said...

I love the feast of St Nick...Blessed Be...

Hoda said...

JUDYE I thought you went to bed??? Tomorrow is your day off though. I hope your cold is getting better...

paula eagleholic said...

Ah, Lolly is with Brother and Sister, I think? couple of days?

I forgot to give my thanks to Steve, Nu, and the great team at NCTC that is working on getting our cam up and online. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

Hoda said...

Till Saturday PAULA.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly has seen the message about the cam
Her reply in the email was


Hoda said...

Goodnight All


JO you are up late!!! Goodnight.

Costume Lady said...

OMG...I just found out that WE HAVE A CAM WITH NIGHT SIGHT!!
Haven't seen it yet...on my way!>>>>>

Costume Lady said...

I don't see the Sycamore Palace. I guess I misunderstood what I read:(

Good night, love and prayers for all♥

Lolly said...

The cam is up but not being broadcast yet...Wanda.

Hi all! We are down near Kerrville in the hill country of Texas, very close to Luckenbach. :) Yes, I have been to Luckenbach several times!!!

We are in an RV park, we are all here in our RV's. Dan and Sharon came from near Houston, Larry and Sandy from south Texas, and us from the north. We all drove approx 5 hours. Yep....a big state! We are here just for some time together. Tonight we talked and talked and exchanged Christmas presents. Oh, and two dogs are here too, Ally and Shadow. Poor Annie is boarded at the vets.

Thanks to Hoda and her texting I learned about the cam. The pictures are great. The nest looks in great repair! Lots of fluff already. Bring on the hp!!!! lol

Jo, loved that Michael got on fb. God bless him!!! He is a miracle and continue prayer for him while he continues to mend!!!

Bev...beautiful pictures of Isaac. He really is a good looking little guy!!!

Tomorrow, we are going to Fredericksburg to shop. Not that I need to shop but there are lots of great fun shops to look and it will be fun doing it with Sharon and Sandy. Not sure what the guys are doing. lol

Time to shower and head to bed.

I LOVE US!! And again, thanks Hoda! What a wonderful surprise!


Lori O. said...

Good Morning everyone!!!

Or should I say FABULOUS Morning?

This is so exciting about the camera. I agree with JudyE, it's like Christmas! What a gift!

Thank you STEVE and everyone at NCTC and the Tree Service who helped get the cam back up AND with night vision! YAY!

JO, prayers for your appointment today! We're all with you. Out damn spot!

LOLLY, have fun shopping with your family - sounds like a great little place.

JUDYE, love your avatar! Too cute.

KAY, glad you have patience getting the right dog. Just take your time and the right one will come along.

LINDA, hope you're not too busy with work and that Dennis is feeling better!

Prayers continue for our JO, Michael, Baby Isaac (who is adorable), DANAMO's Dad, SANDI's Mom and all in need of a health recovery!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning everyone!! I am anxiously waiting for this blue screen to be replaced with our nest! Maybe, just maybe, today will be the day!! Have a great day!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

This was the update last night from Nicole! Absolutely wonderful!!

Praise the Lord...Isaac has no more tubes on his face!!! He did well today on room air. His j-feeds are going great so far as his system seems to be moving everything as his feeds are slowly being introduced. Chuck & I both got to hold him today and we even got to hear him laugh a few times. One of the best things I think I've ever heard ...even if his laughing was a result of hearing his mommy sing Christmas songs :-). He still needs to cough a little better to keep his lungs clear, but he is getting stronger by the hour. The esophagram is on Friday--prayers!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Y'all holler if you see the cam before I do!!

Sandi said...

Good Thursday morning Lori, Bev, and all my eagle friends! Back to winter here this morning after those days of 60 something temps! 32 degrees here!

So excited to get the cam back!!

Special prayers for you today Jo as you start the process of getting rid of that spot!

Also, prayers for Michael, little Isaac, Dana;s Dad, Thelma's brother-in-law, Glo's Mom (she has almost made it to her 93rd birthday!!), and Emily.

Make it a great day!

DanaMo said...

Good morning!
Checked the box for email follow ups so I can get the news when we are online!

Monte is on his way from NY at this hour and will take Adam to the doctor. Of course Adam doesn't want to go! He doesn't want to wear a boot.

Aric got the cookies and was happily eating them last evening after having 3 tests yesterday.

Trying to rewrite my lesson plans and can't even remember what I did yesterday. Geesh...the mind is gone.

Prayers for Isaac, Jo, and for Janet's new one to arrive.

St. Nicholas Day today!The kids will make little "shoes" and put them outside the classroom door and get some gold coins (chocolate ones).

Hoda said...

Well Thinking of you JO and sending prayers.

If Megan had come to BC with one of her wreaths that for sure would have been my picture...

We all have to content with this internet photo of a wreath. I was going to post one of Megan's from FB but had not asked her permission so I thought I had better not.

Snowing here.

Hoda said...

Happy St Nicholas Day DANA...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Here you all are. I couldn't find you! :)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Jewels said...

Good morning!
I see we have alot to celebrate, a new camera, MIchael coming home in 4 days, Isaac doing realllly well!!! My Moms house has a contract. I am sorry that I have not kept up with here much. I miss you all and I pray for everyone involved in anything and everything.
Possibility of freezing precip late tonight into tom morning.
Have been under the weather the last four days here... severe sore throat. Have a great day everyone! I have one more hour to go then I am hitting the sack!!

Jewels said...


Janet said...

good morning everyone!

mom used to talk about st. nicholas day...... that brought a smile to my face....thanks for reminding me.

thinking of our MEMAJO today......

and holding all in need close in my heart and thoughts.

another day here in nashville...still dark out....but fairly warm and nice. back to massage envy today and one private client. ice skating tonight.

will check in with chelsea later. no text during the night.....i think it maybe another week or so anyway.......but it is till exciting!

hope everyone has a super day today! let's rock on with this day! light love and smiles to all!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I am the Spotsylvania, VA, person, Judy.

I typed in a good-night message last night, but it seems I did not post it.

magpie said...


and Best Wishes to ALL of us for a good day...

Prayers for Wellness, All the Time...and for healing and comfort....
hope and strength...

xoxo ☺ ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, good luck with your appt today!


stronghunter said...

Prayers and best wishes, Jo.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all my supportive friends = Feeling great knowing you are right there for me. Today is just the sit down with the Cyber Knife Dr and finding out the procedure. Hopefully I will come home with 3 dates or at least will be informed soon.

Keep your eye on the cam or maybe a new message from Steve

I love us !

Linda said...

Good Morning!!

I can't get over how emotional I was seeing that picture of our nest!! It's so exciting to know that we will be seeing it so very soon and that Belle and Shep are already preparing for their next season!! Whoopie!!!

JO - Even though your appointment is just informational and for scheduling, we're praying your questions will be answered and you will comfortably understand the steps ahead of you!! xoxo

LOLLY - What a great way to get together with family from all over Texas!! Sounds like you are enjoying each others' company and the trip will be fun!! Happy Shopping today!

JEWELS - So happy to hear of the hope of a decent contract on Mom's house. Praying this goes through and it is settled once and for all. I am sure this is all bittersweet..... xoxo

Just precious images of BABY ISAAC and his parents coming through. What joy we are seeing after such nail biting days!! They have come through a serious trial completely trusting in The Lord and He has not let them down. I know He is doing a good work through Issac and his amazing parents!!

Thinking of young Eli and his upcoming birthday, too. Although he is probably having fun with his grandparents, there is NO ONE like Mommy!!! Praying he feels his mother's love and that very soon he has his family all back together very soon!!

And MICHAEL!! Miracle Michael never ceases to amaze me with his progress, his smile and his amazing gift of reaching out even through this tragic event he experienced. He is so inspiring to me. Talk about faith!!

ANDY - Good to hear from you, too! It always takes me DAYS to get the house decorated for Christmas as I have things scattered all throughout the house. The everyday nic nacs and pictures come down and all the Christmas items go out. Takes a lot of time, doesn't it?? I even had to help Dennis with the lights this year because he is losing more and more patience as the years go by....... Hmmmmm

Praying that all ailments, aches and pains are lessened today! It's cold in PA today, but currently the sun is shining, so I can't complain about that!!

Dennis' kidney is feeling a little better every day. He will go see the surgeon for the hernia next week and we will see when they can schedule him for surgery to repair that. He doesn't like all this doctor and hospital stuff, and I can't say I blame him!! The surgeon we are meeting with next week did my gallbladder surgery a couple years ago and he is highly qualified and an excellent surgeon!!

Wishing you all a Blessed Thursday!! Will check in later if time allows.......

Lolly said...

Good morning!


Love you bunches and bunches Jo!

35 here this morning...but already up to 59! Going to be a beautiful day. This RV park is in a pecan orchard. Sandy is excited about getting pecans...not us!! LOL

Gotta go but want you all to know....I LOVE US!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Jumping in to say hello before my laptop decides to not work. Our land line phone line is out today, and I'm not sure how it is that the computer modem is working, but it is, so far! I think the phone line may have been messed up by the rain we had. Need to make sure
it's not just a connection somewhere, then call AT&T and have them check it out.

WOWEE!!! The night vision camera on the nest works beautifully!!!
Getting pretty excited--can't wait!
Thanks to Steve, Nu, and everyone at NCTC for all they are doing to get us up and running!

Prayers continue from this roost for everyone in need of them. Forgot to mention Glo's "Mom" in my last post. Praying for her, too!

Well, better go figure out our phone situation here. Will hopefully be back later with a full report. HAGD, everyone!
♥♥Missing Lynn♥♥
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!!

NCSuzan said...

Buddy is on the Critter Cam.

Hope the link works!

NCSuzan said...

What link? LOL!

NCSuzan said...


WV sUSAn said...

Good Afternoon Everyone!!! I just jumped on here to say

OUT DAMN SPOT ! ! ! ! ! !

Great news with the camera WOOHOOOOO and special thoughts for all those in need... I can't keep up! Jo, Michael, Isaac, Dana's dad, Sandi's Dennis, Glo's mom... to name a few and not all-inclusive ;-)

Thinking about you ALL and just wanted to say HEY. I hope everyone is having a fab Thursday and enjoying some sunshine.

Oh Carolyn, thrilled to hear you have an offer on the house. Yes, bittersweet as someone said above.

Hugs to all and as Arnold once said, "I'll be back!"

WV sUSAn said...

Hi Suzan -- just looked in on Buddy. Thanks for the heads up!!

Hoda said...

Out Damn Spot and I hope the meeting is going well for you JO and that you will let us know the other dates.

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon eagle buds
Getting ready to head out with Angie to the mall to see Santa
Waiting with baited breath for the cam to be up
I got up super late still feeling like crap I think the nasal spray is sort of keeping me from not sleeping well
I found out Angie is also sick so we will be a good match LOL

JudyEddy said...

Thinking of JO today as well as anyone else on the blog keeping you all close to heart Peace and Love to all who pops in I wish you all have a great day

Mema Jo said...

WELL my day is half over and much has been accomplished. Tomorrow I will possibly get my phone call with dates.
Until I do - I don't have anything to tell you yet. I met the Drs and all his staff - I molded my body cast which I will use to lie in for the treatments.. and I had a CT. All is going well and I have no concerns - After all, Michael says he is coming home to help take care of me. ♥

Lori O. said...

Good Afternoon everyone!

I am off now until Wednesday and was going to drive up to PA today to start helping my Mom get all her Chritmas stuff ready, but I overslept, or over napped! Anyhow, now there's freezing rain in the forecast on I70 tomorrow morning. What to do? Guess I'll just leave later than planned.

I was just checking in to see if we heard from JO, and see if the cam might be up! I can't wait!!!

I Love you all...and I love us!

Lori O. said...

JO, great news. And, love that Michael!

magpie said...

You Glow !
As does Michael and all the Family Lennox !

and helllooooo WV sUSAn
What a treat, to see you here !

magpie said...

Happy ending but scary story:
4 year old girl was missing, for an hour or so today....big time search, law enforcement and fire department...
as sometimes happens, little people disappear into their own homes rather than out in the wild.

Little one found, curled up with her blanket...under the family Christmas Tree... !
Whew and Hallelujah!
We like those happy endings
at 9-1-1 ☺ ♥

magpie said...

Slipping on out to the Wilds of Hedgesville soon...

Prayers for Wellness....comfort, healing, strength and all positive things for all of us, our friends, families, and pets !

Lori: Safe Travels when you head out, enjoy your Make Believe Retirement !!

xoxox ☺ ♥

Hoda said...

I love you JO and you did have a good appointment and how wonderful that MICHAEL says he is coming home to take care of you. It is humbling and uplifting at the same time. I was concerned but there is so much love in your family it will see you all through it.

Hoda said...

Good story on the little girl MARGY. Glad she was found.

In 1989 a man walked into a college classroom asked all the guys to leave and proceeded to shoot the girls...yes in Canada too...he did not like that they were studying to be engineers. It is their anniversary today and there is a collective sadness around town. City Hall is with black ribbons and large Candles and signs asking to stop the violence against women. There is a march at four this afternoon...a candle lit vigile. 23 years ago and how fresh it is in all of our collective conciousness.

Lori O. said...

HODA, that is such a sad story, but so incredibly kind that the town remembers and marks what happened.

Hoda said...

LORI the whole country remebers. Flags are at half mast in Ottawa too and rallys all over the country. It is a National Day of Rememberance.

Mema Jo said...

Today my body cast was made - it was a simple procedure - the mold, like a bean bag material, was just at the upper part of the body and sorta wrapped over your shoulders and arms. It was up under the head and neck. They made it real comfy since it will be used each time for the treatment. Guess what - it is recycled after I finish with it lol No wall hanging for me!

Hoda said...

The Duchess of Cambridge has been discharged from the hospital and the Duke has to go back to his flying squadren. She will likely stay in Kensington Palace and not go to Wales. She will stop for a few days at her parents' home too. With all that is going on I am still following this story and hoping that she does well and that the media leave her alone. The next public engagement will be Christmas with Her Majesty the Queen.

Hoda said...

I like that it is recycled JO...Maybe the nurses can take a picture of it for you. Technology and western medicine are amazing.

Mema Jo said...

Margy - what a Christmas story about the little girl. ♥

Hoda - so sad to have to remember the shooting incident. I pray the shooter was dealt with accordingly.

Hoda - did you have a good day riding the bus and shopping in London today
Don't you just love that Advent calendar
(Jacquie Lawson)

Hoda said...

I visited my calendar several times a day JO and I do love it. Yes it was fun to ride the bus around LONDON today and I have visited my tree and added more little decorations. I find it very enjoyable to simply go into this wonderful magical world. I am very grateful you made me this gift JO. {{{{HUGS}}}}

Hoda said...

Yes JO The Montréal Police took charge of the scene and even though he killed 14 girls and injured 14 others there was no way for him to escape and he died of a self inflicted shot gun wound. He was only 25 years old and he looked almost sweet!!! Something went terribly wrong that day in his head!!!

Hoda said...

gunshot not shot gun!!! Sorry...he had an assault rifle not a shot gun!!!

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, been meaning to say I love your avatar, the eagle with the Santa hat. Hope you had fun visiting Santa with Jordyn

Waiting for my mini pizzas to cool for dinner.

Jo, glad your appointment went well. Neat to hear they recycle your body cast. Is Michael coming home the 10th?

Margy, neat 911 story, glad it was a happy ending. What a story to tell in the future.

JudyEddy said...

Had a nice night with family Jordyn actually sat on Santa lap after insisting forever I only want to stand next to him Angie loved that Santa she said there are a two short about 30 sec each video and some pictures

Two short videos and some pic of Jordyn see Santa tonight

stronghunter said...

Stopping in to say good night. SED, everyone. See you tomorrow.

JudyEddy said...

right behind you SHIRLEY
Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Lolly said...

Jumping in to say good night. We had a great day. Larry stayed here, dog sat and fished. Shadow especially enjoyed his swim in the creek. Jack and Dan toured and tasted at a distillery. Well, Jack tasted, Dan can not. Health reasons. Sharon, Sandy and I shopped. I did really well with finding stocking stuffers as well as a gift for Ashley from Laurel. Laurel was thrilled I did some shopping for her!

Sharon fixed our dinner tonight...tamales, beans and salad. Tomorrow night is Sandy's turn. I served meatballs last night!

Anyway, we are having a good time.

Night all! SED!!!!

Oh....Jo, thanks for keeping us informed. Shucks....what a wall hanging that could have been. lol

Mema Jo said...

Heading for my pillows - Prayers for all needs
Good night and God Bless

I love us ♥

Michael home on the 10th

magpie said...

Good Night Everyone...
Sounds like fun going on amongst us, that's always nice to read about. ☺

RED FRIDAY right around the corner....
God Bless Our Military

Prayers for Wellness in all our Eagle Corners

God Bless Us, Every One

NatureNut said...

Time for nighty-nighty, but had to jump on! Just found out a little while ago, that we (me by marriage) now have another GGD Lundholm in TN. She is the baby sister of first grader, Carlin, who sent us Flat Stanley last summer! Madelynn Grace is the daughter of Grandson Keith and his wife, Dianna!
Went shopping today, got a couple things, but found all my favorite catalogs last night in the newspaper "Trash" basket!!!! Ready to order online.
That nest picture looks great!I may see more birds there than at the Park!
Prayers for Good Health to all, especially Michael, Baby Isaac, Jo, Dana's Dad, Sandi's Mom and everyone else in nees ☺ ♥
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Hoda said...

Well I just got back in and Christmas Baking is done!!! I attended a class with 15 other people and three were men!!! We each baked a recipe from a health food book and absolutley NO WHITE SUGAR used!!! Amazing rather not even brown sugar. we used honey and coconut and dried fruit and it was awesome the presentations that we came up with. There was laughter and lots of talking and asking questions and it went really well. I came back with two boxes of Christmas Baking!!!

Hoda said...

LOLLY glad you had a good day with your siblings and that you shopped for LAUREL too.

Snowing here tonight but I think it is not going to be much by morning as it also speaks of it truning to rain!!! This is the 6th of December I can not believe it...Three meters of snow up on the ski hill Whitewater it is called so the base is good and it opens tomorrow. The snow they are getting UP Hill tonight is just going to make it so much better.

Hoda said...

Thinking of good friends and sending love and Light and healing is the winter season and "we are all just walking each other home" as a good yogic teacher says. To to OUR FRIENDS LOVE AND LIGHT COME YOUR WAY.

Hoda said...


Jars of Gratitude for the new year as LYNNE suggested in a post on FB. Empty jar fill with all the good things that happen during the year. Open it up the following new year...Love you LYNNE.


Costume Lady said...

I spent a good part of this day with GG and she is still doing fairly well. Her Pain Management doctor want's to have her do physical therapy, but for what, I don't know. Think I may end our visits to him, but will talk to her primary care doctor first and see what he thinks of the situation.

We had a BIG shipment from the Food Bank truck, today...over 2 tons! Took about 3 hours to put everything away.
We will have Soup Kitchen 2 tuesdays in a row, because the regular day falls on Christmas. Busy month for us!

Headed for bed, now...
Pleasant dreams, love and prayers for all♥

Kay said...

Up in the middle of the night for pain killers and could not walk by this contraption without stopping to make note of prayer requests and new news ! The pain killers may not be addictive, but the computer surely is !

Wow 2 tons of food for WANDA's hungry bunch. Terrific ! PT for someone GG's age ? I'd get a second opinion for sure.

I spent a few hours helping Julie clean/straigten some kitchen/panty shelves yesterday. Afterward went to the Animal Shelter, but no new dogs. I know one will speak to my heart someday !

HODA, I love the way the Christmas baking was accomplished up there. Enjoy the sweets, but make them stretch out over the next few weeks like a good girl !☺

SED for the rest of the night, dear hearts, and prayers for all in need ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Sandi said...

Good Friday morning my eagle friends!

Loretta, congrats on the new great grandbaby!

Janet, wondering when little Lorelai will make her appearance? Love that name - my daughter-in-law's sister named her 2nd baby Lorelai (she's about a year old now).

Wanda, happy to hear that GG is doing well!

Jo, glad you are ready to git-er-done!

Kay, hope you find that special dog soon! Our neighbors who lost their dog when he was electrocuted during the hurricane got TWO new lab mix puppies this week! Such cute fur balls!!

More incredible news that Isaac has been moved out of ICU! Special prayers for this afternoon that his esophagram shows the surgery went well.

Prayers continue for all! Make it a great day!

magpie said...

Good RED FRIDAY Morning Eagle Pals...
we are getting some light rain but I don't hear the tinkle of ice in it yet...

Best Wishes for a Gynormously Great Day...


T-Bird said...

Good morning my friends.

T-Bird said...


magpie said...

Right on, T-Bird...
Good to see you...
Always !
Hi Buddy and to the Whole Household...
xoxox ☺ ♥

Janet said...

good morning.....

poor japan! another earthquake and tsunami warning....but apparently the warning was canceled recently! i just saw that on the

SANDI; we are all wait wait waiting, taking it day by day with Lorelei's up coming birth. my daughter goes back to the doctor today, she's on weekly appointments now. she is so used to the military ways, she didn't know she could have a say so in her labor and delivery. i told her last week to think about it and to make a list of questions/requests/etc for her nurse/doctor.

JUDYE: love the video of jordyn!!!! she is so cute!!!

RED FRIDAY: since i can't wear red to massage envy, i've taken to wearing a flag lapel pin on my collar.... :) love your red Friday idea! time to honor!

HODA: your cooking sounded wonderful! maybe some day i will slow down enough to experiment as such.

COSTUME LADY: i am thinking PT, given the right therapist, could be a beneficial thing. i would want sometime trained in geriatrics, of course, but i think with some research you could locate someone who is capable. it is simply amazing what PT, which most people call them physical terrorists, can do. i have seen them do incredibly simple, painfree stuff that is very very effective. and as long as her M.D. is on board, absolutely. if you can decrease the need for pharmaceuticals on the pain front, that's great!

i need to get rocking with my day or i'm gonna run late. eveyrone have a superb day....sending light, love, healing, and comfort to each of you as you need.... :) rocking into Friday with a SMILE!

T-Bird said...

It's nice to see the night vision is working great on the nest. Yes, we are one day closer to being with our eagles.

T-Bird said...

I probably need to stop counting down, it might go slowing that way. : )(?

T-Bird said...

XXOO right bakatcha Magpie!!

T-Bird said...

You have a superb day too Janet.

T-Bird said...

Is anyone having trouble with their Facebook this morning?

T-Bird said...

I think I have been infested by a bug. I've got some tool bars that I can't get off my screen. Does anyone have any solutions?????
I right clicked on the bottom tool bar and these pests aren't on there as a choice to take away.

T-Bird said...

MAGPIE Are you all suppose to have ice this morning, or snow?

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Congrats on the new grandbaby Loretta. I love the truck full of food for the food Pantry. OUT DAM SPOT and graduation for Baby Isaac. Michael soon to be home for Christmas. We are blessed.To night is the sheter Santa party. 46 kids who have been in shelter this year and remain in the area will gather for their time with Santa. ALl will get a Santa sack full of goodies and leave their wish for Christmas Eve with Santa. Each child has been or will be adopted for Christmas and Santa will make his presence known in their homes on Christmas eve as well. Dex will have a new sitter while i go get these photos as my usual sitter will be working the kitchen for the Santa party. I LIKE tonight.

T-Bird said...

My brother-in-law, Jerry, has an appointment with his surgeon Monday. His surgery is scheduled for a week before Christmas then more chemo and radiation.
I spent some really quality time with my sister at our "annual" Christmas dinner. You can really tell that the surgery is looming over her.
Beth and Jerry have bought a kinda fix it up house. It's a god thing. They have been looking forever and they live in a trailer that has holes in the floor and stuff like that. They have spent 15 years in this depressing trailer. This stress is also heavy on her mind. (Not to equate that with Jerry's cancer treatment of course.)
Thank you all for your prays!!

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Feels like December outdoors this morning.

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Jo, for the suggestion. Hunter is receptive to the idea of posters for his room. I'm going to order a bunch for Christmas.

magpie said...

Wow, T-Bird....
things are happenin' with your sister and brother in law....
wonderful, they can into fixing up a fixer-upper!

Hoping that all the medical things go superbly also...

Oh, I am not having any trouble with Facebook this morning:
LOL - I don't HAVE Facebook...

can't help with your tool bar problem but I bet someone here will be able to !!

Good Morning, from work,
More Morning Eagle Pals
OH T-Bird, we had a possible prediction for icy rain but the temps are almost at 40 - so just rain now

magpie said...

Love the report from Glo...
what a joyous evening is in the works, and the rest of the Christmas season as well...

magpie said...

Already behind on what's on my work plate this morning....wish I could just chitty chat away with my friends here...BUT ...
the dough factory is hollering at me !!!

I am caught up on the posts...
and wishing all well in all their concerns and activities....


magpie said...

aah Posters, Shirley...
may some geology ones, or lapidary ones, would that cover rocks ???

grannyblt said...

Good morning eagle buddies. Went to Blackwater osprey cam for a peek and with the static problems they are having, I saw 4 eagles. Actually just two. One of them had a spot on it's head reminding me of Shep. Will be happy to see him soon.
Keeping prayers and good thoughts in mind for all of us.

paula eagleholic said...

Kay, you may want to search local rescue groups online. That's how I found my Nick. Look at

stronghunter said...

He is interested in a military theme, Margy. He is also very interested in history, so that opens lots of possibilities. Wants to paint his chest of drawers navy camouflage. I did not even know there was navy camouflage.

Linda said...

Good Morning!!

So how far is Blackwater from Shepherdstown??? Hope our Shep isn't two timin'!!! He should know that spot makes him stand out!! Haha

Good news all around today, except for Lori oversleeping! :-(

DanaMo said...

Kay-Paula had a great suggestion to go with a rescue. I think that is even better than the ASPCA. I know that alot of people do use the ASPCA with success, but I'm a little uncomfortable with that myself. Good luck. Praying that you get a buddy soon!

One week til Aric gets home.Yipee!

Kids are colring quietly right now. Only half the class here because of specials. One half is at computer, but music was cancelled because of Mass. Looking forward to mass and being able to pray for everyone in our group who really need our prayers. Adding Thelma's BIL to the list.

Love you guys!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Warmer this morning than yesterday. No definite plans today, but I do feel an urge to go to Wildseed Farm. Tomorrow when we leave, Jack and I go through Llano and that means....eagles! Wahoo! Going to get my fix and I am so excited!!!

Lolly said...

This link will take you to pictures of the Llano eagles. They have eggs in the nest at this time.

Llano Eagles

Mema Jo said...

Good morning! Your comments make my morning so much brighter! Check for our
cam but not yet - soon soon ♥
Glo I know those Christmas parties over the years for the children are such an uplifting to all. I think you take your camera - right?
Loretta - A new GGD - that is wonderful.
Janet - Love the name for your GD - I know you are anxious to have that little bundle of love in your arms.
Hoda - Great baking evening you had! We used to have parties and everyone would bring cookies to share and you would also go home with your basket full. Did you have fun making snowflakes? I did ♥

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - keep your eyes to the sky!

I miss our Suzanne up there in Mount Alto PA

Wanda - Try some PT with GG. It may perk her up doing something new. Your
food kitchen has been blessed!

Lynne (Grannyblt) good to hear from you! I saw Lonely Louie on the Blackwater Osprey Platform the other day. lol

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Prayers please! Isaac is going for his esophagram right now!! Pray it is nice and open and no leaks!!!

Mema Jo said...

Dana - glad you are having a good day!
Praying for your dad to get the best treatment ever!

Kay - Waiting for your announcement of the dog your choose. I say Rescue places are the most needed for adoption.

Judy - loved the video of Jordyn on Santa's lap - She sure had the look of Christmas!

Margy - hope you and James get some Christmas time together!

Linda - Hoping that Dennis gets all 'fixed up' and can enjoy the holiday.

T-Bird - Prayers for your BIL - and also for your sister during this Christmas time - perhaps a miracle will be in the making! ♥

Shirley - good luck with Hunter's room
Guess he will need camouflage bedspread, sheets and curtains.

Paula - have your grand kids seen Santa Clause yet?

Mema Jo said...

Have an eye appointment today - I need a week with NO appointments - would be nice

I'll be back later today
Everyone take care ♥

Mema Jo said...

That is what happens when I try to address each and everyone oif you

SANDI - Thinking of you ♥

glo said...

Just got back form helping to set up for the party tonight. Yes MeMa Jo I do take my camera and i used to take Dex too but well he can't handle 46 kids at one time anymore especially if my job is to get those Santa photos so he is staying home with a different friend who is good with dogs. She is coming early so they can kind of feel sort of connected before I head out the door.

Prayers for Isaacs test which is underway or maybe getting over about now

JudyEddy said...

Good almost afternoon and late morning all 65° out now nice hi suppose to be 78° funny thing is the water is keeping us cooler that the spine of the state in the lo 80 It usually the opposite we are usually warmer because of the water but now during winter But no matter what still NICE

Doing laundry now and drinking my coffee

JudyEddy said...

SOON is now past in my dictionary has I keep looking thinking soon has come and gone but no camera

I was thinking they would have it connected by the weekend since they are closed on the weekend maybe today keep fingers crossed that SOON will come to pass and will arrive for us to see our eagles

JudyEddy said...

Here is the image of the day from NASA pretty cool

This movie shows the variations in the lunar gravity field as measured by NASA's Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) during the primary mapping mission from March to May 2012. Very precise microwave measurements between two spacecraft, named Ebb and Flow, were used to map gravity with high precision and high spatial resolution. The field shown resolves blocks on the surface of about 12 miles (20 kilometers) and measurements are three to five times improved over previous data. Red corresponds to mass excesses and blue corresponds to mass deficiencies. The map shows more small-scale detail on the far side of the moon compared to the nearside because the far side has many more small craters.

JudyEddy said...

OMG HOW SAD the news just said the nurse that was involved in the HOAX in England about Kate pregnancy was found dead from suicide I hope the Radio Station that was involved feels guilty

DanaMo said...

I have such a headache!

Hoda said...

Oh JUDYE that is SAD beyond words!!! I am sorry about the nurse in England!!!

Thinking of all and sending PRAYERS.

BEV let us know how it went for ISAAC.

SANDI too. Thinking of you.

Less than a week now SHAR!!!

THELMA my FB page is alright no trouble. I hope your page is fixed now???

I will make the Christmas Baking last till January KAY. Even if Kristin comes from Montana for a visit I will share with her and we will try to make it last till January.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Dropping in to say a quick hello before getting really busy today.
Want to try to get some Christmas decorations up.

Saying prayers for Baby Isaac this morning. Hope his test today goes extremely well! Prayers are ongoing for everyone else, too.

So sorry to hear of the death of the nurse involved in the prank call to King Edward VII Hospital regarding the Duchess of Cambridge!
Apparently the prank call was the last straw, causing her to take her own life. I wish that people who think these pranks are just a
joke would realize what possible consequences there might be, BEFORE they follow through! Such a tragedy. Prayers for the nurse's family, friends, and co-workers!
Glad to hear that Kate has been released from the hospital, and wishing her the very best!

Margy, relieved to hear that the missing 4-year-old girl was found!
Scary when you can't find them right away!

Hoda, the 1989 college classroom shooting was a tragedy, and it's really nice that there's a day of remembrance for the victims. Sounds similar to the Columbine tragedy here in the USA.

Well, Emma's coaxing me to get off the computer, and I have a lot to do today, (Wow! Red Friday again, already!) so better scoot. HAGD, everyone, and I'll try to get back here tonight instead of falling asleep in front of the TV!
♥♥Missing Lynn♥♥
♥♥Love to Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!!!

Hoda said...

Congratulations to LORETTA GGC!
Early Christmas in your house!!!

Hoda said...

Yes ANDY!!!

Hoda said...

JO Very very cool!!! I amde five snow flakes and they are falling over LONDON. Snow has stopped here in Nelson and it is very white and fresh...Thank you for my Advent Calendar. Love you...

Hoda said...

Safe travels tomorrow LOLLY.

Debbie Gillispie said...

I am looking for information. I have seen a bald eagle today at our backwater sitting up in a tree. We never have this type of bird down here. I live in Poca about thirty minutes below Charleston, WV. This is an unusual sighting for me. It is such an awesome creature. I first saw it about 3-4 months ago for the very first time. So, I am wondering if anybody knows if anyone is missing an eagle. please contact me at

WV sUSAn said...

I get on here at work, barely read anything of the blog, get busy and then it's hours gone by and I'm still trying to read. So much going on.

Dana - hope your head is better.
Hoda - wonderful that the ladies are still remembered :-(

What a tragedy about the nurse at King Edward VII Hosp. And what idiots are the hosts from the radio station playing the prank. That's just rude to call anyone in the hospital and get personal info, especially Kate who is dogged constantly by the media.

Jo - you sound great, my dear, and glad Michael will be there to take care of you. That's just so sweet.

I doubt the cam will be up and running until next year but, JudyE, you are cracking me up with your definitions of the word "soon."

Hi Margy and all and hope everyone is just a little better today than yesterday. I know I am :-) Hugs to all you eagle lovin' ladies at the Sycamore Palace!

WV sUSAn said...

Debbie G -- I'm in Charleston and haven't heard of the eagle in Poca. This one may be new to your area and looking for a place to nest. Keep us updated, please, and I'll check around to see if anyone else I know has sighted this bird. Very cool!

JudyEddy said...

Welcome Debbie
But I really don't think the eagle would be missing He or she just may be establishing new territory and according to the map WVA does have eagle migrate there Consider yourself luck seeing one and hope he or she builds a nest around

Janet said...


3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...