Monday, December 10, 2012

Monday Update

The Wednesday date was a little premature.  Here's is the projection from the tech folks:

"The new eagle camera install went well last Wednesday. I will be working with Ryan to clear up a vine that has wrapped around the signal antenna. Todd & I will be installing the new wire harness into the protective tubing sometime T-Thr. If all goes well the camera should be up by Monday."


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JudyEddy said...

another feather for me two thread in one day

NatureNut said...

Thank you, Steve! How exciting!!!!
JudyE, you're so lucky!I'll never get some, but I can find lots of goose & crow feathers!!!We had a "BIRDS" Alfred Hitchcock set at Chaelsea in the past 2 weeks. The farmer cut the soybeans and everybody is in the fields and then zooming into the trees. Very Loud!
Had a dentist appt. which was close to some stores I forced myself to go to for some Xmas items. Needless to say, it's time for a Wallymart meltdown.ZZZZZZZZ

Janet said...

congrats judy!!!! one day closer to actual launch of camera date! woo hoo!


Janet said...

touching base this afternoon:

KAY: congrats on the new furbaby!!!! :)

not much to report: outside temps have dropped about 20 degrees from 6 this morning...chilly out there...cloudy. looks and feels more like december.

chelsea is dilated to about 5 now and has been uncomfortable all day....i made it thru the day at work. i pray this baby comes on tonight, as i am off tomorrow and wed would be easy enough to be available.....

wrapped a couple gifts, got a few more things to do before i pick miss olivia up from school.

will check in later!

((((HUGS)))) for all!

magpie said...

Best wishes on what sounds like a pretty imminent delivery, Janet...

Thanks Steve for the update and the New Thread...let's hope for some nice weather for all this, this week

Thanks JudyE for the call-over

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

We will take Monday!!!


Isaac is getting ready to try taking a bottle for the first time (that it's actually going to go somewhere). Excited-prayers please!

Janet said...

MAGPIE: she is having just about every early labor sympton in the book... my vote is tomorrow/wednesday. i've been wrong before, but this has been my gut feeling for several days.....

I have everything ready: my moogie bag in case i get to be at the hosptial.

The spare room is ready for my grandkids to stay with me.

I am just waiting and reassuring her as I can. She is so uncomfortable....

WOOOOO! SHARON! this IS exciting news. i hope someone takes pix. i know many tears of joy will flow!

LOVING the good news.

Well, need to go get Olivia from school!

later ya'll

grannyblt said...

Thanks for keeping us informed, Steve.

Go Isaac, go.....

magpie said...

Just thinking of all things Lennox right now!
Warmth, support, love, and discovery of all kinds of new things

xoxo (( Hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

and while I'm at it, am
thinking of
all things Momsters and Dadsters

Hope y'all are doing good...
or is it Well...or just, both !

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang!

Hope your day was spectacular!


Hope your day was really special, too!

Well, haven't finished the Christmas decorations yet, but will eventually get there.

Steve, thanks for the exciting news about our cam!! Can't wait!!!

Guess I missed the announcement about our new Petster, Penny! Welcome, Penny!

Hoda, prayers going heavenward for your sister!!! May God keep her safe!

Glad to read the happy news about both Baby Isaac and Michael! God is SO good!!!

Oops--just got a text message that Ken is on his way home from work for the day. Better get going. Hope everyone is having a good day!
Prayers for all continue. Will try to stay awake tonight and get back here instead of snoozing in front of the TV!
♥♥Missing and thinking of Lynn♥♥
♥♥Carolyn and Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!!!
OUT, DAMNED SPOT!!!!! ♥ you, Jo!!

Sandi said...

Home from school and the boys' basketball game to find a new thread!

Great news about little Isaac - what a special first for him and his parents!

Hope Michael is home and getting himself settled!

Told Kay that, since she ended up with a dachshund, I'd say it was a match made in heaven - I'm thinking that Lynn had a little bit to do with the ending to the story! =)

Brian and Lynnis and the 2 dogs are on the plane, on their way to Zurich. Will touch down at Dulles at about 3:30 tomorrow afternoon!

need to fix food for people and dogs - later!!

Lori O. said...

Sounds like another whiz of a Momster day around the blog!

Good evening everyone!

I just got home from PA, visiting the parents and helping Mom with all things Christmas. It was a very nice visit.

I finished a baby quilt for my niece and got another one to start for another niece who is due in May. The one I've finished will go to the mom due between Christmas and New Years!

JANET, congrats on your soon grandchild to be. Your instincts sound like you're right on!

JUDY E, congrats on grabbing another feather!

SHARON, thanks for the good news that Isaac is going to have his first bottle!

STEVE, thanks for the new thread and for the update on the camera. I cannot wait to see Belle and Shep again!

JO, hope everything is going fantastic at your place. Can't wait to hear about it! Hello to Michael!

MARGY, are you winding down your weekend? I still have one more day off - what a great feeling!

I love and missed you all!

JudyEddy said...

What great news SHARON did he drink the bottle successfully??
KAY we want a picture PLEASE of your new furbaby
When I left work it was dark out Storm clouds but only has spitted so far I see lightening off in the distance in the gulf must be on the way I love storms

JudyEddy said...

WOW looked at radar yep lots of rain north of us and in the gulf Clearwater is getting it now Maybe we will get some I hope moving north will just keep fingers and leggs crossed

JudyEddy said...

LORETTA I will give you this feather I have plenty OK

JudyEddy said...

All four cameras are working at Sutton OK

magpie said...

Welcome Home Lori...been wondering about I know !

magpie said...

You must be Way Past Excited about your upcoming visit from Brian and Lynnis....
☺ ♥

magpie said...

oops, AND the two dogs!

JudyEddy said...

Has anyone heard from JO about the move today?????

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

my delete said couldn't get facebook and now its back

Lolly said...

Wahooo! My shopping is complete except for 2 stocking stuffers. Will wait til I have more time to go get them as I have to head to Ft Worth for one.

I can wait patiently until Monday for the cam. Next week will be better anyway...have so much to do this week. Just added a band concert Friday evening. Will get good pictures as Joseph is first chair.

Yes, can hardly wait to hear how Isaac did with a bottle. Wow!

Lolly said...

It was 32 this morning. We did not see snow but some did see flurries and not far away they had a dusting of snow. Down to 24 this morning....our first real freeze.

JudyEddy said...

Good evening eaglebudlets Boy was that a doozy of a lightening storm we had here is one of 5 pic I got I took 3 short videos also and posted on facebook wow did it rumble big time all gone now didn't get much rain from what I could tell will check rain gauge in the am

JudyEddy said...

69° after the rain went through was 75° right before it came through

magpie said...

Wow, JudyE, quite a picture...we were warm enough here for T-storms today but they passed us by

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Isaac's update.

The feedings went pretty well for his first go at it. The therapist was very happy that he isn't totally opposed to the bottle being in/near his mouth and that he didn't choke any during the feedling. He did gag a couple of times but they will continue working with him until he is a little more coordinated with the whole idea of eating. He took about 5mL so he's got some work to do but he'll get there!

His meds have been weaned 4 days in a row so we are getting's just a slow process to ensure he doesn't have major withdrawals.

Please be in prayer for his eating skills to come easily and for the hiatal hernia to be resolved without surgery. Thanks everyone-the power of prayer is amazing!!

Linda said...

Sounds like progress to me for Baby Isaac!!
One step at a time, for the little one!

So happy to hear he is being weaned from his meds, too!!
Will keep Isaac, Chuck and Nicole along with the team of healthcare professionals in prayer!!

Welcome back, LORI........
So kind and thoughtful of you to go help your Mom with Christmas preparations!!

Getting excited for Chelsea's 'lil arrival!!
Praying we hear the announcement from JANET very soon!

Linda said...

Thinking of the joy in the Lennox household tonight!!

Praying everyone is resting comfortably
and adjusting well.

A new chapter begins ........

Linda said...

KAY - You must be busy getting Penny settled and showing the little one the ropes!! As you both get to know one another, I'm praying this is a perfect match for you both!!

magpie said...

It's about time to go dent the pillows, and I just noticed the Google Image, bet it's animated,
but I can't get to that part right now.

Thinking of all, especially
Jo, Ed, Michael, and all
the Family Lennox

and holding all of you out there close to my heart ♥

Prayers for Wellness and Recovery
Amongst Us

Good Night, Precious Pals

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

Mema Jo said...

It has been a beautiful day and very eventful. Michael is doing well and actually went to his Men's Credo meeting this evening.
I am headed towards the pillows as I just remembered how early I got up this morning. God bless all of you and Good Night

I love us!

Hoda said...

Good news on the blog on many levels.

Blessed Be.

Day went well here and I am on my way to doing some meditation.
I came in from Yoga a little while ago and it is a pleasant experience to be with people who are loving and cheerful and know laughter and consideration.

On my Calendar it says JO PRAYER CIRClE!!! I have not seen dates posted on the treatment so I think this is wrong from another time...
Just in case I will do a special prayer for you tomorrow in case you do start the treatment then.

Hoda said...



Costume Lady said...

Jo, tell Michael that I'm happy that he is getting along well enough to go to a meeting, but please, keep out of trouble;)
Nite Lennox family♥♥♥

Nite to all my friends, sleep tight, see you and prayers♥

magpie said...

Magnificent "Good Night"
post from Jo...
sounds like a wonderful
first day home for
Michael and the family ♥

magpie said...

workday for me,
getting ready for it now.

Best Wishes to ALL
for a very good day

xo ♥

Sandi said...

Good Tuesday morning Margy and all my eagle friends!

Read Isaac's latest update that he's getting the hang of swallowing!

Long day for me - parent conferences til 6:30.

Prayers for all on the blog - make it a great day!

Sandi said...

I'm wondering if Janet will do her normal morning check-in or if she'll have news that little Lorelai has arrived!

Sounds like Michael got himself settled in well at home - more great news!

magpie said...

Good Morning Sandi!

In the East, the smallest sliver of the waning Moon, just to the right of Venus...
it's a spectacular view, there are some clouds and it will get light soon but I hope some of you can see it!

magpie said...

I was looking for a post
from Janet also ☺

will have to check back
from work...

ttfn xo ♥

Sandi said...

Brian posted on Facebook 2 hours ago that they are in Switzerland - one flight down and one to go. He included a photo of my 2 granddogs sitting with Lynnis in the lounge of the Zurich airport.

They should all touch down in DC around 3:30 this afternoon. Can't wit til Friday to see them.

Margy, thanks for the heads-up on the moon and Venus in the east sky. It is a pretty beautiful sight!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning SANDI and MARGY, and all eagle pals!

Great news about Isaac, and just hoping that JANET has a new granddaughter this morning!

Today is my last day off before going back to work tomorrow. Trying to figure out what I can do to really enjoy it...hmmmm. I do have a conference call for work so I guess it's not a total day off, but enough for driving to the station!

So glad to hear that Michael is well enough to go out to a meeting! I bet he's glad to be home, JO!

LOLLY, I'm done with my shopping, too, except for 2 things, well, one thing for neighbor Jane. Not doing stockings this year. :(

Counting the days untill MONDAY!!!!

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eaglebudlet

I bet JANET is busy now with the impending GB that is why she hasn't posted

JudyEddy said...

I just texted JANET are u Grandma again yet?

Janet said...

good morning all. STILL WAITING. chris (husband) sent a text just after 9 last night that she finally fell asleep. i hope she got some rest...she has been just plain miserable for quite literally a week now....

so happy that michael is home...and isaac is learning to nurse....oh all the good in life!

the reason i am late posting this morning is i AM OFF today! i havne't had a Tuesday off in a while! and so i slept til 6:10...woooooo ....... are you impressed? lol.

gonna check in with chelsea, maybe do some baking today....i want a quiet day. if we aren't gonna have a baby, then i want a quiet day today, darn it!

it got chilly last night, 32 right now. that's a 30+ degree drop from this time yesterday. but they say, 50's tomorrow. 42 for a high today. that's not bad.

i had to move my suet feeder the other day....darn squirrels! first off i like them and love to watch their antics BUT smarty pants.....i had this suet feeder which looked like a little house, and it had a space for 2 bars of suet. the squirrels took the bar out and ran off with them. left one in the street, which crows promptly i had to get out the old cage type suet feeder, reinforce it with clothespins (or they will pop the latch) and put it back out. crazy critters!

well, i will touch base with you wonderful folks later on. (fingers crossed).....have a super day! hugs to all!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Taking a little time to read posts before getting ready to go bowling.

Rus came down for a visit last night. I'd had carpet people here and was pretty tired, so I just put together what was in the refrigerator for dinner.

We had a nice visit. He's still job hunting. Hadn't mentioned it, I don't think, but he got laid off when his employer went over budget. With the fiscal cliff-hanger in place, it is not a good time to find government-contractor jobs. Hoping things get fixed soon.

He has all kinds of security clearances and is very good with computers, so that should help. But still . . .

My carpets are re-installed and cleaned. That is very nice. Now to get the outside of the house washed. We are almost finished.

Insurance guy called to ask about how I like the spot that Chad test-cleaned. Hmm, Chad never showed me the spot. Love that Chad.

stronghunter said...

Hoping that the big day is very soon, Janet. Like today, for example.

Haven't read back too far, but I am thinking Kay has a new dog named Penny. Congratulations!

stronghunter said...

So pleased to see that things are going well for Michael and Isaac.

And, waiting as patiently as possible for the new cam to be online.

magpie said...

Good Morning More Eagle Pals from
the Dough-Making Factory

Happy Bowling, Shirley, and all
sounds pretty progressive on the house fixin'-ups.
Positive thoughts for Rus getting
the job of his dreams

NatureNut said...

Hello, my special Eagle Buds. Today must be the day for something good! Just saw my first Eagle this winter flying down the river!!!!!. Haven't seen any in the nest, yet, but others have.
Yesterday was supreme, too~~~~Michael is home, Baby Isaac is slurping!, Janet's GD is on the way,Kay has a furbaby!, and we have many other blessings.
Hoda, I also have Jo on my calendar~~~I think today was supposed to have been the first zapping, but is changed. Whatever the schedule, we are praying for you, Jo, to get "Out, Out, Damn Spot!"
I forgot about the older kitty at home and left my shopping bags on the floor yesterday when I got home. Binky proceeded to empty the bag with kitty Xmas treats! Only toys, so she didn't eat them.They went on top the fridge and others went in a closet. She likes tearing plastic, too, so it doesn't really matter what's in the bag!
Wish I were home! Printed out address labels, but didn't bring them.
Maybe I'll try to keep my eyes to the skies!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning! I see that for Sandi and Janet it is a 'waiting game'. What joys you two are about to experience.

My joy was up and out of here by 7:30 this am with his Brother. I am so thankful for the two of them - 10 years ago they were helping me to get grey hairs. Age sometimes cures all.

Waiting for my Jennifer to arrive. Her cat, Crybaby has been ill. She had just lost Snowflake and now this. She loves her loyal felines

WV sUSAn said...

Oh my goodness, what a week already. So many blessings with Kay's dog, Janet's soon to be grandbaby (push, push), Isaac's first bottle feeding, Michael's homecoming. WOW We're getting quite a start!

Lynne -- thinking so much of you and Steve. Hugs to you both.

Sandi -- the anticipation builds!!!!!

Jo -- Michael's already up and out? wowa So glad to hear. You know how thrilled he must be to be able to just go... :-) Thinking of you and sending healing love to the Lennox house.

Happy Tuesday to all!!

Judie said...

Knock Knock, may I come in? If the door is still open, I'll be right in.

WV sUSAn said...

Oh and another thing.....


WV sUSAn said...

Good Morning Judie! Come on in

Lolly said...

Good morning! Maybe Judie is typing a book!

magpie said...

You bet, Judie!
Please do... ♥

G'Morning' Jo, Susan, and Judie
and anyone who hasn't knocked and is standing timidly outside the door

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


This is timid EE Shar. :)

Lolly said...

Forgive me...I went to bed last night without saying good night. Fell asleep in my chair and Jack said I was snoring softly. lol

Wow about Michael. I thought he would be sitting around at Jo's, but no, he is gallivanting all over the place!

And, little Isaac nursing from a bottle...OMG, what a thrill for his parents!!!

Lolly said...

Well, come on in Sharon. lol That sounds like you, arriving with a bang and having everyone roaring with laughter!!! Love you!

Lolly said...

Well, we turned on the heat for the first time this winter. We have not had the AC or the heat on since Sept when we left on our trip. Good on the ol' pocketbook!!!

It was 24 this morning and up to 31 right now. Enjoying my coffee and then going to start baking coffee cakes. Plan on making eight. When I bake them this afternoon the house will smell of baking yeast bread and cinnamon!!!

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Let the good times continue and those who are struggling find some relief. It is sunny but very cold here today. I am going to run a ocuple of errands and then swing by Marina for a peak. Not bringing the camera "I don't think" LOL OK I can't leave it home when I go there so I will bring it BUT I will need something special to get out for a photo. Cold is getting better but throat still pretty sore. If the soreness remains tomorrow I will go to Dr for antibiotics. Gonna give it one more day. HAGD everyone.

WV sUSAn said...

Well I finally am trying to converse and got kicked off the Internet all together. Ooooops, probably what I get for talking from work. :~/

Glo, if you do NOT take your camera, you know you'll wish you did.

Lolly, that sounds delish!

WV sUSAn said...

Having dinner with a girlfriend tonight I haven't seen for a while. Will be nice to visit and catch up.

magpie said...

Well, Maybe I need to speak a little louder:


Mema Jo said...

I know I did NOT knock - just open the door and came right in at 9:48 to wish you all a good morning.

How many days now before TRAIN, Sharon?
Can't be too many - I know this is your Christmas present! I already got my special gift!


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Hug Michael for me, would you? And then ask him to hug you from me!

WV sUSAn said...

Hi Margy, Mema and Sharon. I think we scared Judie off. lol

stronghunter said...

Back from bowling. What a disaster. Don't think we will be staying in second place. Oh, well. We will try to get back there next week.

Hey, Judie!!! We are missing you.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Judie, Judie - come back, come back! We need you here!

magpie said...

Hey there Pals

excuse me for a minute, don't mean to be rude... but -

Hey Shirley, I had to send you
an email to ask you a question if
you could check that for me.
Thanks !

Kay said...

Good Afternoon, dear Eagle Buds ! I've neglected you terribly, but with good reason. I know Sandi and maybe a few others relayed my joyful news and I instinctively know how happy you are for me. Yes, I found my lucky Penny, a 14#,6 year old doxie who is turning out to be a dream dog. Julie has been too busy at work for us to get Malcolm and Penny together---we want to be able to take a good long time at the task. She has shown disdain for the only neighborhood dog, huge lab, we've run into on our walks and he has shown himself to be jealous when we pay attention to other dogs at the dog park. She came from a house with 2 other dogs, so we think it will work out. Meantime, I've been spending her almost 48 hours here on our own bonding, learning each others signals, etc.. She doesn't, unfortunately, give any cue at the door when she needs to go out, so I'm taking her out every couple of hours. She's had one pee accident in the house, with no harm done---any helpful hints will be much appreciated. My family and Stan and I had many dogs over the years, but all in AZ and all outdoor dogs. Anyway, I usually get on line and go to e-mail immediately---then I find myself with no time left to come here. Today I'm switching that order because I've really missed you all. Glad I had the EM yahoo mail available to get the word out.

I haven't read enough to really catch up, but see a remark by LOLLY about JO's Michael that has me jumping for joy. "Gallavanting all over the place" ? Wahoo !

As long as you're thoroughly enjoying bowling, SHIRLEY, I wouldn't worry about those "disaster" days. They happen.

Happy to hear SHAR is headed for the Train ! The perfect Christmas present for our music lovin' gal !

I'll have to read back before I bore you silly with dog talk and this is a Seth pick up day. I think he's going to opt for coming home with me til' his parents get out of work. He wants to bond with Penny, too. However, just want to say, I feel our dear LYNN's angelic hand print all over this. She and I reveled in her finding Liesl as she'd had doxies earlier and I once had a long haired doxie name Lowrider. I know she's happy for me !

Will try to get back later to do some catch up reading, but am also elated over STEVE's news about the cam ! Wahoo ! Then I'll get back to staying on line with the cam and chatting more often as we watch our beloved Eagles !

Prayers continue for the ongoing list ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Kay said...

Oh, my, I've only read these 75 or 6 posts and must go back to the old thread. Just had to add how thrilled I'm am to read that baby Isaac is now bottle feeding ! God has answered our prayers !!!!

Still praying for JANET and family as I see they are still waiting for their bundle of joy !

Thanks for all who've expressed elation over my good fortune. I already feel it's going to be a blessing physically. No matter how I feel there is a little girl depending on me and getting me out and about. Better than paying the atrocious co-pay for more P.T. in my opinion. ☺ Okay, going even further back.

Oh, JUDYE, you've asked for pics so I'm going to send you Penny's pics and ask you to post them on your blog for this woefully backward blogger. I remember when LYNN posted Malcolm's pic on her blog for me. I may be able to figure out how to make her my avatar--I'll try, but watch your e-mail for the pics, please.

Kay said...

Okay, here I am back after reading posts back as far as my last post Saturday afternoon. Thanks to all who expressed happiness over my good Petster news ! I love the way we all share the good, the bad and the ugly. What a grand group of friends we've been blessed with !

Am delighted to see that most all the news has been upbeat and good this week. We've had enough of the other kind and this feels real great !

Yes, JEWEL's, by now you've seen how many of us have thought of your dear Mom and her darling Liesl upon reading about Penny. I didn't recall that one of her former dogs was even named Penny, but I remember her talking about how dear that dog was to her and her family. I miss LYNN so much, just as you and our entire family does. I've thought of her many times as Christmas approached because she was so into decorating, baking, shopping--all the things that go with the Season. She always posted beautiful pictures of her tree ! I know this will be a difficult Christmas for you, you sis and family, but there she is, singing with the angels on high and watching over all of us ! ♥♥♥♥

magpie said...

Well, it's wonderful to read all about YOU too, Kay, You AND Penny


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

From Isaac's Mom on CaringBridge:
Baby food, here we come!

Baby food, here we come!! Isaac gets to try some this afternoon...the feeding team is supposed to come in about 3. Please pray that it goes well. The team is hoping that if he learns to eat things with a little more consistency first that he will do even better with the liquids. Another "first" today...what a blessing that I can be here to witness it! Maybe they'll let me feed him the first bite :-). Also, please pray that I will get to see Chuck & Eli for Christmas (maybe even a few day before-that would be so nice) really miss them!!

Lolly said...

Hi Kay, great to see you on here. Anxious to see pictures of Penny and we want to hear all about her!!

I now have eight coffee cakes rising and the kitchen is cleaned up. Will take a while for them to rise and then bake as I can only bake two at a time.

WV sUSAn said...

OH MY GOSH, Sharon!!!! How fantastic!!! Isaac is moving in leaps and bounds. Bless that sweet child.

Janet said...

good mid afternoon folks. nope no baby, yet.

no contractions this morning either. but since i was off, she asked if i would go walking with her. because it is cold outside we went to opry mills mall (I don't do malls and i REALLY don't do malls in december)...must love this kid or something. lol.

so anyway, we walked the mall for 2+ hours....ran into someone i went to massage therapy school with....ate some cinnamon nuts .... she drank a cold coffee thing from starbucks...and nada. cramping. yet. pressure. yes. discomfort, absolutely...but nothing difinitive.

so we came home and i worked the reflex points on her ankles.....and she headed out to get the kids.

just talked to her, said she is now having contractions, again and they are the strongest, yet. not holding my breath....

i have put together another batch of stollen. if this one doesn't rise, pooh on it, we just wont' have it this year. maybe i've lost my touch with yeast dough. we shall see....i'll know in an hour or so.

it has turned out to be a sunny, beautiful day here. about 40 degrees....very nice out. i am getting ready to go to get olivia, need to run a couple of errands that didn't get done because i was walking the mall.

i really didn't mind. two years ago, this past may, opry mills mall, which is where opryland used to be, was flooded with 10+ feet of water from the cumberland. you all may have seen us on the news at that point. it was awful! the mall, the opryland hotel, all under 10+ feet of water. now they have a new flood wall, a 500 year flood wall they call it, or something like that. i am still amazed when i look at the cumberland and realize how high up that water came.

it isn't as if it is at the back door of the businesses. it had to rise up quite an embankment in the first place to get over to the mall and hotel. its a big area. but they are back and going strong. one of the mall workers said it was insane there last weekend, people backed up an hour on the road waiting to get in there.

i can't think of a THING i need that badly at ANY store.....

anyway, it made for nice walking today though. and it was lovely just talking with chelsea.

well let me scat. must get the kid. have a great afternoon. will touch base should anything happen.........

Kay said...

Wow, that little Isaac is improving by leaps and bounds ! Wonderful !

I'm back with Penny as my avatar. JUDYE, disregard my prior plan to mail you pics for you to put on your blog, etc.. There were several, but all about the same, so for now the avatar will give the Eagle Buds the idea. Thanks !

Hmmmm, LOLLY, your house will be smelling soooo good very soon ! Are those coffee cakes for a church event, personal gifts, a freezer supply or what ?

Seth had lots of homework so I took him home after school. Came home, too Penny for a walk and decided I'm out of oomph for today. Shopping for Penny's crate will have to wait for another day. I won't take her in the car until I have one, as I don't want a little missle flying around upon a sudden stop. I'm also hopeful that she'll accept one for sleeping. No idea where she slept in her previous home, but she's loving snuggling in with me. She burrows as all doxies do and I don't see how she breathes neath my sheet and blanket ! I can't even describe what a doll she is. She loves the tug LORI sent for Malcolm and also loves chasing tennis balls. She's nice blend between active and couch potato and a good match with me ! I promise to stop raving about her so much, but thanks for putting up with me while excitement reigns !!!

WV sUSAn said...

Kay - Don't stop! You've been through a lot and it's a wonderful thing to be "going on" about this new little girl who is making you so happy. I think it's great!!! She's beautiful.

WV sUSAn said...

Gonna take off. Need to stop by the house before I meet friend for dinner. Good to see everybody today and enjoy your evenings!!

Kay said...

Praying Chelsea's renewed contractions are the beginning of something good, JANET !!!! As always we're all on pins and needles when this kind of thing is happing in our "family" ! ☺

Kay said...

That's happening, of course, and it's a happy event ! I'm crazy about babies !!!

Julie just called. She's taking Malcolm to the dog park at 5, wearing him out and then bringing him here for a brief 1st encounter. Wish us luck as we get these two petsters used to one another. I plan to take care of Mal when they go to Florida for five days later this month, so we need to work on this pretty quickly.

magpie said...

Best wishes on all things Penny, Malcom, Seth and Kay..
and Julie and Hugh... and everyone in your family, Kay...
It's a treat to hear all about it!

Okay Janet, good luck on the Stollen, I love Stollen....!
Only have it if someone makes it and gives it to me, however

Good Late Afternoon Eagle Pals !

magpie said...

and best wishes on all things Chelsea and Baby, Janet, sounds like a nice outing the two of you had today...well, sort of , the three of you ☺

magpie said...

and how about that Isaac, praying for all good possible outcomes and delights there with him and his family...
hmmmm, baby food, baby bananas comes to my mind !

magpie said...

And of course I'm wondering what
kind of gallavanting
Miracle Michael and his
Miracle Family might be
up to today...

Hoping that Jenny's cat will be

Janet said...

Water broke at 325 p.m. Here we go folks

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Well, I fell asleep soon after dinner in front of the TV last night! Emma did too!

Happy to see how well Baby Isaac is doing! Thank God! God is indeed good, all the time!

Happy about Michael, too! What a terrific update! Praise God!

Shirley, glad your house is almost finished! Hope it won't take much longer!

Prayers continue for Isaac, and for Shar, that you will get to see Chuck & Eli!!!

Gotta get going--more laundry is calling my name! Ken will be home from work in about an hour, too!
Emma says "WOOF, WOOF!" to Penny!
Will try to check back later tonight. Have been remembering everyone in my prayers. Have a good afternoon/evening, everyone!
♥♥Remembering Lynn♥♥
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
OUT, DAMNED SPOT!!! ♥ you, Jo!
I ♥ us!!!

magpie said...

Going to throw in a little
update on the Magpie...
my nephew in law, came HOME
from overseas last Tuesday,
instead of being gone six months, it was only 11-days...
not sure what it's all about, but
we are overjoyed that he is
back and settling into his
OWN Roost, The Big House.
Therefore, 30 days and 3 moves later,
I am back at Magpie's Roost
for good...I think...

magpie said...

Yesindeedy, sounds like it Janet♥
O boy, is right !
Positive thoughts and prayers
for a grand delivery !

magpie said...

And helllooooo to Andy flying in and back out again

tons of work here to tend to
will be "watching" here and there
to see what everyone is up to !

Mema Jo said...

Billie Jean - National Zoo - Ready for birth of the Andean Bear Cub

Judie said...

Well, I thank you for welcoming me in the door. Sadly, I had a gazillion wannabe adults today all fighting for more grade points and trying their darndest to get me to give up what will be on the exam Thursday morning.

So, I need to catch up again. However, it is the bestest news ever that Miracle Michael is home with the bestest nurse he could have and Isaac is learning to eat and will soon be on the way to excellent health. I also see that someone has a pup named Penny - congratulations. Oh, I see Sharon is looking forward to a Train trip and Shirley's home is nearly restored to its former glory. So, as I say, I must read back.

Please leave the door ajar and I will return in the morning.♥

Kay said...

Oh, JUDIE, we always look forward to you comin' through that door !

Wahoo, Chelsea's water broke. Praying for an easy delivery and babe in arms before 12/11 is over with !

MARGY, don't know the circumstances, but agree it's a happy thing to have your nephew back and in the Big House. Now you can settle down in your roose and we'll all hope the bowlers cool it !

ANDY, Penny says woof-woof right back at Emma !

Have to take a trip to the zoo now. Thanks JO !

JudyEddy said...

Hello home from work

JUDIE HELLO long time no hear hope the wana bee are being good and not giving you any hassles LOL

We go more rain today but not enough to write home about LOL between today and last nite just a little over a quarter inch I guess its better than nothing

72° out right now the rain is from a cold front that is taking three days to get here Whoopee cold front the high will be 71 of Thur and lo 57° when it comes tonight lo is 67° lovein Fl weather for sure

I guess we did have a tornado last nite in all that ruckus

I would be honored to post your picture of your new furbaby we can't wait to see her

Stilll have some reading to do got through half the comments but want to go get a quick shower before any storms roll in BBIALW after shower and catching up

JudyEddy said...

AWW just saw the avatar sooo stinkin cute I a wanna pet her and rub her tummy so cute

Lolly said...

♪♫♪ It's beginning to smell a lot like Christmas....♪♫♪

Two cooling, two in the oven, four to go!!

They are for the freezer and breakfast Christmas morn. I give away one, but thinking of giving two this year.

Kay, please, please, please...continue to tell us all about Penny! Love it that she likes to cuddle at night!

stronghunter said...

Yay, Judie popped back in!

Yay, water broke. Things are happening!

Will return later.

Lori O. said...

YAY, JANET is going to be a grandma!

JUDIE popped in for a visit today!

SHIRLEY's house is almost done!

Michael and Isaac are on the mend.

AND KAY has Pretty little Penny. Can't wait until we hear how the meeting with Malcolm went!

LOLLY, wish I could test some of those coffee cakes for you! :)

Getting close to bedtime here...
Goodnight all!

Janet said...

False alarm heading home

JudyEddy said...

/they sent her home after she broke her water SIS ?

Lolly said...

Come on over, Lori! Will serve you fresh coffee cake!

They are all out of the oven and cooling. Smell is devine!

paula eagleholic said...

No broken water, Janet?

congrats to Kay and Penny for finding each other, she's adorable!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Lolly, I'll bet it smells good!

paula eagleholic said...

I am still fighting my sore throat, went to Dr again...more antibiotics. Going to the ENT if this doesn't clear it up. Not strep.

Lolly said...

Jack went and got pizza, said I earned it!

Lolly said...

So sorry, Paula, sore throats are not fun! Hope the antibiotics work!

stronghunter said...

Settled into my comfy bed now. Kathryn is watching The Walking Dead again tonight. I watched it last night when Rus was here, but told Kathryn I was going to abandon her tonight. Pretty violent and creepy program.

Lolly, it sounds delicious at your house. I have to make a dessert for tomorrow night. Thinking of doing a pecan pie, but need to get started early. Our oven seems to be malfunctioning, so I might run into problems. I think the thermostat probably needs resetting (replacing?). It is burning things on the top before the inside is done. So I will try a lower temperature setting.

stronghunter said...

Oh, Paula, I hope your throat heals quickly.

stronghunter said...

Oh, Paula, I hope your throat heals quickly.

stronghunter said...

Pardon the double post...just consider it a double wish for wellness.

stronghunter said...

It must be nice to be back home, Margy.

stronghunter said...

Janet said earlier that the water had broken, Paula.

stronghunter said...

Oh, I see that she said it was a false alarm. So the water is not broken yet?

NatureNut said...

Hi Gang! I've been going nuts here since I got home. Between Greg K and I, there were about 90 pics taken with my camera today at the Park. Two different happenings!
Chewed my salad while going thru pics, but really hungry, so taking a break~~~more food! I'll try to get them on here before bedtime!

I forgot to mention earlier to Kay, that one of my Aunt's had a dog named Penny.She was the black and white Boston Terrier.
Ms. Paula, get rid of that sore throat!!! Be Gone!

Talk later!!! (I'm not doing any Xmas stuff tonight!)

Janet said...

home. tired. adrenaline rush then crash.

chelsea had been sitting with the kids helping with home work...had had some contractions and then a gush of water. a bit of it. so the assumption was, the water broke.

so i hustled my hiney over across town, fighting rush hour traffic.
decided to wait a bit (they let us all be in the room with her)....til they determined what was what and traffic died down. they ran the labs and no, the water had not broken..... apparently the baby had kicked the bladder hard enough to cause urine to chelsea was mortified.

i felt so badly for her.

we came home and now i am just wiped out.....

Janet said...

paula : hope you feel better soon!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Janet, sorry for Chelsea and her false alarm.

magpie said...

Well, Janet, sorry for all the ups and downs !
But I think this Granddaughter will
have a Mind of Her Own...

Hope all will come along quickly now, soon....

Paula...I do hope you will be
100% very soon, sore throats are downright uncomfortable!

magpie said...

Oh Shirley.
comfy in bed, now THAT sounds like a very good idea.

First, I have to FIND my bed.
Yeah, I got a lot of stuff to
sling through here.

magpie said...

Sure sounds like Loretta Had a Red-Letter picture-taking day, will look forward to those

Oh Lolly, Pizza, now THAT sounds like a good idea too.
Plus all the desserts you'e been cooking

magpie said...

and a typo to go with it
you'e = you've

magpie said...

I might think about making desserts but I can't find the oven either, yeah, it's that bad

magpie said...

So, off to deal with some of the
"That Bad"...

Thinking of all, with lots of warm and cozy thoughts ♥

will sneak back through one more time before bedtime.
if I can find the computer again.

Yes, it IS good to be HOME, I
just can't find it !
I'll miss the Wildness and Spaciousness of Hedgesville and The Big House,
but so happy knowing its rightful
owner is in it once again

Linda said...

Wow, poor Chelsea!! How odd is that having a false alarm with thinking your water broke? She must have been devasted!! At least you know it's only a matter of time.....

Welcome home to Magpie's Roost, Margy!! I can imagine you're tired of the moving and at least you can get settled back in your cozy place for Christmas. Maybe you'll have a bit more time for YOU!

Good news for Miracle Michael and Baby Isaac today, too!!

And Precious Penny is Perfect for our KAY!! So happy to hear the sweet stories of cuddling and playing. I hope tonight's meeting with Malcolm went well.

And JUDIE is back, too!!! Love it when Judie is here. She has a wit like no other!!! Hoping your semester break is coming up soon so you can enjoy the holidays!!

One more load of laundry for me to fold before retiring for the night!!

Special prayers for Lynne and Steve tonight with Steve's first night back at home. Hoping his pain level is managable.

Keeping you all in my prayers tonight!



Linda said...


Hoping PAULA and GLO get rid of their sore throat infections pronto.....

No time for sickness now......

JudyEddy said...

Check out this picture so cute was posted on facebook on Friends of Pocona page Oh FYI both the eagle seem to be staying the night in the nest that was on the lake Sooners Nest 1 Looks like they have choosen that nest instead of the tree The tree scares me dead as a door nail
This is what the pictures said on FB ""From The IWS Eagle Cam Addicts page, Superman brings Wray a Christmas Tree""

glo said...

Good day on the blog. New baby tomorrow I bet and someone I hold dear is turning 93 tomorrow. Our family is blessed. Celebration is this weekend. Pray that she will be clear enough some of the time we celebrate her to know we are there and so very happy to have this time with her and all together.

JudyEddy said...

Would have been to cool of she could have had the baby at 12:12 on 12-12-12 still could happen tomorrow pm LOL

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Mema Jo said...

Good evening - Kay, Penny is a beautiful companion for you. Janet, Tomorrow that new GD would be welcomed with the birthdate of 12-12-12. Glo's Mom would share that date as she turns 93 yrs young.
I am heading into the pillows shortly.
Prayers for Sissy's foot pain to go away

I love us - AOYP ♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Today a dear friend of mine from Bedford, Jackie Hagood, was on a cruise with her mom, snorkeling in Belize, and she died from a heart attack. I am just heartbroken. Please keep her family in your prayers. Now her mom is in Belize and having to arrange to have her body retuned to the United States. She has a husband, Wayne and 2 teenage boys.

Hoda said...

Well it ate a long post I had written.

The long and short of it is I am glad all are well.

PAULA and GLO take care of the colds.

Life is good and plugging along in Canada. Watching events in Egypt.

SANDI do post pictures when you see the kids on Friday.

Maybe a baby tomorrow.

KAY love the stories about Penny.

Hoda said...

Sorry to hear that SHAR!!!

NatureNut said...

Oh, Sharon. What a sad occurrence. Prayers for that family.

The news is still on, so I made the deadline. Got one set of pictures in the Nook! The Best Subject! Will put pics Greg K. took on later.


magpie said...

Oh, Sharon, I am so sorry....
prayers for you and your friend's family

Glo, very best wishes for tomorrow for "Mom's" birthday, and for the celebration coming up this week-end ♥

Hoda said...

" Once In Royal David's City" Beautiful simply beautiful...thank you JO. One of my favourites.
Blessed Be.

magpie said...

Going to end the night with a peek at Loretta's pictures,
so it's time to say Good Night!

Prayers for Wellness All Around,
including for many special friends far and wide.....

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxoxoxo ♥

Lolly said...

Heading to bed shortly. Time to say good night.

Jack and I watched a Masterpiece program tonight. We DVR them and watch when there is nothing else to watch.

See you all tomorrow!


Costume Lady said...

What a pleasant surprise to see word from our JUDI on here...don't hear from her often enough!
And there was WV Susan, Kay, Granny BLT. Beginning to look like 'OLD HOME WEEK'

Soup Kitchen had 50 guests and a supper of Gnocchi Soup, etc.

Good Night dear friends...prayers and love for all♥

Hoda said...



Jewels said...

Is anyone still awake?????

Jewels said...

I need someone to email me at my gmail account.

Hoda said...

I just emailed you Carolyn...
Is everything alright?
Are you just testing your account?
Some glitches with gmail of late!!!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning everyone!

Hoping that JANET is a Grandma again by now, or very soon!

GLO, happy birthday to your MIL!

Sorry to hear that GLO and PAULA still have sore throats! It's been a long time for you both.

A happy day on the blog yesterday with JUDIE and LINDA checking in!

Prayers for all in need, our own JO, Michael, Baby Isaac, Paula and Glo, Sharon's friend's family, GLO's MIL, and Janet's new GD to be, and LYNNE2 & Steve.

MARGY, bet it feels kinda good to be back in your own house! Big hugs!

Thanks for the invite LOLLY!!! You're very sweet. :)

Time to get ready to go back to work. Vacation was sooooo nice!

Lori O. said...

Jewels, are you okay?

Good morning/night, HODA!

Hoda said...

Vacation was practice for retirement LORI.
Enjoy work and I hope you have many positive experiences.

Jewels said...

I have a question regarding addresses.

Hoda said...

I am soon heading to bed to give it another go...
I bought awesome pomegranates at the health food co-op and got up to have one!!! I think I had a dream??? LOL!!!

Hoda said...

I emailes you Carolyn I am here to help with addresses.

Jewels said...

Thank you Hoda!!!

Hoda said...

Good night.


Take Two!!!

Jewels said...

I am so happy you found your Penny. I knew mom shared her stories.
I am having a easier time with Christmas than I did Thanksgiving. Maybe cause Christmas was her favorite time of year. My kids decorated the tree for me last night. Purple and white lights again this year but for a different meaning than last year.
MOm is definetly with us.
Learned something tonight that wanted me to call her right away and of course could not. :(

Jewels said...

That baby is going to be hardheaded!! I was so hoping a 12-12-12 bay was coming!!!
I am sorry for Chelsea that the outcome wasnt holding her newborn!

I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. So hard for a mother to do, especially at this time of year. My thoughts and prayers are with them and you!

Sandi said...

Ugghh!!! Good Wednesday morning my eagle friends! I was up from 1:30 - 3:30 with Bandit. He was pacing, and whining - finally threw up outside but then still could not get himself settled. Poor old boy - he was so pathetic! He's sleeping like a baby now! Should be a great day at school today for me!

Happy to read wonderful news about Isaac eating, Michael being out and about, Margy's nephew-in-law only having to stay in Afghanistan for 11 days, Shirley getting her house back in order, Kay gushing about the new 4-legged love of her life, and Judie almost being finished another semester!

Janet, poor Chelsea ... maybe today will be the day - 12/12/12 would be a great day to be born I think!

Which reminds me ... Glo, is today your "Mom's" 93 birthday????

Trip to the dermatologist today for me to have another basal cell carcinoma removed - this one on my thigh. No big deal!

Make it a great day all! Hope I can stay awake!

DanaMo said...

Oh good urg..morning...
Not feeling it today and I really need to.
Kindergarten Christmas play is this afternoon, and God help me they are not ready. This class continues to be a challenge. Each day is a toss up. One good the next not so much.

Glad to hear that everyone is doing well, Isaac, Michael, etc...Love you all just can't think of everyone right now.

Sandi, sorry Bandit had a bad night. Poor thing.

A DOB of 12.12.12 would be very cool.

magpie said...

Good Morning, Eagle Pals..

and Best Wishes
to our teachers Sandi and DanaMo today...
hope the things on your dance cards today go well, make that, better than expected...
I know there are more teachers amongst us too...
God Bless All Our Teachers !

Sorry about Bandit, Sandi...hope he will be his ole' self again soon, and that your procecure at the dermatologist's goes OK !


magpie said...

Happy 93rd Birthday to Glo's "Mom" - xoxo ♥

today IS the day, the party is this week-end...

magpie said...

Well How de Doo, Jewels!
Good to SEE you here, love the thought in my mind of your Christmas tree....
Love those Girls !
xo (( Hugs ))

magpie said...

"See you in a couple of hours."
Keep a seat warm for's cold outside today !!

And I'll get to bee-bop for a few miles with Lori and Loo ♪ ♫ ♥ ☺

Jewels said...

Happy 93rd Bday to your Mom Glo!!! What a party she will be having!!

Jewels said...

I will get a picture of my tree and try to post here... show you at work in the morning Margy.
Seat is warm!! It was cold when I came in!! As you probably know. was called in to work, however I was asleep and did not get message in time. I called bak something between 5-5:30 I think...I woke up and seen the message on my phone.

DanaMo said...

Time to hit the shower!
Good morning Jewels and Margy.

Happy Birthday to Glo's mom!

Make it a great one!

JudyEddy said...

Good morning Eaglebudlets

magpie said...

xoxo ttfn ☺ ♥

Janet said...

good chilly (27degrees) morning from nashville!

GLO: tell your mom happy bday!!!! :)

slept in again today since i don't have to be at a massage til 9. i was really wiped out last night after the adrenaline it felt good to sleep....

i felt badly for chelsea too.....and we moms know that sometimes you just don't know.....if it is urine or is it the amniotic fluid? i had a simliar thing happen when i was pregnant with happens. but she felt humiliated and i wished i could have taken that feeling from her. however, i know that passes and soon she will be in labor. i told her it was just the dress rehearsal.

i think after i give that 9 a.m. massage i am planning on doing nothing. i give up on the baking, at least for the time being. i think i will read a book....and just hang out at the house. i still feel like i could sleep a bit more.

when we got home from the mall yesterday afternoon i wanted a nap int eh worst way, but chose to drink a cup of coffee and get some stuff done.....

so anyway, time to kick it into gear and get miss olivia moving. will check in later...

everyone: have a super day! hugs, light, and love to all!

T-Bird said...

Seeing our eagles, I sure can't wait until Monday. I hope nothing happens to delay it.

Janet said...

8:30 a.m. nashville time talked with chelsea just a bit ago...and it appears we are ever moving closer to actual labor. without getting too graphic, she is having a "bloody show" this morning and typically, that means within about 72 hours....still a lot of heavy pressure, back pain, etc.

her husband has taken a personal day of leave...they are having breakfast at the cracker barrel and then going walking in the mall yet again.

i am heading out for my 9 a.m. massage, but everyone is on standby and on the ready.

thank you, in advance, for continuing to send light and positive energies/prayers her way....

12/12/12 may this be the day....

later gaters! work to do

Costume Lady said...


I just got a photo in email from Karla. It is Baby Brantley's sweet, brings tears~

Once again, thanks so much to you VERY SPECIAL MOMSTERS for your love offerings, to cover the expense of the headstone.

I have posted a picture of it on my blog: WANDA'S WISHES

Today he has been gone from us for 3 months~

magpie said...

Thank you for sharing this with us... ♥

magpie said...

G'Morning T-Bird and all the other
Morning Momsters here today !

I didn't hear Lori this morning but I sure did hear some nice Christmas songs ♪ ♪ ♫ ♫

glo said...

I start today celebrating life. one that has lived now for 93 years. One who has gone home to help Mom for Christmas and on. One that was loved and lost and very missed now 3 months ago, one that is making a miraculous recovery in Boston and one well just about to make its debut. Life is indeed a gift. Cherish each and every moment you get to share with a loved one. HAGD all.

I don't want to list all the losses we know of on this BLOG but I will say the reason their loss feels so great is because folks loved them and gained so much having them in their lives. Holidays can make a loss very hard indeed. I find hope and peace in the gift of eternal life that came into the world with the Christ child that I celebrate. I hope that brings comfort to many of you as well. For others I know they find their sense of peace other ways. My holiday prayer is a sense of Peace and Joy in the hearts of all of you.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Happy Birthday to your "mom", Glo. Hope she is aware enough to know it is her birthday and has loved ones with her.

Do hope that baby arrives today, Janet!

Today I have a lunch with the bestest of friends. There will be lots of excited! Taking coffee cakes to the two having the lunch. Always give a coffee cake to Annie, friend not cat, and will give one to Mary B as well.

Tomorrow night I have a party at Mary B's house. Last year I hosted the party. Nice not to be so rushed.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all of you and I really hope your day is going well - Come on
Chelsea - walk that baby walk! ♥

My Jenny is loosing her Crybaby cat today I haven't heard from her yet but she didn't want her to have all the pain. Aaron was going over with his Mom and she should be doing ok knowing she is doing the right thing.

Michael is out and about. He and his brother are quite the pair.

Happy Birthday to your Mom/mil Glo. 93 is a Miracle age! Enjoy all the family.

magpie said...

I'm so sorry about Crybaby, Jo,
but know you speak of Jenny's acceptance; so dear that her son will help out

Very warm and peaceful message,
thank you, and I hope your day is very tgood indeed


stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Time for me to get busy baking for tonight's bridge game.

Sorry about Jenny's kitty, Jo.

Thinking of Chelsea today. Sounds like a strong kid there with a good healthy kick. I can fully understand how that can happen, having been kicked and bounced upon from inside myself.

Had to deliver Hunter's agenda and homework to school this morning. Happened to notice them on the coffee table after he had left.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Well, I thought I saw a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel but have been bombarded with last minute "what can you do to save my grade" issues. Also finishing up grading papers for the police.

So, at least I'm a bit more current.

Hope Chelsea has an easy birth process after all she's been through. I see Hunter is still keeping Shirley busy. Lowreeda is expecting. Sadly, Jenny is saying goodbye to a furbaby. Glo's mom is having a birthday and Lolly's still cooking. Miracle Michael is out and about and probably charming some ladies.

Need to catch up on Jo's situation, where Margy is (other than work), and lots of other missed information.

So, once again, I'll be back sometime and do apologize for all the events I've missed. Not because I do not care.

magpie said...

well, it would have been cool to have had a post
at 12:12:12 today on the blog...
(though it does not pick up seconds here....)

I had the clock enlarged on my computer screen but didn't take a picture either

magpie said...

and daggone I missed catching Judie on here too !

Hi !
Best Wisges with the wannabes but will-neverbe-s

I am just back at home at the Little Roost, my tour at The Big House is least for now

magpie said...

I WAS kind of hoping I could get snowed in at least ONE TIME there

Judie said...

And best Wisges to you, Margy!

Oh, wow, now see there may be a camera soon. Yippee! Best Wisges to Steve and everyone making that possible.

stronghunter said...

Got a pecan pie in the oven and a lemon creme pie in the refrigerator. Will take one to bridge tonight. Wanted a back-up for the pecan pie in case I have guessed wrong about oven temp. Kathryn had problems at Thanksgiving.

I can tell you the turkey (about 14 pounds) cooked in less than 2 hours. The oven is getting mighty hot. I suppose I will need to call a repair person. Goodness, I am tired of getting stuff fixed around here. Nice to have them fixed, but really.

Not missing grading papers or having to discuss how someone might be rescued from his or her own mistakes, Judie.

stronghunter said...

Hey, I got some awards at bowling yesterday. I was astonished. Made me feel good, though. Wondering if they are just trying to encourage me. But that is okay. I need encouragement.

stronghunter said...

Yes, the cam is already installed, Judie. They are working on getting it online. Nu has already been up the tree. The nest is in good shape. Our eagle couple have been busy. Steve posted a picture. And, we will have a night cam.

stronghunter said...

Check Wednesday, Dec. 5 on, for the pictures from the new cam. Steve posted them then.

glo said...

I am back from a visit to the Dr Now in 24 hours I will no longer be a contagious germ. About 3 this am I knew I needed a Dr to see this throat. All of my photos are delivered. I even got to hugs today and a wonderful thank You note from Emily yesterday. The Vet was teary this morning as she hugged me for her special photos and told me about sharing our comments etc as we raised the funds to help Emily and her daughter have Christmas. Gosh it feels so good to know you made a difference in some others lives. As you get older I think that having some sense of purpose matters more and more. So emotionally its been a good day. I did not breathe on anyone reaching to hug me. And physically my first pill is sitting here to take after I eat some lunch.

stronghunter said...

Hope that pill makes you better very quickly, Glo.

Well, it might be a very good thing that I have a back-up pie. The pecan pie ingredients almost sloshed out of the pan when I pulled it out. I am cooking it longer. We will see.

Janet said...

we are heading for the out folks, coming soon!

COSTUME LADY: looked over at baby Brantley's sad. I am sorry for all the hurt that you and your family must feel...holding you all close...sending love your way....

GLO: what a poignant post .... stopping to take a min to reflect on your words..............

and love and hugs go out to the family of CRYBABY......

STRONGHUNTER: what sort of awards did you get!? that sounds great!!!

sitting around in quiet house here. i have a pork roast cooking....just so its done. the house work, all that i care to do of it, is done. i am going to leave in about 30 min to go get olivia from school.

think i'm going to open up my book for a bit and just read in peace and quiet.

will pop in later and let ya'll know what' s going on...or not. my gut is saying tonight/tomorrow....but i could be wrong.

hugs to all!

stronghunter said...

Well, I got an award for bowling 125+ in a game and for having a 300+ series. (I would have averaged at least 100 points per game.) Not much for an accomplished bowler. But great for me.

stronghunter said...

Very close to the split.

Wanda, a precious headstone. Thanks for sharing.

magpie said...

I'm sure wisGing I could say more about all that I just read backwards about...
but I have to hightail it outta here
right at 4.
Judie thanks for finding my
ridiculous typo!
Wisges it was....

Bravo Shirley, nice going on the awards, and all the baking, and cooking
I was hungry before now I am really hungry !!

ttfn xoxox ♥

stronghunter said...

Hmm, Hunter has been assigned a "study buddy." I think he is supposed to help this boy in history. Boy showed up with no books. They are playing video games with the idea of studying later. I suggested study, then play. But I need to leave for bridge at 5:15.

I have baked cookies and said they can have cookies after they study, but we will just have to see.

stronghunter said...

I really have to get ready to go out. I will try the cookie bribe again later.

stronghunter said...

Telling them that they can't touch the cookies yet. Wish me luck on that one.

Lori O. said...

SHIRLEY, congrats on your bowling awards! That's great!

WANDA, thanks for sharing the bitter sweet pic of Brantley's headstone. It's perfect. Big Hugs!

JANET, I hope your gut is right and you get a new gd tonight or tomorrow!

KAY, how did the Malcolm and Penny meeting go?

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...