Monday, December 10, 2012

Monday Update

The Wednesday date was a little premature.  Here's is the projection from the tech folks:

"The new eagle camera install went well last Wednesday. I will be working with Ryan to clear up a vine that has wrapped around the signal antenna. Todd & I will be installing the new wire harness into the protective tubing sometime T-Thr. If all goes well the camera should be up by Monday."


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Lolly said...


Lolly said...

So there!, Lynne!!!!!

Lolly said...

Hey, Lynne!!!! Nanny nanny boo boo!

Love ya, Lynne!!!♥

Hoda said...

Now Children you two had better get along LYNNE and LOLLY you hear???

Love you both!

Mema Jo said...

Well it is time for me to prepare for bed - getting up at 6am - that is just not me! But if you have to then you just have to. I will be home after Jenny takes me out to lunch....

Good night for now and thanks again for your prayers and positive thoughts.

I love us and don't ever want to be without ya! ♥

Cam should be on as I return home! I hope ♥

Hoda said...

Love you JO and we look forward to your posts after Jenny takes you out to lunch.
We are with you and we love you...

Hoda said...



Lolly said...

Watched the wedding on TV tonight...needed to watch something fun tonight!!

Night all! I love us! SED!!!

Costume Lady said...

Yes, LOLLY, we need some distractions right about now...been getting too much information:(
Our Pastor's sermon today was wholey about the school tragedy. Nothing he said, none of the bible verses he read, made any sense. Nothing can be said that will take away the hurt from those 28 victim's families and friends. I will pray that they find their hearts healed soon and not mourn forever.

Good night dear and prayers for you all♥

Lori O. said...

Good Monday Morning (is there such a thing?)!!!

Prayers of peace for our teachers today and their students.

JANET, I laughed when you said you were out of purple hair dye - do you stock the stuff? :) Olivia must like having fun with her hair.

JUDYE, sounds like a great idea taking your laptop to work to check on the cam. Thanks for posting all the HP info and dates! I remember the day KAY saw them HP for the first time!

SANDI, glad you had a good weekend. Sorry about Bandit's accidents...that's just such a PITA!

Prayers for JO today, tomorrow and Wednesday. We're all there with you in prayer and spirit, JO!

SHIRLEY, did they get the outside of your house done yet? Are you back to normal now?

Hope everyone has a great day with lots of smiles, courage and joy!

DanaMo said...

Good morning everyone! Only 2.5 days to get through and then it's Christmas vacation time! Can't wait.

Remind me how to post a link. I would like to share my pastors homily from yesterday. I thought it was very good and thought provoking and would like to share it. He has a blog on wordpress, but I haven't posted in link in so long I don't remember how to do it.

DanaMo said...

Exam week for Annemarie and Adam. I think Annemarie is really nervous about having an exam that covers the whole first part of the year. Poor thing. I hope it goes well for her.

Sandi said...

Good soggy Monday morning Lori, Dana, and all my eagle friends!

A full week of school the week before Christmas - just can't wait! By Friday, it will be sheer lunacy!

Prayers for all of the needs on our blog, but especially for Jo today!

Make it a good one!

DanaMo said...

Good morning, Sandi! A full week!!!! WOW that stinks!

Sandi said...

Dana, I just sent you an email with the steps Paula sent to me to post a link.

DanaMo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DanaMo said...


DanaMo said...

Okay, only took 2 tries to get it posted. Thanks Sandi. I will have to save that.

Jewels said...

Good morning!!
Sending huge Prayers for Momma Jo this morning!
Love you
Love us

Mema Jo said...

Good morning Momsters - I am up early and will leave here around 7:15am.
I will be thinking of you all -

I love us!


Janet said...

good morning.

LORI: yes, i have a couple bottles of hair color sitting around. she started wanting to color her hair this past summer. we have done, red, turqouise, green, and purple. singles and combos. i have the bottle of bleach, the foils, etc. one bottle does several colorings, so once you have it......sally's beauty is my "friend". lol.

MEMA JO: holding you close....

i feel better this morning than i have in a couple of weeks. no more "waiting"....i got some cookies baked yesterday, laundry caught up...etc. we lost all 3 games at bowing, but i did bowl a 151 in the 2nd game and all 3 games scores over 100. :)

watched the first part of the survivor ending...too late to watch the 2nd half. love that show.

2.5 days of school around here as well, then tom and livvy are on break. i am still working. that's my sanity i think.

everyone, have a super day. its Monday WILL THERE BE A CAMERA TODAY SOMETIME??????

hugs light and love to all!

magpie said...


Love and Prayers, Jo...
and for all of us, everywhere

Good Morning, Eagle Pals...
Been thinking about everyone...

Prayers for all of us,
Best Wishes for a GRREEEEAT Day
xoxox ☺ ♥

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eaglebudlets

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all.


Thinking of Jo this morning.

glo said...

((((((MeMa Jo))))
I tried to watch the wedding last night but i fell asleep. Oh well I bet i can find a clip of it somewhere. Prayers today as Teachers enter their classrooms and gaze into the eyes of their students. Grant them all safety and all adults wisdom. nuff said. Our hearts know what words can't find. God Bless You all and make it a good day.

T-Bird said...

I can't wait to get the cam up.

Costume Lady said...

Thought of our Dear Jo, first thing this morning. This is the beginning of the end of that DAMN SPOT!
Praying that there is no pain or nausea from these procedures...I am not familiar with the Cyber Knife or it's side effects.
Love and prayers for you, JO♥

glo said...

I have my still cam popped up on my desktop. I can think of nothing better to come into view today.

glo said...

and NO its not up yet. Just in case I confused you.

Linda said...

A later Good Morning to All!

Sending love and prayers all morning JO's way hoping her procedure is going well.

SANDI - Hearing that your school has no plan or not even locked doors is a worry. Surely after this incident, they will rethink that. Even our small local schools where I live have the doors locked and a video camera out front for entry. At least you would hear the glass break, if they couldn't open any doors.

That "lock down" also sounds like it saved lives because the shooter couldn't get into any other classrooms other than the first two as I understand it. You are teaching such a difficult age, too. Middle school age is more and more complex in this world we live in. Bless you for all the dedication and time you devote to your kids!!

Looking forward to seeing our Eagles very soon......

Wishing everyone a great day today!

Lolly said...

Good morning!

I have an immediate prayer request. Margie, a dear friend, and mother to a close friend, fell in the drive way last night. She is 85...broke her hip. They are in the hospital waiting for a doctor to show up. Please pray for a doctor to walk into the room right now!

Lolly said...

Kaye, Margie's daughter, has three sons. One son is in the marines and is being transferred from VA to CA. They are here this week. Margie, drove up from Houston area to see her grandson and great grandchildren. She was going to the car with her great granddaughter when she fell. She is all upset because she is being a bother for Kaye. She is the sweetest person!!!

Lynne2 said...

Hi all...

Prayers for Margie, Lolly!

Lolly said...

Dana, thanks for sharing the homily. Hug your children today!

Lolly said...

Thanks, Lynne! Are you home today with Steve? How is he doing?

Prayers for Jo! OUT DAMN SPOT!!! OUT!!!

movin said...





C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

I am home - I was over claiming a feather but I think it belongs to our
Californian Jim

C U on the new thread

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...