Friday, December 28, 2012


New thread.


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Judie said...

Shazamm! A new thread and the sandperson has just departed.

The night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

NatureNut said...

Wow! Maybe the snowman snuck in, not the sandman!
Our area is not supposed to get a lot of snow tonight and sometime on Sat. it should change to rain!?
We'll see in the AM!
Didn't have time to put on pics, but today the pond area and all the grass was covered with Canada geese. One had a white neck and a lot of white on it's head.
Wanted to get on here at work, but the main 'puter lost it's innards to a techie. That goofy virus notice we got a week ago must have been for real!We have new virus protection now! DUH
I read before and wanted to comment I'm so happy doggy Bella got to vet & isn't too bad.
Gotta go, so Prayers for Good Health for ALL & Pleasant Feather Dreams;>)

Mema Jo said...

Good evening! Here's hoping that Steve and his family had a great couple of days for this holiday. Welcome back!

I see that our cam is up/running!
Whoo Hoo - I hope it lasts through the night and into the morning! Love the night vision.

Mema Jo said...

I need to change my avatar - I'll get a new one tomorrow.

Time for the pillows
Sorry I missed all of tonight's conversations

Prayers for all our needs and those of our loved ones.

I love us ♥

Hoda said...

YAY JUDIE got the feather!!! YAY JUDIE...

JO thank you for the call over...

THANK YOU STEVE for the new thread. I second JO's wishes for you and family.

JudyEddy said...

WOW late night thread
and call over JUDIE congratulation on the feather tooo

JudyEddy said...

JO thanks for the call over

Hoda said...



On FB LOLLY said she painted two rooms in LAUREL'S and JOEY'S new home. She was going to have supper and then she and JACK were going to drive back home

Lolly said...

Hi all! We are home now. Too pooped to pop!! Laurel and I got two rooms painted today. Oh, the second one needs a little finishing, some touch up, but that is all. Carried several loads to the new house, too. She has decided to go ahead and paint the kitchen, but saving her bedroom and the living room for this next summer.

We go back up there tomorrow. Move more boxes and Jack continues to move bookcases, etc.

We shall survive, we shall survive, we shall survive!!!☺

Lolly said...

Night all!!! SED!!!

stronghunter said...

Time to say good night. My car is at the shop waiting for an oil change. Kathryn had two coupons, so she shared.

Decided that we'd leave it there tonight since they wanted it first thing tomorrow morning.

Funny thing, Kathryn was to meet me there and got there first. She gave my information. She said the man told her that he knew that it might be really hard for her to answer the question, but he needed to know if my car was 4-cylinder or 6-cylinder.

Now, Kathryn works in the automotive business and has to deal with men assuming she is clueless all of the time. She was polite to the nice man, though.

She just wants everyone to know that (1) It should not be assumed that you do not know about cars just because you are female. (2) It should not be assumed you know about cars just because you are male.

And, my car is 4-cylinder. I know that, too.

Costume Lady said...

I got a peek at our nest before the cam decides to go haywire again!
It doesn't look as if our Royal Pair have been visiting...I wonder why?;)
We are expecting 2-4 inches tomorrow, so it may be a while before we see any improvement to the snow cover in the nest. Hope our pair doesn't decide to give up and vacate the Sycamore Palace! Temps are going to be in the mid 30s for the next 4 days...not much melting will be going on.

Good night my friends, Love and Prayers for all♥

Costume Lady said...

I hope everyone got to see Baby Isaac eating pears, today. Poor thing doesn't know how to eat...he sticks his tongue out and twirls it around trying to get the food into his mouth. He will learn soon enough...just so sweet to see that video. He also has two lower teeth:)
I'd bring it over to my blog, but I don't know how to do that...maybe JudyE could do that.?

DanaMo said...

Good morning. Interesting to see we do have a picture at this hour. I wonder if it will stay on, or if it will go off. Maybe there is a timer that isn't working properly?

Anyway...Good morning early birds!
I heard 2-4 for us starting at 4 am, but there isn't anything out there now and it's not doing anything.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...
And Wowser,
Thanks for the New Thread Steve,
and to Jo for the Call Over...

We have been getting light snow
since about 2:30 am, but it is just a light dusting right now

I see that Cam..sure hope to see some Eagle Action Today...

Sandi said...

Good Saturday morning Dana and all my eagle friends!

Nothing happening here weather-wise yet and only rain in the forecast. Hope any who are driving today stay safe.

Brian and Lynnis have decided to leave today to go skiing for a few days but will be leaving their 2 doxies here with us. Other friends arrived last night and will be staying through the weekend - a guy that Denny worked with for years in Baltimore and his new girlfriend.

Haven't read back on the old thread to see if Lori checked in last night with news about her Dad. Lori, I sure hope and pray the news from the doctor was encouraging.

Margy, the Christmas tree in my avatar is not my tree or my house - just a pretty one I found online. Guess I need to change it - maybe something snowy.

Gotta get ear meds and muscle relaxer into Bella. Make it a great day all!

magpie said...

Enjoy your day, always busy busy busy with you, and hope that
Bella has great strides in
relief and recovery...

Hope you have time to check
the Eagle Cam as daylight approaches....hoping it stays UP all day for us to Watch !

magpie said...

I didn't see any evening updates
from Lori,

Sandi said...

Morning Margy!

Bela is still gimpy but a little better this morning!

Found a cardinal in the snow that I know Jo will like to use as my avatar.

magpie said...

Oh Yes, that's a beauty, JO WILL
like that! And so will the rest of us!
I'm kinda grumpy in the mornings
sometimes also ☺

Getting ready for work here, and tryig to watch the nest also!

Sandi said...

Rain has started here. Our friends who arrived last night are supposed to have their photos taken on the beach this morning. Wonder if the photographer has a beachy backdrop in his studio?? =)

Glad for indoor tennis courts this morning!

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds I see the cam is still working I wonder how long it will last today

JudyEddy said...

We have had rain on and off another cold front again nice out now 70°

magpie said...

Hey there JudyE
Hope YOUR workday goes smoothly...

magpie said...

Right about NOW really would be
the right time for an Eagle Visit,
before we both have to leave for work.


JudyEddy said...

shep in nest

she in nest

DanaMo said...

Good calll Margy!

Sandi said...

WOW, an eagle! It's Shep - see the spot!

magpie said...

Looks a little ghostly but
I'll take it !

I see the Spot -
I think it must be SHEP !!

DanaMo said...

Looks like Shep I think.

JudyEddy said...

wow what a nice surprise to have this am

magpie said...

Remember after 7-10 seconds you can hit the REFRESH and get a newer view, most of the time

JudyEddy said...

I saw the spot

JudyEddy said...

colors at nest now

magpie said...

On the front edge of the nest now

wow, I can't believe it!

magpie said...

YAY on us here watching
anyone else ??

JudyEddy said...

Here is Baby Isaac video

eating pears so cute

magpie said...

And Sandi!
Double Yay !!

magpie said...

He seems to be looking UP sometimes

magpie said...

Jo taught us that refresh trick....
it is really helpful, not having to wait 30 seconds to see the latest view

Thanks Jo !

JudyEddy said...

WANDA I have the real player and I downloaded the video to it and then just put on Youtube so I got to bring it over Darn it I have to go to work and I wanted to watch the eagles today

Sandi said...

It's still a nice surprise for me to see the nest and an even bigger surprise to see an eagle in it! With the still cam, it's like empty nest and then - BAM - there's an eagle!

JudyEddy said...


magpie said...

bye bye Shep xoxo

Sandi said...

And BAM - empty nest again!

JudyEddy said...

at least they leave imprints in the snow so just study what the imprint looks like now and compare to it later on today if the cam stays up

magpie said...

That was nice
Always nice to share with friends too.
Time for work

Best Wishes for a Good Day
Prayers for Wellness and all
our Special Needs...

ttfn xoxox ♥

grannyblt said...

Good eagle watching in the snow day. Had the cam on, but was reading old blog posts and missed his presence.
Hope you saw me wave as I breezed past on I-81 yesterday about noonish. I was chasing a green garland that had all kinds of location stickers on it. Roads cleared and dry from southern VA to my street in NW PA. Thank goodness my neighbor cleared my driveway or I would have had a hard time getting into the garage. More snow last night, and flurries forecast off and on all week. Seems the perfect time to view the nest.
Praying for positive outcomes for all of us.

Sandi said...

Mine too, Lori. Have been getting dressed for tennis and now I have a black screen.

Are you still in PA with your folks?

magpie said...

Yes, Black Screen for me too

I am searching for LORI after reading Sandi's post

grannylt: glad you are home safe and getting settled back in,
you drove through some Weather Windows for sure !

magpie said...

grannyBLT that is

Janet said...

good morning all. black screen on the camera. :( i peeked, just hoping.

cold. wet. misty. here. bleech. slept in. am going to work on cleanign the house and Reiki brochures for 2013.

i kind of feel like the weather today. forgive my less than chipper mood.

hugs to all of you. keeping you in my heart and thoughts.

glo said...

Good morning all. Glad you saw a nest visit. I feel so much better today than yesterday. I have a big family Christmas photo shoot to do for a friend. I am so glad I feel up to it. Some of the family hasn't been home in years. I need to go find the video of Isaac eating pears. I pray all the time for that baby. I think 2013 is going to be a great year for that little one. Remembering all of the needs shared on our blog. Make it a good day. (((Bloggers))))

Lolly said...

Good morning! Have read the blog and now we are about to head out to Denton. I think every muscle in bod ached last night. Now this morn only about half of them ache. lol

Loved the video of Isaac!

Careful chasing the garland!!! You never know where you might end up! We have beautiful blue sky today. Was 27 this morn but already up to 31.

Have a great Saturday!!!

I will be back someday! lol

DanaMo said...

Good morning. I went back to bed and just got up again.! LOL

DanaMo said...

I can say this on here, but not on FB. To those who watch the puppies. Did you see the latest picture on Warrior Canine Connection page this morning? Can I just say that the whole operation just seems so much more professional than the Great Dane one. Is it just me? So many puppies up there in MA and it just doesn't seem as professional. Oh well...maybe it's me.

magpie said...

can hear other EMS agencies in Maryland and Pennsylvania dispatching for quite a lot of wrecks

Sounds like I-70 is having some problems in both Washington and Frederick Counties, MD

so relieved that you are feeling better, that IS an important assignment you have today ♥

Judie said...

Good mid-morning.

Snow flakes falling here but not sticking on our street. Need to check the weather forecast.

Pete's Pond cam off-air. No new Lily updates since yesterday. Phoebe's babes could begin hatching around Jan.5. No nest picture for me this a.m. Snowman looks as he as Ms. Ducky are covered in snow.

Good day to begin a draft of the Spring syllabus. Men playing Sacred Heart tomorrow afternoon - may go watch.

Wishing everyone a safe and warm morning.

magpie said...

sorry I cannot contribute to
that discussion, DanaMo...
haven't been watching

change of subject:
what's the "Johnny-something" dish folks do on New Year's?

Costume Lady said...

My goodness, Lolly, it is 33°here in Martinsburg/Shepherdstown...but it is snowing great big, beautiful flakes. We have about an inch, going up to 4 inches.
Going into GG's early to make sure she has her pills. Left her plenty of prepared meals, yesterday, but can't leave her extra pills, she takes them all way before it's time, then come bedtime, she has nothing to take her pain away and cannot sleep. Pill taking is the main problem that I have with her. I'm thinking of getting one of those Automatic Daily Pill dispensers, quite expensive, but worth the price if it works out for us!

magpie said...

HI Judie !!!
well, it is really sticking here
in West Virginny, the snow that is.

Oh, hope you get to go
to the ball game

Enjoy your day !

magpie said...

That could be a very good idea, Wanda...

so far not too many road problems reported here in Berkeley County, but roads are getting slick I think

Costume Lady said...

JUDYE, so glad you brought Baby Isaac's video over. It is just about the sweetest one of him that I have seen. A baby who has never eaten before, trying to get those pears into his mouth is priceless!

Costume Lady said...

JUDIE, I have not been following Lily's life, of she 'with cub'?

grannyblt said...

Hoppin' John

magpie said...

Hoppin' John.
That's what I was trying to think of

magpie said...

I checked posts before I posted
and then there were yours and mine both!

grannyblt said...

I agree with you Dana.

Sandi said...

Lori posted on the old thread at 8:19 this morning that her cam screen had gone black. But I see she hasn't posted on this thread.

Home from tennis - won 2 sets and lost 1 - a good tennis day!

Raining hard here - no snow in the forecast! =(

Mema Jo said...

Good late morning - I was here earlier to read about all you 'lucky ducks' who were watching when Shep was there checking out the nest! I think our cam has it's hours of viewing mixed up a little with it being on through the night and early hours - we viewers are here in the daylight hours!

Still snowing here in the valley - may turn to rain later or continue to snow

I am in for the day and pray all of you are enjoying these last days of 2012 ♥

Mema Jo said...

Yes, Sandi - I love your cardinal
I do need to change my wreath but can't decide to what.

Mema Jo said...

I just realized that when I send e-cards through Momster mail that no one receives them! Just sent yesterday a Happy New Year's card and none of you
apparently received it.... only those whose name I listed separately like Megan and some others received the card. Well, what good is that? Next time I will list everyone's names individually ♥

magpie said...

first of all, thanks in advance!
You are always so thoughtful..
I have not checked the yahoo program for a couple of days


magpie said...

i did just check the Yahoo, Jo, and did not see it...
but..not to worry....

Mema Jo said...

Found my new avatar

Mema Jo said...

It is a eagle in the snowy tree

Really small - may look for another one

Mema Jo said...

Guess I am partial to kitties....


Bird Girl said...

Good morning all!

A brisk, bright winter's day here in Rim Country....

I sure wish I could see something on the cam :(

Mema Jo said...

I'll send out Updated B-day list in an email but for all of us bloggers, Lynne advised me that she shared her b-day with Janet Neeley on Jan 6
Janet said go ahead and add her to our list. Email will include Janet's addy
if you need it or just email me.


Judie said...

Lily is thought to be pregnant. She is denned alone as Faith has gone off on her own. A camera has also been installed to watch June, also pregnant. Should be a very nice baby-bear season come January. Cameras should be up and running soon.

Hoppin' John. I don't make that as it uses rice and that's too much for us. So, just use canned black eyed peas simmered with onion, a smoked ham hock, some Tabasco, salt/pepper. Pork and black eyed peas = a coming year of good luck.

Snow stopped here. Just grey sky. Red fox blew through the yard earlier. Odd, short tail. Wonder what happened?

Wanda, maybe the automatic pill dispenser would be a good investment. Well-worth it for Ms GG's safety and your peace of mind. Wonder if a medical supply place might have a used one for less $?


JudyEddy said...

dern it no cam huh at mc d for lunch using free wifi guess i will watch the fl cam then rather see our eagles

Janet said...

Hi all.

Feeling better this afternoon.

It is snowing here in Nashville. It was sleet earlier, but now, snow. Nothing is sticking, too warm and too wet. Pretty just the same.

Been busy working on business stuff and cleanign a bit. Nothign too strenuous today. Mentally I am just tired.

Been watching the squirrel on the new suet feeder....Tom attached it very well and zip tied it closed! he he he.

One of my clients told me about a squirrel spinner you can add to your feeders...I'm sure you all have seen them. I will have to really think that thru, they are about $50. Free shipping through amazon though....

Just kind of hanging out right now. Thinking about reading some. Have gotten a lot done, new brochure created. I have been mentoring a couple of people and their files are updated. I need to start on tax stuff, but don't feel like tackling that right now.

Yeah, I've done enough for today. The Fred Flintstone whistle is blowing...time to read for abit.

Later ya'll....

btw. thanks for adding me to the bday list. :) that gave me the warm fuzzy hug i needed this morning. :)

NatureNut said...

Good Afternoon Everyone. We had sleet, rain, snow down here in the River. Think it all stopped, but very grey. About 40°~~hooray!
In AM, a lovely juvie eagle flew in and landed just behind office. Later it flew down onto a spit of mud in River. It left before we could get there w/cameras, but a Friend was sitting nearby!
A dislodged platform with loose solar panels is in the mud upstream from the osprey cam nest. DUH There was something strange perched on that platform. With binocs, we saw it was a PELICAN!!!!!Flew away before any pics were taken outside. So that's the report for the day, unless our eagle pair appear in their nest this PM.

DanaMo said...

This diet is killing me!!

Spent the afternoon having a long visit with a very dear friend. Been friends since grammar school 35+ years. Also my running partner in good weather. She runs at my pace, the best kind of friend. She is the one who ran the JFK 50 miler a month ago. I'm her easy workout :)

Just finished the treadmill so I am off to the shower to get ready for 5:00 Mass.


JudyEddy said...

Home from work and got your beautiful card JO so pretty I love bagpipes Thanks you very much

Did you see where Isaac is eating applesuace today I wonder if he has had banana my favorite and blueberry buckle mmmmmm good

JudyEddy said...

DANAMO CAN you put the link to the puppies on here or facebook I have lost it Thanks in advance

JudyEddy said...

EWW SIS you said a bad work TAX STUFF LOL Is it that time of year again LOL

DanaMo said...

I'll put it on your FB page, I am terrible with the links on here, I have to look up the directions Sandi sent me. I will just give you the link over there.

JudyEddy said...

It was 8 last night when the still cam came up but 10:48 the night before sitting hoping it come on that way it should be working in the am to see our pair or just one

JudyEddy said...

Thanks DANAmo got it and added to my favorites

magpie said...

The Cam.
And Dark, my house when I
returned home from doing shopping chores after work.
Clambered around finding and lighting tea lights.

Then 15 mins later power came back on.
No cable - Wanda could possibly be out, we both have Comcast.
Let's hear it for the Laptop
and the Hot Spot...
so I can BE on the internet
xo Hello Evening Eagle Pals...

magpie said...

I truly admire those here
who manage their time so well...
exercising, visiting with friends,
baking and cooking
and all that...
I am hoping for some REFORM
here in my situation
with the New Year !

magpie said...

Lovin' JO's new avatar.

Hot Spot is an Air Card, similar
to WiFi I guess, it's a plug
in to the USB port on the
lap top

won't be long before the double
posting from this laptop happens

magpie said...

It was kind of fun
by candle light.
I reconnected with all
my favorite candle holders
I'm not too hard to please

Unfortunately, though, I left
a large supply of tea lights
and some candles at The Big House
after Hurricane Sandy
and in preparation for the
winter there...

magpie said...

Exciting day at the Park, Lowreeda!

Ugh, going to use the internet
now to pay some bills....
checkbook slaughter time

ttfn xoxoxoxoxox

Lynne2 said...

evening all!

Enjoyed the light snowfall, playing with the dogs outside, watching the birds, etc. The air just smelled SO FRESH today!

Only thing that sucks is that this snow and rain and muck has all occurred now that Steve has the wheelchair! I shoveled the driveway today so at least tomorrow we can get him out for a bit!

magpie said...

I like the use of the word "WE"
Lynne2 - means you shall have
some help, yes ???

magpie said...

It is right sloppy out.
I have a mud flap hanging
by a thread...will have to
use my Powder Puff Mechanics
skills to get that straightened out

It's been soooon long since I used
this laptop I can't find buttons!

magpie said...

Cable aka Comcast is back on.
Doesn't really matter much to me right now.

magpie said...

That is a seriously AWESOME

Lynne2 said...

LOL Margy....WE is just Steve and me!

Lynne2 said...

Barred Owl, my FAV!

magpie said...

must tend to some of the endless
"homework" here and put
a big bandage on the checkbook

Best Wishes to ALL
Love you much

magpie said...

Oh Lynne!
Okay I understand WE:
You, Yourself, and You, AND Steve.
I heard a Barred Owl the other night when in Shepherdstown.
It was on the Maryland side of the Potomac

magpie said...

You would have loved the routine
Naturalist Greg at Loretta's
workplace did....imitating the Barred Owl and immediately calling in one,
then two Barred Owls...
that was on a Road Trip in
April 2009.

Lynne2 said...

Wonder if the still cam will get a picture again tonight?

magpie said...

Missing the Southern Delegation...
hope all is well, and thinking of
how Granny Riffe is doing...

((HUGS to our Southern WV Pals ))

Lynne2 said...

COOL Margy! I keep hoping to hear one here, at night when I'm out with the dogs. But I did hear 2 GHOs talking a few nights ago!

magpie said...

Your wondering guess is as good as
mine, Lynne2....

better go, I am surely stalling
on project one, getting into PJs


magpie said...

I have never heard GWOs in the wild, only on my Audubon Clock at midnight and twelve noon.
But I did hear an awesome Eastern Screech Owl up at James's one night,
thought it was a Loon at first!
okay, 'bye, I think

magpie said...

GHOs not GWOs !!

Lynne2 said...

It's strange Margy....the hearing of certain owls. The first few years I lived at the old place, I heard them often, and then not for years. Very sporadic Barred Owl and Screech owl noise as well....hmmmm.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening all!

Having a wonderful weekend in Rehoboth with ny sweetie. Hope everyone is doing well. Will catch up later.

See we had a visitor in the nest.

Love you all :)

magpie said...

Give my regards to Larry, Paula....
tell him He Rocks In My Book!
Happy you are enjoying the week-end.

Lynne2 said...

Soooo....if not for Larry, Paula wouldn't have seen this nest. There'd be no Momster group. We would probably have never met. WOW, that's really something to ponder. How one little thing like letting someone know about a nest cam could change the lives of so many people.....

magpie said...

Yep, I think you got that right, Lynne !

Lolly said...

Hi all! We are home and we arrived home earlier this evening. I have showered and in my comfy pj's. We are going to be watching the bowl game that TCU is playing in in about 15 minutes.

Today, more bookcases and desks were moved as well as a lot of boxes. Laurel and I got the kitchen painted. It is going to be very pretty, and yellow. I worked a long time in Jacob's room boxing toys. He has too many!!! lol Bless his heart. He does not want to move, going to miss his friends. Lots of kids on a dead end street with sidewalks. Now they will be on a busier street, no sidewalks, and he has not met the children yet. There are some, though!! Joseph is excited about the move as he already has good friends in the neighborhood.

We are going back up in the morning, but may stay home Monday. A day to recover and it is supposed to be a rainy day, so not a good day to move boxes.

Movers are coming next Thursday for the big stuff, but the more we do the better!

Lolly said...

Exciting to have the bear cams back up!

Now if we only had ours!!

Lynne2 said...

you all must be quite poopy Lolly!

Oh, and don't you worry, I've got your back for the BIG GAME tomorrow!

Lynne2 said...

LOL, maybe we'll name an eaglet after Larry!

magpie said...

LOL they "must be quite poopy,"
Lynne that one hit my funny bone!

Wow, Lolly and Jack, that's a lot of work...labors of love...
Best Wishes for a Happy Move for
All the Fritzes

I'm signing off, over and out...
have some reading I would like to try to do before I fall asleep...

Prayers for Wellness, Warmth, and

God Bless Us, Every One

Lolly said...

Yes, very poopy!!!

Going to be home very early tomorrow for the game. Thanks for the support, Lynne!☺

Mema Jo said...

I keep checking for our night-time cam - but nothing.
I know it is earlier then usual but I am saying Good Night to all of you.
I'm feeling ok but just tired and sleepy.

Everyone take care and perhaps we can catch a glimpse of the Royal Couple tomorrow....
I Love Us ♥

Lolly said...

Today while painting, it got harder and harder for me to get up if I got down on the floor to paint. Feeling my age tonight! lol

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

stronghunter said...

Good night. No snow on the ground here. Some came down, but it was too warm for it to stay long.

SED, everyone.

Costume Lady said...

Too tired to comment...Good night friends, prayers and love♥

Sandi said...

Good New Years Eve Eve my eagle friends! Black still cam picture this morning.

Brian and Lynnis left yesterday to go skiing for a few days but left their 2 dogs here, so now we have 4! Yikes - that's lots of bathrooming with no fenced yard! Bella is acting like her old self this morning but I am keeping her on the muscle relaxer and carrying her up and down the stairs.

Think I may start undecorating the house today.

Prayers and positive energy continue for Jo, Michael, little Isaac, Dana's dad, Lori's dad, Jim's Ann Marie, Granny Riffe, Thelma's brother-in-law, Glo's mom-in-law, and anyone else who needs a prayer whose name I didn't mention.

Make it a great day!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eaglebudlets

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Eagle pals!

Lots of snow here, but we'll be leaving today, this morning, to head for home. Hope all is okay there.

LOLLY, what a dear mother you are giving all that help to Laurel's family!

MARGY, glad your power was out for only a few minutes after you got home!

Dad's next appointment is Wednesday, he'll see two doctors that day and then we should know all the news we've been waiting for. Praying, praying, praying.

Prayers for JO, Granny Riffe, DanaMo's DAD, Sandi's MOM, Ann-Marie, Michael, Baby Isaac, GLO's MIL, Thelma's BIL and anyone I may have missed. You're all in my prayers!

I love US!!!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning SANDI & JUDYE!

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...

Prayers for SAFE Travels and
Kind Drivers, Lori and Kate and Dalai

And Best Wishes for a
Very Nice Day for all

xo ♥

DanaMo said...

Good morning!
Tree is down and I started working on lesson plans. Vacation is just about over. Walked 3 miles out in the cold this morning. Yuck. I'm ready for spring.

Costume Lady said...


I was really wiped out last night...did a face plant trying to say 'Good Night', so just said THAT and went to bed!

MARGY, GG's power was out also. Might have been a wreck nearby...heard firetruck and ambulance shortly after power went out.
I had no problem with comcast or 'puter so must have just been in your territory.

JUDYE, Baby Isaac has eaten bananas and Nicole said he liked them:) I could watch him all day long...I think most of us have become attached to this sweet little fella!

I need to get dressed and out of here. Have a Blessed Sunday♥

paula eagleholic said...

Good morning all

No cam this morning

Windy here today but the sun is shining

Life is good

We mey venture in to rehoboth today...we shall see

Going out for new years...dinner, music and hopefully some dancing :)

glo said...

Good morning everyone. 7 degrees in my town. Sunny though. I think Dex and i will try to see some eagles today. Prayers for all. HAGD

Mema Jo said...

It is Sunday morning and he beginning of a new week which will bring us into 2013 - This past year was full of surprises but we have all gotten through them with God's help and the support we have given each other.

Jenny is with me today - Love her visits. No special plans - just staying warm inside! That wind could blow you away and I just wonder how far the garland will fly ♥

magpie said...

Lovins' to Jenny and
ALL the Family Lennox, Jo....

I love your posts.
They keep me grounded, on a windy or a still day
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Ooooh 7-degrees, Glo,
That IS cold...
Bundle up, Eyes to the Skies, and
I hope you see some Eagles !

magpie said...

Sounds like a great Old Year's End and a New Year's Beginning going
on with you, Paula ☺

magpie said...

last year I decorated, and did not
get things down until March!
This year, not much decorating
but I wanted to !
Just too busy with too many things.
Good Luck with the Lesson Plans,
and WOW - walked three miles,
that is Wonderful!
Spring is not too terribly far away!
Just keep the thoughts of it in
your Heart♥

magpie said...

A few days ago Movin' Jim
had asked where the Live Feed to the NCTC cam will end up being....
can someone here in the know
pass that answer along to us...
I sure don't know.
Thanks in Advance if that information is known to us yet.

magpie said...

Poor old Blackwater having problems with Osprey and Eagle Cams too...

Hope they get their Fix soon!

magpie said...

And last but not Least:
Lynne2: Bundle yourselves up today of you and Steve to
a'strollin' in this Windy Weather!

Snowman cam - the thermometer fell off its stand, but it has at least been stood up in the snow

Have a good day, Every One...

Redskins play tonight! At their stadium, Dallas at Washington,
"8:20" is what my newspaper says.
RG3 is supposed to be quarterbacking
Baltimore at Cincinnati, 1 pm, not sure if televised or not.

magpie said...

ooops typos aplenty:
Bundle yourselves up today IF you and Steve GO a'strollin'.

ttfn xo ☺ ♥

God Bless Us, Every One

NatureNut said...

Happy Sunday to Everyone!
I had some pics to put on the blog, but konked out last night. It's because I don't do early mornings & pay for it later!!!
I will announce their arrival when I get them in the Nook! LOL
Nice sun today, but very windy and yes, the Redskins are playing here!
Think I'll make my Xmas Eve oyster stew in their honor that I didn't make then.Went to 2 grosseries to find them last night on way home.
Have a great day!

Janet said...

good afternoon. it is a sunny bright day here in nashville...probably around 37 degrees per my phone.

cleaing up. getting ready to start a pot of chicken and rice for dinner with a side salad.

straightening up a bit, putting the boxes away from the holidays.

bowling tonight. tom and i each have a new double ball bag to tote great minds think alike when it comes to gifts...we each gave each other double bowling ball bags.....

hope everyone is enjoying the day. hugs to all!

Hoda said...

Have not checked yesterday. Day just ran away with me. Hope all are well. Prayers were ongoing and continuing.

I have not read back...Hope all are well.

Very reflective end of the year for me and I am spending a lot of time in meditation and gratitude and not as much time on the PC...FB is an addiction though!!! LOL!!!

I send much love and Light to all.

Hoda said...

No news from LORI on her DAD and so prayers continue for DANA'S and LORI'S DADs.

All seems well on the blog at least from those who posted.

Snowing here and must be fighting a touch of something...I feel sleepy again and I have only been up for a couple of hours. I will go do my groceries and go for a walk...


Enjoy the Day...

NatureNut said...

Good Afternoon again! It's getting cloudy here and has been quite windy.
I put my Big Bird pictures from Chelsea and the Park in the Nook. Sure wish we could have gotten a pelican picture! Our Naturalist, Stephanie, saw one here in 2007!!!!Greg K. said he just saw some miles south on the River at Benedict, MD.
(I don't think I'll retire! LOL)

Mema Jo said...

On such a windy day we made chili and it really tasted good! I love saltine crackers with butter on them to eat with the chili!

I watched the Ravens on TV as they lost their game..... Sad!

I'll be watching Redskins a little later.


Costume Lady said...

Having Salsa Chicken here, but I really wanted chili. Capt. Gene was with 'the guys' this afternoon and I forgot how to make chili...he has been the chili maker for YEARS! One of his favorite dishes to make:)

35° here and a fire in the living room is calling me. Anxiously awaiting the Cowboys & Redskins game.
Everyone within a 50 mile radius is excited about this game. We have fans for both teams!

glo said...

Great afternoon out at the dam with old friends some who I only see a few weeks out of the year, and more eagles actively fishing at times. This has them makings of a much more normal kind of eagle season than last year.

Linda said...

Good Evening Friends!!

It has taken me a couple hours to catch up on the last 6 days of posting......

A lot happens in six days with this group, especially with Christmas and families and friends......

Praying for those with lingering illnesses and thankful for those who are feeling better. It is also heart warming to hear of all the family gatherings and happy times together. We do have to appreciate every day we have with one another, because we have learned how short our time on this earth can be.

Linda said...

We were blessed with a good Christmas filled with family, friends, excellent food and time to enjoy each other's company!

The snow started Christmas Eve and has continued on and off since then. It is cold and beautiful with about 14 - 16 inches of snow on the ground! Continued cold temperatures assure us that the snow will remain for the near future. It's a winter wonderland picture from every window in the house!! Oh, how I love the snow!!!

Michael (my step-son) and his girlfriend just left tonight for the long drive back to FL.

We have been baking, cooking, cleaning and entertaining for the past week and although we were sad to see the kids go, we are looking forward to a bit of a break!! We will ring in the new year resting from the past week!

Judie said...

Good evening all.

Not caught up. Went to the GDub game. Men had a big win over Sacred Heart.

About to tune in to the 'Skins game. Sure hope they win.

Sandperson will be departing moments after the game ends - win or lose. Restful sleep for all.

magpie said...

Good Evening Eagle Pals...
Enjoy that game! I might watch a few snippets of it...
The Redskins NEED to win this game to get to the playoffs, and so does Dallas....hmmmm, they can't BOTH win.

Sorry the "Raisins" lost, but they still have a spot for the playoffs, right?
Green Bay and Minnesota were going at it pretty hard too


magpie said...

Nice, Judie that you got to the game, AND that GDub won !
Maybe because YOU were in the Stands, yes ??

Oh, Chili and saltine crackers with butter, JO, a great cold weather meal!

magpie said...

James is good and can get on Skype on his Kindle and WiFi at
McDonald's with his Mom...and did that this afternoon...

it is great fun !

Wondering if Steve and Lynne2 went out a'strollin' today

Oh Wanda, Chili for you too,
bet it's great...!

magpie said...

Good Evening to Hoda also...
understand about needing some Meditation and Gratitude time...
Always a treat to see you here...

Best of the End of the Old Year and Beginning of the New Year to You
xo ♥

time to go check Loretta's latest pictures !

magpie said...

I'm obviously not watching the
football games

magpie said...

That's a LOT of snow...
glad to hear your Holidays have been nice. Oh stepson and his gal pal returning to Florida, now that's a warm thought!

Good to SEE you also, and hope
all headaches are gone and will stay gone !!!


magpie said...

I take it you saw some eagles today!
Glad you had some time with friends also.

magpie said...

not chili for Wanda...
Chicken Salsa...
"my bad"

magpie said...

That's a seriously Affectionate
Avatar, Yay ♥☺

magpie said...

What an unusual looking Canada Goose....
Love your New Year's Avatar also!
Your picture hands down is the easiest to navigate through and get back to here easily also

Linda said...


No headaches for the past few days!!! Happy to report that. Getting that one on Christmas Eve was NOT fun! I was in such a funk all day. My brain just wouldn't work!!

Hoping HODA is feeling better this evening and didn't come down with anything.......

Linda said...

LOLLY - A suggestion for your ipad.....

I got a bluetooth keyboard that I use with mine. I have a case that opens and holds the ipad nicely on my lap (I put it on a pillow) and then I place the keyboard right in front of it and away I type.......

I rarely use my laptop in the living room anymore because the ipad is so convenient and light.

Only drawback is that you can't view anything that requires Adobe Flash Player (like the live cam!!!) on the ipad unless you use a separate app for it.

Lolly said...

We are home and watching the game. Started sprinkling before we left up there. We are staying home tomorrow as it is suppose to rain all day (Yea!). Chance too that it could get icy. We have all the major stuff we can move moved. Jack has installed both boys bookcases/desks that he built. He has installed the bookcase he built into the new "game room." He has also installed some blinds. Most of the boys stuff has been moved. Tomorrow Laurel will work on her bedroom and clothes, and more from the kitchen. We will go back up Tuesday and each day the rest of this coming week.

Linda said...

LOLLY and JACK are AWESOME Parents and Grandparents!!!

Your family is so very blessed to have you two!!

Lolly said...

Thanks for the tip, Linda. I have not been on my ipad enough to know what I am going to need. Jack will take it to Turkey if he goes, so I am thinking I want a new laptop for my birthday. We have another laptop, but I do not like it, guess I should try to adapt to it! lol

Lolly said...

Thank you, Linda. I think we do for our children what anyone would do. It is even hard for me to stay home tomorrow, as tired as I am.

magpie said...

God Bless You and Jack, Lolly...your ministry to others and especially your children and grandchildren, is inspiring to say the least....
I was waiting on you to check in...

xoxoxox (( Hugs )) !!!

magpie said...

Hoe you get lots and lots of
good, soaking rain...
for Hawkwood Gardens, Lolly

Lolly said...

Friday we all ate leftover turkey. Yesterday a friend provided our meal...lasagne, salad, bread and dessert. Tonight we ordered pizza. I am going to cook something tomorrow to take up Tuesday.

magpie said...

By the Way "Y'all.."
Kay is fine, busy and having blog problems !
She posted on the Yahoo Momsters email....
She has ready our posts, and has prayers a'goin' for all our needs, but cannot post

☼Hi☼ Sunshine Kay !

Lolly said...

Thank you, Margy! ((hugs)) We got an inch or rain the other day. First rain in three months. More rain is going to be so good!

magpie said...

"Hoe" = Hope
on my post to Lolly

and "ready" = Read
on my post about Kay

I type for a living, oh bother !

magpie said...

You Are Welcome Lolly!
I am Jonesin' for some Pizza !!

Lolly said...

Saw Kay's email!!! She is having fun with two dogs!

Hi, Kay!! Will be glad when you are able to post again!

magpie said...

You and Me, Lolly and a few others,
for example, Judie...
just stuck with our avatars over the holidays...

Lolly said...

Guess I was too lazy to change it. lol Too much other stuff to do to bother with that. Besides that, I always look for my last post to know where to start reading.

magpie said...

I really appreciate having the laptop that belonged to my brother in law, as a back up...
AND, I can skype on it once I get registered on it.
I am looking forward to that !
But it is hard to type on sometimes.
And I have yet to put it on my
lap !

Lolly said...

My sunshine is easy to find!!

magpie said...

Same here, Lolly -
use my avatar as a checkpoint.
Paula sent me this one, and the other Magpie, which I might change to for a day or so, just for old times' sake.
And our dear Deb sent me one also, and so did T-Bird but I couldn't
transfer it big enough over here but it is a nice one !

Lolly said...

That is why I do not like the other laptop, it is hard to type on. Things are just different on it. So, I plod along with melted keys, no left shift key, and use two hands to type a z. ☺

Lolly said...

We saw so many magpies on our trip to Canada. Thought of you so often. I even took some pictures. Need to look for them.

magpie said...

Here is my First Paula's Magpie

also on the laptop I haven't gone
through the process to do
"alt characters"
like these:
♥ ☺

magpie said...

Someday I will see a Magpie with my very own eyes, Lolly!

But right now, I am going to face some bubbles and get all squeaky clean!

(( Sunday Night Football Game
Hugs ))

I'll check scores if I am brave enough when I get finished.

ttfn xoxoxo to the googleplex!

Hoda said...

LOLLY I think you will like this...
Once a month the Canmore RCMP has a draw for a driver caught following traffic rules. They will throw all recorded plats in a bin to draw from once a month for a $250 gift certificate for local businesses!!!
Some are saying it violates privacy rules!!!
Canadians like to complain more and more these days it seems like.

Thank you LINDA I am fine...I walked it off and had a good day shopping and visiting.

During 2012 I watched the first three HARRY POTTER movies.I rented the last three to watch this week.

Then I will have to watch Avatar and Lord of The Rings...any other suggestions to uplifting movies...?

Hoda said...

Sorry to hear MRS CLINTON is in hospital with a blood clot! I wish her well.

stronghunter said...

Hi, watching the game. Network down.

NatureNut said...

Whatta Game, whatta game!!!!Condolences to the loser.

Hoda said...

OK did the SKINS win?

NatureNut said...

Just halftime. Another hour+ to go.

Hoda said...

Google tells me they are playing LOLLY'S Cowboys.
No wonder LYNNE said she has got LOLLY'S back earlier today...
I take it since LOLLY is not posting it does not look good for the Cowboys??? Then again the Skins fans are not posting either so it might be they are not doing so well?
What is the score on the half time LORETTA?

Hoda said...

No I am wrong the post I looked at was six days ago...I do nt know who they are playing...

Linda said...

HODA - Glad you're feeling okay!!

MARGY - I don't think I've ever seen a magpie either....
except for your lovely avatar...

Hoda said...

Oh yes they are playing the cowboys according to the schedule

Hoda said...

Thanks LINDA ...

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...