Friday, December 28, 2012


New thread.


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Linda said...

Have been to Montana and Colorado many times skiing, but can't say I ever saw a magpie!!

Linda said...

Slid right through that split!!!

Hoda said...

Tied 7-7 half time!!!

Hoda said...

Magpies are attractive LINDA...

Hoda said...

They steal thgough!!!

Hoda said...

See you all later...
Good luck and stay nice regardless of the results...
Love you all...

Linda said...

Enjoy your movie, HODA!!

paula eagleholic said...

go Skins...whip them girls!

paula eagleholic said...

Score is now 14 to 10...Skins are ahead

paula eagleholic said...

21 to 10...Skins still ahead

paula eagleholic said...

Margy...Wee skyped on Christmas with Micheal and Laura...was lots of fun

Holde em skins!

magpie said...

Oh do I hear Lynn♥ squealing
with delight and excitement?
Her team is winning!
I know Jewels is following the game also !!

magpie said...

that was an unnecessary penalty
facemask on the Dallas player,
against Washington
only the second flag of the play

Janet said...

good evening all. just about bedtime.

we WON all games at bowling. (don't faint is was by default)
the other team was the one that was kicked out of the league for poor behavior....and all we had to go was garner a certain number of pins, 40 i think, and we won. we all pretty much stunk tonight, so we didn't "deserve" the win, but, whatever . it is what it is.

made a pot of chicken and rice with a side salad for dinner.

i love chili.....but i put fritos, cheese and sour cream in it. yum yum yum.

work tomorrow. then a quiet evening at the house. think i will grill out tomorrow.

SED ya'll. nite

magpie said...

Good Janet...
it's not your fault that the other team got kicked out...

Cliffhanger ball game now
5 and 1/2 mins,
3 points lead by Washington

magpie said...

We had a call in our county this week
bowling balls in a case were stolen out of the back of a pick up truck

paula eagleholic said...

Yep Janet a win is a win is a win!

magpie said...

I just don't like to see
anyone lose...
I'm not a very good sports-watching person;
feel sorry for the Dallas
quarterback who threw the

magpie said...

did a nail-polishing watching the game.
Looked long and hard at
my lime-green nail color...
but went with the usual...
"Royal Romance..."it's a plum color.
Maybe "Lynn Lime Green" ♥ for the nextWashington game if they win this one

magpie said...

Washington Wins
Class Act, Griffin
consoling Romo....

quarterback to quarterback

NatureNut said...



Mema Jo said...

Whoo Hoo! One happy Lady up there!

AOYP Night ♥

magpie said...

Lynn's team got 'er done!

Prayers for Wellness Amongst us All....All the time, Every Day

Good Night, Precious Pals

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

Linda said...

Game Over.....

Judie did tell us the sandman had dust that would take effect immediately upon the end of the game!!

Time for some face plants, now!!

Night everyone!


Linda said...

Well.....that isn't exactly what Judie said!

You may have a few moments, but you better hurry.

This is what Judie said:

Sandperson will be departing moments after the game ends - win or lose. Restful sleep for all.

Night again

Jewels said...

How about those Skins!!!! I could hear mom hooting and hollering!!!

Costume Lady said...

HODA, perhaps the reason no one posted on here about the game between the Washington Redskins & Dallas Cowboys, was because it was a very good, exciting game and no one wanted to leave and miss anything. It was very clean and only a few penalties toward the end of the game. Two Classy teams. Final score:
Washington 28
Dallas 18.......(or therabouts)

Lots to do tomorrow, bedtime for me.
Nite my and prayers♥

Costume Lady said...

OMG, keep that sandman away from JEWELS...she is working and needs to stay awake!

Jewels said...

Margy, I tried to sleep alot during the day, I had my alarm set for 8pm to get up and watch the game. I managed and now I am here at work, with touch of a headache. Talking with Co worker of New Yrs resolutions. LOL I have a few I need to work on!! Losing weight is #1!

Jewels said...

Momma Wanda, it was a great game!!!!! I think my yelling gave me a headache!

Hoda said...

So LYNN's Team won...
I could hear your hollering all the way to CANADA!!!

LOLLY Love you and you have to post so we would know that you are alright with it all...

Good movie.

This is the last full night of 2012
Thank you for your friendship. Thank you for your love and thank you for being the awesome people that you all are.

We have had our truimphs and we have had our losses.
We hang together and live our memories and what an honour it is to call LYNN ELLEN McCANN RINER OUR FRIEND. Miss you much LYNN and it will never be the same without you and as you would do we hold you in our hearts and learn how to love one another while missing you. A true lady of class you are dear FRIEND...



Jewels said...

Hoda, God Bless you. Its an honor to be your friend as well as everyone on here. Thank you for the continued love for my mother and for Christie and I.

DanaMo said...

Good morning! Happy New Year's Eve.

Moving day for my parents. Back to their condo that they rented out when they had to move back to the business when my brother left. Don't know if you remember all that drama. They sold the business in June and were asked to stay for 6 months which was great since the renters were still in their place. Mom has had the whole condo painted and crown molding put up and almost all new furniture. She is working herself like crazy to get settled back in. Dad is only over there part time as she has taken him home to rest and nap. Monte and the boys will help move the furniture today, and the new stuff will be deliver this week. Thank God this is almost over! The sooner they get settled the better. Cooked dinner for them last night and I'm sure they went home and crashed!

Sandi said...

Good downright cold New Years Eve morning my eagle friends! 28 degrees here in Bethany but at least there's no wind. All 3 little dogs went outside, did their business, and came right back in - no wandering off. Bandit is still sleeping as are the other people in the house.

I see the Redskins won last night - YAY! Sorry Lolly! I only made it til half time.

Sandi said...

Dana, glad to hear your folks are moving back into their condo today and the sale of the business will finally be over! Sounds like a positive, energizing move for them - fresh paint, new furniture, a new year!

Carolyn, congrats on the big victory last night! I'm sure your mom is happy. My personal belief is that Heaven is individualized for each of us and I'm sure your mom's place in Heaven has excellent TV reception for the Redskins games! =)

Janet said...

good morning and happy new year's eve!!~!!!

up and getting ready to go to work.

yesterday was good. yes, a win is a win and 3 is better. we have 10 weeks of bowling left in this season.

no big plans tonight. grilling out some steak i suppose....just because it sounds good.

hope everyone has a positive last day of 2012. we made it through, folks. its been an honor spending this year with you and i look forward to 2013.

sending light, love, healing, and smiles to all in need.... have a super day!

Lori O. said...

Happy New Year's Eve everyone!

It's a quiet, boring, day here at the office --thankful I get tomorrow off!!!

DANAMO, good luck on your parent's move. Glad they'll be happy there!

JANET - enjoy your steak dinner tonight.

Does anyone have any big plans for tonight? None here.

Still on a high after last night's Redskin's victory! Sorry, LOLLY.

Always praying for those in need: JO, Baby Isaac, Ann-Marie, DANA's Dad, SANDI's MOM, GLO's MIL, THELMA'S BIL, and of course, my Dad. I feel so bad that I can't be there Wednesday when they find out everything.

Linda said...

Happy New Year's Eve!

DANA - Any move is stressful, even though this will be a good move for your parents. Praying they get through this one and get settled without any problems.

Lots of work and catching up to do here today. Business wise, I need to check on some business clients. May have to go into work for a few hours today as well.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day, this last day of 2012!

Will try to check in a bit later.


Judie said...

Good mid-morning to all.

Had to chuckle: Canmore RCMP tactic = Canmore drivers be safe drivers?

'Skins did good! Fell down asleep as the sandperson got me before leaving to find y'all. Team has come a long way this year.

Lily and June den cams are operating. Looks as if they might be HD. Should be interesting to see how June handles her two yearlings along with new babes.

No special plans tonight. Usually sleep through. May go to the mall today. Not so many people and maybe some leftover sales.

Have a nice day everyone.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Slept til 9 this morning! Annie started her ususal crying around 7 and it was warm enough, 41, to let her go outside. Annie does not have a soft little mew. She is loud and sounds like she is dying. It is awful. No sleeping late around here if she is in the house.

It has rained a little, not much and now they say it will be gone by noon. Glad to stay home anyway, we needed the rest.

No plans for tonight, possibly pull a rolled flank steak from the freezer and dine royally with a bottle of wine.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning this last day of 2012. It has been a year of unexpected events but the good Lord has seen us through it all - God Is Good - all the time. Michael and little Isaac are true examples of that.
I wish for all of us a blessed, healthy and joyous new year in 2013 ♥

glo said...

Good mid morning everyone. I never can much find anything to say today except that I do hope for each of you a safe New Years Eve and the promise of a Happy New Year.

Mema Jo said...

FB : Steven Chase
On the Jersey Shore for a few days.

Happy New Year Steve!

NatureNut said...

Happy New Years Eve!
I hope 2013 will be a Healthy, Happy Year for Everyone.
We miss you, Lynn, and prayers for Jewels and Christie and all of our wonderful group. ☺

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon. Trying to make some order out of the chaos around here. Not too easy.

DanaMo said...

WOW camera is up!

Lynne2 said...

still CAM UP! and with a bloody looking pile of yuk in the nest....LOL!

Lynne2 said...

uh, as usual, I'm late with the news!

DanaMo said...

I guess they were home for breakfast! :)

Sandi said...

Great news about the still cam!

Well, the house is un-Christmased except for the outside lights.

Tree is down and put away. Bought the coolest fabric storage bag for it. I just took the ornaments off, then stood the tree - stand and all - in the bottom of the bag, which I had "rolled down" til it was flat on the ground. Then, Denny and I grabbed 2 nylon handles each and simply pulled the bag up around the tree - the branches folded upward as we pulled the bag up. It has a drawstring halfway up to cinch the bag in the middle and another drawstring at the top to cinch it closed. The whole tree fit inside the bag. It even has nylon handles on the side so 1 person can lay it on its side and carry it anywhere. Took it downstairs and popped it in a closet in Denny's workshop. Best $25 investment ever!

Denny is watching the first part of the Band of Brothers DVD set that Brian bought him for Christmas. I probably should do some school work but I think I'll enjoy one more day of relaxing before I get back into the school groove - I'll work on the IEP tomorrow. I have another book on my Kindle that I haven't read yet.

No plans for us this evening. Our friends who are visiting from Baltimore are going to Seacrets in Ocean City for their big New Year's Eve celebration but we won't be joining them. We probably won't even be awake at midnight!


paula eagleholic said...

Oh cam is up...hope we get a visitor.

Walked the dogs this morning...then we checked out the eagles nest at Masseys Landing...but no eagles were home.

Went to Rehoboth and had some lunch...then took a walk along the shore. Pretty nice here breeze and 38 or so.

paula eagleholic said...

Wishing everyone a wonderful evening whatever you are doing tonight. We are heading home tomorrow

magpie said...

oh Yay
I just brought PC up and there is the nest cam....
I see that has been announced!

Good Afternoon Eagle Pals xo

magpie said...

Best of the End of this Year,
it has had its UPS and DOWNS...

But many thanks to US for keeping us in the UP category through our mutual support, positive thoughts and prayers

And Best of the New Year Wishes to All...

magpie said...

OH, tough day for some NFL Head Coaches today...
7 of them got "the axe" and a few
general managers also

But not Mike Shanahan !

magpie said...

Lots of activity for DanaMo and family...hope all the moving and getting re-settled goes very well

magpie said...

Chiropractor says
pinched nerve on one side,
and entrapment of median nerve
on the other side
Treatment has Begun !
Have some therapeutic massages
coming up ☺
and some "adjustments" over the
next four weeks
He and the Staff are going to give it their best shot.

magpie said...

Sooooo I have wild game pork in the slow cooker, some leftover
home-made from Mother's recipe baked beans to heat up...
and up shows Tom Sweetie:
Baked Ham, Cabbage, and baked macaroni and cheese with some
crusted crouton stuffing.
It's ready NOW,
Not a real tough choice right now.

What I'm cooking will go to work with me in the morning.

Sandi said...


Sandi said...


magpie said...

Sehp is in the nest


magpie said...

Nice Catch, Sandi!
Oh boy !

Sandi said...


magpie said...

and poof !!
but I bet he boomerangs back !

Sandi said...


magpie said...

Looks like he warmed up the snow
a little bit ☺

Sandi said...

I just happened to be walking past the computer and saw an eagle in the nest - what a pleasant surprise!

magpie said...

I just happened to be eating my
ham and cabbage and mac and cheese at the computer

Good to share this with you
Sandi ☺ ♥, the Eagle Viewing

Sandi said...

Margy, chiropractor's diagnosis sounds better than carpal tunnel. Hope those massages and adjustments can prevent the need for surgery!

Lori O. said...

DANG, I just missed him. Haven't seen them yet back in the nest!

Good for you, SANDI!

magpie said...

the chiropractor did say
that the
"entrapped nerves...."
does seem to be giving me more
of the typical carpal tunnel
that's on Lefty, Righty is the pinched nerve side

Hi Lori !

Lori O. said...


Hello everyone!

magpie said...

Nice way for you to start your
New Year, Lori

On Holiday!
Couldn't be happier about that!

Sandi said...

Rats! I was really hoping Shep would return and Belle would join him! Not looking good as it gets darker and darker!

magpie said...

Round Two !!

magpie said...

Not sure if Belle or Shep

remember after 7-10 second if you hit refresh you might get a new view faster.... !!

Lori O. said...


magpie said...

Come Back Sandi
Come back Lori !!!

Sandi said...


magpie said...

BOTH !!!

magpie said...


Sandi said...

Nice way to end 2012 - watching eagles with friends!! ♥

magpie said...

NOw Belle down at six pm spot

Lori O. said...

I'll second that, SANDI!

magpie said...

That's a BIG 10-4 Sandi

Lynne2 said...


Lynne2 said...

Belle's chowing down on the aforementioned pile of bloody mess.

Sandi said...

Welcome Lynne! Glad you could be here to see our eagles with us!

magpie said...

NOw we are FOUR
plus two eagles

magpie said...

wow, getting darker
I got one screen grab of both
will add to album later

Sandi said...


Lynne2 said...


Lori O. said...

Belle takes off....

Lynne2 said...

boy did I ever tune in at the right time! Happy New Year to US!

magpie said...

Shep's hanging in there!
Doing nestorations

magpie said...

Right on Lynne!!

Sandi said...

and POOF 2!

magpie said...

I believe our Pal has left now

Lynne2 said...

and poof

Lynne2 said...

Sandi, has Dubby seen Band of Brothers before? It awesome, and one of STeve's favs! he's a big Civil War and WW2 buff!

Lori O. said...

That was GLORIOUS!!!!

Lynne2 said...

Well, lovely of Tom Sweetie to bring you some victuals. Perhaps you could engage him in some therapeutic wrist massage??? Hmmmm? WINK WINK!!

Sandi said...

Lynne, Denny has not seen the series before (we don't get HBO) but Brian loved it and knew his dad would as well. He has watched 2 episodes so far.

Lori, agreed - glorious!

magpie said...

don't think so, but the
chow was GREAT.
He was wathing the Twilight Zone marathon; he didn't stay long

Rats! I can't remember how
I saved my one Eagle Nest pic, still looking !

Sandi said...

Margy, glad you remembered to grab a pic! I was so surprised that I just watched!

Lynne2 said...

oh wow, I forgot about the traditional Twilight Zone Marathon! Might catch me a few episodes!

Sandi, I'm sure he will love it. This was a real group of men and there are other books on them as well.

JudyEddy said...

Home from work and see we
had a visit and I just
missed it dernit anywho LOL
so glad you all got to see and got
a pic

magpie said...

Found my picture, it is in
the Momsters Album...

Jo has our January 2013 album
ready and rarin' to go!
Thanks Jo !!

magpie said...

sorry you missed it also, JudyE
but just think, there is a LOT more where this visit came from!

JudyEddy said...

OH I loved that show LYNNE2 I loved the one where the little boy fell into the wall into another time dimension
and the one with the space ship on
the little old ladies roof with

JudyEddy said...

be sure to check out GOOGLE Today

JudyEddy said...

Looks like the cam came up about one ish lets hope it stays up now

Janet said...

Good afternoon/evening Eagle People!

I see a nest! WOOO HOOO!

Its been a good day, but certainly has gotten better since I got home.

#1. got a great note back from the attorney. without going into gory detail....i think judy and i are going to get this mess straightened out with regards to our parents' estate....not without some new gray hairs/bald spots....but it will be finally a closed chapter in the next few months i believe!

2. i get on facebook only to find that yes yes yes the camera is up!!!! :) yeah!!!!

i am home, just relaxing. no plans exept to stay home, warm and safe and think of each of you my friends on here and wish you a wonderful new year.....hugs!

JudyEddy said...

WOW I just heard something on the
news Medical report a new drug
has been approved for TB but the
WOW factor is DID you know that
they say about 1/3 of the worlds
population is a carrier of TB WOW

Lolly said...

Well, drat! Missed our eagles once again. Story of my life!!

Did some shopping today. Laurel's kitchen has gone from deep red/green to blue and yellow. So, I have ordered on line a new valance for the kitchen window and I bought her new placemats. Hope they work. Filled her stocking with lots of blue and yellow towels, hot pads, dish rag, etc!

Also, bought new towels to go in the boys bathrooms. They each have their own bathrooms. I had already purchased bath rugs.

magpie said...

Google image is Great, JudyE
thanks for the alert..

Janet, lots of good news out your way, like the "relaxing" part the best

magpie said...

Well Lolly,
at least you had very good reason
to miss the nest visit

"You'll Get Yours ! " ☺

Lolly said...

GA Tech is about to win their bowl game. Nice to have a team win that we are cheering for. lol

Lynne2 said...

Lolly, sweetie, (((((HUGS)))))

I was with you in spirit during the game last night :(

Lynne2 said...

Judy/Janet, I truly hope the estate mess is on the way to its final chapter, in a very timely fashion!

Lolly said...

Hi Margy! Laurel just sent me a text and a picture. She has painted two walls today in their living area. It looks great! The previous owner had too much pink in the off white walls. It was bad. Took down pink drapes, too. Laurel has painted the walls a sand color.

NatureNut said...

Lolly, Congrats to Jack! GA Tech is wiping them out!!!!
Didn't get to see the birds~~~too much football and had more oyster stew!Yum

Lolly said...

They received lots of Lowes gift cards for Christmas to purchase paint and blinds for the new house.

Lolly said...

Will pass on the Congrats to Jack. That helps the football losses this weekend.

JudyEddy said...

I have no plans for this evening
being I have to work tomorrow
so will be taking extra sleeping aide to help with the noise later
If its been like in the past all nite fireworks

JudyEddy said...

OH LOLLY sweet of you to use your giftcard for that

magpie said...

WEll, Lolly you know how I feel about the color YELLOW!
Sand color is nice also
and you can't lose with Blue !

JudyEddy said...

AWW LORETTA I love your avatar

JudyEddy said...

LORI this was on the news about
black vultures thought I would bring it over
"""HOMESTEAD, Fla. (AP) - Visitors to parts of Everglades National Park are getting tarps and bungee cords to make their vehicles less delectable to vultures.

Migrating vultures have developed a habit of ripping off windshield wipers, sunroof seals, and other rubber and vinyl vehicle parts. Visitors to the park's Homestead and Flamingo entrances are loaned "anti-vulture kits" to protect their vehicles.

Park wildlife biologist Skip Snow tells The Miami Herald ( that the vultures are migrating as normal. It's just not clear why the birds are picking at parked cars and trucks. Park employees have tried to scare away the vultures, but nothing has worked.

Park Superintendent Dan Kimball says complaints about the vultures have declined since employees began distributing the tarps and bungee cords last year.""


stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Kathryn and Hunter are off to a friend's house for the evening. I am having a cup of tea. Very peaceful here.

movin said...

Whooeeee! I see we have pictures on both cams now!


IN 2013.


C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

Happy Peaceful New Year Eve's, Shirley!

Wanda - thank you for the call to the cam via FB. Hubby and I had been out and it Made my Evening...

Cerebrating at home this evening - we did go to Outback for an early dinner.

Margy - thankful that the Chiropractor
can help you! I'll keep praying that it works.

JudyEddy said...

JIM thanks for the alert I can't get it up but only when I clicked on the pop up cam under it came up

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

Judy mine opened quite smoothly
Thanks for the email - I sent your message out on the Momster's email. I assume you have put it on FB.

Great picture! Outdoor kept saying 2013
Guess they are a few hours early!

WHOO HOO Happy New Year To All

JudyEddy said...

I have no sound either anyone else have sound or having issue viewing on page I sent out a email to all on my email list

JudyEddy said...

I have a white screen when I have the od page up so I just clicked on the show player in a separate window and it came up but no sound I wonder why it doesn't work for me

JudyEddy said...

I do have sound I hear wind yeah at least I can see it in the pop up window live I have been having some issues of late with google chrome I uninstalled it when my real player didn't work I had googled it and it advised the chrome doesn't play will with others lol so I got rid of chrome but I still have getting issues with FLASH PLAYER NOT WORKING and when I google that it says chrome but I don't have chrome I do have the google frame but not chrome I can't figure it out I just may have to pull that out also to see if I can resolve my issues

JudyEddy said...

I hear geese nice sound I have missed

Mema Jo said...

Judy, the forum is still there in the header - Forum Outdoor Eagle Cam.
I have a sign on but can't find anyplace to comment that the cam is up. So I quit trying.

Lolly said...


Sandi said...

Great news about the live cam! My picture came up fine on the Outdoor Channel page - didn't have to click on the blue words below. But I don't have sound.

Lolly said...

I looked at the cam forum. They know the cam is up.

Lolly said...

Sandi, it is very quiet on the cam. I hear nothing, but a few minutes ago I think I heard something.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - how do you find the right forum? Do they know that the live feed is up?

Lolly said...

Yes, they know!

Lolly said...

At the top of the cam picture is listed EagleCam, Forum, photos, updates and fun facts. I clicked on forum.

Lolly said...

I did not post, just looked at their comments and someone has brought to the forum a picture of the nest.

Lynne2 said...


Lynne2 said...

I checked before I took my shower and it wasn't up yet...

Lolly said...

So, here we all sit, staring at an empty nest but happy as all get out! Again, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Lynne2 said...

JudyE I just saw that vulture thing...well, shoot...where DID I see it. Hmmm. Anyway, I saw that SOMEWHERE.

CLEAR, that's me!

JudyEddy said...

well I think its my Abode Flash player doing all the bad stuff LOL
I tried to uninstall it and can't get that done to reinstall it
Keeps coming up with a message to close my browsers and they are closed so I give up till another day but at least I got the pop up and I did hear geese earlier but nothing now

Lynne2 said...

I can't tell if I have sound or not yet. But I can't wait to see the nest in the daylight!

JudyEddy said...

I didn't think I had sound either until I heard the geese like we use to hear I loved it

JudyEddy said...

the neighbors are getting a early
start lots of boom boom pow going on

JudyEddy said...

Hey put your ear to your speakers I just did and you can hear

JudyEddy said...

ok gonna go see what on the boob
tube Lurking looking at both cams what a GRAND NIGHT

JudyEddy said...

I just noticed in the far left bottom corner of my page it says
Done but with a explanation mark in
the middle of the yellow triangle sign I can get it on my lap top
May have to get Eric to take a look at why it won't let me uninstall adobe to see if reinstalling would fix it it comes up and wants me to close my ie or twcapp but all are closed so can't figure it out but will just live with it I guess

JudyEddy said...

air plane flying near nest I hear

magpie said...

Well ain't that somethin'!
I have sound, though it's kind of low...but I'm happy with what I have

Happy New Year, Indeed!

Thanks for the Alerts, pals

magpie said...

I hear a dog barking ☺

magpie said...

Geese AND Dogs

later on if skies clear we'll have
some Moonshine too

JudyEddy said...

do you hear the honking of geese now

JudyEddy said...

we posted at the same time sure is noisey and I love it

JudyEddy said...

I hear wind LOL

magpie said...

Thanks Jo

Chiropractor is a really smart fellow...knows it could be
some slow progress with but I am already feeling less pain

magpie said...

wonder if we'll hear midnight
revelry from the areas surrounding the nest, gunshots and stuff

magpie said...

I better just go ahead and set alarm clock early NOW for the morning so I can be all ready for work when daylight and hopefully eagles approach the nest

glo said...

remember no moonshine and driving combo Just sayin :-)

magpie said...

Righto, Glo!

We have very light winds here in
Martinsburg, but I guess things are
amplified with the mike at the nest.
Now I hear a jet. I think

stronghunter said...

Oh my, I hear that wind blowing at the nest. Yay!

stronghunter said...

Oh my, I hear that wind blowing at the nest. Yay!

JudyEddy said...

stare at the nest and you can see it sway in the wind

stronghunter said...

Called an electrician to check out our electricity problems. We keep throwing the circuit breaker for the circuit that includes the bathrooms, basement, and outdoor outlets. I think the biggest problem is probably that we have will living in the basement and using power down there. Also, need to waterproof the outdoor outlets a bit more.

Judie said...

New thread. Y'all come on over. What a great way to begin the New Year -- a fresh thread, a live cam, sound, and we're on our way.

Ø8775 said...

Still and live cams are up

Lori O. said...

SHEP is in the nest!

Linda said...

Good Morning and Happy New Year!

Haven't fully caught up on the posts, but wanted to post this youtube video that someone on the Outdoor Channel Forum posted. It has some great shots of Belle and Shep.

I am on my Ipad and don't remember how to post a reference, so I am just going to post the website. You will have to cut and paste into your browser.

Have a great day, Y'all!!

Costume Lady said...


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6/6/23 bella field cam

  Time stamps on these or about an hour off. So, if it says it's 5 something, it's 6 something field can got messed up in the last s...