Wednesday, October 17, 2012


New thread.


magpie said...

Very Good Morning Wishes to you, Steve

Thank you for the New Thread


magpie said...

Congratulations and Bravo:
I remember that you were with us Momsters and Dadsters at NCTC for the Open House...


magpie said...

wow, what a Soup Kitchen and Clothes Closet Report...hmmmm, wish those clothes would just magically go back up on the hangers and shelves, Wanda...

and I wish I could have helped out

magpie said...

Well, All....the dough making is a'happenin' here so I must attend to it

Hope that Everyone has a Good Day....

Prayers for Remarkable Progress for Michael, and for
Swift Healing for All as Needed

xoxox (( All Day Wednesday Hugs ))

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thanks Magpie for the call over and thanks Steve for the new thread.

I think at open house in 2008, I was on my 2nd day without smoking. I remember almost putting off quitting until after open house. Glad I didn't because I might not would have quit.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Ahhhh, Open House 2008, a very good year!! I love us!♥

Congrats, Sharon!!

Beautiful weather here, but windy. That is good as it brings down the pecans. Went to get the paper and loaded my pockets with pecans. lol About 42 of them! Yes, I looked funny!

Going to bake today...have some bananas that need to go into some bread.

Wanda, great soup kitchen. That is a lot of people. Too bad they think they have to leave the clothes in a pile!

T-Bird said...

Good morning again. Thanks for the call over Magpie and thanks Steve for the new thread.

magpie said...


that's what happenes when you leave caps lock on and then type like normally

magpie said...


Happy baking Lolly....wish I could be Happy Eating what you are going to be baking

Yes, that 2008 Open House was awewom

magpie said...

awwww, awewom...


JudyEddy said...

thanks for the new thread and the call over MARGIE and a you get another feather

JudyEddy said...

box wasn't there to check checkin now

JudyEddy said...

check out the image of the day from NASA Do you think it looks like the Cookie Monster like they do

JudyEddy said...

76° now NICE

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon - heading out shortly for visit with Michael.

I wanted to restate this so all will see
have the check ready to be sent with your donations for Brantley to Rachael and Robbie Cyr. Very proud to say that the donations amounted to $775.00.
Thanks to all of you that participated.

Mema Jo said...

Karla said that the amount we are sending will paid off the debt owed on the burial plots! I am so very happy that this may give them a fresh start.

Thanks and I Love Us!


JudyEddy said...

SIS laughing about your dilemma with car too funny I know not at the time but love the story so glad you could stop it Might want to jot down the instructions and put in glovebox for future references

JudyEddy said...

WOW JO I keep wanting to say what a nice amount we gathered for them I LOVE US

Linda said...

Hey Gang!

Had a relatively quiet day Tuesday catching up on housework and bills!

Today we came back to the hospital to get Dennis' kidney tube removed. Unfortunately the stent in his ureter popped out of his bladder and now he has to have emergency surgery this afternoon. Unbelievable!!

I know that His ways are higher than ours and we are told in Philippians 4 to Rejoice in The Lord always and it is repeated. It says a couple verses later to be anxious for nothing and to make your requests known to God in prayer and supplication.

I am praying for this nightmare with Dennis to end soon and for a complete recovery without further complications.

I will post an update when I can. It will surely be another l-o-n-g day.


magpie said...

Oh Linda, so very sorry about the addditional medical problems...
Just wish a great big group hug from us could fix it all for both of you

Jo: THANK YOU FOR TAKING CARE OF THE ARRANGEMENTS FOR OUR DONATIONS TO GET TO LITTLE BRANTLEY'S PARENTS.....and thanks for the info on how much, and how it will be helping out

Kay said...

Good Afternoon and Good On Us ! Thanks for taking care of the Little Brantley Fund, JO ! We know you've had so much on your plate and can't say how much we appreciate your attention to this project ! I♥U and Us !!!!

WANDA, as always my mouth watered over that menu. What a grand evening at the Kitchen. Great giveaways--thrilling to think of all the good you and your helpers did ! Seth has no school today--an in service day for teachers--so he's spending the day at our nearby Pantry and Boutique. Wish I could have joined him for a day of volunteering, but just can't handle it yet.

SHAR, thanks so much for the Michael update ! He's coming along remarkably well--Praise the Lord !

LORI, can't wait to hear about the test results ! Kudos to you and others trying to give up those cigs ! A hard thing to to as SHAR says for it's a craving that apparently never goes away. However, the health benefits cannot be overstated !!!

MARGY, your roller coaster typing is a blast ! ☺

Love and prayers for all, including our dear Belle n' Shep ! They are out of sight right now, but never out of mind ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Kay said...

Back to say I'm flabbergasted over the lastest report on your Dubby, LINDA. Mega prayers being said !!! If someone wrote this saga in a book we'd say it was way over the top and couldn't happen. Again, prayers are with you both, right this minute ! I'm heading back to the candles to light one just for Dennis ! ♥

WANDA meant to say I hope GG slept through the night without need of pain pills or even food. I do miss those long stretches of sleep and I feel sure she does, too. XXX's and OOO's for her and you !!! ♥

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Stopping in to say hello. Linda, I hope Dennis gets through this surgery in very good shape and that things go well from now on. Prayers.

Good to hear that Michael is making progress, Jo.

Thanks for letting us know about the donations to Brantley's parents, Jo.

Got an e-mail about the insurance stuff. Sounds promising. Maybe we will soon get this house fixed soon.

Beautiful fall day here.

Lolly said...

Linda, keep the faith! For surely Dennis is being watched over, but oh, my what a trial!

Just returned from getting the car washed and vacuumed as well as getting my flu shot. Have you taken care of that???

Lolly said...

Heading to the kitchen now...time to bake. Banana nut bread today and pumpkin pies tomorrow.

JudyEddy said...

check out this sea eagle cam has two juvies in it they had a rescue on them the other day they were entangled in fishing line here is the website to view the nest I love all the bird noises Sea eagle nest

JudyEddy said...

this is the video of the resuce them going up and getting both birds and cut the line and take the one for removal of the hook Gret rescue Rescue of the sea eagle juvies being stuck together with fishing line and a hook in bird

JudyEddy said...

I see a Buffalo, N.Y. is visiting the blog with me right now I went and looked at the map and yep deserted except Buffalo and me

JudyEddy said...

Just got back from Panera Bread and had my usual Broccoli cheddar soup and Italian combo on tomato basil bread

Mema Jo said...

We had a good visit with Michael. He was sitting in the wheelchair with his helmet on - he really smiled when I made believe that he was a motorcycle man by steering with my hands. As you know his right side is not moving yet; however he moved his toes and at one point in time he raised that right leg. Your prayers and positive thoughts are being heard. Please keep doing what it is your doing. We left after the nurse put him in his bed - he was very tired and sleepy. Love to all ♥

Mema Jo said...

Linda - I don't know of another things that could go wrong! Wow! Please keep strong! and Dennis you keep strong too ♥

Mema Jo said...

I am also very tired and may not return this evening.

Thanks for understanding - Good night
Prayers for all
I Love Us ♥

Lolly said...

I have a new vocabulary word for us. Annie is a grimalkin! Look that one up! lol Jack is very proud of his new word.

Lolly said...

Tonight for dinner Italian Sausage with sun dried tomatoes and egg casserole. Also having salad with homemade blu cheese dressing. Yes, I got two loaves of banana nut bread made, too. Have the best recipe in the world for it...has cream cheese in the bread and has a streusel topping. Yum! On a roll today! lol

Jo, your visit with Michael sounds great!So happy to hear there is some movement on the right side.

Janet said...

good evening to all!

LINDA: good gracious....sending hugs and lots of light and healing energies to you and DENNIS....stay strong.....

JUDYE: the SAD part about all of this, the owners manual was in the glove box with the instructions right in it!!!! i opened it in the driveway and read it. i was sooo embarrassed that i couldn't think to get the darn book out! :O

MEMAJO: super news about michael reacting as such.....the healing energies are being sent....

had a good day all. quiet day. i did some house work....laundry.....just putzed around the house....went about noon down and had my massage....i went straight to la la land....before i knew it he was waking me up......i was so comfy...completely out of it.

the evening's been skating practice, dinner....getting ready for this line of strong storms coming thru sometime after midnight. :( bah humbug. i don't mind rain, but severe no no!

everyone, have a super evening....hugs, light , love and all!

Hoda said...

Unbelievable in regards Dennis...LINDA prayers ongoing.

All of you who contributed to BRENTLY bless your hearts. I could not do it this month...Praises Praises Praises for the genreous hearts...

Beautiful day here and am very pleased with the colours...they get better every day...the reds and the pinks in particular contrast so well with the greens the oranges and the yellows.

Finished distributing the Book sale posters and had a delicious lunch.

LOLLY your baking sounds to JACK'S new word, Annie is grimalkin means she is grinning and pleased with herself but is not showing it as she is almost grimacing so she can get some of your delicious supper...

Excellent news on MICHAEL. Blessings and Prayers continue.

Sandi said...

Checking in before bath and bed - busy day and evening! Grocery store and then I fielded 2 phone calls from concerned parents when they saw their child's progress reports (I always give my home phone number to the parents of my students). I hope the low grades are a wake-up call to the kids.

Wonderful news on Michael, that he's got some movement on his right side!! Woohoo!!

Linda, so sorry to hear about more bad news for Dennis - UGGHH!!!!

Jo, thanks for reporting on the amount collected for Rachel and Robbie - we done good!

Speaking of done, I am done for the night! Exhausted and it's only Wednesday! Prayers continue for all the needs in my eagle family!

Goodnight all!

Hoda said...


Costume Lady said...

THE WRIGHTS are just about ready for bed...time to say good night.

The Seminar that we went to this morning was long and tiring, but we did learn some amazing new things that we have been a plan to evacuate the guests and kitchen workers if the need should arise and other emergency actions that needed to be put into place. Just when you think you know everything, you learn something new:)

Jo's visit with Michael was a very positive one. He can move his right leg and that is BIG!
We all know he has a long way to go, but with all our prayers and encouragement on his guestbook on Caring Bridge, the time will pass quicker.

GG was in a very good mood today. She said she knew I was there last night...she saw signs of a little fairy in the kitchen.
She's anxious to get her hair done tomorrow for the wedding. We couldn't do it on Friday because she has a doctor appointment that day.

OK, I'm outta here. Love and prayers to you dear friends♥

$775.00!! You all are awesome. I am so glad to have you as friends!
I will comment more on this subject later when more people are awake:) LOVE...LOVE...LOVE

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Eagle Family!

JO, Some great news about Michael being able to move a little on his right side! YAY!

LINDA, so sorry that you are going through this mess...I can only imagine that there is some kind of super strength for you on the other side of it. My best to Dennis and hope he recovers FAST!

LOLLY, had to laugh at the picture in my head with you carrying pocketfuls of 42 pecans!

Blessings to the hands of the woman who works on GG's hair today. I'm sure she'll look very pretty for the wedding! WANDA, are you all set for the weekend?

I called my Mom yesterday to check on the quilt we had put together. She is having an Amish lady hand quilt it, and it should be done anytime. So excited to see it. Extra special that I made it with Mom! I've got several quilting books and hope to take a quilting lesson from a friend of my Mom's next time I go up to PA. Think I could do it now, but it's so hard to get a project started when you're unsure!

Okay, off to shower and work!

Have a great day everyone! Big Hugs and love for all!

Sandi said...

Good morning my eagle friends! Today is my Kevin's 29th birthday! Baked him a cake last night though I don't know that I'll see him today (our paths rarely cross, even though he lives here). Will wish him happy birthday on FB! =)

Prayers continue for progress and healing for Michael and Dennis and Kay and Dana's dad (I think this is his week off from chemo) and Thelma's brother-in-law.

Big weekend for the Wright family - how exciting!!!

Shar, congrats on 4 years smoke-free!

Make it a great day all!

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

T-Bird said...

Buddy got me up way early this morning. :)(

T-Bird said...


T-Bird said...


Lori O. said...

And, HUGS and LOVE to you, too, THELMA & Buddy!

DanaMo said...

Well...I just typed and it's gone.
Sorry I haven't been on the blog for a while. Busy,busy.
Monte is in Europe and school is awful. Seems like all I want to do is eat and sleep.
Dad is doing well. He is tolerating the chemo with no side effects. He has a doctors appointment tomorrow, but I don't think we will learn anything. First cycle is over, 2 more to go. This week was a rest week. It's a wait and see until the end. I actually think he has more energy than he has had for a long time. He is sanding down and refinishing my craigs list table. I think he is just trying to prove to cancer who is the boss!!

DanaMo said...

Watching Chaos on the website. She is ready to have those puppies!!

T-Bird said...

DanaMo, we missed you. I'm so glad you checked in. Wonderful news about your father.

T-Bird said...

Lori, I'll give Buddy your props.

Janet said...

good morning to all.

sleeeeeepy this morning. the storms rolled thru, but they weren't bad. my phone alert never went off, but they did wake me up....and of course, having storms, beano slept with us...and he sleeps ON me.....and so when i roll over, he has to get re positioned and comfy....etc. so sleeeeepppy.

back to massage envy today. :) then ice skating tonight. olivia's testing is tonight. she practiced again last night...fingers crossed.....we shall see!!!

everyone, have a super day. holding all close in heart & thoughts, sending light, love, and healing....((Hugs))) n smiles

Lori O. said...

JANET, great luck to Olivia on her skating test tonight! Surely, you'll have a video of it!?

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Some good news coming our way and many more prayers still needed. Hoping for a good day for all.

T-Bird said...

Good morning Janet and Glo.

Lolly said...

Good morning!!! Wishing you all a great day! Will be a great day here! After pumpkin pie baking we are heading to Denton to celebrate Joseph's 12th birthday! Texted with him this morning. Knew he was headed to school with his mom. She keeps his phone in her purse at school, but they were not there yet. I love technology!

Mema Jo said...

Morning to all my eagle friends. Don't know what I would do without your support - thank you for commenting on the Caring Bridge site - it means the world to me to read it and I also read it to Michael. So far yet for him to go - your prayers & positive thoughts are still needed!

♥ Dana - really good news about your dad
♥ Sandi - Maybe when he hits 30 he'll be home for his cake - we can wish!
♥ Lolly- you could mail me a loaf of the banana nut bread - I'll pay for the postage
♥ I am sure Margy is being very busy helping get her brother-in-law's houses in order
♥ Janet - I just know you have a new ice skating star in the rink - Love Livvy's new do!
♥♥ Wanda - have the best weekend ever with the wedding & God Bless you for all you do for GG
♥ Lori - I know the quilt you and mom made will always keep you warm
♥ T-Bird Good Morning - So glad you have Buddy to get you out of bed!
♥ Hoda - My dear friend - I miss chatting with you - Take care!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning Mema Jo. Could you remind me of when your appointments are? I love you much!

JudyEddy said...

HELLO Eagle Buds to late to say good morning so it Be a almost good afternoon eagle buds

WANDA so GG has a kitchen fairy that she has discovered so cute

DANA so happy about your DAD not letting this get him down

LOLLY and SANDI both a baking sounds mummy
HEY SIS did you give her the dresses yet??so happy she is enjoying it that is the most important
LORI please take a picture of the quilt when you can

JO so happy you had a nice visit yesterday

WE had a some heavy showers earlier I need to go see what the rain gauge says

JudyEddy said...

the Sequoyah camera is up and running today two camera for it but only stillone for sutton eagle in nest at sutton

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I don't know if I have reported this or not but I have to go to a gastroenterologist in the morning as they found I have an enlarged liver on my CT scan. Just got a call from Andrew that he and Kelsey are coming to take me to the doc. I love them!!!!!!!! The doc is about 45 minutes from here in Wytheville.

Lolly said...

Prayers for you, Sharon!

Two pies in the oven! Soon need to get ready to head to Denton!

Bird Girl said...

Good morning everyone! Hope all are well, and those who aren't, hope you get well soon!

The giraffe is having her baby! Watch her live on EarthCam:

I am enjoying my new life in the mountains, and hope my health will improve now that I'm out of the pollution and stress of the big city.

I think about you all often, and I'm looking forward to my 7th (8th?) season watching this nest!

As always, I remain,

Your very own,
Bird Girl

Bird Girl said...

I forgot to mention:

Among my other ailments, I have 5th cranial nerve parasthesia, which causes the right side of my face to be numb and the muscle to occasionally contract. In trying to figure out why, and what is causing my severe chronic headaches, I had a brain MRI.

The good news: I don't have MS, dementia, Parkinson's or "significant" lesions.

The maybe-bad news: I have a pineal gland cyst which is large enough to be considered 'rare', and there is something going on by my pituitary gland which may be a mass. Further monitoring is required.

Other than that, my health has been pretty much status quo. Reducing my stress levels and moving to fresher air has helped, that's for sure!

Anyway, I'll let you know what happens with this, if anything. It's unlikely that I'll need surgery to remove the cyst or whatever is growing in my brain, because it isn't exceedingly large. But it was not there when I had a brain MRI 4-5 years ago, so it is something to keep an eye on.

Many positive thoughts for Michael and everyone else who needs them right now!!

JudyEddy said...

make sure you check out GOOGLE to day

magpie said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Pals...
Checking in to Say Hi !
There is some beautiful good news on here, encouraging and heartwarming
and still many concerns for Prayers...
New Ones I see here today
for Our Very Own Bird Girl,
and for Sharon...
hoping for the best outcomes for your testing and the results.
and also hoping to hear the very best news on Lori's test results...

magpie said...

Things are pretty busy for me this week with my niece, what a powerhouse she is...
she has some good helpers...
and then she and I just go over her busy day in the evenings....
so I am trying to keep up with the news, but not chitty chatting too much...
But I Care !!!

magpie said...

Waiting on some weather to move through here over the next few hours, the warm might turn to cool.

Best wishes to Everyone...
in all your concerns and activities....

Tomorrow, RED FRIDAY...

oh, and Happy 12th Birthday to Lolly and Jack's grandson Joseph...
is it today, I am not completely sure of that, but it sounds like the celebrating is today !!

Loving the improvement reports on Michael, and also about the way Danamo's Dad is getting through this round of chemo...

Teachers and Monday through Friday out of the home workers:
Your FRIDAY is about upon you....hope your week-ends are super and seem like they last forever !!

ttfn xoxo
☺ ♥
God Bless Us, Every One

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

MAGPIE - thanks so much for my package in the mail. How special that is! I love us!!!!

Sandi said...

Afternoon all!

Sharon and Delphia, consider yourselves added to my prayer list for a positive outcome for both of you!

Lolly, happy birthday to Joseph - enjoy your family time!!

Janet, good luck to Livvy this evening with her ice skating test!

Jo, the son who has the birthday today is the one who lives here with us, not the one in Africa! Still, our paths don't cross very often! That's probably a good thing for both of us! =)

Dana, I know what you mean about this school year! Hoping things settle into a manageable routine soon (for both of us)!

Hoping to hear encouraging news about Michael and word that Dennis is finished with procedures and able to start focusing on recuperating from his nighmare hospital ordeal!

Will try to check in before bed - later!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Thursday October 18

I am doing the happy dance! Just got a call from Penny. She has been visiting with Dad this afternoon. I am just amazed at what she called to tell me. Dad is making so much more progress than I thought possible and even than what I was hearing from doctors. In her time visiting she got to see Dad do some of his physical therapy. She was able to see him stand up three times and lift his right arm and grab hold of a bar in front of him. They even took the boot off his left foot and worked with him on that side a little bit. After PT Penny took Dad to the courtyard for some fresh air. He was being his ornery self trying to take his mitt off and his helmet off. He also felt that he wanted to talk/ text me so she called and I was able to talk to him. Of course he couldn't respond but it was so nice to talk to him. It brought tears to my eyes and I think teared him up a little. I am just so excited! Can't wait to talk to the team next week and hear how well he is doing. So glad Penny was able to see so much progress in her visit and share it with me! Thank you everyone for your continued prayers and support!

Sandi said...

What incredible news about Michael! Thanks for posting it Sharon! I bet the whole Lennox fam is doing the happy dance this afternoon! Sounds like Michael may soon be doing some dancing of his own!! =)

grannyblt said...

Evening all. I've been reading the blog but nothing to say from me except that You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

Oh and Margy, I think I sent you an email meant for the next person on my list...I guess you really don't want to know how many members of an organization have paid their dues!LOL sorry

grannyblt said...

Wonderful news from The Caring Bridge about Michael!!!

Hoda said...

Very good news on Michael and am very glad to hear it.

Thanks DANA for the report on your DAD I hope he continues to deal well with the chemo and that it heals him from cancer.

DELPHIA and SHARON you are on the prayer list.

Good on ANDREW and KELSEY!

Repoted some plants today.

Cooked and am heading out to yoga.

Stay well and talk to you all later.


magpie said...

Sandi !!

Happy 29th Birthday to your Kevin !
29, really? for the first time for real I guess :)

magpie said...

You're Welcome Sharon !

magpie said...

You're Welcome Sharon !

magpie said...

Oh for goodness sake, this laptop!
But I love having it, 'cuz I can stay in touch with all of you...

JudyE - I did indeed notice Google Image today

Janet....I don't often make much of a post but your blog posts are so energized and full of family things,
Bravo! On all that you have going in your little corner of Wild and Wonderful Kentucky !

Mema Jo said...

I shall be able to sleep better tonight with the news of Michael's actions today. Christine and all the family are jumping for joy - Your prayers and your positive thoughts have given Michael the strength he needs! Thank you!

magpie said...

How about that beauteous avatar of Wanda's -
looks like the to-be-wedded couple to me !

Shirley...once again, best wishes for all the "Recovery" going on at YOUR ROOST....hope it all goes super-smoothly from start to finish....
hope you are still carving out time for Bowling and Bridge...

Mema Jo said...

Sandi - I wasn't thinking of Africa I was referring to your 29 yr old live in son whom you seldom see! There are so many of those in society today. I know you LOVE HIM, Mom ♥

magpie said...

Oh Jo...these caring bridge posts are so vibrant and all yours on here, always....

may all things positive continue to happen every minute....for all of you...


magpie said...

whoops I lost the front end of the hugs


there they are, above :)

magpie said...

Rain has arrived in Hedgesville

Mema Jo said...

Sharon and Delphia - both of you have my prayers during these exams. Oh how I want to see a good bill of health for you~!

magpie said...

Think I'll get a jump on things and say
Good Night in Advance...
have to be at work at 4 a.m.
and also expect my niece to come walking in soon, so we'll have a little time together before I hit the pillows.

Love to All,
Prayers and Positive thoughts

God Bless Us, Every One

JudyEddy said...

There was a eagle at the Sequoyah for about a half a hour got a couple of snips and put on thier facebook page they have today was the first day the cam was up and yeah we got a eagle siting I have had Washington up all day Wow the zoom is good on it the person does a good job., and Delta 2 I had up also besides a few others but only the one eagle siting

JudyEddy said...

eagle in nest at Washington now

Judie said...

Well, it seems my earlier comments became invisible.

Wishing the Family Wright a wonderful wedding weekend. Miss GG will be beauteous and all will go perfectly. Wishing a lifetime of happiness for the newlyweds.

The news of Michael's progress is heartwarming. May he continue to make great strides each day.

DanaMo, your father's spirit and continued activity are great medicine to combat the beast. Congratulations to his tenacity.

Must talk with Shirley to make sure she's okay. Hope the house repairs are underway or soon to be.

I had other comments but am very tired. This was a weekus horribilus.

Mema Jo said...

I am ready to watch 1 TV show and then hit the sack

Good Night for now since I won't return
Prayers for so many dear friends.
(((Hugs to all)))
I love us ♥

Still missing you Lynn ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, Indeed, prayers for those in need!

Hoping to hear from Linda!

Missing Lynne too...I know she can't get on very often.

Raining here too! Just lightened up, tho.

Heading to Paradise tomorrow...I haven't been there in a month! Bro is supposed to be going. Larry is heading to his beach place.

paula eagleholic said...

Working on laundry, bills and such here tonight.

Glad to hear of eagle sightings around the nests, can't wait for ours to come back on.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, Wanda, have a wonderful time at the wedding this weekend. Hope all goes well for GG!

Lynne2 said...

Hi all!

Much to tell, too tired to do so now.

Prayers for all, esp. Shar, Delphia.
Great news on Michael! Improvement for Dennis! YAY!

Happy Birthday to Lolly's Joseph! and Happy Birthday to Sandi's Kevin!

Wedding weekend approaching....can't wait to get the reports and see some pictures!

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Birthday to Joseph!

Lynne2 said...

nasty weather about...don't see a post from Shirley...geesh, hope the house is secure. A piece of siding blew off in the wind here today. More storms coming...

Janet, hope Livvy did well with her skating!

Lori, I'm confused...if YOU put the quilt together, how come an Amish woman is actually "quilting" it?

Lynne2 said...

Margie, hope you get a nice visit with your niece!

Hoda, glad you are enjoying the autumn colors....for some reason, I picture your leaves as gone from the trees by now, way up there! Colors are now looking pretty here in the last 2 days. Nice time to have a long drive to work!

Janet said...

good evening all!

SIMPLE PHENOMENAL news about Michael!!!! hip hip hurray!!!!! great news today!

As for those in need: healing thoughts, light and love to each of you....

Lol: MAGPIE: i am often asked if i sit blogs are my life....i dont' really sit down til about 8:30 at night.....until then, its full steam yes, I grew up in Kentucky, but I LIVE In Tennesee, Nashville, TN, music city, aka Nashvegas! :)

Okay, .........LIVVY DID IT!!! I posted pix on the blog!!!! So very proud of her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And she was and is proud of herself! She worked very hard and it paid off.....yes, JUDYE: as promised, I gave her the dresses tonight and she LOVES them!

And another treat for me today: my son Michael (22years old) has grown dreadlocks for the past 2 years, much to my dismay. (they are stinky!) he let Tom shave them off tonight!!!!!!!! :D :D :D my son is back!

Happy Birthday to those whom I missed!!!!

gotta get some sleep. didn't sleep well last night.....good night ya'll.....sending light and love to each of you! sweet dreams!

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Need to check in before retiring for the night.

Good to see that Judie was on tonight. Sorry that your week was not good.

Great to see the good report on Michael.

Hoping that your health continues to improve, Delphia. Don't hear from you often enough.

I think that the negotiations on the house repairs are going well. I can't believe this is still going on. Meanwhile, I am getting checks from the insurance people to pay for expenses already incurred.

Played bridge last night. It was good to see my old friends. This bridge club has been playing for about 30 years--some members have changed, but we have been together for a long time.

I hear thunder. Guess I will be listening to rain on the tarp tonight. Have already had some.

paula eagleholic said...

Hi Lynne, hope you and Steve and the dogs and cats are doing well. Guess no brother cat :(

paula eagleholic said...

Wow Shirley, can't believe they haven't started yet! Hope they can get going soon! Gotta be stressing you out!

Lots of rain here, and the electric went out...have to reset everything.

Lynne, the leaves really started changing here fast just this week! Very pretty out!

Did I tell you Larry saw an eagle at his new place on Sunday! Only 10 minutes from here!

NatureNut said...

Chedking in finally!!
What wonderful news of Michael!!!!

All Best Wishes for Sharon, Delphia, & Lori's tests and prayers for all others in our family w/health troubles.
Was starting to do some sewing and then downloaded pics---had to study those handsome deer at Chelsea!Had a list of various pics to maybe put on blog, but it seems to have disappeared from the desk!Don't think it was cats or mice!
Yesterday, two of us from Chelsea went to College Park Airport to replace some logo vinyl on their front doors. I didn't take camera, but was a really neat chopper parked right inside the fence! I love field trips!
Gotta hit the trail~~~
Pleasant Feather Dreams & Prayers for ALL ;>)

stronghunter said...

Congratulations to Livvy. Pretty dresses. She looks very happy in them, Janet.

Kathryn saw an eagle circling around the shop where she works a few days ago. Maybe it will come back and pose for a picture.

Hope you do not lose any more siding, Lynne. That seems to happen from time to time. Makes me wish I had a brick house. Or stone. There are some very interesting stone houses I pass by on the way to town. They are, unfortunately, in an area that is becoming very commercialized.

Happy birthday Joseph and Kevin.

stronghunter said...

See you tomorrow. SED. Having trouble concentrating.

JudyEddy said...

watching the dog cam to where she is having puppies so far three two black and one black and white polka dot like the mom

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Hoda said...

Sorry for your weekus horribulus JUDIE. I hope it improves or that you start over again next week.

YAY LIVVY!!! Good on you girl!

LYNNE the leaves are still on. Today was very cold and they are starting to dull in colour. Some have fallen but the colours are still good.



Lolly said...

We are home! All went well today. Picked Jacob up from school. Laurel and Joseph got home shortly after that. Joseph opened presents, tried on his new jeans, and they threw the new football for a while. Then we went out to eat. Joseph was terribly embarrassed when they brought out a huge sombrero and sang to him, but announcing it was his 21st birthday. lol He was so embarrassed! Then we went to the school for his choir program. After that home to sing happy birthday and eat pie. He was thrilled with the pie, will share the second one tomorrow with friends who are spending the night. A great birthday!

Lolly said...

Night all! SED!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Congrats to Livvy!~

And Happy Birthday to Kevin, too!

SED, love and hugs for all ♥

Costume Lady said...

A quick run-down on Today:
GG loves her hair cut and
Rehearsal was a hoot, but went smoothly.
We helped with some of the preparations for the reception. We quit around 10 o'clock. We ran into that storm that was being reported on the radio. Rained so hard we could just barely see the lines on the road!

I see CHAOS has 5 or 6 pups...sooo cute:) She is so gentle and good-natured, allowed several people to pet the pups and her.

Face plant coming on...
Good night dear friends, sending payers and love to you all♥

magpie said...

oh my goodness

disappearing posts Judie says...
and reappearing white space from Wanda

now that's what I call WONKY !

Good RED FRIDAY Morning, Eagle Pals

came into work at 2 a.m. not 4, ad who should still be here filling part of a shift: JEWELS


magpie said...

But Jewels was able to leave at 4 a.m.

Sure had a heavy rainfall and some spectacular lightning and thunder last night....
I see some of you had the same kinds of storming

Lori: It was a little too early for me to be-bop to YOUR tunes ♪ ♫
this morning

magpie said...

Hoping it's a Good Day and a Great Week-end coming up for everyone...

Special thoughts of the Newlyweds-to-be Jillian and Aaron and all the family...sounds GREAT, Wanda !

Prayers for WELLNESS

Janet, I see, Tennessee not Kentucky, thanks for straightening me up
and Congratulations to your Livvy !

magpie said...

ttfn back to making some early-morning dough $$


Sandi said...

TGIF my eagle friends!!! Rainy day here today.

Sharon, prayers for you for good results on your tests today!

Janet, congrats to Livvy! Wow - she advanced 2 levels - worth the wait, I'd say!!

Prayers continue for Michael, Dennis (no new word from Linda last night), Delphia, Kay, Jo, Dana's dad, Thelma's brother-in-law, and any others I've forgotten.

Off to my Friday - make it a great day all!

Janet said...

A top of the morning to you all! Its Friday yet again!

Whatever you do, make it a grand day! Thinking of each of you, holding you close in my heart and thoughts!

Thanks for the congrats for Livvy, she will be thrilled! :)

Later ya'll!

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds ! ☺

Can't believe I'm here so early for the first time in a very long time. I think the change in meds has finally kicked in. I'm feeling sooo much better the last few days. I even took care of granddog Malcolm yesterday, including a long walk. Thankful for the Gentle Leader, couldn't manage without it.

JO, finding gread joy in Michael's remarkable progress ! Prayer works ! Hallelujah !

SHAR, so happy to hear the kids will be with you today. If it isn't one thing...well, you know. Prayers !

DELPHIA, prayers continueing for you, too. So glad you don't have any of those dire ailments you listed, but hoping the medicos come up with some answers soon !

WANDA, thinking of your family on this very special weekend. Wishing Jillian and Aaron much happiness and grateful that their wedding timing provides the tonic you all need. Looking forward to pics !

LOLLY, I can just imagine how embarrassed your Joseph was--he's at that age. What flavor are those pies ? I was always a cherry pie or cobbler girl in the old days, never wanting cake for my b'day. True even now !

Here's hoping we get good news from LINDA and Dennis today.

SANDI, the time has come for my dear little granddog, Sammy. He'll be taken to the Humane Society today for the final farewell and crossover on Rainbow Bridge. He's had a great life and has been a good pal. He was a mainstay for the kids back when Eileen divorced their dad. He was always with them no matter which house they were in. I know you're anticipating this same thing in your family and I'm thinking of you all !

DANAMO, your Dad is amazing ! Good for him. Prayers continue of course.

LORI, any report on that last test yet ? Inquiring minds, okay, nosy people like me want to know !

Love and prayers for all, including those of you who are hitting the road for Paradise destinations for the weekend !

I'll be having lunch today with a BFF of some 40 years. We're looking forward to talking about something other than ailments at last. I'm returning the walker and support hose she so generously loaned me. Yeah !


T-Bird said...

You make it a great day too SANDI.

magpie said...

Oh Hi Kay

and Sandi

magpie said...

You ARE Early,Kay but we'll take you anytime we can get you !

magpie said...

going to switch computr terminals

be back later on

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Got to make a run in to Hunter's school this morning. He missed the bus, something he does not usually do. Much hammering and sawing next door. The house over there is being re-built before being sold.

Maybe there will be hammering here very soon. Sounds like an agreement is being reached.

Wet out there this morning after last night's rain.

Hope it is a good day for everyone.

glo said...

Well that was some faceplant after that wedding rehearsal and dinner hmmm. Have yourselves a great wedding weekend Wanda Prayers for .Sharon's tests today. Continued prayers for all needs. We did get some good news yesterday. Hoping for some more today. HAGD everyone.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Well, the news is I have to go next week for a liver ultrasound and they drew 4 vials of blood today. I go back on October 31 for the results. More will be revealed.


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Chaos, the Great Dane, has given birth to 8 puppies, 7 living, 1 stillborn. 5 girls (1 stillborn) and 3 males.

Only 5 placentas have been delivered when there should have been 8. I am thinking a vet will have to check her for the retained placentas.

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning...
I watched Chaos and her puppies until I couldn't hold my head up any longer...climbing all over top of each other trying to find a feedig station...prescious witness to Mother Nature;0

We still have a need for a dumpster. First one has been filled and taken away, another was to be brought in this morning to finish tearing down the trailer. No cAN DO, GROUND IS TOO WET.
Another day's delay:(
Our yard/tree man is supposed to bring a splitter today because the spruce logs are huge logs!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Have split the screen between the blog and watching the pups. Jack went to bed last night with me watching the births. Actually on saw one birth. Got the cam with my phone and watched it all way home and just as we got home and coming in the house she gave birth. Also, when I was in the shower. She did not cooperate with my watching. lol They are so the little pink feet. And, such a good mommy Hope Chaos is okay, they are keeping a close eye on her. Poor pup, I imagine she could use some sleep!!

JudyEddy said...

good later morning on lap top wating for Norton to finish on piter instLLING A NEWYEAR

Lolly said...

We had such a great time last night. Joseph was thrilled with his presents and his pumpkin pies! Dinner out was fun and the choir program very good. Got tickled with Joseph. When he is on a soccer field, he is coaching the other boys. Well last night when the choir filed in, he was directing them where to stop on the bleachers. He listens, remembers and follows directions. He then is always directing others. He is a leader for sure! So very proud of that boy!

Lolly said...

KAY, what a blessing to hear you say you are having better days! That is so wonderful to hear you say that!

Sharon, prayers continue for you!

Lolly said...!! I do believe they talk the same way in Texas as in Wild and Wonderful WV.

Mema Jo said...

Good late morning everyone - I had a peaceful sleep through the night ♥ Hubby and son will be visiting today with Michael.
Make it a good day for someone ♥

I have been watching Chaos last evening also. I love those little pups!

Anxious to hear some news from Linda and pray it is good news about Dennis.

Really lunch time - BBL

JudyEddy said...

I disconnect from my wifi in my house before I turn off the lap top but I noticed that when I turn it on it is automatic on my wifi in my house is this normal that it auto turn of even if I turned it off manually every time I turn off

I hope you can make heads or tails out of this question

JudyEddy said...

Angie and the family is on a mini vacation in SeaWorld they got a years pass for Christmas last year and figure get more use of it
They both are feeling back to normal

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

JudyE, there is probably a setting on your wifi to automatically connect on start up.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Chaos just had her 9th pup and this one didn't make it either. So that is 7 living and 2 not.

stronghunter said...

Caught in the Bushes

Okay, one of my neighbors is in a whole lot of trouble. This happened just around the corner this morning.

magpie said...

I am going to check out that story here in a minute or two...

JudyE - I don't have the smarts to answer your laptop question but it is not a dumb question.....

However, I did also want to say:


stronghunter said...

The moral of the story is that you should not talk on your cell phone while hiding in the bushes from the police.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...