Wednesday, September 26, 2012


New thread.


magpie said...

You found the new thread, YOU should be the first one to inaugurate it !!

AND can claim the famous feather !!

thank YOU for the notice, and
thank YOU STEVE for the new thread


magpie said...

that first post was for

(and Steve )


movin said...

Thanks, Magpie, but I'd rather you people who are contributing all the time would get the 'honor'.

We have been having a heat wave in So Cal, but perhaps today you could call it a "heightened warmth wave". Hahahahaha.

It's predicting the high 70°'s, but, based on the haps lately, I would guess it will be at least 83°.

Anyway, the skies are clear (mostly) and the scene is beautiful.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

Ho Ho! Hello!
I am happy to catch you two here!

Thank you Steve for the fresh new thread! I have just returned home from being beautified. lol

Jim - a feather in your hat would look great.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good afternoon my eagle budlets!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Mema Jo, I want to see a pic of your new do.

Mema Jo said...

Sharon it's the same ole' short hair and bangs! Maybe hubby will take my pic and I'll put on FB MAYBE

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lolly and Jack are officially back in the US of A!

Lori O. said...

Hi Sharon, Jo and Hoda and anyone else who comes along momentarily!

SANDI, so glad your Mom is getting first class care!

Prayers for both Sandi's Mom and DANAMO's Dad! Getting older isn't easy!

KAY, I'm thrilled to hear you will get your MRI tomorrow. Will be awaiting your report on Monday and hopefully news it can be fixed easily, or will go away FAST!

Lori O. said...

Wonderfully warm here today, hard to believe LYNNE2 that it's 90 days, or 89 now (?) til Christmas!

BEV, congrats on your daily 5 mile walk. I'm so proud of you!

glo said...

Looks like several folks here and or their parents are needing to be remembered in prayer. Count me in. Its been another really pretty early Fall day here. I got out for a while this morning and came home to find Dex sleeping again. Thats fine. I think he likes his mid morning naps. :-) We are now off for our evening stroll.

Lolly said...

Wahooooo! Lolly is back on line!!!

We went to hike yesterday but rain turned us back. Spent the day reading in the trailer after doing a little shopping. Wifi was dead to the world. Still was dead this morning. We were isolated!!!!! lol You get used to communicating!

We are back in the USA. We are at a KOA in West Glacier Montana. We will be here until Sunday.

Mema Jo said...

Welcome back to your Country Land, Lolly & Jack!

Good Fortune Story! On Tues my Philadelphia granddaughter, Heather, the mother of Vincent and wife of Jeff called to ask if overnight accommodations could be available here.
There had been a 9:00 interview set up for Jeff up at Mount Saint Mary's in Emmitsburg and distance from here in the valley would only be 1/2 hour. I gladly said YES! They arrived late evening and Vincent was wide eyed and so loveable. Jeff left Wed am around 8 and made it to his interview. It lasted all morning - until lunch. They advised him that it was possible that a decision would be made later that afternoon. Jeff & Heather headed home as Jeff did have to report to work in the late afternoon. I just didn't know how I was going to get any sleep thinking about the kids and their hopes and dreams. Around 10pm the phone rang and Lo and Behold Heather was telling me that Jeff got the job. He is officially the Head of Strength and Conditioning at Mount St. Mary's in Emmitsburg, MD.

Well that is why I am happy today! ♥

Mema Jo said...

This is from DANA on FB:

Dad is recovering well. He and mom got home around noonish. The doctor was able to get a piece of the tumor. We should have results by Friday. Thanks for all the support. ♥

JudyEddy said...

Just got home from work and thrift store shopping go lots of good other peeps stuff Now to go read I didn't come home for lunch either

JudyEddy said...

KAY they may offer you a sedative with the MRI they did when I did my two and ask for head phones with music I dislike that loud noise

DANAMO sending mega healing thoughts to your dad and sure wish they didn't have to wait till Fri that has to be the hardest

glo said...

Yeah MeMa Jo. I am praying for a similar story for my son who worked his last day on Ft Stewart today. He has beat the layoffs for nearly 2 years but this one caught up with him. He has scraped off all his decals from his truck and turned in his ID. The mom's heart in me hurts for him. He has a job interview in Savanna tomorrow. It will be a much further drive for him but employment in Hinesville is just not happening now., and he sure loves his home. So I am hoping and praying for good results for that interview. There are a few in the interview process.

Mema Jo said...

Glo, I will pray for his outcome on the job front to be special for him.

JudyEddy said...

Todays image of the day with NASA is cool Image of the day Angling Saturn

Hoda said...

Pictures pictures pictures LOLLY Glacier National Park is spectacular.

I had a very strange and confusing first part of the day...I had lost cell phone reception last night and most of today, then I lost the internet, then I lost electricity in two rooms but not the rest of the flat!!! then I lost my bank card and my post box key!!!

Well I said and went on to yoga!
I practiced doing the head stand and no I did not go into a complete head stand, I did warrior pose and I did tree pose and my tree was swaying in the wind today...My mind became calmer with yoga and I became less anxious as to why all this was happening to me!!!

I went out to lunch, I went for a walk and I visited with friends and then I knew I was balanced enough to deal with the obstacles.

They all disolved and it is all good now...everything is back in order and I feel so much gratitude and what is left in me is the fact that I had a very good day...where I went to ask for help about the cell phone and the internet were very helpful. I was able to see with clearer eyes and noticed that the breaker jumped and the bank card and the post box key were in a jacket that had slipped under the car seat...Oh I sometimes make mountains out of mole hills really!!!

Mema Jo said...

Judy - another good first night of the season TV shows

Criminal Minds 9pm
CSI:Crime scene investigation 10

Your Survivor is on at 8pm New Philippines

My Jenny is here to visit and gs Robert will be here for a little while.

BBL this evening

Hoda said...

Have a great time with family JO...
Everyone enjoy the new season of TV shows...

Sandi said...

Good evening my eagle friends!

Nail appointment right after school and have been doing school work ever since I walked in the door at 4:45pm.

Had a meeting at 2:30 with a parent to discuss the results of the school psychologist's report stating that the young man is eligible to receive special ed. services, so he is my 17th student. I have been providing support for him in the classroom b/c I had read the report, so today just made it official. At 3pm as I was headed out the door, the guidance counselor stopped me to say that my 18th special ed. student will be starting tomorrow. This one moved from Alabama and hasn't been in school for the past year!!! What the heck???!!! MTBR for sure!

My sister called the Cleveland Clinic today. They will schedule an appt. as soon as they receive the scans and test results from Mom's Baltimore docs. The surgeon in Cleveland wants to get her in for a 3D CT scan ASAP so she can get everything to the place in Australia where they will make the graft. Lisa was told that it takes 3-4 MONTHS for the graft to be manufactured! That delays surgery until January or February!!! Haven't spoken to Mom but I know she'll be very upset!

I am going to plop myself in front of the TV and hope I can stay awake for Survivor and Criminal Minds.

Goodnight all!! See ya in the AM!

Sandi said...

Oh yeah ...
Judy, Mom's insurance will cover the surgery. It's not considered experimental b/c the Cleveland Clinic has been approved by the FDA to do clinical trials on this new type of graft. Thanks to Kay and Lynne1 for emailing me with glowing reports about the hospital!!

Lynne2 said...

Welcome back Lolly!

Good news Jo!

Good news/bad news, Sandi....too bad it will take so long for the graft but good the insurance will cover!!

Lynne2 said...

Prayers for your son, GLo.

LOL Hoda! Glad all is peaceful on your mole hill now! I think we are all guilty of that sort of thing!

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, wonderful news about Jeff! Congrats!

Glo, hope your son succeeds in his job hunt!

Sandi, sorry to hear about the wait for your Mom's surgery, but sounds like the best thing for her!

DanaMO, hoping for good test results for your Dad.

Kay, hoping for the best results from your MRI, good luck tomorrow!

stronghunter said...

Time to say good night. We celebrated Kathryn's birthday with a trip to the Melting Pot tonight--All of my children were there. Very nice celebration.

Lolly said...

Going to get comfy and read for a while. We sat outside and enjoyed the evening before eating outside. We were watching birds and chipmonks. Went for a walk in the nearby woods...said it's me bear. lol Have loaded to fb a few pictures taken today.

Night all! SED!!!!♥

Hoda said...

SANDI 18 IS A LOT for special ed programs and responsibility for one person. Your MOM continues to be in my prayers...Hang in there.

LYNNE2 I am laughing!!!

Congratulations JO.

It is already dark out there and we are still in September...when does it get dark back your way?

Hoda said...

I am glad you had your children with you tongiht SHIRLEY BLESSED BE BLESSED BE BLESSED BE...

Hoda said...

Autumn is here and this is what I looked like a a couple of weeks ago...

Mema Jo said...

Wishing everyone a good night's rest
Sleep well and awake refreshed

Prayers for all our needs
May the good Lord watch over us all

I love us ♥

Miss you Lynn ♥

Mema Jo said...

Hoda I love your autumn picture!

Linda said...

So....I thought I posted on this thread, but I don't see it now.

Nonetheless......Hello to you, Dear Friends!

I've missed much in a couple days!

Welcome back to LORI.

Prayers continue for Sandi's Mom, Dana's Dad, Lynne2's upcoming move and Kay's pain and MRI tomorrow. May God send special blessings!

What wonderful news, JO, that your granddaughter and Jeff and darling Vincent will be moving closer!! I know you're thrilled!

Can't wait to see LOLLY's pictures at Glacier National Park. We always went there in the winter as we would go skiing at the Big Mountain in Whitefish, MT every year for close to 10 years. We always wanted to go there in the summer, too, but never made it. I'll get to see some beautiful pictures, no doubt!

Glo - prayers for your son's job situation! Hopefully something will come through for him soon.

Hoda - Happy to hear you got things back under control as it sounded not so good earlier today!

And with that.......wishing all Momsters and creatures a good night, with restful sleep and sweet dreams!


paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, it's dark here by 7:30pm too!

Night all!

SED, Love and hugs ♥

Lolly said...

I came back to give the wildlife count for today. Two deer, one young eagle (I think) one osprey, and one hawk, lots of eagle for sure and lots of osprey nests.

Also, one large black dog. lol I am sure it was a bear, but my first thought was large black dog. We were going along, can not stop while pulling the trailer but after we passed I thought, "You dummy, that was a bear!" It was a lot smaller than the grizzly and very black. It was in the Natl. Park, no homes for miles and in a wildlife was a bear! Duh!

Hoda said...

I have done the same thing whereI saw a large black dog and then mind computes bear instead!!!I walked within ten feet passed a bear in the woods thinking it was someone's dog...the bear scurried off and I said OMG!!!it must have been a year old bear, but my heart was beating thinking where in God's name is Mama Bear!!!One of the many stupid things I did when I was younger!!! LOL!!!

Hoda said...

Nice wild life count LOLLY and JACK...not at all bad for a travelling day...



Lori O. said...

Good Morning everyone and Early Birds soon to come.

KAY, prayers for you as you get your MRI today! Thinking good thoughts, too!

Prayers for parents of Sandi and DanaMo continue here, and for LYNNE2's move, too. Hoping for good results on Friday, DMO.

HODA, I giggled at your day yesterday then standing on your head in yoga! Glad it all worked out!

LOLLY, pics are gorgeous. Glad to have you back on American soil! Stay away from big, black dogs!

GLO, adorable picture of Dex and your friend you posted on FB! Hope your son does well at the interview today.

JO, congrats on Jeff's job and their move! :)

SHIRLEY, happy for you that you had such a nice bday celebration with all your kids there! That's family!

Hoping today will be less stressful at work! It's hard going back from vacation!

Good morning to fellow Early Birds, SANDI, DMO, JUDYE, MARGY & THELMA!

Costume Lady said...


Just checking in to avoid a Silver Alert:)

Had another good day with GG. We have an appt. with her Pain Mgmt. doctor tomorrow...hoping he will set up a date to give her the last injection in her spine!

Sending out love and prayers for all the special folks on here♥

Sandi said...

Good morning Lori and all my eagle friends! Thursday - feels like Friday - wish it WAS Friday. No way to start a new school year, wishing the days away!

Jo, congrats on your granddaughter's husband's new job! Impressive title!

Glo, hope the interview goes well for your son. Tough times for folks everywhere when they're job hunting.

Dana, praying for good news for your Dad.

Kay - it's the day - finally!!! No answers til Monday but a step in that direction!! Yay!!

Wanda, hope all goes well at the doctor's today with GG.

Temps went back up to 80 degrees here yesterday - still warm today. I'm ready for it to stay cool!

Make it a great day all!

DanaMo said...

Good morning friends~

DanaMo said...

It does feel like Friday. I wish it was too!

DanaMo said...

I'm so tired I wish I could sleep all day!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Ho - I am an Early Bird
I now see what you gals speak of about Darkness - I can't light a candle because of my oxygen! lol
Looks like rain came sometime last night!

So good to be with you all - doesn't happen but maybe twice a year! Have a great day ♥

Lori O. said...


Janet said...

good morning friends.

weeks do go by quickly when school is in session.....we are rolling right thru another week, but i too am tired. coffee. coffee. coffee. try to get in bed a little earlier. had a more difficult time falling asleep last night, just stuff in the brain.....

i was most delighted yesterday when olivia started to chat with another young girl @ ice skating practice. of course, olivia did not initiate the conversation.....but she participated, which is a leap for her. they skated around ... olivia imitating the young girl's ice skating moves. she is clearly more practiced than olivia....

today of course is class. my afternoon client rescheduled to tomororw, so i can come straight home today. but i need to bake the first of two cakes today. i will frost it tomorrow, and then bake the 2nd tomorrow and frost it sat morning. mom's butter cream cake frosting is a bit temperamental. i have to make sure the room is cool enough so the frosting doesn't ooze everywhere; it is made with 100% pure butter....chocolate pudding mix, an additional splash of sugar/cocoa if needed and in the case of the mocha....a smidge of instant coffee. i put that on top and in between the layers of a made from scratch chocolate cake, which have had jam (raspberry) spread on them...and top the whole thing with toasted (yes in pure butter) almonds.

anyway....on to another day. hope you have a super day where ever you are . holding each of you close in my heart and thoughts. :)

Lori O. said...

JANET, you must be a champion baker always making all these birthday cakes! Wish we could taste one! :)

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Just checking in. Good to see everyone here.

Know what you mean about thinking you are seeing a dog when you are seeing something else, Lolly and Hoda.

T-Bird said...


magpie said...

Goooooood Morning Eagle Pals...

Wow, Jo !!

Hope some of you saw what was a beautful sunrise this morning

Saw a cloud that looked like a plump hummingbird sipping nectar from the Sun ☼

Then I be-bopped on to work listening to Lori and Loo ♥


magpie said...

I would LOVE to have some of that cake that Janet is going to be making !!

magpie said...

Thinking of ☼HI☼ Sunshine Kay today as she goes for her MRI...
and I'm wearing the brighest YELLOW shirt I own...

Prayers for Everyone today, I am way far behind but I know there are always many things to pray for

magpie said...

Hallelujah for your grandson Jeff, Jo... !!
Mt. St Mary's GAIN for sure !!!

What a great post you gave us on that...

magpie said...

and Welcome Back to Wild and Wonderful United States, Lolly and Jack...
boy, it's been fun reading your travel adventures

magpie said...

Have to say,
things are busy these days with me...
Brother in Law's House, The Big officially listed For, therefore, my activities there are adjusted...not recommended to be there for the showings...
but I wish the Agents would leave things the way they find them....
last straw was finding a snuffed out cigarette butt in the mulch, that's not OK with me

magpie said...

that butt was probably from an interested buyer

But I'll still be there for awhile

magpie said...


Best of the Best Wishes for you and GG today with the doctor's appointment

and to Everyone Else !!
Best of the Best wishes for a good day also....

time to get the dough-making operation going...

ttfn xoxoxox
(( All Day Hugs ))

magpie said...

PS Check out Google today....
it's its 14th Birthday....

Linda said...

Good Morning, Margy.......and other peeps!

Margy - That would totally frustrate me, too, if someone threw their cigarette butt into the mulched bushes! The nerve of some people. So you will still stay at the Big House until it sells? You're such a sweetie to do all this for your nieces and nephews!

Linda said...

Saying prayers for KAY today. Hoping you'll get through the MRI without getting too anxious and without too much pain from lying on that hard table!

Praying that the pain doc appointment goes well for GG today, too.

JANET - all I can say after reading your cake post is YUM!! Did I ever tell you I was born to eat birthday cake?? Tis my favorite! Good luck with all the right conditions to make a perfect cake!

Linda said...

LORI - Hope today is a better work day than yesterday and that you're getting back in the swing of things! Have you found a way to get rid of that weekend internet work yet?? I am so glad you got a break and were able to get away! xoxo

Linda said...

And MARGY - I just reread you said you'd be at the Big House for a while yet!

Still working on that second cup of coffee.

I must get this ole brain a workin'

Wishing everyone a good day today...

Lori O. said...

Good Morning LINDA!!! ♥

Linda said...

Good Morning to you, LORI!!

Linda said...

I can't wait to see that pumpkin quilt, LORI...

I bet it will be beautiful. Perhaps you'll share a picture with us when you're done?

T-Bird said...

Good morning Linda and Lori.

Linda said...

Morning T-Bird......

((( HUGS ))))

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I had a dream about Lori this morning. Woke up feeling like we had visited. Thanks Lori for the lovely visit! (((((HUGS))))

Linda said...

I love how you randomly just post those ((( HUGS )))... T-Bird.

T-Bird said...

Good morning DanaMo, Magpie and Mema Jo (wow, an early bird).

Linda said...

LOL Shar!! Glad you had a good time!

T-Bird said...

Glad your making the dough Magpie. LOL

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Up and out early today. Off to Staff meeting LOL Thats' funny since I retired like 2 years ago but its holiday planning itme and well baby picture slideshow for all staff to enjoy for our little guy and mom who have fledged the shelter community and carry our prayers with them. HAGD

magpie said...

It's joyful that you can still spend time at the shelter, Glo...
You have touched a lot of lives over these many years, touched in a loving way...

Hello More Morning Eagle Pals !!
Goodness about joyful !

☺ ♥

magpie said...

I learned everything I know about
when I was a Baby Momster...

Oh by the way, Full Moon approaches, hope it shines upon our Lynne2 the way she shines upon us !

magpie said...

time to make a honest person out of myself and this workday...

oh Linda: thanks for the kind words...I did some serious house-cleaning last night but can't make things look like the place is not lived in ...LOL ☺

okay, ttfn all...

magpie said...

Oh wheeeee there is some sort of animation on the Google image....
sometimes it's a birthday cake with lighted candles...

Costume Lady said...


It's not a very pretty morning, but it is 70, which is a whole lot better than it has been (40's) in the mornings.

MARGY, speaking of cigarette butts, when my shop is open, in October, we find butts in the dry leaves all month can anyone be so stupid?

Linda, have you been as busy this year as you were last year with your veggie canning and freezing? Did your garden produce well? Ours was so much better than last year...we are still getting squash, whereas, last year, we got NONE! Tomatoes are very scarce now, but were plentiful earlier. We didn't get any Fall beans planted:(

SANDI...I'm sorry that you and your mother are having to deal with a health problem so soon after you got her settled into her new home. Sometimes you have to think, Is there no end to these problems~

I'm praying so very hard for KAY to get her back problems straightened out. Dealing with GG's pain for so many years, I have some idea what she is going through.

BTW, my avatar is a view of Jillian's wedding gown. The back is so beautiful...will post that view later. I'm getting so excited...less than 4 weeks to go!

Have a great day, everyone♥

Lolly said...

Good morning! 34 here this morning and very hard to get out of bed. When Lolly sleeps with the covers over her head, you know it is cold. I did have a little hole for my nose. lol Like Laurel says, do not like breathing hot air! lol

WANDA, the wedding dress is beautiful!

Thinking of Kay today!

MARGY, the cigarette butt would have made me furious, too. Come on people, please show respect!!!

Going into Glacier today. Hope to get great pictures. We did drive through Whitefish to get here. This KOA is fantastic, very nice and in the woods away from the highway.

magpie said...

So funny, Lolly thinking of you all covered up, mostly all covered up

Beautiful wedding dress avatar,

and well, Hello again everyone

Hoda said...

Goodmorning and good to read the posts.

LORI and LYNNE I think laughter is a very good response to my day went so wrong and the start that it righted itself out!!! LOL !!!Things are quieter this morning/today.

There is yoga and there is a cooking class that I signed up for...anti-inflamatory foods and how to prepare is offered by the co-op...the Health Food Store where I buy my groceries.

I close the window at night and open it first thing in the morning, it is certainly getting cooler...yet fresh air is so good.

Hoda said...

Beautiful wedding dress WANDA.

LOLLY enjoy and I look forward to is cold here too this morning.

Finished my tea and so I am off and talk to you all later...

Prayers for all our needs and loved ones...

Hoda said...


JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon Eagle Buds Lazy Bum reporting in

JudyEddy said...

DANAMO you wish you would have slept all day well I practically did I just woke up Now I did go to bed later at 130 I did wake up several times looked at the clock and said I am still sleepy and nothing to do so I stayed in bed

JudyEddy said...

I just sent a email out to all on my email list to sign the petition to prevent the removal of the nest at the Norfolk Botanical gardens I tried not to send it to the ones I know have signed it if you get it can you also pass along to all on your email list they need about 400 signatures now Please and thank you

here is the link also
They want to use paint balls and fireworks to discourage them from building I think that is cruel and not fair only2 eagles were involved in 500 bird plane strikes and they aren't removing any other nest but the eagles not fail

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

JudyE, Suz' email was hacked. It is just from her name, not her email address. Might want to run a scan on your computer.

JudyEddy said...

I didn't click on the links that were listed I will delete the above

JudyEddy said...

my scan only picked up cookies like it does each time I scan I like cookies but not in my puter LOL

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Beautiful dress, Wanda.

Not a nice way to dispose of a cigarette butt, I agree, Margy!

stronghunter said...

Plumb wore out today. Been trying to make some order out of the chaos around here. Still plenty of chaos to deal with.

Second contractor came to do an estimate today. They are specialists in reconstruction after a disaster and are experienced with dealing with insurance companies.

Probably the best way to go with our situation.

stronghunter said...

Cats are showing interest in the holes in the walls. I do hope they do not fall out of the house. I think they are probably too smart to do that, but we have holes big enough for cats to go through.

Sandi said...


OK, just had to get that out and knew exactly who would appreciate my announcement the most!!! I've heard that there is an eagles' nest in the Assawoman Wildlife Refuge that isn't too far from our development but I have never seen an eagle here at the house.

Didn't get to the grocery store last night so I HAVE to go this evening. Later!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Sandi, if I would see an eagle near my house, I would mess myself and lose my job!

JudyEddy said...

OH MY SANDI congratulations on the eagle siting how exciting for you and I would shout toooo I see my eagle daily now but there is a problem you remember the other cell phone tower just maybe a half block from the other one in the park well they took the square looking platform off it the other day I watched them and the next day it wasn't there I hope that isn't to discourage the eagle Its not the one with the nest just the one that one will sit at while the other one is on the nest tower

JudyEddy said...

Think I am gonna run to the mall for a bit maybe I can get lucky and find another eagle ring that is where I have bought 3 in the past but that was at least 10 years ago but won't hurt to go I guess get me out of the house tooo I can't remember the last time I went to the big mall They one in Seminole where Tellys restaurant I don't count as a mall although it use to be but only about 4 stores there now They are hoping Wmt goes in where Kmart is closing but I don't think haven't heard of any rumors at work on it So sad use to be a nice mall to go too

JudyEddy said...

WOW just on the new Local in Madeira Beach at Johns pass you can hire for 175.00 you can have a alligator swim in your swimming pool
pool party with a gator his mouth is taped so no worry
also you can go to the place and there is lots to do

Alligator attraction

this was just on the news has been open a couple of years and I didn't know it either Jezz

JudyEddy said...

wow where is everyone

Went to the mall no luck finding any rings but I have the owner of Shalimars looking into it he has catalogs and I gave him my email and info I bought the three I have on my hand from him over 10yrs ago so I hope he can find some

JudyEddy said...

almost three hours since my last post ok gonna go what some TV

JudyEddy said...


Saw this post by JB on FOES page, who found it on PEEPS page...

Here it is with comments...
Jb Maberry
I copied this from a post on Eagle Peeps!! Great News!!
Carol Flaer Senechal just called me and said 'NBG Board of Directors" voted to Delay of the permit process until a task force can be formed to research further.... AT THIS TIME... WE HAVE A REPRIEVE!!!! NBG IS APPARENTLY ON OUR SIDE!!!!! She will comment further later... Right now she is at the Gardens watching Dad in the tree... #3 Female just chased an intruder out of the nest area!!! AWESOME HAPPENINGS AT THE GARDENS TODAY!!!!
25 minutes ago near Jacksonville, FL

Kay Jacobs There's a post from Carol just now, Jb.
24 minutes ago ·

Jb Maberry I know...but wanted to put this here for those who may not belong to peeps
24 minutes ago

Jb Maberry -- Carol's newest post: "Hi dear friends! What a wonderful day. Went to the meeting the board of the Garden and after Tommy's outstanding presentation, they voted 26-2 to form a task committee to research the nest removal and asked the City Manager's office to put off taking down the nest until their research was complete. Anne Odell, assistant city manager was at the meeting. I gave out a package of information including our math problem of last night - all the info on pyrotechnics and on and on. I will post my one page information sheet later. Anyway, we left and guess who was flying over the visitors' Center??? Dad!!!! He came by to say thank you! So we ran to the nest area and there he was in the 2004 tree waiting to say thank you again!!! More in a minute! I am so tired and very hungry and so happy!!!!! And EAGLE ON!!!!"
22 minutes ago

Alice Ansfield OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!! WONDERFUL!!!! Are some of "us" gonna be on the review/research committee??
a few seconds ago

JudyEddy said...

that was on facebook so I thought I would bring it over I got Angie to sign the petition today and hopefully more will and they will listen to us

Lynne2 said...

Evening all! Worked a double shift today and wow was it BUSY.

Reading back...hoping GG got a pain injection today.

SANDI WOO HOOO on the eagle!!!

Great news that NBG eagle nest situation has had a reprieve!

stronghunter said...


Thunder tonight. Hunter has a football game, but I am wondering if they are going to finish it.

Good news from Norfolk.

stronghunter said...

Oh my gosh, alligators in the swimming pool. I think I would pass on that option. Wow.

stronghunter said...

Oh dear me, Sandi, I might wreck my car. I sometimes worry about that.

Lynne2 said...

the Full Corn or Harvest Moon will occur on Saturday night. We will be settling into our new temporary home by then. I'll be glad when this is over.

I drove to work today for the last time from here this morning. Said a mental goodbye to all of the things I will likely not see again. We'd have little if any reason to return to this area since everyone has long since moved away. The Redtail Hawk that is usually perched on the top of a dead tree at one of the intersections in the morning in the fall/winter was there today for the first time since nesting season!

Kay said...

Checking in to thank youse guys for thinking of me today ! Your prayers and a little magic pill call Valium worked wonders in keeping me calm and making the MRI go smoothly. Julie was my chauffer---I couldn't have driven after taking that happy pill. ☺ Now the waiting game. Monday afternoon the neurosurgeon will tell me what's up.

Glad I tuned in ! I needed the NBG news and to hear about SANDI's eagle sighting. I just love grinning from ear to ear !!!!

Will catch up on everything else tomorrow, but you can be sure all in need are in my thoughts and prayers ! Love ya ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lynne2 said...

Kay, you know we are all praying that the MRI shows something that will result in getting this pain fixed!

glo said...

I am thrilled with the Norfolk News. I think taping an alligators mouth shut so it can be entertainment for a birthday party is just as low as removing Dad Norfolk's nest. arghh!!! Wishing all of you a really good night. SED and AOYP. :-)

paula eagleholic said...

Sandi, great news about the eagle sighting! Yay!

And a reprieve for NBG! Thank goodness!

Lolly said...

Hi all! Dinner is almost ready so a quick post and then I will be back.

Had a great day. We are on the west side of Glacier NP, the wooded side. We drove to the trailhead of Avalanche Lake and did an approx hike of 5 miles round trip. Needless to say every bone ande muscle in my bod hurts tonight. What I would give for a soak in a hot tub. Avalance Lake was blurred because of smoke, so to us no big thing. However, the hike itself was awesome! I have uploaded pics and will post on fb later. It was a 500 ft rise in body tells me so!!!!lol

Lynne2 said...

Shirley, looks like some heavy weather heading in your general direction....

Lolly said...

I did ask about eagles today. There is one nesting pair of eagles and the end of Lake McDonald. It is a big lake but not many fish. The eagles have to go to another lake for fish. He said that about every lake in the park has a nesting pair of eagles. I will keep my eyes to the sky!

A lot of hikers wear bear bells. Think it would drive me crazy but I want a bear bell. Saw some pretty beaded ones. lol Going to get me one! Purple beads on a chain holding the bell, don'tcha think I NEED one? lol

Lynne2 said...

Now, when you are wearing Bear Bells, does this mean that the Bears will start following you, like the Pied Piper?

paula eagleholic said...

About NBG, as someone put it so well...the fight is still on, this is NOT a reprieve...but a step in the right direction.

I don't want to take the wind out of anyone's sails but...Knowing the NBG board is on our side is fantastic and positive news, however, they are not the people who will be making the ultimate decision. It's still the City Council and Airport who have the control. This not a delay, reprieve or postponement, it's an endorsement by the (hopefully influential) NBG board to support the request for delay and investigation. There is still a fight to fight.

Lolly said...

Hi Lynne! Thought about you today. Wish you were hiking with us. Saw lots of stumps with evident bear clawing. Love it. Very wooded...I kept my eye's me bear!!!

Lolly said...

Read where the bells really do not make near enough noise. You are supposed to clap your hand and should every so often. Shout what? Help!!! Also read to talk calmly to a black bear. Guess that is where I say It's me bear!

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, can you hike around Elizabeth Lake?

Eagles at Elizabeth Lake, Montana

Lolly said...

I will have to check that out, Paula.

paula eagleholic said...

Just got that in my email tonight...near Ptarmigan tunnel

Lolly said...

Found it on the map. Think not, I mean, I know we can NOT! There is a trail but way too long and strenuous for us!!!

Lolly said...

I Think I am going to go take a nice hot shower and get in my comfy pj's. (They have moose all over them!) Then I will upload pics to fb.

That hike Paula looks like a back country hike, way beyond me!!!

paula eagleholic said...

OK, Lolly, it was worth a shot looking into it! Country up there looks so beautiful!

paula eagleholic said...

Norfolk Botanical Garden Eagle Alliance (on FB)

Councilman Tommy Smigiel and I attended the NBG Board meeting tonight at the Garden and the board voted to form a task force to study the eagle nest removal issue and asked the city manager's office to delay taking the nest down until their study was complete. Assistant City Manager Anne Odell was at the meeting, too.

This is great news IF the city manager complies and waits to remove the nest.


stronghunter said...


Hunter's team did not win tonight.

We have had lots of rumbles of thunder and not much else.

Lolly, I remember bear bells in Yellowstone. I do not think we ventured very far into bear country--we had two small children and a dog with us.

I do remember the look of fear on my husband's face when he had to take the dog out for a walk after dark. And you know how a dog can stall when you just want to get back inside.

stronghunter said...

Glo, I agree with you on the alligators.

Going to try to call it quits for now. Hoping that I can get to sleep with the thundering.

Must go feed Lucky first. Almost forgot I said I would do that.

See you tomorrow. SED.

Hoda said...

YAY SANDI on eagle sighting...awesome.

Good news on NBG eagle and I like PAULA'S realisitc understanding of the whole thing.

LOLLY I will go to FB to see your new pictures. I DO hope you see an eagle.

Very good cooking class on anti inflamatory foods and they served us supper before we got started.

Good day for me...Not too many posts I see.

JudyEddy said...

Well I totally agree with the gator in the pool That is just wrong and I would think its would be illegal but apparently it not IDIOT has a permit I can see seeing them at his establishment but not a traveling one and it is against the law to feed them or harass them so I just don't get why he got a permit to do this just was shocked to see it on the news so I googled it and found it

Lolly said...

Have uploaded pics to fb. These are from the hike on the west side of Glacier. Tomorrow we are driving to the east side. A long drive in that the Highway to the Sky is closed in the middle.

Going to read and head to bed. Night all!


JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

JudyEddy said...

I forgot to say PAULA I loved the eagle Montana video I am putting on fb

Hoda said...

LOLLY has awesome pictures on FB...I enjoyed going on the hike through the pictures.

paula eagleholic said...

The water flowing through the rocks was really pretty!

Hoda said...

I thought so too PAULA!!!
Are you OK with working evenings all of this week?

Hoda said...

Good night


stronghunter said...

Can't sleep. Still have thunder and lightning. It seems that the storms are passing by to the north, though.

Costume Lady said...

I loved looking at Lolly's pictures...makes me want to take a looong trip in the Eagle Express:)
GG doesn't like to travel anymore and gas is too high!

GG's doctor changed her pain pills to some a little stronger and still wants her to wear the Fentanyl patch. He gave her a lidocane shot in her back and said that if that works for her (only 3 or 4 days) he will give one to her again, the day before the wedding. She is so very excited at that prospect.

Raining very hard right now...think I will go to bed and listen to it. So soothing!

Good night dear frinds, prayers and love for you all♥

stronghunter said...

Well, now we are getting a bit of rain.

stronghunter said...

Beautiful pictures, Lolly. Makes me want to go trailering again.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning everyone!

WANDA, great that the doctor seems to be paying attention to GG's need for pain relief. Hope it works!

SHIRLEY, hoping the new contractor works out with less hassle from the insurance company!

YAY SANDI on the eagle sighting. That's just way too cool!

JUDYE, sorry you didn't find your eagle ring, but it sounds like the guy is looking for you.

LOLLY, had to laugh at you in your moose pj's with bear bells! :)

KAY, so glad the MRI is over and you did so well. Praying for great news on Monday afternoon! ♥

I'm outta time... time to get ready for work but wishing everyone a beautiful day!

stronghunter said...

Going to try to sleep a bit now. It seems to have stopped raining. We could use more, though I do not want it to get under the tarp.

stronghunter said...

Yes, this contractor seems to know what has to be done to fix a house that has been under a tarp. He said that they will need to replace the roof shingles that the tarp is fastened too, and that they can match them.

stronghunter said...

Yes, this contractor seems to know what has to be done to fix a house that has been under a tarp. He said that they will need to replace the roof shingles that the tarp is fastened too, and that they can match them.

stronghunter said...

Yes, this contractor seems to know what has to be done to fix a house that has been under a tarp. He said that they will need to replace the roof shingles that the tarp is fastened too, and that they can match them.

DanaMo said...

Finally Friday!! Gosh I don't know if I can keep this up!

Good morning friends. Hoping for good news today.

Homecoming weekend for my kids at Goretti. Should be an action packed weekend.

Getting ready for a run...♥ you guys!

Sandi said...

Good Friday morning my eagel friends!
A few days ago, we had the gas fireplace on in the evening just to take the chill off. Last night we put the AC back on b/c it was so warm and humid. Screwy weather!!

Great news about the NBG nest - thanks for sharing that last night Judy!

Prayers for good news for Dana's dad today!

Make it a good day all!

Sandi said...

Glo, what is AOYP???????

Off to FB to check out Lolly's photos from last night.

Janet said...

TGIF TGIF!!! its been a BUSY week

LORI; MAGPIE; LINDA; i wish i could have everyone over for some cake. might be a bit far though..... wishful thinking, eh?

i love to bake.....i cook of course, we have to eat, but baking is its own pleasure. i wish i could make a few more things that mom made. i have the old german cook book that she used, but with working etc i just don't have the time that she had to create these concoctions. now she had a few that i could live without...but over all, oh yum.

Its Friday. When I left work yesterday I was fully booked ....let us hope it stays that way. its been awfully slow for a month now.

i plan a QUIET night tonight. have a busy day tomorrow....i do have one more cake to bake....(making 2 for tomorrow. ) but i can bake it and finish it in the morning. :)

have a great day ya'll. hugs, light, love, and smiles to everyone! :D

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good Friday morning my eagle budlets!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Sandi, AOYP is angels on your pillow.

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

T-Bird said...

AOYP-I learn something new every day. Now if I can just remember that. I have CRS (can't remember $#@!).

T-Bird said...

You can do it DanaMo. Our prayers can help carry you.

T-Bird said...

Wonderful sighting Sandi. I remember driving down the interstate here and seeing an eagle through my sun roof. How exciting. You never know.

Linda said...

Good Friday Morning!! :)

DANA - It is just terrible that you have such a difficult class this year. I don't think parents "parent" like the used to and it just continues to get worse. Hang in there, kiddo!

SANDI - I don't envy you, either with the age of the kids you work with. The have problems just being that age, much less any special needs on top of that. Bless your heart.

glo said...

New Thread Head on over.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...