Friday, September 28, 2012


TGIF thread.


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glo said...

Good morning everyone Its a good day indeed.

glo said...

I do indeed hope there were AOYP You don't see it on here too often these days but it is 6 years old and along with turning out the lights, setting security etc etc it is another one of those ways friends say Have a great night and awake to a new and wonderful day. That is my wish for all of you

T-Bird said...

Thanks Glo for the call over and thanks Steve for the new thread.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

WOW check this out the research they did on facebook and all the bird strikes Its long so be prepared I had to bring it over looks like something that may help

JudyEddy said...

Research complied by Lona Wilson from the FAA on bird-strikes at Norfolk International from January 1980 through September 23, 2012 (33 years); Lona said to share & here it is:

Lona Wilson
Here's the straight skinny:

There were 519 total reported incidents at Norfolk International Airport between 1 January 1980 and 23 September 2012 (almost 33 years).
46 incidents causing moderate or substantial damage as follows:

11/01/2010 VA NORFOLK INTL US AIRWAYS B-737-400 Common loon S
09/22/2010 VA NORFOLK INTL PINNACLE CL-RJ100/200 Osprey M
04/03/2009 VA NORFOLK INTL UPS AIRLINES B-757-200 Unknown bird - large M
02/02/2009 VA NORFOLK INTL AIR WISCONSIN AIRLINES CL-RJ100/200 Double-crested cormorant S
05/17/2008 VA NORFOLK INTL SOUTHWEST AIRLINES B-737-300 Great blue heron M
06/29/2007 VA NORFOLK INTL DELTA AIR LINES MD-88 Unknown bird - medium S
04/12/2007 VA NORFOLK INTL REPUBLIC AIRLINES EMB-170 Ring-billed gull M
12/29/2005 VA NORFOLK INTL AIR WISCONSIN AIRLINES CL-RJ100/200 Unknown bird - medium M
08/16/2005 VA NORFOLK INTL SOUTHWEST AIRLINES B-737-300 Canada goose M
05/25/2005 VA NORFOLK INTL AIRNET EXPRESS BE-58 BARON Unknown bird - medium M?
04/22/2005 VA NORFOLK INTL BUSINESS MU2 Unknown bird - large M?
11/17/2003 VA NORFOLK INTL SOUTHWEST AIRLINES B-737-300 Great blue heron M
07/18/2002 VA NORFOLK INTL FEDEX EXPRESS B-727-200 Canada goose M
05/23/2002 VA NORFOLK INTL COMAIR AIRLINES CL-RJ100/200 Unknown bird - medium S
09/24/2001 VA NORFOLK INTL US AIRWAYS* B-737-300 Gulls M
09/10/2001 VA NORFOLK INTL US AIRWAYS* DHC8 DASH 8 Canada goose M
08/01/1999 VA NORFOLK INTL US AIRWAYS* B-737-400 Unknown bird - large S
05/19/1998 VA NORFOLK INTL BUSINESS LOCKHEED 1329 Canada goose M?
03/19/1998 VA NORFOLK INTL EXECUTIVE JET AVIATION HAWKER 1000 Unknown bird - medium S
11/24/1995 VA NORFOLK INTL US AIRWAYS* B-737-200 Gulls M
08/24/1995 VA NORFOLK INTL

JudyEddy said...

08/08/1995 VA NORFOLK INTL AMERICAN AIRLINES MD-80 European starling M
09/17/1993 VA NORFOLK INTL US AIRWAYS* B-737 Hawks S
09/11/1991 VA NORFOLK INTL HENSON DHC7 DASH 7 Unknown bird - small M?

Moderate to Substantial Damage to Aircraft Incidents by species:

Gulls 16 (12 moderate damage, 4 substantial damage)
Unknown Medium 7 (3 moderate damage, 4 substantial damage)
Geese 6 (5 moderate damage, 1 substantial damage)
Hawks 4 (3 moderate damage, 1 substantial damage)
Unknown Large 3 (2 moderate damage, 1 substantial damage)
Heron 2 (2 moderate)
Unknown Small 2 (1 moderate damage, 1 substantial damage)
Eagle 1 (moderate damage)
Loon 1 (substantial damage)
Osprey 1 (moderate damage)
Blackbird 1 (moderate damage)
Cormorant 1 (substantial damage)
Starling 1 (moderate damage)

Incidents by species from 1 January 1980 – 23 September 2012 for ALL 519 incidents

Gulls 177
Unknown Small 80
Unknown Medium 77
Canada Goose 31
Starling 17
Sparrows 16
Kestrel 12
Doves 12
Hawks 10
Osprey 9
Unknown Large 9
Blackbirds 9 (likely Grackles or Crows)
Swallow 8
Ducks 7 (one listed as “Mallard”)
Pigeon 7
Heron 5
Unknown 4
Eagle 4 (one with a question mark)
Crows 3
Foxes 3
Robin 2
Microbats 1
Grackle 1
Cormerant 1
Killdeer 1
Warbler 1
Chimney Swift 1
Brown Thrasher 1
Red Shoulder Hawk 1
Tern 1
Loon 1
Turtles 1
Pelican 1
Whimbrel 1
Cowbird 1
Thrush 1
Racoon 1
Plovers 1


Of the four EAGLE incidents (1 January 1980 – 23 September 2012):

07/16/2005 VA NORFOLK INTL BUSINESS C-550 Bald eagle S

1 Moderate damage
1 Substantial damage

JudyEddy said...

had to send in to sections can't send more that Your HTML cannot be accepted: Must be at most 4,096 characters

Lolly said...

Good morning! Well, obviously we should eleminate ALL the birds! NOT!

Time to say hi and then have to get going.

Have a great Friday and I will see you this evening.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Dropping in quickly to say hello, before you initiate a silver alert!

Have been VERY occupied with Emma the last few days. We have a vet appt. Saturday at 11 am. She is OK, but still not 100%. She will only eat her regular meals if she is spoon-fed. She sleeps a lot, which is not like her. I am beginning to think that she is depressed about something. She also is afraid of the German Shepherd next door, and won't go outside if she hears it barking. She is a wreck on Mondays when the street sweeper truck is in the neighborhood, and on Thursdays when the Trash Pickup trucks are out and about all day. (3 different types of trash cans--regular trash, recycle, and yard waste.) We haven't been able to take her to the dog park, because when I checked about it online, there were posts about recent incidents with agressive pit bulls--yikes!
Sure don't need that kind of trouble! Now that the pet insurance has kicked in, I want to have some blood tests done to make sure there is no lingering infection, bacterial or viral. Will go from there. Once we're sure she's OK physically, we'll try to figure out what to do about any depression or fears.

Have sort of read back on the blog, and am praying for all issues needing prayers. Will be back, hopefully tonight after dinner, to see what's happening.

See that Lynne2 and Steve are moving, but didn't see why, or where they are going. Prayers! Lynne, what's up?

Hope everyone has a great red Friday! Will BBL.... I ♥ us!!!

JudyEddy said...

ANDY so sorry to hear about EMMA but happy you have insurance to get things checked out

I forwarded you LYNNE email she may not have your address she said she didn't have a few peeps

Kay said...

Good afternoon dear Buds ! I'm here just in time for a nice new thread, I see ! Enjoy your feather, GLO.☺

ANDY, oh what a sad time for Emma and her family. She needs some Valium to smooth things over while you and the vet determine what is wrong. I can't believe how much good just one did for me yesterday ! Hope a reason for her condition is found soon !♥

LYNNE2, you asked what Bear Bells do. Personally I find them useless, but can assure you that if I just say "It's me, bare"--all living beings with even a small brain in the head will flee the forest no time ! Don't try it, LOLLY. You're far too young and pretty for it to work.

JUDYE, you sure put a lot of work into that report for us ! You are not only an ace videographer, but the queen of cut n' paste as well ! Thanks !

Here's hoping you all have a wonderful weekend, whether at home or on the road---my prayers are with you and yours. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lynne2 said...


Thank you JudyE!

I am in FULL STRESS PANIC MODE. All these "little" last minute things are making me nuts.

and by the way....200 STINKBUGS yesterday, and 50 already today. It's hard getting things done while trying to keep them at bay....

Lynne2 said...

JudyE, interesting information on the bird thing.

glo said...

Where's WALDO? Well no that's not quite right, the question for today is Where's MeMa Jo The answer is I just spoke with her on the phone. MeMa Jo had a lung biopsy done yesterday as her Dr found a suspicious area in her lung at her last check up. Pretty much she only told her adult kids {not grands etc) and a couple of prayer warriors just to get past the biopsy and receive the rest of the info we will all need; so we all would know better what was actually there. Her appt with the Dr for the biopsy results is Oct 3. The lady is a woman of very strong faith and absolutely at peace with whatever info she and Ed are given. He also sounds strong and very ready to deal with whatever. She did not expect to have to spend the night last night so that is why she said nothing on the blog previously. Because the lung began to collapse a little they had to insert a chest tube. She had wanted to wait for the biopsy info first as she loves all of you and does not want anyone being caused any additional worry etc. She is hoping to be discharged today after they remove the chest tube. They will make her wait a couple of hours to be sure the lung stays inflated. Her plan is to pop in to say hi on the blog tomorrow.Today her request is that we all pray for her and Ed as the results come in for the biopsy. I will update if i hear anymore before we hear form our gal tomorrow. That is however exactly why I put AOYP last night. I knew MeMa Jo needed them and I also knew that is exactly what she wanted all of us to have too. ((((ALL)))

Lynne2 said...

Glo, thank you for the update on Jo. I feel like such a jerk that I've been so overwhelmed with all going on here that I had not realized that she hasn't been here for the past 2 day. Of course we will all have very big prayers going up!

glo said...

Actualy Lynne she did blog very early yesterday morning before leaving for the hospital BUT she knew she wouldn't get by with no blogs today without arousing concerns etc so she wanted me to share something for her today and hopefully we will all hear form her tomorrow. All is very well.

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the info GLO we will all prayer and send healing thoughts to our dear friend and our matriarch of the blog Just got back from lunch and will be heading to pick Jordyn up from school later

I have a funny Jordyn story
Angie asked me if she could do her first sleep over at my house next Sat when i am on vacation she talked to Jordyn about it and off course she wants to and she wants to bring all her night time stuffies she sleeps with then Angie said to her you will wake up at OMAS and Jordyn in a real concerned voice BUT OMA has no cereal Angie busted out laughing and said we will make sure we take some to OMAS for you
Jordyn knows this grandmas cupboards are bare LOL

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jewels said...

Praying for my dear momma III.
Thank you for letting us know!! All my love to everyone. Will try to pop on while I am work.

JudyEddy said...

Here is the candle link if anyone wants to light a candle
Light a candle

Jewels said...

Praying for my dear momma III.
Thank you for letting us know!! All my love to everyone. Will try to pop on while I am work.

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

SHAR she probably didn't want us to worry so much she is such a sweet person and didn't want to cause any extra worries I am sure

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Prayers for our Mema Jo.

Will be thinking about her today.

Thank you for the bird report, Judy. Very interesting.

Hope everything is okay with Emma, Andy.

Waiting for my neighbor to come by and pick up the items we found in her garage. It has mostly been cleaned out now. We walked over and found a little pile of baseball cards someone laid aside for them and a small Bible lying on a bush. The Bible was slightly damaged. The cards look pristine.

Eric, the husband, collects baseball cards and has some valuable ones he was able to save. A lot of cards were in a huge pile in the garage. I think they fell there from somewhere else in the house.

I have no idea about the value of the cards we picked up, but since others have been going into the house, I thought we should save them.

Lynne, thinking of you today, also. Hope things are going to work out well for you and Steve.

T-Bird said...

Thanks Glo for letting us know what is and was going on with Mema Jo. Prayers abound of course.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

OMG!!! How can Mema Jo be going through all of this and us not know about it??? I am praying and praying and praying. Thanks Glo for letting us know. Memo Jo, you are gonna get a whippin' when I see you again!! WE don't go through stuff alone! WE go through it together! Love you all! Holler if there is news. I LOVE US!!!

Costume Lady said...

Bev, now you know that JO always thinks of us first...she doesn't want us to worry. Really love that woman♥

glo said...

Yes her heart was for all of us. Its been a hard year on the Blog with lots of big things happening. She is such a woman of strong faith that she chose to not be the focus of any more worries for anyone on the blog UNTIL she knew there was actually anything to really cause concerns about. Even then she says she is at peace with whatever the info is.

I kind of think she has a clue how much everyone loves her. She knew it was going to matter to all of you. She was timing as best she knew how what and when to share whatever. She chose to sneak in and out of the hospital and share the facts when she had facts. She will do just that with all of you. That will be next week. So just cover her in prayer now.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


magpie said...

I have my perpetual prayers going too....
for many many many things

Thanks, Glo......for keeping us in the know...

Lynne2: Best wishes on your last minute-izing.....keep us posted and you know for sure I want your new smail mail address

magpie said...

I guess, sometimes...keeping things on the quiet side can be a little less complicated, in the short term

I sort of understand that.....

magpie said...

Yes, Jo and Ed are one of the most special couples in our lives....there are some more of course, but this is about Jo and Ed...

(( Happy Outcome Hugs ))

magpie said...

looks like maybe some stormy weather down Shirley's way

We got some tremendous down pours last night....

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I know she does think of everyone else first but now she needs to let us be there for her! She is always here for us, holding us up, lifting us up. It is an honor to pray for her for sure!!!

JudyEddy said...

Sooner nest has a eagle in in picking at sticks only can see back half right now

magpie said...

kinda hemmed in here at work
waiting for the dismissal bell to ring....
can't even check cell phone for msgs or call or write back 'til I get outta here...

But Oh: Here is Jewels....
... !!


magpie said...

big rivalry football game
between the Hedgesville Eagles and the Martinsburg Bulldogs...
homecoming game for the Bulldogs...
right here in Martinsburg...

hmmm...could be interesting

magpie said...

better sign off, I think Jewels is taking my spot here

Having Jo and her family on my
mind and in my prayers...

and all of you ALL Also...
Please, Take Care...

"You" are important to us....

xoxox ♥

Linda said...

Thank you for the update on Mema Jo, Glo...

I can understand where she is coming from. Even though there is something they saw that requires further investigation, it does no good to worry about what you don't know...

Thanking God for Jo's strong faith in God, for I truly believe with Him you can get through anything. Without Him, life is way to difficult.

Jesus tells us we can't add one day to our lives by worrying, so Jo certainly is following His advice!

Love you, Jo .... xoxo

Linda said...

Lynne - thinking of you and Steve today and through the weekend. Your comment about your last morning drive to work from your current home was sad and touching. Hopefully this will be the beginning of GOOD things to come...

Sandi said...

Good afternoon/evening all! Talking with one of the custodians at school the other day about my mom. She said, "If you worry, don't pray! If you pray, don't worry!!" I told her that's easy to say and much harder to do, but I am going to pray for Jo and try not to worry.

I'm also praying that Dana's dad got good news from the doctor today.

Lynne2, good luck with the move tomorrow! Hoping for stinkbug-free accommodations for you and Steve!!

Andy, hope you get some answers about Emma at the vet's.

Hard to believe September is almost over - wow!!

Time to rustle up dinner for people and pets - later all!

Hoda said...

PRAYERS for MEMA JO Thanks GLO for letting us know.

Thinking of you and STEVE tomorrow LYNNE I hope the move goes smoothely...

I have improved in all of my blood work resutls and am normal in the two that worried me: iron level and one of the cholesterols was making my doctor uncomfortable today she was happy. Nothing to work on till the next test, just maintain...

LOL KAY the best humour is when we can laugh about are BEAUTIFUL.

Hoda said...

This on FB

Nest Removal Vote

Lori O. said...

Prayers for certain, for JO! Many angels on her pillow tonight! Thanks for letting us know, GLO.

DanaMO, hope you got good results on your Dad.

ANDY, great to see you back!

LYNNE2, thinking of you and Steve and your big move this weekend. Prayers for a fast and stressless move. ♥

Lori O. said...

HODA, great news on your blood work! Keep it up!

Thanks JUDYE for the bird list - didn't know all that!

KAY, hope you have a peaceful and pain free night! Thinking of you, too!

Lynne2 said...

Regarding Jo not tellin' us. GGGRRRRR! But, I've been guilty of the same thing at times. I can never begrudge anyone their feelings on personal matters, and when to share, even if I think I should have known. Just goes to show the importance of treasuring each moment because we just never know....

Lynne2 said...

Hoda, glad to hear your Dr and you are happy with the blood test results!

Lynne2 said...

back to work I go!

Hoda said...


magpie said...

Very best wishes on the final stages of your move, LYNNE2

Please try to be careful not to carry any stinkbugs outta there when you leave !!!

Good report, Hoda, on your bloodwork and levels...GOOD ON YOU !!

magpie said...

And Lynne,
I hope you can get your internet hooked up in short order there, we will suffer separation anxiety if not !
Yes, sometimes it is tough to, and not to, post lots of things that are going on our personal lives...
We're amongst friends here...but sometimes, well, it's just not always possible or easy on ourselves to do either one...

magpie said...

Bottom Line:


magpie said...


I love your avatar...what a neat, happy picture... and perfect autumn color with that orange shirt !!!

magpie said...

And for all the good and hopeful news here,
Hallelujah and Bravo...!!
Keep the Faith for that, and for the things that might be in the minus column...temporarily...

Friday Night Date Night,LOL,
me, myself, and I....
think I'll putz around The Big House for awhile....

and put on some nice tunes...

ttfn xoxox

magpie said...

and in honor of Jo,
one of my favorite CDs with 18
Celtic Woman
:) xo

paula eagleholic said...

Glo, thanks for the post about Jo. yes, I did notice she wasn't on last night!

And I fully understand her thoughts on the matter, no use worrying about something that you don't know!

Hoda said...

Thank you MARGY...

Yes LYNNE I hope the internet is back and working Pronto as dear LYNN would say!

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh I did not tell my doctor but the only thing I changed in my diet is adding sea weed,aka Kelp, and increasing the amounts I consume!!! The taste takes getting used to for sure but it works I think...SHe would have shaken her head at me I am sure!!! LOL!!! Her goal is to see me being 95 and I think 90 would do!!! LOL!!!Knowing perfectly well that it is ALL IN GOD'S HANDS. It is worth a laugh though!!!She saw me eating a chocolate cake in a restaurant and shook her head NO did ruin the taste of the cake I had to admit!!!

Linda said...

Thinking of Lynn tonight - the start of a new season of Blue Bloods and ........ Tom Sweetie!!

How she loved him!!

magpie said...

Oh my, yes Lynn did, Linda, and I reckon she still does !!

woof, I just got service error 503'd off on my last post...

haven't had that kind of fun in a long time


magpie said...

Night Bandit is pretty adamant right about now and I just KNOW the Sandperson is headed this way from Judie's neck of the woods...

this crazy laptop has a very persnickety publish button....

magpie said...

Thinking of all us folks on here, wishing I could keep up better on all the particulars, but please know that I care, and I have my prayers going...

and I bid you Good Night...
with a restful sleep especially for our Jo and all her family....

Hoping to find later that Wanda and the Friday Family Fun Gang had some time together tonight also....

God Bless Us, Every One

stronghunter said...

Checking back in this evening. Thinking of Jo and hoping she is resting well this evening.

We had a bit of wind and some rain this evening. I turned on the heat. Tarp does not provide a lot of insulation.

Carla came over and I gave her the cards and the Bible. She does not remember the Bible, but thinks it was probably among her father's things that she had in her house.

I had also seen a watch over there, so I went back and picked it up. It is damaged, but I don't know if it is something they want.

They are settled into an apartment and seem to be doing well. Ironically, there was a small fire at the hotel they were staying in, and they were evacuated from the building for a couple of hours.

Lynne2 said...

well folks, I'll be signing off here shortly and don't know if we'll unplug tonight or tomorrow AM. There is internet (wireless) at Tracey's and I have been assured they can hook me up right away. But don't panic if you don't hear from me til Monday from work, just on the outside chance I can't get hooked up for some reason right away.

Costume Lady said...

Family Friday was just the three Amigos, me, Gene and GG. Denise is headed to the beach, again and Karla had squad duty tonight, etc.
GG is back to eating baby food, again, but did eat some of our Corned Beef and Potato Soup. Yay!

She ate, got up and kissed us good night and went to bed! wondering if the lidocane shots she got yesterday makes her sleepy? Oh well, sleep is good:)

Heading for church in the morning to put away three huge garbage bags of clothes...can't believe I'm running out of room again! Hope those men get my rods and shelves up soon. My pastor says I'm never satisfied, always asking for something:) He told the congregation that he has never seen anyone get so excited over dirty, smelly clothes...they aren't dirty or smelly! Our guests love them:)

Good night my dears, prayers and love to you from me♥

Costume Lady said...

#1 on my prayer list, tonight is our Mema Jo and #2 is a friend of Denise's having health problems.
#3 is all our friends and furbabies on this blog and elsewhere~

Lolly said...

Oh, my....I do not like to get on the blog and read not so good news. Geeesh!!!!

LOVE YOU, JO!!!! Keeping you in prayer and love!!!♥

Yes, our Mema Jo, is VERY Special!!! Love her dearly!!

We had a good day today. Drove to the east side of Glacier Natl. Park. I have uploaded pics to fb. Tomorrow we are doing laundry, I am washing my hair and cleaning the trailer. In other words and slow down day. Sunday we take off for a leisurely way. If we see some place we want to see for a day, we just might stop.

Lolly said...

Lynne, thinking of you with your move this weekend.

Lolly said...

Kay, you are too funny! "It's me, bare!" I love it! And, believe me if I am out of my car and I see a bear, I will only say "It's me bear" long after I have turned tail and vamoosed!!!!

stronghunter said...

Time to say good night.

When I talked with Carla, she was happy the workers had found all of her spoon collection. She will need to clean it up but she has it along with the little display case it was in. She us appreciating the little things that they can find at this point.

I need to start taking down pictures and moving things out of the way. I think I will stash everything in the dining room as much as is possible. Running out of space around here.

Lolly said...

Time to shower and get comfy!

I just have to say, I love us!!! And, very special prayers to our Heavenly Father for our Jo!!♥

Night all! SED!!!

stronghunter said...

Good to see Kay cracking her jokes on here.

She has quite a sense of humor.

glo said...

Good night everyone. Dex and I enjoyed a hot Air Balloon Festival tonight. It was love. SED and AOYP

stronghunter said...

SED, everyone. Prayers and good wishes. Special love for Jo tonight.

Hoda said...

Good moving process LYNNE thinking of you and I hope the wireless works...
Oh I heard a program Stink Bugs are now in Canada in Ontario and they were imported from Asia to North America...goodbye stinck bugs you will not bother LYNNE and STEVE anymore!!!

Love you JO MAJOR PRAYERS coming your way and yes like your avatar says on FB MIRACLES HAPPEN...there will be healing JO...

Hoda said...

Good night


God Please Heal MEMA JO

DanaMo said...

Glo-thank you so much for letting us know about MeMa Jo. Here she has been letting all of us express our concerns and she has had this weight of her own.
I will add her to my prayers and hope that the news is good for her on Oct. 3.
Our results were not what we had hoped. We will be dealing with cancer again. Mom and dad haven't really told anyone yet, and our appointment isn't until Monday, but the doctor called and said it is cancer. They are both positive and actaully, I think we all have a really good attitude and outlook.

If emails get sent out concerning any of our momsters and dadsters please know that I changed my email address. I don't think I have one of the mass emails to forward it to everyone. I will change it on my profile and know that you can get me through there. I know how you all feel about posting email addresses here. I'm trying to think of a cryptic way of putting it here. LOL-try this, remove the ana from dana and add 02 to my last name everything else stays the same keep the dot after the d ☺

Lori O. said...

DanaMo, so sorry about the news of your Dad, but glad to hear you think you all have a good attitude. That helps so much!

Not much time here this morning. I woke up late for me and have to get started on the weekend work stuff! UGH!

Lori O. said...

Can't leave without saying prayers for JO continue!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds Thinking of JO this am and healing thoughts and prayers to her and to you DANAMO for your dad so sorry to hear the news
SHIRLEY hope they can get your house fixed fast before the cold weather moves in
LYNNE2 hoping you moves goes good and hope the stinkbugs will no longer be in your lives Hey make sure you don't transport any LOL

Sandi said...

Good cloudy, chilly Saturday morning my eagle friends, esp. Lori, Dana, and Judy who have checked in.

Thought about Lynn last night as well with Blue Bloods starting, but I wasn't able to stay awake to watch it!

Dana, sorry to hear about your dad's news. A positive attitude is so important so I'm glad you all have that. I'm sure you're all anxious to hear from the doc what the course of action will be.

Prayers continue for Jo, for good news on Wednesday and for Kay that she gets some answers on Monday.

Tennis for me this morning if the courts are dry enough by 9am.

HAGD all!

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

T-Bird said...

I feel the need to thank you all for being a part of my life, my friends.

Lori O. said...

((((HUGS)))) backatcha, Thelma!

magpie said...

Good Eagle Pals Morning!!

I am sorry with all of you to read of the Cancer diagnosis for DanaMo's father....and praying with all of you too for comfortable treatments and good outcomes

(( All Day Saturday Hugs ))


magpie said...

read the late night posts...see it was the Terrific Three at GG's last night...

so funny, reading back and reading the funnies

and the uplifting comments....

magpie said...

Saw two fabulous bucks in Martinsburg near my apartment this mnorning.....
I thought they were going to spar with each other...
one was at least a 7 maybe an 8-point, the other, a 4-point I think

magpie said...

And last night I saw a herd of does and yearlings....watched an adult doe tending to her baby, licking her about the face and neck and front legs....and fussing with the youngster, it was so interesting and something I had never watched before

magpie said...

And NOW I am at the Dough Factory, so it's time to roll up my sleeves and get crackin'

Best Wishes for a Good Day...for all, with special thoughts for Jo and the Family, and for Lynne and Steve on their moving day....

xo See Ya' later...

magpie said...

Hey T:

You're Welcome ! and
Ditto back to you !!!

your friend, Magpie ♥ ☺

Janet said...

a quick good morning to my friends...another busy day on tap.

MS BOOKWORM; hoping you have a vet appt that is encouraging and helpful.....

keeping MemaJo close in heart and thoughts, only positive good thoughts coming her energy only to the good....

a cloudy Saturday here in nashville. i have a cake to rebake this morning. i forgot to take one out of the pan last night and it STUCK...UGLY!!!! so i will do that and finish that up, clean up and then livvy and i will decorate for the 50th bday celebration!!!!

its been a good, albeit busy week. time is just going by at such an alarming rate. already october! it'll be here monday!!!!

hope everyone has a good day. i will pop in later and touch base. light, love, hugs, and healing thoughts to one and all.

magpie said...

oh phooey, Janet....I would be happy to have some of the stuck cake you peeled out of the cake pan!
Have a good day...sounds busy, hope the sun shines for you, and for Sandi in Delaware, and everywhere for that matter..

can't wait to see how cold the morning temps were for Lolly and Jack this morning....

okay, roll roll roll the dough

Lori: I hope you take some sneak-on breaks through the day ! ♥ ☺

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Lots to pray for indeed. I always worry about leaving out a name if I post so will say I do have a list and then always add "others I may have forgotten or any unspoken needs" HAGD everyone. It's cool crisp Fall day here. Loving the weather. Camera is busy :-) I love that too.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning all!

Home this weekend, have some yardwork and paperwork to attend to.

Prayers for DanaMo's Dad as he begins another battle...

Judie said...

Prayers for our matriarch, Jo and for DanaMo's father.

Linda said...

Late Saturday Morning Wishes to all.....

Thinking of those in need of a little extra prayer today.....

MemaJo, Kay, DanaMo's Dad, Sandi's Mom, Lynne & Steve, and Andy's Emma...

And their families....

Linda said...

Very nice to see Judie here...

You're missed ♥

Lolly said...

Good morning! Slept till after 8, hair is washed and laundry is washing!!! Think I will shop this afternoon. Jack bought a really pretty t-shirt and I have decided I want one, too. He says I can get it as long as I do not wear it the same day he does. He does not want to be twinkies. boo hoo!

Yes, thinking of Jo and lifting her in continuous prayer. Dana, your dad will also be lifted in prayer. So, very sorry you are having a rough year.

Here is a praise the is raining at home. High in the low 70's and rain. Yea!

It was 43 here this morning and it is cloudy. Hardly anyone in this RV park. It closes for the year tomorrow. We are shutting it down. lol

Lolly said...

Thought of your bowling ball, Margy. Last night a huge 5th wheel rolled in and set up. A young family with about a 3 or 4 year old boy. They are not next to us, but on another row and last night I could hear him running and bouncing around in that HUGE rv. There are 3 slide outs on the side I can see. One expensive outfit!

Lolly said...

This rv park is very nice, but has a strange set up. If you know anything about rv parks you will understand this. They have several rows of rv spots that are extra fancy. They have watered lawn, landscaping, a concrete patio, a large nice patio table (seats 6 or 8)with chairs with cushions and umbrellas, a gas grill, a fireplace with benches. FANCY!! Then they have several rows of pull throughs that have watered grass, regular picnic tables, and fireplaces with benches. Then there is where they put us! lol No, watered grass but trees, a regular picnic table, and a fireplace but no benches. We are the low rent district! Interesting that they did not ask what we wanted. They just placed us. LOL What does that say?

magpie said...

aaaa h yes, Bowling Ball, Lolly...
I haven't even had a whole lot of that experience while at The Big House...
can't say I miss it, !!

enjoy your Praise the Lord Day, and Happy Shopping !


magpie said...

It says that they are not thinking straight, Lolly !!

Linda said...

LOLLY - So these people obviously don't know you LIVE in Hawkwood Gardens in TX, do they? Not only do you live there, you maintain is so beautifully!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, if they were smart, they would have put you in the high rent district so they could have charged you more!

paula eagleholic said...

Yard is all mowed, cooking a late breakfast, then going to take out the A/C's.

Lori O. said...

Boy, sounds like everyone is pretty busy today. Nice day for it around here.

JANET, Sorry you had to rebake that cake, but hope you had fun decorating.

MARGY, welcome to your weekend!

Good weekend for you, PAULA, to be home since it's not supposed to rain until tomorrow, maybe. Hope not. I was out shopping for a pair of flat shoes and saw your store's signs around! Figured it would keep you busy!

LOLLY, enjoy your day in your new t-shirt! Does it have an eagle on it???? :)

Prayers for JO, DANAMo's Dad, KAY, Andy's EMMA, and all in need.

I love you all...right, Margy, this is a GREAT place to hang out!

Hope LYNNE'S move in going well.

Lolly said...

Yes, Lori, it has an eagle. lol I also bought a shirt in Jasper that has two eagles but you have to look carefully to see them. It is embroidered and very pretty. The new shirt says Montana, Big Sky Country and has a beautiful eagle, wings spread. I picked it out for him and did not get one as I really do not wear a lot of t-shirts. But, I WANT ONE!

Hair is beautified, well...clean anyway, laundry is done. Trailer has been cleaned. We are going to set out to find a pretty place to eat our lunch of apples, cheese and crackers.☺ And, shop!


paula eagleholic said...

Enjoy, Lolly!

Time to get back to work here!

Avatar is Nick today, enjoying the outside :)

glo said...

Well the news is they did end up keeping MeMa Jo one more night. Chest tube is out xray passed fine and she is just now getting home. She and Ed are both exhausted but otherwise she says she is fine and pain free. There are 4 messages on her phone she hasn't gotten to YET and really does not feel up to turning on the computer for a day or 2. She sends her love. If you call you may need to leave a message until naps and rests are over for a bit. She will be on in a day or too.

I would say the wonderful messages on her FB wall will be awesome for her to see when she does sign on as they are all in one place. Its hard to say how much of the Blog she will read but that timing is hers. If you aren't on FB maybe an email today and tomorrow would be nice and a quick way for her to see your love and prayers etc. These are just my thoughts not at all her requests.

Lori O. said...

Ah, PAULA, that is one happy Nick!

GLO, thanks for passing on the latest message about JO, and for your great suggestions! Thank you!

Hoda said...

Mostly thinking of JO today and prayers.

JUDIE it was very good to read your post. Our Matriarch indeed and she brings us all togethe.

DANA prayers continue for your Dad and your Mom and you and your family. I hope they got it early enough and that they can manage it well...

I am sure LYNNE must be saying her good byes to those pesty little creatures and doing the farewell stink bug dance!!! Love you LYNNE AND STEVE.

Thanks GLO for the updates. Very much appreciated. please keep them coming as you know. Blessing to you and Dex

Kay said...

Prayers being said and candles lit for our dear JO and Dana's Dad. This blog family is strong and bound together by a beautiful and special kind of love. I ♥ us !!!

Thinking of LYNNE2 as she and Steve begin another chapter. Hopefully one that does not include Stinkbugs !!!

Love reading all your posts and am praying for those mentioned and all in need. I'm rather oomphless today, but glad I checked in for GLO's report, etc.. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Robyn said...


I just read what has been going on, Tori and I send prayers and healing powers your way. I will ask John for some of his healing energies when we speak later.

Love you


DanaMo said...

Thanks everyone for the prayers.

Really want to get this evening over with, it's homecoming and Adam is driving himself out to dinner with some friends and I am just a wreck.
I have been having trouble figuring out why I am feeling so grouchy today, but I think I am just anxious because of him driving. It's one thing to go to the high school and back (3 minute drive), but getting on 81 just makes me crazy. urgh!!! I need a drink, or two or three!

stronghunter said...


Prayers for your father and the whole family, DanaMo.

And, of course, more prayers for Jo and her whole family.

stronghunter said...

Been pretty busy around here today. Nothing gets you going like the prospect of teams of workers coming into almost every corner of your house and moving things around.

stronghunter said...

Nice to see that Judie was on here today.

grannyblt said...

Just read back the last couple of days....prayers for all.

JudyEddy said...

Our Matriarch JO posted on facebook this is her post just in case she is to pooped to come on here

Good evening FB Friends and Family ♥ I have missed all of you the past 2 1/2 days - so much can happen in such a short time.
Enjoy and make the most of each day the Good Lord Gives
You ♥

JudyEddy said...

that was 18min ago

Lori O. said...

Thanks JUDYE for passing that along.

Time for bed here...goodnight everyone. SED & AOYP!!!

Hoda said...

OUR MATRIARCH continues to show class and Strength...Healing Prayers on going for JO and ED and they see each other through this sickness...I am sure he will support her and tend to her with loving kindness...You Two are awesome

Thanks for the message JUDYE

PRAYERS ongoing DANA and do calm your self about ADAM driving put out some good vibes and before you know it he will be back home...

Translation please: What is AOYP???

Thinking of LYNNE doing her dancing jig NO MORE STINK BUGS...Please check in if you have a chance LYNNE...I hope the move went well for you...

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

I bought a bottle of premixed drinks tonight YUK toooo strong Bacardi Strawberry Daiquri I ended up going up and buying strawberry soda to cut it it is nasty maybe its just the Daiquiri I don't like who knows may just see if Angie wants it

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


Sandi said...

Sat down a while ago to watch Blue Bloods - but it didn't record!!!! Grrrr!!!! Will have to watch it online tomorrow if it's available.

Happy to read that Jo has been on FB!!

Headed to bath and bed - goodnight all!

Janet said...

Been a busy, but good day. Cakes done, house cleaned, decorating done...all pix are posted on facebook...but I did post the pix of the cake on my blog. :)

great dinner. good family &friends....been a great day.

keeping all close in my heart and thougts, light, love healing and comfort to all. sweet dreams.

Mema Jo said...


Your comments have raised my spirits to an all time high - You are my blog family and I love you all dearly. I pray for all of your needs and concerns.
I feel humbled with love from your comments.
It has been quite an eventful time since I entered the hospital on Thurs at 9am. My stay was longer but necessary. The Frederick Memorial staff was kind and loving and my drs were skilled - I praised them for their excellency. Ed and
I will need to accept and deal with whatever the outcome of this biopsy and I will keep you informed and up-to-date on my information from here on out. The nodule is minute so all the better to treat it now.

I am calling it a night and I am content now that I am finally back here - even one day away is too long.

Prayers for all - Dana - Kay -Sandi All of you! For any reason whatsoever!

Miss you Lynn & thanks for watching over me ♥

Good night my friends and prayer warriors! ♥

magpie said...

touching your post perhaps with mine, Jo...
thank you for bringing YOU here to us tonight

((Forever Jo and Ed Hugs ))

and Prayers Aplenty....

Hoda said...


Linda said...

Love you, Jo! May God Bless you and give you good rest tonight!

Night ♥

Hoda said...

Thanks JUDYE for AOYP I hope you have some too...SED

Lolly said...

Yea!!! So very happy that Jo posted. Love you dearly, Jo. We are keeping you in prayer and loving you!!!!

We had a good day. Drove to a pretty place for lunch, took a drive and saw more waterfalls. After that we started on a hike, but for some reason (bears!) it was making me nervous. After about half a mile of beautiful hiking, I told Jack I was ready to turn around. We came back "home" and enjoyed the afternoon reading outside. Had supper and have been monitoring
TCU football on the computer. lol

We are hitched up and ready to head out in the morning. Do not know if I will have time to get on or not. However, I have my trusty iphone and will get on when I can.

Night all! SED!!! I love us!!!

glo said...

It is a good night isn't it.
((( AOYP)))

magpie said...

G'Night everyone
Thanks again, Glo...for your
Jo Posts....

Beautiful full moon out there tonight....

God Bless Us, Every One

Hoda said...

Safe Travels LOLLY and JACK and thank you ever so very much for sharing your travels with us...

Thanks GLO for JO posts and God Bless Us All.




Hoda said...

Oh I forgot to tell you all that there is a movie called The Tall Man that was filmed in the West Kootenay just outside of Nelson where I live. It has its opening tonight and there is apparently a chap called RUSSEL BRAND who is supposed to be famous and people were crowding around him today to get autographs and pictures...Have you all heard of him? I did not go to the movie which had three showings even though we do not have a movie theatre...they showed it in the Theatre theatre where plays are shown.I did not go because I think it is a scary movie and while they have filmed here and the economy did very well I do not like scary movies!!! Let me know if you see it what you think...
Good night...

Hoda said...

I am pulling a MARGY!!!
I will put a picture of him on my blog so I could see if any one recognizes him? I did not take the picture it was posted by our MLA who was in the movie too...locals acted in it too, small parts!!! Member of Legislative Assembly is an MLA

Costume Lady said...

Watched a horror film tonight...THE HOWLING II...NOW I see there is a FULL MOON. COVERS OVER MY HEAD TONIGHT!



Mema Jo said...

I am up for a 'loo' break So dark outside I had a restful sleep last night. Right now I feel like I am starving and I need a piece of toast - then another couple hours of sleep.

Get ready for your day - Smile ♥
See you later on........
I Love Us ♥

DanaMo said...

Good morning...I think I'm going back to bed!

Everyone arrived home from homecoming safely and the parents went out for drinks. It was a nice evening.

Mass later this morning, dinner with mom and dad here, and lesson planning (or maybe I should call it getting my "combat plan" ready.

DanaMo said...

Lolly, I'm so jealous of your trip. I really wish we could have taken the camper out one more time this season! :( Now I have to wait and look forward to spring break!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds and loved you stopped in JO you are now a early bird and don't you just dislike it when nature calls and you want to sleep enjoy your toast

Lori O. said...

WOW - bunches of early birds this morning!

JO, so glad you're feeling well. Enjoy your toast! Then, get back to bed! :)

Good morning JUDYE and DANAMo!

Lori O. said...

DANA, sounds like you have a nice day planned - except the work part. Enjoy the dinner with your folks. Prayers continue for your Dad. ((Big Hugs))

Sandi said...

Good chilly Sunday morning my eagle friends, esp. Jo, Dana, Lori, and Judy who have already checked in!

Jo, great to see you back on the blog!! When will you know the results of your biopsy? I know someone said but I've forgotten already! Prayers continue for you for a positive outcome.

Dana, glad that everyone made it home safe and sound last night. Enjoy your Sunday with the family!

Lolly, safe travels home - what a beautiful trip you've had!

Kay, hoping for a relatively pain free day today and some answers tomorrow!

Tennis for me this AM and then Denny and I are going to throw the kayak in the bed of the truck and launch it at the wildlife area adjacent to our neighborhood. Hoping to see that eagle again! If not, we'll just enjoy the sunny, cool weather.

HAGD all!

Lori O. said...

I've been hearing a big owl this morning. It's absolutely not the screech owl that hangs around. So exciting to hear the big owl again, whatever kind it is! Wish I knew.

T-Bird said...

GO SKINS!! Love you Lynn!

Sandi said...

Lori, Google great horned owl and listen to it's call - that's how I figured out what I was hearing last fall and winter. We have 2 pairs of them nearby and I have been hearing both pairs talking back and forth to one another as I've gone to sleep with the windows open and in the early AM when I take the dogs out and it's still dark.

T-Bird said...

I want you to go up to someone you care about today and tell them that T-Bird said for you to give me a hug. This is a real hug from me today. ((hugs))

T-Bird said...

I hope you get to see the owl this morning Lori.

Sandi said...

Almost forgot - Hoda, Russell Brand was married to Katie Perry for a while, do you know her? She's a HUGE pop music star - I'm sure you've heard her songs even if you don't know who she is. I don't think he's much of an actor so, personally, I would never pay to watch a movie he's starring in.

Morning Thelma!

T-Bird said...

Good to see you Mema Jo. You are an early bird this morning. It's good for me to get to visit with you but I'm sure you need your rest.

T-Bird said...

Get you some toast and rest.

Lori O. said...

Great idea, about googling the owl, SANDI! Thanks!

Good Morning THELMA!

T-Bird said...

I don't know who Russell Brand is Sandi. What has he been in?

Lori O. said...

I just googled owl sounds and what I was told was a Screech owl, is really a Barn Owl...and the one I heard this morning is Great Horned Owl. Thanks Sandi! So exciting!

Sandi said...

Thelma, Russell Brand is a British comedian. He's NOT an actor! I saw him perform in the closing ceremonies of the Olympics this summer in London - he sang, God forbid!! He DIDN'T sing well, IMO!! The most famous thing he ever did was marry Katie Perry and now that's over - lasted about a year and a half, I think.

Lori, I was so excited when I learned that what I was hearing was a pair of great horned owls! Yay for you!!

OK, off to get ready for tennis - just watched Blue Bloods from Friday night.


paula eagleholic said...

Blessed Be!

Welcome Home Jo, get some rest today! We ♥ you!

Hoda, I have heard of Russell Brand, too.

Lori, GHO sounds! cool! I haven't heard the pair at Paradise lately, but others have!

Worked on paperwork till 11 last night (estate stuff), trying to get caught up! Gotta get it settled soon, I hope! Didn't check in here, went right to bed.

(((Huga))) backatcha Tbird!

glo said...

Good morning all. Beautiful day hear once again. I htink a walk /stroll at the Marina is on tap. First I wanted to share The slideshow I spent hours on yesterday from the Balloon Fest on Fri night. Pour a beverage at some point today and enjoy. Balloon Festival

Lori O. said...

GLO, that was time well spent. What a beautiful presentation...especially that shot at night near the end - gorgeous! Felt like I was there! Thanks for sharing. ♥

Lolly said...

A quick GOOD MORNING! Gotta eat and then we are off!

Yes, Dana, trips in the trailer are special. We love it!

Prayers for Dana's Dad and prayers for our very special, Mema Jo.

Thanks for the comments about our trip. Sharing each day has been fun!

Love to all this beautiful Lord's Day!♥

Janet said...

good morning friends.

MEMAJO: so glad to read your words from last night. continued light and love coming your way....

its a quiet morning here in nashville. we had a lovely day yesterday celebrating tom's bday with family and friends. carabbas always serves lovely food, nice atmosphere and they have the best blackberry sangria!!!! we always get a carafe of that just because!

having everyone at the house went well....they enjoyed cake and company and we were able to enjoy their company!

olivia spent the night with her sister and tom and i cruised downtown for a bit. too crowded due to a TSU homecoming/ or something, had part of the city blocked off. so we just cruised. down town nashville is very interested to look at. we came home, had a late nite pizza and some dvr'ed tv. then sleep. such an exciting life that we lead!

slept in this morning so missed the early birds.....i need to do the mundane tasks...laundry. making chicken and dumplins for dinner tonight. bowling @ 6.

anyway, not a lot else. rain moving in later today. i'm enjoying fall. starting to see some leaves change.....lots of dark reds and some yellows now. temps are better, that's for certain!

hope eveyone has a wonderful day! hugs, light, love and smiles to each of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Grabbing some breakfast, then heading to Pippinfest in Fairfield to visit my BFF and her hubby. Pippinfest is a small arts n crafts and yardsale weekend, right over the PA line.

DanaMo said...

Beautiful day out there!!

Sandi-a trip out on the kayak sounds wonderful!

Thanks for the prayers. We are hanging in there! Mom was having trouble holding it together as Mass, but we got her calmed down. She told our priest, how can I ask for this (having my dad get better) when I have been given so much!" God love her! And I think he understands.
Then I almost lost it at the end of Mass. Something about seeing my dad go up for communion that gets me every time! But we are going to beat this thing!!! We have to have that attitude!

magpie said...

Good Morning almost afternoon Eagle Pals

T-Bird: I will do just that! with the hug...but I may have to go out in civilization to do so...wish I had read your request before I went to Mass...but believe me I will find someone !!!!


I see all those early birds that were chirping away this morning :)

DanaMo said...

Will have to check out the balloon festival that Glo posted with a beer later. It's on my to do list ☺

magpie said...

Holey Moley, Paula....still working on estate things....

Best wishes on your Pippinfest day !

Fairfield....hmmm, I seem to remember someone ELSE special over that way, eh ???

magpie said...

toast, the universal comfort food....hope Jo has caught up on sleep and caught up to that toast by now !!

magpie said...

blessed that you can be there for your Mom and Dad....yes, Mass can be quite the emotional experience....

keep doing what you are doing and praying the way you are praying....

(( Loving and Healing Hugs ))

magpie said...

time to disappear with the checkbook and the machete...

Hope all of your all's day goes perfectly wonderful....

xoxoxoxox ttfn

magpie said...

oh Grammar Girl reminded me...

Hope your all's day goes perfectly WONDERFULLY,

goes needs an adverb not an adjective

I'm stalling...

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Glad to see that Jo was on the blog. Have been thinking about her. So nice to know that she is home.

Beautiful day here. But George is not happy to be outdoors. Lots of meowing. You would think he is being tortured.

Trying to get things ready for all of the repairs to come.

magpie said...

Hey there Shirley...
Best wishes on all things coming up...
Ya'know, I had you in mind when Grammar Girl gave me the nudge...
xoxox :)

Mema Jo said...

Shirley, maybe you should put a bed out side for George? lol He is an inside cat!

Mema Jo said...

Hubby and I just had some lunch - Now for an afternoon rest period and some more healing

BBL today


magpie said...

Wanting to reach out and touch you ,Jo, with a side by side post...

beauteous day hereabouts, hope the same for you there...
It means the world to us to see your smiling face in that GREAT T-shirt...
and also knowing that Ed was behind the lens taking that wonderful photo
xoxoxoo !!

magpie said...

Oh the Cardinals are making beautiful "cheeps" here at The Big House...

and there are chickadees, Blue Jays, Mourning Doves, Mockingbirds, Wrens, woodpeckers - And Robins !!

Thinking of Lynne and Steve as they get settled into their new digs,
with all the furbabies also !

Headed out to mail off these bill payments before I change my mind !!

xoxo ttfn, Precious Pals....

Lolly said...

Interesting drive so far! Almost hit a deer. Missed by inches! Saw a huge herd of buffalo and a thundering herd of escaped horses!

stronghunter said...

Well, George is here on my bed licking up the remains of my ice cream now. In fact, both cats are in my room. There was a hissy fuss awhile ago.

Lucky likes to lie in the sun every afternoon, and my room gets the afternoon sun, so he found a nice spot on my bathroom floor. George went in there. Not sure which cat was hissing. Might have been either one or both of them.

My door is closed, so both cats are conifined in here.

stronghunter said...

Your grammar is pretty good, Margy. Not to worry.

paula eagleholic said...

so, Shirley, are you going to let them hiss it out? :)

Back from Pippinfest...nice diversion! My Sweetie is at the beach, will see him during the week.

Back to paperwork, and some laundry, then who knows...

Glad you are healing Jo.

Clouded up here now, looks like rain on the horizon...

paula eagleholic said...

Megan reporting hail !

NatureNut said...

Happy Sunday to Everyone. Beautiful
weather here--been out today playing gardener, feeding squirrels, watching Monarchs, etc.
Don't know if I wrote anything this weei, but it was busy w/work days, Panda naps after that & all the others had appts!

Prayers for Jo and Dana's Dad☺ and anyone else ailing.
Hope moving is going OK for Lynne & Steve.

Have a very unhappy tooth, but will search for an old habby pill & see if that helps!Aiready left a message at dentist office. Very strange__was fine for Fri. lunch, but didn't like chewing dinner. Diced peaches and ice cream are fine!! ☺ BBL Soon Redskins will start!!! If I'm lucky, my burgandy and yellow mums on front porch will live to open!

NatureNut said...

BTW, Meant to mention JudyE's post of bird strikes near Norfolk. Years ago when we learned of this, I thought they shouldn't have an airport near water!--Most of the strikes have been birds who live near or visit wetlands! Of course it's too late now.And how do you keep them from nesting in the area? Cut down all the trees?

Lori O. said...

And, the Redskins game is underway!

Mema Jo said...

Had a restful afternoon - even though I had daughter & her hubby visiting quietly while I was in my recliner chattering. We are getting some dinner from the prepared dishes brought in by the kids. Yummy ♥


Sandi said...

Pleas excuse me for shouting again but WE FOUND AN EAGLE NEST WHILE WE WERE OUT IN THE KAYAK THIS AFTERNOON!!!!!!! =) Floated nearby for about 20 minutes but didn't see any eagles fly in or out. Now that I know where it is, next time I'll take binoculars rather than a camera.

Beautiful day to be out kayaking but boy, am I beat!! Our kayak has pedals and paddles and, after 2 hours of tennis this morning and then about 2 hours of kayaking this afternoon, I am slam wore out!!!

Photos (not great but ...) are on FB and on my blog!

Sandi said...

Oops, thought the pics were on my blog but they're not! Give me a few minutes and they'll be there!

paula eagleholic said...

Pics are great, Sandi!

got the Skins game on here too, trying to listen to it...

stronghunter said...

Yay Skins!!

George and I are watching. Lucky went to his own room.

Paula, as long as they are just hissing, I just let it happen. Did check on them. When Kathryn brought George over here, Lucky had been badly injured, and we can only think that George caused it. No way to know what happened. They aren't talking. That was many years ago.

stronghunter said...

Jo, I did ask about a small doghouse to put outdoors for George, but the store did not have any that day. I could put a bed in there for him. A little catnip would interest him.

I have been keeping him in my room when he is indoors. Tired of cleaning the sofa.

Mema Jo said...

Sandi - saw your pics over on FB
Great huge nest - has had to be there for a good many years I would say.
Now you know where to look - Great Find♥

That could work Shirley - I can understand George's Territorial
Intrusion! There is nothing you can do to change their personalities towards each other.

Mema Jo said...

Loretta - I am glad I do not feel your pain with that tooth. I sure don't like tooth aches! No rest for a person when they have one.

Tomorrow will be the last mail delivery and then I will be forwarding our check
of donations for Brantley Cyr. I will give a total amount when I send that check. I am waiting word from Wanda as to where I actually send the monies. ♥

Mema Jo said...

Paula I sent you an email

Mema Jo said...

Watch for the SPLIT

Sandi said...

Shirley, I feel your pain with cleaning up after animals, though with us it's dog pee, not cat pee. Bella has always had terrible "bathroom habits," I think b/c she lived in a kennel at a puppy mill 24/7 for the first 9 months of her life. So, she is always gated in our sunroom - it's a big enough room for a tiny dachshund and it has heat and AC. Bandit has never had accidents in the house until lately. Now, we clean up puddles 3-4 times a week as his dementia gets worse. No fun!

Speaking of dogs, it's their dinner time. I think I'm having oatmeal for dinner - don't know what Denny will fix! =)


JudyEddy said...

SANDI great picture of the nest When will you all go back

JudyEddy said...

JO so good to have you back where you belong on the blog

JudyEddy said...

Only three more days this week them in am on vacation I can't wait

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...