Friday, September 28, 2012


TGIF thread.


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JudyEddy said...

HODA I got your email and I googled that insurance and there are a multitude of companies that do that with their employees ODD for sure DEAD Peasants Life Insurance I am trying to figure a way to bring it up in conversation to one of my bosses at work I was going post the link on FB too but haven't yet check out the different co that do it even P&G and my bank does it WOW unbelievable
dead peasant insurance and the list of co that do

JudyEddy said...

"Because a company’s purchase of insurance policies is not a public record, it is virtually impossible to know every company that invested in policies on employees’ lives. The following companies, however, are believed to have been named as the beneficiary of life insurance policies on employees:"

I wonder if as a associate if we could do something just doesn't make since why they you insurance us

magpie said...

Magnificent sunset colors hereabouts...
ambers and oranges

Good Late afternoon, Eagle Pals

magpie said...

Speaking of magnificent,
GREAT pictures,
Sandi..worth the toil and time I would guess

Loretta so sorry about the sore tooth....hope you'll be pain-free and habby soon

Yay, Jo, some home-cooked family meal doubt some deliciousness in store for you

Shirley, sound like never a dull feline moment for you!

and wishes on your approach to a longer pretend retirement period....

rain, yes, but no hail here, but I can believe was a rather cold and unstable rain for awhile

ttfn xoxoxo

magpie said...

Continue to Go Skins...

about 12 mins left,
Washington up by 7? I think

magpie said...

well, no more game posts from me

Tampa Bay 19
Washington 21

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...



paula eagleholic said...

Skins Won!!

Jo, I got your email and replied!

paula eagleholic said...

Skins Won!!

Jo, I got your email and replied!

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, happy to see the Good Wife on...they cancelled it last week because of the game running over. Will watch it tonight!

Watched the end of the Skins game while I had dinner.

Got all my paperwork done this weekend...there is more to do, but for now I am caught up.

Costume Lady said...


I just got through looking at SANDI'S eagle nest, but realized I had missed seeing a whole bunch of beautiful flowers. WHO KNEW...she has a VERY GREEN THUMB! Her house is beautiful and I'd love to see inside...anybody up for a road trip?

I got all my clothes in the Closet hung up and some folded. Went down to check things out after church this morning and ANOTHER big bag of goodies was sitting there on the floor, just waiting on me...beautiful children's clothing:) We're needing toiletries again and I was hoping that's what was in the bag. But children's clothes are needed very badly, so it's all good:)

Went to GG's and she was all smiles, could be because she started her new pills (stronger) last night.
She told me she had lost her bottle of MIRALAX (a daily laxative). It is a big bottle and not easy to lose. Knowing she often puts unlikely things in the fridge, I checked there, and sure enough, there it was, sitting right beside the ketchup! I showed it to her before I moved it so she wouldn't think I was playing tricks on her. She looked at me and said "what on earth made you put that in there?" ! LMBO!

Had prayer in church, this morning for Jo, Kay, Mr. Dana's Dad, Denise's friends and for Lynne and Steve as they have a change in their lives and all my friends asking for prayer. I think God was really listening hard:)

Amazing Race is on...

Costume Lady said...

Oh, yes, Paula...forgot that GW is back on tonight! Yay!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

WANDA shame on you playing tricks LOL that was funny LOL

stronghunter said...

Oh my gosh, I missed the end of the game because George peed on the sofa again. He hides and sneaks out when I am not looking. I looked for him and could not find him, then Hunter told me he was in the process of peeing on the sofa again.

George is outdoors. Right now, I do not hear meows.

I came on the blog to find out what happened with the game.

stronghunter said...

Someone please tell me what happened in about the last minute and a half of the game.

Hoda said...

YAY!!! LYNN'S team won!!! ♥ you LYNN.

Went to learn about Classical music explained and listened to a few pieces. Wonderful afternoon.

Very good to see JO on here today and I hope you do not over do it JO. Love you...

It was an odd email JUDYE and I almost did not send it on but then again you work for them and I thought maybe you would like to know...I have not checked its content with Snopes so be prudent as you as questions...

Sorry about the animals messing in the house SHIRLEY and SANDI...

DANA very touching about your MOM and you and your DAD and COmmunion and Mass...Blessings.

Lolly said...

So sorry Shirley that you are having that problem with George. Laurel has had the problem with Isabelle but not on the sofa but things on the floor plus Joseph's bean bag. It is such a pain!! You love them but.....

We have stopped for the evening. We are in Hardin, Montana. Jack drove a long day. I thought he was going to keep it short!

Really scary about the deer this morning. It froze and then slipped while trying to scramble out of the way. Jack was laying on the breaks but you can only stop so fast with a trailer. We missed it by inches. I blessed its heart....Jack said I should bless his heart! lol

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, you have more mail

Lolly said...

Wanda...roflmbo! Why did YOU put that Miralax in the refrig?!!!! God bless GG! She is wonderful and you are a blessing to her!

Mema Jo said...

Got all the emails Paula and did forward them with your info - should be very helpful!

I wasn't watching the last few minutes Shirley but apparently the score could have been much higher. T-Bird or Loretta should be able to tell us.

I am getting ready to watch Good Wife
Hope we have a good season


Hoda said...

I would tend to agree with JACK LOLLY...I would bless his heart, he is the one who managed to stop a trailer and its weight behind him in time to not have a collision...were the roads icy is this why the deer slipped? Too early for icy roads I would think???

Lolly said...

No, road was not icy. I just think he slipped on the road because he was trying to hurry! Bet his heart is still racing!

Lolly said...

Jack is grilling hotdogs. Going to have chili cheese dogs. Jack just told me to get my buns hot. lol

stronghunter said...

Well, George is back in the house. I heard something outside that sounded like a cat fight in the backyard. Don't know what he might have come across out there, so George is confined to my room again. He came running when we called him, and was a bit fluffed up.

Poor Hunter thought I might be about to kill George earlier because I yelled and chased him around the house. Just venting frustration and trying to make George stop doing this stuff, not that it will work.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn watched the end of the game. It was a field goal. The score was 24-22.

stronghunter said...

Got so frustrated with George that I still have adrenaline flowing. I hope I will be able to relax enough to sleep. He is sleeping soundly on my bed. Danged cat.

JudyEddy said...

Ok facebook peeps GLO needs you to LIKE her page so she can be offical on facebook its DEX page

Dexterdoodles is the name of her page only three others on the blog are on it so help her out she just needs a few more maybe 7 I think

JudyEddy said...

ok back to GW I hit pause to send this

stronghunter said...

Tried to like Glo's page, but the computer won't let me. I have been having problems with this computer. Sometimes, I can't do messages or comments. It's one Will loaned me while he is fixing mine. The part came in and I think he is working on it tonight, so maybe I will have my own computer back soon.

stronghunter said...

Okay, I got in via cellphone and liked Dex's page.

Lynne2 said...

Hi all! Using Tracey's computer for a minute to check in. My own can get wireless, so for the time being I am without. Just wanted to let everyone know that the move went, well, not so great. But it's over now.

I have only skimmed the blog very quickly and see there has been some bad news for Dana's Dad. Prayers for him, and for Jo. And for Kay who should be hearing about her MRI tomorrow.

Thinking of you! Will hope to have what ever I need for internet soon. Love you all!

magpie said...

yes, and the kicker had already missed two earlier in the game...
yay for him..makes his family proud for sure

magpie said...

So glad you checked in, Lynne...
sorry the move was not so great, but glad it IS over...
and hope that every tomorrow is better than every yesterday

magpie said...

nice Lolly....what Jack said...
you two are an awfully cute couple

magpie said...

Sounds great, Wanda...
about your day,and the donations...
and the Miralax riddle...too funny

magpie said...

I'm done for the day...just about...
so...Good Night, Precious Pals...

I'm offering prayers for wellness and good, restorative, sweeeet sleep for all

God Bless Us, Every One

Lolly said...

Happy to see Lynne check in. I am heading to the shower, get comfy, and then read for a while. Knitted all day. Have not touched it since we arrived in Canada. I am 1/3 done. Oh, well.....

Night all! Prayers for healing being sent up!


stronghunter said...

Glad Jack was able to avoid hitting the deer, too, Lolly. I remember how much harder it is to stop when you are pulling a trailer. My husband sometimes complained about people who pulled in front of us without realizing that.

Mema Jo said...

Hello - The Good Wife was a decent show - I thought it was going to end with lots of loose ends.

I will soon get ready to bed down and get more rest. It has been a good day.

I'll say Good Night & I hope George purrs tonight! ♥

I love us♥
Anxious to hear from Kay tomorrow.
Prayers for all our needs
((((hugs)))) ♥

Skins won, Lynn ♥

NatureNut said...

Almost nighty-nite time. The Skins won, as you know.(Sorry, Judy ☺) I didn't see much of it, but Fubby was pushing buttons and when TB got ahead, he changed again---said Wash. kicker missed 3X!!!!!, but made the last one that counted.Wonder if they'll be going shopping???
Love the adventures of Jack & Lolly! Glad no harm done on the road!
Our leader gal at Chelsea got rear ended Fri. AM! Not real bad, but it's a Saab & if they can't get parts, they may total it.She felt OK at the time, but her lower back started to ache, so I told her to leave!Other insurance will pay for any medical. Always something.
Gotta do my nails and attempt to eat some soup. Had something soft, chewed on the other side, but finicky tooth does not want to touch another tooth on the bottom!
The gum is fine, so it's not like an abcess--must be a nerve thing. DUH

Pleasant Feather Dreams and Good Health Prayers to All ;>)

stronghunter said...

Sorry about moving problems, Lynne. Just hope all is well now and you are free of stinkbugs.

glo said...

Good night All. Dex's Fanpage is official now. I am glad to see some of you following him. All are welcome ya just never know what he might be up to. prayers for all. Just can't list anymore. There are lots of needs both human and furry. AOYP and SED. It's been a good day.

JudyEddy said...

I'm not much of a football fan But the Bucs game was blacked out so far in the past couple of years when they play at home its always blacked out even the home opening game people just can't afford it I guess My son is a big fan and hates it I guess they did show the last few seconds on the TV

OH guess what the Mayor of StPete was in a pink bra today because of the Dragon Boat race coming up he is supporting no pun intented the cancer team was just on the new and he looked mighty good in a pink bra LOL

JudyEddy said...

and I also enjoyed the Good Wife tonight I love the way it ended with the cop having to apologize to him

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

GLO I signed in under my daughters name Angie Taylor to make it your #30 I didn't tell her It doesn't hurt anything LOL I clicked not to show on her newsfeed so she not the wiser I am a bad mom LOL I know she won't mind either

Janet said...

quick good evening to one and all. trying to unwind a bit.

had a quiet morning, just the two of us (and furbabies). i spent the day sorting papers, doing laundry....mundane stuff. but it felt productive.

dinner and then bowling. we WON 2 games plus total pin count. :) we are in the 4th week already

the 11 yr old was a total grump tonight; she spent the night at her sisters. i don't think i can allow that any time soon as she doens't go to bed til the wee hours and then i have to deal with the tired aftermath. :( not fun.

calling it a night ya'll. hope you have pleasant dreams...ight, love, hugs, and healing to all.......

stronghunter said...

Time to say good night. Rest well, everyone. See you tomorrow. SED.

stronghunter said...

I know a lot about grumpy eleven-year olds, Janet.

Janet said...

stonghunter: the positive...they do eventually grow we just hang tough. :)

stronghunter said...

And hope for the best, Janet.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
I finally have a new, much nicer cordless mouse for my laptop, so I'm a happy camper!

Glad to see that Jo posted here yesterday! Jo, you are in my prayers and my heart! Hang in there!

Good to see Judie here too.

Glad that Lynne2 and Steve got moved. Hope things will settle down shortly.

Good news so far about Miss Emma.
We took her to the vet yesterday, and decided to be fairly agressive about finding out what's been going on with her. Had X-rays done, and thank God, she doesn't have pneumonia, and her insides are as beautiful as the outside of her! Her heart is fine, too. They took a blood sample, and I should get a call about various blood tests tomorrow (Monday). The vet gave us 10 days worth of Amoxicillin for her. She thinks that Emma has a throat infection.
We're giving her softer food for a few days to help with that. Emma seems better, except she's sleeping more than usual. Hope the rest will do her good. MTBR....

Shirley, hope that George will decide to use the cat box again! I know what a pain that can be.

Well, I'm pretty tired, so think I will call it a day. Prayers have been said for everyone, every creature, and every furbaby. Hope everyone sleeps well, with SED. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you!
♥♥Lynn--Yay, 'Skins!♥♥
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!!!

Costume Lady said...

I did enjoy the amazing race tonght, 2 of the players are Chippendale dancers, Jaymes & James...Wahoo!
The Good Wife continues to be interesting and a good storyline.

I also watched 666 Park Ave. not sure if I'm going to like that or not~
Has anyone watched VEGAS?

GG told me to get more sleep..."you don't look like yourself"! OH, MOI?
This woman is the light of my life, you never know what she is going to say...she thanked Gene for giving her a hearing aid...what? "YOU REMEMBER THE LITTLE GIRL AT CHURCH GAVE IT TO YOU AND YOU GAVE IT TO ME"! HUH??

Guess I'd better listen to her and get more sleep!

Good night my dears, sending love and prayers your way♥

Hoda said...



DanaMo said...

Monday, Monday...ugh!

Good morning everyone!

DanaMo said...

Hey Wanda, I watched the Amazing Race too, but fell asleep before the end. Actually, I don't know if I even made it halfway. I really need a DVR. I think I am going to check into that today. Monte might not be happy, but if I order it and get it what can he do? LOL! It's easier to ask forgiveness than permission! Ha

Sandi said...

Good Monday morning Dana and all my eagle friends! Turn those calendar pages - it's October!!! One month of school down! Ya know, I want to state for the record that, even though this is a challenging year with 18 kids on my caseload, and many of them are very needy, so far I really do like my kids! Most have great personalities and good parents who really care about them; they just wear me out!

OK, need to read back.

Sandi said...

Road trip to bethany Beach, eh? Bring it! We have plenty of extra room, but please come in the summer when I'm off, not during the school year. =)

Kay, hoping you get answers and a course of action today that will take away your pain!!

Shirley, is George stressed about the house? Is that what's causing the change in his behavior??

Lolly, safe travels - glad you missed the deer (glad for you and for the deer).

Andy, thanks for the good news on Emma!

Prayers continue for Dana's dad and for Jo.


JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

T-Bird said...

Good morning my friends.

T-Bird said...

Yah for the Skins and WVU.

T-Bird said...

Wow, we had a couple of really exciting games.

T-Bird said...

I hope everyone can make a good day this Monday morning.

Janet said...

Good morning early risers, and all those to awaken later.....raining here. Would love to sleep some more...*sigh* alak and alas, the best laid plans o' mice and men....

anywho...have a super day! :)

Mema Jo said...

Good 'Monday 1st day of October' morning to all! Nippy out there and sorta wet looking! The moon was brilliant last evening.

Jenny coming over today - Time to get started. I'll return this afternoon.


Lori O. said...

Good morning everyone!

JO, is today the day you get your results from your biopsy? More prayers keep comin'.

More prayers for KAY who we know gets her MRI results today.

I've been a crazy, prayin' woman since the weekend. Desperate needs for wonderful friends and family of friends.

I love you, ALL, each and every single one of you. ((BIG HUGS))


Costume Lady said...

Hey Lori! Our paths have crossed for a change...good to see you.

LOL, I was a crazy praying woman in church yesterday, asking for healing for so many friends that I expected the Lord to yell down, "hey, enough is enough"!
We do love our Momsters and family so very much, don't we?

Linda said...

Good Monday Morning!

Prayer warriors are crazy prayin' people!! That's a good thing. Count me in!

Prayin' for Kay's results today to reveal what is going on and prayin' for a resolution that free her from this awful pain!

Prayin' that biopsy of Jo's shows just a little piece of scar tissue or nothing we DON'T want to hear.

Prayin' for Sandi's Mom as she waits.....

Prayin' for DanaMo's Dad as they make some decisions and deal with what is next...

Prayin' that JACK and LOLLY have safe travels today.

Prayin' for Rachael and Robbie...

Prayin' for Lynne and Steve...

Yes, we do have many to pray for. But we are blessed to have one another, arent we?

Wishing you all a good day today!

Linda said...

Very relieved and thankful to hear Emma may just have a throat infection, ANDY. That is answered prayer!

glo said...

LOL I love your GG stories Wanda I miss my Dad. I cherished each and every day with him in his later years. I hope everyone is ready for all that Oct brings. It is one of my favorite months of the year. Somehow I am drawn outside to enjoy the crispness of the Fall air. Dex and i will find someplace to go today. Prayers for all and their furbabies too. On her our fur babies are indeed our family. It's pretty darn wonderful to know so many folks who really really LOVE their pets as their family. OK HAGD everyone.

CarolAnne said...

Morning all - October already??? WOW - where does the time go?

Sure wish praying had the double benefit of being a weight loss strategy. So much praying needing to be done.

May October be our turn around month for only good things to happen for everyone!

Chilly 39° this morning - want to snuggle with some hot cocoa, but there are things to be done.

For those with the "bad kitties", when one of our cats started using furniture (sofa & our bed--grrrrr), vet suggested we add a litter box in another place in the house. Actually said each level of the house should have a box for each plus one. We didn't go quite that far (would have needed 9 litter boxes), but the extra box seems to have corrected the issue.

Wishing everyone the best day they can have, with good medical reports, and more pain-free people.

Hugs to you all -- as T-bird says, hug someone and pass it on.

CarolAnne said...

Humph - no email comments box first time around.

But thats OK - thought of something else.

Janet - I think you said, among other things there were MATH issues at your house. Have you tried some of the online or video games that are math orientated. Makes it seem more like fun instead of learning.

Good day all!

Lolly said...

Good morning! I do hope you got some good sleep last night, Wanda! You do need to look like yourself! lol GG is precious! So glad you are enjoying her!

We ae heading out! Ready to hit the road. See ya when I see ya!


magpie said...

Good Morning and Good Day Wishes to Each and Every One

It is a beautiful October West Virginia Day....the kind of day that Lynn would have loved and commented on.....
fallen leaves on the porch notwithstanding!


magpie said...

Happy Trails Jack and Lolly...I've been loving the post cards !!

magpie said...

wide open landscape on a new fresh day, now to plug in some projects, of which there are many...

Hoping and praying for good outcomes on all these things we have on our Momster and Dadster plates, and those of our friends, families, and pets as well

ttfn xoxoxox

Costume Lady said...


I just got a call from a gentleman? saying that they are sending out NEW SOCIAL SECURITY CARDS. Needed to know your bank where they deposit your checks, he then reads the bank routing number, making you think he has your records in front of him...then asks you to give him the next set of numbers to verify that you are who he is speaking to. DO NOT GIVE THOSE NUMBERS TO ANYONE...that is your account number (some senior citizens, and others, don't know that). I asked him to repeat the numbers to me, but he said he needed to make sure who he was talking to. I asked him to at least read me the last 2 numbers...he hung up!

I reported this incident to our Social Security office. She hadn't heard this scam yet, but said to spread the word!

magpie said...

OK Wanda....very wise advice...there's a crook on every single corner and then some...

Your avatar, is beautiful....
(( Hugs ))

magpie said...



magpie said...

And you could have told him he did NOT want to mess with

Costume Lady said...

I would love to wring the necks of those trying to scam Senior Citizens, or anyone, for that matter!

Yes, Margy, that is a photo that I had not seen before...shows his dimple so well. If I could only hold him again~

glo said...

Thanks Wanda copying that info to Facebook status/ Ya just never know and seniors many of them are sort of sitting targets.

magpie said...

Heading least as far as the vehicle...going to do my level best to find that James the Wise Kidster after his has been Waaaaaay too long, and I am seriously Jonesin' for some Kid Fun !!
See you all later on....

Have a Good Afternoon and Evening...I hope I hope I hope...


JudyEddy said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds slo day on the blog everyone enjoying the day I assume Our skies are the bluest I have ever seen sooooo pretty I wish I had my camera would be a pretty sunset tonight but I lent it to Angie for Sat so I am without ;^(
87° right now feels like 92° really warm for the first of OCT and humid big time tropical

JudyEddy said...

WOW Wanda I have heard of those on the new down here SCAMS big time and our news team said that if you can think of it just tell them that you don't have the info and to call back in a day and get hold of the authorities They would love to have someone to work with to find these idiots that are riping people off But when it happens people don't think of it or want to take the risk

JudyEddy said...

Spent lunch hour at the park Odd one of the eagles was on the cell phone tower I had gone to Angies to drop of Qtips I bought for a project at Jordyn school and saw her or him and decided to just go to the park was nice and relaxing and I had my book with me tooo so got some more reading done With the new season of TV not much reading time and I must finish this book

JudyEddy said...

I saw the eagle at the sooner lake,OK cam today also posted a pic on the FB page Fred and Ethel are their names and the tree they are in is so dead they said wonder why eagle choose a dead tree its unstable big time

JudyEddy said...

well looks like I am gonna break the rule of so many post in a row no one posted in past 2hrs HMMMM ok gonna go eat a piece of rye bread with Munster cheese on it I am starvin

glo said...

Dex and i had a wonderful walk in the park this afternoon. I will have a fun video for Dexter's Doodles tomorrow i think ;-) It is a beautiful day here for sure. low 70's perfect. Trees are turning everywhere

Lori O. said...

Just checking in on everyone to
see if we've heard any results from anyone yet. Praying for the
best friends in the world!

JudyEddy said...

need a eagle fix Sooner has a eagle in it Fred or Ethel who know
sooner nest with eagle now and sure is windy

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


FYI 10/1/12 to all of Michael's (my son) friends & My FB family & friends:

Michael was flown to Shock Trauma University of MD Medical Center this afternoon after a fall from the ladder where he was painting. He will definitely be kept overnight - CT shows bruises and blood in the part of brain that controls Speech! He cannot speak at this time. He was flown by Helicopter from Frederick down to Baltimore. His father and brother are with him now.
PLEASE PRAY . I don't have any of his phone contacts - I am just praying the right people see this message. Jude - Jefferey - Jessie - Ronnie - Juanita - all of you.
I also have a FB page Jo Lennox - but I will update information on Michael's page. Love & Peace Jo ♥

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

When is the bad luck gonna stop for our BLOG???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Kay said...

Oh, my, mega prayers for JO's Michael !

Not the kind of news I hoped to find as I was just coming on board to tell all to relax about my pain. The MRI shows nothing new and the doc is pleased with the healing. No idea why I had a couple of nearly pain free and increased mobility days in August. Since the MRI looks good she feels the pain is to be expected after such a serious surgery. May have pain for about a year she says. She doubled the Neuronton Rx for seizures in the legs and hopes I can back down on the main pain killer, Lortabs,soon. The back brace is off and she wants me to walk without the cane as much as possible. "Keep moving" is the byword !

Haven't read back very far, but saw that WANDA did a great consumer's advocate job for us ! I refuse to give any info out over the phone, telling such people to mail me what they have--they never do and usually hang up without even taking down an address !

Thanks again for your prayers and concern. I've decided travel is out for me until summer of next year when the family will have four graduations to celebrate. Apparently it will take about that long to heal. Patience--a most difficult thing to accomplish !

I'm off to light some candles !


paula eagleholic said...

Jo, prayers indeed for Michael. Please keep us posted.

Kay, very glad to know that the healing is going well, even though there is still the pain. Patience patience is the word...I hope the double dose helps rid you of the pain.

DanaMo said...

Don't want to bring the blog down, but our news went from bad to worse. The cancer is not operable at this point because of the lymph node involvement. The tumor is about 3 cm and there are 2 on the vertebrae. Chemo. starts tomorrow, 9 weeks of treatment, rescan and see what happens.

DanaMo said...

Oh and poor Jo. I'm so sorry about Michael. I hope that everything turns out okay for him. I will pray for him tonight when I say my rosary.

Hoda said...

Oh Dear Gracious God!!!

PRAYERS for MICHAEL and do keep up posted...I literally lost my breath on that one...

I had to get up and walk around and stay away from the computer...DANA I am so very sorry about the no surgery part of the diagnosis for your DAD. God be with him and your family as he goes through treatment.

JO I hope you are feeling alright health wise but am concerned that you now have to deal with this extra worry on Michael and that ED is not with you but with him and his brother in the hospital...Please take care...


paula eagleholic said...

Judy, eagles like to nest in open spaces, thus we see them on cell towers and dead trees. They like that they can get in and out of the nest easily with their big wings.

paula eagleholic said...

DanaMo, glad they are starting chemo right away...knock that sucker out...stay positive for your Dad. Prayers.

Jewels said...

My prayers go out to Jo, Ed, Michael and the rest of the family!!! DanaMo, I am sorry to read that the cancer is not operable. pray that he can handle the chemo!! My prayers to all of you all as well. Oh all of this news is so devastating. I will be having many heart to hearts with our Lord!

glo said...

Prayers prayers prayers.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

((((((HUGS)))))) and prayers DanaMo.

((((((HUGS))))) and prayers for Michael and Mema Jo.

Only 3 more months and this not-so-nice year will be over.

I say that and then I am reminded of my baby boy's gorgeous wedding this year. It has not all been bad but hard to find gratitude sometimes.

I LOVE US!!!!!!!!!!

Lolly said...

We have stopped for the night at a park in Ft. Collins, Colorado. Beautiful evening to sit out and relax before we cook dinner.

First thing I see is that prayers are needed for Jo's Michael and continued prayers for Dana's dad and Jo.

Jo, keeping you and Michael in special prayers

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Just spoke with Mema Jo. It is still a waiting game with Michael. They are going to do another CT scan I think she said at 1 a.m. and go from there. If he has to have surgery, she is going there. Can't stop a momma from that.

I didn't leave any big marks in chewing her out, just a little nibble. I love her so much!

Sandi said...

Evening all - have caught up on blog news.

First read about Jo's Michael on FB - how terrible! Praying that the next CT scan shows some improvement and surgery isn't necessary. Also praying for strength for Jo and Ed and Michael's wife and children and all the Lennoxes as they wait for updates. UMMC is a great hospital for trauma like Michael's.

Dana, I'm sorry the news wasn't better for your Dad; prayers continue that the chemo can shrink the tumor enough to do surgery down the road. Stay positive - as you have said, your dad is a fighter and has a positive attitude and that's so important in cases like this.

Kay, good news that the MRI shows healing but it sure doesn't feel like healing when it still hurts, does it? Prayers for comfort and patience for you, to give your body the time it needs to recover. I hope Julie is making progress as well.

It's only Monday and I'm already tired! Early to bed for me. Goodnight all!

Judie said...

Dearest Jo,

My heartfelt prayers for the quick recovery of Mr. Blue-eyed Lennox. Love and hugs♥

Judie said...

DanaMo, wishing the very best for your Dad.

stronghunter said...


Just got back on my own computer, thanks to Will. Trying to read back. I saw the information about Jo's Michael. Oh my goodness. Prayers for their whole family.

Thanks for the words of caution, Wanda. So many people out there trying to cheat us out of our hard-earned money.

Spent a good part of today running around trying to deposit the check I got from the insurance company.

It was very complicated.

Prayers for you and your family, DanaMo.

JudyEddy said...

KAY so good to hear that the MRI was ok and maybe just what we all seem to get I know my sciatica acts up every know and then but them goes away for a while I hope this is the same for you or just a part of healing Will always be sending you healing thoughts as always

and JO I will be thinking of you and your son and hope the bleeding stops and he will be able to talk again

Its really been a rough year for all the peeps on the blog for family and friends

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

JudyEddy said...

getting ready to watch 666 from last nite I dvrd it I love a good horror and scary stuff I hope its ok

magpie said...

My heartfelt prayers for Jo's Michael and the entire family....large family it is...all wonderful people

My sincere thanks to Jewels for ringing me up with this difficult she would give me more time to pray, since she knew it would be awhile before I got home to read the news...

Prayers, Faith, Hope,
(( Hugs )) and Love

and the very same for DanaMo's Father and her entire family....


magpie said...

And for and about Kay...good to read that things seem to be trending as needed....but sorry that there will be continued pain...sounds like the doctor is ON it...

magpie said...

Thanks for bringing the Facebook post over from Jo...
and if not for Jewels seeking me out, that WOULD have been my first notice...and late tonight it would have been
God Bless You...

magpie said...

and for Glo...
sounds like a nice little outing with Dex...this is good and happy news also

and for me, well I had a great and very long overdue visit with James the Wise Kidster...he is still his same old delightful and wise self...
this visit put some joy in the bank for me....

magpie said...

quiet time for me and from me...

God Bless the Entire Health Care Team for Michael....
and for Jo also....and DanaMo's Dad... please bring their most powerful skills to the forefront for our dear loved ones....


stronghunter said...

Fort Collins, Lolly. My brother and his family live there.

Linda said...

Oh my...... JO, - Prayers for your dear son, Michael. Keep the faith that he is in good hands. Praying that the swelling is reducing so no further action is necessary.

Praying for you, too, Jo. I know your focus is on Michael now, but do take care of yourself, dear one.

Linda said...

DanaMo - so sorry for the news on your Dad. I will keep him, your Mom and your family in prayer as the chemotherapy begins. I know it won't be easy. Bless his heart.

Linda said...

KAY - Very relieved to hear your MRI results showed nothing new that would require more surgery. It is good that you are healing, but it sure is a long slow process.

Keeping you in thought and prayer as you continue to battle the pain and wait until your body heals...

Hoda said...

OK extra special prayers for JO'S MICHAEL's Cat Scan at one AM...Praying for his medical team too that they might do what is best for him.

JO do stay calm if that is sounds so stupid to type it I am not sure I am calm, but you know what I mean...your health is of UTMOST IMPORTANCE TO US DEAREST MEMA JO.

Mema Jo said...

I am a tough old bird

Here is the update: Ed and Charles are headed home from the hospital knowing that a phone call would be made to us if anything changes. Mike's sister Susan and Hubby are still there and will leave after Michael is situation in his 4th floor ICU Shock Trauma room.
Michael can shake his head yes - no to answer the staff's question. There is still bleeding BUT there is room for it plus some should it not stop soon. Another CT tomorrow 3pm will be done. He is probably going to be down there a couple days or so.
I love us and so appreciate all of you ♥ I do feel great physically and emotionally - there is a reason for all of this - It may be sometime before I know why ♥ Good Night ♥

magpie said...

God Bless You, are a tough old bird and the Greatest tough old bird, thank you so much for that additional news.....
You know we have this very
circle of prayers around you and the family ...
as you always have your LOVE around us

stronghunter said...

Saying good night and hoping it is really a good night for everyone on our blog.

SED, everyone.

magpie said...

Good Night, Precious Pals.....

God Bless Us, Every One

Hoda said...

If any of us are still up at one in the morning let us have a prayer circle...I will be here and will hold space for him and for JO and her family...

Hoda said...

OK JO says the cat scan is tomorrow at three... Let us have the Prayer circle for then and Yes JO you are a tough old bird and we love you and ask you to look after yourself too...I am glad he understands and shakes his head yes and no...good sign...Safe trip to ED and CHARLES

glo said...

Lots of prayers tonight as the day closes. "God Bless the Entire Health Care Team for Michael....
and for Jo also....and DanaMo's Dad... please bring their most powerful skills to the forefront for our dear loved ones... Amen!!!

NCSuzan said...

Dear Jo, am keeping you in my heart and with my spirit and now am adding Michael there too. I stand with Margy that the medical personnel is at the peak of their profession in all that they do with you, Michael, Dana's dad and everyone else who needs care.

Lolly said...

Scan is at 3 tomorrow. That is 1 the time I am on right now. Will be in prayer at 1.

I have been reading and fell asleep. Jack is on the other comuter monitoring the football game as well as the baseball game. Both not going well.

Jo, you have my admiration and love. You are a tough old bird. LOL With a heart of gold!!!! Love you!

Heading to bed, dear friends!! And as I lay my head down there will be prayers for Jo, Michael, Kay, Lynne, and Dana's Dad.♥


Hoda said...

{{{{{I ♥ US}}}}}

DANA'S DAD, JO,MICHAEL, KAY, special prayers come your way...

Prayers for all in need and our critters.

Prayers of Gratitude for all that is also with ease and health and joy...we thank you Dear God.


See you in the morning.

Hoda said...

Special Prayers for SANDI'S MOM too...

Costume Lady said...

Another night with a heavy heart.
Saying extra special prayer for Jo's Michael. For those of you who don't know him...he is a very sweet person who would do anything for anyone. He recently went to Haiti to help those poor souls pull their lives back together. And now, we pray for him to get his life pulled back together. The world sure would miss his goodness~

And we are praying for our very special friend, Jo, that her biopsy shows nothing but a big, loving heart♥

Dana's Dad, let him be put into remission with the chemo treatments, and be with his family, ease their fears.

KAY...we are grateful that nothing new was found from her test, but pray that her pain will leave her very soon~

We ask this in Your Son's name...Amen

Costume Lady said...

Remembering SANDI'S Mom as she awaits her surgery and pray that she has peace within while waiting.

Prayers for my own Mother, that she will find relief for her pain and enjoy living, once again~

Prayers for all others who need them.

Lori O. said...

WOW, such heavy reading this morning. My heart is with all of you who are going through traumatic situations now.
Prayers for Michael, DanaMo's Dad and Kay that they will be healed and pain free. Amen.

Lori O. said...

And, of course, prayers for our Matriarch JO. My thoughts and prayers are with your during this trying time. ♥ I love your faith!

DanaMo said...

Good morning. Praying Jo for your Michael.
Kay, hoping you will be pain free soon.

Feeling better this morning. Dad called later last night and told me "his plan". God he is so strong!! I hope that I can be just as strong and positive for him as he is. He is one determined man. He refuses to think of anything but beating it again, against the odds. God I pray that he is right!

DanaMo said...

Thank you everyone. Your support truly helps me get through the day. Knowing so many people are supporting us through their thoughts and prayers.

Sandi said...

Good rainy Tuesday mroning my eagle freinds!

My last thoughts before falling asleep and my very first thoughts when I opened my eyes this morning were for healing for Michael, and Dana's dad, and Robbie & Rachel, and for good news for Jo from her biopsy. I've been part of this group for a little less than a year but you all have become a very special part of my life.

Dana, glad your dad is ready for a fight!

HAGD all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds
Will be keeping JO you and your son close to heart and thoughts today and DANAMO sounds like your Dad is also one tough cookie like JO is one tough bird Being strong at this time will help him I am sure and CANCER SUCKS as we all say

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, JUDYE, SANDI and DANAMO!

Janet said...

Good morning:

DANAMO and MEMAJO, COSTUME LADY; continued healing energies/thoughts coming your way...and to all in need....

Tuesday morning. highs will be mid 60's today. was a rainy day yesterday; very nice really.

yoga was great last night. i so needed that time and space. my friend who began going with me around a month ago....she had had knee surgery last year, June 8 and nearly died-literally. her blood pressure plummeted and it left her with a variety of physical and even mental issues....she was out of work for 6+ months.....i give her massge and reiki but knew she needed a way to begin to help herself. well she has fallen in love with yoga. get this: she hasn't bent her knees in 3 YEARS and last night I saw her (with my own eyes) bend her knees!!!!
i was in tears. how far she has come. we cried together. i watched to walk down stairs in a normal mode, no shuffling, no hesitation! even now, blind in one eye and still some stiffness, one month of yoga has lifted her spirits, freed her mind, and has begun to free her body of some of the problems!

will be thinking /holding each of you close in my heart many of us/you are facing difficult/scary/ sad things and i am honored to be a part of this group and to be able to add my energies to yours for healing and comfort...

blessed be to one and all. light/love/smiles and hugs....have a good tuesday.............

glo said...

Good morning all. Just needed to stop by here before coffee and dog treats today. I too am starting my day with lots of prayers for lots of needs on here. Saw the photos of Michael that MeMa Jo posted on FB. I liked his shirt that said Ten tips to Success and then in the middle in a circle are hands folded in prayer. I will hold that thought for everyone today indeed.

grannyblt said...

GM all. Just read back on blog for details...all I can say is PRAY and think POSITIVE thoughts.

magpie said...

Oh, Glo...thanks for bringing that "visual" here in words, of Michael's T-shirt....

Agree with Wanda completely...Michael is a stellar individual, will and has done so much for so many.....

Good Morning Eagle Pals...


magpie said...

morning grannyblt,Lynne1 xo

magpie said...

Lovin' Lori and Marilyn on the radio this morning
Lori says: "You might need your umbrell today,
unless you don't mind getting wet ! "

I needeed that little spin on things!

thanks Lori, hope your ride home is not too soggy !!

magpie said...

Nice, very nice, healing story regarding your friend, Janet...

So good you could help her in the ways you have.... ♥ ☺

magpie said...

I'm missing my DOUGH-MAKING coach this morning, and that would be

but I'll give it a try in the meantime...

Best of the Best Wishes today,
I'll be IN on that prayer effort around 3, thanks Hoda...

xoxo (( All Day Hugs ))

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Oh, my--prayers indeed for Jo's Michael, and for DanaMo's Dad and for Kay. Prayers continue for Jo, too!

Didn't hear from Emma's vet yesterday. Bet the lab didn't get the results to her. Will probably hear results today.

Praying for everyone here this morning, just in case I missed something important. Will check back in later today. Hope everyone has a good day.

Janet said...


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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...