Friday, August 17, 2012


Friday thread.


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magpie said...

Thank you so much, Steve,
Hope you have a GREAT week-end


grannyblt said...

Another feather for Margy!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

DanaMo is in with the puppies!

Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread and thanks Margy for the call over!

Back from the vet with Bandit. The bad news is he DOES have some new bladder stones. The good news is they are small so they could dissolve. The vet agrees with our decision to not have surgery. I am taking him off the prescription dry dog food that he has been on for the past 4 months to improve his cognitive function and putting him back on the homemade dog food he had been on for some time. He wouldn't eat the dry food with water added to it and, since it's dry and he drinks very little water, the pH of his urine has changed, causing the crystals/stones. The homemade food has water from cooking the rice and the veggies plus I add extra warm water when I serve it so he gets a lot more liquid in his diet. Hopefully this will dilute his urine and the crystals and stones will dissolve. Need to catch more pee in 2 weeks and see if there is a change. All in all, better news than it could have been.

Off to the beach! Later!

Sandi said...

Oops - forgot to check the email box.

Mema Jo said...

Good on you, Margy!

Hello grannyblt!

No special plans today - gd and gs with their 2 girls down at OC sunrise on the beach renewed their wedding vows. This is their 10th anniversary. She has some pics on FB and they are beautiful.

I need to go back to the older thread and see how everyones' morning is going.

Mema Jo said...

I just checked and 4 gals are in the pen - but none looks like Dana
I'll go check again!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

She is sitting on the right side in front of the sign.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

She has on black.

Mema Jo said...

Whoo hoo! Dana and Annemarie and a friend are there - getting crowded in the pen and cam is a little out of focus.

Thanks Sharon for the heads up!

Mema Jo said...

Now the Puppy cam is picture perfect! Dana is laying with the doggies! I think there are too many humans in the pen -

T-Bird said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve.

T-Bird said...

Great to see some eagle peeps at the puppy cam!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning Thelma! ♥

JudyEddy said...

Just came from the PostOffice she said give it a total of 21 days being its on the other side of Canada Jeez whizz why didn't they tell me that instead of 6-10 if it were reg letter then 6-10 days but being its a package can be as long as 21 days and there is no way to track domestic mail i didn't register it or confirmation on it

Mema Jo said...

Puppy cam - there is a Puppy Pile
All 6 are taking a nap in a heap! Humans tired them out you know ♥

JudyEddy said...

I think Danamo is one of the humans she said something on FB that she was going today to see them

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

OH just read that you all knew that oh well should read before I comment but I wanted to tell ya alll that I did go to the PO and what I found out Now I wish they would have told me and I wouldn't have had to ruin the surprise

We went for breakfast and then to the park then to the PO and then went and watched the horse being trained I don't think they liked us being there the people that is because the three horse keep running over to see us in the corner so we left after the third time of them running over there to us

Mema Jo said...

Dana gets lots of Doggie kisses!

Mema Jo said...

I will be back in a little while! ♥

glo said...

Good morning all. Have webinar again today so not surfing much at all. I do want to say I will be praying for Bandit to respond to the new diet and added fluid. I so understand the choices we make as out critters age. We make awfully important decisions for more than one life. Often I wish Dex and i could have a chat but I have to just trust myself to make the right decision for both of us. I sure hope Hoda gets her package soon. It will left her spirits. Hugs to all who need a smile on their hearts and their face. Look around and be blessed.

magpie said...

It's's the thought and the effort that counts....
the outcome will still have the very same results....
Hoda will enjoy this lovely gift when she gets it, and...I think your angst will disappear soon as her package arrives, and hopefully, way before that !! we all know how long things can take getting to Hoda's get ready now for Christmas !!

Mema Jo said...

I sent Hoda a package with the Nest Visit trinkets that we all had. I know it didn't take that long before Hoda received it. It was also in a manilla
envelope - Hubby had taken it to PO to get the correct postage. I know you are upset with the delivery of her book, Judy but you were able to get her the link online! My offer still stands as far as sending Hoda my copy whenever you give the word. ♥

JudyEddy said...

Jordyn is down for a nap and JO we will have to be patient with the book deleivery I guess so don't send her your book she will have two then and I do have the link saved in my eamil Odd the links that I saved in my favorte bar takes me to make a book

Odd that I can't get a trace on domestic mail
I wish they would have told me that at the time I sent it Live and learn I guess We are never to OLD to LEARN I keep telling myself

JudyEddy said...

the lady at the po explained that domestic mail can take longer because it can be tied up in customs thats why they said 21 days or longer she said I hope not longer and being its was a package it may take longer instead of a envelope

JudyEddy said...

Cool image of the day for NASA the shuttle come nose to nose on moving day
Shuttle come nose to nose on this movind day

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Oh Shirley, that is too funny!!

stronghunter said...

Well, here you are. I was posting away on the old thread.

So here is what I had to say as I was wondering where everyone was. I saw Margy's post and somehow I thought I was on the new thread. Oh well:

stronghunter said...
Oh my, Janet. I did not know about sharpening ice skates. I am sure lots of people don't know about that.

Friday, August 17, 2012 12:16:00 PM
stronghunter said...
Must go find food.

Friday, August 17, 2012 12:16:00 PM
stronghunter said...
Hunter Story

A couple of days ago, Hunter and I were discussing his XBox games. I made the comment that I could see some good things, that some parts of the games are educational. Hunter was horrified. He insisted that there is nothing educational about them.

Friday, August 17, 2012 2:02:00 PM

JudyEddy said...

So happy to see you on the correct thread Shirley when they came in my mail box I didn't notice the day of the week shows how observant I am LOL I am listening to thunder in the distance a rumbling we saw lightening on the way back from lunch it seems to be going around us today

And that is a funny story remember games are for fun and if you see anything that hints of education you must ignore it don't tell them something is good for them then they won't like or want it LOL Thats just the way kid are huh LOL You ought to write a Hunter book of his saying and antics

Kay said...

Good afternoon and thanks to SHIRLEY for starting me off with a good laugh over Hunter's latest hilarious remark. Hmmm, reverse psychology is a must with this delightful boy ! Guess the neighbors cats are just doing what comes "natchurly". I don't think there are many fences/walls that will keep bunnies out since they are burrowing champs ! Oh, and the doctor doesn't yet know about the weight loss--I see her again on 9/10.

HODA, thoughts are with you as you seek answers to your physical problem and as you cope with missing your USA family. So happy to know you had a good visit with them, however.

SANDI, hope going back to homemade food does the trick for Bandit ! I can tell you Malcolm loves you for passing along the recipe and his family thanks you !!!!

Wish I'd seen DANAMO in the dog pen ! What a kick !

Thinking of all with love and prayers. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

stronghunter said...

Maybe I will have time to write a book someday, Judy.

In time Hunter will figure out that he does not have to disagree with me about everything. I might be more inclined to let him play a game that has some value.

Kay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kay said...

Had to do a delete. My message stalled and the only way I could get it going was to hit post again.

stronghunter said...

Hunter is very bored today because he is on XBox restriction. He asked if he could play a game on my computer. I told him that playing a game on the computer is not that different from playing XBox, so he had to check with his mom. She said no.

Don't think I am supposed to give up my computer just because he is on XBox restriction.

stronghunter said...

Looking at Mars pictures on TV right now. I am not bored!

stronghunter said...

Kathryn is on the way home to take Hunter to school for business day. Good that school starts next week!!

stronghunter said...

Reading back--I did not tell Hunter he had to check with his mom. He figured she might say yes and called her on his own. He was hoping I might get overruled. Nope.

JudyEddy said...

I sent the pix to Kay of DanaMo and her daughter in the kennel through email

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

anyone else with out FB let me know and I will be glad to send them tooo just don't know besides Kay and Magpie that don't have it Jordyn didn't fall asleep till late so will go wake her in a bit it was 130 when she fell asleep we were out later than normal and I had a belly ache when we came back so she got to a nap later

JudyEddy said...

I just love the one pix of Danamo getting a kiss from the one puppy right on the nose I can smell his puppy breath from here LOL and they are laying on a ice blog must me hot looks like they are falling asleep on it BRRR

stronghunter said...

Kathryn came to pick Hunter up--she was caught in traffic and was in a hurry, so she was outside blowing her horn. Hunter never did put on his shoes. Well, I guess I only told him once or twice.

He went off to get his shoes and I went to get his shot info to give to Kathryn. Hunter did not come back. The kid cannot walk by the television without stopping, even when Mom is waiting in the driveway.

Red said...

Good afternoon eagle friends. Hope everyone is having a great day.
It's Friday and Diane treats me to Dinner out on Fridays for cooking for her all week. Looking forward to Chinese tonight.

Mema Jo said...

Hello Red - hope you are doing well.
Enjoy dinner out this evening! ♥

Lolly said...

Our trip to the Dallas World Aquarium was a success. Have had a quiet afternoon at home. Well...sorta quiet.

Tonight is pizza and home movie night. Bought the boys a new movie "Diary of a Wimpy Kid". The books are some of Joseph's favorites.

Tomorrow we mow and go to a movie. Going to let Joseph learn to use the riding mower. He can mow the front lawn, just going in circles. He mows at home, but using the riding mower is a whole new thing.

magpie said...

...And the Adventures of Camp Hawkwood continue....
sounds like a really really nice round of adventures for everyone, Lolly

to borrow an expression from a Magnificent Momster:

"Good On You" [and Jack!]


magpie said...

...And the Adventures of Camp Hawkwood continue....
sounds like a really really nice round of adventures for everyone, Lolly

to borrow an expression from a Magnificent Momster:

"Good On You" [and Jack!]


magpie said...

Yay for Red...and evening out, no cooking, no dishes !

Raining steadily here, just a wee bit of thunder every once in awhile

Hoda said...

You are the BEST JO and JUDYE and C/A

I went to the post office today after I went to the lung stress test.

IT IS HERE!!! THE PACKAGE ARRIVED JUDYE!!! Customs had it for a while, they do that when ever there is a monatery value declared. The post office people did not think it was late they thought it was good time!!!

I made a cup of tea and sat with it and how beautiful work C/A does. Thank you very much C/A and JUDYE and you my BLOG FAMILY for your love and your support!!! There was a handout in there with a tall chap saying he was me in disguise!!! LOL!!! He is too tall and too thin ;););)!!! I love the humour and the good cheer and the love that comes with it you see why I started with you are the BEST?

Hoda said...

The lung stress test went very well.
I went from 81 to 97 to 105 and she seemed impressed. I blew in the machine and the computer took in the information.

I said that means I do not have Asthma...she stopped for a while and had a concerned look on her face and she said yes you have Asthma ane I have to watch when I have a cold as it will flare up. She gave me a chart to follow of what to do and how to manage it and it makes sense to me. She thinks I am well and to follow on inhaler usage when needed and to increase back to the two inhalers when I get a cold and to not allow it to get to the stage where my breathing goes off or have tightness in my chest...I do not have any of that now. She said I had the best kind of Asthma if I had to have it...this is manageable.
So it is all good...Praises and blessed be blessed be blessed be...

JudyEddy said...

▄▄▄▌▐██▌US PO delivered the book ROLL!!!!!!!!!Yeah

.♥♥♥YOU ARE SO♥♥♥.

.♥ ♥ WELCOME♥♥.


JudyEddy said...

AND THOSE EXTA laminated pictures is whats on my blog that I made the newpaper etc and still on my blog if you ever want to send the link to someone it will be on there for ever

JudyEddy said...

Good news on your lung test Keep up the good blowing LOL

Hoda said...

You are a dear and generous friend JUDYE...Sorry you felt it was delayed...sometimes customs keep things up to ten days...they did not do that this depends on how busy they are and where the package enters Canada...
I love my book and I thank you ever so very much...I laughed when I saw the article and the button and the disguise...LOL!!!
I live in an out of the way place and it is a small place so this is why it takes longer than you are used to...
They were happy I was happy at the post office because I said "YAY IT IS HERE!!!" Friendly people.

JudyEddy said...

I sent you a email with the pic from the blog with the link to the blog and the link to the book in case someone wants to look at the pix or someone wants to buy a book also Jo bought one tooo as you already know I think the link will work for a year not really forsure I know the first one she made of Lynns no longer works only the Hedgie one does thats why I think maybe a year Maybe CA can answer that being I am uncertain

JudyEddy said...

I am so ecstatic that you got it sooooo happy for you and I loved doing it for you

JudyEddy said...

I just love the way the book turned out also

JudyEddy said...


.♥ ♥ THANK YOU ♥ ♥.

.♥ ♥ CAROLANNE♥ ♥.

JudyEddy said...







paula eagleholic said...

Howdy all!

Been busy as all get out this week! Mowed last tonight and finished tonight in the rain.

Staying home this weekend to help Stud out with sorting stuff and packing. Will go to Paradise next weekend, Michael and Laura are coming down then.

Hoda, so happy you got your book. JudyE and CarolAnne are the best!

Missing some folks on here who haven't paid a visit lately!

Kay, glad to see you here more often!

DanaMo and puppies on the!

Did the AEF eaglets finally fledge?

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, enjoy the boys and camp!

JudyE, enjoy your staycation...I could go for one of those!

paula eagleholic said...

Caught up on the blog...even though I don't always comment on everything, I am thinking of everyone on here!

Going to pick up some Chinese here too and head up to Stud's for a late dinner....will try to check in over the weekend!

Hoda said...

JUDYE great suggestion to bring the NASA photo of Earth from Mars here so MARGY could see it. I just figured out how to do that and it worked. MARGY there is a picture for you to see on my blog...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Another momster prayer miracle. I just spoke to my friend, Lori, on the phone. She is still on a ventilator but it is through a trach and she has a speaking valve. She said she is getting better everyday. God is good all the time.


Hoda said...

So PAULA you will not be in Paradise you will be in Stud's Paradise? That sounds funny!!!I hope you understand what I am asking his place on the beach not your place on the beach???

Hoda said...

PRAISES SHAR!!! Glad to hear Lori is better.

grannyblt said...

Good news today for the eagle momsters !!! SED everyone.

Janet said...

good evening friends:

STRONGHUNTER: i'm so glad i wasn't the only one who didn't know.... i felt really dumb when she said that. i guess i could have asked at the just never occurred to me. i figured new skates would come ready to go. oh well, live and

SANDI: glad the news was not as bad as you had anticipated. keep on loving bandit and enjoy every minute with him. our furbabies are never here long enough, are they?

HODA: my oldest daughter was diagnosed with asthma when she was 5. it is indeed manageable, but can also be difficult. i am sure you will listen to your body, your doctor and take good care of yourself.

Wishing I could go back to Yoga in the a.m. however, I have a Reiki share to facilitate. I have, however, adjusted my final 3 Reiki shares to afternoon so that starting in September I should be able to attend Yoga more often!

We are going on the boat tomorrow. My grandson, Jack, will be 5 on Monday and he wants to celebrate on the boat and go tubing. It is only supposed to be in the low 80's so it should be perfect! :)

Then we shall do pizza & cake at the house here. :)

I hope everyone has a peaceful night sleep. See you in the a.m.

Light,love, hugs and smiles to all.....

Mema Jo said...

Camp Hawkwood - shirts are really cool for 2012 - Lolly & Jack, the boys are blessed to have you!

Sharon - Great news about Lori - I'll keep praying!

Paula - The 3 juvies all fledged but 1
of them landed in the lake - was retrieved and put back in Hack Tower - It was noticed the one talon was not being lowered - he was taken out and talon was bandaged - it may be 4-6 weeks and release date will be announced. I was glued for about 2 days - very interesting & I loved seeing them fledge. Lots of videos when you have the time.

Mema Jo said...

Hip Hip Horray for the Postal Service

Hoda, I just knew that Judy's and Carol Anne's book would 'hit the spot' and warm up your heart! Don't you just love the picture on the front of that beautiful Dragon Lady? ♥

Mema Jo said...

Lynne, Linda, Lorie and Loretta,where are you gals hiding?

stronghunter said...


Lynne has been on Words with Friends today. Maybe she will pop over here too. Actually, Lori has too. Maybe they will both pop over.

Kathryn and Hunter had a good visit at his new school. Middle school should be an interesting experience for him.

We may have a baby raccoon here on Sunday. Heidi is supposed to bring one back from Radford, then Kathryn is supposed to transport it to Lorton for Susan. Must be a tiny baby. Susan told Kathryn she will have to feed it and make it poop. Oh my, I am glad Susan gave the duties to Kathryn. I do know they bottle-feed the baby raccoons kitten milk.

We went to the pet store the other day and Hunter announced that he wanted a ball python and a scorpion.

Now, I have taken in a lot of critters in my time, but I do not consider pythons or scorpions appropriate house pets. Hunter said that if his mother lets him have them, then it is just too bad. Hmmm, it is my house.

Do we think Hunter might just be testing the limits and trying to see what I will do?

Mema Jo said...

Lights Out at the puppy pen
Some of them don't look sleepy

Shirley I think Hunter may just be talking to hear himself talk. Maybe trying to be assertive - however, we know Shirley rules in her roost! ♥
The best thing is how you handle it by Not arguing the point - just taking a wait and see position and by not rubbing it in when You Are Right ♥

Mema Jo said...

These pups of Holly's have the darnest cutest faces. So loveable.. I bet Dana dreams about them tonight!

stronghunter said...

So true, Jo. I remember a few teenagers in class that I sometimes pretended I did not see when they were picking up a book they threw on the floor when they didn't get their way.

He actually brought the issue up when Kathryn got home, but we all know Kathryn ain't gonna buy pythons and scorpions. Hunter knows it too.

stronghunter said...

They are cute puppies.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley, is the tree you planted doing well?

Mema Jo said...

I think I hear that Sandman - I wonder where his keeper has been ??

Good night and sleep well my friends
Prayers for all our needs
I ♥ Us
I Miss Lynn! But I have happy thoughts of my friend!


stronghunter said...

My trees are doing fine, Jo. I have been watering them.

stronghunter said...

Time for me to say good night. Please rest well, everyone. I will see you tomorrow.

Hoda said...

Thanks you...

The book is indeed spectacular THANK YOU VERY MUCH JUDYE and C/A...

Hoda said...

Good night all.

I ♥ US


Costume Lady said...

Glad Hoda finally got her long-awaited book. It is a wonderful book, thanks to Carol! JUDY, how special you are to send the book to Hoda!

Good night friends, sleep tight,
sending along my love and prayers♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

It was slightly cooler here today, I think, but the humidity was still way too high. No rain to get rid of it here. Emma and I didn't do much today. I got another load of laundry done, and Emma napped nearly all day.

Ken and I went out to dinner, and got some grossery shopping done.
We are meeting Sis-in-law for breakfast tomorrow. Ken has to take one of the cars to get smogged first thing in the morning.

Shar, SO glad to hear of your friend Lori's improvement! God is indeed good all the time! Prayers for Lori continue from this roost.

Sandi, glad that the news about Bandit wasn't as bad as it could have been. Hope the change in food helps him. Prayers continue!

Hoda, so glad you've received your book! CarolAnne and JudyE, thank you for a job well done!

Shirley, Hunter just cracks me up!
You MUST write a book someday! I must say I agree that pythons and scorpions are not appropriate house pets! Oh, my!

Well, it's getting late, so guess I'd better call it a day. Have said prayers for everyone, especially those needing healing, and for every creature. Prayers for our furbabies, too! The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Sleep well, all, with SED! God bless, and goodnight. I love all of you!
♥♥Missing Lynn♥♥
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!!!

magpie said...

It's the Morning, It's The Day...

and a Beauteous Day It is:

Happy Birthday Wishes to Two Marvelous Momsters:

and Candy

Hope your day is filled to the brim with ALL your favorite things !


magpie said...

.. And Good Morning Eagle Pals

Hope today is YOUR Day too....

Beautiful WV Morning here allrighty!

magpie said...

Pretty neat,
the Birthday Ladies' names Rhyme:
Sandi and Candi

AND, there are both near the Ocean !

Have read up and caught up I think, am very happy to read of the improvement with Sharon's friend Lori,
YAY on Hoda receiving THE BOOK!
Bravo JudyE and CarolAnne, and for Hoda for making the Memories !

And now it's time for me to get ready for one more work day.

Best Wishes for a Good Day, Every One, filled to the brim with YOUR favorite things also
xoxo ttfn

magpie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...

and helloooo double-posting laptop...

Sure hope Andrea gets some relief from the California Heat soon....

okay, 'bye !

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

Sandi said...

Good soggy Saturday morning my eagle friends!

Hoda, so glad you finally got your book!!

Judy, it doesn't matter that the book wasn't a secret; what matters is the thoughtfulness of the idea you and Carol Anne had! You should feel very happy!

Sharon, what wonderful news about your friend Lori! Prayers that her recovery continues!

Kay, good to see you on the blog again yesterday! I'll be happy when you're back to posting regularly!

Janet, I wouldn't have known that new skates had to be sharpened either, if that makes you feel any better! Who would have thought that something brand new wasn't ready to use right away??

Thanks for all the well-wishes for Bandit. He seems happy to be back on his homemade food, even though he didn't seem to mind the prescription food. We are keeping him contained in one room so if he pees indoors, we know where to look for it but haven't had any indoor accidents in the past few days. Of course, we're taking him outside a lot more too. The problem will be when I go back to work on the 27th and there's no one here during the day to take him out. Hopefully the stones will dissolve and the peeing problem will dissolve as well!

Thanks also for the birthday wishes, here on the blog and on Facebook!

Raining here in Bethany right now - no tennis for me this morning. Hope it clears up this afternoon so the kids aren't stuck indoors. Have a great day all!

T-Bird said...

You have a great day too Sandi.

Janet said...

Saturday! GOOD MORNING! and.....



SANDI: will bandit use pee pee pads? we put them down every night for luke . some nights he can hold and and others, well, he can't. it makes clean up much easier in the a.m.

Absolutely gorgeous Sat. a.m. here. Cool, clear....perfect morning. Busy day ahead so I must skedaddle for now.

Thanks everyone. At least I now know I wasn't the only one who didn't think about sharpening skates. Yikes. What else will we learn! BTW her test for Beta level is this Thursday..... I hope she passes. Her instructor said she does everything fine except stopping. So I will pick up her skates and take her on Wed to practice.....fingers crossed, I SOOOOOOOO want to give her those costumes!

HAVE A SUPERB DAY ALL! hugs and love, light and smiles to all, and to all whom you meet. For everyone is in need of some extra of each!

Sandi said...

Janet, Just talked to my sister whose 10 year old daughter has been skating for 4 years and her 8 year old son is an ice hockey player. She said she always buys Madeline's and Michael's skates at the rink, even though they cost more b/c the sharpening is included in the price. She also said to tell you that, if Livvy's skates are leather, you can take them to the shop at the rink and ask them to "heat-mold" them to Livvy's feet so they fit better. Again, they'll charge you for it but it may be worth it.

Also, I don't think I could get Bandit to understand the concept of peeing on a pad after 14 years of going outside! The room we are keeping him contained in has hardwood not carpet, so clean-up is easy if/when he has an accident.

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday Sandi and Candy!!

Glad that Bandit is doing okay. Hoping that he will be fine when you return to work.

Hope the weather cools down for you, Andy.

Heidi just came by to pick up a cat carrier to bring the raccoon back in. She may return tonight with the little guy, or maybe tomorrow.

JudyEddy said...

Good Rainy Stormy dark morning eagle buds so much for yard work huh

♫♪[̲̅̅H̲̅][̲̅̅A̲̅][̲̅̅P̲̅][̲̅̅P̲̅][̲̅̅Y̲̅] [̲̅̅B̲̅][̲̅̅I̲̅][̲̅̅R̲̅][̲̅̅T̲̅][̲̅̅H̲̅[̲̅̅D̲̅][̲̅̅A̲̅][̲̅̅Y̲̅]♫♪

♫♪[̲̅̅H̲̅][̲̅̅A̲̅][̲̅̅P̲̅][̲̅̅P̲̅][̲̅̅Y̲̅] [̲̅̅B̲̅][̲̅̅I̲̅][̲̅̅R̲̅][̲̅̅T̲̅][̲̅̅H̲̅[̲̅̅D̲̅][̲̅̅A̲̅][̲̅̅Y̲̅]♫♪

JudyEddy said...

Today is a bitter sweet day Its one of my best friend birthday and also the day one of my best friend passed away 3yrs ago

Mema Jo said...

Good morning my friends

What a special day to have 2 lovely ladies to wish a special day celebrating YOU
Sandi and Candy - Have a great day & a year ahead of happiness and love

You two have a lot in common as Margy pointed out - especially that both you are headed back to the caring of the children in the school house! ♥

Mema Jo said...

Shirley I hope the baby raccoon captures Hunter's heart and he forgets all about pythons and scorpions ♥

Costume Lady said...


I don't have much time to spend on the 'puter today, but had to take the time to wish:

♫.•*¨`*•..¸♫.•*¨`*•..¸♫.•*¨`*•..¸♫.•*¨`*•..¸♫HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO
CANDY AND SANDI♫.•*¨`*•..¸♫.•*¨`*•..¸♫.•*¨`*•..¸♫.•*¨`*•..¸♫
One of my oldest and one of my newest friends on the blog♥♥

Costume Lady said...

Going back into the church to finish up the NEW CLOSET.
Hope your day is a good one♥

stronghunter said...

Yes, Jo, me too. I kind of think he might be afraid of the scorpions and pythons. Hunter likes to play mind games with me.

stronghunter said...

Hunter and Kathryn are off to football practice today. He has his first game on Tuesday. I will plan to go to that.

stronghunter said...

I was very amused the day he was talking to one of the other kids on XBox. The kid was saying how much he does not like to read, and Hunter was explaining how reading is important and that if you want a driver's license, you need to be able to read the manual.

It was almost like a previous conversation I had had with him, but he was taking my side this time.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - they are full of surprises. They retain more then what we sometimes give them credit for ♥

Almost lunch time and I need to get moving away from my computer for a while.


JudyEddy said...

Rain rain go away enough already, but my curtains and down and washed and floor is mopped in the kitchen Watching a interesting documentary on bulling and Pres Clinton was on also he was bullied when he was younger good show on E! Investigates Bulling of Celebrities ...Can listen while you clean

JudyEddy said...

Tell Hunter that most people get tired of the snakes and that is why Fl has such a issue with snakes taking over the everglades so sad that they will just release them in the wild and not take back to a pet place There are snake hunts big time going on now also Crocodile hunts right now I guess they are getting really bad in Fl killing pets now before they were endangered now they are asking for hunters

stronghunter said...

Nice, breezy summer day outdoors. Plenty warm, but comfortable.

Mema Jo said...

Puppies have slowed down - I think it is nap time - Trouble is that there are twice as many people as there are puppies! ♥

magpie said...

Well the workday is almost over...
for me

Bike Night tonight in Martinsburg....Vroom Vroom Vroom.....
nice night for it

Best Wishes for continued Birthday Bliss for Candy and Sandi....

and hope the rest of the day is great for everyone


JudyEddy said...

He need our vote according to one of the eagle sites he is 3,ooo behind so pass this on to others to vote
DR Sharpe is up again with is story so please vote daily also put on your facebook feed toooooo and thanks in advance

JudyEddy said...

I put it in my favorite bar at the top of my page along with my eagle sites so I can remember to vote daily

Lolly said...

Hi all! A moment of quiet. Joseph is playing with the "guys" and Jacob is being creative with tape and popcycle sticks.

We just returned from the movie. Went to see Diary of a Wimpy Kid. May go to the movies again tomorrow if the rain continues.

So far we have had an inch of rain. Wahooo!!! Both boys enjoyed playing in it.

Lolly said...

Joseph did great mowing. I did the edge and the ditch down front, but he did the rest. The up here around the house Jack did the first turn around the yard and flowerbeds, the hard to maneuver areas and then Joseph finished up. Laurel yelled "no fair" as she had to mow her own yard today. lol Says we have to pay his allowance.

Little tired of Diary of a Wimpy kid as we saw a
DVD last night and the new movie today.

Hoda said...

Happy BIrthday SANDI.


I wished them both Happy returns on FB and thought to add my voice here.

Busy day.

Dragon Boating in the morning and then Dragon Boating Team Pot Luck lunch and then worked the Cotton Wood Market for the Grans to Grans and it worked well.

I am back and it is hot outside so I am snacking on Frozen Blue Berries...yum they are good.

YES I am very pleased with my book. THANK YOU JUDYE AND C/A

I have not read back so have to go do is all good.

Hoda said...

JUDYE in my book box there are two sheets of laminating instructions all laminated and new you want me to send them back? Did you misplace them?

JudyEddy said...

The laminate sheets if you wanted to laminate what wasn't

Hoda said...

Gracious me you think of every thing!!!Thanks JUDYE

Mema Jo said...

I am home from Mass and then we ate breakfast food for diner. Drinking a cup of coffee now.
Going to watch some TV if there is anything decent on.


Judie said...

Hello everyone.

Happy Birthday to Sandi and Candy. I hope you both had a wonderful day and the evening will be also. May you both have many, many more.

Good to know Boomer is home and improved.

Hoda, enjoy your book and let it lift your spirits.

Shirley, if necessary, remind Hunter that Pythons must be fed mice, etc. Hmmm, interesting about his reading conversation.

Lolly, glad you are having another successful Camp Hawkwood.

Mary, going to be a biker babe tonight?

Wanda, hope you got the new clothes closet all organized and ready to go. Hugs for GG, please.

Jo, Sandperson was around. His keeper just got a bit over-involved for a couple of days.


stronghunter said...

Well, so far we do not have a raccoon baby to care for tonight. Susan has promised that if it arrives tonight, she will come take care of it, and she will bring the supplies.

She said that the raccoon will need kitten milk and a slow flow baby nurser. I know they have that stuff at the sanctuary, just do not want to be faced with a hungry baby raccoon in the middle of the night and no supplies.

stronghunter said...

Judie, I thought it was interesting that Hunter was saying all of this when I was sitting right behind him. He had posed the same anti-reading arguments to me before.

But I have seen him reading. He just likes to argue. Loves to take the opposite side with anyone.

stronghunter said...

Glad to know you got your book, Hoda. So thoughtful of Judy.

stronghunter said...

Glad to know you got your book, Hoda. So thoughtful of Judy.

stronghunter said...

Pardon the double post.

JudyEddy said...

Good evening eagle buds Been doing Angies wedding video with the camera and puter HOpe it turns out gonna put on youtube also to surprise her and Carl
so I have been in the bedroom trying to be quite while it recorded also did the exercise bike while watching tv need to drag it back in the to livingroom one day

JudyEddy said...

I have a 27 min one uploading now to youtube and two more to go

JudyEddy said...

I have a picture of me somewhere with a baby racoon that a friend of Angies had not for sure where the pic is or which CD its on they are sooo cute and she did rescue also

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Janet said...

Good evening folks.

SANDI: I probably should have opted to get the skates at the rink, but I did the online shopping thing. I will remember that next time if I get leather skates. These seem to be doing okay. I am learning, slowly but surely...

Some of the pee pee pads have pheremones in them that supposedly attract them to urinate in that area.....the ones we have are like that. All I can say it, he pees there and only there.

I am tired folks. Had several at Reiki share, did some business talking with the "boss" and then headed home. We went to the lake. Everyone had fun....little accident....Jack bonked his head pretty good, but is okay. Scared us though.

Posted all pix on facebook and a few of the best ones on my blog for those who are interested but might not do the facebook things.

Calling it a night ya'll. GLad I can sleep in a bit tomorrow. Have things to do, but can sleep til at least 7! Good night!

Judie said...

Was another busy day. Sandperson is here insisting I head for the pillows.

The night light is on and the sandperson will be on the way in a couple of minutes. Restful sleep for all.

Hoda said...

MARGY and all who might go to my blog...the photo that I posted saying it is Mars and showing the Planet earth is NOT a real photo taken by curiousity. Lots of speculations as to where it might be from and even as far back as 2010...its point is valid though. We are, our planet is, but a spec in the Universe...that still puts things in perspective for me... SORRY for misleading you all...

Lolly said...

All is quiet...ahhhh! Jack is watching football but I am thinking of getting ready for bed.

We could not get the trailer today because of the rain. It is still coming down, so over an inch. yea! I know the pecan trees down front are drinking it up!

We will go get the trailer tomorrow after church if it is not raining.

Told Jo good night on fb.

Night all! SED!!!

Mema Jo said...

I watched the news - now my eyes are heavy. I am so happy you are getting lots of rain Lolly.
Thanks for reminding me about that Sandman.... Hope you are doing well, Judie.
Good Night to all my friends
Prayers for all our needs

Lynn:Skins 31 and Bears 33 :o(
Miss you ♥

Hoda said...

Good night.


stronghunter said...

Good night, Hoda.

stronghunter said...

Good night, Hoda.

Costume Lady said...

This day turned out to be wonderful and the evening was perfect for grilling and eating on the of my favorite things to do in the Summer.

I didn't get finished putting all the clothes away at church, I will need at least one more day.

GG was doing very well today. She was so excited to show me her blooming waterlily. I knew it would be blooming soon but wanted her to discover it herself. It didn't bloom last year...have no idea why.

Lolly, did you find my comment on facebook (I think) about 1 inch of rain equals 12 inches of SNOW? Glad you got rain instead of snow:)

Good night my friends, sleep well and know that you are loved and prayed for♥

stronghunter said...

So good to see that GG is doing well, Wanda.

I keep yawning and my eyes are watering. Time to quit for the night.


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,


Getting here later than usual. It was a tiny bit cooler temperature here today, but still so humid it didn't help too much. Poor Emma is miserable. I have been trying to remove more of her undercoat, but it seems as if the more I remove, the more there is! It's very difficult to get her to stand still for any length of time. Guess I just have to keep at it.

We haven't cooked at home for about 2 weeks now! It's just too hot in the kitchen. Went out to dinner tonight. Have been eating a lot of Subway fare--we split a foot-long.

We went out to breakfast with my Sis-in-law this morning. That's always fun. It was good to be in an air-conditioned restaurant for a while!

Wanda, SO glad that GG had a good day today! That's really neat that her waterlily is blooming! It must be beautiful!

Wow, the Monarch butterfly was back in our yard today, just before sunset! Might know the camera was nowhere handy!

Well, think I'm going to call it a day. Need to get some good sleep.
This heat just takes the starch right out of me! Have said prayers for everyone and every creature, especially our furbabies. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Sleep well, everyone, with SED. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you!
♥♥Thinking of Lynn♥♥
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!!!

Sandi said...

Good "chilly" Sunday morning my eagle freinds! Only 61 degrees when I took the dogs out!! Only about 80 for yesterday's high and just a little warmer today - beautiful weather for August!!

Andy, is there a reason that you don't install AC in your house - it sounds so uncomfortable for you and hubby and Emma in the summer??

Lolly, congrats on the rain! Keep the pics coming of those boys!! I notice that their shirts said "Inmate." Do yours and Jacks say "Warden?" =)

Wanda, lovely news about GG having a good day, which always makes it a good day for you!

Thanks to everyone for the birthday cards (even got a special home made one in the US mail from Margy) and for the birthday wishes here and on Facebook! It was a nice day! BTW, Steve Chase's birthday is tomorrow - got a FB alert telling which FB friends have birthdays coming up this week.

Bandit is doing OK - no more accidents in the house (knock on wood) and so far, we've done a good job of eliminating ANY interaction with Daisy (my sister's lab who is here for the week).

Probably hitting the beach today - it's a lot quieter in Bethany after yesterday's "tourist exodus." Most rentals are Saturday to Saturday so that's the big turnover day. Lots of college kids who worked at the beach for the summer have left to return to school and many MD teachers start back to work tomorrow. Last week of summer vacation for me coming up.

Have a great day all!

Lori O. said...

Good morning eagle buds!

I haven't read back very much and I apologize for being absent. I should have checked in and told you I wasn't feeling well. My doc put me on new meds on Thursday and it has been a messed up stomach, nausea, for me ever since. I take them with food like I'm supposed to but it just leaves me feeling anxious and nauseaus, light headed, etc. It's not been easy doing my weekend website work. Please, please pray these pills work for me.

I hope everyone is doing well.

Kate asked me to put her Mom on the prayer list, too. Her Mom has been in the hospital since Friday. They are not sure if she had a stroke or not, but she had had several seizure type episodes. I'll keep you posted.

I love you all and miss our eagles!

Janet said...

good morning all. gorgeous Sunday morning here. sunny. cool. quite lovely out when i let the dogs out and brought the paper in.

LORI: sending light and comfort, hope you are doing better and that mom is healing as well.

had a pretty good time out yesterday. thanks JUDYE for the comment on the pix. i always post ALL of them on facebook for the kids to swipe. easier than me printing all of them. lol.

need to run some errands today, (or maybe tomorrow). and do some housework. (sticking tongue out, blah :P ) and next weekend i teach reiki all weekend, so i will prep for those classes. everything i get done today makes my week easier.

hope everyone has a good day. hugs and i'll check in later! :)

glo said...

Good morning all. It is a gorgeous day here. I have an exciting photo shoot this afternoon. I hope i remember how to photograph Kritters :-). Maybe I will practice some more on Dex. I hope you all will have a good day indeed.

Lolly said...

LOL You got it exactly right, Sandi! My t-shirt says Warden and Jack's says Chief Strawboss.

Good Morning fine feather friends! Getting ready for church and then hopefully get the trailer if it is not raining. Sunny this morning but possible thunderstorms.

Lolly said...

Now off to see that Jacob gets dressed. He does like to lounge in his pj's! Joseph is dressed and ready to go.

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds that have already arrived and good morning to the ones yet to climb aboard

LORI I will be keeping you and Kates mom in my thoughts I also hope you get some meds that do help

I posted three video of Angies wedding on You tube won't my camera only does 29 min of video so I had to do in three parts the wedding and just the first of the reception and the other two are the reception If you want to see me all gussied in in dark not gray hair I am walking Angie down the isle with her dad and in other parts too

I also put on blog if you ever have time and want to watch they are on the Misc Pic and video blog

Angie and Carl Wedding and reception in three videos

the first is 26 min the second is 29 and the third is 22 min So bitter sweet there are four people on the video that are no longer with us that includes my BFF friend he is on it several time the second one is is on saying we love you to Angie in a interview right at the beginning of that video and he is at the end of it blowing bubbles too It was a fun wedding so if you ever find a few min haha a few min over a hour and fifteen min long

JudyEddy said...

I put it on facebook but didn't tell Angie I was doing so I put on her wall I wonder does it show on my news feed when I do that If any of you FB peeps see it let me know I am just curious if it shows on my new feed when I post it to her wall

JudyEddy said...

I sleep in because I believed the weather man that it was going to be a repeat of yesterday but looks like he was wrong no rain that I can see ooff

LOLLY I loved the pix of you all getting ready for church you all take such good pix as a family you ought to put in side by side frames

JudyEddy said...

I slept in not sleep Judy Duh

JudyEddy said...

Just looked at the radar looks like all the rain in in the pan handle today so far untill the heat of the day kicks up its normal seabreeze showers so I will go get busy outside I guess

JudyEddy said...

I loved what the videoographer did he put pix of the kids as they were growing up in the beginning of the wedding video and in the end pix of my parents since they weren't there it was a surprise
Angie had done

T-Bird said...

Good afternoon my eagle peeps.

T-Bird said...

I hated to see the score of the game yesterday. It is going to be shown at 4 today here in Bluefield. Did anyone get to watch it?

T-Bird said...

I hope all is well with all.

JudyEddy said...

ANDY I keep wanting to ask can't you get an additional air conditioner in the kitchen My parents had one in their kitchen window to keep it cool and it helped tooo for cooking Do you have central or window just a thoughts I know my house is hard to cool this time of the year Aug is the worse month when the feels like is over 100 my thermostat is pulled down to 76 but the house stays 79 I always keep it at 78 but during this month I try to trick it and so far it doesn't work. I am trying to let the trees grown that the squirrels planted along the fence line thinking that will help in the future since that is where the two big trees that the idiot took down with out my permission when he took the pecan tree down and the one maple that I had permission to take down

JudyEddy said...

funny how one degree makes you feel hotter I can live with 78 all year round but when it gets 79 in the house I sweat and feel it

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Nice to see you back, Lori. Sorry that you are having so much trouble with the medication. Hope that it gets better quickly.

Prayers for you and for Kate's mother.

Glad that you are getting rain, Lolly, but hope you can get the trailer today.

Hoping for cooler weather for you, Andy.

stronghunter said...

You do the most amazing pictures and videos, Judy. What a nice idea for a wedding video!

stronghunter said...

Well, the baby raccoon will not be arriving today. Susan will pick it up when we go down to Heidi's wedding Labor Day weekend.

JudyEddy said...

Been doing yard work but the thunder gods have sent me back in to the house darn them anyway LOL need a shower I am a mess a abig mess

Lolly said...

Sun still shining and we have the trailer in the driveway. We will head to the park after lunch tomorrow. Here it is 3:30 and it is only 89. It will head higher, but the intense heat is not there!

Lolly said...

Going to mop some floors and then the boys are helping make an Angel food cake.

Hoda said...

LORI I send love and prayers your is time for them to figure out this medication and set things right. HUGS

Enjoy your last week off SANDI and I am sure you will take your awesome terrific summer with you through the school year...You have enjoyed your time off to the max. Good on you!!!

Enjoy the camping trip with the boys tomorrow LOLLY and I am so happy you are able to keep us posted. The pre church pictures this morning were beautiful.

A good day here and settling in with a good audio book on my phone.

Judie said...

Hi everyone.

Lori, so very sorry you are not feeling well and I really truly hope the medication will help quickly. Hi to Kate and wishes for her mom's improvement.

Lolly, enjoy the camping. Should be fun as always.

Sandi, let us enjoy our last week. I am so NOT ready to return. Retirement thoughts are intrusive.

Hoda, what book are you listening to?

Hoda said...

Judie it is a book by Jan-Phillip Sendker, had never heard of him before this book. The book is called The Art Of Hearing Heartbeats.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Back from packing, moving, packing, moving. Helped Larry get a lot done! We ate Chinese Friday night, came back over here for steak last night, then I just finished eating the rest of my Chinese food tonight.

Glad GG is doing better.

Lolly, love the camp shirts...and enjoy your camping this week.

JudyE, glad you have been able to sleep in.

Sandi and Judie, enjoy the last week!

Lori, hope the new meds settle down. Please pass along some hugs to Kate.

I haven't seen Jo on here today.

Working on Saturday's thread next!

magpie said...

Hi Everyone from me too.....
had a busy week-end with James the Wise and now...well, can't even say I can catch up and read backwards, but..
I know there are some new and continued prayer needs, and
some Yays and Hurrays due on here to I'm ON IT !

and Love and Hugs to All....
thought maybe I should check in before the color alerts go out...
and I hope JO follows suit too if she has not already..


stronghunter said...

Was talking to Heidi, who returned from the Dominican Republic and is teaching at Hunter's old elementary school.

She said she has been spending from 9:00 AM until 9:30 PM each day getting things ready for school. Having to set everything up fresh since she was away for a year.

Of course, she is also working on wedding arrangements for Labor Day weekend.

magpie said...

Sadly, this evening I have learned of another Cancer death amongst my late brother in law's family...
Fine gentleman was diagnosed in April....died this morning.
Devout Catholic he was; I am trying to help the family make some arrangements for the Catholic Mass.....

and his wife, (Dwain's sister)has been in the hospital with kidney failure, for a week, starts dialysis Monday...this has been a very rough year for this family...

stronghunter said...

We had a window air conditioning unit in our bedroom when we lived in Ohio. Eventually, we put one in the kitchen too.

But I do remember the days when no one had air conditioning.

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, thanks for the update on the AEF eaglets.

Hoda, was not at Stud's beach paradise, was at his mountain paradise :) He sold his mountain paradise, I was helping pack and move stuff this weekend.

And yes, where is Lynne.

hey Andy, is getting smogged the same thing we would consider as an emmissions test? Checking for pollutants from the tail pipe?


Sandi, glad Bandit is doing well.

Had some rain here this morning, and this afternoon. Not sure it even got out of the 60's here today!

HaHa, Shirley, does sound like Hunter listens :)

Lolly, glad you had some beneficial rain. How are the pecans doing this year?

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Margy so sorry for your BIL's family loss.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for you and your family, Margy.

Judie said...

Margy, saddened by yet another loss in your family. This has, indeed, been a very difficult year. Prayers for you and all the family.

The sandperson is about to depart to visit you all. The night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

magpie said...

Thank you, all, backwards, and forwards....

The Sandperson was approaching with fierceness until I got that phone communicating with faraway nieces and nephews after placing some phone calls

Want to Wish, All our Teachers, Students, All School Personnel and Bus Drivers, AND Parents....for the upcoming first days of the Start of the Instructional Days...for some that is TOMORROW!

And this message goes out to College Professors also, and all involved in all manner of education.
God Bless You for What You Do !
(( Teacher and Student Hugs ))


JudyEddy said...

Margy so sorry for another loss in the family (((((((HUGS)))))))♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Life sucks at times

I am watching a move Knowing with Nicholas Cage good movie don't know how I have missed it in the past its a 2009 flick but still good

Janet said...

Good late evening ya'll

Magpie: love and healing thoughts coming your way. so sorry for another loss! JUDYE is right, sometimes, life just sucks. i keep asking/telling kids, whoever told you life is fair or easy lied! hugs!!! (big warm hugs)

its been a busy day. i got most of my class materials sorted and ready to put together for next week. i have a few things to take to the printer.

ran to the grocery fora few items and the pharmacy. love having the pharmacy in the grocery! it even has a drive thru!!!!!

house is relatively clean; laundry caught up. dyed part of livvy's hair purple as per her request.

i think my work for today is done. :)

JUDYE: you gave me this inspiration with your books and all. i've been uploading and editing photos to albums online and will order when complete. its just such a pain to order photos and put them in a photo album. this is somewhat less aggravating! i might get some printed AND in albums now, lol'

have a super evening all. sending out bedtime thoughts, light, love and peaceful rest to all!

magpie said...

Going to say my Good Nights now...
have miles to go before I sleep, and need to make time for some prayer in the meanwhile

I appreciate the expressions of sympathy for my families, it is comforting to me and I will share these things as well and strongly as I can in the days to come....

I admit that I will not be able to backtrack on comments until sometime Monday most likely....
but know that I care...about each and every one of you and YOUR families as well

God Bless Us, Every One

stronghunter said...

Sandperson has arrived. I am saying good night. SED, everyone. I will see you tomorrow.

First day of school for Hunter is Tuesday.

And we are approaching the first anniversary of our East Coast earthquake. It was Aug. 23. Hunter and I were shoe shopping.

JudyEddy said...

That was a real good movie if you all haven't seen it please do the earth ended on it - wow was good love Nicholas Cage anyway

Janet do you have a link to your books to share son I can peek - I want to do the same thing for June if I can get her kids off their butts and give me some input but I will probably have to do it on my own. When I go up to see her maybe in Oct I will take that scanning wand that I bought. I gave it to Angie to figure out and teach me LOL It looks easy but I though she might want to use it to I will just have to sit down with her and reminisce about her and Terry and I am sure I can get her stepdau to keep a secret when I scan the pix at night when June sleeps I sort of have a plan in mind I was thinking might be good to make one for Angie of Jordyn one day I was having issues with the pix on it being fuzzy I tried to just play around one nite with pix I have scanned in

JudyEddy said...

I have been trying out how to figure a way to tell you all this
Its really hard I gave it almost 6 months with the cats I called the vet and explained it to him he said being they are feral cats is why they are like they are and I should have maybe gotten one he said I could bring one back but I can't choose between one
They both jump on the stove, counter, and tables (have broken so many things) no matter what I do Tear up the carpets, rugs, jump in windows all my blinds are destroyed and the curtains are down daily with them beside the meowing at nite He did say he would take both of them back so I did that yesterday in the am That is the reason why I got a night sleep last nite I do miss them but I did find myself getting upset with them raising my voice to them knowing they are just cats and can't help it Again he apologized to me saying I should have only taken one of them

They both run all over the place chasing each other and will run right over people sitting on the couch and the chairs They did that to Jordyn the other day and that really upset me tooo so I had called him and asked him what to do and that is when he said what he said

Maybe I am just too old for cats ---who knows but I do miss them I miss petting Benny and him sleeping with me when he wasn't meowing at me

He said he would not having a issue with readopting them and would make sure they didn't go with another cat that they may be more calm by themselves I just couldn't bring myself to choose one I wish I could have but I couldn't And her I sit crying about it

JudyEddy said...

I need to get my butt to bed although I am not sleeping crying does that I guess

I took my TyPm and waiting for it to kick in I have to finish up the carport in the am if it doesn't storm I need to run and get a garden hose mine had a blow out I have only had it since I bought the house in 1997 so that is a good hose wouldn't you say LOL I am using the pressure washer to blow the rest off the carport need to clean the gutters tooo I dislike those gutters on it I would love just to take them off they are the worst design in the world

JudyEddy said...

Jordyn first day of school is tomorrow also and Carl is going with Angie I think that is sooooo sweet of him to go He is such a good daddy

Costume Lady said...

Oh my goodness, JUDY, you will have some 'JORDYN STORIES' this year. Look forward to hearing them.

Speaking of stories, JAYDEN told his mommy that there was a man in his bed...took her in to show her and he said "Where'd the man go??? Oh, he went home, ha, ha, ha"
Rachael thinks this is the beginning of an imaginary friend:)

Well, I'm late getting to bed again!
Prayers and love for you all♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Well, thank God, it's a bit cooler here tonight! It's 84 at the moment, but still humid. A couple of Momsters have asked why we don't have a/c installed in our house. Right now, we are waiting until winter to get quotes, because it will be less expensive in the "off" season. We haven't really needed a/c in the past, since it hasn't been anywhere near this humid, and we've always had a strong, cool afternoon breeze from the ocean. In the past few years the humidity has gotten MUCH worse than it ever was before, and this year in particular, it is brutal.
We can't put an air conditioner in the kitchen, because the window there does not open. There is a "stained glass overlay" window there, and it's in a wood frame that's screwed into the opening, and we can't open that window because of it.
We have had a high pressure weather system parked over us for weeks, and that causes us to completely lose our ocean breeze. Everything is at a complete standstill. It's going to be 88 tomorrow, they say, then 84 on Tuesday, 81 Wednesday, and finally 79 on Thursday. (Yay!)
I'm just glad we don't live in Palm Springs--it's been in the high triple digits there for a while, with several days at 116!!

Lori, sure hope & pray that the new meds quit bothering you and start doing their job well!! Prayers for Kate's mom, too!!

Paula, you guessed correctly. It's an emissions test we had done on the car, commonly called a "smog check" out here. Must be done every 2 years, I think. The car passed, no problem--thank God!

Margy, I'm so sorry to hear of another loss in your family! It has been SUCH a rough year for you!
Prayers, and (((HUGS)))!!!

Oh--almost forgot! Ken found a black and yellow butterfly in a spiderweb this morning, and brought it inside. (It was already dead.) I believe it is a Giant Swallowtail, which I didn't think was native to SoCal. Poor thing--it is SO beautiful! Will take a picture of it and share tomorrow.

Well, I am so tired, I think I am going to call it a day. Prayers have been said for everyone, all creatures, and our furbabies. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Sleep well, everyone, with SED. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you!
♥♥Miss Lynn tonight!♥♥
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!!!

Hoda said...

Condolances MARGY!!! Sad to hear...PRAYERS and hang in there.

Glad you accomplished a lot PAULA and that you are back at your own roost now settling for some rest.

Good Luck to JORDYN with going to school tomorrow awesome that both are going with her...YAY ANGIE and CARL.

Hoda said...

Hard decision JUDY but it had to be made...sorry for the difficulty it is causing you and I much understand how difficult it would have been to choose one and not the other...Stop crying and have a good night's sleep. You are a kind and generous person.

Hoda said...

Funny story WANDA and I look forward to hearing stories from JAYDEN and from JUDYE'S JORDYN as the time goes on.

Hoda said...

Good night.


Lori O. said...

Good night HODA, if yo haven't gone to bed yet.

Lori O. said...

Thank you ALL for thoughts and prayers...I am feeling normal this morning! No Nausea!!! But, after reading up on the meds, I should expect the nausea when they increae the dose which is once a week until I get up to 40 mgs. I was started on 10. I hope this calmer stomach lasts...sure made for a rough weekend.

JUDYE, I'm so sorry to hear about the cats and your sadness. BIG (((((HUGS)))), sweetie!

LOLLY, enjoy your camping. I've been wanting to go camping for a long time, but your kind of camping, trailer or motorhome, not a tent! :)

ANDY, I don't remember Calif being humid at all before I left there 10 yrs ago. Wonder if it's global warming or why it's so humid now? Hope you get your air conditioner soon & at a great price!

Oh, MARGY! I'm so sad for you and all the sadness your family has endured this year. My thoughts and prayers are with you. BIG (((HUGS)))

SHARON, prayers for your friend, Lori. Glad to hear she is doing well.

SANDI, Happy Belated Birthday! I hope it was the best one yet! Sorry I missed your big day.

I love you all so much! Thinking good thoughts today.

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

T-Bird said...

Thinking good thoughts today Lori.

Sandi said...

Good murky Monday my eagle friends! No sun here this morning but no rain yet - wonder if tennis will happen?

Lori, glad to hear that you're feeling better today - hope these meds do their thing the way they're supposed to! Prayers for Kate's mom for recovery and getting out of the hospital.

Margy, so sorry to hear about another loss in your family! Prayers for you as well!

Judy, what a tough decision you had to make! I know how much you loved those 2 cats! It sounds like you tried your hardest to make things work and it also sounds like you made the right decision, even though your heart is hurting right now.

Calling for clouds and rain all day today with temps staying in the 70s. My sister and brother-in-law bought each of the kids 2 hermit crabs yesterday (apparently, they're very social creatures and prefer not to live alone - who knew?) Hopefully the crabs will keep Madeline and Michael somewhat entertained today. And hopefully, we won't end up with a hermit crab lost in the house somewhere!! =)

Have a great day all!

Janet said...

oh JUDYE: i am so sad that you for you!!!!!!!!!!! i hate that you are sitting there crying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is not your fault. i am sure you did everything that you could...but cats as you know are odd, independent creatures and sometimes in feral cats, those habits will not change. sounds like you were not well informed about these cats when you got them.....which is NOT your fault. sounds like the vet from whom you adopted them might not have been forthcoming with information that would have been helpful to you.

maybe do some research on different breeds ...such as ragdoll cats, and adopt one of those.....someone more calm and snuggly. it would be good for you to have someone to love. you are a kind and generous person and having another being to love would be so good for you.

or maybe, a small dog? you could more easily confine when you are at work?

******* its Monday again folks. hope everyone has a good day******

hugs, light, love, and healing to all in need...SMILES!!! especially to you my sister, JUDYE.

Judie said...

Good morning to all.

JudyE, I can certainly empathize with the decision you made and the sadness you feel. Remember? We went through that with the panthers about 8 months ago. I am so very sorry. Take comfort that you went above and beyond.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Judy, so sorry about the kitties. I know you loved them both.

Looking forward to Jordyn stories. Grandchildren are such fun.

I agree with Janet. Maybe a bit of research on different cats will find you a solution.

Glad it has cooled down for you, Andy. I hope you find a good air conditioning solution soon.

Nice to know you are feeling normal today, Lori.

Thinking of you, Margy.

Judie said...

Today is "visit the dentist" day. Then grocery shopping. Then, finally, publish my course syllabus for the wannabe adults.

Lori, hope you continue to feel okay.

Margy, again, my sympathy to you and all the family.

Will return this afternoon. Wishing everyone a lovely morning.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...