Friday, August 10, 2012


TGIF thread.


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magpie said...

Well ... I just found this...
Thanks Steve !!

Hope you have a very nice week-end.

stronghunter said...

Thanks Steve and Margy.

Resting my legs and enjoying the Olympics.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


magpie said...

Oh My.
I just looked at the lastest Bob Quinn pictures from the link on the BWO page.

Wonderful Pictures, Bob !~!!

Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread and Margy for the call over!

Back from the vet with Bandit. It breaks my heart that they muzzle my old boy to examine him but I understand why. The vet has suggested adding a medicine for him to help with the aggression that we're still seeing sometimes, esp. toward Bella. Something called Novifit. Think I'll email Lynne2 and ask her about it.

Shirley, glad the mac & cheese was a hit - made a note to adjust the amount of swiss cheese. Not a mustard fan so I like Jeff's recipe.

It was pouring when I came out of the vet's office but got sunny as I drove home (the vet is only about 2 miles from the house). Strange weather!!

stronghunter said...

About time for me to head out to the Y for the third time today. Must stop and pick up the dishwasher detergent I forgot. BBL.

magpie said...

See Ya'All Later...

Have a good afternoon, I am unplugging from all the 911 things soon


Hoda said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread.

It is another hot day here and the skies are clear. Beautiful.

I hope LYNNE can tell you about the new medication SANDI. May BANDIT know peace.

Hoda said...

Read a bit back and laughed at LOLLY'S comment about is there somewhere but then again all I could think of last night is LYNN explaining about Hail Yeah!!!

I think the uncooked noodles was the measure of the amount and I think he meant for them to be cooked as he says add hot noodles. I am glad you cooked them SHIRLEY.
Also sounds like they totally enjoyed them since they are all gone.
I think you are forgiven about not bringing HUNTER home it is best ofr him to be at camp.
The Brits have put on a good show with the Olympics...what are we all going to do when they are gone on? Monday new adventures I am sure. I check the results regularly on my iphone and I down loaded a special app for that...

Judie said...

Thank you Steve for the fresh thread and Margy for the call over. Have a nice weekend Steve.

Shirley, just spoke with the goddess of grandmothers and she said not to worry. All well-intentioned deceit is acceptable and without penalty. Glad the mac/cheese was devoured.

Sandi, hope the additional med will help Bandit.

Hi Hoda. Hot here also but not as oppressive as it has been.

Margy, when will you see James the Wise again?

NCSuzan said...

Forgive the copy and paste but you should see this. Make sure you have a hankie....

JudyEddy said...


NCSuzan said...

Hope everyone is doing ok. Looks like we are headed for severe thunderstorms sometime this afternoon. Yay 'Skins!

JudyEddy said...

ODD I had to sign back in although I didn't sign out Checking box

JudyEddy said...

can someome post BOB link to the pictures I don't have the BWO page link at all Jordyn and I are watching the floor gym with the ball and hoop she loves it and she is trying it with the cats balls

Lolly said...

Took me a while to catch up on the blog. Yard work done, showered, ate and then collapsed! Now have the Olympics on.

Missed Shirley's question about the mac and cheese. Glad you cooked the macaroni first! Sounds like an interesting recipe. I have always baked the mac and cheese. Have a new recipe I want to try that has a little bacon in it. Food is always better with bacon. lol

stronghunter said...

Oh yikes, a fisherman floating in the ocean surrounded by sharks. They rescued him, but one companion could not be saved and the other one is missing.

stronghunter said...

Looks like there are some nasty storms out there, Hagerstown, especially. Look out!

Going to go fix dinner. BBL.

stronghunter said...

To those of you have exonerated me of guilt for deceiving Hunter, thanks! Of course, he did not ask me anything about my clothes-shopping trip. And I did have grocery bags in the car.

He did get to go swimming this afternoon, and I know he enjoyed that. I see no reason not to get every penny we invested out of the day camp experience.

magpie said...

Monday is school shopping day with James the Wise, his father, and his other maternal grandmother, and me....
I'll hope to see him another day to do something besides that also

Sandi, best wishes with the medicines for Bandit....glad you got the deed done and the Vet visit is complete...

Hi Suzan! Been missing you, will check that link, AFTER I get my kleenex out


Storms skirted us here in Berkeley County.....not sure how everyone else fared.

magpie said...

Never a dull moment at our office....
Jewels checked in at noon for her 12-hour shift cover for one who had to be off with a sick family....

Hi Jewels ! [if you peek
You are better than halfway through your 12-hour shift !

magpie said...

Bravo on your day, Shirley...
sounds like you did everything just right in my book....

and I totally agree with Judie's post about it also ☺

Professor Judie that is ☺

back in a few....
oh, the A/C is working here at Magpie's Roost...

magpie said...

Very dear, Suzan...thank you !

magpie said...

New England is in the heat of the storminess also

Mema Jo said...

Margy you were only 5 min late for the new thread lol

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Steve and enjoy your weekend.

Guess you got that feather, Margy!

Mema Jo said...

Guess what - I have another Hallmark this evening! That makes me happy!

BBL this evening

magpie said...

Hi Jo...
Thanks, yes, the feather is nice.
I got lucky....
Enjoy the telly with the hubby !!
Headed out, folks....
one more work day then off for a few....semi-make-believe retirement.
(( RED Friday Hugs ))

magpie said...


open this, and you should see on the left hand side of the site, the link to Bob Q's photos...

Blackwater Osprey Cam

magpie said...

and there is an osprey on the nest now

ttfn xoxox

Prayers for Wellness for our Families, Friends, and Pets -

Hoda said...

I am listening to a wonderful book on my iphone...downloaded from the library...MP3...The Art of Hearing Heartbeats by Jan-Philipp Sendker. Very good listen and the characters have depth and there is exploration...
I am enjoying it very much.

JudyEddy said...

MARGY I found three google animated logo when you said that they moved I googled it here is soccer canoe, and hurdle and basketball

soccer football




JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the link I am going over now to have a look see

JudyEddy said...

the basketball is reallly long one

JudyEddy said...

OH BOB they are soooo cool all your pix on Blackwater thanks for sharing I love seeing the Osprey here in Fl too

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eaglebuds. I finally got away from Olympics and sandman early enough to pop in here!!!

Maybe I'll be perkier tonight~~~got some Apolo Ohno avocado on subs at Subway after work!I'll have some lunch for tomorrow.
Not much has been going on but same ol, same ol. Somewhat depressing that we are babysitting the girl next door's house. Her brother passed away a year ago & now her older sister passed the other AM in her apt. in TN. Now she's the only member left.

Wednesday at Chelsea we saw twin Spotties. They went into the tall field and later we could see ears under the holly tree where they napped. Mom came along in the PM and the both popped out!
Been having a tough time getting any decent Hummingbird pics this year, but lately one has been coming to all the flowers, sitting on twigs right in front of the window & I got a pic on the feeder that shows some tiny spots on the throat. So it's a new baby boy visitor!!
Daughter & I have chatted since she got back from Haiti. She ordered a front door for house & sent me pic. She's been planning to sell her car for over a year and yesterday a lady at grossery backed into the back fender of hers! Back to Insurance Co.
BBL, I hope ☺

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY SHIRLEY YOU left out the most important thing about the one guy rescued and why I don't know WAS HE NAKED they showed a pix from top I guess rescue helicopter he was naked as the day he was born and one guy was found dead and still haven't found the other was out there 20 some hours

JudyEddy said...

I got a coupon in the email from Domino's pizza half off so guess what I had for dinner and Lava cake toooo was good have enough pizza for two more nites maybe three but not the cake ;^(

JudyEddy said...

I guess I will go watch TV just got out of the shower

JudyEddy said...

or read a book probably Olympic

stronghunter said...

Very tired. Discouraged about the mac and cheese. I think the Swiss cheese needs to be cut into smaller pieces and maybe stirred in. But Hunter did not like it, and so that is the kiss of death for mac and cheese. He likes the kind that comes from a box.

stronghunter said...

They finally mentioned Mark Lenzi on the diving coverage. We watched Mark grow up in our neighborhood pool. He was an amazing diver.

I always said he owed credit for his medals to Kathryn because he stole so much board time from her. He would dive and run around and dive again while she politely waited her turn. Eventually, I complained to the lifeguards.

He was the diving coach at East Carolina University and passed away this spring. We were shocked.

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY I think most kids like it from the box Jordyn and all her cousins will not eat the real stuff don't let it get you down

JudyEddy said...

I love it ♥ the commentator said it well Its not your grandmothers synchronized swim ACDC was the music Kick butt music I love it watch it on the DVR love the fastforward

JudyEddy said...

I loved the Peter Pan routine the first sync swim on todays one

JudyEddy said...

ok back to it

stronghunter said...

Yes, I am sure you are right, Judy. I am just discouraged tonight. I went back to the store and bought all of the ingredients and fixed a big pan of the mac and cheese along with green beans and chicken. I set the table and had everything ready. Kathryn did not come home and Hunter did not want to eat.

I am frustrated tonight. I could have had a bowl of cereal in my bedroom.

magpie said...

Shirley.....I'm so sorry that you are sad....well I read discouraged and frustrated but I 'feel' sad...
maybe tomorrow there will be some appreciative hungry householders and it will taste even better....

(( Mac and Cheese Hugs ))

Hoda said...

Off to yoga...I wondered if I should go as when it is late I can not sleep well and I have paddling early tomorrow morning, but decided to go any way as I am looking for a good practice.
Enjoy the evening.

magpie said...

...and believe me if Fredericksburg and Martinsburg were not so far apart.....I would ask if I could show up with my appetite.....

I know good food when I read about it

stronghunter said...

Thank you, Margy. You made me laugh.

Kathryn has come home and apologized. I think I have mentioned that she has met a gentleman friend (Studmuffin? Bill Sweetie?). It seems that there was some kind of issue in his family. I do not know all of the details. Do not really want to know.

She is reheating dinner and promised to eat mac and cheese. The gentleman friend is with her, and I am guessing he is hungry, too. But I have left them to their own devices.

Hunter is bathing. We can hope he is using soap.

magpie said...

God Bless You, Shirley.....
What's that expression...
To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world
Reminds me of you !
Glad the "older kids" are home, and hungry !
Bet the house is smelling powerful good right about now !!
Yes, the soap thing..hope so too !
Body wash is fun....something with a nice "Man Smell" as I call it...
James goes for that sometimes

magpie said...

My Mother had a stint as a teacher, later in her life, she taught at the Catholic school here for awhile then to public school, then to substituting.
But she had one young girl student, probably about 8 years old, who hugged her one time just out of the blue, and said,
"Mrs. Hoogland, you're a good woman."
I think of that often, how much it meant to my Mother....

magpie said...

sooo, this food talk reminds me I didn't eat yet, just kept putting it off, might be a bowl of delicious cold cereal in my future

be back just before bedtime, pals, to see what others might be saying in these late hours...

thinking of all with xoxo's

Mema Jo said...

I watched another very good Hallmark movie.

A Spottie ran across the road in front of me today - I wasn't even thinking about 'deer'. He bolted out of a corn field across the road into another corn field and was gone out of sight just as quickly as he appeared.

stronghunter said...

It is nice when something like that happens, Margy. I remember once when I was having a hard time with a group of kids. We were getting ready for the exam, and I was doing my darnedest to get the kids to think. They just wanted me to tell them answers and claimed that I was wasting time.

Later on, I was going through papers and came across a note from one of the students. He said that he knew what I was trying to do and he appreciated it. I hope that boy has gone on to do well.

stronghunter said...

As I recall, the discussion that day went something like this . . . "Mrs. Phillips, just tell us the answers!" Voice from somewhere in the room said, "She IS telling you!" Bless them, they are out there.

stronghunter said...

Don't know if Hunter has body wash or not, Margy.

Judie said...

Well, I see Shirley is having yet another Hunter experience. Very sorry you are having the food issue but I suspect Kathryn and her friend will make up for it and perhaps Hunter will change his mind by tomorrow. If Margy didn't live so far away, she could drive by and scoop me up and we would then magically appear on your doorstep demanding mac & cheese. Please don't let the child get you down.

Judie said...

The sandperson is standing impatiently behind me so I guess it's time to turn the night light on and head for the pillows. Sandperson is on the way.

Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

paula eagleholic said...

Oh feather for Margy...

Breezy and humid here at the beach...water is rough...good thing I wasn't planning on some stuff I want to get finished

stronghunter said...

About ready to call it quits myself. Thanks for the kind words, Judie and Margy. I will be fine.

stronghunter said...

Hunter will be with his dad tomorrow night through Sunday night. Kathryn is going to visit friends and attend a concert.

stronghunter said...

SED, everyone.

Costume Lady said...

This day started out very well...didn't stay that way. I had washed my hair and was setting it on rollers when I got a phone call from GG. She told me she couldn't breath and felt as though she was dying. So in we go, with half my hair up in curlers, the other half just blowing in the breeze.
We took GG to the ER and they took her right in and tended to what the doctor called Heart Failure. She is on oxygen and being monitored for all that you can be monitored for.She did say she was feeling better when we left. We will know more tomorrow.

Costume Lady said...

Faceplant coming on...
Head is dropping rapidly...
Love and prayers for all♥

Mema Jo said...

Wanda I am assuming that GG is being kept in the hospital to be monitored -
right or wrong??? I know I may not get an answer tonight but will be anxious to hear from you tomorrow. Prayers for GG and for you & Gene and all your family ♥

Mema Jo said...

Hoda I hope you have a restful night's sleep and arise bright and chipper to go row your boat! I so respect & admire you and your accomplishments! ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Wanda what a scary day...asuming GG is in the hospital...did he say congestive heart failure?

paula eagleholic said...

thinmk my bro went to bed...

I make mac and cheese on the stovetop...mac...american cheese cut up..little bit of butter...a little milk....I could never get the baked kind to come out like my Mom kids wouldn't eat the box stuff after they had mine...

magpie said...

Prayers on top of prayers for dear GG, for Wanda and Gene and those taking care of GG tonight....
hoping that sleep is restful and restorative for all of you...

Glad you're safe at the Paradise Roost, sure to build in some fun along with the work....

And Good Night to Every One...
Prayers for all of us...
but especially those in most need of healing and comfort

God Bless Us, Every One

NCSuzan said...

Wanda, prayers for GG and you and your family.

My father was the mac and cheese person in my family. My mom had died at an early age and we all cooked but my dad did the mac and cheese. Country store "hoop" cheese, salt, pepper and a little vinegar. What I wouldn't give for a bowl of it now after all the delicious talk today.

Mema Jo said...

Hope you have a sunny weekend, Paula
Did you put the crab pots out?

Saying good night and prayers for all
especially GG
God bless and keep all of you

I ♥ Us

Thinking of you Lynn ♥ I almost bought
Key Lime Yogurt today!

Mema Jo said...

Ten more minutes and it is Dana's

Happy Happy Birthday Dana! Enjoy your special day which starts in 9 min ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Happy birthday Dana!

Jo will try the pots tomorrow maybe...too late and dark tonight...lots of stars out tho!

Hitting the hay

Sed love and hugs for all

Hoda said...

On reading HUNTER'S reaction to supper I coud give him a shake and yet I know Grandma loves him so much and this is all there is to it.


Back from yoga it was a very good practice.

Had a bean and rice supper and feel grateful for the abundance of it all.

Thank you JO I love you and appreciate your support.

Tomorrow I paddle first thing in the morning. Then the rowing club, not the Dragon Boaters, and the sailing club are holding 2 seperate regattas. They needed volunteers to run the day and I signed up from 10:00 to 1:00 or two...So I will check in when I come back.

Glad PAULA is in Paradise and all are safe and sound in their roost.

Hoda said...

Good night


Hoda said...

Pulling a MARGY!!!

Happy Birthday DANA I hope you have a rocking good day

Sandi said...

Good gray Saturday morning my eagle friends! Not looking good for tennis this morning - blobs of green headed this way from the southwest. Would hate to have paid to rent a place at the beach this week! There haven't been any totally rainy days but we've had rain for part of several days and lots of clouds, even when it hasn't been raining.

Wanda, prayers big time for GG! Hope the docs can find what's wrong and make it right!

Happy birthday DanaMo!!! Haven't seen her on the blog much so I'll also wish her a happy birthday on FB.

Lori O. said...

Good morning eveyone! Trying to catch up.

WANDA, special prayers for GG and hope she goes home today!

HODA, have fun rowing today. Must be great, all the water sports you do living near/on the lake!

It's sheer madness here. Got the kitchen painted yesterday. It's a little more yellowish than I pictured, but you know how that goes. I can live with it...however, I don't want the living that color, so I've got to go buy more paint this morning. Originally, it the kitchen and LR were going to be the same color, but when it's not the color you intended.... oh well. The bathroom color is perfect!
But, what a mess it is here, with my niece and nephew, plastic coverings and paint and boxes everywhere! Already I can see how much nicer the kitchen is with the new paint. So, it is exciting, just don't want to go to the paint store again.

Hope everyone has a great day! Wishing you love, hugs, laughter and smiles!

Lori O. said...


Costume Lady said...


LORI, I want to throw my 2¢ worth in to your "not so perfect" yellow paint job. If it bothers you too much, try a contrasting border around the 'near middle' of the walls or around the top edge. I did GG's laundry room that way and I think it looks great!


Getting ready to go to the hospital. My wish is that GG will only need meds to keep fluid from collecting in her chest and not need oxygen...she doesn't get around very well, and carrying an oxygen supply would be depressing to her. Of course, the alternative would be depressing too! We shall see.
I will be back later this evening.
Have a great day☼ ♥

Costume Lady said...


magpie said...

God Bless You and GG, Wanda...
Hope everyting goes well and that GG can be comfortable...

We Love You !

xoxo ♥

Good Morning Eagle Pals....
what a beautiful morning it is here in WV.....hope the weather improves in Delaware, Sandi


magpie said...


I can picture some of this activity.....hope you find you like the YELLOW and dan soften it up with some trim or borders as suggested...
what a houseful! Bet the critters are in people heaven...hope so anyway !!

magpie said...

Happy Birthday to our Tiny-Might Powerhouse DanaMo !

Hope this is your Very Best Birthday ever xoxox ☺ ♥

magpie said...

Just a little reminder:

Perseid Meteor showers tonight into tomorrow morning....
and if you're up early enough, check out Venus, Jupiter and waning Crescent Moon in the East an hour or so before sunrise ☼ -
nice !

magpie said...

I'm at work, today is my Friday....but I must make dough and earn those days off

Best Wishes for a Good Day..

Prayers for Wellness....special air mail express prayers for GG...


Judie said...

Good morning,

and I hope it will be a very good morning for GG, Wanda, Capt Gene and all the family. Thinking of you all and saying a prayer that GG will be just fine and able to go home with meds.

Wanda, you would have looked lovely half curlers and half free-spirit.

Judie said...

Hoda, have a good morning paddling and then with the two regattas. May the weather smile on all the day's activities.

Lori, Wanda has a good idea for drawing the eyes away from the main color. Bet it looks wonderful, anyway.

Never heard of "hoop" cheese.

Paula, have a nice weekend in Paradise.

Hi Sandi.

Jo, have a lovely day.

Judie said...

♪♫♪HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DANAMO♪♫♪ Wishing you a very special day and may it be the first day of a very special year.

JudyEddy said...

G☺☺D Mid M☼rning Eagle buds and

♫♪[̲̅̅H̲̅][̲̅̅A̲̅][̲̅̅P̲̅][̲̅̅P̲̅][̲̅̅Y̲̅] [̲̅̅B̲̅][̲̅̅I̲̅][̲̅̅R̲̅][̲̅̅T̲̅][̲̅̅H̲̅[̲̅̅D̲̅][̲̅̅A̲̅][̲̅̅Y̲̅]♫♪

.♥ Happy Birthday! ♥

.♥♥♥TO ♀ ☺ DANA! ♥

Judie said...

Off for errands today. Getting down to the "running out of time" crunch before the 28th. Much I have left unattended this summer.


JudyEddy said...

.♥ Happy Birthday! ♥

.♥ ♥ ♥DANA MO!♥ ♥

that is

Judie said...

Oops, Margy, have a good day and quiet day making dough.

JudyEddy said...

WANDA I'm just reading to where GG was in the hospital last nite I hope she is doing better and there is nothing serious I will contiune to read

stronghunter said...

Prayers and all good wishes for GG and for Wanda, Gene and all the family.

Happy birthday, DanaMo!!

stronghunter said...

It is always a good thing to make dough, Margy. At least it is a necessary thing . . .

Best when you can enjoy what you do and make a good difference as well. And you certainly do that.

JudyEddy said...

LORI I love yellow walls are you going to make the living room a lighter shade of yellow or another color

HODA so glad you explained the dragon boat and the paddling for the rowing club are two different things I thought you also were doing the dragon boats

JudyEddy said...

I also have never heard of HOOP Chesse Do tell what kind of cheese is it I guess I could google it

JudyEddy said...

Sending healing thoughts and prayers to WANDA and her family about GG I will be thinking of you all while I was a work Now I wish I had a phone that I could check on at work instead of my trac phone Need to go get ready to make dough as Margy says

and I wonder why DANAMO doesn't visit us I see her of FB also

JudyEddy said...

NC SUZAN I did google HOOP Cheese and the moment it came up I do I do remember it I also loved that cheese but didn't know that is what it called I bet that was good and I do remember my mom using that she mostly bought German cheese but I do remember that also

LORI another suggestion you also could buy one of the really fluffy or texture rollers and gently roll over it with a lighter yellow and it will soften it up and give a two tone of colors I had a friend that did that in mint green and yellow was beautiful

glo said...

Good morning all. Did a quick read and see I need to pray for GG and her family I surely hope today is much much better. Happy Birthday DaNamo Wishing everyone a good day. Have fun rowing Hoda

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

Janet said...

Good Saturday morning to one and to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This morning has dawned simply beautiful here in Nashville. The sun is up, skies are blue and the humidity is gone!!!!! Temps are lovely! Sure doesn't feel like August, but I'll take it! I've been so miserable and hot. I cannot tolerate heat very well any more....used to love it, but not now.

Well I've gone and done it. I signed up for a Yoga class this morning. It is the Tender loving Harmony Yoga...for people who are stiff, have chronic issues, and or/cannot stand heat. I fit all three categories. So this "should" be for me. We shall see. Feeling a little nervous.

Then Livvy's ice skates arrived yesterday! Big HURRAY. She wants to go skating for a bit this afternoon.

Then the car races are at the fair grounds tonight, so we will go to those. Always a fun, cheap evening.

Hope everyone is having a great day. Thinking of each of you.. may light, love, hugs, and smiles fill your day!!!

T-Bird said...

That's great about the Yoga class Janet.

stronghunter said...

Doing some phone shopping here. Lowe's has the wallpaper installation kit I need. So I will be heading over there.

Hunter and Kathryn have gone to football. Hunter will be with his dad until Monday morning. Kathryn will be off with friends--not sure if she is leaving today or tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

Hope you enjoy the yoga, Janet.

Sandi said...

Back from tennis - had some clouds and some sun but no rain! That's pretty much the prediction for all day - maybe showers, maybe not.

Lynne2 emailed me back about the new meds for Bandit and suggested that I check the dosage and then look for a "people version" of the same thing, since it's prescribed for people as well. I had already ordered a box of 30 for $27 from but the "people version" is only $12.50 for 30 tablets - half the price!!

Lori, the yellow in the kitchen may just seem "bright" b/c it's such a change from whatever you had before; it may not seem "too bright" in a week or two. My experience with yellow has been hit or miss as well - hard to find one that's not too bright, not too pale, not too gold, not too greenish, but just right.

Janet, sounds like a great weather report - wish some of that "low humidity" would make its way to Bethany Beach! Enjoy the yoga!

Judie, so the 28th is back to work for you? It's the 27th for me.

Shirley, enjoy your alone time!

Laundry day for me. And my pots need Miracle Gro - have a great day all!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning friends! The weather in the valley is beautiful as it is elsewhere. It's good breathing weather today.
No special plans except go to Mass -
I'll be praying for GG's recovery. I agree that it may be awkward to carry an oxygen tank for her and also a 50 ft hose on the home unit - perhaps it will be advised to use it while sleeping. I just know the longer and more often I use my oxygen (24/7) the longer I will be here with all of you. It may be time, Wanda to get the spare room ready for GG in your home. Just a thought that I'm sure you have had.

Mema Jo said...

Ryan named Romney's running mate
GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney, has officially named Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan as his running mate.

Ryan, Romney said, has shown throughout his legislative career that he can work with members of both political parties.

Mema Jo said...

That was just a news flash - not up for discussion!

Sandi said...

One more thing - looking for opinions from pet owners. My vet says to give heartworm meds year round, every 30 days. But I have read on some blogs about vets saying every 45 days is fine and they don't need to be given in the winter if you live in a cold enough climate that the mosquitoes die. My sister's vet says every 45 days is fine - haven't asked her if she stops giving it in the winter. Trying to save a little money and also not give the dogs meds they really don't need, since there are links between heartworm meds and liver problems. Thoughts??

Jo, thanks for the announcement ... AND the reminder that this is an "apolitical" blog! =)

Mema Jo said...

Sandi - I wish Lynne would get on here and answer our pet questions! Miss her.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thanks for the clarification Mema Jo!

Just called to check on our Normabyrd and see how she is doing. I miss her. She was asking about everyone and says she misses us a lot. She says she is doing good.

Mema Jo said...

Sharon - thank you so much - you are so thoughtful & caring! I miss Norma a lot - does she ever say anything about her computer?

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the word from Norma, Sharon. It has been a long time. Would love to see her back on here.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Slipped up and did not get on to say good night. Whoops!

Wanda, prayers for GG. Know that was really scary. Hope you have found her much better today and raring to go home.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO DANA!!! FOREVER 49!!!!! Oh, we will have to celebrate BIG next year! lol

Busy day today getting ready for the shower. Last minute house cleaning, pick up cake, and make fruit bowl.

Lolly said...

Poor Laurel! Armadillo really dug up her flowerbed last night and threw dirt all over her drive way digging a hole to go under the house. Feel her pain!

We have a family are racoons this summer. I have not seen them but the neighbor has. However, I do have a racoon paw print on my front porch. When I find a birdnest on the ground I put in in a basket on a bench on my front porch. If I find an egg I put it in the nest on the porch. Racoon got to the eggs night before last. grrrrr!

Lolly said...

Oh, Jack did see one small racoon. Apparently it got separated for the family. He walked right past Jack 4 ft. away while Jack was holding a water hose watering some plants.

stronghunter said...

Maybe the little raccoon was thirsty, Lolly.

stronghunter said...

Trying to reach Susan. I almost forgot we are supposed to go to Heidi's shower today. We have not picked up a gift . . . at least I haven't. I am hoping Susan will find something and just bring it along. She works at a mall after all. I am thinking it is quite likely she will. We did not have the information about the shower until a couple of days ago, and I was not sure I was going.

Judie said...

Home from errands.

Anxiously waiting for an update from Wanda. So want GG to be okay. At 92, she's a tough lady.

Need to google hoop cheese.

Shar, thank you for the Norma update. Glad she is doing well. Miss her.

Shirley, have fun at the shower and Lolly, please have a good time, also.

Yes, the 28th is the day. First day is not too bad. Mostly syllabus review and trying to scare the wannabe adults into submission.

Sandi, Audrey and Grace get heartworm med every 30 days as recommended even though they are strictly indoor critters. It is a liquid that is rubbed into the scruff of the neck.

Janet, hope the skates work well for Livvy. Ankle support is critical in learning and in avoiding ankle injuries.

Not a political statement: Ryan is a Washington political darling.

Okay, off to watch some videos on criminals and forensics.


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,


Hoping they will send her home with meds to control the situation.
Prayers for you and Capt. Gene, too!! (((HUGS))) for all of you!

Think we will go to a movie today, and relax in air-conditioned comfort. Emma is sleeping in front of the fan again today.

Will be checking in here later to see what's happening. HAGD, all!
I ♥ us!!!

Janet said...

Back from yoga: so blissful and at peace. must do this again....and make it a habit.

SANDI: i use ivomec liquid which is the main ingredient in the script heartworm meds. started using it when we got luke from a shelter. use it every 30 to 40 days.....from march thru november.

going to sit here and veg for a bit.

big peaceful grins to all....

stronghunter said...

Okay, Susan is on the way. I-95 is a mess again. She has hopped onto US 1, which is not too good, either. She wants to meet me at Bed Bath and Beyond eventually. I hope we get to the shower before it is over.

stronghunter said...

We spend a lot of time looking at traffic cams around here. I once saw Kathryn pass by on one.

stronghunter said...

Well, I left to meet Susan at Bed Bath and Beyond. She called and said that she was giving up. Traffic is so bad that she is going back home.

I felt an optical migraine coming on, so I bought some Gatorade and came home.

I do not like Gatorade, but it I do not like seeing strange things, either, and it is supposed to help.

Judie said...

Shirley, so sorry about the traffic mess and missing the bridal shower. Alerts have been broadcast all day today regarding traffic. Even more sorry about the migraine. Hoping the Gatorade helps. If not, a quiet relaxing afternoon with George in the recliner is a nice alternative.

Andy, hope the movie is enjoyable.

Do hope Wanda comes through the door soon.

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Judie. Traffic has been awful for awhile. Thursday was a mess, Friday was a mess, and so is today.

I HATE I-95.

Costume Lady said...

Update on GG...
Went to hospital this morning and she was all dressed and ready to go home. Nurses told me she pulled all her lines and monitors out and was waiting on me to take her home. When I asked her why she did that, she said she thought she had been in there long enough and it was time to go!
It took a lot of talking to convince her that it was best for her and me to have her stay in the hospital for a few more days. I told her she could die if she went home without all the treatments and meds they want to give her...she finally agreed. Technician then took her blood and I will hear the results when I go back up in a short while.
Dr. said her lungs sound somewhat better today.

Hoda said...

Good afternoon all.

Good day on the water today. I was on the Dragon BOat this mornng and this is what I do every saturday morning. A few entries confused me and I wondered what I had said that led others to be confused. I paddle this is what a Dragon BOat does: Paddles.

Today I also volunteered with the rowing club to help them run a regatta and the sailing happems tomorrow.

It was fun volunteering and I enjoyed being around young energetic cheerful people of all ages.

Sculling and individual and doubles and team races. The wind had picked up and there was a good chop on the water even when we were out with the dragon boat. By 11:00 in the morning there were white caps on the water and the racers had a rough time of it but they made out alright.

The park was vibrant with many who run, jog walk or even cycle all mixed with those on a picnic and those who were there for the races.It went well.

Hoda said...

Very happy to hear GG is better.

Mema Jo said...

Wanda I am thankful that your mother listens to her daughter! Bless GG

Headed to Mass - prayers for all


JudyEddy said...

Home for lunch and see we have a update on GG Good you talked her into to staying a few days to get check out

SIS doing yoga you go girl is it really gentle and no bendy postions and how about a peek at those dresse you got her Sara use to have the prettiest ones that Vera got of Ebay tooo

Sandi said...

Wanda, what a feisty lady that GG is!! But I'm glad she decided to stay in the hospital until the docs are sure about what's going on and how to proceed!

It is currently POURING in Bethany! We are going to a 60th birthday party for a friend's wife this evening @ 6pm - the plan is for the party to be OUTDOORS!! Oh dear! Maybe the clouds will run out of rain in another hour??

Shirley, sorry about the traffic, the shower, and the migraine!

Lynne2 emailed me with info. about the heartworm meds - guess she has been too busy to get on the blog.

Later - fingers crossed for the rain to stop soon.

Hoda said...

Proud of Janet for choosing Yoga...You go Girl!!!

JudyEddy said...


Lolly said...

Oh, Wanda! Glad you were able to talk GG into staying! God bless her! She wanted her home.

Shower prep is going great. Picked up the cake! It is beautiful, matches the napkins just great! I'll be sure to take a pic. Also, have carved a watermelon to make a cradle. Peeled a cantalope for a "baby head". Will put it all together after church. I will use grapes for baby's eyes and have a pacifier. Then I have fruit to put in to cover up baby. lol Strawberries, red and green grapes, and of course...watermelon. Have made a fruit dip and I now have more pecans in the oven. Made salty pecans the other day, these pecans will be sweet. Pink lemonade is the drink. It is shaping up! Maybe you have seen the watermelon cradle for fresh fruit before, there was a picture of fb recently.

Lolly said...

Now I need to get Jack to vacuum and I will mop and dust. I do believe we will then be ready. Party tomorrow at 3.

Hoda said...

LOLLY I am having a senior the shower a wedding or a baby and who is doing what and how are they related to you that you are having it at your house???? I look forward to the pictures

Lolly said...

Hoda, it is a baby shower. The expecting mom, Misty,goes to our church. It is her first baby, though she is raising three step children. I am friends with Misty's grandmother. Funny thing, I also gave a shower for Lori, when she was expecting Misty. I am doing the whole shebang, but it is not a big shower.

stronghunter said...

Well, I just enjoyed a nap.

Kind half sleeping, half listening to the women's basketball game.

So glad you were able to convince GG, Wanda. She had pulled out IV's?

glo said...

I love GG's spunk I am also however very glad she did listen to you Wanda and agreed to stay. God Bless her and make her strong.

Lolly said...

Whew! Everyone should have a party every now and then. Finding dust and cobwebs....good grief!!!

stronghunter said...

Susan got safely home in 30 minutes after taking 2 hours to get where she was on I-95. She would have been on the road for another 2 hours if she had kept going. Would have missed the shower completely. Four hours to go 60 miles is not good.

stronghunter said...
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JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...

Man that's just plain, well, crappy is the word that comes to mind, rather crass but seems to fit the traffic mess....

Shirley, well, you can just enjoy some solitude for awhile then, a mini-retirement of another sort

Just combed through and found the GG updates from Wanda...dear me, I'll say feisty, that does seem to fit this powerful woman

Prayers continue, for GG, and also that Wanda gets some precious rest


magpie said...

Optical Migraine...that so reminds me of posts from Lynn ♥
I am SURE she is sending sympathy and wellness thoughts, Shirley

magpie said...

Speaking of traveling....
Shirley and Judie...
I am headed to Springfield VA in the morning for a baptism for a grand nephew....9:45 at St. Mark's Lutheran church....
I love to be around the holiest person in the room during a baptism

magpie said...

also going to fit in a mini-visit with Annandale Anne...but have to head back in the late afternoon to rest up for the School Shopping Extravaganza Monday with James...
his other grandma is pretty well-heeled so I won't feel the crunch too badly...I'll be the chauffeur

magpie said...

I'll set up another visit in September and maybe can swing by and see YOU then too...
so close....but just not quite enough time I fear, tomorrow...

NCSuzan said...

So happy GG has her personality and that she will stay in the hospital for a couple more days!

Judie, hoop cheese......when I was growing up you saw this cheese sitting on a counter, sometimes in one of those round wooden canister type containers. The cheese is mild and soft. Not soft as brie! But a very creamy cheese and easy to melt. I only know of maybe two stores where you can find it now in my area. And that has been a while back. Makes a good open face grilled cheese too.

Excuse the long explanation. It just evoked some memories. And oh, my daughter said to say that it had the rind on. LOL!

magpie said...

never mind a long post about food, Suzan !
Sounds...wonderful.... !!
guess we'll all be making some Mac and Cheese dishes these days now, since it all sounds so good and many good suggestions from our
Cuisine Specialists !

Hello !

magpie said...

Sharon...Bless You ♥ for checking in on Norma...! I know how much that must mean to her to hear your beautiful Southern voice...
I hope she had some of those wonderful little laughs for you...
a joyous sound it is !

magpie said...

Hoda..all sounds Good On Your Day, as usual....
glad you enjoyed yourself

I must move along, going to try to bank up some rest before the traveling Sunday morning...

See You Before Bedtime...

Prayers for All...
God Bless Us, Every One

NCSuzan said...

The weatherman is obviously forecasting for his imagination. He has predicted for two days, high winds, damaging hail, dangerous lightning, etc. We have recieved nothing! Even filled the portable oxygen tank in anticipation of time without electricity. Hrumph!

Happy Birthday Dana.You are just beginning the better part of life! Have a wonderful day.

Margy, thank you.

NCSuzan said...

The Persied Meteor Shower begins tonight. Last year the moon was super bright. After 11 pm they say we should start seeing some showers while gradually increasing till early am.I wish clear skies for everyone.

Take care everyone.

Lolly said...

Glad you said something, Margy. I, too want to thank Sharon for getting in touch with Norma. I do miss her!!! I even adopted her! She wanted me to adopt her, so why did she abandon me? sob sob!

Lolly said...

Bacon cheese burgers about ready. Then I am sitting down for the rest of the evening. I am tired!!

magpie said...

You know Lolly...I remember all that !

Oh,when I read the first part of your post ..."I slipped up last night..." I read slipped up...and instantly went into worry mode...
Glad I finished reading the post all the way through...

thanks Suzan for the's going to be tough NOT watching, because I need to sleep, BUT if I get up for any reason I will try to have a peek...
And watch for Venus, Crescent Moon and Jupiter in the pre-dawn Eastern skies too....will be a nice trio


stronghunter said...

Had a nice supper. Kathryn said that she would take care of things, and she and Bill showed up with take-out Mexican food. Delicious.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn said something about watching the meteor shower tonight. Nice that she can do things like this.

stronghunter said...

Hope your travels are uneventful, Margy.

stronghunter said...

Looking at those people diving off the high dive reminds me of something.

When I was in college, one of the swimming teachers required everyone to go off the high dive as a part of the class. One of my friends who was in this class was pregnant with her first child.

She told us that she just could not jump off that board in her condition, and she decided to speak with the teacher before dropping the class.

She said she explained the problem and the man collapsed into the nearest chair. To my knowledge, he never made anyone do that leap again.

I really do not think I could have jumped off a high board either. Might have been able to climb the ladder. Could not walk out on the board. I can swim perfectly well, but do not like heights.

magpie said...

Thanks Shirley....I sure got my fill of I-95 driving back from Norfolk last month...ugh...

My sister chipped her two front teeth as a teen years ago diving off the high dive, she barely even felt it, which is unbelievable, but she needed to get caps very soon afterward..I have never dove off the high dive, just jumped off it once or twice...

Wow, Mexican fare, great...
maybe you will see a meteor or two, and you have ISS viewing to your credit, Shirley!

shower time, be back in a little while


magpie said...

hmmm, dove, or dived...wondering about that one

Judie said...

Hi all,

Ha! Feisty doesn't begin to describe Miss GG. So relieved she is going to stay in hospital for a few days to be checked further. She really is just a lovely, lovely lady.

Margy, safe travels tomorrow and I know the baptism will be a lovely. Anne will also be happy to see you. I'll catch you next time around.

Shirley, glad you had some yummy Mexican and a chance to get some nap time in today. Also nice that Susan had a quick drive home. Hope the headache is gone.

Suzan, thanks for the hoop cheese explanation. Will have to check around here to see if any place carries it. Maybe a specialty store in D.C.

Well, a downpour here and very welcome it is.

Time for me to greet the sandperson and then send him on his way to visit all of you. The night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the concern about a headache. Just an optical migraine. No pain. Just visual issues. Not too bad this time. I remember that Lynn had these, too.

First time it has happened when I was driving. That concerned me.

stronghunter said...

From Merriam Webster:

Dive, which was originally a weak verb, developed a past tense dove, probably by analogy with verbs like drive, drove. Dove exists in some British dialects and has become the standard past tense especially in speech in some parts of Canada. In the United States dived and dove are both widespread in speech as past tense and past participle, with dove less common than dived in the south Midland area, and dived less common than dove in the Northern and north Midland areas. In writing, the past tense dived is usual in British English and somewhat more common in American English. Dove seems relatively rare as a past participle in writing.

You are okay, Margy.

Hoda said...

Thanks LOLLY...I think it is great that you are holding the baby shower...HUGS

Roads do not sound too good around where you are SHIRLEY...Glad SUSAN is home.

I am dehydrated!!! It did not seem like it was overly sunny when I was out, but man oh man it must have been...I am now hydrating with water and ice...a touch of a sun stroke too I think.

JudyEddy said...

My puter had a odd pattern on it Had to power down Black and White pattern I took a picture of it don't know what up with that

Hoda said...

Weren't the closing ceremonies supposed to be tonight? Obviously not as I can not find them anywhere...maybe it is tomorrow...they were good gaes and the Brits did a good job.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn and Bill will be leaving tomorrow for a visit with friends and to attend a concert.

stronghunter said...

I think closing is tomorrow night.

stronghunter said...

Oh my, Hoda, take care of yourself.

stronghunter said...

Oh my, Hoda, take care of yourself.

stronghunter said...

Please pardon the double post.

magpie said...

Yes, Hoda...I agree with Shirley...take good care of this condition, and get thee to a doctor if you need to

thanks Grammar Girl, I knew you would help me out !

Lolly, Bravo! Big task at hand but am sure you will give the Best Baby Shower !

Thinking of GG....and Wanda and Gene and all the Familyh; I know the hospital staff has always pretty much fallen in love with GG, as we have.

Hoda said...

9:00 PM tomorrow London it is one PM my time is what I figure. I will watch it...

Hoda said...

Thanks I will be alright SHIRLEY and MARGY...I am hydrating and took in some glucose too as it felt my pressure was down...much better now...Yes I will go to the hospital if it does not continue to improve.

stronghunter said...

Good that you are better, Hoda. Just take care.

Time for me to call it quits for the evening. SED, everyone.

stronghunter said...

Would hand you a Gatorade if I could, Hoda.

Hoda said...

Thanks SHIRLEY...I might go to the store for something to balance out my electro lights...good idea...I am much better though and continue to hydrate.

SED to you and thanks for the suggestion SHIRLEY

Mema Jo said...

I've had an enjoyable evening in front of TV - We did attend Mass and then came on home and ordered a pizza as we hadn't had one for a long time. It was really good. I checked on my TV schedule and would you believe there were 2 Hallmark movies - back to back.
So from 7:00 to 11:00 I've been hooked.
They do have lots of commercials towards the end of the shows - I detest that!.
Andy Did you all go to the movies - which one?

Hoda please be well again! Do you wear your hat when you row?

magpie said...

Watched some of those incredible dives....just wish all of them could be gold-medal winners

Okay, Hoda....sounds like you are taking the right steps...

Time to find the pillows....will check first thing in the morning on how GG is doing, if Wanda has time to make a post
(( Hugs Wanda and GG and Gene ))

Prayers for
Wellness for All of Us....
and our Families, Friends and Pets

God Bless Us, Every One

Mema Jo said...

Rain hasn't reached us yet. I haven't looked out to see if we do have a clear sky.

Heading in to rest my head! God bless and keep all of you in Peace and Love

Really miss Lynn not being here when we need a nurse! Lolly, your bacon cheeseburger reminded me of our Lynn♥ and her favorite food!
I ♥ US

JudyEddy said...

HELLOOOOOO Eagle buds I put a short video of Jordyn here Friday on the blog she is wearing the ballet dress she picked out at the Chruch sale we went to Fri It was rainy out so we stayed in the house and I got her a 16"bike with the rain she couldn't play with it

Jordyn dancing to the olympic gynmastic routine Silly girl also a few pix of her on the blog and the ones she took of me at the park

JudyEddy said...

Gonna try to stay up and go out side to see what I can see
but saying nite now

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

JudyEddy said...

Oh if you watch the video notice that I can now type on the youtube video didn't not know that just learned it Never to old to learn I say I just pulled a Margy

Costume Lady said...

JUDY, is there anything you can't do with your 'puter? You amaze me!

When I went back to the hospital, GG's room mate told me that she started to walk out the door and she told her that "Wanda wouldn't want you to do that", and GG said, "Oh, well if Wanda said I shouldn't, then I guess I won't" and got back into her bed. She told me she was tired of being in bed all day:) Had to remind her how weak she is and might fall, break a hip and be in the hospital for a month or more..."Oh my God, I would die if I had to stay here that long!" She was still in her street clothes, didn't want to put on hospital gown..."I think that is just an old rag that someone left lying on my bed"..."I would like my own pajamas, they are in the top drawer, would you bring me some tomorrow?" "Do you think you can find them? Oh, of course, you know where everything is, I forgot".
I asked the nurse if it would be OK for her to wear her own PJs and she said that would be no problem...thank goodness:)

Nothing new on her condition...probably nothing revealed until Monday, but she is getting back her sense of humor, which tells me she is getting more oxygen to her brain.
Will update situation tomorrow afternoon.
Thank you all for your prayers and sweet thoughts. Love and prayers for you all♥

Lolly said...

Great report on GG! She is a hoot!

I do think ALL of you should rush right is really clean. lol

Heading to bed, but first a look outside at the sky.

See ya tomorrow! Nitey Nite! SED!!!

Hoda said...

PRAYERS for GG and family.

LOLLY your house always looks so very immaculate, I can hardly think that there is any dust at all. The party will be great.

Thanks JO and MARGY...It is all good and I know I am healing...yes I wore my hat but I over heated today dor being out in the sun from 7:30 in the morning to 1 in the afternoon

magpie said...

Good Sunday Morning, Eagle Pals...

Beautiful WV morning here.

Wanda, beautiful and touching post about GG, yes, sounds like her mind and heart are "spot on." What a neat room-mate...finding just the right words to say.

Best Wishes to All for a Good, Better, BEST Day...

xo "See You" this evening

magpie said...

Oh, I see that
THE SPLIT approaches....


Sandi said...

Good cloudy Sunday morning my eagle friends! Supposed to get sunny this afternoon and then stay that way for a change. The rain kept up til about 6pm which is when our friend's birthday party started, then it kinda drizzled through cocktails and dinner and by 7pm, it stopped so people were able to dance out on the deck til 10pm! Fortunately, the house is built on pilings so we were all able to fit under the house for dinner (tables were set up) and didn't have to all be in Scott's and Jean's house. It was a fun evening. Sadly, it was still pretty cloudy when the party broke up so I didn't even bother to go outside to look for the meteor showers last night.

So glad to hear that GG is perking up - I'd want my PJs too!

Hoda, hope you are back to feeling like your normal hydrated self today!

Never got the Miracle Gro on my pots yesterday so need to do that today.

Have a great day all - looks like Margy just posted - Good morning Margy!!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Eagle family!!!

Great news that GG is taking Wanda's orders and doing better! :)

Lolly, is the baby shower today, or was that yesterday? I'm sure your house and cooking is perfect!

Hoda, take care of yourself. Glad you got to go rowing. Take some pics.

Thanks, JudyE, Wanda, Sandi, Margy and all for the tips on the yellowish wall. They are looking now more ivory as I had wanted. I think we had too much light in there just because we were painting, and now with the super white trim, it all looks beautiful. I'm so happy with it.

The bathroom came out perfectly and after I get the new fixtures, towelbar, etc, it will be as I've always wanted it. Next up will be the living room today! I got the new paint color yesterday and am hoping for bliss!

I love you all....I love us!

Lori O. said...

Oh, Sandi. Our dogs...well, dog now, Dalai, gets heartworm pills every 30 days year round. With the rescue we've had to put too many dogs with heartworm through the painful treatment so we stay with the every 30 days, just in case.

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3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...