Tuesday, August 21, 2012


New thread.


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JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Looks like I called it quites a the right time I was in the shower and remember I said storms were a commin well in the shower I heard a big boom shower wasn't as nice as it could have been but I am clean clean and wow is it stroming up a storm lightening and thunder and rain rain rain rain

JudyEddy said...

Think I am gonna shut down so close is the lightening and my house is shakin from it the winds are wiping the rain on my front door tooo BYE f0r a bit

glo said...

Be safe JudyE. I missed the feather by just a few minutes. It was Dexter's fault :-). Busy day here. Weather remains dry but beautiful otherwise. Warming up again for rest of week but not unbearable. Hope everyone is doing well. I have not read back on old thread yet.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Hoda said...

JUDYE let us know that ANGIE and JORDYN got home safe and well...stay off those roads seems like a good idea for now.

Hoda said...

Thanks STEVE for the new thread.

Headed off to yoga...

Lolly said...

Broke a record today...78 was the high. August!!!! It is presently 73, we ate dinner outside. This is unbelievable!!

JudyEddy said...

Angie did make it home I called her and she was almost there they had pulled over to the shoulder of the interstate with the rain being bad Its still raining but not as hard and my road has gone down somewhat I had someone contact me and wants to use my video of the floods on their page WeatherNation on facebook I didn't realize she was following my on Youtube I told her she could its all public anyway but nice they asked LOLLY I see you also Liked their page

JudyEddy said...

Wanted to go out to eat but witht he roads and the rain stayed in made those great seasoned potatoes and grilled shrimp and Boston baked beans Now I am full My road has water on it still it has never taken this long to drain ODD but we have had rain everyday this week so that may be the reason no where to drain it

JudyEddy said...

OH LOLLY 78 sounds so nice right now its 73 but wet wet and still drizzling right now with more rain on way Enjoy your weather

JudyEddy said...

I just went to empty my rain gauge and a total of 4" so far I figure with more comin it would overflow and wouldn't have a accurate reading in the am

Judie said...

Hope everyone is safe and sound.

Judy, glad Angie is okay and you are, also.

Lolly, seems you are making lemonade out of some lemons. Enjoy.

Poor Dex. Hope a feather can be found on the next coffee and dog treats outing.

Hoda, how are you enjoying your Argentinian mystery writer?

Wonder what sort of stories Shirley is hearing tonight about Hunter's first day in middle school? Bet we get a laugh or two.

I must admit that I am unusually tired tonight and plan to call the sandperson in for an early visit.

The night light is set for 11:30. Hope everyone is having a safe and sound evening. Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

Had to rush off to Hunter's first game of the season. They won, 14-6. Nice to have a winning team again. The baseball team tied one, won one, and lost a lot.

Hunter came home on the bus, and ran all the way to the house so he could tell me that his day was "sucky." Cafeteria food was bad, too.

He is taking a class that involves cooking and sewing. It will last for a quarter, then he will have technology. Tomorrow is gym day.

He said that he must have all of his supplies tomorrow, so Kathryn is off to the store.

He is supposed to be in bed by 9:00. Just a couple of reminders necessary. He must be tired. He played the entire football game, both offense and defense.

Nice to see his dad show up for the game.

stronghunter said...

Enjoyed a nice box of goodies from KFC tonight.

stronghunter said...

Judy, glad that Angie made it through the storm. I see clouds building up here.

Today was very pleasant, enjoyable for watching football.

stronghunter said...

Quitting for the night. Will see you later. Rest well, everyone.

Hoda said...

Good luck to HUNTER for middle school.

I love the mystery story JUDIE he is a good writer and spins a good yarn sometimes even surprises me.

Yoga was excellent and I am with good positive energy moving with grace...I like this feeling.

JudyEddy said...

Well I am a whopped puppy just to do it all over again tomorrow more to do YUK but not as much I think
Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Costume Lady said...


Good night friends, prayers being said and love for all♥

movin said...

hi, just checking p/word change.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Getting here later than I had hoped, but had some bills to pay online first. It was a bit cooler here this evening. I think our morning fog at the b---h is supposed to be back tomorrow, and may have been approaching the shore tonight. It's amazing how it cools things down. The humidity is still high, though. High today was 84, and it's 72 right now. It's supposed to be 84 again tomorrow, 82 on Thursday, 81 on Friday, and (YAY!) 79 on Saturday.
I must say, at this point I would welcome a nice snowstorm! I don't know what we would do if we did not have our two big floor fans. They're the tall, narrow ones that oscillate, and have 3 speeds. One is in the living room, and the other is in the bedroom. They really circulate a lot of air when on the highest speed. Emma and I are extremely grateful for that!

Shirley, I'm wishing Hunter the very best with his new school adventure. I'm sure he will adapt quickly, although the first couple of days can be unnerving. Congrats to Hunter for winning his first game of the season! I'm glad you will have more free time during the day now. Hope you will be able to bowl more often. Sorry to hear you got clobbered by the clock! It sure is a cute one. Is it possible to repair it? Hope your head isn't hurting anymore.

I did manage to get some more laundry done today, and am making good progress with it.

Well, I'm getting pretty tired, so think I will call it a day. Prayers have been said for everyone, every creature, and all our furbabies. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Sleep well, everyone, with SED! God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you!
♥♥Remembering Lynn, with love♥♥
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!!!

Hoda said...

Good night

I continue to listen to my Argentenian book and it continues to be good.

Tomorrow I will head out to yoga in the morning and also run errands...I will see you in the afternoon.


Sandi said...

Good Wednesday morning my eagle freinds!

Judy, it sounds like you are having a productive vacation! 4" of rain??? We don't see that too often here in Bethany!

Shirley, "the day sucked" probably means that Hunter had a good first day of middle school, right? Good = bad, up = down, adolescents are moving contradictions!!

Family is leaving this afternoon - I will miss them, yet it will be nice to have the house back to ourselves for a few days before I start back to work. We spent a great last day on the beach yesterday - more sun than clouds and not hot at all, good waves for the boogie boards for the kids. Then we took a short boat ride after dinner.

Tennis for me this morning @9am. The kids will be going out to breakfast with their dad ( a tradition started by Mitch's dad with Mitch and his brother and sister). They will get on the road early afternoon.

Have a great day all!

Janet said...

good morning, friends.

mid week once again.

stronghunter: thinking about you this morning as you prep for another school day. we are nearly a month in now, as she started July 30. sometimes its hard to believe.

judye: be safe out there working in the yard today. i know it is a good feeling being productive like that. next month i start digging back into my yard work. after my trip to va beach next week the plan is to start painting inside too, but have much outside work to do.

sandi: enjoy your tennis. i used to love it when mom and dad would visit, but yes, after a few days, it is nice to have your house back...no matter WHO is visiting, lol.

its much better this morning. no coffee yesterday really messed me up. or maybe i was just tired? i had the physical....didn't get back into "the room" til 9:30. it was 11 when I got to the IHOP. met tom there for breakfast/brunch. ordered coffee first thing. ate. came home and became reacquainted with my pillow for almost 2 hours. ????? that's not me. i don't know what that was about, but i couldn't function.

the rest of the day was good. i always have things to do. today looks to be the same. i have early morning massages, then run to the printer, to staples, etc in prep for this weekend.

hope everyone has a great day. gonna be a bit hot here today; 90 again. but that beautiful low 80's can't last forever in august and we were lucky to have that reprieve!

hugs, light, love, and smiles to all. :)

T-Bird said...

Good morning eagle peeps.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Hunter did go to the bus stop today. I thought that he would probably be okay after having ridden home with those kids yesterday. Looked like he was happily talking with them.

paula eagleholic said...

Devastating News

:( :( :(

NBG Eagles Nests to be removed

grannyblt said...

Morning eagle friends. Hope everyone rested well and has a fabulous day !!

My cat, William, brought me a present this morning, a vole I think. I was up and at the computer so he took it to his favorite wild play place, the bathtub. He was not at all happy when I escorted him out of the bathroom and left the dead prey in the tub.

Today, after the funeral, I will get laundry done and prepare for a short trip this weekend to Cincinnati to visit with my late husband's sister and her husband. I haven't seen them in 5 years, so it is time. The AC isn't working in my truck, but I'll tough it out. I'll wave to Kay when I pass through Columbus.

Glad Hunter is adjusting to middle school. My grands start school today, but no new schools for any of them this time--next year the youngest will be at that middle school first year jitters stage.

JudyEddy said...

Good morning Eagle Buds OH Paula I was hoping that they would change their mind but didn't so sad

JudyEddy said...

LYNNE! did you mean mole I don't know what a vole???

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY how is the head this am??

JudyEddy said...

LORI has the med seem to be helping and the upset tummy subsided? Hows Kate MOM

JudyEddy said...

and where oh where is DANAMO she no longer comes aboard I know she is preparing for school she has been on FB and LYNNE1 and LINDA you need to say HI I see BOB pooped in with a password change

JudyEddy said...

gonna have some coffee before I head outside not waiting till this afternoon no where to go so I can start early

stronghunter said...

I am okay, Judy. Thanks for asking.

grannyblt said...

JudyE, there is a difference between voles and moles, but I'm not sure what the difference is. I sent you an email with a picture lol

JudyEddy said...

LYNNE1 Just read the email and sent you a quick reply Your cat loves you lots huh such a nice present LOL

JudyEddy said...

OH I just googled it again and hes a cutie LYNNE1 A vole is a small rodent resembling a mouse but with a stouter body, a shorter, hairy tail, a slightly rounder head, smaller ears and eyes, and differently formed molars. There are approximately 155 species of voles. Wikipedia

JudyEddy said...

When I googled it no suggestion came up but I clicked go anyway and then they came up Odd maybe google is having issues today HUH Our rain looks like it may be coming in earlier the weather man said not like yesterday in the afternoon

ISSAC (Tropical Storm now out there) may be a issue for Fl with the RNC next week Poor Tampa did so much for this convention coming up and they say it may be sort of cancelled if it comes this way

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Heat headed back in our way for the next few days. Maybe some rain MTBR on that one. At least it isn't going to be 110 LOL. Dex and i have enjoyed a few walks at the Marina in the cool of the morning. Got some foot issues to deal with now for me so no walking today. Hopefully it will cool again by next week and we can go once again.

Without the Norfolk webcam we would not know which eagle got hit last year. I think that makes a total of 2 or maybe 3 eagles from NBG hit by planes in like 10 years. I hope Dad decides to go elsewhere or they will drive him away. That will be much worse than just the news of the nest. argh. We built and our building the eagle population back to a healthy number. Moving their nests instead of learning ways to keep them away from the airport makes no sense to me. Talk about BIRD BRAINS argh. Not at all happy with the powers that be. But it is the webcam that has made them a target as the identity of the bird hit became known factor. :-(

Kay said...

Good Morning, Eagle Buds !

PAULA, hate to hear about the NBG nest removals. Seems silly to think eagles will get the hint and steer clear of those beautiful loblolly pines and the good fishing waters so close at hand !

LYNNE1, guess you'll be heading southward on I71. When you see the Morse Road exit, wave to the right and I'll hope to get the ESP message ! Safe travels and do have a good visit with your loved ones ! ♥

Loving prayers for all ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Judie said...

Along with other somewhat different features, I believe voles are blind.

Very sad about NBG decision. May those eagles relocate and thrive.

Lynne, safe travels.

Soon off to a vascular exam for femoral and carotid arteries.

Have a good afternoon everyone.

Sandi said...

Forgot to check the box this morning and then saw there was no box to check until AFTER I posted something!

Back from tennis - NOT a good day on the court! Grrr!!! OHeaded back to the beach before the family leaves this afternoon!

Sad news about the NBG nests!

Kay, good to see you on the blog already this morning - progress obviously continues!!


stronghunter said...

Very sad about the NBG eagles.

Morse Road!! I remember Morse Road, Kay.

stronghunter said...

Hope the exam goes well, Judie.

Oh my, Prince Harry. Not everything that happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

JudyEddy said...

ISAAC not the way I spelled it OOPS
and another storm is on the way and I did get all the trees from the fence line and the two that were in between the carport and house those two were buggers because of the phone or cable lines whatever so I did it and didn't disconnect anything wow what a job now I need to do what Terry suggested the last time he was here take the fence down and rent a garden tiller of sort and dig along where the fence was to destroy all the stupid trees that I have to keep cutting down can't get to the roots with the fence there and some of the tree have been cut over and over so that will be my next project but not this staycation maybe in Oct I will be one week with June and one week when I come back I do that on purpose two weeks that way when I get back I can do stuff in the fall

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good afternoon my eagle budlets!

JudyEddy said...

My arms look like minced meat yikes I go back to work they will think I have been in the brier patch picking berries LOL

JudyEddy said...

we got one line of storm heading this way but from what I see only one line but suppose to be heavy

I saw so many butterflies out side tried for pix no go got a video of sort of two makin butter lol

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

Yeah shower is done before the storm hit the area again doesn't look like a big line but more are expected as the day progress with the heat etc I am on live chat radar now Fox13 haven't done that since last year of so pretty cool we are all comparing how many inches we got LOL

Hoda said...

Good morning/ Good afternoon all.

JO posted on FB. She is enjoying the ocean. She misses us all and wanted me to make sure I posted her sentiments on the blog. "miss my blog family"


Hoda said...

I am really upset about the NBG Eagle nests removal...

JudyEddy said...

HODA I think we all are What will they do if the eagle persist in building there

The airport people are IDIOTS you can't stop nature from taking it course or they think they can

and thanks for bring over JO statement about missing up

Its now starting to rain I though we were going to be missed but I was wrong but its not as bad as yesterday anyway but the days not over

OH my arms look a mess Angie said I should wear long sleeve outside when I do yard work in 101 feels like I don't think so I will just have to put up with the thin skin red marks they will go away eventually just nasty to look at

JudyEddy said...

that should have been missing us not UP silly fingers

Lori O. said...

The NBG nest removal is heartbreaking! I'm with you GLO on your opinions. And, that was such a great cam, too.

PAULA, thanks for passing along the NBG nest news, as awful as it is.

Congrats to HUNTER on winning his first game. SHIRLEY, bet the house feels a little different with Hunter back in school.

Thanks HODA for passing on JO's FB message. How's it giong in the yoga world? OH, HODA, wanted to tell you that they are having a day of Drgaon Boat racing here at National Harbor on Saturday. Of course, I thought of you!

JUDYE glad you survived the rain - that's a flood!

JANET, nice that you could meet Tom for breakfasat after your physical. Love IHOP! :)

JUDIE, when does your big school house open for the wannabe adults?

Lori O. said...

JUDY, the nausea is getting much better, thank you. I'm a little light headed today, but otherwise feel fantastic! So good in fact that I registered for my sleep study and the endoscopy - is that the one that goes down your throat? I had such a bad day yesterday that I just prayed on my way to work for a day filled with love, joy & hope. It's been great! God is good all the time, as SHARON says!

JudyEddy said...

Good evening eagle buds
Just got off the phone with Angie and have sort of sad news for me
Jordyns new school isn't like her old one VPK ended at 12 there will this one they have till 4:30 because they have the smart board and circle at the end of the day recapping all they have gone over for the day. I guess a charter academy school is different that a public school, So I will pick her up at 430 and then either head to Angie house Angie suggested a park or something for maybe a half a hour or so but with days getting shorter and the bugs will have to consider it especially the west Nile threat around Fl isn't as bad as TX SD LA OK MS are the top one we have only had 13 cases in Fl but with the rain and they found three more chickens with it and a blood donor that was just on the new as I am typing this

So what I will do is probably change my days of the week off from TH /FRi to Sat/Fri that way I can spend a Sat with them as a family will have to see how work will handle that probably give me a hard time since its hard to get people to work on the weekend but I have been doing for years now since she was born My days off use to be FRi and SAT until I changed it I won't give up my time and a half Sun pay need that since I haven't gotten a raise I knew that day was going to happen but didn't think this year of well, will have to live with I don't want to interrupt her education. Thanks for letting me vent here So tomorrow I will pick her up at 430 to 445 and figure it out from there

JudyEddy said...

OH lovely on the news they ask Pinellas co people to limit flushing and the length of showers because of the sewer system is overload with the water flow of all the rain

JudyEddy said...

ONE OF MY NEIGHBORS HAS his sprinkler on right now what a idiot all he has to do is turn off the timer I would love to go over there and say something but I won't dern it any way Some people don't have a clue

Lolly said...

Sorry to read, Lori, that you are having some problems. ((hugs)) Joey had a sleep study done and is now on a machine at night. They (Joey and Laurel) both love it! He is sleeping so much better and feeling so much better.

We are home! We came home this morning and then went right back at 11 for the boys to play at the water park. Since it did not open yesterday they honored our passes today. So, after a couple hours playing we came on home and I am doing tons of laundry.

Lolly said...

21 deaths now in Texas from West Nile Virus. They are spraying in Dallas and Fort Worth, but we really have not had mosquitoes here. We are keeping a watchful eye out.

Sandi said...

Sister, brother-in-law, niece, nephew, and dog just left. Very quiet here - and sad. As long as people are arriving to visit, I'm focused on the fact that it's summer vacation time. But when the last company leaves, I have to accept that summer vacation time is over! =(

JudyEddy said...

So sorry you are bummed out SANDI just try to think of the positive and look forward to the next time they visit next holiday or something of that sort(((((((HUGS))))))) headin your way

JudyEddy said...

Just on the news some idiot taped a box turtle to a bunch of helium balloons that got stuck in the tree someone saw it called the Firedpt by the time they got there the wind blew it out of the tree and the turtle fell But lucky the turtle is ok and they are trying to figure out who did it Mean world we live in or probably stupid kids huh Turtle and balloons
it was on Fox but I can't find it on their site so I googled and found it

Hoda said...

SANDI You have had an absolutely marvelous summer and I am sure you will find the joy in your work experiences too. I look forward to your posts and think your students are lucky you work with them.

LORI Glad you are better and do let us know how it goes with the test...Thank you for thinking of me and Dragon Boating...Yoga world continues to bring lots of changes and it teaches me about the quality of acceptance as opposed to resistance to the changes...working with my mind set and my expectations. Not lowering of standards just working with their quality and organic energy...this week has been very good for that and I am challenged and growing with my work on the mat and taking it off the mat.BIG HUGS TO YOU AND CONTINUED PRAYERS FOR HEALING...

magpie said...

Checking to say Hi, and Best Wishes to Every One on all your activities.

I missed seeing about the funeral information grannyblt was attending, but I send my sincere condolences on the loss.....

Been pretty busy, Visitation and Funeral plans are set for my brother in law, in-law, in-law, Thursday and Friday.

with those activities and with work, and I haven't had much to time to chitty chat..but I did just catch up...

Yay for the Happy Things,
and sorry about the difficult and challenging things...

Nice Crescent Moon out hereabouts, hope some or ALL of you can have a peek. South,West

Must run along, the night bandit is clobbering me, and I know who is following up, the Sandperson!

Best Wishes for Sweet Rest and a Good Tomorrow...

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

JudyEddy said...

So happy you popped in Margy not like some peeps that don't even acknowledge us any more ;^(
I guess they only came for the eagles and not the friendship like our dear friend said

You are close to my heart dear Margy in your hours of sadness your family has gone through so much lately life isn't fair (((((((HUGS))))))) ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
funny Kay has me in a habit of doing 7 hearts and ()

JudyEddy said...

I wonder if there is any progress on the cam anyone have a clue and is it the live or still cam do we know???? I sure do miss our eagle I got to see one eagle today at the park when I drove by but its not the same silly huh

JudyEddy said...

Well I think I am gonna go read some nothing on TV to watch I dislike Reruns Hey doesn't the new season start soon any one know like Good Wife NCIS Criminal Minds I always thought about the time school started may have to check in to that

Hoda said...

Good to see you MARGY...
Stay well and come back...

Hoda said...

Tomorrow I will head out to my White Water rafting trip. I am looking forward to it...It speaks for perfect weather day...

Hoda said...

JUDYE I relate to your story about the eagles in NBG rebuilding the nests...we had an osprey nest on the orange bridge in Nelson. THe moved it as it was seen as a danger and distraction to drivers. They waited for the season to finish and when the Osprey left they took it down. Next year when they returned they noticed their nest was gone and set their minds to rebuilding it and nested there that year too. Again it was taken down and this time they put a cone up where the nest was. The osprey rebuilt in a location very close to the bridge and are seen circuling the site of the original nest up till now several years later...the eagles will rebuild...

If they have to take the nests down would it not be awesome if they donate them for educational purposes?

Judie said...

Hoda, have fun on the white water rafting trip tomorrow and it is so nice that yoga is so very good for you.

Margy, thoughts and prayers for you and all the family and you all move through the funeral process tomorrow and Friday. Please try to stay rested.

Lolly, West Nile crisis has been on the news a lot and do hope you and all the family are taking serious precautions. Meanwhile, so glad the water park honored your passes and the boys were able to enjoy the day.

JudyE, Jordyn's school change will bring benefits and work to her advantage. Remember, it isn't the quantity of time it is the quality of time you spend with her. Yes, many people are very active on the blog while the eagles are nesting and then disappear until next January.

Sandi, enjoy the days remaining before school begins. A time to relax and mentally gear up.

Lori, glad you are some better and sure hope the tests will be a huge help; school begins on the 28th.

Shirley, congratulations to Hunter on the team win. I know he must be all puffed up even if he doesn't want to say so. The team practice seems to be helpful.

Test results were not much changed from six months ago. So, no interventions needed at this time. Stents seem to have helped.

So, long day and the sandperson is huffing and puffing in the hallway wanting to be out the door. So, the night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

grannyblt said...

LOL Margy. I am also guilty of skimming messages some times. The funeral today was for the vole the cat brought into the bathtub this morning, thankfully I did not know him personally.

Kay, I wrote Morse road on my Mapquest directions and will wave around noon or so Friday...

SED everyone

stronghunter said...

Well, glad that the computer is okay. I let Hunter use it for some school work. He returned it by putting it on the edge of my bed when I was half asleep. I did not even know he had come into my room, and when I rolled over, the computer hit the floor.

Seems to have cleaned out some crumbs that were in the keyboard.

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy all...

Just want to let you know I'm still alive and kicking

Prayers for those in need...

Janet said...

evening all.

JUDYE: so sad about Jordyn's school...hopefully you can get that changed (your day off that is). Sad beans.

Lots on my mind tonight, folks.

Feeling sad...and on another level elated about stuff.

Sad: my dear friends, who moved here just over 2 years ago (we've know each other 19 years this year) and we have been thru a lot together are looking at moving back to PA. They have to do what they have to do...and its a long, convoluted and complicated story which I won't bore you with said details, but suffice it to say, I'm feeling a little blue over this turn of events.

The elated comes in at this juncture: I am having some amazing opportunities dropping in my lap with regards to my Reiki. Stuff I NEVER dreamed would happen.....I am being connected with some people that...never in my wildest dreams would I have even thought I might be connected with. Nothing concrete has happened yet, but the offers are being made. I see 2013 is going to be an amazing year for me. I just have to look, and make the most of each opportunity as it comes along.....

Its been a good day. Got Livvy signed up and paid for the ballet class and transferred her back to a Thursday ice skating class. Thought we'd be able to do a Tuesday class, but I forgot about a late client on Tuesdays (every other Tuesday) so that won't work.

SO much in my head tonight. Hope I can sleep.

Can someone please send the sandman with a double dose of sand to make sure that I do? The brain is in over load gear....too much going on.

Sleep well my friends...see you in the morning! Good night! Light, love, hugs, and smiles....sweet dreams!

Lolly said...

Boys are in bed. I am soooo tired. Yep, there is a reason the young have and raise the children.

Joseph was showering and I told Jacob to pick up his "guys" he had been playing with. He picked them up while I folded some clothes. Then went looking for him to get in the shower. He was in a bedroom unloading more toys. lol

Jacob's cheeks are pink. He got a bit of sun today. I put lotion on them but he wanted to do his face. I should have done it.

Heading to the shower and to bed myself. Taking them home after lunch tomorrow. Stopping at Laurel's school. She needs her dad to put together a table. Her principal ordered her a new table. It came unassembled!! Never heard of the like! She asked the principal when the table fairies were coming and she suggested a shop class could put it together Monday. She wants it now! Daddy to the rescue.

Well, looks like I am not going to bed too soon....Jack just tempted me with a G&T. ☺

I'll go ahead and say good night!


JudyEddy said...

Me to wanted to say goodnight to all
Wish I had a G&T Lolly LOL
now a toasted almond would do

Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

JudyEddy said...

SED I keep forgetting to say that also OH NO I just pulled a Margy LOL all the work in the yard whopped my butt and will clean gutters tomorrow Fun times LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Janet, did Livvy pass her skating test? Not sure if she's taken it yet or if I missed your post.

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, sounds like you earned that G&T, enjoy ☺

Judy, bet the yard will look so nice when you are done!

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Enjoy your G&T, Lolly. Jack is a good man.

Have been thinking of you with all of the stories about the West Nile virus.

How is Zachary? Did he have a good summer school experience?

stronghunter said...

Yawning and trying to focus. Time to quit for the night. I will see you tomorrow.


paula eagleholic said...

The link below has more information and more links to review in regards to the NBG nest removal.

Press release

Mema Jo said...

Hello and Good Night - I just read about everyone's day and how you are doing. My comments will need to wait until I get on some faster means of communicating.

Prayers for all & thinking of you as I relax and play lazy. Had dinner with Helen and Hubby. Was very nice. Take care I love us!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Well, happy to report that it felt cooler here today! The high was
82, but we had a bit of a breeze, and it's down to 72 now. We still have both fans running, which has helped a lot.

Got more laundry done this morning, so only have a couple more loads to do, and I'll be finished.

Paula, really sorry to hear the plans to remove the eagle's nests.
Do they really think that will keep them away from the area? I sure don't think so! MTBR, I guess.
How is Nick doing? Haven't heard much about him lately. Please give him an extra treat for me.

Lolly, I'm glad to hear that you don't have much risk for West Nile in your area. Our kids are in pretty good shape in their area, but our GD Jay lives and works in Dallas, so I'm concerned about her.
They have been spraying at night, which I hope will help a lot.

Judie, glad to hear that your arteries are in good shape. How are Audrey and Grace doing?
Hoping that you have a bunch of star pupils among the wannabe adults this year!

Well, I think I'm going to go watch a bit of TV to unwind, and then call it a day. Prayers have been said for everyone, for every creature, and for our furbabies.
The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled.
Sleep well, everyone, with SED.
God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you!
♥♥Thinking of Lynn with love♥♥
♥♥Ditto Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!!!

Hoda said...

Great to see so many posts...
I ♥ Us.

Listening to my book and now ready for bed.

Good night. See you tomorrow after Whitewater rafting.


Lori O. said...

Well, HODA I hope you're still enjoying your book, and ANDY that you were able to fall asleep quickly!

LOLLY, you had quite a day - isn't it funny how tons of laundry always follows the fun stuff?!

JO, tell HELEN hello for me! Glad you got to check in and are enjoying yourself.

Congrats JANET on all the great things happening in your REIKE world. Sorry your friends are moving.

JUDYE, that turtle, balloons and tree story made me sick! What is wrong with people that they don't foresee the consequences of anything? ARGH!

SANDI, You must be loving the feeling of a peaceful house, but sorry it reminds you of going back to work!

JUDIE & SANDI, any special plans your last few days of vacation?

JUDIE, glad your stent test came out well!

LYNNE1, please wave to KAY for me, too, and send a flying hug her way! Have a safe trip - leaving tomorrow, right?

SHIRLEY, I don't remember reading how you did bowling the other day - how did you do, Cyclone?

MARGY, thinking of you today and tomorrow with special thoughts and prayers. Sure hoping 2013 will be better for you and your family. ♥

SHARON, How the heck are you??? Give THEMA and the furbabies big hugs from me! Going to the lake soon?

GLO, how did your kitten pics come out? Anyway I can see them? Used to love when you had us pick the pictures you were submitting!

Costume Lady said...

LORI, you must just be getting up and I am just going to bed:)

I took GG to her doctor for a follow-up on her hospital stay. Nothing new to do for her...no oxygen or new pills. I asked about a Stent for her heart and doc said it wouldn't help her~

Good night friends, prayers and love for you all♥

Janet said...

good morning ya'll

Livvy's test is today; but I doubt that she will pass this time. She can't stop. She can slow and go, but the one foot stop isn't happening at this time. So I will have to wait to give her those costumes! :(

I am sleepy this morning. But that's my own fault, stayed up a bit late thinking about my friends . On some level I am having a difficult time with them moving back to PA. I know I can't change it, nor should I try, this is their choice and I understand their reasons. Just have to adjust.

I did sleep better than I thought I would though.

Its going to be another beautiful day here in Nashville. Work's been slow for about a week.....last I looked I was well booked today. We shall see when I get there.

Hope everyone has a grand day! Hugs, light, love, and smiles to all!

Sandi said...

Good Thursday morning my eagle friends, esp. Lori and Janet who have already checked in for the day!

Absolutely nothing on my agenda for today - no tennis, no company, no grocery store, no trips to the vet, NADA!! And NADA is just what I plan to do today, since it is my only NADA day left before I go back to school.

Judy, the only thing that changes is change itself! I know you're happy that Jordyn is at a new school and growing up happy and healthy, yet it means spending less time with her and also changing the work schedule that you've gotten used to, which makes you sad - I get it!

Janet, best of luck on the new work opportunities!

Lolly, sounds like another successful Camp Hawkwood!!

Margy, I'll be thinking of you and your family today and tomorrow - prayers!

Have a great day all!

Janet said...

Thanks Sandi. Like I continually say, Nashville is an amazing city. You never know whom you will meet and/or what their social connections may be.....more details as things become more concrete over time. Sorry I am so talking in circles but I can hardly believe some of this myself.

Enjoy your NADA day!!!!! ;) We could all choose to be wise enought to have one of those from time to time.

Gotta get moving and get Livvy's breakfast and ready for work. HAVE A FABULOUS DAY!

Lori O. said...

Just checking my updated avatar - it's Dalai and her happy ball.

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, THELMA!

Lori O. said...

Where is everyone this morning?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I'm here Lori, working an earlier shift so I can go to the doc this afternoon. How are you?

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Back from coffee and dog treats. Dex seems to be feeling pretty good today. He woke me up ready for his dog bones and to get this day started. I like good nights followed by nice starts to the morning. HAGD

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

It looks like it a pretty day out right now and looking down in my tray on my puter the weather icon is blue the color I like to see not red or orange LOL Cleaning gutters this am but just wanted to say hey thinking about ya and all that you all do

Lolly said...

Good morning! Still doing laundry! lol This time the boys sheets and pj's. Returning them home with all clean clothes.

Zacharooski is just fine! Thanks for asking. He started school last Monday. He would not allow his mom to walk into the classroom wikth him. I think summer school did that! He also lost a front tooth. So cute!

Making meatballs this morning to take for dinner tonight. I am totally exhausted. lol Tomorrow I may collapse.

JudyEddy said...

and its 82 beautiful degrees now feels good to humidity 72 and well as the dew point 72 feels like says its 87 but I don't feel it yet maybe to early Looks to be some rain out there in the gulf so we will see Funny thing trying not to use as much water for the poor sewer systems I have one of those man hole covers in my back yard so I am definitely gonna listen to them the warning If its yellow let it mellow if its brown flush it down now they did say that one person said #1 try not to take as long a shower is my issue I love the shower beating on my neck and back helps but I will not do it so long till the rains aren't' as bad and with Issac coming yikes

Lolly said...

Off to cook and start collecting boys things that are scattered!

JudyEddy said...

A friend at work gave me a bag of boxtops the school her GS went to doesn't collect them Well I was going to count them last nite and discovered which was to my surprise that they do expire I did not know that did you? Good thing I did out of almost 200 box tops only 28 were good I am so glad I didn't just give them to the school without counting them One of Angies friend on FB said give them to them in anyway and maybe it won't be noticed I said this involve money for the school and could jeopardize the money Does anyone know if this is true should I give them to them anyway Angie is gonna ask anyway today I think

JudyEddy said...

I know where you are coming from LOLLY vacation do bring on lots of laundry June always tells me I bring to many cloths that I can do laundry there but I rather not Silly me When we went on vaca out west they did laundry one times and I didn't because I brought enough cloths for the trip

JudyEddy said...

ok I must go do something see ya all later will pop in and out for a water break and a cool down

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Dermatology appointment in a bit.

Hunter is safely off to school.

Bowling--I had not practiced all summer, though I had said I would. It went surprisingly well. I broke 100--115 or something like that. Now, for me, that is good. Please understand that I am not very athletic.

stronghunter said...

We had a business meeting before we bowled. Went over by-laws, etc. Man, it was one of the most complicated meetings I have ever attended.

Big discussions on how to establish our averages for the year and how much to pay our secretary. I do not really understand how everything is calculated. I just sat and listened.

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

WOW that was quicker than I thought it would be both front and back gutters are done and gutter guard back on the front no longer need on back being I cut the tree down free flowing

and my mailman was out front I didn't know that dressed in skimpy top and shorts He said lookin good I said thanks lots of hard work He said I didn't mean the yard as I walked in the door so glad he didn't see the expression on my face I wanted to say do you need glasses LOL

Sandi said...

Jo just called! Denny and I are meeting her and Ed for dinner in Fenwick this evening! =)

Just finished washing a few windows that I had never washed the outsides of in the spring!! It has been such a hot summer that I haven't turned the air off and opened the windows, so I had never put the screens in from when I took them out last fall! Hoping that I can open up the house soon - forecast is cooler but the humidity is still high and there's very little breeze.

BTW, there is a petition you can sign opposing the removal of the eagle nests at NBG = Glo posted the link to it on FB this morning.


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

JudyE getting hit on by the mailman!! :)

JudyEddy said...

and he is a hottie and I know he is married I think he was just being nice and boy is he a hottie in his shorts

JudyEddy said...

I signed the petition and also included the link to other airport using a device detect merlin for birds I also said that where I live there are over 100 nest and we have three airports here two are small but we let them live in them and don't tear them down I don't think any of this will help I think they have already made up their mind but I signed anyway and encourage other to maybe they will see the effect that this is having of people from all over the world Did you see Guela also commented on it to
OH WANDA I just love the pix of GG and the butterfly make sure you put on the Great Backyard bird count LOVE THE SMILE on her face

JudyEddy said...

Still got to clean the gutters on the carport they are the worst to clean hard to get your hand or little shovel in the gutter the design sucks big time but all the stuff is off the carport but the gutters are clogged up so I must finish them sometime LOL I am enjoying my coffee this am

JudyEddy said...

I got a notice in my junk mail that they got my signed petition COOL BEANS ☺

JudyEddy said...

They are giving warning on the news that IED may be used next week at the RNC they have already found graffiti on top of buildings and pipes and bricks so some one has been up there already So sad that there are idiots out there that want to stop this its all apart of our country voting process

Just on the news a small airplane landed on I-75 on the north bound shoulder he was heading south but he saw a traffic jam from a wreck so he turned the plane around and landed safety wow lost power to his plane and landed it safely

Lolly said...

That happened while we were at the beach. A plane landed on the service road to I35 just about one mile from our house. He had just taken off, lost power and had to land.

We are about ready to pack up and take the boys home. What are they doing? Playing very nicely together with some of Uncle Michaels old toys, Micronauts! If you have a son around 43 you might know what these toys are. LOL

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY wow funny thing it happend the airplane here to must happen more that we think HUH
Nerver heard of Micronauts will google to see that they are My son played with StarWars and GI Joe So happy you had a great camp visit with the boys When is the next time you will see them????

JudyEddy said...

OK I see what they look like sort of like transformers some of them are and boy are there a lot of different one huh I pick Jordyn up at 430 and have to be at Angies at 6 for dinner Carl is on call so we are doing Pizza I will ask Jordyn what she want to do come to my house of go to the park if its not raining I should put her bike in the back of the truck come to speak of it in case she wants to go to the park I will go do that now I bought a foot bike pump the other day so much nicer to use that a hand pump will throw that in the truck to I think the tire was a little lo when I bought it at the Church sale

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Kathryn and Hunter are off to football practice. We will have a light supper tonight. They are too hungry to wait, so they grabbed snacks and sandwiches, etc. I had lunch out and am not very hungry.

Went to Cheeseburger in Paradise for lunch. Things were hoppin' there. Was greeted by a man in uniform, later realized that he was Salvation Army. They had a table in the lobby and were selling menu items for a donation to the shoe bank.

Then, when I went to the door to the dining room, the receptionist just stood there beside me for awhile. Finally she said, "Do you want a table?" Well, yes, I did. She apologized and said it was her first day on the job.

On top of everything else, a local radio station was broadcasting outside the front door. Guess it would be pretty confusing for someone new on the job. She helped me to a table and I had a very nice lunch.

stronghunter said...

Had a very productive visit to the dermatologist. Learned about lots of treatment options I did not know about. I had always known that the doctor I was seeing was behind the times.

I saw the physician's assistant, but the doctor did come in to check everything and talked with me as well.

paula eagleholic said...

Last comment at 6pm tonight! Slow night!

paula eagleholic said...

Bet Jo and Sandi have a nice dinner!

I found that petition on FB and signed it too...re the NBG eagles

Sandi said...

Had a great dinner at House of Welsh with Jo and Ed! Denny is always so amazed that Jo and I know so much about one another's lives just from chatting on a blog. He really just doesn't get it!

Time to brush my teeth and grab my Kindle for some reading time before bed. See you all in the morning!

Hoda said...

Good evening all.


Saw an eagle, saw two osprey, and lots of small birds.

We hit several rapids and paddled through them. The other boat had someone takig photos but not while we were going through the rapids.

I much enjoyed myself and it was cool enough yet also warm enough to enjoy the water drenches.

It was a very good group of people and the average age was 75 years!!! They invited us to come back...they thought we were strong paddleres...half the participants were Dragon Boaters and we organized and trained the rest. It was great fun.

Hoda said...

So happy to read that JO and SANDI and HUBBIES ED and DENNIS had supper and shared a good time...it is so very awesome.

JudyEddy said...

SANDI So good that you and JO got to have dinner with each other and men they just don't get it period LOL
Just got home from Angies

SHIRLEY treatment options for????

was it LYNNE2 that had the huge picture of a moth My daughter had one on her door today at work was there the whole day first she thought it was a baby bat LOL I wanted to show her the other picture I think it was LYNNE2 that looked like a hummingbird eating at a flower she did post a picture on FB from her phone

Went with Jordyn to Freedom park saw several osprey got a short video of one in a tree he did some wingersize for me and got a short one of one eagle in the cell phone tower and when we left the other cell phone tower a couple of blocks up had the other eagle on it so got to see two eagle tonight SWEET

JudyEddy said...

Great you saw eagle and osprey tooo HODA isn't the world a grand place to be and go good you had a great day on the water

JudyEddy said...

ok gonna go watch some tv and then read for a bit read first then watch the news I should say nothing good on tv I want my new season to start Angies says probably the third week nest month

stronghunter said...

Treatment options for skin issues from sun damage, Judy. I am very fair skinned, and though I did not really spend much time sunning, I have some issues. Nothing serious. Just found out that chemotherapy makes you more likely to have skin cancer problems.

Judie said...

Wow, Shirley. I thought we had a fun lunch but relatively speaking, you had a much more exciting time today. Hope Hunter had a good practice today. I suspect you are going to be very much better off with the new dermatologist.

Hoday, how exciting for you and the paddlers. So happy you had a good time today.

Also happy Jo, Ed, Sandi, and Dennis had a nice dinner together.

Judy, I'm sure nothing more serious than some protesters will take place next week. All will be just fine.

Judie said...

Oops, that would be "Hoda, how exciting..."

Going to get my "do" did tomorrow in preparation for my return to the classroom.

I think mistyping Hoda's name is a sign that I need to say goodnight. The night light is on and the sandperson will be on the way soon. Restful sleep for all.

Lolly said...

We are home! No boys! We stopped by Laurel's school for Jack to put together her new table. Soon discovered they had delivered the wrong legs with the table top. Laurel stressed but she soon located an assistant princpal and they solved the problem. I cooked dinner and we had an enjoyable evening. I am exhausted and the house is quiet.

I really expect to see them all in a week. Hopefully the whole family can get together soon.

Sandi, so glad you had an enjoyable dinner tonight with Jo. No one can completely understand our blog and the closeness we have developed...man or woman.

I am going to go bathe, get comfy, and put my feet up and read. No children to put to bed tonight!

Night all! I love us! SED!!!

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Hoda said...

The house must be a bit quiet LOLLY. Good on JACK for assembling the table for LAUREL.

Janet said...

good evening. late check in before bed time.

SANDI: hope tomorrow dawns brighter and better for you!!!!

its been another busy day. have worked thru a good bit of the sadness i was experiencing last night. just something i cannot change and must accept; everything for a reason.

for those awaiting the results of olivia's ice skating "test" tonight: no she did not pass to beta level (doggone it! ) and she did not take it very well at all. she was promoted to alpha 2, which means, she has the basics of the skills that are required, but they must be refined before she passes to beta....two or three more classes per the teacher.

and, guess i'll be buying another pair of ice skates. had them sharpened and the silver chipped off. so, anyway, we are going to the director to buy a pair. i'll sell these for $10 bucks or something or other. they aren't bad, said she can use them for now, but i'm just frustrated and said the heck with it.

got all my materials together for class this weekend.....talked with my reiki master (richard) and he said it looks to be a big class. so that's great! :)

well folks, i am tired, so i'm gonna hit the bed. Good night, sweet dreams...sending light, love, healing, and smiles to all!

stronghunter said...

Time to say good night and to wish everyone well this evening. SED, everyone.

Hoda said...

Dear God!!! I just read that FOX NEWS outed one of the NAVY SEALS from the Bin Laden Mission and gave his home town!!! He wrote a book under a pseudonym and they outed him!!!

Hoda said...

I had better stop reading the news!!! USADA bans ARMSTRONG for life and strips him of his 7 Tour De France Medals after he said he was done fighting dopping charges!!!

Hoda said...

OK I am done reading the news!!!
Apparently there are nude pictures of Prince Harry in a private party in his Las Vegas suite??? How invasive and how so incredible that someone thought they had the right to sell such photos and someone actually bought them!!!
I have had my fill of news for a month or so now!!! ENOUGH!!!

Hoda said...

Good night.


Costume Lady said...

Once again it is bedtime and I wanted to say GOOD NIGHT to my friends. Love and prayers for all♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Oh my, Hoda! That's really upsetting about Lance Armstrong! I may need to stop watching the news, too! That's even more upsetting about the Navy Seal. Yikes! ...Sounds like you had quite an adventure on the water! Fantastic!

That's terrific that Sandi, Jo, Denny and Ed had a nice evening together!

It seemed a bit cooler here today.
It was 81, but the humidity was 81 too. They're predicting more of the same for the next 3 days. Emma seemed to be much more comfortable, and was feeling friskier today. That makes me happy! I was sleeping soundly when Ken got up this morning, so he let me sleep. Imagine my surprise when I woke up at 6:15 and realized he was already at work! Emma was on duty in the living room, and had disabled a cricket when I went out there! I'm glad it wasn't a spider!

JudyE, is there a link here to the petition about the NBG eagle nests?

Well, I think I'm going to call it a day. Have said prayers for everyone, and every creature, especially the NBG eagles--also for our furbabies. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Sleep well, with SED.
God bless, and goodnight. I love all of you!
♥♥Remembering Lynn♥♥
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!!!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning everyone!

Running a bit behind this morning though I woke up early. Usually wake up at 1, but woke up at 12 midnight discovering I fell asleep on the couch with no alarm! Scary.

HODA, you saw an eagle! Lucky you! I miss ours so much...and You and JUDYE both saw Osprey! I need an eagle fix! Glad you had such fun on your river rafting, HODA.

SHIRLEY, think you could use a new dermatologist. Glad you got to see the nurse practitioner. I usually think they are more caring, anyway!

JUDIE, have a nice day getting your do done. Pictures please!

LOLLY. I get tired just hearing all the things that keep you so busy. I don't know how you do it! Nice that Jack could fix Laurel's table and you send the kids home with all clean clothes. What a good Mom you are!

GLO, hope you have another nice night and nice morning to start off your day with Dex.

SANDI and JO, glad you two/four, were able to get together for such a nice time. Wish we could all get together soon. :)

MARGY, thinking special thoughts for you, today. It's RED Friday!

JANET. sorry Livvy didn't pass the test...next time she will have had more practice. :)

Gearing up for a busy Friday - they always are, and anxiously awaiting the weekend, except that I have to increase my med dosage tonight. DANG! I was just getting used to it and the side effects had pretty much gone away. Hope they don't come back, but doc says to expect it. Oh well...it'll just take a few days, and who knows - I could get lucky and be blessed with none! Hoping!

Supposed to be a nice weekend. I'm hoping to get some yard work done. My flower beds are way overgrown!

Have a GREAT day, all!

Jewels said...

Good morning.
Margy, thinking of you today and your family.
Please keep my husband's side of the family in thoughts today. Charlie's step uncle Charlie Bowles passed away early this morning. The nursing home called his mom at about 5:45am. His throat cancer spread so fast. Once he had the tracheostomy, he really went downhill fast.
Mom has received so many dear people here of late. Its not a comfortable feeling.
Hope everyone is ok and doing well. I miss my monster friends
I miss chatting.
Have a good day . Enjoy the day God has given us, as we may not get another.
Love you all.

Jewels said...

Haha, momster, not monster .... none of you are monsters. Lol, as u can see, I am using the little keypad of my phone!!!

Sandi said...

Good Friday morning my eagle friends, esp. Lori who has already checked in for the morning!

So many folks spotting eagles - what a treat!!

Hoda - whitwater rafting?? REALLY?? I am so impressed - you go girl!!!

Lori, prayers for you that your meds dosage change doesn't cause more nausea for you so you can enjoy your weekend!

Margy, prayers for you and your family today at the funeral of your brother-in-law, in-law, in-law.

Looks like Jewels just checked in too - good morning Carolyn!

Grocery store this morning and then hitting the beach with a bunch of the gals I teach with so we can boo-hoo that it's time to go back to work. May need alcohol on the beach today to toast the end of summer break!! =)

Have a great day all!

Jewels said...

Morning Sandi, did you say beach and alchohol? I could so do that! Lol, too...back to the rat race. I hate summer is over. It hasn't been a great one, so I want two more months!!!
Hoda sounds like you had a fantastic time! Judie, yes I want to see a picture!

Janet said...

Good morning to all

HODA: i only watch a little news; first thing in the a.m. and maybe a few min in the afternoon. they report such negative stuff that it is sickening.....and can make you crazy if you think about it all. i believe we must remain informed, but there's a limit as well. some of those news people have no boundaries and seemingly, no shame as to what they will photograph, report, in order to get a rating.

its Friday again folks. i have classes this weekend, so i will be busy.

not a lot going on since last night, but wanted to pop in and say good morning to all. have a wonderful day.

hugs, light, love, and smiles....share one today! :)

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Oh, Hoda, don't let the news get you upset. Yes, Prince Harry found out that what happens in Vegas does not stay in Vegas if you are a prince. You would really think he must know that already. Maybe he just got tired of the restrictions that go with his position.

Now, they are talking about the security issues involved. That it could have been a real problem if someone had had something more dangerous than a camera.

stronghunter said...

But, somehow I think Prince Harry and his family can take care of things.

glo said...

Good morning all. Yes another good night and beautiful morning here. Going to get hot this afternoon but we have already had a nice walk and taken care of business :-). Dex has had the best week he has had in a month. I feel better about his quality of life right now and that is so very good. He has a little over a week left of the medicine she refilled. Then I guess we wait to see what happens when he finishes this refill.

Argh the news almost always drives me nuts. None of it is totally true anymore. Lots of it is drama interspersed with a few words out of context here and there. The uS is very divided in so many areas. I just like to well enjoy my time with those in my circle of friends. We aren't always united BUT we are always respectful and honest. Works for me. The news, well not so much. OK time for breakfast here and then a quick trip to Best Buy. It's good to feel like Dex will be OK for an hour or so today so I can go further than the grocery store. HAGD everyone.

Lolly said...

Good morning! ♥ About to finish my coffee and then out to mow. Where is Joseph when I need him? Wish we lived closer!

He had something at school today that is why we took the boys home yesterday. He goes for a few hours this morning to learn about all the extra activities. Joey is watching Jacob this morning. Also, Joseph has soccer practice tomorrow morning. He was so excited as his new trombone was there at the house waiting for him. He has left the cello and orchestra and is taking band. Though I think he will only stay with band a few years as sports will probably win out.

Jacob was excited as he LOVED the box the trombone arrived in. LOL Yes, Jacob is the creative one and loves boxes!!!!

Okay, I really need to get with it. Talk with you later. Have a great day!

stronghunter said...

Hesitate to say I have been watching the news this morning. There has been a shooting outside the Empire State Building. Ten shot. Two dead. It seems to have been a robbery gone bad.

stronghunter said...

Have been a tourist waiting in line outside that building with Kathryn, Hunter, and Susan a few years ago.

stronghunter said...

Different story coming out of New York. Man was angry because he had been laid off and shot another employee, so they say.

JudyEddy said...

Good all most afternoon one and all ANDY I sent you the email I got from them it has sign now on bottom but when I click on it I didn't see it I have the link also but it says I already signed
Eagle nest removal maybe if you go on either links the one I sent or this you can find it or you can go on my facebook page its there also or Glo page or the fanpage

eagle fan page

Kay said...

Good afternoon ! Slow times on this blog, but happy to read about the times and travels of my Eagle Buds. So glad JO, SANDI and hubbies got together last night ! I felt some good vibes earlier today---must have been LYNNE1 waving and sending me LORI's hug !

Very busy day yesterday as I took Julie to the doc and out for lunch. It's wonderful to feel up to such things again. She's been feeling quite punk, but the doc thinks she's gotten dehydrated. She's perked up since beginning to drink copious amounts of God's nectar---water ! Coumidin level needed changing upward, too and she's feeling much better today ! Yeah !

My Eileen will be here for the holiday weekend. Poor girl. Her sis and I both have chores for her to attend to and she and Julie's hubby will be our weekend chefs.

Keep cool y'all and much thanks for all the prayers and good wishes ! You and the needs expressed here are in my thoughts and prayers. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lolly said...

Hi Kay! It does sound like you are doing much better. Hurray! Keehouping you and your daughters in thought and prayer.

Can not believe how slow the blog is. I miss the constant chatter, but it is easy to catch up.

After mowing, we watered pots and after that I did about a hours worth of work in the yard. I am pooped. Jack and I are going out to eat tonight. I think I have earned it!

Lolly said...

Guess I am inventing a new language! Yikes! That was supposed to be "keeping".

Janet said...

Hi all. Tired this afternoon, its Friday and I did 5 and half hours of massage work today. Have to go in a few and get the kid.

Then its dinner, dishes and get ready for work tomorrow.

I havne't seen the news since this morning...almost afriad to turn it on. One of my clients said somehting about the shooting in NY.

And yes, the blog is slow. Can't believe we haven't hit the split yet.

Have a super evening, all! :)

Hoda said...

Good afternoon...
It is all going well here. Thank you for the encouraging comments about the news that upset me yesterday.
It is all good.

Headed out to set up for Market Fest...The Grans have a booth there and we need to set up.
There is also a Bicycle Fest going on tonight too...busy downtown Nelson tonight... Several blocks away from each other...

If I find any photos of the whiewater rafting trip I will post them...Thanks.

Sandi said...

Great day on the beach - not hot, nice company ... we did talk a lot about sc#!?l, but at least we did it while drinking frozen strawberry daiquiris that I made and took with me! Started to cloud up around 4:30pm and now it's looking like rain.

Kay, good to see you on the blog today - sounds like your life is getting back to normal!! Hooray for you - you deserve it after all you've been through!!

Glo, glad to read your "Glo-ing" review of how Dex is doing! One day at a time!

Heating up leftovers for dinner - didn't get to the grocery store this morning so that's now on my evening agenda.

Later all!!

JudyEddy said...


Jordyn and I went to Freedom park and got to see both eagles again The one was in the cell phone tower at the park and the other was again in the cellphone tower a block up the street We figure they can see each other from there Jordyn goes are they mad at each other funny what she thouhgt since we haven't seen them in the same tower together in a long time and Yep got to see three osprey fishing in the lake there love Freedom Park Played with some wood storks sort of tooo got some cool video of them and a egret also

Meet Angie and Carl for all you can eat fish at Po Folks great price too 38.

JudyEddy said...

Looks like its gonna be a beautiful sunset I wanted to go but figured by the time I got there would have been down

JudyEddy said...

Sept 17 is the SEASON PREMIER for BONES Yeah I can't wait the new season of BOOB tube watching will begin LOL

JudyEddy said...

I posted video of the Osprey, the eagle and wood storks on the blog if anyone want to see
EAGLE in tower, Wood Stork and Erget and Osprey in tree

JudyEddy said...

Isn't this a cute frame I got today for SAL Army Boutique for only 99cents I gave it to Angie and told her that she can change the picture when Jordyn was older and got a red gown to go with it I love it I did put a picture on the misc blog under todays video if you want to see it biger I know the avatar pix are small but you can also use your tool bar to zoom

JudyEddy said...

I drove to Sonic last nite wanting a famous Hazelnut Moolatta but guess what they no longer have the hazelnut He asked do want a chocolate on and I said no if I did I would have asked for it No thank you I will have nothing then He said your kidding I said no Bye and drove home Drat it I wanted one so bad

NatureNut said...

Good Evening EagleBuds~~~have returned to the land of mostly awake (for awhile)!Had big Panda nap this PM. Exhibit shop has been busy working on the 1812 building for Bladensburg Waterfront Park. This AM was the first Opening day/dedication with many Park & Planning employees, Official politicos, etc.Our leader at Chelsea declared our shop closed next week!!! Yippee~~~2 days off!
Got some 1812 pics and antlered deer at Chelsea the other day--gotta downld sometime ☺

Hope the hurricane doesn't go to Pinellas! Batten down the hatches.
And Lolly, what wonderful temps!
Gotta go to Park in AM, so hope everyone is OK and if I'm not back, Pleasant Feather Dreams & Prayers for Good Health ;>)

Judie said...

Evnin' all,

Seems most everyone who has visited today had a good one and for that I am happy.

Next few days will be busy and will try to keep up and in touch as I can.

The sandperson is huffing and puffing to be on the way so the night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

I do think we will be affected one way or another by Issac I have Angie talked in to coming to my house since she is soooo close to the water right at the tip of StPete and I am more inland compared to her
They are so worried about fresh water floods with all the rain that Fl has been getting in the past week or so Expecting up to 10inches they said All we can do is wait
At least I got the gutters cleaned etc need to make sure ladders and all loose stuff is on back porch I wish I couldn't have removed all from the top of my carport that would have held it down LOL

LORETTA thanks for visiting my eagle,osprey, woodstork video I so happy that they are here all year round I guess that is why Fl is #1 in the lower USA for eagle population Where the fishing is good and weather is nice almost all year round that is what the article had said LOL but I love it I just wish I had a better camera which I do want to buy

JudyEddy said...

Need to get in bed at a decent hour tonight not no 1-2am Will be spending the day at Angies tomorrow before I go back to work on Sun 8-5 day then M-T 10-7 then W 8-5
Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

JudyEddy said...

WOW the 11pm models look so much better for us now lets hope it stays true

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy all

Safely at paradise...hope Jo is still enjoying the beach too

Working on the last bedroom floor this weekend

stronghunter said...

Have been thinking about you with the storm out there, Judy. I am glad you have talked Angie into coming to your house. It is easier to get through a storm if you are not alone, and she needs to be in the safest place.

Hoda said...

WOW!!! Market fest was BUSY!!! It goes on till 11 PM my time and my shift ended and took a walk and met a lot of people...

I found a picture of the group of Dragon Ladies that went on the rafting trip yesterday. I put it on FB and will put it on my blog when I am done with this post...as others surface I will bring them over.

Glad all are well.

I miss JO'S posts.

stronghunter said...

I think Judie's sandperson has arrived here. I am ready to settle down for the night.

stronghunter said...

SEd, everyone.

Hoda said...

Dragon Boaters on Rafting trip posted on my blog.

Good night SHIRLEY. SED

magpie said...

Hello and Good Night, Precious Pals..

My nephew came up for the funeral of his uncle...Services were lovely, full Catholic Mass, first one at the newly renovated Saint Bernadette's Church in Hedgesville;
fellowship was grand,
and now there is a houseful of my nephew's young friends here now at his Dad's house....it's glorious.

I hope all is well with each of you and all your families

Prayers for Wellness......

Hoda said...

I am doing very well with my audio books! I started a new one today. This one is called: Objects of My Affection by Jill Smolinski...

magpie said...

God Bless Us, Every One

Hoda said...

Your post is uplifting MARGY...Blessings to you and to your Family...

Hoda said...


Tomorrow Dragon Boating in the morning.


Costume Lady said...

Had a fun Family Friday. Got to see Brantley and Jayden (it's been 2 weeks!) Brantley is very vocal now and giggles...just has the sweetest smile:) Jayden talks up a storm:)

Off to bed, told the Sandman to take some sleep dust to JANET's roost:)

Good night friends...prayers and love for you all♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Today was a fairly uneventful Red Friday until a few minutes ago. Ken got a text message from his Sis, and she says that Katie, one of the bulldogs, is really sick! We had been planning on meeting for breakfast tomorrow, but instead she will be on the vet's doorstep at 8 am. She's really worried, so I'd like to request prayers for poor Katie, who's really feeling poorly. I tried to call Sis-in-law back, but she didn't answer. Now I'M very concerned. Think I'm going to call it a day. Mega prayers going up for Katie, for everyone here, for all creatures, and all the rest of our furbabies. Hoping that everyone will have SED. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. God bless, and goodnight. I love all of you!
♥♥Thinking of Lynn♥♥
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!!

Lori O. said...

Sounds like everyone is so busy!

Good morning wonderful eagle buds!

SANDI, your drinks on the beach sounded so heavenly! I want a day like that! :)

HODA, hope you have a great morning dragon boating. Paddle, paddle. I so enjoy all your stories about NELSON. What a great town you live in. Thanks for sharing all that goes on there. I'm going to live there in my next life! LOL

LORETTA, glad you only have to go to the shop for this morning, not the whole day!

JUDYE, loved your videos of all the birds, especially since we are not seeing many around here lately. You are so blessed.

PAULA, you said you were working on LAST bedroom floor, does that mean you're almost done with the re-do of the house? You've done so much! Enjoy your weekend there.

JUDIE,hope you got lots a rest and are feeling full of energy today!

Same for you JANET! I felt so bad for you last night. You sounded exhausted. Is 5 hrs of massage work a lot for you. Sounds like hard work to me!!!

SHIRLEY, how are you liking your wallpaper? Glad I took mine down after ten years of it being up! You have a ways to go to enjoy yours.

KAY, KAY, KAY! What a blessing to see you on the blog. I miss you and am so very happy to hear of your progress. Prayers for you and Julie. Enjoy your weekend with the family and tell Seth hello! ((((BIG HUGS))))

LINDA, do you check in on the blog anymore? I haven't seen you and miss you so much! Please let us know how you're doing. ♥

Special prayers and big hugs for MARGY today. I hope your life can resume some normalcy again, pronto!

JEWELS, prayers for you & your family and special thoughts for Uncle Charlie's family. Such a hard time. BIG HUGS, too!

ANDY, so sorry to hear that KATIE the bulldog is sick. Please keep us posted. I'm worried about her, too. Prayers for Katie and her family.

Sandi said...

Good dreary Saturday morning my eagle friends, esp. Lori who has already checked in this AM!

There is a very large green blob on the local radar that I suspect is going to put a halt to my tennis this morning! I think this will be the 3rd Saturday in a row that has been canceled for rain! Grrr!!!

Paula, enjoy your working weekend - I don't know about you, but I never minded working at the house when we drove down for the weekend from Baltimore. There's just something about being at the beach that makes it better!

Andy, prayers for your sister-in-law's dog, Katie - bet it was a LONG night for her waiting for the vet to open!

Never made it to the grocery store last night either - I was so tired after dinner (probably the result of those 2 daiquiris with lunch)! MUST get there today - not even enough milk for breakfast and down to 2 dog treats!

Have a great day all!

Janet said...

Good morning! Feeling bright and refreshed this morning!!!!

LORI: I guess you all don't have a reference. I always forget that. Yes, for ME, 5 hours is a long day. Massage is not just rubbing a person's skin, but leaning in and working through the knots, tightness, etc. It also can be tiring on an energetic level, as you connect in with that person. I do pretty well with the energy connection, but physically it is tiring. Younger therapists can work more hours, but at 48 years old, 5 hours a day is my limit. So, yes, thank you ... I was very tired

I have classes this weekend. I have about a dozen in my level 1, about 6 in my level 2 and about 6 in my level 3 tomorrow. :) happy happy joy joy....there is a friend/reiki master i am bringing into teaching as well. nashville is a big city and i could use some help. so she will be auditing my classes this weekend. this makes me happy.

JUDYE: so glad you got all that yard work done before this storm heads up the coast. Stay safe and dry. I remember those days....this is one reason I chose to get away from the coast!!!!! Of course, I came to spring time torndoes, so not sure I made the GREATEST choice, lol. but no hurricanes here....just stay safe, sis.

olivia has Saturday school today, which does not make her happy. i need to get her up and moving in a few min.

hope everyone has a superb day. hugs, light, love, and smiles to all!

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Saying a bulldog prayer this morning for Katie. Truly hope all will be okay.

Margy, very happy the mass was lovely and family were able to be together. Bet the church is beautiful in it's restored condition.

Carolyn, prayers for Charlie's family.

Wanda, great to see you all enjoyed a great Family Fun night. Especially happy you had some Jayden and Brantley time. Hugs for Miss GG.

Hoda, you certainly read some interesting books.

Lori, I wish I felt more positive. I believe retirement is not far away. I really do not want to return. However, I sure want you to be feeling better.

Judy, so glad Angie will be staying with you. Nice to have company in a storm and, speaking of storm, may this one blow right on out to sea.

Hello to Thelma, Sandi, and Janet.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets. Checking in before we head up the road. Going to Stonewall Jackson Resort for a wedding this evening but first stop will be the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum for a little tour! :)

Bluefield Beavers lost last night. :(

Tomorrow night is Eric Church and Jake Owen concert in Bluefield. Busy weekend. I am going to need a day off to recover. :)


Judie said...

Today is a day for errands. So interesting how ordinary everyday things become more urgent when school looms only three days away.

Wishing everyone a lovely Saturday.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

JudyEddy said...

Didn't want to get up but being I have to be at work at 8 tomorrow I thought it best I get up Headin to Angies later for the day Carl is playing golf and being I'm off get some daughter time

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...