Tuesday, July 03, 2012


New thread.  Still no power for me...


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Lolly said...

I get a feather!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lolly said...

Thanks Steve...will call the others over!

Lolly said...

The blog is certainly slow. Found the new thread, called everyone over, and then read the old thread. Still no one here to share the day with me!

Saw the juvie then he poofed. However, I have been hearing one upstairs.

Excited that I am no longer chief single feather....I now have two for my headdress!

I have been out in the yard already. That is a great way to dry my hair. Need to "fix" it and get to the grossssssery store.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am here with you now Lolly!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Yay on your 2 feathers! :)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Sorry about your "no power" Steve. I can't imagine.

Lolly said...

Hi Sharon! I disappeared for a short while. LOL Needed to eat. Now going to go get beautiful, something sure needs to be done!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Lolly and Shar,

Boy, it's been a BUSY day today!
Lots to accomplish so I won't have to work on the 4th. Missed getting here last night; fell asleep in front of the TV again!

Mighty glad to hear that Judie and Darth, Audrey and Grace are OK!
Glad to have heard from Hoda, too!

And--fantastic!! ♥GG is doing even better! YAY!!!!!!

The situation you folks are going through back east is just crazy!
Hoping and praying that power will come back on SOON for those still without it!

I was sorry to hear that Andy Griffith had passed away. He was always one of my favorites!

Well, need to keep busy here and get more stuff done. Will check back in later. Hope everyone has a good day! Emma says, "Woof, woof!"
I ♥ us!

magpie said...

Man oh Man, Steve...still no power... Woof !
Good to know you are safe, and hope things return to some sort of normalcy soon...


magpie said...

Oh a differfent kind of Woof....

Emma's woof is friendly

My WOOF usually means a negative
or bummer kind of thing....

JudyEddy said...

Home for lunch and find a fresh thread THANKS for the new thread STEVE and so sorry no power for you all

This am short visit is on blog This am short visit by both Juvies

and I see cam is not working again

JudyEddy said...

for got to check box

magpie said...

My Naturalist friend in NY built a tree house for his wife....

20 feet up high, sleeps four adults, has a panoramic view of their property...
railings and all that
I forget what kind of tree it's in right now

Lolly said...

Here we go round the Mulberry bush, mulberry bush, mulberry bush.......getting the circly thingy going round and round. Came back and saw that the cam had died, but it had died with a picture of a juvie in the nest!

Wahoooo! Jacob has made his bed every day since the new bedding. Yea Jacob!!! I told him to make the bed everyday so that his Dad and Joseph have to look at that Dallas Cowboy comforter. LOL Joseph on the other hand is not making his bed.

Lolly said...

I am now off to the grossssserie store!!

magpie said...

I have to admit I am pretty OCD about making my bed but my inner self would like to just leave it all akimbo sometimes

magpie said...

hope the grocery stores are not too terribly busy...or OUT of the things eveyone needs

G☺☺D to see Mema Jo...

JudyEddy said...

Just got off the phone with JUNE she is so depressed just want to join Terry

She assured me she would not doing anything stupid that the insurance won't pay out ----

I am sitting here crying for her She is on her way to see her dr of her inhaler will call her tonight By the time I get off from work she is in bed so thought I would call her at lunch she Being she is off work tomorrow she will not go to bed early tonight

JudyEddy said...

I told her that Terry would want her to be strong she said no he would want her to join him and the reverse if she had gone first

She said her kids are avoiding her as well as GK because she is always crying

I will have to call them to talk to them to tell them they have to support her

JudyEddy said...

Well thanks for letting me get this off my chest but I do need to head back to work

Sandi said...

Thanks Lolly, for the call over to a new thread!

Lifeguards cleared the beach due to thunder and lightning! I rode my bike to the beach (rarely drive anywhere during the summer) so I pedaled fast on the way home! Still just thunder and lightning, no rain.

A friend called at 8am this morning hysterical b/c something was wrong with her husband - had to cancel out on tennis and needed to find a sub in a hurry. Anyway, she just called to say that it was diagnosed as transient global amnesia. Somewhere else I have heard of that recently and I'm thinking it was here on the blog. Was it Shirley's son who had it happen - does anyone remember? Hmmm, maybe I'm having a minor transient global amnesia episode myself since I can't remember who else has had it? No, mine is just CRS! =)

Stupid comment box - the box to check for new comments to be emailed to me doesn't appear now until AFTER I post a comment!

Sandi said...

stronghunter said...


Sent Virginia on her way to Richmond where she will continue her research. Her air conditioning has been repaired.

Yes, Sandi, it was my son Rus who had transient global amnesia fairly recently. Hope your friend's husband will be okay. I do not know of any serious problems related to it.

I am fining myself sleepy, Maybe because I was up until after 2:00 AM this morning. Maybe it is a good time for a nap.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve.

And for the call-over, Lolly.

Sandi said...

Shirley, do you recall what triggered Rus's TGA? Also, do doctors think it will recur?

magpie said...

sorry about your friend June and the depression...hope things look better soon for her

workday almost over, hoping to peek in later on ...

Take Care Everyone

Lolly said...

Margy, Laurel is pretty relaxed about the beds. I pretty much make the bed right away. I get up, dress, and make the bed before I ever leave the bedroom. Jack is the big infuence.

Lolly said...

Grossssserie store was crowded, you would think there was a holiday tomorrow...or something!

stronghunter said...

Sandi, I will have to ask Rus. I do not remember all of the details. They thought he might have had a stroke, and he was hospitalized for awhile.

magpie said...

I bet those grossery stores are crowded !
Nice thing about a made bed, is that it doesn't take too long, does not require supervision, and...is something to check off the to-do list every morning ☺
(or evening if someone works night shifts)

It's pretty hot here, got a few sprinkles...but not enough to make a difference.

Heat makes me sleepy....time for one of those Panda naps for a bit

magpie said...

And after reading about Shirley's Busy Sightseeing and Historical day, that kind of made me think of a nap also

What a great tour you gave for your friend Virgnia in Virginia, Shirley

magpie said...

Scary about your tennis co-player's husband, Sandi....hope everything will be okay....
one of these days I have this idea that I am going to have one of those events

magpie said...

Live cam area goes around, kind of hypnotic, all twirly...
..you are getting sleepy, you are getting sleepy....

ttfn xo

Lynne2 said...

Hi all! Storms a brewin', keep those eyes to the skies.

Sandi, so sorry about your friend's hubby! How scary that must be for him (and for her). I think it's a short lived thing...hope he gets better very soon.

Judy, prayers, too, for June. So very sad. It's never easy to deal with a loss, but I hope she'll soon be able to concentrate on those alive around her that love her.

Lynne2 said...

I'm so sad to hear that Andy Griffith has passed away. I LOVE him! I still watch the show, and often pretend I'm going to Mayberry....

JudyEddy said...

DID I hear some one say that had the live cam up??? twirling or up??? I get big arrow after twirly NOT ME

stronghunter said...

Just saw the news about Andy Griffith on FB. Sad. I feel like I grew up in Mayberry. Really not that far from it.

stronghunter said...

Just getting the twirly and the message that the cam is not available.

stronghunter said...

Wow, so glad that my cousin Virginia got her car AC fixed. She arrived here burning hot. She still needs more repair work on a belt, but at least is cooler now.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn and Hunter have left for the river house. Will and I are holding down the fort along with the critters.

Lynne2 said...

Shirley, that's a pretty cool story about the letters Virginia found! Steve would LOVE to have found something like that...and to have been her personal tour guide at the battlefields. What kind of book will she write>

and it's your turn to play WWF! LOL!

Lolly said...

I have walked on the Sunken Road! Jack really loved doing that.

Lolly said...

Has anyone notified OC about the cam being down....or Steve? OC usually puts up a notice when they know about it.

Lynne2 said...

watching Dr Quinn Medicine Woman. Love this show....however, they are on the trail, and a bird in the background is singing. It's a WOOD THRUSH. They don't live in Colorado! LOL!

magpie said...

Oh, good for you on hearing that Wood Thrush, Lynne2!

I am not watching, have a meeting to go to at 8

We got some mild storming here, some rain, more going on South of here I believe...
power went out briefly, so I didn't even try to bring the live cam up...

Hello Evening Eagle Pals !

magpie said...

So I better I guess I better skeedaddle along...

will hope to peek back in later on...

Best Wishes for a Good Safe Cool Evening, Everyone and some
(( Hugs )) to go with it !

"Ta Ta for Now "

magpie said...

PS Lolly:
I have to make the bed AGAIN...
after my nap...

glo said...

Stopping in to say Hi. I am so sorry that folks are still sweltering out there with no power. Also sorry to read of Judy's friend freshly dealing with loss and Sandi's friend's husband with amnesia how frightening. I have been working on photos from my family's visit. Narrowed over 1000 down to a 200 now. I have bought an album and actually plan to develop them and put them in a book. 4 years is a long time for all of us to not be together at once. I think this was a visit to remember and folks will want to find those photos and have easy access to them in the future. Digital is great BUT you got to have the hands on stuff around too.

paula eagleholic said...

UGH, both live feed and still cam are down.

grannyblt said...

Sandi, my sister in law plays in an orchestra and her music stand(?) mate had one of those episodes during a performance. Sure scared everyone, but he was fine.

Hang in there Steve and all without power. Remember our ancestors must have been made out of strong stuff to bear weather extremes and we have their blood...

I guess my attempt at humor falls flat but eventually the power company will get to everyone.
SED everyone

paula eagleholic said...

Sorry, didn't mean to sound so negative...just don't get to watch the cam very often.

Trying to grab something to eat, then headed to grossery store, kids coming here tomorrow, but I will go into work for a couple of hours and hopefully get something accomplished while it's quiet...wish me luck, LOL

NatureNut said...

Sorry, late on here today.
Finally got a call last night from Park Dir. NO ELEC. Slept late, outside a lot..... They do have power at Chelsea Exhibit Shop which is much closer to here. May go TH & Fri.
I am sorry to say that this will be the first fourth w/out the red, white, & blue petunias. Last of the blues konked. Do have some white and a couple reds. DUH. Even checked a basement closet where some artificial and dried flower wreaths,etc. are stored. No Blue.
Been watching the Father's Day woodpeckers & blue jays, grackles, etc. feeding the little squawkers.

While watching news about storm recovery, saw that Volunteers from Canada have arrived to help! Knew that Hoda must have had an extra reason to visit us!!! ☺ LOL Thank you and your countrymen, Hoda!

Prayers for Judy's friend, June and Sandi's friend's husband.

paula eagleholic said...

Glad to hear GG is feeling better. Sounds like another great 4th, Wanda and Capt Gene!

Lolly said...

Jack had a kind of reunion (work related) to go to tonight. I ate leftovers and then worked in the yard.

stronghunter said...

Time to go to sleep. I brought the laptop up to my room tonight. Kind of nice to have it here.

Lolly said...

I am going to read for a while before heading to bed.

Nite all! SED!!!!

magpie said...

It's almost tomorrow!

Paula..I wish you luck!

Poor old Full Buck Moon had to work hard to make its way out of the clouds tonight, but it sure is pretty

Costume Lady said...

Oh, I do wish all of you could come to our picnic, that would be so wonderful!

SANDI asked about the TGAmnesia...in addition to Shirley's son, I also had an experience with that. STRESS would be my guess as to what causes that malady. I was stressed out over getting a mobile home fixed up for Karla to live in when she had her baby (Jillian). She had divorced her husband of six weeks and needed a place to live. I wanted to get every thing all ready before the baby came. I was sitting in the hallway, taking a break, when, suddenly I did not know where I was or even who I was. I had another occurance but can't remember where or when. It only lasts for a minute or so with me...it's scary, but no after affects.

GG continues to improve with her eating. She ate the tender part of a T-Bone steak, boiled potatoes and a jar of baby sweet potatoes. She is also improving with her walking.

Need sleep....face plants on the way!
Good night dear friends, prayers being said for all♥

magpie said...

I like grannyblt's "attempt at humor." Most of us here remember the days before air conditioning...
and dining by candlelight and playing board games during power outages, same way...

what I don't remember was some of the storm-like activity we have these days

Sure hoping relief comes quickly for all those still affected

magpie said...

Just missed ya' Wanda....
Hope Sleep is Sweeeet, and it is so nice to read of GG's day and how she is doing

magpie said...

Wednesday is a work day for me but after that, I have my favorite annual 4th of July Picnic to go to :)
followed by some wowser fireworks, so long as the weather plays nice

magpie said...

Guess it is time to wrap it up here...

Thinking of all, Seen and Unseen here...

Prayers for Wellness Amongst Us, Family, Friends, and Pets

God Bless Us, Every One

magpie said...

Good Night,Loretta...sorry about the plants....hope you have a great 4th of July....

Lynne2 said...

Just finished watching Gone With the Wind. Now I'm going to bed....until the next round of STROMS wakens us...big mess coming from the northwest. Doesn't look too dramatic, at least at this point!

Glad to hear GG is improving!

Good night and prayers for all!

Lori O. said...

Good morning all!


How exciting for our HODA to be here on the fourth! Wish we could have arranged a nest visit with her.

Sounds like everyone has their plans well laid. I will be going into work today. I had planned on working, but no news today, since Loo told the boss I would NOT be in. Confusion!!! Urgh! Oh well, it will be an easy morning.

PAULA, hope you get lots accomplished.

LOLLY, congrats on your second feather. I still have only one. Guess you are on your way to being a chief!

GLO, 1000 pics is a lot! I bet they were all great - knowing YOU!

Prayers for friends of JUDY and SANDI.

Have a blessed day! I'll check in later to see what everyone is up to.

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle friends.

Sandi said...

Good morning Lori and Thelma, and others as they arrive! Thanks for the well-wishes for Archie. Thanks too for the info. about TGA - Marilyn was also told that it is triggered by stress and they have had some of that lately.

Happy 4th of July everyone! Parade in Bethany today - not sure if I'll go with Mitch, Madeline and Michael - it's supposed to be super hot!! May just hit the beach after tennis. Will watch the fireworks in Bethany tonight from a friend's deck right on the beach and then Kevin (younger son) is doing his DJ thing for our deck party!

Lori O. said...

Cams are still down - Boo-hissssss!

Good morning SANDI and THELMA!

Sounds like you have a full day planned, SANDI. Wish I were there!!! :)

Sandi said...

Glo, I loved looking at the pics from your family's visit!

Wanda, what wonderful news about GG!! Hope she stays on her upward swing!

Margy, the full moon was b-u-t-full here last night!

Hope no one had bad storms last night. Mitch and Lisa's power came back on about 30 minutes after Mitch got home on Monday evening, but he threw a lot of food from their refrigerator and freezers in the trash!

80 degrees outside here already and VERY humid - heat advisory for this afternoon! Also a chance of thunderstorms for this evening that could mess up plans for the fireworks and our deck party!

Sandi said...

Several folks (Lori, Lynne, and Glo I think) have posted warnings on FB about taking dogs to fireworks displays where they get scared and run away. Bandit HATES the 4th of July! We put him in a bathroom with a radio AND a TV on and the door to the vanity door open so he can climb inside! I'm hoping that, this year, with his hearing being so poor, he might not be as petrified!

CarolAnne said...


Unusual weather here in WI - heat advisory from Tuesday until Friday night - 102° today, 106° tomorrow. Definitely not typical weather.

Headed to in-laws to help w/water hauling & garden watering, trying to save all their hard work. Much too hot for them to do it.

Think we'll be adding ice to our fish pond the next few days.

Take care all, enjoy!

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals, and Happy
Independence Day

Grateful Thanks to all that have helped secure and maintain our Freedoms and Independence.....

Good to your Morning Folks...
Wow, hot hot hot CarolAnne....
very dear you can help with all the "heat mitigation" things for your in-lawsa


magpie said...

Lori, that is kind of confusing, your work thing today....I hope I can hear you when I be-bop to work

Sandi...sounds like a great way to watch the fireworks tonight....

good advice about the dogs...
like thunderstorms in some ways I guess

We had a nice short-term soaking rain just around sunrise here today in WV

Lori O. said...

Good Morning CAROLANNE!
We've got some hot, yucky weather here today, too. 98, feeling like 103 with the humidity!

SANDI - poor Bandit. He's had his share of troubles this year, he deserves a peaceful night tonight. ♥

Did I tell you that I had the bee guy out yesterday and he removed 2 huge yellow jacket nests!? One was in a rock wall, the other behind a lighting fixture outside. He said the ones that didn't die and escaped will be really mad for a few days as they look for their nest, so I won't be doing any gardening until at least the weekend! Those YJ's are nasty, angry things!

magpie said...

Helllooooo to you and all the Southern Delegation this morning..hope there are nice things in store about the day, even if it means taking a day off from chores :)

time for me to get ready to head out...
Best Wishes for a Good, Safe Day, Precious Pals xoxo

magpie said...

Whoa...good timing Lori getting those nests out and
"Bee Careful " :)

"see you from work" - possibly

magpie said...

really missing the views of the nest....sigh....

Janet said...

Good morning to one and to all and HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!!!!

I just put my flag out.....plants are watered, and shortly I will head out to my massages for the day.

Kids still did not close on this house. It has almost been 3 months. Everything was set to go @ 9 yesterday morning, were waiting for a time.....and the bank backed out, saying they will not close using that other title company (even though the kids agreed to pay the additional costs for that) and they MUST use their company (title company that is). Further, now that they have breached contract (again), as they, per the contract in an addendum that was added from the ORIGINAL close date, were to be closed no later than 5 p.m. yesterday, now they have to go back thru underwriting. MAYBE FRIDAY. MAYBE. and of course, they don't work today.

My daughter and son in law are beside themselves with stress.

It is pretty crowded in this little house, but we are doing okay. I go to work, so that helps me. And I wouldn't have them any where else during this mess.....but I will tell you, I have lost respect for the bank that they are using. The left hand sure doesn't seem to know what the right hand is doing!

Other than that, not a lot else going on around here. Hot hot hot. No rain again. It looks like September out there, leaves are falling and the grass is all brown and crunchy.... :{

Today, after work, I will take some time to chill. I have most of the foods that I can prepped, so all we have to do is set it out and grill the meats. I have the usual crew (about 12 -15 people) set to come over late afternoon. WE can see downtown fireworks from the house...but the kids are running up to Fort Campbell to see them up there. The crowd of 30 thousand + is not appealing to them or to us. We will stay here, I have work tomorrow and don't feel like running an hour up the road to see fireworks. Getting "old" I guess, lol.

Have a super day! Hugs, light, and healing to all!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Hoping everyone has a safe and wonderful 4th of July!

glo said...

Happy 4th I am really tired of this heat. I love the outdoors but its too hot and humid to enjoy it at all. I take Dex out briefly and then we come back in.. Give me cold and my coat and I will do just fine LOL. I so wish my friends had some power to deal with this stuff out east. OK not in such a good place this morning I guess. Dex and I will go for coffee and dog treats. That will help. CYA later.

JudyEddy said...

G☺☻D M☼rning Eagle Buds and a Happy 4th of July I work from
9-6 so no celebration for me either
Hapy Forth to my Eagle Peeps

magpie said...

Good Morning Again, Eagle Pals...

SUPER avatar, Paula....the seashells, how clever !

Janet...am so sorry about the kids' deal with the house buy and the bank...sounds pretty much beyond ridiculous...

magpie said...

Nice Google graphic today ☺

magpie said...

Glo....enjoyed reading about what you are doing with the photographs...agree, it is so nice to be able to look right at them, and just .... relive the happy moments

Hope you can stay cool today...you and Dex xo

magpie said...

Heard some nice tunes ♪ ♫ on the way to work this morning and also heard my Favorite Radio Personality !

Judie said...

Knock Knock: Hello, may I come in, please?

Oh thank you so much! It has been so hot outside the blog that I thought we would all melt into a puddle.

♪♫God Bless America♪♫ Happy Birthday.

Finally, we have internet as of late last night. Land line service restored late Monday afternoon. Cell phone service still waiting. Have Verizon, the same service that caused Fairfax County to lose 911 service.

Thank you, Margy for calling to check up on us. Thank you Shirley who tried contacting us with email.

Lost food but not Audrey and Grace. They were troopers.

I hope everyone has survived with little or minimal problems. Will try to catch up a bit later. Need to get some domestic chores finished before it gets much hotter.

Missed you all. BBL

stronghunter said...

Yay! Judie is finally back! Glad that you and Darth survived the heat and lack of power.

Glad to know that the kitties are okay, too.

We were without power and Internet for awhile, too, but not so long.

Was worried that my cousin would not be able to stay with us, but got power just in time for her visit. Fortunate for her, too, because her car AC broke down and she arrived overheated big time and requesting a bathtub full of ice cubes.

Hunter says he is going to ask Santa for a generator.

magpie said...

Yay and Helloooo Judie and Welcome Back...things feel cooler right away with your being back.

Good Morning Shirley, pretty creative of Hunter to think that way....guess that would help power the play station/XBOX thought wouldn't it

Lolly said...

Well, hello, Judie!!! A big smile crossed my face when I saw your "knock knock". Of course you can come in....we have missed you!!

Good Morning all! God Bless America!! Happy 4th of July! I have a plan....let's all surprise Wanda and show up at GG's!!! That would be so much fun!!

Oh, and so glad that GG is doing so much better. Gentle (((hugs))) for our Momster Momma!!!

Lolly said...

Lazy morning ahead and then this afternoon we head to Laurel's. Do have ice cream to make as well as Best Ever Chocolate sauce.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Happy birthday America! You rock!

Lolly said...

So, Bev and Tom were married on the 4th of July! Guess they get to celebrate every year with family and fireworks!

Happy Anniversary Bev and Tom!!

I have a nephew that is also celebrating an anniversary today. We went to that wedding in an old mission in Goliad. The AC went out and we all melted!! Their reception was outside and we had fireworks. I was afraid they were going to set off a wildfire in Texas.

Lolly said...

From our Hoda the Amazing on fb...............

God Bless you all Lolly. Happy 4th of July to all of you...Beautiful Land of the Free and Home of the Brave...I feel it is I go to different little towns and every one has their homes decorated with flags. Let them know on the blog that I send love and Best wishes and Happy Happy 4th to everyone you are certainly blessed to call this home.

Lolly said...

Hoda also posted this..........................

To My Momster Friends on the Fourth God Bless you and keep you.Long may She wave. To my family in Egypt I love you and miss you. To my Friends in Canada I love you all so very much and hope you are all enjoying the summer weather, I miss my yoga classes very much...

Lolly said...

Hoda Ghamrawy.... I feel very proud and very honoured to be in the USA for the fourth Lolly. Parades and fire crackers and most of all the love and support of my American Family...I do indeed have good Karma. Thanks for taking the message to the blog

Linda said...

Welcome Back, Judie!!

So happy to hear you, Darth, Audrey and Grace have survived!!

I wonder if KAY has made it home okay?



Linda said...

Janet - That is so ridiculous that your daughter and son-in-law's closing was postponed once again. These closings have become a joke in recent years. I don't know why things have to be so screwed up!!

Sandi - Hope Archie is doing better and more importantly they work on fixing the cause of whatever the stressers in their life are.

Margy Nice to know that Tom Sweetie fixed you a nice meal and you gave him your first tomato of the season. Hmmmmmm Also love that you had a special piece of Key Lime Pie for your Birthday meal. I am sure you were thinking of Lynn while you were enjoying it!! Her favorite!!

Lots of gatherings planned that sound like lots of fun. Wanda and Gene have a large crowd, Sandi's gathering of friends sounds fun, Paula will have her family (but not her studmuffin) with her, Lolly has fun family plans as always, and many others!! Have a wonderful 4th!!

magpie said...

Good Morning Linda and Many More Eagle Pals !!

and Very Importantly:

Happy Anniversary to Tom and Sissy.... xoo ♥ ☺ ♥ ☺

35 years? impossible! You both look barely 40 !!

(thanks for reminding this CSR-er Sharon that this was THEIR DAY )

magpie said...

Yes, Exactly! Key Lime Pie = thoughts of Lynn ☺

I asked the waitress to list off the desserts, well Key Lime Pie was first, and I said "you can stop right there, that's what I want !"

magpie said...

Oh Lolly:
that WOULD be a HOOT if we could all show up at GG's for the Picnic...
A couple of EE's (Eagle-Expresses) strategically placed here and there and we could do it!

thanks for posting the Hoda comments, great to behold the joy she holds for all that she does, and all whom she cares for....

magpie said...

Neat !
I got a text message :

Hi the Weather is Great, Tell All Hi

Mema Jo Says Hi !!

grannyblt said...

Happy 4th to all my eagle friends.

At 8 or so this morning I was filling my feeders and a neighbor asked if I was going to eat breakfast with the birds. I thought, why not eat in the backyard today. I have a small table and chairs for two in the front where I often eat. I LOVE to eat outside if the weather agrees especially breakfast. I ended up sitting in the shade for nearly 2 hours enjoying the cool but not especially crisp morning. We had a good rain last night that really perked things up. I was rewarded by seeing my first ever Phoebe in the yard and a Great Blue flew overhead. Daisy, the Golden, made sure that no birds lingered near the feeders and that I ate every bite of my breakfast.

grannyblt said...

not that it matters but that was the first Phoebe in the yard, not the first Phoebe. I keep track of yard birds..

magpie said...

You're a good birder, Lynne1!!

Always enjoy your birding news and views

wouldn't mind sitting in one othese two chairs out front with you !

magpie said...

"one of those two" chairs

trying to invent a new language

Lynne2 said...

I'm coming too, Lynne1!

Happy Birthday America!

Lynne2 said...

I'll bring my own chair....LOL!

Lolly said...

I'll bring my chair, too! More fun!!

Lolly said...

Ice Cream is made. Was outside when it was finished. I asked Jack how it tasted as I know he licked the beater!! He said it tasted like I did not forget the sugar. (Yikes! Did that one time!)The chocolate sauce had cooled so I put it into a container and put in the fridge. I told Jack, it tasted like I did not forget the sugar. hee hee

stronghunter said...

Happy anniversary, Tom and Sissy!!

magpie said...

that's funny, Lolly....
reminds me of Dr Seuss verses

magpie said...

ya' know...it would NOT really take that long for some of us to make it to grannyblt's -

blt's - reminds me I have NOT had any yet this year...way past overdue, usually I am living on Tomato Sandwiches by this time of year, even if I buy tomatoes from someone else

My tomato plants are pretty much at a standstill, too hot for the tomaoes to "set" I think is the term
The plants themselves look good, but nothing's happening

magpie said...

I'm also really amazed how quickly the leaves on the downed tree branches....turn brown and dry

magpie said...

not too busy yet at work....that will change later on, especially when the fireworks start happening

ttfn i do have SOME things to do to make dough $$

stronghunter said...

Posted a picture of myself with my cousin Virginia at the repair shop just before she took off to Richmond to continue her research. I do hope her car stays cool and comfortable now.

We found very helpful people at the places we visited in Fredericksburg and Culpeper. Kind of exciting to be traveling with someone who is writing a book.

We went into the Wilderness Battlefield and saw the tangles of trees and vines that would have been so hard for the soldiers struggling through there.

stronghunter said...

We startled a doe and her fawn as we traveled through the wilderness. Hope they got together again after we left.

There were several houses back there, too. Hunter commented that they were "living off the land," as they were way back in the forest. Not exactly. They were modern houses. Not sure how that all works.

Lynne2 said...

OMG Shirley, Steve would have LOVED that!

I sure hope you are writing down the "Hunterisms" that your adorable Grandson comes up with! THAT would make a good book!

So true about the branches and leaves Margy....we can really tell there were a LOT more broken branched still hanging IN trees now that they've started to die off. Will have to get those pictures posted...

magpie said...

Nice, Shirley

and I totally ditto Lynne's remark...about that book...

stronghunter said...

Will keep you posted about the progress of the book. She is actually working on two.

We already had one man approach her and get information so he can buy her book.

It will be an electronic book first.

movin said...




I am still not getting either feed. How about you??

[:~D] Jim

Lolly said...

Very interesting about the book and your visiting the Wilderness Battlefield. Would like to see that. Have been passing on your comments to Jack.

We will be leaving soon for Denton. We will be home late.

Happy 4th to you all!♥

CarolAnne said...


Good to see so many checking in with their days events.

On this holiday I am thankful for life, liberty & the freedom to pursue what makes me happy. Also thankful for this blog & the friends its brought into my life, and for air cond. in this triple digit heat. (Lord, please take care of those without A/C).

magpie said...

Howdy More Eagle Pals...

Yes Jim, none of us is getting either NCTC cam that we know of....

signing off here from work

Take Care and See You All Later !

CarolAnne said...

Back from in-laws. Pumped & hauled 800 gallons of water, 200 gallons at a time. Gardens are all watered, hopefully for a few days. No rain since May 26th at their house. Looks like we were prepared enough - as neither of us have sunburn, though heat headaches are pounding. Time to cool off & relax.

CarolAnne said...

Do you know someone on Food Stamps?
Do they know they can buy seeds & plants with their food stamps? By growing a few things they can stretch their food budget. A couple containers can produce lots of extra produce. Details at: WWW.SNAPGARDENS.ORG

paula eagleholic said...

Afternoon, all.

Home from work....getting stuff ready for dinner...tiny little bit of thunder here...might get a small shower.

Interesting info CA, I never knew that.

paula eagleholic said...

Happy July 4th!

Happy Birthday, America!

Hope Kay is home!!

Granny, I love to eat outside!

Happy Anniversary Tom and Sissy!

Welcome Back Judie!

Thanks for posting the messages from Hoda and Jo!

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like our 5 minute shower is over :)

Costume Lady said...

RAIN?...oh no you don't, Mother Nature...we're headed to the garage!
Hoping we can find some ice for our cold drinks. Got some from our freezer, Denise and Brandon will try to find some in Winchester and Charles Town. GG has an ice maker, so that will help. Motor Home has an ice maker but is VERY slow!
We will manage and hope all of you do too!
*****HAPPY 4TH TO ALL OF YOU*****♥

NatureNut said...

Hope Everyone is having a Capital Fourth!!


Welcome back Judie from the dank doldrums! Seems kitties adapt by lots of naps and heading for a basement if you have one!Good idea for us too!

Glad no bad storms. Hope we don't get the PM ones that ruin the DC fireworks!
Sounds like a lot of good get- togethers going on! Got to get w/broilng some steaks!

Linda said...

Well, we just had a bear stop by looking for some barbeque. We hadn't started dinner yet, so we ran him off!! LOL

Put a pic on my FB of the 'lil guy. He couldn't have been more than 150lbs. I was wondering if we'd see his Mama somewhere close by, but we didn't.

He was totally unaggressive and really didn't want to leave!!

NatureNut said...

Take care up there in Nestville. Our weathjer guy just showedf a storm over Shepherdstown as close to a town named Scrabble.

Judie said...

Happy Anniversary to Bev and Tom. I hope today was super nice.

Shirley, so sorry about your cousin's car but so happy you two had an opportunity to visit together and visit the battlefields.

Ah, I see Tom Sweetie has taken quick advantage of our Magpie being home. Well, at least he got the first born tomato.

Hi Lowreeda. You are so correct. Audrey and Grace were troopers but did spend a lot of time in the basement. Hope you see the fireworks tonight.

Wanda, sure hope it was a terrific day for the family. Thought of all the family and friends fun and especially thought of GG improving.

Hi C/A. What kind of gardens need so much water? Personal or commercial? That is one heck of a lot of water.

Hi Linda. Glad I'm back and catching up.

Lolly, hope you had lots of fun with the Denton bunch.

Hi Lynne1 and Lynne2. Hope you both had a nice day today.

Linda, so amazing to have the bear babe show up. No doubt mom was nearby but seeing a bear babe is wonderful.

Hi Paula. Have fun!

Judie said...

Had much to do today to catch up on ordinary domestic chores such as laundry, etc. Then cooked ribs, baked beans, cuke salad for dinner.

Thank you all again for your concern and the warm welcome home. I really missed you all.

Going to play Mema Jo and put my feets up. BBL

CarolAnne said...

They are four LARGE gardens. In-laws come from farmer stock, plus always fear another depression, so they garden in a big way.

Tomato garden has 105 plants -- makes delicious tomato juice & jars & jars of salsa. Then there is the potato garden. The other 2 gardens are a combination of plants -- onion, beets, cabbage (homemade sauerkraut), carrots, zucchini, etc.

We use a small tractor to haul a 200 gal tank to a pond on the back 40, fill it from pond, then haul it back to gardens. Two hoses run off the water tank, so we both can water at the same time. Took us 4 hours to water the 4 gardens. If it doesn't rain by the weekend, we will go back & do it again.

Judie said...

Good grief, C/A, what a lot of work but what amazing dedication to producing one's own food. Puts things into perspective when I think about 105 tomato plants to our 10 to 12. I hope their harvest is the best ever.

I think I saw something about the sandperson getting out of control and throwing sleepy dust into someone's face. I plan to hold a training session to correct inappropriate sleepy dust behavior.

So, having put my feets up, it is now time to put my head down onto the pillows.

The night light is set for 11:30pm and the sandperson will be headed out soon after. Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

POOR STEVE still without power

Just got back from Angies and Carls for dinner was a nice evening as always

Jordyn is so excited about me picking her up at school tomorrow in my truck sitting with me I am sure gonna miss having her all day

Need to get a shower My cats don't seem to be affected with all the nosie the neighbor are making door open and they are looking out it

Saw some awesome fireworks all the way home from Angies 15miles was really pretty could see them for miles tried to get pic from moving truck nothing but light blurs COPS jusst drove by there are illegal fireworks down the street I wonder if they will look the other way Gonna out to look

JudyEddy said...


.♥ ♥ WELCOME♥♥.

.♥back JUDIE ♥♥♥.

JudyEddy said...

Yep cops are down the street checking it out

JudyEddy said...

OOPS take that back Jet is terrified but Benny seems to be ok I put on the TV in my room and she is under the bed

JudyEddy said...

I guess the cops can't stop it all still going on as soon as he left

JudyEddy said...

I tried to get pic No go delay in the cam I got some cool streaks lol

Janet said...

Good evening to one and all. It is quiet here at the moment. The kids have gone to Fort Campbell to the fireworks display there. It is an hour's drive from here, so they won't be home til 11ish.

We had a good day. I had my two massages. On the way out there I had a brain storm! I decided to buy a small pool for the kids...without the pump. I had one with the pump and it was pretty much a pain in the rear in my book...didn't do much. Just a small pool for them to get wet in.

Went to walmart after my massages, and they were out. HMMMMMM toys r us! $30 and 3 happy kiddos! :)

The thing is they MAY close Friday, or they could be here another week or ten days. This bank is so squirrely.....it is beyond a joke.

We grilled tonight; I bought some side dishes and cupcakes. Everyone ate...the kids hit the road and we cleaned up.

Quiet now. Work tomorrow, so I see a pillow in my near future..

:) Everyone, have a safe and great evening! Good night!

paula eagleholic said...

Had a yummy dinner of bbq chicken, corn, macaroni salad, beer bread, spinach dip, and poke cake!

Took the kids down to the park to play, came back, had dessert and cooled off, then went to the fireworks. Nice little display, about 20 minutes.

Poor Nick, he doesn't like the fireworks.

Gonna go check out some TV, then hit the hay.

Happy 4th!

(((Love and Hugs to all)))♥

stronghunter said...


Has been very loud here as usual for the 4th. People get those big fireworks like they use at public shows and fire them off all around us.

Kind of banged myself up awhile ago. Was too close to Will's fireworks show and fell over a chair trying to get away. Broke the chair, scraped my knee, and cut a gash in my thumb. Spilled my drink, too. Will did not have any of the big stuff.

It really sounds like dynamite is exploding outdoors.

I think we might get a storm, so I am going to go take a bath and get into pajamas while I can.

stronghunter said...


Has been very loud here as usual for the 4th. People get those big fireworks like they use at public shows and fire them off all around us.

Kind of banged myself up awhile ago. Was too close to Will's fireworks show and fell over a chair trying to get away. Broke the chair, scraped my knee, and cut a gash in my thumb. Spilled my drink, too. Will did not have any of the big stuff.

It really sounds like dynamite is exploding outdoors.

I think we might get a storm, so I am going to go take a bath and get into pajamas while I can.

NatureNut said...

Happy almost end of the Fourth. Sounds like lots of celebrating, except poor Shirley broke a Momster rule and fell down! Hope you're mending well and didn't get that "storm near Manassas heading for Fredericksburg"! We Might get something. It is West of here, but who knows where it's going!
Saw the DC "Capitol 4th" on TV, but went up the street to try and get some fireworks pics from a rec. ctr. closeby. Took 70+ including the moon. It was behind me & didn't see it til walking home!Have trashed more than half. Moonie didn't move much, so think I'll put his pic on here now!☺
Is it TH tomorrow?? I'm lost on days! Probably go to work at Chelsea to make up some days.

Pleasant Feather Dreams and Good Health Prayers for ALL ;>)
Special thoughts for all of ♥♥Lynn's♥♥ family. She was out there tonight watching with me ♥

stronghunter said...

Wow, what a garden, CA.

Glad you got to see the bear, Linda.

Really have to go upstairs. Very sleepy and a bit stiff after my fall. Did get a nice, relaxing bath.

Thunder is rumbling now. A little rain will be nice, but no storms, please.

stronghunter said...

Wow, what a garden, CA.

Glad you got to see the bear, Linda.

Really have to go upstairs. Very sleepy and a bit stiff after my fall. Did get a nice, relaxing bath.

Thunder is rumbling now. A little rain will be nice, but no storms, please.

stronghunter said...

One of my local friends has been freaking out because there is a fox in her yard. I tried to convince her that the fox will not hurt her, but I do not think I had any luck. She does have a small outdoor cat, and it could be in danger.

Lolly said...

We are home. Food was great and fireworks fantastic. Now...too pooped to pop and heading to bed!

Night all!!


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!
Hope that you all had a fantastic
Independence Day! Happy 236th Birthday to the U.S.A.!!!


Ken and I had a nice day. We went to Acapulco restaurant for a late lunch--extremely yummy, and we brought 3/4 of the food home with us! They give you HUGE portions!

We also talked for quite a while on the phone with the kids in Texas. Miss them so much!!

There have been quite a few (undoubtedly illegal) fireworks in our neighborhood tonight. They were probably bought in Mexico. Then there's the fact that fireworks of any kind are against the law in our city! Thank God that Emma doesn't seem very bothered by them. Guess it's because we hear the Disneyland fireworks in the distance every evening.

Took some pictures of juvie herons today. Will share them tomorrow. We have 4 of them that must be from the same nest, and they all hang around together. They are so funny! Only problem is that the smaller birds get scared when these chicken-sized critters fly in. They think the herons are possibly Cooper's hawks, and panic!

Ms Bookworm said...

Really, really glad that Judie is back! Relieved that Darth and the kitties are OK. You guys have had horrible weather so far this summer!

Have read back some tonight, and have added folks to the prayer list. Shirley, really sorry that you got hurt! Hope you heal up quickly!

Glad to read that GG is better still! So thankful that she's improving day by day!

Well, it's pretty late, so I'd better call it a day. Have said prayers for everyone, and for every creature. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Sleep well, everyone, with SED! God bless, and goodnight.
Love all of you!
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!

Sandi said...

Good morning my eagle friends! Way tired today - danced, sang, and partied after the fireworks til midnight but, thanks to Bella, I'm already up for a new day! And, I have to be on a tennis court at 8am. I see a nap in my future at about 10:30!

Forgot to welcome Judie back to the blog yesterday - we sure missed your sense of humor!

Margy, you should have seen that moon reflecting on the ocean last night - B-U-T-FUL!!!

Janet said...

Good morning to one and all. Sleepy this morning. Need extra coffee, lol.
Have a super day all! :)

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Going to be another hot day.

I am a bit sore this morning, but I will just take it easy today. The chair is worse off than I am. It is out with the trash.

Hope everyone is well-rested this morning.

Lori O. said...

SHIRLEY, sorry about your "spill" last night and the resulting soreness. Take it easy today, like you said. ♥

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals....

there is now a notice on the live feed about its being off line with no ETA on resolution...

going into Sycamore Palace withdrawl here

magpie said...

Oh shucks! Shirley....I am so sorry to read of your spill....and yes I bet you are going to be stiff and sore today....so please, just take it easy!

report on Picnic at GG's i a minute

Sounds like many of you had a pretty good time last night ☺

Lori O. said...

Me too, Margy...missing the babies!

magpie said...

Picnic at GG's was wonderful, met some new bright refreshing young adults, and reconnected with many fine folks that I have met in the past.
Menu was superb....Gene and Wanda outdid themselves once again !

magpie said...

downside to the evening:
About an hour before fireworks time...which are set off pretty much "across the road" from GG's - there was a shooting at the City Park, two injured, one adult and one child...one taken into custody, but that took the efforts of ALL the law enforcement on hand for the gatherings and fireworks...

Soooo, fireworks were canceled, but there was also a storm in the area that probably would have also caused cancellation of the fireworks....

No update on the condition of the victims....
just so miserable that these things happen...not sure of the details which led up to this

magpie said...

Carolyn and Family, and Christie andH Hubby were there, which was a really wonderful addition to the evening

stronghunter said...

Glad you had such a good evening with Wanda, Gene, and the gang last night, Margy. Hope that those injured in the incident will be okay.

magpie said...

CarolAnne, what a story about the gardens, and your work there yesterday...
I think it's great....
hope the harvest is bountiful...
and that sure is a looooong time with no rain

magpie said...

Thanks, Shirley....
Lynn's daughters and their families got to meet GG, that was really special

and Brandon, Wanda's grandson, and I talked Birds !

and there was a lot of other fellowship and conversation...
it was very special to be there ♥

magpie said...

Well, Pals...
time for me to go make dough...
and that makes me realize I have not seen T-Bird here yet...
so I hope I am calling her in ☺♥

I am going to try to check pictures, Loretta's and CarolAnne's and more as I can through the day....

"See You Later..."
and Best Wishes for a Good Day !

magpie said...

aaaa! Now I have my morning boost and I can get on with my day!

Hi T, and Buddy

magpie said...

oh I forgot...
Sandi, thanks for the B-U-Tiful Moon reports from up your way !

CarolAnne said...


For those with cuts & scrapes, take care while tending your owies, in this hot, humid weather.

Especially those with circulation issues.

My cousin had a cut (?) on the bottom of her foot.

Self medicated it for a month, with excuses why it wasn't healing (too hot. wrong socks, bandaid, no bandaid).

Then she got what they thought was the flu. Ended up in the hospital where they discovered the massive infection in her foot.

MRI showed what appeared to be a deeply imbeded sliver.

Went into surgery to have infected tissue removed & sliver.

Came out minus 2 toes and half of foot.

Infection had spread to bone.

Today she is being transferred to a larger hospital to have remaining toes removed to balance her better.

Any further issues with healing may require amputation of whole foot.

All because of a sliver & waiting too long to see a doctor.

Please don't let it happen to any of you!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Shirley, so sorry about your mishap. Hoping the soreness disappears quickly. Glad it's the chair and not you in the trash this morning.

C/A, really distressed at the extent to damage and resulting surgery for your cousin. Very sorry about the outcome for her and surely wish her the best.

Seems as if most everyone had a very nice day to celebrate and enjoy family and friends. Am specially happy to see that GG was, once again, the hostess with the mostest.

Audrey and Grace were alert but did not seem frightened by the illegal fireworks sounds. Did tune in to the Montana osprey and she appeared very nervous at the popping sounds. Felt sorry for her.

Oh, Judy, why will you not have Jordyn with you? I must have missed that.

Going to refill my coffee cup and read the newspaper. BBL

Costume Lady said...


I didn't check in for my nightly report last night...I was so sleepy that I fell into bed without washing my face, brushing my teeth (ewww) or getting coffee maker ready!
We had a wonderful time at our picnic, dispite the fireworks being called off. I hated that for our friends who have not been with us for that event before. They are just across the road from GG's and are SPECTACULAR, in that the do their blossoming out just above our heads!
I can't begin to tell you how WONDERFUL it was to have LYNN'S daughters and granddaughters and S-I-Ls with us! It was almost as good as having LYNN with us, once again♥
Of course, our Margy was with us and did some hostessing while I tended to GG who spent most of the evening in bed. She did get up for a while and ate a NEW YORKER, which she loves, and met all of LYNN'S FAMILY.
It was sweltering and we had the Eagle Express to escape to, just to cool off for a few moments and of course, GG's house was nice and cool too.

I wish I could have had ALL of you there...I love parties! And I love YOU♥

Costume Lady said...


MARTINSBURG - Police have released more details regarding Wednesday evening's shooting at War Memorial Park, including identities of the suspect and adult victim.

The suspect in the shooting, Daniel Lee Herbert, 27, of Winchester Avenue, is charged with three counts of wanton endangerment, two counts of malicious wounding and one count of being a felon in possession of a firearm, according to a news release issued by the Martinsburg Police Department early Thursday.

The two victims, Gabriel McGuire and an 8-year-old girl, both sustained gunshot wounds that weren't believed to be life threatening. The girl suffered a wound to the leg, while McGuire was shot twice in the back, the release said.

Both were transported to City Hospital for their injuries, police said.

According to police, several gunshots were heard coming from the south pavilion near Tennessee Avenue around 8 p.m. Wednesday, during the park's Fourth of July celebration. Immediately after, numerous people came running from the vicinity of the pavilion screaming that someone had been shot, police said.

Witnesses described the shooter as a black male wearing a red polo shirt. Shortly after, patrons pointed out a man matching the description running toward Tennessee Avenue with a gun in his hand, police said. Patrolman S. Shelton ordered the man to the ground several times, but the suspect continued fleeing, at one point tossing the gun into a driveway, police said.

The man was taken into custody a short time later and identified as Herbert, police said. The firearm was a Rossi .38 Special revolver, police said.

A witness said he saw Herbert speaking with a white male near the pavilion and that they walked off to the side and began arguing, police said. The witness told police that Herbert pulled out a gun and started firing at the other man, who was running away, police said.

Police determined only one person fired during the course of the incident.

Costume Lady said...

You know, if I was going to shoot someone, I don't think I would wear a RED polo shirt!:)

FOOD BANK TRUCK coming in today, it's gonna be hot for those guys loading and unloading. We'll take plenty ice and water.

Have a great day and stay cool♥

stronghunter said...

Oh my goodness, CA. Scary story.

I agree with you on the red shirt, Wanda, though I haven't ever gone out planning to shoot someone. Sure you haven't either.

stronghunter said...

Our trash company just decided to change from twice-a-week pick-up to once-a-week. Same price. Half the service. This happened after they bought out the competition.

I posted a picture on my blog that I just sent to the local paper's blog. Wondering if it will help any.

I could tell you about the maggots, but you probably do not want to know about that.

Yes, that is the discarded chair out there with the other stuff.

stronghunter said...

Our trash company just decided to change from twice-a-week pick-up to once-a-week. Same price. Half the service. This happened after they bought out the competition.

I posted a picture on my blog that I just sent to the local paper's blog. Wondering if it will help any.

I could tell you about the maggots, but you probably do not want to know about that.

Yes, that is the discarded chair out there with the other stuff.

stronghunter said...

Oh dear, sorry about the double post.

magpie said...

uh, this is supposed to spell
not to worry about the double post, It's an unfriendly change-up there with the trash pick up company

"what's up with tht?" -

but I have some ideas....
$$$$$$ ?

yes, no thanks on the maggots....

magpie said...

Wanda....GREAT to see you, hey! I missed out on the New Yorkers....!
but am smiling that GG had such a treat!

I just baretly got my face washed and teeth brushed but I sure did not toil as hard as you and the Captain....
and be careful today also !

stronghunter said...

Am thinking that this is a good project for the HOA people. A whole neighborhood has power.

stronghunter said...

Back when we lived in Ohio, we had a civic association and were able to make a contract with a trash company for a discount. I wrote the contract.
(My ex was the president of the association.) The losing company got mad at us, but, oh, well . . .

glo said...

Sounds like I missed the party at GG's last night. I am so glad you all had a good time even without the fireworks.

GREED is going to eventually shut down this country. That's what the maggot story tells me. Twice the price for half the work. I am watching a local mall that used to bustle with activity close it's door one business after another because they have raised the rent so high and economy is struggling so badly the merchants can't sell enough to cover their overhead let alone pay employees. Rent too high, merchandise too high so folks do not come Stores close and soon the mall. Someone just isn't making the connection. I guess with trash pick up they've got you and they know it. BUT they too can become ill as the locality starts to swarm with insects rats etc etc. I wonder if they will wake up before this starts to happen.

I hope you all have power before this day is over. HAGD all.

stronghunter said...

So far, I have two "likes" on my post on the newspaper's FB page. Haven't mentioned the maggots yet. Going to, though.

Costume Lady said...

MARGY, sorry I didn't stuff some sauerkraut in with your hotdogs. We are having NEW YORKERS at the Soup Kitchen next Tuesday...come and have some with us!

Thank you so much for helping to clean up. We are going in town, shortly to unload Food Bank Truck, then we have to put it away in the closet and freezer at church, sooo probably won't get pots and pans cleaned til tomorrow (still in GG's garage fridge) I shouldn't have to cook for us or GG for a week:)

Costume Lady said...


JudyEddy said...

Good Morning and Good almost afternoon Slept in big time but didn't go to sleep till after 2 We have rude dude neighbors with fireworks Plus didn't have to get up early NO JORDYN until 2:30 so was niccccceeeee to sleep in haven't done that in a long time
Need to go read to get caught up but first need to do some house cleaning Just got out of the shower and put on a pot of coffee before I showered now to have a nice cup before I begin

magpie said...

Oh Gracious
I am mixing up New Yorkers with
Whoopie Pies !
How come Shy ???

so I DID very well have a New Yorker !

Wanda don't ever apologize....you gave me plenty to take home !

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY so soorrry about you 4th boo boo

AWWW MARGIE thanks for sharing your evening with our eagle blog buddies so nice to know that a bunch of you hang for real instead on the i.e. and WANDA and GENE superb work having a wonderful 4th for friends You are the bomb so glad you all had a blast

CA I knew that food stamps and WIC is on seeds at work I put WIC stickers on the product and I like that idea tooo but in Fl not to many gardeners we don't sell a lot of seeds always marked down at the end of season lots left over

LINDA how lucky you are to have nature wildlife around you I saw the pic on face book and loved it and so envious I get raccoons, possums, squirrels that is the extent of my wild life

CA thanks for the warning of the cut Wow hope your friend gets better

JUDIE not having Jordyn because she will be starting PRE K nest month and they want to start weaning her off me So sad I am so down about it don't want Angie to know silly huh I sit here with tears

They are have water day today and Angie wanted her to participate and tomorrow is another event so this is one good way of getting her use to not being with me two days in a row all day I pick her up at 2:30 today so we will have some time together

I am seriously thinking of changing my two days off to FRI AND SAT this way I can spend Sat with them some times But gonna wait for now and think about it I am sure WMT will not like it but tuff nuggies

magpie said...

I mean, How come WHY not SHY

Good JudyE, on the extra rest and have fun later...

Glo...I follow you right down to the last period of your last sentence...one thing fits to another to another, and it's hard to figure it all out....the gain is good for some, bad for others....it's over my head to where I don't know how much to help...do I spend money? or save it?
Bear of Little Brain am I....

I just want to go Green to be honest with you...

JudyEddy said...

so sad about the shooting

Our trash pick up was as normal they only close for Christmas and Easter don't know why just those two holidays beside being religious

another one of our local Kmarts is closing in Seminole in Sept and is because of rent also GLO so its ever where it is in a MALL which is a dying Mall also

JudyEddy said...

all caught up so now I must go clean YUK

magpie said...

JudyE...understand about the weaning...I mean, I sort of understand it...
kid of like withdrawal...

know that you will just rise to the next level with her and soar as usual....just differently

you will always be VERY SPECIAL to Jordyn adn vice versa..

magpie said...

gotta get back to work and try to type better over on those screens

ttfn pals xo

CarolAnne said...

JudyE - my in-laws went thru the same thing with their youngest granddaughter. They have her Mon-Fri since she was 6 weeks old (very spoiled). When her parents decided to sign her up for pre-school after she turned 3, my FIL was so against it. He claimed HE LOVED HER too much to let her go by STRANGERS!!
After only 2 classes, they were amazed at the positive changes in her, how her vocabulary increased, and her new interests. It has been all good. So do not think of it as weaning her from you - think of it as wonderful new experiences she will have.

magpie said...
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magpie said...


Hi CarolAnne... ☺

JudyEddy said...

JORDYN has been going to the same school since she was a baby I have had her two days a week since she was born she is going to PreK there also At school every day at the end of the day she would tell her teacher OMA tomorrow and they would say either one or two more days The teachers said they were jealous that she wanted to spend time with me instead of them LOL Her teachers love her dearly been with her since birth also I like the school I Discover Academy is the name, a nice Christian school tooo

Bathroom clean, Kitchen done, vacuum done and cat litter scooped that the worse chore the later LOL

Walked outside to put the booster seat in my turck and looks like rain Black skies headin our way Jordyn and I will go to MC D for a ice cream cone treat will see if she want to play there on the play thing they have or maybe the park if not storming Its not so hot now because of the clouds

JudyEddy said...

New is on so gonna go watch it I am a NEW JUNKIE

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