Tuesday, July 03, 2012


New thread.  Still no power for me...


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JudyEddy said...

remember the thing I ordered online and was so excited I have been looking at it for a while since Jan anyway well found out today we sell them at the store New on the modular but I get a 8G SD card with this one Oh well will check the store before I order again I did in Jan but only was online

I love TNT the way they show commercial in the corner during the race I think that they are the only channel that does that So neat

stronghunter said...

So WM automatically deducts from your account. I hate to give that kind of control to someone. I do have State Farm do it so I won't forget and be without car insurance, but that was my choice.

JudyEddy said...

I don't like to do any online banking I do checks OLD FASHION I am sometime I pay my Elec bill at the little store but always Snail Mail got to keep my cutie pie mail man in business My trash bill is with my water and sewer recycle bill We have two day pick up one day is recycle with trashpick up (69.00) a month and being I am single I am lucky if I put it out once a month same as recycle Eat out ofter remember

JudyEddy said...

I have State Farm also have had it since I was 16

JudyEddy said...

car race is still under caution green, white checker ok gonna watch the last of it

JudyEddy said...

STEWART one and another wreck at the end

JudyEddy said...

WON not one I need to proof read LOL

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Lolly said...

Going to do my nails and then head to bed. Have already fallen asleep in my chair. Woke up SUDDENLY with Jack putting a spoonful of ice cream in my mouth. LOL Thought my teeth were falling out and I have all my teeth. It was a funny feeling. He thought it was funny!

Night all! SED!!!!!

magpie said...

Good Night, Precious Pals....
some good dialogue with my niece, she is 44....and some great chuckles with the little boys...

Hope Sleep is Sweeeeeet

Prayers for Wellness and Peace Amongst us...and our Families, Friends and Pets

God Bless Us, Every One

magpie said...

Good Night, Precious Pals....
some good dialogue with my niece, she is 44....and some great chuckles with the little boys...

Hope Sleep is Sweeeeeet

Prayers for Wellness and Peace Amongst us...and our Families, Friends and Pets

God Bless Us, Every One

magpie said...

...and welcome to the laptop, sorry for the double post..

thinking of Shirley bet those magazine were a welcome respite.

sorry about my double post, oh I already said that

Good Night Night Owls...

Costume Lady said...

Oh, it's tomorrow...must hurry and get to bed. Can't oversleep 2 Sundays in a row!

Got to GG's today and she was coming out the door with a bucket of water to water her potted flowers, she hasn't done that in a long time. She has been walking fairly well, but she has stopped eating again. I made her some Tilapia and sweet potato fries and she did tatse a small piece of the fish and potatoes. I gave her an ensure and she did drink that.

2 Faceplants on the keyboard, so it's bedtime here.
Prayers and love for all♥

Lori O. said...

Good morning eagle loving friends!

Hopefully this is the last day of our heat wave! YAY!

I agree SHIRLEY, hate to give control of your bank account to anyone. Seems they wouldn't be able to force you.

WANDA, glad to hear GG is feeling better, but not happy about her not eating. At least you got her to drink the Ensure!

And, LOLLY wakes up with pretty nails this morning. Shake too much to do my own!

Lori O. said...

LIVE cam is still down. My patience isn't that patient anymore!

glo said...

Good morning everyone. It's 72 here this morning. Where is my sweater? Nevermind I want to step outside and think it's cool for a change. Sending it east Hold On.!!!!

Sandi said...

Good morning Lori and Glo, and others as they sign on! 84 degrees and 82% humidity at 6am this morning when I took Bella outside! Dear God, please make it rain!! Went to bed at 8:30pm last night b/c I had such a headache from being out in that sun on the boat and at the restaurant (Fishtales is outdoor dining)!

T-Bird said...

Good Sunday morning my eagle momsters and dadsters.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Had a great time at the 50th birthday party for GF, she was surprised!

Hot and humid here again today, hope everyone is finding some way to stay cool!

Janet said...

Morning all!

WE HAD RAIN YESTERDAY! We had two nice rainshowers...about 5 hours apart....the first ones for our side of town in almost 2 months. Everything is wet and refreshed outside this morning! SOOOOO THANKFUL

Hopeing to have a good day today; taking the boat out. Bought a new tube...a flat one to take the kids tubing. We had a doughnut one, with a hole in the middle, but think the flat ones are better? We shall see.

I am the only one up. It is 7:35 my time and we were SUPPOSED to head out at nine....I'd best get the tropps moving IF we are going at all, lol.

The race was good last night. Wild wreck on that last lap! WOW. We watched it quietly as the kids went out for a bit, and I put the grandkids to bed. :)

Everyone have a wonderful day. I'll touch base later!

Hugs, light, and smiles to all!

paula eagleholic said...

Glad to hear GG was up and about!

Janet, sure hope this is the last time kids go for settlement....what a mess.

John and Ajay's settlement got moved back to Aug 6...so they have to pack their house at the end of August, move it to a storage unit, then unpack it a week later when they settle...they couldn't see paying rent for another month and the landlord wouldn;t allow them to stay for another week. It's always something!

Sitting here on the deck this morning...finally saw a hummer feeding at the plants on the deck!

paula eagleholic said...

Ooops, meant they have to move at the end of July, not August! Need more coffee!

Judie said...

Good morning everyone.

Margy, glad the visit with your niece and family was a good one. Maybe a half-hour of quiet time at Swinging Bridge is called for.

Oh my, curly Shirley has started a trash fight. What an interesting chapter this will be. Seriously, I think that waste collection company needs some looking into.

Janet, have a nice day with the family.

Hoping all house purchases are settled now without more delays.

Wanda, glad GG was up and about but wish she had a better appetite.

Giraffe at Pete's Pond earlier.

Already 93º here. Likely a totally indoor day again.


stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Ready for a second cup of coffee here.

stronghunter said...

I am wondering what the trash people will say tomorrow when I call. I truly do not think I have received a bill. Was wondering about that.

I honestly do not remember what they told me about their billing except that they said something about monthly billing when I am used to quarterly billing.

I do pay bills online and do keep a notebook with the passwords, etc. Just found out that I have a "top tier" credit rating, so I must be doing something right.

paula eagleholic said...

My house finches fledged this morning! Went to water the plant, and the last 2 flew off. They are all out and flying about the yard :)

stronghunter said...

Good for the little finches, Paula. You will be able to enjoy watching them for awhile.

Lolly said...

Good morning! It was 73 here this morning. Went down to get the paper and it felt cool! Now up to 77 and we have chance of rain today. Guess it is time to do a rain dance!!

Wanda, glad GG was up and about. Keep feeding her!! Can not do without the food.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning, Everyone!
Fell asleep in the living room in front of the TV again last night.
Hate when I do that!

Have changed my avatar to a picture of a baby heron. This one was standing on one foot, asleep, on one of our patio lounges. He is the bold one who doesn't "shoo" unless you rush at him with your arms out, and holler. He has nerves of steel! We currently have about 5 of them in the back yard, and 2 or 3 out front. The poop shoots are creating a really serious mess. Need to don a wide-brimmed hat and some old clothes later, and go wash down the patio, patio table, chairs & lounges, some of the patio plants, the front porch, driveway, side walkway, and sidewalk. May need a scrub brush and a putty knife to get the job done well. The raccoons have been pooping in the yard, too. Yikes!!!

Glad to hear that GG♥ was watering her plants, but wish she had a better appetite. Ensure to the rescue this time! Wonder if a medication dulls her appetite--?
Prayers continue for her.

Oops--gotta run. Ken's making breakfast, and needs my assistance.
Will check in later.... HAGD, everyone!

stronghunter said...

Glad that GG was up this morning, Wanda.

stronghunter said...

Glad that GG was up this morning, Wanda.

stronghunter said...

Well, I seem to have provided much entertainment on FB with my post about finding animal hair wrapped around the arm in my dishwasher.

I have had lots of problems with finding gooky stuff inside the glasses. I have been carefully washing out the stuff, trying the bottom rack for glasses, etc., etc.

Now, I never thought I would be accused of washing my pets in the dishwasher!!

Geesh!! Lol.

Lolly said...

Too funny, Shirley! You have to be careful with what you say. LOL

I have been ready for church for a long while now. Usually I am rushed.

See you later...Gators!

Lolly said...

In my Hawkwood blog I have put pictures of the two ponds with comments, though the last two comments got switched.??? Also, if you double click the pictures they get bigger but you can not see the comments.
Gotta go!

stronghunter said...

100 degrees already!!

grannyblt said...

Good afternoon all. I see our Shirley is providing all of the entertainment here--what with trash problems and not paying bills to letting the animals get the best of the dishwasher. LOL
Just ribbing you Stronghunter...

grannyblt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
grannyblt said...

I'm going to check my dishwasher right now. With a Golden Retriever living here, there is always dog hair floating around, no matter how often she is combed.

movin said...




I hope you are all handling the heat alright.

In So Cal right now we have a pretty good layer of foggy stuff, which is holding the temps down, but it should get up close to 80° by late afternoon.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

stronghunter said...

Beautiful ponds, Lolly. So creative.

magpie said...

Storming hard here in Hedgesville
rain, thunder, wind, and lightning of course

The angels are shedding tears

I think it is headed Northeast....be careful...

magpie said...

My dear Eagle Pals....
My oldest sibling, Elisabeth, though we call her "Libby, died this morning just after midnight.. she was 74, had been in failing health for years, though comfortable...confined to bed at home with little activity for quite some time. Libby had been moved to a Hospice care unit on Friday, her four sons and her husband were with her, near Baltimore, MD...it was peaceful, and painless, the children report.
Services on Wednesday,arrangements are still being decided...

So, that's why I sad in my last post....the Angels are shedding some tears... but I sure know what good company my sister is in now....
xoxo (( Hugs ))

CarolAnne said...

So sorry to hear of Elizabeth's passing. She is indeed in good company.

Hugs to you during this time of sadness.

Lolly said...

(((Hugs))) Margy!!! Love you! So very sorry about Elisabeth.

Lolly said...

My back is down and out again. Think I am going to sit here all afternoon. Have taken advil and have ice on my lower back. It is not a spasm, just a bad ache!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

♥Margy, so sorry to hear of Elisabeth's passing. Glad she had her husband and sons with her.(((HUGE HUGS)))!!! Prayers for you and your family! You will be on my mind and in my heart, as always, today. I too, am sure that Elisabeth is in good company. Wonder whether she and ♥♥Lynn have met yet.

I'm busy today--have the main bathroom cleaned up, and got Emma's nails clipped (bless her--she fell asleep in my lap while I was doing that!) Right now, need to do more doctor's reports. Keeping ahead of the game!

Wishing for a blessed Sunday for all of you, and yours. Will check back in later tonight. I ♥ us!

stronghunter said...

Severe thunderstorm watch for pretty much everyone in the greater DC area.

paula eagleholic said...

Cloudy here, only 91-92..getting some outside work done...little bit at a time.

paula eagleholic said...

Margy, so sorry to hear of Elisabeth's passing...you have had so much to deal with in these last few months. Prayers for you and your family and many hugs across the miles.

magpie said...

Thanks, precious pals, and
(( HUGS Back ))

"Now we are Six" - that's a book by E.E. Milne.....Winnie the Pooh...

My one brother Prairie Dog John cannot make the funeral, as he is packing up things in Colorado and will not be home until July 18, but my sister in Massachusetts, brother in Connecticut (half the year in Naples half in Connecticut),
Roanoke Mary, and Annandale Anne, and I, will be together for the funeral

My niece has left, but I have her dog Bella for a couple of days until she and the family pass back through on Tuesday on the way to their next homeplace, Toledo, Ohio....
Bella knows something is up in Annapolis since their house there is getting all packed up and emptied...so better for Bella here, and certainly good company for me here too :)
Nephew is in the Coast Guard...and this is their next assignment....

magpie said...

good soaking rain here, think it's over here for now...

Best Wishes for a Good Day for you all....

I'll "see you" later on....


movin said...

I'm sorry to hear of your sister's passing, Magpie, but it is good to know she was prepared and is definitely headed Heaven's way.

God bless you, Elizabeth, and your entire family.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

paula eagleholic said...

Sure wish Mother Nature would stop F'in with me today...it's sprinkled not once, not twice but 3 times on my newly washed car....Like my Mom always used to say "Poop or get off the the Pot!" LOL

JudyEddy said...

HODY eagle buds Home for lunch

JudyEddy said...

WANDA sound encouraging that GG is carrying water for the plants and as long as she gets ensure in her that gives her energy Dees she like any kind of junk food you can get at least something in her belly

PAULA AWWW the children have flown the coupe don't stay around long do they But I think you said she could have more

SHIRLEY has a new profession HUH dog washing in the machine LOL

MARGIE My deepest condolences to you and your family She is at peace now (((((((HUGS))))))))

KAY no word on how she is doing??????????????

LOLLY so sorry for the back issue Probably to much gardening bending over HUH

The sky is black when I came home I hear rumbling and it not my tummy LOL Its raining somewhere can see in the distance

JudyEddy said...

I have a issue with my left hip and it seems to bother me more when I am in my truck ODD HUH maybe its the height of the truck me having to pull up on to seat Dunno

grannyblt said...

Margy, so sorry to hear about your sister. I'll keep the family and friends in prayer.

stronghunter said...

Hugs, Margy.

NatureNut said...

Margy, so sorry to hear of the passing of your sister, Elisabeth.How sad for you & family. God send you Love and Strength. ♥ ☺

We've had elec. power, but been too tired to type!Nothing much going on, mostly taking Panda naps like the kitties after chores outside.
Since they are predicting storms again, I tied up my tomato pot to the deck railing so it doesn't tip over! Now I've seen some spots nibbled out of one small tomato, but can't find the culprit!!Just remembered I've got the "Green" plant spray that allows you to use it day before harvest! Might try that on just the damaged one.
Since we don't really believe the weather man, thought I should come in anyway as it's getting dark, but not windy. Does that mean calm before the storm?
Paula, sorry your car washing was interrupted!
Wanda, glad GG is gardening some. She's a brave lady.Maybe her appetite will return when the weather cools off some.
See ya later if we keep elec!!!! ☺

magpie said...

Thanks again, my friends....
Can't tell you enough how good those Hugs across the miles feel, and how dear the prayers and thoughts are from all of you....
to all of us...

I guess I am not a very big conversationalist today, but I have read what everyone is up to, and hope everything gets positive or stays positive

I have to head in Martinsburg for a little while..."see you" later....

God Bless Us, Every One

NCSuzan said...

Margy, on the loss of your sister,

If I be the first of us to die,
Let grief not blacken long your sky.
Be bold yet modest in your grieving.
There is a change but not a leaving.
For just as death is part of life,
The dead live on forever in the living.
And all the gathered riches of our journey,
The moments shared, the mysteries explored,
The steady layering of intimacy stored,
The things that made us laugh or weep or sing,
The joy of sunlit snow or first unfurling of the spring,
The wordless language of look and touch,
The knowing,
Each giving and each taking,
These are not flowers that fade,
Nor trees that fall and crumble,
Nor are they stone,
For even stone cannot the wind and rain withstand
And mighty mountain peaks in time reduce to sand.
What we were, we are.
What we had, we have.
A conjoined past imperishably present.
So when you walk the wood where once we walkedtogether
And scan in vain the dappled bank beside you for my shadow,
Or pause where we always did upon the hill to gaze across the land,
And spotting something, reach by habit for my hand,
And finding none, feel sorrow start to steal upon you,
Be still.
Close your eyes.
Listen for my footfall in your heart.
I am not gone but merely walk within you.

Nicholas Evans

stronghunter said...

Storm passed through here.

73 degrees now.

We might have had a tornado on the other side of town. We are hearing that some buildings have collapsed.

Not much rain here; the worst of the storm passed north of us.

stronghunter said...

Just posted a pic on FB of damage in Fredericksburg.

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

Storm in Fredericksburg

T-Bird said...

Magpie-love, hugs, prayers and thoughts to you.

magpie said...

T-Bird, Thank you my friend ♥

Suzan, Thank you my friend, the poem you have posted, is very dear, touching....

And thank you all, my friends....

magpie said...

Dear me, Shirley....I am going to have to check that out...

another storm rolling through here in Martinsburg now.....

plants got a lot of much-needed real rain, it seems

Hoping that Megan's gardens are getting some of this good rain too


magpie said...

Poor Steve....this must be the longest TUESDAY in his life...
Hope all is well in Middleburg....

magpie said...

I posted earlier the title of a book:

"Now We are Six" and said
it was by E.E Milne...the author of Winnie the Pooh....
well, you all probably noticed...it should be A.A Milne..
Truth is, I had EE Sharon on my mind at the time....
good reason for that kind of typo, yes??

xoxox ♥

magpie said...

I've noticed that Missouri has gotten some pretty miserable hot weather here this past week, and I have been thinking of Lynn's ♥ Mother and sister....
and Lynn, of course...always ♥
I had a nice talk with Carolyn earlier....she will be on midnights this month....o-0800 hours

magpie said...

dear Shirley....I hope you are safe and will continue to be through the night...

magpie said...

Paula..those fledgling house finches at your place...neato...they have the most musical song

JudyEddy said...


In My Pocket

I have memories in my pocket.
They rattle among the change.

My memories of you are treasures I carry wherever I go.

They are stored in bits and pieces, parts of a beautiful whole
They give me comfort when I think I am alone.

Yes, I have memories in my pocket, like so much other stuff I keep there.

But of all the treasures I have, it’s the memories of you that are the most precious.

By Lamaretta Simmons

JudyEddy said...

This is for you and your Family Margy I love this one soo much

To my dearest family, some things I'd like to say...
but first of all, to let you know, that I arrived okay.
I'm writing this from heaven. Here I dwell with God above.
Here, there's no more tears of sadness; here is just eternal love.

Please do not be unhappy just because I'm out of sight.
Remember that I'm with you every morning, noon and night.
That day I had to leave you when my life on earth was through,
God picked me up and hugged me and He said, "I welcome you."

It's good to have you back again; you were missed while you were gone.
As for your dearest family, they'll be here later on.
I need you here badly; you're part of my plan.
There's so much that we have to do, to help our mortal man.

God gave me a list of things, that he wished for me to do.
And foremost on the list, was to watch and care for you.
And when you lie in bed at night, the day's chores put to flight.
God and I are closest to you....in the middle of the night.

When you think of my life on earth, and all those loving years
because you are only human, they are bound to bring you tears.
But do not be afraid to cry; it does relieve the pain.
Remember there would be no flowers, unless there was some rain.

I wish that I could tell you all that God has planned.
But if I were to tell you, you wouldn't understand.
But one thing is for certain, though my life on earth is o'er.
I'm closer to you now, than I ever was before.

There are many rocky roads ahead of you and many hills to climb;
but together we can do it by taking one day at a time.
It was always my philosophy and I'd like it for you too...
that as you give unto the world, the world will give to you.

If you can help somebody who's in sorrow and pain,
then you can say to God at night......"My day was not in vain."
And now I am contented....that my life has been worthwhile,
knowing as I passed along the way, I made somebody smile.

So if you meet somebody who is sad and feeling low,
just lend a hand to pick him up, as on your way you go.
When you're walking down the street, and you've got me on your mind;
I'm walking in your footsteps only half a step behind.

And when it's time for you to go.... from that body to be free,
remember you're not going.....you're coming here to me.

Ruth Ann Mahaffey (author)
©Copyright 1998

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY you know you are loved when you are teased on facebook Love it

JudyEddy said...

need to go get a shower Drat I dislike these 10-7 days tomorrow is a 8-5 day so got to make sure I am in bed earlier than I have been

stronghunter said...

Posted a picture of the tornado damage on my blog.

Kathryn is over there helping a friend. They are moving the food out of the refrigerator and taking it to one where there is power. Power pole is down in another friend's yard.

JudyEddy said...

I wonder if the cams are down because of the no power PAULA or JO do we know????????????????

stronghunter said...

Here's hoping just gentle rain for you folks, Margy.

magpie said...

I checked out both new pictures on your blog, Shirley, and as always....I love seeing that picture of you and your "former" co-teachers.....you shine right in the middle of them....

"Good on Kathryn" for being there to help her friends out...

magpie said...

Those two sets of verses are beautiful and I thank you....I have a printer set up at my brother in law's (have one here too but it's out of ink...)
and I am going to print your two and Suzan's and take them with me to the services.
Thank you both ♥♥

magpie said...

Must go now from here before too much more darkness descends...left one Vizsla at the other place...need to go keep her company, and vice versa

Prayers for Wellness....hope to hear from Kay soon, and I might just try to ring her up on Monday...

And thanks again, everyone, "Ever So Much."

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

stronghunter said...

It seems that there were 30 people in the building that was destroyed--the one on my blog. Some were hurt, but apparently not too badly. It was a cheerleader gymnasium.

paula eagleholic said...

MOrning, all! LOL Just woke up from a nap!

paula eagleholic said...

NCSuz...that is a very lovely poem.

Saw a pretty pair of yellow finches on the deck earlier today.

Michael and Laura should just be about home now.

Wow Shirley, pretty scary storm.

And lovely poems too, JudyE

Sharon asked Steve On FB about the cam, and he said the cam was having technical issues.

Would love to hear how our Kay is getting along.

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, very fortunate that more people were not hurt.

Judie said...

Margy, may the peace of acceptance and love of family comfort you. Libby has made a tranquil transition. My prayers are with you.

The night light is on and the sandperson will soon begin rounds. Restful sleep for all.

NatureNut said...

Gadzooks. Just saw news about Fredericksburg storm & could have gotten it here!Glad Shirley and her crew are OK. Sad about Kathryn's friend.
Hate to say it, but I'm going to have to go out and do a rain dance!
About 5 PM we got about a six drop sprinkle! Duh!

BTW, atho I didn't call Park about power, saw that Osprey cam went back online Sat. AM!!Something to watch, even at night.Most of the nights I've seen it, Mom stays in nest w/3 chicks. They are really big now.

Lolly said...

Well, Loweeeeda, you are six drops ahead of us. Next couple of days still a chance of rain. You are correct...rain dance time!

JudyEddy said...

Look at the time YIKES
I opened one of those frozen Capri suns for adults
Was suppose to be strawberry and ended up being PEACH odd huh Drank it anyway Never had any of those except for at Angies the other nite
I use to drink wine and upchuck thought I was allergic to the sulfites in the wine but these are on no upchucking thought might help me go to sleep being I have been going to bed late late after midnight to two so will try to hit the pillow
I bought two kinds Dailys and Cordian Will talk to Dave tomorrow and let him know that the Cordian strawberry was peach Wonder if they had issues with anyone else finding that

JudyEddy said...

Loretta can you post the link to the cam I can't find it Thanks in advance for it.

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

stronghunter said...

Time to call it quits. It is peaceful here now. Could use the rain, but not the storms. Please, no more tornadoes.

Lolly said...

I am ready for bed too, but the Rangers game is going into the 13 inning. Really? Come on guys, end this game. Think I will go watch it in bed...I'll fall asleep.

Night all! SED!!!

Costume Lady said...

At 12:36, it is 76° and I am ready°for bed...I can feel a face plant coming on, so I will say good night to all my friends°°

Jewels said...

How about a stranger to the blog?? I have been busy with work and alot of nothing lately. I did have a nice chat with Margy. My continued prayers my dear sweet one!! Hope all is well. I feel lost on theb log and have no time to catch up. Am working a split schedule. Mon and Tues is midnight to 8 am and Wed, Thur and Frid is 4-12pm. Off on Sat and Sun.
Hoping to go to Missouri end of the week.
Hugs to all!! Xoxo

Jewels said...

Oh and Charlie has his gall bladder surgery at 10:15am!! Wish him well, healthy and awake to leave the hospital eary afternoon so I can sleep before work!!

magpie said...

Best wishes and Big Prayers for Charlie, you and all the family, Jewels....
and the doctors and all the medical team...

Good to see you....and I am going to head on to bed....nice to close things out, seeing a post from you,
Sweetness2.Thank you for your comforting and kind words.. You are never a stranger...

Good Night to you and any Night Owls amongst us as well...

xoxoxo (( Hugs ))

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Carolyn, what good news about Charlie! He finally gets to have his gallbladder out! Prayers ongoing that he will get to come home right away. So good to see you here! I've missed you! Know how it goes, though. Things can get pretty busy sometimes. And catching up here--well, I've been in your shoes many times! Just glad to have you back again! Hope you are able to stay caught up on sleep with your varied work schedule. Don't know HOW you and Margy manage!

Well, speaking of sleep, I need to go hit the hay myself. I'm about to do a face plant! Prayers have been said for everyone, and for every creature. (Hope our eagles are all doing well.) Hope, too, that we hear about Kay soon!

Sleep well, everyone, with SED.
The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you!
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!

Sandi said...

Good soggy Monday morning my eagle friends! It started raining during the night (also thunder and lightning - poor Bandit) and is still raining this morning - forecast is calling for a chance of rain for the next 3 days.

Margy, I am so sorry to hear about your sister Elisabeth's death. You have certainly had your share of losses lately. My prayers are with you and your family.

NCSuzan, the Nicholas Evans poem is beautiful. "Listen for my footfall in your heart. I am not gone but walk within you." What a lovely image.

Carolyn, prayers for Charlie today that his gallbladder surgery goes smoothly.

Jo, safe trip if you're driving home in today's rain!

Any updates on Kay? I haven't read any lately. Wondering if she's home and healing?

Lori O. said...

MARGY, I'm so sorry to hear about Elisabeth. My sympathies and a big hug. ♥

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds Its thundering out side

JudyEddy said...

YEAH CHARLIE finally get his gall bladder out

JudyEddy said...

SANDI NO updates on KAY

Lori O. said...

I was going to call KAY yesterday, but will make sure I do today. I can't stand not knowing how she is doing.

Good Morning SANDI & JUDY!

CAROLYN - Best wishes to Charlie on his surgery today, and to you on getting some sleep.

Janet said...

Quick good morning friends.

We had rain over the last two days....and a 60% chance of rain today, tomorrow and and good chance most of the week. So thanful!

HOWEVER: Olivia goes to camp this week adn wouldn't you know it, its an OUTDOOR farm camp....horseback riding, swimming, crawdad fishing, zip lining, etc. Thankfully they do crafts as well.

Such is life.

Kind of like our Florida vacation: if you don't mind, it doesn't matter. Just go and have fun.

Hope everyone has a great day. We took the boat out yesterday, had fun, but had to get towed back in. The engine refused to restart after some swimming/tubing time. :( oh well, such is the price of boat ownership....

Have a great day! Time to get ready for work! hugs and light

stronghunter said...

Watching GMA. Our storm just made national news. They said "possible tornado." From everything I have seen and heard, I think it was a tornado.

Lori O. said...

JANET, glad you're getting the much needed rain, but hope Olivia doesn't mind while at camp.

Lori O. said...

Good morning, SHIRLEY!

Judie said...

Wow! Charlie is having his gallbladder removed in about an hour. Carolyn, wishing a successful and easy surgery and then a very quick recovery. Thinking of you both.

Wow again! I find that curly Shirley's nasty weather made National news. Hmmm. When you folks get riled up about something (such as a trash company rip off) you sure do create a storm. Hope you and friends are okay this morning.

Judie said...

Rain last night and misty this morning. 20+ degrees cooler than yesterday.

Have PT today.

Wonder if Kay is okay?

Wish you all as good a day as possible.

Thinking of Margy.

stronghunter said...

Okay, my trash bill has been paid. I told them I had not been receiving statements.

I paid them online. Did not have the correct password to do that. They bought out the company I had been using some time ago--there have been four companies involved in the past year or two.

Meanwhile, Kathryn will be talking to some other trash companies she knows about.

Cooler and qute damp outdoors today.

stronghunter said...

Conversation with the trash company was polite. I did not mention my dissatisfaction with their service. Thought I would wait and see what Kathryn might find out about other companies.

stronghunter said...

Would love to hear from Kay.

Thinking of Margy, too.

Have a good day at PT, Judie.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals.....

very nice surprise:

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