Thursday, July 12, 2012


New thread.


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Lolly said...

Oh Oh Oh...feather 3?

Lolly said...

Yeah, baby! Thanks Steve for the new thread! Hope all is going well. Will call the others over!

Lolly said...

Now I will say good morning! Left an alert on the old thread and stayed and read the comments. So, here we are in this time of the year when few are on the blog.

I am about to finish my coffee and going out to do a little yard work. Think I will work around the pond and stream this morning. Need to cut some stuff back.

Have a great day!

Thinking of Lynne and Bugsy this morning. I completely understand about the $$ of the situation,. It does cost to have pets!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thanks Lolly and Steve. Hey Steve, any word on the cam?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Watching the Holly's half dozen cam. Someone just reached in and kissed Holly on the head. Those pups are gorgeous and so is Holly.

Red said...

If someone was doing a "Rain Dance" for north Alabama would you please stop....we have had almost 6 inches of rain in the past 48 hours.

Lynne I wish your wallet was as big as your heart.

Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread and thanks Lolly for the call over!

Gee, one quart size ziploc bag does NOT hold much! Trying to carry on as much as possible in case of luggage that doesn't arrive when we do! Back to work!

CarolAnne said...

Morning all,
Welcome back to Hoda & Jo
and all others going to & fro.

Wishing safe travels for Lynn's daughters & Sandi. Such joyful reunions about to happen.

Who ever (or is that whom ever) is doing "rain dance" please dance this way. TV stations are having photo contests for "Most dried up lawns". :o(

Current joyful news is our pond fish have had babies!!

Wishing all a good day - rain or shine!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - Oh Red, I think that rain needs to shift down to TX - Lolly spends all her time watering her beautiful yard! I second your remark about Lynne's heart and her wallet.

Thanks for the new thread Steve. I hope your summer isn't getting away too fast
I'm sure you are swamped with things you
want to do besides work!

Lolly that head dress is starting to look great! ♥

Note on FB from Carolyn around 7:30 saying they are in Ohio and have about 5 hrs to go. So I'm thinking they will get to their destination around the noon hour.

I need to go backward and read the morning remarks....... BBL

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Gosh Hoda is home. Mema Jo is home red checked in GG is doing good. Kay read the paper and then there is Bugsy. Hmmmm I am folding my hands and praying for that thin little cat that needs a home and has found a heart. Dex was up sick last night. We are tired and I am worried but hoping its just a little bug or something. He is almost never sick. Catch you all later.

glo said...

Well I personally think that the Vet Clininc where Lynne works could do both her and Bugsy a favor and test the kitty to see if it is healthy for free. If it is Lynne takes it home. Now some don't think this is good business BUT I definitely think it is and would patronize such a clinic and tell all my friends to do the same thing. My kids know I will never be a millionaire but my life is so very rich in every other way.

Red said...

Glo, you reminded me of an old Eddy Arnold song.

I'm The Richest Man In The World

Lolly said...

Okay, I am in and plan to stay in. Did go back out yesterday, abused my bod! Today I want to rest it.

Yes, please do a rain dance for Texas. Well, my yard, anyway. LOL Houston area has been getting rain.

glo said...

Loved the song Red I had never heard it before. I so understand those words. I would tweak them a little but it sure fits well indeed.

magpie said...

Good Morning my Eagle Pals...

I see there are prayers for pets needed....Check !

and Safe Traveling Wishes are also on board for our Momsters and Dadsters and Families

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning Margy! Been thinking about you. Love and hugs!

magpie said...

Funeral (full Catholic Mass), burial, and luncheon following, all went went....

Priest was great, spoke TO the families, For the Families...and Compassionately and dearly of my sister Libby...

The SIX remaining Hooglands were joyful to be together, even though we wish not under the circumstances.
Also wonderful to re-unite with nephews and brother in law, and a few old college pals of my sisters.

magpie said...

Thanks, Sharon...and Everyone...
I haven't read backwards except on this thread....but I'll be trying to catch up through the day...

Bella and her family...are Westward Ho to Toledo...
whoo, that was hard seeing them all depart....

I'll sure miss my buddy Bella, I think he helped hold each other together these last few days...

She flushed a little flock of turkeys this morning....
but I think they all escaped safely
And now the bunny rabbits can relax also...

magpie said...

oh you know, laptop and typos..

I think WE helped hold each other together this week...

magpie said...

Best Wishes to Each and Every One of you today...

I'll be back around...

I trembled at the exit to Randallstown yesterday, Lynne2...but I was pretty "slam wore out" but now I know how EASY it would be get there...another time....

xoxo God Bless Us, Every One

stronghunter said...


Just popping in for the moment. Heading outdoors to take care of plants.

stronghunter said...

Glad that the ceremony went well, Margy. Hugs.

JudyEddy said...

Just got home and found a new thread


Mema Jo said...

Margy I am thankful all went well for you and your family. ♥

Shirley - I've been gone too long - Are your trees all planted? Last night when Hunter scurried up the steps, did you have to make a trip down and close up everything?

Sandi I am getting excited for your trip to begin. I know the kids are very anxious for you to arrive! ♥

JudyEddy said...

They put the message back upon the cam we apologize for the inconvenience etc

movin said...




Hotter and humid today in So Cal. Should get up well into the 80's.

Phoebe's little ones could start fledging as early as tomorrow.

I'm still not getting either cam from Sheptown, how about you?

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

CarolAnne said...

No cam here either Jim
Enjoy your weather.
Today we have been classified under "severe drought" conditions.

movin said...

Drought is very unusual for Wisconsin, isn't it, CarolAnne??

Not so unusual for So Cal though.
Anyway, the closest we usually come to rain in summer is a heavy fog.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

CarolAnne said...

Yep - drought is a new word for us.
Only in southern third of state.
We would settle for heavy fog at this point. We are learning new coping skills.
People are stocking up on frozen 7 canned veggies are crops are really suffering, even beef prices are going down as farmers flood the market with animals they can't feed.

Awaiting Phoebe young to fledge. Need the excitement!! lol

CarolAnne said...

Whoa - typos
7 = &
are = and

movin said...

We could use some of that cheaper beef out here too. I don't know the cause, but I noticed the meat is lot higher than normal the last couple of trips to the supermarket.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Lolly said...

CarolAnne, so very sorry about the severe drought conditions. It is so depressing. We need rain badly, but at this point our area is not severe drought, though parts of Texas are beyond severe.

Lolly said...

Minutes ready for tonights meeting at church. Done a little cleaning, on to more cleaning. It's not that two people are so messy, it's just that I ignore the inside and head out. LOL

JudyEddy said...

CA Sure wish I could send u=u some of this rain 3" yesterday 2 the day before and more coming now our afternoon pop up heat of the day showeres comin over the bridge now building up on the sea breeze

Mema Jo said...

I am getting a gut feeling about Outdoors ETA - I'm not so sure it's coming back on due to eagle season has slowed down. Same feeling about our still cam staying blue for so long.
I pray that I am wrong - I really want to see our nest and the eagles again...

Mema Jo said...

Not sure if anyone mentioned this but
Carolyn and Christie are at their destination! Arrived safely!

JudyEddy said...

CA will you be able to be on the blog in Africa??????

JudyEddy said...

CA are you going to do any animal adventures Lions etc I can't wait to hear of all your adventures Its a trip of a lifetime forsure

CarolAnne said...

JudyE, JudyE
Unfortunately I am not the one going to Africa. but I do agree - "What an adventure!".
Lots of pressure on Sandi to let us live this adventure thru her!

JudyEddy said...

OOPs Sandi not CA silly me

JudyEddy said...

sitting here waiting for Angie and my X husband to drop off Tommy he is staying at Angies while she in at Seaworld for the weekned and watching the storms on radar so far all around us above below and around us but not us

JudyEddy said...

we live vicariously through the blog others adventures I can't wait for Hoda I know its emotional for her right now and she will reveal when she is ready

JudyEddy said...

So happy Dana made it back to MD hope she pops in on the blog to say HEY she was on FB to say she was in MD

JudyEddy said...

from on FB Carolyn and Christie had to made record time to their destination Lead foot is what someone said LOL

JudyEddy said...

LYNNE2 I love the name Bugsy fits the kitty I hope he is ok

JudyEddy said...

SANDI so sorry your mom is down in the dumps

stronghunter said...

No, I did not have to make a trip down to close up things, Jo. I had already done that, and Hunter turned off the TV.

I have the hole partially dug for the tree, Jo. I am hoping that others just might finish it. It is very clear where I want the tree, as I have started digging. It is pretty hot out there today.

JudyEddy said...

I hope what JO said about the cams not coming back is not true It seems like the were working on it being it was up for a few min the other day I wonder if anyone can email Steve and ask???? but with the issues of no power out there maybe that was the issue tooo

JudyEddy said...

Jordyn has just left she was snoozing when Angie cam she didn't take a nap today slept 25min in the car on the way back from the Primemate Sanctuary

JudyEddy said...

so now I need to figure out what I want to get to eat or make to eat BBIALW

Hoda said...

LYNNE and BUGSY the whole thing is already such a heart warming story. You got involved LYNNe and that in itself is something BIG. I pray that it turns out alright.

I too am worried JO about the Camera not coming back up again for the remainder of this season...
I would have liked to see them before they went but I think this time is already upon us.

GLO I am sorry Dex is not feeling well...healing prayers come your way.

SANDI I know what you mean about those quart bags...they were very good at the airports I landed in and the security machine was no big deal is all good.

I put pictures on FB and am not sure how to put them in your album JUDYE. I have some video and have not figured this part out yet...

Off to yoga and it is hot in here today...

Hoda said...

Oh my I just heard of a major landslide not far from Nelson. Praying for no loss of life. They have been cut off from the rest of the region and no internet connection or phones...The RCMP Search and Rescue and the First Responders from the region are heading out...God Save them all...
Johnsons Landing is the name of the place...

Hoda said...

Six people unaccounted for according to the MLA's Office...Member of Legislative Assembly's office. She is working with the RCMP to try to reach people...

Mema Jo said...

Hoda - I am having lots of fun viewing all your photos over on FB! Thank you so much! I'll be awhile..

paula eagleholic said...

cam still down...groan

Hoda, sorry to hear about the problem with the tunnel

paula eagleholic said...

oh, landslide not good either!

paula eagleholic said...

was out watering this evening, found another sprouted on its own nicotania!

Dryer man comes tomorrow morning...we'll see what it needs before I decide whether to get a new one or not...if I do, I'll make sure I call upon Judie to dispose of it ☺

Heading out front to water now...bbialw

magpie said...

Oh yes, Paula that Nicotiana just does wonders...
mine are really doing great, especially the LIME GREEN ones...


magpie said...

I am sorry to read of the landslides and possible loss of life

magpie said...

What in the world is it with the Appliances amongst us !!!

I have two dryers and two washers, and two dishwashers to deal with....they better NOT start giving out on me !!

magpie said...

If the cams don't come back up,I can see a trip to the Bend in the my future next week...

magpie said...

I am hoping to backtrack to the old thread...don't like being out of touch with the Momster and Dadster happenins'

so for now, Evening Eagle Pals..

"ta ta for now "


magpie said...

sky was on fire tonight after sunset, beautiful reds, oranges and violets..

RED at night Sailor's Delight

paula eagleholic said...

Red sky in the morning, sailors warning!

Got all the gardens watered, and harvested 2 zucchini!

Heading to Paradise tomorrow night...gotta get my stuff together!

stronghunter said...

Funny thing--I have a confused bee in my backyard. When I was out working in earlier, had a flowered blouse over my tee shirt. Since it was so hot, I took it off and hung it on a stake in the yard. Of course, I forgot to bring in in.

I went out before dark to retrieve it, and there was a bee sitting on it. It is a very bright shirt with all kinds of flowers. Glad I noticed the bee before I brought the shirt in.

stronghunter said...

. . . out working earlier.

magpie said...

I'm glad for you too, Curly Shirley!
might have put a few more curls in your "do"

Glad to read both Jo AND Judie got "do's" today

Gracious...lots to read back on

Sharon....hoping for the best outcomes for your friend Sandy...sounds like she has a very
solid outlook on things, thank you for sharing that with us

Lynne2 said...

Hi all!

Slam wore out here....I think every animal in the county is sick or injured. UGH.

Been reading back, and I know there are concerns with sick Dex, WI drought, and happy things like settlements! I wish I had time to post on all, but know you are always in my prayers!

The Cat with No Name is FINE!!! Negative on the Feline Leukemia and FIV tests, no obvious other problems!! WOO HOO! No vaccinations until he gets a better body condition, maybe 2 weeks, and a month before he can be neutered. He's somewhere around 9 months old, give or take a month. He's been dewormed and has some antibiotics for 2 weeks. He did well in the car, but dang near took off our tech's fingers when she tried to give him some food....he has no manners!

magpie said...

Very good to ready Hoda's glowing reports

Hope that all things with Glo's Dex who was feeling puny this morning, and Lynne2's "Bugsy" work out....
he sounds like a keeper...

Wonderful,to read of GG's activities....and how about that Brandon, confirming the ID of Loretta's Mystery Bird ! Smart kid,well, young man really...I really enjoyed talking Birds with him at the 4th of July Picnic...

Wanda: I like your avatar...I see Dustin ! I also enjoyed talking "Fire and Rescue with him and Sweet Pea the same night...

magpie said...

YAY on the settlement for the house with the kids, Janet...
Good On You for being their Home away from wannabe home throughout all this time

magpie said...

and WOOF, BIG WOOF on the mess with the plumbing repairs at Sandi's Mom...

and, where is our Lori? I mighta missed seeing a post today from her..

Close call with DanaMo...glad no personal injury but darn it about the dinged up camper and ruined canopy....

Janet said...

Good evening dear friends.

Busy day at work which is great. :)

And a quiet evening to boot. Kids are in their own house; but their animals and most of their stuff is here, lol.

They are transistioning the animals in slowly. Morgan the cat who freaked out/stressed out and peed blood will go first over the weekend with her plug in container of kitty pheremones to keep her chill. Then after a couple of days,Miss Kitty goes and the dogs sometime in there as well They wanted to get their stuff in the house so it has more familiar smells.

Livvy started her second 7 week stint of ice skating classes. She graduated the last session and moved up to Alpha Classes. Looks like so much fun....

We have had about 5 inches of rain this week. It has been so nice!!! But with the outside temp 30 degrees cooler, it was COLD in that ice rink tonight!

Hope everyone is doing well. I am tired so calling it a night shortly. When the alarm went off @ 5:30 this morning, I thought sheesh, every day I feel more tired than the previous morning! This just isn't right! So I need a few "normal" nights of bedtime and sleep. This is what I am amiming for.

So, therefore sweet friends, good night. Sleep well. :)

magpie said...

'Night Janet, hope you sleep well....

tubby time for me

ttfn back before bedtime to check up on you folks !


Lynne2 said...

A word about our hospital and the Drs. They are EXTREMELY generous, to us and to our clients. We work with everyone moneywise if a pet is sick or injured, offering payment plans that are very accommodating. No one is ever turned away, and that reflects in our outstanding accounts. As employees, we get exams for out pets at no charge, x-rays and ultrasounds for almost nothing, and pay just cost for all supplies, medications, prescription diets and vaccinations. I have never worked at such a place before. They, WE, are an incredible place, to be a client, and to be an employee.

Lynne2 said...

OOOOO were only 6 miles from us at that exit on the beltway!

stronghunter said...

Good night. Rest well my friends. See you tomorrow.


glo said...

What cat with no name "You mean Bugsy" :-) I am glad he checked out fine. He is hungry hungry hungry and just over zealous for non beetle food. Thank you so very much for caring about him. Just such desperately sad situations out there for some critters. I am glad there are folks like you and your clinic in this world. I bet his tummy is starting to feel something it hasn't felt in a long time. Dex has felt better the last 8 hours or so. Hoping for a much better night. I am very tired, but will of course sleep better if Dex sleeps well too.

Lynne2 said...

sure hope you can both sleep well Glo....hoping to read a good report tomorrow!

Lynne2 said...

BUGSY is on the list, but Steve will get the final say in the name. There are others under consideration as well!

I need to get to bed. Have a good night and prayers for all!

JudyEddy said...

GLO so happy Dex is feeling better

LYNNE2 Beatle Juice would be a good name LOL so happy you vet is such a sweet heart that works with people and the pets out there He needs a big momster hug((((HUGS))))

Paula's going to paradise again

MARGIE no post from LORI today 212 on the 11th was her last post

HODA love all the pictures Harry sure is a cutie pie so glad you had a wonderful time in the USA Next time maybe will be at the nest??????????that would be great huh!!

JANET pretty soon thing will be back to normal if there is such a thing .

I feel asleep sitting in the chair for about 20min woke up with neck killing me so then went to the couch to nap Odd how all of a sudden I was tired like was hit with a brick
We have a beautiful light show lightening around out side went up to Publix to buy some ice cream Bad girl I am

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Yay Bugsy is IN.

JudyEddy said...

watching the news now and should head to bed soon Don't have to get up early for Jordyn Sleep in for me I love to sleep in Lazy I guess.

JudyEddy said...

ODD HODA your pic didn't show up on my news feed I wonder why facebook is like it is sometimes don't show stuff PIA big time

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I was playing WWF with Lori today. :-)

Mema Jo said...

Happy happy about the cat 'not to be named' Hurray for you Lynne. We'll anxiously await the new Name announcement.

I forgot to tell all of you that a
hummer visited my deck flowers near dusk
I don't know why hubby went to get the camera as the little hummer was gone as fast as he had appeared.

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Mema Jo said...

Glo, I am saying a prayer for Dex to feel better and that you get a good night's rest. ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Ok Lynne, so what are the other names besides Bugsy? I was LOL at Beatle Juice, although I hated that movie!

Glad Bugsy is OK! Good good news. Sounds like your vet place is nice to hear.

paula eagleholic said...

Got everything together for the beach, and cleaned off the washer and dryer for the appliance guy in the morning...ready to hit the hay.

(((SED, Love and Hugs for all )))♥

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Everyone
Prayers of thankfulness for many many things.........
Memories of Lynn ♥

I ♥ US

Lolly said...


Glad to hear the good report on Bugsy! What did the vet say about the healing wounds? Is he spending his nights outside?

Annie has an appointment tomorrow afternoon for her yearly checkup and shots. She is not going to like that. She is so ugly to other people on her home territory, yes, Annie is not nice. She is a two person cat! However when she goes to the vet she is a sweetie.

Lolly said...

Hoda's shared pictures show up on my fb page. However, her personal pictures do not show up. Had to go to her page to see them. HODA, check your settings to see that your pictures share with friends.

Hoda said...

So happy the cat with no name/ bugsy/ Beetle Juice is doing OK...GREAT vet place indeed LYNNE.

Safe travels PAULA tomorrow.

GLO so happy that Dex is feeling better I hope it continues.

JUDYE I do not understand why the pictures did not show up on your news feed...sometimes I do not understand FB altogether.

SANDI'S MOM'S house is having plumbing problems is this her new place or the old place where the new owners insist that she pay for everything? Not nice people I would not say. I hope it is settled soon so she would not have to worry.

Very good to read your posts MARGY. Welcome back. Thanks.

LORI is missing today and yesterday. I have not read a single post from her...LOVE YOU gLORI Come back please

Hoda said...

I'll go do that right away LOLLY. For a while it was showing Nelson area only but I changed them and brought it up to friends...I will go check again right away. BBL

magpie said...

Good, Yay, Dex seems to be feeling better,
and Best Wishes with Annie's Annual Trip Friday, Lolly

FRIDAY ??? Oh,that would be
God Bless Our Military

Did the Sandperson abandon us, or he is lingering and flirting at Judie's ???
Thanks Sharon on the info that you and Lori were WWF-ing today...not that I have any idea what that is...

Costume Lady said...

So sleepy can't feel my toes move!
Head is falling forward...
Goodnight my friends, prayers and love to you aLL

magpie said...

Thanks Hoda
Same to ya'

Going to check out, maybe find a 30-minute TV show to relax in front of...
or a magazine with pictures to look at...

Prayers for Wellness, Safe Travels
and Sweeeeeet Sleep for all...

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One...

Lolly said...

Very serious condition you have there, Wanda! Not feeling your toes move is dreadful! LOL

Have been going through all of Hoda's pictures. Looks like you had a wonderful time.

I get so frustrated when On fb. I keep having to log in, numerous time, even though I check the box to stay logged in. Oh well...

Heading to the shower and bed, even though the sandman has not been here!!!!

Nite all!


Hoda said...

Thanks for looking at the pictures...They are all marked Friends so I hope they are accessible.
LOLLY FB can be frustrating is true.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Can't believe I'm getting here so late! It's been a sort of crazy day today. I had an appt. at 1pm for my annual mammogram and a bone density test. They called this morning and asked if I could come in early, so I did. I'll find out the official results in a few days from my doctor, but the guy who did the bone density scan said the preliminary results were very good, and I not only DON'T have osteoporosis, but I'm at low risk for it, and don't need to be taking medication or supplements for it! Thank God! My Mom had it really bad, and I've never had a bone density test before, so I didn't know what to expect. I guess my lifetime love of milk, cheese, ice cream, and all things dairy is a good thing!

The heat here today was not as bad this afternoon, but the humidity was high. In fact, we got about an hour of rain this evening! Nice surprise! Lolly, be looking for it in a couple of days--I'm sending it your way! Will be thinking of Annie tomorrow when she has her annual exam.

Hoda, prayers for the people in Johnsons Landing. Scary situation!
Really sorry about the possible loss of life.

Lynne2, that's GREAT that Bugsy (or is it Beetlejuice?) is in such good shape, other than the fact he is nearly starved! Blessings on your vet for taking care of him!

Glo, prayers for Dex! Glad he seems to be feeling better! Hope you both sleep well tonight.

Margy, sorry to hear your pal Bella was picked up by her family.
Our furry friends sure can comfort us in the best possible way, can't they? Glad that the services went well, and that you and your family were able to connect. (((HUGS)))!!

Well, I'm really tired tonight, so I'm going to call it a day. Prayers have been said for everyone, and for every creature.
The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Sleep well, all, with SED! God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you!
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥ - Charlie too!
I ♥ us!

Hoda said...

The Search and Rescue is still on in Johnson's Landing Mud slide area. Three homes have been impacted and four people are still missing...The whole village of thirty five homes has been evacuated.

Hoda said...



Lori O. said...

Hello precious eagle family!

HODA, I'm not gone, just busy. It's So GREAT TO HAVE YOU BACK! ♥

MARGY, wanted to let you know I'm thinking about and praying for you. Big hugs, honey.

Hope CAROLANNE gets some of RED's rain! I'd like a little too, please. We have a chance this weekend.

LOLLY, is going to be a chief before we know it! Happy feather #3. Still sitting here with one, but I love it...

I love us! Every single one of you!

Off to get REaDy for work on this RED Friday. What to wear????

Sandi said...

Good Friday morning Lori, and all my other eagle friends!

Lynne2, so glad the kitty has a home, even if he doesn't have a name! Your work people sound wonderful to work with/for!

Glo, hope Dex is feeling better today.

Paula, safe trip to Paradise!

Shirley, you still don't have that oak tree planted?

Hoda, I enjoyed looking at your photos on FB - lots of fun and lots of love in those pics!!

Water pipe replacement job at Mom's is finally done, to the tune of $6000! Settlement is next Tuesday.

Denny and I are all packed and ready to hit the road at 9am to drive to Baltimore and drop off the dogs. Bandit slept next to one suitcase - no one is going anywhere without him!!! He'll be staying with my mom - no kids, no dogs! Just a single lady and lots of quiet, which he will appreciate! Since Mom lives so close to Lisa (sister), she will come over daily to give him walks. Mom will let him out on a lead several times throughout the day.

Bella will stay at Lisa's with Miss Daisy, the lab mix. They get along fine now that Daisy isn't a puppy and doesn't think that Bella is one of her squeaky toys!

I don't know if I will be able to get on the blog during the trip - no idea about wifi access on international flights, on safari, or on Zanzibar. I'll check in when/if I can, on the blog and/or on FB (taking my Kindle Fire with me) and will try to keep up on what's happening in your lives. I will miss "seeing" you all each day but am very excited about this once in a lifetime trip!

Flight leaves at 6pm from Dulles - a little more than 8 hours to Zurich. An hour and a half layover and then another 8 hours to Nairobi for a short stop. Then another hour or so to Dar es Salaam. We will arrive in Dar around 8pm (their time - they're 8 hrs. ahead of us) on Saturday. We spend the night at Brian and Lynnis's house (get to see my grandpuppies) and leave for the Serengeti (by bush plane) Monday morning. 2 nights in the Serengeti, 2 nights in Ngorongoro Crater for another safari, then on another little plane to Zanzibar on the Indian Ocean for 3 nights.

Even if I can't post, know that, as I am seeing things, I will be thinking, "Can't wait to tell my eagle friends about this or that!"

Have a great day, everyone! I'll check in from the airport this afternoon, since we're planning to get there 3 hours early and I KNOW Dulles will have wifi access!!

Janet said...

And its Friday morning once again! Good morning one and all!

I feel more human this morning....yesterday I started the day with a 2 hour massage, which when you are super sleepy is TOUGH. Someone had been around earlier in the week giving away those 5 hr energy drinks, and normally i do not do those...but I was pretty desperate yesterday....I did okay. Stayed awake and that was the point. But today, I feel more on top of things. :)

It was a very quiet night. That is good.

Tom went over to the kids yesterday and cut down brush/trees/etc. The house had sat empty for close to 2 years ... it was a foreclosure adn I guess the banks don't move very quickly on those. So there had been no care for it.

My friends John and Cheryl are helpign the kids to unpack and move furniture and such.

I will pop over on Saturday. I plan my normal lazy Friday once I get home; that is change into comfy clothes and veg until bed time!!!!!

Glad the new ktty/aka/Bugsy/Beetle Juice is doing well.....lots of food, water and love will do wonders for most animals.

Hoda, so enjoyed your pix on FB.

Everyone, wishing you a beautiful day. :) Light, love, and hugs to all.!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Lynne, what a wonderful place to work. Glad that the kitty has a home.

No, the oak tree has not been planted yet. It has been sitting sheltered under my crepe myrtle. Will has been off this week and this was one of the things he was supposed to do. Hmmm.

I am having fits trying to chase away the mob of blackbirds that have taken over my feeder. I think I just need to bring the feeder in the house for now.

Frustrates me to see the other birds sitting on the fence watching these big, greedy bullies.

stronghunter said...

Feeder is now in the house. Some little birds checking out seeds that have dropped to the ground.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am going to whisper this so as to not scare it away -

the cam is up!

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Dex and I did sleep through the night. He actually seems hungry this morning or at least he thinks he is. I have given him a couple of pieces of chicken and he is wanting more so we are off to coffee and dog treats. Gonna have to figure out the right amounts and timing today BUT overall he is acting much better this morning than yesterday.

:-) We could call the kitty BB for Bugsy Beetlejuice although in my heart I think he is gonna be Bugsy. Bless his little heart and tummy full of bugs. I am glad he found you Lynne

grannyblt said...

GM eagle buds. Glad the camera is up for you Sharon, it is a sorry for the inconvenience for me.

Lynne, so glad our Bugsy is neg in his tests. Do you think you will try to keep him? or find a furever home?

Sandi, I hope you have a great trip. Sounds like the trip of a lifetime to me. You can always email an update. That water pipe situation with your Mom's old house was really a downer. at least it is overwith.

Hoda, glad to see you back and enjoying your photos on FB.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...
Good RED Friday Morning...
God Bless Our Military...

Glad to read Dex is returning to his normal adorable self, Glo

Sharon, thanks for the news on the cam....

Sandi: Have a wonderfuI vacation !!

Lori, HI!! Good to SEE you...

Best Wishes for a Good Day and a GREAT week-end, to EVERYONE...

b> Be

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

An adult is in the nest eating.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I think Belle.

magpie said...

just forget those last few characters on my last post...

I'm going to be off-line for the next two or three days, have a lot of personal things to attend to, might not be able to get to the computer....

No Silver or Blonde or any color alerts, I will be with family and will be fine...

but know I'll Miss You !

So, on that note:

God Bless Us, Every One xoxoxo

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I know how to find you Margy! Love and hugs my friend!

magpie said...

Mercy Me,Sharon !

"I ain't got nuthin'" here....
maybe later...I might to try to sneak a peek

Judie said...

Hi Ya'll:

Having computer problems. This is a test to see if this will make it to the blog.


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Yep Darth! You made it!

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon, is the cam still up for you? I get nothing here.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am loving seeing Belle in this nest but I sure would love to see Missy and Bro.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

It is Paula but I already had the tab open and just clicked play.

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon, take a pic please!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I did Paula.

stronghunter said...

Glo, good to see that Dex is better.

paula eagleholic said...

Lucky you!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And poof. I posted the pic under "my wildlife" on my blog. Will try to remember to put it on eaglet momsters after while.

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon, that's a lovely pic. Thank you.

Lolly said...

Good morning!

Sharon, are you dreaming about Belle? I get neither cam to open!

Sandi...wising you a safe and wonderful trip! Would love to go along with you...oh, well! Have fun!!!! Know you will get many fabulous pictures.

I am out to mow soon. Need to go eat a bite of breakfast.

Have a great day!

Lolly said...

Saw your picture, Sharon, guess you were not just dreamin! LOL

stronghunter said...

I am not getting either cam either. Guess they went off again.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

The cam is still up for me. Not sure why or how it happens, but I think because I still had the tab open for the cam and just clicked on play, it works. When I open a new tab on the other computer, it gives me the message.

Costume Lady said...


Looks like I'm too late to wish Sandi a safe and wonderous journey. I am so looking forward to photos...I know they will be wonderful due to Dennis being a good photographer and using his 'fairly new' camera!

I wonder where Missy and Bro are they come back to their HOME BASE or have they left for their own HOME? Somehow, I think Belle will have to run them off, they seem to be HOME BODIES:)

Costume Lady said...

MARGY, I hope your days off from the 'puter are productive and enjoyable, whatever you are up to:)♥

Making squash casserole and green beans and ham for our Family Friday dinner (from our garden, except for the ham:) Don't know who all is coming...Karla may be going to the beach again and Denise may have a photo shoot???
Wish they both would keep their Fridays open for me!!! I miss them ALL when I don't see them on Friday:(

Costume Lady said...

I don't have a TRASH CAN visible to remove a comment if it would be necessary...what to do, SHAR? Anybody?

Costume Lady said...

It is 71° here in Nestville and a bit cloudy...don't know if rain is likely or not. Haven't read a forecast. Might mow a little grass. Our lawn is not waiting on our MowMan. Haven't mowed very much since I got my new knee...grass only grows fast right in front of our house...the rest will wait on MowMan:)

paula eagleholic said...

So the dryer can be out vents and everything as well

Mema Jo said...

Happy Red Friday to all - Sharon I headed right to your blog and my heart stood still when I saw our Belle in the nest. I miss seeing her and so glad you captured her on this Friday the 13th! Talk about Good Luck!

It is a good Friday 13th as my youngest grandchild turns 17th. The youngest I always think of my little one but I have to stand on tip toe to reach his cheek to give him a kiss!

Mema Jo said...

Wanda I do have a trash can - did you find yours yet?

Message from Judie in my emails
I am not on the blog because our computer has been infected with a virus. Hopefully, we can find a cure soon. Please say hello to everyone. Especially I wanted to wish Sandi a safe and exciting visit to Africa.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Cam is gone for me now. :(

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Looks like my comment didn't post??????????????????

JudyEddy said...

WHY IS SHARON THE ONLY ONE ABLE TO GET THE STILL CAM AND THE LIVE CAM ON OCCASSION???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

MY tabs have been up for days I don't power down Is it my puter??????????????????????????????????????????????

JudyEddy said...

I went to the OD page and they didn't see her either from what I can see they are talking about other eagles nest

Mema Jo said...

Message from Carolyn on FB
Carolyn Smith Good morning! Everything is going ok. Slept like a rock. Lol

JudyEddy said...

SANDI I hope you have a fantastic trip What a great adventure you are going to have How lucky you are to be able to do this I am in total awww of you going

I still an cornfused why no one else gets the cam Maybe Steve can answer for us HUH anyone want to email him????

Are you on a LapTop or DeskTOP and did the cam come back by itself did you F the page because I know mine has the silly message on it still and when it use to go down I would have to refresh to get it back just didn't come back on it own

I tired to make a comment on the OD and ask them if they saw anything it it tells me I'm not allowed at this time I tired to use google and facebook but wouldn't let me HMMMMM

JudyEddy said...

I didn't have the big arrow either just the message across the screen I did have the arrow yesterday but not today

JudyEddy said...

I DO HAVE my TRASH CAN on one post is in the middle of the word JULY on two comments ODD HUH well I guess we will see the cam when it wants us to HUH

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

JudyE, I haven't had the still cam up, just the live feed. Nothing now though.

JudyEddy said...

SHARON I think when I read I still have the cam up the workd STILL stuck LOL so happy you got to see beautiful Belle and thanks for the pic

JudyEddy said...

are you on lap top or desktop

JudyEddy said...

I wanted to watch the trial today but doesn't look like its on HMMM

Mema Jo said...

Just made a call to my birthday boy and he loves Paneras as much as I do - so we are lunching together. The family b-day cake is losing its appeal - he has 5 boys coming to the house this evening for a sleep over and they are taking over the downstairs! I need to invite their parents over! lol


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I have the cam up again and there is a baby in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Eaglet still in the nest. Cam is starting and stopping but I will take whatever I can get at this point.

JudyEddy said...

I see eagle in nest I updated my flash player and got it still and POOF gone

JudyEddy said...

It wanted me to install google chrome and I clicked no but I did get the cam up and still have the cirle but when I hit refresh it comes back music to my ears I did get the weather channel on my desktop with the flashplayer up date and UMPLAYER also realplayer which I already have just a upgrade still installing will have to shut down to complete it says

JudyEddy said...

I put a pic of the eaglet on FB and will put on EM album when I get back on letting install it first

JudyEddy said...

Odd I have always had flashplayer but click on down load and got the cam back I emailed Steve through facebook and ask him about it why would we need to reinstall are they running on a different program maybe but I have the circle have to keep f5ing

JudyEddy said...

or refreshing I should say tooo

JudyEddy said...

I love hearing the hummmmm of the cam If you all can't get it try what I did

I just went on this site and downloaded it maybe there is a update that we didn't get

Flash player I updated or downloaded to get cam

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Somebody was just a-squalling!

JudyEddy said...

I just heard the eagle chirp yeah I love it I have missed them sooooo and I have to keep refreshing it Odd huh

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Either there is an adult in the attic or the babes are sounding more like eagles.

JudyEddy said...

I don't have my camera to record it Angie is borrowing it for Seaworld

JudyEddy said...

Music to our ears huh Sharon

JudyEddy said...

with the new flashplayer It gave the me weather channel temp on the bottom of my puter sort or like weather bug I just wonder if there is a update that no one got from flash player SHARON ya think???????

JudyEddy said...

another thing it gave me with the down load was Uniblue Driver Scanner its on the bottom of my puter along with Norton and weather bar and other icons I looked it up and it seem ok I have the3 spinning arrow but atleast I have the cam up

JudyEddy said...

SHARON does your have the circling arrow on and off and have to f5 and refresh I didn't let google chrome download and do you have google chrome and having the same issues after it stops I get three symbols in seceen share RSS and info I click on info and then close and the arrow is there and click on it and the cam comes back

JudyEddy said...

ok now its gone again I guess still issues HELP me I scream but atleast I did see the eaglet and heard them like Sharon
If you hit share and close it goes to the arrow and works for a sec again

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I can't get it to come up at all now.

JudyEddy said...

Here is a pic of one of the juvies I saw today Notice you can see I was downloading the flash player its in the bar below with the time and date

JudyEddy said...

me neither my arrow is spinining spinning spinning spinning

JudyEddy said...

around around and around and around and its not stopping huh well may work in a bit again its a fickley thing

JudyEddy said...

its still spinning

JudyEddy said...

I opened another window and go it while the other is spinning odd for sure

JudyEddy said...

I took a pic of both windows one works and the other spins definetley a issue I got my eagle fix will keep trying but need to go get busy


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I have it back for now.

JudyEddy said...

funny I just noticed on the live feed now as I am listening to the hum a message
didn't notice it before till now

JudyEddy said...

mee tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

JudyEddy said...

Headin out to go pay my house payment I am a procrastinator due the 16 to late to put in mail so will go hand deleiver I googled location to go pay it I still have the cam up on and off have to keep f5 or refresh or sometimes click on the three icon and close and click the arrow but at least I have the cam no eagle yet except for this pic I grabbed

Hoda said...

Good morning/ good afternoon all.

I am headed off to yoga...did a catch up morning and still more catch up to do.

SANDI have a safe and wonderful trip to AFRICA...I look forward to hearing of your impressions and adventures. God Speed to you and your family.

SHAR thanks for letting us know the cam is up on and off that is!

I have not read back so hope all are well.

I am headed off to yoga...I went last night and am I stiff...two weeks without yoga made a difference...but it is all good I have to regain more flexibility...

I love us...♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

movin said...


GooD MorninG, aLL.


My live feed is working! Has anyone seen any eagles yet?

Speaking of that, the BWO chicks are finally so big and so dark I can see them against the background, but now they're looking nearly big enough to fly off! Ironic, ain't it?

We had some "gentle rain" last night and this morning, and there could be more today. It's holding the temps down in So Cal, but it'll still be a bit warm and humid...high 70's according to the forecast.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

Just returned from a really fun lunch with grandson. WOWSER - The live feed came right up for me - Even though it is
MT - It is a good feeling to see all those boney skeletons of fish and turtles.

I also went to the mall into the Game Shop - let's say I got my exercise for the day.

My feet are going up! BBL

movin said...

Look at the size of that beautiful fish at the BWO nest!

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

I'm Back...

Jim, Sharon got a beautiful pic of Belle alone in the nest this morning.
She has it on her blog or it is in FB


Mema Jo said...

I don't leave for long today......

Nest Update Blackwater Osprey

Our Osprey Chick-Naming Contest is now live. See our contest page for directions on entering. The contest ends on July 21.

JudyEddy said...

YEP BELLE was seen and one juvie JIM

JudyEddy said...

this is one of the pic of the juvie I grabbed

JudyEddy said...

YEAH Live feed hasn't cut out in a while YEAH maybe we are fixed now we just need a afternoon delight visit and a evening one tooooooo KNOCK ON WOOD LOL still running

JudyEddy said...

SHHH over a half a hour and cam as not gone down or the circle hasn't shown up Shhhh keep it one the down low LOL

Lolly said...

Hi all! Yea, I have the live feed up, now I was to see or at least hear an eagle.

I have have showered after mowing and watering pots. We water pots every other day as it is so hot and dries out so quickly.

JudyEddy said...

I sent a email to the blog peeps I have on my email since Jim,Jo, and Sharon and Hoda knows I didn't sent to you all and its still up

JudyEddy said...

Well I went and uninstall what the update gave me when I did the flashplayer since others are getting the cam but am keeping the weather channel app it shows big storms heading our way so gonna get shower out of the way now BBIALW AND THE CAM IS STILL working LOVE THAT HUMMMMM

Lori O. said...

YAY, I got the cam up! Like LOLLY, just waiting for an eagle or eaglet.

SHARON and JUDY, thanks for the pictures! Seems like it's been so long since we've seen them.

SANDIE'S trip sounds awesome. Glad she's not a big game hunter!!! :)

LYNNE2, congrats on Bugsy. He's adorable and you're so fortunate to work where you do! Finding a company that values its people is not that easy today.

Happy drying, PAULA! Sounds like you are off for the beach today, yes?

JudyEddy said...

I hear eagles

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Loud noise from somebody just now.

JudyEddy said...

Lots of noise on the cam Come on down eagle please and thank you

JudyEddy said...

HI LORI HI SHARON again Love that hummmmmm on the camera huh

JudyEddy said...

the last picture I put in the album was the 2nd of this month

JudyEddy said...

Lots of eagle chirping

Lori O. said...

I hear 'em too, Judy!

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 614   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...