Sunday, July 01, 2012


Finally some connectivity after fleeing the heat and lack of power in Middleburg, 48 hours and counting now.

New thread.


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glo said...

Hi Steve thanks for the new thread

glo said...

Glad you got online. I wish the heat would lessen and the storms leave!!!! Oh and thanks for the eagle feather.

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the new thread STEVE and the call over GLO and congratulations on the feather I didn't see your second comment LOL Was going to say good night and saw the late nite thread So glad LYNNE2 checked in now we just need JUDIE to

paula eagleholic said...

And a very good late evening to everyone who has power and can get here!

The storm Friday night was VERY
intense down at the beach. Everyone arrived between 11 and 11:30...Michael, his GF and friend, and my Brother Phil, my 2 nephews and one of their friends....9 people at the beach this weekend in all.

Everyone had gotten all their stuff unloaded into the house, and we were outside chatting. My Friend called and warned us about the storm traveling I pulled it up on radar and WOW, what a huge storm!

I was inside making tea and I heard the wind pick up, and then it sounded like it was hailing! Actually, it was pine cones hitting the house. I started for outside to see what was going on, and everyone was literally running in the door, the wind sounded like a freight train, and we tried to get the porch windows and doors shut.

A pine cone broke one window, and a big branch whacked my brother Steve across the face, arms and legs. He has pine cone impressions! But he was OK. We huddled in the living, afraid of what might hit the windows in the kitchen.

The lights went out briefly, and then came back on. (thank goodness coz it was hot in the house).

The next morning is when we discovered that the pine cone broke the window, there were pine cones imbedded in the fence, and of course many sticks and such in the yard.

My elderly neighbor next door didn't fare as well. The wind topped one of his pine trees, and it landed on the roof, putting a hole in the roof and the back porch.

Even with Friday night's storm, we had a wonderful weekend...had a campfire Sat nite, made smores and drank!

Took my 2 nephews out fishing today, and they caught 8 fish! We cleaned them up and had them on the grill for lunch.

It really was a lovely weekend...left after 6 tonight.

Sure hope everyone without power gets it back soon! Was relieved to find no damage of any kind at my house here in Eburg.

paula eagleholic said...

.•*"˜˜"*°•. ˜"*°•♥•°*"˜ .•°*"˜˜"*°•.
**♥**♫ ♫ Happy Birthday ♫ ♫**♥**
.•°*"˜.•°*"˜ ♫ MARGY ♫ ˜"*°•.˜"*°•.

Lynne2 said...

WOW Paula, how scary. Glad no big damage or serious injuries for anyone and that the rest of the weekend was good!

Our adventures are on the other blog. Thank god we have our power back already.

Some of the damage is really odd....tops of trees snapped off. Tops of power poles. My redbud, and one of the tulip poplars are "bent" weird.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, and very fortunate at the beach that we hadn't brought out any chairs and all that stuff yet!

paula eagleholic said...

I read that Lynne! You are lucky, all in all. Better to have the power back lose a little food rather than have no power for a week!

That wind was very sudden and very scary!

paula eagleholic said...

I am just starting on Friday night, sorry to hear about MIL damage, Lynne.

Lynne2 said...

We were totally prepared for a week Paula! It would not have been wonderful, but there are worse things that could have happened...and DID, to some unfortunate people. So sorry about your neighbor's place. Glad he's OK though! and very glad no damage at E'burg home!

paula eagleholic said...

Temp feels good here tonight...76°.

Cool, Jo is headed to the beach! Ha! Probably saw her on the other side of the road and never knew it, LOL

Hope Megan feels better soon!

Happy Canada Day to Hoda!

paula eagleholic said...

Beach Neighbors kids and builder were there first thing on Sat morn...(he just moved in about 2 months ago). They got the yard and the tree on the house cleaned up, roof is protected...then insurance will take over from there. Glad he has such good kids to help him out. He's 82, and very spry, but know he needs help on big jobs!

Lynne2 said...

No power at my MIL's yet.

Well, showered, to put the clothes in the dryer and put my head to my pillow.

Some intense looking little storm cells are starting to pop up in far western MD. UGH!

Good night and prayers for all!

stronghunter said...


So good to see Lynne back at last. I am snuggled into my bed with my laptop on one knee and George on the other. He seems very happy to be in my room. He has been banned from the upstairs for many months, but he finally leaped over the barricade and we took it down. As long as there are no fights with Lucky, he can stay here.

My cousin Virginia arrived a few hours ago. She had called from Maryland at about 4:00 saying that traffic was terrible and her air conditioning has stopped working. She arrived here miserable and overheated.

We had dinner and took her on a driving tour of Fredericksburg. She is doing research for a book she is writing about an ancestor whose letters she found stored under her mother's bed.

They are an account of the civil war as he experienced it--pretty much the extent of the war. He fought in the Battle of Fredericksburg, thus her interest in this area.

stronghunter said...

We will have to help her get her air conditioning fixed tomorrow. I do hope it will not be a big problem. It is an older car, and that could mean trouble.

magpie said...

Thunder, and I guess lightning LOL and now RAIN...and just a little while ago I saw the hazy moon....

Good Evening Eagle Pals...
Thanks STEVE for the new thread, I was "afreard" you had had some power problems...

Oh boy Lynne2 and Paula are here...gotta backtrack to old thread for a few mins


magpie said...

How nice, the help that arrived for your elderly beach neighbor, Paula

magpie said...

Glad that your friend Virginia arrived, Shirley

yes, sure hope the A/C problem with her car is an easy fix

Shucks I just missed Lynne2 :(

stronghunter said...

Very tired and am going to say good night to everyone.

We did see at least one closed street where a huge tree had come down.

Costume Lady said...

Hi there...

Looks like I might catch you, MARGY, before it is another day!


Costume Lady said...

Many large trees and limbs down in MARTINSBURG, roofs blown off, not officially a tornado, yet, but surely must have been.
It is thundering right now but no rain yet. Going to bed before the natural fireworks start!

Good night dear ones...prayers and love for all♥

magpie said...

Wanda: Thank you, and by the way:

It takes one to know one !!

Hope your day was good and that GG is doing well...

What a trooper Lynne and Steve are, glad things are more or less ok here, and hope that things at Steve's Mother's improve very soon

Paula, that's a Paradise-full you had, and what a frightening storm experience you describe...glad that there many people there to get through it with, and I bet Nick was comforted too

magpie said...

Saw a lot of that storm damage, Wanda...pretty serious stuff

My eyelids are drooping down to my ankles...
Thanks for helping make my birthday a joyous one, Precious Pals..
Good Night

Prayers for Wellness and Safety amongst us...

God Bless This [Invisible] Nest and
God Bless us, Every One

NatureNut said...

Glo, you deserve that feather! I LOVE that picture. Maybe you were waving a fish at that eagle! LOL
Glad to see Lynne2 is back! I think we're lucky. My stepson, Dennis, lives a little South of the Park and he has no power, but does have generator running a room AC for bedroom. He said trees are all over Croom Rd (that goes past Park, too). Will try to find out something about vthat, too. If my boss, who lives up in Gambrills, hads power at home, I'd think he could email or call staff. DUH
Got 1/2 a crab to eat before I stop for tonight, so better go.
Pleasant Feather Dreams and Good Health Prayers for ALL ;>)

NatureNut said...

Had to read back and so Glad Paula has most of Paradise intact! Wow what a story!
Hope Mema Jo's B----H adventures are much calmer!!
Good night again! ☺ ♥

NatureNut said...

One last time before power goes out again! Was off for a few minutes. We had thunder,lightening, then some drops. Then it went into high gear and hail! Not too big--varied pea/bean sizes.Hope that's the end of that and no one else got bothered!
See yas, ☺

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Finally got caught up here. Glad to see that everyone but Judie has checked in OK. Hope Judie & Darth and their kitties get power back very, very soon! Boy, you folks have sure had some nasty weather back there!! Prayers for everyone's safety!!

I'm quite happy to report that we have no more bees in the house, and have seen very few outside in the back yard. I think it may be safe to say that the bee problem is solved, thank God!

We have 3 or 4 fledged herons hanging around, mostly on our lattice patio cover. Have to be careful when going out back, not to get hit by a poop shoot!

We went to Home Depot today and got an electronic rat trap to put in the recessed lighting shelf in the living room. There's a critter in the attic, and we hope it goes after the extra crunchy peanut butter in the trap, and gets electrocuted! The trap wasn't inexpensive, but it can kill up to 50 rats on 4 "C" batteries. If it kills one, you just dump it in the trash can, re-bait if necessary, and turn on the switch. Much simpler than having to reset a spring-type trap. Wish they made one like that for raccoons! They're stampeding all over the roof as I speak! There's still one that is up there shortly after dawn. I make sure not to go outside until much later than that.
Thought of calling Animal Control out to set cage traps, but--if they catch one, they don't take it far away to the wilderness to release it. They release it where they have caught it! DUH!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

I'm certainly grateful that some of you have seen the Sycamore Palace still in place, and some of our eagles. Has Belle been spotted?
It sure is amazing how resilient our feathered family is!

It's great to hear that Kay is improving day-by-day, and may be home soon! That's wonderful news!

Been thinking of GG, and glad she weathered the storm okay--Wanda and Gene too, of course!

Well, pretty tired tonight, so think I'll call it a day. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Prayers are said for everyone, and for every creature. Sleep well, everyone. God bless, and goodnight.
Love all of you!
♥♥Thinking of Lynn♥♥
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Pulling a Margy here. Hope we hear from Judie soon. Hope there was no damage to any of their big trees. Hoping that Hoda is okay, too. I know for sure that the Sandperson has made it here to this roost. I'm doing face plants!
Going to head off to bed now. Goodnight, all.

CarolAnne said...

Love you ladies.
You made Bubby’s day.
He grinned and said it was like “Christmas in July”.
But, it wasn’t his birthday. It’s actually Sept. 14th.
Not sure how the mixup came about, hope its not a typo of mine somewhere.
And to further clarify things – he is BJ (or Bob or Robert or occasionally Smarta** – depending on your relationship to him: friend, co-worker, relative)

Hoping all the stormees are recovering with renewed electricity and storm cleanup.

CarolAnne said...

Went fishing morning & evening yesterday. Not much in the way of fish, but it was still fun. Baby turtles have made their way to the lake and were a fun nusiance poking the bobbers, checking out the boat, etc. In the evening we could see something making ripples steadily in one area. Thought maybe a dying fish flopping on the surface. Curisosity got to us and we motored over. Couldn't get real close, but looked like a little BEAVER doing its own fishing. A first for us!

Hoping everyone has lots of "good" firsts today!

Janet said...

Happy Birthday MARGY

Happy Canada Day, HODA

CarolAnne, your fishing sounds great. Too hot here, but I am itching to go fishing or get the boat out....

summertime and trapped in the house. hmmmmmm just night right.

Good morning everyone! Another hot day forecast here, but at least we have a small (20%) chance of rain and that's better than NO chance of rain.

The kids do their final walk thru of their soon to be house today. :) I hope for their sake they close tomorrow. THey put the bid in on this house the end of April....its way past time. IF they close tomorrow, they plan to move the morning of the 4th.

I have a busy work week ahead.....back to the usual!

Hard to believe school starts here the 30th for Olivia. Summer break seems so short now. Well, it is in comparison to what it used to be. Still trying to process the fact that they will have 17 consecutive days off for spring break in MARCH. What are we supposed to do with that? Ridiculous!

Anyway, let me scat. Hope everyone has a fabulous day. Stay cool and hydrated .... hugs, light, and healing to all.

JudyEddy said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDS and hope all are ok with another round of storms that went in your areas

JudyEddy said...

ANDY so glad he bees have buzzed and no longer around

and RAT traps like that wow will have to check that out for the next time I have fruit rat issues

Sandi said...

Wow, surprised to get a new thread on A Sunday night!

Raining here at the beach - no tennis this morning! But it's supposed to clear up as the day goes on.

Lynne, glad to hear you're back in the 21st century! It sounds like you and Steve must have been good boy/girl scouts - you werre really prepared!!

Need to read this new thread. BRB.

stronghunter said...

Good morning!!

No cam this morning, I see. Still no message from Judie.

We did have a little storm blow through sometime in the middle of the night. Some thunder and rain.

We need to get her car off to the shop soon. Still haven't seen her this morning, but she was thinking 9ish to get the car taken in.

Susan is supposed to come down sometime today to spend some time with us.

stronghunter said...

I guess there has not been a cam since the storm. Have been somewhat out of touch, though. Was busy getting ready for Virginia and visiting with her after dealing with the power issues here.

stronghunter said...

School starting on the 30th of July? When did they get out, Janet?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets.

Lori O. said...

Good morning eagle friends!

Crazy morning here at work without power. There's a few generators going to keep the studios operating, but the building is dark. Had to climb 8 flights of stairs this morning because elevators are out, so I got my exercise for the morning!

Watered my potted plants last night then two big thunderstorms rolled through and drenched everything (thank you, God) around 2AM. Still have power at home. Glad to have the water!

Leaving as soon as my shift is over - 85 indoors is too hot.

Sandi said...

Sandi said...

Do not mind sharing my house with anyone but DON'T like sharing my laptop one bit!! Michael actually downloaded a game onto the computer at some point last night - had a chat with him this morning! My sister likes to do her crossword puzzles online every morning. Mom has to check her email and her Facebook but doesn't log back off so, when I go on FB, I'm on her account. Grrrr!!!

glo said...

Good morning everyone. More heat for everyone. No power for some. Storms for some. Not much sleep for others "thats me" and now off to the grocery. HAGD all. Stay cool and safe.

Linda said...

Good Morning!

I hear you loud and clear Sandi on that one!! Especially when people download things onto YOUR computer. The nerve.....

LORI - Glad you're on your way home to power and A/C. Working in those temps without power would be NO fun.

I can remember living off a generator for weeks after hurricanes in FL that left us powerless. We were always one of those last areas to be restored! Ugh!

Hoping someone hears from Judie today. I sure miss her and worry that she and Darth are doing okay. I hope they have a generator....

It isn't getting as hot today up here as it has been in recent days, so that will be nice.

Wishing everyone as good a day as you can possibly get today!! Make the best of it.......


Lori O. said...

Good Morning, LINDA, GLO and SANDI, if you're all still here. I hope your day is cool, in many ways!

I made it home and home feels really, really good today!

I should check and see if the cam is up yet? NOPE! Both still down. DANG!

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals....

Lori...all you reported on the work situation, WOOF ! I was not in the car listening today so I missed all the chit chat about it...that's baaaaad though, what you describe

magpie said...

Saw to nice-sized frisky fawns running around in my brother in law's back yard this morning

did not see the parents, but I did see a buck in velvet a few days ago...

Hoping the closing goes well for Janet's "kids" - - always nice to move along in a forward direction

really happy for more bees !

magpie said...


I was the one that wished CarolAnne's hubby a happy birthday, somehow I thought I had read that a few weeks ago because I was so excited it was the same day as my birthday !

Hmmmm wonder if there is a birthday out there that I missed because of it...

Glad Robert enjoyed his make-believe birthday, CarolAnne !

magpie said...

wonder how NCTC is, with or without power and of Shepherdstown were and ARE still out of power

magpie said...

Saw you sneak in there, SHARON...
Hello to Everyone in Southern West by God Virginia


magpie said...

when I re-started the laptop I purchased an "Air Card" with 2 gb or 2 kb or something NO games will be going on this one, it's just so I can have emails,Google and a some cam things...

relative said that my brother in law let his younger nieces and nephews play games, and his PC is full of so much junk including viruses it is probably unfixable....

but I'm sure the children had fun when they were doing it !

magpie said...

Best Wishes for a Good Day to Everyone...
sure do miss seeing the nests...but I miss seeing Judie more than that !

ttfn, chores to do, booooring....

Sandi said...

Margy, a few weeks ago, Dana asked me for my birthday and Dennis's. His was yesterday, so that's obviously why the name Dennis stuck in your head - you just matched him up with CarolAnne instead of with me.

The sun has come out here at the beach and boy is it heating up again! I am headed to the grocery store while the kids are outside playing with other kids in the neighborhood. We really go through things like milk, cereal, sandwich rolls, lunch meat, snack cakes, pretzels, and drinks!! We've had blueberry crisp, cobbler, and pancakes - the last of the berries will be used today to make a blueberry buckle for tomorrow's breakfast (it's like a coffee cake).

Have a great day, all!

Lolly said...

Good morning! So great to see Lynne on here. Quite an experience, but they handled it quite well!!

So, Margy, you are the one who led us astray yesterday on birthdays! LOL That is okay....we will follow you anywhere!!!☺

Paula, so glad you did not have more damage at Paradise and glad you were not there alone. Yikes!

That was one scary storm, to say the least!!

Lolly said...

We read the paper on the patio and then I did a little yard work. I am in now and have done my bit for the day!

magpie said...

Oh dear we should have been yukking it up for your Dennis yesterday, Sandi....well, just tell him I have CRS going on here....
Happy Belated Birthday Wishes to Dennis !! xo

Thanks for the Clarification !

You have a houseful and buckets of activities going on, it sounds like soooo much fun.....

Lolly - - thanks for the kind words, but I am really notsure it's such a good idea to follow me ANYWHERE these days :)

You folks, my dear pals...all of you,
I hope this is a GOOD DAY for you

CarolAnne said...

Hi all,

Hope everyone can find a cool spot today.

Margy - the extra birthdays for Bubby are just fine - he is several years younger than me.
Might be nice if he catches up! lol

Needed a boat motor part so drove to town, taking the "scenic" route thru the woods. Along this gravel road out in the middle of nowhere there is a broken down stone foundation. Across the current road there are the remains of another foundation - silo? barn? and a short distance away a small apple orchard. Has been in this broken down condition for the 60+ years we have been in the area. Makes one wonder about Who? Why? How?

That long ago it would have been quite an adventure to extablish a homestead way out there.

Have added pics.


CarolAnne said...

A while ago, in an email, Hoda (the Amazing) asked what project I was working on. I finally got around to taking some pictures (on blog). I've been working on wire cloches for some plants. Trying to spray paint chicken wire is like trying to spray paint the air. Not much to stick to. lol

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Did anybody know that our live feed is up?

Sandi said...

Thanks Sharon, for the heads-up on the live cam! Even an MT nest is better than no nest!

My Mrs. Flycatcher appears to be sitting on eggs in the nest box just outside the sunroom window.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And gone again.

Sandi said...

Wow, that was short-lived!

Lori O. said...

I just got the live came up again.

Lori O. said...

That's live CAM up again.

Lolly said...

I see a nest and it is not MT! Hi there Juvie!!!

Lolly said...

Whoops! Got the cirle thingy, refreshed and a chirping Juvie is still in the nest.

Lolly said...

Cam did not stay up long, gone now with juvie still in the nest.

Lolly said...

Refreshed, back up!

NatureNut said...

Nuts, I wrote awhile ago and got the ERROR! And it was a pretty good post, too.
Saw one baby in nest when first came on. It was squealing a little and looked like nibbling nestovers.
Been trying to find out if we go to work. Few places I called have no answer or recorder which means NO power. Fubby thinks I should call boss's cell. That's boss's job!! I'm always reminded of the great line from Warden Strother Martin in Paul Newman movie Cool Hand Luke---"What we have here is a lack of communication"! DUH! Happens all the time!

magpie said...

Wow, nice surprise...I turned the live feed on "just for greens" before I started reading comments...
I must have HEARD YOU SHARON... !!

Nest is empty but it is beautiful,and THERE...

I think I hear juveniles

magpie said...

Holy Moly Loretta...I think I agree with fubby about that also !

magpie said...

was scanning for some Judie-isms but see none, so far...
dern !

magpie said...

I have to mention this before CRS takes over [again]

I did not have birthday cake on Sunday, BUT....I had me some powerful Key Lime Pie !
and have the second half of the big piece.....leftover for tonight !
[I got it at Outback...take out..]
☺ ♥

magpie said...

Shucks, my manners...

Thanks to the Powers that Be that got the Live Feed going again for us !

Nice "perfect" V stick placement in the middle of the nest

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

V marks the spot for BELLE Margy

JudyEddy said...

maybe they were playing pick up sticks when the camera was off

JudyEddy said...

need to go check my schedule on line they were suppose to fix for tomorrow BBIALW

JudyEddy said...

you can hear the juvies up in the tree

JudyEddy said...

OH YEP they fixed my schedule 9-6 as 12-5 and I was gonna work it they told me to come in my regular time and I said "If you want me to work it then change in system I don't want it to come back to me later that I worked and wasn't schedule didn't want any issues"

JudyEddy said...

the as is suppose to be WAS 12-5 forgot a letter

magpie said...

Hope they get that fixed right for you Judy, Stand your Ground !

Yes, I hear the juvies too, somewhat from a distance maybe

and Yes again, V marks the spot for Belle !

magpie said...

Full Moon
The Full Buck Moon...
Tuesday Julye 3, 2012
2:52 pm Eastern Daylight Time...

well, we won't SEE it when it goes full but we'll sure see it tonight and Tuesday night !!!

magpie said...

grilled zuccini, and yellow squash
one ear of corn
and a nice perfectly grilled steak.

Yep, I'm at Magpie's Roost and Tom Sweetie was cooking tonight !

food all gone, I wish Judie was here to tease me about this !!!

magpie said...

Lots of people, I know...go to motels to escape the no-power and no-anything, hoping that Judie and Darth did that, and with Audrey and Grace too I hope !

There was not a bag of ice to be found in Shepherdstown Saturday, I hear from James's other grandparents who live down there...

magpie said...

live down there near the Potomac river that'll be awhile for them for power to be restored

magpie said...

I have to apologize I am not checking too many picture links these days and going Ooooh and Aaaah, but I hope to catch up, "one of these days" on some of that...

magpie said...

I did give my one, pool-ball sized ripe tomato to Tom, I always promise him the first born each year....
nothing else is even close to harvesting

magpie said...

Judie and Darth are ok !!!
on the phone with Judie now

be back soon....

JudyEddy said...

YEAH Tom sweetie is cookie for our MARGIE and yes they did fix it I know there are always looking for reasons to write peeps up and I did stand my grounds I think my asstmgr was mad but tuff nougies you want me to work you put in the system I don't override anything It will bite you in the arsh later they say I am paranoid Maybe but better be safe

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


JudyEddy said...

does anyone live in JUDIE neck of the woods in VA

JudyEddy said...

YEAH thanks for the info Margy

JudyEddy said...

gonna go watch the news and maybe the children will show in the nest one eye on TV and one on the nest

Lori O. said...

I hope the news is good from Judie.

Helllllooooo SHARON & JUDYE!

Keep hearing something on the cam. Wish it would come into the nest.

Hope HODA is having a good trip and that KAY got to go home today!

Time for bed for this girl! I'll see you all in the morning. SED!

JudyEddy said...

earthquake at the tree LOL

magpie said...

LORI !!!

Judie and Frank are fine if you see this before you see the pillows:
going to give a report here in a minute///

JudyEddy said...

Nite LORI you sound like JUNE in bed by 7 she has been calling wantting to talk but by the time I call she is in bed Will have to try to hook up by phone on Thur my day off

magpie said...

But first:
For Hoda:

from Judie:

"The RCMP are coming to save the Virginians "

i.e., Canada is sending work crews to help with the clean up and restoration of services

JudyEddy said...

Not going to have Jordyn Th and Fr for the whole day picking up at 3 activities at school Angie wants her to be in like waterday with the slide one day not for sure what the other day is getting her ready for PR K weaning her off of me LOL I think it will be harder on me that her maybe

magpie said...

Judie and Frank lost power and phones, as we know...
they got power restored yesterday afternoon, and phones back today,
but still have no internet, but Judie is Jonesin' to get on and say Hello We Are Fine but that might not happen unless she goes to another internet somewhere.
I brought her more or less up to date on what happened amongst us with the storm.

JudyEddy said...

that is fantastic that our norther neighbors are helping

I still hear a eagle and someone landed on the cam and shook it big time They are teasing us

magpie said...

Here eagle eagle eagle !!!
We hear ya' !

JudyEddy said...

cam shaking again

magpie said...

Judie and Frank toughed it out at their place, hotness and all.
Audrey and Grace are fine, they conserved energy and slept most of the time, smart cats !
Judie said they thought about packing up and taking the cats with them to a motel, BUT...that can be some drama for the cats, AND, it was important for them to stay home for security reasons, and, because so many householders had left.

JudyEddy said...

THANKS you MARGY for passing on the news of JUDIE and FRANK so now all are accounted for we all can rest easy

magpie said...

One tree limb fell from their enormous back yard trees, but it fell into the yard and did not damage

I am overjoyed, about fell down when Frank answered the phone...
and Judie says Thanks for our Concern.... !!

magpie said...

lots of motels there had eased up on their "no pets" policy, which is real nice I think

magpie said...

..for a fee, of course...understandable

JudyEddy said...

On facebook Susan C from work posted that they got in a bunch of eagle stuff decal, car stickers,plaques, support our troup and others stuff Was a vendor item No shirts Will have to check out at work to see if there is something I can't live without

magpie said...

so..Just to repeat in BOLD
for latecomers:


bbsoon, have some things to do here

JudyEddy said...

That happens in Fl tooo that they lets pet stay and they have pet friendly shelters Have they opened any shelters up there for storms they do down here that way peeps that can't afford hotels can go to

paula eagleholic said...

Whoo hoo, see our live feed is up. Nest is MT

JudyEddy said...

PAULA the eagles or someone was on the cam and lots of chirping but a no show so far LOVE the bird pic on facebook so cute and getting big fast

JudyEddy said...

DID you all see the for real HOT WHEEL cars on the circle track so cool
Hot wheel double loop with real cars

JudyEddy said...

was on the news here yesterday

JudyEddy said...

sound went away and have circling arrow F5 and we are back

magpie said...

those juvies are still teasing us !!

Watch for that MOON tonight, it's going to be a doozy! and more so, Tuesday night....

DNR Calendar says the today and the next three are "Great Fishing Dayss"
Hope the eagles take advantage of that, and maybe WV Jerry also ! ☺

JudyEddy said...

WOW showing lots of damages in Bethesda, Md here on our news

magpie said...

Judie also said, they had to pretty much throw out everything from refrigerator and freezer, but also confirms....that so many, had things so much worse, and still do...than they did...
That's our Judie! Thinking of others less fortunate...

magpie said...

going to go water the dirt...maybe the eagles will land on nest when I am not looking.....

JudyEddy said...

Should have a great view of the nest tonight and tomorrow also OK enough of the teasing eagle GET YOU BUNS down here NOW

magpie said...

Oh ! An Eagle !!!

magpie said...

And the Moon's a'risin!

Life is GOOD

magpie said...

He or She musta heard you pleading, Judy E

magpie said...

and an adult squealing too I think....
or maybe another juvie getting its big-eagle voice

JudyEddy said...

orderin on line and see bird in nest

magpie said...

yep, scrounging and eating that eagle is

JudyEddy said...

Yeah my order went in and I will pick up at the store Site to store

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Prices went down on the scanner I wanted plus I get a 8G SD card with it so I ordered me one I was gonna get one for Angie if I like it tooo VuPoint Magic Wand Hand Scanner it scans pictures or pages of books, IE recipes or photo

Hand scanner

magpie said...

I have to go, but it sure was nice to see one of the eagles, and to hear another or two

plants are watered, sun is down, moon is up, and
"See You Later."

Best Wishes for a Good Evening...hope to see you pals before my bedtime...
xoxoxox (( Hugs ))

magpie said...

I must say...we have not exactly missed those visits from the Sandperson sneaking in from Northern Virginia.....☺

JudyEddy said...

from our dear HODA ON FACEbook
Hoda Ghamrawy
to all the wonderful Momsters I hope you are well from the storms and that everyone is safe. I borrowed my brother in law's lap top for this writing...I can not get reception on my iphone. All is well and tomorrow we go to the beach qnd lobster. HAPPY 4 TH OF JULY in case I do not get back on again for a few days. It is beautiful in Maine. Lots of wild life and my oh my and the birds...Carol and David have 129 acres so it is good hiking and good exploring...Great company and great food...
LikeUnlike · · 3 minutes ago · Write a comment.....


JudyEddy said...

ok gonna go find something to get in to BBIALW

JudyEddy said...

Hoda Ghamrawy God Bless The United States Lynne Marie Johnston Soper. Thank you Judy Eddy for posting to the blog.I am I gld Canada is helping out. Please remember me to Jo Lennox and pay my respects...Goodnight.about a minute ago · LikeUnlike.

paula eagleholic said...

Glad Judie got her electric back on!

Was out watering plants, and Studmuffins plants too.

paula eagleholic said...

Happy 4th Hoda!

Rats! Missed the Juvie!

paula eagleholic said...

What are everyone's plans for the 4th? I am going to cookout with John, Ajay and the gkids, then go watch some fireworks!

JudyEddy said...

I put a couple of pic in the EM ablum

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

Sharon ask her to call too I just asked LYNNE if she talked with her tonight wonder if its in the past oops may have jumped the gun being it was Sharon who asked her to call

Lynne2 said...


What has this blog come to?

Tom Sweetie is tempting the lovely Margy with food again as she offers him her ripened fruits. Sandi and CarolAnne have switched husbands. Judie and Darth have resurfaced after days alone in heat, and Paula is tending to his and her plants in the garden of love.

I'm thinking this is an "R" rated blog.....

paula eagleholic said...

The nest looks really pretty in the moonlight

paula eagleholic said...

ROFLMAO, Lynne!!

Lynne2 said...

hee hee!

Lynne2 said...

so Mr. Studmuffins there with you, gazing at the moonlight at the nest??

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, my baby birds out front are house finches. They will be in the nest for 12-19 days. I think today is day 7.

JudyEddy said...

That was soooooo funny LYNNE you are as funny as JUDIE LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Nope, he's at the beach for the entire week. We will have to stare at it together from afar.

JudyEddy said...

so sad PAULA that they aren't around that long not like our kids LOL

JudyEddy said...

Distance makes the heart grown fonder isn't that the ole expression

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, there may be more coming. Not sure if they'll reuse the same nest or not. They can have between 1 and 6 broods!

JudyEddy said...

Poor STEVE is still without power 72hrs and counting he said NCTC was only out 12 hours

JudyEddy said...

WOW like the hummingbird HUH busy little birds Like the birds and the bee always making babies LOL

JudyEddy said...

Ok gonna go watch the 10 news can't believe it 10 I still dislike working till 6 the evening seems to fly

JudyEddy said...

BUT like I keep saying at least I HAVE A JOB

JudyEddy said...

look at that pretty moon lite nest awesome

JudyEddy said...

sure would be nice if a eagle landed in the moonlite nest photo opportunity but I know that won't happen I did get a pic the other nite when one was in the nest after dark don't know if it stayed but was there when it went black

JudyEddy said...

they were just saying on the news that the same area from KY over may have bad storm on the 4th I hope not

Lolly said...

Margy, thanks for talking with Judie. I assume you found her number and called. So very happy to hear that they are okay, cats okay, home okay!!

Lynne, great post!! I am wondering about Tom Sweetie tonight. Hmmmmm??? And, I was also wondering about Paula watering Studmuffins plants. Hmmm?????

paula eagleholic said...

Here's an article you should enjoy!

Bald Eagle steals fisherman's catch

Lolly said...

4th of July plans......We are going to Laurel's sometime in the afternoon. Taking with us homemade ice cream, Best Ever Chocolate Sauce, and some "orders." Oh, and a few bottles of wine. Do not know yet if the Dallas part of the family will join us or not. We will go to the stadium at Univ. of N. Texas for music and fireworks in the evening.

Lolly said...

Great article and great pictures, Paula. Can you imagine sitting there and having that eagle fly in? Amazing!!!

JudyEddy said...

OUR GOV SCott which I don't like says he will not let the OBMA plan be in Fl-- just on the news I wonder how he will stop it HUH

Loving the nest tonight

Paula thanks from bring over that is a cool picture Love it ♥

Lolly said...

"Elvis" sang the Natl. Anthem last year. Not this year! He is thankful as he has not had to let his hair grow out. LOL

Lolly said...

I ended up going outside and doing more yard work this afternoon. Our hight hear at the house was 88. Wahoooooooooooo!!! Also, we had clouds that covered the sun occasionally. Great day for July 2!!!

Lolly said...

Typos!! Our high here at the house was 88.

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY your weather sounds like a carbon copy of FL but with our heat index was over 100 but temps 88-89 Northern states are hoter that FL and TX the south states the reverse HUH

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Lolly said...

Yes, it the weather is weird, Judy! After last summer, this summer is heaven. However, we still have July and August to go and I hate August!!!

Three week from today we leave for the beach. Wahooooo! Yes, I said the b word!!

paula eagleholic said...

My b word tonight is bedtime!

See ya tomorrow!

(((Love and Hugs for all)))♥

Lolly said...

Right behind you,Paula. Judie was not here to warn us and the sandman has snuck up and thrown sand into my eyes!!!

Heading to the shower and then to bed. Oh, so ready!

Night all! SED!!!!!

magpie said...

And this caboose says good night also...

Lolly I know I missed you....I called the landline number I had for Frank and Judie....

I watered my own plants, and nothing but my own plants....not that I wouldn't mind watering someone else's plants :)

Lynne2 cracked a bunch of funnies in one fell swoop aka blog post

Wonder if Kay got home today, or will tomorrow ?? I know we'll know when the time comes

Lots and Lots of states have banned fireworks on the 4th...due to fire danger

WV and PA still on the OK list,and the fireworks in DC will go on as scheduled

magpie said...

It's late, and back to work for me
Tuesday...guess I better go saw some logs

Prayers for wellness and all trials and tribulations amongst us

God Bless Us, Every One

magpie said...

well I didn't mean that the way it sounds..

Prayers for any trials and tribulations that any of us have...going on, not "amongst us"
the wording was just wonky on that one

Costume Lady said...

Hi There...

Nightly check-in for me. Gene and I have been pretty busy getting ready for the 4th celebration at GG's. We are expecting around 30 friends this year, so that means we need extra tables and chairs moved from here to there.
60lbs of ribs thawing out in my sink and I will make a marinade in the morning and put them in that, refrigerate them and Gene will cook them Wednesday on the grill.
We have enough green beans in the garden to make a pot of country ham and potatoes to put them in...maybe not enough for 30 people, but when they are gone, they are gone:) Gonna have some Gene's Beans(he will make those) COME ON OVER LORI! (she likes those) Can't remember what else is on the list, but just know we are excited to have so many friends joining us. Hoping Karla gets home from the beach in time to join us. GG is hoping to have Jayden to watch the fireworks with her:)
She was soo much better today. Ate 1 piece of baked chicken, a big scoop of mashed potatoes and a small serving of corn. Things are looking up for her!

OK, I've checked in, so don't send out a silver alert;)

Love and prayers for all my dear friends♥

Costume Lady said...

Almost forgot...we will have some very well-done hot dogs for MARGY (she likes her hot dogs nearly burned:)

Lori O. said...

WANDA, just save some Gene's Beans for me since I have to work the next day! Sounds like fun and good food! :)

Being as I have to work, it'll be an early night for me tomorrow. Sure ho pe all the fireworks displays can go on as planned with all the power problems.

Speaking happy to hear JUDIE and DARTH are okay and the kitties weathered the storm well, too. Thanks MARGY for making the connection with Judie.

I think Lynne2's post summed it up and I laughed about the garden of love and Tom Sweetie getting Margy's ripened fruit. LOL

GLO, saw your family pic on FB - it's beautiful! What a nice picture to remember your summer gathering.

Also, saw a pic of DanaMO going down a kiddie water slide - LOL!

HODA, I hope you're having the time of your life. The US loves having you here!

Well, if KAY didn't get home from rehab yesterday, I pray it's today, if she is ready. Miss her so much!

Good Morning SANDI, JUDYE and MARGY. ANDY is probably typing now, too. Have a good day all! I'll check in later. Love you all!

Lori O. said...

Live feed is up, and color is on (beautiful green) but nest is MT.

Sandi said...

Good morning my eagle friends, esp. Lori whose already "on" this early morning! Good to see the live cam up - MT nest, but I can hear at least one of the kids nearby.

Wanda, what wonderful news about GG feeling better; your plans for the 4th sound great!

Margy, thanks for the report on Judie - glad that all is well!

Also, thanks to whoever brought over the Hoda updates - Judy maybe?

Nail appt. at 10 and then it's looking like another great beach day. Karen, one of my BFFs from Balto. is here at the beach for 2 weeks with her family - about 30 people in all, divided among 3 houses. We had dinner with ALL of them at Karen's house last night. Great evening!

Hoping that Kay is feeling better and better each day - an update on her would be nice.

Also hoping that Jo is having a good time at the beach.

CarolAnne said...

Morning to all the early risers and those arriving later.
The nest is green & sunny, peaceful looking.
Storming here, lots of thunder, and much needed rain. None of the nasty stuff (hail, wind, lightening).
Good to see everyone is recovering from the storms and moving ahead with fun activities.
Enjoy your day

Sandi said...

1 juvie in the nest, picking at something edible.

Sandi said...

Good morning CarolAnne!

Lori O. said...

YAY, juvie in the nest!

Good morning CarolAnne and Sandi!

CarolAnne said...

Have to go get started on the Monkey bread for breakfast.

Hope to check in later.

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

Lori O. said...

Hi Thelma! How are you this morning? You don't already have all your chores done, do you? :)

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds HEY IN TAMPA 200lb bear was in the loose in tamapa they did get it and released it They think it got displaced from the storm ODD huh they Running around in the city

JudyEddy said...

SWEET the pretty green nest and the hummmmmmmmm of the live feed and I hear a juvie also come on down please

JudyEddy said...

Thought I would share with you all the image of the day when it is pretty Hubble view so pretty the stars

Janet said...

Good Morning!

STRONGHUNTER: schools let out in metro May 24th. Metro starts Aug 1 and Olivia's school starts the July 30th. :( bleech. Too soon and too hot.

Sandi and Linda: i am the same with my lap top. when the desk top went out, i specifically bought a lap top for tom. i hate sharing it. and chelsea's mom in law was here last week and picked it up and used it WITHOUT ASKING. i about came unglued, but managed to keep my mouth shut to keep the peace. i would have said sure had she asked, but she didn't bother to ask...but she's unique anyway....odd time she is around I will password protect it. :} (evil grin)

Well as for the kids update: the final walk thru of the house was yesterday and went well. SUPPOSEDLY closing is today before noon....but the selling side sure doesn't seem to have their ducks in a row. I've NEVER seen anything like this circus. It is just shy of 3 months now that they've been in this process.....I hope, I pray it closes today.

I went to Target on my way home yesterday and bought coloring books, crayons, play dough, bubbles and some water toys.....the kids have been stuck inside in the afternoons because of the heat....and they don't have a lot of toys I was a hero for the afternoon, lol.

We had some rain over by where I work yesterday; a nice downpour. It sprinkled over here on "my " side of town, but at least the temps were down to 80! That's about 25 degrees cooler than its for that alone I was thankful. I did see a funnel cloud hanging in the air on the way to target and was thankful when it retreated back into the sky.....I knew we were under a severe thunderstorm warning.....and certainly didnt' want to see that funnel!

Work was good yesterday. I have a 9 a.m. massage and a chair gig @ noon. Back to the norm,

Ya'll have a super day. Take care in this crazy heat and be well.

Smiles, hugs, light and healing to all!

JudyEddy said...

Just saw shadow fly over

JudyEddy said...

two in the nest

JudyEddy said...

this was just on the new as a SPOOF

Spoof on the new funny funny weather man

JudyEddy said...

both juvies in nest came in with lots of noise

JudyEddy said...

poof one

JudyEddy said...

POOF number two

JudyEddy said...

uploading video of this am short but sweet video will finish after I get home at lunch

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 211   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...