Monday, July 09, 2012


New thread.


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Mema Jo said...

Now it's back to where it belongs.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Glad to see the cam is up, BUT it will not stay running. Oh, and now it says not available. Guess they are working on it, hope so!

We are happy to have you back home, Jo. But, glad you had a great relaxing time! We leave for the beach the 23, that is if I get off jury duty. Surely I will be excused!!!!

Lolly said...

Have done my work in the yard for today. Watered pots and then helped Jack level birdbaths. Very pleasant out. We got another very short shower last night. Have less chance of rain today.

Lynne2 said...

IT'S A BOY!!!!

The cat is back. God help me I'm in tears, or I was. I'm better now.

He is maybe 6-7 months old. He may very well be older, his teeth are quite developed and larger than a kitten of that age...possibly a growth inhibited young adult. Freakin' gorgeous classic gray tabby with white. The poor baby is EMACIATED. I can't make the letters bigger to stress EMACIATED. Every bone in his body is showing.


He has NO nasal or ocular discharge, NO dirty ears, NO fleas, nice pink gums. He is SO SO SO incredibly friendly...he is all over me like flies on s**t. He is active, trusting, and DYING to get in the house! I need to keep him from the others though. No doubt he is not vaccinated.

I was upstairs and happened to look out the window. He was pouncing on and eating bugs in the yard. I went out with some food and I started to cry when I saw how very thin he is. He wouldn't approach at first, but in a few minutes he was my best friend! He has a small healing wound on his hock, and a large healing wound on the back of his neck. No infection so far as I can tell...scabbed over nicely.

What am I gonna do???

Lynne2 said...

He's had just a little to eat, and I will only feed him small amounts at a time until I'm sure he can keep food of a larger quantity down.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Name him Bugsy and call him your own.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I have Friend who hangs out in my backyard a lot. He looks pretty skinny so we started putting food and water out for him. When we go to out the back door, he will run to the edge of the woods and come right back when we go back in the house. He is eating as we speak.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

My friend, Sandy, was informed yesterday by the radiation oncologist that she had a 20-25% chance of survival from this lung cancer. She is getting her first round of chemotherapy as we speak. Please pray for her. She told me this morning that she would have 1 of 2 outcomes. Either she would be a walking, talking testament of God's miracles or she would go home. Either way, she wins. I don't have that much acceptance with it yet but I am working on it. I am planning on going to see her in the next month or so. She lives about 6 hours from here so it will not be a short little trip but I have to go.

Mema Jo said...

Sharon - Sandy's thought of the 1 of 2 outcomes is beautiful! Should we all as our time comes think of the results like that!..

Lynne - you take him to work with you and get him to become one of the family since you already love him so much!

Mema Jo said...

I just sent out a Momsters email about the b-day list! I don't know how I missed this and I don't know why someone hasn't already called me on it -

Judy Eddy's birthday is July 15 Sunday

Wow - there it's out - send Judy lots and lots of wishes!

Mema Jo said...

I was so happy to see that Lori did reach Kay and it will only be a matter of time that she'll be back with us.

Carolyn I missed Charlie's surgery and
after the fact I am so happy it is over.
You and Christie enjoy a safe trip and a loving reunion ♥

Mema Jo said...

I have a hair cut at one today. I do look like a shaggy dog! Need to get ready and I'll be back this afternoon.

Lynne2 said...

I just can't Jo....I can't afford to have him vetted. He'd need a FELV/FIV test first, deworming, vaccinations and neutering. There is just no way we can swing it, even with my discount. I'm still paying off a bill at work as it is.

I've got the word out, but geez...if you could know how many calls we get every day with people who have cats and kittens they want to get rid's heartbreaking. Even our clients who do cat rescue aren't interested because they are so overwhelmed. UGH!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

DanaMO just posted this on Facebook:

Got a little squeeze from a trucker. a few miles back which pushed us over and we hit a pylon. Tore off the arm of the awning which swung back and gouged the side of the camper! Awning is now ruined and we have a small, but deep hole in the side of the camper. :'( I suppose it could have been worse

Lolly said...

Oh no...for the kitty at Lynne's and Dana's accident. Dern trucks!!

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Not to be outdone by Jo, I got my "do" did and am now beauteous. So, welcome home Jo. So very nice to have you back yet so very happy you had a nice ten days of relaxation and crab.

So sorry about DanaMo's accident. How fortunate that only the camper suffered any damage.

Shar, prayers for your friend Sandy. She has an amazing philosophy that will serve her well.

Lynne2, how I wish you were closer. I know Bugsy would love to be a furever family member. Maybe ask where you work and plead Bugsy's case.

Doing a rain dance for Lolly.

Sandi, hope the work is finished today. Sorry about the huge expense.

JudyEddy said...

I still get item selected not currently ava on the cam is it up or not

JudyEddy said...

tried to get the cam up by the blogger page under Steve but still not up SHARON is yours working

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

JudyE, mine won't come up either now. It was up a while this morning.

JudyEddy said...

WELCOME BACK JO and I just read others having cam issue A work in progress I guess HUH

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for infor on HODA JO

JudyEddy said...

AWWW LYNNE2 you have a new furby family member

JudyEddy said...

When the cam was up were there any eagles in it?????????????????????????????????????????I wish I lived closer I would drive to the nest DERN IT

JudyEddy said...


grannyblt said...

Good afternoon. Glad to hear that Dana and family are all right--not so much the camper....small price. One time we were traveling with a small car pulling a big trailer when a trucker whoosed past us. We went fishtailing all over the highway, but managed to stop and only had shaken nerves. The trucker saw what happened and stopped and backed up to be sure we were all right. When I think back I realize how lucky--and foolish we were.

Got my garage door fixed, needed new springs is all. I was afraid I'd need a new door and opener.

Need to get my hair cut too. I've had an arm/shoulder problem and can't fix it very well. May have a very short 'do' so I don't have to worry about curling irons etc.

Lynne 2, I wish I were closer and could help you out with the kitty.

Sandi said...

Lynne2, wish I could help you out with the kitten!

Sharon, so sorry about your friend, Sandy. I know I would not take such negative news that graciously!

OK, off to the vet for nail trims - wish me luck!


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Wow, sorry to hear of DanaMo's accident! VERY grateful that everyone is OK, though. The camper can be repaired.

Shar, prayers ongoing for your friend Sandy. What amazing faith she has! Hoping for a miracle for her!

Glad to hear the good news about GG. Prayers continue!

Lynne2, my heart is breaking for that kitty! Prayers that he finds a good home, whether with you or not. Glad he appears to be in fairly good shape except for the starved condition.

Welcome back, Jo!! Sooo good to see you here again! Thanks for the info on Hoda. Sounds like she's in the home stretch.

Well, gotta get busy. Still have work to do, and also need to call around for quotes on having the dryer vent cleaned out. Will check back in later. Hope everyone has a great day! I ♥ us!

Jewels said...

Charlie is feeling better, was able to drive today. Stil moving slow, but is getting better. Kinda hate leaving him for the next 5 days. But I am sure he will be ok.
I slept pretty good today. But I am sure at midnight. I will till be sleepy and travelling 14 hrs will be exhausting. CHristie gets off work today at 6pm, after a 12 hr shift, not getting much sleep last night as her dog, Harley got sprayed with a skunk. So we will both be ready for a nap when we get there!!

JudyEddy said...

HELLO HONEY I'm home from work and since I left at 221 we had just a hair over 3" of rain one big big storm the retention pond at work is almost over again

Costume Lady said...

Good Evening...

JEWELS, it's wonderful that Charlie can drive so soon. That should relieve you somewhat, in that he doesn't have to depend on anyone to get him around.
This new way of doing gall bladder surgery just blows my mind! I had mine many years ago when they made an incision, practically from hip to driving for 6 weeks!:)

ANDY, maybe you need a Chimney Sweep to clean your dryer outlet. I think you said it ended up on your roof~

LOWREEDA, I asked my grandson, Brandon, if he knew what your mystery bird was, and this is his answer:

It is in fact a common grackle (juvenile) but it seems to have a rare
form of albinoism on its tail feathers! They are known to carry a
trait that will have white on the back side of their tails! Love You
:)! Quoting

Costume Lady said...

Our visit with GG was another good one! My cousin had stopped by and gave her some green beans from his garden and she had snapped and cleaned them. She told me she would like to have some more so that she can fix some for our Family Dinner Friday. I had just picked 'a mess' and together, they will be able to feed our crew. She had also taken a stroll outside and piced some roses and was arranging them when we got there.
It's amazing what a little time AND prayer can do...I never thought she would be able to do those things again! Thanks for your concern and prayers♥

Lolly said...

Wow, Wanda, guess you never know what to expect when you see GG.

Getting ready to watch the news. Cleaned the garage this afternoon and the heat took it out of me! LOL

JudyEddy said...

WANDA AWW fantastic news about GG I got a happy tear reading your post and a big smile on my face So happy she is doing so much better

JudyEddy said...

gonna go watch the news tooo LOLLY and I can watch it live with out RR it BBIALW

WVJerry said...

Good evening anyone here. Been OK even though scarce. I want to say I am sorry to here about Margy's loss. Seems the cam no longer works. I guess the derecho took it's toll. Hope everyone and everything has been good for all here. Take care all. I'll try to check in again over weekend if I get some work done around house.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

WVJerry, the cam was working for a little while this morning but we didn't see any eagles.

Wanda, such beautiful news about GG. Bless her heart.

Costume Lady said...

Thanks, Shar...for so long, every day when I went to GG's she was in bed and I had to help her up, she was so very weak. I truly thought she was leaving me:( We know prayer works (if it is our Lord's will) I would love for her to be around long enough to be pain free for she has been in serious pain for 10 years.
She will be getting the first of her NERVE BURNING on her birthday, July 30...and her second and last on August 3. She is a wonderful lady and Mother and deserves to have some pain-free days!

Judie said...

Wanda, such very good news about GG's activities today. I know you are relieved and will especially enjoy that mess of beans Friday night. Hi to the Capt.

Hi Jerry. So nice of you to stop by for a minute. Hope you get your work done so you can come back soon.

Carolyn, amazed that Charlie is driving today. Good news, indeed. Have a safe journey and try to get some much needed sleep.

Hi Andy. Been meaning to ask about what happened with the desert house. Hope that's all settled to your advantage.

Oh dear, just hearing on the news about the awful train accident near Columbus. Wonder if Kay was nearby. Hope not.

Bet that Grackle would be highly offended to be called "common." lol


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Wanda, I have to tell you that my heart was breaking for you! I am so grateful she has bounced back.

Jewels said...

I am so glad to have met GG!!! She is a gorgeous woman!! I can see where you got your beauty from Wanda!!! I think it was Jennifer that told me that GG had picked up her hand and just held it. I thought awww so inspirational, even tho I am not sure what she was thinking, but maybe she was thinking of my mom, I am sure that she remembers all the times you had spoke of her.
So happy that she is feeling better and has some energy!!!
Yes, amazing that Charlie is driving. I will sleep sometime tomorrow! LOL We should get to Grandma's between 2-4 pm depending on our stops and how long we stop for.

Lynne2 said...

Great news Wanda! REALLY great!

Well. The cat had a BM and I of course investigated it. Seems the little fella has been living on beetles. The stool was black, not usually a good sign, but it was formed, not tarry, and it sorta smelled like dirt. There were pieces of grass as well.

I have decided I will cash in some of my PTO to have him examined and tested tomorrow. I hope he isn't too far gone. There are pics on FB. If I hold my hands together, as if praying, he is just about that wide. He is as tall as Brother, but I am guessing his weight is about 4, MAYBE 5 pounds tops.

paula eagleholic said... the cam back down?

paula eagleholic said...

Ok, back to the yard. Just doing some trimming and a little mowing, most of the yard is brown, but about 1/2 needs mowed.

Oh, I discovered a couple of come on back nicotanias that I got from Megan several years ago!

JudyEddy said...

LYNNE2 went to FB to see pictures I went on you page and don't see them

JudyEddy said...

JUST READ on Facebook They are house owners looks like it happened the signing today for the house Long waited------- Congratulations Chelsea and Chris you all deserve it

JudyEddy said...

Question does any one know if Asparagus fern will it smother other plants the birds planted it last year and its really growing its in my liriope

Hoda said...

...and God Bless The United States of America and all those who live in it.

I am back in Canada. I had a terrific drive back from Spokane...

No Cam again I see.

Sorry I missed MARGY'S Birthday.

Happy Birthday MARGY and many many more.

GG is better and that is the best news ever.God Bless.

Have we heard from KAY?

CHRISTIE and CAROLYN are travelling but to where? To the beach I hope where LYNN used to like to go and thought of buying a home?

I have not read back I will try to catch up as I read all the new entries. If there is something pressing please write me an email JO or SHAR??? Thanks

I miseed you all very much and I was very very happy to be with my American Family. I am indeed blessed with their love and their is good.

Hartford is a big airport and they had the scan machine and it is so sensitive...I had my braids in a bun and they asked me to wait and then when they heard from the person who saw the scan they asked me to let my hair out...they were polite and courteous...high security in the bigger airports not so in Spokane and Minneapolis...Border crossing into Canada did not take three minutes and I was on my I had a very good day today and I like the Ponderosa Pine.Such a sweet smell in the air in Northern Washingtom State...the folks in Spokane are also very friendly and I had free rides to and from the airport and they kept my car in the hotel parking lot while I was gone...

...indeed indeed God Bless The USA

Mema Jo said...

My do did me in! Took a nap and then we went out for a while.
Good Hallmark movie on at 8
I'll be back when it is over

JudyEddy said...

.♥ ♥ WELCOME♥♥.

.♥ BACK HODA ♥♥.



I just got off the phone with Kay and she said she finally got home on Thursday. Her doctors think she is doing wonderful and healing very well. She is still experiencing a great deal of pain but that's expected to decrease 2 months after surgery, and it's just been 1 month.

KAY sends her love and says she's doing a little better everyday, but she still feels exhausted; however, Julie and Seth note little ways that she is doing better everyday! Today was the first day she read the newspaper again! THAT is our Kay!

JudyEddy said...

HODA I guess the cam was only up for a few min today Sharon saw it and then it went out no eagles were sited

JudyEddy said...

We all are waiting with bated breath to hear of your trip and pic Are you going to blog it ??????????????? Ok gonna go find something to watch first shower

Jewels said...

Hoda, we are going to Missouri... to see my Mom's mom and sister, (Grandma and A Gail to us) We have some of mom's things to give them. Beach time I guess will be later in the year or next year.

paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...

Caro, how long are ya'll staying with your Grandma? Hope it's for a couple of days at least!

Hoda said...

Thank You Thank You Thank You...

Safe journey CAROLYN and CHRISITE.
CHARLIE had his surgery YAY!!! Good news and happy healing.

Yes JUDYE I will put the pictures on FB...I am a bit emotional right now so do not want to look at them again just now...I will give it a little while...I miss them all already...

Judie said...

♪♫WELCOME HOME, WELCOME HOME, WELCOME HOME♪♫ What great fun to have Hoda the Amazing back with us. You will have to share all sorts of adventures once you recover and catch up.

Safe travels, Carolyn and Christie. Your grandmother and aunt will be touched, I'm sure, to see you both.

Can't help with the asparagus fern. Maybe Megan will stop by later.

Costume Lady said...

JEWELS, GG has a habit of holding onto the hand of someone that she feels a connection with. She does it to my granddaughter's fiance, whom she is very fond and my oldest daughter, Denise's boyfriend (you met them at the picnic). She is particularly pleased with him...when he comes on Friday night, she says "Oh, you came to see me again, I'm so glad you did!" After he hugs her, she takes his hand and tells him to sit beside her (she can hear him better that way).

Costume Lady said...

ASPARAGUS FERN...I have only grown them in pots, but I would imagine they could get out of control in Florida. Although, nothing could crowd out Liriope...mine are the solid green and are completely out of control in my front yard. I planted a few around the base of my birdbath and they have spread all through that garden. Going to weed kill them this Fall.

Costume Lady said...

I think the Asparagus Fern add a lovely graceful effect to a garden...give it a try and if it grows and spreads faster than you like, yank it up and throw it in the garbage so it won't take root.

Lolly said...

Howdeeeeeeeeeeee Hoda! Welcome home! Yes, we all want to hear all about the trip! travels! It will be an emotional trip, I am sure.

I am feeling a will bit good tonight about something I did. A young couple, distantly related, but a couple we like. They have three children 8 to 17. Anyway, they are having an ugly argument, a very hard time, and they have been posting on fb. I have never commented as I so strongly disagree with hanging out your dirty laundry. Well, today I had it...I sent them each a personal message and said to take it all off fb. To act like adults. And, guess what.....they have taken it off!!!! Yea, me! Hopefull they will get counseling and be able to save the marriage!

Costume Lady said...

PS Jewels, GG did know that you and Christie and the girls were LYNN'S family...she was very fond of her.
She also loves MARGY like a family member, I'm not even sure she realizes that she isn't:) But we do love her like family!
She also likes JUDIE, she remembers how kind she was to her by sitting close to her and speaking slowly so she could hear. She even shared her favorite Pasta Salad with Judie and when she ate it, that made her happy...she loves to have someone eat with her:)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am tickled pink to see Hoda's name pop up on the blog! You were soooo missed. I loved talking to you when you called. Would you consider moving to West Virginia? We need you here! :)

Costume Lady said...

LOLLY, I really DISLIKE airing family and private matters on face-book. In my eyes, it belittles the writer.

Lolly said...

I have some asparagus fern in a pot and it has spread to the ground. I like it, but do as Wanda says, if it starts to take over...yank it!

Lolly said...

I agree, Wanda. I do hope they can get to counseling. They have been married 21 years. They have had a lot of stress...loss of jobs, loss of home, and she has had breast cancer. She is a survivor, but been through double surgery. I feel so sorry for them.

Hoda said...

Good on you LOLLY!!! Sometimes it needs to be said and it takes courage to say it.

Thanks about you all come to Nelson and we could all share time and laughter. It is so very good to dream. I phoned the phone company and complained of the package I bought and that it did not work...they are investigating what happened.

Lolly said...

Same thing happened to us, Hoda, on one of our trips to Europe. We thought we had purchased what we needed for our phone, but, nope, did not work.

Lolly said...

Just talked with Laurel. She made me feel good. She said I had done the right thing as she knew that they would listen to me.

Janet said...


THere were some glitches, paperwork stuff...but they had keys by 2 p.m.

They have been moving stuff in all afternoon/evening. I've taken the kids (the easy part), we've had dinner, gone to the park, had snacks, bath and they are in the bed and I will be in the bed in a bit.

I am glad we could help the kids, but I know we are ALL ready for our own space!

Thank you all for your support and positive energies throughout this ordeal!

Hugs, smiles, and light to all!

Janet said...

LYNNE2: do as I do, accept them into the fold and bring them to their furever home......

Eagle-Eye Shar: so sorry to hear of your friend....lung cancer is awful. It takes time to process and to accept whatever out come happens. Our mom died of lung cancer; but refused treatment and we supported this decision. Sometimes it is quality over quantity......and each person has a right to decide.....but friends and family have to deal as well. i will keep you close in my heart and thoughts as you process and deal with this....

DANAMO: thankfully you are okay! soooo scary.....

HODA! WELCOME HOME!!! am so glad you had a wonderful trip...but you were quite missed....

well the sandperson is calling my name...and the family has just arrived home from the moving boxes saying good night for now....

sweet dreams and peaceful sleep to all

Mema Jo said...

Hello Hoda

Lynne, he has beautiful markings and I hope you can fatten him up!

Carolyn and Christie - I will be really thinking about you two for the next 5 days! I am so thankful you two have each other! ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Janet, so happy for the kids! Hurray!

Mema Jo said...

Janet - Congratulations to the kids! May they have many many years of happiness in their home! ♥

NatureNut said...

WOW! Hoda the Amazing is back!!!!!
Bet you copuld write a book & we would all get copies!!
Welcome back, Jo. How could you leave the B___H???
Jewels, I'm so happy that Charlie got rid of that gallbladder!!!About time! All of you have a good trip.
Woderful message from Kay, except for the discomfort. Hope that's gone ASAP!
Sorry to hear of DanaMo's travel problems. At least no one hurt.
Lynne2, Hope you find a solution to the kitten. Could it go to work with you and be a mascot? ^ ^
Sharon, Prayers for your friend Sandy. Her attitude is wonderful.♥ ☺
BBL maybe. If not, Pleasant Feather Dreams and Prayers for Good Health for ALL I Quit---it's making a new line for each word!! I might not be back because I'm trying to ID a cool beetle we saw at work today.I'll have to put it's pic on with the "Mystery Bird"! Small,1/2 ", but iridescent green and purple or brown. I had to stop searching---was getting Googleitis. ☺

Hoda said...

SHAR so sorry you lost another friend to this dreaded cancer!!! RIP indeed. HUGS♥

Janet Congratulations for the kids closing in on the is a big step.

Have you and JUDYE and your other sister sold your parents' property? You had said you put it on the market.

stronghunter said...


Good to be seeing messages from Hoda again.

Glad that GG is doing well.

Nice that Carolyn and Cristie are going to visit their grandmother and aunt.

I agree with you, Lolly. A family fight does not need to be conducted on FB. Some things really need to be kept private.

stronghunter said...

Welcome home, Jo.

Hoda said...

The Maine Farm was started in 1850...lots of history there. Thr original part of the house is almost a hundred years old...small little town with 850 people and they were all curious to have us descend upon their little town...small towns in Maine are very quaint and they were well decorated for the fourth of July. I loved a town called Bath and an artistic little town called Bethel Maine. We went to the Five Islands and oh the ocean beach front was donated by a chap called Reid and the park therefore is called Reid Park in his honour...Amazing scenery and such an expanse of land...a generous man indeed.

I am unpacking and doing laundry...and my mind is thinking. So very beautiful back east...I remember the colours in the autumn...breath taking. This time it was lush shades of green and cvontrasted against the blue skies was lovely to sit at Carol's and David's deck. I thought of LORI because I saw Turkey vultures take to wing and they are not small!!!

Hoda said...

Hi JO and is so cool to just be able to say Hi JO and SHIRLEY and know that it will get through...frustrating that the internet connections did not work and thanks LOLLY for saying that you had a similar problem when you were in Europe.

JudyEddy said...

HODY HODA No the guy backed out of the house which is a good thing because Connie promised him we would fix it up so it could go FHA Also she lowered the price to 60T He complained of sagging roof and soft floors We don't want to sell the house we want to sell the property The house as is So gave Connie some ideas to talk to the realtor to re list it so far nothing has changed I did notice its on several other sites a JPR HAYDEN has it on his site ODD don't know why This is not Dennis the realtor handling it

JudyEddy said...

Look at the time where does it go??

Good to have everyone back on the blog JO and HODA .

and the name was JOE Hayden spelling oops guess its time for bed

JudyEddy said...

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

JudyEddy said...

Sand man has just left and is heading north BEWARE LOL

Judie said...

The feeling is mutual with GG. She is such a lovely lady and has an amazingly beautiful smile. Fell down in love with her.

Janet, congratulations to Chelsey and Chris on their new house. May they share many years of happiness there.

Lolly, you did good.

Judie said...

The night light is on for anyone needing to arise in the darkness -- no falling allowed.

The sandperson has already been to see Janet and, on last update, is headed to visit each of you.

Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

Very sleepy here.

Funny thing--I knew Kathryn was tired tonight, but I came upstairs even though Hunter was watching TV.

Eventually, I heard Kathryn call for Hunter to come up to bed. There was some silence and then sounds of Hunter's X-Box. (He had been told to shut that down long ago.) It took just one holler from me for him to shut it all down and come scurrying upstairs.

He does not like to be on X-Box restriction.

Kathryn seems to be sound asleep.

stronghunter said...

I do wonder if Hunter would keep going all night if we did not stop him.

stronghunter said...

Good night, everyone. See you tomorrow.

Lolly said...

I am ready for bed. Work in the yard left me needing to shower early! I may fall asleep sitting her, so going to say good night.

See you all tomorrow!♥


Mema Jo said...

Hoda, I was thinking of you being here in the East and that you lost some hrs getting here. Now you are back and have gained your 3 hrs back - but are you sleepy because it is 11:15pm Sandman
time here! So happy you are safely back in Nelson and that you have many many memories! ♥

Mema Jo said...

I am ready to close down for today
I am very happy to be back and thank you for the welcomes!

Good night everyone and God Bless All
Carolyn & Christie please take care
driving... I wish you were flying!

Remembering my friend Lynn ♥

Hoda said...

You are right JO, I am holding on till nine my time to get to sleep as I am really tired body is still on east coast time...It started around seven my time which is ten your time...around half an hour to go so I will shut it down and say good night and thank you all very much for your support and your enthusiasm about my trip to the USA. I love us...HUGS♥


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

WELCOME HOME, HODA!!!!! SOOOO good to have you back here!! Can't wait to hear stories and see pictures!
Do rest up a bit first, though... We had the same phone problem when we went to the UK. Different phones than we have now, though.

Wanda, LOVE the GG report!! So glad she is bouncing back! I LOVE GG♥!! Prayers ongoing at this roost.

Lynne2, mighty glad you're going to get the kitty checked out. (By the way, I LOVE the name "Bugsy" for him! Was that Shar's idea? Perfect!)

Janet, congratulations all around for the kids getting the keys to the house!!! What a relief!!!

Oh--about asparagus fern. I have some in the back yard that may take over the whole city before it's through!! It's beautiful, and I really like it, but boy, is it tough to control! I need to get out the machete and whack away at it soon. It helps if you leave it in the pot, and just sink the pot in the ground. I keep trimming mine back as often as possible. It's great for planting where you have trouble growing anything else. Very tough!

Well, I think I'm going to call it a day. Have been on the computer so much my eyes don't want to focus. I know I must be forgetting to mention some things. I'll have to catch up tomorrow morning. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Prayers have been said for everyone, and for every creature.
Sleep well, everyone, with SED. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you!
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥--Charlie too!
I ♥ us!

Costume Lady said...

Good to have HODA & JO back...we are slowly getting all our chicks back to their roosts. Dana will be home tomorrow after a 5 hour drive (I think that is still their plan).
We may not hear from MARGY until morning...she must certainly be exhausted and sound asleep.
Speaking of sleep, I will be there very shortly.
Love and prayers to all♥

JudyEddy said...

G☺☺D M☼rning eagle buds

Hope everyone had a nice uneventful sleep and have a wonderful Day today

Jordyn and I are going to the Suncoast Primate Sanctuary this am
Won't be going to her house afterwards
Instead they are heading out to a three day adventure to Orlando area
little family time together

JudyEddy said...

Funny thing Jordyn had Angie call me last nite to make sure I wore my eagle shirt that matches hers today Her's is the red one I put on FB a while back and mine is the same eagle print but in blue
She wanted to match me LOVE IT

Sandi said...

Good Thursday morning, my eagle friends!

Hoda, good to have you back on the blog! Even though your phone didn't work for you, I'm sure you had an unforgettable time on your vacation!

Janet, congrats on the house settlement for your kids! I got your email reply - it's all good! Mom is home now and doing better in her own space - I think there was just too much noise and confusion here for a woman used to living alone.

Carolyn, I hope you and Christie have a safe trip and a wonderful visit with your grandmom and aunt - I'm sure there will be tears, but also lots of smiles. Glad to hear that Charlie is driving already - wow to that!

Wanda, what wonderful news about GG! I understand the relief you must feel!

Margy, I was thinking of you off and on all day yesterday - I hope you found comfort in being with friends and family. You sure have had your share of sadness lately.

Lynne2, hope you find a way to keep the kitty. I'm a big believer that things turn out the way they're supposed to, even if they don't turn out the way we want them to, so I don't think it's a coincidence that Bugsy is hanging at your house!

Today is packing day - still so much to do! No tennis this morning. I do have a nail appt. at 12:30 (can't go to Africa without a fresh coat of paint) and a 5pm meeting about the upcoming "cottage tour" that I help out with every July, but the rest of the day is for getting everything ready to hit the road tomorrow morning.

The water pipe replacement STILL isn't finished at Mom's house. Turns out that, outside the house, the builder ran the lines 4 feet below ground (below the freeze line) but, once they got inside the perimeter of where the house would be, they bent the pipe up at a 90 degree angle and ran it along the top of the ground from the front wall of the house to the pantry closet in the back of the house (no digging that way), and then just poured the concrete slab right over top of the pipe!!! The plumber had to take up the wood floor in the front half of the living room, dig through the concrete slab to the old water pipe, cut off the water supply to the old pipe, splice in a new pipe, run it over to the side wall of the living room and about 2 feet up the wall, then remove the drywall along the entire length of the living room wall to drill through each stud and get the new pipe to the back of the house where the pantry closet and the water tie-in are located, and then pour new concrete over the hole in the slab! (Does that make sense to anyone but me??) Today, the wall needs to be patched, taped, spackled, and painted, and the flooring needs to be reinstalled, plus the front yard is a mess. Cannot even imagine what the bill is going to be - $6k may be a LOW estimate! Obviously, the builder is long gone and the covenants are written so the property management company is off the hook, so ALL of the expense will be Mom's. She is beyond depressed - says she never should have moved. I reminded her that, even if she had stayed, the water pipe would have eventually burst and she would have had to pay to have it fixed, plus she would have had a flooded house! AND, she would still have the fall risk every day with the stairs. She didn't sound consoled by my logic.

Oh well, enough of my rambling. Need to get busy. Have a great day all!

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

Lolly said...

On my way to have a real headress. I just got feather #3!!





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3/6/25 PM

 the wind is ferocious almost tipping our Eagle over and out of the nest at times sometimes you're made to do a egg roll when you're...