Tuesday, June 05, 2012


New thread.


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Costume Lady said...

New Thread and no one at the realm. I'll pick it up, thanks Steve~

Costume Lady said...

Or is that the helm?
Going to see if someone will join me!

Costume Lady said...

Missy must certainly not be nearby...Bro has that whole fish all to himself...acts like he doesn't know what to do with it:)

Costume Lady said...

Went to get my teeth cleaned today and they canceled my appointment because I was supposed to take antibiotics before my appointment. Something to do with spreading bacteria through my bloodstream to my knee...what the ...?
LYNN would have been able to tell me what this is all about!

Hoda said...


You are right about Bro he does not seem to know exactly how to dig into this fish. He has been at it for a while now.

In comes Missy, he mantles and she is close by watching him closely...won't be long before she takes it...he is not protecting it with his talons as she does...

Costume Lady said...

Well now, Missy came down and took over the devouring of the fish, but she isn't any better at tearing it apart than Bro was.

Costume Lady said...

I put the feather in my hat...it's name is macaroni;)

I'm not at all sure which eaglet has the fish...acts like Missy??

Hoda said...

I am now doubting my entries it is Missy with the fish and Bro who cam down to the nest from nine branch...the size, the colour and the behaviour...make me doubt my last entries that this is Bro with the fish...
Off to nine branch one of them goes...I am not sure...

Costume Lady said...

I never was very good at telling them apart. I't a good thing I never had TWINS:)

Costume Lady said...

While we were in Hagerstown, heard that I81 South was completely closed down due to an accident. Has any word been said on here by MARGY or CAROLYN? We came home on by way of Sharpsburg & Shepherdstown.

glo said...

LOl Ok well this is an entertaining thread so far. Maybe I will go watch As the Nest Turns and see whats happening.

Costume Lady said...

Don't know where everyone is GLO...making supper, I suppose.

Hoda said...

I seem to remember mention of the accident earlier today WANDA...MARGY gave a heads up to the locals to find an alternate route...Prayers for all involved.

Hoda said...

We are having a storm here...dark and very wet and rather windy at that too...

Jewels said...

Here I am!!!! Acident on I-81 was early today while I was home sleeping. Pretty nasty accident from what I hear!!!

glo said...

Well my guess is Missy is eating the fish and Bro just fell in. I mean landed. Lets see what happens now.

Jewels said...

Happy birthday Tbird!!!!!! Hope you are having a great day!!

Lynne2 said...

Hello all! Trying to read back at the speed of light.

REMINDER- Transit of Venus live coverage from the BIG SCOPE in Hawaii begins shortly!!

Transit of Venus Live Stream

glo said...

he has the fish!!!!

Lynne2 said...


glo said...

she didn't exactly give it to him although she didn't make him struggle very long for it either. A couple of nibbles here and there and attempts to grab and voila he has it and is feeding on it. Well whats left. it all counts.

Lynne2 said...

I see our "fuvies" are munching down on some Wooshi!

I'd be spelling things wrong if I saw a BEAR in my YARD!!!!!

Glad you were able to get the Cisapride Shirley!

Prayers for Kay and Delphia...big days tomorrow. And prayers for good results on Jo's scan!

Lynne2 said...

Wanda, I know it's common practice for people with certain heart conditions AND total joint replacements to take ABs prior to surgery... in the case of joint replacements, it IS to prevent infection at the site. I am NOT sure, however, why the risk is higher at a joint replacement site.

Judie said...

Good late afternoon.

So, Hoda is storming away and Wanda has macaroni in her hat, Carolyn wisely slept through the accident, Glo is into animal soap opera, Lolly had to cope with dueling bears, Shirley found a new drug supplier, and Shar is in the count down for a grand and glorious weekend of Kleenex-required mother of the groom joy.

Quiet here. Got some flowers planted along with some veggies, laundry caught up, recommendation letter written and sent, and soon to the shower and mindless t.v.

Both babes were in the nest when I looked a few minutes ago.

Someone remind me: Delphia is tomorrow and Kay is Friday? Halfsheimers!

glo said...

My daughter is having major surgery tomorrow too. Would appreciate you all adding Becky to your prayer list. Thanks.

Lynne2 said...

Oh of course Glo, prayers for Becky!

Lynne2 said...

The webcast has started, Venus will make it's "appearance" on the sun at 6:10pm. It's hilarious to see the reporters from Mauna Loa in Hawaii wearing winter gear. It's COLD on that mountain!!

Janet said...

Good afternoon to one and to all. STEVE: thanks for the new thread! :)

Happy Birthday T-Bird!

So its been a busy couple of days. Right now I am aggravated with stupidity! I don't watch very much tv, especially NOT daytime tv. I do catch the news and sometimes like to watch this tv magazine: inside edition. They are showing young people using aerosol sunscreen and using a lighter to catch it on fire ON THEIR BODIES! What is wrong with people??????? I think sometimes their brains are just degenerating!

Okay, enough of that.

Got the oldest and her kids staying the nights with us while her husband is gone. There was a shooting in her apartment complex this past weekend. Be so glad when they close on this house and get out of there!

Luke (our furbaby) is on a hunger strike. Not sure what to do regarding this....he's supposed to eat with the antibiotics.....but am having to force feed the meds to him.....and he will eventually eat.....but not much. Not sure if the meds are making him sick to his stomach, but he doesn't show signs of that?????? What to do . What to do.

So anyway, I may/maynot be back on here later....depends on the activity around here....kids will be here in a bit for dinner. I just had a afew min and thought I'd check in and touch base....

Had a great massage last night. My favorite therapist worked on me. I feel so much better!

Have a great afternoon!

Before you speak, ask yourself, is it kind, is it necessary, is it true, does it improve on the silence?
- Sai Baba

Lynne2 said...

Janet, is Luke having kidney issues? If so, let me have some details...

Kay said...

Checking in with more detail re:my surgery. I report in at the hospital at 8:15 tomorrow morning and surgery is scheduled for 10:15. At least a 3 hour procedure. Julie will e-mail LORI, MARGY and JO when she can. My hope is that one of the three will be on line almost anytime she might writes. Julie seems more apprehensive than I, but then for me the pain is so intense that I just can't wait !!!! Many thanks to all of you for comforting prayers and positive thoughts. I'll be back on here with you as soon as possible !

Looks like Missy n' Bro will strike out on their own before I can begin to watch much again. I wish them God Speed and a happy life out there in the Wild !

♫♪ Happy Birthday ♪♫, Dear Thelma ! May God's richest blessings be yours today and every day !

Kay said...

As much as possible I'll be thinking of Delphia, Jo, Melissa, Becky and any others in need.

JUDIE, here's hoping you and Frank enjoy a wonderful anniversary on the 7th ! I do so appreciate all the help you gave me when I was making the tough decisions re:my achin' back ! LYNN was very supportive, too, and I'm counting on her Guardian Angel skills tomorrow ! ☺

I♥U Eagle Buds ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Janet said...

LYNNE2: yes, luke is in renal failure. and i know there are "many shades of gray" with this.....we have opted to keep him comfortable...he is on tramadol for pain (more due to weakness/possible arthritis in his hips) and he does have a low level UTI, and is on Cipro. He isn't urinating as much, or so it seems. the pee pee pads are not wet in the morning.....or only one if any. (we put out four). he is still drinking. ?????

if he doesn't pick up on appetite, i am going to call the vet in the a.m. he is still alert and engaged.... i'm good at a lot, but i am not a vet ....

any help you can provide is appreciated. thanks.

Janet said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hoda said...

Tomorrow all day KAY I will have a candle lit for you and another for DELPHIA as you go through your procedures. May God Almighty guide the Suregeons and the surgical teams and may you both have a speedy recvery.

Janet said...

posted twice. sorry about the delte

Janet said...

kay: keeping you close in heart and thought...sending light and healing....

Hoda said...

JUDIE BOTH KAY AND DELPHIA have surgery tomorrow.
JO gets the results of her tests tomorrow also. GOD SPEED TO ALL THREE.

Hoda said...

Lost cell phone reception here nd it continues to blow a storm. It is 50 degrees here and is going down in the 40's tonight...did someone say summer in a couple of weeks?

Costume Lady said...

KAY, I am almost as anxious as you to get this surgery over with and I'm praying so very hard for an excellent outcome! I have watched GG in pain from her back for 12 years now, and am anxiously awaiting JULY for her to get the NERVE BURNING process started...one on each side of her spine...suppose to last 6 mos. to 1 year!

God bless you, Dear Kay...we will be with you in prayer tomorrow and the days following your surgery♥

magpie said...

As Sharon says:
We are going to Pray and Love you Through this...
Same goes for Delphia, Glo's Becky, Jo's Melissa, and any and ALL with ailments and procedures...
(( Wellness Hugs )) and those go for pets including Janet's Luke as well

Hoda said...

Someone is in the attic whoever this juvie is it keeps looking up as noise is rattling noise happens on the cam case...

magpie said...

Good Evening Eagle Pals...
Yes, better watch the Venus transit tonight unless we think we might be around 105 years from now for the next one

Venus has slipped out of the evening skies for views, but comes around in the mornings...
the Planet of L♥ve

magpie said...

Colors at the nest sure are Rich....especially the colors of those Eaglets aka Juvies !

Lynne2 said...

If he has stopped eating since starting the Cipro, call the vet. He may need to change the antibiotic.

If the urination has lessened since starting the Cipro, then yes, it could be that it's working on the UTI. It usually works pretty quickly.

In renal failure, however, dogs DO urinate more because the kidneys aren't working well. The fluids that should be being absorbed are expelled instead, and create more thirst for the pet. So they don't drink more and therefore urinate more, but rather, they urinate more so they are always thirsty and drink more. Does that make sense? That's why many vets recommend pets to get SQ fluids periodically. It helps keep the kidneys "flushed" and helps keep the pet hydrated, which in turn helps them to feel better. Depending on the degree of renal failure, SQ fluids can be done successfully for months or longer.

SO, if he's been dribbling small amounts of urine frequently and/or having accidents, chances are that is from the irritation of the urinary tract, and the ABs will clear that up. BUT, if he isn't eating, that needs to be addressed to the vet.

Larger volumes of urine and more frequency of going would be the kidney thing.

Lori O. said...

Thanks for the updates Judie and Hoda. I've been so busy with work, I'm really having a hard time keeping up on the blog. Forgive my popping in and out.

I, perhaps unwisely, connected my home computer to the office yesterday and I see life getting more work than play. UGH. Never ending it seems. Pardon my complaining.

I'll be praying for Kay, Delphia, Jo and Becky. Such major happenings! Mucho prayers!


Happy weekend Sharon! You'll be a beautiful mother of the groom. Take lots of pictures. ♥

I love you all.

paula eagleholic said...

2 juvies in the nest

still cam is working now

magpie said...

Listening to a Live NASA Broadcast reminds me of the precious days when we would huddle around our computers and televisions, watching the Shuttle Launches and Landings......with Lynn ♥

Lynne2 said...

Venus is now in front of the sun...you can just barely see the half circle at the bottom left of the edge of the sun!

magpie said...

Can you imagine....being there watching it...they are all so enthusiastic about it !

I see it Lynne!

Janet said...

LYNNE2: he's not stopped eating entirely, but he has certainly dramatically decreased ..... barely eating. i am going to see what happens @ dinner time in a bit, but plan on calling the vet in the a.m.

we have opted no subQ fluids....if there is fibromyalgia for dogs i would swear that he has it. he cannot stand firm touch and so the thought of taking him to the vet (which he hates) and putting him through the needles and such....we are just keeping him comfy as he progresses towards the Rainbow Bridge.

Gotta scat....thanks for the info. Kids are here. later ya'll

magpie said...

Yes indeedy Paula, Steve and the NCTC gang our Still Cam back up and running.....Sweeeeet !

magpie said...

Of course we pardon you !
It's a treat to see you whenever you can "stop by"

I am woefully behind myself...!

Lynne2 said...

Good decision Janet...you are surely the best judge of what Luke can handle. Not every pet can deal with the fluids. Feed him people food if he'll eat it...bland, boiled chicken or ground beef, boiled rice. You could also give some low sodium broth to him to help keep him hydrated every now and then. The vet may not agree, but, it's quality, not quantity you are after for what time he has left. When the urine pretty much stops, and the eating, you'll know....

JudyEddy said...

Home from work to find new thread I knew when there were only 5 comment in my mail box there was a new thread so I found you

JudyEddy said...

WANDA is the pround owner of a eagle feather but she didn't claim it LOL

Its been raining for about 2 hours now we got over 1" and it was only a 30% chance today go figure

JudyEddy said...

ok now to go read the blog like the blog not in email

JudyEddy said...

WANDA I love your avatar AWWWWWWW so stinkin sweet ♥

JudyEddy said...

yeah so good to hear that Bro had two meals today by himslef

just read to where she put the feather in her hat LOL

Costume Lady said...

Yes, JUDY, he is stinkin' cute! I'm looking forward to watching him grow, just as we did Jayden.
Jayden loves his brother very much!
When I was holding him last Friday and he started to cry, Jayden said "Grandma help", so he ran and got Karla and brought her out to where I was, thinking 'Grandma' needed to take over:)

Sandi said...

Evening all ... new thread! I stopped getting emails in my inbox so I knew we must have a new thread.

I see that I missed Kay this afternoon - will be praying big time for her surgery and for Delphia's, also for Glo's daughter becky and Jo's granddaughter Melissa Jo.

Gotta fix dog food and people food! Later!

Costume Lady said...

I guess those Astrologists watching the Sun & Venus are as excited as we were the first time we witnessed Bell and Lib together in the same tree...some of us were even in tears, as some said on the Live Stream:)

JudyEddy said...

I got it on the cam his fly out just now

JudyEddy said...

gonna go download it only 33 sec but I got it I have been recording since I got home I record for a few min delete and do over and over till I get something and I got it love it

JudyEddy said...

Hey I have a favor can any of the local go out and try to get a picture of them sometime out of the nest before they leave for good????? just aking

JudyEddy said...

KAY will be thinking of you tomorrow

JudyEddy said...

the 33 sec video of LIL BRO fly away is now on FB and the Blog

LIL BRO launches from the launch pad

Hoda said...

MT nest one on nine and did not see where the other went...

JudyEddy said...

LIL Bro flew out from the launch pad at 654 I got it on video and posted the link above its on FB tooo and I send email out I am so excited I got it patience is a virtue and I have been camera patient

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

and we are back

JudyEddy said...

not me but a eaglet

JudyEddy said...

not me but a eaglet

JudyEddy said...

he flew in

JudyEddy said...

Missy is still on 9er

JudyEddy said...

was going to LM because nest was MT but maybe changed my mind

Hoda said...

Off to yoga...


grannyblt said...

Thanks for the video JudyE,,he acted like he had been taking off for years...

JudyEddy said...

You are most welcome! I love doing it and I loved that I got it and he did look like he knew what he was doing the landing was good too. I didn't have the cam on for that would have been recording MT nest for a while but he did make the landing stick.

JudyEddy said...

Missy is flapping on 9

magpie said...

Good Evening and Sayonara Eagle Pals...

got my prayer list ready for the medical things coming up in the next few days...

Take care, everyone...
Oh Boy two Juvies in the nest now !

ttfn xoxo

JudyEddy said...

Missy is in the nest flew down wow her one wing has lots of white

JudyEddy said...

Missy run over to Bro just standing picking at nest

JudyEddy said...

Bro stumbles over to missy now sort of a love peck there looks to be getting alone

JudyEddy said...

beaking of sort maybe I spoke to soon

JudyEddy said...

Both are settling in for the evening looks like side by side sweet

JudyEddy said...

LINDA I loved the email comment to cute and I had just turned off the cam and just turned it back on and yes he was waiting and looking for me LOL I sure am going to miss them

JudyEddy said...

Bro is up calling for food looks like

JudyEddy said...

I think he wants a snack before bed LOL

JudyEddy said...

MARGY THAT BIG NOISE WAS ME TYPING LOL NOt Bro crashing the mic on this cam is on the bottom I wish I had one like the other I had it had mute oh well

JudyEddy said...

ok now LM I think the action in the nest is over not unless we get a parents visit Bro is calling enough

JudyEddy said...

that maybe Missy all the white feather wing Yep and she just went on the 9

Lynne2 said...

SO, remember last night when I saw the Raccoon on Snowman cam who was so fascinated by "something" on the ground? Well, I posted on the FB page to see if anyone could tell what it was. A few minutes later, the MAN came out, picked it up, and hung it back up...it was a fallen feeder! LOL! Then on his way past the cam, he stopped and waved!

stronghunter said...

Funny, Lynne.

JudyEddy said...

that is tooo funny LYNNE2

Lynne2 said...

I should have figured it out. DUH!

Kay said...

Ha ! Did a skim and saw something about a woeful behind. "Who's been peeking in on me ?, I wondered. A quick rerun revealed it was MARGY speaking of being woefully behind on blogging. LORI and MARGY, we're in the same boat ! 3 Woeful Behinds ! ☺

stronghunter said...

I guess that was Missy who just came in for a landing.

Kathryn and Hunter are at a baseball game. Kathryn just called to tell me that they are having dinner with friends who are with them at the game. I have been so sleepy that I had told her that I would be continuing the nap I was taking when the pharmacy called about George's pills.

Okay, Luna is at it again. I had put a bag of potatoes on the table
and just heard rustling. Sure enough, she was already crunching into a raw potato.

Luna is still not as bad as Sassafras was. She stole tubs of margarine and buried them in the laundry basket. And, worst of all, cans of food. She would bite the can and sometimes leave it leaking somewhere to be found later. Yuck! She would get them right out of the pantry.

stronghunter said...

I am sure he appreciated your alerting him to the problem, Lynne.

JudyEddy said...

attack of the parent

JudyEddy said...

I think that is Bro that has it I think help me

JudyEddy said...

if it is I am proud

JudyEddy said...

snipping at the parent

Kay said...

It was so great seeing Bro fly away this afternoon, thanks to our crack videographer, JUDY ! Now I see that he and his big sis are plumb tuckered out. They are working soooo hard these days !

I got back on line to look up the antibiotic ointment I've been stuffing up my nose for 5 days. It's Mypirocin 2%, commonly used for impetigo and other skin ailments, but now used to ward off MRSA. The hospitals/medics are sure running scared these days. Tonight I must wash my bod from neck to toes with betadine (sp?), shower off, dry with clean towel and don clean clothes. Must do a repeat tomorrow morning and I'm sure they are going to thoroughly wash my back with the stuff prior to surgery tomorrow.

I'm going to use a shower cap for the first time in eons since I forced myself out today for a new, short and purty do.

WANDA, did the dentist's staff apologize for not informing you and prescribing the anti-biotic ? I am due for routine cleaning next Fall and will not be surprised to find I must do the same thing. Better safe than sorry, I guess. Oh, yes, we do so miss LYNN's voice of reason when it comes to all this medical mumbo jumbo !

JudyEddy said...

that has to be Missy ya think anyone else have a clue I thought with the white on the right wing that is Missy without the fish

JudyEddy said...

I have the cam running from before the landing

JudyEddy said...

Belle tried to take it but got snapped at

JudyEddy said...

Belle is doing nestoration and so is the other eagle while one eats I think its Bro

JudyEddy said...

Belle has black on her beak from digging in the flugg

JudyEddy said...

sounds like they are talking over supper

Kay said...

Belle actually looks small compared to her juvies ! What a joy this nest has been to me--especially this year when I needed a happy diversion !

The phone keeps ringing--the kids and some relatives and friends are more uptight over this thing than I ! Hard to believe how easy it is for me to look forward to serious surgery ! That's what pain'll do for ya !

Okay, now I'm outta heah ! SED, my dears ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

JudyEddy said...

I noticed the refresh doesn't workon the still cam its seems

JudyEddy said...

Belle is trying to take some fish byt not getting any

JudyEddy said...

and she tries tug and she got it Yeah Belle

JudyEddy said...

Belle has fish and is eating some

JudyEddy said...

the one eagle I think Missy is trying to eat on the other end no Belle is feeding the eagle The one eagle that had the fish is at 12 watching

JudyEddy said...

Glad you got to see Belle KAY I am recording off course I need to find quite keys LOL

JudyEddy said...

Belle is feeding both chicks AWWW such a good MOM once she got the fish

JudyEddy said...

both eagles are singing for their supper so to speak I love those little peeps

JudyEddy said...

LOVE IT ♥♥♂♥♥

JudyEddy said...

nice to see both eating HODA they are both getting feed equally

JudyEddy said...

that fish is history Belle is looking over to where the eaglet had the fish for nestovers

JudyEddy said...

DO you think the adults eat out of the nest to where we don't see? I think so!

JudyEddy said...

Belle poof to the attic both eaglets are looking at her

JudyEddy said...

and Missy goes to 9

JudyEddy said...

I bet she is scraping her beakoff that is all the noise on the cam it was really black

JudyEddy said...

OK I am going to try to LM one more time

stronghunter said...

Oh, I am sure the adults eat outside the nest, Judy. They would be foolish to try to compete with their offspring. They need to eat well to be able to care for the youngsters.

Lynne2 said...

Emma the hummer's eggs have both hatched!

Not looking so good for 2nd loon egg though.

TV patiently sitting the 2 eggs that should hatch sometime between the 9 and 19th of this month.

Harmon is resting. and getting SO BIG!

Hard to believe we have just about reached the end of the season for our nest :(

Judie said...

Good evening everyone.

Glo, your daughter will certainly get prayers for a successful surgery and a quick and complete recovery.

Janet, so sorry about Luke. I wish there were a magic animal wand to make him better.

Kay, I hope it is not too late for you to see this. I understand about looking forward to surgery rather than being afraid of the surgery. Yes, pain does that. You will be in my thoughts and prayers and I have no doubt you will make a full, pain free recovery.

Jo, will also have Melissa Jo in my thoughts tomorrow. I hope all will go well for her.

Wanda, isn't it wonderful how compassionate little ones can be?

JudyE, many thanks for the video. It was really special.

Judie said...

Shirley, don't have food stealing here but do have water bowl polo. Audrey has a thing about pushing the water bowl so the kitchen floor is wiped up daily.

Tired tonight with lots of arthritic aches and pains. The sandperson says I have only minutes to finish here. So, the night light is set to turn on at 11:30pm and the sandperson will be on his way to visit all of you. Restful sleep for all and may tomorrow bring healing to our momsters Kay, Jo's Melissa, Delphia, and Glo's Becky.

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY I also had issue with the bowl I bought one of those food and water trays Can't push any longer LOL

JudyEddy said...


Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


Mema Jo said...

Wanda I am just signing in for the evening - I wanted to ask you when you found the new thread out shopping - How Much Did It Cost? lol

Mema Jo said...

Wanda I don't think any of our 911 gals reported it on here but this is the alert in the Herald Mail

Southbound I-81 traffic backed up in W.Va. after crash..........
Traffic on southbound Interstate 81 is backed up for several miles in the Martinsburg, W.Va., area following a crash involving a van and a tractor-trailer.

Two people were airlifted to the hospital following the crash near the 11-mile marker south of Martinsburg, authorities said.

stronghunter said...

Watching Elton John entertain the Queen here.

Kathryn and Hunter came home. After having lost every game, the tram finally ended up with a tie score this time. Funny how you are thankful for a tie score.

Hunter has really learned how to deal with defeat this season. All part of growing up, I suppose. The coach really has not done team-building kinds of things, and he fusses at the kids for not knowing things that he has not really taught them. Kind of hard to teach them things when you do not have practice.

Stevie Wonder on now.

Lolly said...

Hi all! Really enjoying our time with Laurel, Jacob, and granddogs. Right now Jacob is being tucked in bed. They will probably be here until noon or early afternoon.

Word from Colorado is all is going well.

Thinking of Kay! Kay, when do you go to the hospital? We will be keeping you in prayer. Love you!

stronghunter said...

Judie, I can just see Audrey pushing the dish across the floor!

I expect a skid-proof bowl would take care of that problem.

Sassafras got so food at opening the pantry that we had to use a baby lock on the door.

I remember finding a leaky, smelly, disgusting can of green beans on the dining room floor once. Sometimes she would get something she liked and would chew the can until she could eat the food. Guess green beans were not worth the trouble.

stronghunter said...

Which hospital, Kay??

My children were born in Grant Hospital, and we used the ER at Mt. Carmel East.

Mema Jo said...

Lynne and Wanda - I also have to take an antibiotic for dental teeth cleaning. Not for filings or root canals. It is due to the rod in my leg!

Thanks so much for the video and all the comments about our nest activity.
That little BRO did take off from the nest just like a pro - like GBLT said
"as though he had been doing it forever"

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds!
It's not too late to wish HAPPY BIRTHDAY THELMA!!!!!and Have a Happy Healthy Whole Year!!!!☺ ♥

Stopped at Park nest after work and couldn't see an eaglet there, so maybe my sightings Sat. were it---at least for me. My Sat. pics aren't too bad. Might put them on blog. Seems very close developement between both nests.
Greg K. and I got the osprey cam kranked up online this morning & I wanted to tell Momster group, but was busy and then all power went off for no reason. Tried to turn on the computer (in closet) that runs the osprey cam to Ustream and the monitor Broke!!!(stayed black)Greg said that's happenened before. He's getting a different screen to put up tomorrow. We had lovely pics on the Visitor's Ctr. big TV, tho. DUH.
Been watching some of the WI voting, so will see more news.

Prayers and blessings for all the Good Health + to Kay, Delphia, Melissa & Becky ☺ ♥

Lynne2, now I see the raccoon story from last night. How Funny!!!
If I konk out, wishing everyone Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Jewels said...

Kay, I will be thinking and praying for you during surgery and the coming weeks of healing!!!!
Also praying and thinking of those in need!!! Tonight has been the first night I could get on here and read some.

stronghunter said...

I am about ready to head on upstairs.

Will did say the cops are driving up and down the street looking for something (or someone). I hope everything is safe.

Turned on the outdoor lights.

stronghunter said...

Thinking of you, Kay.

Hoda said...

Finally stopped raining and it is cold headed to the 40's tonight...I resist closing the window but might have to do so tonight...

Good video JUDYE thank you...

Good yoga practice and I think I might be coming down with a cold!!! Sneezes are on!!!

It was a good concert SHIRLEY. Glad you are watching it.

LORI I miss you when you are not here and always pleased to read your posts...don't do too much work from home...

Mema Jo said...

Prayers for Becky's surgery success.
Prayers for Kay's surgery success.
Prayers for Delphia's procedure and good report afterwards.

Looking forward to a good report from my CT on Thursday and also for Melissa Jo on that day to get good advice from
the specialists.

I know that Lynn is looking over all
of us! Love you, Lynn ♥

Mema Jo said...

I just shut my doors and windows and
just kept the ceiling fans on.
Down right cold and we didn't get any storms for which I am thankful.

Mema Jo said...

Margy and Carolyn, enjoy your time together!

Hoda said...

I am exhausted I will say goodnight


Mema Jo said...

Hoda - you cut your hair and lost your energy! Sleep well! SED

I am saying Good Night to All
Prayers for all those in need
♥ Lynn ♥ Carolyn ♥ Christie

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Checking I'm before I go to bed. Been working on wedding programs, cutting flowers and shopping for shoes. No shoes yet but tomorrow is another day. I love us.

Lori O. said...

Good morning all in Eagledom!

Prayers for a successful surgery for KAY and DELPHIA, and Glo's daughter, Becky. JO, I'll be praying you get great news!

THELMA, I hope you had a fabulous birthday!

MARGY & Hoda, THANKS for being you!

I love us!

Sandi said...

Good Wednesday morning all!

Thinking of Kay and Delphia this morning!

Wow, 49 degrees here!!

Both juvies in the nest at this minute.

T-Bird said...

I thought I would get to see a fledge this morning.

T-Bird said...

You all don't know how it makes me feel when you send me your birthday wishes. I love you all.

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

MT nest. Pretty sunshine and shadows.

stronghunter said...

One juvie in the nest.

floralgirl said...

One of the juvies just flew into the nest, a rather clumsy flight down from the cam area.

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Busy medical times across the country. Prayers for all for successful surgery and results and easy recovery. Weather here has been delightful for days. Back to the park for a Kritter Kapture photo shoot this morning. it is good for me to have something fun to focus on. Cross Great Dane and Golden Lab about 14 months old. We shall have an adventure LOL.

T-Bird said...

Sounds great glo.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds and we have a MT nest as i arrise again dern it But I do hear them so they are close by

JudyEddy said...

Thinking of Kay all day to day with her surgery Wishing her luck and sending healing thoughts to her

JudyEddy said...

check out google this am

JudyEddy said...

for those of you that don't get the daily photo from NASA there is one sooooo pretty
Coronal Hole on the Sun
NASA daily photo

JudyEddy said...

quite a ruckus! sounds like someone hand sawing construction going on at the property???

JudyEddy said...

someone is in the attic lost of stomping on cam

JudyEddy said...

that should have been lots not lost duh

JudyEddy said...

check out the shadow in the nest if there is anyone on now looks like a m or w or 3 just depends how you look at it

JudyEddy said...

Just on the new Cheryl Crow was here in St Pete at the Taste of Pinellas Co and she was singing one of her songs and forgot all the words Walk in the Sun so she was concerned and went to the dr and had a MRI and they found a benign tumor

magpie said...

Look at those magnificent eagle flapping shadows

Good Morning Eagle Pals !

thinking of Kay and Delphia and Becky this very minute...
AND, all of you


magpie said...

I like that Google Image....
and I USED to like Drive-in Movie Theatres ♥☺

magpie said...

Heard a mockingbird singing over night, I am not sure where this bird hangs out but I could only recognizeo one bird: Robin....

magpie said...

Well Helloooo Juvie

paula eagleholic said...

Eagelt hopped down from the 9 spot

paula eagleholic said...

and back up to the 9 spot!

Morning Margie!

magpie said...

kicking myself because I did not see it land or drop down or flutter in

Sharon: Good Luck on the Shoe Shopping...probably the most important item of your wardrobe that day: well, one of the most important ones...if they are too big you could use some of your kleenexes to stuff 'em up a bit ☺

magpie said...

Morning Paula...
and now I am seeing those cool shadows again!
Thanks for the info...
I'm at work and trying to make some dough !

magpie said...

I finally saw the Moon break out of the clouds late last night, Wow!
and this morning as it was setting
Wow again !

Judie said...

Good morning.

Healing thoughts for Kay and Delphia.

Lots of gorgeous sunshine on the nest and some major wing-flapping shadows.

Have lots of fun today Glo.

Shirley, have resorted to a large mixing bowl filled 1/3. Seems to have solved the problem -- fingers crossed. Sassafras must have had some tough teeth!

A few more plants into the ground today. Not much else. Too much arthritic pain.

Wishing everyone as good a day as possible.

magpie said...

Hi Judie
I find the pet stories so amusing....
am sure not all the antics are fun to fix, but they are funny to think about

here, for people like me that do not own pets

unless I borrow one once in awhile

magpie said...

Commemoration of D-Day
....June 6, 1944
The Normandy Invasion...
honor and tribute to our soldiers and survivors and families....

Mema Jo said...

Good morning everyone! What the heck - when I typed the first key of Good, I looked at my clock and thought - Ah Ha! I beat you getting on this morning, LYNN.
Prayers for Becky's surgery success.
Prayers for Kay's surgery success.
Prayers for Delphia's procedure and good report afterwards.
I'm sure Lynn is checking on them all.

Mema Jo said...

Judie I hope you start feeling no pain.. Joint pain is miserable & really slows you down. ♥

Thelma, I'm glad you felt good yesterday with all our b-day wishes and there isn't any reason for you not to feel like that every day.. ♥

Mema Jo said...

Missy sure likes her 'nest bed'.

Bro's take off that Judy caught on film yesterday was spectacular. Looked like he had been taking off like a pro!

Mema Jo said...

Anyone that ordered the BIRD Poster from Cornell receive it yet?

Mema Jo said...

Checking out FB BRB

Lolly said...

Good morning! Jacob is on the computer and Laurel is off running. This is her day 3 of trying to loose a few pounds and getting in shape. During the teaching year she is just way too tired to get excercise. Her cousin was making fun of her while legs on fb. LOL She says she is a mole, teaching in the basement.

Oh love the shadow on the nest. Cool! An eaglet flapping its' wings.

Lolly said...

Received a jury summons in the mail. Grrrr! It is the Monday before our trip to the beach. So, I will go and ask to be dismissed. Vacation planned, reservations made, and taking daughter and grandsons to the beach. Surely I will be dismissed. Surely!

Prayers for Kay and Delphia today. Did Kay mention anything about finding a great rehab?

magpie said...

Or you could pretend you have a prejudged notion of the trials and people in them.....

Good Luck Lolly

Bird Girl said...

Good morning fellow Momsters (and Dadsters!)...

This morning I have a procedure to remove a nodule from behind my left ear. The nodule will be tested for pathology, the results of which I will have in about a week. Most of you know that my doctor is concerned that the cancer may have returned from 14 years ago (I've been in remission all this time).

I know you have all been praying for me, sending me positive thoughts, etc. and I would ask that you keep it up just a little while longer.

Thank you to you all, my extended family!

magpie said...

shadow play on the nest, with one on the upper branch and one in the nest, is sometimes quite amazing...

magpie said...

Guess by now Kay has sweet-talked all the medical professionals and is just a few moments away from the beginning of the back surgery procedures....

you are absolutlely right, positive thoughts on top of positive thoughts for you....

and I'm asking all our "Upstairs" friends to ramp up the prayers as well

xoxo (( Hugs ))

magpie said...

I hope you can plan or do some special things in the week to come while awaiting the results...
not just to occupy your mind and time, but to treat yourself like Royalty....

Lolly said...

DELPHIA....you are definitely in our prayers today and for the days to come....until you get the all clear signal!!☺

Bird Girl said...

I have some nest displays to make for my rescue group, and lots of books waiting to be read...hopefully that will keep me occupied!

magpie said...

Those two things sound GREAT, Birdie...

magpie said...


SPLIT approaching like a fast freight train

magpie said...

just re-read Glo's post about Kritter Kapture this morning, sounds like another great way to spend some time...

looking forward through the day for any and all updates on our Momsters Gals and their families this week....

magpie said...

Must to make some more dough...

Best Wishes for a Good Day, Everyone...
will be back...sometime or another...

Lolly said...

I have two dogs asking for a break to go outside. Guess I will take them. We have to stay with them since the yard is not fenced. Bosco will try his best to sneak off. LOL

magpie said...

Loon cam is zoomed in on the lone egg

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 234   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...