Tuesday, June 05, 2012


New thread.


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stronghunter said...

You would think that poor Sassafras was starving, but I can assure you that she was not.

stronghunter said...

Loon egg alone in the nest.

Mema Jo said...

Kay should be under if they hopefully started on time. 10:15 and it's a 3 hr surgery! Big time prayers for you Kay

Delphia - My thoughts and prayers will be going on and on and on! Love & Peace♥

Mema Jo said...

Larry's Loon Blog:They have not abandoned the nest since they continue to stay nearby. But the amount of time that the second egg has lain exposed does not give one a lot of hope for its eventual hatch.
If we reach Saturday morning with no hatch, then things do not look good for the eventual hatching of this second egg.So we will remain hopeful until then.

stronghunter said...

Prayers, Kay.

stronghunter said...

And prayers for our Bird Girl.

magpie said...

I am mesmerized by the shadows of the wing flapping juvenile

Judie said...

The FBI email is bogus. Do NOT open it.

Fairly quiet here this morning. Lots of sunshine. Still need to wander through the live cams to catch up.

Thinking of Kay as she is surely in surgery.

Hi to Jo, Margy, Lolly


glo said...

Back from Photo shoot. It was a really great way to pass some time this morning. This little gal is like 5 ft and "maybe" 100 lbs and her dog is a year old mix of great Dane and Golden Lab. It was really neat to watch them work together. My daughter's surgery is just a few minutes underway if she went in on time. It will be a long day in IL. I am glad for Dex and cute doggie photos today :-) Thanks for those who offered prayers.

Mema Jo said...

Glo, Please let us know when Becky is in recovery! Thanks Thinking of you while I'm praying for Becky.

Mema Jo said...

Put your loon cam up with the volume turned up

Little loon is swimming all alone

Mema Jo said...

That was so cute - he made it up on the platform all by himself. Looks like Mom is concentrating on the positioning of the egg
Those short legs don't help much on land

magpie said...

I can see the baby and the Momma Loon IN the nest now...

Glo: Glad you had a good morning...hope you can not be too nervous during Becky's surgery....

magpie said...

Parent Loon head looks like Black Suede.....

magpie said...

here comes other loon parent to the nest

magpie said...

with a bit of food in its bill

wvgal_dana said...

Good Afternoon to all.

I see both our eaglets have fledged. :)

Prayers for Glo's Becky surgery, Kay's surgery today and her
rehab after, Delphia's procedure to come back "all clear",
keeping Jo's Melissa in prayer, Janet Luke has my prayer.

Where Kay mentioned about the betadine wash I had to do that in 2007 for my total knee replacement. So not so new
to do the wash.

Lynne too funny about the raccoon lol

Wanda I told you how the BURNING OF THE NERVE at the Cervical and the one at the spine helped me.
Wish I could afford to go again. Health insurance sure knocked me out of getting some releif!!! grrrr

Wanda whenever I had my teeth cleaned for 2 yrs. after total knee replacement. I had to take
antibiotic before I had teeth cleaned. After that I don't have to no longer take the antibiotic.
They are different opinions with dentist about whether this is really necessary or not.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good afternoon everyone. I am bringing this over for our very own Bird Girl from Facebook.

"In about three hours, I will be in an operating room having a lymph node removed from behind my left ear. I would ask all of you, my friends and family, to keep positive thoughts for me over the next week until I get the pathology results. Brian will post an update here later."

Hope everyone has a great day! Get them Momster prayers going! Love and hugs!

Lori O. said...

Just got home from work...rather work today than what some of our Momsters are going through. Tough day for Kay and Delphia. Prayers for both, and for Glo's daughter, Becky.

Hello Margy!

wvgal_dana said...

I called Tuesday to speak to my dear sweet Rosie (my cousin). The person that answered did NOT have her voice. It was her daughter Lisa. She is the one that recently had colon cancer. Had chemo and radiation. The radiation made sores which got infected which put Lisa back into the hospital. So far she now has a clean bill of health.

Anyhow I ask to speak to Rosie. That is when I got the bad news. That Rosie is under Hospice care and Lisa is staying at the house caring for her. They told her it is anytime now. Yes Cancer SUCKS!

I had told Rosie I would sometime get up to see her. It just never happened with Ed being sick and I couldn't drive that far.

I decided on Tuesday I was going to the bank to get some money out.
Came home packed my bags. Stopped fueled up and got some food to eat on the way (since I had not eaten).
Said, "God since othro said what he is doing should help my leg. I am putting this trip in your hands. So if I make it I do, if I can't stand the pain I will turn around for home.

Needless to said not stopping for long for anything. I was near Lake Ontario in a little over 6 hours of almost all driving. Yes it was tiring but I wanted to make it to see my sweet Rosie.♥

Lisa could not believe it when I called and said when is a good time to come around. NOW - NOW SHE SAID!!!! SHE WAS SO HAPPY TO SEE ME!!!!!!! OH BIG HUGS!!!

My Rosie did know me; thank you Lord. She is ready for her journey. I told her to give my grandma a big hug for me and grandpa.

I felt the need to leave on Wednesday evening. Oh what a BIG MOON greeting me all the time I drove into this morning. Beautiful!!!

Never got lost going up did get lost one time coming back. Lisa understood I felt I needed to get back her for Mother. Who I did stay in contact with and also my daughter.

Please prayer that Rosie's journey will soon happen. Lisa is ready for her Mother to make the journey to Heaven and yes she is saved.

Our Grandma Purdy made sure both Rosie and me had ask Jesus to come into our hearts and forgive us of our sins. Becoming a "child of HIS".

wvgal_dana said...

Now I have to get in and pick Mother up. later and thank you all for your prayers for Rosie and Lisa and family♥♥♥♥

glo said...

Surgery delayed 45 mins. I guess she is in there now.

Mema Jo said...

Dana that was a very touching story and I think you did what the good Lord wanted you to do! ♥

Lori O. said...

Rosie is lucky to have you, DanaWV.

Hello JO!

glo said...

Becky just went in. Almost 2 hours late . Hospitals can drive ya nuts :-).

Hoda said...


Good morning/ Good afternoon all.

A balmy 39 degrees here and with rain pouring down like there is no tomorrow...gray dark day here and promises to stay that way for the week here.

LOLLY sorry about the jury duty and yes I would hope they would dismiss you.

Cut my hair and lost my energy JO??? LOL I laughed...I think it is because the night before I was up for Her Majesty's Service Of Thanksgiving at St. Paul's Cathedral in London...only had four hours of sleep...

Mema Jo said...

Hospital scheduling is a hair puller! Ok Glo we are all right there with you!
God is Good. ♥

Kay, God willing and on time hospital
scheduling, may be in recovery soon.
10:30 to 1:30 would be the 3 hrs. So many prayers for you, Kay! God loves you!

Delphia may be ready for her procedure! Praying for great results. ♥

Mema Jo said...

I hope Sharon finds a comfy good looking pair of shoes for this all important event!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Heading to look for shoes now. Not leaving until I find them.

Mema Jo said...

Let us know what you find!
Black, silver or gold.....

Fancy flip flops would be my last choice

Hoda said...

Off to meetings and more meetings today!!!
Hold on to my hat and have an umbrella except I might become Mary Poppins so will wear a good rain coat instead!!!


Hoda said...

Good luck with the shoe expedition SHAR.

CarolAnne said...


glo said...

Becky is in recovery. Have no clue how long she will be there but report is surgery went well. She has had a hysterectomy. They were able to leave the ovaries so that should make the hormonal adjustments that will happen at a somewhat younger age than normal a little easier for her. I will talk to my son in law later when she goes to her room is the plan now.

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...