Wednesday, May 16, 2012


New thread.


Janet said...

WHat! No comments on Wed! Good morning! First Comment Good morning!

Sandi said...

Logging on from school to see a new thread! janet gets the eagle feather!

Shirley, hoping for a good day for Kathryn!

Jewels, one minute, one hour at a time is right! I think of your mom every day!

Janet said...

Egad! So excited! Been here only a short time and I got to post the first comment on the days thread!!!! WWOOOOO HOOOOO! Cuckoo for cocoa puffs!

Hello to one and all. I hope yesterday was good. I will go back and read a bit in a min. I had a nice leisurely day, Janet style...

Two massages in the Morning and was able to introduce one client to Reiki. :) That is always joyous.

Livvy does not have strep, thankfully. But did give her some cream for the ring worm. Back to school today!!!

I went and bought more plants yesterday. Gosh, its nice after almost 2 years of not being able to do yard work to be able to do some. Granted I can't go for endless hours like I used to do, but am thankful for what I can do. :)

My little garden is coming along nicely Everything is up and growing.

We had such lovely rains over the weekend andeverything is so fresh and green right now I weeded the flower bed with little problem.

Okay, going back to review some posts. Hugs, light and smiles to all. Have a fabulous day!

Sandi said...

Forgot to check the box again!

Janet said...

Hi Sandi (doing the happy dance) eagle feather!!!! :) (giggle)

Lori O. said...

Way to go, Janet!

Thanks, Steve, for the new thread!

JudyEddy said...


Sandi said...

Janet, glad Livvy is able to return to school - bet she's counting minutes, not days! I'm envious! 17 more for my kids, counting today.

As Margy likes to say, gotta go make dough!

Later all!

Janet said...

Yes she is counting the min til school is out. Next Wed is the last full day, out at noon on Thursday. They return to school August 1. Short break, but we are packing in tons of fun! :)

Gosh, this week could not have been planned any better. I was needing a mental break. There is a retreat that I am going to tomorrow and Friday, so I took the days off from that. I didnt' look to realize, that I would have most of Tuesday and Wed off too.....and dont' return to Massage Envy til Monday. :) It is sooooo welcomed!

I love my job, but sometimes, ya need a breather!

JUDYE. have you been able to pull the house up on the coldwell site? i cannot ..... I emailed the realtor but no response. I am going to email again today. If I get no response maybe we should call him. I am just not so trusting for somereason and I hate feeling that way.

Not a lot else folks. Gotta get the young en up for school and get ready for my one massage this morning !

ENjoy your days ((((HUGS))))))
light and smiles!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Mom and dad house try now SIS

Janet said...

okay. thanks.
maybe i just imput the wrong info or whatever. maybe i'm just paranoid as difficult as its been getting to this point. sure would love to know if there's even been a phone call or any interest shown. :{

Janet said...

Yes, that's the site i get when i click his link, but did you go to the coldwell website, input the info and pull it up or did you use his link?

Lori O. said...

I wonder if KAY is awake and lurking. I'd love to know how she is feeling, today. ♥

THELMA, how are you, today?

JudyEddy said...

WOW ODD big clap to thunder HMMMM

JudyEddy said...

SIS I have it saved in my email the link that you first sent me

Janet said...

me too. i mean, if i go to the coldwell website, i can't pull it up that way. i will email him once again and see if maybe i'm using the wrong website. i remember he said he was changing offices, maybe he changed companies/websites?

Janet said...

will catch ya later....have to get ready for the day! hugs ya'll

JudyEddy said...

fish deliivered both parents were in nest now I am off to work

JudyEddy said...

and off course Shep poofed right away got a min video of it

paula eagleholic said...

Oh look at that, looks like a big loose feather on Belle

paula eagleholic said...

Boy those chicks are grabby!

paula eagleholic said...

Bro lost his last piece, the tail. Missy snatched it away from him

paula eagleholic said...

Feather still hanging off of Belle...right side, it is sticking out...from the right wing

paula eagleholic said...

the feather might have fallen off when she departed....looks like it fell off when she went to the right, and drifted to the ground

stronghunter said...

Okay, I have posted Hunter's Mothers' Day card on my blog...the second blog.

I could not get my printer/scanner to cooperate this morning, so I took a picture. It seems that the printer/scanner is out of black ink, and it does not want to scan to the computer because of that. Go figure.

Please do not look at the card if you are easily offended.

Linda said...

Good Morning! Heading out the door to work, but wanted to wish you all a wonderful Wednesday!

SHIRLEY - Hope Kathryn does okay today and doesn't push herself too much.

WANDA - Soup Kitchen Dinner sounded awesome!! Kudos to you and Gene once again!

LOLLY - YES, you will make it to get your do done TODAY!! Maybe your jubby will escort you??

JANET - Hoping Olivia feels better soon!

HODA - Hoping you and Kristin are having a great time reminiscing and enjoying your visit!

JEWELS - We are right there with you, dear one. Three weeks today and it is on our minds as well. We can only imagine how much more it is on your mind. It's too soon to even wonder how long it will take to soften this blow. Day by day right now is all you can hope for. Hang in there and know our love is with you constantly ♥

SANDI - Yay.....the tub comes today!! Things are coming along!

THELMA - We love YOU!!

We are still busy with the kids here and we're getting a bit tired!! They are heading up to Ithaca to check out the Water Falls we told them about and see some of the sights around the Finger Lakes.

Maybe if I get home from work early enough, I can sneak in a nap!!

Thinking of each of you and missing my time here....

Love to all........... xoxo ♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good Morning my eagle budlets.

Jewels, please know that our hearts are with you. Lynn was/is such a huge presence in our lives and will be forever remembered. I also want to say that I am so grateful that it was in God's plan to bless us with you and Christie before Lynn left us. You help us deal with our loss too and WE are all in this together.

I <3 US!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I still wonder if the eaglets know that is the launch pad! :)

Lolly said...

Good morning! Lori, I am feeling just great. My elbow is a little sore, I must have really slammed it hard! The bruise covers my whole elbow. But, really, I am fine! Will drive myself to the appointment, but will flinch going around that curve, I am sure!! Drove to Fort Worth yesterday and did fine. I do not like to drive Jack's small pickup as it is standard shift. What a pain! LOL

Going to start back with my walking today. Beverly is doing fantastic with her walking. Proud of you Bev!!

Yes, hope we hear from Kay today. I am sure she is counting the days.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning everyone - What did I hear Feather on the ground? Mine Mine all Mine At least I opened the cam a minute or two ago and Missy treated me with a PS -Is this my lucky day or not.

I have an afternoon appointment with eye
dr - I get checked twice a year due to

Janet I could so use a Reiki hour!

I need to read the old thread from this morning ----

movin said...


GooD MorninG, aLL


I find my still cam is all rainbow noise this A.M. But the live stream is working like a champ. The big one is getting some serious wing exercise, and both are well fed ... catching flies?? Looks like they're trying.

So Cal will burn off the 'gloom' this morning and will warm up to a beautiful 80° by day's end.

Have a beautiful Wednesday, everybody.

[:~D] Jim

Mema Jo said...

Rub a dub dub
Here comes Sand's tub lol

Lolly said...

Having Carolyn on here is like having a little part of Lynn still with us. Lynn is missed every day and it is hard when you are far away and do not have the closure. I treasure the pictures taken of her the weekend before. That is so amazing that you got to be with her, and to deliver gentle hugs!♥

Lolly said...

Time for me to start my day. I am hungry this morning and time to walk.

Have a great day!

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - That card is Shocking

ROFLMBO I can see you opening that one now!

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

Prayer Request
This is a request for my gd, Melissa Jo She is suffering from IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease)and she needs to get into remission as she has an appointment at the UNIVERSITY OF MD medical center with the IBD Program on June 7. I don't like to spell it out like that but it is serious and we need your prayers - your powerful prayers. I'll keep you posted and yes, this is the mother of Joseph, Anthony, Sophia, Donavon and Marcus! She just needs some help fighting this disease that really brings you down. Thank you my dearest friends. ♥

stronghunter said...

Prayers, Jo. I hope she can get into remission quickly.

stronghunter said...

Jo, just so everyone knows, the card was from Hunter to Kathryn. He was so pleased with himself.

Mema Jo said...

OK, Shirley I thought it was to you!
He is a little joker! Love him dearly and wish him a good winning game this evening. Enjoy your bridge club! ♥

Sandi said...

Jo, prayers for your granddaughter, Melissa Jo! I have had IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) for over 20 years and know how painful it can be, and IBD is more serious and more debilitating. Hope she can get the disease under control and make it into the program at U of MD!

Shirley, Hunter's card to his mom is the epitome of middle school humor - I loved it!!

Jewels, I agree with Sharon that having you on the blog is like having a piece of Lynn still here with us!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Sandi! Her diet and then feeding 6 others in the family is a chore but she does well - loves spinach.

I am off to the eye dr for check up


Costume Lady said...

LORI, yes 45 guests is GOOD. We can handle that amount very well, but the time we had 75 was waay crazy.

Prayers for Melissa Jo, such a sweet Momma of 5 precious young ones. She certainly does not all of our prayers so that she can enjoy her family!

Getting ready to see GG and plant her Mother's Day flowers. SYL♥

Hoda said...

Saying good morning on a beautiful. Nelson morning. I hope all are doing well. Been on a walk headed to yoga thengoongto club a mountain to see the falls. Bye for. Now I have. Not read back

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

More prayers needed. First off, T-Bird is doing some better today, getting there slowly.

Secondly, I have a dear friend whose name is Lori Warner. Her sister is an addict. She fell asleep with a cigarette, burned her home to the ground and she has been flown to Chapel Hill with severe burns. They do not know if she is going to make it. I met her last month at Lori's. Please pray for the whole family. Lori's daughter, Haley, is getting married on the same day as Andrew and Kelsey. I will keep you posted.

Kay said...

Good afternoon, Eagle Buds ! Looks like a very slow afternoon in blogdom. I've caught up and will not bore you with comments on everything read, but....

It was a thrill to read SANDI's good report on Josh, MARGY's account of the Kidster's eagle project and SHAR's assurance that THELMA only needed a med adjustment ! Whoopee on all counts !

MARGY, thanks for the gas pump advice--I've locked my car when pumping gas for years. A new report out now about thugs being able to attach readers to scanners at the pump. Thinking of going with cash only, but it's a big hassle compared to using a CC at the pump. I know of no full service station in Columbus, but need to investigate as it will be helpful as I get older.

JO, I'm going to light a candle for your dear Melissa Jo.

What an idyllic scene at Sycamore Palace ! Missy and Bro are just about ready to do some branching !

No change in my daily welfare report. Same ol', same ol' and yes, I'm counting the days. Thanks as always for your positive thoughts and prayers, dear pals !

Oh, and dear CAROLYN, I've started looking for your posts, just as I always did for those by your dear Momma. I'm reminded of her daily as I spot things around my house sent by her. Read something about the seashore earlier today and had a good cry thinking about how she loved the OBX and how she never got to realize the dream of having a special getaway home there. She raised two lovely daughters---the thank you's sent by you and Christie are beautiful. They are a credit to LYNN and the kind of upbringing she gave you !


Kay said...

SHAR, will light a candle for Lori Warner's sister, too. So sad.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Kristen is Lori's sister's name. Her husband, Joe, has been put on a vent from smoke inhalation and they have told the family to get to Chapel Hill immediately. Don't think Kristen is going to make it. Life can change on a dime!

JudyEddy said...

HI KAY and SHARON home for lunch and I agree all is to quite in blogville We got a half inch of rain this morning unexpected shower Yeah

JudyEddy said...

Both chicks are on the launch pads but facing inside the nest they almost look like statues

JudyEddy said...

WOW did anyone else see MISSY go up up with that last wingersize/??????????????????????????

Kay said...

Yep, they're just about ready to branch, JUDYE. Be still my heart !

I have the Columbus nest cam up, too. Finally able to see two eaglets who appear to be about a week younger than Missy and Bro. Wish I could find accurate, up to date info on them. The park system isn't doing a very good job here. Until they start branching I won't be able to see just how many there are or how well they're doing.

Kay said...

SHAR, will add Kristen's husband, Joe to my prayer list. May God comfort the entire family. ♥♥

Mema Jo said...

Home from the eye dr - dialated big time so I won't be here until later.
Sharon will offer up prayers for Lori
and the family.

Thanks all for your offering prayers for Melissa Jo. ♥

I'll be back when I can see without a blur.

Sandi said...

Sharon, will add your friend's sister and brother-in-law, Kristen and Joe, to my prayers.

Kay, good to see you on the blog today, just wish you had a better report to share about your pain.

The good news on my bathroom remodel is that the new tub is in. The bad news is that the plumber told Denny, when he arrived this AM, that the plumbing supply place was NOT willing to absorb the cost of the first tub. So, we paid for 2 tubs and 2 installations and now we get to donate the other tub (which is currently sitting out front) to Habitat for Humanity!! Furious doesn't even come close!!

Jewels said...

Shar, that is some awful news. I am praying for Kristen and Joe. Were they the only two in the house at the time of the fire?
Also prayers to TBird, hope she is coming along, and to Jo's Melissa Jo. Prayers to all those I have missed as well.
I will be here, will be posting when I can. :)

Jewels said...

Thanks Kay! I hope you are feeling much better too!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I have always thought it odd how all that fluff in the nest turns into looking like a dirt floor.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Shep in with big fish, I guess Missy took it from him. Belle just flew in and is going to feed the peaglets.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Belle is not feeding them. She is standing there. Not sure if it is Missy or Bro nibbling on the fish. The other is standing right below the camera.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Now she is digging in the flugg. Bro just hopped over near her. She is putting the flugg on the fish that Missy is eating. Now Bro is wanting some of the fish. I think Bro is waiting for Belle to feed him, afraid to go after some fish himself. He is checking out the flugg now.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Bro was pecking at Belle a little just now. Maybe she dug up a little nestover.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Belle and Bro waited patiently for Missy to feed herself a little and now they are all eating.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

All by myself, don't wannabe, all by myself, anymore!

Costume Lady said...

Belle took the fish from Missy and is feeding it to Bro, but looks like she is playing a game of tug-of-war with him...lets him get a bite of it but hangs on to it until he pulls it from her. Just another lesson in survival of the fittest:)

Costume Lady said...

Sharon, not alone... just got back from GG's and planting flowers and Gene planted some beans and tomatoes.
Our babes are just about adult wannabees:)

stronghunter said...

Almost time to go to my bridge game. BBL.

stronghunter said...

Almost time to go to my bridge game. BBL.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I have 4 chipmunks in my yard and they do not like each other.

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Jo Melissa Jo is added to prayer list. Praying that University of MD can get her into remission.

Lori Warner and husband Jo added to prayer list and their family.

Sandi sorry for the bad deal about the tubs and cost.

Kay keeping you also in prayer.

Hoping that Thelma is do much much better with the meds.

Jewels always good to see you name on here. I know sometimes you need just to talk about Mom (Lynn). I am sure this is so very hard for you and Christie and the rest of the family. You just keep coming back here gal!!!!! We miss Lynn too and Love you as we Love Lynn♥

Prayers for anyone else's needs.

Lolly said...

Dinner is almost ready but have a sec. Made it safely in to the hair dressers and back home! Yea! LOL

Jack is grilling some salmon for dinner. Yum!

Then will be watching AI.

Jo, prayers for your granddaughter. So very sorry she is having this problem.

Good to hear from you, Kay!

Dinner is ready now. Talk with you later!

magpie said...

Hello Tuesday and Wednesday Eagle Pals...yep been off the blog that long at least...

Oh dear, prayers for Jo's granddaughter, very much hope there will be relief very soon, good doctors, good treatment, and lots of Prayer Power....

also for Sharon's friend's sister and her husband, how tragic...I am so sorry to read of these things.

Love to everyone here, and a blanket prayer now for all the things I don't even know about..


JudyEddy said...

Just got home from work and then went to Angies for a delicious dinner that Carl made Its still raining rained on my all the way down and back I checked my rain gauge another half inch so that over a inch today Cool Beans we need it sooooooo baaaadddd

magpie said...

don't have my gardens in yet, but am getting some seeds on Thursday for "multi-colored" sunflowers...never heard of that but I'm game !

four bunnies in my brother in law's back yard and they DO enjoy each other

I am sorry to be so very far out of touch on all things Eaglet Momsters and's been busy and I am trying my best to keep the US Postal service in business

magpie said...

So on that note, disappearing I am again....will hope to catch up
"soon" and it does appear that we are maintaining a safe speed limit on the blog posts :)

ttfn (( Evening Hugs )) xoxo

magpie said...

I've been assured by the Postal service that the envelopes I am sending out the Memorial bulletin in are one ounce regular so I'm hoping no one gets "postage due." I have a little scale and that guides me on extra postage. I might have to fold some into a business envelope but I am trying NOT to have to fold the bulletin...also working on other correspondence, but it'll be coming along, as promised !

magpie said...

loving seeing the two healthy peaglets

okay 'bye xo

JudyEddy said...

SANDI so sorry about the tub Life sucks sometimes but nice you are donating it and can you take it off taxes etc ???
HEALING thoughts to Melissa Jo

SHARON I guess it just decomposes like the mulch and leaves if left in the yard turns to dirt

JudyEddy said...

OH SHARON if possible take a video of your yard chipmunks that would be sooooo cute

JudyEddy said...

Ok I got caught up not to m;any comments today slow day in blogville gonna go watch AI Got a tummy ache I think its the pizza I had at lunch here and last nite was up in middle of nite with same thing Darn it I have over a half of pizza i will be putting in trash I guess

JudyEddy said...

belle is in

JudyEddy said...

feeding the chicks

JudyEddy said...

feeding time over POOF BELLE♥

wvgal_dana said...

JudyE sorry those pizza are not agreeing with your tummy. When I have things that happen like that. I always find someone to give the items too. Maybe you can find someone to give them too and not the trash.

wvgal_dana said...

Who do you all think is going to get America Idol this time?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

The latest update from Lori:

They are at the hospital and not letting them see Kristen yet. She has no lung function and is on a ventilator. They had to do a tracheotomy. She has 3rd degree burns over 60% of her body. They are just praying and waiting.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Magpie, I received my memorial bulletins today. Thank you so much!!


Lolly said...

Prayers, Sharon, for Kristen. What a rotton situation!!

Linda said...

MARGY - You are such a sweetheart and always so thoughtful ! A true GEM, you are!

KAY - Praying for you, Dear One! Can only imagine what your days are like. We are counting down the days with you. xoxo

SHAR - Keeping Lori's sister and family in prayer as they wait through the night for any shred of good news. So very sad. I also pray for you as you are so full of love and concern for so many others! xoxo

LOLLY - Glad you got the do done today without any complications. Do hope you're not overdoing it.

SANDI - That truly stinks about the tub situation.

JO - Praying for Melissa Jo and her condition. Those precious children need their mother healthy! Such a beautiful family!

JEWELS - Have I told you today I love you?? Well, I do and I am so happy you're here because of who YOU are and where you come from! You do have so much of your Mom in you, but you're so loved for the sweet caring person you are as well. Day by Day, Kiddo!

The kids went up to the Finger Lakes in NY today and enjoyed some of the Falls and Gorges and wineries. It was a good day for them.

Work was work.....and I came home with a horrible headache. Ugh!! It is bearable now, but I am off to bed to try and shake this thing. I think I need to catch up on my sleep some!!

Missing you all and looking forward to some time back here in a couple days!

Prayers for all in this roost and beyond!


Lolly said...

Linda, I am not over doing. I am just great!!!! I go to the doctor in a week, but really I am just fine!! Feeling problems.

Jewels said...

Thanks. LINDA!!!! I love you too!!

magpie said...

And there's Jewels!
Sorry we have been on opposite sides of our days...been thinking of you so much...

and good to see Linda, But NOT in the same post as the word Headache the words of one of our forever favorites: AAARGH !!

magpie said...

I have envelopes spread all out..this eagle stamp I have, the stamp pad was too wet....and the imprints are taking forever to dry...

magpie said...

Read Andrea's posts about HER check up, Woohoo Good Report

and I have caught up with more of the prayer needs....and I'll put them all in a big bundle and offer up some serious requests

Read the great Soup Kitchen and Clothes Closet report...Bravo once again, Gene and Wanda

magpie said...

Night Bandit and Time Bandit have teamed up with the Sandperson who is banging on the door, NOT a good idea.."if he only knew" some of my secret weapons....LOL :)
no clues...I'm just trying to fool him !

Better head for the pillows, morning seems to come around earlier and earlier each day !

Good Night, Precious Pals...

God Bless This Nest and
God Bless Us, Every One

Mema Jo said...

I can see the blog very clearly now.
Vision is ok it's the eyelids that are falling down........

Going to sign off and tomorrow I will get my do.

Good Night everyone
God Bless all of you
Warm thoughts of Carolyn and Christie
Prayers for so many in need.
*** ((((Lynn ♥)))) ***

Lolly said...

Eyes are tired and watering. Thinks it is time to call it quits.

Night all!SED!!!!

stronghunter said...

Back from bridge...

Sharon, prayers for Lori Warner and her family.

As I was about to turn onto my street, I saw a sheriff's car parked in front of a house on the neighboring street. The officer was in the driveway looking around.

As I passed by, he (or she) turned a very bright flashlight on me. I kept going--nobody said for me to stop. Nobody followed me, either. When I got home, I turned on the front porch light just in case. Guess I will leave it on for the night.

My porch light and our very fierce basset hounds will protect us, I hope.

Kathryn will be home tomorrow. She has a doctor's appointment. She came home early again today, then took Hunter to a baseball game.

He really wanted to stay home, was claiming he had gotten a headache from the very difficult SOL test he had today and needed to soothe himself by blowing things up with his X-Box game. Kathryn thought baseball was a better way for him to wind down.

Had a good night at bridge. I came in second and won a whole $3.00. I was lucky enough to get very good cards.

Glad you are doing well, Lolly. It could have been so much worse.

I will see you fine folks tomorrow. Rest well, everyone.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Wow, it's been a busy day for me--took Sis-in-law to the airport this morning. She will be visiting the grandkids in Denton, TX for the next few days. I'm babysitting the bulldogs for her, too. Bro-in-law is home, but working 3 jobs, and since it is prom/wedding season, he's going to be at the Riverside tux store making a delivery until 10:30 pm. He's up and running at the crack of dawn. If I watch the dogs, it's one less thing for him to worry about. Also got all my errands done today. Now I can concentrate on work tomorrow all day.

Jo, prayers for Melissa Jo! Hope she can get into the program at U of MD!

Shirley, I got a good laugh out of Hunter's card to his mom!

Carolyn, having you on the blog is like having a part of ♥Lynn with us, but so much more, too. We love you for yourself! We're all helping each other get through each day. ((TIMED-RELEASE HUGS))!!
(Is it really 3 weeks already? :o[)

Shar, prayers for Thelma continue. Omigosh, big-time prayers for Lori Warner, also for Kristen, Joe, and Haley! What a tragic turn of events! Prayers for you, too, Shar!

Sandi, sorry about the tub. Glad, though, that the new one is a reasonable size.

Lolly, so glad that you're feeling great! (((HUGS)))!!

Linda, prayers that the headache will go away.

Well, gonna call it a night. Prayers have been said for everyone, especially those who need healing. (That includes Gracie.) Prayers for Carolyn & Christie and families.
The porch light is on. Both security systems are enabled. Sleep tight, everyone. God bless and goodnight. Love all of you!
♥♥Lynn♥♥ I ♥ us!

Hoda said...

I have not read back and I have thought about you all and hope all is well.
I miss you and I am also having a great time. Discovering some wonderful hiking places and discovering how it feels to cook and eat with people. I miss that experience living alone. Today we had wonderful salmon and it was fresh tot he market today and it was delicious. The weather is holding and there is a sense of joy in laughter and conversation...tomorrow we walk with some friends from Nelson to a place outside of Nelson in the Slocan Valley...We'll start early in the morning and be gone most of the day. So I will not check in the morning but keeping you all in my prayers♥

I want to know how LOLLY is and maybe tomorrow I will text. I think a lot of MEMA JO and how strong she is. Sending much Love JO. SHAR how is THELMA and how are you? I hope work is steady and prayers to Thelma...

SANDI how is JOSH and I hope you were pleased with the bathtub installation when you were in school...

LYNNE you were very busy at the office the last I read your post I hope it eased off.

I can keep going on and what I want to do is take the time to read the blog...Kristin wanted to stay till Sunday Morning and I said alright...we took some pictures from FALLS on today's hike and my cell phone took a picture of both of us amazing technology...we also saw where the Kokannee salmon run and it was a fun day...




Costume Lady said...

Lots of yard work to do tomorrow, so I am going to try to go to sleep early...need extra rest for outside chores. My new knee works great, it's just the rest of my body that is not cooperating all of the time:)




NatureNut said...

Good Grief, Late again.
Jo, we go to eye doctor TH!Hope we won't be driving home w/the blind leading the blind! LOL

Some bundles of Prayers for Kristen & all the family and Jo's GD, Melissa Jo. How sad.
TY, Ms. Margy. Doing another special thing for everyone!
Time to hit the hay, so Pleasant Feather Dreams, Blessings for Josh, Kay, Kathryn, T-Bird, Carolyn & Christie ;>)

Lori O. said...

I see, read, our prayer list is growing.

Prayers for Melissa Jo, Sharon's friends Lori and her sister Kristen and family, Josh, KAY, Christie and CAROLYN. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

These slow days on the blog are so quick to read...first time I've ever been able to completely catch up at work! :)

Sandi said...

Morning Lori!

TGIT (sorry, it's been a long week so I can't wait til Friday to say it)!! Kids are getting cranked up - 8th grade dance is tomorrow night, so very few are focused on academics!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Sandi!
Sorry to hear about your two tub frustration.
I'd be a little miffed myself! That's a lot of money to waste when it's
not your fault, especially!

Lori O. said...

DanaMo, are you running this morning?

Lori O. said...

Eaglets getting some wingersizing in.

Lori O. said...

Someone must have dropped off some food (didn't see) because one of the eaglets is in the center of the nest plucking feathers off what it's trying to eat. Hmmmm.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Sandi and Lori and Lurkers.

I guess that is Missy eating.

Prayers for Kristen and Jo in the hospital and family.

Hope for hear more news about Josh.

Mellisa Jo is on the prayer list and Kay you are kept there too, hoping Thelma is better, and Kathryn is healing.

Hope to hear something about Red.

wvgal_dana said...

Special prayers continue for Christie and Carolyn♥

♥ LYNN ♥

Sandi said...

Thinking of Thelma and Kay this morning, hoping today is a good day for them.

Also hoping Carolyn and Christie find something to smile about today!

Prayers for Sharon's friend Kristen and her husband and for Melissa Jo.

Hoping for an update from Josh's mom that says he is up and doing a little walking.

Lori, the tub situation is what it is. I couldn't have lived with the first one and am happy with this one and the project can move forward now so it's all good. And some Habitat for Humanity home is going to get a brand new tub/shower, even if it's a skinny one! =)

Lori O. said...

Sandi, I am proud of you for having the guts to switch it out and take the loss for what you really want! You go gurl!

wvgal_dana said...

I think it is very nice that a family is going to get the other new tub Sandi. Since it is going to Habitat for Humanity.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Just a moment before I have to focus on getting Hunter off to school. He has another SOL test today.

I see red meat in the eagle nest. it is being rapidly consumed by our two eaglets. Watching two youngsters in the nest is interesting. First time for me. I do not see the big eaglet fits I remember in previous seasons. Waiting to see if that will change.

Slept like a log last night. Hope that whatever had police on the next street has been resolved.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Just a moment before I have to focus on getting Hunter off to school. He has another SOL test today.

I see red meat in the eagle nest. it is being rapidly consumed by our two eaglets. Watching two youngsters in the nest is interesting. First time for me. I do not see the big eaglet fits I remember in previous seasons. Waiting to see if that will change.

Slept like a log last night. Hope that whatever had police on the next street has been resolved.

stronghunter said...

Whoops, sorry, I double-posted.

wvgal_dana said...

Sandi can you answer a question for me please? The GE plant in Waukesha, Wisconsin is it moving to Beijing?

Janet said...

Good morning to one and to all. Another beautiful day here in Nashville, mid 80's today.

I have to say, I am enjoying my days off. I did have one massage yesterday, but it was a 30 min and I've had this client for 4 years now. He is a pleasure to work with. :)

Livvy is going to Lipscomb University today. She qualified to go to University of Louisville, but I need her back before 6:30 in the evening. She starts ICE SKATING tonight. This is the first time she's shown a real interest in everything; I've tried dancing, gymnastics, etc. She has always been such an introvert, so shy and full of anxiety that it never flew. This one is her own choice and she is excited. Thereore I am excited too!!!!

I had some retail therapy yesterday. Been saving my $$ for a bit, towards vacation, but a gal needs some CLOTHES to wear on vacation. So between Marshalls, Ross and Target (tar-jay, lol) I am dressed again.

Looking forward to my retreat the next couple of days. Heading out here in an hour with my two oldest and dearst buds. :) Not Tom's thing, so he will continue to do what Tom does; drive the school bus.

Sending light, love and healing to all in need.....and yes, that means Reiki. Have a beautiful day my friends. Find the light and beauty in all that you do. :)

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals ☼

nest looks fabulous, red food included

Hear that Loo and Lori suggest taking a two hour lunch break today, I can go for that !

also enjoyed hearing Lucy Michelle and the Velvet Lapels singing about something...

magpie said...

Sounds good for Livvy and also for your Retail Therapy $$ today, Janet...

SOL tests...wish I knew what the letters stood for, and I am also behind on what SED means...
oh dear, it is tough to get behind like this !!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Much to catch up on.

Jo, glad your eye exam is over but very sorry about Melissa Jo. Wishing she achieves remission and UMD Med Ctr will work a miracle.

Sharon, prayers for Kristen and Jo and their family members and friends.

Sandi, sorry about the tub expense but it is very gracious to donate the tub to HFH. Jimmy Carter thanks you.

Kay, wishing you a comfortable day.

Andy, glad your dr. appts were good ones. Happy dog sitting.

Wanda, once again the Soup Kitchen succeeds. Congratulations. Glad you got GG's flowers planted and hope you get much work accomplished today. Hi to the Capt.

Shirley, congratulations on your $3.00 winnings. Hope Hunter does well on his SOL tests.

Lowreeda, have a good eye exam today.

Janet, Olivia may just blossom with ice skating. It can be solitary or not as one chooses.

Audrey and Grace back to the vet this morning. Audrey for distemper booster, Grace for an incision check and first distemper. Grace finally took her Elizabethan collar off yesterday, the incision was clear and dry, so I let her run free.

Sorry this is so much. Had an unexpectedly busy day yesterday so no blog time.

Missy and Bro seem to be learning to hold food down to tear off bites. Yes, branching is only days away.

BBL and hi to all I've missed.

magpie said...

big bathtub project...
my brother in law has two big garden tubbies at his place, and an awesome walk-in shower thing in the 3rd bathroom..
yes, a Big House it is

Best wishes for all the change-ups at your place AND at your Mom's condo...

magpie said...


my comment box is back down at the bottom...I like that better...

magpie said...

Elizabethan collar, that's funny, Judie...
hope all the Audrey and Grace things to well today

Yes, glad about good doctor reports, eyes and all...and best wishes to those with more of that coming up.

Loretta! Funny about your being carded..of course you look under the age of 18 !!

magpie said...

JO and I are getting "dos" today...

I want to see if Blondes have more fun, so I am going for some highlights :)

magpie said...

I know work is going to be busy, it always is these days...
so I better hunker down to the task.....

Prayers for healing and wellness for so many amongst us....

And thinking always of Lynn ♥ Christie ♥ and Carolyn ♥

and Loving wishes to all of you here, there, and everywhere in all our Eagle Corners

xoxox ttfn xoxox ♥

Lori O. said...

Morning MARGY! (((BIG HUG)))

magpie said...

G'Morning Lori !!
(( BIG HUG )) back....
I just love my ride to work these days, it's a little longer....I'm keeping up with the Show Biz Buzz !! ☺

Sandi said...

Morning all!
SED = Sweet Eagle Dreams
SOL = My dad used to say, like when the tire went flat and I had to be at work, "Guess you're SOL (sh#!t out of luck). I'm sure Hunter's school has a diiferent definition, but I bet Hunter would like my dad's better!! =)
Not sure that blondes always have more fun but, as i said to Lynne2 last week, being blonde gives one the perfect excuse for having "clear moments" so, GO FOR IT!!

Judie, good to hear that both kitties are back to normal.

Andy, hope Emma doesn't get bullied by the bullies!

Janet, my 10 year old niece has been ice skating for almost 4 years and it is def. "her thing!" Hope it's Livvy's thing as well! LOVE her school system's idea of getting kids exposed to college early!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets.

New do's today, yay! Not me though, gotta wait until closer to the wedding.

I get to attend a wedding this Saturday that Andrew and Kelsey are in. :)

Sunday is their wedding shower in Princeton. I pray people show up! Does everyone get nervous about that stuff or am I by myself in that?

They are coming here today for a little bit before they head to Pipestem to begin the wedding partying! Love that kid!

Linda said...

G'Morning to you!

Retail Therapy - Just love it, JANET!! I will have to keep that one in mind. A definite must to add to our vocabulary here!

I know you're off making dough MARGY, but love and ((((HUGS)))) to you. I seem to miss you when I get here!

Glad to hear that GRACE is free to roam again. That must have been awful to have that darn collar on for so long.

So different for male cats! OPIE was back to his crazy self by the morning after his surgery and I had to pull him off Gigi a couple times last night because he plays too rough! He pins her and she can't get away!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Now on a more serious note:

I spoke with Lori a while ago. She got to see Kristen twice yesterday. Nobody else in the family can handle going in there. She said it was like out of a horror movie. Her head is swollen twice its size and her hair is gone. Suffice it to say that a little of her stomach and the fronts of her legs are the only areas that do not have 3rd degree burns. They tried to ease her out of the medication-induced coma and the pain was too great and they had to put her back under. I told her I had the Eaglet Momsters prayers all over this. She said "I know, I can feel them". :)

Her husband is still on a vent but is awake and alert so that is a positive sign.

The house is totally gone. They had a Great Dane that died in the fire. :*(

Linda said...

Had to give in to the migraine meds last night, but think the headache is all but gone this morning.

Unfortunately the side effects of sore muscles, sore throat and sensitivity to hot and cold are being felt, but it is a trade off! The headache HAD to go!

Morning SHAR!! Happy you'll get to see your kid again this weekend. Just can't ever get enough of that!

Lolly said...

Good morning! One eaglet is perched in a death defying position at the far edge of the nest. Looks like he could be blown off at any second. The other eaglet is flat out in the middle of the nest and occasionally stretches a wing on a leg. So funny!

Yea, Margy! Go for those highlights! I do! Yep, perfect excuse for clear moments. Like yesterday for instance. I sat down, read the paper, blogged, and then was feeling hungry earlier than usual and fixed my bowl of cereal. Finished it and realized I had not cooked my usual egg, BUT then saw the coffee pot! LOL I had forgotten my coffee!!!!! Unbelieveable! My name is Lolly and my favorite color is clear!

Linda said...

How awful that sight of Lori's sister must have been, SHARON. I will continue to keep them in my prayers. I sure hope they can get her husband off the vent soon. Thank God for the miracle of modern medicine, or they may not even have a chance.

Linda said...

Yeah, but your bubbly personality makes up for it all, LOLLY! You're always happy and full of joy and I just love that about you!

Lolly said...

Good morning, Linda. So sorry about those stupid (yes, I know..bad word!) migraines. What do you take for them. When our son, Michael was having them frequently, he had a shot he gave himself. Thankfully, he does not have them as often now.

Sharon, continued prayers for Kristen. That is so awful!

Lolly said...

Oh, bless, you Linda! I am not sure about that bubbly personality, lol, actually I am a very quiet person. That is I am quiet until I get on a roll with a group of close friends. Put me in a crowd and I am quiet. Seriously!

Linda said...

The shot he probably took was Imitrex, which I tried. It didn't work :o(

The one that works for me is Relpax. It is another type of "triptan" medication. They are all similar and we went through all the medications you take at the onset of a migraine and this was the last one we tried!

Unfortunately I also have to take "prevenative" medications as well. One is a beta blocker (which I think slows my metabolism) and Depakote ER,which is an anti-seizure drug. Those two meds help the frequency and severity of the migraines - or at least they have over the past few years.

Linda said...

I also have a script for Esgic Plus, which is like fioricette (I think),which is more for tensiion headaches. Many times I will try that one first because I just can't stand the side effects fo the Relpax.

Since I was going to bed last night and knew I would sleep most of the Relpax effects off, I went for the gusto. It also makes me a bit foggy.....

Lolly said...

Had a good laugh last Saturday. I was at a brunch with my dearest friends. Of course, as soon as I saw them I started crying. Still in shock, I guess, from the wreck. Got the love and the hugs that I needed and they told me to go ahead and let it out! Anyway, a short time later, one of my dearest dearest friends told everyone that she was glad I had had the wreck after I had fed her dinner earlier in the week. We all laughed and Annie said she said that knowing I would laugh.

Linda said...

SANDI had a good point last week when she said maybe allergies or seasonal changes may be triggering them around this time. Makes sense.

Every time I think I have something figured out, it's proven to NOT be the case!! LOL

Linda said...

Oh that was nice!! Guess she really likes your cooking, LOLLY!

Lolly said...

Eaglet in the middle of the nest finally got up to do a poop shoot. Thought he was going to push the other out of the nest as he backed up to the edge as close to the other as he could get. Wing flaps now and really getting air! Looks like fun!

Lolly said...

She does! She also like the wine with the meal. LOL She is a little person, (dwarf) and now in a wheelchair. We have been friends for years and we love to laugh together. She now lives in Houston with her sister and only comes home for a few weeks every once in a while. She does appreciate our meals.

Lori O. said...

Oh Shar, so sorry for your friend, Lori, and family. Will keep up prayers.

Yes, everyone gets nervous about wedding stuff, SHARON. Glad you have most of your stuff done so you're not running around stressed and crazy at the last minute! ♥

Linda said...

Well, HELLO LORI.....

Nice to see you when I am here for a change!

((((( HUGS TO YOU )))))

Lolly said...

We always wondered what triggered Michael's, never could figure it out. They started in high school and countiued through law school. He played football through hs and college. Got a couple of concussions and we wondered if that was it. I think though that stress was doing it. He has them less often now, but we think Zach had one a while back.

Linda said...

Haven't heard about your vultures lately.....that I remember. Are they still around?

Lolly said...

Yes, good morning, Lori!!!

stronghunter said...

Hello---They knew what people would say about the name SOL for the tests and they went ahead and used that name anyway. I don't know what that says about the people in the education department.

stronghunter said...

Hello---They knew what people would say about the name SOL for the tests and they went ahead and used that name anyway. I don't know what that says about the people in the education department.

stronghunter said...

At least that is what they told us.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning to Shirley who won $3.00 at bridge, Janet great that Livvy is trying ice skating, Margy hope all the eagle stamps are dry, Andy taking care of the bullies, Judie who will be taking Audrey and Grace to vet today, Sharon that is nervous about the wedding shower, Linda hoping her migraine is gone, Lolly God's miracle Lady from the accident, (((Big Hugs to Lori))) who is Kristen's sister prayers continue for her and husband Joe.

Hunter having his SOL testing today hope he does well on it.

Lolly said...

Oh, gross...eaglet was sitting in nest with the nasty red remains right in his face. He just picked up the stringy mess and it looks like they both may be chowing. Yuck!

Linda said...

Oh, I hate to hear that little ZACH had one, LOLLY.

My son ADAM started with them rather young as well and if that isn't proof that they are hereditary, I don't know what is.

Adam's Dad has them, too, but they are different. I think Adam's are more like his Dad's. He gets a tingling feeling in one of his arms and gets numbness in his face just before getting one. He also has to be careful with the sunlight and reflection of sunlight. That is one of his triggers.

Lolly said...

Shirley, you are stuttering again. LOL Winning the $3 has you all excited?

Linda said...

So SHIRLEY - What does it stand for????

Lori O. said...


LOL Lolly about Shirley's $3. :)

Lolly said...

We can not be sure about Zach, since he is so young and can not communicate well. He was at school and just put his head down and could not participate. I am not sure what he said to them, but apparently his head was hurting. His Nana picked him up and took him home. He threw up and then fell asleep on the sofa. That behavior is unheard of! They did get him to the doctor.

Lori O. said...

Just wanted to tell ya'll that WCV has just released a YouTube video of NX's release yesterday. Sorry I don't have my instructions for printing links with me. So happy that she's free again!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

SED - sweet eagle dreams!

Lolly said...

Oh, wow, more wing flaps and trampoline jumping. Just love it!!

Lolly said...

It is the SOL test we are wondering about. What does SOL stand for?

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning! Whole lot of Flapping Going On - we are nearing that time
when fledging will occur. Then when that happens we wait and wait for their return visit to know they made it ok.

I must read back - $3.00?

Linda said...

Gosh, we are having an amazing spring with birds here.

We usually see an indigo bunting once in a while, but this year we have one or two actually at the feeders every day!

We have four or five pairs of Rose Breasted Grossbeaks, who are eating us out of house and home!

Finally we have a Cardinal. When Billy died last July and we left town to go to FL, so did our Cardinal pair. We haven't had one since.......until a couple days ago. Haven't seen the female yet, but i am sure we will.

We also have a gorgeous Baltimore Oriole that loves one of our Hummingbird Feeders. He is on it quite often, even though we hung an oriole feeder for him under the maple tree!!

Oh and the hummingbirds are buzzing all around the house at the various feeders we have out for them.

Then there are the usuals in large numbers.....robins (who made a nest in the burn pile AARGH!), chickadees, gold finches, purple finches, chipping sparrows, junkos, titmice, mourning doves, eastern phoebes, towhees, wood thrushes, downey woodpeckers, hairy woodpeckers, yellow bellied sapsuckers, pileated woodpecker, nuthatches, blue birds, blue jays, red wing blackbirds, oven bird, white crowned sparrow, and a few warblers from time to time.

I think that is it!! I just love watching and hearing them! God's amazing creatures!

Lolly said...

Shirley won $3 at bridge last night. Wonder how she will spend it? LOL

A group of local Bell Helicopter employees won the lottery last weekend. About 10 people and each will take home over a million. That is so cool!

Linda said...

Thanks for the news on NX and his release video, LORI. Will certainly check that out.

Morning to you JO!

Yes, Shar.....but what does SOD mean?

Time for some breakfast......

Lolly said...

Listening to the birds is one of my greatest pleasure while working in the yard. However, do not have the variety you have, Linda.

We have titmice, chikadees, mocking birds, blue jays, wrens, finches, Mississippi Kites, red bellied woodpecker, Downy wp, and Hairy wp and many cardinals. Oh, and of course, our rs hawks. Hear them all the time! Last year we had one visit of an Indigo Bunting, first I had ever seen.

Lolly said...

Time for me to read the paper. We have started back with our walking and Jack will want to walk before he leaves to have lunch with Russ, his best bud! I am so glad Jack has Russ. They debate politics. Thank goodness, because I refuse to do such!!!

Oh, forgot to mention we have morning doves as well as white wing doves.

Linda said...

LOLLY - I never heard of a Mississippi Kite. Will have to look up that one. The purple finches just sing such an amazing long melody! Those gold finches are so cute with thier baby voices, too. And those Rose Breasted Grossbeaks sound like a Robin on steroids!!

Would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have many cardinals! One year we actually had four pair of cardinals, which we thought was strange. We heard they were very territorial, but that was not the case. They are so beautiful, especially in the snow.

And don't forget, we sometimes have our BEAR!!!! You must come visit!!

Linda said...

So enjoyed our morning chat, LOLLY!! We must do this again sometime!! LOL

Have yourself a wonderful day!

I have to get moving myself and see if this is going to be a headache free day today!! Here's hoping it is! caught up yet! Love you!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Mema Jo who is trying to catch up on the blog.

wvgal_dana said...

This is something they say is becoming more and more popular:

Medical Tattoos Make sure you listen to the doctor about the tattoo "Do Not Resusciate".

Lolly said...

Linda, I enjoyed visiting with you, too! Would love to do it face to face! Maybe someday!

Mississippi look it up. They soar high and let out a whistle. We have a lot of them. Forgot, we also have a lot of Robins and Waxwings. And, an occasional hummer. Wish we had a lot of them. They pick up in August when they are depending more on feeders.

Time to eat breakfast and then walk.

Oh, yes.....bear! LOL That just might get me up there. Would love to have a bear! Wow!!!!!!!!

Later to start my day!

JudyEddy said...

▄▄▄▌▐██▌NEW THREAD

JudyEddy said...

▄▄▄▌▐██▌ Let the good times ROLL!!!!!!!!!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...