Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Fresh thread.


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Mema Jo said...

The new thread feather belongs to JIM

Thanks for the call over
Thanks Steve for the fresh thread.

Favor Steve: When you leave work this evening, please glance at the nest and
let us know how many eaglets you see.

Mema Jo said...

At this time we think Missy is up on the stump at 9 position. We are waiting for a report about seeing her wing.. no sighting yet.

Bro has taken a spot at 3 position on the outside of the nest. He is really at the old regular launch pad.

movin said...

By the way, Mema Jo, I think I see the older one's wing tip whenever the wind blows from left to right.

It shows right where the branch intersects the edge of the screen.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

Good! Both in the nest..
Maybe late lunch is coming in.....

movin said...

An adult, Belle I think, arrived on the nest, and both eaglets are now present on the nest.

I thought she brought food ....

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

Thanks JIM! I miss important things by writing on the blog.

Mema Jo said...

Brother at noon
Missy eating in center of nest

That's my ID'ing for now...

movin said...

So do I, Mema Jo. I miss half an hour sometimes in the early morning.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Jim for the Memorial Day emails.

Mema Jo said...

Jim, Are you staying home for your birthday?

movin said...

You can see chicks peeking out from under Mom at BWO.

Also, some of the Ch. Island nest have some action going on now.

The PH chick tried to feed on a beautiful yellow fish without too much success; then Mom tore into it and fed the young one for a while; but then the eaglet grabbed it away again and is now managing to feed itself.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

I guess BRO is trying to eat some nestovers. Missy is up on the stump

Mema Jo said...

I need to be out of here for a while


JudyEddy said...

Home from the Dr appt good for another year Just a yearly routine to get my hot flash patches no biggie I went to the mall ate lunch at Tellys they make the best Greek and Chef Salads around been around 40 some years Just saw Jims new Thread alert and here I is LOL THANKS FOR THE FRESH TREAD STEVE BUT WE HADN'T BROKE IT IN LOL

JudyEddy said...

THREAD NOT TREAD DUH spelling oops happen all the time

JudyEddy said...

found 3 nice size jars with lids see thru put on facebook to see what Junes kids think if I should get and send up to June for Terrys ashes

JudyEddy said...

Silly question for any artsie people If I bought a see through glass jar do they make see thru paint I would like to find a blue jar Terry fav color but it I can paint it I have found a clear one with a bird on top

JudyEddy said...

Parent in got service error on last post

Linda said...

Came back to see Belle in the nest feeding the eaglets.

She seems to have much better control than Shep does with them!!

Missy looks to be mantling some of the food herself and I think I saw Bro take a piece from Missy's mouth.

They certainly behave for Mom and take their turn.

Amazing how Belle keeps order!! That's a Momma for ya!!

Linda said...


JudyEddy said...

I want to go back to the mall to but the one glass jar but we have storms heading this way dernit

JudyEddy said...

Just got my 401K papers in mail I had a over 5,200 gain this year Yeah not much money but its something 73T in it now

Hoda said...

Thanks for the new thread STEVE and for the call over JIM.

Windy at the nest and it has picked up a wind here too.

Missy is plotzed and Bro is watching the world go by facing eleven thirty.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good afternoon my eagle budlets.

magpie said...

possibility we could get a storm at the nest

martinsburg is getting it now

high winds and hail possible
was coming from Hardy/Hampshire/Morgan county direction...

Be Careful, Every One !!

magpie said...



Lolly said...

So, you think Missy is on the left and Bro on the right. Hmmmm????

I think someone was saying that was Missy with the one white feather on her left wing. Too funny!

We went to Weston Gardens but the only thing we bought was fertilizer for the the pond plants. Made a decision to probably get Japanese Aralia for the place we need planted. Azelias need more acid soil, our sandy alkaline soil will not do!

magpie said...

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and midnight snack sized fish !!

that ws beautiful, that delivery !

Lolly said...

Did not see the delivery but do see the whale that was brought in. Golly, they could each get an end to munch on, but no sharing!

magpie said...

Hi Lolly...
fertilizer, that does not sound too exciting but I know it is soemthing you needed...LOL

Yep, storm supposedly headed for Shepherdstown and Williamsport...
be careful...

better tend to business here...

TTFN xoxo

JudyEddy said...

poof shep

Hoda said...

LOLLY for now how I tell them apart is Bro seems to have three white feathers on his left wing and Missy has only one white feather on her left wing. Bro also has white feathers on his back. Bro is darker and more slim than Missy...this is what I go by...I am sure we alll have different identification points. He also dows not tear into food with the energy that Missy has...

JudyEddy said...

I think our stormwent around me so I am heading out back to the mall to pick up the jar with the bird lid

JudyEddy said...

whats this??

JudyEddy said...

fish is alone in the nest two eaglet at 11 looking at each other

Mema Jo said...

What a whopper!
Perhaps they both sense the weather headed their way.

JudyEddy said...

Taking turns I guess

JudyEddy said...

Missy is now on the fish

JudyEddy said...

I hope its not another bad night on the nest my heart can't take it LOL I really do need to head out now Just wanted to watch a bit more love it taking turns

Lolly said...

Oh, nice storm. We left for a while and when I walked in I could hear the storm across the room. Bro just may fledge accidentally if he is not careful.

No, fertilizer is not exciting. Did not see any plants that were the right price for me to buy. LOL

Enjoyed the gardens. Wanted to take and send pics but it is not allowed.

Lolly said...

Missy is hunkered down and Bro is saying "Wheeeeeee this is fun!"

Lolly said...

Here is a link to Weston Gardens. You can see pictures here. At the bottom of each page is a green leaf to click on to take you to more pictures and telling you about the gardens.

Weston Gardens/Fort Worth

Lolly said...

Well, Momsters/Dadsters I do believe we have lost the cam. At least I have!!!

Hoda said...

I have lost the cam too LOLLY.
I will see the still cam

Linda said...

Just returned from the grossery store and can't get the live cam to come up!! Drats!

Have to go fix an early dinner as we have our Bible Study here tonight.

Looks like rain coming here, too. It is getting dark!!

Hoda said...

Still cam does not seem to be any good either!!! rainbow horizontal lines...not solid but not clear either...

Linda said...

I see the still cam is really bad, too.

I think I see them both in the nest, though. It looks like one is on the edge at 11 and one is on the edge at 7.

Anyone else see it that way?

Linda said...

It didn't look to refresh, though.....so not sure if that is real time.

Lolly said...

The still cam is what I could see when the cam went down. Missy hunkered down and Bro up at 11.

Drat...not a time for the cam to go down!

Lolly said...

It is hard to tell if it is refreshing or not, but that is the postition they were in a few minutes ago.

Sandi said...

Hi all, no live cam for me either! Hot, hot, hot here in Bethany - hope the storms make it here and cool things off!

Mema Jo said...

Bummer! Just when they needed us to be there for them.

Storm is headed my way - Very threatening sky right now.

Judie said...

Stopping by on my way to the scullery.

I see I am not the only one to have lost the live cam. Gosh, welcome back Steve!

Seriously, welcome back Steve and thank you for the fresh thread.

Stormy and windy here. News says storms in WV and Bethany and MD.

So, at least we know the babes are fed. Hope they're so full they can hop and flap in high winds.

Okay, left over prime rib with horseradish sauce and a salad. Too hot for much else.

Lolly, glad you had an enjoyable visit to the gardens.

JudyE, glad your dr. appt. was all good news. Congrats.


Janet said...

Good afternoont to one and to all. egad what to think, I'm on here more than 1x in a day! lol.

Its been a nice day off. After coffee, went to the Waffle house for a bite...dropped a urine specimen over to the vet's. We had had Luke in Saturday..he's not been doing well.

Then a few errands here and there. Took Olivia to retail therapy for a few new clothes; kid loves to shop. lol.

I have cleaned my house and caught up on laundry. And yes, I made a veggies smoothie for lunch: beet, apple, lime (with pith), basil, ginger, 1/2 avacado, a couple of strawberries, 1/2 cucumber....lots of water. I don't have one of those high end blenders, so some of the stuff i ran thru the processor first, then in the blender. Had to add some honey...I DO like my sweeties....and I drank two glasses of the pretty pink stuff.
However, if I had IBS or some other colon issue, I would definately be more careful with drinking these....but as I have no problem like that I figure it will do me good, adding more phytochemicals to my diet.

For dinner, mediterranian burgers; beef and lamb mix on the grill.

Hope everyone's day has been great. Will check in later.

(((SMILES)))) :D

JudyEddy said...

Gettin ready to have dinner with
son BBL

magpie said...

The storm left and came back here again in Berkeley County

I left work during the "left" stage

magpie said...

but the wind and rain was pounding at the nest before I left work BEFORE I lost live feed like everyone else

Hoping that Megan's Farm/Garden will be okay following this downpour and winds and such

Mema Jo said...

We are just now getting the torrential downpour. I had just before this set my planters out. Hope it doesn't pound them down too much.

Just finished pork chop dinner and
corn on the cob. It was very good

magpie said...

As far as our weather notices at work, this one was not well-predicted....it's come East and North and then went backwards and is coming around again

magpie said...

boring I know,
but I am running dishwasher,
washine machine, coffee pot, and
computer at my regular roost, since I don't get to do that very often
garden is getting a good watering, maybe a little too good of a watering

magpie said...

heard this on the radio a day or so ago.
sauerkraut, 1/2 cup a day,
and also horseradish...
one helps with Irritable bowel syndrome,
the other is a very very good detoxifier...
1/2 teaspoon a day...
would be nice, if all that is really true

magpie said...

can't tell much of anything from the still cam...

magpie said...

storm is definitely rough enough to affect both live and still NCTC cams

magpie said...

Keeping James at the Cemetery on until after the "real" Memorial Day is completed

Mema Jo said...

At least the rain is pounding straight down now.

Oh I am thinking of the Soup Kitchen
Hopefully the crowd was already inside when this all started.

floralgirl said...

Round 2, really wicked thunderstorm cell passing over here and at the nest, strong winds, and it is pouring.

magpie said...

Thinking Big Time of YOU at your place, Megan....

magpie said...

There was a break in the rain from around 4:15 to 4:45 here, Jo....the Soup Kitcheners may have gotten inside in time

Mema Jo said...

Keep Melissa in your prayers - her appointment down in Baltimore for her
IBS is the first part of June.
Thanks Margy for that info - I'll pass it own

Mema Jo said...

Megan - don't you wish you had a huge Rain Barrel? That would save a lot!

magpie said...

Thinking of that, Jo....
It was on the John Tesh portion of a station which id's itself as the Eagle Radio...
I'll try to find out more and pass it on...

Mema Jo said...

Just like it started - it stopped

Time to call my 2 cats out of hiding!

magpie said...

(not that I listen to anything besides Lori and Loo ☺☺)

floralgirl said...

Once this cell passes, it will hopefully calm down a little, still more showers showing on radar, but they look milder. Some nice cool air with these storms.

floralgirl said...

I have a rain barrel:) right now I need a boat, all my garden paths are flooded, some right up to the raised beds.

magpie said...

hope everything will be okay, Megan...guess the raised beds are like little dams ??

floralgirl said...



floralgirl said...

Yeah, better the paths flood than the beds, but it's gonna be a wet mess trying to walk around. The water is flowing like a river thru the back garden paths, and that was before this last downpour. But hey, we did need the rain!

Lolly said...

Well, drat, I was hoping the cam would be back up. I do not like this!!!!!!!!!!

I do not think the still cam is updating. Just looked at it and the eagles are in the same position.

magpie said...

and the weather channel is not showing pictures, cuz there is a show on....
Thanks for that, Megan...I don't see Sharpsburg on there

I see it is headed towards Emmitsburg also...

Safe Traveling Wishes for anyone out in this

magpie said...

That's you, Megan, looking on the Bright side !

I agree, Lolly, don't think that still cam is updating...

Lynne2 said...

OH thanks Megan for posting the weather...just got home and was going to do so myself!

LINDA....I got some valium for Daisy. Hope Riley is OK!

magpie said...

I'm going to miss my part-time dog pal Bela (thought it was Bella til I checked her tag)
she is home with her family now, but I'da been worried that she would have been alone during this...

floralgirl said...





Mema Jo said...

Here comes the next storm
I guess it is going to do this all evening..
Tried Live Feed - no go

magpie said...

Glad you are home, Lynne...

by the way, I saw Chicory this week-end ☺

and my New England Asters are giant size stalks now here at home

magpie said...

Well, Megan, I think you are in the midst of all those locales also...
hang on....

You're right Jo, an all-evening event...

magpie said...

I've hit Live feed and refresh and go arrow about 20 times since I've been here

magpie said...

Spectacular avatar, Lynne...

floralgirl said...

Yes, this cell is passing right over top of us, moving fast, coming at you, Jo.

Mema Jo said...

Signing off until later ♥

magpie said...

Still cam was all blue with rainbowy lines at stop short time ago, so it's probably, temporarily at least, Toast.
Lots of nice GREEN colors, though..

Did my applicance test drives, all seems OK, so I'm going to try to leave between storm events...

Thinking of all, that all will be okay through all this...

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xox ♥

Lolly said...

Bottle water and send to TEXAS, please!

Lynne2 said...

Oh Margy....remember when you could turn on the Weather Channel any time and actually get WEATHER??? Not that the shows aren't interesting, but geez...the not the WEATHER SHOW Channel...

Big one coming right at us...gonna hit the shower real quick.

Mema Jo said...

Still cam is now Black!

Mema Jo said...

ASnd now still cam is psychedelic

I will try Live feed before darkness comes... Would love to see our birds
in the nest........

floralgirl said...

I bet the cam will need a reset, probably too late for that tonight. Just rain here and at the nest now, the severe storms are moving away from us.

Lynne2 said...

Geez, Lori, I wanted to post on your FB wall but I don't get a "post" option!


♪♫ HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU ♫♪ and many more!

Hoda said...

Well I hope youi are all safe and sound and the eagles too.

I am off to yoga.

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Lori.

Judie said...

Well, scullery duty over.

So sorry for all the rain issues for Megan. Hope the watering is for the good and the paths dry out quickly.

No storm here yet but still predicted. Y'all stay inside and stay safe, please and thank you.

paula eagleholic said...

Cam is down...boo hoo :(

wvgal_dana said...

I just got off phone with daughter and on Memorial Day. She and her boyfriend actually found a lake with a sandy beach. She was standing in the water and looked in the air. Yelled to her boyfriend, "Look at that BIG bird". As it got closer she said she told him, "OM heavens look how large that bird is". Then it hit her white head and white tail. "Lord Mom I seen the most beautiful eagle". I thought boy would you ever like to be here. She said she checked out the area and it said, "Eagle Preserve". So she is going to check more into it.

How neat is that !!! :)

Lori O. said...

Thanks again for all the
special birthday wishes.
You all gave me many smiles today!!!

I'm up late for me, but heck,
I got to sleep late, too!
Not tomorrow though - it's
back to waking up at 1am!

Goodnight all! SED (now that I know what it means). Sure hope I have some soon! Love ♥ you ALL!

magpie said...

there is a notice on the live feed now acknowledging that it is down...
so at least we know that THEY know also

That's nice, DanaWV....about the Eagle your daughter saw

magpie said...

so if you are posting, Paula,
I hope that means you are home and OUT of the weather so to speak, at least on the highway

Lori, the snail is slow on your birthday card, slower than usual !
Happy Birthday one more time before your bedtime !! xoxo

Lynne2 said...

UGH UGH UGH damn weather....not a great time for our cam to be down :(

Steve posted on FB that "Big trees came down Sunday night around NCTC".

No big storm here, but some thunder, raining, and OOOOOOOHHHHH so much cooler now!

magpie said...

I'm in for the night, Judie...
Thanks !
I'm having cold cereal for dinner, that's easy!
Using the dishwasher for the first time tonight, and used the oven and the microwave for the first time Sunday, here at brother in law's - washer and dryer, though, since
day 2...
ANDI got that BMW convertible out for a little spin...! Now that was fun ! Just James and I in the subdivision roads...that's all...

magpie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...

Oh, that is seriously scary, Lynne...

Lynne2 said...

Thank GOD it wasn't OUR tree....always a worry as it's so tall and pretty much stands alone....

Margy cruising in a BEAMER!! WOO HOO!

Lightning NOW getting worse here.

Valium didn't much help Daisy :(

magpie said...

You'll like this: the Mockingbirds here sing lots of songs, most all the night through, and one is of the Wood Thrush....

also last night at James's I finally heard the whip-poor-will :)

magpie said...

You'll like this: the Mockingbirds here sing lots of songs, most all the night through, and one is of the Wood Thrush....

also last night at James's I finally heard the whip-poor-will :)

magpie said...

okay laptop acting up, sorry for the double posting...
have some chores to attend to

Everyone, take care, might want to have your flashlights and candles ready if you are in the Storm Zone...

Hope things are quiet for Jewels and the 911 work crew tonight.....

xo ttfn

Lynne2 said...

WOW! I want THAT Mockingbird! We have almost always had a late night singer here but haven't heard one yet.

Only heard a Whip poor will once, up at my MILs.

Think I better shut down....if I don't get back, good night and prayers for all!

Mema Jo said...

Please check you Eaglet_Momsters email
I just sent out June B-day and Anniversaries. I will list them here

The list is really 2012 June

Lolly said...

Ok, trying to grab a hold of the picture of our Magpie driving around in a BMW convertable! Wow!

Just tried the cam again...no luck. Hopefully it will be tomorrow!

Laurel is sending me texts, keeping me up on Joseph's game tonight.

Lolly said...

Lynne, I sent Lori a message for her birthday. For some reason can not post on her wall.

grannyblt said...

Evening eagle buds. Hope our family is dry and safe. I've been lurking for the past few weeks and hope I have kept up with the goings on.
My brother and sister-in-law came up for Mother's Day and we finally intered Mom's ashes. I've been busy trying to settle the estate but it is slow going. I still haven't decided if I will remain in PA or go back to TX once everything is settled.
Red== hope all healing vibes come your way.
Sand==I am so impressed with the speed and apparent ease you and your sister got your Mom moved and settled.
HBD Lori, sorry I missed it
Cardinal vine was such a favorite of mine in TX. It re-seeded so easily and the hummingbirds loved it. The growing season is so short here it is barely blooming when the first freeze comes along. I've given up on it.
I finally got the tomato plants in this past weekend....put a few bean seeds in too. I just don't have the stamina to work in the yard like I did a few years ago, so that is about it for the gardening. My lawnmower got sick and I figured if It couldn't be fixed I would start having someone else mow it. It was fixable, so I guess I am stuck for this year anyway.
SED everyone.

Judie said...

Hi all,

So glad the Sycamore Palace was unscathed in the storm. That would have been heartbreak beyond imagination.

Wonder how Kay is doing?

Thank you Jo for the June dates.

So, Little Miss Margy is cruisin' around in a Beemer! Way cool, girl. Would pay a penny or two to see that sight.

Big storm passed through a few minutes ago. Plan to shut down just in case.

The night light is set for 11:30pm and the sandperson will be on the way. Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

Raining here. The storm put on quite a performance getting here.

Jewels said...

good evening!!
not too terribly busy here at work on the 911 side. I get police at midnight. LOL THen I will most likely be hopping.
Prayers needed for my daughters best friend, the one whose dog bit Jess... she just came out and told her family that she is 6.5 months pregnant and just learned that the baby has water on the brain. Her mom just called me and told me. Her older brother has downs syndrome. not sure if it could be related somehow. But we are all very worried, Her name is megan price for those with prayer lists and a name is needed, she is like a daughter to me. Thanks so very much!! Praying Mom has a good luck charm for this family and baby!!

magpie said...

Jewels....what a difficult situation, for your daughter's best friend...adding my prayers to yours for good outcomes for all...bless her little heart, and the family

magpie said...

grannyblt, always good to hear from you, glad that your family was with you at this time as you laid your Mother's ashes to rest....best done with other loved ones present, for sure....
you have a way with words, regarding the lawnmower, I can send some germs along if that would help....for the lawnmower !
Texas maybe? whereabouts Texas?
Best wishes on those decisions....
glad you got some of your garden in.
hope your tomatoes will bring about some BLTs :)

Mema Jo said...

Jewels I will pray for Megan & her family. This is very sad situation and I pray her future will be guided by God.

The outdoor channel says NO ETA on a resolution!
That Sucks - Don't they know that we have a fledgling expected in a day or so and could miss the whole thing

Mema Jo said...

Both my cats are now inside and secured.
I am going to get dressed for bed
I hope we have sunshine in the morning
because the downpours have squashed my
potted plants......

Be back to say good night.

Mema Jo said...

Going to sign off
Hope the temps come down from the 90's

Good Night my friends
God bless and keep you well
Love to all
** ((Lynn))((Carolyn)) ((Christie)) **

Stay safe Missy and Bro - Sun will
shine on you and your nest tomorrow ♥

Hoda said...

Good to see GRANNYBLT on tonight. Missed you. I too am curious, maybe a move to Texas? Where in Texas could you be in the same area like LOLLY?

Sorry CAROLYN for Jesse's friend Megan and the worries for the unborn child...amazing what medical technology can tell. I am glad she will have the support of her family and friends and does not have to live in a secret. PRAYERS.

I hope MEGAN's land is safe and that the water has not ruined all her amazing gardening.

I hope the camera is fixed for tomorrow so we can see if MISSY will fledge...Very upsetting about the downed trees LYNNE.Glad the nest is OK.

Very good yoga class. This teacher will teach one more class and then is off till the autumn...she will teach workshops over the summer. I will attend a workshop with her on June 16th.
Regular yoga classes with another very good teacher in this time spot.

JudyEddy said...

Had a nice dinner with Tommy at RL I had the ultimate feast Oh so good was a nice evening

JudyEddy said...

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Hoda said...

RIP Doc Watson. The music world lost another GREAT...

Lolly said...

I fell asleep. Was dreaming! Jack has on the TV and it was fitting into my dream. So funny!

I think I am heading to the shower and get ready for bed.

Night all! SED!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur.

I love us.

Hoda said...

Well the chap I told you about who got hit by unsecured wood from a passing truck while on his bicycle was airlifted from here to Kelowna. It is a much bigger hospital with a neurosurgeon. He is having a brain bleed and is put in a coma to prevent his brain from swelling any more he has broken bones and the good news is they say he is able to move his legs and arms. His wife is in Kelowna also now...five hours away from home...she wrote tonight wanting some help looking after things in Nelson and several of us are happy to help...So I put them both in my prayers and thank you for including them in your prayers also.The big fear is permanent brain damage.Please God not, he is already showing early signs of Alzheimers...

Hoda said...

He also has a fractured scull even though he was wearing a helmet!!!

Hoda said...



Ms Bookworm said...

Good Evening, Everyone!
Finally got caught up here!
JudyE, glad you had a good report from your doctor!

Carolyn, Megan Price is definitely on my prayer list, and her family. Sure hoping for a good outcome to a difficult situation!

Good to see Grannyblt here! Prayers for you for the decision to be made about PA or TX.

Megan, hope your garden paths dry out for you, and pray that the storm didn't do any damage.

Oh, no! Prayers that the cam will be restored in time to see Missy fledge! Sure grateful that the nest tree is OK!

Hoda, glad you had a good yoga class. Sorry to hear about Doc Watson. Prayers continue for the fellow who got hit by wood while on his bicycle. Prayers for his wife, too. Sure a good thing he had his helmet on!

Shar, hope your sunburn is feeling better!

Mema Jo, Melissa is still on my prayer list.

Lynne2, hope the valium kicks in for Daisy!

Judie, did they use glue or stitches on Grace? When Emma was spayed, it took a l-o-n-g time for her to heal, because she had an allergic reaction to the glue they used on her. No infection, but major inflammation. I think it took almost a month. Prayers continue for Grace!

Well, I'd better go hit the hay. Prayers have been said for everyone, and for every creature.
The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Sleep well, everyone, with SED. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you!
♥Carolyn & Christie♥
I ♥ us!

Lori O. said...

Up and at 'em here and all caught up. Now to go pack the lunch/breakfast and hop in the shower for another muggy day. Sure hope we get the cam back today, or sooner!

Have a great day all. I'll be lurking this morning, hoping on when there's time! Back to work. ♥

Lori O. said...

That's hopping on, but you knew what I meant!

Kay said...

Oh, LORI, I'll bet you're hopping in the shower about now, so I've just missed you. :(

Thanks for all who responded re:SED--Love it and Love us !

JO, Melissa is in my prayers. Thinking too of DELPHIA who will have her procedure on 6/6 and of the poor chap up HODA's way. I'll ask the Good Lord to bless all in need, for I'm sure I've missed some requests lately.

Thanks for all your prayers and concern on my behalf, my precious Eagle Buds ! Sometimes I think I'll go crazy before next Wednesday, but then the pain will settle down and I know I'll make it with God's help. ☺ Got myself all churned up yesterday when I learned that my pre-surgery exam results had not been received by the neurosurgeon. Will follow up with more calls today to be sure all the ducks are in a row.

Today is supposed to be our one really nice day this week, sunny with temps back down to the 70's. So I'm going to force myself out for a rehab facility tour. Something to keep my mind busy. Wish I were more comfortable sitting here at the puter so I could keep up better with your posts. At least I can keep the cams up for Eagle watching as I pass by. Fingers crossed that we have our live cam back very soon !!!

Again, SED ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Sandi said...

Good Wednesday morning all! Hope the live cam gets fixed quickly this morning.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals....
Great Sleeping weather, so why I am up ???
Oh, that's right, need to make dough !

magpie said...

Sad to read of Doc Watson's death...what a legend...saw him in concert once back in 1971, it was great

See the update from Hoda on the bicyclist that got hit by the unsecured lumber, very serious, prayers for full recovery

Good to see you checking in also, Kay....sounds like a good plan for today for you...just don't overdo anything !

magpie said...

thinking of Megan and the gardens...hope all the growing things made it through okay

magpie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...

man oh man I sure hope the FIX for the live feed is swift !

magpie said...

Best Wishes for a Good Day, Everyone....

getting ready for work, will "see" you later in a bit

xoxo ((All Day Hugs))

DanaMo said...

Good morning!! On tap today: graduation practice for kindergarten and hopefully ducklings hatching. There were several pips yesterday, but as of last evening still no ducks! Dang...I hope everything comes out okay.

DanaMo said...

Update on Andrew: he only did so/so (1-B, 1-fail, 1-I don't know I have to look it up) this semester, but seems to have had a light go on. We had a great conversation Monday and yesterday he went right over to the college to talk to an advisor. Hopefully this is a step in the right direction. I think he is starting to "get it" that this is his life and he needs to make some decisions and move forward. I can only pray!

Sandi said...

Sounds like an exciting day, DanaMo!

Prayers for Kay and Delphia and Melissa Jo and Hoda's friend's husband and Carolyn's daughter's friend.

Need to get ready for my day at school - the kids are SO "DONE!!" Oh yeah, so are the teachers!

Have changed my avatar to what's on my mind a lot!! =)

HAGD my eagle friends!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Hi DanaMo, I hope your ducklings have theri coming-out party today. An exciting time for your kindergartners and their parents!

Well, I do hope Hunter does not piddle around today. He was late for school yesterday and was afraid he might miss the field trip. Of course, I could have found the field trip since it was right here in town.

First time he has been late to school. He is usually early.

T-Bird said...

Good morning everyone.

magpie said...

Good Morning T-Bird!

And Shirley..Sandi, DanaMo, and Lori!

Great Avatar, Sandi !

Nice Google Image today: Faberge Eggs !!

magpie said...

But I'd much rather see the NEST and the EAGLETS !

magpie said...

I'm halfway to work...
catch you folks later on when I'm all the way to work

Saw a Cedar Waxwing at brother in law's just as I was leaving this morning ☺

Hope it's a good day....

magpie said...

Two big fat Stella D'Oro Blooms going to burst out in Yellow today at Magpie's Roost....

Megan Flowers ☺

xo okay 'bye

Judie said...

Good morning!

Still overcast here and still black out conditions at the nest. We are not happy momsters so let's hope the cam is restored very, very quickly.

Andy, Grace did not have glue or external stitches. Stitches were internal. Do not like this new procedure at all.

DanaMo, it really is almost summertime for you and I hope the ducklings hatch and are healthy. The kids will be so excited. Seems Andrew is in the midst of a reality check. Good news. Has he ever tried making a list of two columns -- things I do that make me feel good and things I do that make me feel not good? Can be enlightening about what to choose for college and career.

Margy and Lori, hope you both have good days at work.
Hoda, so sorry about the man who was airlifted but suspect his care and recovery will be much better.

Shirley, hoping Hunter is back to his early mode. Have a really nice day.

Carolyn, will send healing thoughts for Megan P. Not an easy situation all around.

Kay, can only speak from my experience with the shattered ankle but rehab was a very positive experience. The therapists were gentle and while they encouraged progress did not push beyond capacity or to pain. I'm sure you will have the same experience. If you have a less than compatible therapist, request another.

Lolly, you dream experience is an example many of us use to explain how we know the brain is still active and processing external stimuli during sleep.

So nice to see Grannyblt stopped by. I'm sure it was comforting to have her family with her to inter her mom's ashes.

Off to find coffee, newspaper, and then headed out to get my "do did." Wishing everyone a good day.

JudyEddy said...

G☼☼D M☼rning eagle buds and Good morning Palm Harbor and St Petersburg who is on the map the same time I am Speak up and Welcome is that you Cathy and Angie

JudyEddy said...

No cam Crossing fingers its just a something that is a easy fix like the circuit in the barn again Lets hope it that simple

Linda said...

Good Muggy Morning!

So sorry the cam didn't come back and we don't have any idea when we will get it back. Stay close 'lil eaglets and wait for us, please.......

It would be heart breaking to get it back and not see them. Don't they come back for feedings at the nest? If so we will see that.....hopefully!

I should already be out the door for my work day today, but have a bit of a headache and wanted to nurse it a bit before getting to work and making it WORSE!!

Going to pack my lunch and head out.

Wishing you all a wonderful day today. Will check back in later if time allows, but it seems like once my busy season settles down, his busy season kicks in! At least they are not both busy at the same time!

Bye for now.....

Janet said...

Mid week! Good morning The sun is shining brightly here in Nashvegas.

What a lovely day yesterday! I was able to chill out and just clean and piddle in my house. Slept in.....got the house clean, errands ran. *Sigh*....finally got done what I'd wanted to do for several days.

We did get some news on our Luke...our blue heeler. We took him to the vet on Saturday as his hips/legs are getting more weak. He is having difficulty standing up and knowing we can't "fix " the problem, looking for pain management, as with Sable.

So they ran blood and urine tests.....and the results were back last night. Renal (kidney) failure. As the dr. said, there are many shades of gray with this.....and she wants to do this and that and the other.....After a sincere discussion with Tom......we have decided the best thing to do for Luke is to keep him on the pain meds and not put him thru all the things the doctor wants to do. He is 12 years old now. In the near future, we may have to assist him in his journey over the Rainbow Bridge.....but for the moment, he is okay.

Not surprising. Not at all. I am concerned about when we are on vacation in June. I will have to have a serious talk with my older daughter and my son. I want to spare these details to Olivia. She knows he is not well, but I just don't want to put her thru the worry. But he could slip downhill slowly, or quickly. I will have another conversation with the vet today. SHe said WITH therapy and IF he responds well, he could enjoy a good six months to a year, but at most, no more than 2 years. I don't know if we decline "therapy". Less I presume.

These conversations are always difficult at best. But for today, he is alert and happy. He's had his pain meds and is enjoying the a/c.

We had alovely rain last night. We had planned to go bike riding.....but with 60 mph wind gusts, thunder and lighting and lots of lovely rain from Father Sky, well, biking went out the window. That's okay, everything is fresh and green this morning!

Hope everyone has had a good day. I will check in later. I do have 2 massages this afternoon.....helping Tom to turn in the school bus this morning.

HAGD to all, smiles, hugs and light.

magpie said...

Is it time to go home yet ???

Good Morning More Eagle Pals...and in advance to More as you arrive


Lolly said...

Good morning! Dern.....no cam!! I do not like this, Sam I Am!!!

Have already read the paper out on the patio. Pleasantly cool as we had another 1 tenth of an inch. That small amount is okay, IF we get it everyday. LOL

KAY, so sorry you were awake in the middle of the night. Guess pain was keeping you awake.

I am thinking I am going to head outside right now and do a little yard work. I can handle the temp right now,

I'll be baaaack........!

Mema Jo said...

Morning! Not so good since our cam is down. Makes me sad and mad all at the same time. The weather is dry and not so hot.
No plans for today - that is what happens when you retire.
Hard to think that May has passed and June will be here - Sandi and Dana I
know that makes you happy and thankful for a successful school year.
Kay - Hang in there - Relief is on it's way! Praying for you to make it through every day until it comes.

magpie said...

I think we have still cam
and everyone else

check it out, see what you think

Repeat, Still Cam looks operational !

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


magpie said...

well, Thanks Steve...11
I see two Eaglets in the Royal Nest

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Both still there. One up on the stump and one lying in the nest

magpie said...

might not be refreshing like it always does, but it's a today view at least

I don't have live feed yet Sharon

magpie said...

Now the Still cam is performing great

magpie said...

was supposed to be Steve !!

Mema Jo said...

2012 June B-days & Anniversaries

7th Judie & Frank
20th Lolly & Jack

2nd Char Smith (Mainly see her on FB)
5th Thelma aka T-Bird
16th Jewell McCollough - Momster emails
23rd Carol Mick an original Momster

Please let me know if I missed you!

Mema Jo said...

Sharon - Margy thanks for Making my day!

30 sec cam is better then no cam

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

My live feed is working perfect!

NatureNut said...

Hello, hello, EagleBuds! Been having internet trouble at home & always at work. DUH
Anyway, against my better judgement, I stopped at Park nest area after work TU, & in a couple spots between the leaves & wind helping, I could see the nest and BOTH eaglets were on a branch coming out of the right! Will get pics on this PM!!
Hope everyone has a great day. Prayers for all ailments.♥

Mema Jo said...

Sharon - maybe Bluefield gets it first!
Mine is still dead......I'll keep trying

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Jo, on my laptop I already had the page up so I clicked play and it came up. On my other computer, I brought up the page new and it says it is offline. Not sure what is up with that.

Mema Jo said...

I'll keep checking on it. You holler at whatever you see going on! Can't believe we could have missed a fledgeing

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am assuming it is Missy on the stump and Bro lying at the bottom of the stump in the nest.

magpie said...

I think it is simply amazing that you have the live feed, Double E-S -
GREAT and WONDERFUL, but amazing

because...well... I have this fancy dandy computer at work and nuthin LIVE is going on here

magpie said...

Hi Loretta...
against your better judgment...??
now I am confused ...
is eagle watching EVER bad judgment...
unless because of the storms you put yourself at risk !!!

wvgal_dana said...

Did work outside first thing early this morning.

Re-took my shower from last night because I sweated so much outside today. Aww feels so much better.

Janet I have added Luke to prayer list. I know where you are coming from. I have been there.

Grannyblt that is why I sometimes say, "Good Morning and maybe list names then say and Lurkers". I always feel some of our group are Lurking. :) Wondering what part of Texas you might be thinking about going to?

I am so bless my plants are thriving !!! :) Didn't have to pay much either...great buys.

Carolyn/Jewels I have added Jess's friend Megan to my prayer list. So glad she finally told her mom.

Prayers have been said this morning for all.

magpie said...

I'm glad your day brightened up when Shar and I started talking CAM and EAGLES ☺♥

Hoda said...

SHAR you MUST stay glued to the cam and post right away if you see a fledge. I do not have live feed and I refreshed several times and it is a no go...very frustrating...

Good morning all/ good afternoon.

JUDIE yes Tim, the cyclist is getting much better care at Kelowna. We simply do not have the expertise of their hospital in our little hospital here...at least they did not send him on to Vancouver which would be 13 hours away!!! For now he is in Kelowna. We talk with Judy, my friend yoga and Dragon Boat, and a few are going up to see her this weekend. I would have gone if it was not the Walkathon weekend for the Grans to Grans...

Beautiful day here...

magpie said...

and I'm trying to get to an email with a very nice subject name in it...but am totally "unvictorious"getting it to open !!!
wonky computers !

Hoda said...

OK I have the still cam and it is working I think the picture is clear and it is much better than nothing...I still do not understand how some could have the live feed and others not!!!

magpie said...

well at this point I am calling all of this an Act of Nature...
and I got so darn spoiled with so few interruptions of service....that I am trying to cope !!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

The only reason I have the cam, I think, is that I am lazy and never close down open windows and never shut my computer down, so therefore I already had the page up and just hit play. I see Missy's shadow from being on the stump and Bro is still lying at the base of the stump, head in the shade a little bit.

Mema Jo said...

I guess they are very special. It's mainly, I think, because they already had the cam up OR I am on Firefox and maybe they are on IE......

Sharon is really good at sighting eaglets fledging loL

Hoda said...

JO you hit the nail on the head!!! Thank you Thank You Thank you...I have the live feed up on FIREFOX

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

One is on the stump and one is at the launch pad.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

We have only had 1 fledge in the afternoon and the rest were in the morning.

Hoda said...

I think it is Bro at five...I wished I could see a wing tip or a shadow for Missy...

Hoda said...

SHAR it is so exciting to read your little bits of information about the fledges...today is when JO thought Missy would fledge and if not today then tomorrow...I see Missy's shadow on the nine trunkwing extension too...

Mema Jo said...

Still can't even with FF
Going to clean my pc out

Hoda said...

OK IE is on now too...

Lynne2 said...

Hi all....here is what I just did. I didn't have the cam up on FF, so I tried IE and it was there.

I came back to FF, deleted the address in the address bar, and right away, the cam was up on FF!

I have NO idea why....

wvgal_dana said...

I got live feed on IE now. :)

Mema Jo said...

Wow! I'm in business now FF cam is up/running. I really needed to clean it up!

I see that Bro likes the launch pad..

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 502   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...