Tuesday, May 22, 2012


New thread.


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Lori O. said...

Ah, I get the FEATHER!

Lori O. said...

Thanks, Steve, for the new thread!

I'll call the others.

I'm so excited, I'm shaking! :)

Lori O. said...

Sorry, didn't mean to sound so greedy about the feather! LOL

Lolly said...

LOL Getting and eagle feather is exciting!!

Okay, I really need to get with it. Temp is rising and I do not want to get too terribly hot doing this job.

Lori, thanks for the call over and congratulations. ☺ Wear that feather with pride!!!

Linda said...

Good Morning, LORI!! Congrats of the feather!

Thanks for the new thread, Steve!!

Busy day ahead for me, but wanted to start my day with my pals here! Hoping it isn't too wet of a day for everyone!


Costume Lady said...

LORI, do you think STEVE is wondering what on earth you are talking about...WHAT FEATHER??:)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Stuck a feather in her cap and called her Maca-Lori! :)

Costume Lady said...

One good thing about rainy, muddy days...I can do some gardening on my deck and not have to wear my boots. LOLLY, I am planting my caladiums, also, but not by the dozens!

Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for a new thread and thanks Lori for the call over! Congrats Lori on the feather! =)

My kids are pretty sedate this morning - they are taking the state test in science this week, though I still have 2 who need to finish the reading test.

Costume Lady said...

Oh, and my caladiums are fully grown...had to buy them that way because it was too late to start from bulbs. Much more expensive that way, so have only a few and planted with red and white impatients.
I'm outta here...


movin said...




Another warm one today in So Cal. In fact it never cooled down to the predicted 60° last night, so it's got a running start at the 80° mark.

I see that strange action at BWO did indicate the first chick was hatching.

C(°?°)3 Jim

stronghunter said...

State tests . . . Hunter still has to do history. It's tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

So far, so good on his test results.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

There is a big fish, a small clump of something and a turtle shell in the nest.

stronghunter said...

I was so hungry for comfort food this morning that I stopped at the store and picked up some grits, eggs, and scrapple. It was delicious.

stronghunter said...

These eaglets seem so much more polite than Hidey or Palmer. Not so many screaming fits.

stronghunter said...

Belle in the nest with the kiddies.

stronghunter said...

That is quite a log across the center.

stronghunter said...

Belle ripping something to bits.

stronghunter said...

Feeding her offspring.

wvgal_dana said...

Steve thank you very much for the new thread.

Lori thank you for the call over :)

stronghunter said...

Hunter story--

Will did not show up for dinner last night. I commented that he was probably sawing logs, and Hunter looked out the window to see if he was out back cutting up a tree.

When he realized what I meant, he commented that it is the 21st century and nobody uses that expression anymore.

By the way, their expression for something being good is to say it is "beast." That's a new on on me.

stronghunter said...

Yummy dead fish being consumed now.

magpie said...

HILARIOUS, Shirley...about Hunter, and Sawing Logs, one of my very favorite expressions, AND things to do !!

"Beast" - new one on me,
I know "Boss'
"Gravy" "The Bomb" but I think they are all outdated also

magpie said...

Thanks for the New Thread Steve....

other than that I totally forget what I was going to say....

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Missy is sitting at the launch pad working on her game plan of where she will go first on her maiden voyage.

Hoda said...

It is beast that you brought HUNTER lingo as I would have never guessed...now JUDYE uses bomb and I never do understand what that means!!!What in heavens name is Boss and Gravy??? This blog is so good for me as I also get an education in the current language...I am no longer around teenage types and I do not have TV so feel cut off at times.

Good morning all

LORI and MARGY we call it "Liquid Sunshine" here... when we get the never ending rains we all tell each other we are coping well with the liquid sunshine...I think from now till the end of June we will have days on end with rain...I do hope it is a warm summer though.

35 more sleeps
I must start to check on border regualtions as to what I can or can not bring into the USA...snacks and such for the drive...

magpie said...

Oh yes I also thought of
"heavy duty"
"top notch" or "top shelf"
and then there is "off the hook"

guess they all generally man, pretty cool and hip

Hi Hoda and Shraon

magpie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Dope is also slang for top of the line.

This band is so dope! :-)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hip, slick and cool!

magpie said...

☺ "Far-Out"

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Cowabunga dude!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

The shizz!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

The shizznit.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Mattie is helping me out here.

Hoda said...

OK OK OK ...cowabunga dude? this you must translate please...maybe I need an urban dictionary???Far out is from the 60's and I know that one...I can manage hip slick and cool as cool is also from the '60's...good example on the band is so dope, but I ca not say it without cracking up in laughter...the usage of so it is so instead of very...Nelson Lingo...does off the hook carry the opposite of blame? top notch and top shelf I presume is so dope???Ha ha ha!!!The trip to the STATES will be an education, I hope I do not encounter too many people talking this way till I get to my family and then I can ask them or look to them for a reaction and that would explain it.

Hoda said...

OH you have MATTIE no fair SHAR!!! Ask her if she wants to be my guide on an airport trip to the Connecticut and Maine and maybe even Cape Cod??? Mind boggles when I think of how soon it will all happen...send an email SHAR and MATTIE with all of these expresseions and their meaning then I can print it and take it with me...I don't suppose a 63 year old would say so dope??? again coming from Nelson I am very careful about any such usage...the under ground economy here is grow ups!!!

Hoda said...

Shizz and Shizznit???clueless not even any guesses as to what it might be...

Off to a Walkathon planning committee meeting. This event is happening on the 2nd of June and we are in the final phases of planning it...so exciting rather...walkathon to raise money to help the Grandmothers of Africa who are raising their grandchildren who are orphaned to HIV/AIDS

Enjoy the day...talk to you all later MATTIE AND SHAR DO PLEASE SENDM E AN EMAIL WITH THIS LINGO...if you have time and a chance...thanks HUGS♥♥

stronghunter said...

Hunter did not respond when I drove past the dentist's office and told him that I must have been "gathering wool." Probably he wasn't paying attention to what I said. Just glad that he noticed I had driven by the office.

stronghunter said...

Watching the news here . . . a plane from Paris bound for Charlotte has been diverted to Bangor. Escorted by military aircraft.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Off the hook can be the opposite of blame but can also be top of the line. Cowabunga dude is from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! :)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I saw that Shirley. My BFF is a flight attendant for US Airways but is not doing international flights right now so I am grateful for that. They said there was a passenger acting suspiciously.

stronghunter said...

Back in the 1960s, kids were calling each other "dude," something Hunter and his friends do all of the time. But way back when I first started teaching, a kid was explaining something to me, and he addressed me as "dude," then quickly corrected himself--I was a "dudette." I was amused. He was really trying hard to be very polite.

stronghunter said...

Glad your friend is not on that flight, Sharon.

Jewels said...

Good afternoon.I need to vent!!! I am so mad right now. I just got a call from CHarlie's brothers stepson who is a piece of work. Interested in Mom's house. Evidently, Donald told him to go up with his aunt to look at the house!!! OMG! then he has the gall to call me and ask me what we are going to sell it for!!! I was very short with him and told him we had not even decided yet and hadn't even really discussed prices... so I said they were acting very prematurely and I would ask 150 grand!! LOL I dunno if that would be the price, but I know his butt is not buying Mom's house.

JudyEddy said...

HELLO one and all Don't know if anyone noticed probably not but I haven't been on the blog since the 18 My BFF Terry in NC passed away of a massice heart attack Some of you may know because of the facebook pic I have been putting on of him I just can't wrap my head around it yet

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

JudyE, I had seen that on Facebook. Of course we notice when you are not here. Hugs to you!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Jewels, makes you wonder about people's thinking, don't it? Hugs to you!


JudyEddy said...

that should have been massive heart attack His mom is here in Fl and just buried on son this past year of the same thing was younger than Terry So sad a mom has to bury her sons Life sucks

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I have a baby cardinal out here!

JudyEddy said...

and that should have been one son not on son See this is why I can't function

Jewels said...

JudyE, I am so sorry! I Know how hard it is, just to grasp the concept of it all. Stay strong hun!!

Jewels said...

Shar, mean pple suck esp when they are family and all they have in mind is something for themselves!! I give it one month before "he" starts asking for money!! God help me if that happens! Better yet, God help them!

Lolly said...

Vent away, Carolyn!!! Yes, give him a high price if you do not want him to have the house.

Now it is my turn to vent!! Jack called the insurance #3. He had given them yesterday since it was late Friday that we contacted them. So, now they are starting the investigation. Looks like there is going to be debate between their two insurance companies. So, our insurance company can not do anything. So, my car still sits, and I still can not get a rent car as we do not know what insurance is going to cover it! Idiots!!!!

HODA, do not worry about the slang, unless you are going to be hanging with very young people. I sure do not use any of those terms!!!

JudyEddy said...

Back to work I go

Jewels said...

Lolly, I would be so furious!! GOod luck in getting the answers you need!

Lolly said...

I am furious and there is nothing we can do, but wait! And, for instance this morning, we had to stay around for a phone call which never came and we had to call them. I was working and so was Jack, but I had the phone close by. Grrrrrr!

Lolly said...

Now have had a call from our insurance adjuster. She had not heard about insurance #3 so I told her all the latest details. She said she will still proceed with getting our car taken care of. Jack is meeting her in the morning at 8 to look at the car. Wahooo! She is also supposed to take care of getting a rent car.

Lolly said...

Jack does not have to be there but he wants to. Yea! A positive step forward.

magpie said...

I don't like it either...what you experienced with that phone call....I am so sorry...
sometimes a little ire, can actually be good for the soul and can put things into a perspective that can be useful....

JudyE - I miss you, I notice when your "Be Kinder than Necessary...." quote does not appear at the end of your day,
so very sorry about the loss of your best NC friend...and so sorry for his Mother also.....
sadness and loss take a very long time to get wrapped around. As the pastor at Hedgie's service said,
Grieving takes....as long as it takes....

We are with you... (( Hugs ))

magpie said...

"She" - Lolly ??

Of course...Girl Power !!

that IS good news, finally !

Kay said...

Missy n' Bro, still lookin' good ! Finally caught sight of three eaglets in the Columbus nest. They are very close in age to our cuties. Wish Metro Parks would do a better job of keeping we Ohioans informed.

Wowser, a lot of venting going on here this afternoon and all well justified in my opinion. Stay strong gals and right will out !

Have spent the day researching possible rehab facilities and there are several likely candidates. One of them is just up the street a couple of blocks and I hope they have availability when the time comes. Julie and I will visit several before I go to the hospital. The Social Worker says they will take my top two picks and do everything they can to make sure I get into one of them.

Nothing else new or noteworthy with me--oh, except that I did receive MARGY's thoughtful mailing today ! I like the title, "A Service of Witness to the Resurrection Celebrating the Life of LYNN Ellen Riner". Very meaningful. Thank you, sweet MAGPIE !

Prayers for all in need ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Sandi said...

2 days down and 2 to go! Guess who just called and who Denny and I are going out to dinner with @6?? Hint, it's someone who left for the beach yesterday ...


magpie said...


I was going to ask you, Sandi...if you stumbled across any of those Cares and Worries that Jo was going to let slide out the car windows on her travels.

Big Hugs to Jo and Ed, Please, as well as for You and Dennis !!

magpie said...

You are welcome....
I am cranking those envelopes out to you folks as quickly as I can...

magpie said...

And I could go back to my Magpie avatar, BUT I want to keep the Yellow and White Flower one up for YOU, through your treatment and recovery !
(( Hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

Do I get a prize for guessing correctly First, Sandi ? ☺
Yes, the prize is just thinking about the wonderful reunion you and Dennis shall have with
Jo and Ed ☺♥☺♥

magpie said...

I feel like a kid at a candy store here at home on my own computer !
but Holy Christmas! I am trying to check E-M's and find that a huge amount of cam daily comments went over there.... Aaarrrgh as our favorite "dudette" and one who used that word ofen, would say !

Love ya' Lynn ♥

Lolly said...

The whole family is dining in the nest. Looks like two big fish brought in. Shep is feeding one and Belle feeding the other. Great sight!

Lynne2 said...

Hello all!

Been reading back a bit....

Lolly, that insurance situation must be about as frustrating as looking for fly poop in pepper. UGH!

Sandi, good news about Josh! Thanks for letting us know, sure hope he can make it back for the last day of school!

Hoda, been enjoying your pictures on FB...looks like you had a GREAT time!

T-Bird said...

We are getting a real thunder boomer here in Bluefield.

magpie said...

Oh My goodness, Lolly, thanks for the alert, but I was too late to see BOTH parents.

but aaaah, I have sound here !

Lolly said...

Belle finished up hers and went up and took Sheps fish away from him. No arguement from Shep, he just walked away and departed the nest. Now Belle is feeding the eaglet that Shep was feeding. The one Belle had been feeding is doing wingersizes!

magpie said...

and I checked the BWO cam to learn about their chick there !
Wheeeee !!

Lolly said...

Well, Miss Magpie, did Master James take your picture this past weekend? YOu owe us a "DO" pic!!!☺

magpie said...

Hi T-Bird

Hold onto your hats there!
Clouds look like they could put something down up thisaway also...

Lynne2 said...

Jewels, OMG!!! What audacity for that person to call! GRRRRRRR.

Who left for the beach and is having dinner with Dubby and Sandi?

Lynne2 said...


magpie said...

Jo and Ed

Lolly said...

Jo left for the beach yesterday!!

Hoda said...

Yes JUDYE when you are not on you are missed big time...Prayers your way...hang in there...

CAROLYN you have every right in the world to be furious with a relative who is insensitive and arrogant and out of his own range and means...it was not correct action and we expect more from family. Don't let it derail you and you and Christie take all the time you need and check out the people who are prospective buyers if you decide to go that way...Totally uncold for and classless on the part of your in law nephew...an oaf!!!

LOLLY I am glad they are moving forward a little bit on the car insurance and the settlement...good thing you have Jack and he is going to be there at the car to talk to the adjudicator...You two have been more than patient and co-operative...PRAYERS come your way...

SANDI please find out from JO when she is planning to be back, she left but did not tell us for how long. Tell her she is missed already and I hope she is working around the rain.

I had a very good meeting and it was productive and well attended. I had a good cup of green tea.

magpie said...

Hope you get YOUR envelope soon..complete what a Native American Indian card...

Hoda said...

Yes the Dude and Dudette talk and there is ♥LYNN♥...Thanks SHIRLEY.

LYNNE it is good to see you on and I missed you. I am glad you saw the pictures.It was good to go out on three hikes and several walks while Kristin was here.

magpie said...

No, sorry....but we'll get 'er done...or maybe someone at work can take it.

Jewels: I went in at 0600 but got to sneak out at 3 pm today !
THANKS for that great picture of Jenn!

Lolly said...

HODA, all we can do is be patient. I did tell the lady that called from our insurance that I was getting very frustrated. She listened and made the correct responce.

magpie said...

And yes there were doughnuts when I got there Monday Morning....
Thank You ! (and Charlie ? hmmm? ☺ )

magpie said...

Well, it's about that time, to head out to The Big House....

Best Wishes to Every One, for a Good Evening....

Miss you, Pals...

xoxo See You Later... ♥

Hoda said...

I will wait for it MARGY...it takes twelve days for letters to arrive and when it is shorter I am pleasantly surprised. It is this long because they land in Calgary Alberta and are shipped to Vancouver BC and then have to find their way by road to Nelson...its just the hidden location of this little town and the only airport is 45 minutes away and it does not do post and often times one can not get out for ice crystals or fog...Thank you for thinking of me with the mailing of LYNN'S Celebration...I love her and I miss her on the blog terribly. It is not the same without her and I do not suppose it will ever be the same. How could it be dear Precious LYNN♥ got her big promotion and I light a candle nightly for her...How lucky I was that I got on the blog when I did and how awesome she was to extend friendship and help and support and ask question and basically mademe feel at home...she knew friendship and lived her generosity of heart and shared her knowledge. God Bless you LYNN♥

Hoda said...

THELMA batten down the hatches gal!!! Batten down the hatches...maybe Noah ought to stoop your way before he makes his way over here for the arc building...LOL. Is your house on high ground or do you have to worry about floods?

magpie said...

Ditto all that, Hoda...♥ about Lynn...
hope the envelope gets on one of the FAST Boats !


Jewels said...

Thanks for agreeing with me. It just has me so irritated. I feel so raided like, more so of Mom's privacy. I mean, we don't have the stuff out of the house, It is not up for sale in any way, no signs no nothing. I think if they call me again I am going to say its not for sale, I am moving into it. THAT will show em!

Jewels said...

Margy, you are welcome for the pic and yes the Donuts were from Charlie. He last hoorah for sucking up since he is out of his pain meds and there is no more Mr nice guy till next month!!
I am wishing I was at the Beach with Jo and Ed!!!

Jewels said...

Glad that you got out of work at 3pm!! Yea!!

Lynne2 said...

Oh, that 's so cool that Jo and Ed and Sandi and Dennis will be having dinner!!

Lynne2 said...

Steve is cleaning up the window AC for the bedroom! WOO HOO! It's going in to the mid eighties by the weekend and I'm going to need it up there!

It was his day off today. This isn't going to work out...us having separate days off. He REARRANGED THE KITCHEN CABINETS!!!!!! LOL!

Lolly said...

Insurance update!! Insurance #3 called. (Momma's insurance) Son had insurance on his car but only he could drive it. Did not cover daughter. Son lived at home, kept car at the home, therefore Mom's insurance does not cover either anyone driving his car!!!! If son had lived elsewhere daughter would have been covered. Let this be a lesson to everyone!!! Anyway, our insurance is covering everything and that poor family will probably loose everything with the insurance company going after them. For the first time I feel sorry for them.

JudyEddy said...

Good evening eagle buds Just got off the phone with June Have to tell you part of the call

The night he passed away she had gone to the bedroom to try to rest and a huge with beautiful markings on its wings moth flew in the room she was sitting on the bed and it landed on her hand it stayed there for a while and then flew up and landed on the wall next to her and stayed there the whole night the next morning it was on the windowsill of her room She put her hand out it landed on it she walked it through the house and let it free on the porch She knew it was him he wanted to say good bye

Also he wants his remains to be in a clear container doesn't want to be in the dark She is having a barbecue for him on Sat that is what his wishes were not a service just a BBQ He was a Simple Man

NatureNut said...

Hello, hello. I did not fall in the River! LOL Been doing stuff and also doing nuthin'.
Lolly, thx for the update on cars. What a bummer that your insurance will pay for your vehicle!

Finally got a new set of pictures on blog. Took some interesting ones today~one of those accidental gotta be in the right place at the right time ones!! I hope they are usable!
Gotta eat. Starving--never get to eat all of lunch w/phone ringing!
BBL ♥ ☺

JudyEddy said...

Loved the pictures LORETTA loved your peeping squirrel Ok gonna go RR the news Catch ya later

Lynne2 said...

I'm going to be sick. Steve just left to go to the store, and came right back in. His car won't start. OMG......He took my car to the store and we'll try a jump start when he gets back.

Hoda said...

LYNNE breathe breathe breathe...
I hope it jump starts OK and maybe it is a battery issue which could be fixed with no problem...

LOLLY you have a big heart to feel sorry for the family whose grand daughter hit you...it seems to me they ought to thank their lucky stars that you are a strong healthy woman and that no health issues resulted so far from this accident...I am very glad to hear that your insurance company will look after things and that you could have a rental soon and that they will pick up the tab and it is between them and the family of the girl who hit you. You do not need this headache in your life...bad enough that you are picking the deductible and that it is your health and body that underwent this trauma...so you are a kind hearted woman to feel compassion. HUGS♥

I am off to yoga and will BBL

Judie said...

Speed reading.

Lynne, Darth did that to me when he retired. Finally, I announced that if he continued to "arrange" the kitchen according to an engineer versus the cook, he would have permanent custody 24/7. Try it. It worked.

Lolly, you are too soft-hearted. Let the irresponsible chips fall where they may -- but not on you.

Hi Lowreeda.

Hi JudyE. So very sorry about the death of your friend. So difficult, of course. You were missed.

Carolyn, so very sorry you had to experience the self-serving relative yet all the more reason to work with a real estate agent. There are ways, legal, to work around opportunists. Anger is justified but remember if you get angry the other person actually has control. Stay calm and dignified as your mom would expect.♥

Very tired tonight. Getting to be an all too familiar theme. Will set the night light for 11:30pm (and Miss Jo better have her eagle cane inside the beach house by then). Hope she and Ed had a fun evening with Sandi and Dennis.

Okay, bye for now. Sandperson is on standby.

Lynne2 said...

Hi and bye Judie...hope Gracie's incision is healed!

CRISIS AVERTED....Steve hooked up the cables and right away the HEADLIGHTS came on! Seem that he went out this AM to run errands, and left the lights on. At least THIS time it wasn't freezing and snowing! LOL! That's the one thing hard to get used to in that car...no warning ding ding ding if you forget to turn them off.


Lynne2 said...

we had the MOST amazing little visitors to work today....I'll try to get some pictures on later or tomorrow!

Sandi said...

Hi all! Back from a great dinner with Jo and Ed in Fenwick!! Ed and Dennis really hit it off - they have so much in common! And of course Jo and I had NOTHING to talk about!! =)

Jo said she tried to post something on the blog last night but, when she hit submit, she was asked for her password and it has been so long since that has happened that she couldn't remember what it is!! She said she tried several different passwords but none of them worked so she is blogless until she gets home! She said to tell everyone that she is fine and is enjoying her time here - they will drive home on Thursday. We have not had any rain since early yesterday morning, even though the forecast has called for it. It's getting very foggy out now so maybe a fog delay tomorrow morning for me???

Judy, good to see you back on the blog - you were certainly missed!

Off to watch some mindless TV and then hit the bathtub and bed! Goodnight all!

Sandi said...

Shirley, how is George's appetite? Hope he's back to normal!

Lolly said...

LOL The chips will fall, but I am not in charge. Our insurance will cover it all, we have uninsured driver insurance. Everyone should have that. Our insurance pays for everything, and even pay more than if it was my fault. Then they go after the responsible party in court. Not my responsibility, that is why we pay insurance.

Watching AI.

paula eagleholic said...

Great, my comment got totally eaten.

Saw an eaglet eating and the other one layed down beside it, now they are both laying in the nest.

I've been sort of keeping up with the blog, but don't have too much time to comment. Please know that I care! What with working late, doing yard chores, and trying to spend some time with that special someone, it seems I don't have very much free time!

Lolly said...

I go to my doctor tomorrow. It is a regular appointment following up blood tests, Time to get prescriptions renewed, but it will also be a check up following the accident. I have no problems.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Sandi, so glad you and Jo were able to get together for dinner!

Lolly said...

Excuses, excuses, excuses, Paula! LOL Actually understand perfectly. Please do not neglect Mr. Studmuffin!!!!

Lolly said...

KAY, do hope you find and get the perfect place for your rehab. We are going to miss you!! Please be sure you daughter knows how to get on here or knows how to reach someone so that we know how you are doing. Love you!!♥

magpie said...

Understand completely, Paula...just so good to see you check in once in awhile when you can...
we can feel that you care....
and are happy for your happiness
xoxoxo... pass them on :)

magpie said...

very touching and spiritual account of your friend's mother's experiences the night he died, overnight, and the next day also

Thank you for sharing that with us.

I hope the strength and courage needed to face the days ahead, overflows...

xo Thanks for stopping by here
(( Hugs ))

magpie said...

Give Charlie a big old bear hug for me please...tell him he rates pretty high in Magpie's Book..
as do his lovely wife and daughters...

magpie said...

Give Charlie a big old bear hug for me please...tell him he rates pretty high in Magpie's Book..
as do his lovely wife and daughters...

magpie said...

LOL well you would think I thought my messages were so important I have to post them twice! Oh well, two bear hugs then, for Charlie !!

Lolly, righto! Lessons to be learned for sure....

Hope things do work out okay

magpie said...

Wow, sound great! Good on You Two Couples...this is so exciting when Momsters and Dadsters can get together
And tonight for sure, Terrific Tuesday for Television, as Jo would say...

magpie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
paula eagleholic said...

I think that was a fox!

magpie said...

Ridiculous, this lap top !
I guess I could blame it on myself

Paula, hope work eases up which would leave your MORE time with that Special Someone

back to my chores now....
ttfn xo

Carolyn: (( Magpie Hugs )) to my Sweetness2.
Both your AND Christie's cards were so sweet and yes indeedy, The Apples do not fall far from the Tree...

magpie said...

dagnabbit! no sound here, Paula, but glad YOU heard it.
Excuse my strong language,LOL

magpie said...

One thing about living alone....no one to rearrange kitchen cabinet

magpie said...

Yay on the speedy car fix, Lynne and Steve....

okay, 'bye for now

magpie said...

lightning and maybe some thunder in Hedgesville area...
Jewels, I hope you get a wowser of a storm, the kind you like, out your way

magpie said...

lightning and maybe some thunder in Hedgesville area...
Jewels, I hope you get a wowser of a storm, the kind you like, out your way

magpie said...

I could really use those laptop lessons, Jewels...!

Lynne2 said...

part of the Haz Weather Statement for my area and point nearby...

for tomorrow



JudyEddy said...

Watching AI and then hit the sack early
I did three short about 2-3min video of wingersize each and then one of the having a pecking order discussion I just saw lightening at the nest tooooo

JudyEddy said...

I had to sign back in to blogger ODD when I didn't sign out

JudyEddy said...

I will put the videos on the blog and FB when they are done they are short shouldn't take to long being they are short ones back to TV

Lolly said...

Did you hear on the news about the 911 person who was asleep. They played the tape and you could hear him snoring. He had been on an unbelievably long period and has been put on administrative leave. What do they expect...Super Man?

stronghunter said...

I heard that story, Lolly. I can't remember how long this man had been on duty, but it had been a long time.

Lolly said...

It was like 17 hours I think. Ridiculous!

paula eagleholic said...

And he was sawing logs,

paula eagleholic said...

17 hours is ridiculous

magpie said...

I think the longest shift I worked was more than 16 hours....maybe 18...I cannot remember now....but it was one looong shift.

16's were not that uncommon "back in the day"

storm getting fired up pretty good here in Hedgesville area...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I think that guy was 17 hours into a 24-hour shift.

stronghunter said...

Hi--watching DWTS and trying to do some quick reading.

magpie said...

That's definitely NOT OK !!!

Carolyn is getting a good storm and loving every minute of it !!
Yabba Dabba Doo

stronghunter said...

I don't see how anyone could be at their best for that long. Kind of scary to think about it.

magpie said...

guess I shoulda taken my shower sooner, better wait now
shucks !

magpie said...

here comes the rain at The Big House..guess I better gather up the flashlights

Lolly said...

Watched AI and now watching DWTS. Scotty sang tonight, I swooned. LOL And, thought of Lynn, she enjoyed Scotty too. Cougars!!!!!

On DWTS Kelly Clarkson sang and did a great job. Yea Kelly!

magpie said...

Wowser - "complete signal loss" on the TV - it's a dish...Lynn could relate to that !!

Love ya' Lynn !

Lynne2 said...

even scarier is that physician residents are always required to work MANY MANY hours....up to 80 per week and as long as 30 hour shifts. Yep, that's who is making life and death decisions. Never could understand the reasoning behind that...

stronghunter said...

Looks like rain is heading our way.

Lynne2 said...

That line of storms is heading my way...but I am not sure they'll hold together in the cooler air of the night, and the trip over the mountains....

stronghunter said...

I don't understand it, either, Lynne.

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Lynne2 said...

Nite Judy, hope your sadness is starting to ease, at least a little bit!

stronghunter said...

Lightning in the sky here.

Lynne2 said...

It's creeping up on you Shirley, from the west.

Lynne2 said...

How is George now that his ABs are done?

Lynne2 said...

Lightning at the nest...

Lynne2 said...

HOLY CRAP that lightning was BIG!! You could see the babies hunkered down!

stronghunter said...

Another couple of big flashes.

Lynne2 said...

Oh my, I can't watch any more....that tree is all by itself and that lightning is BAD

stronghunter said...

The eaglets are huddled together in the center of the nest.

NatureNut said...

Back for awhile--am cooking a corned beef for tomorrow---guess I will be up til the wee hours--NOT.
I like to boil the cabbage in the beefv stock when meat is done.

Been working on pictures---what I thought was a big surprise this PM, is turning into a mystery!!I stopped at eagle nest. Really couldn't see it at all, but thought I got a pic of it through the trees. Most of the time I was there, I heard strange noises that I thought perhaps were the eaglets.
Above the nest I finally saw an eagle in a treetop. It was brown, so thought it was a branching chick calling for help! Now I have seen in 'puter that it was an adult!!!Sun & clouds were on it's other side. Big questions are Have juvies fledged????, was Mom calling them home ??? Hope we get some answers!Don't have pictures up until I find out what's happening.

I don't think we've had a drop of rain tonight~~~Hope others are prepared and have their canoes ready!
JudyE, so sorry for the loss of your friend. Prayers for you and his family.

stronghunter said...

So sorry for the loss of your friend, Judy.

Hoda said...

Very good yoga practice. Good to see PAULA here and yes indeed do not ignore Mr. Studmuffin...chime in when you can PAULA and as work eases off we'll see you more.

Good on you LOLLY!

Glad the car is OK for STEVE LYNNE.


SANDI I am glad you and DENNIS had such a good visit with JO and ED.Thank you for letting us know they will drive back Thursday...May they have safe roads and make a good trip.

SHIRLEY you have not said anything about KATHRYN of late so I am presuming that she is doing well at work after her surgery? Right?

I hope the eastern group stays safe and sound from all the storms and the bad weather...PRAYERS and HUGS♥

KAY I second LOLLY in requesting that you tell somone to let us know that you are alright and how it is gowing in terms of healing. We will miss you terribly and put you in some serious prayers while you are gone to rehab...♥

Lynne2 said...

it's pouring at the nest now, babies are up and looking

stronghunter said...

I see our eaglets up and looking around.

stronghunter said...

I saw wings spread that time. Yikes!!

stronghunter said...

Lolly, happy that things are moving forward for you. Too bad you are not close by. I would send you to Triangle Front End and Frame. Kathryn would take good care of you and your car.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn is doing much better, but she is still sore. She was very tired tonight and thinks that she might have overdone things a bit.

I have been giving George more frequent smaller meals. Hoping that he will get back to normal soon.

stronghunter said...

I hope our cam survives this storm.

stronghunter said...

Trying to see our eaglets. Hard to tell what is going on. I see one pair of feet, I think.

Oh, good, I just saw both of them. I was worried there for a little while.

stronghunter said...

They really do not need to be so near the edge.

stronghunter said...

Heading up to bed. Tomorrow is another day.

Lynne2 said...

Geesh, they could get OFF THE EDGE!! That is some lightning....I've got some screen captures I'll post tomorrow!

Lynne2 said...

these storms are moving slowly, and doing weird and random intensifications

Lynne2 said...

a LOT of lightning...

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Evening, Everyone!

Whoa, that is SOME thunderstorm going on at the nest! Wish the lightning would stop. Those peaglets don't need to light up their life!

JudyE, so sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. ((HUGS)) and prayers for you! Your story about the moth gave me goosebumps!

Shirley, prayers continue for George to regain his appetite. Please give him a scratch behind the ears for me!

Sandi, prayers for Josh, too. Hope he's able to come to school to see his friends. SOOOO glad he's up and about! Thank God!

Carolyn, sorry you had such a rough day with that phone call about your Mom's house. Hang tough!
(((HUGE HUGS)))!!

Lolly, hope the insurance mess gets straightened out SOON! You DO need a rental car! Prayers for your situation, for sure.

Well, I'm pretty tired tonight. Have been rather busy today catching up on housework. Think I'll call it a day. Have said prayers for everyone, and for every creature. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Sleep well, everyone, with SED. God bless, and goodnight.
Love all of you!
Love ♥♥Lynn♥♥ Forever!
Love ♥Carolyn & ♥Christie too!
I ♥ us!

Costume Lady said...

Thunder is really loud here...ratteling the windows.
Don't see any lightning...mabe that's because my window shade is down...lightening frightens me!
Temp is 63°...more storms tomorrow. Enough already!!

Heading for bed...


Lolly said...

Wish I lived closer too, Shirley. Would be nice to take the car to some place we know.

Wow, got the cam back on to see the lightening you all have been talking about. Some storm and why on earth are they up and sitting on the edge? That is wild!!

I am tired and ready for bed. Finished the patio and it is looking great. Come on over...sit with me for a spell.☺

Lynne2 said...

Heading to bed...good night and prayers for all!

Lolly said...

Yes, do hope the cam survives. Wonder why it sometimes turns completely white?

Heading to bed. Wish it was raining here. Ran one one of the sprinkler system today. Will have to water some more tomorrow. No rain in sight.

Night all! SED!!

Hoda said...

That is some lightning going on at the nest!!! The eaglettes are still standing at the edge of the railing, one at eleven the other between eight and a half and nine...

Hoda said...

Less lightning now and the eaglettes are still standing at eleven and almost nine.

Hoda said...

They seem to be standing in their same spots but no thunder or lightning going on for a while now...I hear rain drops.

Hoda said...

All seems to be OK at the nest and rain continues the eaglettes are perched in the exact position they were in earlier...

Hoda said...



stronghunter said...

Good to know that, Hoda. I was concerned about them. A strong storm passed through here awhile ago. I got up to have some tea and a little pie.

stronghunter said...

Quiet here, now.

stronghunter said...

When I had my head-on crash, my car sat in the lot at Kathryn's shop until it had accrued over $800 in storage costs. It was totaled, so that was a waste of money for the insurance company. But it was good for Kathryn's shop.

It took that long for the insurance company to give the okay for me to get another car. Once they got moving, they put pressure on me to get the car pronto.

I was driving a rental car all of that time.

stronghunter said...

Going to head back upstairs now. I will see you later. Good night again.

Sandi said...

Good morning! 2 hour fog delay this morning, but I was already up and had Bella outside to pee when the call came so i haven't been able to fall back to sleep. Guess I'll just read slowly since I have lots of extra time this morning!

Lori O. said...

YAY SANDI - I know how you long for those delays. DanaMo will be bummed if she doesn't get one - doubtful, here.

T-Bird said...

Good morning everyone. I'm enjoying looking at the fog this morning.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals!
Oh, the nest and the area around it looks dreamy

that was a rouser of a storm last night, seemed to last forever !

Sandi said...

Morning Lori and Thelma!!

Tomorrow is our field trip to historic Lewes. The main reason I couldn't get back to sleep was b/c I was trying to figure out - time wise - if we can still squeeze the trip in if school opens 2 hours late tomorrow. I think fog is forecast for the next couple of mornings. Will have to call the Lewes Historical Society today and also talk with our bus drivers. There would be 100 pretty disappointed kids (and some disappointed teachers as well) if we have to cancel.

magpie said...

especially the area around the nest looks dreamy

okay one last fog delay or two before school is out, Sandi

Hope the drive to work was OK, for you Morning GLori

Sandi said...

Oops, missed Margy on the good morning! Morning Margy! I heard that same bird a few minutes ago at the nest but don't hear it now. Are you at home with sound or at work without?

magpie said...

We're not too far from THE SPLIT

Keep an eye out, don't get lost

Shirley, hope Kathryn will be okay, no more overdoing it !

magpie said...

At the Big House, on laptop, no sound

Hi T-Bird and Buddy !

magpie said...

And about to start getting ready to head out the door, no 6 am's for me this morning, Thank Goodness !

Have some towhees here, sometimes their song here is Drink Your Tea, and Sometimes it's Drink Tea...too funny

magpie said...

that is

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...