Thursday, May 10, 2012


New thread.


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Linda said...

Wait a minute.....

Did I lose a day?? I thought it was Thursday! It is easy enough to confuse me, but we are thrilled for a new thread, whatever day it is called!!

Thanks Steve!

I will call the others!

JudyEddy said...

THANKS FOR THE NEW THREAD STEVE and the call over LINDA who gets the eagle feather

magpie said...

Well how'ra ya doing there Linda

Thanks for the New Thread Alert

and Thanks - Steve...okay, "Friday" it is....appreciate it , and aa belated Welcome Back...hope you had a great visit and not too much working while away

JudyEddy said...

This is a screen grab of BELLE she doesn't stay for long any more IN and OUT

magpie said...

I'm loving the shadow play on the nest,
like flying floating polka dots

Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for a new thread so soon! And thanks Linda, for the call over.

Jo, thanks for the mover recommendation - will call Von Paris as soon as I get home. We are boxing everything up but have told Mom that movers will be moving all furniture and boxes. My sister and her husband have both had surgery for herniated discs and Denny and I are just past the age where we want to be hefting heavy boxes.

Denny's bathroom is still a work in progress. The plumbing supply company agreed to switch out the coffin-size bathtub for a normal-size one at no cost, but we will still have to pay the plumber's charge for 2 men for a day ($720). To offset the additional plumbing charges, Denny will be doing the painting himself - I'm not always thrilled with the quality of his painting (I am an admitted perfectionist, so I'm very critical), but understand Denny wanting to keep the job from going even more over budget. New projected completion date is by June 8th.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I was just reading about the AEF eagle cam with the 3 babies. It is the female that has the black spot on her head.

movin said...

Hahahaha. It IS Thursday; I guess Steve is looking forward to the weekend this week.

'Hi' to Magpie and Judy ... and to all our eagle nest buddies, who are here today.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Hoda said...

Good morning/ good afternoon all.

Beautiful here today so will be enjoying outside time...

SANDI thank you for the update on Josh. good news he can move his toes.

Yes SHIRLEY very resourceful from KATHRYN to text WILL. Good on her!

magpie said...

Less than one month, Mother of the Groom ☺ ♥ ♪ ♫

your weather description for today sounds like my kind of day


Mema Jo said...

I wonder if our Shep is the brother of the AEF female....... I think it must be the last feather to molt!

Steve thanks for the day before Friday new fresh thread. That is what happens when you are away enjoying yourself!

Linda you get the Feather!

Mema Jo said...

Hello Hoda -is it windy up there?
Hello Jim - How is Phoebe doing?

Mema Jo said...

Going to take a break
Just accidentally dropped one of 4 phones in this house in water......
Ain't Going To Ring No More lol

JudyEddy said...


Linda said...

Okay....caught up with some speed reading and hope I didn't miss anything too important.

SHIRLEY - Please tell Kathryn she is in my prayers for quick healing. I know that pain, as it wasn't too long ago I went through that surgery! The anesthesia made me so sick I was throwing up the minute I awoke. Since I couldn't keep anything down, they ended up keeping me overnight, which was a bit of a blessing! Got to have the shots for pain instead of by mouth! Unfortunately my BP was high and my nurse kept flushing me with fluids (I didn't understand what was going on) so much so that I was up every 45 minutes to go to the bathroom. They had to keep me in ICU because there were no other rooms at the time, so I had to walk with my IV quite a distance to the bathroom. All in all it was more comforting to be there than at home to manage the pain. Anyway.....I sure hope Kathryn is feeling much better today. If they did the surgery arthroscopicaly, then the recovery is quicker. I pray she heals very quickly and is back to her ole self soon.

KAY - Praying for daily relief, Dear One! ♥

JO - So sorry for the kildeer egg attack. I felt the excitement of the kids watching the nest!

ROBYN - Will certainly keep Gina in my prayers and post to her Caring Bridge page. Bless her dear heart. I thank God for Tori's progress and health day by day as she gets stronger!

WANDA - Happy to hear your hip is okay and adjustment is all that will be necessary over the coming weeks.

SANDI - Happy to hear Josh's surgery went well and he is on the road to recovery, which I am sure won't be easy. He has a chance, which is a miracle in and of itself!

Hoda said...

Funny JUDYE...No JO no wind and it is with blue skies...BBL Enjoy the day.

Linda said...

CAROLYN - Such a sweet gesture of your husband to bring you dinner and pink roses! He knows you're hurting and wants to be there for you. That is such a blessing!

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Thank you, Steve. You sure know how to play catch up on fresh threads.

Thank you Linda for the call over.

Shirley, it does seem a bit hurried to send patients home so quickly after major surgery. Likely too late but I hope Kathryn decided to stay home.

Sandi, hope the move goes as smoothly as possible and thank you for the update on Josh's surgery. Will continue to wish him a full recovery with walking rights.

Audrey's incision is healing nicely and was able to get her distemper shot. Grace has a slight infection at the incision site so she got a shot of antibiotic, a new stiff collar, and will have a topical antibiotic 3x daily. Also must give each heart worm medication monthly.

Need a panda nap.


Linda said...

Had a melancholy day yesterday. It was good that I was somewhat busy with work and then church, but my fleshly heart is so darn heavy. I really need to work on thinking God's way and not mine!!

Today I am in a fog with another migraine! I seem to lose at least one or two days a week in recent weeks, which is tough.

I do have much to do today and tomorrow as our son (Dennis' Son), Michael is driving up from FL tomorrow night and bringing his girlfriend for us to meet. He just graduated from college (FINALLY!!) and wanted to come up before he starts working to make some money.

Have to go get the beds made up in the guest rooms and tidy things up around the house! At least it doesn't involve too much brain work. That would be a disaster today!

Love you all..............and so glad you're here! ♥

NatureNut said...

Gee, it's Friday!!! Then I'm supposed to be at work!! LOL
Thx Steve, for the early start of the weekend! ☺
Got to sleep late. watch a Soap, then went outside. For the first time, I saw APHIDS on a couple stems of one flowering perennial!This means war! Don't think I have anything, but will search the basement and go to store if necessary!
Aside from domestic trivia, hope Kathryn is recovering nicely, prayers for Josh,Tori and esp. her friend Gina.

Mema Jo said...

Is everyone who is watching the nest having heart failure like I am...
So daring - And they have knocked down almost all of the rails the whole way around the nest. Wheeeeeee - from one side of the nest to the other in less than 3 seconds Not Fun To Whatch

Mema Jo said...

Hope you feel better Linda as the day goes on. ♥

I did write on Gina's Caring Bridge as did many of you. Our remarks should enlighten her day!

Mema Jo said...


magpie said...

Hope you can kick that migraine to the corner, Linda...
and hope you can then start looking forward to your company....the lovebirds...

magpie said...

So...all of a sudden, where is this rain in Martinsburg coming from ???

Loretta: maybe you can get some ladybugs !! I needed them last year and lost the battle with aphids.....'

magpie said...

Heart failure
numerous times a day

NatureNut said...

Hi Margy. I just looked for any bug spray & I'm out--so off to store. Thought I'd check online to see if any household quick fix. I thought dish soap & water to wipe them off might help.Will see.

Linda, hope you get to feeling tip top and can enjoy the guests! We have a couple friends that get those headaches---Big Pain. One was told the scent of lavendar helps!

magpie said...

Good Luck, Loretta....
it's a thorny problem....
I tried the dish soap and water first, then got an organic spray, but the aphids were the winners...

Linda said...

Thanks, JO, MARGY & LORETTA! I am sort of getting used to having these things regularly again. I have been blessed with fewer in the past year or two, but not so recently!

This too shall pass!

On a happy note, we had three indigo buntings yesterday and two orioles :o)


magpie said...

hoping, Grace heals at the incisionsite soon, Judie....and glad that Audrey is already there
well, see you all later...
I guess the showers are over, don't think there are showers at Shepherdstown....

magpie said...

I am Jonesin' to get out and pretend I am retired....
hope to do some wildlifing soon !

magpie said...

Well How do you do Belle

magpie said...

Mother is doing housework
maybe the children will pick up some tips

Lori O. said...

Good afternoon all!!!

We've had some sunshine which has been glorious, but clouds covering it up now.

SANDI, so happy to hear that Josh's surgery went well. I was so worried for that little guy. Prayers for a quick and complete healing.

SHIRLEY, please give Kathryn my get well soon wishes. Glad that's over for her.

MARGY, I'm with ya on that retirement thought! We can dream can't we? :)

JO is down to three phones - DANG!

Where is SHARON, LOLLY, KAY, HODA, LYNNE this afternoon?

I know where FloBear is - right here being loud and wanting his dinner - Early of all things!

JUDIE, so glad your kitties are okay and hope Audrey's infection heals quickly. Good on the collar!

Hello to DanaMO and Sandi since I missed you this morning. Having a hard time keeping up these days. I'm getting more work, and soon you two will be off work!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I have no idea who is who but I think it was Bro who was just wingercizing and was all over Missy. She started pecking him and I thought was going to knock him out of the nest. My heart cannot take this!

Lolly said...

LOL I saw that Sharon. He was so over her that I saw only one in the nest. About had heart failure! Then boy did she go after him!!! Don't ever do that again! So funny!!

I had to run errands for tonight. I am one of two hostesses for tonights meething at church. Have Praline crusted cheese cake ready, made some cheese logs to slice and have with crackers, and have fresh flowers to take. Kaye is furnishing paper goods, drinks, and veggie tray. Sounds like we have it ready. She is also making a Happy Mother's Day sign and we are taking framed pics of our mothers to put on the table with the flowers.

Lolly said...

I also bought another flat of impatiens to plants. My daffodil greenery is going away and now I have places where I NEED flowers. LOL The yard is really looking good. As soon as the caldiums are up I will take pictures. Really pleased with how the new terraces are coming along. Wish summer would stay away!!!Grrrrr!

Lolly said...

Plant not plants!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Ask, Lori, and ye shall receive! I am here!

I am so sad that I am not going to be at ♥♥Lynn's♥♥ Memorial Service this weekend. I have a commitment at this convention or else I would.

Lolly said...

Glad Kathryn is doing well and good to get the report on Josh. Now we need Kay to report in.

Linda, so sorry about the migraine. Hope you do not have it when your son is home with girlfriend.

JudyEddy said...

I am at Angies and I have no computer at all at the house My phone in living room doesn't work either HMMMM will have to check when I get home Angie said it phone ring was odd when she called I noticed my cam froze and when I f5 it comes up internet explorer can't be displayed So will figure out when I get home later and maybe it will restore its self maybe work in area

Kay said...

Another "ask and ye shall receive", for those of you who think it's high time I check in ! ☺

The exam ended up being grueling as I could not lie flat for the EKG. It took a while for the nurse to get enough pillows under the right spots in order to ease the pressure enough for me to make it through the test. They said mine was the most extensive pre-surgery test they've seen, included nasal swabbing for Merza concerns, the EKG, umpteen blood tests, the usual "say ah" kinds of tests and concluded with a chest Xray. Here's hoping I'm healthy as a horse except for the back problem !

I'm going to have to get a lot of rest and use all the pain management aids I can in order to be ready for the family doings tomorrow, so will not be sticking around to chat this time.

Prayers of thanks for the good word on our recuperating Josh and Kathryn. Prayers, too, for all still in need ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

magpie said...

Okay Kay!....I shall be praying for you to be in comfort tomorrow for the special events...
and get all the rest you possibly can from now until then....
(( Hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

And hoping that Kathryn is resting and taking it easy today also...
very clever on the text messaging to Rus
and best wishes to Hunter on the baseball game.

Lolly's evening event, especially the part about all the Mothers' pictures being placed on the dear to think about.
And the food sounds pretty terrific also !

Feels like time for a little nap here
ttfn xox
Best wishes on the rest of the day for everyone

Hoda said...

Very good day and the weather is getting a bit chilly now, but still good...a bit overcast.
I am headed off to yoga in an hour or so and will do my errands then as they did not get done this morning.

KAY so happy to hear that you are resting yourself and not overdoing it in preparation for tomorrow. Sorry the tests were difficult but you went through them and survived...good on you!

Hoda said...

Sorry for internet problems JUDYE...

Hoda said...

SHAR...I followed up on your advice to set up a wireless modem so I could use the iphone on internet and not use up the giga bites...Well I phoned my computer and phone company and they will send me one for free!!! I asked why are they doing that and they said because they do not charge for equipment!!! So in three to five days I will have it and all I have to do is send them back the old modem that is not wireless and I don't even have to pay for sending it back I just take it to the post office and they will know what to do!!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your took me a few days to take it all in and bits and pieces of it continue to be helpful links. HUGS♥

Mema Jo said...

Kay - someway somehow I pray that your evening with the family is "comfy" .

Family has arrived for Spaghetti
Guess Who It Is!

magpie said...

Oh My
I see at least four little kestrel fuzz buzzes at the Nebraska Kestrel cam

and the Parent just returned before I could finish counting heads

maybe this is old news !

magpie said...

I have a pretty good idea, Jo ☺

Enjoy !

Hoda said...

JO have a great time with your family...the B Bunch is my guess!!! Am I right?

magpie said...

You are well into being a 21st century modern gal!
That Sharon is a whiz with all things technological !

Have fun with all that !
Good to See You, sounds like you are as busy as ever, and then some
xoxox (( Hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

time to get to some chores and responsibilities...

Best wishes for a Good evening Everyone

Thinking of Jewels, as she clocks in for the 12-hour shift...

once again, the county is in good hands, I feel safe !!

magpie said...

oh, let me add a few ♥♥♥ to those wishes


Robyn said...

SO I kept refreshing and refreshing and saw I was last person to post, when I awoke from a much needed nap I tried to refresh again and looked up a few post and saw a new one was made... doh

Cool here today, Tori is covered in her snuggly and I am trying to close the window but the cat refuses to leave.

I would like to say thank you to all for your prayers, well wishes and positive thoughts for Gina, it really means a lot to Tori and I. I was brought to tears reading your comments to Gina. She is a sweet girl, very outgoing and a real trooper with all she has been going thru the past few weeks.

Prayers and speedy recovery's for Josh, Kathryn and all who need strength today

Lolly said...

Ready for tonight, went out and planted the impatients I bought today. Then I had time so decided to go mow the far front. We plan to mow tomorrow, but rain is expected. Jack has gone to Denton. He worked on some bookshelves in Laurel's classrooom, is eating dinner with them, and then going to a ballgame. Boo Hoo!! I am missing the fun.

Hoda said...

Off to yoga!

Jewels said...

And here I is!!! I at work 50 min down from the coutdown to a emotional weekend. Writing something up to say for Saturday.. hoping I have enough strength and courage to read it outloud. If not, I am sure Margy or maybe Charlie will step in with me and help me out. :)

magpie said...

Yes indeedy, Jewels, I'll be at the ready for you if needed...

xoxo (( Hugs ))

magpie said...

Lolly, ever wish you could be in about a dozen places at once ??

And of course, Jack is one of those missable kind of guys but I bet he misses you more ! !

magpie said...

have these chores I keep mentioning but not making a whole lot of progress...
so here I go to try again...xoxo

oh my one of the peaglets is really really on the edge....

magpie said...

sure glad the wind died down a little or I'd b

magpie said...

phooey stupid fingers !
..."or I'd be calling 9-1-1 for heart failure"

magpie said...

oh now brother and sister are cozied up inside the rails together

ttfn xo

Mema Jo said...

I just finished watching Jephrody
Now there are 3 shows tonight that I enjoy


Mema Jo said...

Jewels - Your statement on your FB account would be very good to hear...

Lynne2 said...

evening all!

wow, the lighting on our nest is very cool right now!

Lynne2 said...

Turkey Vulture incubating egg, strange square gold looking beast at Snowman cam, Loonies off nest and eggs visible

Lynne2 said...

Not exactly sure what's going on with the baby screech owls...looks like they are trying very hard to exit the nest box. They don't have a chat or anything there, though.

Lynne2 said...

They have an outside cam, the babies are ready to fledge! I think one must have because I only see 3 in the box. So cut to see the baby face in the hole of the nest box looking out!

Screech owls

Lynne2 said...

POURING rain now, all four owlets secure and hunkered down in the box!

Lynne2 said...

Does anyone know how to stop the USTREAM ads????

Jewels said...

Momma III which statement was that... I think I have noted a few.

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds.If we stay up til midnight, we'll be on the right page!!!!
Check my flowers in AM. Sprayed those little green aphids~~they didn't fall off!Probably have their straws stuck in the stems!!!

BTW, the little tufted titmouse pic I put on the blogspot Is an adult according to Greg K. He just doesn't have his crest up in the air!!!
Saw Idol--they're all pretty good, but I think there should be cowinners~~Joshua & Jessica. Guess it doesn't matter as they'll both get careers.

NatureNut said...

Lynne, I saw a notice on I think a UStream site that said you could "Join, pay $3.95, and ads would be removed!!!! Some nerve! I think that was when I was watching Harmon & even tho I would turn off the camera when going to another tab, I still heard commercials!

Lynne2 said...

I figured it out Loretta! Firefox has something called Ad Block and installed more annoying ads!

NatureNut said...

Wow, that's cool! I'll have to put Firefox on this machine!

Lynne2 said...

I like Firefox....especially because it has SPELL CHECK!!!

Mema Jo said...

Jewels I was searching you FB but it was a comment you had made on the blog. So we need to go back to APRIL
It's quite long & in your words you are thanking everyone for their love & support.

I am at a loss for words. All that comes is tears, tears of sadness and tears of joy knowing Mom is in a better place and is no longer suffering....

Let's search April 26 or so

Mema Jo said...

I found your comment Jewels

Sent it to you in an email...see if
it will help........ ♥

Jewels said...

okay Momma III. I will let you read the one I also wrote on saturday and we can decide which one is better suited.. thank you for finding that for me!!!

stronghunter said...


Hunter had another baseball game tonight. Another big defeat. It is tough for these kids.

Really wish he had been able to get on the team with Coach Charlie.

stronghunter said...

Thinking of you tonight, Carolyn.

Mema Jo said...

Jewels - I didn't realize you had already written your words for Saturday already - Please keep the more recent writing for Sat.. ♥

Hoda said...

Back from yoga and errands. The Canadian Gov't already sent me back my tax return...that was fast. I am a happy camper.

Excellent class and I felt very pleased to be with this teacher. She said she will teach more in the autumn and I certainly will sign up for her classes.

Prayers for CHRISTIE and CAROLYN as the weekend approaches.Honouring your MOMMA will be an act of love and gratitude. I put you three in my prayers.

Linda said...

Good Evening All!

LYNNE - Good to know you can block the ads with Firefox.

JEWELS - Thinking about you.....God will give you strength.

LOLLY - I bet those at the meeting at church love it when you provide the dessert! Sounds soooooo good!

Lynne2 said...

I would like to report a murder....Shirley is killing me.

Linda, it also has blocked the ads from Facebook, too!

JudyEddy said...

I'm up and runing again ODD I had cable TV but on phone or internet I called and they said that they are working on it Was a outage for the whole area
Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

stronghunter said...

Thoughts for Christie as well.

Bless you both.

stronghunter said...

Good night. I will see you tomorrow.

Lynne2 said...

I better get to tomorrow.

Goodnight and prayers for all.

Linda said...

Headed to bed in this household as well.

Keeping CAROLYN and CHRISTIE in prayer tonight and through the weekend. It's yet another difficult week with Mom's birthday, the memorial service and Mother's Day. Thinking of you and holding your hand step by step.

Praying for comfort and rest for KAY... xoxo

Healing prayers for KATHRYN...

Thinking of each of you and praying for all the needs here...

Love to all

Night xoxo

NatureNut said...

Getting late again! In a short while IT WILL be Friday~ ☺

Pleasant Feather Dreams, Prayers for good Health for All ;>)

Mema Jo said...

Good Night my Friends
Prayers for all healing and for pain to
** (((Lynn ♥))) **

Tomorrow is RED FRIDAY

Lolly said...

Hi all! Evening went very well! Had just a wee bit of cheesecake to bring home to Jack. He had a good report....Joseph hit a homerun!!!!! Wowser!!!!! Jacob won his game too. Joey is sick so Laurel went to one game and Jack to the other. Glad he was there.

Tomorrow morning we finish the mowing if it isn't raining and then I have an appointment to get the do done.

Time for bed now. Nite all!


Costume Lady said...

Past bedtime for me, I'm outta here!

Got GG's groceries today, that takes a lot of thought, getting her foods that she likes and that are healthy!




Ms Bookworm said...

Good Evening, Everyone,

Getting here very late. Have been working on transcription tonight.
Too tired to read back much, but did see that Kathryn is healing, and so are Audrey and Grace. Prayers continue for everyone. Glad that Josh will be able to walk after recovery! Thank God!

Sorry to hear that Linda has been having migraines--they need to just disappear! Prayers!!

Kay, glad you're resting up for the weekend. Prayers for you continue!

Margy, so good to see you here again! Miss you! (((HUGS)))!!!

Carolyn, praying that God will give you the strength you need to read what you've written for your Mom's memorial service. Have been thinking of you and Christie all day! Love both of you! Love ♥Lynn♥, too! Wish I could be at the service. Hate being so far away!

Well, gotta get to bed. Doing some face plants here! The porch light is on. Both security systems are enabled. Sleep well, everyone. God bless, and goodnight. Love♥ all of you! I love ♥us♥!!

Costume Lady said...


Hoda said...




Jewels said...

Suprise late night visit from my hubby... he said he was worried that I was doing without coffee. HE was out and about at a friends house. He brought me an iced coffee.
Then went out and got my shift some donuts! Momma II, I will save you a couple donuts for breakfast!!

Jewels said...

Jo, I will let you read it before hand. It most likely does suit better for the memorial, where as it adds many others into the reading.

Jewels said...

Thank you everyone for keeping us isn prayers and thoughts. I have to go and pick up Mom's ashes today and some roses we want to be at the memorial as well. Grandma and Aunt Gail wants two red roses and I think Christie and I will have 2 jade colored roses and 2 or 4 white roses fromt he girls and the son n laws.

Sandi said...

Wow, no posts since Jewels at 2:55?? No Lori? No DanaMo? Jewels, are you still here? Still working? Good Friday morning!

Jewels said...

I am still here!!! Working away!! Almost time to go, but I may end up pulling a 14 hr day and get off at 8am....

Sandi said...

Carolyn, whatever you say tomorrow, and regardless of how long it takes you to say it through your tears, it will be perfect because it comes from your heart. The people there will come because they love your mom and because they want to love you and your sister and your families through this difficult time in your lives. You can draw your strength from them. I will be thinking of you, and of how blessed I was to get to know your mom, even for a short while.

Sandi said...

Wasn't on the blog much yesterday but I did read and catch up.

Janet, I have To Kill a Mockingbird on my summer read list for the same reason. It wasn't required reading when I was in high school! Think I may tackle it on my flight to Africa.

Kay, I hope you can rest and conserve all your energy so this evening's performance of Antigone is a comfortable and enjoyable one for you. You will be one proud Grandmom. I remember when Kevin was young, he hated sports and Denny was so upset about that. I remember telling him that every time he saw Kevin on a stage with a major role, it would feel exactly like watching him hit a homerun! And it did! It's looking like there will be no hatching for the Columbus falcons again this year - sad.

Speaking of homeruns ... congrats to Joseph, Lolly!!!

Andy, too early to tell if Josh will walk, but at least he can wiggle his toes. So far, so good.

Linda, hope you can get on top of those migraines. Could they be related to the season, like folks who have more troubles with their allergies in the spring?

Hoda, you are really rockin' that iphone!! Wireless modem?? Sharon, what's a wireless modem?

OK, gotta get ready for my Friday! HAGD my eagle friends!

Jewels said...

Sandi, I know you are right. thanks you!!

Jewels said...

Yep, I am here till 8am. I will see Momma II!

Janet said...

Good Friday morning. TGIF?

SANDI: I finished the book last night. Wonderful.! I have to say I had to read orally the first half dozen pages to "get into it" but then I was hooked.

I have another book: Animals are Soul too and am aobut to start that today.

So my oldest had her ultrasound yesterday. I kept telling her, last 3 preg that she wasn't as far along (really) as she thought. But specifically the military measures by date of lmp. So when you are two weeks, they call it four weeks because of lmp. The (civillian) dr. did an ultrasound yesterday to check and make sure all structures are in place, etc. Everything looks good and she is (as of yesterday) 6 weeks 1 day preg. This saddened her as she is still scared of miscarrying. But everything looked good and there was a heartbeat. HE gave her some suggestions ... basically take it easy, don't over do adn certain activities to avoid to hopefully keep this one.

I have classes this weekend. They are going to be small, but that's okay. Then no more classes til the end of August.

Hope everyone has a great day. It is 47 here at the moment and heading to the 80's. Hugs and smiles to all! :)

glo said...

Thinking of Lynn and her girls with tomorrow and Moms Day. I like what Sandi said earlier "Carolyn, whatever you say tomorrow, and regardless of how long it takes you to say it through your tears, it will be perfect because it comes from your heart. The people there will come because they love your mom and because they want to love you and your sister and your families through this difficult time in your lives. You can draw your strength from them. I will be thinking of you, and of how blessed I was to get to know your mom, even for a short while."

Today Dex is 14. He and i are off to celebrate Birthday Dog Treats. It's all good.

Janet said...

It is never easy loosing a parent. I didn't know Lynn very well...but I know what its like to loose my parents. This is the first year (and its been almost 5 now) that I didn't cry going near the mothers day takes a long time for the pain to ease. My thoughts and hearts are with Lynn's family....sending comfort light and love....blessings.

And*** as for me****so much for going to work. Olivia is sick. Croupy cough, low grade fever, headache. I came home early yesterday as we were extremely slow and I was very very tired. I was home by 12:30 and asleep by 1. I slept til 3. I suspected Olivia was catching a cold for a couple of days now, but here it is and if I sent here, first off I further expose others to this bug and 2. she will likely call me to come and get her, which is more difficult than just calling out and staying home.

Meant to share: she went to Middle Tennessee State University yesterday over in Murfressboro. She loved it there. They went to the dairy part of the school and then saw all the sports centers. I don't take her too seriously with I want to go there someday....she is in the 5th grade. But glad she had a good impression either way.

Okay, guess I'll spend the day getting ready for classes this weekend. I'll check in later! Have a super day!

Lolly said...

Good morning!I am up early.....and sick, upset tummy and the runs. Maybe too much rich food yesterday??

Anyway, sitting here sipping my coffee and wondering what I will be able to do this morning. Dern dern dern!

The "Friday" thread momentarily threw me for a loop. What? That many comments already? Then I remembered....Steve lost a day. LOL

Costume Lady said...


I'm sitting here sipping coffee, too. Wondering if I will get to see my family today or Sunday, or at all! Denise is still at OBX and Karla is probably flying through Winchester/Berryville in her ambulance, lights flashing, siren blowing, horn honking.
I am experiencing another round of EMPTY NEST SYNDROME. Last Friday, Karla, Jillian and Dustin were in the ambulance in the Fireman's Parade and Denise at the beach...yep, I'm missing my kids!

Costume Lady said...

Sorry you're not feeling well, LOLLY...a lot of that going around these days...allergies? Who really knows!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Lolly, Janet, Glo & Dex, Carolyn, et al.,

Dropping in quickly to say:

HAPPY 14TH BIRTHDAY, DEX!!! Enjoy those doggy treats!!

Lolly, so sorry you are feeling puny this morning! Prayers that you will recover pronto!

Janet, prayers for Olivia, too!
Hope she feels better quickly!
Hope your extra rest has you feeling good!

Carolyn, don't worry about tomorrow--I'm sure that God will give you strength to get through it. Whatever you say, you will be there with family, Momster/Dadster family, and friends. They will support you no matter what. ♥Love you♥, and wish I could be there, too. You are always in my prayers!

Gotta get back to work now, but will check in later as I am able.
Have a good Red Friday! Later, alligators.


Lolly said...

I have been having allergy problems. Still coughing from this last round of sinus infection, in fact it has never really gone away. No, I really think this is another bug or like I said, too much cheesecake!! My tummy is just slightly nauseated. I wanna feel good, I wanna go mow!LOL

Sorry about the empty nest syndrome. I am just having to work around my kids. Laurel is being very cooperative. They are going to church with us (yea) and Jack is grilling steaks, but then they are leaving so we can go to Dallas. Just wish we could all get together!!!

Costume Lady said...

I got GG some pretty flowers for her 3 flower gardens for Mother's Day and will plant them, probably Monday (busy week coming up), Soup Kitchen Tuesday then yard work rest of the week, if the weather allows!
Rains came just in time for our newly planted garden earlier in the week; red onions, jade beans, lettuce mix, chard, sunflowers. Now we need to wait for the soil to dry out so we can get into the garden to plant the rest. Tomatoes, peppers, squash, peas...whoa, slow down...too much to take care of!

Costume Lady said...

I just got a call from Karla and she has offered to bring a pasta casserole for dinner tonight. Bless her heart, now all I have to fix is a salad I do have some rolls in the freezer and cupcakes for dessert. Now, I can spend the day playing with my flowers and doing laundry in-between:)

Costume Lady said...

Oh, my Dear Carolyn, please don't fret about breaking down during your reading at the Memorial Service...all your friends and Momster Mommas will break down, right along with you, if that should happen. TEARS and LAUGHTER are good and expected at a Memorial Service. Just remember how much we all love you, just as we did your dear Mother♥

Lolly said...

Yea!Glad you are having a Karla "fix".

Just saw this. Lily and Faith have separated. Sad...but life.

Bear Update

But, it does mean that Lily will have more cubs next winter.

Costume Lady said...

We will look forward to Lily having more cubs and hope they both will be healthy and we can watch them grow into adulthood. Maybe next year, Faith will become a Momma. Hope probably would be thinking about motherhood if she were living:(

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning so many folks already on here. So Good Morning to ALL :)

Happy Birthday Dex and Hello to that special lady "Glo" that takes good care of you.

Sorry Linda for thoe migraines you have been having again. Wish one of those new medicines could help you. Hoping you can enjoy the visit from graduate Michael and his girlfriend.

Judie happy that Audrey's incision is healing good. Hoping that Grace's infection heal quickly.

Sandi glad they are switching the small tub for the regular size tub without charging.

Janet have a good day a school :)

Mema Jo said...

Hello to the sunshine this morning and to all of you! Jenny is with me for most of the day. Love my daughters!

Feeling pretty well - Lolly I just took an allergy tablet - it really helps with getting rid of that 'full head' feeling.

Hurray for Joseph's home run. I hope your Mother's day turns out that you see all your kiddos.

Janet - Wonderful test score that Olivia received. Praying for that 6 wk 1 day old to be born healthy !

Thinking of Carolyn and Christie! This has been a hard week for them I'm sure.

Lolly said...

Jack just went out and started using the weed eater then it started raining. Sure was hoping we could get the yard mowed...oh well!

Still sitting here feeling miserable and hoping that this will pass. Want to keep my do appointment. LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Really nice that Shannon is trying to help Carolyn along. Taking coffee in for her and donuts for everyone.

Keeping Carolyn in prayer for tomorrow and Mother's Day coming up. The whole family is in prayer. I just know that Carolyn is trying so hard to do for her Mother. Love you Carolyn and Love you Lynn♥♥.
If you cry Carolyn don't worry we will cry with you. If you laugh Carolyn we will laugh will you. (((((((((((((Hugs and Love)))))))))

Lolly said...

Can not believe it is May 11, 69 and raining. This is such a blessing. It is a whole different world from last year and pray that it continues.

wvgal_dana said...

There are many not feeling well: Lolly, Olivia, Kay, hoping that Kathryn's recovery goes well. I did read where Josh wiggled his toes---hoping this will lead to his being able to walk. Keeping Tori and her friend Gina on the list.

Sandi yes let the movers life those boxes and furniture.

Lolly that was beautiful to have Mothers pictures at the dinner.

wvgal_dana said...

Janet Chelsa is on my list also. Glad the ultrasound sound everything looks good so far. :)

magpie said...

How'ra doin' there Eagle Pals..

Happy RED Friday, hope some of you have some RED on but either way:

God Bless Our Military, each and every day

magpie said...

seems like is it s nice day outside...can someone tell me??

stuck indoors, in the springtime, it's practically criminal !

How nice to see Carolyn this morning but of course one has to immediately think: Okay, what's going on ! ??

same old same old, couple of people called off


magpie said...

Peaglets look like they are trying to catch air

magpie said...

Jewels's husband is Charlie not Shannon

some doughnuts left for dayshift, but they won't last long
Thanks Charlie !!!

magpie said...

Sure was nice to hear Lori's voice for a little while this morning and a few tunes ♪ ♫

Jo: Oh Joy, a Jenny day, enjoy !

got to go make dough, at least enough for a few little biscuits

xoxox Best Wishes for a Good Day, Everyone... God Bless Us, Every One


Hoda said...

Good morning/ good afternoon.

Beautiful day here again and clear blue skies.
It is very pretty and I will spend most of the day out and about it is so pretty.

LOLLY sorry you are a bit under the weather. Good about the rain as you pointed out different from last year for sure.

WANDA enjoy your supper with KARLA.
It is awesome how well you look after GG and it is probably why she is still able to be in her own place...Blessings.

SANDI you said it best when you spoke about LYNN.I agree.
When are you flying to Africa June or July? It will be great to get posts from you.

Lolly said...

Morning Hoda!

I have presently lost the cam. Hmmmm?

At a little bite of breakfast. Feeling a little better, just taking it really easy. Will give it another hour and decide if I will keep my do appointment or not.

Lolly said...

That is I "ate" a bite of breakfast. Cam back!

JudyEddy said...

My IE provider must be working on the lines or something besides last nite I have lost IE today again but I do have phone and cable what a PIA Jordyn is down for a nap and I set here watching the chicks

JudyEddy said...

This snip is when he or she sat there for the longest time with their wings out like suntanning

JudyEddy said...

Just brought up the map and we have someone from Sweden on HELLO to you and HODA you come up with a different city in Canada now

Recent Pageviews:

United States
Seminole, Florida12:56:41
United States
Seminole, Florida12:53:39
United States
Seminole, Florida12:52:49
United Kingdom
Glasgow, Glasgow City12:52:40
Umeå, Vasterbottens Lan12:52:39
United Kingdom
Glasgow, Glasgow City

JudyEddy said...

Belle landed in the nest

JudyEddy said...

the chicks thought she brought food but she didn't now they are all just chillin

JudyEddy said...

thought I just heard wings flapping Belle is looking around

magpie said...

simply amazing, the sun, the breezes, the shadows
and those three beautiful eagles

magpie said...

Hi JudyE

Costume Lady said...

Hi JudyE...Hi Margy♥♥

I'm multi-tasking...drying my hair and getting ready for GG's.
Stop around, Margy, if you are free!

magpie said...

Thanks all have this evening...I have a bereavement visitation to attend...thanks - but I'll need to ask for a Rain Check....
(( Hugs to all ♥ ))

magpie said...

wow my words got stolen!
was typing:

"you all have yourselves a merry little time this evening "

magpie said...

beter quite whili I am not even close to being ahead !

will check in later...

Thinking of Momsters and Dadsters

magpie said...

and kidsters and petsters

Lolly said...

LOL Your fingers are going wild, Margy!

Lolly said...

Wow, look at all the shadows on the nest.

Kay said...

Just a quick drop by, for you all know what my emphasis is today and tomorrow. Seth called last night after the first performance of the play and he was positively elated. He told me his parents said, "you had the audience on the edge of their seats !" They had some close friends there last night and he did so well---hope having so many family members and more friends there tonight won't bother him either.

WANDA, wish I were close enough to "stop around" ! Your family has so much fun together--love it !

Will be thinking of JEWELS, Christie, the family and all who gather tomorrow to celebrate the amazing life and times of our dear HEDGIE/LYNN ! I will, no doubt, be sharing my thoughts with the family as they know and love you all through me. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

♥Prayers, too, for those feeling icky poo and those in various stages of recuperation !♥

Lolly said...

I am feeling a wee bit better. Going to keep my 2 o'clock appointment. Once my do is did I am sure I will feel better. ☺

Lolly said...

I was thinking the same thing, Kay. Wish I could stop in and give GG a hug, as well and Wanda and the Capt.

Kitty said...

So glad I remember this site. I have missed watching these eagles.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Waiting for Angie we are going to POFolks for dinner I haven't been there in years

stronghunter said...


Checking in this afternoon.

The nest looks very summery.

Sandi said...

Just stopping by to say hey before we pack up the car and hit the road for Balto. and my mom's house.

No word today from Josh's parents - hoping that no news is good news.

Probably won't be on the blog much this weekend b/c I can't post from my cell phone (unlike high-tech Hoda!!), but I'll be able to read posts that come to my inbox until Steve gives us a new thread.

Have a good weekend - I will be thinking of all who attend tomorrow's memorial to celebrate the life of our lovely Lynn, especially Carolyn and Christie and their families.


Mema Jo said...

I did have an afternoon nap. Now hubby and I need to pick up our car from a paint shop.


magpie said...

Best wishes on your Mission of Love, Sandi...we'll be thinking of you also ♥

magpie said...

still image on the cam is all rainbowy, seeing that a lot here lately

Best Wishes to all for their Evening and Week-end plans...

magpie said...

I know Jewels and Christie had some details to attend to today for the Memorial service Saturday....

Thinking of our dear Pals, these girls...and our dearest Lynn ♥♥♥

NatureNut said...

Hello, hello! I checked in at the right time.
Whole family fish dinner going on--almost like Wanda's gang! LOL
Just kidding!

NatureNut said...

Heard a little clattering. One parent must have gone upstairs. Other 3 scarfing!☺

Hoda said...

JUDYE the map will show me either as Nelson, Salmo, Castlegar,or depends on the towers and the strength of the signal...we have lots of mountains around us...

LOLLY I am glad you felt well enough to go to get your do did!!! LOL !!! Keep healing...

Prayers and loving thoughts to CHRISTIE and CAROLYN all weekend long...

JO thank you for your email...On my way to FB after I check in here...

A very good day weather wise...the park is lovely the water on the lake shimmers with light and people around town are happy and friendly with the good was good to be out...

It promise to be good weather all of the upcoming week which is a good thing as Kristin is driving up from Montana and will be here all of next week...I know gratitude.

Mema Jo said...

PA Falcon Cam News:
5/11/2012 :: Banding Results
This year we have two male eyases- one weighs 560g, the other 590g. They're both in good health. The banding event seems to awaken the eyases to the fact that they can get out of the scrape and explore the nest ledge. This is critical to their physical development. They will begin building the strength and agility that will be necessary for them to attempt their first flight, which should happen in a few short weeks.

Hoda said...

Jo you have got email.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks to Hoda and Jo, there will be 2 beautiful floral arrangement by Megan's loving hands at the service. Megan has posted a photo of them on FB.Megan Said:
Christie was just here to pick up the arrangements and they are on the
way to the church. She is delightful, Lynn raised some wonderful
daughters :)

Tomorrow at the service, Momsters and Dadsters attending to give their support to the family will be Paula, Wand & Gene, Margy, Judie, Jerry, Dana, Robyn, Tori, Jo & son, Michael and with us we will take all the loving spirits of everyone else with us.

Hoda said...

Celebrating the very BESTEST MOMSTER there ever was...♥♥ LYNN ♥♥

Hoda said...

The flowers are from all of us a MOMSTER OFFERING of our love and Gratitude to LYNN

DanaMo said...

Boomerang found 2 baby birds that fell out of a nest. One was already dead...the other opening it's mouth for food. Monte picked it up with a plastic bag and put it back in the nest. I hope it survives.

JudyEddy said...

OH OH I dislike it so when the wingersize on the launch pads the rail Atleast its not so windy

JudyEddy said...

OH DANAMO SO sorry about the birds

JudyEddy said...

I saw the flowers on FB they are so pretty

Lynne2 said...

evening all!

The flowers are beautiful!

DanaMo, if the baby bird was unharmed, it will be just fine back in the nest! I hope it's OK...probably is if it was wanting to be fed!

DanaMo said...

Thanks, it looked okay. Stretching it's head and moving it's wings, and opening it's mouth. The other wasn't :(

JudyEddy said...

all four in nest Shep brought a fish

Hoda said...

The four are in the nest with a beautiful pink hue from the sun on their feathers...

JudyEddy said...

it looks like a stand off over the fish SHEP POOF

DanaMo said...

So nice that the family is eating together, that is so important these days :)

Hoda said...

Shep poofs, he had brought in a fish. Belle is eating and the chicks are now being fed...they are no longer chicks really...the juvies are being fed??? Is this the correct term PAULA or JO?

JudyEddy said...

I love it you could hear the arrival of Shep before he landed I turned on the cam when I heard him I had been recording some wingersize

JudyEddy said...

I love how they look in the sunset so bright they glow

JudyEddy said...

Chicks don't seem to be hungry Belle is now eating and they are looking out over the edge

JudyEddy said...

PPOOP SHOOT more room for food LOL Jordyn does that tooo

wvgal_dana said...

Well that was a big boo boo saying Shannon took the donuts in...I know Charlie is Carolyn's husband. Trying to do too many things at one time.

Hello Kitty welcome. See you just started blogger here in May. Say's you are from Parkersburg. What do you do there?

stronghunter said...

Paula, Wanda, Gene, Margy, Judie, Jerry, Dana, Robyn, Tori, Jo and Michael--I will be thinking of you and of Lynn tomorrow. I thought seriously about being there too, but I wanted to see how things were going with Kathryn.

She is still having pain and is not sure she will be able to return to work on Monday, as she had planned, so it is best that I stay with her.

NatureNut said...

Good Evening. Back again. Before it got too dark, Peaglets were lying down in the shape of number 7!

Jo & Hoda, how wonderful about flowers for the service.TY Since we can't come up there, I sent message to Lynn's daughters that we'll be there in spirit and in our hearts. Thx to Momsters attending to convey the Love from all the Momsters/Dadsters.

Hoda said...

LORETTA Beautiful avatar and CAROLYN had it on FB...awesome tribute to a Precious Friend.

stronghunter said...

Going to say good night now and head upstairs. I will see you tomorrow.

Lolly said...

Before I start this I just want to say I AM OKAY!!! REALLY!!

Abount 1:45 I was driving in for my hair appointment. It was raining lightly, I was on a narrow country road with pot holes on the edge and deep ditches on each side as well as lots of trees. I was at an S curve on the road when a car coming from the opposite direction, lost control and was fish tailing. The 17 year old girl plowed into me, not quite head on and I went off the road into a tree. It all happened so fast. My car is totaled!! Fortunately a volunteer fireman came along, checked on us, blocked the road, turned on his flashers. He instructed me to stay in the car and not move. I had no desire to move...sat there dazed and crying. I did call Jack. I was minutes from the house. They had to force the door open, put a neck brace on me and loaded me onto a back board, then strapped me down. and took me to the hospital. I am okay. Just badly bruised, stiff and sore. I am on muscle relaxers and pain pills. Can you say "LOOPY"?! The young girl sprained her ankle. She was very lucky as she was not buckled in. She apologized in the ambulance. I did not say a thing as I was crying and angry!! We got home about 7. I have a ugly bruise on my left shin, my left elbow hurts and my neck is stiff and sore. My gueardian angel was truly watching over me!! was your day? Mine was lousy!!!

Lynne2 said...


magpie said...

Lolly...I am relieved you are OK but so very sorry about this..yes, guardian angel was with you....
please just take it easy easy easy and do not move around too much, I am praying for complete healing and comfort for you
(( HUGS ))

Lynne2 said...


Margy, calm cool collected.

Now, who do YOU want with you in a crisis!!

Janet said...

Good evening to all.

Oh LOLLY< so glad you are okay!!! What an event!

Hope everyone else's day was better.

Just checking in: thanks all for the positive thought for my Chelsea.....hopefully this baby will be born bright, beautiful and healthy!

Livvy is still puny. She is at that young girl drama llama age...oh good grief. I know she doens't feel well but wow.

I didn't do a lot today: put togehter numbers for next tax year for the first 5 months of this year.....planted my clementis and my mandavilla.....rain is coming tomorrow. I see spinach is coming up in my garden now. Cherry tree still isn't looking so well...
We need the rain so I will be thankful for htat.

Everyone have a great evening. I have classes to teach this weekend so I may be in and out....but you are all in my heart and thoughts....

Hugs and smiles to all. Good night.

Lynne2 said...

I'm SO, SOOOO glad you weren't hurt worse....geesh, you must have been scared to death!

I don't have to tell you that it will be a day or two before the pains get worse after the adrenalin rush, so please keep the pain meds on board even if you think you don't need them. And let Jack take care of you...there is NOTHING more important than your healing process right now!


magpie said...

Well, Lynne2 and Lolly, in my EMS Days I had to do everything those nice Firemen and EMTs had to do to/for Lolly today...I used to climb in the cars and hold "C-Spine" stabilization while the firefighters used the cutting tools, the patient AND me would be covered in a blanket..I was one of the small ones so I could climb into small spaces

Lynne2 said...

Good night Janet, sure hope Liv feels better tomorrow, even if still dramatic!

Lynne2 said...

MARGY, you are great in a crisis, no doubt, as you are in EVERYTHING!

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...