Thursday, May 10, 2012


New thread.


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Hoda said...

DEAR GOD ALMIGHTY!!! LOLLY!!! I understand tears and anger and I understand the wisdom of not moving, the fireman was right...PAY ATTENTION to neck and other body pains that you will notice later on and see the doctor right away. I know you say you are alright and PRAISE GOD that you are.I am so nervous just reading about it made me nervous. You were on your way home so how is the do? LAUREL was coming to your place and then you were going to see MICHAEL. Keep us posted...yes lousy day indeed but so grateful that you are still in one piece and just the sound of head on collision sends shivers through me and you survived one...THANK GOD INDEED

magpie said...

Best wishes on everything you have going on, Busy Janet..sorry I don't get to chat backatcha very often....

Lolly, Lynne is so very right...the next few days are going to be sore ones, plan on doing NOTHING and concentrate on healing...sorry this might re-arrange your Mother's Day plans...


magpie said...

oh, yes I saw the SPLIT coming...

have read the posts about the flowers and will see them in person Saturday...

Hoda, Thank You
Megan,Thank You

with all our hearts...

grannyblt said...

Checking in to say I will be with all of you in spirit at the memorial service for our Hedgie/Lynn

And LOLLY, my goodness. I'm glad it wasn't worse, but tomorrow you will be so sore. Thinking good thoughts for you tonight.

magpie said...

Shirley, I agree with your Standing by your daughter Kathryn this week-end...tough not to be able to be in two places at the same time....
but Lynn would be behind you 100% on this one...and love the two of you through Kat's recovery

magpie said...

Hello to one of our other great Lynnes....

lots of room in my heart to carry all of yours inside of it...
honest!..and give many Momster and Dadster hugs in your absences

wvgal_dana said...

Lolly please, please as tomorrow comes and the next day. You will be hurting...TAKE THOSE PAIN PILLS. Keeping them built up in your system and REST, REST, REST. Anything or anyplace you were doing or going can WAIT!!! Let Jack see to your care. If anything does not feel right. Call the doctor!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

(((Hugs to you Lolly Love you))) So very sorry for this accident.

magpie said...

Thanks Lynne2, I saw what you said, I would add some heart symbols but am on the brother in law's laptop and not as easy to do from here, so just IMAGINE BIG HEARTS here

It's the [Momster and Dadster] Company I keep !!!

magpie said...

Thinking of dear Christie, Carolyn and all the Family, and
Lynn, forever...
Hope the Family gets some good rest and sleep tonight....

(( All Night Hugs ))

magpie said...

Well, Early Good Night Wishes to those headed that way,
it's shower and shampoo time for me,
will check back before bedtime, but not sure when that is going to be...

Hope Wanda and the Gang had a great Friday Night Fun Night...

Thinking of all, seen and unseen here tonight


Hoda said...

MARGY, JO I have so much gratitude for JO and LYNN'S flowers so my THANK YOU goes to JO and MEGAN.
I agree with LYNNE 1 I will be with you in spirit and will light the candles here tomorrow morning and do prayers for our LADY LYNN...doesn't LORETTA have the Greatest very creative and so full of grace.I love it.

Lolly said...

I am going to the shower and then to bed. I was on my way to the do has done did bit the dust!!!! Just fell asleep and awoke with a gasp and a start. Must have been dreaming, don't know, but started Jack.

Lynne2 said...

Hope you can get some sleep tonight Lolly....

Costume Lady said...

MARGY...Service at 11am? Correct?

NatureNut said...

TY, Hoda. Maybe all of us tomorrow could say a little prayer for Lynn's Memorial at 11 AM. Believe that's the service time. If you want.

LOLLY, LOLLY, LOLLY OMG, so sorry about the accident. Hoping you are not real injured! I guess there will be aches and pains for awhile. That is just so scary!!! Prayers for you. Just rest up as long as you can!

Eyeballs ready to plant the whole face, so Pleasant Feather Dreams, Prayers for GOOD HEALTH and Blessings on ♥Lynn's Family♥

Mema Jo said...

Oh boy! I can't leave for a few that something happens - it is usually something good and exciting - but Lolly I really got scared down at the end of the blog until I found your remarks.
Needless to say you didn't get your new do - Not Funny.. I hope everyone comes to your home tomorrow to lift your spirits (Even if you are a bit loopy)
We never know what is going to happen do we. I am praying in Thankfulness that you did not receive more severe injures. Love you! ♥

Mema Jo said...

I sent a photo of the flowers out to those I knew didn't have FB and then
I remembered Momsters' email.

Hoda said...

Count me in PRAYERS TOMORROW at 11:00 AM EDT ...
Good idea LORETTA, for those of us not able to be there it will be a group sharing...♥LYNN♥

Costume Lady said...

It sounds like Ms. Lolly was in an sorry! I'll have to go back and see what happened:(

Hoda said...

Goodnight LOLLY I hope you are able to rest...PRAYERS♥

magpie said...

Yes, dear, 11 AM

Lolly said...

I have showered and boy did it feel good and now I am headed to bed. You should see (or not) my is it bruised. Had not seen it. Wonder what will show up tomorrow. Have popped my pills.

Night all! SED!!!!

Hoda said...

Love it WANDA!!! Your Avatar, what a joyful picture!!!

magpie said...

Ditto That, Hoda !!!
And yes, Loretta's is a beauty as well.....

Speaking of Wanda, she has this expression: My eyelids are down to my ankles...that is so true for me right now...

Good Night, Precious Pals.

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One xoxo

magpie said...

Ditto That, Hoda !!!
And yes, Loretta's is a beauty as well.....

Speaking of Wanda, she has this expression: My eyelids are down to my ankles...that is so true for me right now...

Good Night, Precious Pals.

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One xoxo

magpie said...

Ditto that, Magpie LOL

Love you all, and I treasure your friendship

Prayers for Lolly, and Kay and for all in need of wellness and comfort

G'Night xo

Hoda said...

Goodnight MARGY...Blessings and HUGS.

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, so so sorry about your accident and the car...the important things is that you are OK! Glad you have some habby pills!

Will be bringing all of you in my heart with me to Lynn's service tomorrow.

I am off tomorrow and Mother's Day ☺

After Lynn's service, I will be heading to PA to watch Cohen play ball. Then tomorrow night, heading to my GF Debbie's house to have a cookout with her, her husband, Buddy, who is very well recovered from the kidney cancer, and I believe his prostate cancer treatment has endedn, my son Michael, and a special friend of mine ♥

Mother's Day, going to brunch at Dutch's Daughter in Frederick, with my boys, and Ajay's family. A good, great busy weekend.

Hope to pop on here sometime over the weekend!

(((Love ♥ and Hugs to all)))

Hoda said...

Thank you PAULA for the affirmation of taking those of us who can not be there to LYNN'S Memorial.

Mema Jo said...

Your weekend sounds all good Paula
Enjoy all of it......

Love your avatar Wanda - one of my favorites.

Get your long sleeve shirts out Lolly!
I hope you can get up out of bed tomorrow - I just pray you aren't too

Hoda said...

Your weekend sounds full PAULA and always in sharing there is the affirmation of what is best in the world.

Mema Jo said...

I put up the Blue Angel of Loretta's.

Time for me to head for the pillows
Good Night one and all & God Bless
Prayers for Lolly, Josh, Kathryn and Kay! And all others' needs.
Prayers for Christie & Carolyn to be strong and know we are all there to
support them even though we cannot take
their broken hearts away.
** ((((Lynn♥)))) **

Hoda said...

Goodnight MEMA JO...God Bless you and keep you...Sleep well...♥

Mema Jo said...

Hoda - are you ok on here all by yourself cause I am really going to bed now
Sweet dreams to you

Hoda said...

I am fine JO thank you. It is still early for me to go to bed and am doing my prayers and have the candles lit for a night vigil...It is all good. The morning group will soon be on too...
Sleep well dear MEMA JO♥

Costume Lady said...

Thanks, MARGY for reassuring me that the service is at 11am. I was confusing the service time for RACHAEL'S (Jayden's Mom) college graduation tomorrow. That is a little later.

Paula, glad you have a special friend;) Sounds like a fun weekend!
My Denise, who is around your age, also has a special friend after being divorced for 15 years;)

Family Friday was such a joy! In addition to Karla and Jayden, Jillian and Aaron came over. Aaron brought me a pretty puzzle so that we can put it together sometime when we have nothing else to do...yah, right! We had fun putting Jayden's BobBob together and have none we do.

Bed calls me...




Hoda said...






Judie said...

Good early morning.

Lolly, so very sorry about the accident yesterday but very glad you were not seriously injured. Listen to your body and see a doctor if you have any doubt.

Time to play Merlin and try to make myself less scary before I head toward WV for Lynn's memorial. Plan to try to start out by 9:00 to allow time for my usual wrong exits, etc.

Jo, thank you for the pictures of Megan's floral arrangements. They look beautiful.

wvgal_dana said...

Jo thank you for sending out the picture of the Memorial flowers. They are truly beautiful. Thank you Jo and Hoda. Thank you for the beautiful work of Megan as always.

I will carry each one of you; no matter who you are in my heart to Lynn's Memorial Service today. To a Sweet and Wonderful Lady LYNN♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Jewels said...

Good Morning!
Lolly, OMG I am so sorry about your accident!! That was scary indeed and my heart jumped out when I read that!!!
I am feeling very tired. Had a very hard time sleeping. Mostly because Charlie is making noises as he exhales. Drives me absolutely crazy!!! I am one that needs silence. No bodily noises at all. Ugh!! Got up and went to my daughters bed since she slept on the couch and then the dog started to go crazy, so of course I am the one that got up and let him out.
Thank you Megan, Hoda and Jo... the flowers are out of this world gorgeous and I know Mom is smiling down upon us.
Wow, I cannot believe today is here. I pray I am strong enough.

Jewels said...

Wanda, Momma IV , that avatar is a wonderful picture and I am soop glad to see her smiling sooo big!! I just found a pic of Mom with Jessica arounc CHristmas probacly back in 97... Didn't realize it was where it is. Charlie had put some pics up in my kitchen about a year ago... Guess I prolbably knew all along it was there... but it came to light to me just this morning. Happy times. Before she felt soo bad. Makes me smile, makes me cry, yet makes me happy.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning eagle buds

LOLLY so relieved that you are ok

Will be thinking of you all today at the time of the services I will be at work but you all will be in in heart and thoughts

glo said...

oh dear Lolly I am so grateful for an angel to happen on the scene so quickly and so glad you are 'well enough" although you have a bit of a bumpy road the next few days. "Was she texting or reading someone else's. Argh I would almost bet but could have been road and weather conditions maybe.

A day of celebration that carry's a heavy heart for all who loved and miss Lynn I know her presence will be felt at the service the same way it has been felt here and in so many places and ways in the lives she touched. I still want her back.

Dex and I are off for coffee and dog treats. I posted a very short video of how that works on fb yesterday as part of his Birthday Celebration.

magpie said...

Good Beautiful West Virginia Morning, Eagle Pals....the kind of day that Lynn would approve of...

Carolyn, sorry to read of little sleep, perhaps I should have issued an invitation to the come to The Big House....verrrry quiet here.

Thinking of all with love, especially Lynn and all her family


magpie said...

I think I have it straight now on the flowers for the Memorial:

Thank you, Jo, Hoda, and Megan !!

magpie said...

Prayers for Safe Travels for all, nice day like this, lots of people will be out and about

magpie said...

Carolyn and Christie...
We will share all our Momster Strength with and everyday

And will do b

magpie said...

well phooey....finger slipped again...

for Carolyn and Christie...we will do our best to make your Mom proud of us, as she surely is of you two...and your families


wvgal_dana said...

Jewels I knew you probably would not sleep well last night. Sorry that Charlie noises added to that.
Nice to have seen that picture you found of your Mother and Jessica around Christmas 97. I can see where it would make you cry but then your beautiful Carolyn's smile came on your face. To remember "Happy times" is a wonderful thing at this time.
Love and Hugs to you Carolyn ((((hugs and love♥))))


Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - how do you feel Lolly
Beautiful day here - Up early to get myself over to the Memorial service.

Mema Jo said...

Talking about 'little sleep' It wasn't to be had by many. ♥

magpie said...

This quote was placed on the Memorial Tribute page for Lynn, by one of Carolyn's friends:

Death Leaves A Heartache No One Can Heal, Love Leaves A Memory No One Can Steal

Lori O. said...

That's a beautiful quote - thanks for sharing it MARGY.

JEWELS, you are like your Mom and have more strength than you know. Moomsters will be with you in spirit and prayer all the while you need it.

LOLLY, hope you're okay today and don't notice anything that it hurt that you didn't see yesterday. Thank God you are okay.

The work has already started for the day, but I'm already done fertilizing my potted plants. I'm so excited about the sweet peas I got from Megan. Thanks again, Megan.

Now, the rest of the day will be doing the work-work for which I am paid to do. This seven days a week stuff is totally nuts, but at least I get to do the weekend stuff from home.

Prayers and hugs to everyone who will be at LYNN's service today. I will be holding you all close to my heart and in prayer.

magpie said...

Good to see you, in the dirt for me...and thanks for the great new word: Moomsters....we love our little Momsters words !

Will be thinking of you, and hello to Kate and all the critters.

Merlin has traveled from Annandale to Martinsburg, hope he has some MAGIC left in his bag of tricks

(( All the Time Hugs ))

ttfn xoxo to all

Lynne2 said...

Morning all.

Yes I am here. We had plans to go to my MILs this weekend for Mother's Day, but Steve was offered to do some runs for work today.

It's one of these times when it is tough to be a grownup. He dreaded telling me after work and then his mom. And especially now after Lynn's passing, it's always in the back of our minds that life can be far too short and you just never know what can happen....

The 3 of us decided that for him to turn down the shift so early in his employment wouldn't be the best move. And of course while we are grateful that he is working, things are still dicey for us financially as we juggle pay days and due dates on bills, while playing catch up.


Lynne2 said...

I love that quote Margy!

My prayers and thoughts are in full force for Carolyn, Christie and the rest of the family, and for all of us today. I am thankful to those of you who will be attending the memorial this morning and taking the rest of us in your hearts.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Oh, Lolly, I am so sorry about your accident, but glad that you are okay. When I had a similar experience, my doctor told me to stay home for a week. And I did. It was good advice.
You will need some recovery time from this one.

I will be thinking of Lynn and her family today and so wishing I could be there with everyone else. So glad it is a pretty day.

I will have to go to FB and look at the flowers.

Kathryn is still having enough pain to take the heavy-duty stuff, and Hunter has a game. She will go along and stay in the car. I have to do the driving as long is she is on the pain medicine.

magpie said...

Tough but I agree, wise choice, Lynne and Steve
..hope the week-end has some joyful moments for the two of you..

Playing Bee Gees Love Songs CD that
Hedgie made for me :)

signing off now....


Lynne2 said...

thanks Margy, it will.

Not only not getting to spend Mother's Day itself up there, but geez, they need help up there too. Oh how I wish my MIL would JUST CALL A REALTOR.

Our situation with them is not too unlike Sandi's and her mother, and so many others. They MUST get that house on the market NOW.

Mema Jo said...

Time to get me ready and hit the road.
Butterflies are fluttering like crazy

All of you are in my heart and Lynn will know that!

Love you all ♥
Keep an eye on our birds ♥

Lynne2 said...

It sure is a beautiful day to celebrate and remember such a beautiful woman! ♥♥♥♥

There will be so much Lovin' and happy and sad tears going on in H'ville today that the town might just bust wide open!

Lynne2 said...

Safe travels Jo! Love you, too!

stronghunter said...

Wishing I could be with you, Jo . . .

stronghunter said...

Please take pictures.

Lynne2 said...

Eaglets contemplating the world beyond the nest, Pax Osprey babies eating, Harmon resting, TV incubating, Isla incubating, Moma Loonie incubating, baby BB waiting for food, baby Screechies calm after a long time last night of trying to exit the box, and not much going on at Snowman cam these days...that truck is still parked there, seems to deter wildlife.

Lynne2 said...

Hope Lolly had at least some good rest last night. Anxious to hear how she is doing today....

Lynne2 said...

HOLY GUACAMOLE!! How did I miss that Paula has a SPECIAL FRIEND????

Hoda said...


Safe travels to all who are on the road headed to LYNN'S Memorial.


I hope LOLLY is still resting and I am sure JACK is looking well after her.

Thinking of SANDI as she goes over to help her MOTHER with the move.

SHIRLEY thinking of you and your helping KATHRYN. You are doing what LYNN DID BEST. Your decision remembers her very fittingly and it is a celebration of being a mother. Good on you.

CarolAnne said...

Morning all,
My thoughts & prayers are with Lynn's family & friends (including all Momster/Dadsters) today.
Sometime today Mema Jo will be giving Carolyn & Christie the book(s) containing our thoughts, prayers, and memories that were expressed when Lynn's passing was made known.
Some of the content was taken directly from the blog, a few from the tribute page, and others from emails. There are also pictures of Lynn and things important to her.
Here's MemaJo's comments after reviewing the book
They will cry like I did even when I just flipped through it.
I am so elated about this book - Everything is in it!

You can preview the book (and order your own copy if you wish) at the following link:

Lynn's book

May our heavy hearts lighten as we rejoice in Lynn's freedom from pain, in a life well lived, the friendships she made, and the memories she's left us.

movin said...

Good Morning, Everyone!


Hazy sun with a top temp of about 70° for So Cal today.

I hope you all have a great
Mothers Day weekend.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

Hoda said...

Candles are lit.


Hoda said...

A work of love C/A.

Lori O. said...

Big Hug HODA. I know we are all sad today.

I lit my candles earlier. May she, LYNN, soar forever high and be with us always.

CAROLANNE, you did a great job on the book. I saw it online. Thanks for all your work - it's gorgeous.

Linda said...

Beautiful labor of love on the book, CAROLANNE! Thank you so very much for once again putting together something memorable for all of us to have. This one, in particular is every so special!

Heavy in heart today. I so wanted to try and make it down to WV again this weekend, but it just couldn't work out.

Praying for CAROLYN and CHRISTIE today as they do their best to get through this weekend. It will be good in some respects to see people they have not seen in quite some time. It will be comforting to see those who love them and love their Momma so much, yet it will be another step in the realization that she has left this earthly life.

Linda said...

LOLLY - I am sooooo sorry to hear of your accident yesterday. I fear the full impact of what happened is yet to be felt by you. Thanking God you were spared and were not severly hurt. Love and gentle hugs to you.

NatureNut said...

Will be saying a prayer with everyone for Lovely ♥LYNN♥ and her family and all her friends.

Linda said...

As everyone takes their seat just about now, we are with you in spirit and love remembering the life of our dear friend LYNN.

She was so loved by each one in this group because LYNN always reached out first and loved us!

May today be a day of happy memories shared about a wonderful woman who opened her heart and shared her love with all she knew.

May her family and friends be comforted in the fact that LYNN has only passed from this life to the next and we will see her soon.

God Speed, LYNN! Soar high with the Eagles!

I love you dearly!

Lynne2 said...


magpie said...

I guess I might the first one back...
so I shall give a report

The services, were lovely, beautifully performed
Carolyn read her tribute, like a champ! And Shannon read what Lynn's sister Gail and her mother had sent to be read.
Also Frank, of Frank and Irene,
read his tribute. Irene stayed at Lynn's Lair to pay her tribute privately and spiritually that way

so you know, a longer post is being composed...
give me a few minutes

(( Hugs and Love to All Here ♥ ))

magpie said...

In front of the church, was the basket, with Lynn' ashes, beautifully graced with the picture of Lynn from the funeral website, the two beautiful cut- flower arrangements crafted by Megan and requested by Hoda and Jo...
and there was also two vases, one with white roses, one with red, from the daughters...stunning, all.

Pastor John Bethard led the services, with compassion, joy, and encouragement

Readings were from Psalm 23, Ecclesiastes 3:1-14, and
Romans 8:31-39 and he also quoted references from John Chapter 3, then also spoke of these verses in language that applied to Lynn and this time of loss in our lives, and the profound influence Lynn has had on our lives, now, and to continue

Hymns were Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound;
All Things Bright and Beautiful; and Great is Thy Faithfulness

More on the next post

Lolly said...

Hello.....doing okay here. My left elbow is bruised and swollen, my neck hurts. My arm only hurts when a certain pressure is put on my fingers. I keep moving my neck as I do not want it to get stiff.

I had a brunch to go to this morning and Jack took me. My very close friends from church were there. We were celebrating 3 "0" birthdays and we all give raunchy cards and laugh and laugh. It was something I needed, so Jack took me. First off I cried and cried and got I am still very emotional apparently it is related to the shock.

I have been thinking of Lynn and her girls this morning. What a rough week for them and their is tomorrow yet to go through.

magpie said...

Momsters in Attendance:
Jo, and her son Michael; Wanda and Gene; Paula; Judie; Robyn and Tori; Jerry WV, DanaWV, and me;
And of course, Jewels

magpie said...

And there is our Lolly, checking in thank goodness...steady as she goes, glad you had the gumption and excellent Jack as your escort to get out and enjoy, Lolly

(( Gentle Healing Hugs ))

Lolly said...

Oh, Margy, the service sounded so perfect. I am so pleased that Jo and Hoda thought of the flowers and made by Megan. That is so very special.

magpie said...

Your magnificent masterpiece was presented by Jo, in the company of a few Momsters, to Carolyn and Christie, just before the services.
Yes, all the emotions wrapped up within those pages, shall mean the world to them...forever.
Thank You...

Lolly said...

I am sitting here crying now. Good grief...I am an emotional wreck.

magpie said...

It was a blessing to meet Jerry WV, he is so gracious, and was welcomed by those of us there, he met the daughters, and it was just simply joyful to have him with us today
Thank You Jerry, for being with us !

magpie said...

Presentations were given by:
Frank, dressed in a perfect Redskins shirt! He had wonderful things to say about our pal...

Carolyn, who read what she wrote, and it was simply beautiful....straight from that Very Big Heart that she has...

Shannon, Christie's husband, who delivered the thoughts from Lynn's sister Gail and her Mom,

and Wanda...who read the most touching and appropriate poem, that in essence, says it all about our Lynn

Gene took some pictures, and I am sure he and Wanda will post them later; a friend of Carolyn's - took four pictures of the Momstsers and Dadsters...and I think they turned out pretty good also

How could they Not! We are Momsters and Dadsters, Strong and Loving and there for our Lynn and her daughters, and for each other...forever....

magpie said...

The luncheon afterwards, prepared by the Presbyterian Church Men and Women, left nothing to be desired, such variety and all good !

There were quite a lot of friends of both daughters and some friends of Lynn...and of course Charlie and the girls...

I am trying to give you the best report I can...knowing how you were actually THERE in spirit, but this might fill in some of the gaps.

I will make copies of the program for the services and get them mailed out, one by one, might take me a week or two to get it all together....

magpie said...

Carolyn and Christie had also prepared a Memorial book for their Mother, two copies in the church vestibule, which we signed as the
"Guest Book."
I signed
With Love from all the Momsters, Dadsters, Kidsters and Petsters...

magpie said...

Robyn and Tori were absolutely glowing, it was so special that they could attend, and I know how that makes Lynn feel... ♥♥☺☺
don't you? She was such a champion for Tori's illness and she has been for all of us in our times of trouble

Tori was wearing a necklace with a Hedgehog on it, talk about neat !

magpie said...

Lolly...I care so very much about what is going on with you...all this emotion, your wreck, how your body is reacting...and the way that medication is going to make you feel...
Cry and cry some more, it is all part of the healing...
We encircle you with love and hugs, know that !

magpie said...

I do believe the others will chime in as the day goes on..

Paula's grandson's ball game was cancelled, tough for little Cohen perhaps...BUT, she could stay for the reception it was meant to she said.

Let me tell you more about Frank:
He spoke of Lynn's passion about things: her family, her Eagle Group, her love for animals, NASCAR, the Redskins, the ocean, and so many other things. He said she is the most intelligent person he has ever met, and he "set him straight" on many things.
He ended with this: When we get to Heaven, we are asked two questions:
1) Did you have Joy in your life?
2) Did you give Joy to others?

He said, without doubt, Lynn's answers to these questions, would be YES

It was so very special to meet him and to hear his words

magpie said...

I meant to type : " she set him straight on many things."

Hoping that this finds you all in the comfort and joy of your love and thoughts for Lynn and her family, your own families, friends, pets, and the things YOU are passionate about...

and that healing prevails where it so very much needed

God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

Costume Lady said...

WE HAVE A NEW THREAD! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

COME ON OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

paula eagleholic said...






Lolly said...

Margy, thanks for sharing all the details of today.

CarolAnne, the book is totally awesome! What a beautiful tribute to Lynn. Her girls will treasure it forever. Bless you!!!

Our plans for tomorrow have changed. Michael and Ashley will be coming here afterall. Laurel and family will be here for church and then after church all except Zach will be here for dinner at noon.

magpie said...

Okay a Mother's Day Celebration at Hawkwood Gardens, Great, Lolly, now:

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...