Monday, April 16, 2012


New week, hot day thread.  We need rain...


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Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

OSPREY WAS ON MATES HEAD? Sounds like he may be a cousin of SHEP!:)

Linda said...

Good Monday Morning!

Thanks for the fresh new Monday thread, Steve!!

Now to check on the happenings of the morning......

I shall return!

Linda said...

JUDIE - So happy to hear... ♪♫ You are Family! ♪♫ I feel confident these girls are going to be peaceful and happy in their new furrever family!! It's been a long 6-8 months for you and Darth and to have happy kitties in your home must be such a welcomed change!! Enjoy them and don't forget to share the pictures.....♥

Mema Jo said...

Good Monday Morning Everyone
Thank you Steve for the Rain Thread! We will soon be doing rain dances especially for all of Megan's flowers.

I too must go back and read the earlier comments. Dana and Sandi are in their work mode but not that much longer to go.

Judi I looked at the kittens' pictures last evening and they are adorable. I think they will add some enjoyment to your home.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning again. I had to come home a minute to type some pathology reports. Heading back to the ER now. They are doing x-rays of her knee and hand. More will be revealed. Just a few more days my friend! I CANNOT WAIT!

glo said...

Good morning everyone. What a weekend it was in the Midwest. Its still very windy and actually quite cold this morning. Weather remains crazy across the land. I hope there are a good amount of leaves on the sycamore to shade our family. Hugs for all and prayers for a good day. Sissy WATCH your step.

Sandi said...

Checking in from school and see that we have a new thread! Thanks Steve!

Judie, congrats on the new family members - they are beautiful and I'm happy to hear they are adjusting well so far.

Paula, I was having trouble with the live feed as well this AM. Couldn't show my students the kids when they arrived at 8AM!

Sharon, sorry to hear about Bev falling!! Hope it's nothing serious!

41 school days seems like such a long time til summer!! But this week is only a 4-day one, since I'm taking off on Friday to head to Balto. and then on to WV!! =) Can't wait!!

DanaMo, I agree completely about the testing being way too important! It has become far more important than teaching!!

Sandi said...

Oops, forgot to check the box!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Nothing broken, just contused

hedgie said...

Sissy's FB post:

Nothing broken, just a contusion, thank God! Just rub a little dirt on it and walk it off!! Lol! Ice, elevate, etc. thanks for all the well wishes!!

Thank goodness!!!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Sissy must not have gotten the memo on NO FALLS!

Lolly said...

Wahoooo! I finally got on!! Morning my fine friends of fur and feather!! 55 here this morn and 59 in the trailer. We had not turned on the heat. Good sleeping weather. Taking it easy this morn. Washed my hair and enjoying my coffee.

So, Judie has some kitties? I guess she has posted pics. I will try to see them when we get home.

A week long celebration called "Wine and Wildflower Trail" is going on. Think we will enjoy it? LOL We have today and the next three days with no definite plans. I like!

Judie said...

Quick visit. Must type quickly before I have to paws for interference.

Bev, glad you have no serious injury. Ice and elevate could make for a day or two of luxury.

Glo, how are you feeling today?

Speaking of -- wonder how Kay is doing? Hope she sees a neurosurgeon really soon. I am diagnosing a herniated disc.

Thank you for the kitten support. They are more gray than the pictures indicate and they have very different personalities, of course. Grace is quite shy and a bit skittish but very talkative. Audrey is larger, more outgoing, and has a much deeper voice.

Okay, back to trying to get some school work done.


Lolly said...

Poor Laurel, she had to have a root canal done Friday. She has been in a lot of pain. She is on antibiotics now so hopefully the pain has deminished today.

Lolly said...

I am going to leave now. Have a great day! When I hit publish my comment, I have to sit here several minutes.

Mema Jo said...

Watching the RTH at Cornell nest and all 3 eggs are still in tact. I am anxious to see 3 little fuzz balls soon. This is the week they should hatch.
I have lost my link for the other RTH cam.... The one on the fire escape..

movin said...




Nice day in So Cal today.

I hope you all have a nice one too.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

Feeding time in the zoo!
Belle attending to their hunger.

Christie will be here in a few minutes, so will check in later this afternoon. I also get my healing massage around 4 today. Not feeling real good today so hoping that will help.


Judie said...

Babes snoozing in the sun. Adult keeping watch.

Hi Jo, I cannot access the RTH at Cornell, either. Comes back as a suspicious page. Had that happen once before. Don't know why.

Hey Lynn. Enjoy your time with Christy. Say hello, please from me. Hope the massage help you feel better.

NCSuzan said...

Jo, I have that link. They are not nesting there this year and are trying to get cameras on the new nest.


This is going to take you to an osprey nest they have but maybe we can still follow the hawk if they get a camera going.

Sorry if it sounds confusing. I am sure it is me and not them! LOL!

NCSuzan said...

Oops. It is not working. Will try again.

NCSuzan said...

Can not get the link to work. Sorry.

NCSuzan said...


Just sitting here eating a salad. Thought I would try one more time!

NCSuzan said...

OK. That's it. No more.

Lori O. said...

Goood afternoon ladies!

Lolly, so glad you got where you're going safely,
and that the wether is nice there.
Hope the wine is fine! Enjoy!

LYNN, enjoy your massage. Sorry you've got the puny feeling today.
Hope the massage helps!

Judie, I'm so excited about your new kittens. Doesn't matter the color, they are adorable! I'm positive your experience will be a great one this time! Lucky kitties!

So wonderful seeing LINDA,
during her crunch time, especially!

stronghunter said...


Hearing clunks and quiet eagle calls.

stronghunter said...

Just got here, but about to head out again.

stronghunter said...

More calls. They sound more urgent now.

stronghunter said...

Have to go now. BBL.

Oh my, more calls. Hope there is no threat to the babies or the nest.

stronghunter said...

Have to take Hunter to an appointment this afternoon, so I really need to go.

NatureNut said...

Happy, hot Monday to Everyone.
I may have to vote for turning on AC! Can't sleep in this heat~~may retire to basment!
Was planning to visit plant store, but think with heat and no rain, not a good idea for baby flowers!
Doing laundry, may have to do some sewing on items not for short people, etc.
BTW, I sent fox pics to a couple real naturalists and they say it's definitely a red fox! I was tricked by the tail & the white chest bothered me. Greys can have red or tan chest.
Back to washer~~~~

NatureNut said...

BTW, read that Sissy took a tumble!
Not allowed!Hope you're better ASAP
Hope Lynn's massage makes her feel better! ☺ ♥

JudyEddy said...

Home for lunch and find a new thread THANKS FOR THE NEW THREAD STEVE

Hoda said...

When I logged on, the chicks were asleep and unattended. Shep flew in maybe ten minutes later with a big fish. The chicklettes woke up and went to Papa for food but he is feeding himself, took the fish to the side a bit away from them. Bro advances to say me too POP!!!

Good Morning...34/41 does not sound too bad DANAMO and SANDI... You will be alright.
Tough on testing though, that used to be my least favourite.

SISSY SISSY SISSY!!! NO FALLING!!! I am gald nothing is broken and nothing will get in the way of your going to the reunion...

Enjoy the massage and time with Christie LYNN. It was wonderful to read your posts this morning.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Lynne2 said...

Afternoon all!

Just wanted to pop in from work to give you all some very good news....

At long last, Steve has a REAL JOB!!! Starting next Monday!

I want to thank you all again for your prayers, and your support over this time. We couldn't have made it without you!

JudyEddy said...

Lost the cams again that seems to happen more since they redid the page I think

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I skeered you back on here, didn't I, Lynne2?

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Lynne, that is WONDERFUL NEWS!!

Chicklets being fed.

Hoda said...

I keep losing the feed and now it won't even come up again!!! URGH!!!

Hoda said...

CONGRATULATIONS LYNNE and STEVE...this is wonderful news. I am pleased for you and very proud of you and feel very honoured to be your friend...such amazing strength and resilience and what a senseo f humour to boot!!! HUGS♥

JudyEddy said...

The eagle parents returned to the nest at 7:30 this morning. Mom has been there almost all morning, and dad brought in 2 fish. Dr. Watts believes things will go back to normal here. Biologists will leave the site and Dr. Watts will be back mid-week to check on them. He will take photos when he feels it is safe to do so. In the meantime, he has written a letter to all of our devoted eagle fans...:

Eagle Cam Community,

I wanted to take an opportunity to update you directly on what is going on with the Richmond pair and to reflect on the broader project and community that we have all been a part. I apologize for not writing to you earlier but our focus has been on the welfare of the chicks and we have been working around the clock to insure their safety.

We have been monitoring activity at the nest during all daylight hours since Friday. The adults have been in the area observing the chicks but did not enter the nest until this morning. The female flew in to feed the chicks at 7:30 followed by the male that brought in 2 fish in succession. We will continue to monitor the pair until we are convinced that the chicks are being cared for adequately. We will provide you with regular updates on their progress.

Kay said...

Always lovely to "tune" in to see a happy meal in progress ! The peaglets are looking sooo good and I'm thrilled with the joyous year we Sycamore Palace buds are having !

Looks as windy at the nest as it is here in Columbus. I cancelled errand plans as I'm not doing all that well today and don't need to fight heavy winds in the bargain.

SISSY, glad to hear it's only "contused" and hopeful you can make the reunion at the end of the week !♥

SHIRLEY, so sorry to hear about the rear ender, but very happy no one has serious injuries.

JUDIE, tickled pink to hear you and Darth brought Audrey and Grace home with you. What sweeties they appear to be !

Love all the baby, baby shower, reunion news. What a happy Spring for so many Momsters/Dadsters.

LYNN, sounds like you're resting and eating better and better. Hallelujah !

CAROLANNE has made my day. My recipe book just arrived in the mail. I love reading recipe books and this one may just bring me out of "cooking retirement" once I'm feeling better ! She has done a beautiful job with our entries and she hopes reading it this week will make me feel closer to so many of you and console me when I'm feeling sorry of myself as you get together. Thank you, dear CAROLANNE ! ♥♥♥

JudyEddy said...

From a management perspective, we have been following a single track aggressively while preparing 2 contingency plans. Our first choice is always that chicks remain in this nest and be raised by their parents. We worked to give the adults every possible opportunity to raise this brood. On Friday and Saturday we took the unusual step to hydrate and feed the chicks by hand to give the adults more time to commit. We have been prepared to continue this assistance for a reasonable period of time. If the parents would not care for the brood, our first contingency was to foster the chicks to other parents on the James. These are wild birds and our first choice would be to keep them this way. Fostering chicks into other broods is a common management practice that has been used for decades. In preparation for this, I flew on the upper James on Friday evening to identify nests with a single chick that were of the same age as this brood. We selected 2 nests that could receive the chicks if necessary. The second contingency would be to have the chicks raised in captivity and there is no better place for this option than the Wildlife Center of Virginia. We are relieved that these contingencies do not appear to be necessary.

I wanted to express my thanks to the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, the Wildlife Center of Virginia, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for our ongoing consultation on this pair. All pitched in and provided all support possible. I do not believe that enough of us recognize what a fine community of committed wildlife professionals we have here in our region.

The Richmond Eagle Cam was a project initiated by the Center for Conservation Biology at the College of William and Mary/The Virginia Commonwealth University, and the Richmond Times Dispatch. Beyond the research component of this project, our sole objective was to educate and engage the public about a species within our own town. The Center continues to be committed to that mission. As a society, we protect what we know and cherish. I have been fortunate enough to spend my entire life working with birds. Often, observing their ecology is like standing on the rim of the Grand Canyon. It is a profound experience that is not easily described. It was our hope that bringing this experience to the public would familiarize and educate people about this dramatic species and in doing so engender a concern for its welfare.

I am sad that this project has come to an end but I am greatly encouraged by the signs of life that it kindled. Throughout this experience, I have been excited by the level of interest within Richmond and beyond. It has been a clear message that a significant portion of our community cares deeply about the other species with which we share the James. The excitement of school groups about this pair has been an unexpected joy. These children hold the future of our natural world in their hands. I want to thank all of the educators who have included this pair in their classes and who are the key to how future generations relate to the environment.

Lastly, I wanted to thank the property owner and Richmond neighborhood where this pair resides for sharing their pair with the broader community. From talking to the neighbors I have come to realize that this pair is a priceless jewel for them. I ask you to have the decency to respect their privacy as you would have others respect yours.


Bryan Watts
Center for Conservation Biology

JudyEddy said...


Kay said...

LYNNE2, if I could jump for joy, I would---I'm doing so inside ! A "real" job for Steve--our prayer has been answered and we yearn for details ! We♥U ! I know this good turn for the better is going to add to your enjoyment of the Nest festivities ! Hugs and more hugs !

Time to get a few, a very few, things done ! Will be praying for all in need and in praise for prayers answered ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

paula eagleholic said...

I've noticed the picture on the still cam has been bad today too. Wonder if the leaves coming out are having an effect on the signal?

JudyEddy said...


Lynne2 said...

will be back with details this evening....!!

Lynne2 said...


Hoda said...


Sandi said...

Judy, Thanks for sharing the info about the Richmond eaglets - glad the issue seems to have resolved itself and the parents are back to takin' care of business!

Bev, happy to hear that you are bruised but not broken!

Kay, again, I am so sorry that this is another not good day for you!!

Lynn, same with you - hope the massage helps!

Lynne2 - wooooohoooo!!! How great for you and Steve!! Can't wait to hear the details!

82 degrees outside and 80 degrees inside!! Can't open windows b/c of the pollen. I may have to do the unthinkable and turn on the AC for a day or 2!

Belle just flew in with fresh flugg - sure don't need to cover those babies up today!! Looks like they've found a little shade!

Hoda said...

So awesome to see the whole family together and Missy and Bro are asleep while Belle and Shep stand guard. They sureely did short shrift with that fish!!!

Hoda said...

Poof Shep. Belle brings the left over fish to eleven and is feeding Missy.

Linda said...

LYNNE - Yah for Steve!! Congrats to you both! It has been a long hard road and I will continue to pray that this job is the perfect long term solution!!! Whoo Hoo!!

Does that mean we can add you to the dinner list this weekend?? A celebration is in order, wouldn't yo say??

Love to you both.....and looking forward to the details!!

Linda said...

Thinking of MARGY today... ♥

Haven't seen any posts from her since early this morning!

LORI - Thanks ♥ I am getting close and REALLY antsy!!!

Lori O. said...

YAY for Lynne and Steve...Best news I've heard all day. Congrats to both of you. You must be smiling ear to ear!

Shirley, so sorry about your accident. They are no fun and after hassles can be stressful. I'll pray for stress free rear ender.

Hoda said...

Poof Belle

hedgie said...

WONDERFUL news, Lynne!!!! Congrats, Steve. Been a long haul, and I'm so glad that it's finally over! WHOO HOO!!!!!

I am feeling awful, so I'm heading for bed for awhile. BBL.

DanaMo said...

Congratulations to Steve (and Lynne) on his new job! What a relief I'm sure!

First day back to school, 34 to go! It went fast, but the kids are goooone!

DanaMo said...

Sorry you are not feeling well Lynn! I hope some rest will do you good.

Shirley, sorry to hear about your accident. Always scarey! Don't like being hit at all!

Hoda said...

Healing thoughts and prayers LYNN♥
Rest well. Have you eaten today?

NatureNut said...

WHOOPEE News from Lynne2 about Steve! Way to go!!!

Lori O. said...

A day off and I got a lot done! Hooray! Finished the raffle stuff for this weekend and went through the tax documents...getting them done Wednesday - Last Minute Lori! I never have to pay so I'm not worried.

Grilled a bunch of chicken on the grill so I'd have healthy lunches for this week, too!

I'm so excited about this weekend, I can't stand it. Is the Clarion hard to find or are there special instructions to get there?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lori, there are signs for the Clarion. It is not hard to find unless you try to follow Bob Quinn there. :-) Are you going Friday night too?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Not sure how built up the crib rails are but that little turd just got awful close to the edge and then lost her balance! Poop shot off the other side. Now looking out over 3 o'clock at her kingdom!

Lori O. said...

Yes, Friday night Sharon...that's a 7 o'clock arrival right?
Need to find a schedule, but I didn't print one off. DUH!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

We probably won't get there in time to eat. We are leaving at 2 and it takes 5 hours with no stops so . . . I need to try to sneak and get Justin a birthday cake so we can have it for him when we get there. I plan on getting there before everyone leaves.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lori, I just emailed you the schedule. And then I emailed you a request! :)

DanaMo said...

No more last minute than me Lori. I haven't made the buttons yet!!! I need to get ink for my printer. I did a "test" button this morning, then forgot to go to Staples. Tomorrow is another day. Thankfully I can crank 50 out in about 15 minutes.
Can't wait to see everyone!

Hoda said...

I wonder if the frequent loss of the live feed has something to do with the wind or with work they must be doing at the site? The chat on first page is gone so this is why I think they are working on the site...Lots of ads at the bottom...

Hoda said...

It brings a big smile to my face to read about your getting ready to go to the reunion SHARON, LORI, and DANAMO

Hoda said...

Getting ready to gfo to yoga...

The oversized chicklettes, aka Missy and Bro, are fast asleep at nine and is where they have been most of the afternoon...

Hoda said...

BBL Enjoy Gone to yoga.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am so excited. I just had my first hummingbird!!!!!

Lori O. said...

Thanks Sharon for sending that info! Your request has been fulfilled. :)

mariadangeloart said...

Hi everyone. How long has it been since Shep or Belle was at the nest. Last I read Belle left at 4:37......

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Maria, a parent hasn't been IN the nest but I am sure one is sitting in the tree above the nest.

Lori O. said...

Time for bed...should be there an hour ago, but having too much fun with Words with Friends! Hard to pull yourself away at times. Then there was that bowl of ice cream that may have delayed me a little. :)

Sweet dreams to all, prayers for those in need, Lynn, Kay, Margy, and again congrats to Steve and Lynne2, and Judie on the new kitties!

Love you all and can't wait until this weekend to see you!!!

mariadangeloart said...

Thanks Sharon! I guess they are big enough that a parent doesn't need to be in the nest with them. Plus it's so warm today!

Lynne2 said...

OMG friend Joan who lives in S. MD. east of DC and very close to Pax where Loretta works just posted she saw HER first male RT at 7:15pm this eveing!!

mariadangeloart said...

I haven't been able to watch as often as I'd like to. Have the sexes been determined yet?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Well, Lynne2, that is just weird!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Maria, the sexes won't ever be officially determined. We think, because of their size, the oldest is a female and the youngest a male.

Lynne2 said...

evening all!

Well, Steve will be working here
Shady Springs Pet Relocation Service
as a driver, taking pets from the kennel

EWWWW I have a tick....BRB

mariadangeloart said...

Thanks again Sharon.They are so sweet.

Lynne2 said...

to either BWI airport or Dulles, and vice versa. They also have some high dollar clients in the DC area who board their pets at the kennel owned by the same people
Shady Spring Boarding Kennel and Camp
that drop them off at designated vet hospitals and then he'll pick them up and deliver them to the kennel and vice versa.

Lynne2 said...

he had an interview Tuesday morning that went well, and the man told him he'd call him on Thurs. But he didn't. Steve called Friday AM, the guy called him back Fri. PM and Steve was out, so he called as soon as he came home but got Voicemail. UGH!! So it was a very depressing weekend here. We kept hoping he'd call and no call came. But, he called this morning! WOO HOO! Not only that, but when he went on the interview, he told Steve he wouldn't be starting til mid May....but now they want him to start on MONDAY!!!

SO, it's finally OVER. whew...

Judie said...

CONGRATULATIONS TO STEVE (and Lynne2). Details, please and thank you. Know you two must be so happy with relief.

Kay, so sorry you have had another not good day and hope you can get some sleep tonight.

Lori, and all, Audrey and Grace will never win a beauty contest -- so not pretty they are adorable. Sacked out for about 4 hours this afternoon. Adrenaline stopped pumping, I guess, so serious kitten nap.

Thank you, JudeE for the Richmond update.

Lynne2 said...

Meanwhile, I've been trying to play catch up....

SHIRLEY....OMG, so sorry about the accident putting a dent (LOL) on your nice weekend. Hope you all aren't feeling any the worse for wear.

Judie, I see you have 2 new cats! YAY! Will look forward to some pictures!

B E V E R L Y.....we have a RULE here about NO MORE FALLING MOMSTERS!!!! But glad you are OK!

Lori, glad the parade was so good and that you had a productive day off today!

Oh had a good day yesterday and not so much today. Hope the healing massage worked wonders for you!

Lynne2 said... back a couple!

Lynne2 said...

Big one Poop Shoot!

Mema Jo said...

Going to watch Bones - BRB

Lynne2 said...

good grief, my FB is being so stupid....every time I click on someone, it opens a new tab. UGH.

Lynne2 said...

Shep in the nest, Belle in the attic

Lynne2 said...

everyone in the nest!

Lynne2 said...

Belle out again.

GEEZ, now I feel like I am crawling with ticks....EEWWWWW

Judie said...

I have just finished an intense discussion with the sandperson explaining it is not easy to be a geriatric parent to two babies. Therefore, I must have my sleep dust earlier than usual.

Having triumphed in that discussion, I am headed to the pillows. Tomorrow I must deal with other babies -- those disguised as wannabe adults.

Wishing everyone restful sleep.

JudyEddy said...

WOW been on the phone for almost two hours first to June and then the dau time for TV Check out one of the chick is under Belle tail

JudyEddy said...

I did manage to record some on this evening feeding I loved it when Missy was getting impatient waiting for her turn Let you know when it is done I put this afternoon feeding,poopshoot and wingersize all in one on FB fan page and have it on the blog now will post link when this one gets done This is one of the pic I grabed tonight

JudyEddy said...

I went back and watched the video again of the Richmond chicks at the same time looking at ours in the nest hard to believe they are that big they still look so little OK gonna go rewind Bones

hedgie said...

Here I am and here I go. Yes, Hoda, I ate and wish I hadn't. I've been sick all day. No food tonight, for sure.

Lynne, sounds like a pretty neat job!

Dana, meant to tell you that I like the logo you picked for your buttons.

Heading for the tub and then on to bed.

Prayers for all, and a special one for Margy...and all the Donaldson's.

magpie said...

Good Night Hedgie ! I'm shouting because I just missed you !!

Okay, tomorrow just HAS to be a better day for is so joyful to see you post...but not to joyful to read you are not feeling very well

(( Hugs ♥ ))
and thank you.....

magpie said...

Good News:
Steve's new upcoming very exciting job
Judie and Darth's new babies so not cute they are adorable...cute wording
Bev, no breaks boo-boos, just bruise boo-boos

DanaMo and Sandi....Countdown to Summertime !
and Lori squeezed as much as she can out of this day off !

and I know there is more happy news here and there, like for example, the Richmond Eagle Parents seem to be stepping up to the plate

magpie said...

and Linda's rounding the corner on the tax pressure

magpie said...

am so hoping and praying that both Lynn and Kay♥ will be able to say good things about themselves in the morning....

magpie said...

Bedtime for the Magpie !

working 6-2 instead of 8-4 Tuesday.
Visitation for my brother-in-law and the family in the evening,
funeral Wednesday. My nieces and nephews and many other family members have done exemplary service in regards to all things DAD....

Prayers for each and every one of you, my Precious Pals.
Thanks again, so much, for your caring and loving ways....

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

JudyEddy said...

Still watching Bones thought I would post the link to the two short but sweet feeding I got on videotoday and 3 pic I love the last pic Today nestcapades of our growing by leap and bound chicklets U kive the fist video feeding, poopshoot and wingersize in a 3 min span to cute

JudyEddy said...

I love the first video not U kive the tist video as I sit here laughing reading it LOL Right hand on key board wrong LOL

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Mema Jo said...

I have returned from the TV - I had recorded The Good Wife and decided I should watch it after I watched Bones.

I am so joyfully happy with your news Lynne about Steve's new job. I hope he does well and loves doing it.

Lynn and Kay - Pain Pain Go Away and Don't Come Back Another Day!

stronghunter said...

Ready to head upstairs. I am tired tonight after holding my mouth open so long today.

Happy to see news of a new job for Steve. Yay!

Hoping that Kay and Lynn have a good night.

I will see you tomorrow.

Good night and God bless.

Linda said...

One more day to go......

LYNNE - Great news about the job for Steve! Thanks for sharing the news and details!! We are so thankful for more answered prayers.

KAY - Hoping you get good rest tonight and feel better tomorrow ♥

LYNN - Praying for a better day for you tomorrow, too. So sorry you had such a bad day today. Rest up, Gal! We WILL see you this weekend! xoxo ♥

MARGY - Will keep you and the whole family of your BIL, your nieces and nephews in prayer tomorrow. May you have peaceful rest tonight. You have a long day tomorrow ♥

JUDIE - Just loving the continued good news about Audrey and Grace!! They are settling in very nicely!!

I think it's bed time in this roost.

Praying for all our needs, aches, pains, and concerns tonight and always!

May you all have restful sleep tonight.

Night ♥

stronghunter said...

Sympathy for Laurel and her root canal. It is not fun.

Mema Jo said...

GEEZ, now I feel like I am crawling with ticks....EEWWWWW
Just found one on the cat! Yuck!

Mema Jo said...

Shirley was your dental visit ok? I haven't read the whole way up....

Lynne2 said...






what is worse??

Lynne2 said...

We have sent about 300 STINKBUGS to a watery grave over the weekend.

Mema Jo said...

I did need to go out in the car for running an errand but I'll say that the AC is on in the house as the heat of today did me in. I hope we get the much needed rain but not for the weekend.

Hoda said...

It sounds like a wonderful job for STEVE LYNNE...Variety and dealing with people and creatures and to expect the unexpected is what it sounds like to me...each case is different...sounds like fun...

LYNN so sorry food was not a good idea today. I wished I was there so I could help... HUGS♥

I had a very good yoga session and I was pleased and learnt a lot about my own self and how I heal. I did not cough once today in yoga.

LORI so happy to hear your day was good.

JUDYE thanks for the videos. You do such a great job with them and often I post them on WOW and you had said that was alright to do.

SHIRLEY I hope you are all settling in, earlier the day you said KATHRYN was sore and I hope that improved with the was the dentist and how was HUNTER'S first day back?

Time for a cup of tea.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Busy day at work...then went to a viewing tonight for the owner's mother. Funeral is tomorrow.

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, I hope we get some showers, too. Very dry at the beach. Hope it doesn't rain too much for us on Saturday, even tho we need the rain.

Lynne2 said...

OK, what the heck was that sound?

paula eagleholic said...

Sorry Lynne, hadn't brought the cam up yet...Belle looking off to the 11-12 spot

Costume Lady said...

OMG, we surely do need rain. I have carried so many buckets of water for my flowers. Leg/knee is holding up very well...back is not:(I have my very last doctor visit on Wednesday...yeah!!

SOUP KITCHEN to bed I go~


Lynne2 said...

Don't know for sure if the sound was on the cam or outside my window!

Mema Jo said...

Well Lynne that is scarey if it was outside your window!! Nothing is going to get you if it is on the cam! Turn the porch light on.. Where is Bro Cat

Lolly said...

Hi all! Have seen references to the heat. So, how hot has it been? Presently it is 53 here. We have a propane campfire and after dinner we sat around the fake campfire. ☺ I really felt good. Had a great day. Heading to Fredericksburg tomorrow and the Wildseed Farms. Whoooopeeeee!!!

Lynne, (((hugs))) so very happy for you and Steve. Hope he enjoys this job.

Saw where C/A sent Kay a cookbook. I tested a disc for her and have printed out the cookbook myself. It is wonderful. Took it to Office Depot and had them bind it with a plastic sheet on the front and back. Well worth the little over $4 to do it!!

DanaMo.....remember I want a button, too!

Lynne2 said...

Wanda, I'm going to email the pictures I have of the bluebirds so far...maybe you can print them out for GG to see! Six little hatchlings!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Lolly I saw your campfire on FB
It was in the high 80's here on the east coast.

Lynne2 said...

Brother is sleeping. LOL! maybe it was Gray Fox....who, by the way, likes to poop right in the middle of the trail. UGH!

Lynne2 said...

wow, that wind is really kicking up at the nest...

Lynne2 said...

Wander, you have email!

Gotta get to bed! Boy, how did it get so late!

Thank you all again for your prayers, support and gift during the Soper Crisis!

Hoda said...

Sorry PAULA for the sad time at the viewing and for the boss' mother's passing.

LYNNE I have been sitting here since my last post and the cam is on and I did not hear an odd sound...strong winds yes...nothing more!!!

Mema Jo said...

Time for me to pull up stakes and travel on Back the hallway to my bunk.
(I don't know what made me say all that)

Good Night and God Bless you one and all
Prayers that when we arise in the morning we will Thank the Good Lord for another day
** (((HUGS))) **

Lolly said...

High 80's!!!! NOT good! So sorry!

I posted a good night, then lost the connection, but now I am back.

Night all! Sweet dreams!

Oh...have honeysuckle on a fence right by our trailer. Hummingbirds all around...chasing and dive bombing!☺

Lynn, prayers for a better day for you tomorrow!

stronghunter said...

Having a cup of tea. Sleep has eluded me so far tonight.

Kathryn's x-ray did not show any problems with her back, but she has a gall stone that needs to be dealt with. That is what they called to tell her.

She did get medications for the sore back. Keeping everything to claim insurance on.

Insurance company tried to give her a hard time, but she knows how to handle them. She already has gotten a rental car. She deals with insurance companies and rental car companies every day, so she is well-prepared to take care of herself in that respect.

I think Hunter's day at school was fine. He did well at baseball practice.

My dental visit was as good as one can expect when dealing with a
root canal. I think one more visit will finish things up. They put on the temporary crown today.

79 degrees here now. I think it hit 90 earlier today. Very summery.

About ready to call it quits again.

stronghunter said...

Having a cup of tea. Sleep has eluded me so far tonight.

Kathryn's x-ray did not show any problems with her back, but she has a gall stone that needs to be dealt with. That is what they called to tell her.

She did get medications for the sore back. Keeping everything to claim insurance on.

Insurance company tried to give her a hard time, but she knows how to handle them. She already has gotten a rental car. She deals with insurance companies and rental car companies every day, so she is well-prepared to take care of herself in that respect.

I think Hunter's day at school was fine. He did well at baseball practice.

My dental visit was as good as one can expect when dealing with a
root canal. I think one more visit will finish things up. They put on the temporary crown today.

79 degrees here now. I think it hit 90 earlier today. Very summery.

About ready to call it quits again.

stronghunter said...

Sorry about the double post.

stronghunter said...

Love the smell of honeysuckle, Lolly.

stronghunter said...

Love the smell of honeysuckle, Lolly.

stronghunter said...

We need rain, too.

stronghunter said...

Still have not finished my taxes. I worked on them again today. Am confused about some things. Will try again tomorrow. Must come to a decision tomorrow, for sure.

Hoda said...

Belle just moved and I can no longer see her white head.

Hoda said...

OK it is the feed not Belle. She is in the nest...the feed cleared out nd I see her head in the same position.

Hoda said...

Belle has been awake since I lost wrote in. She seems calm and never tucked in and all is well at the nest.

Hoda said...



Hoda said...

Gracious me!!! No one is up yet??? I had to get up for a cup of tea...thought I wuould say Good Morning... yet no one to say good morning to and Belle is even tucked in at seven...

Hoda said...

Belle is awake and I see Missy and Bro...he is up moving about and she is still Bro got her up and all three are mofing around in the nest...little ones are standing on their feetsies and Belle is on the railing...Maybe the nest soon will not be big enough for everyone to stand in it!!!???

Sandi said...

Morning Lori, DMo, and Hoda! I overslept a little this AM.

Hoda said...

Belle Poofs!

Hoda said...

Good Morning SANDI , I was wondering where you you start on the testing routine right?

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, Hoda and Sandi!

HODA, what are you going up so early? Tea craving? :)

Hoda said...

LORI and DANAMO are not here yet either...such a surprise, you all slept in

Hoda said...

Yes I tried to sleep LORI and gave it a really good try and have not slept a wink, so I meditated and then thought I have to have a cup of tea...mind was thinking of 71 days before I cross the border!!!

Hoda said...

Missy is preening. She has a lot more pin feathers this morning...I wonder if it is itchy???

Hoda said...

Lost the live feed and I can not get it back!!! UGH

Hoda said...

OK it is very windy and I just got it back

Hoda said...

Bro is balancing much stronger this morning...he stood up and did wingersizes for a spell and looked really cute...he too is preening and must be itchy

Sandi said...

Yes, Hoda! I start testing again today. Four of my boys have to test one-on-one b/c they are easily distracted. The stakes are high for 8th graders with regard to this test. If they do not pass both reading and math, they know they will have to give up their 2 elective classes in 9th grade (the only 2 classes that aren't chosen for them) and be placed in a remedial reading and a remedial math class. So they try very hard! But it's boring for me to proctor testing all day every day!

Lynne2, so happy for Steve!!

Lynn and Kay, hoping today is much better for both of you - you are both in my prayers every day!

Margy, prayers for you as well over these next 2 difficult days for your family.

Both of our eaglets are really getting up on their feet now - this is when it gets scary, watching them hopping all over the place, flapping those huge wings! Hope I can get the cam up this morning to show my kids!

Hoda said...

Where did you all go?

Hoda said...

SANDI I can see thie incentive to pass so they could have their electives...I also understand how boring it could be for you

Colour on the cam and yes indeed Missy has a lot mor pin feathers overnight

DanaMo said...

I just got up! I guess I was up past my bedtime last night. LOL!
Having my first cup of coffee and wishing everyone a good morning!

Lori O. said...

Still here, HODA. Just lurking and working.

Sandi said...

Thank goodness - cooling off today (only in the 70s) and then only in the 50s for tomorrow. I like warm weather but not THIS warm THIS early in the spring!!

Hoda said...

In comes Belle with greenery

Sandi said...

Saw this in today's news:

Eagle News

Hoda said...

Good morning DANAMO...enjoy your first cup of coffee.

Poof Belle

Hoda said...

Does Pippa Middleton make thenews int he USA or is she of much interest there? She is the Duchess of Cambridge's sister...Eurpoean and Canadian news are making such a big deal of an incident where her driver brandished a gun at some paparazi who were following them...could get two years if it was a fake gun and five years if it was a real gun...French law as it happened in Paris...

DanaMo said...

It was on the news here too!

Hoda said...

Where is JUDYE?

Lynne2 said...

Good morning...checkin in before dashing to work.

TICK TOCK another day off the SCHOOL CLOCK! of the "coming to America" clock!

Hoda said...

I love that LYNNE the coming to America clock!!!71 more sleeps...or at least I hope I can sleep a few of those nights!!! LOL!!!

Lynne2 said...

Pin feathers...they aren't likely itchy. Bird feathers grow out looking NOT like a feather, but like the shaft part. The feather stuff is encased in what almost feels and looks like a thin plastic strip holding it all together and they actually have a blood supply. As the feather matures, the coating needs to come off, so it does so as the birds preen. This results in dust. LOTS of dust, if you know anyone who has birds as pets! And then as it is removed...fluffy feather!

That's your lesson of the morning. I gotta RUN!!!

Hoping and praying Lynn and Kay both feel better today!

Hoda said...

Great lesson LYNNE 2. Thank you. HAVE A TERRIFIC DAY AT WORK...

Hoda said...

OK tea is done...I am going to go give my bed another go...
Enjoy the morning and I will check in later...

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

OK I just thought of it maybe the sticks are to hold the chicks down in the wind ok back to reading

JudyEddy said...

whoever was on the edge of the nest POOFED

paula eagleholic said...

Belle just floated in with more greenery

Morning all!

paula eagleholic said...

MOrning Tbird and JudyE

Chicks have a small branch laying over them

paula eagleholic said...

Bro's feathers are starting to come in quickly too...that thin branch is stuck on Missy!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

There is a stick on Missy. She is fighting it too. Maybe she lost it. That was scary.

paula eagleholic said...

She backed up for a poop shoot..stick is off....awkward wing flaps!

paula eagleholic said...

She's standing on those big feets much better

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I was afraid she would fight it all the way out of the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Back down with Bro...

JudyEddy said...

feeding time again

JudyEddy said...

two more work days and I am on vacation for 10 days

magpie said...

Five more posts actually less and we are going to


Good Morning Eagle pals xoxo

magpie said...

bwo has second egg and interesting link and comment by Lisa (and pics) on possibility on if third egg comes along

thinking of Lynn♥ and Kay♥

AND all OF you

JudyEddy said...

Missy black feather pattern makes a pretty W or M which ever way you look at it Sweet

Judie said...

Good morning.

Paula, condolences on the death of the owner's wife.

Babes are being fed. Looking very pretty in the morning sun.

Early day at the big school house. It's that time of the semester -- what can I do to salvage them -- so meetings with a couple of students before class today.

Darth will be in charge of the young ladies. Rather suspect they will have fun and he will supervise.

Wishing each of you a lovely, stress-free day.

JudyEddy said...

do the chicks eat the greens I notice they pick at them or do they just pick at them they looks so cute laying next to each others I love it that they don't seem to fight like some nest do

magpie said...


«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 219   Newer› Newest»

3/10/25 PM CAM .12am to 12pm

  🥚 🥚 🥚  eggroll thru night COG 🥚🥚🥚  egg roll 111 cog   🥚 🥚 🥚 eggroll 447 COG Eggrolla c SED 🥚🥚🥚😁🦅❤️ SED