Wednesday, February 29, 2012


New thread.


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JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

I know everyone is headed over!
Thanks Steve for the fresh thread...

Mema Jo said...

The March B-Day list with the email addresses has been sent.. Do remember that most of these persons have FB
accounts. Maybe you can't comment if
you are not a friend - I'm not sure of
the rules. ..

Didn't list Tori's address again on the list. Sorry I am 'late' getting the list out - time goes by so quickly...
Here comes the winds of March so it goes
out like a Lamb.... ♥

JudyEddy said...

Reading the other Thread and a fly in and a take off changing of the guard so I opened another browser to comment brough in flugg to

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Honking was for the geese near the nest Lynn!

Shep just arrived with some fluff and now he is putting it all around him!

JudyEddy said...

LYNN thanks for a the spray bottle tips I will buy one was mentioned earlier also and still didn't buy one

MARGY the thin one are the best and I love the PB ones additive aren't they I like both the PB and the dark choc ones Don't buy because I would eat the whole box LOL

So sorry of the piddle issue LYNN

DANAMO I am laughing about the money you have found in the past soooo funny I wonder if the bank people know about this I know they say that Cocaine is found on lots of bills along with marijuana but never heard of fecal matter LOL

I can read the other blog and comment on this one being I have two open I still want my email back

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY so good to hear she has been eating

JudyEddy said...

ANDY when I think of you I don't think of cold weather in sunny CA LOL we are so darn hot today feels like 90 out with the humidity

JudyEddy said...

JUST check the frog sooooo cute

JudyEddy said...

I think my beep with this thing also beeps when someone just signs in and doesn't make a comment it says with web slices What is a web slice anyway??

Plays a sound when a feed or WebSlice is found for a webpage

Plays a sound when a monitored feed or Web Slice is updated

and sometime when I go there is no comment so I was just thinking when someone click on the page it beeps MAYBE

JudyEddy said...

A friend of mine at work Robin her DAD dies last night she went to see him and found him dead He is my age

JudyEddy said...

JO great news about the card on Tori window I know mine got there early

JudyEddy said...

and I just found out that I get the beeps even if I don't click on the new thread to do it so that is good

movin said...

Glad to see the new thread; thanks much, Steve.

However, I've got to sign off for now. Talk to you all later.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

That is sad Judy
Tornado damage through mid west is
horrific 8 are know dead.
It is headed Eastward...........

JudyEddy said...

yep I just noticed even if click on newest I get the click beep thingy

Mema Jo said...

Bye Jim! Glad that you had found us

My feet are going up


JudyEddy said...

shep is complaining

paula eagleholic said...

Finally, a leap day thread.

JudyEddy said...

I wonder what that was agout he is quiet now

JudyEddy said...

My sister is in SC today I just remembered was going to call her and see if she has any damage but remembered she is not home DID anyone hear if Louisville FortKnox got damages

Lori O. said...


stronghunter said...

Spray bottle or water gun for kitties on the counter. It does not take long for them to hop off just at the sight of the enforcement tool. I have a spray bottle, but a water gun would cover a longer distance.

Lori O. said...

Thank YOU, STEVE, for the Leap Day thread!

Thanks to JudyE for the call over!

Rain has stopped here for now but still another 1/2" or more supposed to be here tonight.

Let me check the latest forecast. Maybe we'll get lucky. :)

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY I like the water gun idea I can do it from the living room just wrote it down on my palm pilot MY HAND lol

Lori O. said...

We're getting lucky! I think we will get a little less rain than expected - NEST WEATHER:

Still only 1/4" possible this afternoon. Then for tonight...

Showers likely and possibly a thunderstorm.
Low around 44.
New rainfall amounts between a tenth &quarter of an inch, except higher amounts possible in thunderstorms.

JudyEddy said...

I thinks it time for me to head back I don't remember when I punched so I am history I see the time I found the new thread so it look like its time

Mema Jo said...

BBILW I forgot to put my feet up
Watching the tornado damage

paula eagleholic said...

Hope ya'll are good shots with the water guns, lol

paula eagleholic said...

Makes me remember how much fun I used to have out in the yard with my kids and super soakers!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

We have a tornado watch here.

Lori O. said...

Sharon, be safe! Are you at work?

CarolAnne said...

I hate tornado season/weather. Give me a snow storm & windchills anytime.

Stay safe!

stronghunter said...

Stay safe, Sharon.

stronghunter said...

Luna is trying to convince me that it is feeding time. Forty-five minutes to go, Luna.

Lori O. said...

CAnne, your pics show a lot of snow. So happy it's not here!!! :)

Lori O. said...

SHIRLEY, FloBear cheats with his feeding time like Luna, too.

Lori O. said...

An apple just fell out of the refrig & started rolling across the floor...Dalai came running and got it before I could pick it up. If it's sorta round - it's a ball to her.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lori, I work from home. :-)

DanaMo said...

So far I have recovered 1/2 of a $20 bill, a couple of one (in perfect shape) and a 5!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

DanaMo, what is the story about the money?

stronghunter said...

Luna is a sweetheart, but she has a commanding bark. Sounds like she is ordering me to do her bidding.

DanaMo said...

Boomerang ate $32.00 this morning. I tried to get him to throw it up, but he didn't. When I got home from school I went to the backyard to see if he made any deposits.

stronghunter said...

Trying to create some veggie soup with the stuff I can find around here.

Lori O. said...

DanaMo, would that be $5 and half of a $20 and you've recovered your losses! You are one tough cookie!

magpie said...

Did anyone post that there are two adult bald eagles in the nest at Blackwater ?

and now just one

Lori O. said...

SHARON, how long is your tornado warning? Is it over yet? That must be so scary. Prayers for safety! ♥

magpie said...

Been uanble to check posts at all, and about fell out of my seat here at work when I saw the two of them....

Hope to catch up later, and that all here are well....


magpie said...

and now of course, Blackwater nest is empty again

DanaMo said...

Yes a $5 bill and a couple of $1.00 bills but only half of a $20.

DanaMo said...

I wonder if there will be future deposits or if that's all I'm going to get back! They are in the sink soaking in soapy water.

paula eagleholic said...

My live feed keeps stopping today, too.

CarolAnne said...

Yea Tori - more good news - passed the swallow test with a B+. Can now eat soft foods, and things pureed.

paula eagleholic said...

Lori, I am LOL at your dog. Do you dogs eat apple? My GF gives them to her dogs.

Yea, money back for DanaMO

I've been trying to see the BWE eagles but missed them.

Lori O. said...

PAULA, it's not that they eat apples, but she thinks it's a ball that tastes good!

CarolAnne said...

Oh Lori, don't lose that kind of ball under the couch! :o)

Lori O. said...

No, CA. Remnants have already been wiped up and are in the trash.

Mema Jo said...

Lori - don't roll any eggs out of the frig for Dalai to grab!

Hoda said...

DANAMO did you recover the half of the 20 dollars that has the serial number on it? If so it is legal tender and could be returned to the least this is the way it works here...

Terrific day for me so far...we had snow in the morning and it looks incredibly fresh and not so cold really.

Lolly said...

High today that I saw was 74, but it got hot. Worked all afternoon in the yard and I got very hot. Jack changed into shorts but I stayed in jeans as I was scooting across the ground. Carolina Jasmine is is full bloom and noticed today that the columbine is sending up bloom stalks.

I am tired this evening!!

Lolly said...

Shep sits so still. If it wasn't for sound I would think the cam was frozen. LOL

Lolly said...

Okay, I am thinking of DanaMo rescuing the money. Not a delightful job. roflmbo

paula eagleholic said...

gORGEOUS arrival by Belle from the back, you could see her swooping up to the nest. I think Shep is comfy...he has barely looked at her! She flies over him to the launch pad.

Hoda said...

Belle flies in from noon branch to nine and comes towards the nest and lands at ten. She flies over shep and approaches the cup waiting for her turn.

paula eagleholic said...

Now she is approaching but he's not moving, OK he got the hint and slowly gives up his spot, hopping up to the 9 branch

Sandi said...

Checking in from school to catch up on the blog - should be working but geez, it's almost 6pm and I've been at school since 7:15 am so I'm slacking!!!

CAROLANNE - thanks for the snow pic - better you than me!

DMO - thanks for the Boomerang and the money story - again, better you than me!!

LOLLY, glad to hear that Annie is eating.

Great news on Tori passing her swallow test - big milestone for her to start eating food.

Prayers and more prayers for LYNN - hope you're having a good day, aside from the middle of the night piddle problems!

It has been pouring here all day but no severe weather alerts that I'm aware of.

Parent switch at the nest!

paula eagleholic said...

She digs, then wiggles in, and there is your tent! Take notice Shep, LOL

Hoda said...

Shep gets up and hops to nine branch I could see his tail feathers , Belle is standing over the cup digging and is already tented, she does a wiggle and is facing ten position. Beautiful simply Beautiful.

paula eagleholic said...

NIte light on

Sandi said...

Now THAT is some beautiful tenting! Shep could use some lessons in that!

Judie said...

Good evening everyone.

Thank you Steve.

Shep, when I last looked, was looking a bit bedraggled but doing his job.

Lolly, happy Annie is eating and drinking some. Optimistic.

Hi Jim. Happy Birthday to your uncle. So nice you have such improved vision.

Never anticipated DanaMo to be a money launderer. At least it isn't a total financial loss.

So happy with the news of Tori's progress. Simply amazing.

Okay, finished my tomato soup and about to head over to the Smith Center. We need this game. Senior night, three of my favorites are graduating this year. Hate to see them leave.


hedgie said...

I got a great pic of Belle's full tenting..posted in the album!

Judie, good luck...GO COLONIALS!!!
Be careful.

POURING here....flood watches in effect.

LOL, Judie got that right: D'MO is a money laundress!! I think what Hoda says is right here, too.

hedgie said...

I'm having a Marie Callendar Pot Pie for dinner....but cheating...just eating the crust, taters and gravy!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

DanaMo maybe he is keeping some in his "savings account" lol

JudyE so sorry for your friend loosing her Dad. Plus her being the one to find him. Had he been sick?

Belle does a beautiful "tent".

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks for the call over. I was napping again. West End eagle woke me up lol Those eagle calls can wait me anytime love hearing them ♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Finally officially got T-Bird's car on the road. YAY! Had to get a new windshield before we could get a sticker. Done and done!

Hoda said...

Enjoy the game JUDIE...

Beautiful picture in the album LYNN. Thanks

LOLLY so pleased to read Annie is eating, not only the fancy food, ands also drinking...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Tornado watch is through 10 p.m. Been thunder-booming and lightning!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Tornado watch is through 10 p.m. Been thunder-booming and lightning!

Lynne2 said...

Have fun Judie!

Good news Sharon!

Great news for Tori!

DanaMo, LMBO....hope you get it ALL back! My first collie liked to eat money, too!

Rain rain go away! Geesh, so far though, no thunder to freak Daisy out!

Lynne2 said...

aw Sharon, it's your last Wednesday as a FORTY something.....

hedgie said...

Thundering here now, but don't see lightening.

magpie said...

well it just thundered at the Nest so I guess it lightning-ed too...

Safety Prayers for all in severe weather's path...

Good Evening Eagle Pals...xoxoxo

Lynne2 said...

getting dark fast now at the nest.

Lynne2 said...

we are in the home stretch of incubation now!!

Lynne2 said...

think I will jump in the shower before it might storm...BBL

Lynne2 said...

think I will jump in the shower before it might storm...BBL

Mema Jo said...

Wow! Pouring again!

Big Boom overhead!

Mema Jo said...

I saw NO lightning
Just heard the BOOM

Tricky don't you think?

hedgie said...

Lightening at the nest...did you see it???!!! Poor Belle....she's getting a real soaking.

hedgie said...

Too bad about Davy Jones.....forgot who posted it, but just remembered when they mentioned it on the news.

What a horrible tornado mess in IL and MO. Mom's area out of the path.

Mema Jo said...

Sounds good Lynn. I need to try one or two of her products. I had a beef stew over Rice -- Hubby's dish.

Mema Jo said...

OOPS Saw that lightening
Thunder was really loud and long..
Closing for a while......


magpie said...

I checked at Martin's for the Breyers...told Lynn I could not find it...
Maybe they would order it special for her..

magpie said...

so very sorry for your work-mate Robin....and the death of her father... how difficult that must have been, to find him

God Bless His Soul and Prayers for all the family xox

Hoda said...

LYNN you said you are having Marie Callendar Pot Pie for dinner...eating only potatos and crust and gravy...what else does it come with? Meat and vegetables?

STAY safe everyone from the storms...

JudyEddy said...

Home from work gonna go read since I left to go back to work Bought me two guns shoot 15feet better than spray bottles I am being rubbed on the leggs now trying to get attention BBIALW LM I hear its still raining oh btw Robins dad was only 46 so sad Robin is only 26 I feel so bad for her

JudyEddy said...

OH did you know that Checkers has a decent BLR for only 1.00 lots of bacon that is what I had on the way home

magpie said...

Wonderful new news about Tori, maybe she can have some Pureed Birthday Cake !!
I am counting on USPS to get my card there Tomorrow !

My sister-in-law, Maryalice...Fred's Wife, turns
"15 " today, 720 months..
she is really 60 ☺

Happy Birthday to Movin' Jim's Uncle !

Lolly said...

Oh, wow, just saw big time lightening at the nest.

magpie said...

You know how I am with Squirt Guns and Water Balloons, can't wait for the Season to Start !!
We actually use squirt bottles more than the squirt guns....

Lolly said...

Picture on fb shows the green applesauce Tori ate today. Green??? Robyn said they die the food for testing purposes. Not her wording but basically that is what they do.

magpie said...

Yes, Pot Pie sounds like a perfect dinner...

Got some Chicken Pot Pie Soup the other was terrific !

Lolly said...

Off to prepare some dinner. Jack says he is hungry!

magpie said...

that's intersting Lolly....
just in time for Saint Patrick's Day Month....

oh, thunder here now....
oh a big one.
and at NCTC too

hedgie said...

Lightening is doing a real number on the cam!
And Liesl is barking at the thunder! She hasn't heard any for awhile!!

hedgie said...

Hoda, the MC Beef pies have carrots, celery and taters along with the beef, of course. But I was really craving CARBS and crunch!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lightning at the nest.

Lynne2 said...

whoa just saw lightning at the nest! Nothing here yet.

You get that THUNDER Liesl!!

magpie said...

It's quite impressive when that nest lights up! Belle's White and Tail Shine !

JudyEddy said...

DANAMO your dogs eaten money crack me up so glad you are recovering it Hey wonder if you'll get interest with it lOL
you can take the half 20 down to the bank and explain what happened it you don't get the rest like HODA said I would love to see their faces when you hand it to them LOL

YEAH TORI passed to cool

I thought that was lightening at the nest

All caught up for the moment so I am going to RR the news to watch it I will be back need to call my sister Janet also

magpie said...

White HEAD and tail that would be

Not to be boringly repetitive, but I saw two adult eagles at BWE briefly
around 4:30 - could not tell if the regular pair, or...not

hedgie said...

Sofa time for me.....BBL. I think the storm is over! But now we have a flood warning!

Lynne2 said...

Since, uh, fecal matters have been discussed here today, I will share a funny story....

Yesterday, one of our clients brought us a German Chocolate cake. And one of our technicians had some Cup of Noodles for lunch.

One of our techs decided to play a trick on another.

She took a fork full of the cake, mixed in some soup broth to make it runny, and chopped up some noodles into some tiny pieces (like tapeworm) and longer pieces (like roundworm). She put the concoction into a baggie, and then found the other tech, Karen. She told Karen that a client with a dog with diarrhea and some sort of worms had dropped off a fecal sample for us to examine.

So Karen dumps the mess onto a paper plate, and proceeds to examine it. She was very perplexed by this concoction, declaring that for such awful diarrhea it didn't stink, and she had never seen worms like this before...because they didn't look like tapes OR rounds, exactly. She was very thorough.

I missed the fun because I was upstairs doing charts, but when they came up to tell me about it, they were laughing so hard they had tears!!

Sometimes in this business, you just need a little levity!

Sandi said...

Finally home - YAY!! Got an email from Denny's middle niece today asking me to hold the date for the youngest niece's bridal shower. Any guesses on the date - April 21st! Both Denny and I are invited! GREAT! Not sure how I'm supposed to tell the family that the only aunt and uncle on the Roberts side won't be there b/c we are driving to Shepherdstown, WV to spend the day with a bunch of folks I have never met who share my love of eagles! This will be a tough one to find a solution for!

Just an FYI ... Tori shares her birthday with Justin Bieber, who is also turning 18 tomorrow. Isn't that how old Tori will be?

Lynne2 said...

Glad you saw them Margy! Hopefully those watching on the ground there may be able to tell. MTBR.

Off to eat some Tomato Soup and grilled's that kind of night!

wvgal_dana said...

yes a link
Twisters and Tornados hit

Lynne2 said...

oh no Sandi!

UH OH BIG LIGHTNING AND THUNDER here...Daisy is freaking out....

magpie said...

That's a ROFL story, Lynne....

Oh Sandi...schedule dilemma for sure......

soup on the menu here for me too very soon....

xo ttfn

magpie said...

I'll probably be on some whacky work shift and won't be able to get the day off...has sure happened before :(

Lynne2 said...

can't you put in for the day off in advance Margy?

magpie said...

I can, Lynne... but we have had a couple of people resign, and leave time might be tricky...I can try for and maybe work out a switch...
time will tell....

magpie said...

I'm scheduled 8-4 as it is, I'll have to work something out....
just not sure if schedule will change again before then....

Lynne2 said...

we'll keep our fingers crossed! For Jewels, too!

Hoda said...

LOL Your Manchester Vet centre is full of it LYNN!!! They sound like a good bunch of people to work with...

SANDI it is indeed a tough dilema you are in...I hope resolution comes to you with a sense of peace.

MARGY and JEWELS I hope you two can attend also keeping my fingers crosse. I can not wait to hear fromyou how the gathering is going and I will hold the fort here at the computer end of things for this year...

Lynne2 said...

or, full of **IT, Hoda!

Hoda said...

No pun intended I am sure LYNNE...thinking of the sample...

JudyEddy said...

LYNNE2 loved the prank story toooo funny and HODA I will be holding down the fort also with you but I bet they all will log on sometimes and we will be albel to hear them on the road if they go on that one road on the NCTC grounds or on the bend in the road both about the same distance from the tree I will be on vacation that week because I had put in for it anyway

JudyEddy said...

You can see Belle real good tonight That is horrible the damage form the tornado just on the news

magpie said...

considerable amount of light at the nest, all things considered..
and not just from lightning...

Moon is at 50% full...maybe it is pushing some light through the clouds

Belle shakes off water ??
heard it and almost could sorta see it

Hoda, toes, fingers, hair, all things crossed, and thanks

JudyEddy said...

Belle is up and moving she looks so wet

JudyEddy said...

MARGY as I was walking in to work after lunch the moon looks so pretty odd when we have both the moon and the sun I SEE two eggs

Hoda said...

Belle is up digging n the cup now facing eleven turns to one I can see the eggs, good light at the nest tonight, and she tucks them in under her and settles back on them now facing five.

Lynne2 said...

LYNN....Jesse Stone new movie on Hallmark Saturday at 8!

Also, Army Wives season starts this Sunday at 9!

JudyEddy said...

This avatar can also be view on my blog I made it bigger tooo cool I had seen before years ago but a friend of mine Kay put on facebook when she saw it she thought of me
Cool painted hands huh

JudyEddy said...

WVGALDANA thanks for the senior moments video tooo cute Loved it

magpie said...

NY pal saw hundreds of Tundra Swans this week, they are probably on the MOVE through these parts....

JudyEddy said...

and I sent it to others on my email list that has really grown because of all the back and for emailing we were doing for LYNNE surprise and I have my lawyers also so I really have to be careful who I send what I think I just may take him out of it and file him in documents that will be a good idea I think Of course I haven't been doing a lot of email to busy with the blog and life I guess

JudyEddy said...

Belle is awake and looking around up she is Egg roll

JudyEddy said...

has her back to us now

JudyEddy said...

I was just watching the video I took at lunch today when Shep flew in with the flugg at the time I didn't notice it but he put it on her tail did you all notice it tooo funny I am uploading to youtube now I didn't have it sit on the tripod just had gotten home and was putting on the tripod

Lolly said...

AI is coming on, going to watch the girls sign tonight.

grannyblt said...

Hi Margy and all. re/tundra swans, spring is coming here fast, it seems. My birding friend has been chomping at the bit to go to Astabula OH where a black tailed gull has been all winter. We are hoping to go the next nice day we both are free, so we won't go east this trip.

CarolAnne said...

Hope the nasty weather has left all of you.

For the television watchers enjoy - hope none are repeats.

When you think of it, it is truly amazing how the wild creatures just go with the flow when it comes to the weather.

May the sun shine for all of us tomorrow!

magpie said...

neat avatar, CarolAnne....
how much new snow there ?
My sister in Western Mass is getting some...

grannyblt....hope you can make the trip soon !
love your birding reports....

more light on the Still Cam than the Live feed for me

magpie said...

grannyblt - were you the one that posted about the Maine eagles the other day? I know it was maybe you, or Diann....or FuzzleIrene

paula eagleholic said...

Davy sorry to hear about his favorite Monkee

Sharon, we had lightening and thunder in Frederick when I was leaving work

Nest looks pretty bright tonight...considering the conditions

Lynn, you sound like you are feeling a little better.

Great news about Tori's swallow test!

LOL Liesl barking at the thunder!
Too Funny!

Lynne, great trick at work!

Sandi, just tell them you are visiting with extended family...and you have met some of!

I finished up my chicken soup for dinner!

magpie said...

Eagle in the nest at Lake Washington...

magpie said...

forget has left

wvgal_dana said...

Lynne-Grannyblt I hope you get there and get to see that bird. Wishing also that you get pictures to share with us. Would be neat seeing that different bird. Good Luck!!!

JudyEddy said...

If your interested in this afternoon quick video I did when I was home its on the blog and FB and YT
He put flugg on her tail LOL to AI now again

magpie said...

all frozen up here, need to shut down and start over....

thinking of Kay...would like to see a sunny post from her...
hope all is well

ttfn xoxo

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds. Was planning to watch AI, but junky political stuff is on~~~may have to watch downstairs w/the afghan! LOL
I konked out last night in chair after Idol. I thought MORE than 1/2the guys were good.
Went up to Laurel today to work on Dinosaur exhibit.They put most of it up TU. Boy were we pooped tonight. Still a little more to do--I may have to work tomorrow, too!
If I don't get back, Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>) Prayers for all and extra special ones for our Lynn ♥

CarolAnne said...

MAGPIE - I'm in southern part of state - just rain today, with a bit of flurries, nothing measureable. Cottage area topped out at 14" of snow today. Very pretty, but wouldn't want to shovel it.

Kay said...

Good evening ! Checking up on all of you after a long, but satisfying day of grandmothering and mothering.

Sounds like a good day with Belle and Shep. Sorry they and so many of you have had heavy rain, storms, tornado watches today. Don't know how Columbus escaped, but I'm not complaining. 70° and sunshine !

LORI, LOL Dalai's "new ball" ! Cute !

DANAMO, you have a stronger stomach than I. You need to rename that dog ATM. Isn't this the second time you've gone through this money laundering bit ?

Thrilled to hear Tori is on soft foods and bet it won't be long before she's on solids. Wonder what she's craving most after not having "real" food for so long ?!

LYNN, I hope that MC crust, taters n' gravy stays down. I love Marie's chicken pot pie !

Thinking of all in need tonight with love and fervent prayers !


stronghunter said...

Flood warning here. Just as long is it is not a tornado warning . . .

hedgie said...

So Lolly has a HUNGRY JACK, huh???

Lynne, hysterical all have to make the fun moments, for sure!!

Sandi, since it is just the shower and not the wedding, I wouldn't even give it a second thought!!!! Your calendar is already booked!!!

Finished my bath. Almost time for Weds. shows.

Lynne, thanks for Jesse Stone info.....wonder why it's not on CBS???? All the others have been...And can't wait for Army Wives!!

wvgal_dana said...

Kay didn't you have a drs appt. today?

hedgie said...

JudyE, so sorry about your co-worker's loss. :(

stronghunter said...

Flood warning in the Shepherdstown area, too.

stronghunter said...

Lynne, it was a funny story. I cringed just a little bit, though.

Will be ordering George's medicines online from now on. The vet will not be getting the most important one anymore. Placed the first order today. I can get his food online as well. Just need to decide where I will order it from. Going to do some price comparison.

The vet's office is across town, so it will be more convenient.

stronghunter said...

Watching AI again tonight. Kathryn is watching Survivor upstairs.

Hoda said...

Kay sent me this video of where I used to live...I actually know most of the lakes there and have travelled the highways and seen the glaciers...Wonderful Province of Alberta Travle Alberta, Canada.

I sent her this video of British Columbia where we have oceans and mountains and life is laid back and all is goodSuper Natural British Columbia

LOLLY has been to both Provinces.

hedgie said...

If I don't get back, you'll know that Judie's sandperson got here first! Think I really need to stay off t his chair for the rest of the day. Need to find a different cushion!! OUCH! But I've gained 4# since Sunday! Hurray!!!

Love you all. Have a great night.

hedgie said...

If I don't get back, you'll know that Judie's sandperson got here first! Think I really need to stay off t his chair for the rest of the day. Need to find a different cushion!! OUCH! But I've gained 4# since Sunday! Hurray!!!

Love you all. Have a great night.

Hoda said...

Good news on the weight gain LYNN.Good on YOU... Glad you are looking after your comfort tonight and leaving a chair to a more comfortable sofa perhaps. Sleep tight and I hope not too many wake up calls...

stronghunter said...

So very good to see you tonight, Lynn. And you have gained some weight. Wonderful to hear.

CarolAnne said...

A weight gain to celebrate!

Now that doesn't happen often. lol

Happy for you Lynn!

stronghunter said...

If Judie's sandperson gets you, Lynn, I hope it is powerful sleep dust that keeps you dreaming happy dreams all night long.

wvgal_dana said...

So great Lynn/e that you gained some weight. Ouchie on the butties.

wvgal_dana said...

I am using DVR for Al and watched Suvivor. I like that the girls are starting to gain.

Sandi said...

Barely made it thru Survivor - will have to catch Criminal Minds tomorrow. G'night my eagle friends. Lynn - happy to hear you've gained 4 lbs - hope they're all on your butt!! I wouldn't wish that on most people I know!! =)

wvgal_dana said...

Night Sandi AOYP=Angels On Your Pillows.

paula eagleholic said...

Good news, Lynn! Sleep well!

Kay, I think Tori is dreaming of Five guys burgers!

DanaMo said...

Back from the airport. What a horrible ride. Pouring rain, fog, dark, and I'm not really used to the heavy traffic. It got worse on the way back before it got better.

I don't think I'm going to be able to do anything with the 20, too much of it is missing. Yes it would be fun to take it to the bank and tell them where it's been.

Yes, this is the second time that Boomer ate money. The first time it wasn't my money and I didn't know he had eaten it until I found it in the year. This time I knew he got it after he ate it because it was my money. Wish I had gotten him to throw it up, but oh well. Guess I will be careful with my money as well as my socks.
Too much stress for me from the drive, not even going to watch CM. Good night all! ♥

DanaMo said...

*found it in the "yard"*

CarolAnne said...

DANAMO - hope you can "de-stress" and get a good nights rest!

Mema Jo said...

I am watching Criminal Minds Some of
these are stupid!

4 whole pounds - Good on you, Lynn
I guess those pinwheels with PB did it!

I will read back later......

stronghunter said...

Well, you can keep looking for the other part of the 20, DanaMo. If you do find it, maybe you should not tell the bank where it came from. But if it smells like Clorox . . . uh, maybe Lysol. Would not want to make the colors disappear.

Yes, definitely keep money and socks away from that dog.

JudyEddy said...

Been on the phone with my sister in KY Connie she is safe and sound and my cousin saw a tornado in Etown from his office window as just on facebook with Sharon is wife I am so glad all is ok with them The tornado hit just outside of Elizabethtown but where my sister is everything is ok She was suppose to be in SC with her daughter but didn't go the tornado was near hodgeskinville ky OK back to TV been on the phone for a while with both sisiters and daughter

stronghunter said...

Glad you got safely home, DanaMo. I have no desire to go out driving tonight.

Lynne2 said...

been reading....The Help is GREAT! Hoping to finish before the weekend so I can then watch the movie, too.

Lynn...4lbs. WOO HOOOOOOO!

Lynne1, hope you get out to see that gull! I'll think positive and wait for pictures soon!

Margy, sure would be nice to see/hear some Tundra swans....

Going back to read some more. Can stay up a bit late tonight since I don't have to be at work til 11 tomorrow!

Good night and prayers for all!

JudyEddy said...

Goodnews on the 4 lbs LYNN

JudyEddy said...

WOW was Shannon good she is a local and they are having a big party in StPete for her tonight

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Nila report and then I am going to bed. She is doing better once again. She was having tremors and they had put her on Ativan. I think her extreme drowsiness and weakness was coming from that. I went by there this evening to drop off some jelly beans. She loves some jelly beans. I have a cough and my chest is feeling pretty raw so I couldn't go in to see her. She is one of the most resilient people I have ever met. Momsters prayers rule!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Four pounds is a miracle! Keep em coming! Love you Lynn!!!!!

JudyEddy said...

Been on the phone texting back and forth to Angie she took Jordyn to Ped Er running a fever again two days now was up to 104 lungs are clear and they are running strep on her now poor baby Both my sisters on the phone mentioned Asthma so I told Angie to mention it to the Dr since she gets the worse croup cough and she throws up when she has it also has difficult breathing when it it also can't hut to mention since it run in family my sister Connie had it and Janet dau Chelsea had it

JudyEddy said...

SHARON hope Nila finds peace

magpie said...

I took me weeks to finish The Help
and another three months to see the movie....
Lovely experience, both...
I'm a slow reader, especially when I fall asleep reading so often ☺

magpie said...

well it didn't take me three months to see the Movie...duh, took me 3 months to get around to seeing the movie

See You Kay ☺ Good to hear of your time mothering and grandmothering...

Shirley, wondering how that soup turned out you were working on....

magpie said...

pretty amazing the Moonlight giving some Nest light through all the clouds....

magpie said...

Yay on the pounds, Lynn
More Pounds, More YOU ☺

magpie said...

sorry you could not see Nila, Sharon, and hope you feel better soon, but great on sending in the Jelly Beans, happy to hear she is feeling a little better also.....

JudyE, hope it gets figured out for Jordyn.....
mention all that to the docs, it is important

magpie said...

Our Momster Friend, Rocking Circle R Jenny......and her family, live in Elizabethtown, KY

have not heard from her in a long time but had passed along the Nest and Egg news awhile back....
will hope and pray all is OK there....

SPLIT approaching....
driving right towards that barricade 200 post

stronghunter said...

Soup turned out find, Margy. I put in hamburger, onions, carrots, peas, mushrooms, cabbage, potatoes, a can of veggie beef soup I found and a can of crushed tomatoes. Then I made some cheesy biscuits to go with it.

Kathryn said it was "wonderful." She enjoys having dinner cooked when she comes home.

I will probably have some for lunch tomorrow.

Hoda said...

JUDYE glad your family is safe in Kentucky...Sorry about JORDYN being sick. PRAYERS...

BELLE is awake and tenting so very beautiful she is...

magpie said...

See your post on the snow, CarolAnne...
I do see some snow on the Snowman Cam....guess it's the same storm system perhaps....

magpie said...

Lynne went on ahead to reading without wishing us the Happy Last Day of Meterological Winter.....

stronghunter said...

I enjoyed reading The Help, too. I saw the movie first because Kathryn brought it home.

Hoda said...

I said it before SHARON you are an awesome friend and how forunate NILA is to have you on her side supporting her. I hope you heal from your cold and not feeling good...

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...