Wednesday, February 22, 2012


New thread.


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T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

T-Bird said...

Thank you Steve for the new thread.

magpie said...

Thanks T-Bird for the Alert....
Glad you found that we have one......

Thanks Steve for the New Thread

Have a good day everyone...
xo ♥

Lolly said...

Good morning, Thelma and thans for the call over.♥

Steve....thanks for the new thread!

Did not get on last night as we got home late from Denton. Had a fun evening with Laurel and family celebrating Joey's birthday.

Then just a few minutes ago I had a senior moment. I was thinking it was Thursday but could not find the blog. I was thinking we were having more blog problems as there were no more posts after Wed. morning. Duh!!!!!!!!!!! Big time DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lolly said...

I am watching Shep in the sunshine. Love it that there is such great weather at the nest.

Lolly said...

I hear the wind but at least the tree is not swaying like it was.

I am off to read the paper now.

BBARTP Ha! Pulling a Jo!!!☺

Costume Lady said...

I had to chuckle at the first avatar for this new thread:)
For those of you who may not know about THELMA'S is Buddy, her basset hound. She brought him to one of our Open House weekends and he made himself right at home in the Eagle Express, hopping right up on Capt. Gene's seat, as if it belonged to him:)

Costume Lady said...

Be Back After Reading The sneaky Lady Lolly:)

JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

Thank and Good Morning Thelma!

Steve - going to start to warm up &
Spring isn't that far away. Thanks for the fresh thread.

JudyEddy said...

Don't ever change your avatar THELMA I love looking at it also sooooo cute

JudyEddy said...

Now that I am caught up again I think I will go get dressed that way I won't have to rush to get ready to have lunch with Angie We are going to Chicago Deli I love it there get to eat outside and enjoy the weather tooo

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

LYNN so glad you had a great nite

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - this morning did you have any after aches from tending the soup
yesterday? You certainly are doing well. So brave - no cane! So I am assuming that you didn't not Wiggle Wiggle into the Kitchen Love You ♥

magpie said...

Hover over the Google graphic, click and go to a link
..honors a German Scientist's
155th birtdhay....

Bird Girl had a little bio of it on last thread

T-Bird said...

He sure did Wanda. That was a hoot.

T-Bird said...

Okay JudyE.

JudyEddy said...

Yep MARGY I read THELMA info on it and I did click on it Odd that they had nothing for President day though I always for get to click on google and only do when someone reminds me on the blog need to start I guess I do look almost daily at the Astronomy picture of the day

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

too cool he won LYNN and the points the last time I looked were way up there compared to all the others and Peter Sharpe got second thanks for posting the link I went on the old one where we voted to find out more and nothing was there THANKS for posting Love it

magpie said...

and lots of little white fuzz feathers blowin' in the wind

JudyEddy said...

I got chills listening to him talk on the video

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

I hope LYNN brings over the link she posted on the old one at the bottom Its to where Dr Clark won and they are interviewing him I got chills at the beginning were he was talking about Kennedy talking and De Sharpe got second I know Dr Clark's votes were way up there

JudyEddy said...

EGG ROLL again

WV sUSAn said...

Thanks JudyE

hedgie said...

Hi, T-bird!!!! And Buddy, too , of course!!!

JudyEddy said...

Paul my weather man posted two awesome clouds on facebook you ought to go check them out I will bring over to the blog also He wants people to name them as if we are meteorologist LOL

Mema Jo said...

Going for the Street clothes........


JudyEddy said...

LYNN bring the link over to this page of Dr Clarke please I posted it on facebook tooo

hedgie said...

Hurray for Ed

hedgie said...

Done, Judy!

CarolAnne said...

Morning everyone,
Just a reminder - when I get back from my Eagle Weekend, I'll be working on the MOMSTER/DADSTER RECIPES. Some of the contributions so far include: casseroles, chicken, soups, dips, pot roast, salads, cookies, buffet items, eggs, slow cooker ideas, cake, rice dishes (& healthy homemade dog food), plus some dining stories.

I'll be making copies that Lynn will bring to the Spring Get Together. On that weekend I will also post the set on my blog for those not attending.

PS: I'm looking for a punch type recipe to go with an Easter brunch, if anyone has one to share.

My email contact is on my blog.

JudyEddy said...

I put the two pictures of the cool clouds he want people to guess what they are called they are awesome but scary
Cool cloud

JudyEddy said...

THANKS LYNN you are the bomb now its time for me to finish getting ready to go for lunch I was trying on pant and pants and pants I had in my closed ONLY 25 pairs to try on and they all fit now to get the ones out of my closet on hangers and put the old new ones up Just was tired of baggie britches LOL Will keep the others as I am sure I will put the weight back on It always happens fact of life LOL but I am going to try my darndest to keep it off Later BBIALW

JudyEddy said...

MARGY and all I now have on PURPLE jeans LOL I have always loved colored jeans I am stuck in the
60's I guess

Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread and thanks Thelma for the call over. Hectic morning at the middle size school house! Shew, no time to take a breath or a bathroom break!! May have time to catch up on the new thread if I speed read!

paula eagleholic said...

Feeding at BWE

Shep incubating, facing 9

JudyEddy said...

500 million dollar 17 tons of coins (gold and silver) from a ship that was sunk in 1804 has been a battle since 2007 that is when the Odyssey found it in the bottom of the sea well a judge has decided that it belongs to Spain and will be shipped from Sarasota to McDill Air force base and shipped to Spain from there pictures are tooo cool that they have the coins are all fused together The odyssey claims that they were just custodians of it and wasn't going to keep it LOL funny huh they always have though finder keepers if it is found sunk it belongs to the person that found it Well judge proved them wrong JUST ON the news JUDY new reporter reporting LOL now to leave for lunch

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good afternoon eagle budlets. Sis is at the hospital now getting her EGD. Hopefully we will get answers today.

Mema Jo said...

Judy - that cloud is scary and I guess
it is going to get named. Don't like the looks of it and I wouldn't want it
to be above my head!

hedgie said...

I have a pair of sneakers that are pink/purle/turqouis/orange/green that I am too embarrassed to wear (took too much razzing when I did!). Maybe I'll wear to them our gathering!!!! YOU all wouldn't make fun of me, would you????

Mema Jo said...

Hi Sharon - I've been thinking about
Bev - Praying for results to answer a
few questions perhaps. ♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Me and Mattie will love your shoes!!!!!

hedgie said...

I think it all depends on territotial water limits, or something, Judy.

Mema Jo said...

Would love to see those sneakers, Lynn!
No one will dare 'make fun' of them but
they may question what possessed you
to buy them! lol
I have a few items of clothing in my
closet that I'll never know what kind
of mood I was in when I bought them..

hedgie said...

Time for a bite of lunch. BBL.

Mema Jo said...

Going to find something for a light
lunch (Probably eggs) and then need
to make a final draft of info for hubby
to take to the tax man tomorrow.

Be Back Soon I hope

WV sUSAn said...

LYNN - CarolAnne has my Scottish egg recipe for the Momster recipe collection.

paula eagleholic said...

Shep still tending egglets....facing 11-12

hedgie said...

SMASH MOUTH......putting on make-up sans specs....opened cabinet door right into the ol' smackeroo. Ouch!

Lolly said...

Welcome to the club, Lynn. Walking into the bedroom yesterday, hit my left shoulder on Jack's very tall chest of drawers.???? How did I do that? Walk by it all the time! Ouch! Have a bruise now...on my shoulder. Wild!

CarolAnne said...

OUCH LYNN - be careful.

A few weather prayers please - tomorrows weather: ...WINTER STORM WATCH IN EFFECT FROM THURSDAY MORNING THROUGH





Lolly said...

Wind is picking up. Nest is rocking and rolling now.

Up to 71 here now. Guess where I will be today. Gotta walk first!

Lolly said...

Not a good time to be traveling, C/A.

WV sUSAn said...

Lynn, guess you won't need your plumping lip gloss today. Ouch

hedgie said...

C/A---can you get to where you are going tonight instead??? Be careful!!

Okay, sUSAn....I'll wait til the cookbook comes out!!!

Lolly, I do that ALL the time with only a few possible places to do it! KLUTZ is my middle name, you know!

Jo---re: the shoes.....we were in an outlet store and I saw them first. Mind you---this was back in the 70's!!! Sis tried to grab them out of my hand, saying she wanted them (hippie).....and I was obstinate enough to say, NO, I found them, I'm getting them. Only pair in the store!!! Nasty sisterly rivalry! I admit it!!!

hedgie said...

Liesl is alive and well........Beggin' Strips commercial woke her from her nap!!!!! ARGH!

Hoda said...

Good morning/ good aftrnoon all.

LYNN You HAVE to put a picture of those shoes on your blog...sorry you walked into a cupboard door. That must hurt...

LOLLY too are we going to have to make a rule???

sUSAn Belle was on most of the night...from my reading I understand that there is usually an early morning switch before day light...

I forget how dark rain makes is poruing down here, washing things clean and yet I have to turn on the light!!!that dark!!!

I like our public library...I phoned to reserve a couple of books and they ae always so very courteous...very helpful people.

Hoda said...

WOW CAROLANNE...I join in the concerns about yor travel plans and the weather...PRAYERS for sure...I like LYNN's suggestion why not leave tonight instead...

CarolAnne said...

Drive is too long to head out after work tonight.

And we should be here to clear snow if indeed that much falls.

Will keep an eye on weather, and decide. Roads will be clear enough to go Friday, just lose a day of viewing. :o(

WV sUSAn said...

Lynn, you have email.

Kay said...

Greetings from Malcolm,Woof-Woof, and me !

CAROLANNE, Yikes ! Be safe ! Stay warm !

SHARON, anxious to hear results of the EGD. Sissy needs answers and a cure !

LYNN, glad to hear I'm not the only Klutz in the "family" ! Hurray for Ed, indeed ! Those shoes sound marvy ☺ ! They will make every one happy since all possible favorite colors are included !

A belated thank you to STEVE for the new thread. We are fillin' em' up fast these days.

BBL ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Hoda said...

JO Thinking of you and joining with you in praises and prayers on Ash Wednesday...♥

Hoda said...

Off I go to yoga and to walk in the rain...I am sure there is a song!!! Walking in the rain!!! I will pretend I am in England!!!
Have a terrific to you all later...

Mema Jo said...

You know what! This blog is MY LIFE,
not my 2nd life, but it is the first
thing I do in the morning when I awake
and it is the last thing I do before bed

No body better fool with My Life!

Tax man is here behind me...... Bye

JudyEddy said...

Back for a great lunch with daughter just tooo short half hour Got to see both eagle in the cell phone tower and I think there was another flying around we ate right next to the park where the cell phone tower is

JudyEddy said...

LYNN sounds like my kind of shoes I have stripped pants, flowered pants paisley one too and I don't care what people think when I wear them I love them someone told me my pants one time looked like their mothers couch or curtains . I put them on the other day and ouch can't wear them yet tooo tite I guess I am to high waisted for the ride but the butt big time and hurt big time AND I want a pic of the shoes since I won't be there I hope you didn't get a bruies when you hit your self in the mouth

JudyEddy said...

I do that quite often walk by a door way and hit it I guess my mind thinks I am smaller that I really am lots of bruise in past from that and is embarrassing at work when it happens there

JudyEddy said...

It was so nice sitting out at lunch little breezy napkins kept flying away about 76° out now you can see the front coming with rain really yucky to the north suppose to be here tonight

The sun is shining so nice now but in the distance you can see the front I opened all my windows went out side and put nails in around them so the cats can't push out the screens hope it works But when I am gone I will pull the windows down just in case

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

WEll I think I am going to run out for a bit before the rains come soooo pretty out

Lolly said...

I have walked and now heading out into the sunshine. It is now up to 74. Too warm. Wish you could see me. In my chair, laptop on my knees, Annie on my tummy/chest, and I am reaching over her to type. Pardon me, Annie!!!

Also, she thinks while I walk I am to entertain her. She thinks my stretchy band is her play thing.

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY get a tripod and camera set on timer and take a picture like I did I am heading out to enjoy my 76° weather yours sounds as great as mine does Bye for now BBIALW headin for the beach I guess or park

hedgie said...

Reminder to Lynn.....don't close curling iron on fingers! ROFL!

Carolyn will be here to pick me up in about 30 mins. so time to finish up here. Between the three of us, dr. may not know what's hitting him!! Chris is armed for bear!!

See you all this evening.

hedgie said...

No,no Hoda! Shoes will be seen in person on the 21st of April!!! THEN there will be pics! Mustn't spoil the surprise!!!!!


JudyEddy said...

OUCH LYNN that is two things today no more you hear otherwise you will have all of us to deal with LOL
and poor GLO has a wild story with her and DEX and two other dogs on facebook just now was checking before I headed out the door and was calling my son to see if he wanted to go with

Linda said...

Great Comment, Jo!!!

Don't mess with My Life!!!

My Blog!! My Life!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I just had a whole slew of robins in my backyard! :)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And starlings.

magpie said...

Give the doc the old One-Two-Three Lynn

Happy Birding, Sharon

back to work...

xox Pals

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Tom just called. Doc said everything looked okay, no ulcers and where he did the surgery last year, it was all good. She did have inflammation of the lining of her stomach and that could have been causing the problems. He is going to change her meds around a little bit. I wanted a definite answer myself.

JudyEddy said...

lots of eagle calls shep poof

JudyEddy said...

i think that is belle

JudyEddy said...

yep its her

JudyEddy said...

Shep was opening his mouth but with the wind couldn't hear much I was recording and them I oops the screen after he poof got it back was funny alsomost like he couldn't take off lots of chirping and them Belle landed I will up load the video now opps and all

JudyEddy said...

oh the oops was the cats jumping on the desk

JudyEddy said...

was there anyone else out there that saw Shep go up and come down

JudyEddy said...


Milwaukee, Wisconsin15:18:21
United States
Seminole, Florida15:16:57
United States
Fredericksburg, Virginia15:14:21
United States
Washington, District of Columbia15:14:15
United States
United States
Arlington, Texas15:13:24
United States
Milwaukee, Wisconsin15:12:48
United States
Seminole, Florida

stronghunter said...

Yes, Judy, Fredericksburg is on! I heard Belle calling. I sometimes have the blog and the cam minimized.

JudyEddy said...

Belle called out twice after the switch while I was uploading couldn;t comment because uploading opened anoter IE

JudyEddy said...

did you see shep fly up and came righ back down like he couldn't get up its on the video i am uploading now

JudyEddy said...

I am hearing birds then I remember my windows are open I went out side and put a nail in each corner of the screen in to the wood frame that way I know the cats can't push the screens out They were meowing with them oopen and now have stopped

stronghunter said...

And poof.

JudyEddy said...

where did Belle go to she just got on

CarolAnne said...

Sorry JudyE - didn't see - maybe the wind caught him just at takeoff

stronghunter said...

Eggs are alone.

JudyEddy said...

is this unusual for them to leave Belle just go on and then she poofed after calling out

JudyEddy said...

call HRSE and she back

paula eagleholic said...

Belle back in and really calling out!

JudyEddy said...

and poof something is goin on

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like she went up to the 9 branch

stronghunter said...

Belle returned briefly, calling, then flew off again.

JudyEddy said...

ok rush to the nest you guys WVGAL DANA are you lurking

stronghunter said...


JudyEddy said...

atleast we hear no other eagle cries

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, I think you need some of JudyE's snazzy jeans to go with your hippie sneakers!

JudyEddy said...

is the temp warm enough for the eggs to be uncovered????

JudyEddy said...

she is back

paula eagleholic said...

Back down into the nest from up above...not sure which one yet.

stronghunter said...

Belle is back and settles on the eggs.

paula eagleholic said...

Haven't seen the spot, but it looked like a Shep wiggle...yep it's Shep back in.

paula eagleholic said...

BWE chicks uncovered a lot today.

JudyEddy said...

must have had a feather up her butt so to speak

JudyEddy said...

thought I saw a spot

paula eagleholic said...

JUdyE, it's very nice today...around 60°

stronghunter said...

Would you believe 60 degrees in Shepherdstown, Judy?

JudyEddy said...

no that Shep I see spot

JudyEddy said...

maybe belle had other issues looks like he is looking at something

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, that's Shep in the nest...doesn't take up as much room as Belle.

stronghunter said...

65 degrees here--very comfy outdoors.

JudyEddy said...

WOW nice weather you are having KUDOS

stronghunter said...

Oh, sorry, for some reason, I thought it was Belle.

JudyEddy said...

maybe I have spot on screen but I swear I saw spot two times what do you think

JudyEddy said...

Belle was there for a quick second and flew off after chirping Shep was there all day and I though it was her turn I guess we were wrong she has other things to do Odd huh

DanaMo said...

stuck at school for another hour. Annemarie has DI practice and her usual ride needs me to drive today.

JudyEddy said...

Maybe she figured out since she is there all night he needs to tend a little longer during the day LOL Who can figure out eagles anyway

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Andrew and Kelsey have a concert on my birthday so it looks like I will be spending the birthday with them. YAY! Me and Becky will have cake on the following Saturday.

JudyEddy said...

she is in the attic shep looks up and chirps at her he is probably saying its my break time LOL

magpie said...

leaving the workplace


Have a Good Evening, Eagle Pals
xoxo +

paula eagleholic said...

Shep up and off to the left...then a clunk from above

paula eagleholic said...

Belle in

Sandi said...

Home in time to see a parent switch! Poppa out, Momma in!!

Lori O. said...

LYNN, can't wait to see
your shoes!
Sounds like I would love
You may need to put locks
on your laces!

Happy to hear that BEV
had a revealing test, and
hope the med changes help. Continuing prayers.

YEAH! Ed Clark!
That is so cool.
I love WCV and all they do.

PAULA, now I'm going to
have to watch Shep a
little more closely to see
if I can learn the difference between the Shep and Belle wiggles!
What's the secret?

paula eagleholic said...

Clunk and shake, think Shep is off for a spin...

Sandi said...

Clunking near the cam - Shep in the tree??

Sandi said...

Belle poof!

paula eagleholic said...

And there went Belle to the left

Sandi said...

Somebody in - Belle??

paula eagleholic said...

And she is right back again, but looking off to the left

JudyEddy said...

yo yo today

Sandi said...

She left and then came right back?? Settling back on the eggs.

JudyEddy said...

she has a feather on her beak she act like there is something out there

Sandi said...

Belle calling out!! Uh oh!!

Sandi said...

OK, that was a food scream!! Had me scared for a sec!! man, she scarfed that food down!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Shep just brought Belle 1 bite of food. Then Belle flew off and now Shep is calling out.

stronghunter said...

Shep in, Belle out. More calls.

Sandi said...

Shep back on egg duty!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Shep back on the eggs.

JudyEddy said...

I have recorded each little episode of this afternnon and uploading now That was funny the food run and he is back on the eggberts

Sandi said...

Loved JO's comment from earlier that this blog is HER LIFE! I think many of us feel that way - and I've only been here for 3 months!!

Good news that BEV's problems are nothing serious!!

LYNN, can't wait to see your shoes!! Frankly, I don't care what y'all are wearing, I just want to meet everyone!

LOLLY is back to working in the garden and WANDA is walking without a cane - lots of healing going on! Any new news on RED or TORI?

OK, I need to call my mom. I emailed her Monday and she hasn't responded yet! BBL!

paula eagleholic said...

BWE chicks eating...think they are still working on the swan.

paula eagleholic said...

Sandi, get out! You've only been here for 3 months. You feel like an old friend ☺

DanaMo said...

Home ☺ Pizza ordered, no meat today for Ash Wednesday and the rest of the Friday's of Lent. Somehow though, pizza doesn't feel like a sacrifice not does ordering it and having it delivered.

DanaMo said...

I think I meant to say "neither does ordering it and having it delivered."

Mema Jo said...

DanaMo - I alternate between pizza and grilled cheese on Fridays! BUT
I am going for a stack of pancakes
from IHops right now!
With my age I wouldn't need to adhere
to all the rules but I am a creature of
Habit!.... TTUL ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Yea, I think you guys are cheating the system, LOL...both of those dinners sound great.

Sandi said...

PAULA, would prefer the phrase "friend for a long time," rather than "OLD friend!" =)

Hoda said...

Great reporting you all...I became tense there for a moment not knowing what was going on and wanting to read faster, yet not skim!!!

♥ JO.

Very good yoga practice and I am plesed with how my day went...the colours are amazing today, everything looks a bit gray yet transparent...shed one layer off, no sweater today but the winter coat is still a good idea...76 degrees I hear people like LOLLY and JUDYE say...I hope you gals were not boasting too much!!! EH!!! LOL...
I would love to see a picture of ANNIE demanding attention while you type LOLLY...
Did the steak supper go alright?

I see Shep on the nest right now it was indeed like a yo yo in and out earlier...

Hoda said...

Very pleased to read about BEV and the report is encouraging...THANK YOU SHARON.

I have a big smile on the pizza discussion as it relates to breaking the remindedme of "pain and suffering is inevitable, being miserable is an option"...So I guess JO and DANAMO are simply practicing their options♥

"Long time friend" SANDI you rock!!!

JudyEddy said...

There are five short but sweet videos of this afternoon vocalization of Belle which she did lots of it as those were here can't test too I put them in order and think I did ok also on facebook page if you want to see them here is the link and sounds like someone is at it again LOL

Todays videos

lot of of talking and I swear if you listen to them at the dinner one it sounds so sweet and I can here I love you said Ok I have a good imagination

Sandi said...

A friend of mine on FB posted that she was giving up cooking for Lent (she's not Catholic)!! I had to explain to her that it's supposed to be a sacrifice!! Denny's dad always complained that Denny's mom loved fish so much that she should have been required to give up fish on Fridays during Lent! Now, Denny and his Dad hated fish - they ate a lot of PB on Fridays!! Tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwich for Denny tonight.

JudyEddy said...

someone is in the attic

JudyEddy said...

I have an annoying alarm going off in the hood and I wish they would turn it off can't seem to tell whos it is

DanaMo said...

We eat fish or shrimp too on Friday's and that is not a sacrifice either. We do have soup suppers at our parish. They serve soup and bread. Now that's a sacrifice, I don't really care for soup and it doesn't really fill me up so I guess that is more the idea behind Lent!

Pancakes sound good too Jo.

Sandi said...

HODA, I feel like you and I ARE long time friends b/c your posts on the WOW site always showed up in my inbox last spring! I feel like I "knew" you long before I met the rest of these fine folks!!

JudyEddy said...

May have to close windows darn it and I just was loving it

DanaMo said...

I actually do better when I "do" something for lent. Like go to mass at 6:30 on a weekday or pray the rosary every morning. I think those things bring me closer to God more than "giving something up". Although, last year I gave up Facebook.

You are right Paula we probably are cheating the system. Jo has age on her side and I have diabetes on my side as far as being exempt. Although I could give up sweets and that would be good for body and soul! LOL!

Hoda said...

Camera shakes...Shep is facing eleven and seems good incubating

magpie said...

Lovin' the Lent Stories....all of them

magpie said...

One year I gave up coffee....except I had an "emergency rule" due to work schedules....
so I had about ten cups during Lent

DanaMo said...

I thought about coffee, but I don't think I would make it!

Hoda said...

I wished Belle would come down to take the night shift

Sandi said...

When our boys were still in Catholic school, they would bring home those little mite boxes during Lent. Denny and I would give up cursing for Lent and, every time we slipped, we had to put a quarter in the mite box. The boys loved catching us!! Let me tell you, the Roberts boys collected more money for the poor during Lent than any other kid at St. Joseph!! We'd have to get extra mite boxes before Lent was over!! =D

Sandi said...

Belle back! Shep poof!

DanaMo said...

Have fun sweetheart! ♥

DanaMo said...

"watch those eggs, honey" ♥

Hoda said...

Camera shakes again...eagle took off and here comes MISS BELLE...Shep gets up carefully and takes off headed towards nine. Chrpin and now Belle loud vocalizing... SHe is so BEAUTIFUL it is amazing really

DanaMo said...

Cute Sandi. Yes we call them "Rice bowls". We still have them. Little boxes and coins are collected. Many parents and children have the cursing deal. We have it in our house too and I'm always the one who gets caught.

Hoda said...

She digs in the cup area and ever so gently moves the eggs out of her way now settles in and wiggle wiggle...facing nine
Camera shakes and Shep is on it as Belle looked up but was not concerned.

Hoda said...

Funny SANDI and DANAMO...does one say Happy Lent as a greeting this time of year?I am not sure if there is a special greeting like Merry Christmas???

Colour is off from the camera.

DanaMo said...

No there is no greeting for Lent. I suppose you could wish a person a "meaningful Lenten season". It's really about a personal journey towards Christ. A look at changing your relationship with Him to make it better and stronger. That probably sums it up pretty well without giving a homily ☺

DanaMo said...

One of the children told the priest that it's about "giving up beer". Guess he heard that at home! LOL!

JudyEddy said...

SAD news for flowers on the news IMPATIENTS are dying out in Fl there is a fungus going around they are asking people to look under leaves and if they are milky white pull out and bag and throw out it may take up to 10years for them to rebound and come back so said I love inpatient's most everyone has them they even grow wild

JudyEddy said...

The rain that we were getting isn't going to make it here just on the other side of the co I live in Tampa bay south no rain but the other areas have 2 to 3 inches of rain and Orlando is getting pounded so should be a nice day for the park tomorrow

JudyEddy said...


Decorah under snow

Hoda said...

Thanks DANAMO...

Lolly said...

In from working in the yard and need to start dinner. Just dozed in my chair...pooped. It is presently 72. Just perfect weather today. We sat out an the back patio. They said that tomorrow will be up in the 80's.

While working in the yard our neighbors across the street walked over. Their dog, a small house dog, died yesterday. The vet says it was poisoned. Also, another dog died this morning. They did let Cami out to go potty. They said she threw up bacon. The vet said it was antifreeze. So, someone close put out bacon soaked in anti freeze. Can not figure out who would do such a thing. All our close neighbors would not do such a thing. The dog that died this morning ran loose all the time. Just can not figure it out!!!

Hoda said...

OH LOLLY!!! This is AWFUL!!! I am so sorry to read your post. Heart breaking...Keep ANNIE in.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - that is sickening news. Neighbors will need to go over their
property looking for bacon... That
is so cruel... You would suspect it to
be someone in the area.

Mema Jo said...

DanaMO Out of the mouths of babes!
Wonder if Mom & Dad will ever hear of
what was said by their child? ♥

Hoda said...

Belle is up turning, first faced six and is now facing eleven.She rolls the eggs and settles down again.Turns her head looking towards three

Hoda said...

She tucks in and is asleep.

DanaMo said...

OH LOLLY that is terrible! I can't believe someone would do that! How cruel.

Lolly said...

Little Cami did not go far. Did come to our yard to poop. LOL Did not like that, but no big deal. She was a little dog. The other dog, Domino, was a sweet dog but often caused cars to honk as he was always in the street. He lived across the stree too. Makes me think someone threw the bacon out close to us, since Cami did not go far. Very sad as Cami belonged to the lady who is so sick with cancer.

Mema Jo said...

I've been following the murder trial in Virginia lacrosse player. They have found him guilty of second-degree murder
He is 24 and the girl was 22. VERY SAD

JudyEddy said...

That's really horrible LOLLY are there any teenagers in the neighborhood that have a sick sense of humor sadistic kind of kids maybe Anyone new in the area or new hanging out with kids in the area

JudyEddy said...

Jordyn teacher birthay was today and Angie along with another parent that she became friends through the school bought a cake for her so cute and Jordyn picked out the cake Angie just put on facebook
So cute that the daughter of her now goes to dance class and they have play dates all the time now

grannyblt said...

How awful Lolly.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...