Wednesday, February 15, 2012


New thread.


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Lolly said...

Yea, new thread! Thanks Steve! I will call the others over.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thanks Steve and Lolly!

Lolly said...

Well, here I am all by myself. So, guess I will tell myself good bye as I head off to the doctors. See you later, Self!

Lolly said...

Whoops, hi Sharon. Bye Sharon! Off to an appointment!

stronghunter said...

stronghunter said...
Speaking of insurance companies--one of the oddest letters I ever got from an insurance company came from one that we had left a year before. They demanded that we pay all of the premiums for the past year or else. Hmm, or else what? Who pays insurance on the past?

Wanted to ask them if they would pay for the accident I had just been involved in.

Then there was a company that sent us something like 17 letters with 17 different checks in them. They were all payments on different claims, but they sent them all at the same time. Quite a lot of work and postage when we would have been happy with one letter with one check. The bank was pretty surprised with all of the checks from the same place we took in to deposit.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012 2:54:00 PM

stronghunter said...

Brought over the previous comment from the old thread.

stronghunter said...

Eagle calls.

stronghunter said...

Belle calling out.

stronghunter said...

Lots of odd sounds.

stronghunter said...

Anybody else there?

Judie said...

Quick visit.

Jo, great news about John and really good news about your BP. Darth would be jealous so won't tell him at the numbers.

Good luck with the Dr. Bev. Sure wish you and the docs could find the problem and a solution.

Shirley, hope Hunter gets a good report tomorrow. Wonder if he's enjoying "celebrity" status with the crutches.

Oh, wow, finally I know who the eggs remind me of -- well, it's Ms. Belle, of course.

Missed the earlier action. Will head to the nest to see what's happening then to the kitchen -- maybe baked salmon tonight.


paula eagleholic said...

I'm here, but in and out Shirley. Sound at work isn't too good, so haven't heard much, plus in and out at my desk.

stronghunter said...

Hi, Judie and Paula!

Belle started calling softly, then she really started hollering. I do not know if she was speaking to Shep or something else. At one point, I thought maybe I heard a duck quacking.

Maybe Shep caught a duck and she wanted some.

Judie said...

A couple of soft calls from Belle. Maybe warming up for the real thing when she needs food and a wing stretch. Didn't hear anything else.

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, just heard those soft calls as well.

stronghunter said...

This is what she did before, then she threw her head back and went full blast.

stronghunter said...

I have bridge club tonight. Almost forgot.

stronghunter said...

Fly-by. I hope that was Shep. Must have been. Belle seems calm.

paula eagleholic said...

An eagle just flew over the nest...Belle gave out a slight call when it flew over

stronghunter said...

Flew across at the bottom of the screen.

stronghunter said...

Yes, over the nest at the bottom of the screen.

hedgie said...

Sissy, hope you enjoyed your walk. It's a beautiful day!!! Glad you are feeling up to a little exercise. Will be anxious to hear what the surgeon says tomorrow.

Kay, good luck with insurance company. Always such a pleasant experience---not!

Kay said...

Nice to return to a new thread ! Thanks to STEVE !

I know I don't have to tell you what a frustrating thing it is to talk to insurance companies ! Had to go through 2 people on the card issue only to find out "they've" done away with open access in my zip code. What craziness ! Will have to do some shopping next open enrollment time. Next issue was a med they had at "Tier 4" so not covered. After talking to three people they are faxing my doc for details that should take it to "Tier 3" reducing my co-pay from 95 to 45---still steep, but will manage it til' I see my doc in March. It all defies logic and is only designed to gouge the client. GRR, GRR, GRR and ARGG, ARGG, ARGG.

Sure wish we could see some of the wide angle stuff that goes on at Sycamore Palace. Seems a very serene place at the moment. Cam timed out on me at 8:51 ????

hedgie said...

No word from Red's Diane. Hope that all has gone well.

Lolly, hope opthamologist finds all is well.

hedgie said...

Judie, salmon sounds good!!
Thanks for your input earlier, too.

Maybe LOTS of comments from old thread should be brought ovver, ya' think??!!

Jo, that is marvelous progress for John! And how is Claudia today?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

We are having to air Thelma's car out because it somehow has gotten wet inside and now has mold and mildew. Stinky! Anyway, I let Mopsy out and then couldn't find her. She was curled up in the front seat of the car. She is ready to go whenever I am! :)

Kay said...

LYNN, did Diane ever respond saying she'd let you know about RED today. Surely the surgery is over by now.

LOLLY, like LYNN I hope your eye is healing well !

SHIRLEY, 17 checks from the same place, how ridiculous. Hope you're the big winner at Bridge tonight !

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon, so Mopsy is feeling better?

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon, do you give her any baby aspirin or anything like that...I think you said she might have arthritis...or maybe it's just the old age...but some type of pain reliever might help.

DanaMo said...

Wanted to let everyone know that Annemarie was awarded one of the scholarships to Goretti! I am so proud of her achievement. It it will be nice to have that reduction in tuition. She got the 1/4 tuition award for all 4 years of High School. Yipee!

hedgie said...

Oh, Kay, it is So frustrating! Weren't they supposed to inform you in the fall that they were making that change??
And those med tiers are so screwed up it's laughable.

I've lost my cam sound again. Geesh! Missed all the sweet chortles.

Christie is on her way.....and now I have an optical migraine coming on. Need to close my eyes for a little while.

See you all later this evening.

Janet said...

Good afternoon to one and to all....

Just have a few min and wanted to catch up and say hey. I am looking at Belle on her nest.....sitting sitting sitting.....good thing birds are pretty patient.

Weather has been weird....the weekend was cold, but now it is 58 again. We even had snow showers Monday evening! :I Again I say, weird weather. I have seen forsythia trying to tulips are up now...and the maples are budding....all a weeeeeeeeee bit early........

Had a lovely day husband surprised me at work with the traditional dozen long stem red roses. I came out of massage session, went up front to get some paperwork and the desk associates said happy valentines day janet from your okay.....he does that from time to time. i think he likes me or something! lol.

been looking into that yoga class. think i've located one i'm going to try.....its a very basic class that uses props and such for people dealing with chronic issues....

This is the actual description:
A restorative class that is particularly more appropriate to those more sensitive to the heat and dealing with acute or chronic issues as well as those who wish to treat their bodies with a little tender lovin'. This class will work through gentle, restorative postures with the use of props and modifications. There will also be a deeper focus on breath leading to deeper relaxation. This class is designed to systematically increase the range of motion of every major joint and increase energy. TLH is also ideal for students with chronic symptoms such as muscle/joint pain, stiffness, weakness, or fatigue.

Sounds right up my alley.....back in Oct of 2009 I started having symptons (and diagnosed) of a bulging disk in my lumbar back. I still live with residual stiffness and some pain, even though I do stretch and such. I have and will continue to treat with chiropractic care, physical therapy, Reiki, and massage.....and although its SSSSOOOO much better than it once was, I am very very tight and I've started back on my elliptical this week and am now looking forward to some yoga classes. My oldest has hit me up as well to start back into weight watchers. So am looking at starting that in the near future!

Been busy with work stuff, trying to get a day off now and then, I think I have that arranged. Synchronicity has certainly been working in my favor!!!!!

Well I am going to scat for now. Will try to catch up some more in a bit. Hope everyone is having a super day! Smiles for everyone!!!

Before you speak, ask yourself, is it kind, is it necessary, is it true, does it improve on the silence?
- Sai Baba

paula eagleholic said...

I haven't been able to get a peek at BWE lately...there was a switch a little while ago, Lady is on the nest now.

paula eagleholic said...

DanaMo...big congrats to AnneMarie!

Mema Jo said...

My feet are down
Cats want fed

Whoo Hoo Annemarie!
You did very well!

Mopsy thought you all were leaving!
She's something else.!

Company (family) coming to dinner!

Lori O. said...

Congratulations to AnneMarie! That is awesome, DMo!

Lolly said...

I have returned! All is well with the eye. I do not go back for 7 weeks. He said I could get reading glasses at the drug store for now. When I go back I have just a week and a half to get my new glasses before heading out on trip. Yea...I want them before we go to cousins reunion and then hs reunion. I have told them I want glasses that make me look 20 years younger. That sounds like a good number.

Lolly said...

DanaMo, congratulations to AnneMarie. You have every right to be proud!! Intelligent and pretty as well. She has so much going for her.

I see two beautiful eggs. Belle is up and rearranging the flugg. She needed a wing stretch. Now back down.

Kay said...

LYNN, I agree, Aetna should have informed me of changes. None of them today claimed they'd done so. If anything came in I missed it while in the throes of kidney and orthopedic issues, I guess.

Hooray for AnneMarie ! Congrats to proud parents, DANAMO and Monte !

stronghunter said...

Congratulations to AnneMarie!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

There is something pestering Belle. Landed at about 1 o'clock twice, out of view of the camera.

Kay said...

I hear a Cardinal tweetin' and the sweet sound of kids on the playground. Belle is watching something alright !

Sandi said...

YAY ANNAMARIE!!!! Congrats, DMO, how great!!

LOLLY, happy to hear that the eye doc is pleased with the progress!

Since there has been talk about prayers today, I thought this was quite a coincidence. My daughter-in- law posted this link on my FB. Letters to God from kids!

Dear God

CarolAnne said...

SANDI - I miss the Art Linkletter show & the kids on there. Your link reminded me of that show.

Sandi said...

Also, read the posts this AM about the Weimaraner at the dog show, though I haven't gone back yet to read the article. I'm not sure that I could pick one breed of dog that I think is the most beautiful, but a Weimaraner would def. be in my top 5. An acquaintance of mine who is a local printer in this area has 2 of them and, whenever you go into his business place, the dogs are there to greet you. Here's an article about one of them. Must say that I had never heard of a holistic vet until talking to Lance about Blitz.


Judie said...

Kay, so sorry about the insurance hassle and hope you get everything resolved quickly without having 17

CONGRATULATIONS TO ANNEMARIE!!! DanaMo, please let her know we are also proud of her achievement.

Lynn, sorry about the headache. I think you said they don't last long. Hope not.

Sorry about T-Bird's car but nice to know Mopsy might be feeling some better.

Lolly, good news on the eye progress.

Salmon is calling. Bye

Mema Jo said...

I loved Art Linkletter's kids!

Phone rang - Dana at the nest - lost the call during phone switching within the house - I reported that Belle was in the nest and asked if she saw any other
eagles other then ours. Said "NO" and the gentleman and the house said he has only seen our 2 eagles at the nest tree.
So all is the nest

Mema Jo said...

I have a pot of potatoes boiling for
company...... This is Susie, John's daughter. He is still improving.

Mema Jo said...

I sure hope Christie has brought Lynn
her goodies! and really wish that they
stay down........ ♥

JudyEddy said...

Home from work find new thread and MY STILL CAM is not working I have 192 comments to read to see if anyone else is acting up

JudyEddy said...

and now the STILL is back what a PIA today my puter is

stronghunter said...

17 checks is better than 17 bills.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn is on the way home with a pizza from the grocery store. Oven is heating. Teamwork is a good thing.

Hoda said...

Way to go ANNEMARIE!!! very proud of you and how great it all is. Congratulations DANAMO.

JUDIE Well said earlier...some serious concerns...♥Thank you.

Thank you for the reports on the nest goings seems like a lot happened while I was gone...I appreciated your reports from what you were seeing on the cam.

Very good day for me and oh my another beautiful day in Nelson...Stunning simply stunning.

Sandi said...

As Denny and I were driving to Best Buy the other night, I was checking my emails on my cell, since I get all the blog posts sent to my inbox. Denny asked me if I ever planned to meet the folks I spend so much time chatting with, so I mentioned the "Not Open House" weekend and asked if he wanted to come with me. He said he would love to! So LYNN, please plan on 2 Robertses (is that the correct way to pluralize Roberts??) for Saturday dinner! I am SO looking forward to meeting everyone face to face ... and actually seeing the nest in person!

Mema Jo said...

Wowser! I wish you all had FB
Megan had about 20 Bluebirds in her yard
Now the most beautiful picture of the

paula eagleholic said...

Belle calling out

Lolly said...

Yea, for Denny! Sandi, you are so going to enjoy being with this group. Have fun! I will sit home and pout! Actually that weekend I will be at a hs reunion, so no time to pout.

Belle is calling out!

Hoda said...

Loud chirping from Belle and a cricking of theneck as something flew over her nest.

Mema Jo said...

Company has arrived


paula eagleholic said...

Nite light is on...

paula eagleholic said...

More calls from Belle

Lolly said...

Belle fussing and twisting her head and watching something.

paula eagleholic said...

More calls, and I hear calls back as well

Hoda said...

Belle calls again but softer and as she cricks her neck it does not seem to be with urgency...ongoing...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Someone is not happy!

Lolly said...

She really sounds alarmed but not budging off the eggs.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Shep is definitely close.

paula eagleholic said...

More of the same

Lolly said...

I wish Shep would fly in with a big fish to explain all her chatter.

Sandi said...

You can definitely hear more than one eagle talking! Would love to know what Belle sees!

Lolly said...


magpie said...

Hello Eagle Pals...
had to sneak in through links off the E-M page...

see an Eagle at Lake Washington...
the live feed is up there

Lolly said...

Hey, Margy! Sorry you had to sneak in. I would have opened the door for you!♥

magpie said...

Thanks Lolly...the open up page just kept spinning and spinning...
Hey Good News on the Eye Appointment !! I can send you regular size print things now ☺

Eagle at LW vamoosed maybe will come back later.

Hellelujah for DanaMo and Monte's Annemarie ! That's wonderful news about the scholarship !
Bravo Clap Clap Clap !
got some old thread reading to do...

Sharon: Sliced Granny Smith Apples might help with the mild and mildew smell, and they won't attract insects either

JudyEddy said...

DANAMO great news about Annemarie

and I also agree with LYNN We all should respect each others beliefs and I too also pass on some comments

I still have some to read but I just watched a youtube video and am trying to fix my hub I did what they did and will bring the puter down when Norton is done I wish I would have done that update it all started it it when I cam home at lunch I will be back I want Norton to do its thing so I am closing all windows and wish me luck

CA thanks for the info I will do some reading on the movie thing and

JUDIE please some back we miss you and I hope it is nothing I have said or typed by accident like the other day OK gonna shut down now will be back after the puter does it busniess

magpie said...

going to try to read first, check links later...

I have book here in front of me entitled "Faxes to God"...
all denominations and beliefs and ages are's pretty neat, have had it for awhile

(( Evening Hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

Hey there, Janet, nice about the roses ☺♥

magpie said...

Trump, No Trump, Shirley!
Have fun !!

magpie said...

Oy Yay! Sandy's dubby IS going to join us for the Open House !!!
Whatever we are calling it...
Momster and Dadster Nest Visit how's that ??

and maybe Kidsters or Teensters too !

magpie said...

insurance woes...WOOF!
I have a pile of papers to sort through, think it's going to be bye-bye tax refunds for me...

hedgie said...

Oh, my chicken wings were SO very tasty and crunchy. And I have leftovers for tomorrow. The sweet aroma of the donuts is driving me crazy....but will hold off until snack time!!!
Christie is on her way home now and will have a steak dinner ready for her. I am so proud of her. She's lost almost 20# since the week before Christmas! She DID indulge in one donut---good on her! She felt the bliss.

hedgie said...

Oh, DanaMo, such wonder news for Annemarie and you all! I KNEW she would do it! Yippee. I know it takes a big load off, and eases your mind. Congratulations, young lady!!!

Lolly said...

Oh,Lynn, just love to hear about what you are eating. LOL So happy for you that you are enjoying your meals.

Lolly said...

We are having leftovers from last night. Yum! Off to prepare dinner.

hedgie said...

Hey, hey Sandi!!! That is great news! I suspected his interest would be piqued enough to want to check us out!!! Added him to the list!!!

Hoda said...

Glad you enjoyed yoru wings yo uhave a cup of tea togo with the donut? Very pleased for you...♥

DanaMo said...

Thanks everyone for all the congratulations! We are very excited.

Sorry I haven't been on much. I came home from school yesterday and slept until this morning. Very unusual for me to have a cold do a number on me like that!

Tonight we have been out at a school fundraiser. I'm feeling better but still congested and stuffy. I would be nice to breathe through my nose.

I'm glad to hear that Sandi will be coming with Denny to the "non open house". I plan to attend all events that we have that weekend. I will just drive back and forth from here.

wvgal_dana said...

Very happy for AnneMarie scholarship.

Janet that was so swee of your hubby ♥♥

Lolly so glad things are going well with your eye (:

wvgal_dana said...

I enjoyed by time at the nest. When I pulled up Belle was sitting near top of tree on the right. Later relieving Shep. I had taken my eyes off the nest for awhile. Due to playing with my "special dog" down there. lol it had a stuffed animal and wanted me to play with it and the stuffed animal. So I got my dogie time in (: sweet!

Driving the speed limit driving the back roads. It takes me 23 minutes to get home it is 11.5 miles from nest to home.

DanaMo said...

"and I also agree with LYNN We all should respect each others beliefs and I too also pass on some comments"
Did I miss something?
It always seemed to me that everyone did a pretty good job respecting beliefs and differences. I've read back but since I've missed more than 24 hours I guess I'm missing something. Someone fill me in if possible. As always send to myactv email. Thanks

paula eagleholic said...

Cam is really hard to see at the moment...looks like Belle is facing 1 or so

DanaMo said...

YOu're right Paula it's very dark on the cam

paula eagleholic said...

I am finishing up the last of my chicken soup for dinner....Nick has one more serving left after tonight :)

Lolly, glad your eye is progressing!

JudyE, I don't think anyone was referring to your little slip the other night! Judie laughed at it as we all did ♥

paula eagleholic said...

DanaWV, thanks for the nest report. Yes, that doggie likes to play :)

DanaMo said...

Chicken soup is what I should have had for dinner!! ☺

JudyEddy said...

Well all what I did and all the YouTube video did not help my USP port I installed and reinstalled and still can't get the thing to respond the way it is suppose to It does open up to the computer so I will have to just either drag or right click copy to a file instead of downloading the way it is suppose to do ODD that all of a sudden it when phooey just something I will have to get use to well enough of that subject

Got caught up on the blog Yeah me

I bought the vegetable Ritz crackers They are sooooo good has anyone had them MMMMM goood I hope Jordyn likes them for a change I did buy her plain ritz just in case I bet cream cheese would be good on them

JudyEddy said...

PAULA I did tilt my screen and I can see better her any way looks odd I wonder why it looks better but still black looks like she is sort of standing up looking to 1

JudyEddy said...

oh my pitch black comment LOL I can't believe I did that

magpie said...

Glad you got to see the nest, Dana, and could take the Slow Way Home tonight...there is lots to see on the back roads.....

Wow, GREAT B-P reading for Jo (I think that was my last B-P reading...)
and wonderful news regarding John...

Mom Blackwater is tucked in... for now, the hatch last year was in the early morning hours....but I don't remember what date

Lynne2 said...

You know it's time to dust when you see STINGBUG FOOTPRINTS on the furniture!

Evening all!

JudyEddy said...

my cats are finally chillin in the kitchen on the rug I wonder what they will do when I am home all week Benny didn't meow last night if he did I didn't hear him I know he was asking for can food I give them a half can (each) when I get up and at lunch and when I get home sort of a treat I just don't like the smell of it of course I bought the fish variety mix box will have to check to see if there are non fish flavors that don't stink so bad

Lynne2 said...

Looly glad your eye is progressing!

LynnE LynnE...NOT happy about your migrane.

Janet, sounds like the kind of Yoga I need! I got some DVDs from the library for beginner yoga. Hey....maybe HODA can make a beginner yogo video for us!!

DanaWV, thanks for the nest report. Glad you got to see them! ANd the dog and the people too. They should join in on the blog!

magpie said...

Hope you are back to 100% soon...
Chicken Soup is good for just about everything...
even straight out of the can if necessary

Sounds like some great chow, Lynn, glad you had some Christie-time, and also Yay about her weight loss.
Yay, Carolyn is on her days OFF now finally...
Hope Charlie is doing okay....

JudyE, our typos provide some GREAT comic relief here !!

Best Wishes for a Good Evening, Precious Pals....
things to do here, see you later
xoxox ♥

magpie said...

Oh Eagle is back at Lake Washington

JudyEddy said...

WVGALDANA you need to start taking pic and video when you go to the nest I am sooooo jealous of you all When I am off I am going to take the map that I posted a while back and see if I can find some of the 100 nest in the area I know of 5 will go look for the others Tracey at work has one across from her yard I will go check out also

magpie said...


Lynne2 said...

LOL Margie!!!!!!! I was wondering if anyone would catch that!!

JudyEddy said...

LYNN2 loved the footprint joke LOL I am laughing out loud tooo funny I should say the same thing about dry wall moths I have always had a issue with them only maybe one a day but still I don't like them I find the empty cocoon on the walls and have one of the badminton swatters to kill them

We have two contestant in the idol from Fl I am going to check it out probably will be back inbetween to say hey when I hear the email chime in BBL LM

DanaMo said...

Night all. I think the best thin g for me is sleep so I am going to try and get some more! ☺

Lynne2 said...

G'night DanaMo, sure hope you feel better VERY soon!

JudyEddy said...

Nite sleep tight DANAMO get plenty of rest for that nasty cold I use afrin nose spray only at nite to help me sleep I can't take other meds Like Nyquil I get wired on it can't sleep the adverse reaction on most meds odd I am ok back to AI

Lynne2 said...

what is a drywall moth Judy? I'll have to google it!

Mema Jo said...

I think I had a Wheat Ritz cracker, Judy

Dinner was enjoyable and company left a little while ago.

I suppose I will watch Criminal Minds
this evening.........

I'll see you later..... ♥

JudyEddy said...

BELLE calling out

Lynne2 said...

eagle calls

paula eagleholic said...

Belle looking to the right and calling out

Hoda said...

What a beatuiful sound and her head is so clear ans shemoves facing noon and tail at five. She is having a very sweet. Moves around and flares her tail feathers and is doing an egg roll.

JudyEddy said...

that was odd has she done that in the past

paula eagleholic said...

Up for a wing and tail stretch

Lynne2 said...

egg roll...I think. GEESH. When is the next full moon?!

paula eagleholic said...

Was digging a tad, now down and facing 7 or so

Hoda said...

Yes JUDYE as recently as this week when I heard her do the same thing and I think it was Monday...she is now facing nine

JudyEddy said...

I don't really know I know that they are tiny moths that lay their cocoon on drywall really small I will take a picture of it when I see on ok My bug man Carls dad I had found one one time and put in a zip lock bag and when he came while I was at work I left him a note and he said that is what they were ODD I have never heard of them either the cocoon are usually empty when I find the I had a live one once I had in a baggie and it crawled up the baggie a small worm was in it yuky

JudyEddy said...

I grabbed my camera and recorded some of it naturally and I wasn't typing LOL

JudyEddy said...

May be she was telling Shep that she wanted for breakfast in the morning LOL

Hoda said...

I'll compromise and say facing eight or so!!! LOL PAULA I see where you are saying seven or so...I defer...

Lynne2 said...

Is anyone doing counting for the Great Backyard Bird Count? Starts Friday goes to Monday I think. Free, only need 15 minutes on one or any of the days, longer if you like.

Great Backyard Bird Count

Lynne2 said...

Given the strange weather this winter, the counts should be interesting!

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - Jennifer usually participates
in the count each year.
Is it held Spring and Fall????

Lynne2 said...

Well Jo, the GBBC is this coming weekend...then at some point, there is something called Project Feeder Watch. I don't remember exactly when that one is, but that one is a $15 fee to do for some reason.

Lolly said...

Watching AI. Certainly can not see Belle. They really dilated my eye today. This monitor is blinding me.

Hi Lynne! Yes, I think this time every thing is grand with my eye. I am thrilled!

You know, Lynne, when you own a dairy, you are going to have a lot of cow footprints. When you have a horse farm, you are going to have a lot of horse prints, and so on....What do you expect when you have a stink bug farm???

Mema Jo said...

The one this weekend is Cornell Bird Count. And you are right it should
be interesting when compared to
last years'.

Lynne2 said...

True Lolly....I was just trying to point out a use for our Stinkbugs here at Soper's Stinkbug Ranch. They are SO versitle! And now we know they can be sold as "housework monitors"!!!

Feel free to count me as a CUCKOOBIRD in your bird counts this weekend!

JudyEddy said...

the kid that was just singing was from Martinsburg WVA

Lynne2 said...

I'm going to do a count on Friday from work through my window next to my desk! I put up a seed feeder last fall, and a suet feeder last week. Then on Saturday, I may go back to Liberty Dam and count for a while. And when the Great President's Day Weekend Blizzard hits on Sunday, I'll count from my window in the, uh, Nature Observatory. LOL!

Lolly said...

And, Christian just got sent home.

NatureNut said...

Good Eveening gang. Watching Idol and just saw Christian Lopez. Unfortunately his whole group was cut. I thought he was good.

Judie said...

JudyE, comments were not directed at anything you posted.

Well, it's one thing to have STINK bugs but quite another to have STING bugs. Actually, don't want either, Lynne2.

Lynn, glad you enjoyed the dinner treats and hope you don't have any issues. Congratulations to Christie. Please, a hug from me.

Going to try to be a pretend MemaJo and put my feet up. BBL

JudyEddy said...

I put the short video of Belle chirping on the blog and facebook I think I can hear Shep also sound like two of them Do you think so those of you that heard them at 8:11
8:11pm Belle talking to Shep

JudyEddy said...

This group not too bad compared to the others

JudyEddy said...

Jeremy is from FL

Lynne2 said...

Stingbugs are a hybrid. I was supposed to keep that a secret. OOPS.

How are the panthers, Judie?

magpie said...

And you can count the birds you HEAR also, if you are certain about it...I think... it worked that way on a bird count I attended through the local Audubon Society.....

magpie said...

Next Full Moon is March 8, so it will be ready and raring close to egg-hatching time

JudyEddy said...

that sounds so far away the 8th

Lynne2 said...

March, what timing! thanks Margy!

Janet, are you lurking? I just checked out your blog but was unable to leave a comment. But what a beautiful family and critters! Thanks for sharing!

Hoda said...

ONLY 3 weeks JUDYE...the 8th and the full moon...

JudyEddy said...

I don't thinks my sister does much LM at night she has a wonderful family that takes most of her attention and if I had one too here I probably do the same thing I wonder if she has her setting
I couldn't post a comment either I had the two words but no where to click post ODD huh

magpie said...

but Judie caught that it was STINGBUGS Lynne....
she doesn't miss much !

Good time for me to go dent the pillows, with a good book nearby...

Prayers for Wellness amongst all our Families, Friends, and Pets

Thanks for the Friendship, it is dear and precious

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

hedgie said...

Time for Criminal Minds. Had my bath. Will have to catch Christian singing later...too bad he got the boot.
The donuts are calling out, but I am waiting until closer to bedtime so I don't hungry during the night.

Charlie is NOT doing well. The doppler tech told him today that he needs immediate treatment for cellulitis (duh--as if we didn't already know that), but said there were no clots. He sees Dr. in the morning and will probably be in hospital by noon. Just have to pray that it is in time to prevent the life-threatening situation he was in in '05.


JudyEddy said...

Benny is standin on his hind legs and trying to get my attention and now he is on the key board silly cat

Lolly said...

Well, I did NOT catch that she typed stingbugs. It is amazing the typos I read as they were supposed to be. Guess I am speed reading. Or maybe as a kinder teacher I can read anything. LOL

JudyEddy said...

I snapped off two pictures before I made him get down I think he wants some attention don't you

JudyEddy said...

LYNN so donuts talk to you too LOL I thought it was just me LOL

Lolly said...

Lynn, just saw that Charlie is not doing well. Certainly will keep him in thought and prayer.

JudyEddy said...

Here is the other one I took Ok going to watch TV Wow he is good singing now I am DVRing CM will watch after Idol

Lolly said...

i bet is has been way over 5 years since I have had a doughnut. How sad!

magpie said...

I'm sorry to read of the downturn for Charlie, Lynn....
hope the doctors get it right this time

Good Night, have a doughnut for me!
xoxo (( Hugs ♥ ))

JudyEddy said...

I listened to the video again and you can hear Shep talk back to her so sweet at least with idol you really don't need to watch just listen



Lynne2 said...

wow, sorry to hear Charlie isn't doing well...good grief let's pray they do take care of this and he doesn't have happen what did before.

Lolly said...

Belle is chirping again.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

LOLLY WOW 5 years I see them all the time at work and its probably been almost a year for me our donunts suck at work but they got the Krispy Kreme one is and they are sooooo good made in Tampa fresh daily

JudyEddy said...

LYNN will keep Charlie in my prayers

Lolly said...

Belle is up on the edge of the nest. Looks like she is rolling the eggs now.

JudyEddy said...

I see her tail feathers go up must bee poop shoot

JudyEddy said...

Didn't hear Shep this time like the last time I still think I can hear him on the video I posted really faint at the same time she is chirping

JudyEddy said...

Her tail feathers were sticking up a bit ago also

Lolly said...

Judy, try to watch the calories and doughnuts are way up there! I can turn away sweets more than I can salty snacks.

JudyEddy said...

I love payday candy bars best of both worlds salty sweet

JudyEddy said...

Did I tell you I am down 15 lbs must be the stress of work worry and I am sure the donuts the other nite may have put on a few more lbs I lost I need to go weight my self to see later I like to weigh in the am after I go

JudyEddy said...

she is from TAMPA Shannon

JudyEddy said...

I noticed all my pants were baggie and stepped on the scale and was soooo surprised I haven't been on a the scale in months but now I am going to keep an eye on it Its a good start just don't like the way I did it but being its off I am not complaining My sister daughter is having a procedure I guess stomach staple she had all her blood work done she had that on facebook I wish her luck but I know two people at work that have had it done and years later gained some weight back scary that the stomach could rupture being stretched

Lynne2 said...

Hey JudyE.....please take care of YOU!!!

JudyEddy said...

Thanks LYNNE2 I do just lost the weight worrying I guess Odd that they haven't said anything at work I still feel like I am waiting for the hammer to drop The HR officer is gone now and I will just wait to see what goes on I am not going to push the issue I sure make the point when I do something to make sure a manager see it I have found so much expired food in the past week no one else can read LOL No they are all tooo busy to read I guess I also take picture of the dates on the product and the product I pulled a whole shopping cart last week from the register candy meats/crackers, nuts etc They stock wrong they just push the new on top of the old instead of rotating so that is what I do when I have to price changes or other projects to do so I makes sure they see my worth Hoping it will help and with me being gone this week I have been already told I will be missed because I do the signing and makes sure all is signed properly and put features on feature tracking etc

Lynne2 said...

I hope your "higher ups" appreciate your work ethic Judy. It's so rare any more, it seems, to find people who actually take pride in their work.

Hoda said...

Belle facing seven.Head tucked in.

Lynne2 said...

I'm heading to be folks. I'm finally up to speed on what has happened. I agree that this is not the place for such goings ons. And I am very saddened to know what has happened. It's difficult to understand some things, and regardless of my feelings about it all, I know that I will pray for this person. And I look forward to moving past all of this.

Have a good night and prayers for all!

Hoda said...

Belle now awake and looking towards nine even though she faces seven...

hedgie said...

Message from Diane:
Bill's surgery went well. He is experiencing more pain than he anticapated, but is doing okay.

So glad we heard something!!!! Praying that Red's pain eases and that he has a restful night.

Hoda said...

Yoga site for LYNNE 2 and LOLLY as remember gals it takes more than staring at the guys to say you have had an active yoga practice. The site is from New Zealand and their videos are free. Yoga videos

Hoda said...

Prayers for Charlie LYNN...keep us posted.

JudyEddy said...

Here are two more video that Glo put on Youtube

Glo Video

Glo video today

Kay said...

Just doing a quick check before bed and so glad I did. Now I know to add Charlie to the prayer list, JEWELS, too because these things impact mates more than we think. Will also be thinking of RED, with hopes the pain will ease off soon. Thanks, LYNN for the heads up on both.

LOL, I started up where I left off, got to LYNNE2's "stingbugs" and chuckled---then began to pick up on the joke it became as Judie made note of it, too. This blog cracks me up !

Groan, doughnuts ! I haven't had one since about 2006. ♫ Memories ♫

Calling it a day with hopes you'll all have a restful night, sweet dreams....


Judie said...

Lynne2, how are you "...going to be folks.? Does that mean you are going to multiply yourself? Well, if so, it's okay with us. More of you will be really cool. The panthers are doing fine. They chase each other early morning and late night and then hiss and spit at each other. Mostly, they tolerate each other -- like boxerettes each to her own corner.

JudyE, take care of yourself. Weight loss is good when needed but should be for healthy reasons.

Lynn, am concerned for Charlie. Truly hope he will get the best medical attention and then follow the necessary medical care. Wishing strength for you all.

Judie said...

Tomorrow is a day at the big school house. Speaking of which, I hope DanaMo feels better.

The sandperson is about to leave here to make rounds to sprinkle dream dust into the eyes of the momsters/dadsters. The night light will turn on at 11:00pm. Restful sleep for all.

Lynne2 said...

Oh dear, everyone is a critic this evening!!!

More of me would be AWFUL!!!

Kay, this blog HAS cracked me up. I was perfectly normal before I hooked up here!! LOL!

Lynne2 said...

Glad the panthers are, uh, tolerating each other. Hope they shower YOU and Darth with affection, even if they don't do so with each other! Hope to see some pictures!

REALLY leaving now.....

Lynne2 said...

oh, Hoda, thank you!!!

JudyEddy said...

I did a couple of screen grabs with my snipping tool and again thanks for the head up on it

I put on my blog look real close in the tree and see how many white heads there are I am so envious of Glo I told her I have eagle envy and camera lens envy LOL

<a href=">Glo pic from video of eagle cool beans</a>

JudyEddy said...

I think Judies sandman is knocking at my door need to go watch the news they are giving smoke and fog warning for in the middle of the night Same conditions will be on the interstates tonight like that caused the big accident Lets hope not

JudyEddy said...

OOPS I see my links didn't work will do over BBIAM

JudyEddy said...

one more try
Glo picture I grabbed from video check out all the white heads in the trees lots of them

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks for the update on Bill.

Hoda thank you for the yoga video.

JudyE I'll have to watch Glo's videos probably tomorrow.

JudyEddy said...

That one worked see sis I can't get it every time also OOPS sometimes keep practicing

JudyEddy said...

from my to your



Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


Janet said...

Touching base before bedtime:

Congrats to DANAMO......and ANNEMARIE.....way to go.....

LYNNE2: i think this sort of yoga will be a great place for me to start....challenging i am sure, but not i'm proud of me, btw, i have been on my elliptical twice this week.!!!!! :) i put my ipod in my ears and "got my garth" on as i say (garth brooks) and away i went. actually enjoy it that way. mostly i just have a case of the lazies....also, thanks for the compliments on the family and furbabies. I will have to check to see why you can't leave comments.... i am still new at all of this. :(

JUDYE: yep, i will get onto the blog thing and check. if its not a quick fix may work on that tomorrow. almost beddy bye time. eyelids are drooping....

and yes, my family, work, takes a majority of my day/time. today, i had 2 of my private a couple of errands, pick up the young en then the oldest daughter wanted to run to ross, marshall's etc (which is my side of town) because her hubby started his new job this week....(got out of army) at nashville international airport as senior network adminstrator....and the pants that they bought him in December weren't fitting....oooppppssss someone had a bit too much holiday goodies....anyway, so we ran and did that this afternoon....

then ran out to a place called caney fork for dinner; superb fried catfish...white beans.....really nice. out near where opryland used to be...opry mills area. that mall was flooded back in 2010 when nashville flooded so badly. the mall is finally set to repopen next month. so hard to believe the opry land hotel had 10 FEET of water in it when it flooded. it was horriffic. over 3000 people lost their glad they are reopening that mall and now dolly parton and gaylord opryland are looking to open a new snow and water park in the same another 18 months or so. it is coming back to life!

well, i suppose i've rambled enough. let me check this blog and hit the bed....

good night all!

Before you speak, ask yourself, is it kind, is it necessary, is it true, does it improve on the silence?
- Sai Baba

wvgal_dana said...

I think I commented this but not sure. I left the nest with Belle in it and drove home took me 23 minutes driving speed limit. From nest to home it was 11.5 miles.
Forgive me if somewhere I already typed this.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...