Tuesday, February 21, 2012


New thread.


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JudyEddy said...

I am hungry the sausage gravy didn't stick I guess What to eat let me go see what I can come up with

JudyEddy said...

ODD Just noticed something when I post pic on face book it shows up on my nest blog as a facebook badge I know I put the barn pic I took on my blog as a facebook badge but did not realize it put other little pic on it I noticed that the one I did of my and my sister at the petrified Forrest was on it until just now the nest pic are on it I did on the fan page ODD

JudyEddy said...

Belle seems to be on the rail at 10 I think hard to see I just see her head and it looks like she is looking over the egg cup so that would put her body on the rail I think

JudyEddy said...

I don't see any eggs though so mabye she is in the cup and it sut looks like she is not

JudyEddy said...

Ok on that note I am going to forage for food BBL

DanaMo said...

Annemarie is wondering the age of all the kidsters. She is glad to know others are coming.

Lori O. said...

hopping over the 200 dead end...

Lori O. said...

DMo, tell AnnMarie I am a 50 yr old kid!

Hoda said...

Getting ready to go to my last evening yoga class for this month...It has been with a wonderful teacher and I will miss them.

Belle looks rested and again tucked in...

Hoda said...

JUDYE Belle has been facing six and head is tucked in tail towards the railing at eleven for quite a while now...she is having a good snooze.

JudyEddy said...

I think I figured it out she is tucked that is why she looks backwards EARTHquake in MO near KY and TN today just on news in the am

JudyEddy said...


Hoda said...

my wording was poor...tucked in, tail towards eleven...missed my punctuation.

wvgal_dana said...

Good tv tonight

DanaMo said...

Good night all!

Sandi-Annemarie has looked all the books up online to read descriptions and now has a list to purchase. Guess I am going to be broke on Amazon unless I can get them loaned from the digital library. She laughed at your message to bring Jake! She finds it really funny that he would want to give her his phone number when he has never seen her and doesn't know her!

Mema Jo said...

It is time to plop in front of TV

BBBB (guess that one )

Sandi said...

JO, be back before bed!!??
DMO, you could spend your money on lots of things worse than books for Annamarie, right? Glad she liked the kids' choices! I figured recommendations from other kids her age would be much better than my suggestions!

Sandi said...

Time for Glee for me! I have a slammin' lesson to introduce statistics tomorrow, thanks to Smart Technologies! Don't know how I ever taught without a Smartboard!! Later!

DanaMo said...

Me too SAndi and the added bonus is that I'm chalk-less in my classroom!

FuzzleMT said...


stronghunter said...


magpie said...

just have to do this to finish catching up

Very very impressed about Robyn's post on the Old Thread...jump through the dead-end barricade ☺

Linda! I saw those King Cakes at the Grocery Store last night...it was tempting but I had already grabbed up the box of Fastnachts and they were a hit...

Good Evening Eagle Pals xoxoxo

magpie said...

Neato about finding that Steelers Watch, DanaWV..good on Saint Anthony....
I lost a very special watch which I don't think I will EVER find...

magpie said...

Yes, DanaMo and tell Annemarie I am a 60 year old Kid !!
Will be great to meet her and some of the other younsters I have missed on other visits ☺

I hope you are feeling better...

magpie said...

Also want to remember Lynn's grandfather also named Jim on this, his birthday also...

Hope the Other two Birthday Boys Jim and Joey are enjoying their days


magpie said...

Been searching the Goodwill racks for some New-Old Bibs...have not had any luck so far...

magpie said...

Lynn - sounds like a good outing today with your daughters...beside the good food, was there any Eye Candy ? ☺

magpie said...

Loved the story about the Oxygen man and Liesl...also way cool, he himself a has a bully baby !!

Sandi said...

Great episode of Glee with a serious cliffhanger "to be continued" ending! Next episode isn't til April 10th!! Bath and then bed for me! Goodnight, eagle friends! Hope all remains peaceful with our eagles! See you tomorrow!

magpie said...

I Love reading Movin' Jim's posts...he writes much more now and sounds so pleased with the eye operation ♥

Hoping to hear how Wanda's Soup Kitchen evening went today....
Bet she was nearly hugged to death !

magpie said...

and how about our Dear Lynne checking in!

Yeah, having to have a computer for downloading tax forms, that is just not friendly...what happened to the Good Old Paper Days...
sure feel sorry for folks who do NOT live by the 'Net

magpie said...

Soooo, has Lord Blackwater been bringing in any NEW food ???
Remember how stingy the Lord Blackwater of a few years ago was??
Wondering if this is the same pair....

I enjoyed seeing those babies often today from work...
and also Our Royal Parents and the Royal Egg.....
Always Enjoy That !!

stronghunter said...

Getting ready to head upstairs to my comfy bed and good book. I will see you tomorrow.

Good night, everyone. Rest well.

magpie said...

85-cents from here to there via Postal Service....
Raptor Stamp on your envelope...
the Osprey ☺
wonder how long it will take to get there....

magpie said...

Good Night Shirley!
I was a Party of One here...(knowing it is Terrific Tuesday TV Night I completely understand ☺ )

glad to see you, and hope Hunter is doing okay! Did you get to go Bowling today ???

magpie said...

"Party of One" by the way, is one of the musical segments from the movie The Muppets
a really neat little skit

magpie said...

JudyE -
speaking of Party of One...you are one of the few here whose clothes are NOT shrinking...must be fun...
I'd like to see those PINK Jeans you wore today...☺

magpie said...

Jo...have you had that Second Kinkling yet ??

Okay, Party of One here has some "homework" to do...
thinking of all, hope CarolAnne's return trip from the Cottage went okay, maybe she'll come along and say
Hi Honeys, I'm Home !
xoxo ttfn....

Janet said...

good evening all!

first off: lynn1, my sympathies.....i know how hard it is when your mom passes.....sending you light and comforting energies....

lori, wvagal, judy, ms bookworm, paula e., : thank you for your kind comments regarding sable.....and for my young 'en too....

judy: not an "official" hospice for dogs, but the doc feels like i do.....and not bringing more suffering to another sentient being....but keeping her comfortable....

sable has most definitely been more comfortable and more of her old self since she started the meds; BUT some constipation has set in, so i have started her on 1/2 can of pumpkin a day. keeping an eye on her to make sure this takes care of the problem.

as for my daughter: olivia has a ruptured eardrum. :( two weeks ago she had an ear infection starting; did the meds....has complained of a "stuffy ear"...gave her antihistimes, did some lymphatic massage...she never really complained, no fever, came home from her sisters yesterday crying her eyes out.....this morning, get up and green goo is coming out of that ear. the doc has her on a second round of antibiotics, oral and in the ear....thankfully its just a pinhole rupture.....but wow, feel awful about that one.

so she is back to school tomorrow.... :)

i was home today; busy busy busy, getting ready for my classes this coming weekend; class notes to the printer.....getting other stuff together,...just odds n ends i need for class. i've not taught a class for 2 months, making sure everything is in order. also, getting ready for a new chair massage gig that starts next week. :D

hope everyone has had a good day. JUDYE: pop your head out the door and enjoy the outside once in a while! lol. (JOKING).....its a shame but this work thing may take a while.

have you checked out the FSBO site? i haven't in a couple of days, i get aggravated when i look on there and the house isn't there.....i will be calling/emailing again in the next couple of weeks....i'm getting frustrated now....think if things don't get to moving, and she won't get a move on.....maybe the next step???????

anyway, grandkids are here tonight. my daughter and son inlaw are at the hockey game......so they will pick the kids up @ 10 or so........but it is quiet now...everyone is asleep!

good night to one and all! SMILES!

Before you speak, ask yourself, is it kind, is it necessary, is it true, does it improve on the silence?
- Sai Baba

Janet said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Janet said...

sorry for the delete! posted 2x. :)

magpie said...


(( Hugs ♥ )) so sorry for all the illness, with the young'un and your Precious Pooch....so hoping that things will get better....

JudyEddy said...

MARGE MARGE ask and you shall receive here is a pic of me in pink pants
and cat pictures also for those who don't have face book I put a few on
me in pink pants and cat pictures

JudyEddy said...

Jus trealized I didn't have my black zipper shoes on to complete the picture oh well in the house you don't Went to WMT tonight and Petsmart also got the cat cube for the cat in the picture they love it now I know I can get a couple of more and attach to each other Jet keep rollin in this one soo funny I am trying to up load a video to the blog but takin it time

JudyEddy said...

so you might want to wait to go look the video is still uploading I was to quick to post the link I guess saw Margy back on and had to do ask she asked LOL and sis I know what you mean I sent a pic of a train when we were up there before mom passed and asked her where it was and all i got was a one word reply BOSTON I also had ask how Laura was doing after surgery and no word OH well we have till the end of the year I guess OK enough of that and on a lighter note I am going to have lunch with Angie tomorrow

JudyEddy said...

so sorry about Oliva ear poor baby and great its just a small hole Angie had a issue when she was little and it healed also

magpie said...

Okay I'll wait Judy....working on laundry and something to eat right now....

JudyEddy said...

Just on the new NOW I don't smoke but I use to but this is the last year that people will be able to smoke in the grandstand at the race

Hoda said...

Excellent yoga practice...not very many posts since I left which I take it to mean things are quiet at the nest.

magpie said...

Neat pictures Judy, Thanks !
Will have to see the Other Colors sometime too....Cats look great also...glad I didn't have to prove I am not a robot and try to read impossible words ☺

JudyEddy said...

I wish google would make it easier to up load video still trying I am going to youtube and do it that way what a PIA blogger and google are with video over one min long I will let you know says 21 min and maybe by the time blogger will let it go on who knows

magpie said...

Hoda, my live feed kept shutting down so I left it down, I could hear WIND at the nest, can tell you that much

JudyEddy said...

my cams have been good I have it on low still can hear the wind

magpie said...

The Sandperson from Northern Virginia snuck in the kitchen window....
I'g going to sign off before all the Terrific Tuesday Television shows are over and Catch Up with Important People in the morning.....

Prayers for Wellness...Peace, and Comfort

Good Night, Precious Pals...

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

The Sandperson left....

JudyEddy said...

Yeah the video went on YOUTUBE I just canceled it to blogger stoopid google and blogger with videos what a PIA
pink pants and cat pic and cat video at end of pic

JudyEddy said...

Well I guess I should answer the door and let the sandman in Last nite I went to bed at 3 and again I am not sleep will take my TyPM now and hope for the best I see two eggs glowing Belle is rolling now

JudyEddy said...

she has her tail to us now down she is

Hoda said...

Belle untucks her head and is awake. Doing an egg cup dig and is turning to face noon. She settles back in and does an egg roll? No she gets up again and now facing nine and settles for her egg roll ...Lokking towards noon and yet facing nine...she tucks her head in again and is bck to sleep.

Mema Jo said...

BBBB - Yes, Sandi you are the winner!

It is before my bed -- Liked all 3 of my shows BUT NCIS:LA "To be continued"
We just can't lose Kensi!!!

I did just eat the 2nd kinkling!

Saying Good Night to all
Prayers for all in need
Hugs for all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

JudyEddy said...

The wind is not windy at the nest finally quiet I see Belle is nicely tucked

JudyEddy said...

I take that back it is still windy must have been a lul in the wind

JudyEddy said...

HAHAHA LOL I just noticed my bra on the table and yep it showed up in the picture I posted OH well we all know what a bra looks like HUH

Hoda said...

For those of you on Facebook...I updated my page to the new time line...I use internet explorer. When I go to scroll down it jumps back up to the top of the page...have any of you had this problem and have you figured out how to solve it? Would you let me know what you did?

Hoda said...

MARGY .85 cents is good for postage from USA to Canada...we pay $1.18 for postage to the USA and it takes a week to ten days to arrive from here to the USA...

Mema Jo said...

I was just looking for Lynn or Wanda

hedgie said...

Slept through slmost all shows.........tired....but took some meds......=zonked Lynn. Will have to catch up tomrrow. GOOD nIght. Prayers for all.

Hoda said...

Belle is awake facing six...incubating not tucked in...

Hoda said...

Belle now tucks in...

Hoda said...

Belle now is facing ten and is awake. She looked towards eight and then now to nineyet still facing ten...

Hoda said...

She looked around for a while and is now tucked in again...seems peaceful

Costume Lady said...

We had a really noisy Soup Kitchen this evening...sounding like a party. So many of our folks have gotten to know each other and they seem so glad to be together again.
Our count was 50, which seems to be the average now:)
I was able to work the whole evening without my cane, although, I did use it to get from the car into the house. When I get tired, the knee wants some extra help:)
Clothes Closet went over very well. I think everything that LORI & KATE donated is gone!

And speaking of GONE...so am I!


Hoda said...

Belle is up digging in the cup and now facing six. She does an egg roll and settles back on again for incubation.

I think my facebook scroll thing is an Internet Explorer issue. I switched to firefox and it is not doing it...My friend from Australia could not receive my chat messages from Internet Explorer either...worked fine with firefox.I was very happy to chat with him.

Hoda said...

Belle is now tucked in again facing six.All is quiet at the nest.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Hoda and Andy!

Hoda said...

WANDA Bless your heart and I am so very proud of you...Go do some relaxing...I can not believe you had fifty people and you waited on all this crowd so shortly after the surgery...You are AWESOME!

Hoda said...

Good morning LORI are the roads going to be clear for you this morning?

Lori O. said...

Yes, HODA, no snow here so no road troubles...thank God. Hate driving to work before the snow plows get out. We'll have a high around 70 tomorrow...should be around 60 today!!! It'll feel like spring!

How are you feeling after two yoga classes yesterday? Can't believe you have so much energy!!!

Lori O. said...

Getting my do done today! I'm in desperate need of help in that area right now! Gray, gray go away.

Hoda said...

I feel GREAT and energised LORI...I am in a transition period with Yoga and most of the good teachers are in a new studio and I think I will be switching gradually...it is unsettling for me because I have been with Shanti for a couple of years now...but really some of the new teachers are not working as well for me...not challenging me enough...so here I am in transition ...

Lori O. said...

Have you ever thought of starting your own Yoga studio, Hoda? Is there a space available next to the bakery/health food store? :)

Hoda said...

Do you have a good hair dresser LORI? Do you do your own colour or do you experiment with other shades? I have never dyed my hair to my mother's great distress!!! In her eighties she told me I made her look old because my hair was not dyed...I told her she was getting up there!!! She did not like it one bit!!!LOL

Lori O. said...

LOL, I think my Mother would say the same thing, HODA! I'm thinking about adding some highlights - something subtle, today. Not sure.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Lori and Hoda!

I'm getting here so late, it's early! Emma fell asleep in my lap, and slept for quite a while. She's all tucked into bed now, so here I am.

Golly, got a boatload of work from the doctor again today. Gonna be busy as a bee for the rest of the week. Will lurk here for sure, though.

Janet, sure sorry to hear about Olivia's ear infection! Prayers for a speedy recovery!

Wanda, that's good that the Soup Kitchen was a partylike success!
I'm sooo habby that your knee is mending so well, too!

JudyE, I like the pictures of you in your pink jeans, and of your kitties! Those two must keep you pretty busy--they sure seem energetic!

Well, I'm fading fast, so think I'll call it a day. Making sure the porch light is on. Enabling both security systems. Have said prayers for everyone, and every creature. Thanks given for answered prayers. Hope everyone sleeps well, with sweet dreams.
God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you! :o] ...Emma says, "ZZZzz."

Hoda said...

Oh LORI what a delightful thought...me start my own yoga studio? There are already way too many yoga teachers in this area...we have over a hundred yoga teachers in a town of ten thousand......seven yoga studios within the Nelson and area...No we do not need another yoga studio and I like being instructed and I do not want to be the instructor...did that for thirty years in a public school, never again!!!

Lori O. said...

Love to you and Emma, Andy!

I need to get going myself to get ready for the day. Have a good morning all... see you soon.

Lori O. said...

Have a great day, Hoda! ((Big Hugs))!

Hoda said...

Drive safely LORI and have a TERRIFIC day at work.

Hoda said...

I am ready to log off...Continues to be quiet at the nest. Belle is tucked in and has rolled the eggs several times while I was watching tonight. No chirping from her or Shep...all is blissfully quiet.

Good Morning to the Morning crew...enjoy the coffee.

Good night.

Sandi said...

Morning Lori and DMo!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, Sandi, DanaMo & DanaWV!

Sandi said...

Just did my daily voting for Paula's/Nick's shelter. They're still in the lead!!

DanaMo said...

Good morning! and Woof Woof Woof from the Flying Labs.

DanaMo said...

Heard a call a few minutes ago, then back to being tucked in.

Sandi said...

Good - no noise at the nest last night!! Forecast here is saying close to 60 today and in the 60s for the next 2! My kinda winter weather!! Off to get ready for my Wednesday! HAGD eagle friends!!

WV sUSAn said...

Happy Hump Day Eagle Fans. Looks like we had a nice quiet night.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, sUSAn! Quiet nights are good nights. =)

WV sUSAn said...

Belle is awake and picking at flugg.

stronghunter said...

Good morning!
All is well at the nest.

WV sUSAn said...

Great to see Belle just relaxing.

WV sUSAn said...

Lori, I love it.. no news is good news at the nest. ha

WV sUSAn said...

Night light off.

Sandi said...

Morning SUSAN and SHIRLEY! No switch yet?

WV sUSAn said...

Have some new pomegranat mango bubble bath for this morning. yummers

Sandi said...

I'm off!! Bet they'll switch while I'm driving!

WV sUSAn said...

Belle is so chill this morning. About bath time and still no switch. Amazing.

WV sUSAn said...

Hi Sandi, she's still in holding position. lol

Sandi said...

I see a spot, so I'm guessing this is Shep eggsitting now?

WV sUSAn said...

In and out of the shower and still no switch. Heard some clunking a few minutes ago. Shep is near.

WV sUSAn said...

Clunking in the attic.

Sandi said...

Sounded like something just landed in the tree.

WV sUSAn said...

Is that Shep that's been on the nest all night. Looks like a spot on the head and would figure since it's been so quiet.

DanaMo said...

Well off to school. Ash Wednesday and we begin Lent.

Sandi said...

Maybe there was a very early morning switch that none of us saw, and now Belle is back. This is def. Shep!

WV sUSAn said...

I think maybe they did a sneaky switch in the night because that sure looks like Shep.

WV sUSAn said...

I haven't seen two eagles on the nest or a switch since 6:30a

WV sUSAn said...

Uh oh, incoming. Somebody at 9 and Shep has a wing out. Still on eggs. He's cooing but looks uncomfortable

WV sUSAn said...

Still cooing and an egg roll.

WV sUSAn said...

He's wiggling back down. Can't see anyone at 9

WV sUSAn said...

Well the switch was between 3:38 and 5:46 this morning. No comments and Shep is still on the nest. No wonder its been so quiet. He doesn't make much noise. :-)

WV sUSAn said...

Is there a new thread and I'm still here? 'Cause it's really quiet here, too.

Lori O. said...

No sUSAn, it just gets quiet after the switch. LOL

wvgal_dana said...


Lori O. said...

Shirley, Margy, Lynn and JudyE will be popping on soon.

Janet said...

a quick good morning to one and to all...on this thundery/rainy tn morning.....snow sunday, thunder wednesday. the fun just never stops! lol.

hope everyone has a fabulous day. a nasty little headcold seems to have caught me....so dayquil, reiki, hot tea, here i come! thankfully the most i'll do today is 2 massages, and not really sure if they are a go. i hope so....but we shall see. i'll touch base with my clients in a bit.

catch ya'll later. have a fabulous day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

big cheesey smiles for everyone!

WV sUSAn said...

Thank Lori :-)

Janet doesn't stay long enough for me to ask about reiki...

WV sUSAn said...

Will email JudyE to contact Janet. I need help with a reiki contact in Charleston.

WV sUSAn said...

Shep is on the egg roll and back down.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Lori, Sandi, DanaMo, WVsUSAn, Shirley, "Fast Get Away Janet", and Lurkers (:

wvgal_dana said...

Janet adding you for cold to prayers list and Margy to find her watch.

WV sUSAn said...

Hi Dana, must get to work. HAGD

wvgal_dana said...

Have a good day at work WVsUSAn (:

CarolAnne said...

MAGPIE, When you return:

Have returned from cottage - safe trip, good weather.

Morning all, quick check in before we head out again tomorrow morning - possibly w/o internet from Thurs - Mon. Will look for WI Fi spots.

Hoping to get pics like Glo does. Besides general viewing along the Mississippi river, there will be a "Live bald eagle presentation" one morning, live raptor (6) program put on by the Soaring Eagle Rehab Center, a ground level eagle nest and so much more.

Expecting everyone to hold their own or improve as the case may be. No dramas, please.

On another note, I think I have removed the need to disprove you are a robot when looking at my blog pics. One can only hope.

Lori O. said...

Oh, CarolAnne, you are going to have so much fun! Take lots of pictures, we want to see nearly everything. :)

FuzzleMT said...


DanaMo said...

at school checking in.

Judie said...

Good morning everyone.

Shep seems to be doing a splendid job as he enjoys the dappled sunlight.

Congratulations Wanda. You are just amazing. So happy the soup kitchen is so successful and the clothes closet is making use of so many nice items. Hi to the Capt.

Hope Lynn is feeling well today and Jo will be having some family time.

Wishing everyone a lovely day.

Linda said...

Good Morning!

See Shep enjoying the sunshine and all is quiet!!

JudyE must have finally got some rest!! It's quiet here this morning, so far.....

Have to go out to work this morning!

Wishing you all a great day! Enjoy the warmer temps! They may be a tease......

Hoping everyone is feeling in tip top shape today!!


Bird Girl said...

Morning, everyone!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - Ash Wednesday is here.
The nest looks serene - now to jump in here on 200 count and find you .....

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...

Best Wishes for a Good Day...

I "See You" CarolAnne.....ready and rarin' to go again on some more Wildlifing - ! ☺

Yes indeed, half a hundred and noisy ones at the the Soup Kitchen...Joyful Noise, Good Company
Good Fellowship

xoxo (( All-Day Hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

watching BWE right now, chicks alone for a few minutes....
pretty nice warm day for that...

want to see more food brought in there !
Like a small whale for example

magpie said...

Colorful wavy line at graphic....
for a scientist's invention or discovery....

Does not look like George Washington at all

Ash Wednesday, beginning of Lent...

magpie said...


magpie said...

Aaaah, One Mema Jo
One Bird Girl
One Blackwater Parent roosting on babies

and everyone else that was already here....most of whom I missed


Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning, Everyone!

Just about to dive into a pile of work after starting the first load of laundry, but wanted to see how things are at the nest this morning first. So habby that the night was uneventful!

Janet, sorry to hear that a cold virus is trying to catch hold of you. Prayers for healing! Hope you feel better as the day goes on.

The sunrise here in SoCal is just gorgeous right now--the eastern sky is a glorious peachy pink! Won't last for long, but quite a moment! It's 49 here right now, but supposed to be sunny and nearly 80 later.

Well, guess I'd better get busy now. Hope everyone has a great day!
Will check back in later this afternoon. :o]

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all ☺

I was lurking last night...got home late from work, had some stuff to do around the house.

Nice day out there today!

magpie said...

I did spend a little time be-bopping with Lori earlier...on the way to work ♪ ♫

duty calls here at work..

" see you precious pals later "

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning, Irene, Jo, CarolAnne, Judie, Linda, Delphia, Margy, Andy, Paula and Lurkers.

@Margy I put you on the prayer list that you find your watch.

Bird Girl said...

Janet, if you have early cold symptoms, you should take zinc tablets right away. Either straight zinc (from the vitamin aisle) or Cold-Eze. Zinc actually prevents the cold virus from multiplying, but you have to start using it early. Hope you feel better soon!

The wavy line on the Google doodle celebrates Heinrich Hertz, who invented the Hertz antenna for transmitting UHF radio waves. He died at 36 of a form of vasculitis :(

paula eagleholic said...

BWE chicks all alone

The switch was around 6:15 this morning.

paula eagleholic said...

Shep up for an egg roll and wiggle wiggle in, facing 9. Tucking in the fluff, so cute ☺

wvgal_dana said...

@those that are dropping me off your facebook pages as you had me as a "friend". Thank you. It isn't Santa Clause that hears everything you say on facebook chat and in emails to each other about me or someone else. IT IS GOD...HE SEE'S ALL...HE HEARS ALL....OH BY THE WAY = HE FORGIVE TOO.

Have a good day (:

Remember if you don't like what someone says there is always a delete on facebook.

hedgie said...

Morning all.
Slpet 6 straight hrs. without having to get up---unbelievable!! Was up and went back to sleep for another 90 min.!
Great night!

Bill and Frank are here installing the new opener! WaHoo!!!!

Janet, SO sorry about Livvie's ruptured ear drum....so painful, but now healing can begin.

DMO--tell A/M Mattie is a very mature 14.

CarolAnne.....enjoy your WONDERFUL trip. Can't wait for all thr details and great pics!!!

wvgal_dana said...


JudyEddy said...

Good mrning eagle buds this is the last day I get to sleep in off course staying up till 2 is going to be out of the question also Angie said Angie Taylor posted on your Wall
"we seen the coyotes this morning two of them in our side yard they make some crazy sounds. Mind you this is a highly residental area aso scary in a way


magpie said...

That's Great, Lynn...
well deserved...and ditto Yay !! on the Garage Door Opener getting its repairs....


magpie said...

There is something sleek and elegant about that Heart Avatar that I really like !

Hello More Morning Pals...


Lolly said...


wvgal_dana said...

Going to town to get new battery for my "Steelers watch". I can't wait to get it back on my wrist.
Thanks to God, St. Anthony and all Higherpowers.

JudyEddy said...

WANDA Great news about the soup kitchen its seems so long since we have talked about it So nice to hear that they are becoming good acquaintances and great news no cane You are going to miss that cane being its been part of you for so long

LORI pic of new do and color if you change it

ANDY good news about more work for you from the dr

HODA so glad you fixed your issue with FB I too had the issue but it only lasted a day and now I know to use Firefox if it happens again if that happens I will have to ask you all about doing fir fox its all Greek to me remember I hate downloading thing I am so afraid I will miss something up

Just got off the phone with Angie telling me about the coyotes this morning her and Carl went out side to try to get a picture but didn't get one Making plans for lunch etc so now I need to finish reading I shall return figure I would send this on

T-Bird said...

new thread

JudyEddy said...

SIS snow for you so sorry we are getting a cool front with rain so sorry you have a cold going on Do you use Zicam to help with colds??

HEY did you all feel any of the earthquake yesterday morning was on all news cast yesterday some people said they felt it as far as NC and GA was in MO at the area where all states meet

SUSAN I just email my sis and ask her for info in your area ok

WVGALDANA Love the Fast getaway comment on my sis tooo cute

CAROL ANNE I hope you do get pic and waiting to see them Have fun for us we will live through your pictures

JudyEddy said...

Just got through yelling at the cats again Jet was on counter I clapped my hands so hard they sting now burning Its like I'm getting punished for yelling at them with the stinging hands LOL

JudyEddy said...

Yep the google wavy lines do nothing for me wonder what it is suppose to be

JudyEddy said...

clicked on it and makes no sense to me wavy doodle I doodle and mine don't look like that LOL Just got to where the wavy lines are explained maybe I should read all before I comment then that would be no fun LOL thanks THELMA for the explanation

hedgie said...

Hurray for Ed

Our votes worked!!!!!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

new thread




Mema Jo said...

Just reading again

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...