Thursday, February 16, 2012


New thread.  Flying up from Charleston.


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Lolly said...

Good morning! A new early morn thread. Thanks Steve! Have a great day! I will go get the others!

Lynne2 said...

Good morning...thanks Steve!

Lynne2 said...


I haven't had a donut in about 30 HOURS. LOL! Dr. Baker brought some in to work.

And I'm heading there now....have a good day all, and I'll check in if I can!

Mema Jo said...

Good Rainy Morning - Just signing in.
I need to go back a thread & see what is being said.

No donut around here for me! :(

Mema Jo said...

Steve, you are a traveling man!
Thanks for our new fresh Thurs thread.

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Steve for the new thread.

Thanks for the call over.

Bek=lle rolling eggs and tenting.

wvgal_dana said...

Doing some chores here at house.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Lolly and Mema Jo (:

Lolly said...

Can not believe I have "discovered" a new thread two days in a row!☺

CONGRATULATIONS GRANDMAMA CANDY!!! Wow, send up the rockets, blare the horns, that is something to celebrate!!!!! I am so happy for you!!! We expect to hear lots about the baby to be and then of course we will have to see pictures once the baby arrives.

Lynne, good to see you peeking in this morning. Beware of that doughnut!!! Doughnuts are EVIL!! They gang up on you and put fat on you!! Beware! They also clog arteries!!!! Evil, I say, evil!!!LOL

I have had my say, now to read the paper. My eye is back to normal, not dilated and the red is gone! Wahoo! Oh, maybe a iittle pink but looking normal this morning. Yea!

Be back later!!!

Mema Jo said...

Candy - Whoo Hoo!
I bet you will have a nursery filled
with gifts by the time August comes!
I am very happy happy for you! Don't you just love the feeling of a little
one to hold. Best of everything to
Josh and Shelly!

Mema Jo said...

Belle certainly makes a beautiful Tent.

Still raining here in the valley...

Mema Jo said...
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Lori O. said...

Thank you Steve for the new thread! Probably won't be long and we'll need another dry one for this rainy day.

Thanks for the call over Lolly. So happy to hear your eye is back to normal!

Question: I want to buy the neighbor some Gin for fixing the tractor wheel...He drinks Gin & Tonic - is that it? What is the best kind of gin?

Bird Girl said...

Thanks for the new thread, have a safe flight!

Lori O. said...

Ah, naked eagle on the eggs.

DanaMo said...

Fresh new thread. Wonderful. Thanks Steve.

Bird Girl said...

Isn't it amazing how careful they are with their eggs???

DanaMo said...

You are all making me want a donut!

Lori O. said...

She's (?) back. Not sure which it is.

Bird Girl said...

Lori, there are so many kinds of gin out there...each with it's own characteristics. You'd be better off asking your friend which they prefer, as most people have a specific "taste" they like. Tonic is tonic, really, but the difference is the gin. :)

Lori O. said...

You can have a donut, DanaMo, you can just jog it off.

Lori O. said...

Thanks Delphia! I just don't know a thing about gin and really wanted it to be a surprise.

Lori O. said...

You know what - he's too nice, probably wouldn't tell me.

Judie said...

Thank you, Steve. Safe travels.

Congratulations Candy. Thank you for sharing.

Funny thing about donuts -- don't like them at all except KK -- causes a major feeding frenzy.

Tanqueray is top shelf.

Jo, get a drink of water. You're stuttering.

Okay, out into the rain I go. Bye

Bird Girl said...

Tanqueray is a pretty common choice, along with Bombay. Slightly higher-end of these would be Tanqueray Ten or Bombay Sapphire.

Mema Jo said...

I fixed it Judie!

stronghunter said...

Good morning.

Stopping by for a moment. Animals still need to be fed this morning. They have only had a snack.

Grey and drizzly here.

Woodpecker and cardinal at the feeders.

Hope everyone is well this morning.

Linda said...

Good Morning!

Snowing pretty heavy here this morning. We are having the weirdest winter. White covered ground one day and muddy mess the next. One never knows.....

Congrats Candy!!! I can feel the joy and excitement in your heart. From all I hear, grand kids are awesome. May this be a happy and healthy pregnancy followed by a healthy child to spoil and love!!

JUDIE, just love how you are short and to the point! Thank you.....

So we are hitting the Gin kind of early this morning, I see. Hmmmmm

Gin and donuts. Interesting

mariadangeloart said...

Hi everyone! Who is on the nest this morning? I can't get a good enough picture to tell....

stronghunter said...

Had to make a quick trip to vet's for cat food. Took advantage of the opportunity to stop for a coffee and doughnut at Starbucks. Maybe KK next time!

Lori O. said...

Thank you Judie & Delphia....that helps a lot. Now I've got it on my list! Gracias, ladies.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Yay Candy!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Safe travels Steve. Boy, you really get around!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne2, how is Dr Baker feeling?

Lolly said...

LORI, Delphia gave you a good answer. Tanqueray is a top gin, a good gift. My brother gave us a bottle of Hendrick gin, (my maiden name) It is very expensive, I liked it, Jack did not. Gin really does vary.

paula eagleholic said...

Maria, I'm not sure, but it kinda looks like Shep to me.

Lolly said...

Good morning Maria, I need to read back. I can not tell who is there either. You have to see the head to tell who is who!!

Lynne2 said...

at work...

Paula, Dr Baker's situation gets more complicated all the time, but she is doing very well for the most part!

Lori, how about a gift certificate to the local liquor store?

OK, lots to write up before I hit the front desk.

Mema Jo said...

Lori - Lynne's suggestion about the
Gift Certificate is a Winner!

Mema Jo said...

Too much "DONUT" talk!

It even affected Shirley's travels!

Mema Jo said...

It looks like Shep, Maria.
Belle has a much larger TENT...

Mema Jo said...

Going to meet Daughter for lunch.
She is taking up knitting! She is so
good with her hands... from knitting to
gardening to arranging flowers in a vase


mariadangeloart said...

Thanks guys! Doesn't help that this dumb web cam keeps freezing up! :)

movin said...




Eagles on WE and SC nests right now.

We are having a clear, fairly warm day in So Cal ... day after light rain and day before desert winds again...

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Bird Girl said...

Almost forgot to tell you folks: My rescue took in the first baby hummingbird of the season on Valentine's Day! I'll be posting a picture of it on my group's Facebook page :) SO adorable!!

Bird Girl said...

Guess I'd better make myself useful...have a good day everyone!

Lori O. said...

Delphia, what do you feed a baby hummer? Congrats on all you do at your rescue!

Mema Jo said...

Had to let you know --
Just saw 3 brilliant red cardinals in
the back yard. If it were Friday I
could count them... To me they mean
SNOW........ Linda - keep the snow in PA.........

Lolly said...

I want to hear from Lynn this morning!!!! Lynn, (((hugs)))

Lolly said...

I am off to start my gone gone, newspaper read.

Have a good one my eagle buds!♥

Lolly said...

I think I have lost the sound from the cam. I am beginning to think that when there is moisture we loose the sound. What do you think??

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I was on the old page.

GOOD NEWS: Joe Kessler is coming home today!!!! God is good all the time!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I can still hear the hum on the cam Lolly.

Lolly said...

Thanks, Sharon. I guess I can, too. It is just so quiet and our eagle so still. LOL Whoops, just moved his head.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

So that has been Shep on the eggs and Belle just arrived.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Maybe with food?

Lolly said...

Belle flew in. So that is Shep, for sure, on the nest.

Hoda said...

Good Morning/ Good afternoon all.

I have not read back and won't be able to do so before this evening...

I am slightly surpirsed that there are so many activitiees I have to do today but there goes:
National Walkathone Committee meets this morning and I am part of that with the Grans...

Then I go to Yoga

Then I go to the Resolution Committee meeting as part of CFUW

Then I go to Yoga

So glad I have two yoga classes today since there are two meetings and lots of paper reading and discussions...

I hope you all have a TERRIFIC day.


Lolly said...

Shep is cozy on the nest. He is not getting up. I know that feeling, did not want to get out of bed this morning,

Hoda said...

LOLLY says we have not yet heard from LYNN???

I hope all is well...Chime in LYNN...HUGS

Lolly said...

Poof Belle!

Howdy Hoda! Have a great and very busy day!

stronghunter said...

Oh, I see both of them at the nest!

I am getting sound now. I hear the wind blowing.

Funny thing happened last night at bridge. One of my bridge buddies watched our eagles last spring and knows about the drama we had then. Her name is Cathy. I just e-mailed her some information about our blog.

And poof--I think that was Shep.

JudyEddy said...

HOme from the park and lunch time to go see if she will take a nap me too

JudyEddy said...

This morning video is on blog and a pic
This am Belle was verbal

stronghunter said...

Watched your video, Judy. Belle had plenty to say to Shep for sure. She did not stop with the hollering even when he arrived to take over the egg duty.

stronghunter said...

Wow, Hoda, you are definitely one busy lady.

paula eagleholic said...

Well, Shep is trying to tent...he has his wings slightly spread.

DanaMo said...

I'm ready for a nap! What happened to napping in kindergarten???

Costume Lady said...

Good Afternoon...
Shep, you can probably put your umbrella down rain 5 miles up the road from you:)

I love chocolate donuts with chocolate icing and FRESH OUT OF THE OVEN Glazed Donuts!
Never had a peanut butter filled donut, like LYNN had, but sound delish!

Lori O. said...

Got an email from Lynn...she's okay just taking breaks, napping and eating, but said all is well.

Linda said...

Belle flew in. Shep didn't want to move, but she nudged him off.

Poof Shep.

Belle settles in on eggs

Costume Lady said...

DANAMO, so happy to hear of ANNEMARIE's accomplishment. Means alot to Mom and Dad in more ways than one:)
3 day weekend will have your cold OUTTA HERE!

Happy to hear that LORI's kitties may have found a home. Wish my kitties weren't ferel, they would be able to find a home easily...they are beautiful!

Costume Lady said...

LINDA, Lib was like Shep, in that he never gave up his spot on the egg cup very willingly:) He seems to be winning our hearts♥

Costume Lady said...

Yep, Belle is still in control:) As it should be!

Costume Lady said...

OK, I am now concerned about LYNN. Haven't heard anything from JEWEL/CAROLYN either~

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lynn is okay Wanda. Don't worry.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Dropping in quickly to say hello, before I pay some bills online.

Have been praying today for Charlie's doctor visit this morning, also for Red, Steve & Lynne2, Megan & Russ, Nila, Tori, and for Sissy's doctor visit today.

DanaMo, healing prayers for you continue. Congratulations indeed for AnneMarie!!!

Lori, I guess I missed reading about Bobby & LeRoy. Is someone considering adopting both?! Wow! Prayers continue about that--and for Andie kitty, too.

Sissy, prayers for the families of the teenagers killed in the accident. So sorry to hear about that!

WV sUSAn, your BFF is on my prayer list now, too.

Congratulations to Grandma Candy, to Shelly & Josh!

Sharon, God certainly IS good--great news about Joe!!

Costume Lady said...

Thanks SHAR♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh, golly--where are my manners?
Thank you for the new thread, Steve!

Has Lynn been here yet this morning? Hope she's feeling better today.

Well, I'd better pay these bills and get it over with. BBIALW....

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh--Wanda, I LOVE your avatar! :o]

Costume Lady said...

Thanks, your EMMA:)

paula eagleholic said...

DanaMo, they don't nap in kindergarten any more?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Girlfriend knows how to protect those eggs!

Lolly said...

Just went to Walgreens. Have me some new $10 reading glasses and guess what!! I have reduced the blog to 100% I can see!! LOL My old glasses just were NOT working.

I have chatted with Lynn of fb and heard from her by email...she is fine, she is eating!!!!

JudyEddy said...

WVADANA loved to Rob Jones story of the Vet what a great friend he had I am sending the video on to all on my email list Very touching and moving story of the young man Its a long video but worth it

CANDY YEAH going to be a first time GRANDMOTHER and congratulation to the parents Josh and Shelly

I wonder how long STEVE will be in Charleston for the weekend maybe

Back to donuts feel sorry for me I work where I see the daily now I have to resist daily Poor ME Once every year of so maybe but 30.years no way and 30 hours no way either for donuts I love the choc cake ones with icing also not just glazed also the cinnamon twist ones with the sugar cinnamon on them NOW I want a donut good thing I don't have any left

WOW great news about JOE going home today and TORI is improving daily
WANDA and SHIRLEY thanks you for watching my video I she did carry on for over ten minutes but I only posted the one video the other I noticed had my cursor in the middle of her Looked funny cause it was a eagle She was verbal like that last night on and off to I wonder if someone else was around Sure wish we knew!

LORI thanks for letting us know LYNN is just taking a break

I know I was shocked when DANAMO mentioned that before no naps in kindergarten Angie use to always get a awards daily for being the BEST BEST RESTERin class she was always proud of that LOL She is from a family of sleepers I feel asleep with Jordyn and just got up

Now I the blog to read I got to remember to get my MAMO while I am on vacation I will have to make a appt in April for my refil on my ESTRODIOL hormone patches I was a bad girl and didn't go after I saw her so I need to make sure I go Ok now to do some reading I will be back Jordyn has dance tonight so I will go there and for dinner at Angies

Lolly said...

When I retired 12 years ago, nap time was a bygone. However, after lunch we listened to music and if they fell asleep...well, I let them sleep. They are not going to learn if they are sleepy. I followed with story time, so they were not missing an important lesson and our activity was quiet.

I remember one time, after lunch, I was soooo sleepy. I was almost falling asleep talking. I went to the office and they sent someone to my classroom. I went outside, in the cold, and walked briskly around the school several times. LOL

Lolly said...
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Lolly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lolly said...

I stuttered, excuse the delete!

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY I got the coolest red reading glass at Wal-Mart only 2.00 they have them on a sidekick they are great there is no frame on the bottom on the lens which I love that part They are trying to stay in competition with the dollar stores now I guess but they are great A lot better that the dollar tree or dollar general stores

I had to check to see if the cam was still counting down the time because Belle looks like a statue Now SHEP is a different story he is always pecking at stuff around him

JudyEddy said...

In the Pharmacy dept at Wal-Mart I forgot to say that is where the glass are they just had gotten them in this past month

JudyEddy said...

I should go get busy now BBIALW

Ms Bookworm said...

Back again for just a bit.
Wanda, you reminded me that I need to tell about Emma yesterday.
I got busy and clipped her nails and trimmed the hair on her feet. She actually LIKES it when I trim her nails! Believe it or not, she actually FELL ASLEEP IN MY LAP while I was trimming and filing her nails!!! I could hardly believe it! She is such a character! (Guess it's because when we first got her, I used to handle her feet a lot to get her used to it.) Speaking of Miss E., she's wanting some lap time right now, so guess I'd better get with the program. Will BBL... :o]

Mema Jo said...

Update on Tori's Progress

Swallow Study

Tori is heading down to her swallow study in a few minutes and they just removed 2 of the 4 tubes from her chest. I thought they had 2 but they were y'd making it 2 on each side, the other 2 come out tomorrow. Today tori had OT and PT.
Here they are, I will be back on how she did, fingers crossed she passes and can drink and possibly eat without the feeding tube making it one more tube removed.

Linda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Linda said...

We posted the same thing at the same time, JO!!

My delete!! Thanks for sharing Tori's news.

I think a swallow test so soon is a real positive thing for her!!

So happy to hear..........

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for posting the update on TORI just got the email also and it saves me from going and looking YOU GUYS are the best ever♥♥(((((((hugs)))))))♥♥

JudyEddy said...

Is it raining at the nest looks WET

paula eagleholic said...

Amazing how quiet it is around the nest when it rains...

Mema Jo said...

I had just returned and I always check
who is on email - I thought that was you Linda! lol

Swallow test is great! Sure hope she can pass it...... Prayers for Tori

Sandi said...

Boy, 100 posts in 5 hours - you guys are a talkative bunch today!! Just signing on to the new thread to check the box to have comments sent to my inbox. Gotta wrap up my day - see everyone this evening!

Mema Jo said...

Word from Susie about John her father

Dad is coming home tomorrow. I talked to him this morning and he ate breakfast and was just hanging out and then called him little bit ago and he said he was coming home tomorrow so woo wee no more at the hospital.

GOD IS GOOD and thanks for prayers and
positive thoughts! ♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I went to see Nila last night to take her some jelly beans. She is doing so well. Just unbelievable really. God is good all the time. She has been crocheting some.

Belle just shook off some water and doing an egg roll.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Beautiful news about John too.

I have a Caring Bridge app on my phone and get notifications when there is a new post.

And wiggle, wiggle and back to tenting!

Kay said...

I see we have the beautiful Mombrella in use today ! Love that Belle !

What a lot of fantastic news today ! CANDY to welcome her 1st Great Grandchild ! LOLLY ♫ sees clearly now, the "fog" has gone ♪♪. TORI progresses beautifully ! JOE goes home and JOHN will do so tomorrow ! NILA continues to show just how spunky she is ! Rejoicing with them all !

So sorry to hear about the Mercer Co. W.V. teens. God comfort their families and friends.

Mema Jo said...

Soup from Panera's was good!
My feet need to go up for an hour...

Company (family) tonight for dinner....

I could have family every night of the week and miss someone.

Mema Jo said...

Tomorrow my granddaughter that has 5
children is going to have an
colonoscopy and an endoscopy. Last week
she had a CT.... Hoping to find out if
anything is out of wack!
Thanks for any prayers you can offer up
for some conclusive diagnosis.
Thank you friends!

Feet up....... Stay dry....

JudyEddy said...

Did you have Broccoli Cheddar soup that is the one I only get there

JudyEddy said...

Jordyn is up so I will see you all later tonight maybe

Kay said...

LORI, looks like you got a lot of good advice re:gin. It tastes like shaving lotion to me, so I'm no help !

Mema Jo said...

JudyE - The one and only
Broccoli Cheddar

Kay said...

JO n' JUDY, one and only is right ! That soup is sooooo good !

Kay said...

JO, your granddaughter will be in my thoughts and prayers !♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

From CaringBridge:

Ugh schedules stink.

Swallow study postponed until tomorrow morning. The tubes came out 2 of 4 and they need an X-ray to make sure everything is good before she can leave ICU.

Kay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

I hope x-rays show healing for Tori!

Kay said...

My delete, a duplicate of SHARON's.

Kay said...

SHARON, have you heard from LYNN ? I see you're confident she's okay.

Kay said...

Concerned about her sil, Charlie. She said he would probably be admitted for the cellutitis by noon today.

paula eagleholic said...

My fav soup at Panera is the potato soup!

Going to get the do done....see ya this evening...

Lolly said...

Kay, Lynn is just fine. Have talked with her on fb.

Also, this is Candy's first grandchild, not great grandchild, though I am sure it will be great. LOL

Lolly said...

Jack and I just finished our walking for the day. However, he is the one who really needed the walking. He went out with friends and ate Mexician food for lunch. Why is it some folks can eat and eat and not gain weight? He is one on those. Grrrrrr!

Kay said...

I don't watch Dr. Oz, but saw a video on Yahoo. He says "Feverfew",available at health food stores, is worth a try for migraines and only about $8 for a huge bottle of pills. (don't know if they are tablets or capsules)

Also touts castor oil for back pain. Demonstrated on an arm, applying oil, covering with Saran Wrap and putting heating pad on it. How the heck to use that on one's back without using a lot of wrap to go around the body, or how to even accomplish this when living alone is a poser !☺

Let me know if you try either of these home remedies and find success !

Kay said...

Thanks for the correction, LOLLY ! Don't know how I got "great" out of CANDY's message, but it's joyous news in any case !!!

Kay said...

Greatly relieved to hear LYNN has been on FB. Just seemed odd for her not to be on here by this time of day. Has she given any condition report on Charlie ?

Kay said...

LOLLY, I share that frustration with the differences we see in metabolism. I was one of those people who could eat anything without gain and was way too skinny, til' the first baby. Gained 40 pounds with her and have fought weight problems ever since ! Fortunately none of my kids has taken after me. They are all nice and slim.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

They sent Charlie home with antibiotics.

Lolly said...

Shep has now taken over egg sitting duties. They are really working together now. Love it!

Just went out. Cooler today but wanted some fresh daffodils in the house. They are in full bloom now. Just love them!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Shep looks like he is sleeping.

Lolly said...

Kay, I was never skinny..just right. Did not have to worry about dieting. Only gained 17 lbs with Laurel so no problem there. However, as I have gotten older it just seems to creep up. Then we retired....WOW, no creeping hit me full force. So, I am back down to pre retirement weight. Would be happy to loose 20 more pounds, but I am tall and doctor tells me I carry it well. Good on her! lol

DanaMo said...

Home from school and thinking about a nap/!

DanaMo said...

I really want a donut!

DanaMo said...

I've always been really thin too! I don't think I weighed over 100 until after I got married. Did pretty well with 4 kids always losing the weight. Started working at a school and have been steadily putting weight on since! I'm no longer close to 100 and I'm only 4'11" according to the nurse at my last doctor visit.

Kay said...

LOLLY, like you, I'm tall and am always told "you carry it well", but I'd also like to lose another 20 pounds. DANAMO, it's part of aging for some ! Once a problem it's always a battle, I think. :(

Thanks for the update on Charlie, SHARON. Hope the meds work well.

Kay said...

Time to move around a bit and get a couple of things done before this day is over. BBL to check for updates and prayer requests.


Sandi said...

Hi all! I'd have to say that a Boston cream donut is just about one of my favorite foods in the whole world, so all this talk of donuts has me really craving one!! About 6 months ago, South Bethany got a Dunkin Donuts. Denny started bringing home donuts once a week til I said, "STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" In the summer, I am much less careful about what I eat b/c I play 2 hours of tennis 5 days a week. But during the school year, when I only play once a week, I'm usually pretty good about exercising restraint, since I don't exercise my body as much!

Happy to hear lots of good health news on the blog today - Nila, Tori, Red, Joe, as well as good news about a new grandbaby! Congrats, Candy!! From your post this AM, it sounds like this is something you've been waiting for for some time!

Looks like the rain has stopped at the nest. It has also stopped here and tomorrow and Saturday are supposed to be sunny. Don't like gray days!

Mema Jo said...

lol Egg cup so low - can the head come up? Needs a flugg pillow

hedgie said...

Good evening. Hope everyone is doing well. I've been lurking today. Slept very little last night, so have napped a good bit on this gloomy day. WAS feeling okay, but now leg and foot is VERY swollen and I don't know why. Trying to keep it elevated, which isn't comfortable here at table.
Think I'll head for the tub---easy to elevate pretty high there since I have a VERY deep claw-foot tub.

Temps have fallen....and forecast is sounding bad for Sunday. Of course----since I was going to try to make the Animal Advocates meeting for the first time since Oct.

Have sent emails responding to some blog posts, so won't repeat my observations/comments re: the good news items. But thanks for update on Nila, Shar! Sounding good.

As someone posted, Charlie is home with antibiotics and more narcotics, and he is being a PIA and not following drs. orders. C'est la vie.

See you later.

Lolly said...

Lynn, can not remember if I told you about my claw foot tub. I had one for my class room. Scrubbed it down good, painted it on the outside a brilliant yellow and then painted flowers on it. The tub was in great condition on the interior...just added two small bean bags and pillow. Two children at a time could read books in the tub. No playing allowed! LOL

Sandi said...

Belle arrives. Shep won't relinquish his spot! =)

Sandi said...

Shep has himself all tucked in nice and cozy!

Sandi said...

Belle doesn't seem too anxious for him to move either. Guess she knows that, once she takes over, she's on duty for the night!

Sandi said...


Lolly said...

That is at least the second time she has returned to the nest and he has not budged. Just heard her in the attic.

Sandi said...

Now Shep is up! I can hear Belle in the tree. Shep does an egg roll and settles back down! =) Whatta dad!!

Sandi said...

LOLLY, LOVED hearing about your yellow bathtub in your classroom!! Bet that tub was a favorite place to read for your kids!! Also bet that a teacher that would go to all that trouble was some fantastic teacher!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

What in the world is that clump of crap?

magpie said...

Wet leaves maybe?

magpie said...

and a bunch of messy sticks...

he'd rather roost than houseclean.
Shep L♥ves those Royal Eggs

magpie said...

Just missed Hedgie....
darn it. swollen leg and foot and son in law who is a PIA

magpie said...

Good news about Nila, Sharon...
and Great News also about John...from Jo..
and some pretty good news about Tori
taking the cautious route, can't hurt....

magpie said...

wonderful yellow clawfoot reading tub, Lolly, very clever !

magpie said...

And, Extremely Joyous news from Candy, about Josh and Shelly ☺♥

CarolAnne said...

Evening all,
Seems to have been a good day all around. Even eagles are behaving like eagles.

RE: claw foot tubs. Have one in downstairs bath. Also have a half size one that we use on the deck for party beverages. Fill it with ice & drinks; good conversation starter & drains easily when done.

Departing thought for one of "those kinds of days":

stronghunter said...

Rus and Kathryn had a kindergarten teacher who had a red claw-foot tub in the classroom. She was a great teacher, one we still remember fondly.

Judie said...

Good early evening.

Was going to comment on all the good health updates today but Kay beat me to it. Thanks, Kay.

Chez Judie: entree is gin soaked KK donuts! Well, okay, not really. Darth is out until 7 so it's tuna salad.

Enjoy the family dinner, Jo.


Lolly said...

Our graduating seniors always have a little "memories" book the class history. Mrs. Ellis' tub has been mentioned as well as my gumball machine. Jack has made gumball machines. I had one in my classroom and if they had a good day they got a sticker. When they got 5 stickers they got to get gum out of the machine when they left for the day. LOL

Shep is fussing at Belle.

Sandi said...

Now Shep is calling - OK, I've had enough, maybe?

Lolly said...

At least I hope it is Belle!!

Lolly said...

Oh, gross, Judie! That sounds awful!!

magpie said...

Shep was sure trying to use his Big Boy Voice...

Nothing wrong with Belle's vocals...wonder what's going on

Sandi said...

Would love to be a fly on the wall ... make that on the nest! Hungry doxie in my lap nudging me for her dinner - BBL!

Lolly said...

Hi Margy!! Things are looking a bit better this evening!!☺

Lolly said...

Jack is still out in his shop. He has been making pizza cutters and ice cream scoops. He ordered the cutter and scoop parts, really nice, and is turning and making the wood handles. Really neat! However, I am ready for him to call it a day!

stronghunter said...

Breakfast for supper here--bacon and eggs.

magpie said...

Will he use them for gifts, Lolly?
Maybe he can make a darning egg while he's at it ☺
Good to SEE You, always xoxo ♥

stronghunter said...

Eagle yoga? Odd position in the nest.

magpie said...

I saw a man walking a Wiemaraner today
think I would know how to spell that by now

Waiting to see Belle return, and how that nest mess gets tended to...

magpie said...

I see that, Shirley the wings and tail are starched in place

magpie said...

two adults at BWE

Lolly said...

Yes, he is making them for gifts and for me!! My sister, and two sister in laws will get them for Christmas. Laurel and Ash will get them now.

Lolly said...

Ahhhh!!! He is in...I am getting my "orders" and a glass of white wine. Whoops! Now you now why I wanted him to come in. LOL

Lolly said...

Getting dark on the cam...where is our Belle?

magpie said...

sounds good Lolly ☺

Shep did some herky-jerky egg rolling, not much
think Belle was back briefly, not sure if she flew off or not

BWE parents finally switched, guess that's Mom Blackwater on the eggs for the night now...
wondering, are the Father Eagles ever in attendance for a hatch ???

hedgie said...

Great stories about the tubs--in the classrooms and on the porch!
Fun, fun, fun!

I painted the outside of mine hunter green. I really need to re-finish the interior again, but just don't know if I can handle the sanding dust. Plus can't use it for 5 days after the application!

Liesl sat up here crying for dinner the whole time I was in the tub!

Sounds like a fun project for Jack, Lolly!

Judie.....enjoy your tuna!! MUCH better than gin-soaked donuts!

LOL, Margy----that's Weimeraner!!!

magpie said...

pretty much going to watch until I see or at least maybe hear a switch...
it is getting pretty late....

Belle was squawking a few mins ago, thought it would be then... but, not

Lolly said...

We may have Shep on the nest for the night. What's up????

magpie said...

thanks Lynn..I tried to Google it but didn't know enough how to spell it !

Krumpe's in Hagerstown..will be time soon for a run over there for some of THEIR doughnuts ☺

Kay said...

Just when you think you're beginning to understand eagles they do something out of the ordinary ! All but dark and Shep on cup rather than Belle ??? I hate to leave--if they switch we need to see it because it's going to be too dark to go by his dark spot or her inverted v neckline !

magpie said...

nest is nearly pitch black for me....I heard something in the attic 10-15 mins ago...but no switch yet that I can tell....

WV sUSAn said...

What the heck is going on at the nest this evening? Shep is still on duty. Belle woke up this morning to intruder or something too close to the nest. Maybe whatever it was is still hanging around?? I'm baffled. How long has Shep been on the eggs??

Good evening eagle fans!!!!

Linda said...

Good Evening!

I guess it depends on how much Gin you have that would determine if you liked those gin and donuts!! LOL

Love the tub stories and the kinders, Lolly!! Great way to encourage reading, but did they ever ask if they could read in the tub at home?

I can just hear it now......But Mrs. Ellis lets us read in the tub at school!! LOL

Question: Were there ever nights when Belle let Lib stay on the eggs overnight?

Lolly said...

I have been watching...still no switch, but need to go prepare dinner. This is wild!

Linda said...

Hi Susan!

I posted a switch at 1:24 this afternoon, but am not sure if there has been any switches since then.

Lolly said...

LOL I guess you are right, Linda. Depends on the the amount of would take lots. Sitting here giggling!

Never remember Lib staying in the nest.

WV sUSAn said...

Shep is calling out. Come home momma!

Lolly said...

Shep is chirping!

Linda said...

that would be "have been any switches since then....." Duh

It does look like Shep has been there for over 5 hours.

Lolly said...

How can I leave?????

Linda said...

I know, LOLLY! I was giggling when I read JUDIE's comment!!

Thanks for the info about Lib never staying on the nest overnight.

Maybe Belle is in the attic and will drop down soon!

We'll just have to see....

WV sUSAn said...

Thanks Linda. I don't remember Lib ever doing the night shift.

Kay said...

Around 5:30ish some of you saw Belle return, but when Shep seemed to refuse to change she gave up and poofed. Heard something near the cam a few minutes ago. Maybe she's up there and is teaching him a new lesson. "Okay, wiseguy, see how you like sitting there all night !" ☺ I don't recall, in all the nest watching I've done, ever seeing the male as the night brooder. Anyone else ?

Lolly said...

Shep has been on the nest since around 4, so about 3 hours.

magpie said...

Shep took over at 3:56 if I read correctly...

Dang, we're going to SPLIT before SHEP does....

Lolly said...

He just called out again.

Kay said...

I think that was Belle from the attic because Shep's head remained motionless.

WV sUSAn said...

Not sure who, but someone just called. He is being so patient.

magpie said...

wit no night light last year.....amd I think the year before...?? can't remember...??
it's hard to remember..think they used to switch out over night for short periods...Lib and Belle...

Lolly said...

Thanks for the warning, Margy. I could have been left behind.

magpie said...

I'm sitting here in total darkness..see my typos??


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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...