Sunday, February 05, 2012


First egg thread.


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Mema Jo said...

Oh Steve you are sneaky!
Thank you so much as I am sure you saw
this grand event! It's been a wild day
of watching. From snow in the nest to
egg in the nest!

Thanks again

I'll call the others as soon as they
settle down a bit lol

DanaMo said...

YAY I see it!

DanaMo said...

Steve is lurking!! ☺ ☺

Mema Jo said...


Beautiful egg

Hoda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BEagle said...

Thanks for yelling Hoda. I was still posting over there.

Mema Jo said...

Eating dinner - BRB

wvgal_dana said...

@Sandi what time do you want put on the picture????

paula eagleholic said...

I can't believe it I am so pissed at. My computer

Heading out for some superbowl fun...leter

Sandi said...

OK, I put my pic on the Momster site in a new album called First egg 2012 (at least I hope I did - I'm still so excited I can hardly type!!)

Hoda said...

My delete the link did not work again!!!

wvgal_dana said...

@Hoda your blue link is not turning out right you are doing something wrong.

Sandi said...

Oops, forgot to check the box to have comments sent to my email.

BEagle said...

Thanks Sandi.

Sandi said...

DANAWV, should the time be when we saw it? 5:34PM or when we think she laid it?

DanaMo said...

Heading out to the Knights of Columbus for the game as soon as my artichoke dip is ready.

BEagle said...

Paul is PO'd I would be too. I was so excited I couldn't make anything work!

BEagle said...

That was supposed to be Paula.

hedgie said...

Jo will copy the pic to the Feb. album, Sandi and she will get them in chronological order as people add.

hedgie said...

Glad that you were watching, Steve!!!

wvgal_dana said...

@Sandi where did you put the picture??? I can not find it in the album marked "2012 02/01 to 02/29"???? Where did you put the picture honey?

Hoda said...

Belle's egg...3rd try Belle's egg

BEagle said...

I think it was a little closer to 5:30 when she shivered and quivered. But I'm sure you are probably more correct than I would be.

DanaMo said...

It's in the album First Egg

hedgie said...

Chow time here.

Lynne2 said...

OMG WE HAVE AN EGG!!!! WOOO HOOO! Congrats Shep and Belle!

wvgal_dana said...

@Sandi when do you think it was laid

Lolly said...

Posted this on the old thread

Lolly said...
Okay, found snip it on this computer, got a great picture and added it to the album. See that Loretta has added a picture, too.

NatureNut said...

WOW!! An EGG Thread! Thank you Steve!!!!Better than the Super Bowl. Guess Belle did the Super Roll. I had lots of pics, but only put the last three in album.

Gotta tend to din din for awhile!!

wvgal_dana said...

not a link The egg cup for today is called: The Super Bowl Cup

NillaWafer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
NatureNut said...

Oh No. Is there an album called first egg???? I didn't see that. will have to fix it later! Nuts

wvgal_dana said...

@DanaMo where do you see where Sandi post "First Egg"?

wvgal_dana said...

Belle is rolling the egg

Sandi said...

DANAWV, did you find the pic I put in there? The album is called First egg 2012. If you sort by who added it, my screen name is roberts4224. If you find it, please move it to wherever you want! If you can't find it, copy it from my blog.

DanaMo said...

On the photo page DanaWV there is an album called "first egg". Comes up on the page when I click on photos.

Sandi said...

DANAWV, if you sort the albums by "creator" just go to the last page and under pccompton, you'll see roberts4224. that's me.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am so freaking eggcited. On the turnpike heading south and see we have a lovely egg. Now if Shep will do his part in helping.

Sandi said...

I would say she laid the egg at 5:26 or 5:27. That's when folks were posting that she was "shivering."

wvgal_dana said...

not a link Hancock is showing the 1st peek at egg with picture5:34pm

Lolly said...

Not meaning to change the subject but America is being sung at the Super Bowl. Kelly should be doing the Natl
Anthem next.

wvgal_dana said...

@DanaMo in that album is 16 pictures I do not see the egg for today nor the name roberts

Lolly said...

Presentation of the flag!!!

Lolly said...


Sandi said...

LOLLY, Your Texas gal sang it BEAUTIFULLY!!!!

Lolly said...

She did a good job! Liked the singing of America, too.

hedgie said...

Good pic you put on FB, Shar!!!!

With all the flugg influx this morning, I just KNEW it would be today!!
Now we just have to hope that it's viable!!!

Lolly said...

Not only is she a TEXAS gal, she is our little Burleson gal, too. Yea, Kelly!

hedgie said...

Shar says that pic is Steve's! I don't have him on FB.

hedgie said...

LOLLY------you had a twister Friday?????? You never mentioned it!!!

Lolly said...

Belle looks like she is resting.

Lolly said...

No twister here, not even a drop of rain. Oh, maybe 1 drop.

grannyblt said...

Yikes, I see I missed it......Congratulations Belle &Shep

Lynne2 said...

I'm so eggcited! WOW, didn't expect it...things didn't go as they usually do prior to egg laying! Missed it because I decided THAT was the time to clean Puddy's ears...UGH! I was watching just a few minutes before!

Sandi said...

DANAWV, did you ever find my pic on the Momster site? It looks a lot like the one that Steve posted on FB. Ok, I'm off to watch the game and eat my soup - LYNN, it's delicious. But can I just say there is no way this game will be better than what I just watched Miss Belle do!! EGG ROLL! Egg shows up really well in the moonlight!

hedgie said...

News said B. Co.!

Up and rolling egg again. Herky-jerky cam, now. No point trying to get a pic.....turned out too fuzzy.

Lynne2 said...

Such a bittersweet moment....

hedgie said...

Found your album, Sandi.....think it was the 3rd page.

hedgie said...

Going to sofa for awhile. Caro has cam up at work and saw that last roll. She missed my message back at thae time, as she'd already gone in the building.

Lolly said...

I never even said "hello" today. Just jumped right in! LOL Had a WONDERFUL weekend. Last night with everyone here was fun fun fun! Then this morning Zach went to church with me. Just the two of us. I was very special. His mom went to work and Jack and Michael decided to have some son/dad time. Fine with me. He was so good and really cute.

Jewels said...

Whoooo hoooo!! I am so excited!! We got ourselves an egg and Momma and Pappa!!!

hedgie said...

Lolly: The National Weather Service has yet to confirm if a tornado touched down in B County, but officials there are telling us that's what caused severe damage to homes and businesses near Snook.
How far is that from you?

Lolly said...

Belle is tired, she has already tucked. Blessings on you Belle and egg. I am still so eggcited!

hedgie said...

Awwww, head tucked. She's whooped!! Even tho' it was quick, she'd probably been laboring all afternoon!

hedgie said...

OK, bye for now.

Hoda said...

yes Kelly Clarkson did a very good job with your National Anthem. I liked the kids around her, I liked it that they cheered when the armed forces pictures came on...WAY TO GO...LONG MAY SHE WAVE

hedgie said...

Okay, Lolly, see that you AREN'T in B. Co. have a co. and town of the same name and not be in the same Co.!

wvgal_dana said...

not a link @Sandi I took your picture off your blog and put it in the Eagle_Momster album for February put Sandi Roberts and I put it on my facebook page saying taken by Sandi Roberts and shared it with other facebook people.

wvgal_dana said...

@Lynn Where do you think you found Sandi's picture? In what album? Thank You.

wvgal_dana said...

This is why I so wished we had the infrared lighting we had before!!!!

Janet said...

SOOOOO excited! She laid an egg!!!! I am looking at her all curled up in that beautiful!

Hope everyone has had a great weekend. It sure went fast around here. Chelsea (oldest daughter) and the kids and critters all left about 9:30 this morning enroute to their new home......she is mostly unpacked. Enough so that they can live anyway. We all know unpacking takes a week or more ...

The youngest woke up yesterday puny: low grade fever and cold type symptons. Have kept her in most of the weekend....except for grocery shopping today. glad that is done yet again.

Just wanted to touch base with everyone.....have a wonderful week! who knows, maybe there will be another egg??????????????


There are two ways to spread light; to be the candle, or the mirror that reflects it.

- Edith Wharton

Lolly said...

Yes, Lynn, B county is east of us. Have not even heard that they had a twister.(I have been so busy for this weekend,) However, the weather was more intense east of us. Laurel had hard showers and pea size hail. We got nothing, but that is okay. We are still soggy, but rain in the lakes is great.

I see an egg!

Lolly said...

Belle just shifted position and rolled the egg.

JudyEddy said...

OMG WE HAVE A EGG and a nother new thread

JudyEddy said...

Well I have learned I must pay attention to the cats before I get on the puter I am being rubbed all over

JudyEddy said...

OK HOW many days till it hatches???????????????????????????????????????????

stronghunter said...


Have been very busy today. Logged on awhile ago and saw Belle in the nest.

Then I started reading and saw that there is an egg.

Then I saw her roll the egg!!!!


JudyEddy said...

I have the camera set up for recording if she shows the egg again when I got home I turned it on when she got up but I missed the egg started it toooo late I wonder if Shep will go in the nest tonight??? did Liberty ever go in the nest a night with her???

Mema Jo said...

The moon is so bright tonight and the sky is clear... We should be able to see many egg rolls.

Belle seems to always have night duty over the egg. Then in the morning she
should switch with Shep as she takes a break. I pray that happens just like all else seems to be happening.

Pics in the album of the 1st egg are also from Lolly, Loretta, Sharon, Sandi and Dana. Good pics.

JudyEddy said...

I did get the egg roll but you can't see the egg darn it

JudyEddy said...

shh I think she is asleep lets all let her get her rest keep it down to a minimum LOL I am so excited I want to call someone who cares but I don't know who LOL I am watching the video I took but I can'st see the egg but I know its there ok I am going to go get a quick shower and I will be back its gonna be quicik HOW ofthen do they do a egg roll?????????????????????

stronghunter said...

Almost like daylight at the nest tonight.

Mema Jo said...

Who is actually watching the Bowl Game?
Any scores....?
Hubby has an 8:00 movie scheduled for me

Has Shep been seen by any of you..
Would love to see him as he observes
the egg for the 1st time.

stronghunter said...

We are not watching the game.

JudyEddy said...

from what I read no so far but I have over 300 comments to read Yeikes I will have to speed tonight

stronghunter said...

Kathryn is watching a program about hauntings.

stronghunter said...

Kind of creepy.

Lolly said...

Off to cook some supper. No Super Bowl party here. Think we will have bacon cheese burgers.

Lolly said...

We have the game going and half watching. It is NYG 9 NE 3.

Sandi said...

We have the game on - Denny is watching and I'm listening. Anxious to see Madonna perform at halftime. Shep flew off between 5:30PM and when Belle stood up and showed us an egg at 5:34PM. He hasn't been back that I've seen. Belle looks so peaceful in the moonlight! I'd like to think that Shep is in the tree keeping watch over his family. Having a hard time thinking of him as a dad - he's such a teenager!

stronghunter said...

Have to thank Steve for calling this the "First Egg Thread." That was where I learned that we had an egg. Of course, I had to read back and get all of the information then.

Sandi said...

DANAWV, I deleted the album I made on the Momster site called "First egg 2012," since you put my pic in the February 2012 album. Thanks for giving me credit for it!

JudyEddy said...

WVDana did you get my email today when I cam home for lunch I saw you had called and you said you were going to take a nap so I didn't call you back I have rread all the comments in my mail box was breezy easy loved it all

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Kay said...

Steve was Johnny on the Spot ! I was driving away toward Julie's house when this blessed event occured ! So very please to return to the good news !!!!! Glad so many of you were in on it. I've witnessed egg laying at NBG and it's an awesome experience ! How sweet it is to see our beautiful Belle sleeping while sheltering the egg. No wonder she was so fidgety and chirpy this afternoon !

stronghunter said...

Watching the half-time show now.


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Kay said...

I always love watching or seeing pics of the dad's eyeballing the egg for the first time. Guess we've not had that pleasure with Shep yet. It's going to be interesting to watch this first time daddy !

JudyEddy said...


Lynne2 said...

well, this half time show is quite a production. Major coreography. But, I'm not a fan of Madonna.

Judie said...

Regardless of which team wins, this is a great Super Bowl day with Belle and her first egg in the bowl. Congratulations to her and Shep.

Am turning the night light on in advance. It is set for 11:00pm.

Restful sleep for all. May your favored team be the winner.

Mema Jo said...

Watching my movie BBL

Kay said...

JUDY, you asked how often eggs are rolled. "The eggs are rolled over by either parent about every hour to 2 hours during the incubation period." There are many sites that give info on everything you ever wanted to know about eagles. I just put "how often do eagles roll their eggs ?" and Voila` I had the answer !

Went to Julie's for dinner. As I got out of the car something caught my eye---a bird with a wide wing span flew high above and descended into the top of a lofty pine tree across the street. The kids saw me staring upward, brought binoculars out and we all took a look at a gorgeous Coopers Hawk ! One morning about week ago one sat on their back fence overlooking the covered pool. There must be a nest very close by !

Lolly said...

No, I am NOT a Madonna fan but I enjoyed the half time and her last song was awesome!! You, could hear her voice and understand the words!

grannyblt said...

It has been a memorable day. 430 this am is catching up with me so I will make it an early night. thanks Belle for the eggcitement.

Kay said...

You can tell I'm not at all interested in the game or the half-time show. I'm just blabbing away here !

LYNNE2, thanks for the venison meatloaf recipe. Our folks may or may not have ground beef to use with, but I'm just going to tell them to use lots of spices. I can't stand the stuff myself !

JudyEddy said...

I have seen two egg rolls since I got home I videoed both but only can see the egg in the one I am uploading and I got a pic of it off the video also I will let you know when it is ready if anyone wants to see it I still haven't gotten a shower I will be back

Sandi said...

Thought Madonna's performance was great! Hard to believe she's 54!! Mama Belle sleeping - we're so fortunate to have the moonlight to see her so clearly!

Squeezie said...

Hi Everyone, and what a Great Evening!!! I am visiting my Mom in Baltimore so I have not been on O/C much. I just wanted to say Yahoo!! and Congratulations to all the Momsters/Dadsters, we have an egg. It would be wonderful if since there are three groups we could combine efforts and choose our new bobbleheads names. I am so happy and excited right now as I am sure you all are. Wow, what a good day, huh??

stronghunter said...

Kathryn said that watching Madonna reminds her of being in high school.

Kay said...

Hear ye, hear ye, calling the Southern Delegation. This evening I spotted a new pic of a dog in Julie's breakfast nook. Turned out to be a pic of sil's dog who adopted the family when they lived in Bluefield ! Hugh's dad was the chief engineer on the East River Mt. Tunnel and they lived in BF in the late 60's and early 70's. Hugh, the youngest of three was about 10 to 14 in that era. He says their house was partly in VA and partly in WV. You drove into the yard in one State and parked in the other ! I told them I have three wonderful blog friends who live there. We talked about the town motto, the lemonade, etc.... Small world !

hedgie said...

Had my bath. See that Belle is still tucked.
JudyE---about 35 days to hatch.

Hi, Judie and Kay! Sorry you missed the big event, Kay. Judie, did you see it???

Lynne2 said...

Hi Squeez....they are just as excited over on the OC as we are!!!
Baltimore? I'm in Randallstown...where abouts is your mom?

Kay said...

Hi Squeezie ! Happy you joined us on the momentous day ! Super Bowl Sunday 2012---Belle gets my vote for Most Valuable Player of the day !

Lynne2 said...

Two days from a full moon, the SNOW Moon, Superbowl Sunday, the first babe of Shep and Belle....when the time comes, the name possibilities are MANY!

Kay said...

Hi LYNN ! I see you missed the main event, too, but got in on the news and saw the egg before many of us ! So happy the doubts and fears some had can be put behind us. Shep paid attention to Red's instructions and got er done ! I'm so hoping there will be at least one more egg and that we'll watch a glorious eaglet raising season !

Lynne2 said...

Belle has her head tucked!

hedgie said...

Eating cake! Decided not to ice it as it is quite moist!!! It's delicious!!

Kay said...

LYNN, what the heck is up with CBS tonight ? When I got home at 7:15 that silly "boss" show was on and then 60 Minutes came on at 8. I'm not watching but hear the ticking clock once in a while since I walked off and left it on. Is Good Wife on tonight---my newspaper guide doesn't list it, but then it didn't have this flip flop in scheduling listed either.

Kay said...

Back in the days when I could eat cake I love mine un-iced. Frosting often makes cake tooooo sweet, in my opinion. I had unbelievable will power tonight and left before the kids sat down to their cheesecake dessert ! Oh, how I love that stuff !

JudyEddy said...

egg roll on blog at the begining eggroll

hedgie said...

Belle's awake.

Hoda said...

Journal entry from Robyn on Caring Bridge...

hedgie said...

Good view of egg.

Squeezie said...

Lynne, My Mom lives in Dundalk,I get to watch a huge osprey nest down here by the water it is Huge. And Kay this was by far better than halftime. I am just happy that all this courting was not in vain and pray for a full nest of healthy bobbleheads with no drama. What a happy day for us all.

JudyEddy said...

she just did a egg roll and another one

stronghunter said...

I think she said a little prayer just then.

stronghunter said...

So much better than the last couple of years with all of the snow. Hope the good weather holds.

Kay said...

☺ SHIRLEY, it did look like she was praying !

JudyEddy said...

that is three egg roll since 730 she is a good mommy

Sandi said...

JUDY, Belle is a very experienced momma, I'm not one bit worried about her!! It's that youngster she has herself hooked up with that worries me! My 8th graders will be happy to see an eagle tomorrow morning when they arrive at school, rather than just looking at an MT nest! Hope they get to see an egg roll! Boy, DanaMo's kidlets will be super excited!

JudyEddy said...

I got a pic and put in ablum of this last egg roll I oopsed up and delted the video but there will be more was talking on phone and make a booo booo Poop

wvgal_dana said...

@Squeezie I used to live in Dundalk. Loved it there by the water.

JudyEddy said...

SANDI I feel the same way I have confidence in her but not Shep he hasn't proven himself yet I hope he brings food

hedgie said...

Robyn's Caring Bridge post: I didn't go see Tori today, after 6 years of never knowing what will happen, or will a cure be found or will Tori need a transplant or who knew what. From when the call came in Monday until today I have been in a blur. I felt every moment that occured but for some reason I was calm, maybe a little too calm or in shock but today I felt completely exhausted as if it was time to just stay down and veg out. I did and still trying to work on report.

Tori is doing well, Dame said Tori wants to leave the room as she has been there too long lol

I'll talk to dame when he leaves Tori to night and will know more...

Squeezie said...

Dana, where in Dundalk? Do you know where Merritt Beach or Chesterwood park are? That is where the osprey nest is and there are now herons and cranes. I have even seen some hawks doing the deathgrip fall, I hate that.

Lynne2 said...

now watching Puppy Bowl on Animal Planet..too much cute!

hedgie said...

No, Kay, TV schedule is all messed up. Nothing NEW on one's going up against the SB! Good Wife isn't even running a repeat.

Kay said...

Yep, I went in at 9 and found a CSI Miami starting. I'm not surprised "they" didn't want to go up against the SB !

Lynne2 said...

Heading to bed, need to be at work a bit early tomorrow. Going to be a really busy day. How am I supposed to watch eagles when it's busy???

Good night a prayers for all!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Yes Kay, it is a small world. :-)

Hoda said...

17/15 to the Patriots less than seven minutes left in the game!!! How long could that last???

hedgie said...

Kay, you MUST try the Xango cheesecake at The Clarion! I always get it t bring home! SO GOOD!!!

Can't believe that Wanda hasn't checked in---wonder if she KNOWS we have an Eggbird???

Margy should certainly be home and chiming in by now, too!! But at least I know she knows!!

hedgie said...

Lynne2--sleep tight. Can you keep cam up at work? You can share it as an educational opportunity!!!!

hedgie said...

Moon is lovely....what a perfect night for it to shine brightly!!!

wvgal_dana said...

We had sold our home in Edgewood Md. and I got an apartment in Dundalk. It has been so long ago I can't even remember the name of the Apartment Complex. I do remember there was a cove of water that came up to the apartments. I worked at VA Hosptial which at that time was on 33rd street in Baltimore.

Kay said...

Hmmm,Xango ???? I'll buy a piece for you if you'll give me a very little sliver of it !!!!

hedgie said...

Kind of disappointed that Steve didn't post his pic at the beginning of the thread. :(

hedgie said...

Liesl is ready for bedtime routine. BBIALW.

wvgal_dana said...

It was so nice in Dundalk at that time you could ride your bike all around. Park it and shop or go in a resturant and eat. It was wonderful living there.

wvgal_dana said...

@Squeezie Did you ever play bingo online?

Squeezie said...

Dana, it seems like you are talking about Fort Howard, another protected area now in Dundalk, very historic down by Todds Farm and Millers Island. Was the complex in Edgemere called Isle of Pines? Too Many areas of water here to tell it could be any where.

Kay said...

I'm a lot like Liesl right now and ready for my bedtime routine. Will look forward to LORI's early morning reports on Belle n' her precious egg.

Prayers for all in need, with a special request for good restorative rest for ROBYN ! I can't even imagine the kind of whirlwind or roller coaster life she's had for days, weeks, years now.

Will check on my candle for you, LYNN, and light another for Belle, egglet and Shep who may need a lot of divine intervention as this story unfolds. :)


stronghunter said...

Giants just won the Superbowl.

stronghunter said...


NatureNut said...


paula eagleholic said...

Whoo hoo Giants!!

stronghunter said...

That was an exciting ending.

wvgal_dana said...

YEA!!!!! Like we were watching it lol

Sandi said...

Well friends, what a Super Bowl Sunday it has been, and I'm not talkin' about football! One step down - we have an egg, but still a lot of unknowns with our young man Shep! Let's hope he gets the hang of incubating eggs like he got the hang of HP! Kay, I was happy to read your post about the female being fine with leaving the nest to get her own food and some exercise! I'm not going to worry - yet - about Shep bringing food in!
Goodnight all, see you in the early AM.
Prayers for Tori and Lynn and Wanda! And for sweet Momma Belle!

stronghunter said...

Time for me to call it quits and go upstairs for the night.

Haven't seen Judie on here this evening. Hope she comes on and finds out about our egg.

Hoda said...

But didn't they know I was cheering for the Patriots???LOL!!!

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, here's JUDIE's message:

Judie said...
Regardless of which team wins, this is a great Super Bowl day with Belle and her first egg in the bowl. Congratulations to her and Shep.

Am turning the night light on in advance. It is set for 11:00pm.

Restful sleep for all. May your favored team be the winner.

Sunday, February 05, 2012 8:13:00 PM

Kay said...

Came back here after lighting some candles. Now I really am heading for bed. Sleep well, dear friends !

hedgie said...

Goodnight Kay and Shirley. Rest well! Sure I hope I get up early enough for Shep's first visit!!
No telling what time Bill will show up, so guess I better set the alarm!
Liesl is tucked in for the night.

I am plum-wore out form messing with insurance and radiation billing. SOMEONE is trying to charge me a $35 co-pay for every single day I walked in. Only saw Dr. about 10 times! Gonna argue with someone tomorrow now that I've got all my ducks in a row!

wvgal_dana said...

This is a HAPPY day!!! Our Sweet Belle and Shep have a egg. (:

Think since it is such a Happy Day and we have an egg. I will try on facebook to get Megan to accept my "friend request". I also sent her a message to please accept me as a friend on facebook. So we will see.

Costume Lady said...

HELLO...I see we have an egg! Didn't even give that a thought, all day. It was so good to go to church, see my church family and give thanks for my successful surgery.
GG cried when I went into the house...she didn't know I was coming to see her:)
Jillian and Aaron came over and cleaned and painted GG's food closet.
Got home and was too tired to even turn the 'puter on. WHAT A WONDERFUL SURPRISE when I did turn it on!!

Mema Jo said...

I have returned from my movie - can't wait to read to see if Shep has been in the nest yet.

wvgal_dana said...

Shep has not been in nest as of yet. Belle has been turning the egg.

@Wanda We did not know if we should try calling you. Was afraid you was sleeping but others and myself wanted you to know we have an egg!!!!

hedgie said...

Good that the championship is in the NFC...and in our division. But the Skins better be ready to be their cocky arses TWICE come fall!

hedgie said...

Yea, Wanda!!! Glad you made it here, and that you made it to church and to GG's!!!! Bet you are tired!

Costume Lady said...

DANA, thanks for thinking of nap today...stayed at GG's too long. Made lunch for all of us and now, I know why my therapist said NO STANDING AROUND COOKING. Lot of swelling and a little extra pain. Took some percoset and will head for bed soon.

wvgal_dana said...

Please when you go to bed Wanda raise that leg please and thank you ♥

Costume Lady said...

Oh, LYNN, I loved being in church, this morning...such peace came over me that I can't describe~

Costume Lady said...

Leg will go up immediately, DANA!

wvgal_dana said...

Remember above the heart

Costume Lady said...

I was hoping to see MARGY before I went to bed, but can't wait any longer. Yes, Lynn...tired!
I'll behave myself tomorrow:)


Mema Jo said...

Wanda - Feetsies way up - way up high

So happy hearing of your wonderful day
I understand the peaceful feelings you had
You did a lot of traveling - any pain or discomfort please take a pain pill
so you can relax and travel again
tomorrow........ Love Ya ♥

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - so you are eating your un-iced carrot cake! All by yourself?
I am sure it is delicious but I do so
like cream cheese icing....

hedgie said...

Jo, cake is VERY good.....raisins in it!!

Hoda said...

Video Belle laying the egg

hedgie said...

Wanda, hope you sleep well. Put ice on your knee, too!

Hoda said...

The above video is compliments of crayj46...posted at the Hancock Foundation

Hoda said...

egg comes into view at 11:44 of the video clip posted above.

hedgie said...

Thanks, keeps freezing on me. Downloading it, maybe it'll play better when I'm not online.
Shep seems clueless!

Belle is awake and up....not sure if egg is showing under her breast or not.

hedgie said...

Starting to worry about Margy......

hedgie said...

Good news......stinkbug numbers are down! They think all the rain knocked them off trees and drowned them!!!! I believe THAT! Lynne2---hope you see this!!!

Mema Jo said...

Up taking a break.. just sitting up
Still in the egg cup

Hoda said...

Do you suppose Belle is thinking second egg??? Could it be this close???Look at the way she is crouched, reminds me of the first egg...

hedgie said...

Shutting down cam.....just won't stay running. Almost time to stoke the fire and head to bed myself. Will check back to see if Margy has come in before I log off.

hedgie said...

Doubtful this soon, Hoda. Usually 2-3 days.

Hoda said...

LYNN Margy is late but why worry? Are the roads a problem over there?

JudyEddy said...

Is everyone else having camera issues

JudyEddy said...

spinning circle

JudyEddy said...

I posted the video on the fan page

JudyEddy said...

soo cool you can see the egg

Mema Jo said...

Lynn, Margy hasn't been with James
for a while - She is probably just taking advantage of the day and getting
him ready for school tomorrow before she
starts home. If there is any problem
you know she would call. You have
a peaceful restful night. Set your alarm

magpie said...

Grateful thanks to Lynn for sending me a message about first egg

Thanks Hoda for the link to the laying video, it was perfect, classic. Belle sure know what she is doing

God Bless This Nest !!

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...