Saturday, February 11, 2012


Back from CO.  New thread.


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magpie said...

Thank you so much, Steve,

appreciate all that you and your NCTC staff do there....

watch the weather...cold spots and wind hereabouts and thereabouts...


magpie said...

(( Hugs ♥ ))
sorry it's a rough morning....

DanaMo said...

Thanks Steve. Hope you had a great trip~!

Just posted some more pictures on my picture blog. The first is what it looks like in my yard this morning!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Steven - hope the trip to CO was
relaxing! Thanks Margy for the call over.

Sandi - Click to Give link

There are 8 different areas to click
I know there is a place to check to
receive this daily in your email.
Open Animals - click to give - new screen comes up and at the very top is Vote Now. Type in the WV state and click on Almost Heaven Golden Retriever - then confirm your vote
HOPE it works for you and for all!

DanaMo said...

Lynn-so sorry you aren't feeling so well.

mariadangeloart said...

Poor Shep, he looks cold.

hedgie said...

Thanks, Margy!

Sissy is going home with no definitive answers except that her heart is fine! She's to see surgeon later in the week, which apparently was already scheduled.

Such a great article in the paper this morning about Tori!!! Margy posted link but I'll repeat it here on new thread!

Wanda, just stomach issues........

magpie said...

eagle sure looked like a statue when the live feed stops and one does not realize it...... ☺

magpie said...

Thanks Lynn, and
Thanks Lynn

for both repeats ☺

both surely worth carrying over

Best wishes for a Good Day, one way or the other, Friends

Hope if weather cancels plans, a good "substitute plan" shows itself

magpie said...

saw where you said someone said to say hello to me...
maybe you can just slip me the name via email and not here,
sounds like you had a good outing Friday...

ttfn xo

hedgie said...

Snow has just about stopped here...sun is TRYING to come out...temp at 34° and "melt" is happening. Good signs, I hope!

wvgal_dana said...

not a link Margy Less said to tell you Hello (:

NatureNut said...

Good Frosty Morning Eagle Buds!
Thx,Steve for new thread! Colder in CO?
We saw Ms. Eagle in Park nest this AM! Light snow stopped about an hopur ago~~~just grey & COLD! Think I'll have to put my coat back on even tho wearing flannel lined jeans and sweatshirt! Sit in front of window. Newer thermostats are programmed & we can't adjust! A Big Brother thing??
Did see a couple fishermen zipping up the river in john boat! BBRRRRR

Hope all on the sick and healing list are feeling better ☺ ♥

BEagle said...

YoooHooo Steve. Thank you for the new thread. It doesn't take long for it to fill up.

NatureN. Your eagle picture is nice. Has a Valentine look.

I like your picture too! Very nice.

stronghunter said...


Did lie down on the sofa for awhile. Having a bit more coffee now. I see that there is some snow at the nest now.

Wanda, Hunter fell down the stairs yesterday and banged his toe somehow. His toenail is jammed. Since the base of his toenail was bleeding and his toe is swollen, we took him to the doctor.

They wrapped it in soft gauze and gave him a protective boot to wear. An x-ray showed no broken bones. The main concern is that he could have damaged the nail bed.

He is to be seen again in a couple of days.

He is reading this morning.

Egg roll. I see two eggs.

DanaMo said...

Our best fishing experience started at 4am on Lake Michigan a few years ago. Monte chartered a boat for us and we went out to fish for King Salmon, we caught 5, I think it was Adam who got the biggest one. What a fantastic trip that was.

stronghunter said...

Neighbor cat Pepsi came into our yard. Looks like he sprayed the fence. George will not approve of that. At least it is outdoors.

Costume Lady said...

OUCH! Sorry, HUNTER, I'll bet that hurts ((Hugs)).

DANAMO, what did you do with the salmon?

paula eagleholic said...

Morning all!

Costume Lady said...

LOL, has GEORGE tried to climb the fence yet?

mariadangeloart said...

Thanks BEagle! It's my newest one. I'm working on another right now. I have Shep on in the background so I can keep checking in..... :)

Lori O. said...

Thanks for the new thread, STEVE!

Gracias on the call over Seniorita Margy!

Hello again everyone!

LYNN, dang it all - I hate when you feel so bad. Is there anything I can help you with? Are the kids able to help you this weekend? Let me know!

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like some snow has melted at the nest

DanaMo said...

Wanda-Ate 'em!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Oops Margy did not see your comment about sending you an email before I comment sorry.

stronghunter said...

Looks like Shep is tired this afternoon.

I have not seen George make any attempt to climb the fence, but he will be interested if another cat has left a mark here.

stronghunter said...

Pepsi's mark is on the opposite side from where he lives. He is trying to take our whole yard, the rascal.

stronghunter said...

Haven't seen any snow here. Just rain.

stronghunter said...

Just don't want Pepsi bothering the birds at my feeder. Saw him after them once.

Mema Jo said...

Bev is going home without many answers

Beverly Crisco Riffe
Well, they are discharging me with an appointment to see the surgeon next week as I was scheduled. It's not my heart and that is reassuring. I m very glad to be going home but I sure do wish I was in the solution. The pain is not quite as bad today, so maybe I am on the downside of whatever this attack is. It will still be a few hours before I am discharged. All y'alls hugs and prayers mean the world to me for sure!
Unlike · · about an hour ago near Princeton, WV

DanaMo said...

I put the pictures on my blog Wanda.
We grilled/ate what we could at the campsite. The couple who owned the charter then froze and shipped the rest of it home for us. Then we invited a bunch of people over and had a "fish bar-b-que.

stronghunter said...

Glad that you are going home and that your heart is okay, Bev. Maybe the doctor will have some answers for you when you see him/her.

stronghunter said...

Melting at the nest for sure. Snow stuck to the side of the tree has gone.

wvgal_dana said...

DanaMo I see your pool outback. Do you have a fence around your back yard?

Costume Lady said... you sketch eagles? A sketch of Belle or Shep would be a great donation for our Momster & Dadster get-to-gether in April. I'm sure that would bring in a lot of ticket sales!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Front came through and we are having a cold day. It was 30 this morning and now up to 36, but the sun is shining!!

Great to see the snow melting at the nest.

Have no plans for the day. Still taking it easy. Joseph won his basketball game this morning. Beat a team they lost to before. Yea!! Laurel said Joseph was awesome!! Well, we know he is awesome, glad his basketball playing is awesome, too.☺

Lynn, so sorry it is a bad day. Please do not crawl down into a hole, just sit and pet Liesl!!!!

Lolly said...

Wanda, if I send $ for the raffle, do you suppose someone could mail me my BIG prize. LOL

DanaMo said...

Yes, DanaWV-required by law.

wvgal_dana said...

NOT A LINK New cereal out Multi Grain Cheerios-PEANUT BUTTER

stronghunter said...

Sorry the morning is not a good one, Lynn. Spring is coming. Some nice weather should help things along.

mariadangeloart said...

I've never done an eagle before. If anyone out there has REALLY GODD photos of Belle & Shep, email them to me at and I'll see what I can do. A friend of mine just sent me a gorgeous photo of an eagle flying that I wanted to try. I'm in the middle of getting two horse drawings done for a store in California and another couple for a show entry deadline in June so I can't promise anything for this year but definitely next year!

wvgal_dana said...

nap time

paula eagleholic said...

Shep must be pooped! Saw him move his beak just a tad...

mariadangeloart said...

I wish the camera was closer.

Kay said...

Good Afternoon ! Enjoyed reading posts written since yesterday afternoon.

BEV, so glad you're homeward bound, but sorry you don't have a good diagnosis yet. Good news it isn't the heart though. Prayers !

MARGY, thanks for sharing the article about Tori. I hope by this time next year she's running around with the H.S. kids she's yet to meet. Wonderful of them to do the fundraising !

LYNN, it distresses me to hear you are still having stomach problems. Hope you find something that will satisfy and stay down.

Linda said...

Belle just flew in...

stronghunter said...

Belle arrived with something.

Linda said...

Did she fly in with part of a carcass, or did she just pick at it when she flew in?

Kay said...

Did she bring in that pink thing at 5 spot or just give it a nudge after landing ? Time for Shep to have a stretch ! What a team !!!!

stronghunter said...

Not sure, I was wondering the same thing, actually.

Poof Shep.

Kay said...

Belle must have brought her leftovers back, since none of us had noticed red meat there prior to her landing.

stronghunter said...

I thought I saw her move that clump of stuff at just past 3.

stronghunter said...

Smudges still visible on her head.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, we had a switch...

stronghunter said...

Geese honking in the distance.

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, sorry about Hunter's injury. Good thing it happened on a Friday so he has the weekend to recoup. My Lee suffered the same kind of injury at Hunter's age, when falling off his bike and against a curb. Very painful ! We had adjustable crutches in the attic, left over from his dad's polio days. They helped a lot.

Kay said...

Amazing how long those smudges have lasted and through many a rainy day, too. Must have been something very oily. Between them and Shep's tradmark spot we have an easy time IDing them. Sounds like a big truck doing a turn nearby now.

paula eagleholic said...

Lib back with flugg...a little bit of beaking...she wanted to place it, but he did instead...he flew up to the 9 spot branch

Lolly said...

Shep is back. He brought food or flugg. Not sure! Nice to see them together, face to face, and NOT beakering! He is in the attic!

paula eagleholic said...

Now he's up in the attic...wasn't much fluff

Kay said...

DANAMO, great pics of the fishing trip. I've been on the Ludington pier--bad memory as I had my aged mother in law with me and she fell and broke her shoulder there. Trip aborted after some treatment, then home to Columbus for the duration.

Your pool cover looks just like the at Julie's house. Just about the same amount of snow on it, too !

Lolly said...

Well, Paula, I guess there was a little beakering, but not much!

Mema Jo said...

Catching up on all the comments -
Hubby made me a egg-cheese sandwich when
he came home a while ago.
Phone call from Daughter checking up on us and filling us in on them!
I am awaiting a phone call from gd and hubby - hoping they stop by for an early dinner before heading up to Kristen's. Heather is due May 14 with 1st child - a little boy. We are all excited for them.

Kay said...

I thought maybe he was issueing an HP invite, but she doesn't seem interested. There, he's out of the way and she adjusts flugg to her liking. Cute !

stronghunter said...

The doctor said that they would provide crutches for Hunter if he needs them. I think he is going to be okay, though.

The office is a new place. They have a pharmacy and sell crutches, etc., right there. It is also open long hours.

I think Hunter's return visit will be to his pediatrician, though. I hope he has not done damage to his nail bed.

stronghunter said...

My brother Fred was born on May 14. Sometimes it falls on Mother's Day.

Mema Jo said...

Egg roll - 2 eggs

Kay said...

JO, congrats to Heather, hubby and the whole family ! A little boy in May---what a wonderful Springtime gift !

Lolly said...

Egg roll! Got a peek at the two loverly eggs.

stronghunter said...

Yep, I saw two eggs as well, and then a wiggle, wiggle back into the cup.

Lolly said...

My brother's birthday is May 4, my paternal grandfather's was May 6, and my daddy's was May 13th. I always thought that was interesting.

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, Hunter may wind up in the care of a podiatrist. I agree, hopefully the nail bed is not permanently damaged !

Lolly said...

Jack, bless him, has been doing laundry. Guess I will go fold clothes. I can not bend over yet, and not for a while. I am not to put pressure on my eye. But, I can drive now! Just do not want to go out and have to explain to everyone why my eye looks so bad.

Kay said...

Wow, the ☼ just broke through here, belieing the fact that it's about 9° right now with wind chill factored in. The ☼ is a mood lifter at least !

Kay said...

LOLLY, follow all those eye doc instructions to a T ! Don't worry about what people think, just tell em' they should see the other guy !

Kay said...

DANAWV in an earlier post:

"New cereal out Multi Grain Cheerios-PEANUT BUTTER"

Sounds great, but I read the label at the store and it has way too much sugar for diabetics. Have your regular Cheerios with a dollop of peanut butter on the side !

Judie said...

Good early afternoon.

Shirley, I'm sorry Hunter took a fall and injured his toe. Think positive -- at least it wasn't a shattered ankle, surgery, and a 1 1/2 year recovery. Remember? Hope he is all healed up very soon. Hope Pepsi learns some fence boundaries.

Bev, sorry you don't have a specific answer but good news that your heart is not the problem. Sure hope you get some more definitive information next week.

Egg-sitting seems to be going well and it is good the s__w is disappearing.

Linda said...

PAULA - Did you even realize you said Lib instead of Shep??

Habit I was a long time they were together...

Kay said...

Okay, Mama Kay is through giving orders for a while. HAGD and I'll BBL before time for MARGY, Seth and I to meet up for Prairie Home Companion. Malcolm won't be along this time as it's too icy for me to walk him and Seth isn't up and about for late night or early morning nature calls. ☺

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Judie. Yes, I am thankful that Hunter did not do what you did. Yikes! I expect his young body will heal quickly. He is getting around very well today.

They put him in a wheelchair at the doctor's office--a large adult chair. He had lots of extra room in it. I do have a couple of pictures. I'll have to share them.

Wait until you see the orange pants. Kathryn commented that they are reversible and he could have worn the blue side out, but he said that he likes the orange.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn would not take him to the doctor's until he had changed the turquoise shirt he had been wearing with the orange pants.

DanaMo said...

Paula, your 12:23 post you called him Lib. Guess he is doing pretty good for a rookie :)

DanaMo said...

Pool cover no longer has snow on it and the sun is attempting to peek out from the clouds.

hedgie said...

Ready to head out. Wish me luck. See all y'all later.

magpie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CarolAnne said...

Hi all, have arrived north. Beautiful sunny day, but oh so cold (6°). WVDana - north would be about 3 hours from home, about 1 1/2 hrs beyond Green Bay (home of the Packers). Later today will backtrack about an hour to sit with grandson, while son & DIL go to Valentine dance.

WOO HOO - found the eagle nest we spotted last time and TWO EAGLES. Apparently no eggs as both were sitting in a tree surveying a field. Couldn't get very close to nest or eagles, but took some pics and cropped them a bit to bring the view closer. They are on my blog.
Looking forward to keeping an eye on them throughout the year.

Lynn - feel better soon - rest & hope you can find something to perk up your spirits.

All those on the mend or trying to figure out what ails you, prayers continue.

Love ya all!

stronghunter said...

Snow is disappearing from the nest and from the ground below.

BEagle said...

That's amazing DanaMo, catching the Lib statement. Most everyone would just think of Shep like I did.

paula eagleholic said...

Belle working on the egg cup, digging and moving major fluff!

paula eagleholic said...

Ah, she just settled back in

BEagle said...

Or...just thing of the male figure head on post.

Hey Hey Paula.

BEagle said...

JudyEddy said...

Home for lunch and find a new thread and the snow is melting from the nest GRAND

Thanks for the new thread STEVE

paula eagleholic said...

Linda, I did not realize I said Lib instead of many times this year I have caught myself ready to type that or say it .... it really is hard sometimes, especially after 6 years...

paula eagleholic said...

Snow is all melted here too...thought I saw a touch of sun on the nest.

BEagle said...

Belle is a beautiful raptor.

BEagle said...

The Decorah nest in IA has a very close cam on their nest. You may be able to see the lay of the feathers,etc.

It's just not Belle!

The Decorah eagles are not laying yet, a little later maybe.

paula eagleholic said...

Egg roll, 2 pretty eggs, Belle facing 4

stronghunter said...

Hunter's pictures from last night are on my blog.

stronghunter said...

Oh my, a few snowflakes.

paula eagleholic said...

Snowing at the nest, now.

JudyEddy said...

starting to snow again and belles is shaking and moving around back to the snow she is so smart

JudyEddy said...

the moment it started hitting her in the face she moved around

JudyEddy said...

rolling eggs again

JudyEddy said...

wow big time wind and snow and wind wow its horrible

paula eagleholic said...

Wowser, gusts and snow!!

paula eagleholic said...

Almost like a whiteout now.

Lolly said...

C/A, fantastic pictures. I am so jealous. You will have fun looking for the eagles and watching them this year. Have fun babysitting tonight. For the first time ever at night, Laurel and Joey are going out and leaving Joseph in charge. They will not be far and only a quick phone call away.

Lolly said...

Looks like a blizzard at the nest. Is that snow falling or just the wind blowing the snow off the tree. Yikes!

JudyEddy said...

she is getting snow on her fast Is it suppose to get that bad Wow like Paula said almost a WHITEOUT

magpie said...

That storn at the nest just roared through the Southern part of Berkeley county...

hedgie said...

So much for that idea!!! Horrible snow squall just as I left....went about 5 miles and turned around and came back home. You can see it on the cam----our poor eagles.......hang on, Belle. Now Weather Bug alert says 3" this afternoon.

Lolly said...

Oh, no!!!!!!!!!!!! Not more snow. Glad you are home, Lynn. Looks awful!

JudyEddy said...

I have to head back to work I wish we could put a tarp up there I am so sad to see her in the blizzard

Lolly said...

Poor Belle, she is being covered quickly. Time to tent, Belle!!!!

magpie said...

this is probably going to last about ten mins

is almost run its course in mtsbg

i hope

Lolly said...

Oh, this is hard to watch!

magpie said...

hoping that Hedgie got where she was going before this rolled through

it's not county wide, somE areas here bright with sunshine

paula eagleholic said...

Just checked the radar...a line of snow showers moving west to east

Lolly said...

Oh, Margy, I do hope you are right! Thanks!

hedgie said...

Clothes changed again.

Frank tried to work on garage dooe again today....of course, it didn't work when I got back--only went up about 18".....THIS time I was prepared----had the key to the side door so did NOT have to crawl under in my good clothes!!

Will go let Liesl out of her crate---and then heading to sofa to settle my nerves! Will catch up later.

Linda said...

From RobynL

Today I met an amazing brave young lady Gina Kosla, you can also read her story here on caring bridge. Gina also had a bilateral lung transplant and is approaching her first year March 10. It is wonderful how people are placed into our lives, meeting Gina and her mom Reyna allowed me to relax more knowing if I ever have any questions or doubts they both will understand and be able to guide us with their own experiences.

Gina is close to Tori's age, they are 3 days and 3 years apart, I can't wait until they can meet when tori can interact more. Gina also met Tori as she sat in her chair. God is amazing

Lolly said...

Look back, Margy. Lynn turned around and went back home.

magpie said...

Okay Lynn,glad you are home safe...missed that

Sorry your plans got snowstormed out !!

Lolly said...

Shake off, Belle!

wvgal_dana said...

The snow is adding up fast on Belle's back.

Kay the sugar is 9g per 3/4 cup. If I have something like this. I make sure I allow for it in my daily quota.

Don't you do that. My doctor said, "don't stop eating everything you like. So did nutritious. Make allowance for these types of things".

wvgal_dana said...

DanaMo we had an above groud pool. For no fencing in Maryland. The inspector came out and had a level laid on top of pool railing. It had to be 4 ft down and that 4 ft had to go so far out. Then we had to have a self locking gate. I knew all in grounds require fencing. That is why I ask if your had that. Did know if any laws had changed.

wvgal_dana said...

Looks like snow squall might have stopped.

paula eagleholic said...

Snow is over...

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - I guess there is a reason for that squall to have stopped you and brought you back home.... Relax and accept! ♥

magpie said...

Sunshine ☼ here in Martinsburg, headed for the Sycamore Palace....

Mema Jo said...

Beverly Crisco Riffe

So the final word so far is that this is an acute attack of severe gastritis. Back to Prilosec twice a day, Carafate four times a day, no Advil or any kind of anti inflammatory drug (which I hardly ever take anyway). So we will see. Now if I can just get home. It is snowing really hard right now and Tom is at work.....

stronghunter said...

Wild ride on that nest right now.

Kay said...

LYNN, that's usin' your noggin which is never a surprise where you're concerned ! Sorry you're missing a party, but better to be safe and so glad you were prepared to deal with the garage door rather than having to do a CAROLANNE manuever again. ☺ I'll bet Liesl is thrilled to pieces with the change in plans !

DANAWV, whatever works for you diabetic wise is fine. For me, sugary things, even in moderation make me crave more sugar. I figure I've already consumed my lifetime allottment of sugar and rarely have anything but the natural sugar we get in some foods. I'm 30 pounds lighter than I was the day I got the diagnosis, three years ago. No sugar, wheat bread and pasta, brown rice, turkey, chicken, fish, very little red meat or pork, daily servings of veggies and fresh greens, half portions of fresh fruit. That's what's worked for me. I take no diabetic meds--it's all been done with diet and exercise. It's killing me to be so limited in exercise right now, but I'm keeping an eye on the sugar levels and they aren't going up so far. Good luck to any of you who have this treatable malady--each person has to experiment and do what works for them.

Kay said...

Glad that weather system moved through the nest area quickly, though it doesn't seem to bother our Belle a bit !

CarolAnne said...

KAY - WOW, that is fantastic with your food/lifestyle changes and acceptance of what needs to be done to be healthy. Impressive!

Kay said...

BEV, gastritis is far better than heart disease. Hope you'll see great results from those meds the docs have prescribed. All OTC, too, yeah !

What a great message from ROBYN ! God bless Gina and Reyna. Having someone who's "been there, done that" and is thriving is inspirational for Tori !

Mema Jo said...

Snow squall is in my valley - can't see
very far in front of you! Hope it goes
away soon!

Kay said...

Thanks, CAROLANNE ! I have a philosophy about health issues and preventative care measures, both physical and dental. I never want my children to stand over my bedside agonizing on "why didn't she take care of herself". That was the angst I went through with both my mother and my only sib who were both too scared of hearing the truth to seek early care. Mother was only 45 and Karen only 53 when they died. I've now lived longer than any female on my maternal tree branch. Sometimes I wait a bit too long as with the kidney scare last Fall, but I try !

Kay said...

Now what does that crow want ? He was mighty close to the nest !

Sandi said...

Seriously - 141 comments since 10:15 this morning!!??? Hope that just means you're all stuck inside and are chatting away, not that anything bad has happened! Off to catch up!

Kay said...

LOL, SANDI. I've spent too much time on "Mama Kay's Soap Box" today! Thanks to all for putting up with me ! You're right about the weather and I'm not sticking a toe out the door today.

Lolly said...

Wow, Kay, you are an inspiration!! If I ever have a diabetic problem, I will come to you for advice. Both my brother and sister have had the problem and they have both been over weight. I really try to watch it and have never had a problem.

NatureNut said...

Good afternoon Eagle Fans. We just went out side door and soon heard some "squealing". Sounded like eagles! could see one flapping low & a little upriver through the trees. Then saw TWO more! Must have been an inruder fight. One flew across the river and couldn't see the other two.
Been gone for awhile! Could see a juvie thru the window flying over the roof.(Perhaps from the first encounter) It made a U turn and landed in tree near phone pole just behind our shed!!!!
(now we should do some work LOL)

Lolly said...

Oh, and yes Ma'am, doing the drops. LOL

Lolly said...

Loretta, I am sure it is hard to work with that going on right outside. Yikes!

Linda said...



Linda said...


paula eagleholic said...

Egg roll, sunshine on the nest!

Kay said...

Wow, I heard the eagle talk and came in just in time to see Shep take over. He's a gem !

LORETTA, what a wonderful place to work ! I'd find it hard to get anything done with all that wildlife and beauty just outside the door !

LOLLY, if you start watching even some of the rules for diabetics you'll never get that diagnosis !

stronghunter said...

Just checked the weather map and noticed that the weather system was here now. Looked out the window expecting to see rain. It is snowing like crazy here.

stronghunter said...

But it is 43 degrees.

BEagle said...

There was a blizzard at the nest? It doesn't look like anything happened.

paula eagleholic said...

It was a snow squall

wvgal_dana said...

Kay when I was first diagnosed doctor said I had to use the Atkins Diet. I did for almost 1 1/2 years then had to go back to doctor due to throwing up.

So he sent me to the nutritious and put me on the medicine. Been great since then.

I love you for being able to eat veggies. I have a few I can eat cooked. No raw veggie and most vegetables give me diarrhea.

If Ed and me would go to a restaurant and I would see people walking near me with the salads.
Ed would start saying no Dana no.

I have tried lettuce of all types even organic. I was able to eat at our last Open House dinner the spinach salad. Loved it but was sick for 4 days after eating it. I actually crave salads. Don't need any dressings to top it off with. I just can't eat them :(

Sandi said...

LYNN, sorry to hear that you're still not feeling well AND had to cancel your outing today!

JO, thanks for the link - I have been typing in to get there and couldn't find anywhere to send a daily email reminder. When I used your link and directions, it put me on a different page and I found where to click to get the reminder emailed to me.

Wow, the wind at the nest is awful - hope we don't lose the live cam. Forecast here is calling for 30mph gusts as the cold front comes through and the rain we've been having off and on is supposed to turn to snow tonight. Like DANAMO, I believe that snow on a Friday or Saturday night is a waste, even though it's pretty to look at! =)

Kay said...

A blizzard ? Not quite, but there were a few minutes when you could barely see Belle's black feathers---only her white head was free of snow. Glad it was a fast moving squall.

Judie said...

Light snow here.

Richmond nest has one egg.

Vian afternoon snack for three babes.

Decorah - has a zoomie and some great close ups.

Our nest looks cold but at least no snow accumulated.

Lolly said...

LOL Looked like a bizzard to me!☺ But, then....what do I know about blizzards.

Linda said...

SHEP - Egg Roll and repositioning himself...

Lolly said...

I did take a picture when Belle was covered in snow and put it in the album. Judy put pictures there, too.

BEagle said...

Oh it was a squall. I stepped out for about an hour.

Linda said...

More from Robyn:

Today when I got to Tori's room she was sitting in a chair, though she didn't look overly comfortable she was fine. Tori stayed in the chair for a few hours before they got her back into bed, tori is now In and out of sleep.

Monday they will most likely trache her but it is better then the vent down her throat aggravating her vocal chords it is also less risky when Tori starts PT.

BEagle said...

A blizzard or a squall...the difference between a Northerner and a Southerner.


paula eagleholic said...

Pretty flower on your avatar Kay!

Heading home, then up to John's. Will check in later this evening.

BEagle said...

See you after while Paula.

wvgal_dana said...

Blogger ate my post he he

Paula ENJOY !!

wvgal_dana said...

Linda thank you for the update on Tori. SITTING UP IN A CHAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WOWWEEEEEE

Mema Jo said...

Just received phone call from GD heading
down from Hagerstown - Meeting at
Red Lobster for a get together.....


CarolAnne said...

An Inspirational quote for today (or any day):

I won't do it.
I can't do it.
I want to do it.
How do I do it?
I'll try to do it.
I can do it.
I will do it.
YES, I did it.

Hope we all have a good day.

Linda said...


Linda said...





BEagle said...

I have reached the very first step.

Linda said...

Belle is rearranging flugg around her as she settles in...

Linda said...

LOL BEagle!!


stronghunter said...

Snow squall passed through here. Temp dropped to 34 degrees.

hedgie said...

Just saw a switch. Belle back on the roost.
Guess I am a wimp. Shouldn't have panicked cause the squall was nothing more than that. Maybe God had an ulterior motive!! Better safe than sorry on all fronts.

Need to go look at new pics y'all posted on your blogs.

Loretta---you have the BEST job site there can be! So glad you had good sightings!

Had to turn cam sound off---noise is terrible. And it sounds that bad here, too!

So far so good on what little lunch I ate.

Now Belle is back up on her feet.

BEagle said...

Belle is arranging her pillows. She's facing about 2 or 3 but keeps looking back at 8.

She's a little more busy than Shep while sitting until she lays. Then she looks down in concentration.

CarolAnne said...

Beagle - I often only make it to the second step. Guess its a pretty tall one!

CarolAnne said...

that should be BEagle

Hoda said...

Goodafternoon/ Good evening all.
Thanks for the reports on Belle and Shep's goings on.
All is well at the nest and shift duty shared equally.

Glad HUNTER is better SHIRLEY.

Good decision to turn back LYNN when you ventured out in a squall...when it affects visibilty and road conditions this as a smart move on your part. Sorry you are not feeling top notch today.

Csught up with the blog and now to go get some lunch...

Hoda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hoda said...

My delete it stuttered

wvgal_dana said...

Hoda so good to see you. I have been thinking of you all day. Don't know why you have been on my mind just have.

I forgot how many hours ahead/behind us are you?

wvgal_dana said...

I found it you are 3 hours behind us. (:

wvgal_dana said...

By the way anyone that knows of any other health food store in Martinsburg besides the one in old Berkeley Plaza shopping center off Warm Springs Ave.??

DanaMo said...

Oh DanaWV my pool is in ground and even above ground need to have fences. I don't know when you lived here and didn't need a fence but it must have been some time ago.

DanaMo said...

Off the low end is a hill that is all greenery. That is maybe what gave the impression of above ground.

Linda said...

Belle is up again. Digging a bit in the egg cup and changing positions

DanaMo said...

Boy is that wind blowing!!

Linda said...

Belle is kind of busy since she is back. She is messing with a big piece of flugg!! Back and forth, and back and forth....

DanaMo said...

We actually had a fence prior to the pool and the inspector made his make it higher. Thankfully we are pretty crafty and were able to change the look of the fence and add the 4 inches it was short.

Linda said...

Hey LYNN, better safe than sorry. Seems like those little squalls pop up here and there when you least expect them. They can be worse than steady you are well aware.

Hoping you keep down what you had for lunch today and things start to look up a bit for you. ♥ I just wish your tummy wasn't so MAD at you!!

WV sUSAn said...

Poor Belle, she builds her fluggwall and Mother Nature huffs and puffs and blows it down.

WV sUSAn said...

Lynn, hope you are feeling better. I made some flan that would cure anything. Substituted liquids with half cup of sherry. Wish I could share. Hugs to you.

wvgal_dana said...

DanaMo I lived off of Sharpsburg Pike. Everything had to be approve. The ditch for electric and all. Everything was inspected and done by the law. Lived in Antietam Manor Development. I went by there the other day. The hill where we have these beautiful greenery that grows low to ground was a mess. I did see the pool back there that we had put in.
I couldn't goes out into the sun. So I cleaned the pool 6am then when sun went down. I was in that pool everyday. Loved it!!! They were treating me for Lupus then. Sun would make my arms feel like someone lite a match to them.

hedgie said...

From Jordan Lake: Repairs this morning did not go well, we had everything up and running and saw two healthy chicks for about 5 seconds, then it went dead again. I just got off the phone with the NCSU folks and we have some ideas, but I wont be able to buy the stuff we need until Monday. Thanks for hanging in there, hope to be back up soon. ^FEF

wvgal_dana said...

I still have to watch being in sun. Even riding in car and sun shining in on me.

CarolAnne said...

Watching the eagles adjust so easily to whatever Mother Natures throws at them, I wish we all could be that flexible and accepting what life throws our way.

WV sUSAn said...

Dana, riding in the car is the sneaky sun on your face and arms. I'm guessing you best pool time was in the late evenings.

Lynn, glad to hear and thank you. Was trying to check Jordan Lake earlier.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...